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ACC NR, Ap6032532 Fig. 1. Ultrasonic welding device .1 - Longitudinal slots; 2 - working tool. sUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 11ft65/ -TITLEE: lEydrodynamio ultrasonic emu.19ifiere Class 421 NO- 16qqo7 SOURCE: ByUleten' izobreteniy i t =akovt no- 7t 1965t 140 oVaMkh ,~TOPXC TAGS: emulsifierp ultrasoni 00 ABSTRAM.- This Authorportificate presents a, hydrodynamic ultrasonio emulsifior consisting of a nozzlelin the form of a alit and a resonance plate. To simplify immable and explosive componentas the obtaining finely divided emulsions from f le iresonance plate is movnted in a nozzle-adapter in the form of an ejector (see Fig. 11 on the Eaclosure). Orig. art. baa: 1 diagram. ASSOCTATION: Organizatkya gowidaratvennogo komiteta po, oboronno, tewulike SSSR (Qj~ of the State Committee for Defense Technologyp SSM SUMEMM: iajul64 ENOM 01 M CODS; MT p GP i ANO RT2-,SOvt 000 OMMI 000 LCO~414 A 0 .0 INI-P~ M---Wt-1470; 4100 -~M I Jgs- iA MY 7M uiq;N- V.1i., OYTIAPKiNp V,.%~ 'MicliE,"11.07, ljj)~ - ~ I - -- i, ~. . . , X-~,:Lnt,.n7 Ine cave. Feahnhery no.'Itllc-23 163. (MITRA 1832) N.I., GINIS, R.P. Tasks of the laboratory for analytical control. Apt. delo. 4 no.6: 43-47 N-D 155. (KLRA 9:1) 1. Is Chern1govskoy kontrollno-analiticheskoy laboratorii. (PHAMCY. laboratories for analytical control) J, , , ALIYEV, A.K.; SHRK-OVSBPYAN, O.T.; GINIS, Yu.B. Some geological data on Kiurovdag, the new o 1 field. Azerb. neft.khoz. 36 no.8:5-8 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Kura LowlRnd--Oil fields) ALIT37. 1.K.; SHIC-OTSAPTAY. 0.T.; GINIS. Yu.B. Preliminary data on geological structure of the Kalmas area and its gas and oil potentials. Izv. vys. ubhob. zav.; neft' i gaz no- 5:3-9 '58- (MIRA ll-.6) 1~Azerbaydzhanskiy industrialinyy institut im. M.Azizbekove treat "Amorneftereavedke." (Kasi-Hegomed District--Petroleum geolo (Xazi-Kagowed District-Gas, Natural--GeolZ GINL~-,, Yu.13. Changes In the sand content of tho upper layers of the produaln~g formation in the southeastern Xura Lowland. Azarb.neft-khoz- 38 nt).4:10-12 Ap 159. Wilk 12:7) (Mira Lowland-Sand) G~K.Sju.B.; KARTIROSOV, R.A. Distribution and source region of iodine-bromine waters in the southeastern part of the Kura Lowland. Azerb.neft.khoz. 41 no.5t7-9 Vq 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Kura 4mland-Oil field brines) KCRZH, P.D.; GULYAYEVA, G.P.,- GINIYATULIN, I.N. ------ Thermoelectric mthod for determining antimony in,lead-antimony alloys. Zav.lab. 29 no-3,.289-291 163# (9IRA 10:2) 1. Magnitogorskiy gorno-mtallurgichesk4y institut. (Antimony-AnalyBin) (Iea-s~ktimony alloys) (Thermoelectricity)* BOGOKAZP TeAst; QINK-IDKSHINA, R,,A,; MWILISHCHIK, Z.A. Clinical anatomical comparisons in staphylococcal pneumonlas in infants-- Pediatriia 41 no.9:30-35 3 162. (MMA 15:12) 1. Iz kafedry fakul'tatskoy pediatrii (zav. - dotsent T.A. Bogomaz) Dnepro~e 0 go meditsinskogo Instituta i detskoy gtrZ bollnitsy No-3 la vrach L.V.Volkova). (PNEUNDNIA) (STAPHYLOCOCCAL DISEkSE) ALIFEROVICH, Kh*A., inzh.; G111i'.,V3, H.L.p imh.; bUiNAVICENS, B,A., inzh. - Device for determining Bhort-circuitn between the atator turns of sTnall electric motors. ElektrotekhnIku 35 no.6-.61-62 JrA 164. (MIRA 17-.8) OOKINA, Y~#Vo; GINMISRTN= A..X*j AR?WIYW, A,A* I Molecular complexes of-altravyl chloride. Dokl, AN 8851 109 no.3t526- 531 Jl 156o (KLItA 9:10) 1. Gosudnrstv*nnyy nanchno-Iseledowatells,kly i proyektnyy institut asotno3r prowyehlennoett. Predstawleno akademikom I.L. InuWrnnteem. (NItrosyl chloride) GINUN,S. -.-. Shooting gallery opernted on business basis. Voon.znan-31 no.6:10 Je,55. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Predeedatell komiteta pervichnoy org&nizateii Dobrovollnogo ob- shchestva sodeystylya armii. aviatsil i flotu SSSR, Moscow (Shooting) GINK9N S. (Moskva); AXIMOV, N. (Moskva); BMSLAVSKIY, S. (Moskva); BULANOVICH, P. (Moskva); MAWKIN, S. (Mosk7a); MARTYNOV, A. (Moskva); CHISTYAKOV, R. (Moskva). lets mark the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Great October with now successes In mass defense work; appeal of members of the All-Union Volunteer Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Force, and Navy of the Ordzhonikidze Factory in Moscow to all primary organizations. Voen.znan. 32 no.11:4 N 156., (MIRA 10:10) 1. Predsedatell kamiteta pervichnoy organizateli Dobrovollnogo obahchastva sodeyetviya armit, aviateii I flotu (for Ginken). 2. Chlen komiteta pervichnoy organizataii Dobrovollnogo obahchestva sodaystviya armli, avintsii I flotu (for Akimov, Bereslavskiy, Bulanovich, Mallkin, Martyhov). 3. Sekretarl komiteta Vaesoyuznogo Leninakogo kommunisticheakogo soyu2a molodezhi (for Chistyakov). (Military, education) GINKENE, M.M.; MITUZAS, G.S., Single visit treatment of pulpitis with Zaslavskii's so-called biological paste. Stomatologiia 41 no-4;83-84 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz Kaunasskoy respublikanskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy, stomatologicheskoy polikliniki i kafedry farmakologii Kaunasskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (GUMS-DISEASES) (BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS) FROLOV, Petr Terentlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk, Prof.; 41NUMLIL kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; YEFIMOV., Sergey Grigorlyevich, kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.; BAUMAN, V.A., ratoenzent; SRADRIN, I.A., prof., retsenzent; DUBINSKIY, P.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; MONAKHOV, I.G., dots., retaenzent; FIITSUKOV, M.A., dots., retsenzent; CHEIVIYAKOV, L.M., dota.p retaenzent; ANDREYZV, 'B.K., dots., retsenzent; SHADRINA, G.N., dots., retsenzent; VAYNSON, A.A., nauchny,y red.; SHAROVA, Ye.A., red. lzd-vt; VORONINA, R.K., tekhn. red. (Principles of the mechanization construction work] Onnovy-:me- khanizatsii stroiteltnykh rabot. Moskva, V-vsehaia shkola, 1962. 299 P. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Bauman). 2. Kafedra stroitellnogo proizvodstvaMo- 5kovskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Wtinskiy, Monakhv, Fiitsukov, Chernyakov, Andreyev, Shadrina). 3. ZaveduyuBhchiy kafedroy stroitellnogo proizvod- tva Moskovskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo tran- : porta (for Shadrin). (Construction equipment) (Automatic control) GINKIN, 6EORGII GRIGORRY'Vicil Spravochnik po radiotakhnike. fRiadlo engineering mantuiI2 Izd. 4, Perer. Moskva, Goo. erorg. Izd-vo, 1948. 112 D. (R~LSROV-Flla rallo bibliote~m). DLC: Slavic unclass. SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications. A Bibijor - riphy Library of Congress. Reference Department, Washin~-.-,ton, 1952, Unclassified. A. 1. It CM41 "IMANDIIIIIII WC"OKT$ F~-- ML log" 16 ~l AL C. m"_ Y"Pkm L N--.W fl~ T-PIM-0. 1, 14 All 72 A-, , .... ..... ---I ~71- , - LIL NO- 01 F""- --f-. P.- -I- F. LIL A- C~. "all rp- 0.- F.A~~ (c 10 AO III Iscm) L It P_ LIL lq~ 14--A pw~ - 14 cess"I" mmatIft at w0 lksmatitle radmelvalms, 2-1847 at ftem (VMS). GINKIN, Georgiy Grigorlyevich; KUBARKBI, L.V., red,; UtIOPOV, G.Ye., --Te-lum. red. [Logarithms, decibels, and decilogs] Logariftyp detsibelyp detsilogi. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vop 1962. 351 PO (14IRA 15:3) (Logarithms) (Decibels) KUBARKIN, Leontiy Vladimirovich; GINKIN, G.G., red. [Stonj about radioelectronics) Rasokaz o radioslektronike. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 256 P. (MIRA 19-1) 1. OTNIKOv 0. M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Tractors - Repairing 7. Unit method of repairing tractors at the Gromovskaya Machine Tractor Station. Dost. eel. khos. No. 10, 1952. 9. MnrAhIy'LjjLt()? RnAjaiAn LWj&&&JQn&,-Library of Congress, February 1953, Unclassified. GIN'KOJ* G. M , Scientific institutions helping farm production: Institute for the Mechanization of agriculture. Kolkh. proizv. 12, No 11 1952, GIN'KOY G-M , New machines for harvesting rice. Kolkh. proizv. 12, No 9, 1 752. GIRIKO, G,H,,,_Ysndidat tekhnichookikh nauk. :----. Method for OV21URtiNg the quality of threshing of grain &Ad oil- seed crops in a system of hom9geavus coordinates. Dskl.AIr_ad.ssl'- khez. 21 no.7:41-47 156. WaA 9:10 l.'Ts~voyuznyy Rauchne-Issledevatollskiy institut meikhanizatsii sel'skego khozyaystva. Prodstavleas akademikem V.A.Zheligovskim. (Threshing) GIN.' KO. 4..~M. In the All-Union Scientific ReBearch Inatitute for tto MechAnization of Agriculture. Mekh. i no-5:55--a.6 156. (MIRA 12:4) (Farm mechanization) Gllg,JM. G.M. -. - I 1 11 - Dissertationg. 149kh, i elek.sot...,Ilkho.. no.4:55,61 '57- (Illbliography-A,gricultur., mac hinery) (MIU 12:4) I GINIKO - Dissertations. Mekh.t elek.nots.sel' 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Agricultural mnchinery) / ?"I j . I- -,-- LA. .1 ~ I i - I , " : GINIKO, G.M., kand. tekhn. nauk. Brief report on the work of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Yarm Nechanization. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. 22 no.10:43-4-6 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Teemoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut WAkhanizatoll aellskogo khozyaystva. Predstaylena akademikom N.V. 3Rblikovym. (Farm mechanization) GINKO, G.H. Attachement to the KMI-492 cultivator-fertilizer spreader for the application of herbicides. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. no.4:65-67 '58e (NIU lit6) (Oultivators) (fertilizer spreaders) (Herbicides) GINIKOI G.K. Sheller@ for threshing @sea corn oars. Biul,tokh.-ekonoinfom no.60? 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Threshing machines) GINIKO, G.M.. kand. tolchn. nauk - ~ - ~ - Development of Academician V.P. Goriachk-in's theory of the threshing-ma china cylinder. Dokl. Akad. snllkhoz. 23 no. 6:43- 48 '58. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy iastitut mekhanizateil sel'skogo khozyaystva. Predstavlens akademikom V.A.Zheligovskim. (Threshing machines) U=/x.IsctrIcIiY Jul 48 Hydroelectric Plants "Review of 'Small Hydroelectric Power Plants of the Irarelian TisthaitiV A.-A. K6role,v,"S. S. Ginko, Clad Tech Sci, 3/4 p ."Gidrotakh Stroi" No 7 In.spite of sev*ral defects, book contains =eh useful data. Published by Cosenergolzdat, Lenin- grad-Moscov,.1947, 4,000 cop'les. low 15/49T46 "PA 151145, 146 G=O, S.S.; STRIL OTSIIT, S.A. ~ [Rural bydroelectric power st&tional Sel'skle gidroelektrostan- toft. Moskva, Goo. Isd-vo selkhos lit-ry, 1953. 139 p. (NUA 7:6) (Hydroelectric power stations) SKIy, V.p., professor, redaktor; Ser evich-, KHASHCIIIII 1).. telthnicheakly redaktor. GI*o. Sergey VODOLAGINA. S- 9 . ., redaktor; ruction of rural Iwdro- (Research and 9111.veying for the C0118t i2yakanija dlis, strol- ationz] Obsledovanlia 1 .0. Moskva$ electric power at Khashchinskog tel,gtva Rel'skikh GICS. Pod red.. V-P- (WRA 8 - 9) S. lit-ry, 1955- IT3 P- IM'Crofll-ml G.oa.izcl-vO selkho T stations) (Hydroelectric POWs GINED, S!k?,v Sprgegeyich; ZVORTKIN, K-A., rodaktor; SHATILIKA, H.K., i- -HzWk, rodaktor-, M.TA., tekhnicheskiy rodaktor. [water power resources of the U.S.S.R.; their investigation and utilization] Vodneenergetichookle bogatstya SSSR; ikh izu- chanie i ispellsovanie. leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheekoe izd- vo, 1955. 195 p. (Hydroelectric power) (K6RA 9:6) EXEMM o.S. F U*-;tz'~~.- In Mt. tit NOMMIN "M ; Ml ,On MINN RIMINI .'s 111~0); 8(6) PHASE I BOOK E~PLOITATION SOV/2877 Ginko, Sergey Sergeyevich 03novy g1drotekhniki (PrIncIples of Hydraulle Englneering) Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1958. '162 1). EPL,aLa slip Inserted. 5,000 copies printed. Resp. Ed. : K. Ye. Ivanov; Ed. : M. K. Shat~lilna; To(_,h. Ed. : M. Ya Flaum. PURPOSE: Tills book is intended for hydrologists, hydraullo engineers, and construction engineers. It may serve as a text- book on hydraulic engineering. COVERAGE: The book treats various hydraulic engineering problems. River transport and navigation, water power installations, Irrigation projects, water supply, sewerage, Ini3bailations In the fishing industry, bridge construction, and general hydrologic questions are discussed. The author, thanl(s hydraulic, engineer K. Ye. Ivanov, Doctor- of Geogr.4phical Scic-tices, and A. A. Gromova., Instructor at the Khar'kov Hydrometeoroiogical Tkhnikum. Ile Card 1/9 Principles of Hydraulic (Cont.) SOV/2877 further thanks S. V. Nerpin, Doctor of Technical S~c.terjc(~s, for the use of materials incorporated in the text. There are 13 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 In"*roduction 5 Ch. I. Utilization of Water Power 16 1. The importance of electrification in national economy 16 2. Basic concepts on the utilization of rivers as a source of power 18 3. Fluctuations in the power and output of energy of a GES (hydroelectric station) 26 It. Basic concepts of water engines 31. 5. The concept of power systems and the automation of hydroelectric power stations 1j, 0 Card 2/9 Principles of Hydraulic. (Cont.) SOV2877 6. Power-economic indexes and the selection of GES power output 7. Hydraulic engineering construction units of the GES (water power unjits) 51 Diverting stream flow during the construction of hydropower units 6o 9. Hydrologic services in water-power engineering hydrological studies, and works during the utilization of rivers as a power source 65 Ch. II. Water Transportation 78 l.Water routes and their importance In the national economy 7~ 2. Improving navigational conditions of rivers' 79 3. Navigational conditions on inland water routes 81 4. River channel rectification and deepening B3 5. River locks 89 6. Navigable channels 92 7. The concept of river harbors 95 8. Transporting lumber by water 97 Oard 3/9 Principles of Hydraulic (ConL.) SOV287Y 9. The extent of water surveying and research while using rivers for transportc-:iLtIon purposes 101 Ch. III. Land Improvement 10-( 1. Types of amelioration arid Its lmportarice for the national economy 107 2. Types of Irrigation 110 3. Water consumption during Irrigation ill 4. Irrigation system.-, and their component.,,, 116 5. Regulating network in surface Irrigation system 119 6. Conddits of irrigation system 127 7. Hydraulic structures within an Ir-rigatlon nrtworl~ 129 8. Estuarial Irrigation 130 9. Subsurface irrigation 134 10. Irrigation by mechanically raising the level of the water 135 11. Steps for preventing soil from becoming salty and swampy during irrigation 1110 12. Operation of irrigation systems 1112 Card 4/9 Principles of Hydrauilc (Cont.) S011/2877 13, Research and Investigations durIng irrigation 144 14. Types of drainage 146 Drainage system and its component parts 148 1 Regulating unit of a drainage system 151 17. Conduit unit of a drainage system and the structures belonging to it 155 18. Control of water intakes during drainage 158 19. Brief Information on the amelioration of bottom lands and Inundated lowlands 161 20. Special types of drainage 164 21. Principles of drainage system operation 166 22. The extent of research and studies in drainage amelioration 170 Ch. IV. Water Supply, Sewer-age, lrrtgarion r(6 Card 5/9 Principles of Hydraulic (Cont.) 0 2' P, T( 1. Aims and problems of' the various types water supply, irrigation and sewerage systems 176 2. Demands for drinlittig wat(ft, and the novni,,3 ott* watcr con!3urript'lon 1,(.( 3. Technical layout of a water supply system for household drinking purposes and the details of' its component structures 181 4. Characteristics of rural water lines 187 5. Industrial water supply 195 6. Sewerage 201 7. Irrigating agricultural lands 204 8. The extent of hydrological Inveotigation.9 In water supply and Irrigation 2c)6 Ch. V. General Information on Fishing Industry, Pisciculture, and Fishway's 210 1. The fishing Industry 210 2. Pisciculture 211 Card 6/9 Principles of-Hydraullc (Cont.) SOV/2877 3. Fishways 212 Ch. VI. Hydraulic Structures (Basic Concepts) 215 1. Classification of hydraulic structures 215 2. Classification and working principles of dams 217 3. Construction features of reinforced concrete dams 223 4. Basic aspects in the hydraulic design of a dam 228 5. Hydrotechnical design of dams 232 6 . General idea of computing the stability and 1 strength of a reinforced concrete dam 240 7. Shut-off devices of dam floodgates 242 8. Earth dams 254 9. Mixed-type and rock-fill dams 262 10. Timber dams 265 11. Water reservoirs 268 12. Sumps 274 13. Water supply installations 279 14. Water power installations 290 15. Transportation and log conveying installations 302 Card 7/9 Principles of Hydraulic (Cont.) SOV/21377 16. Interlinked Installations 308 Ch. 7. Principles of Water Regime Computations 312 1. The purpose of water regime computationn, types of flow control, and Initial data used in such computations 312 2. Elements and characteristics of water reservoirs 31)1 3. Water losses from reservoirs 31'( 4. Controlling silting In water reservoirs 318 5. Daily and weekly flow control 319 6. Seasonal and long-term flow control 324 7. Properties of the Integral curve 325 8. The integral curve in oblique coordinates 329 9. Application of integral curves in water regime computations for seasonal and long-term flow control 333 10. Tabular computation method in flow control 339 11. Taking into account losses in the computations of flow control 343 Card 8/9 Principles of Hydraulic (Cont.) S 0 V/28 Y 7 12. Other methods of computing flow control 344 Ch. 8. Brief Information on Bridge Overpasses and Bridge Clearance 345 1. Elements and construction features of brIdge3 345 2. Basic aspects in determining the size of bridge clearance and control installations 352 3. The extent of hydrologic research and studies In the construction of bridge overpasses 354 Bibliography 36o AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TC145.G5) Pim/mmh C.ard 9/9 1-25-6o 44 TwismSE Intraarterial blood transfusion In cases of shock. PolBki tygod. lek. 10 no.5:137-141 I Fab 55. 1. Z Ia klin. chirurg. $1. A.M.w Zabr-zu; kiere prof* dre mede J.Gasinski. (3100 TRANSFUSICK,.administration intra-arterial in shock) (SHOCK, therapy blood transfusion. Intra-arterial) POIAND/Human and A-ainal Physiology. Blood. V Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-r No 6, 1958, 26788. Auth,or Tadeusz Ginko Inat Title The Saturation of Preserved Blood With Oxygen. Orig Pub: Polski tygoda. lekar., 1955, 10, No 7, 197-199- Abstract: An apparatus for saturating blood with 0 is described. Satu.-ation for a 30 minute .4riod increased the content of HbO in preserved blood up to 90-9&~ of the toL Hb contzoat- Until 39 days from the moment the blood was taken, tte capacity of the Rb to cimbine with 0 did not diiainish. The 02 content of oxy- Wr~ted blood remined for a period of 10 daYs at a level corresponding to the 02content of Card 1/2 POLAND/Human and Animal Pbysiology. Blood. Abs jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol.., No 6, 1958, 2678N arterial blood. is employed in shoek. Such preserved oxygenated blood grave postoperative states and in V Card : 2/2 USSR/Human and Aniral Physiology. Blood. V Abs Jour: Ref . Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 26792. the period following the tranefunlon. The childrens' weights increased considerably more mpidly than before the transfusion,, and in a nuftar 3f cases weight recovery began only after the transfusion. The general condition of the child iWroved, its motor activity increased, as did the strength of the sucking reflex. Among infants with piLimcnary atelectasis, decrease and cessation of attacks of asphyxia were observed. Electroencephalographi examiration of all of the children showed an Increase in the tonue of the cortex, augmentation of its bioelectric activity and the appearance of slow waves, all of which attest to an improved clinical conditon. The author recoma-ends the introduction of the method Card 2/3 FRCZKOWSKIA, Marian; GINKO, Tadeusz; PAWLIK, Alfred Lytic cocktail in post-traumatic shock. Polski tygod. lek. 14 n0.7: 303-306 16 Ireb 59. 1. Z Il Kliniki Chirurgicznej Sl. Akftdm it Medycznej; kierownik: prof. dr Jozef GaBinaki. Adres: Zabrze, u1- 3 maja 13, 11 Kl. Chir. S1. A.W. (HIBONATION, ARTIFICIAL, in varions dis. post-traum. shock (Pol)) (SHOOY, Vier. - artif. hibernation in poet-traum. shock (Pol)) Adam Unusual complication during the course of acute pancreatitis. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no-32:14go-1492 10 Aug 59- 1. (Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej Sl. A. M; kierownik - prof. dr J. Gavinaki i z I Kliniki Chorob Wownatr%nych Sl. A. M.: kierownik - Prof. dr J. Jana). (PAiTCREATITIS, compl.) ?iv, GINKO, Tadeusz; ADAMOZYK, Roman; SADLINSKI, Czaalaw; ORLOW, Tadeuoz; .HRMCZNCffA.. ltmdieJ Home- and heteroplasty of the aorta by means of e-merimental lyophilized grdfts. Pdlskl przegl.cliir. 31 no.11:1169-1175 N '59. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgiaznej Si. A. M. w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr J. Gaaineki. (ACRTA transpi) GINKO, Tadeusz; TOBIK, Stanislaw ACTH in the local treatment of burns. Polski tygod. lek. 16 na.21: 811-813 22 My 161. 1. Z Instytutu Medycyny Pracy v Przemysle Weglowym i Hutnies7a v Zabrzu-Rokitnicy; dyrektor: prof. dr Bnmon Nowakowski i z II Kliniki Chirurgimej Sl. A.M.; kierownik., prof. dr Tozef Gasinski. (CORTICOTROPIN ther) (BURNS ther) SADLINSKI, Czealaw; qINKO, Tadeusz; ORLOW, Tadeusz; MADEJSKI, Tadeu5z; ADAMCZYK, Roman ---- - --*'-- Obstruction of the great vesselB treated with an alloplasty pros- thesis. Polaki przegl. chir. 33 no.21113-118 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej SI. AM w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr J. Gasinski. (BLOOD VESSELS Burg) GASHISKI, Jozef; GINKO,, Tadeusz Cancer of the -stomach. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.7/'-,:70/r7O5-'6l. 1. Z Il Kliniki Ohirurgicznej Sl. All w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Gasirwki. (STOMACH NEOPLASMS surg) GIVKO, Tadeusm; ORUV, Tadeusa ACTH and cortisone in the prevention of thyroid crisis* Polski przegl. chir. 35 no.9t933-934 163. 1. 3 Il Kliniki Chirurgicznej SI. AM w Zabrzu. Kierownik: prof. dr. J.Gasinskio t G UINKO, 'n 11 ilevore trairriatic. r" ~V' t -10 Z Kliniki Chirurgicznej S1. Akadt)"ll'i (kierown~kt Prof. dr Jozef br.-, AL:AMKIE.'WICZ, Kazi.mierz; GINKOI Tadousz; GRUIEU, Jacok; Miroslaw Substitution of ureteral defects with autologous ureteral grafts. Pol. przegl. chir. 36 no.4a;Suppl.:467-479 Ap 164. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej Slaskiej Akademil Medycznej w Zabrzu (Kierownik: prof. dr J. GaBin3ki) i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Sl. Akademil Modyezriej w Znbrzii (Kierownikt prof. dr W. Nlepolnmski). QINKO, Wlodzimierz, mgr inz. -The House of the Technician in Lublin has eased the proper development of the activities of the scientific and technical associations. Przegl techn 85 no.28:4 12 J1164. 1. Chairman of the Voivodeship Contacts Committee of the Central Technical Organization, Lublin. ZOBOVI Ye.V.; 611CHEMUNUVA, M.S.; BABMIOVA, Zh.I.; CHAPUR1141, V.I.; SHEMELEVA, V.A.; DYULIGER., T~B.; GINKU, A.I. Anticorrosive coatings of the internal surfaces of tanks useCfor the storage and processing of wine and juices; preliminary report. Trudy MNI1PP 2:43-55 162. (MI4 16-4) (Wine and wine making-Equipment and supplies) anticorrosives) (Corrosion and 7 /~/C USSE/Cultivated Plants - DeQorative. M-8 Abs Jour Ref nur - Biol., No 3, 1958, Ul-18 Author Ginkul Inst Title The 'ar V enese Maple, Acer paimatum Thunb.., Its Variants and C.-~-.,den Forms. Orig Pub !?V. D_Ltumsk. botan. sada. AN GruzSSR, 1956, No 7, 33-65 Abstract A description (with illustrations) is given of 27 garden forms of the Acer palmatum Thunb. which is little known in the Soviet subtropics but which is exceptionally deco- rative because of its own peculiar coloration and the extraordinary dissection of its leaves. These forms re- produce vegetatively since the desired qualities are not always transmitted through seed reproduction. The garden forms of the Japanese maple are recommended for wide use in the garden-park plantations of the Black Sea coast of Georgia. These forms, which are cultivated in the Card 1/2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 3, 1958, 11118 Batijmi Botanical Carden, can withstand low winter tem- perature *. bear fruit regularly, and reproduce through self-seeding. Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4000402 S/0294/63/001/001/0073/0084 AUTHORS: Kudryavtsev, Ye. M.; Ginnius, Ye.. F.; Pechenov, A. N.; Sobolev, N. N. TITLE: Determination of the matrix element in the dipole moment of electron transfers in the cyanogen violet spectrum. Part I SOURCE: Teplofizika vy*soRikh temperatur, v. 1, no. 1, 1963, 73-84 TOPIC TAGS: cyanogen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, shock wave, higb temperature, radiative heat transfer, cyanogen spectrum, spectral line reversal, spectroscopyi supersonic aerodynamics;' violet band, electron transfer, dipole moment, matrix element, absorption Spec- trum, --radiative heat exchange, heat exchange, heat transfer, shock wave heating, shock tube, violet band system, reflectdd shock wave 2 ABSTRACT: In view of the uncertainty in the value o IR e1 (the square of the electron transition dipole moment matrix element) for Card 1/4, ACCESSION NR: AP4000402 : - the violet cyanogen spectrum, and in view of a recent development of a new method for determining this quantity in the Fizicheskiy insti- tut im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Physics Institute, AN SSSR) by mea- suring the absorption of light in gas behind a reflected shock wave, new measurements of IR el2have been set up by this method, with the CN radicals obta ined by heating a mixture of CO and N2by a reflected shock wave. It was established that by transmitting pulsed light through a mixture of CO and N2 heated to 5,000--7,OOOOK by the re- flected shock wave, it is possible to register the absorption spec- trum of the violet CN band.system, and determine the value of IR el 2 of this system. To choose the optimal experimental condition and to obtain the data necessary for the data reduction, the states of the CO and N2 mixture behind the reflected shock wave were calculated over a wide range of initial pressures (10--200 mm Hg) and of shock- wave velocities (2.0--5.6 km/sec). The temperature of the mixture Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4000402 was measured by a generalized method of inversion relative to the CN bands, which was also used to monitor the fact that the CN con- centration is in equilibrium. The shock tube employed was described by -he authors previously (Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 8, 585, 761, 1960). it is co"ncluded that the most suitable conditions for the described experiment are those with T5 > 4800'K (i.e., P, = 100, 501~ 25 mm Hg). The final results of the experiments will be reported in future articles. "In conclusion the authors are grateful to A. T. Matachun and L. L. Sabsovich for programming and solving the problem with the electronic computer, to A. A. Sapronov for developing the electronic apparatus, and.,to G. 1. Dronova and I. M. Kholinov for ,help with the work." Orig. art. has: 9 figures, 2 formulas, and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Physics Institute AN SSSR) Caro' 3/4 BLYUMBERG, I.B.; GIMIO, N.A. Study of- ~e~%~ ~n-cq of the nature of the kinetics of development on the duration of the process and on the thickness of the bordering layer. Trudy, LIKI no.4:165-169 156. (MLRA 10:5) l.Kafedra obahchey fotografit i tekhnologii obrabotki kinofotomate- rialov. (Photograph.v--Developing and developers) GINODMAN, A.G. Construction of conditional horizons in one of the regions in Bashkiria. Geofiz.razv. no.14.,24-32 163. (MIRA 17:3) GINODMAN, A.G. Study of salt domes in the Caspian Lowland using elongated hodographs of waves reflected from subsalt, horizons. Razved. i prom. geofiz. no.47:18-23 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Caspian Lowland--Salt domes) (Seismic prospecting) GINODMAN, A.G.; MIRONOVA, L.V. Way of applying corrections to hodographs of reflected waves. Razved. i prom. geofiz. n0.47142-45 !63. (MIRA 16-8) (Seismometry) 1. 3-E. " . rls-~:~ (~.O) '~' I. 4. Paperboard 7. Stalchanovite methods of work in ent;,~vprises of the Main Pap-!r Box Indi;stry. Bum. propi. 27, no. 6, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Februarv - 1953, Uncl. BAWIN, S.D.; GINODK&Nv B.N. Improving the orgudsation of work norms and wages in municipal enterpriesse %r* khoz. Moak; 32 no*4:33-35 AO 158, (KIM ilsO 1' Nwhallnlk Obdela, truda, i sarplaty Gorodskoy planovoy komissi (;or Ravvin). 2. Starshly inzhener Otdela truda i zarplaty Gorodskay planovoy komissli (for Ginadman). (Wages) RATVIN, S.M.; GOODMAN, B.M. I- PrecRat concrete plants change to the seven-hour workday. Gor. khoz. Mooko 32 no.11t7-9 N 058. (NIA 11:11) 1. Nachalinik otdela, trada i zarplaty Gorplana 14osgorispolkoma (for Rav7in). 2. Starohi~ inzhener otdela ~rnda i zarplaty GorDlana Mosgor- isnolkorna (for Ginodran). (Hours of labor) (Moscow--Concrete plants) TIAVVIII, S.D.; GINODMAIT, B.M Conversion to the seven-hour work day at machinery manu- facturing and metalworking enterprises of the Executive Committee of the City of Moscow. Gor.khoz.mosk. 33 no-11: 5-7 N '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Nachallnik otdola truda i zarabotnoy platy Gorplana Mosgorispolkoma (for Ravvin). 2. Starshiy inzhener otdola truda I zarabotnoy platy Gorplana Mosgorispolkoma (for Ginodman). (Moscow--Hours of labor) GINODMAN, B.M. New wage specifications for automitiva transportation workers. Cor. khoz. Mosk. 35 no.8:31-32 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:8) (Transportation, Automotive) (Wages) 0 .9 1) tj 1) It 1) 1) is pf a it 1) b jo is 16 )1 a A, 10 u m D V 0 a L a L I m_j I J. 0 IF r u a 1 9 1 T A 1 0 U iv u 00 a!, Ballet estfacuou of willow back, Nt I, I-Ad L -1d I- d vtflbm 441 k Nl-- tap.m.1 tit, Ol. J111V W41ts "Ilh It,, AAA'. its* 'I't the dr) I"Wo. A 11"1t'11,11 3, .111fit, "-Alcd S ; Of . . v.&II .%td. %ith Jml kiij tit, -m, itat'i ! i :: 'i i1,,. j.hht. a .4, Asti,. atid 1,101-1 Ah .1~40 tit mAt.t.Al" Nl. G. M-I" too ZOO -00 2:0 0 '06 i L A .1T*LLUFGKA1. LIT901416111 CL&SUMATICk 04 9 too oto I U I, b Oct., wit $11a it n It x All 14 jj I M I ' kT* -00 0 0 0 0 INS 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * a t' 11 ll :1 0 ;l 14 1, 4 a props tagmWg whi"ettom Vitsit berk trittfa Irstimditwo 19M. No. 1. %Iaijtr% locresars with iovirmse W the trnip.. the me bold I.Wtld't the last diffuser and at a posr,,toirr of 1 1114 C1 I'MOICA0,8g, pefl. Of est. U11111. 181 ~ 111u) 7i.7~l of tanitimt, Adiln. of Na,50&or NASA I 40 p,Ali ty of the eviract "jislightly superim, A hit ;I x1ler YkId Of W.A. Filatcrial, pirmits a more ral,i4 ittl. 111AUtillt leAll ln"~ In IS lin. at Mofn IMP Thr vield 44 taimists it, this caw smount"I to I- IA W-l`)' still W? 95" lot t; tin, fly licatifix the spit. wal :4 -tillf-t-v fjoinine nmornics ssith-,% 0 a * * 0v -4 -4 11 .1 A, M it Is. it Ttle 1211-11C t %W o1 kill' fir%t 'Italml -i I N t. fig i 21, stol,, th-mich the am.,tost d I PCH 4111111-Mill 00 -' VIIIJ-11 11111Y ve If, m(ldril- 15 4 still the N extri. jetop., allbotigh camilix A p n. .1 the I-111'f. Thr vid'i A 111 prefilvillAry n-lil'st I., ' a** rise est. "As cm."I at :11, ' I lie sits fl,,oi piii.- t,ok strato. suiritAtioti. A. A. IS-- littloKk i t 00 r 0 AIDS 00 j 00 00 t: 00 lee* It 'r, AA 0 00 0 so INS 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 9 41S 00 00 40 0 a 0 4 9 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 4 _ 0 Oil 1 0 1 t if is u 11 W if 4 11 . A 19 LL 10 11 u m W a is V m 40 41 a If a a 00 L 1 J At r4 0 Is A I 1~ so 00 , W 20-241W.,W) nulfilalkm of the est. with a V~) and bisulfile (45; ad the wt. 4 sullit, (I 00 No"Assiamam. s. S. S rW"W. makriew . i d f :.00 941 ir . /Isa. No ; Prems., Gammimmi. IskW. L.VM treat. rm o ursit the liquid exi.) during IU hys., and (t) ' t f 11-140932).-Tits I** op"Wims Co". 9 Pmos No I fite i mrat with the suffitc 4 he*. at 95 wW with bisa ' _OO 00 0 . . . floras tor the axis, of Oak P* we; (1) Toomp. shmum bit . The diffuser liquor bad The following ov. fire. of 10) Wt cluumettrial"t gravity mil. matter b.A4- .00 00 a Me in the bead amil 1210 (a the tail digww at a im4ol. ruallew 412:1 0.45, rimlaunififf substances 6.97 00 of 2-2.6 atm. (2) IU diffuser battery ombmald coat . 2.141 3.1.1 aml tannidev 2.7043.84: the eats. bad cut- 0 & 6-0 didumas, (3) The extri. should last 6 Isrs. (4 The 1 crip(michnitly W11 211A 1421 J8,14. 0.46 1.02, 7.24- . 0 00 -dry tit. should comialtute 30-300% of the wt. of the shavings, Addrd, breaking up of the cisk sliswings After 17.70andO.1104-21.41. Tliepintext.1midaltermuliktalinn 19 fw). 1&-~W Ad 0 44 0A5 3-24 39 9 ew" maidingly 193 .00 00 0 4.1%. A cutting in dfurns taimes The timudde yhrld by a CA t WV/ III th t is tjw ask titumd" Mm * . . . , , I MAI mi"t 10.34 -W.M. Tansham -i i ~ 7 0 j e suess. a . " i ? - -- n a lob. inveoligatieen . o A. N. Slikhall-w. I&J. 41 of beremcovervd. Tistoperstioasamdeecribed. Asliddidsmal pierq-s #4 Irsibri wrr. Innowd with A mill. of quebrarlill "Savomm 41 dis "k Wr in as .-Saroder" "~"- and (jak tit. and with picie est. The former yielded a 00 afts moodkism. G. M. Ginodman and M. N. Kromak- carnpletely tanned Witter, while (be latteg produced a COO 00 f -The operations of ilme "Schroder" in. Jbiel. 2" . !rather with black strtaks which could not be removed 7 O 00 a disintegrator are described. Up to 4% so taimmildve in Spite of a Iffreit variety of remedies applied. Mile- higical examleatka in as a 14 to bad a modied far r Z 00 00 z can [it recovered by "a# this app. Uslikiiiiis hr a radimmil trftbmod of plas bwk for dw "Wollims al Tat Missing with P1110. , It. KMh&MV. Ibid. 7.".,-- 1 11 O 0 0 arrimacts a" whodems. M. 1. K)mdWk and G. M. After tontimil with a ifucbracho-oak w1n. the comagm low to t di t ibut bl d i d f i l f i O Z g g I Weee ob. c s r e es are a e Ito o ie amr cu r appear bl Af i 1 Ze 41 in diffusers: ; ~M t ter si e. am another, while the fibrillation is clearly v then is observed an intatuive ine stsIns tannin with ; i i" umtiw of n P W f b k r . g p pl)tn. of tannides; tanning is very supefficifil. the tan. 00 1 "In. 10~l hrs., Y o W )' nides do mt penetrate and dark mistalls an tamed; , 0 the ce4lagen Itt-wicuics are dry and fibrillation is absent. 0 51- inttrfm~citutmr spaces am seen. In the expis. with N&CI tannides have al no b but th k t d k t.0 0 ar s are a sen e strea . Iwo IF 4 -L A SCIALLUPGKAL L#TIQAT%A9 CA&SIVICA16CM oo . too s nd 0 0 0 0 * 04 0 00 4, 011:::611:014*K:n Ile of 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 Ojo a 0 a 0 0 go 00000000 0 o o~ '1 13 14 11 14 111$ IOX IIIJ a)iII 1117AM XP Ij 13 1. L c Ili A~ 04 (X M ft ;ai ,,;fjf,A. -00 go -00 Litmews rvWow on the m~dfttiom of oak *MatU -00 G M. Ginodmait. ChWenis Tirkhmilet- Koshobkrmm prNpAl"Aul, No. 1). bibboespliv of 20 frfrmic". zoo of lee 0 0 * 0 :'Of fTAi!tI'.K#1 J1119.10f ftA'WfKAIJC. it 4'X 11 111 Itnit it it 4'. 0, 0 i 0 4 % 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 so V Is v W-W 004 got 00 kv 0* 90 -C 00 0 00 0OU 0 Is (M 0 is W U AV .0 L% It a of IN Is It K MW a 1 211 11 r"1101 0 0 31 M 1, patscal"S 4.0 Peter*?. 1 .011 U IF 0- 9 Parificadocii 01,113ner 4r : n=r : divisift of the Arch&Mv c '"' 21. Sip. 5/11. 20 44 1914) Lunil~ 4 Ilieffulth"ayu Pro S ate burned in a rotaty hurnet Of 5 CU. 111. CAIM(ItV purner.pv" aviird with ikif are I%i--d IfIrtmigh a t hsini. r list volupletitsoof the butiling. The ItAC, Ali- ths 1% dilt,tit,l thcough a refractory-tined waterAlwavrtt %crUI)txv, Will-te Ih- are couleit tit -rhenev the Ipt-, 1,a_ thlough all *cid prosil. Lifick.linsd tt)vkvf, IMvL'I Is, 1 "4 it. height with Ikki-Aus. kawhill I jugs. ltlllustovlel.ll~ risAt"i with circulating welik l1,,;0,. the, tit sw lcm,,r. Al%ti Its thj,, 1,~r lilt xa~ I. All its A), it. A'A". ill its 'Se 411,11 %wile tubblortl S. I'lle vM'd And 1,4111% 3 it I%LWtl thitsugh all vive. liltet. ullich CT"Ls'- I 1l et"s m oval of urisjuld "0. to the extelit '4 A-~:Oj to 90.93"';c';, Se to sublimed S ii not rvium-rtl as tivarly completely as the other iinpuritict. Cmii- pir v burning of S c~tulcl be Initir"I ljy twol-ly rerti. Ittitig the quantities of S and air its the lKillwv W Ill, .1; .-ItArgrd itito the Itunwr, 6 I,ht; 'S. I.., of this sould be savrd if proper emitrol in't r"T"ClIt' "'m initallect. Wer 100 tons A S them are A,,(). 444) -d Sr -At) k1c. AsAh must IV tli'lk~d f is, J-vvnt 1-t- 1- lutioll. '11W Se i3 trvovMA f'W 11W in the liviloctill. I If-h %low ji"031TO cat VILLJ10-1 431111 *.c ali- lit 'I IF IN S a All a Ah Aft 4 0 a Ill 4 #4 42 0 OF 0)0 00 !.00 1 -00 -00 1*0 .09 0 0 Kos see *0 coo see XOO 1100 ti -ww o a i & L A, L -J -A, IL I- A f Cc g if 1 1, At 1. a 0 A k, Pwilkisbou of waste la"a f tom sulfate cellulose union -00 facture. G. M. t"ittmIntins. Prorn. 1j, N- - -S s iAll ~~ I Zl 104" IS -Go - t el r- U I t" .4 .11, ( grster relief CAMS kX011S. Mrsif. I i,.;. etc.. and wthAV froln resmcialisms lunuiccli ~itjf. NACO, A1141 I ill ' - 14941 t i~ !I %l it l l h l kh dhA h o 0 i o t N Smo in vi i %, ., an v rmovery In Cottrell firmillitAtUSS Unit file 11141VIVr " A bl d f i em create 1y mit ng thrm taws it) the atilt. (Ary Pro 9 The p"wot work consideni alternale methods of okidising thrw Saw. -fly onilh,wim) .1114 by flimirplioll in hy1m). I O l d i -it f, - i im The Nnulmmimi Inc(Intit I)a% the;&,,- - 1.40, 4 ill .411phrily. I'm rim. wild jh~vljhty 44 A111-mose sell t"lltiO. The natine 4 th, ifilt-ter geh, f go.-4 j; Is., liern all tilmitew to On-ir hindling in file l".j. bill ( d ( i . n (he r exp1mive litnit'i full 1114de t-sailife it lin,111M y ;, for so r h4ndlinit. Relief JtWN 14 gL&.Nnl throtigh pfay Catchers, which silo serve as wAlcr WAS in raw of Ali ril- lil-inn- File "IP QjWrAtitln, NOW KAWS MUM be OXINNI 141 :111, or ficlaw and ififiL wilh wit IV- th.111 N) vol, it lit. Mi. 1g... i. Own harn-I in ..Wjrucr filrml- f S 00 boo As a.4 L A &ITALLUISKAL UYINATIAE CLASUFACATION ti -4 it 0.1 0*1 - U AT .0 A TIT a fte a w a I is a 1 is a sp a jid Of a 9ttf to WKWA 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 49 & 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * - amp"". ',3. M. PA 26/49T75 UM/Medicine - Tniustry ancl OccupatiOrIB, Jul 48 Hygiene Medicine - Hygiene ancl Sanitation Troblem of Purifying Waste Gas In the Sulfate- Cellulose Industry," G. M. Ginodmen, 3fpp-, "Gig I San" No 7 Discloses xethods of purifying waste gas In the sulfate-cellulose industry, and the sanitation and. economic objectives. Describes espe--ially effective method: the treatment of gas with alkaline substances and chlorine (or bleaching powder). M 26/49T75 GINODKAN,, G,H* Plarifying exhaust pass and ventilation air containing marcu-r7 vapors. (In: %oala (1923- U.S.S.R.) Tsemoyuxnaya gosudarstvennaya eanitarnaya insPektal;ya. Ochlatka PronWohlonnykh vybronov v atmoBforu. 1953, P-109-132) (MLRA 7:1) 1. Nauchno-iseledovateliekly institut po promyshlonnoy i sanitarnoy ochletke gazow Hinisterstya khimicheakoy promvahlennosti. (Air--Parification) GINODKAN. G. M. Pftrlf~ring exhaust gases and ventilation air of hydrogen sulfide. On; Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Yeasoyusnaya gosudaretvannaya sanitar- nay& Inspektolya. Ochistka promyshlennykh vybrosov v atmosferu. 1953. P-142-156) (a" 711) 1. lauchno-issledovatellmkiy institut po promqahlennoy i sanitarnoy ochietke gazov Ministerstya khAmichaskoy promWahlonnosti. (Air-Parification) AUTHOR: - -L=dman, G.M. SOV/136-58-12--8/22 0 _____ttatu-Vf -Removing TITLE: M dern Me Mercury Vapour from Waste-gases Ventilation Discharges (Sovremennyye metody ochistki otkhodyashchikh gazov i ventilyatsionnykh vybrosov ot parov rtuti) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958, Nr 12, PP 31 - 37 (USSR) ABSTRkCT: The author mentions that heavy losses of mercury due to its appreciable vapour pressure occur in industrial waste gases, leading to financial loss and danger to health. To avoid this, steps are being taken to reduce mercury evolution and also to make more use of methods of removing it from waste gases and ventilation air. The author describes three such methods, available to the Soviet industry, which remove more than 95% of the element from the gas to give a concentrated product which can be roasted mixed with mercury ore. The most widely used method (dry pyrolusite) is based on the ability of crushed maoganese ore to absorb mercury vapour from gases at 5 - 50 0, under 85% of relative humidity and containing less than 0'6'-.5 and 0.3 g of sulphur dioxide and dust, respectively, per m3. The reagent can be regenerated many times. The author describes an installation Card 1/3 (Figure 1) for dealing with dusty and S02-containing gas SOV/136-58-12-8/22 Modern Methods of Removing Mercury Vapour from Waste-gases Ventilation Discharges and gives operating details and some results (Table 1) obtained at a mercury works in dealing with gases at about 4 000 nm3/hour and in reagent regeneration. The author next describes the selective gaseous chlorine method: at relative moisture of the gases of 85%o or less chlorine reacts selectively with mercury vapour. In the plant (Figure 2) the chlorine (0.45 kg/l 000 M3 of treated gases) is added from cylinders, the mixture passing through a coke- filled vessel and then a scrubber. Good results.have been obtained by this method on an experimental (Table 3) and experimental-production (capacity 7 000 nm3 gaseB/hour) (Table 4) installations. Although the method is effective and gives products from which 302 and mercury are convenient to remove, the ussof chlorine has disadvantages. Finally, the author deals with the use of activa-ted carbons, whose preparation he has described in -Mleaning 61 Industrial Discharges to the Atmosphere", Medgiz., 1953. Ee states that only chlorinated carbon is available in sufficient quantity and that the method is limited to gases with relative Card 2/3 SOV/136-58-12-8/22 Modern Methods of Removing Mercury Vapour from Waste-gases Ventilation Discharges humidities not exceeding Layer thicknesses of 400 - 500 mm and gag velocities and temperature of 0.2 m/sec and 5-40 C are recommended and the author describes a suitable multi-layer filter with central dis- charge of spent absorbent. The method is highly effective, simple and economic in manpower. The author gives some results obtained with type "BAU" activated carbon, unchlorinated and chlorinated (Table 5) showing the superiority of the latter. There are 3 figures, 5 tables and 2 Soviet references. Card 3/3 80972 S/136/60/000/07/012/024 00 E193/E283 AUTHORS: Ginodman.,G,, TA , and Tokmadzhyan, G._S TITLE: (~a_sA~s*or_ption and Regeneration of Cryolite in the Production of Aluminium PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, 1960, Nr 7, PP 51-58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A plant for purification of waste Cases, obtained during the electrolytic production of aluminiuu~ first of this kind to be built in the Soviet Union, was erected at the Kanakerski Aluminium Plant in 1957. The present Vr paper gives a detailed description of the construction and operation of this plant, designed to treat 1 300 000 m3 of the waste gases per h. Four axial-flow pumps are used to force the waste gases through a water-jet scrubber, constructed in the form of an annulus (outside diameter 25 m, inside diameter 12 m), divided by vertical walls intd four equal segments, each of which can be operated individually. The scrubber, in which a solution of soda ash is used, is operating under the following conditions: Ga 5 flow rate - 1.03 consumption of the soda ash solution - 9.L~ M3/M2 h; Card 1/3 concentration of soda ash in the solution - 4%; time 1 S/136/60/uoffl~~012/024 E193/E283 Gas Absorption and Regeneration of Cryolite in the Production of Aluminium during which the gases are in contact with the water spray - 0.8 see; the temperature of the gases at the entry and at the exit side of the scrubber - 65 to ?5 and 24 to 290C , respectively; relative humidity of the gases - ? to 9 before, and 93 to 96% after passing through the scrubber. When, after being recirculated for some time, the soda ash solution becomes enriched in the NaFI NaHCO and Na2SO4, it is diverted to the regeneration plane for recovery of cryolite. The bicarbonate method due to Labutin, Ivanov, and Morozov, is used for this purpose, cryolite being formed as a result of the following reaction: 12 NaF + Na20.A'203 + 8NaHCO3 - 2Na3AlF6 + 8Na 2C03 + 4H 20- The obtained product contains 37 - 46% F1 28 - 32% Na, 9 - 12% Al, and 5 - 9YO S04- Sulphate is removed from Card 2/3 this product by repulping with hot water (liquid;solid 80972 S/136/60/000/07/012/024 E193/E283 Gas Absorption and Regeneration of Cryolite in the Production of Aluminium. 10:1) and filtering, after which it contains 47.9% F) 30 4% Na 12.2% Al, and 2.2% S04, Preliminary caiculations have shown that the purifying plant recovers up to 40 kg of fluorine and up to 900 kg of alumina per each ton of alu-minium produced. Thus, in addition to its main function of preventing atmospheric pcILution, the plant produces a large quantity of valuable raw material. There are 2 figures, 3 tables and 10 Soviet references. Card 3/3 qIkODMAN,__Q.&4 GLIKIN, D.S.; PEYSAKIIOV, I.L. Testing rapid scrubbers for gas purification from chlorine. TSvet. met. 35 no-3:42-48 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Scrubbers (Chemical technology)-Testing) (Gases-Purification) PLAS A K P G'J , I . Lf; PXXA-i~-. NY Kikifhl , T N;. G a 9 p Urc c~ n f ro rr, c hlo r 1 n or scrubber, Sbor. nauch. trud. VLADIMIHOV, G.Ye.; GINODWI, L.M. Volume of free energy of the hydrolysis of a phosphate bond, rich in energy, in adenosinetriphosphoric acid, Blolchimiia 18 no.4:490-108 Jl-Ag 1D. (HLHA 6:8) 1. Kafedra biologicheakoy khimii Voyenno-meditsinskoy akademii im. S.M. Kirova. Leningrud. (4drolysis) (Ade nos inephot3phor ic acid) Id.~t~,h,oni.pnpait)liloctiltoffnlt%hoefsttahtea omfectqliuoildiborflulmAi'lonlpt'liienltiny'dllrqoltyoslsthoof phos bcric neld estern. L. NL Chuminvin ( litary Med- AmT.I. I enium 111J~A)-J'Ile quit. Cott. if utlPinte", , ' r nittent. chem. reuctim, h rdatud to c I tile free energy of tile reaction in accortlatucc with equation- . - - 1~7' In K. In the hydrolysh of 'Ir in 1110 a-,& it approaches the state of Cqu L, tile Cour.11-4. of e and of the glycerol can In clad. by .11.0, of th- phosphate, . t lie usual analyt ical procedures. This cannot be done for the detil. of the covicus. of glyceropliospbate. lierc the lalid'A pluispllatc4 nfTcr a way out of the difficulty, since the equil, C011clis. Rt anystate of equil. can be detii. from the radio- activity Inte IisIties of the components. This, the equil. I crimt. In glycerophosphatc hydrolysk is K - (phosphate) which can be cont- pn(.1 froin the values of the Initial concus. of the phophate j , wrol (C,*,) the radioactivity of the labeled ,) the CIV I phosphate and of Elie equii, radioactivity of the gly- certiphospliate (A.1,P). The congn. of the 1110 rculaims practically thp same. -lit equation W - CCL1C~,Cjj,o (1) the factofs correspondingly ure! equil. concii. of the _L)L1CL.'PjLqt'e -(lif . Cnilcu. 0! the glycerol, equil. conen. of the Od GINODMAH, ...... Present state of the problem of fluorescent antibodies. Vop.virus. 2 ao.4:195-201 J1-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:12) (ANTIBODIES, fluorescence, review (Rue)) L.M.; GOIUM, V.Z. Conference on problems in enzyme chemistry and on the mechanism of en2~rme action. Vop. med. khim. 6 no.3:323-.326 ftr~-Je t60. (EMDW-CONGRESSFS) (MIRA 14:3) GINODMAN, ~.M. rEnzymes." M.Dixon.,E.Webb. Reviewed by L.M.Ginodman. Ichim. 6 no-5:550-551 S-0 160.. (Mlilk 14: 1) (ENZM~W) (DIXON, ".F - (WEBBO E.) 'Iri GILODMAUL L. MI., LOKSHINA, L. A., SKID EOTrSKAYA, Ml. V., SOLON VA, 11. 1., ORD(HOVICH, V. N., ADD Slll;-IKITER, V. 0. (USSR) *Some Observations on the Structure and Mechanism of Action of Proteinases." Report presented at the 5th Intemational Biochemistry Congress. Moscow, 10-16 August 1961 GUTODMI, L. H., GREYL, T. 0., OREMOVICH, V. N., (USSR) "Separation of Inactivated Pepsin into Coinponents by Chromatography on Diethylaminoethylr-ellulose." Report presented at the 5th Int'l, Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug. 1961. KOZLOV, L.V.; GOODMAN, L.M.- ZOLOTARE-V, B.M.; OREHOVICII, V.N, Study of the catalytic activityof pepsin with the aid of 018. Dokl. AN SSSR 146 no.4:945-946 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut khimii prirodnyl:h soyedineniy AN SSSR. 2. Deystvitell chlen AMN SM (for Orekhovich). (PepainT (Catalysis) MALITSEV, N.I.; PINODMAN, L.M.; OREKHOVIGH, V.N. N-terminal amino acids and the catalytic activity of pepsin obtained from pepsinogen under different activation conditions. Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.6:141~2-1445 Ap '63. (MIRA 16-7) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. 2. DeystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Orekhovich). (Pepsin) (Pepsinofyc-n) (Amino acids) GINODMAN, L.M. Chrom,tography of proteins on Ion exchangers and fractionation of mixtures, containing proteins, on columns with cep~adex. Sovr. metod. v biokhim. 1:37--73 164. (M'1RA 18:5)