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GRECHUSHNIKOVA, L.S. Intercentral relations in dominance and conditioned reflexes. Report No. 1, Trudy Inst. vys. nerv. deiat. Ser. fiziol. 5:70-77 160. (KM 13:10) 1. Iz Laboratorii obshchey fiziologii (zav. - V.S. Rusinov) instituta vysshey nervnoy deyatelinosti. (EumicITY-PHYSIOWGICAL EFFECT) (CONDItIONED RESPORSE) (BOUND-PHYSIOWGIGAL EFFECT) GREMSHMIROVA, L.S. %anges in -the BEG in motor dominance produced by a rhytbmically subsiding stimulus. Trudy Inst.vys.nemdeiat. Ser.fiziol. 72 33-38 262. (MM 16t2) (BLECTROINCEPRALOGRAPHY) (COWDITIONED RESPONSE) GROSU, L.; GREGICA, L __I en~, r-'Ji-4noformative and kininolytic eaterase activity of the central norvaus system before and after excitation of some afferont nerves. Fiziol. norm. pat. 11 no*3:279-285 My-Je 165. 1, Institutul de cereetari medicale al Filialei Academiei R.P.R., Cluj (director: aeud. A. Moga), Sectla do fi-,iolcgie (sef de soctie; prof. I, Baciu). M~ta C:;S); C&I'ven Isis@ Cmintryl RUAnla AMIlatton: Institute of J&thology and Animal Hygiene Unatitutal do Patologle e1 Igiona AnIusla). 80umst Bucharest, ProblerA Zoot ZA, No vp 57-62. MAI a Data an a 16tulinle IntaxleatIon With 31306d Pbddor An plorsos.* Co-authords UNGURZANU, 0 - q Dr., Institute of FstholoFy and Antral Hylslano do Fatologle @I ZgIona Animal&). GRECIAMU. Al.~Veterlnsrlsn, Institute of Pathology and Animal grAtltutul do Patologle ~I IgIena AnimaW 61~.. Ina ituts, of Padw lea and AnIma I Itygione (Ins titutU2 do patologle 21 IOSJIA Mixo2a). RIPRUM, N.D. Votalsoplan ry ,1vL1a9,!~d.dipA:ntvv1 St P (14bDVS%VVQf do ISSIS a RM-iANIA LDIGURBANU, C., Dr, and__g~1AjX,_Al., Veterinarian, of the "Pasteur" Institute for Veterinary Research and Biological Pro- ducts (Institutul de Cercetari Veterinare si Biopreparate"'Pas- +eurfl). "Investigations Concerning the Diagnostic Value of Degreased Pulorum Antigen." Bucharest, Revista. de Zoot-ehnie si Medicina Veterinara, Vol 13, No 11, Nov 63, pp 56-63. Abstract (Authors' English summary modified]: A study of the diagnoFt'ic value of pulorum antigen Lhat was del-i-pidized by treating the microbial corpus with chloroform and alcohol as compared to the antigen. prepared by the standard method. Tile study was on 3301 chickens from two foci of typhopulorosis. The antigen being tested RIHAR,12-3 to 29.24 percent more infected chickens than the antigen prepared by washing with physiological water. Of 24 ovary samples from chickens with positive RHAR, 12 yielded salmo- nella stems, of which five gave a positive reaction only for the antigen delipidized with chloroform and alcohol and 2 only with the antigen delipidized with chloroform. Birds with positive RHAR for all antigens reacted positively to 1/160 to 1 040 RSAL, those 1/1 positive only to the delipidized antigens to lA0 RSAL. --In- cludes 3 tables and 14 references, of which 4 German, 8 Rumanian. GRFCIUC , r. ing. M th Seasion of Technical and Scientific Reports of I~he "i-milul ROV t' Plant, Mediae. Industria usoarn 12 no.1.49 Js 165. RADVANYI, Laszlo; GRECK, Zoltan; VARJU. Ferenc; GYURMAN, Jeno Effect of the properties of a line in technical telecommunication equipment; also, remarks by Z.Greck, F.Varju, and J.Gyurman. Muszaki kozl KTA 26 no.1/4:149 160. (EKAI 9:10) 1. Beloianist Hiradastechnikai Gyar (for Radvanyi) (Telecommmication) GRF,CKI, W. "A New Method of Producing Fermentation Agents." p.271 (PRZEKYSL ROLNY I SPOZYWCZY Vol. 7. no. 8. August 1953 ldarszawa, Poland) SO: Minthl List of East Ruronean Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, no. 5. Mav 1954/Uncl. 3tu4 on optinium parimettrs of bA-irmedialUe suparhoatin-, of qteam bi thcrimy--lectric plants with high par,imeters. p.) &i,i ~,,'Ui~M IJA. (Asouiatiii Stlintifica a InrIn,-irilor si Tehnicianilor din lqwiinia si Eibiirterul lhrierglai L"Inctrica s. lnduntrl,~I Electrotahnice-) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 7, no. 1 Jan. 19J-9. E'onthly List of Last European Acoessions (SFAI) IC, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 19,59 Uncl. GRECOV, D. On the choice of optimum steam conditions of the nuclear pwor stations. Rev electrotechn energet #6o. thermal cycle in 5 no.2:409-435 (EW 10:5) (Atomic enera) (Steam) GRECOV, D. Determining final temperature of the preheated water in modern themooelectric power planta. Studii cerc energet 11 no.2:261-281 '61. S/262/62/000/015,'002/01 I 1007/1207 AUTHORS: _Qrwov_P,.,Haiduc, C. and Soci, A. TITLE: Determination of coolant optimum-temperature at the inlet into the nuclear power reactor PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, otdcl'nyy vypusk. 42. Silovyye ustanovki, no. 15, 1962, 14, abstract 42.15.60 (Studii si ccrcetari energ. Acad. RPR, v 11, no. 3, 1961, 455-467 (Rumanian]) TEXT: Tile dual-cycle system in which tile primary coolant ensures heat removal, while the secondary coolant (water) is intended to carry the thermodynamic cycle of power generation, is widely used in nuclear power plants. Proceeding from theoretical considerations, the authors study the influence of the temperature it of different primary coolants at the inlet into the nuclear reactor circuit, on tile net cfficiency of tile power plant. As coolants C02, helium, polyphenil or water may be used. A formula is suggested fol determining the optimum value of ti. There arc 5 figures and 4 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 *AM, Victor V.;,GRBCOV, Damian Switching to gasecue fuel for metallurgical furnaces. Studii core.energet 11 no.4:63 9-352 061. -/-83/63/000/002/001/001 A059/A126 'AUTHORS: Grecov,~D,, Wdual C. TITM: The calculation of.the heating tempereure of feeding water in':, double-circuit -systems at nuclear electric power stations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal., Yadernyye reaktory, no. 2, 1963. 10, abstract 2.50.35 (Studii 91 cercetari energ. Acad, RPR, 1961, v. 11, no. 4, 627 637, Roumanian; summaries in Russian and French) TEXT: Formulas are given for calculating the optimum temperature to which feed water in double-circuit systems should be heated for nuclear reactors with a thermal efficiency of 400 Mw. The application of the formulas permits of avoiding complex calculations and to.find the region of the optimum heating tem- perature with sufficient accuracy by way of determining the influence of various factors of the thermal system on the parameter examined. There are 2 figures. and 5 references. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation) Card 1/1 GHIA, V.V.; GMCOV,. D.; SFAHIU, I.; BIENER, M. ------- An experimental installation for studying the combustion #nd radiation of the flames of the liquid and gaseous combustibles. Studii cere energet B 12 no*2:255-260 162. L 317,IQ=�� ACC NRs A ESP(t)/ETI IJPW JD AUTHOR: Crecov, D. (Engineer; Candidate ir technical sciences); Iordache, I. ORG: Institute of Power, Academy of the Socialist Republic of Rumania '(1fistitutul de Energetica, al Ic-adeiffei H.S. Hom~nia) TITIE: Efficiency of the self-carburation of natural gas flames in Siemens4krtin -furnaces SOURCE: Metalurgia,, no. 8, 1965, 410-414 TOPIC TAGS: metallurgic furnace, carburization, methane ABSTRACT: By studying the degree of blackness of self-carburized methane gas flames the aithors found that sel-f-carburization of methane gas in open-tkVftV-'Tu-rnaces becomes effective starting at a preheating temperature of 700 to 800 degrees centigrade, and increases in efficiency with higher temperatures and larger radiant. layers. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 12 formulas;--CJFRS] SUB CODE: 13 / SUEN DATE: none / ORIG REF : 002 / 07H REF: 001 SOV REF: 004 C.'A l/l'AW UDC: 669.183.212.218 XuDr OUGOVA. Prevention of disorders of speech and voice in children at health center level. Cook, otolar, 3 no..3:150-152 Aug 54. (SPUCH DISORM , In Infant and child prey. & ther.) (VOICI disord. In child., prey. & ther.) GRECSIN,, I.P. (Grechin, I.P.] Oxygen shortage in soils and its effect, on the properties of soils. Agrokem talajtan 12 no.3:451-456 0 163. 1. Kafedra pochvavedeniya Moskovskoy sellskokhozya-ystvennoy Akademii im. K.A.Timiryazeva, SSSR, Moskva. GRECU,--iLt. 'ele report with pride. p. 2. CONSTRUCTORUL. (:-Unisterul Constructilor si Industriei Mterialelor de Constructii si Uniunea Sindicatelor de Salariati din Intreprinderile de Constructii) Bucuresti. Vol. 7, no. 292, Aug. 1955. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 Distr:, hE2c Ovs. A. COMM- Order-disof der phenomena in -bina all vel Mn4 D. Green frn-f J:j, A, 9A-R 117in.'Ok"r- dread - r Haintne, Inst. f=. at. 33,23pp.(1059)(iu U" are given for a 2-dimensinnil face-cen- nglis E tered-cubic and for a body-mitered-tubic alloy jill. Long- and short-range order parameters are introduced for partle- ul-r sublattices of the alloy. In the sales expansion of the partition function when 4 terms are considered instead of 3, it Is found that partial order for equil. in dif 2 sublattices Is different. The results obtained Ue between those of the quad-chem, method of Fowler i~ad Guggenheim (CA. 34, 31 ) and the guethod of Kirkwood (CA. 32, 240M). I-JAY ClQEC\j E to Unds in Parthtfly disordered bin v andD.Grecu.',Rev.phy. t.. A cad. pop e S,:167-07(1MO)(In Engi I sh).-The dependence .-of the forbidden -energy rids on the long-range order eterR,oface riedcult' 2 components in pararn ate ic idloy with equal proportions. %m studied. - Starting front a perfectiy ordered alloy, for which the viergy intids are assuitted to be' known, the perturbation'produccd by thedisarder, and.the: PUCIV corre~:tions werecomputed by the lst~)rderapprnxi-~ .1itatiotiottlickrturbationni~tliod. Byassumingtbatwhen the order is complete, the lattice is divided into 2 simple cubic sublatti"st the Ist Brillouin zone Is the cube detd. ,t,'l -6, by the planes normal nit the middle of the smallest reciprocal .vectors and the 2nd Drillouln zone will be pllecd between _1Z % mics, no the dodecaltedron. obtained by tracing , the p1, rmal on.the middle of the vectors detg. the reciprocal lattice (Gn - 2x(xiOj+ nth 4- n;bs) and the cube forming the Ist Brillouln zone. When the alloy is perfectly disordered, it is shown that the Brillouin surfaces nornial to the middle of the Gig vectors. with n (- nl'+ ni + Pit) odd, cease to be cnergy'discontirtuity surfaces-,- with is even. the zones m- main discontinuity surfam, It is shown that the migni. -is" with R for n odd (And tude- of the forbidden bandAccm J Vanishes minpletely when complete disorder is reached) and is independent of R for even. The behavior of tile energy hands In the neighborhood of the Drillouin surfaces wa studied for R comprised between I (perfect order) and (cc~mpletedhwder). 13yeofultuting t lie position of the level L ierturhed by the disorder, with respect to the position of the energetic level in the approximation of the free elec. trons it isseen that the energy of a level, tvsp.. witAin or outside the Brillouiri surface, Is greater or smaller than In the case of the free electrons. Plotting the energy de- tidence as a function of the magnitude of the propagation - C P Vector, normal to thi Drillouln surface I corresponding to vectors for which n Is odd, the slope of the curve becomes ro on the ilurface. L. W11putte-Stchiert CORCIOVEIP A.j__q~U, D. Rhermal wedges produosd in metals by irradiation. Studil core fis 12 no.22305-323 161. 1. Inatitutul do fizica atomica Bucureati. (Metals) (Radiation) It CORCIOVEIV A.; GRECU,_D. The effect of long range order on energy banda in binary alloys. Acts. physics Pol 20 no.3:297-2n 261. 1 1. Institute for Atomic Physics, Bucharest. KORCHOVEY, A. [Corciovei, A.]; GIKA, G.; GREKU, D. [Grecu, Dj _ Distribution of displaced atoms in a solid due to primary %toms generated by radiation. Fiz.tver.tela 4 no.10:2777-2790 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut atomnoy fiziki, Bukharest. (Atoms) (Radiation) GRECUS D. Spatial distr-lbution of the defects produced by irr,~dliat-Lon upon a solid,, as computed JLn tba approxiwition of ritrid Dpheres. Studii cerc fiz 13 no.4:615-631D 162. -1. Institutul de 'Lizica atomioal Bucuresti. GREOU . D. Plasma in metal theory. Studii cere fiz 14 no-5t671-721 163. 1. Institutul de fizica atomic&, Bacuresti. CORCIOVEI, A.; GHIKA, G.;_G~ECU,, D. Distribution function of atoms produced by irradiation dis- placed in a solid. Studii cerc fiz 15 no. 3:373-374 164. 1. Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest. CORCIOVEI, A.; GHIKA, G.; GRECU, D. Distribution of atoms displaced in a solid body, produced by a primary atom, generated by irradiation. Studil cerc fiz 15 no. 3:374-375 164. 1. Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest. GRF,qV,L_UVir4e, tudent (Buoureati) lq~' The new in science and technology. Gaz mat B 14:538-539 9 3 163. GREGUY Eftimie I. -on -,~~e--I~'o'ca'l Euclidean V.3 spaces with Cf6ft P affine co'Meetion., Studii cerc mat 14 no*4.669-687 163. GRECUP Eftimie (Bucuresti) Determination of a trigonometric identity. Gaz Lnat b 15 no.7:300-301 Jl 164. HERUNG, 0. (Blicirps~.O; Ccn-ftanfin; (Slv.fina); P iri;'M, L! -i D) (Bucin-o.0,L) ; , C' . I Floricii H. r!w,rLrr;,3V); FIIJ*'-~0111, M. '~eorv-p- (Suctirosti); SANDULAGni, G',, proll. (Npgrertl, Insi); NUITUN, SCIF'.FF-Ek, Gabri-la (,'Inipulling); YEODOICESCU, I, prof. SIGLOVA.111, I. (Petrosan!); ACU, Ounitru ('11u.1); r'i~Ecu, Eftimle (thipuresti); PAUN, N., prof. (Aimnicit Vilcea)-. GH!"'O."GE'U, Advian (Bucuvesti),; DUMIUCKASA, P., prof. (f.. litj /I ; "GIECRGES )CU, Cornal-iii (Grj-.0.-tva); BORANC"J, IT. (Hueuresti); BOESCH, GvLfrore, pro' (GimpLna); CTRPA, Gh. (Filiasi); 1"OFE3CM, Ican M Bucli-est Serb, Ion (bigo., ) Proposed problems. Gaz mat B 16 no.4:1?2-17'7 Ap 165. DUMA, D.- ANU Ye.(Cimpeanu, E.1; POPOVICH, L.[Popovici, L. ii~E~0.[Pavel A [Grecu, F.) p 0 0.1; OPINKARU, .[Opincaru, A.; GREKU, F. Heparin treatment in acute disorder of cerebral blood circulation caused by thromboembolism. Nauch. trudy Inst. nevr. AMN SSSR no.1:345-350 160. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolezney Mediko-farmatsevticheskogo institut, Kluzh. (HEPARIN) -(CEREBR6VASCULAR DISEASE) (EMBOLISM) GHIMAN,Gr..dr.; PAPILIAN,V.V.,dr-; SCHUSTXR,N.,dr..; GRBCU,F.,Chimist Liver changes caused by alcohol. Mad. int.,Racur. 12 no.2:257- 268 F 160. 1. Imcrare ofectuata In Clinica a II-a medicals. (prof. 1. Goia); Instit,AU do anat,oMe patologics, *I clinics, psihiatrica, Cluj. (LIVIR DISMSIS, etiology) (AWDROLISM,complications) I RMMIA / Aralytioal Chemistry. knalysis of Inorganic E-2 Substames. albs Jour Ref Zhur - Khim., No 16, 1958, No. 49985 Author G"Ql- ~11 Bucerzan, I. Inst I Not given Tit 1e flow Colorimetric Uethod of Determination of Sodium Orig.Pub t Farmaoia, (Romin.), 1967, 6, No. 6, 528-533 Abstract : jIn indirect method of determination of Na, is described. That method is based an the separation of Na-+ in the form of NaZ-Sb(OH)6.,7, on the dissolution of the precipitate in HC1, on the treatment of the solution obtainod Yrith thioures and on colorimetering of the greenish-yellow- color develop:. iftg on that oooasion (RZhXhim, 1957, 1228). A. sample of 0.1- 0.2 g of the substance to be analyzod is dissolved in water, cooled to 00 and an excoss of a solution of KZ-Sb(OH)6_,7 Gard 1/2 i, i t; P.L a I- t v Y~j of Greell "Annul-e ,).Tl Growl-h ave, Pl-od.-kctivity ojC At Odobeqtt. IV, rxda, 195's, 7, Yr,-3, lx;., ts 'c, i; e v. 8 h o w nL:. y I z -- t Station of Vj vj,5 't It a -t t 110 plaitt-.1 I.F.'4cj 1,91. grkivv tr"Murs.3 (vetch, pens, liqli-nt), plarilL!-i it, tp,,- ~.-Zvvly 71pring for t'lla a"A doug ).11to a depth Of 60--z"; ~m at tale egil-mill~; of 'Junet. 10-111; eays befole Ub--t e v i ji -~ e b.J. o _i -s () ma v I c.- e a Z; a I- ow i 1, r t I -a 0 e cs r. p zi t" a c-.%,0-. il c Ow a fl,-- tj r. wi x, 11 ton- RUIWMA/Analy' ical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances. E-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 2. 1959, 4295 Author Grecu, it) Handelsnann$ V., Bucerzan, I. Inst Title A NovQl Rapid Method for Gravinctric Deterrdnatioll -if Copp,,r. Orig Pub Farnacia (Runania), ~, 110 3, 233-236 (1958) (in Ruimnian with sumarics in Gcr=i, English) French, and Russian) Abstract Sodium nitroprussidu (I) is uscd for the determination of C%i(II)e I and Cu,2 in nQutral or weakly acid foiTi a lillit-green prcclpitatc~ havin(,, the composition CUIT-i(C1.0 5- -1127.%0 Vhich is not r,;rAdily solublu in water mic. -in . go The sample to W analyzed (0001-0.08 3a Cu) ils dis- solved in 10-20 ml water, 10 ral of a 10% 14H~40 3 solution are added and the resultinG nixture is treated vitli 3di, I solution with constant stirring until a yellow-oranGc: color appears* The solution witla the precipitate w-';iici is Card 1/2 IV, OUNI TRY CAT.;3GORZ AB5. JOUR. ZZZ"%.hia. , -.,'o. 21 1')59, .;0. ?5794 M fTi-! OR, Handelemann, V., and Bucerzan, I. Not g-i'lon ~j; Nes Rapid Clravimetrl,: Method for the ~,uantita- tive Determination or Pyramidine in Preparations or in Pharmaceutic Forms OR.U'r. PUB. Farmacis CRPR), 6, vo 6, 4c)9-503 (1958) A B3 T RA 0 T A new rapid gravimetric inethod is proposed for the quantitative determAnation of nyramid~ne in pre-parati-ions, tablets, or in mixtures with veranal in 'Veropirin' tablets. The method ia based on the -precipitation of pyramidine in hot HG1 with a 10% aqueous solution of stlicatungstic acid. The proposed method is simple and accurate. From authors' summary c a GREGUI I. Eftimle, student (Buouresti) Nevs in science and tOchnique. Gaz mat a 14 no.3:155-157 Mr 163. La O-M!,02:Y, t1l"C, -D P-i-al.:t. Cr,- L;"u 1-10 1, J,n 7-12 ( 'o:.i-.)c)unds of Isonicotinic Acid .'erc=,T Totra~thiocianates of '-otc,'-Iic T.~,on~ I.; - - . 1 ryu r,,,-. zinc, Compotaus." GRECU. I.j-.IIEAMTU, Maria Pitis. Complex compoundu of hydrazide of isonicotinic acid (IX). Farm Rum 11 no.llt655-661 V163. GRECU , Joan; , Marla Complex combinations of the fiydrazide cif ac.1c. Pt. 12. Rev chimJe Roum 9 no.12:879-886 D i. laboratory of Mineral Chemistry, Faculty (Z 1"Larrrocy, Pasteur Street) Cluj. Submitted July 10, 1964. -- N.EAMTU, Maria -gEq Complex combinations of the hydrazide of isonicotinic acid. Pt.12. Studii cerc chim 13 no.12:923-930 D 164. 1. Faculty of Pharmqcy, Cluj, Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, Cluj, 4-6 Pasteur Street. ACC NRs AP6020357 SOURCE CODE: RU/0003/65/016/008/0389/0390 AUTHOR: Grecu#..~.; Curea, E. B QRG: Department of Pharmacy# Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, Cluj atea de farmaciep~-Ubdiatorul do chimie anorganica) TITLE: Contributions to the study of dihydrazinophthalazine sulphate determination SOURCE: Revista de chimiep ve 16, no* 8# 1965j, 389-390 TOPIC TAGS: sulfate, hydrazine derivative, photometric analyaisp silver compound ABSTRACT: The authors describe two simple and rapid methods for the determination of Hipopresol (the Rumanian form of the drug). The volumetric method is based on. the reaction of an excess of silver nitrate with the substance to be tested, followed by back titration of the silver nitrate solution with a solution of NH4SCN in the presence of.iron alaun and ammonia. The photometric method is based on the formation of a yellow coloring formed in acid medium by the reaction of dihydrazinophthalazine sulphate with a solution of ammonium molybdate. Orig. art, hast 4 figures and 2 tables. [JPRS1 --SUB CODE: 07 SUBH DATE. none OTH REF S 006 Card 1A - C P, GRECU, T. Current trends in the construction of steam turbines. p. 1065. KETALURGIA SI CONSTRUCTIA DE '4ASIMI. (Ministerul Industriei Metalurgice si Constructii1or de Masini si Asociatia Sti.intifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 5, no. 12, Dec. 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. GRECU, T.; ASCHENDORF. A. Locomotives with gas turbines. p. 268. REVISTA CAILOR FERATE. (Caile Ferate Romine) Bucurestiq Rumania. Vol. 7, no. 7, July 1959. Monthly list of East Ekiropean Accessions (EEIT) LC Vol. 9. no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. WOO T., conf. ing.; ASCMDORP, A., a8ist. Ing. Utilization of turbines with worsened vacuum for distance heating. Energetics Rum 9 no.6s221-228 Je 161. COLT, Gheorghe, ing. (1-loscova); MECU, Titus., Irg. Approximate calculation of steam consumption and electric power production in a district heating system. Energetics, Rum 10 no. 12:512-517 D 162. 1. Conforentiar la Institutul politehnic Bucuresti si inginer specialist Is. Institutul de studii si proiectari energetice (for Grocli). MERCEA, V.; FODOR, E.; GREC11, V. Separation In a column with steam distillation depending on the medium concentration of the mixture. Studiq Univ B-B S. Mth-Phys 7 no.1:137-147 162. GRECUU, V.; DEUTSCH, R.V.; NISTOR, S. I Contributions to the ofurly c,, -he .,ryq,,a2-'1Jrje fl-~Ia by r,~,e equivalent operator methrd. ;JrL.v B.-B .:2. llviath,-:~-hys CO no. 1 % 13 1-1110 '65. M HUNIGARY/Diseases in Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Viruses R and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-13iol., No 5, 1958, 216o2. Author Kojnok, Janos; Greczi, Emilia Inst Title Use of Antiserum for Protecting Suckling Piglets Against Aueski Disease on Infected Farms. Orig Pub: Magyar allatorv. lapja, 1957, 12, No 4-5, 102-1o4. Abstract: Adult pigs, imrimne to Aueski disease (AD) and to swine pest were hyperimmunized with the AD virus. The hyper-iomnized serum was administered to 943 suckling piglets in the age group of 2-6 weeks; 752 piglets were used as control animals. Sixty- three (6-7 percent) of the inoculated piglets died from AD, and M (20.4 percent) of the control animals perished. card 1/1 PALYI, I.; GRi=l E Evaluation of the effect of chemotherapeutic agents on tissue cultures. Neoplasma 8 no.2:195-201 161. 1. Oncopathological Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary. (ANTINEOPIASTIC AGEM pharmacol) PARADI, Iasslo, dr.; -.MCZI, Nelinds, dre ---------- Diaposis of a asse, of IMbovarcomatomis with metastasis to heart. Orr. betil, 93 no.52:143?-1439 26 boo 54. 1. NW&r NepbAdeereg Igesseeguai Szolgalata. (HIA , neoplasms lyehosarcoma, metastatic, diag.) (LTNPWBARCOM sedlastimm, motastasts to heart, dtag.) PAST, Jakub; GRMCZNXR, WieBlaw Fracture oi-i%~W -66-ni 6-id -process of the axis without displacement. Chir. narz. rtichu 13 no.2:163-166 1958. 1. Z III Ininiki Chirurgicznej A. M. we Wroclawiu Kierownik: doc. dr Z. Jezioro. Wroclzw, ul. Piastowska 47 m. 4. (ATIAS AND AXIS, fractures axis odontoid process fract. without neurol. nigns, ther. (Pol)) KOMAROV, S., podpulkownlk, bohater Zwiazku Radziecklego;-GRECZY)I, W., k~Ri~an, inz. Elimination of premises causing aeronautical accidents. Wojsk przegl 13 no.10:22-26 0 160. 1. GREDENKOV B. V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Physics and Mathematics 7. Theory of Probabilities, G. P. Boyev. B. V. Gredenko, editor. (Moscow- Leningrad, State Technical Press, 1950). Reviewed by Yu. V. Lennik, Sov, Kniga, No. 1, 1951, 9. 4W Report U-3081, 16 Jan. 1953, Unclassified. GREMESKUL, A. 1). "Tnvestigation of the Upgrade and Downgrade 14otions of an Automobile." Thesis for degree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sub 11 MaY 50, Moscow Highway Inst. imeni V. 14. Molotov Summary 71, 4 Sep. 52, Dissertations Presented Igr Degrees in Science and Enginpering in Moscow Lq 1950. From Vechernya-va Moskya. Jan-Dee 1950. ZAKIN. Ya.1h., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GHXBSKEJL, A.B.. kandidat tekhaicheskikh nauk, retseuxent; BRONSHYWY, Ta-77,"Mdidat tekh- nicheskikh nsuk, redaktor; MISOV, F.I., Inxhener, redaktor; FOLISIAU, R.G., tokhnicheskiy redaktor. [Trailer trains] AvtomobilInye poesda. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. ixd-To mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1955. 214 p. (Razvitie konstruktaii aytomobilai, no. 12). (MLR& 8:10) (Automobiles-Trailers) AUTHOR: Gredeakul, A.B.,-Korotkov, 1J.1. 113-56-7-5/25 TITLE: Testing of Pintle Bushings of the Steering Knuckle with Respect to Wear Resistance (Ispytaniya vtulok shkvornya povorotnoy tsapfy na iznosostoykost') PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 7, pp 12-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Automobile parts made of kapron were tested on a stand especial- ly designed for GAZ-51 parts. Large vertical loads were placed on the steering knuckle. The rotation of the bushings with respect to the pintle was kept at the most used rotation angle of the wheels. The pintle bushings were exposed to stresses effected by braking and lateral effects which were of lesser interest. The static load on each frontwheel of the GAZ-51 car is 650 kg in an empty state and 800 kg when loaded. In motion, the load effect is distributed along longitudinal and lateral planes. The experimental stresses were changed from a minimum 300 to 400 kg to a maximum 1,000 to 1,200 kg. When this article was written, the steering.knuckle pintle bushings had been ex- posed to 70 to 80 hours of testing, which is equal to 30,000 to 35,000 km covered by a car. The bushings had to be exchanged in only one case. The test is being continued. Card 1/2 There are 2 diagrams, I graph and 1 Soviet reference. 113-58-7-5/25 Testing of Pintle Bushings of the Steering Knuckle with Respect to Wear Resistance ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy avtodorozhnyy institut (The Khar1kov Highway Institute) 1. Bushirigs--Test results 2. Bushings--Stresses 3, Automobiles --Production Card 2/2 SOV/113-59-3-9/17 AUTHOR: Gredeskul, A.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Differential s With Cone and Disk Blocking Couplings (Shesterenchatyye differenisia.V s konus- nymi i diskovjmi blokiruyushchimi multami-) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlerinost', 1959, Nr 3, pp 26 - 30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author points out the disadvantages of conventional differentials under certain operating conditions. He bases his article on American publications. and de- scribes a differential gear with increased friction developed by Spicer in 1956, used on Packard-Stude- baker sedans and light trucks (Figure 1). Then he presents mathematical formulas for calculating such a differential. He cites A.S. Litvinov, who estab- lished a blocking factor of 1.15-1.20 for convent- ional differential gears and a factor of approximate- Card 1/2 1y 3 for cam differentials. According to his in- SOV/113-59-3-9/17 'Differential Gears With Cone and Disk Blocking CouplinCs vestigations, he finds that the differential shovm by Figure 1 is subjected to increased wear and that for this reason a differential with disk blocking couplings was designed as shown by Figure 5. There U are 4 diagrams, 2 graphs and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut (Kharl- kov Automobile and Highway Institute) Card 2/2 .~-_GRLCDESM, A.B., kand. tekhn. nauk Manufacturing parts of capron. Mashiuostroitell~ no.11:47-48 N '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Nylon) (Plastics--Holding) G~iEDESM -Androy-Borisovich-fHredeskul, A.B.]; BORZAKOVSKI'YYt.I. tBorzakovslkyi, IE.I.), kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; STAROSTENKO, T.M., red.; MATVIICHUK, O.A., tekhn. red. [New Soviet-made motor vehicles) Novi radians1ki avtomobili. Kyiv, 1961. 51 P. (Tovarystvo dlia posbyremia politychnykh naukankh znan' Ukrainalkoi RSR. Ser.7, no.11) (MIRA 15:4) (Motor vehicles) .8/653/6'1/000/000/036/05 -2 1007/1 07" .,.AUTHORS*. Gredeskul,.A.B.., Korotk6v, L.I;, La6inov; L.Yh., and SWchoruk-ov# A.R. ~TITLE: DesiGn and operation of caprone automotive Components Pla3tinnssy v iiiashinostroyenii-.i.'priborostr6yenii. SOURCE: I Pervaya resp. nauch.-tckh. konfer. po vopr. prim. pla-stmass v inashinostr. i priborostr.j Xievp 1959. Kiev, Gostckhizdkt, 1961, 395-408 TBXT: ThiS is a report of investigatioAs carried out by a series o~ scientific research institutes in co-o6cration with indus- try in' order to obtain opti-mum data for the--design and operation of automotive componento. Rast;_Itc of laboratory,andfield tests are ,presented and the performance of a series oA -0 caprone elements is amply described. In the conclusion, suggestions for suitable design :and operation are made. Therc are 4 figures. Card 1/1 , 'GREDESKUL, A.B., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotuent Effect of vheel lOcking on the braking of a motor vehicle. I**vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.S.'156-167 162. (KM 15;12) 1, Kharikovskiy avtomobillno-dorozMyy institO, (Motor vehicles-Brakdo) GREDESKULp A.B., kand. tekhn. nauk Selecting the correlation of braking forces on axles of a tractor and semitrailer. Avt. prom. 29 no.8:18-21 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Kharlkovskiy avtomobiltrio-dorozhn7y institut. T, r Ta, ^I nc. r GREDESKUL, A.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; TERLETSKIY, V.G.; CHERNOVOLOT, K.D., ~ 1 .1 kaM. tek hn. nauk "Theory of motor vehicles" by N.A.IAkovlev, N.V.Divakov. Review0d by A.B.Gredeskul, V.G.Torletakii, K.D.Chernovolot. Avt.prom. 29 no.12:44-45 D 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. KharIkovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut i KharIkovskly institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sellakogo khozyaystva (for Gredeskul, Terletskiy, Chernovolot). GREDESKUL A.B. kand. tekhn. nauk; SIIAKHBAZOV, O.K. Investigating lateral stability of an automobile during the braking with power transmission. Avt. prom. 30 no.7:13-16 11 164. (MIM 17:9) 1. Khartkovskiy avtomobilino-dorozhnyy institut. IK ~ klo J, uad. Lekhrl. miuk; BUT,"IKCV, N.; investAgation of tha of a b,-,ked vheel. Avt. Pl'(),',. 31 no.3:21-25 MIr 165. (MIDRA 18:7) 1. KL,%rlkcv,;hAy avtomobil 'no-dorozhnyy institutt"O /EEC(k)-2/T IJP(c) GO L h414-66 INT(1)/FIPA(13)-2 Ar MMTO N N R UR/0181/-6'--5-'/007/010/~b9b/30~ W yyx~ YY/ AUTHOR: _3asB4_Y~_G. GVg_desXUj,_S.,_~; K v ITITLE: Theoretical basis for the use of a beam of charged particles to ampliw- Isomd in SOURCE: Fizika tverd.ogo tela, v. 7, no. 10, 1965, 3090-3098 iTOPIC TAGS: piezoelectric crystal,, ultrasonic amplification, dispersion equation* 'ABSTRACT: The authors study Cerenkov sound radiation from a uniformly charged fila-~ Iment moving in a slot in a piezoelectric crystal. The mechanism of ultrasonic am- ;plification by the crystal is explained and formulas are derived for the coefficient-..~,- lof ultrasonic amplification by an unfocused plasma beam moving in a slot in a piez jelectric crystal and in a flat waveguide filled'with a piezoelectric medium. Elimi-11-1 :nation of the requirement for a focused beam simplifies the experimental conditions band brings about some interesting effects. Crystals in the Td class are examined on_*, 7 Ithe assumption that they are isotropic with-respect to elastic properties. The for-. imulas derived may be used for calculating radiation from a cluster of cha -rged parti- :cles if the dimensions of the cluster are considerably less than a wavelength. The I-Card. 1/2._ . . ...... L 4414-66 CCESSION NR: AP 5-02 5391 G ispersion equation for a beam of charged particles moving in a slot in a piezoelec;; ric crystal depends on the dielectric constant of the crystal due to the fact that he dielectric plasma wave is a surface wave. The energy of the wave is concen- rated close to the plasma-crystal interface, and therefore the dispersion equation ill always depend on the crystal characteristics. The amplified sound wave is ropagated in a direction opposite to the motion of the beam. Orig. art. has: iRures. 37 formulas. L 16 42 65 EVIT UVEPA W-~'2/t!;C( t) /EEC (b) -2 Pt.1()/P1_4 IJP(C)/ D_ t)/ESD j /SSD/AFVL/ASD (a) -5/AS (mp) _?/AFMD(c)/AFETR/1?AZM(a) GG ACCESSION NR- AP50001654: S/0181/64/006/012/3577/3584 AUTHOR: Bass, F. G. S.' A. LKa Gredeskul, 1 _Zan6v, M 1. TITLE- Interaction between charged particles and a piezodielectric SOURCE: Fizika tverdo tela -v. ~6, no. 12, 1964, 3577-3584 90 TOPIC TAGS: piezoelectric crystal dielectric,crystal, charged particle interaction, Cerenkov radiation, acoustic radiation ABSTRACT:. ;The authors conald r. the sage of a single e Oas particle and of a -compensated beam through a piezodielectrici which-for simplicity Is assumed to be isotropic in Its, ciastic mid elvetric propcrtivs. From the coupled system of equations of elasticity (withota account of viscosity) and electrostatic sthey calculate the acoustic Cerenkov radiation produced by a particle traveling along the axis of a piezodielectric, and the coherent Interaction of the compensated beam of charged particles with a piezodielectric. Since direct passage of the particles through the piezodielectric Is not realizable, the 1/2 Card GRZ-F)INA.- G.G. Diagnot-Alc rzrr,4 In rho fLio ill -.AJ !.J:"Jll. , ]PAI. K(LZ.L%*Il. L IIJTU 23 nu.!,:4c)-.52 163. Omld,~ I'l-.5) 1. Iz Kazak~Lqkogo imtittfta okia~any materinstva i datstva (diroki.or - znsluzii-jruyy vrach Ka7SSR A.B. Bisenova). GREDITOR, M.A., inzh,; YIMIOLAYEV, V.M., inzh. Automatic computer of the amount of wood in cubic meters. Yekh. i avtom.proiz. 14 no.6:48-49 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Electronic digital computer) GREDITOR M.A.; FECHENKIN, V.I.; 101,'~T,, BUBYI_;,'Vil, L.V., ii . Miud. red. --i -YEALASEVICH, Yu.G. , Nechanization and automation of pi-oduction; organiza- tion of work] Mekhanizatsila i avtomatizutsiia proiz- vodstva; organizatsiia rabot. 1,loskva, Ekonomika, 1964. 214 P. (1VI.-IA 18:1) SAMHKO, I.F.; GRADITCH. Ye.M. e.1 Congenital macrocardia in a 5-month-old infant. Pediatrita 39 no.2$70-7l Mr-Ap 156. (MIRA 9:8) 1 1. Is 16-y detskoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach G.G.Grunes, nauchnyy rukovoditell - dotsent N.T.Day1ches) (WDIAC SIARGWW, congen. uscroamrdia (Rua)) I LIMITS, L.S., dotmentl GMITOR, Tq,K, Came of systemic vesculitts. Trach.delo no.6t633-635 Je l6o. (MILL 13t6) 1. 12-ya gorodskaya bollultsa Parlkova. (RWOD TMSEL&-I)ISMSFS) 71WPOLI SKAYAq M.M. p;- G=TORt.-Te.M.' Giant fibroadenoma of the breast (phyllode t=or). Khirurgila 36 to-111134,-136 V 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Iz 2-7 khirurgichookoy kliniki (zav. - prof. M.M. Lyakhovitakiy) Ukrainskogo institute. usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (BRUST-TUMORS) BIJGOSLAVSKAY-A) T.V., dotsent4-2REDITOR, Ye.M. (Kharikov) A 70 0, Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrcme. Vrach. delo no.9:20-23 S '61. (MIRA 14t12) 1. Kafedra terapii II (zav. - dotsent T.V.Bugoslavskaya) Ukrainskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i patolog6anatomicheakogo otdelonlya (zav. - Ye.M.Greditor) 12-oy gorodskoy bollnitsy.' (DIABETES-COMPLICATIONS AND SEQUELAE) MMOVp A.7a.,, dotuent; GREDITOR, Ye,M.,, prozektor I Case of arrhenoblastoma of the ovary. Kaz. med. zhur. no.2:72-73 mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Kafedra akusher3tva i ginekologii (zav. - doktor med.nauk R.I. Malykhina) Ukrainskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya Yrachey i prozektorskoye Adelenip 12-y klinichaskoy bollaitay Kharlkova (glavnyy vrach - A.l. Kirichenko). (OVARIW-TUMORS) MAIJ"INA, R.I. (Malykhina, R.I.]; DUBIPSIKA, N.I. (Dubynslka, N.11; WMITOR, Ye.1-x. (Hredytor, IE.M. Rnbolism of the pulmonary vessels oaused by amniotic fluid. Fed., akush. i gin. 25 no.1857-58 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra akusherstra i ginekologii ($ive-doktor med.nauk R.I.Kalikhina [R.I.Malykhina]) Ukrainslkogo institutu, udos- konalennya likariv (rektor-dotsent I.I.Ovsiyenko [I.I.Ovsiienko]). (AMNIOTIC FLUID) (PUTAONARY EMBOLISM) MARKOV, A.Ya... dotaent;,,qj!~DITOR,._Yt~.kI,, prozektor Clinical aspects and pathological anatomy of the Brenner tumore Akush. i gin. 39 no.4:116-118 JI-Ag'63 (MIRA 16:12) 1. 1z kafedry alcusherstva i ginekologil a-rainskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (rektor - dotsent I.I.Ovsiyenke). f?,F DA N), V Estimation of certain quality characteristics of plaites for processwark. Witold Romer,~~edka. Zjac91cwIcz 11 P-mek. and W-Prelirnc-tYk'(lffsl.-l-cclt7WERElaw, Poland). J. FAOS. Sci. 6, 144-52(1958)'.~tisitoffictnc cifteria am I proposed for measuring the "effective contrast" of photo- graphic materials for line and halftone work. Methods of esti. the resolving power of materials in tine photography an of dot quality In the halftone process are described. A .dot quality coelf. Is formulated. Good correlation between the contrast factor and resolution Is found for material of conventional type but no correlations for materials of the "IIth'*-typ-- linear relation Is found between the dot Alquality coeff. and tontrast coeff. for both conventionA :and lith-type materials. Latitude requirements for con- ,tinuous tone copying of originals are formulated. Noneof I the. materials tested satIsfv these requirements, A~Ihosx ROM, Witold; GREMA,-&Mia; JACKMIM, Zofia; PASEX, Halina; PLEBANCZYK, Wieslawa Photographic chemistry. Chemia stonow 3 no.2:201-223 '99. 1. Katedra Fototechniki, Politechnika, Warszawa. GRONIVA L.I. intestinal invagination of 6 month duration to a child. Sov.sed. 21 no.4:126-127 Ap '57* ( KLRA 10: 7) l.Iz kafedry.khirurgit pediatricheskogo fskul'teta (zav. - prof. A.A.Yeforovokiy) Kiyevskogo seditainakogo instituta tdtr. - doteent I.F.Alsksoyanko) (IWUSSMCWTION. in inf. and child of 6--sonth duration S/081/61/000/019/041/085 B11,O/B1O1 AUTHOR: Gredniger, V.. TITLE: Calculation of the optimum operating ccnditions of catalytic apparatus for heterogeneous catalysis in the vapor phase PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1~, 19176 (Tr po khimii i khim. tekhnol, 640 - 641~ TEXT: An equation is given for calculating the ojj'~raium catalytic reaction vessel between two renewings of production cost of the main products of catalysis. Complete translation. 1961. 243, abstract (Gorlkiy), no. 3, 1960, working period of a -he catalyst at a minimum LAbstracter's note: Card 1/1 GFMDUAj~-S - GREDYSA, S. Prime cost in the cement industry. Durability of the lining in rotary ki-Ins is increased in the USSR. P. 115. BUDOWNICTWO PRZLHTSL(M*E. Warszawa, Foland. Vol- 4, No. 11, Nov. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) LC Vol- 51 No. 61 June 1956 GRIIDZHW-,A-.F--- .............. S~w te"chnical,detalls of cholangiography durW surgery. Khirurgila n9j:111-M.1k-'37, - (MIRA 10:7) rgipheakoy kliniki (zav. Imfedroy - .Iz tetskay khiru prof. X.T*Onwtny&n) Stalinskago meditsinekogo Instituta iment A.M.Gor 'kog;!'.(4iT, 4.!N-Ganichkin) 090- loamy, , technic in surg. (Rus)) GRRDZHXV, A.F. Cholangiography following biliary tract surgery and its clinical significance (with summary in English]. Khtrurgiis 33 no-7:65-70 -TI '57. (MIRI 10:11) 1. Iz fakulitetakoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof. K.T. Ovnatanyan) Stalinskogo moditsinakogo instituta imeni A.K.Gortkogo (dir. - dotsent A.M.Ganicbkin) (BILIARY TRACT, murg. postop. cholanglography) (CHOIANGIOGRAPHY following bile duct surg., evaluation) FXC!tRPTA MEDICA See 9 Vol 13/2 Surgery Feb 59 1243, PERISTALS15 IN T1 I E COMMON BILE DUCT (Itummian text) -_Gre d z h I, v -A. P. - KLIN. MED, (Wlosk.) 1057. 3514 (47-5 1) Illtim. 4 Chol.n-gl-opraphy with radioscopy and radingraphy was done in 65 cases of billary-, tract operations where a drain wam left in place for a long tinic or %here there was a persistent fistula. Cholangiography is technically simple and is of consider- able practical value because It shows the functional state of the biliary tract by visualizing peristalsis in the bile duct. This may be significant in deciding on treatment. Zakryg - Lublin (IX, 14) GRE,NHEV, A. P., Cond Med l3ci -- (disS) "Cholecystography aii~l cholangio- Fraphy on the operntion toble orid in the po.,;Lopur,ative F)~,rj.od in sur- Fery of biliary tracts." Stalino, Ic,160. 20 pp~ (bLaliflo Miedical Inst ill, A. MI. Gorki-,y)'-, 220 copies; price riot given; KL, 22-60, 14~) GREDZREV, A, F. (Donetsk, 55, ul. Shchorsa, 10, kv. 7); GRANOVY A. M. Artema, 77/75, kv. 13) Diagnosis and treatment of cancer of Vater's ampulla. Vnp. onk. 8 no.1:25-30 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz kliniki fakul'tetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. K. T. Ovnatanyan) Donetskogo meditsinskog--'~) instituta (dir. - dots. A. M. Ganichkin) na base oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy im. M. I. Kalinina (glav. vra ch - V. F. Zubko) (DUODEM-CANCER) I 1 111. 1 C,, ,i-, . - ~ -pC-.-rj~, P I F -,G['LD,-IIEV, '.F., kand. med. nauk (Fjonetskk 1. -, r. , , 14 , 1 14. - Congenjital dilatation of the couumon bile du,-'u. Ve.-t. kliir. '~--2 no.rl:86-88 My 164. lLe:l~ 1. Iz fakullteti3koy khirurgricheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. K.T. Ovnatanyan) Donetskwo meditainq~og - c, insUtUta imen, A.M. Gorlkofo. c'!~Ffoi-ITK, ). F. I A v.110.t, 'or a Metholl ~sr solliticn Of a h0l`~IarJ SG,a o nd- orde r 1, 1 ne a: .11 f t'e r r,~- t -~ a I a .-- w" -,,- zhur ~ 1 1 16 no, 3,1375-392 '64 ~ Imifil 1,7~1 GREDZHUKP I.F. [Hredzhuk, I.F.] *thod for solving a boundary value problem for a linear differential equation of the second order. Dop. AN,URSR no. 12~1574-1578 !64. 1. Institut matematiki AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR Yu. A.Mitropollskim [Mytropollslkyi, M.O.J.