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GRIBr,NTUK, M.S. (Pyntigorek) Study of -calculating machines in mathematics clubs. Hat. v sbknlm no.2:63-67 Mr-Ap 159. (MIRk 12:6) (Calculating machines) -It. SOKUR. Ivan Tarnsovich; GIIEBMMK, M.Y. [Hrebeniuk, H.I.J. red.; '- I SUVCM211:0, L.1 . , "&~ [Mammals In the fauna of the Ukraine and their economic importanceJ Ssavtsi fauny Ukrainy I ikh hospodaralke zna- chennia. Kyiv, Derzh.uchbovo--pedagog.vyd-vo "Radians'ka shkola. 1960. 210 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Ukraine-Zoology, Economic) GH )6 , V.I.; KOZLOVA. Z.P.; CHOWSHLVA, A.T.ObLbarorvsk) Rtiology and pathogenesis of hypertensive conditions. 11in. sod. 33 no.9-.65-67 5 155. (MM 9:2) 1. Is gospitalluoy torapsyticheakoy kliniki (sav.-prot. B.A. Temper) Khabarovskogo meditsinskago instituta i terapaytichaskago otdolonlys Mabarovskay doroshnoy bollnitsy (nach. 1.P. Voronin) (HTPJRMSICK, etiology and pathogenesis) GERM&=, N.L., g.Torkhnedusprovsk. Gosling in a stork's nest. Priroda 45 no.11:114 N '56. (mm 9:1i) (Storks) GRaFANYUK. N. S. ; POPRAVI IN, V- A- The 11-7 and "Nekhanobr 670 flotation machines. Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform. no.10:4-6 160. (MIRA 13:10) (ore dressing-Equipment and supplies) GRIBINYUK. P.T.,,kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. ~ ~- Coefficient of friction of brake shoes stock. Vest.TSNII M no.2:55 Mr 157. (Railroads--Brakes) on narrov gauge rolling (MLRA 10:4) !H~~Bnj,k !., kand. takhn. nauk; SODOM , A.F., insh. Conversion to automatic braking in narrow-gauge railroad rolling stock. Vest. TSNII WS 17 no.8:41-42 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Railroads. Narrow-gauge--Brakes) GREMITYUK, P.T.,I,.and.tekhn.nauk Brake normn for rolling atock with a gauge of 750 mm. Trudy TSIIII 14PS no.163:92-104 158. (MIRik 12:2) (Rallroado-Brakes) USZ3,115MY, V.K.,lmnd.tekhn.nau-k; GIMBIIYUK, P.T.,kand.tekhn.nauk, Inveati&Lting longituilinal dynanic forces caused by braking of heavyweight freight trains. Trudy TSITII IAPS no.163:105-133 '58. (141YU. 12:2) (Rallroads-Bralces-Testing) KLYKOV. Ys.V., kand.tokhn.nauk: GLU~~P --,,, Now air distributor for passenger trains. Vest.TSKII WS 18 n0.2:57-59 Mr '59- (AIRA 12:6) (Railroads--Trains--Ventilation) 3DTC M SKIY, O.G., kand.tekhu.nauk; GRYBEN M , P.T., kand.tekhn.nauk Longitudinal dvnamic stresses in a train weighing 7,500 tonB. Vest.TSNIX UPS 19 no.1:14-26 160. (MIRA 13:4) (Strains and-stresses) -(Railroads--Trains) KLYKOV, Tej., kani.takhu-mauk; GRIIBRRM, P.T., kand.tokhn.nauk Prov. 36.270-002 air distrubutor for freight train brakes. Vest.?SNII MPS 19 no.1:16-20 160. (MIRA 13:4) (Railroads--Brakes) KAZARINOV, V.M., doktor tekhn.nau~; GREBEMUK, P.T., kand.tekhn.nauk Longitudinal stresses in the braking of freight-trains with cast- tron and composition Irake shoes. Vest. TSNII MPS 20 no.7:32-34 c -61. NIRA 14:12) (Railroads-Brakes) KAZARINOV, V.M., doktor tekhn.nauk; GREBENYUKL_P.T., kand.tekhn.nauk Calculation of braking SyBteMB for passenger trains with brake shoes made of composition materials. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.5:42-44 My 161. (MIRA llW (Railroads--Brakes) K"ARINOV9 V.M.; GRF.BENYTIX,-ZJL KLYNOV, Ye.V.; FILIPPOVA, L.S., red.; VASILIYEVA, N.N., tekhn. red. [Methods for braking analysis calculations] Metody tormos- raschatov. Moskva, Transzholdorizdat, 1962. 55 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Railroads--Brakes) KAZARINOV, V.M., doktor tekhn.nauk; KLYKOV, Ye.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; GREBENYUK, P.,~., kand.tokhn.nauk Solving brake calculation problems for various operation types. Vest. TSHII MPS 20 no-500-33 162. (MIRA 1538) (Railroads--Brakes) VERSHINSKIY,, S.V., doktor tekhn.nauk; BOYCHEVSKIY, O.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; ,GREEENYUK~ F.T., kand.tekhn.nauk investigating the shock absorption devices of automatic couplings. Vest.TSNII MPS 21 no,6:3-7 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Car couplings) (Shock absorbers) GREBFSWK, P.T.J. kand. tekhn. nauk; KVZIMINA, Ye.I., inzh. Use of electronic apparatuses in the testing of autOMatic brakes. Trudy TSNII M no.255:55-94 163. (MIM 3.6:6) (Brakes-Testing) (Railroads-Electranic equipment) GREBEMN, P.T., kand. tekhn. nauk Braking calculations for passenRer trains brake shoes with an increased content of TSNII M no.255:116-127 163. I eq*pped with phosphorus. Trudy (MIRA 16;6) (Railroads-Brakes) GREBENM, P,T,,, kand. takhn. nauk f longitudinal stresses in freight trains under various braking conditions. Trudy TSNII M no.255:43-54 163. (MIRA 16:6) Railroads-Drakes) Strainv and stresses) ~ KAZARINOV, V.M., doktor tekhn.nauk; GREBENYUK, P.T., kand.tekhn.nauk Need for manual brakes for the holding of trains. Vest.TSNII 14PS 23 no.2-.39-41 164, (MIRA 170) GREBENYUK, P.T. , kand. tek1m. nauk I - z,. - - - ~ Brake standards for cars in international communications. Vest. TSNII MPS 23 no. 5:48-51 164. (.MIF11 17:11) USSR/Nedicine - Literature i1sa k9 N Veterinary Nedicins, Xew Books on Veterinary Medicine" 1 p "Vet" No 6 Among the books Usted are: Bandala's "Fungus-Dis- e4wes in Farm Animals (CIairiceps Tox1cosis)," R. V. Grebenyuk's "Verwipsylla, alacurt (Sarcopsyllidow), a S'kln-Pierc:Lng 15~mt~ ~~w talnous Regions of Kirgizia," "Scientific and-praE- tical7fi-Or-ii-of- e i t Veterinary Servicep" V. S. Rubakov's "Controll'in Bruce2losis in Dawatic 40' 67 USM/kediclue - Literature (Couid) Jun k9 Animals," "Co.1lected Works on Helminthology,'~ A. A. Tselishchey's "Diseases of Livestock Caused by gadflies and Methods of Control,,n -and A. P. ftstrays "Infectious Jaundice of Cattle (Leptospirools),." GRX31N=, R. V. Pathological skin lesions In sheep at the site of bites by Vermi- psylls, dorcadta Roth., 1912. Trudy Blol.inst.]UrFAN SSSR no-3:25-32 150. (mm 8:5) (SHIMP6-DISM M ) MIN-DISSAM) MUS) GlIMETYUK, R. V. "Ovine'vermipailoses and the measures of the fight against them" Frunze. 1951. 241 pages with jjl~ustkrations. so: Vet., Jan. 1952, Unclassified. Ah Ah Ah As ft A% ~ Ab Ah a Ab Ab a a a db a a a a A a a 40 a a 0 0 ~ GRUBMK., R. V. , I ,Study of tick -species of the Ixodoldea superfamily in Kirghists. Trudy Biol.inst. Kir?AV SSSR no.4:119-123 ~15i. (IGRA 9:10) (KIRGIZISTAN--TICES) (PARASITM-DOOSTIC ANDULS) GMI T ... I kiz, , "."w 9WA06 Morphology of the larwas and nymphs of the izodid tick Dermseentor pavlowskyi Olen.. 1927. Trudy Inst. zool I paras. KIrFAN SSSR no.2: 79-82 154. (NM 1W) (Ticks) (Urwas) GRBBXbMX, R.V. ~- Ixodid ticks In Isayk-Kul Province, Kirghiz S.S.R. Trudy Inst.sool.1 paraz.AN Klr.SSR no.4:79-87 055. (MLRA 10:5) (Issyk--Kul Province-Ticks) (Parasites-Ungulats) GRIMM, R.Vv; SARTBIYBV, S.I. .. Stomach bots of wild artiodactyle (Capra sibirica Keyer and Ovis &own L.). Trudy Inst.sool.1 pam.AN Klr.SSR no.4:89-94 '55. (KU* 10:5) (Kirghistaten-Botflies) (Parasites-Goms) (Pamites-Sheep) ,,GRBEZNTUX, R-V- "f~-- I Naterials on the bioloff of Darmacentor psvlovq~.71 Olen. 1927 In Kirghtsia. Trudy Inst.soolA paras.Al KIr.SSR tio.4:95-105 155. (KLRA 10:5) (11irghisistan-Ticke) (Parasites-Ungalata) GRNBXNTUX, R.T.; BERNMATIVA. R.I. Distribution and numbers of Ixodid ticks parasitic an marmots in lirghizia. Trudy lust.zool.t par&z.AN Xtr.SSR no.4:107-115 155. (NLRA 10:5) (Kirgh1sistan-Ticke) (Pamsi too-41armots) (Gorno-Pladakhahan Autonomous Provinq~-Ticks) GRIE" R -.q_%j,_,,,,AMMTAYSVA, Betoparamites ofMw sqtdrrel, acelimtlzed In Kirgbista. Trudy Inst. sool.1 paras.AN KIr.SSR no.4:U?-119.. 155. (kLU 10:5) (Kirghtsistan-Ticks) (Parasites--�qutrr*l*) GRUNIN.K.Ta.; GUMMIM, R.V.; SARMAYEV. S.K. The botfly Oestrus caucasicus Gruning of the Asiatic ibex. Trudy Zool.inst. 21:365-392 155. (KLRA 90) (Botflies) (Parasites--Ibex) Thl Ydikl V USSR / Zooparasitology. Acarina and Insect-Vectors of G-3 Disease Pathogens. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No. 8, 1958, No 33977 Author V., Klassovskiy, L. No) Sartbaev, So K.) Shvarts, E. A., Polulyakh, P. A. Inst Not given Title A Study of the Fbstible Role of Ixodic Mites as Rejosito- ries and Transmitters of Festis Bacteria. -- Izuchenie vozmozhnoy roli iksodovykh kleshchey kak khraniteley i perenoschikov chumnykh mikrobov. Orig Pub Tr. In-ta zool. i parazitol. AN KirgSSR, 1956, No. 5, 121-127- Abstract By biotests and individual inoculations of intestinal contents nn a nutrient medium an investigation was con- ducted of the capacity of the mites Dermacentor lxivlovBkyi, Haemaphysalis warburtoni, and H. punctata to become con- taminated with pest bacteria when fed on infected guinea pigs, to store pest stimulants and transfer it by biting Card 1/2 USSR / Zooparasitology. Acarina and Insect-Vectors of G-3 Disease Pathogens. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 8, 1958, No 33977 Abstract : healthy animals. The highest percentage of infection was found in larvae of D. pavlovskyi; the microorganisms are preserved in these for 20 days, in nyaphB of this species up to 4 days, and in nymphs of H. punctata up to 6 days. No transphase transmission of pest infection was noted. Card 2/2 21 0-UBENME, R.T. ftftwftw~ Ixodld ticks of Dwhalal-Abad Klr.SSR no.5:169-170 156. OthaUd-Abed Provlnco~. Trtdr Inst.sool.1 paras.Al (MLEA 10: 5) Provinae-licks) USSR / Zooparasitology. Mite and Insect Vectors of G Disease Agents. Acarids. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Blologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19704 Author lrQkgwjlj~~ Inst Institute of Zoology and Parasitology AS KIrgSSR Title Vertical Distribution of the Ixodidae in Agricultural and Wild Animals In the South of Kirgiziya Orig Pub Tr, In-ta zool. I parazitol. AN KirgSSR, 1957# vyp 6g 201-213 Abstract On the classification basis of the natural belts of Vykhodetz (1956), the following distribution of the Ixodidae in the south of Kirgizia are presented: (1) In the deep hot valleys: Ixodes redikorzevi, Haemaphysalis Card 1/3 18 USSR / Zooparasitology6 Mite and Insect Vectors of G Disease Agents. Acarids. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiyal No 5, 1959, No. 19704 sulcata, H. punctata, H. nimidiana, Boophylus calcaratus, Dermacentor marginatus, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Hyalomma asiaticumg Hy, anatolicum, Hy. plumbeum, Hy. dotritum, Hy. dromedarli, Hye scupensee (2) In the hot foothills: besides the 13 species Indigenous to the valleys, one also finds Hy. aegyptium. (3) In the mountains of average height with tall-grass meadow and, meadow-steppe vegetation: H, sulcata, H, punctata, Do marginatus, Hy. plumbeum, B. calcaratus, Rho turanicus. (4) Native to the subalpine meadows are; Do pavlovskyi, D. mar inatus, H. warburtoni, I. crenulatus. (5)gThe cold mountain valleys are characterized Card 2/3 USSR / Zooparasitology. Mite and Insect Vectors of G Disease Agents. Acarids. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19704 by the same 4 species as the subalpine meadows. (6) In the alpine belt: D. pavlovskyl, H. warburtoni, I. crenulatus. (7) In the nut-bearing forests and bushes: I. redikorzevi, I. sp., H. sulcata, H. punctata, H. warburtoni, B. calcaratust D. pavlovskyl, D. marginatus, Rh. turanicus, Hy. asiaticum, Hy. anatolicum, Hy. plumbeum, Hy. scupense, H. detritum. I. persulcatus, recorded in this zone, Is an imported species, For some acarld species, the distribution Is presented according to stations, hosts and season. -- N. A. Filippova Card 3/3 19 BUBION, V.B.Edeceasedl; GRMBENM. R.V.; MSONKO, V.K. Sarcoptic mange in the Cebtral Asiatic mountain goat, t'ske (Capra sibirica Meyer.) In lirghizia. Izv.AN Kir.SSR no.6: 137-154 158. (MIRA 11: 12) (Kirght zis tan--Goat 9--Di seas so) (Scabies) GREBENYUK, R. V. "Vertical and Static Distrubution of Ixodes Ticks in Kirgizia." Tenth Conference on Parsitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs,, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciencesp USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Sciences Kirgizia SSR (Frunze) VOLKOVA, A.A.; GRXBXNM. R.V.; TIM)FEM, A.F.-, VZCHMINA, L.G. Atperimental study on Dermacentor marginatum ticks as possible vectors of Brucella bovis. Trudy Inst.zool.i paraz.AN Kir.SSR no.7:161-172 159. (ERA 13:4) (Ticks an carriers of disease) tBrucellosle) JYUK, R.V. , ~i loology of Dermacoutor marginatum Sulz In Kirghizistan. Trudy Imt.scol.t peras AN Klr.SSR no-71l73-190 159. OURA 13:4) (Kirghizistan-Ticks) MARTS, Ye.A.; GREBEffM, R.V.; BNMIDYAYEVA, R.L. Naterial on the Aphaniptera of Dzhalal-Abad Province. Trudy Inat. zooLi parax.AN K1r,5SR no.7:211-218 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 0zhalal-abad Province-Fleas) - GRMMMX,.R.V.;.:NOROLEVA, Te.V.; SARTBAYEV, S.K. Studying the gamasid mites of Kirghizjata~n. Trudy Inst.zool.i paraz.AN Xlr.SSR no.7:305-307 '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Kirghiz to tan-Xi tea ) GRIBINYU~,_Rj.; SARTBATEV. S.K. Hemosporlillosis in sheep and goats in Kirghizistan; preliminar7 report. Trudy Inst.zool.i paras.AR Kir.SSR. no-7:309-310 1590 (MIRA 13:4) (Kirghisistan-Hemosporidia) OR 'E" rr- TV,, T-~. II. VOIXITITA, A. A., Tri,1.07-EMN, A. Fe. I'Connnrntive d,ts on the infectivity of ticks." p. ?1-1 [JpSirptoye soverlichani.-m po p:,rqzitoIor--ich--.sI-tm probleirnm i orirodnonchagolrym bI.oezn,r-*Im. 22-29 Oktyabryn 1959 g. (Tenth Cont' rence on Pprasitological -e Probl,ams and Diseases with Natural Foci 22-29 October 1Q~p), Voscow-beninfrrd 10C9 -.1 , Academy of Medical ',iciences Tj',R inct Acpdemy of joionces I", R, 'To. 1 21-Atpo. Inst. of Zoology and Parasitology, AS Kirgiz SSR/ Frunze VOLKOVA, A.A.; GREBENYUK R.V.- TIMOFEYEV) A.F.1 GALIYEV, R.S. Studying therole of ticks of the genera Dermacentor and Haemaphy- salis in the transmission of brucellosis. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 2 no.7:5-24 160. (MIRA 14:6) (TICKS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) (BRUCELLA) - VOLKOVA, A.A.1 TIMOFEYEV, A.F.; GREBEKYUK, R.V.. Role of ixodid ticks in the apizootiology of necrobacillosis. Izv. AN Kir. SOR. Ser. biol. nauk 2 no.7:25-30 160. (MIRA 14:6) '(KIRGHIZISTAIL-NECROSIS, B&CI=RY) (SHEEP-DISEASES AND PXqTS) - (TICKS AS GkRMRS OF DI-SEAWS ) POLULYAKHY P.A.; GREBENYUK, R.V. Studying ticks of the genus Dermacentor as carriers of Bacillus pestis under experimental conditions. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 2 no.7:31-36 160. (MIRA 14:6) (TICKS AS CAIUUERS OF DISEASE) (PASTEURELLA PESTIS) GREBENYUK. R.V. Seasonal dynamics and abundance of ectoparasites of the hare Lepus tolai Pall. in Kirghizistan. izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser, biol, nauk 2 no.7:57-72 160. (MIPA 14:6) (KIRGHIZISTAN--INSEGTSI RWURJOUS AND BENEFICUL) (PkRASITFS--Hk RES) MARTS, Ye.A.; KUDRYAVISETA, X.F. - GREBENYIJK R.V. '- Fleas of the eastern Tien Shan. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 2 no.7tl0l-.U7 160. (MIRA 14:6) (TIEN SHAN-FLEAS) CHIROV, P.A.; M~~, R.V.; TARBIVSKIY, S.P. Studying t4e fauna of horsef'lieo (Diptera,, Tabanidae) of litff- hizistan. Report No.l. Sboreenterabe nooltl7l-176 162* 1 (MIRA 16t2) (KirgbiziBtan-Horsefliem) FOLULYAKH, F.A,; GREBENYUK., R.V. ---- -; .... .. -1,- -..- Ticks of the genus J36rmacentor as carriers qf Bacillus pes-tis under experimental conditions. Report No.2,bfIzv. AL' Kir. SSR Ser.biol. nauk 4 no.4.,65-69162. (MIRA 16:6) (TICKS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) (PASTEURELLA) VOLKOVA, A.A.; GREBENYUK, R.V.; TDfOFEYEV, A.F.; GALIM, R.S. -1 Role of some species of ticks of the genus liaemapbysalis Kocho as carriers of Drucella bovis and B.melitensis. Report Noe4o Izv. AIN Kir. SSR. Ser.biol. nauk 4 no.415-18162. (MIRA 16:6) (KIRGHIZISTAN-TICKS AS CAMMM OF DISFME) (KIRGHIZISTAN-ERUCEID)SIS) GREBMIYUK, R.V. Some characteristics of the outbreak of some species of ixodid ticks in Kirghizistan. Izv. AN Kir. SSSR* Ser.biolv nauk 1+ no.4t77-89162. (MIRA 16:6) (KIRGHIZISTAN-TICKS) VOLKOVA, A.A.;.GREBENYUK, R.V.; TIMOFMV, A.F. Rold of IxWid tickv in the epimootlolog7 of bruce2losis. Izv. AN Kir. SSR S&T~ biol. nauk 4 no.5:5-13 '62. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iaboratoriya mikiobiologii (rukovoditell doktor veter.. nauk akademik AN Kirgizakay SSR A.A. Volkova) i laboratoriya arak~nologii (rukovoditell kand. biolog. nauk R.V. Grebenyuk) AN Kirgizakoy SSR. (Kirghizistan-Brucellosis) (Kirghizistan-Ticks as carriers of disease) GREBEIME-, flatbogmi~r effent of ti:jr,"~d Lick rey. P*,g!!. j!-v. AV Kira S.V, . 5~er. blol. nwik 6 no.2339-4' f64 (mi'm GREBUTYUK, - - - -.1, KA"MIX " " Biolog.y of tbr- bi-vrl l.-2-,it- Vtrot-Tfuntbin --irp)PO.neL13 Para- sitic on gnllinnv~eous ~~w. AN FlIr. n3h. ~-4,r. bi-:0. ritink 6 no.2.-.59-69 ~64 PA 17 Z7) GRICBENTUK, S.M. Movement of sugar-beat cossettes in continuous diffusion apparatus. Sakh.prom-30 no.6:42-40 Je '56. (KM 9:9) 1.Moskovskiy teldmologichookiy institut pishchevo7 prowyahlennoott. (Sugar machinery) GMMMK. S*M. l.. I Continuous diffusion apparatus with intermittent discharge of. -.1 b&~LSGG. Sokhoprome3.0 no.11:20-23 1 '56. ()WL 10: 2 L' 1. Moskovskiy takhnologichookiy Institut pishchevoy promyshlen- nosti. (Sugar machinery) G,MlBxffm, SAS - ia- Ird,fA- y'for'ionput Joe Colume filled with deformable material, Ish, pros. 31 zo.6i55-61 Je 137. (XXU 106) 1. Neekovskly takhnologicheekly Institut pishahevoy proaWshlennostle (Diffusers) Glt"~IIIBMIYIJK, S.V. , Cnnd Tach Sci-(dinn) " "'tudy of the processlPf filtration in diffusion Lppl--,r-,.tus of b,.,et-su,-;,.r production and substanti-tion of a new type of continuosly ol),-.,r-.ting diffusion anar,~Aus-" Tios, 1958- l,"-) pp (Vin of Iligher -!Mucr,tion USSR. -e ) 112) "Os echnological Inst of "ood Industry) , 100 co-mics (IT,25-58, - P/,/ 0;7 - GRFBZNM, S.M. Testing a continuoum diffuser at the ZherdevV-a factory. Sakh.prov. 33 no.12:14-17 ID 1590 (MIRA 13:4) leftekovskiy tokhnologicheskiy Inatitut pishchevoy promyshlennosti; (Zhardovka--Sugar machinery) (DiffuBers--Testing) GERIIET, M.M., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.; DIKIS, M.Ya., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; LUKIYANOV, V.V., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.fdeceasedl: POPOV, V.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; SOKOIA)V, A.Ya*doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.; S0K0L0V,`V.1.,doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.; SURKOVU.,doktor tekhajiuktprof.; BARMIOVSKIY, N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; BROYDO, B.Ye., kand.telam. nauk, dots.; BUZYIMI,, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GOROSHENKO, M.K., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GORTINSKIY, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GREBENYUK. S.M.., kand.tekhn.nauk,, dots.; GUSIKOV, K.P., kand.tekhn. naulF, 'dots.,- DEiUDOV, A.R., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; ZHISLIN, Ya.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; KARPIN, Ye.B.9 kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; KOSITSYN, I.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.,[deceased); GEYSHTOR, V.S., kandetekhn.naukp dots.; MARSHALKIN, G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; MOLDAVSKIY, G.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk,, dots.; ODESSKI'Y, D.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.; PELEYEV, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; RUB, D.M., kand*.tekhn.nai1kj dots.; SKOBLO, D.I.$ kand.~ekhn.nauk, dots.; SHUVALOV, V.N., kand.tekhn;nauk, dots.; KHMELINITSKAYA, A.Z., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Principles of the design and construction of machinery and apparatuB for the food industries] Osnovy rascheta i konstruirovaniia mashin i apparatov pishchevykh proizvodstv. Moskva, Pishchepromizdato 1960. 741 P. (MIRA 14:12) (Food industry-Equipment and supplies) GREBSUMS, S,M, RelAtive specific weights of sugar beet coseettes and diffuaion juice in diffusers. Trudy MTIPP 169101-IM '60, - (MIRA 16:6) (Sugar manufacture) (Diffusers) GREBENrUK, S.M. Immomm- Selecting the option separator type for tka evzoorating., apparatus of the sugar industry. Trudy NWP- 163127-135 (NM 16-.6) 16o. (Separatore(Machines)) (Sugar manufactuis) GRFBB~P~Ul- Relative specific gravity of beet chips and diffusion Juice in diffusers. Sakh.prom. 34 no.9:22-28 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Moskovsk-iy tekhnologicheakiy institut pishchevoy prmw~ shlennosti. (Diffusion) (Sugar beets) GREBENYUK, S.M. Effect of the condition of lamellar beet cossettes on sugar losses in beet pope. Sakh.prome 35 no.7:26-30 J:L 161. (MIRA 14;7) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut-pishchevoy promyshlennosti. (Sugar beets) (Filters and filtration) GREBENYUK, S.M. Investigating the filtration process in the layer of swar beet coneettes in suspension. Trudy MTIPP 16:43-56 160, (MM 16:6) (sugar manufacture) GRIMM, T. ---C-6 iets are leading. Hast.ugl. 8 no-1:13-14 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Sekrotars partiyrqp Vuro shakhty No.10-16 tresta Cher emkbovugol 1. (Coal minea and mining) MAMAYEV, A., mayor; GREBENYUK, V., kapitan Soviet servicemen wholeheartely approve the decisions of the party: they will do their best in order to carry them out. Komm.Vooruzh.- Sil 2 no-3:55-58 F 162. (MIRA 15:1) (Russia--Armed forces--Political activity) GRZBEMK~ V., mayor Don't got away from the main thing. Kamm. Vooruzh. 3i1 46 nr,.12:70-75 Je 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Starshiy instruktor otdola komsomollsko- ralyuty polltuprav- lerdyn Sovet3koy Armil i Voyanno-Morskogo Flota. GREBENYUK) V. Every step is useful. Grazhd. av. 22 no. 11:20-21 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) TRATNIXOT. A.S.; GRXBANM, V.A. Vlaslyanelcoys Nine. Gor. shur. no. 1:6-9 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Glavnyy Inshener Zyryanovskogo evintmovogo koublnat& (for Travnlicov). 2. lbehallnik Yaslyanskogo rudnilm (for Grebanyuk). (MiLelyanskoys region (Kazakhstan)--Kining engineering) -GREBENYUK.-V.A.-, gornyy inzhener; EROFEYEV, I.Ye., gdrnyy inzhener; PUSTOVALOVI A.I., gornyy inzhener; CREBOTAREV, B.A., gornyy inzhener Use of distributed charges in drifting. Gor. zhur. no.1:70-71 Ja 162. ONIIRA 15:7) 1. Zyryanovskiy svintsovoyy kombinat. (Zyryanovsk District--Blasting) (Mining engineering) GREBENYUK, V.A.; FUSTOVALOVI A.I.; YEROFEYEV, I.Ye.; KARADACII, T-.t-.,--TtJRGA14BAYEV, B.M.; BOS)YAKOV, Me.; YERMOLAYEV, A.G.; FOI-IENKO, V.D.; YEGOROCIIKIN, A.A.; GROMOV, D.I.; ZHUYKO, Yu.P.; PANOV, S.A.; [Twenty-second Congress of the Coirmunist Party of the Soviet Union Minel Rudnik imeni XXII stlezda KPSS. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 87 p. (MIRA 17:10) I. Russia (1917- H.S.F.S.R.) Vostachno-Kazaltlistanskiy ekonomicheskiy rayon. Zyrlyanovskiy svintsovyy kombinat. -OgBENYUK,, V.G... gornyy inzh.; DENISENKO,, A.G., gornyy inzh.; FMTOVAWVj, A.I.,, gornyy inzh.; FROKQFIYFV, V.P. Using automatic ventilation doors. 6or.zhur. no.5s74-75 Vq' 162. (MIRA 1611) 1. Haslyanskiy rudnik, g. Zyryanovsk (for Grebenyuk, Deniseakop Pustovalov). 2. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov, Ust'-Kamenog6~sk (for Prokoflyev). (Mine ventilation) (Automatic control) GRMENYUK.j.A.; PUSTALOV, A.I.; KOROGOD, G.J.; TAYMAYEV, Zh.T. Purifying dust-laden air by an aqueous-viscous chip filter. Trudy Alt. GMNII AN Kazakh. SSR 15:59-63 '63. (MIM 17: 3) 7~ -t 10849-66 . MnT(m ATIVS XLL 19K, XP6000230 SOURC~ CODE: UR/0289/65/000/002/0009/0012 AUTHOR: Qreben uk, V. D.; Gnusin, N. P. ORG: Institute of Physicoc ciRlgg of the Processing of Mineral Raw hemical ggLn Materials, Siberian Branch, AN SSSRY14ovosthirsk (Institut fiziko-khimicheskikh osnov ya 91-bir pererabotki mineral'nogo syr *A~6gb otdeleniya AN SSSR) TITLE: Method of measurinit the specific conductance of an ion exchanger'An a gran- I - - - . - ulated state SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskikh nauk, no. 2, 1965, 1-12 TOPIC TAGS: electric conductivity, ion exchange membrane, ion exchange resin77/ ,ABSTRACT: 'The specific conductance'is measured directly after the granulated ionn eexx-- changer has been separated from the equilibrium solution by centrifuging. The ex- placed in a cell (see Fig. 1) where equilibrium is allowed to take place; the cell is then centrifuged, thermostated, and its resistance is measured, and from the latter, the specific conductance of.the ion exchanger is calculated. The method was checked on a ground ion-exchange membrane.? The effect of the centrifuging rate on the cell resistance was determined. ;The method is recommended for application to resin membranes as well. The convenience of the thermostating of the cell makes this j method applicable to studies of the change in the conductance of ion-exchange resins and membranes with changing temperature. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. Card ' 1/2 MCI 941-111 4 V.D.; MIUSIN., II.P, Methods for measuring the apecific condue tivA ty -,,:: -,- . materials in the granxilatad states Izv. SO AN khijro nr-uk no~2!9-12 165o (KI". 1. Tnstitut fiziko-khimicheekIkIn os-ov pererzabOLIO. syrIya Sibirskogo otdeleniya, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. October 14, 1964- SOLDATOV, F.K.; KISILEVSKIT, T.L.; GRXBXNTUX, V.I. UWIIY~2~4---'~~ Problem of soulnophilic granuloma of the cranium. Vop.neirokhir. 18 no.2:20-26 Kr-Ap '54. (NMA 7:5) (GRANIUM, neoplasms, (BOSINOPHILIC GRANULOKAO Osominophilic granuloma) *cranium) 1. Is I-y faktilltetakoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki Voyenno-zedi- tainakoy akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (Postupila v redak-taiyu 23-ix.1953) GRBBZNTLTZ, V.I. Conical drill for trepnnntion of the ernnium. Vop.neirokhir. 22 no.2:42-43 M-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Klinikn fakulltetakoy khirurgit a kursom neyrokhirurgii Voyenno- meditsinskoy ordena Lenina nkademii imeni S.M.Kirovn. (CRANIUM. surgery, trephining with conicnl drill (kis) Subdural 11pomas of the spinal cord. Yop.neirokhir. 22 no-3S50-52 W-je 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1, Ilinika fnkulltetakoy khtrurgii Vapnno-oeditsinakoy ordena Lenina akademil imeni S.M. Kirova. (SPIDAL CMD, neoplaamR. 11poma, subdural (Rus)) (LIPOKA, case reports. subdural, of spinal cord (Rua)) Ir GMMIYMC V.I. (Leningrad, .q. Botkinskaya ul. 19, kv. 95) low method of plastic operation on the facial nerve (with all-ary in Znglish]. Vestokhir. 81 noo"8381m.84 Ag '58 (MA 11:9) 1e- Iz fakulltetskoy Uhirurgichemkoy kliniki No.1 (nach. - prof* Y.N. Shamov)q Toyenno-maditainakoy ordena Lenina akademii im, S~Mo Kirov&. (FACIAL PARALYSIS, surge anantomosis of fRcial nerve with phrenic nerve (RUB)) (NXRVU, PHMIC, surge anastomosis with facinl nerve in facial paralysis (RUB)) SHMOV, Vladimir Nikolayevich, prof.; BARONOV, V.A., doktor wd.i3auk; SAMOTOKIN, B.A., dotment; GRXMyn, V.I., prepodavatell; GRIGOROVICH9 K~A*9 prof.; A13 ~AXDR~01-,-][*N.. doktor med.nauk; KARGORIN, Ye.K., red.; RULZTA, H.S., LSurgery for Injuries of the nervous system; a practical manual] Khirttrglia povreshdanil nervnol sistemy; prekticheekoe raka- vodetvo. Leningrad, Goo.izd-vo md.lit-ry, Leningr.otd-nis. 1939. 479 P. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlon AMR SSSR (for Shamov). (NERTOUS STSTW--SURMT) PIULW, L.A*VQ9"~- ~V-I- Roentgenokymography of the diaphragm following suturing of the facial nerve with the phrenie nerve* rad. 35 no.l: 24-28 JA-F 160. (NMA 13:6) 1. In kafedry rentgenologii (nach. - chlon-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. G.A. Zedgenidse) I kafedry neyrokhlrurgil (rach.- doteent B.A. Samotakin) Toyanno-maditainskor ordena Ionina aka- demli Imeni S.N. Irtrova. Adres avtorat leningrad, 22, Pol'shoy prompekt, d.104. kv.8. (PACIA PWRALTSIS surg.) (Pmmrc mm surg.) (DUMMAGN radiogr.) -GaBENYUK, V-1-Y podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby Sorting and extent of specialized care for patiento with injuries of the spine and spinal cord. Voen.-med. zhur. no.8:25-29 Ag 161. MIitA 15:2) (SPINE--WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (SPINAL CORD-WOUNDS AND INJURhZ) (~EDICIM, I-11LITARY) GREBENYUKO V.I. -- 1. -1 ------ -- - --- -- ---- - -- In the neuroourgical subsection. Voen.-med. zhur. no.4:94,96 Ap 161. (MIRA 15:6) (NEWOUS SYSTEM-SURGERY) GREBErYUK. V.I. fteningrad) Prolonged lumbar vinyl chloride drainage. Vop.noirokhir. no.24 41-42. 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Wedra, neyrokhirurgii V3yonno-meditsinslcoy ordona Lenina alcademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (CEREBROSPIVAL FLUID) (ETHYLEO) (DRAIVAGE, SURGICAL) GREBENYUK, V. I. (Leningrad) Restorative surgery involving the suturing together of the facial and phrenic nerves. Vop. neirokhirurgii no.3:47-51 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Kafedra neyrokhirurgii Voyenno-meditsinskov ordena Lenina almdemii imeni S. M. Kirova. (NERVES, FAGIAL-SURGERY) (PFUMIC NVIVE-SURGM) (PARALYSIS, FACIAL) GREBENYUK,, V.I.; MAKUNI, Ye.P. Methodology of medical hymnastics following the Dlastic operation of suturing-the facial nerve to the phrenic nerve. Vop.kur., fizioterA -lech.fiz.kullt. 27 no.2tl5l-153 Mr-AP 162 (hRA 15:11) 1. Iz kliniki neyrokhirurgii Voyenno-meditsinskcy akademii imeni S.M.Kirova (nachallnik B.A.Samotokin). (EXERCISE THERAPY)(NERVES,FACIAL-.SMUMY-)(PHRENIC NERVE--SURGERY) SAMOTOKIN, B.A.; GREBENYUK, V.I. Treatment of facial paralysis by implantation of a phrenic nerve. Acta chir. plant. 5 no.1:1-13 163, 1. Neuroaurgical, Department of the Kirov Military Medical Academy, Holder of the Ord6r of Lenin,, Leninpad (U.S.S.R.) (FACIAL PARALBIS) (PHROIC NEM) (SURGFW, OPERATIVE) ,GPMM,!N-'UK,- Valentin- Iv.anovich;. CHUFMAINA, Yuriy Vasil 'yevich; TANFILIYEV, D.Ye.,, red. [Surgical treatment of paralyses of the facial muscles] Khirurgicheskoe lechenie paralichei litsevylch PaYshts. Leningrad, 14teditsina, 1964. 154 P. (I'IIRA 17:8) GREBENYUK V I - ZHITNYUK, R.I. P Diagnosis of closed abdominal lesions in patients with a brain trauma. Voen.-med. zhur. no.6a26-29 164. (MIRA 18:5) A~i SURDUTOVICH, I.N., gornyy inzh.; GRMNYUKj_3LK.j gornyy inzh. . . Automatically controlled feeder for the hydraulic hoisting of coal and rocks. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no-4:40-41 Ap 161. (MIRA 1414) 1. Dneprogiproshakht. (Hydra~dic mining) (Mine hoisting) ISM PRASS I 20M ZIPWITATICIF SOV.4907 Ahadowlys muk Ukraluskor MR. g1pow OtdoleaLle takhalabeekikh auk Top 7 Proinvoestva stall v".6 (Protlevei of Steel Productlm% Ar 6) Clymm, xed-WO a Mrmlnskoy 331t, 1955. 137 P. Brrats ells In- carted. 2,0100 copies printed. Zd.s N.N. Dobrokhotov, Acadmlelan, Mr. 33A Academy or ose'L lancesl 14. or ftblLshtng Nouset N.M. Labinoval Toth. 9d.t V. 1. Threkimbla. MFORNi ftle book Is Latended tar engineers and selentIfts per- seowl In the field of steel production. COMM This Is &,vollection of articles dealing with various as- jP608 Or the VMdustlan of steel. Lotludlng the dealghing of open- bearth rurnaces, theam" processes In the furnace@, thermodynamics 9%eel-mklug processes, technology of producing high-grade ". Wo changes In the Its and shape of ingots. Other tcVlcs discussed are the Propert 1:0 or Chrome-mnsamee stainless steel@. - 1. ingot defeau. ingot 4mality as "termined by t"persture or teaviing and shape or sold. am certain aspects or steel roiling. 3~ at the articles are so- companies by references, both Soviet and non-Soviet. the Pro- loan. a. Sh., and N.V. Wakomohnyy. Zn"Gtlgstl*n Of 41 pp" jail or chrome-Rawneso Stainless 30012 '$rOkboreako. &.I.. MA I.T. V*Pkh*Vta*T. lop-a" the Quality 49 of SIM15 mall-bearing Steel Terkbowtsev. g.j.. MW K.K. Prokh*mnko. Ingot Defects Caused by Sarin ftlde porming During the Teasing or 3teel 68 Froioorenko. X.N.. P.9. ?Lwokhovp Z.T. Torkhowtsev, and V.A. 5k*Vskly. asathermic Itisture tar (ftetingi Not Tope or Steel tInso 77 = Verimev, V.A.. X.y. Ssb"ly*v. and- Q"r4~flvujr. affect Or the l~ ~ ~ th* ingot %old Ui "drodynamiss or the Inflow or LI ingot Qmllty J. A. . V.1. 0.6rilln, N.p. jApgbove. V.P. Graben k and Lisp", - - 61MV 1101d anaps an lumblow. Street or Temin6 Te"ersturd tbm qymaity or steel Ingots 96 ysrLwv. V.A., N.F, 3&bl"v P. 0sfp`av. Reduction Of Read a:d L: .. 110 J~g am Swat or In the Rail r Terumv V A V P 09190v Inra &.9. ftldhko. An IATO*tig'Ltl*% Or the 6O;;il;1O;; ior Roil, Shoot Bar With Wavy Surface$ 123 .r. Z. V.S. Zxpgrimnts in the Conversion of Rlgh-Phos- phorus 1pig Zrom In a Converter With SL40 blast or ox7g*n 130 &VAnAMAt 14brary or congress WAR ftrd 4A .. .................................. Translation from: (USSR) AUTHORS: T=- PERIODICAL; Investigations on Improved Casting of Steelknto Large-Size Sheet Ingots d \b V sb.: Vopr. pr9lz-va stall, Nr 5, Kiyev, AS UkrSSF, 1958, PP 119 - 145 T - A BS RACT, The authors investigated the connection between steel cast'-lag conditions and the development of cracks on the surface of sheet. ingots of 12.8o 9.6 and 8.6 ton weight. It was established that 1~ the temperature was distributed most irregularly over the open metal surface during the filling of the mold. The crust temporl- ture at theedges of the ingot was 40 - 800 lower than along ingot axis. To obtain a normal ingot, the steel must have a high temperature and must be cast without a crust; eddy currentz, in the Ingots during the pouring of the metal into the mold mus", Card 1/3 be insignificant. The weight inflow of the steel Into the mold SOV/137-59-5-9947 Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 5, pp 71 - 72- Yefimov, V.A., Sabiyev, M.P., Grebenyuk, V.P. SOV/137-59-5-9947 Investigations on Improved Casting of Steel Into Large-Size Sheet Ingots per unit of time must increase during the casting. The authors recommend a casting speed of 0.9 - 1.2 t/min for the lower part and a speed of 1.3 1.4 t/min for the upper part. Formulas are given to determine the optimum steel temperature at the moment of tapping. For casting 9.6 ton ingots it Is% tta = (t, + tsol) / 2 + 85 + 70/1-5. W, where ttap is the steel tempera- ture dur?ng tapping the furnace, ti is the temperature of liquidus, tscl is the temperature of solidus, W is the weight speed of teeming in t min. Casting of steel with a smo6th surface was carried out in experimental smelts at a tapping temperature of the steel of 1,6200 - 1,6500C. It was established that the shape of the nozzle placed into the mold, had an effect on the forma- tion of the crust on the surface of the metal ascending in the mold, It is recommended to use nozzles with rectangular or oval-shaped outlet cross- sections. The authors investigated heat flows from the ingot to the mold during casting. During the first minute the heat flows attain 20,000 to 25,000 kcal/min m2; during the following 2 - 3 minutes they decrease to 7,000 - 6,000 kcal/min m2. In high-speed casting of relatively cold metal heat flows at the mold walls were irregularly distributed over the ingot height. Mostly the heat flows occurred in the zone of intensified circulation Card 2/3 YFIFIMOV, V.A.; SABIYBV, M.P.; GIWBBNYUK, V.P.; OSEPOV, V..P. Steel shrinkage and deformation of the mold during the casting of sheet ingots. Top.proizv.stali no.7:135-140 '60. (MIR& 13:8) k3teel ingots) (Ingot molds)