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MOVOMOVO S.M.0 pmf.1 GWOVIKOV, O.F., kand. tokhn. rAuk, dateent BwJLc chauctorlotles of high-opwd motionp-plata* cmww. Unp.nmichefate 925-31 964. (I'MA IBM) PROVORNOV, S.M.; GREBENNIKOV, O.F.; GUSEV, V.P.; PERTSEV, S.M. Photomicrographic attachment for the high-speed SKS-1 motion-picture camera. Trudy LIKI no,11:29-33 164, (MIRA 18-10) 1. Kafedra kinofotoapparatury Leningradakogo instituts. kinoinzhenerov. GREBENNIKOV O.F.; WASKIKOV, S.I.; KAREMN, Yu.A,; ZUBKOV, G.A. ---% ...... I- ~-. 7- - - Attachment to the 16,9-2 "Kiev" motion-picture camera for semiautomatic control of the lens diaphragm. Trudy LIKI no.11:35-38 t64. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra, kinofotoapparaturv LeningradakoRo instituta kinoinzhenerov, PROVORNOV, ~.M.j pror,j kw-id.takhn-nduk, dol.sent; GUOIEW, V.j'# Cirld-frame RM-2 camera w-.Lb a ira~vuency of up to 500 million 1)!.ctures per neconda Usfj6nauch~fot-. 9t27-28 t64, (MIRA 1811l) X~-C ?qX1 AT6001381 SOMCE CODL: UV3180/64/009/000/0005/0011 RUMOR: Provornov, S. M. Professor); Grebennikov, 0. _F. (Candidate of technical sciences; Docent) ORG: none TlTLE: Basic characteristics of high-speed motion picture cameras SOURCE: kkademiya nauk SSSR. Komissiya Do nauchnoy fotografii iki Uspekhi n_a_u_cYi_n_o-y7fHogra 1-,_v. 9, 1964, TOPIC TAGS: high speed camera, motion picture camera ABSTRkCT: The authors define those characteristics of high-speed cameras which determine the limits of their applicntion (principle of arrangement, the information- carrying capacity, and the operational characteristics). The section dealing with the general arrangement of a camera discusses such design features as film shift compensation in cameras with continuously moving film, relative "standstill" of the image and film, etc. The information-carfying capacity is considered in time and space, and the capacity is derived. Lens power (relative aperture), synchronization of the exposure with the beginning of the process studied, and the positioning of objectives in multiple-lens cameras are considered the main operation characteristics The data according,to the above classification are tabulated for twelve Soviet-made cameras (see table). Card L 42052-66 ACC NRt Information-carrying z 0 4-1 Cd E. Co Ei r4 C30 CYO ign 0 z Q) 0 g. ;4 w C H U C3 z 0 ri 4-3 0 1-4 0 U3 A (1) &4 k N ) 4-&1 0 0 4~1 0 OP~4- Uj k ~1 r-i 43 +~W_ 4) r_ 1434 r4 4) rnm 3 9"1 'PHP04 w 00 j 0) Q 11L 01-ia CrQ) S-q 0 O * (11 $4 E-1 41 Of 0 V. 43 ~,.. 4) Cn Q 4000 0.2 4000 114.5 - 4000 To camera compensation 2 X 105 L8 i:i X 105 iji7 t/3 2500 1/18 0.5 Preset FP_2Z JOS 1.7 6 X104 tj2O 1. 7500 111,2 0.5 To camera Ar FV_jt~ - Optical 5 X 106 2 2.5 X 106 t/20 1 416 I/it 0.25 From camera 9= ommutation 2.5 X JOG 33 X 106 2 2 1.25 X 106 16.5 X 106 1 11 8 1 1/18 1 240 150 ~ 1/18 0.5 1140 0.3 it toli 1.2 V X 101 1 I 270 I/J3 0.4. Preset VSYS-5 6 X Joe 1.5 4 X 106 t 1/9 500 1J50 0.5 From camera 79 SFR Photo-recorder 1.2 X 100 1/450 1 7500 Iji2 0.5 Scan 104 1/13 1 85 S/t8 0.5 5 X 100 J/13 t 200 t it 8 0.4 101 119 : 1 300 115 0.5 Preset Orig. art. has: 1 table. SUB CO DE: 14/ SUBM DATE- none 9-:T(l)/FSS-2/T IJP(a AT6001385 JGS SOURCE GODEv R/31BO/U./O09/000/0027/11028 AUTHOR; Provornov, S. M. (Professor); Grebennikov, 0. F. (Candidate of technical sciences; OM: none ~;_Gusev, V. P. 0. -TITLEE: Scanning camera capable of 500 million frnmes per second SOURCE: de nauk SSSR. Komissiy-a---po-- nauchnoy fotograf-i-i.i kinoML2Frafii. jspekhi nauchnoy fotografii-,--v. 9, 1964, TOPIC TAGS: high spe4d camera, motion picture camera, plasma reiiimw~h-MM-l .motion picture cameral RKS-2 motion picture camera, 16S-2 motion,'picture camera i C : '' ' '- --- - B ABStA"T A group of esigners a-sso6iated eningrad Inbtitute of Motion ,tith the L Picture Engineers has perfected their -RKS-Iftamera.1D Originally Meveloped in 1958 with a capacity ot 100 million frames per second, the camera's txposure frequency haE now been increased to 500 million frames per second for use in he investigation of certain.plasma, light amplification, chemical, and nuclear processes. The.general arrangement of the new camera, the, ~-2 is sho,.m in a diagram. The camera is provided with three exchange lenses with focal lengths of 35, 50 and 85 mm. The camera is suitable for both macro- as well as micropliotograplis. The scanning Is effected by either of two point rasters (0.4 and 0.7 mm spacing, giving a capacity of 90 and 250 frames, respectively). The two mirrors rotate at 30,000 rpm. Twenty- four exposure frequencies can be selected with 10 sup 7 frames per second. The mirror rotating system develops and transmits a synchronizing signal to the object at a pre-s speeo.~, The decoding_of the images.can be accomplished in the camera... The 16S-2;riotion picture camera can be.used for transfer of the images to 16 film. Orig. a-rT,. has 1 figure. A Card 1/1'TSUB CODEt SUBM DATE: ORIG REF: 002 ACC NR' AP7010699 SOURCE CODE: UR/0077/67/012/001/0045/0053 AUTNOR: Gusev, V. P.; Greberri-0.1cov, 0. F.; Provornov, S. M.; Shahlovich, B. I.; Nadvaddv, A. G. ORG: Do-ningrAd Institute of ~btlon Picture Engineers (Leningradskiy institut kinoinzheneroV); Krasnogorsk Mechanical Works (Krasnogovskiy makhanichaskly zavod) TITLE: lfigh-s~pacd raster-type motion picture camera RIS-2m SOURCE: Zhurn~al nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografli v. 12, no. 1, .1967, 45-53 TOPIC TAGS: motion picture camera, high speed camera R1S_2M high speed motion picture camera SUB CODE: 14 ABSTMCT: As reported earlier by Provorn6v and Grebennikov (Telchn. Icino I tolovideniya; 1957, No 2; 1959, No 2), the Leningrad Institute LIKI has been working'for years on the development of the raster-type motion picture camera. In 1957 several laboratory models of cameras with a speed of 100 million frames per second were produced; in 1960 a triggered camera with a speed range of 1,000 to 150,000 frames per second, and in 1963 a raster type motion picture camera with a speed df up to 500 million francs per second ITI~ .~ -1 .-p- ACC NR. AP7010699 Were produced.' Although ti;o later models have pone into production at the Krasno-"orsk Mechanical Works, this article giv,~-s the general principles of operation and the technical characteristics far the 1963 camera, the R145-214. The optical raster was produced at NIKFI (Scicntl fic- Research Motion Picture Institute) and consists of a glass plate on which a number of spherical lenses are arranged so that 'each will produce In a single plane a circular image of the photographed object about 5-10 microns In diltmeter. The RIS-21-11 is described as a completely reliable cm-mra. The Illustrations Include dift"-riuas of the main optical system, the drive system and block diagram, of the control panel, and photographs of the complete set, including auxiliaries, of the camera itself (1,500 mm. long, 400 mm wide, 600 mm high, 100 kilograms) and six frames showing the various phases of discharge of the ISSh-500 pulsed tube obtained with the W-41 at a speed of 260 million frames per second, using 16-mm 114ikroll film. Orig. art. hWs: 7 figures. /'JVRS-. 40,30D ~ACC N': AR7004886 SOURCE CODE- UR/0276/66/000/009/V032/V032 AUTITOR: Sorokin, I. N.; Shillmeyster, B. D.; Grebennikov, 0. P. TITLE : Test data on vibration wrapping of sheets SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 9V236 REF SOURCE: Tr. Kafedry proiz-va letatelln. apparatov. Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t, vyp. 20, ch. 2, 1965, 75-83 TOPIC TAGS: sheet metal, vibration analysis, metal test, material deformation, vibration wrapping ABSTRACT: Conditions for modernizing wrapping presses were analyzed 1"or the purpose of using vibrational forming of blanks at the final stagre of wrapping. A laboratory setup was developed for wrap-forming vibration. According to the results obtained from tests on the experimental setup, it was determined that the combina- tion of static and vibrational methods of application of force in forming a specimen reduces the number of transitory stages by 25-301o. The deformation resistance of metal is reduced and the area of uniform deformations is slightlY increased. The!, -.Card 1/2 UDC: 62 ACC NR,. AR7004886 ~Lbove is found to upgrade the process of wrapping and makes the m,diernization of presses essential. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. S. Shirman. (Tran~:11-.itiori of ~.abstract] [AM] SUB CODE: 13, 11/ C.rd 2/2 GREBENNIX P New stage. Zdorovle 6 no.10:3 0 '60. (MIRA .13:9) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom Tullskogo komiteta K0W=iBti~he0k0Y Partii Sovetokogo Boyuza. (TUIA-HEALTH EDUCATION) GREBENNMOV -led Sci -- (diss) 11E~Torience in tho .j, P. S., Cand I 1, Control of Leprosy and Ways for Its Vlqui-da-blm in Rostovskaya Oblast." Rostov-oh-Don, 1957. 1L~ pp (Rostov-on-Don State I-led Inst), 200 copies (KL, 50-57, 120) - 33 - TORSUM, N.A., prof.; GRIKBMIKDV. P.S.,kand. med. nauk Forms of participation of local preventive and therapeutic centers In lepromy control. 23 no.1:138-143 Ja '59- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Iz Rostovskogo-na-Donu ekspertmentallno-klinicheakogo Ispro- soriya Ministerstva sdravookhrananiya RSYSR. (XWRWT, prev. & control In Russia (Rus)) G F~' :'d 1-~ ul VYe ."On r.,,cognizinL., hard typcs of Aze--rlbal,lan", Azer,~aydzh. s.-kh. in-t iia. beriya, No. 3, 194-, P. 3-22, (eontLn~.ation follows). 30: U-43J93, 19 53, (Letopis 'Zliurnal Inykh 3tuatc&,l, Ik), 22, 11~1~9 6~ A? k_ 9 /_-_ N IV /A/0 V) /16 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Corcals. Abs jour : Rof Zhur -! Biol., iT.11 8, 1998, !To 34614 Author : Grabonnikov Pi E. Inst Titlo Dcbilitios of Soods In wintor .Ihc:at Undor Con- ditions of' Irrigation and Thoir by kgridulturU Methodb* Oris Pub : Tr. nauch. sossii Sovc:ta koordinatsii AN Azor- bSSR, Baku, AN AzorSSR, 1957, 144-155. Abstract : In the Uchkhozo of the Agiricultural Instif.-utc~ of Azorbayd han and in the collective farms of various districts of the AzorbSSR, oxporimonts wore conductod durii,13 1910-1953 with the varic- tics Aranda and Shark, towarda oscortaining , the offacts on the absolutc~ wei,-,ht, tho charac- toristics, such as Slassiness, otc. of wheat Card 1/3 Y C The f -Zr:;~ F ('r7 ~~,EAJAI / A- 0 11' ~ ~f CA TBWORY P7,hPio- jL P ----------- %,AL*jjr~g *,he Fitl(l Gen,ir i a o lelh~et J6 z' t iiv it: Li_u exi, e. r ar, :wF- ou !J_htl of Wntux cJ A~irk !~F-s tn;rl.,e _wt, J~u of llorll~ W-th of Lhu A:C-r;~rufd C-1 J.".1 tstiv.,Ive Qurill-, t.~,O :Var., C-m-'e't, 3~ L av,.; e,irtling of tho tiovria-ll j I - -- ' 1L w Is ~:oc- the o!' ap ltif rnpixrl JOUR ;44 --~I.Lo-togiya- 1.,5)1 No. INST. Azerbaydzharl T IT U E The Problem of Studying Varietal Response in Corn ind Fortilizurs When Irrigating Light Chestnut Soil. OR IG -YUB.: If sb.- Yulltara kukitruzy 1 .3%333% 7113Uka", 1957, 129-3.30. Datik are preacitted of U.-ci Az1--r131kydzhan Agri- I cultural Institute stiidyingv the varietal camplex agrotechny which produces Itigh corn yields of Minnesota 13 k,.xtra and %orth Osse- tian with irrigation. When the soil had beem worked according to T.S.Malltsev's and V.R. Vil'yams' methods, the effect ww~ studied on the grain and roughage yields of., (loses of organic mineral feitilizers applied in baeic Corm and in sidedrt!.-,~sijigs, ~he relation' C R 0 1/12 ko c.1 !-INA -Ij 1 94 is MEEMIKOV. R.Tt SHAKASHOVj F,P. ........... Mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of hafnium- alroonium allo7s in a steam-and-water medium, Atom,ener 14 no.3t290-295 Nr 163. tam 16&2) (Raftium-zirconium alloys) -A I,.5787Me P f -71 F11 a d !JP(r)' JD/JfvT ...UR/0069/65/018/006/0644/0646 iACCESSION NR., AP5016937 669.14:66.046.1 AUTHOR Grebennikov R* -V Churkin A N 'Effect o f, the crystallization peed and. annealing on the _W',- TITLE: p I astic properties, of high-boran- steel SOURCE: Atomnaya.energiya V 18 no. 6 1965 644-~46 TOPIC TAGS*. 9 taL-nless steel 6oron4,pittain Ln.g stainless steel, cast steel microstructure- c a is ta t a il-p I a a i L c i t y -crystallization. speed- effect.- ro I le 4 --a te .e1 41irsti it C, 0.40-0.612- ABSTRACT: Stainless steel g: 0 . 03-0. 05% . % N i,~,$n d 1-i 86-2. 33% B was cast at 19 9-20.7% Crqjl4.:5. 17.9 ~ 1450-1500C in sand or in'.co'ppe~~r:'molds, the '-la-tter with a wall :thick ness-.of Mmm.--The in ts J5 :mri thick go *.were rolled at 1150-930C to- a thickneeszof 1 6 MW with ~A 0.2-1*0 mm reduttion per pass,.: annealed at,. 1100C for 10 min., and, air: cooled,'. Mcroscopic. examinatia'al,: showed that the-cryetallizatiourate significantly affected the grain size-atid shape of the boride-phase and. the mechanical properties - -------------------------- L-57878-65 ACCESSION_NR-"__*AP5Ol6937 metal.'~ The, a' age t ickn~ess-of borides crystallized in sand; of cast ver molds was 10 ui while -bor ry*siallizedAn copper. molds were -3. 0. u - thick. This fragmentation of the boride mupone arply -0. 5 nt s h, ncrease the steel-. duct i I ity.-_.-Shee ts .1 mm. thick without edged cracks d tears were succe.ssfally rolled only from ingots--,cast in. * " in : the size of borHe particles co er" Ids, The difference in the 'l outer and central portion of theAngot,had no adverse effect on the I de grains','in rolled metal de-_ ductility of.ingots. :The bori 1 , pended on their size in, theAnitial ingots*. Thus, sheets rolled from: l ingots cast in .,copper,molds. h,ad finer boride grait)~. Subsequent, high, improved the imicrostructure4land plastic properties~` temperature 'annealitq ~. _ of ingots... Annealing also improved:. the, mecha_nT_c~l propertie of rolled.*11--l-,~ * metal. Orig. art. has t 3 figures and I table-* [MS) ASSOCIATTON:, none CODE: MM I~SUBMITTED t 0-4Apr64,,' :ENCL: 00--.-. SUB _J ATD PRESS: NO REF SOV: 000 OTHERs - 002 o44 El"IT kEll f 60 Nt. ACC NR- AP6007951 SOURCE CODE: uR/oo39/66/O2O/OO2/oi'j4/ol45 AUTHOR: Grebennikov, R. V.; Chirkin A V Pereverzeva, R. K.; Vukolova, V. N.; Demidov, ORG: none _A1 TITLE: Effect of vanadium on the phase composition and structure of high-boron steel SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no. '), 1966, V01-145 TOPIC TAGS: boron steel, high boron sleei m-ach-inability, Machinability improvement, boron containing steel, alloy steel, vanadium containing steel ABSTRACT: The effect of vanadium on the structure and machinability of high-boron steels has been studied. These steels have a low plasticity and machinability caused by a high content of boron phase Of bile M2B type. The amount of this phase can be re- duced by promoting formation of borides'containing more boron per unit volume than M2B. Nine heats containing up to 0.02% carbon, 0.47-20.)1% chromium, 0-17.83% nkhal, 2.88-3.46% '~oron-pjand 0-11.2% V were tested. It was found that in the presence of vanadium, in addition to M2B boride, a tetrogonal M3B2 boride is formed whose quantity increases with increasing vanadium content. At 11% vanadium, the whole boride phase consists of M B and the volume of the boride phase decreases by approximately 10%. The steel coniaTining 3-3.5% boron and 7-11% vanadium can be easily machined with standard cutting tools. Orig. art. has: 2 Xigures and 1 table. T_ 17, WWT M CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: O7Aug65/ OTH REF- 0051 Card 1/141 GqEBEDI~`IKCIV, S. D. "Psendo-rosette Disease (Zaktklivaniia) of Opts in SlIberii md its Control," in Virus Diseases of Piqnts and Measnres for Their Control, Works of the Conference on Virus Disenses of PL-nts 1940, Publishing Fous-e-o--Mtle Ac.-Idemy of Science USSR, Moscow, 1941, Dp- 107-119. 464- 32 So8 SO: SIRA SI 90-53, 15 Dec 1953 G,.*EbENfJW'.V, :~. F. '~. F. -- "ELK CT' 0At:1(j!!AT I I 11--ii r,.' Tlir II-FAI (I'V1.1 I VvT 1 ~7,11 i ~' ~ :t: , . !I; Rr-f ' Dr A I F I CAT I,-Jl; ~ ~,j i t, L. "~,ut; j ,c 1~2~, I-k--cow I t;7;7 w I ,,tTj ?.I mv ;- '~f A ,!, I C;.ILTI.,,*!r .i WFM V. 1-1. l'OLOT-N (Dl~,-WTATIm r.)R TM7 i)t:C:FE:F 'IF CANDIDAT~-, m ~cicncE~,,) 30: Vf:Cf4EPNAYA f-:6~AWA, JAtu;-RY-DECEt:bE:, i(,",2 GMANNIKOV, S.F., kandidat tekhnichosklkh nauk. r-' Time parameter* for automatte control,,of'cultIvation betweem hills In connection with checirroving and hilt dropping. Trudy KMSM 3: 36-42 156. (Muth 10! 8) (Cultivators) (Autozatle controlY 3-5-28/38 AUTHORS: Grebennikovq S.F. Candidate of Technical Science and Stepanov, - M.P. TITLEs To Introduce Nevi Metho s in Laboratory Practice (Novoye - v laboratornyy praktiku I PERIODICALs Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1957, Nr 5, PP 71 - 73 (USSR) kBSTRkCT8 New laboratory work methods of measuring electrically non- electric values were elaborated at the chair of Principles of Electric Engineering of the Moscow Institute of Mechanization and Electrification in Agriculture. The aim of this work is to acquaint the students with the utilization of the wire trans- ducers for the Investigation of bending and torsion. The investigation of bending is described first. A wire transducer having a resistance of 100 ohm is glued to a console beam as shown in Figure 1. The investigation is made by means of an electric bridge circuit mounted on a wooden panel and Consisting of 100-ohm resistors. A variable 2-ohm wire resis- tor is located in series with a fixed resistor on one of the bridge arms. A mirror galvanometer is used for obtaining the zero reading. Current is supplied by a battery. The sensitivity of the bridge circuit may be altered by changing the battery voltage. By changing the resistance, the sensitivity of the Card 113 galvanometer can be altered. To introduce Now Methods in Laboratory Practice 3-~5-28/38 ing the action of arbitrary forces. The authors believe that the carrying out of the above mentioned task will direct the attention of the future specia- lists on new methods for the investigation of details in machine units and operating mechanisms. The article contains 2 photographsq 1 circuit diagram and 4 tables. ASSOCIATIONi Moscow Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agri- culture imeni V.M. Molotov (Moskovskiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikateii ael'skogo khozyaystva imeni V.M. Rolotova) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 GREBENNIKP-V-,- 52F. - Study of a flat electromagnet for cultivator automation. Trudy MIMESKH 4 no.2:152-164 159. (MIRA 15:4) (Cultivators) (Electromagnets) ;I'_ GREBENNIKOV, V. (g.Ieil'-Kul' Omakoy oblasti) Microscope without a glass. Tekh.mol. no.lz2V~161. (MIRA 14:3) (microscopes) r-REBMIKOV, V.G., FEDYAYEVSKIY, K.K., and BLYUMINA. L.Kh. "Study of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a minimally elongated dihedron in unstable motion." report presented at the Iltb Annual Scientific Technical Conference on Ship Theory, orVanized by the Central Administration of the Scientific-Technical Society of the Shipbuildinr Tndustry, 13-15 December 1960. ACC NR AR6035210 AUTHOR:- Finkel'shteyn, SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/66/000/008/AO17/AO17 Ye. Z.;,Grebennikov, V. R. TITLE: Passage of white noise through a linear parametric system of the first order SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazt, Abs. 8A105 REF SOURCE: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta svyazi, vyp. 2, 1965, 121-129 TOPIC TAGS: white noise, radio noise, parameter, parametric system ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the passage of white noise through a linear system of the first order with a variable parameter. It is assumed that changes in the parameter occurs according to the harmonic law. The correlation function and the variance of the process at the output of the system are found. It is shown that the approach to the solution of the given problem can be used in a number of other cases. The authors' summary. [Translation of abstract] [NTJ SUB CODE: 17/ 1/1 UDC: 621.391.17 8(6) SOV/112-59-2-2588 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 19 59, Nr 2, p 44 (USSR) AUTHOR: Naydich, I. M., and Grebennikov, V. S. TITLE: Long-Term Heat Consumption by Frunze City (Perspektivnoye teplopotrebleniye g. Frunze) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta vodn. kh-va i energ. AS Kirgizskaya SSR, 1957, Nr 4(7), pp 161-172 ABSTRACT: The problems of supplying electricity, heat, and gas to Frunze City can be solved in connection with construction of a heat-and -electricity station in the near future. This necessitates operating the station on the basis of a complex processing of solid fuel which would permit raising fuel utilization up to 70-80%. Indexes of city growth are presented, as well as methods for determining heat consumption by residential, administrative, and community buildings, by municipal utilities, suburban agriculture, railroad transporta- tion, and industries. A table on long-range heat consumption is compiled. Card 1/2 SOVI 112-59 -2-2588 Long-Term Heat Consumption by Frunze City Information about carrying the heat loads today is provided. Industry is the largest long-range and present consumer (about 60% of the heat load); it is followed by the residential load (about 2016). A considerable increase in fuel deliverie5 to Frunze City to satisfy heat requirements is necessary during the next few years as well as in the future, and also in production of electric energy and residential-service gas. Bibliography: 14 items. M. L. Z. Card ? I? GREIBENNIKOV, V.S. TAboratory controller of heating speed. LAN Kir.SSR.Ser.eot.1 tekh.nauk 2 no.7:181-187 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Temperature regulators) GREBENNIK, V.S.; GREBENNIX9 I.L.; YERMOLOV, I.N. Determination of the dimensions of defects by ultrasonic te-ating without standard samples. Zav. lab. 29 no.10tll8l-1186 163, (MIRA 16t12) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya. GREBENNIKOVO L.S.. Influence of the rise of ground water on filtration through a rock-filled dam. Izv.AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est,, i te" nauk 5 no-3:115-1-18 163. (MM 16:11) GRE101INIKOV, P.V. Activity of the standardization depar-knent at the Kharkov Turbine Plant. St&nd&rtIzatM.ieL 28 no.l.,37-38 Ja 164. (HIRA 17.-l) MIMI,, ~;.G.; ql~," BARON'OVY A.Ya..? red. [Easing the start of erigi 'iies in w-in-Leril It."blegc1i3nie T ur?a dvigatelei v zimnne v,-,q.ii. io.,lk,.,a, I'lauc-linc-teklml. ~1- vo M-va avtorobillnog, trwisporta I R,",F.qR, 1963. 70 V. GMBMIKUVj. Ye. A. and WMIN V. G. f ~11211 Ye ~- "Generalized problem of two stationary centers" Report presented at the Conference on Applied Stability~~-Motion 7beory and Analytical Mechanics, Kazan Aviation Institute, 6-8 December 1962 I.T.; Ye.A., kami. fiz.-triat-nauk,doto., re(J. [Textbook on higher inathemaLics for studentr of econoiniCIS] Posobie po vysshei matematike dlin ekonominov. 'Nosk-wi, U-aiv. druzhby narodov im. Patrisa Lumumby. Pt.Z. 1'163. 1.81 1). ACCESSION NR: AT3006845 S/Z560/63/0001016/0163/017Z AUTHORS: Aksenov, Ye.P.;CNehehikov,, Ye.A.; Demin, V.G. TITLE- On the stability of some classes of orbits of artificial Earth satellites SOURCE: AN SSSR. Iskusst. sputnikl Zemli, no. 16, 1963, 163-172 TOPIC TAGS: satellite, Earth -satellite, artificial satellite, artificial Earth satel. lite, stability, orbit stability, equatorial orbit, circular equatorial orbit, polar orbit, elliptical orbit, polar elliptical orbit, ellipsoidal orbit, hyperboloidal orbit* hyperbolic orbit 'ABSTRACT: This theoretical paper issues from the authors' antecedent stud I r n ithe same series of booklets, no. 8, 1961, 64, in which the motion of artificial &r~th i(E) satellites (S) was examined in the normal gravitational field (NGF) of the E. !The NGF, in the geocentric system of cylindrical coordinates, r, ~, z, the prin- .cipal plane of.which is assumed to be the equatorial plane of the E, and the z axis!-- js the axis of rotation of the E, is expressed by the formula U LM I 2 + (z - ci)i YiT+ -(z+ cip iCard- 1ACCESSION NR: AT3006845 I Avhere f is the gravitational constant. M is the mass of the E, and c=210 km is,a i ntity determined by the flattening of the E. The present paper investigates the ,qua -Istability (in the sense of A.M. Lyapunov) of the particular solutions admitted b~ I pthe differential equations of motion of this dynamic problem, also their stability under constantly acting perturbations (CAP) of a given form. These solutions, In particular, correspond to polar elliptical orbits, circular equatorial orbits, and :periplegmatic orbits located on several ellipsoids, etc. The stability analyses set,; forth here comprise: (1) Stability of circular equatorial orbits (CEO); it 49 proved 1hat CEO's are stable under CAP. In the potential of the NGF of the E, there are .no longitudinal terms characteristic of triaxiality and also no terms that might be ;Occasioned by asymmetries of the E relative to the equatorial plane. Harmonics of higher orders are also not fully considered. (Z) Stability of ellipsoidal and polar 'elliptical orbits (PEO). It is demonstrated that the PEO's are stable with respect 'to the major serniaxis and the eccentricity of the ellipse. It is also found that for !1 ;sufficiently small values of clo, ellipsoidal orbits will also be stable in the 'Lyapunov sense relative to the major axis and the eccentricity of the ellipsoids ~along which the artificial S moves. (3) Stability of hyperboloidal and hyperbolic orbits (HHO). It-is demonstrated that these-orbits are stable with respect to the I semiaxes of the hyperboloid along which the motion oetui's and with respect to its ,eccentricity. Orig. art. has 61 numbered equations. Card Z/3 GRF.BENNIKOV., ~evgeniy Aleksandrovich; DRIO, VladiElir Grigorlyevich; GOAMCH, YU.u.p r6a. (Interplanet&U flights] Mezhplanetnya polety. Mosk-va, Nauka, 1965. 199 p. (MTRA 18:11) gSENOV, Ye.B.; GREBENIKOV, Ye.A.; DEMIN, V.G. Generalized problem of tvo fixed centers and its application to the theory of motion of artificial earth satellites. Astron.shur. 40 -no.2:363-372 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Gosudarstvannyy astronomicheskiy institut im. P.K.Shternberga. (Artificial satellites--Orbits) GREB&NNIKOV, ye P. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Changes in the Content of Certain Microalements and Protein Fractions of the Blow in Pregnint Women Afflicted with Lat-e Toxicosis," Stalino, 1960, 16 pp, 3-V co.pies (Stalino State Medical Institute im A. U. Gor'kiy) (KL, 49/60, 128) dMMMIKOV9 Ye.P. Iffect of albuxinurie,.=Afis amount of various trace elements in the blood of wamen with late toxemias of pregnancy.%Akush.i gin. 36 so.082-85 JI-,Ag 160. (KMA 13 tl2) (PMWMC19 COKWCATIONS 01P) (ALMMURIA) (TRACE KLE40TS) GREBENMOV yelp Amount of copp6rp silicap aluminumv titaniump and manganese in the, blood ipf newborn infants. Pediatriia 38 no.10629-30 o 16o. I. (MA:ugii) 1. Iz kafedry akusberst-va i ginekologii (zavo - doktor taedonauk prof. P.P. Sidorov) i kafedry blokhinii (zav, -- doktor medona-ak prof. A.O~ Toynar)(Stalinakogo maditainakogo inatituta. INFA14TS MBOIRN)) (BIWD) GREBEMMIKOV, Y-E. P. (USSR) "Effect of Late Toxaemi.-a of Pre-wincy on thp Trace Elements and Protein Content of the Blood.11 Renort ares,:nted at the 5th International Biochemistry Congress, Mo~cow,'10-16 Aug 1961 GREBENNIKOV, Te. P.,, assistent; SOROKA, V. R., assistent Change in the copper and manganese content of the liver and of the blood proceeding from the liver during pregnancy in experiments on angiostomized dogs. Akush. i gin. no.3837-1,0 161 (MiRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry akusheretva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. P. P. Sidorov) i kafedry biokhinii (*V. - prof. A. 0. Voynar) Stalinskogo meditainekogo instituta. (PREGNANCY) (COPPER IN THE BODY) (MANGANESE IN THE BODY) GREDENNIKOV, Ye.P. [Hriabennikov, Ye.F.1, asaistent Protein fractions in women with late toxicoses of pregnancy. Ped., akush. i gin. 23 no.3:61 161. (KrRA 1514) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. F.F.Sidorov [Sydororv, P.P.]) i kafedra blokhimii (zav. - prof. A.O.Voynar) Stalinskogo meditainskogo instituta (direktor - dotsent A.M. Ganichkin [Hanichkin, A.M.], obiastnaya klinicheakaya bollnitsa im. M.I.Kalinina (glavnyy vrach - B.A.Shaparenko). (BLOOD PROTEIIIS) (PREGIIANcY, COWLICATIONS OF) SOROKA, V.H.; GREBMIKOV, Ye.p. Effect of pregnancy on the'content of silicon, aluminum and titanium in the liver and blood flowing from the liver in experiments on angiostomized dogs. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.8:62-64 Ag 161. (MIRA 15-1) 1. Iz kafedry biokhimii (zav. - prof. A.O.Boynar) i kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. F.F.Sidorov) Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni A.M.Gorikogo, Donbass. Predstavlena deystvitelinym chlbnom ANN SSSR S.Ye.Severinym. (PREGNA14CY) (LIVER) (NINERALS IN THE BODY) GREBRINIKOT., Ye.F.; SOROKA, V.R.; SABADASH, Ye.V. Content of microelements in the milk of animals and humans. Top. pit. 22 no.1:87-88 Ja-F'63 (MIRA 16:11) 1. 1z kafedry bio~himii (nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. A.0. Voynar) i kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. P.P. Sidorov) Donetskogo meditsinskogo instituta. GREBENNIKOV, Ye.P., kand. med. nauk; SORCKA, V.R., kand. med. nauk. Trace element content of human milk. Pediatriia 42 no.6:16-20 Je'63 (MIRA 17-.1) 1. Iz kafedry biokhimii (naucbnyy rukovoditell prof. A.0. Voynar) i kafedry akusherstva :L ginekologii tzavo - prof* P.P.Sidorov) Donetskogo meditsinskogo instituta. GREBENNIKOV, Ye.11~~,. Content of some trace elements and proteins in the blood in L pregnancy vomiting. Sov. med. 27 no.2:134-135 F 164. (MIRA 17: 10) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. prof. P.P. Sidorov) i I-afedra biokhi%ii (nauchnyy konsul'tant prof. A.I. Voynar) Donetsko-o meditsinskogo instituta. 0 BOLOTOV., L.; 'GREBEWIIKOV, Yu.; FOMKIN, B.; YdIERUVIMCIV, V. Readeris'. Jq*rs. NTO 5 no.5z43 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Zameatitell predsedatelya. KharIkovskogo oblastnogo pravleniya Nauchno-tek*icheskogo, obshchestva sellskogo kjiozyaystva (for Bolortov). 2. Predsedatell sekt4LU zhivatnovodstva Vitebskogo oblastnogo, pravleniya Sauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva sell- skogo khozyaystva (for Grebennikov). 3. Chlen soveta nauchno- tekhnicheskikh obahchestv Gosudarstvennogo vsesoyuznogo instituta po proyektirovaniya i nauchno-issledovatellskim rabotam tsementnoy promyshlennosti (for Fomkin). 4. Uchenyy sekretarl soveta nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva Kurskoy oblastnoy veterinarnoy laboratorii (for Kheruvdinov). (Technological innovations) 1, A./ ,,, w-), " - UP.M&4NIAUV, ItA, SO J, Mapter kric Sui -- (Lass) "Tue use or corn si-Laae for feuctng ~ ~ - - - -- - 1~ '11 mj-Lch cows in tae L"axCrad oblast farms. n Leri~rad, 1957j. -L9 pp.jai-ii ACric USSR. Luwivrad Vot LAut), LvU copier; UW9 11- 4U, -0!~'/., P.'A) ALL NR---AR6016-213 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/65/ooo/oLVDo6i/Do6lj' AUTHOR: Rabotkin, V. L.; Grebennikova, A. A.; Vetrova. Ye. M. TITLE: New copperless electr oluminors based on zinc sulfide SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. liD469 REF SOURCE: Sb. Proboy dielektrikov i poluprovodnikov, M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 3505- 359 TOPIC TAGS: electroluminescence, luminor, zinc compound optic material, transition element, light excitation, complex molecule. ABSTRACT: She authors note that neither the existing theories of electroluminescence (EL) nor the treatment of EL within the framework of the band scheme is satisfactory. The aging of luminors in an electric field is considered, especially at increased temperature. It is assumed that besides the non-inertial eoxcitation process there exist also slow processess, connected for example with motions of the ions. A new mechanism of excitation is proposed, connected with the destruction of the 2;. exes"' c ~ produced by activator ions of variable valence with cation vacancies, with ions of the co-activator flux residues, etc. The complexes can be broken up either by the field, by heat, or by both. It is stated that the previously established laws of EL do not contradict the proposed model. To confir- the presented considerations, a ZnS-Cr luminor was synthesized without Cu. It was assumed that the interaction of the transition metal (co-activator) should contribute to the formation of complexes, L 33197-66 ACC NRt AR6016213 without contributing to the development of excitation mechanisms within the frameworl-.1; of the existing theories. The obtained luminor had blue EL at a Cr concentration 5 X 10-4 _ 10-5 g/g. A similar luminor without Cr has no EL. The experiment is regarded as proof of the possibility of existence of an ion-hole excitation mechanismI of electroluminors by a field, and of the special role played by the transition metals as activators and co-activators in EL of ZnS. Bibliography, 12 titles. A. Burlakov. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 / GFMWNIEDVA, A.T. Leningrad, ul; Botkinskpva, d.23). Use of hypothermin and ptentiated anesthesia in surgery for mitral atenosts. NovAhlrearkho' no,lsl6-23 Jab-IF '58- (mru nal) Is' llinika gospitallnoy khirargii (zav - prof. I.S. lolesnikov) Toyenno-meditainakoy skademil ivieni S.M: l1rova. (AMMMIA) (MITRAL VALVY.--SURGERY) GREBE]ITIKOVA, A.T., kand. mod. nauk.; IVANIKOVIGH, F.A. Blind penetratIng wound of the thorax with a piece weighing 1533 gra=. Xhirurgiia 34 no.12:91-92 D '58. (NDU 12: 1) 1. Iz kliniki gospitn1inoy khinirgii (nach. - prof. I.S. Koleanikov) Voyenno-meditainakoy ordem Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova i iaz boll- nitsy zavoda *Bolishevik* ((,,Iavnyy vrach V.A. Tvaridze). (THORAX, wds. & inj. penetrating wound by largo piece of metal (Ibis)) GREBENNIKOVA, A. T., kand. mod. nauk; YFMOLATEV, V. R., kand. med. nauk Acute gastric obstruction caused by complete relaxation of the left half of the diaphragm with trinsposition of the stomach, spleen and left lobe of the liver iii1to the thoracic cavity. Khirurgiia 37 no.7:87-W J1 161. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Is kliniki. gospitallnoy kbirurgii No. 1 (nach. - pro'f. I. S. Kolesnikov) Voyanno-meditsinskoy orderj~ Lenina akademii-imeni S. M. Kirova. (DIAPERAGK-DISEASES) (STOWH) (LIVER) (SPLEEN) GREEETTIKOVA., A,T., (Uningradp Lesnoy prej, d.4. kv*20) Gigamtic lipoma of the anterior mediastir.-Lim. Vest.khir. no*6: 68-70 t62. NIRA 15:11) 1. Iz 1-y gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy klinih-i (nach. - prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) Voyermo-meditsinsko-y ordena Lenina akadenii imeni S.M. Kirova. (MEDIASTIDIUM-TWORS) G I tE BF NN I KOV e i i t; ( Le ri I nrad p0 1, ro. 4 , P. u r-P I r, L rl f, o f c I I ron -, f~ 1, f, 1 -i C. u -rj' J f Ilie r. Kil"r. 91 no-L'. !..I L 11 (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz kI.Arlill (nacll,allnik - prof. I.S. fol(--sriiko0 Vov-,-nnc-mA--Itsjn.:;~o:r ord(~na J.'enina fikademi~ imeni Kil'O'la. GIREBENNIKOVA, A.T. (LuminEra--!) ,.- . ...... - ", -l,----.-. , Thrombosis df--the suprl,~r 7una viva in carditis. Grud~ khllr~ 5 no.504-97 S-0 '63. (MoF..'. 17.8) 1. A&-eij nvtoriu I.o-ngrril ~.-9, klWnskap;L ul-~- c-)m 23 1 ..i --l ."'. p Klinika go.!7pital':-,3y lihirurgil Nc,.'.'~ KOLESN1KOV, Ivan Stepanovich; FUT(V, Nikolay Vasillyevich; MEBENNIKOVA, Anna Tirzofeyeirna; KAZ11111, 'v,F., red.; -",- r6d.-- - [Chronic pericarditides and their surgical treatment] Khronicheskie perikardity i ikh khirurgicheskoe lechenie. Mosk-va, Meditsina, 1964. 225 p. (MIRA 17:7) TETENEVA V.F. (Murmansk); MALYSHEV, Yu.1. (Leningrad);-P44y~~NIKOVA, kj V.S.; IVASHKEVICH, E.I.; ,.,-.(Iosningrad) BAZHENOV, SAFRONOVA, A.I. ~Vitebsk); NOVIK, M.G.; OKUNEVA, G.N. (Novosibirsk); NEDVMKAYA, L.M. (Moskva); SENT-UMERCV, S.M. (Vladi*ostok);.PELYAVSKIY,,!.P. (Odessa); LIPSKIY, L.I.; NUTRIKHIN, N.A (Arkhange k); KERIMOV, G.M. (Baku); BARAKCV,, V.Ya. (Samarkand) Abstracts. Grud. khir. 6 no.1%118-126 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18:11) GREBENNIKOVA. A.Ye Coenzyme A content in the liver in carbon tetrachloride lesions. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 53 no.067-69 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry biokhimii (zav. - prof. instituta imeni Avitsenny, Dushanbe. Chernigovskim. (COENZ)MES) (LMR) Ya.A.Epshteyn) Meditsinskogo Predstavlena akademikom V.N. (CARBON TETRACHLORIDE-TOMOLOGY) KRIV06HCIEKIY, , zaaluzhennTy vrach WSP; pill 11111 KIIU., Digpersary servIce in otorrach d-iseascs. "drav. L~el. 9 no.6:54-55 Je 163. (MTPA 17.5) 1. Iz Gotrel lskogo ob2astntg.) on'--L,.llc?,Jr-lesk-lj-,f-~ (elavny-i I vra:!h ;..F. Krivcl.3hcholdy). IVOYLOV, A.S.; GRIOMMIZOVA, D.T. Uee of microradlography for the investigation of mineral raw materlalu.Zav. lab. 24 uo'.5:582-565 '58. OURA 11%6) 1. Irkataki7 gosudarstvanun nauchto-Iss1edovateI'Bki7 Institut rodk:Lkh metallov. (Badiograph7) (Kineralogy) OIdJZBAYEV. A.U., kand.okonom.nauk; GREBENNIKOVA, L.A.; F01M, G.L.; SEYDCKHKATOV, O.S.. red.izd-va; ANOKMIA. M.G.. [Ways of incroasinS, profits from state livestock forms in KirghiziRtan] Puti povysheniia rentabellnoRti zhivotnovodcheBkikh sovkhozov Xirgizil. Pranze. Akad.nouk Kirgizakoi SSR. In-t ekono- miki. 1960. 163 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Kirghizistan--Stock and stockbreeding) GREBRINIKOVA, Lidiya Alekseyevna;_AMAYEV, E.I., otv. red.; MMINA, M.G.I. tekhn. red. [Ways to reduce the cost of milk on meat and dairy state farms in Kirghizia] Puti snizheniia sebestoimosti moloka v miaso-molochn7kh sovkhozakh Kirgizii. Frunze, Izd-vo All Kirgizskoi S&R, 1961. (8 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Kirghizistan-Dairying.-Costs) GREBEW11KOVA, L.A., mladyshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Determination of the lanthanide content of the air in the byglenic evaluation of working conditions., Gig..i san. 26 no.4:54-56 Ap 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz sanitarno-apidemiologicheskoy laboratorii i kafedry gigiyeny truda I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni. I.M.Sechenova. (AIR-POLLUTION) (RARE EARTH METALS) SEYDAKHMATOV, 0.; KAZAKOV, I.G.; STARODUBTSEV, V.S.; GREBENSMOVA, L.A.; BALBAKOV, M.; LEVITUS, B.I.; red.izd:~a;-ORdZ - kYEVA. T-U., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; ANOKHINA, M.G., tekhn. red. [Distribution and specialization of agriculture in the suburban zone of Frunze) Ramneshchenie i spetsializatslia sellskogo khoziaistva prigorodnoi zony g.Frunze. Frunze, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kirg.SSR, 1962. 181 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Frunze region-Agriculture) USSR / Cultivated Plants. Forai~e Crops. Abs Jour: 11'-~f Zhur-113,iol . , 19~~)' , Diu 11,S) T-30141 . Author aKt~~ Inst Not 6iven. Title Some Problems in Raising Fodder Lupine. Orig Pub: Byul. sills1ko6ospod. inform. Zhitom. obl. vid. t- va dlya pashir. polit. ta nauk. znan', 1957, No 3, 57_ 6o. Abstract: In the experimental farms of the Zhitomirskiy Agri- cultural Institute, high harvest yield was obtalni,.d of fodder lupine (360-378 c of green mass arid 14-.2- 16.7 c/ha of seeds) with application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on a base of brown coal wastes. With the application of single phosphorus fertilizers, the harvest decreased to 20j-232 c of green mass and 9.3-10.4 c/ha of seeds. Potassium Card 0 U'SSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodder Grasses and Root Crops. M-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6310 Author : Grebennikova, L. P. Inst t I tu t e Title The Effect of the Time of Top Dressing on the Yield of Beads of Fodder Lupine Orig Pub Byul. sil'skogospod. Inform. Zhitomir. obl. vig. t-va dlya poshir. pollt. ta nauk. znan'. 1957, No 4, 79-80 Abstract The experiment was carried out at the training- experimental farm Oaniki of the Zhitomir Agricultural Institute on turf-podzolic sandy loam in 1955-1956. The sowing was effected In three lined rows at intervals of 13 - 15 cm between lines and 45 cm between rows. Oats was the preceding crop. Phosphorite Card 1/3 64 U8SR / Cultivated Plants. Fodder Grassos and Root Crops. M-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6310 phase, the yield was 14.7 and 160. The yield in the control, without top dressing was 10.5 cwt/ha and the pure we-'.Ght of the seeds was 130 g. The second varlant of the experiment must be considered as the best t1mo for apply- ing top dressing. -- E. M. Tsvetayeva Card 3/3 65 I USSR / Cultivated Plants. Forage Crops. M- 5 I Abs Jour: Ref Zhur--Biol., i958, No 16, 73013. 0 Abstract: larrye seeds are a 6rawback in the forms singled out (absolute weight 230-3UG cs) which hinders their transplanting for gra-in crops. -- A. A. Kornilov. Card 2/22 76 SHRYAR. Aleksandr Solomonovich, kombayner, Garoy SoteialisticheBkogo TrudB,__2RABIN]lIKOTA,_K.14.p red.; GOSTISHCREVA, Ye.M., tekhn. red. [My experience in harvesting] Moi opyt uborki urozhaia. Novosibirsk, Novosibirokoe knishnoe i2d-vo, 1960. Z0 p. (mim 14:5) I* Kuybyshevskyy jollskokhosynystvann" takhnikum (for Shafer) (Grain--Harvesting) (Combines (Agri(nilturul machinery)) PLENNIK., Razita Yakovlevna; SOBOLEVSKAYA, K.A., doktor biol. nauk, prof., otv. red.; QREA4~V;~PVA, M.M.0 red. [Outlook for introduction of some forage plants into cultivation] Perspektivy vvedeniia v kullturu nekotorykb kormovykh rastenii. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd- niia AN SSSR, 1963. 96 p. (MIRA 17:5) STAKAN, G.A.; A.A.; I.IKORO, Z.S., otv. red.; Gi-03:0211',JKOVA ,~,j% ) -"" J, red. [Heritability of econovic-ally useful indices in fine-wool sheep] flasleduemos-0 khoziaistvenno polewykii primako- u torikorunWikh ovets. Novusibiesk, Redaktsdonno-iz&,tel skiy otdel Sibirskugo otd-nila AN SSSR, 1965. 158 P. (Mil,,~k 18:9) KULFIN, S.L. (deceased]; KIIALFINA, S.L.; DOVGAL, V.N.; KHALFINA, N.A.; GREBENNIXOVA M M., red. ~ - F ~* -- I (Petrology of the Kogtakh gabbro-monzonite-syenite comi.lex (Kuznetsk Alatau)] Petrologiia kogtakhskogo gabro-montsonit- sienitovogo kompleksa (Kuznetskii Alatau). ovosibirsk, Nauka, 1965. 90 P. (MIRA 18:12) 0- td W) III lKiIIIIJ fl)lcl-- USSR/Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers. 1-5 Abs Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 1957, 22527 Author Grebennikova, N.G. Inst Title The Effect of Granulated Fertilizers on Growth and Development of the Root System and Aboveground Parts of Poncirus trifoliada Rafin. Orig Pub: Nauch. tr. stud. Gruz. s.-kh. in-ta, 1955, 5, 221-226. Abstract: A study was conducted on different methods of administering granulated superphosphate for trifoliada, which is a good stock for citrus plants. The experiment was conducted on an N OK background. The beat results were obtained when doses o~ 6040kg/ hectare of P20 were used and when it was applied on 2 sides 3-4 cm lower Ran the seeds. Card 1/1 -37- NOVIKOVA, N.M. Cytological investigation of the liver of young and old rate during a protein-free dietp ouboequent norual nutrition, and gegenerations Uch. sap KHGU 108i149-159 160. (MIU 140) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Miarlkoiskogo gosudaretvennogo universiteta. (LIVER) (AGE) (MALNUTRITION) (REGENERATION (BIOLOGY)) LI) A.F.; GREBENNIKOVA, O.T.; YASUS, 11I.S. Microstructures of ilmenites and their practical value. Zap.Vost.-Sib.otd.Vses.min. ob-va, no.1:74,--82 159.* (MIRA 14:7) 1. Irkutskiy Nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut redkikh metallov. (IA-menite) LAGUNTSOV, I.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; GREBENNIKOVA, T._T. IIOSOVA, NA., tekhnik _L inzh.; XUR Brittle breakdown of pipes in electric power plants with high- pressure parameters. Elek. sta. 33 no.1003-35 0 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Steampipen) U - -z GREBENNIKOVA, V. S.., XAYDICH) 1. M., and D~~)W, A. S. "The Influence of the Heating Rate of Coal of the Process of its Thermal Decomposition." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk) BSSR, June 1961. S/137/62/000/003/029/191 AOo6/Alol AUTHORS: Li, A. F., Grebennikova_ 0. T- TITLE: Mineralogical investigation of technological samples of rare metal ores PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 7, abstract 3G51 (V zb. "Issled, po obogashcheniyu o tekhnol. polezn. iskopayemykh", Moscow, Gosgeoltekhizdat", 1961, 164-172) TEXT: The authors analyze mineralogical studies of several Li, Be, Nb, Ta and Zr ore types. subjected to concentration in order to obtain conditional concentrates. The investigation methods are schematically explained. The basic tasks for the mineralogical investigation of the substantial composition of rare metal ores consist in studying the chemical composition; the quantitative mineralogical composition of the ore; textural and structural specific features of the ores; grain size of precious minerals and their accessory minerals; the form of appearance of precious basic and accessory elements and harmful inclusiars; the nature and degree of changes in both individual minerals and the ore as a whole under the effect of hypogene and hypergene processes. A scheme for the Card 1/2 S/137/62/000/003/029/191 Mineralogical investigation ... A006/AJOI mineralogical investigation of ores Is given: The scheme shows that for the investigation of ores the following data should bo available: 1) stopped samples; 2) an average sample of crushed ore and 3) concentration products. Schemes are presented for the mineralogical investigation of technological sa=11es of some rare metal ores (spodumene-containing, beryl-containing, colum- and loparite-eudialyte ores). The schemes may be modified tz~e wibstantial ore composition. A. Shmeleva 1-Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KOITTOROVSKIY, A.'-,., kand.tekhn.nauk; GREBFICIKOVA, T.T., inzh.; KMOSOVA,, N.D.9 inzh. Study of the properties of 22Kh2lMR pipe steel. Teploenergetika 9 no.8:7-31 Ag 162. (MIR& 15:7) 1. Moskovski-y filial Vsesoyuznogo instituta po proyektirovaniyu organJzatsiy energeticheskogo stroitellstva i Moskovskoye otdeleniya TSentrallnogo koyloturbinnogo instituta. (Pipep Steel) (Pipe) GRIBENNIED A/- Cooperative agriculture in China and state credits. Den.1 kred. 14 no.4:46-51 Ap 156. (KLRA 9:7) (China--Agricu'ltural credit) GRIBENNIKOVA, To. A, Money and credit serves the building of socialism In CbIna. Don. I krod. 14 no.12:32-36 D 156. (NLRA 10:2) (Chira-Banks and banking) TSUN LIN ETSing Ling]; KHANI LET (Ran Leilv GUBIWI-11KOVA, TeAtranalatorl; NOVAK. L. [translator]; SUSHNIKOT, M.N., obihb f?' ft~,-40GO- VINSKAYA, R., red.; UUMIGINA, T., (Currency circulation In the Chinese People's Republic) Denezhnoe obrashchenie Kitaiskoi Narodnoi Respubliki. Vatup.statsia I ob- shchaia red. X.M.Sveshailcova. Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 1959. 182 p. (HIRA 12:12) (China--Money) WANG, TA-RO; TEMOTA, R.G, (translator]; GRU3MUKOVA, Te.N. [translator]; SAYMOVA, Z.H. [translator] (Studies In the economic forms of semifeudal and semicolonial China] Issladovanis okonomichaskikh form polufeodallnogo, polu- e .. kolonlallnogo Kitais. Moskva. Sotsekgiz, 1959. 394 p. Translated from the Chinese. (MUU 13:7) (China--loonomic conditions) 11 BLUVSHTEYN, M.N.; BORICHEVA, V.N.; Prinimali uchastiye: "LAY-ARYCHEVA, S.I.; GIEBSUMIKOVA, Z.Yep Elastic and thermal properties of magnesita-chrome brick used in the dome of an opsib-hearth Purnace and artificlally lmb-~ prognate(i with iron oxide. Ogneypory, 26 no.8:373-379. 161. i (MIRA 14:9) 1. VS4oytjznyy institut ogneuporov. (Magnesite) (Firebriels) (Open-hearth furnaces) KELERI E.K.; BLUVSIITEYN, M.N.; BORICHEVA, V.N.; Z.Ye. New device and method of tensile testing refractories at high temperatures. Ogneupory 28 no.7:312-317 163. (NIRA 16:9) 1. Voesoyuznyy irwtitut ogneuporov. BLUVSHTEYN, M.N.; BORICHEVA, V.N.;-Prinimali uchastiye: AIEKSEYEVA, A.N.; Q&BE![H-IKOVA,...-Z..Ye.; PETROVA, Ye.V.; ZADVORNOVA, Ye.G.; AYZENBERG, A.S.; YAKOVLEVA, V.S. Zonal changes in the properties of magnesite bricks after service in the crown of open hearth furnaces. Ogneupory 28 no.9t4l3-418 163. (PURA 16r10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy institut ogneuporov. ACCESSION NR: AR4015662 SOURCE: RZh. Khimiya, Abs. 21M35 S/0081/63/000/021/0335/0335 AUTHOR: Keler, E. K.; Bluvshteyn, M. N.; Boricheva, V. N.; Grebennikova, Z. Ye. .......... TiTLE: New equipment and an improved procedure for tensile strength tests of re- fractory materials at high temperatures CITED SOURCE: Tr. Vses. gos. In-ta natichno-issied. 'I proyektn. rabot ogneuporn4, prom-sti, vy*p. 34, 1963, 193-209 TOPIC TAGS: refractory material, refractory material tensile strength, tensile- strength test, high temperature,tensile strength. high temperature tensile strength tester ABSTRACT: New and improved equipment was constructed and introduced to industrial practice, and a procedure was developed for higti temperature tests (up to 1700C) !of refractory materials for tensile strength. Expe4jmental data were obtained on the tensile strength of fireclay, magnesite, magneslochromite, Dinas brick and non- fired refractorle$. The curvestfrom repeat experiments were noted to show good coincidence. Bibi. with 11 references. Authors' summary. ,tcecl 1/1 DATEACQ: ogDec63 SUB CODE; M ENCIL; Ob r KELER E. K. i I , doktor toklui. nauk; illfVSII*r--'T-1, M.C.~ Lcklm. nauk; BORICIEVA, V.N., kand. t,3kJin. nau1c; Z.Yr-., I.Ytzh. New equipment and impxoved methods of high temperature testing of the t> tensilE strength of refrac-tories. Trudy Inst. ogneup, n0-34:193-209 '63. (:-11113A 17:10)