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25(2) SOV/148-59-1-18/19 AUTHORi Grebenik, V.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent TITLE: The Dependence of Deformation, Straightening Moments and Ac- curacy on the Adjustment of the Straightening Machine (Zaviti- most' deformatsiy, momentov i tochnosti pravki ot nastroyki pravillnoy mashiny) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Chernaya metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 155 _163 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two adjustment methods for straightening machines are used for the analysis of straightening processes ensuring the ac- curate determination of deformations in the strip% 1) completd elimination of maximum curvature of the strip under each roll; 2) constancy of the magnitude of band equal to the maximum ad- missible curvature under which the plastic deformation of the strip does not yet occur. As straightening accuracy is higher in the first method and residual plastic deformation is lower in the second method, the author recommends to combine both . methods in order to obtain reduced plastic deformation and in- creased accuracy of straightening. In both methods the magni- Card 112 tude of residual straightening deformation is constant for SOV/148-59-1-18/19 The Dependence of Deformation, Straightening Moments and Accuracy on the Ad- justment of the Straightening Machine materials not subjected to toughening and depends on the toughening factor for materials subjected to this process. The distribution of plastic deformation between the rollers is subjected to a hyperbolic law which can be expressed by given formulas. There are 3 graphs, 2 tables and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Sibirskiy metallurgicheakiy institut (Siberian Institute of Metallurgy) SUBMITTED: May 8, 1958 Card 2/2 GREIMfIK, V.M- kan , tekhn, nauk, doteent I Determination of the factor of safety. Izv. VY6. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 2 no-3:1)7-141 Kr '59. (MIRA 12:7) l.Sibirskiy metallurgichookiy institat. (Strains and stresses) BAKWSHIN, I.L., inzh.; YEKSIN, I.H.. inzh -, GREMNIKY-M-,dotsent. kand. ; ; is ~UNTSWM';V.F.; bOWIbV, L.D., i;ekhn. nank; LTULZMV, V.I., in h . -- prof., doktor takhn. nauk; SHIROKOV. V.R.. prof.,. Hydraulic calibration of 1500-ton power presses. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; chern. mt. 2 no.4:113-121 AP 159. kMIRL 12:8) 1.Sibirskty vistallurgicheskiy institut. Mokomandoyano kafedroy mekhanichaskogo aborudovantya metallurgicheskikh zavodoy Sibirskogo metallurgicheekogo instituta. tHydraulic presses) tGalibration) BAKLUSHIN, I.L., inzh.; VMSIN, I.H., inzh.; GRIBENIX, V.H., dots., kand.tekh n.nauk; LYULENKOV, V.I., inzh.; SAUNTSEV, V.P., in2h.; SOKOWV, L.-D., prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk; SHIROKOV, V.N., prof. Investigating the 740 cold rolling mill for-thin sheets. Izv. VF8.uchob,.zav.; chern.met. 2 no.8:14?-i48 Ag 159. (NIRh 13..4) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheekly institut. Rekomendovano kafedroy makhanicheakogn oborudovaniya metallurchiskikh zavodov Sibir- skogn netallurgi6heskogo instituta. (Rolling mills) 25.200 77148 sov/i48-59-9-18/22 AUTHOR: Grebenik.. V. M. Vandidate of Technical Sctences Docent). TITLE: Method of Investigation of Straightening Machines PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeni . Chernaya metal- 1 lurgiya, 1959, Nr 9, pp 145-151 (USSR T ABSTRACT: The article is in response to comments made by V. V. Smirnov concerning the setting up of straightening machines (Smirnov, V. V., Tzvestiya '%-jsshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy.Chernaya metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2). The dis- cussion refers to two methods of setting up which serve as criteria for the quantitative evaluation of the degree of deformation during straightening. Any of the proposed methods allow an analysis of the setting up process by means of appropriate comparison. The author indicates that straightening machines were studied at the Cpntral Scientific-Re3earch Institute of Heavy Machinery (TsNIITMASh). The evaluations of the setting up, rifettiod. have not been analyzed in the previous work Card 1/3 of Moshnin, Ye. N.,and Sonin, A. L. According to the Method of Investigation of Straightening 77148 Machines SOV/148-59-9-lB/22 new methods, the straightening machine must have 9 rolls. The author is against the use of large deforma- tions in order to decrease the number of rolls. at the same degree of accuracy of straightening.Although a great number of investigations were made, many problems have not been solved yet. The following points must be studied: (1) Irregularity of stress distribution along the height of the cross section.(2) Applicability of the tension-compression characteristics to the condi- tions of bending. (3) Tangential stresses during bending. (4) Recurrence of application of loads of different sign and material properties.(5) The magni- tude and distribution of elastic and lastic deformations. (6) Displacement of neutral line . (7~ Distortion of cross-sectional area. (B) Twisting of cross sections, (9) Taking into account the degree and the rate of deformation,(10) The effect of sup lementary phenomena, e,.g., relaxation aftereffect (M Friction between the)strip and the roll. (12j Shape and size of the roll. Card 2/3 (13 Residual stresses before and after straightening, Method of Investigation of Straightening 77148 Machines C~ SOV/148-59-9-18/22 ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: (14) The length of the curved zone. (15) Difference in strip material propertles. (16) Three-dimensional state of stress. (17) Multiple supports of the strip under plastic deformation.(18) The dynamics of the straightening process..(19) Distribution of deformation along the len th of the strip. (20) Buckling and its elimination,)~21) simultaneous action of torsion and bending. (2 Forces, moments, and power required for straightening. (23) Methods of setting up parameters for and calculations of straightening machines. There is 1 table; and 6 Soviet references. Siberian Metallurgical Institute (Sibirskiy metallurgiches- kiy institut) June 5, 1959 Card 3/3 GRZBMIIK, Y.M. kand tekhn. nauk dots. Investigation of straightening machines. Isv*vya,uchebezav*; chern.met. 2 no.9:153-156 S '59. (MIRk 13:4) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgich*skiy Inatitut. (Rolling mills--Rquipment and supplies) GRIIBBRIK, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk. dots. Durability testing of parts for-resistanco to transient, alternating loads. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern.met. 2 no.10:147-160 0 159. (KIRA 13:3) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskty institut. Hokomendovano, kafedroy makhanicheskogo oborudovaniya metallurgichaskilth zavodov Sibirskogo metallurgicheskogo instituta. Nmchinery--Testing) (Transients(Dynamice)) AIMIKOV, A- Iq BAXWSHIN, I*L.; VEKSIN I.N.; GRMENN V.M.- LYUIMMOT, V.I.; SABANTSEV, V.P.; SMEGIN, S.A.; ;CKOLOV, L.D.; SHIROKOV,Y.N. Investigating the mechanism of the rotation process of ferroalloy furnace baths. Izv- vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.8:181-187 060. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Siblrkly metallurgicheskly Institut. (Rotary hearth furnaces) (Iron alloys) 35G-316 '6 0 /C /0 S/145/ 000 -~i 1, 0/0 0 4 D234/D30'4 AUTHOR: Grebenik. V,~M. Candidate of Technii,al S~iencesq TITLE., Fatigue curves and mathods of des.ign-i-rag components for variable load3 PERIODICALt Izvestlya vyssbikh uchebrykh za,.,ed,~aiy, Mash.lno- sTroyeniye, no. 10, 196O~ 73 - 811 TEXTz The author discusses the existing method of desi-gn, stating that if. does not agree with experimenta'L datag and propoBing N z:; ab lor the rectif ication of the fatigue cu.rve -1r, sem,.-loga-rithmic oo- -:)rdina-tes, N being the number of cy~~les and tj the s-" tress ..amplitude., The constant a and b are determined by taking the logarithm of Eq. (4) ar,-d forming the difference of the equation. obta,ined at :--,~, va- lues of N and q~ The final equation is K 1g N = K ig Nj:1 --onst, d Card 1/2 S/1 45/'C)()/'(jCO//O 101/004/0 14 FaTjgU~~ , -ves and methods of Dz--34/DN4 where K -s the Inclination of Tri-z straigh-t- 'line In ,~emll- Ic,garithmic zoordinaTes~ The constayi-1-1- Na ~ioi) of the line w1th the lg N axis. The thod of determinitig the margin of safety lity wi-th the aid of experimental fatigu -s.: and 1" Sov-er, -blorc; references, , L r- .1 t~, ,he poin-t off .4nter,,e-.-- authoi -then describes a me and the margin of' durab~-' curveq- Th2re are 4 figu-- ASSOCIATION~. Dneprodzerzhinskly ve-2hernly metall-org4l.cheskiy insti-- tut (Evening Institute of Metallurgy, Dz---pr~,dzerz-';1rsk) SUBMITTED: De~.ember 21, 1959 Card 2*1'21' SOKOWV9 L.D.;- OREUNIXg V.X~ Determination of forces in blast furnace guns. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; chern. met. no.12sl62-165 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Sib rWdy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) GREBENIK, V.M.; IVANCHENK09 F.K. Durability of universal rolling mill spindles under variable loading. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.2:164-171 '61. (MIRA 14:113 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy vecherniy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Rolling mills) SOKOLOV, L.D.; SHIROKOV, V.N.; EBR'. IK,-V.M.;.VEKSIN, I.N.; BAKLUSHIN, I.L.; LYULENKOV, V.I.# S ANTSEV, V.P.; KAZANTSEV, A.A. Investigating stresses in models of steel pouring ladles. In. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 4 no.10:147-156 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Smelting furnaces--Equipment and supplies) (Thermal stresses--Models) 27547 0 0 S/148/61/000/004/008/008 00 if 19 6~' E081/9435 AUTHOR: Grebenik, Y.M. TITLE: Design of components under fatigue loading and- fatigue curves PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurglya, no.4, 1961, 167-176 TEXT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref.15: lz*,VUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1959, No.10). The design of many machine components subjected to variable loading is based'on the fact that some fatigue curves give straight lines when plotted on logarithmic basis. This leads to the equation m a.M am N w~const 1 -1 o (1) where al is the amplitude of the variable stress, N1 is the, corresponding number of cycles to fatigue fracture, a-l is the fatigue limit, No is the number of cycles corresponding to the break in the fatigue curve, m is a parameter determining the slope of the fatigue curve in logarithmic coordinates. Card'1/2 27547 S/148/61/000/004/008/008 Design of components under so8l/9435 However, a number of experimental investigations show that the fatigue curves are straight lines not on a logarithmic, but on a 3emi-logarithmic plot. The conversion from curves of one type to the other is considered. If the fatigue curve is a straight line on a semi-logarithmic basis, the value of m is variable and depends on the stress level. Experimental data for steel from a number of sources are summarised to give the constants of the fatigue curves on the basis of both methods of plotting. The data are considered in relation to useful life and longevity. As an example, the calculations for the dbaign of a rolling mill are given. There are '5 figures, I table and 17 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Dneprodzerzhinakiy vecherniy metallurgicheakiy institut (Dneprodzerzhinsk Evening Metallurgy Institute) SUBMITTED: January 18, 1960 Card.2/2 s/148/6i/ooo/oo6/0l3/013 E193/Eq8o WTHORS: Sokolov, L.D., Shirokov. V.N., Veksin, I.N., Baklushin, I.L., Lyulenkov, V.I., Sabantsev, V.P. TITLE: Experimental and analyt-,cal determination of forces in cold rolling ZI i,!~RIODICAL; Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny1ch zavedeniy, Ch-2rnays metallurgiya, 1961, Mo.6, PP-191-193 TEXT: In the course of an earlier jnivestigation carried out by The present authors (Ref.1; Izvestly,-- vysshikh uchebnvkh zavedeniy, '.hernaya metallurgiya, 1959, 8). large discrepancies were found' between the laboratory results and the operational data on forces ,-tIng on the rolls during cold rolling. It was revealed, j;owever, in the course of further tests that in many cases the roll :htlcks had become worn (in some places to a depth of 0.4 min) and -~t was postulated that this factor may have affec-.ed the load cell ilt-adings. In an attempt to find a way of eliminating this source :;rror, r both during the calibration of the load --ells and later use, the effect of lead washere approximately 2 mm thick, pjaced under the dynamometers, was investigated. Fig.1 shows the 1/6 5/148/61/000/006/013/013 4xnerimental and analytical ... E193/E48o experimental conditions: a - an nnular washer supporting the 1c,ad cell along its periphery; asolid washer under the central part of the load celli no washer; a - a solid washer of the size equal to that of the load cell. On the right- hand side of Fig.1, the calibrating force is plotted against the- Load cell readings; most consistent results were obtained when a large solid washer was used (graph Z ). The latter method was employed in roll force measurements and the results compared with r*11 force values. calculated according to A.I.Tselikov and A.A.Korolev (Ref.2: Prokatnyye stany, Metallurgizdat, 1958). The- ~esults are tabulated. It will be seen that the difference reached occasionally 30 or even 37%, the experimental values being always lower than the calculated figures. One possible explanation of this effect is provided by the fact that the Lemperature of cold rolled metal increases. Although the strength :~f the carbon steels and constructionalalloy steels increases on heating between 20 and 4000C, this increase takes place during cold rclling at certain rolling speeds only. According to M.I.Manjoine (Ref.5: Journal of the Iron and Steel, v-150, P.3, VI, 1947, 380), Card 2/6 s/148/6i/ooo/oo6/o13/O13 -'Experimental'and analytical E193/E48o the llagein~ peak" is shifted towards higher temperatures when Ahe... steel is r;p1led at high rolling speeds, so that-under these condition# the strength of steel between 0 and 4OO*C decrease with inerkasing temperature. Consequently, if the temperature attainediby the metal during cold rolling at high speeds is 300%,~ its resi tance to deformation (particularly at heavy drafts) decrease which explains the discrepancy observed-. There are 2 figurep, I table and 5 references: 4 Soviet and I non-Soviet.'-.- The fe ence to an English language publication reads as follown't'i, 0 M.I oine, Journal of the Iron and Steel, v-150, P-3, VII 1947 380: ~I ASSOCIA ION: Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Siberian Metallurgical Institute) SUBMITT~D: March 30, 1960 ..... ..... _W~ b~ '6 Card 3/ SOKOLOV., L.D.; SHIROKOV, V.N.; G4g4P_1&,A.M,.; VEKSIN, I.N.; BAKLIJSHIN, I.L.; LYULUKOV, V.I.; SABWSZV, V.P. EgperimeAtal and rated-determination of forces In cold rolling@ Izvevys.ucheb.zave; chern.met. 4 no.6&191-193 161o (MM 14t6) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Rolling (Notalvork)) 38390 s/i48/62/0OO/oO4/0O5/oo6 E193/13583 AUTTL-110R: Grebenih, V.N11* TITLE: Laws ~;ovcrning tlic variation in paraiaeters of fati;Giio curves under the-influence of various factors PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikii uchebny1:h zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 11, 1962, i70 - 131, TEXT: Sil-udies of fatigue arc normally concorned with the effect of various factors on the fatiSue limit, little*attetitiori beinZI .)ai(i to '4ae shape of the stress/number-of-cycles curves. This approach is*not entirely satisfactory because the knowled" of laws --overnin- the effect of various factors on the shape of the SIN curves would make it easier to avoid error.~ in inter- pretin- experimental result's and would make it possible to- obtain more accurate data on the fatigue properties of metals. it was in order to establish these laws that the present author analyzed a lar,--,c volume of e.-cparimental data pertaining to-tile effect of various factors on fatigue properties of several steels. If the effQct of one or more of these factors on the Card 11V S/i40"/62/000/004/005/Oo6 Laws governinZ E193/E383 .fatisue of i-.ietkal is studied, a set of SIN curves (in semi- lo~.;arithmic coordinates) is obtained and the possible types of* such curves are demonstrated in Fiz. 1. In the sm:ie way, the uianner in whica the fatigue limit a'1 ancl the slope k = t1-3 a of the curve can be affected by a given factor is demonst-rated in Fig. 2. The causes of variation in fatisue properties due to various factors can be divided into three main --roups: 1) factors affectin.- the state of stress; 2) factors af-fectin-- the surface condition and 3) factors affectin's the structure of metals. How these three main grotips , various individual factors, types of SIN curves, or' 1* and Ir. are interrelated is shomi in Table 2. The remainder of the paper is devoted to detailed values of the effect of each factor li;-L.ed in colmm 1 of Table 2 on the shape of the parameters of tli'e SIN curves. T:ie conclusions, other than those listed in Table 2, can be sum:,-larized as follows: 1) if the variation in a given factor causes variation in the slope of the fatigue curves, it ineans that the structure of the Card 241 Laws governini- S/148/62/000/004/005/'006 I';l93/E3n3 0 1"let'll 11"!' 1111(tv" the action of t110 factor studied. 2) Since the an-le of Slope O-L the 5/log r-1 curve depends alwayb on tiio properties of tae metal only, it should be considered as ca i:wportant Property of metals. The term "fatigue modulus" could ba ascribed to this property, w' ich can be calculated from K = t n n+l = 6cr kG/111M 5) Since it !iaz been shoi-ni that various parameters of the SIN cUrvcs vary in a regular manner under the action of a'particular factor, the laws deduced by the present authors and summarized in Table 2 can be used to check the accuracy of experimental data obtained in the course of any particular study of fatigue proper- ties of a metal. There are g.figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavocl-vtuz (Dnoprodzerzhinsl-. Netallurgical Works SUMMITrED: October 21, 1960 Card 3/01- 5114816210001005110081009 E111/E135 AUTHORS: Tylkin, M.A., and Grebenik, V.M1- TITLE: Influence of oxyacetylene hardening on fatigue strength PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedcrxiy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no-5, 1962, 146-151 TEXT: The fatigue strength and the wear resistance of parts can be increased by surface hardening. The most suitable for large parts is oxyAcetylene hardening. The increase in fatigue strength is due tothe generation of compressive stresses in the surface layer-, which counter-act to some extent the harmful tensile stresses produced there by bending. This is true only if the hardened layer follows exactly the contour of the part. Numerous examples from practice show that even small deviations as regards uniformity and depth give rise to stresses which lower the fatigue strength. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz~ Card 1/1 (Dneprodzerzhinskiy Metallurgical Works Technical High School) SUBMITTED: Dec'ember 21, 1960 S/148/62/000/006/004/005 r,.193/ r.3 83 AUTHOR: Grebanik. V TITLE; Evaluation o--~` the f,,,.i,uc stren~-th of i,-iachinc parts in t,,Ic specific effects of v~~.rious factors on -L -L L dia_~ram is taken into the s-'riapo of the fatig, 0 account PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vys~--hikh uchebnykh zavadcniy, Chernaya metallur-iya, no. 6, 196p-, 182 - igo T F-XT Fati-crue tests carried out on actual parts under actual o2orating conditions, althoul-h most valuable, are seldom practlicable. Data for desiZn calculations are.t.:ierefore .plemented by data on obtained inaostly from, standard tests, su-,-)- %. the effect which various factors (size, shape, i-,iechanical and t:iarmal treatment, etc.) have not only on the fati,-ue limit but also on tie slope of 'he 4nclined branch of '!ie fati-gue curve and on the location of the position -.-.-here this curve beco,mos horizontal. The affect of each such factor is usually expressed in terms of a coefficient: Card 1/3 !~-valuation of K 01 -1~', s/143/0'2/ooo/oo6/oo4/oO5 B1 9.3/ r,3 33 (1) 1-:1-lere, C7- i s th a-fati,,ue limit dotermined under st.andard coxiditio,as, and 0' is the fatizue limit obtalned whan a given factor TI-Ic -Dzcscl-,t author derived new a ons w!iic'i made it possibl 0 klo C:valuate tho effect various+ -Adptors on t1le fatiL-ue stren,"t'l. of parts operat,;-a- under -~tx,~dsses Che .Lati,~--ue limit. He analyz'e:jd the effect of the variation of several :)araneters of 'La'-.i,-Ue curves on -,nitude of -r,ertaining to various Tactors and shoi-ired that the values of X, determined tu-ider stresses hi,-her than the "ati.-ue liri--*t are substantially different fro.--.i t!,.ose determined in tests under a stress equal to the fatigrue iiinit. lie established also that i-.-'-lcn effect of various fLetors on the fat iGu e. prop erti eS ,,;as Card 2/3 Evaluation of S/l40r'/62/0oo/oo6/oO4/OO5 P,193/L383 calculated, the term 11servico stress higher than the fatigue lii,.iit" should nican a stress Iii--her than t~ia fati_gue limit a-ttained wlien t1he .-ivon factor is operatin_t2, and no', that deter- i,.ii,ned under staridard conditions. Finally, lie proposed a method of calculation w%iich utilizod the valuos of K relatini; to t%lie various factors operatin.- at stresses hirher than the falk:igue 11mit and wllicli tool.: into account the difference In the location of the deflection points on the fati.-ue curves. This made it, possible to choose the values of K in accordance with the conditions of stress in service and with the specific character- istics of the fatigue curve, as a result of i,.rhich the performance of stressed parts can be iaore accura-vely predicted. There are 6 fi,-ures. ASSOCIATION: Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz (Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurr;rical Works) SUB.."ITTED: November 19, 1960 Card 3/3 I'll GRUE'iflK, V.M.; TYLKIN, M.A.; KUCIIERENKO, V.F.; CUMEVICH, Yee." Analysin of the Lreakago of' metallurgical equirment parts. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.8:175-.182 1621. (1,111RA 15:9) 3. Dneprodzerzhins~iy metallurgicheskiy zavod.-vtuz i ,Metallurgicheskiy zavod im. F. E. Dzerzhinskogo. s/148/63/000/001/014/019 E073/E451 AUTHORS: Grebenikj__Y:m., Tylkin, M.A. TITLE: Extension of the relations between static and fatigue characteristics to the case of hardening and tempering of steels PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no.l. 1963, 125-127 TEXT: The effect of heat treatment on the fatigue limit has not been adequately studied and,.therefore, it is difficult to lay down satisfactory heat-treatment conditions to obtain a required fatigue strength. One method of determining the fatigue limit is by using empirical formulas which correlate the fatigue limit with thestatic characteristics. Of the formulas which show satisfactory agreement with experimental data, that of Zhukov is the most extensively used: O-3Sk - 1 (1) where 0-1 is the fatigue limit. at -P >, 509% is Card 1/4 The real breaking strength S/148/63/000/001/014/019 Extension of the relations ... E073/E451 2 Sk 006.9 4.85(p + 2.21) (2) Thus we obtain 0-i 0.30b(6.9(P2 - 4.85~ + 2.2l)- 1 (3) For steals with < 5001 0.3000.294 + 0.39~) (5) ,Recent work shows that the above relations also hold for steels that have been subjected to heat treatment throughout their volume, the error not exceeding 5 to 10%. The difference in a-1 values is somewhat larger for hardened steels in which a saturated solid solution of carbon is present in the a-iron of the martensite. As the martensite crystals are in an elastically deformed state caused by considerable volume changes at temperatures where the rate of stress relaxation is low, they have a high resistance to plastic deformation, which is increased as a Card 2/4 s/l48/63/ooo/ooi/ol4/ol9 Extension of the relations ... E073/E451 result of considerable crystal lattice distortion caused by saturation with carbon. This upsets the relationship between static and fatigue characteristics. During tempering, the solid solution decomposes and carbon is rejected from the martensite, forming carbides; as a result, the degree of distortion of the a-phase lattice decreases, Tempering at 300 to 3500C leads to an almost complete elimination of the carbon from the solid solution regardless of the carbon content in the initial martensite. Although at these temperatures a coherent relationship is retained between the crystal lattice-of the carbide and the a-phase, the structure of the steel approaches equilibrium. At the given tempering temperatures, residual austenite is completely eliminated from the structure and a ferrite-cementite mikture is formed for which the experimental fatigue limit results are in good agreement with calculated values. Thus, from static test results it is possible to determine approximately the fatigue limit of hardened steel tempered above 350 to 4000C. Published results are reproduced showing that with increasing tempering temperature at 450 to 5500C the contraction slightly decreases without a corresponding increase in the static or fatigue strength of the Card 3/4 S/148/63/000/001/014/019 Extension of the relations ... E073/E451 steels investigated, similar results being obtained for other steels. The method here described of using results of static tests for determining the fatigue characteristics over the entire range of tempering temperatures can be utilized for evolving heat treatments and for estimating the fatigue strength of machine components. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz (Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Works-Technical High School) SUBMITTED: August 21, 1961 Card 4/4 G--R-RRU71KI V.M. Determining the probable coefficient of safety and life under the effect of variable loads. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. mt. 6 n0-4:171-174 163. (MIRA 16-5) 1* Dnepropetrovski astallurgicheskiy institut. iMetals.-Fatigue) (Strains and stresses) GRE.BENI.K.,-YLM- ZIIERNACHUK, V.D.; IVANCHENKO, F.K.; PAVIZNKO, B.A. Experimental investigation of converter tilting maments. Izv, vys,,ufhebo zav.; chern. met. 6 no.2:165-175 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgichookiy zavod-vtuz. (Converters--Models) MM=IXxJ-NW,T-ILKIWj H.A. Distribution of relations between static and fatigue characte- ristico in the steel hardening and tempering process. Izv.v". uchebezave; chern.met. 6 no.IsI25-4127 163. (MM 164) 1. Daeprodzerzhinakiy metallurgicheakiy zavod-vtus. (Steel-Heat treatment) (Strains and stresses) TYLKIN7 M. A. p )mnd. tekhn. nauk; V. J4.1 kand. takhn. nauk; KUCHEREM) V. F. , inzh.; ALPEYEV, V. G., inzh.; NIKITSKATA, V. A.jF inzh. Heat treatment of crane wheels. Maahinostroenia no.5-57--60 S-0 062. (MIRA 26!1) 1. Dnepredzerzhinakiy metallurgicheakiy zavod-vtuz im. M. I. Arsenicheva (for Tylkin, Grebenik, Kucherenko). 2. Metallur- gicheskiy zavod im, Dzerzhinakago (for Alpeyev, Nikitakaya). (Steel-Heat treatment) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) _2RE !I,; ZHERNACHUK, V.D.; IVANCHENKO, F.K.; PAVLENKO, B.A. t _j_ Investigating the turning mechanism of a 1300-ton mixer, Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.?-.183-190 163. (MIRA 16:9) ~. Dneprodzerzhinskly metallwgicheskiy zavod-vtuz. (Mixing machinery-Electric driving) GREBENIK, V.M.; TATARNIKOV, VS. ------------- Effect of the curvature radius at the base of a saw tooth and the material of which itis made on the durability of circular saws for hot metal cutting. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.10:169-177 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy wtallurgichaskiy institut i Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. k do Fa t rar: ca s e of re i; Ln: -eo -s a n s;-,rupi~ng ul~e lbreakageq. %'VS. U'C;~eL;. 7a%,. vA 51, h3 J i L frl~ ."izk cievznins~ GREBENIK, V.M.; KUCHERENKO.. V.F. ........ -,- - .... . . ........ Experimental verification of conditions in m-ming-up damages. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.12:212-220 063. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. SOKOLOV, Lev Dmitri.~evich; GRMENIK, Viktor Mikhaylovich. TYLKIN, Mikhail Arkad lyevi~5-;'WIU~~I: I.L.; SMIRN0VA,V.V.v kand. tekbn. nauk., dote.; retsenzent; ROXOTYAN, Ye.S.p doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., r*tsenzent; MOROZOV, B.A.# doktor tekhn. naukq retBenzent [Study of the equipment of rolling mills) Issledovanie prokatnogo oborudovaniia. Moskvap Metal-lurgiial, 1964. 497 p. (MIRA 17 -. 11) 1. Moskovskoye vywhe~ye takhnicheskoye uchilisbche im. N.E. Baumana (for Smirnova). . ACCESSION NR: AP4043310 8/0145/64/000/006/0051/0059 AUTHOR: Grebenik. V. M. (Candidate of technical sciences, Docent) TrrLE: An accelerated method of fatigue testing and the parameters of fatigue curve@ I SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 6, 1964, 51-59 TOPIC TAGS: metal fatigue testing, accelerated fatigue test method, fatigue curve parameter, fatigue curve calculation constant, critical cycle base, fatigue limit, tensile strength, fatigue curve Incidence angle, steel fatigue ABSTRACT: Data for 46 experimentally obtained fatigue curves (on 22 grades of steel) were processed statistically to establish the principles governing the dependence of the critical cycle base Nk, a primary factor employed In the accelerated fatigue testing method: suggested previously by V. S. Ivanova, on the grade of steel and its properties, an well as i to establish parameters of fatigue curves for standard testing conditions', I. e. , the fatigue limit a-,, angle of fatigue curve s I o p e a* or, the parameter governing that angle in 7. - semi-logarithmic coordinated k=tg a, and the break point of a fatigue cum No. An a result, the author presents expressions for k4g a In relation io fatigue limit fk-0. 24 a 1/3 Card ACCESSION NR: AP40433 10 +0. 4+0.8 kg/mm2) and in relation to tensile strength (k--O. 12405-0.7+0. 8 k Ain%m2).- The Z 1 relationship of fatigue limit to tensile strength in written an a. 0. 52a 5 -4.8+3. 8 kg/mM (correlation factor 0. 86) for experimental valuesi of a- I or a-1 =0. 46a + 0. 4;2.8 kg/mm2', B -2.5+1.5 (correlation factor 0. 83) for experimental and calculated a-1. and 0 _1=0. 47oll kg/mm2 (cgrrelation factor 0.98) for GOST data. No was found to range between 6.9-106 and 3.3- 100 and the value of 106 should be accepted in the abseqce of any experimental data.! 1 Values of Nk can be written In relation to a-1 and 08 as Nk=7. 100 - 0~1 and Nk=3. 5- 103 -01, : respectively. Curves plotted by using these constants show good coincidence with pro- I cessed data from standard tests. It In concluded that the cited hypothesis and constants i employed in it are proper in cases where a given factor dodo not produce structural varia- tions in the test sample (i.e. , stress concentration, scale-factor, ate.). Orig. wt. has: 11 equations, 6 graphs and 3 tables. ASSOCIAIWN.- trovaldy M Burgicbeddy Inst" (Dinspropetrovsk Mftllurgical Instude) X c rd 'Fla] -2 i . ACCESSION NR- AP4014386 L S/0145/63/000/011/0047/0054 AUTHORS: Grebenik, V. M. (Candidate of technical sciences, docent); Kuicherenko, V. F. (Engine TITLE: Fatigue strength under repeated load change and conditions for summation of: failures SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no, ll~ 1964, 47-54 TOPIC TAGS: fatigue strength, repeated load change, notch, flexural testp initial 'stress ABSTWGT: Three types of steel 15 specimens were fatigue-tested under repeated and 'load change conditions. The three types were: unnotched, smooth-notched, sharp-notched. Pure flexural tests under rotating conditions were accomplished on the MUI-6000 machine. These tests were conducted at two stress levels, under mechanical softening L7- > 0- and hardening conditions.. initial final 67final initial 4 Two loading cycles up t6 failure were used for all three specimens, N1 X 105 and N 0.7 X 105, and the baue numbers of cycles N for each specimen Card 113 ,ACCESSION UR: AP4014386 1.1 x 106 and N 6. To establish an*'equiva- tweret No, - 106, N02 03 . 1.2 x 10 I lence criterion for all three specimens, the initial stress and final stress cyclesi ~~were identical in number. The results were tabulated and plotted on graphs. At low values of number of loading periods (reversal),, the rule ni/hi - a - 1 where a ni/Wi '!fails (ni - total number of load cycles, Ni number of-load cycles up to failure).~ However, upon increasing A the value of `-n./N does tend to unity. "11arthermore, 1 ,_, - :L i for the notched specimens the strengthening effect was higher, and it increased with the sharpness of the notch. Finally. in the softening region, where 5-n/N.- 1, ithe number of reversals was lower in the unnotched than in tho notched specimens. The opposite was true in the hardening region. Orig. art. hast 5 figures, 3. 'tables, and 1 formula. ASSOCIATIONs Dnepropetrovskiy metalluraicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Metal- Institute); Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-,rtuz (Dneprodze hinskz rz Lmetallurgical Works and Institute of Technology) 2/3. ACCESSION NR: AP4014386 SUBMITTEDt 24oct62 SUB CODE. MM NO REF SOV: 010 313 EN GL: 00 OTHERi 000-1 GREBENIK, V. M.; LEONOVA, A. V.; STOROZIIIK, D. A.i NECHIPORENKO, V. N. Investigating regularities of the gas flow and the wear of coupled parts in blast furnace charging areUgements. Izv,vyo,ucheb,zav.; chern,met. 7 no. 4:182-185 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. G7i," B EEC! nauk r'd Ct, t 1 t o . V. c TYLKIN, M.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent- GREBENIK 'P V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk KO, G. - Mn PIISKIY N.A. doteent; MELINICHEN inzh.; KORDABNEV, I.L., inzh. Temperature changes in the cup of a large blast furnace call. Stall 24 no-5A408-411 My 164. (MI-RA 17M) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskly zavod-vtuz, Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut i Dneprovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod im. DzerzhInskogo. GREBENIK, VO M.; KUGHERENK0.9 V. F. I-- ~: , I- -11_... ~~ I---- . Experimental investigation of the effect of alternating over- loads on fatigue strength and durability with and without stress concentrations. Report No. 1. Izv. vys* uchebe zav* chern. met. 7 no.6:199-206 164. WRA 17:7) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut i Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz. EWT (0) ACCESSION NR- AP4044121 0/0148/64/000/008/0188/0194 AUTHOR: Grebenik V,.M Kneheienk-o.;V. F,, TITM.'Experimental Inv6silgatlen d the effect of alternating overloads on the fatizue: jreslstance~and life span, with and withmt g Lrress concentrators. Part Et SOURCE0 MUZ-Cheknayametallurglya,vo. 9 _1964,188~194_ TOPIC TAGS: fadgue,jatiguie rie s-isitance', streso'concentration, stress, concentrator, overload, alternating overload,.. steel/steel 15. ABSTRACT:' 'Using a procedure desibrib6d In a preWous paper, the authors tested three typea of specimens (9.48 mm.1n diameter) of steelA&%smooth, or with an annular cut havin- a radlus'of 0.4 or 0. under both kkength6ning (initial stressesiT. e an 0 1 as th ultimate stresses6ul) and destreng(henhig (&,16ul) conditions with a sin~pe one-step change in load. VArying,the duration of originat use (a d,'the stress differeam ('66-1 6in and, CNI., the ultimate nuinber. of cycles ii~.l tolcraM by the sampl& before faflurqR, was determined. From complex diWarns keliUng the Initial cycle number (NO, the final, cycle wambar..(Nf) and the above parameters..It Is concluded that: 1. - inall the j: samples, the strengthening effect.wh6G j!51~j -and tho deatrengthening effect when -7 Card 1/2 YEPTIOLOV, GREBRINIM, V.S.; RAYKE1!.Iv,., A.Z. of tlme u-Itrasou-nd from wn angle, Z'w-. lab. .-",0 164 (mfR.-- 18.1) 1. "Sent:-alInyy tekhmw- ,)g- d. mashinct;4 Lruyaniya, GREBENIK, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent Using coefficients accounting for the effect of various factors in calculating for a limited durability. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinootr. no-5:49-57 165. (MIRA 18.11) GREBENIX, V.M.; IVANCHRIKO, F.K.; TY11114, M.A.; 'o%7. Strength and causes for the rupture of a drive shaft for th~j mechanism of a propelled car on a floor-type cliarg-L-ig mac;hjnf~,, Izvo vyse uchebe zav.; chern. met. 8 no*1:169-135 '65 (MRA IS.-l) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskly metalhirgicheakly zavod-vtuzo G RFBE N i K 4. ~V.4. Computations for limited life in a general case of nonstationary asymmetric cycles of stress application. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.2:188 165. (HIRA 18:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metal:urgicheskiy institut. GREBENIX,jt~. Strength and limited durability during discrete and continuous changes in the loading conditions. Izv. vys* ucheb, zave; chern. met. 8 no*lOtl62-169 065. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiv inatitut, GTT,BETIrK, V.M., ktaid. takhn. nauk, dotswt E'valuatLng the fatigue strength in case of variation of loading conditions. Izv. vys. mashinostr. no. 10:35-43 165 a continuous ucheb. zav.; (IMTRA 19:1) 1. Submitted December 26, 1963. VINCGRADOV, Me, inzh.; GREOENIK, Ye,A., in2h.; GLADKIKH, K.V., inzh. Hardening processes. of binding materials made of granulated blast- furnace slags subject to heat and moisture treatment. Stroi. mat. 9 no.4tl2-15 Ap 163. (MP 16 t 5) (Binding materials) (Slag) GREBENIKOV, Ye., kand.fiz.-matem.nauk; DEMIN, V., kand.fiz.-matem.nauk From Earth to Mars. Av.i kosm. 45 no.4:22-26/ Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Space flight to *a) 30) 'AUTHOR: Grebenikov,_Ye.A. 30V/33-35-6-10/18 TITLE: Analytical Theory of the Motion of Japetus PERIODICAM Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1958,vol 35,Nr 6,pp 904-916 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author proposes a theory of motion for the eighth satellite of Saturn, Japetus. Former attempts in this direct- ion are due to H. and G. Struve and in recent times to G.N. Duboshin. The author applies the classical method of Hill. However, this is modified so that the motion of a celestial body (also of a sputnik) can be considered under the follow- ing influeuces 1 1. Attraction by a homogeneous ellipsoid of revolution (central planet, especially Saturn) 2. Attraction by other satellites of the central planet running on orbits 3. Attraction of the sun which moves on an orbit around the central planet. The perturbations of first.order obtained by the author Are.explicitly given at the end of the paper. In his.detailed.statements the author uses.the analytic methods of Poincare' and abandons the application of Fourier analysis. He thanks Professor G.N. Duboshin for supervisift. this work. Ca3rd 1/2 Analytical Theory of the Motion of Japetus SOV/33-35-6-10/18 There are 1 figure, and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 2 French, 1 English, 1 German, and 1 Dutch. ASSOCIATIOU: Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheskiy institut imeni P.K. Shternberga (state Astronomical Institute imeni P.K. Shternberg) SUBMITTEDi October 16, 1957 Card 2/2 GREBENIKOV, Ye. A., Cand of Phys-Math Sci (diss) "Analytical Rheory of Motion of lapet," Moe, 1959 8 Pp (Mae State Univ Im Lomonosov, and State Astronomical Institute Im P. K. ShternberS) (YL, 1-60, 119) 14 30) AUTHORs Grebenikov, Ye.A. SOV/33-36-2-20/27 TITLE- The Perturbed Motion o'~r-'thle - Eighth Saturn Satellite Japetus FERIODICAM Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,19599vol 36,Nr 2,pp 361-369 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the results of a calculation of the Ja- petus perturbations according to the method of Hill Z Ref 1-7. In � I the system of the used fundamental units and -the system of elements on which the calculations are based, are described. �� 2-4 contain general formulas for the perturbation coeffi- cients caused by the geometric figure of the Saturn, by in- fluence of the sun and titanium. The numerical values of the coefficients are collected in tables. � 5 contains equations for the determination of the arbitrary constants and the values of the constants. Final formulas for the perturbed Japetus co- ordinates are given in � 6. The obtained data are compared with former data of Hermann Struve, Bernevitz, Alden, and Georg Struve in � 7- The author thanks Professor G.N. Duboshin for the guidance of the paper. Card V-2 ee 4 3(l),29(2) AUTHORS: Yarov-Yarovoy,l,',.S., and. GIreber *.'~~o.v,,Ye.A. 3011/33-36-3-19/29 TITLEt On the Computation of Precise and Approximate Ephemerides of Artificial Earth Satellites PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1959,Vol 36,Nr 3,Pp 524-534 (USSR) I ABSTRACT: The paper contains the analytic solution of the following problems: 1. the determination of the interval of latitude in which optical observations of an artificial earth satellite are possible; 2. the calculation of the rigorous ephemerides; 3. an approximate solution'which is especially recommended since the calculation can be carried out 4-5 times quicker and the sufficient exactness of 10 is obtained; 4- the answer of the question whether in the given moment the earth satellite can be observed (consideration of the disturbing action of the bright- ness of the sky and possible vanishing in the earth's shadow). All derived formulas are due to Yarov-Yarovoy. Grebenikov examined their applicability and constructed a practical example. There are 7 figlares, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION.Gosudarstvennyy antronomicheskiy institut imeni P.K.Shternberga (State Astronomical Institute imeni' P.K.Shternbert-0 SUBMITTEDt July 16, 1958 Card 1/1 GREBENIKOVv Ye.A. - ... 1. __I_-__ Applying Hillfs method in investigating the motion of an artificial earth satellite. Biul.Inst.teor.astron. 7 no.10:811- 814 160. (MIRA 340) (Artificial satellites-Orbits) S/033/60/037/02/013/013 E032/E914 AUTHOR: 1"eb_gnlkov,~ --- A.- TITLE: Conference on the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificial Celestial Bodies PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy rhurnal, 1960, Vol 37, Nr 2, pp 362- 368 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference took place on December 22-29, 1959, at the State Astronomical Institute im, P. K, Shternberg (Moscow State University . The donference was organized by the Department of Celestial Mechanics and Gravimetry of the Moscow State University, whose head is P~rof. G. N. Duboshin, The Organizing Committee was headed by Prof. Duboshin and included Member-Correspondent of the Ac. Sc. USSR L. N, Sretenskiy (Ministry of Specialized Education), Deputy Chair- man or*tfte Astronomical Council A. G. Masevich, Head of the Department of Applied Celestial Mechani of the Institute of Cardl/8 Z-)/033/60/037/02/013/013 E032/E914 Conference on the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificial Celestial Bodies Theoretical Astronomy of the Ac. Sc, USSR G. A. Chebotarev, Doctor of Fhysico-Mathematical Sciences T. 77TH-eyev, and other members of the Department of CelesT3-al Mechanics and Gravimetry of the Moscow State University. Over one hundred persons took place in the Conference. Twentyeight papers were read and were devoted to the mechanics of artificial Earth satellites and cosmic rockets. The following papers were read: 1) I.D.Zhongolovich (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy), 'New formulae relating to the motion of artificial Earth satellites'.VY \IV 'Numerical calculation of certain parameters of the Earth's gravitational field'. 2) Z-.A. Grebenikov (Shternberg Institute), 'Secular ana periodic perturbations in the motion of artificial Earth satellites due to the resistance of the atmosphere'. Card2/8 3) A. A. Orlov (Shternberg Institute) S/033/60/037/02/013/013 E032/E914 Conference on the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificial Celestial Bodies 'Review of non-Soviet work on the theory of motion of artificial Earth satellites'. 4) G. M, Bazhenov (Institute for Mechanization of Agriculture, Khar1kov) 'On the determination of an artificial satellite orbit from three observations'. 5) Yu. V, Batrakov (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy) 'Processing of theqobservations,'J~bf the third Soviet satellite at the institute Or Theoretical Astronomy'. 6) G. P. Taratynova. (Mathematical Institute, AN SSSR), 'Methods of c ale ulafT1-6-n-_0T_a_r_=1 1cial satellite nrbits for large time intervals'. 7) D, K, Kulikov (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy) 'Integration of the equations of motion in stellar mechanics by the Cowell method using high speed computers'. If# V1, Card 3/8 S/033/60/037/02/01~/Ji;5 E032/E914 Conference on the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificial Celestial Bodies 8) G. N, Duboshin 'Integration of the differential eguations for the rotational motion of artificial celestial bodies'. 9) V. T. Kondurarl (Ivanovsk Energetics Institute) 'Translational an=-577aional mo-vion or a s-p-Ee--roidal satellite'. 10) V. V. Beletskiy (Mathematical Institute AIT SSSR) 'The motion of an artificial Earth satellite about its center of mass'. 11) L. N. Sretenskiy 'The motion of a mass point in the gravitational field of a pulsating spheroid'. 12) A. A. Orlov 'On periodic motions of a mass point in the gravivazional field of a spheroid in the critical case'. 13) Ye. P. Aksenov (Moscow State University) "111/ 'Almost circular orbits of a particle in the gravitat- ional field of a rotating body'. 14) A. V. Yegorova (Moscow State University) 'Perturbations in the motion of a satellite due to the Card4/8 oblateness of the Earth and to the Sun'. S/033/60/037/02/013/013 E032/E914 Conference on the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificial Celestial Bodies 15) M. M. Pospergelis (Moscow State University) 'The trajectory of the flight to the Moonl..~V 16) M. S. Yarov-Yarovy (State Astronomical Institute im. P. K. Shternberg) 'On the motion of a rocket in the vicinity of the Moon'. 17) Ye. P. Aksenov and V. G. Demin (Moscow State University) 'Periodic orbits of an artificial satellite of the Moon'. 18) Ye. A. Grebelnikov 'On the application of the Hill method to the theory-ol-motion of artificial earth satellites'. 19) N, G. Magnaradzhe (Tblisi State University) !Translational. and rotational -motion or two bodies witE-variable mass'. 20) V~ A. Brumberg (Institute, -~f Theoretical Astronomy) 7-ollision trajectories in the limited problem of three bodies'. Card 5/8 S/033/60/037/02/013/013 E032/E914 Conference on the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificial Celestial Bodies 21) V. G. Demin 'On periodic orbits round the Moon'. 22) Ye. F. Aksenov 'The effect of the tri-axiality of the Earth on the motion of an artificial earth satellite'. 23) D. M. Shchtigoley (Moscow State University) ,'Approximate solutions of some problems in celestial mechanics'. 24) R. A. Liakh (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy) 'A modification of the expansion of the perturbation function into a series'. 25) N. B. Yelenevskaya (Moscow Evening Machine Building Institute) On the expansion of the perturbation function into a series in the case when -6he eccentticity '2-s=c ose to unityO. 26) M, S. Yarovo 'Improving the convergence of series representing the motion of artificial earth satellites'. G. A. ChgDglaggv-spoke on the future programmes of the Depart- Card6/8 ment of Applied Celestial Mechanics of the Institute of S/033/60/037/02/013/013 E032/E914 Conference on the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificial Celestial Bodies Theoretical Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences USSR. A. I. Ribalcov (State Astronomical Institute im P. K.Shternberg), U~ V. Batrakov, T0 M. Navev (Mathematical Institute of the Ac. Sciences),IV. A. Ye orov (Mathematical Institute of the Ac. SCO)l U. A. Lyabov (Moscow Energetics Institute), M. S. Yarov-Yarovoy, V. V7 =azayeveskiy (Yaroslav )Education Institute), I. P. eshkoy (Moscow Institute of Transportat- ____5 --- v M. U 3te s Anonyeva (Kazan St=Vlve P. Aksenov took part in the discussion. An All-Union Card 7/8 S/033/60/037/02/013/013 E032/E914 Conferenc-e on the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificial Celestial Bodies conference on the theory of motion of artificial earth satellites and their scientific uses will take place in 1961 and the Astronomical Council was instructed to set up a special commission to plan research into celestial mechanics. SUBMITTED: January 12, 1960. V/ Card 8/8 24352 S/026/61/000/008/001/004 D051/D113 AUTHORS: Aksenov, Ye.P., Grebenikov, Ye.A., and Demin, V.G. TITLE: An outstanding scientific experiment. Celestial mechanics and the first manned space flight PERIODICALt Priroda, no. 8, 1961, 7-15 TEXTs The article deals with the launching, orbiting and landing of space ships, the instrumentation and conditionB on board the Soviet-built "Vostok" space ship, and the creation of astronomical observatories outside the earth's atmosphere. Multi-stage rockets are said to be superior to single-stage ones because the thrust chambers can be separated from the rocket during flight. The authors give a detailed account of the general mechanics of orbital klight and refer, in particular, to the flight of the "Vostok" space ship. The - "Vostok" moved along an elliptical orbit with a perigee of 181 km and an apogee of 327 km. It took 89.1 min to revolve round the earth and the ec- centricity of the orbit was equal to approximately 0.01. The ship passed over the USSR at an altitude of 175 to 200 km and covered a total distance of a little less than 50,000 km. The cosmonaut could see the earth's surface in all directions at a distance of 1,500 - 1,800 km. All quantities character- Card 1/4 2NJI~ 3/026 000/008/001/004 An outstanding scientific experiment... DOWD113 izing the orbit of a space ship are subject to change due to the non-spheri- cal shape of the Earth and its varying internal density. Atmospheric re- sistance and the displacement of the orbital plane of the space ship due to differences in the earth's equatorial and polar radii must also be taken into consideration in order to guarantee the safe landing of the space ship. The authors discussed the difference between "hard" and "soft" landing. The former, which is due to high velocity of the space vehicle at the moment of its impact with the surface of a planet, results in the destruction of the space ship. The latter is used for space ships with cosmonauts, experimental animals etc. on board and is extremely difficult to accomplish if, as in the case of the "Vostok", the ship is to be landed in a pre-determined locality. "Soft" landing methods are based on the simultaneous application of cele-s-tial mechanics and the aerodynamics of supersonic speeds. After a certain amount of speed is lost through passing through the dense layers of the atmosphere) a further reduction in speed is realized by means of rocket braking systems and parachutes. The space ship enters the braking zone several thousand kilometers from the landing place, but the braking mechanisms are put into operation only after the position and the velocity of the space ship have been exactly determined. At this moment it must be oriented towards its center of mass in such a way that the nozzles of the thrust-chambers are in a suitable Card 2/4 24352 S/026 611000100810011004 An outstanding scientific experiment... D051YD113 position. This can be done thanks to a special system of stabilization. "Soft" landing can also be made possible by the cosmonaut, using load para- chutes etc. As far as the construction and equipment of the "Vostok" were concerned,all measures were taken to make the cosmonaut's flight comfortable. The authors discuss the problems presented by meteoric and micrometeoric hazards and state that these hazards were successfully coped with by adjust- ing the design of the space ship and by supplying the cosmonaut with special clothing, which, in fact, played the role of a sort of second hermetic cabin. To avoid radiation hazards, manned space ships flying near the earth's-sur- face .,must fly on orbits below the dangerous belts of radiation surrounding the Earth. On route to other planets, these ships must fly on trajectories passing near the earth's axis. The orbit of the "Vostok" was calculated only after taking these radiation factors into consideration. In addition to the many automatic installations guaranteeing, for instance, the maintenance of constant pressure and normal humidity of the air, regeneration of oxygen etc., the cabin also contained a device which enabled the cosmonaut to take up a graduated horizontal position. In this way he could more easily stand the overloads during the launching and landing of the space ship. On account of the cosmonautts position, the overloads did not act along the spinal column, but in a perpendicular direction. The distribution of the blood and the heart Card 3/4 21052 S/026/61/000/008/001/004 An outstanding scientific experiment ... D051/D113 function were normal. During the entire flight, the cosmonaut was in con- tinuous communication with the Earth. The authors point to the new possi- bilities in astronomic research opened up by space flights and state that projects are at present being developed to establish astronomic observatories outside the earth's atmosphere. These observatories are to be installed either on large space stations moving along orbits near the Earth or on the Moon, There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheskiy institut im, P.K. Shternberga (state Astronomical Institute im. P.K. Shternberg) Card 4/4 26815 2- 0 0 ism nil 1131 S/560/61/000/0081004/010 E032/E514 AUTHORS: Aksenov, Ye. P., Grebenikov, Ye. A. and Demin, V. G. TITLE: General solution for the motion of an artificial satellite in the normal gravitational field of the Earth PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR,, Iskusstyennyye Sputniki zemli, ig6i, No.8, pp.64-71 TEXT: In the ma jority 9f papers concerned with the motion of artificial earth satellites.."'the problem in treated analytically with the aid of various 9~ries and successive approximations leading to the final solution of the differential equations of motion. There is then the attendant problem of the converSonce of the series which is often ignored. Papers in which convergence problems are discussed are those of A% M. Lyapunov ( Sobraniye sochineniy, Vol.1, Izd-vo AS SSSR. 19541, A. Vintner (Ref.2: Math. Zsf. 24, 259, 1926), G, A. Mormian (Ref%31 BYU1l- ITA, 7, L., izd-vo, AN SSSR, 1959, p.441) and M. S. Petrovskaya (Ref.4t Byull. ITA, 7, L, izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959, p.441), These workers were concerned with the convergence of Hill's series representing the Card 1/5 26815 General solution for the motion ... S/560/61/000/008/004/olo E032/E514 be obtained on the basis of a certain analogy with the problem of two fixed gravitating centres. If one considers the motion of a mass point in the gravitational field of two fixed centres having equal masses, which are at a complex distance from each other, then the force function for the problem, when the complex distance is suitably chosen, can be made to approximate the real potential of the Earth. The introduction of the complex distance is due to the fact that at least the first few terms in the expansion of the Earth's potential in terms of the Legendre polynomials have alternating signs. It is pointed out that if all the coefficients of the Legendre polynomials were positive, then the satellite problem would be analogous to the classical problem of two fixed centres. If, on the other hand, all the coefficients except the first were negative, then the satellite problem could be solved with the aid of the solution for the case of three fixed centres, one of which attracts and the other tworepel. The above scheme has been found by the present authors to be suitable for the solution of'the ZarthOs satellite problem without taking into account atmospheric resistance. It in shown that the problem can Card 3/5 20815 General solution for the motion ... S/56o/6i/ooo/oo8/oo4/oio E032/Z514 be reduced to the following elliptic integrals: d)x = T + C (31) 4 )IL2 2 31 + 2(c2 h (2c2+ c1 dh T+C 4 2hk4 2fM x3 + 2(c hA 2 2fM x + (2c + C 2 (32) C3 2 C3 2 1 where the independent variable t is given by (X2 + 1~2 )d-r (34) and h, clq c 29 C39 cli, C5are arbitrary constants. The cartesian geocentric coordinates of the satellite are then given Card 4/5 26815 General solution for the motion s/56o/61/000/008/004/010 Z032/E514 by: x = c (I M - U 2)-sin w, 2)(1 _ R2).Cod w, y = c (I + (35) where w is given by W = ci 2 + IL2)dT + c 5' (33) ja - '02)(1 + 0) A detailed analysis of theme results, J. a. the detnWhation of the possible regions of notion, the nature of the *ocular and mixed terms, stability problems etc., will be given in a future publication. Acknowledgments are expressed to Professor G. N. Duboshin for advice and suggestions. There are 10 references: 6 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The two English-language references not mentioned in the text reading as follows: J. A. O'Keefe, E. Zckels, R.K. Squires. Astr.J., 64, 820, 1959; P. Herget, P. Musen. Astr. J., 63, 43o, 1958. SUBMITTED: November 22, 1960 Card 5/5 AKSENOV, Ye.P.; GREBENIKOV, Ye.A.; DEMIN, V.G. Polar orbits of artificial earthsatellites. Vast. Moak. un. Ser.3: Fiz., astr. 17 no.5:81-0 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. FAfedra nebesnoy mekhaniki, i gravimetrii Moskovskogo universitetaf (Artificial satellites) -q~~l~~NW(~V,--Xe.,..kand.fisiko-matematicheskikh nauk; DEMIN, V., kand.- fisiko-matematicheakikh nauk Spaceship flies to Venus. AvA kosm. 45 no.8:18-21 162. (IURA 15:8) (Space flight to Venus) -1-ACCESSM -M AT4435346 S ft/000/123100W003? --- Aksenov, Ye. P.; G. I kov, Ye, A.; Demin, N, Go TITLE: Traje ctorles, of a parabolic class in the problem of notion of a material ..::particle in the earth's normal gravitational field I SWRCE: Moscow. UnIversItot. Gosudarstvenny*y astronomichaskly Institut. Soobshchonlyag no. 123, 1962l 22-37 _ietificial satellite orbit, artificial satellite TOPIC TAGS: artificial satellite, I. orbital element, artificial satellite parabolic orbit, normal gravitational field 1:,ABSTRACT: This article discusses the motion of a material particle in the earth's normal gravitational field. The normal gravitational field is determined by the potential of two attracting fixed centers situated at some apparent distance from :.:one another. The authors give the results of a qualitative analysis of the equa- tions of motion for a case when the total mechanical energy is equal to zero* le is shown that there are five types of motion.- Paranietric orbital equations are derived for each of these types. The paper Is divided Into 7 parts:: I - Investi-, gation of the elliptical coordinate g; 2 - Investigation of the elliptical co- ;1 ordinatelf - 3 - formul4s for the coordin:te w; 4 - Relationship between time 4- and I : '.. thq regularizing variable -C 5 Polar rajector;es of the class h 0; Equ-' .ACCESSION NR: AT4035346 ,atorial orbits of the class h 0; 7 Summary of the formulas for the five types of motion. It Is concluded that motion in all. the types of the parabolic class ..,occurs in unlimited trajectories in an infinite period of time. orig. art. has: 73 formulas. ;;ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvenny*y astronomicheskly institut Moskovskogo universitets 1. I'(State Astronomical Institute of'Moscow University) 4. ~SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 26t4ay64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AA,-SV. NO REF SOV: 003 OnER.. 00, 2/2 Card__ TIM'" AKSbrNOVP Ye.F.; GREBENIKOV, Ye.A.; DEMIN, V.G.; PIROCOV, Ye.N. MMONOXMWNN- Sam problems concerning the dynamics of flights to Venus. Soob. GAISH no.125:12-41 162. WRA 160) (Space flight to Venus) SUBBOTIN, M.F., otv. red.;.= RIKQY,-je-Akand. fiz.-matem. nauk, red.; DEMIN, V.G., kand. fiz.-matem. nauk, red.; DUBOSHIN, G.N., doktor fiz.-Aatem. nauk, zam. otv. red.; OKHOTSIMSKIY, D.Ye., red.; YAROV-YAROVOY, M.S., kand. viz.-matem. nauk, red.; NIKOLAYEVA, L.K., red. W-val SHEVCHENKO, G.N., tekhn. red. [Problems of the motion of artificial celestial bodies]Problemy dvizheniia iskusetyennykh nebesnykh tel; doklady. Moskva, Izd- vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 294 P. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Konferentsiya po obshchim i prikladnym voprosam teoretiche- skoy astronomii, Moscow, 1961. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Subbotin, Okhotsimskiy). (Artificial satellites) (MechWes, Celestial) (spaceships) AKSENOVJ, Ye.P.; GREB ]~Oy, Ye.A.; DEMIN, V.G. -___!N - Qualitative analysis of the forms of motion in the problem of the motion of an artificial earth satellite in the normal field of the earth's attraction. Ink. sput. Zem. no.16:173- 197 163. (MIRA 16W (Artificial satellites) GREBENITKOV Ye A kand. fiza-vatem. naukV DEMIN, V. kand, fiz.- matea, nauk Study of the m:in*r bodies of the solar system; astronomical tonfemus at Bakao VeBt,, AN SSSR 33 no.l'-'126-1.27 Ja ~63,, (MIRA 16q1) ~Planetsj Minor) (Astronawy-CongTesses) S/033/63/040/002/018/621 ~3001/9120 AUTHORS: Aksenov Ye.P., Giebeniko3L_Y_c. and Demin V.G. TITLE: The generalized, problem~of two fixed centere,and'its' application in the theory of motion of artificial earth sitd1lites PERIODICALS Asttonomicheskiy zhurna 1 Ve 40 Sno.2, 1963, 363-372 A ~The classical problem of two fixed centers consists-'in TEXTS a~study of -f he* motion of a passively gravitating material point subjected to attraction,by two fixed material points PI and PP In the present paper this,.problem is investigated in application -to the motion of artificibl iatellites. I The potential U in- the ;problem under consideration can be presented, if inverse distances 1 rl and r2 are expanded:in series in-Lagendre polynomials, in the form: f M Y + U r P~ r n=6 n n + I I M2a2 where M is. mas abf-both fixed bodies and y = - n M Card 2/3 F, GR ~B PJ T KOV V I - sarlea-In solving the generalized restricted problem ,Y,; i nrj o-.' three bodies. Trudy Un. druzh. nar. 5 Teor. :dekh. no.2~ 125-115 164o (m,11FA 18"9) ACCESSION NR: "4040849 8/0033/W041/003/0567/0578 AUTHOR: G Ye. A. TITLE: Stability of Lagrangian triangular solutions of the restricted three-body problem SOURCE: Astronomichesidy zhurnal, v. 41, no. 3, 1964, 667-578 TOPIC TAGS: celestial mechanics, Lagrangian triangidar solution, restricted three-bodr' problem, three-body problem, orbital eccentricity 1 1, ABSTRACT: It was demonstrated by A. M. Lyapunov (Sobr. 'sochin., 1, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1954) that Lagrangian solutions of the unrestricted three-body problem are unstable if the criterion for stability 16 the infinite closeness of perturbed nxid unperturbed triangles formed by attracting masses and that llic sides of a txianglo in perturbed motion differ by an infinitely small value from the corresponding lengths in unperturbed motion at the same time. These solutions posses stability of a different ldnd. A triangle in which the attTacting m-isses arc situated at the vertices changes little in form and dimensions. After infinitely small perturbations the triangle always differs little from an equilateral triangle and the lengths of the sides of the perturbed LARngle differ by an Influltely small ACCESSION NR: AP4040849 value from the corresponding sides in unperturbed motion. On the basis of this work by Lyapunov, Grebenikov has investigated the stability of triangular Lagrangian solutions in restricted problems In celestial mechanics. It to shown in this paper that at sufficiently small values of eccentricity of the orbits of attracting masses, and with certain conditions imposed on the masses, the Lagrangian. solutions in this case are stable if the criterion bused for stability is the infini closeness of the perturbed and unperturbed triangles at whose vertices the masses are altuated. Orig. art. has: 57 f6rmulas. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstven~ny*y astronomichesldy institut imeni P. K. Slitemberga (State Astronomical Institute) SUBBUTTED: 210ct63 ENCL: 00 006 OTHEIC.- 001 SUB COM, AA NO REF SOV GRE'Lll~!i i I~L-I)vl ),-0 ~* . :4ethorls for averaging aquat-iong of celestial naschan1c, !,s-,ron. zhur. 42 no-1:190-194 Ja-F 165. (jJFA 18:2)