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Conferenoe on problems of toxoplasmosis. Zhur.mikrobiole) epid. i
immun. 32 no.10:155-156 0 161. (MIRA 14:10)
Toxoplasma culture in the ascitic carcinoma of mice. Dokl@AN &WR
138 no.1:21+7-248 My-je 161. (MM 14:4)
1. Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. N.F.G.-lei.
Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N.
Im = ological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis on obstetrics. Akusb,
i gin. no.5tl22-115 161. (MIRA 15--l)
1. Iz Instituta spidemilogii i mik obiologi-i imeni N.F. Gamaley
AMN SSSR (dir. - prof. S.W. Ituramtsev).
Guanidine carbonate (urea imide carbonate). Metod.poluch.khim.
reak.i prepar. no-4/5:8-11 162.
Guanidine sulfate (urea imide sulfate). Ibid.il7-18
(MIRA 17:4)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovateltakiy institut khimicheskikh
reaktivov i osobo chIstykh khimicheskikh veshchestv.
Dicyandiamidine carbonate. Metod.poluch.khim.reak.i prepar. no.4/5:
24726 162.
Dicyandiamidine bicarbonate. Ibid.:26-27 (MIRA 17:4)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimicheskikh
reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv.
Lead cyanamide. Hatod.poluch.khim.reak.i prepar. no.4/5:27-30
162. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut khimicheskikh
reaktivov i chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv.
Bromobenz6th,iazo. Met. poluch. khim. reak. i prepar.
6-Bromo-2-aminobenzothiazole. Ibid.:22-25 (MIRA 17:5)
I. vsesoyitzoy.--hauchno-isoledovateltakiy.institut khimichaskikh
reaktivov i'oso'bo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv.
Production of toxoplasmosis antiRens in tissue culture. Med.
paraz. i paraz. bol. 33 no.6:661-665 N-D 164.
(MIRA 18:6)
1. Laboratoriya toksoplazmoza Instituta epidemiologii i mikro-
biologii imoni Gamalei AMI4 SSSR, Moskva.
PISKLWA, A.V., inzh..; GRACHE,VA,..,-4.,k,@,,inzh.
Flooring materials based on cement dust. Stroi.mat. 7 no,,6;29
Je 161* (MM 14:7)
1 (Cement industrieo-By-producto) (Stalingrad-Floors, Concrete)'
/ /DaM ---
L 1862-66 El-IT(m)/EPF(n)-2/EVIP(t)/EWP(b) DIAAP/IQc) JD/ G
ACCFSSION NR: AP5022642 UR/00 9165/019;dO'02J /0196
AUTHOR: Kondurov, 1. 45; Grachevas L# Mit Yegorov# A. 1.1 Kaminkerg Do Mot:
111kitin, As Mot Petrovq Yu# Ve
TITLE: Reactor burn-up cross section of Pm"9 and samarium poisoning
SOURCM Atomnays. energiya, vo 19, not 29 1965g 186-190
TOPIC TAGM: snmarium# poison effecto nuclear reactorg nuclear technology# neutron
capture, capture cross section
ABSTRAM The authors measured the Pm burn-tip cross nectlon by determining the
amount of Pot 150 produced after rm 149 in exposed to a flux of thermal neutronse
This cross section in important because Pm 49 burn-up determines the amount of sa-
marium produced by promethtwo decay after reactor shutdowno and an excess of as..
.marium can prevent restarting of the reactor. The radioactive Pm'49 Itself "s ob-o
148 lhq _4. Pml4q*
,'tained from their reaction Rd (n, y) Rd The separation of the pro_
methium is briefly described* The reAtoactive PM V" exposed to a flu2 of
u- q -
kv I SIR M Ngpit-'
L 1862-66
'ACCESSIOR, ni AP50226h2
14 2
JO neut /CM see in the water section of the VVR-14 reactor, Masurement of the y
149 149.
:spectrum from the Pm shows the presence$ besides the 285-keV peak due to Pft
of peaks-at 340 &nA 410 kev vith hhorter half lives (2,7 h) bel6figing to pmlW
anit 1
!a 103-kev line belonging to SM153 4' The cross section for the capture of thern .al
Meutrons by is determined from the value of the neutron flux and the ratio of
ithe activities of Pml5O and Pm"9. The value obtained after correcting for the
counting efficiency of the apparatus and other factors is 1700 t 300 barns for.
ineutrons with v = 2200 m/see. This yields a namarium. poisoning cross sect-'on of
1711500 barnst -4 against a fuel fission cross section of 582 barns# for a 10% yield
6f_prDnVt_@iuW4urIng fission. The correction necessary to apply the results to a
Ifast-neutron reactor to briefly discussed. Orig. arto has 3 figures and 5 formulas4
Oc ON I hone
UBMITrED i _2'0jul64 EMS 00 SUB CODES HP
!Card 2/2
A III, I- j
Nil, 4
S.' L.N
NEFEIT)V$ V.D.; @ A -1 1. 1 .
Chemical changes during beta-decay of PaF contafted, in rp-phenethyl
derivatives as a method of synthesis of analogous derivatives of
polonium. Radiokhimiia 7 no.6:71,1-7411, 165. (MITLA 19:1)
p-Anisyl derivatives of polonium. Radickhialia 7 no.2:245-246
165, OLU 0
RA 18: 6)
ZAKEARCHESKO, D.D,doteent, kanclidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; ISAYEV, I.P.,
dotsent, kandidat tekhaichaskikh nauk; XALININ, V.K.,inshoner;
MSTITANOV, N.Ye.,doteent, kandidat takhdicheekikh nauk;-
IAKSHTOVSKIT, I.A.,dotment, kandidat tekhnich@okikh nauk;
MARKVARDT. K'G.,professor, doktor tskhhidhaskikh'nauk;.'X=L', T.B..
profeasor, doktor takhaichaskikh nauk; KTLRONOV. K.A.,inshener;
MIKHATLOV, N.M.,doteent, kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; NAKHODKIN, M.D.,
doteent, kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; OZZ"LOVSKIY, Ch.S..
inzhener; OSINV, S.I.,Inzhener; AOKASHKOV, S.G.,inzhener; SOKOIOV,
L S.,inshener; YAKINSKIY, G.V.,kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk;
S;@TSILW, A.A.,inzhener; PHLYAIMTO, P.N..doteent. kandidat
takhnichaskikh nauk; BOV3. Ye.G..Imndidat tekhnich@Bkikh nauk, reteensent;
P.NRTSOVSKIY,-L..M.,Whsfier, retmenzent; ALIKSMV.-A.Ye.,professor,
doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, retsenzent; RATAIA)V, N.H.,inzhan6r.
reteensent;7INEM, B.N..inshener, rateaftientl RRIA T
kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. rateensent;*YEVDGKIKOV, A.M.9
inshener, retsenzent; JULININ, S.S.,inshener.-retsenzeat;
TRAKHTKU. L.M.,kandidat tekhnicfieskikh aauk,retsehxe4t-
PrlEMWV, A.P.,inzhener, retseazeat; GOKHSHTBIN, B.U.,kOadidat
tekhnichaskikh nauk, retsenzent; lL'lN.-I.F.,ipzhqn*r, x@tsensevt;
XAKHCDKIN, M.D.,dotsent. kandidat takhnichoskik4 "!Ak. ietoenzea@;
TISHO 0, A.I.,otvetstvannyy redaktor; BoNiSHIVIGH,911-1-.2 i.
kandidat takhnichaskikh aauk, redaktor; ZOROKROVICH,,A.Yi.,d6@6@ent
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktoi; I'UTswO,..Te.G.,in:*b@zier,
redaktor; ROGOZHIN. A.P..inzhener, r6UktOr;.,SIDOROYl N.I.,
inzheaer, radaktor; MINA, G.F.,takhnicheskiy radaktor
(Continued on next-card)
ZAKHARCHINKD, D.D.---(continued) Card 2.
[Technical manual for railroad workers] Tekhnichaskii
spravochnik sheleznodorozhnika. Red. kollegiia R.G. Granovskii
i dr. Monkia, Goo. tranap. shol-dor. izd-%io. Vol. 9.[Ilectric
rail'road rolling stock] Blektropodvizhnoi sostav zlieleznykh'
dorog. Otv. red. to= A.I. Tishchenko. 1957. 652 p. (MIaA 10:4)
1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR. (for Aleksoyev)
(Blectric railroade--Rolling stock)
ABLSHKIN, V.V.,kanr1.tskhn.nA'*; OAC2M,L.O.,k&hd.tekhn.nauk;
PAVLOV, I.V-,kmnd.tGWwi @nauk @@
Running characteristics of freight car ti'uckB eqaipped with one
roller ban bearing in the.axle. Vent, ISSI, MPS 1171 no.7:44-43
N 158a (MIRA 11:12)
(Railroads--Freight cars) (Roller bearings)
KOROLEV, N.V., inzh.;@@ @-, kand.tekhn.nauk; MORGAYSV, ToNot inzho
Necessity for new methods in the inspection and evaluation of
track conditions. Zhel.-dor.tranap. 41 no.9:60-62 5 '@9-
(MIRA 13-2)
DERKASOV) G.M., inzh.;.*@& @L.O. -4and.tekhn.nauk
Modernization of the spring suspension of the freight car truck.
Vest. TSNII MPS 20 no.7:41+-46 161. (KIRA 14.- 12)
(Car trucks (Railroads))
GRACHEVA, L.O.; kand.teldm.nauk
@Ilcv to 4xWeve the deoign of q tbree-axlo. = truck..
:60 (MIRA
Zhol.dor.tranap. 43 no.U. -4A 161. -14;11)
(Car trucks(Rali@"ds))
GRACHEVA, L.O., kand.tekhn.nauki ANISIMOV, P.S., Inzh.
Reducing the car-and-track interaction forces on a track with
reinforced concrete ties. Vent. TSNII YIPS 20 no.5:34-38 '62.
(MIRA 15:8)
(Railroads-Ties, Concrete)
VERIGO, M.F., doktor tekhn. nauk; LAZARYAN, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk;
GRACHEYA. L.O.. kand. tekhn. nauk; LIVOV, A.A., kand. t--khn. nauk;
Dynamic qualities of eight-axle gondola cars and their action
on the track. Vest. TSNII MPS 22 no.7:3-9 163. (MIRA 16.-12)
VERIGO, M.F., doktor tekbn. naukq prof.; GRACHM, L.O., kand. teklm. naukI
ALEKSMT,, M.Y., kand. tekhtr, niuk;--MM-Jakff,--r.8., Jnzh
Evaluation of the dynamic (running) characteristics and action
on the track of six axle 95 ton capacity gondola cars. Trudy
TSNII MPS no.268.-5-63 t63 (MIn 17 23)
GRACHEVA, L.O., kand. tekhn. nauk
Dynamic tests of type ER2 electric trains with car trucks
equipped with spring suspensions. Vest. TSNII MPS 23
no.7:3-7 164. (MIRA 18:3)
GRACHEVA L.P., assistent
Ibe black dock.sawfly, Zdahch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.9.-
50-51 5 162, (NIRA 16g8)
1., Kafedra zashebity rastaniy Kubanskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo
(Krasnodar Terri tory--Sawflies-Zateraination)
(Krasnodar Territory-Rumex-Xiseases and pests)
GRACFEVA,,,)@@]@, ,_ @assistent
Cement dust a msaw@f contrtailng pests. ZaAch. rast. ot
vred, i \bol. no.11836.;07 N 162. (MIM 16:7)
1. Y-afedra'zashchity ra46biy i ovoshchevodstvo Kubanskogo sells-
kokhozyaystvennogo Instituta.
Chemical Abet*
Vol. 48 No. 8
Apn 25, 1954-
Biological Chemistry
The effect of change of the functladd gut" I I Of,
nervous activity on the matnItude and SUN-;
F"44 43r.
tion "Stric juice and its acidily. heva.
Zur. rysskt Nervilof Doyald. im. 1. F.Td-rMW
(1953).-111 dogs the development of coudittortil addle
saliva secre-tory reflexes Involves.a. disturbance ofolicmtIod
of the glistric glands which Is men in ilterition of the mop[-
tude and type of pstAc secretion. In animals with a Me-
tivrly Inert type of nervous system, during the period of
afirlielition, of short and mpld stimali UwM@ Is a drup of
totid tecretiml of gastric juke, UPKW duriagethe lit.
fir., and a sharp drop in acidity of the 42U. If t stimj#l.* -
alle Staced by about 20 sec., the guirk system SMUW
rEturils to normal. In animals with txcitaW
-ter the disturbance of ga4tdc seenatim vrow-obs
c,.nrnc savek
%Ollt all il I stiMull; particularly-severe dietarlWce
noted for Clinert amfulals Indicates their pubtithility
to g1jut to surroundings. The d"P In tk-ftlore@
excit; ble animals was of short duration "d soft-AaL lew
severe when it did tOm place. In all cam thi Chu
note,* in gastric secretion led to higher digestive &MCI
tile latter. 0. M. KOWSpolf
Mechanism of the fomation of an atophan-Induced stmach ulcer
in dogs. Fiziolashure 48 no.:L20479-1483 D 162, (MIRA 1612)
is Yrom the Ilepartment of Physiology, Medical Institute., ElLago-
Looking like gold. 14ast,prom.i khud.promys. 4 no.2:30-31 F 163.
(KIRA 16':2
le.Nachaltnik kontory Upravleniya metalloobrabatyvayushchey pro-
myshlennosti 14oskovskogo ispolnitellnogo komiteta Moskovskogo
soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya (for Slepets). 2. Nachallnik
laboratorii kontory Upravlaniya metalloobrabatyvayushchey promysh-
lennosti 14oskovskogo gorodskogo ispolnitellnogo komiteta Mos-
kovskogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya (for.Gracheva).
Serebryakov, N. G.,, and t. A. Gracheva
Radioaktivn e Izotopy zolota - Au198 I Au@99:,(Radioactive-Isotqpes of
Gold - Au
Y198 and Au199) Moscow, Atomizdat, 1960, 18 p. 11,000
copies printed.
Ed.: 0. M. Pchelintseva; Tech. Ed.: N. A. Vlasova.
PURPOSE: This booklet in Intended for the general reader in-
terested in problems of medical radiology and in the applications
of tracers in the solution of scientific problems.
COVERAGE: The bookletIpplaine T44hoda of preparing the radioactive
isotopes of gold Au and Au and also preparations and
sources containing these isotopes. Their physicochemical char-
acteristics and their applications are given. It is emphasized
that the radiocolloids of gold have received especially wide
application in medicine for the treatment of cancerous.growths.
The authors also discuss methods for the preparation of radio-
active gold with and without the carrier, methods for the en-
richment of radioactive gold atoms by neutron irradiation of
Card 1/2
Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.)
thiosulfuric gold with mercury, the distribution of radio-
colloids in the organism, and a method for the preparation of
oilver-ooated radiocolloids of gold, There is an appendix of
basic definitions and units of measurement. No personalities
are mentioned. There are 15 references: 11 Soviet and 4
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
TSAREVA, V.Ya... dotsent; Grach2yp.L M.A,,,
Acute infectious lymphocytosis in a 4-year old child. Kaz.
med. zhur. no.1:60-61 ia-F'63. (MIRA 16:8)
1. Kafedra infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent N.P.
Vasillyeva) Kazanskogo -gosudarstvennogo instituta dlya uso-
vershonstvovaniya vrachey imeni Lenina i II infektajonnaya
bollnitsa Kazanskogo gorodskogo otdela zdravookbraneniya
(glavnyy vrach M.I.Kavalerchik).
u@mMedicine Tularllil@ea Jtm,.51.
.@T%Testing of Raw Furs for'Tulaxemia by ifeans @of.".
the Precipitation Reaction," K. A'. Dorofeye-0
,I'. GrK Vet
heva, Kray, funidentifled7Sci-Res
Mcpl Sts;V4[ray Lab for, lnvestigatT6n. of Hide"Aa,
'Skin Raw Materials
Zburt Mikro,, Epid, i I =ujk, No 6, p 62
By testing thefurs of vild animals ana,the
hides of farm animals,vith precipitating: serin
supplied by thiP'Miltrob" lust, those infected
.vitb tularemia cat be detected. Infected ftr
.is,kept in a dry storage room for 2 moo before
being released ar,io treated vit.h chlor.opicri'n.
,.,.:nt status and prospects for "Pending trout culture in
*jl' 7rudy SOT.lkht'kolo, no*2:107-117 153. (mLRA 7:7)
I Vass"
rechnogo Uznyy nauC440-16"ledovateliskly
(Tro r7bnogo khozM,t,, - VNIOFj[h. 'natitut oxernogo i
=,mvA, M. N.
ORACHEVA, M. N. "The Biological Principles of Growing Rainbow Trout."
Moscow Technical Inst of the Fish Industry and Economy
imeni, A..I. Mikoyan. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for
the Degree of Candidate of Biological Science)
SO: Knizbaya Letopis', No. 17, 1956.
kA) m, /v
LUZANAAYA, Me: BAUM, H, 0. redaktor
[Pish resources aid catches in inland waters of the U.S.S.R.: a
reference manual] Rybokhosialstvannyi Yodnyi fond I ulovy ryby vo
vnutrannikh Yodoemakh SSSR; spravochnik. Pod red. M.N.Grachavol,
Moskva, H-vo rybnot promyshl. SSSR, 1956. 513 P. (NIBA 10:8)
Methods for incubating and rearing rainbow trout larvae. Trudy
Irar.fil. AN SSSR no.5:148-151 '56. (MIRA 10:7)
1. Vaesoyasay nauchno-looledovatellskty institut ozernogo i
rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva.
(Trout) (Incubation)
/()&7, )ILO, 1494 A004/A104
AUTHORS: Gracheva, M. P., and Ginbert, A. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE; Protective and ornamental films,on aluminum
PERIODICAL-. Mashinostroitell, no. 5, 1961, 42
The author describes the production method of "emeal"-films, i. e.
opaque oxidation films on aluminum. Thesefilms are generally prcduced in electro-
lytes containing titanium salts. The technological process of "ematallrovaniye"
consists of the following: polishing - which should be carried out with pastes
of high quality. The authors recommend white pastes on the base of aluminum
oxide and French chalk; degreasing in organic solvents, e. g. gasoline, kerosene
or white spirit; mounting on supports - the material for the supports should be
pure aluminum or AW (AMG) and AMq (AMTs) alloys; chemical degreasirg, which
should be effected in a solution contai=ng 10 g/liter caustic soda, 50 g/liter
sodium triphosphate and 5 g/liter water glass. The solution temperature should
be 60-700C, the holding time 2-3 minutes. Preliminarily polished parts should be
chemically degreased in a solution consisting of 10-15 g/liter mono- or di-
derivatives of sodium phosphate and 5-10 g/liter Oa-7 (OP-7). The solution
Card 1/2
Protective and ornamental films on aluminum A004/AI04
temperature should be 80-100 0C, holding time 5-15 minutes, pH = 5.5-8.5; purifi--
cation - to eliminate the grayish film from the surface forming during degreasing.
This operation is carried out in a 30% nitric acid solution at 18-20 06; "emata-
lirovaniye", which is effected in an electrolyte containing 30 g/liter chromium
anhydride and 1-2 g/liter boric acid. The process should take place at 45-50 OC,
holding time is one ho-jr. At first the voltage is brought to 40 v and held for
30 minutes, during which the current density should amount to 0.4-0.5 amp/ Fdm2.
Then the voltage is raised to 80 v for another 30 minutes while the current
density is brought to 1.0 amp/dm2. The processing conditions for the AMG and
AVRs alloys are analogous; treatment in nitric acid solution - this operation is
necessary to obtain rich colors durin� the painting of the film. 25-30% nitric
acid is used at temperatures of 18-20 C, holding time is 1-2 minutes. Painting
of the parts is carried out in aqueous solutions of organic dyes immediately
after "ematalirovaniye". The pH-value of the dyestuffs greatly affects the
quality of the paint. The pH-value can be corrected with the aid of acetic aoid;
sealing - during this operation the film pores are sealed and the dyestuff in the
pores is fixed. 0Sealing is effected in distilled water, after which the parts
are dried at 100 here is .1 table.
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NRi AT4043074. 8/0000/64/000/000/0204/0221
AUTHOR: Gracheva, M. P.0 Golubev, - A. L, Ginberg, A. M.
TrMn: Structure of opaque oxide films on aluminum as indicated by electron micro-
tu ies
me ope ad
nr-'--:,, SOURCE: Mezh-uzovotaya konferentmiya. po, anodnoy zashchite metallov ot korrozil. let,
Kazan, 1961. Anodnaya zashchita, metallov (Anodic protection of metals); doklady*
k6derentsil. Moscow, lzd-vo Mashinostroyenlye, 19", 204-221
TOPIC TAGS: anodized aluminum, anodized aluminum alloy, anodic oxide film, anodic1
film structure, electron microscope structural analysis, carbon colloid replica method, 1.
Enew hydroxide penetration, film filling effect, current density, anodic film pore. film
--pore dimension, aluminum "000, aluminum AOO, aluminum AD-1, aluminum alloy
AMts aluminum alloy AMi, aluminum alloy D-4, aluminum alloy D-16, ah-L-i-NAtm wdds
film, aluminum corrosion
ABSTRAM. The mechanism of formation and structure of opaque oxide Mme W"
atodied 6n samples of aluminum AVOOO, AOO, ADI and aluminum alloys DI, DIG,
NR: AT4043074
Mts and AUg (compositions given). Samples were prepared by chemical degre"ing
and bleaching (30% IINO'), then anodized in various baths under different conditions of
jernoerature, voltage, Aration and pil. Structural analyses of the films obtained
utilized the carbon-colloid replica method and a magnification of 22000:1 on an electron
,..-.,;j.,:-,microscope EM-3. It was established that opacity is not governed by @ampie composition,
nor can it result from penetration of metal hydroxides into the film pores or t6e filling
but probably depends on film structure and the'*corresponding quantity and
-dimensions of the pores@ Stepwise modification of the current density facilitiates formation
ofan. opaque film. The presence of pores and a cellular structure was confirmed. The
lalier Is rearranged as the current density increases by stages; the oxide cell dimensions
in the cell formation area and the number of 6911a per unit of surface decreases
correspondingly. Pore diameters In the surface layers of films vary little durirg
oxidation. A sharp discrepancy develops between the number of cello on the Metal
mdace and the number of pores on the external surface of filins. @ The number of pores
bd@omos greater than the.number. of cells when the cur*r&t density Is increased by sitages.;
"The electron pholomialmigimlas
gor Prepared under the direction of r. p. zalivglow
Orig- art. has: T. t&bI4if;- 2 gr&PM, 2 Illustrations and 16 photamicrographs.
s --
wa A
6: 7.@
-MMMMED: lililliftlim
-SM CODEt UK "k-"
NO R8F SM. 01
W7 W A
LOW-mm, alumimm alloy, electrolysis, '31qctrol`e. anod'zing,
was underta@-cn '3@- io
aTei-ana Y tran.9parent owide coatirgst
The f ormar generally requ-iras aGur-nifit, of up -to 120 volts, t-i-nrerat!_-e of
nN 01 pctr-,' yte. '.-rr- !,:f i,:'.,n
PF-6, ahd D-16 alloy-s ri-,u4rf@
sj7.- from, 110 to @,50, the current densltv was A ii]Lfrz
Protective and protective-decorative coatings of steel.
Mashinostroitell no.11:29 165,
(MIRA 18: 1-1)
it--s a.: @l st r-uc ture
7 .1.
_x. _zuxxxIiLLWL Aux'
U-Itfs alloys cuusiatu-_oi--chromtc antijydride and boric acid, -!rho:-,
reason for the opacity of the film is the chanve fn it!; E,-tru,-iTrP ciiiiqod hv fhp OP
37555-.. .Inneivatsiya-Myshts .I Sli. zi-stoy Obolochki.Gortani. .. anatom. i Eksperim-girtol.
Isel Edovaniye. Vestnik Otorinolaringologogii, 1949, No. 6. a. 42-47,- Bibliogri
14 Nazv. . I I
SO: Letopis' Zhurnalinykh Statoy, Vol- 37, 149
RefJmwenia zones of the larym. Vesta otorinolar.- 12t6,,
r1ovo-Dec. 50* P. 3.2-7
1, Of the Department of Normal AnatorT (Head -qm Honored Tjorker
in Scienco Profv P, P, Dlyakonov) and of the DejUL-twnt of Hist.
olou (Head - Honored Worker in Science Prof, G. ra Khrushchov)v
Socond Hosaw Nedical Institute imeni 1. V. Stalin.
GUS 20.g 3, March 1951
Innervation of the femoral artery. Xhirurglia, Moskva no.5:19-23
I May 1951. (CUIL 20:9)
1. Of the Department of Normal Anatomy (Director-Prof. P.P.
D'yakonov), Pediatric Faculty of Second Moscow Medical Insti-
bate imeni I.V. Stalin.
Sympathetic larjUsal innervation* Vest. otorinolaro 13 no*3;37-
41 VAy-Juno 1951- (CIML 20:11)
1. Of the Department of Normal AnatoaW (Head-Honored Worker in
Science Prof. F'*P. Dlyakonov) of the Pediatrics Faculty and of
the Department of RiotIology (Read--Honored Worker in Science
Prof. G.K. Mwushchov)o Second Moscow Medical Institute imeni
I.V. Stalin@
"The Innervation of the Throat (Anatomical and Experimental Histological
Research)." Dr Med Sci, Second Moscow State Medical Inst, Moscow, 1953. ,
(RZh]3iol, No 2., Sep 54)
Survwy of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (10)
Sot Sum. No. 481, 5 Mv 55
Changes In the laryngeal tissue in section of the laryngeal nerves. Vest.
otorinolar., Moskva 15 no.2:7)-76 Mar-Apr 1953. (CIKL 24:3)
1. Of the Department of Normal Anatomy (Head - Honored Worker in
Science Prof. P. P. Dlyakonov) of the Peiiiatric 7aculty and the Depart-
ment of Histology.,(Head -- Honored Worker in Science Prof. G. K. Xrushchov)
of Second Moscow Medical Institute imeni I. V. Stalin,
Some data on function of the laryngeal muscles and their r9lation
to innervation. Arkh. amat. gist. i embr. 31 no.2:11-17 AP-40 054.
1. is kafedry norwallnoy anatomil Pleftatricheskogo bkulitsta. I
ksfedry gistologit 11 Moskovskogo seditsinskogo institata imeni
I.Vo-Stalins. (sav. kafedraxi saolushenW doyatell nauki prof, F.P.
Dlyakonov, i vasluthennyy dayatell nauki prof. G.K.Krushchoy)
(LLRM, PhYS101097,
*laryngeal maw. funct. & innervation
Larmeal muscle@. Arkh. anat. glot. I embr. 31 no.4:50-56 O-D 154.
(NM 8:2)
1. In kafedry normalinoy anatooll (say, deystvitellnyy chlen ANN
SSSR Prof. V.N.Ternovokly) 11 Mookovskogo meditainakogo Inatituta
imeni I.V.Stalina.
(LARTUO Amtomy arA histoloff,
Reactivity of the newal appratum of the lax7ax In various
diseases. Test.oto-rin 17 no.4:22--27 JI-Ag '55. (MLRA8:10)
1. In kafedry normllnor anatooll (sawo-daystyltellrqy chlen
Akademit medItainskikh muk SUR prof. T.N.Termovskly) Il
Hoskovskogo mdItmInskogo Institute lawd I.T.Stallm.
(LANK, Innervatlows
pathol. In diphtheria & moasles, autopsy findims)
(DIPHMRIA, patboloff
larynx nerves aut;psy ftndlw)
(42kSIM. Pathoi;;w
larynx nerves. ;utopsy findlqp)
G II-edalina Sergeyevna-, SHUBIN, A.S., redaktor; RCHANOVA, Z.A.,
tekhuichaekiy redaktor '
[Morphology and functional.eignificance of innervation of the
larynx] Morfologiia i funktaionalinyoe znachenie nervacgo apparata
gortante Moskva, Goo.-Izd-vo mad. lit-ry. 1956. 161 p. (mia 9:io)
G XA C_ @) 4F 4-,q,
tan text) - G r a c h e v a M. S. Moscow - VESTN. OTO-RtNO-LARING.
t957, 6
The mucous membrane of the Aoft palate in man to richly innervated. The recept-
ory apparatus Is distributed throughout tt unevenly- the' number of the receptors,
verj high In th e* mucous membrane of the tongue. decreases gradually behind the
median line of the palate. All the nerves of the soft palate are of a winding form
due to the functional peculiarities of the organ. The dominant form of the receptors
are free terminations of winding, long, spitting filaments, forming sometimes spi-
rals and balls, under and inside the epithelium. Animal and subsequent morphol-
ogical control has demonstrated that bilateral branches of the vague are the source
of innervation of the mucous membrane of the soft palate. (XII 19
1. is kafedry normallnoy anatomij t%av.-d9ystv1te11ny7 chlen ANN SSSR.-,
Prof. V.X.Ternovskly) 11 Kookovskogo meditsinskogn instituts.
GRACHEVA..' R.I.S. (Kookva, r-81, AlekseyevskiY studenchookiy gorodok, proysxd 3,
korpue 9, kvo23)
Consideration on the human uvula, Arkh.anat.gist. i embr- 35 no-1:
115-117 Ja-F 158- (MIRA 11:4)
1. Is kafedry normallnoy anatomii (zav. - deystv. chlen AMR SSM
profs T.NoTernovskly) 2-go Moskovskogo meditainskogo instituta.
(PAUTE, ansto aud histology,
uvula (RUOT
N S prof
Imervation and functional significance of the soft palate.
Vest,crtorin. no,643.1-17 1610 (KM 15:1)
1. Iz kafedry normallnoy anatmii i fisdologii (zav. - prof,
LP* Ghukichev) farimitsevticheakogo falmllteta I Moskovskogo
ordena. Lenina meditijinokogo institute. imeni I.M& Sechenova.
[Brief morphological description of the vegetative nervous
system] Kratkoe opimanie morfologii vegetativnoi nervnoi
sistemy. Moskva, Pervyi Moak., 1963. 11 p.
(MIRA 16:10)
GRACHEVA, M.S. (Mookvaj, G-48., Woro-Devichiy proyezd, 2, ky.154)
Sensory i=er7ation of the locomotor apparatus of the larym
Arklr.anat. gist, i embcr. 41+ no.lt77-83 Ja 163. (mnu 160)
1. Kafedra anatomii cheloveka (zav. - ablen-korrespondent
AMNI.SSSR pTof. D.A. Zhdanov) Pervogo moskovskogo ordena Lenina
imeli I.M.'Sechenova. (LARYNX--ni=VATION)
GRAu-ffM,,-'A, Y-N.
--.1 - 1- -
-MorpholoV and functional chAracteristies of the soft paldte and
posterior palatine arches in some anlmals. Arkh. anat., gist. A
embr. 48 no.6,150-56 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:7)
1. Kafedra anatomil cheloveka (Zav. - chlen-korrespondett AMN SSSR
prof. P.A. ndsnov) I-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo in-
stituta imani Se.-henovn,
i.L 3986-@66 EWTMAOC GW
'ACCESSI6N NRI AP5022795. 04/OT17/OVh'
AUTHOR: Gracheva& M* yeat Wrvith as
TITLEi Strong intensity fluctuations of light propagating through the surface
layer of the atmosphere
SOURCEt IVUZ. Radiofizikat v4 8* not 40 1965s 711-724
TOPIC '7AGS: atmospheric turbulenceg atmospheric optics# light radiation
ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the flickering of a land-based light source
`_.Fnear the earth's surface under daytime conditionso The fluctuations of the light
intensity vere studied as functions of the meteorological conditions and:of the
distance covered by the light in the turbulent atmosphere* The measurements vere
made in the summer of 1963,at the Tsimlyansk. Scientific Station of Institut fitikL'- -
atmonfery (Institute of Physids of the Atmosphere) AN 698% The light source'vas
a 250 watt mercury lamp fed from a 2500,cps source and placed in the focus of an
objective, the output of which vas avedkly -divergent beam modulated at 5000 apsi
Modulated light was used to eiisinate the effect of the unmodulated scattered.
__--L 3986-66
sunlight and to simplify the receiving apparatus.. A photomultiplier operating in
conjuction with a narrow-band@ amplif lei- and an integrating voltmeter served as the
receivero The measurements were madeover a section of steppe with level ground",'.
The receiver was located 125# 2506 500 0009 and 1750 meters from the source,
The allowance for the meteorological conditions was made by plotting periodic
temperature and vind-velocity profiles of the atmosphere and introducing appro-
priate corrections in the values:us*A.for the refractive I dex. The measured
flicker Intensity v0a compared with the theoretical deducticne of V. I. Tatarskly-,
(Teoriya fluktuatsionnykh yp-vleni7 pri rasprostranenii voln v turbulentnoy
atmoofere [Theory of Fluctuation Phenomena in the Propagation of Waves in the
Turbulent Atmosphere 16 AN SSM by plotting the measured rms fluctuation
against the theoretical value obtained in the firot approximation of smooth per.,
turbations, In the case of weak flickers the rmd fluctuation is proportional to
in agreement with Tatarikiyts theorys -In the case of strong flicker,, the
dependence an the distance and an' the mAeorologleal'conditions Is weaker than forl"
ma e
veak fluctuational and the actu"al rmi fluctuations never exceed da approzo t
value 1.6. "The allthors thank.,V@:.'.Ii Ttitaraiy,for valuable advice 4 V
(,!i- In A-1
N1 57 77777
WIN OR M-19-6 KM M-a-LarMotsma
7785-66 E ._jp
Ac J)Z: UR/0141/66/009/001/0057/0060
soulAcE C
ACC NR: AP600763.0 31
Lezhen, A. S_
!AUTHOR: Gracheval M. yeo;
IORG: Institute of the physics of Atmosphere,�N SSSR (Institut fiziki atmO fery.
Gity of light propagating in a medium with variable
TITLE: Fluctuation of inten
@Iturbulence characteristics
50URCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 9. no. 1, 19 66, 57- 60
TOPIC TAGS: light propagation, atmospher .ic turbulence
nsidered for a case when the source and the
1ABSTRACT: Light propagation is co
receiver are placed -at I m and 7 *0 m above the Earth's surface, respectively; the
slanted path length, 600 M; zenith angle, 840; unstable stratification of the
atmosphere and free convection conditions are considered. For uniform turbulence
conditions, the mean square of fluctuation of the logarithm of intensity of a planar
monochromatic wave is given by: @01 . 1,23 C2. k 116 01", where k In 2. Tr /A L is the wave
path, and C is the !'structural constant":' (Z), ='C' (Z.) (420- where z is a fixed
Card 2 UDC: 535.3:551.51
ACC NRs APbuU7630
Kevel, OC is equal to
2/3 for dynamic turbulence or 4/3 for free
veracity of the above formulas was
1964 in a flat stepp checked by experiments stag convection. The
e terrain. Light fli ed in the summer of
tures and wind velocities; cker was me
asured along with mean tempera-
measurements. also# Richardson numbers were calculated from gradient
results * A "satisiacto Y" agreement between theoretical and experimental
is reported. 'In conclusion, the auth
A, S* Gurvich for the dir ors wish to thank
V- L Tatarskiv and
ures and 5 formulas. ection Of, the project and valuable advice.
12 fig
ISUB CODE: dr-i-g-, -a-r h a a:
08, 20, SUBM DATE: 31 May6,5 ORIG REF: [031
11D PRESS: Z-/,Z 2. cl
005 OTH REF: 001
I Card 2/2cLg".
Long-range prognow of fall and spring tee phases of the Baltic
Sba. Trudy ?SIP 0;7183-97 157- (mm 10--9)
@J;&Itia 364--les)
'Spero and plllon complexes In Nalkop deposits of central Ciscaucasia.
Trudy VNIGNI ne.12:935-248 158. (MIRA 12:3)
(Stavropol' Terri tory-Phlynology)
BLAG%kN, G.F., professor; DYMSHITS, R.A. , professor-, GRACHEVA, N.A.;
ZUDIII, V.S.(Chelyabinek)
Radioactive iodine for treating thyrotoxicoses. 33
no.6:37-40 Je '55. (MLRA 8:12)
1. Iz kafedr7 gospitallnoy terapli ( G.F.Blagman) na
baze I darothnoy bollnitsy Tushno-Urallakoy zheleznoy dorogi
i kafedry patologicheakoy fiziologil ( R.A.Dymehits)
Chelyabinskogo meditainakogo instituta.
BLAGMAN, G.F.0 pr0or; DMRITS. R.A.. professor; GRACIMVA, N.A.; ZUDIN.
V.S.; STRUKOVA, A.P. (Chelyabinsk)
Use of radioLodine in.the treatmaht of tbyrotoxicosis (with
summary in Anglioh, P*.124). Probl.eudok. i gorm. 3 no.1:50-56
ja-I 157. - (NLRA 1Q:6)
1. As kafedry gospItaVnoy terapii (sav. - prof. G.F.Blagaffin) an base
1-y doroshnoy bollnitsy Tushna-Urallskoy zhelezuoy dorogi i kafedry
patologicheskoy fis,tologii (sav. - prof. R.A.Dymshits) Chelyabinskogo
meditsinskogo Institute (dir. - profo GoDsObrastsov)
(HYMTMO'IDISM, therapy,
radiolodine. review (Rum))
(IODIM, radicactive,
ther. of hyptrUWroilien. review (Rua))
Using liquid emulsions in histoautoradiography. Med.rad. 1 no.2:
87-93 Mr-AP 156. (MLRA 9:9)
1. Is pat6logoanatomichaskoy laboratorii (zav. L.V.J@xnshteyn)
TSentrallnogo nauahno-iseledovateliskogo rentgano-radiologichookogo
iustituta (&ir. - prof, M.N.Pobedlnekiy) Ministerstva zdravookhra- SM.
auto-impression on photographic plate with liquid
emulsions of tissue sections labeled with radioisotopes
same) same)
USSR/Human and Animl Morphology. (Circulatory System-, S-2
Abo Jour Rof Zhur Biolo) No 7,1958) No 31254
Author Grach=
Inst :_TrOt_GivMI____
Title pathohistology of Vegetative GanGlia During Acute Radiation
Illness in Experimenti
Orig Pub :Ezhegodr1k. ln_t@eksperim# mod. Akad. med. nauk. SSSR, 1955,
L., 1956, 394-397
Abstract : Acute radiation illness of 28 rabbits was caus-ed by subcut-
aneous introduction of 7 A',curies of radiophosphorus. Four
month old rabbits perished in 4-5 days, adults in 6-13.
Different sympathetic and sesnory ganglia were studied of
animls prepared after 1-12 hours, 1-5 days, or which per-
ished in a later period. The stronaest changes of all were
expressed in the splanchnic nodes. In the first 2-3 days,
the distrophic changes were LWadually clear (swelling of
cell, atonization of tigroid). later, there is a central
achromatic ectopy of nuclei, and they appear to be pychnose,
Card 1/2
P, (_ VA NJ A
TITLE: Distributlo-nof the Radioactive Phosphorus (P ) in Definite
Areas of the Nervous System Investigated with the Help of the
Radioautograph Method. (Avtoradiografich3lkoye izucheniye
raspredeloniya radioaktivnogo foofora (P ) v nekotorykh
otdolakh nervnoy eistemy, Russian).
PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 113, Nr 2, PP 436 - 439
ABSTRACTs Radioactive Isotopes were widely used in the investigation of
transformation processes of the nervous system. Nevertheless,
it was impossible to demonstrate the inclusion of isotopes in
single nerve cells. Therefore, the historadioautograph method
becomes important as it makes it possible to bring the inclusion
of isotopes into connection with a certain histostructure. The
authoress decided to compare the morphological modifications in
different sectors of the nervous system with the distribution of
radioactive phosphorus during the experimental reproduction of
acute radiation sickness. Radiophosphorus as sodium salt of
phosphoric acid was subcutaneously injected into 15 rabbits.,
Within different periods, from 2 hours to 4 days, an air-embolism
was produced. The 3 animals that were left to survive died 5 - 7
Card 1/3 days later. Brain, several spinal marrow segments with interverte-
Distribution of the Radioactive Phosphorus (P32 ) PA - 3370
in Definite Areas of the Nervous System Investigated with the
Help of the Radioautograph Method.
bral ganglia, Gasser's ganglion of the trigeminal nerve, the
nodular ganglion of the vagus nerve, the ganglia of the adjoining
sympathetic nervous system, and the abdominal ganglia of the
plexus solaris were extracted for the investigation. Historadio-
graphy was carried out according to a previously described method.
For the purpose of ascertaining the quantitative distribution of
the radioactive phosphorus, grains and streaks were counted.
The results of these countings evaluated according to the method
of variation statistics were used for the comparison of the
relative intensity of the inclusion of isotopes in single sections
of the nervous system. Radioactive phosphorus is unequally dis-
tributed in the nerve tissue: the grey substance contains more of
it than the white one. The sensible nerve cells of the inter-
vertebral ganglia had taken up more isotopes than the sensitive
nerve cells of the spinal morrow. Also differencies in the
quantities of inclusions in different sectors mere ascertained.
It was not possible to derive any regularities either of the
phosphorus distribution in single parts of the nervous System
or of the cells. It can be assumed that the unequal degree of
inclusions is dependent on the different functional condition
Card 2/3 of the cells. In the experiment, which W98 carried out to
PA - 3370
Distribution of the Radioactive Phosphorus (P32) in Definite
Areas of the Nervous System Investigated with the Help of the
Radioautograph Method.
Card 3/3
investigate the dependence of the intensity of inclusion on the
duration of the radioisotope remaining in the organism of the
rabbit (2 hours, 3 and 7 days after the introduction of P32), it
was ascertained that with increasing duration of the experiment
the accumulation of p32 increases, as already ascertained by other
authors. As all other phosphorus compounds had been removed
b e f o r e radioautography on the occasion of the histological
preparation of th tissues, in the present investigation only
the quantity of P32 was followed which is included in phosphorus
containing proteins. Therefore it may be assumed that under the
given experiment conditions the intensity of the albumin trans-
formation and functional activity of different sectors of the
nervous system can be judged by the degree of inclusion of 02.
(2 schedules, I table with 4 (9) micro-photographs,
8 citations from Slay publications)
Central Scientific Radiological Research Institute
L.L.ORBELI, Member of the Academy
Library of Gongress
T _-VU-4-r-vations Qf-the Incorporation of Radioactive Sulphur (S-7-7)
[ Into Nerve-Gelloo
-vk1yucheniya radioaktivnoy eery ( 3
) v nervayye
kletki -Russian)
a 6
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,1957tvol MoNr 3,pp 688-691 (M S.R.)
Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957
ABSTRACT The opinion was expressed in a previous work of the author (DtI957
Vol.113,Nr 2)-that the difference of the degree ofinoorporation of
an isotope depends to a great extent on the.characteristice of re-
processes in verve oells. The author attempted to prove 'the correct-
ness of this opinion in his resent work. For this purpo N"h#onsu
marked with radioactive sulphur (535) was used. It parti
paten in
the exchange of albtAen on the'oecasion of its introduction into the
organism and pormite the classification of the intensity of rage are-
tion of tiasue-albusten by means of the degree of inclusion of ST
A comparison of the velocity of regeneration of albumen sulphur-
containing and,phosphorus offers the possiblLity of classifying the
intensity of thel6tal exchange of albumen andq in consequence, al-
so of the functional activity of the different parts of the nervous
system. The experiments were carried out with rabbits and white rate*
Uard 1/2 A description of tbt experiments follows. A different intensity of
AUTHOR: Gracheva SOV/20-123-5-46/50
TITLE: Histoautoradiographic and Histochemical Investigation of the ? 32
Inclusion in Nerve Cells (GistoevLaradiografiches'&oye i gisto-
khimicheakoye izucheniye vklyucheniyaP32 v nervnyye kletki)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 1231, Nr 5, PP 937-940 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author has made a differentiated investigation of the nuclein
and the phosphoprotein metabolism J_n order to determine its
peculiarities for the nerve cells of certain sections of the ner-
vous system. It was found that the nerve cells of the cerebral
hemispheres, of the cerebellum, and of the peripheral nerve garglia
take up far larger quantities of p3l than does the white matter
(Ref 4). A solution of radioactive phosphorus was subcutaneously
administered to 11 rabbits. The P31 uptake intensity was determily,4
by means of trace autographs (sledovoy avto'graf) by counting the
developed silver grains, or from tracks of the photo-emulsion above
individual cells of the treated and untreated sections at equally
long exposure tinies. The treatment consistel in the extraction of
ribonucleic acid (RNA) and desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by ribo-
Card 1/3 nuclease (RNA) and trichloroacet-ir, acid (RNA and 21A),respectively.
Histoautoradiographic and Histochemical InvestigatJon of the P32
Inclusion in
Nerve Cells
Table 1 shows almost no differenm I.It the auantities of autoradio-
graphically demonstrable radio-phosphorus in the nerve cells of
the -vegetative and the sensory ganglla, as well as in the liver
cells. The quantity in Purkyndy's (Purkinlye) cells of the cortex
of the cerebellum was 2-5 times 10wer, t-he ganglionic cel-'s of
the cerebral hemispheres contained cnly 1/4 of the P32. of the liver
cells. During the first hcurs afte:c the introduction cf p32 , the
radioactivity of the gray matter was about 1/70 of that of the liver
cells. The same proportic@ns are obtained by the bi 'ochemical in-
vestigation methods of the brain as a whole (Refs 8-10). The
dynamics of the P32- -inclusion (Fig 2) --an be seen from the p32.
uptake curves in the above-mentioned cell categeries,, Except ,for
Purkyng'e cells, they viere ident' In the cases of Furkyne's
cells and of the cortical cells, the uptake was reduced, althouih
the curves have almost the same shape. On the other hand, the P 2-
inclusion in the white matter increased slowly throughout all the
investigation periods. The treatment cf the se@@t_icns with ribo-
nuclease and trichloroacetio acid showel a de,.line in radioactivity
(Figs 1 b - g, Table 2). Pecaarit-.?a -.1 the phosphor..--mi metabelism
Card in the nerve cells of certain eections @,f tha nervcus vystam ivere
Histoautoradiographic and Histochemical
Nerve Cells
Investigation of the P 32 Inclusion in
also revealed by the inclusion intensities of P32 in RNA and DNA
into the phosphoproteins. The inclusion into BNA was most marked
in the nerve cells of the vegetative ganglia, lower in the sensory
ganglia, and lowest in the brain cells. The 02-inclusion into DNA
was highest in the liver, significant values being, however, also
found in the nerie cells, especially in the peripheral ganglia.
From the test results it could be concluded that the regeneration
of the phosphoproteins occurs at a greater speed than that of the
nucleic acids. This finding is in agreement with biochemical data
(Ref 3).-There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 13 references, 8 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy rentgeno-radiologicheskiy
institut (Central Scientific Roentgenological Research Institute)
PRESENTED: June 27, 1958, by L. A. Orbeli, Academician
SUBMITTED: June 23, 1958
Card 3/3
GRAGIEVA, N.D., Cand Iled 6ci -- (diss) "State of certain sections
of 'the nervous system j*r-gons-oal exposure to ionizing radilation."
Len, 1959, 19 pp (Central Sci Res Inst of Med Radj.@)logy of the
Min of Health USSR) 200 copies (KL, 36-@q, 118)
- b6 -
"Protein Metabolism in the Nervous System."
report submitted for the First Conference on the problems of Cyto and
Histochemistry, Moscow, 19-21 Dec 1960.
Central Scientific Research Tnstitute of Medical Radiology, Ministry of Health USSRs
UdIWI @711 hannyy daystell nauici, red.
Cilnual on histoeutorediogropl-ql Posobie':po distoavto-
radiografti. Pod red. U.N.Pobadinakogo. Leningrad. TSentr. med.radiologlis 1960. 49 P.
"Localization of Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis in Nerve Tissue."
Report presented at the 5th International Biochemistry Congress,
Moscow, 10-16 Aug 1961
FUNSHUMI, Lev Vladimirovich; VASILIYEVA, Ye I.; Qj@CIIE
[Atlas of the pathological anatomy of acute experimental radia-
tion sickness] Atlas patologicheskoi anatovii ostroi lucbevoi
bolezni v eksperimente. Leningrad, I'ledgiz, 1961. 216 p.
(MIRA 15:2)
--- -------
S/205/63/003/001/017/029 i
Tf'kS.- 'Autoradiographic detection with tritiated' thymidi a of
d4ioxyribonucloic acid synthesis in the cells of the
nervous system of.whiterats after total X-irradiation
PERIODICALs Radiobiologiya*':v*39 no*L'. 1963, '81-89
TEXT; -Twenty rats wbre-Ariadiated with X-rays In-a sIngle
dose of 60o.o.r.770 r,and tritiated thyfi3idine in@a dose of
@0.5 11cu/S was injected.suboutaneounly after an interval ranging
in individual animals from I to 240'hours. Animals were killed
24 or 48 hourwAftar injoetton and autar&4JozrAvhq were made
froffi varlaua port& 6f tho,eantral n@ryoua ayat~ot in arddr to
study the Incorporatio, of thymidine. In the control animals the
neurones remained free, but incorporation was observed in the
0 A.
..Slial cells,-mostly of the olig dendrogliat the percentage a'
labelled cells ranging from.o.o56 to o0l4o in different regiors
of the central nervous system. In irradAated animals weighing;
120 - 190 &,incorporation could be found when the tritiated
thymidine was injected upto 96 hours after irradiation, but after
Card 1/2
Auto" 5/205/63/003/001/017/0'91
radiographic detection with
10 day up to 0.448% of glial cells were labelled, most of which
were again oligodencfiroglia. Uptake of thymidine occurred earlier
(48 hours) inanimals of lesser weight (80 - 95 g). No
differences in the intensity of 1@belling could be observed
between the*glial cells of-the control and the irradiated animalso
The results.indicate that the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid
in the@glia is depressed--by.. irradiation, -and that the depression: -
is followed by a phase of..recovery.
-There are figures and 2 tablesi
ASSOCIATION; Tsentral" nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut
meditsinskoy radiologii i Institut taitologii,
AN SSSRm' LenJilgrad
(Central Scientific Research Institute of Medical
-and @Institute of Cytology AS USSR,
SUBMITrED: April -149
.Card 2/2
ACGESSION NR: AP4015093" 3/0205/64/004/001/0102/0107
AUTHOR: Orfkphevap No Do
.TITLE: Autoradiographic investigation with H3-th7midine of DNA
synthesis In liver cellular elements of white rats after total body
SOURCE: Radiobiologi7a,, v. 4, no. 1, 1964P 102-107
TOPIC TAGS: liver cellular element, DNA synthesis liver cell
mitosis, X-irradiations autoradiographic method, 0-thymidine
labeling, labeled nuclei index, labeled mitosis index,
parenchymatous cellj, Kupffer cell, liver proliferation
ABSTRACT: Experimental white rats weighing 80 to 200 g were
X-irradiated (RUM-11 unit, 180 kv, 20 ma, focal'length 40 am, 49.8
r/min) with single 600 and 770 r doses. Both experimental ancl
esntrol animals received single-subcutepeous injectiono, nf
H -th7midine solutions (.5microcuries/g dose) from 1. to 2110 hr5 after
irradiation, Animals were killed 4,, 24, and 48 hrs after introducing
the tracer, Autoradiograms of liver sections (7 mk) were made with
Card 1/3
exposures of 10-11 and 18-20 days. Labeled nuclei and mitoses of the
parenchymatous and Kupffer liver calls were counted with a specially
equipped DIBI-3 microscope. The index for labeled nuclei'was based on
the number of labeled nuclei compared to the total number of nuclei
and the mitosis index was established in a similar mannor, Diameters
of labeled liver nuclei were measured. Findings indicate that 600 and
770 r X-irradiation doses depress the entry of liver cellular elements
into mitosis and DNA synthesis by lengthening the periods between
completion of mitosis and beginning of DNA synthesis and between
completion of DNA synthesis and beginning of mitosis. Ten days after
irradiation with the onset of regeneration the number of labeled
mitoses and nuclei of the parenchymatous and Kupffer liver cells is
higher in all experimental animals than in control animals. Changes
in number of labeled nuclei# comparable to those in parenchymatous and
Kupffer cells, are found in bile duct epithellumi interlobular blood
vessels, and interlobular connective tissuej although mitoses are
rare17 founds Tho proliferative activity of all these cellular
elements should lead to a slow but steady renewal of liver 991jujar
compaditione ofta, art. hast. A Olbzol AM 1. fig"a.
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ASSOCIATIONs Taentrallny*y nauchno-iaxledovatellskiy rentgano-radiologichookiy
'inatitut MZ SSSR (Central Scientific-Research Roentgen-Radiology Institute KZ SSSR);
Institut taitologii AN SSSRp laningrad (Cytology Institute AN SSSR)
@smmiwms o6sep62 DATE AOQ# 12M&r64 ENCLs 00
card JV3 ... . ...
- ---------
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