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00 1
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USSR/Phrics NO-enetlan _U NLr 56
"Discrete-Continuous Spectrum of IndvctIon 9'a
Ferr6mwotic During Cyclic Overmagnetizatioii,"
A. A. Grachey, Physicotech Inst,, GorIkiyState 0
."Dok Ak Nauk-SSSR" Vol LXXI,, No 2., pp 269-272
,.Experimental studies,-in connection with tel6--
,Ohone6, or the relation B(t) = f(H(t))"-4h&re f
is - d6uble*-4alued function describing hysteresis
1-66p. Spectrum of EkF ifid:uctio' n* iii fikuency,
irange 4;.-50 kc, f6r viir16usItemperatures'(200,
1500 C), using'quartz filters; oscillators,
tnalyz&rs, 'etc. Submitted 14 Jan 50 by Aced M. A.
USSRA)hysics Magnetization 1 Aug 52
"Spatial Correlation of Noises of Cyclical
Remagnetization," A.A. Grachev, Phys-Tech
Tnst, Gor,kiy State U
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI'*VoI 85, No 4, PP 741-744
Gives Tome results of an exj@tl investigation
@nto spat@al statistics of noises of cyclical
remagnetization. Acknowledges advice of Prof
G.S. G6relik and assistance of Z.I. Veliko-
sellskaya in the expts. Submitted by Acad M.
A. Leontovich 7 Jun 52.
14 4,6 V, 0. 7 7 7
USSR/Physics Magnetic flux, FD-A85
Card 1/1 Pub. 146-8/20
Author Grachev, A. A.; Goronina, K. A.; Kolachevskiy, N. N.; and Andrianova,
Title Experimental investigation of variation.of magnetic flux in a cable at
reversal of idagnetization of one domain
Periodical Zhur. eksp, i teor. fiz., 27, 313-317, Sep 1954
Abstract Results of experimental investigation of magnetic flux generated in a
single domain of a ferromagnetic cable are outlined. Experimental data
concur within 10% accuracy with th6oretical computation by S. M. Rytov
(ibid, 307-312). Four references.
Institution : Physicotechnical Institute, Gorlkiy State University
Submitted : December 28, 1953
Continuous spectrum of the e.s.f . of cyclic magnetic polarity re-
versale Izv*vys*ucheb.sRv.; radiof1s. I no-2:71-76 58.
@NMA i1m)
1. Issledovatel'skly radlofisichookly institut pri Gorikovskon
66116=Aj X. A.,'ORACM, A. A.
"Fluctuations During Magnetic Polarity Reversal of Ferromagnetic Materials."
The author calculated the spectral densities of noises and remaining fluctuating
even harmonics, appearing during periodical polarity reversal of ferromagaetic materials.
The contents of the report may be used for an evaluation of the ultimate sensitivity of
magnetic amplifiers. A comparatively amall mober of reports 'was delivered on noise physics.
report presented at the All-Union Conference on Statistical Radio Physics,
Gor'kiy, 13-18 October 1958, (Izv. vyssh uchev zaved-Radiotekh., vol. 2,
No. 1, pp 121-127) CRUWTE card under STFOROV, V. I.)
e> , - '.. 69951
7,4z, i i
v@'?900 SOV/141-2-4-6/19
AUTHORS: Goronina,-K,A. and Grachey, A.A.
TITLE: The Spectrum of the@-t. by Periodic
Reversal of Magnetisation in Ferromagnati-c"k \
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshlkh uchebnylch zavedenly, Radloflzlka,
1959, Vol 2, Nr' 4, PP 581 - 587 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The spectrum of the e.m.f. produced during periodic
reversal of the magnetisation in ferromagnetics
contains harmonies of the magnetisation frequency as
well as a continuous spectrum. The latter portion of
the spectrum is referred to as the magnetic noise.
It is this effect that Is considered'in the paper. The
problem of magnetic noise has been studied by a number
of authors (Refs 1-10)j both theoretically and experi-
mentally. In particular, in the work of G. Biorci
and D. Pescetti (Ref 9), It was found experimentally
that the magnitude of the spectral densit-y of magnetic
noise and its frequency dependence are in agreement
with the magnetic noise as evaluated by- the same method
as is employed in determining the shot noise in electron
Cardl/6 tubes. However, some experimental results (Ref 10)
The Spectrum of the e.m.f. Induced by Periodic Reversal of
MagnetisatIon in Ferromagnetics I
appeer to contradict the above findingEL. In view of
the abovej it was decided to undertake/thorough
experimental investigation of the problem. The results
obtained from the experiments are illustrated in
Figures 1 and 2. *Figure 1 show! the noise spectrum
density for a ferrite. The axis of abscissae represents
the frequency ratio f/F , while the ordinates give
the parameter qZ7f ; f is the frequency, F is the
magnetisation frequency and G is the spectral density.
From Figure 1, It Is seen that for a cons tant, f/F , the
quantity Nf-G/f is independent of f and F Such
relationship should be observed in the cases when the
average value of the magnetic flux for a given
magnetic field and the-*Ustic characteristics of random
deviations of the flux from the average value are
independent of the rate of change of the magnetic field.
Card 2/6
The Spectrum of the e.m.f. Induced by -Periodic Reversal of
Magnetisation, in Ferromagnetics
In magnetic materials of high conductivity,,the quantity
@G_/f depends not only on the frequency ratio but fo'r
a given f/F it decreases with increasing F ; this
decrease is less in thin samples than-in thick ones
(see Figure 2). This phenomenon can be caused by the
skin effect. .-Figure 2 shows the magnetic noise
for the armco iron; the upper fi&Vwe 'Was taken with a
sample having a thickness af 311, while the lower figure
was taken for a strip having a thickness of 110 -@L.
From Figures 1 and 2, it is seen that the spectral
density decreases with decreasing f/F In the region of sma
OF This reduction occurs in the ferrite and iron
the above it can be concluded that
when f/F/_.30 S?14Vf M
in the region o /f/F , the spectrum of magnetic noise
is different from that of
,tloot noise. Whereas the
latter is Independent o:V frequency F , the spectral
density of the magnetic noise is zero at zero frequency
Card3/6 and then increases with f up to a frequency fl , which
The Spectr-um of the e.m.f. Induced by Periodic Reversal of
Magnetisation in Ferromagpetics
is dependent on the magnetisation frequency. At larger
values of f/F , the experiments showed (and these are
in agreement with the data of Ref 9) that the spectral
density is constant and then, with increasing f @it
begins to decrease. The.shape of the magnetic spectrum
has therefore the form indicated in Figure 3a. The
spectral density increases as a function of frequency
up to a frequency f I which is dependent on the
magnet1sation frequency and varies, depending on the
@i.iaterlal. At frequencies greater than fI but lower
than a frequency f. 9 the spectrum has the character
of shot noise. Above the frequency f 2 1 the spectikm
begins to decrease.. The correlation functioix..of the
magnetic noise is tiierefore in the form shown im--
Figure 36. The spectral density can be descrlb*d by
Card 4/6
The Spectrum-of -the Inducad by Periodic Reversal-of
Magnetisation in Ferromagnetics
G(f) = jS(f)j'NF[1 (4)
where S(f) is the Fourier expansion, of. --pulse
produced by a single Barkhausis;t,transition,
N Is the number of transitions and
y(f) is a certain characteristic function.
At high frequencies f , the quantity y(04@,l and
Eq (4) represents the case of shot noise. At f = 0
the characteristic function f(O) = 1 and the spectral
densIty Is zero.
Theke are 3 figures and 10 references, 4 of which are
English and 6 Soviet.
Card 5/6
The Spectrum of the e.m.f..Induced by Periodic Reversal of
Magnetisation in Ferromagnetics
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskly VK
institut pki Gorikovskom universitetp_
(Scientific Research Radio-Dhvsics Institute of
Gorlkiv Universi
SUBMITTED:.March 19, 1959
Card 6/6
GRACHEV, A. A., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Noises in periodic mag-
netic reversal of ferromagnetic material." Sverdlovsk, 1960. 8 pp;
(Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Ural'-
skiy State Univ im A. M. Gorlkiy); 150 copies; price not given; biblio-
graphy at end of text (13 entries); (KL, 51-60, 115)
BRODYAIISKIYY V.M., kand. tektM. naijkt dotsent; A.B., inzh.
Thermodynamic analysis of gas cooling'units with displacers.
Izv, vys, uchob, zavo; energ. 8 no.7:74-79 Jl 165.
(MMA 18:9)
1. Yoskovskiy ordena Lenin& energeticheskiy institut. I.
Predstavlena kafedroy teploonergoonabzheniya promyshlennykh
BRODYANSKIY, V.M.# kand. tekhn, nauk; GRACHEV, A,B., inzh.
@ I ------- --
Cooling of liquified gases by evacuating the vapor space.
Trudy MEI no.48:77-102 163. (miRA 17,6)
G R A C ME VA. D. SEMENTSOV, YU. M. and OSTROVSKIY, N. S. (Students,
fi-olo-c-herl-k-ai-3s-eZooveterinary Institute and Assistant Professor)
"Dehorning large cattle"
Veterinariya@ Vol-.38, no. 79 July 1961, p. 66
OSTROVSKIY, H.S., dotsent; GRAC!ffyx.A
, , .P,,
student I I ".-- . j_i3tudentj SEMENTSOV,, Yu.M."
Dehorning of cattle. Veterinariia 38 no.7:66-67 Jl '61.
(MIRA 16:8)
1. Novocherkasskiy zooveterinarnyy institut.
GRACHEV, A.D., aspirant
Disorders of protein metabolism during leukemia in cattle.
Veterinariia 41 no.9%41-43 S 164. (MIRA 18W
1. Donskoy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institat.
onid FlegOlltOvi0hv ks@d' Sellkhozo nauk- tekbn. red.
red .. ;.GELACHEVP A.F.9 red.; KRASUL33AD
[RaLsing Romnov sheep) RmanOT-"kO'3 C@tsevodstvo- Pod red, Me
Kmglova. IAroslavllo IAroslavokoe krazbnOe izd-.vo, 1961. 229 P.
(MIU 14:
c@ @
- - - - I - . --- ---. -1-- - ---- I".-- I-- @ . - - - :11 1 - - @-- - r-- - @t- U.X;, ftaM- 0, -W7; M v F r D @ M
Some methodological problem Of modern geomorphology. Yetst.
10 18 no.6s63-70 163. (MIRL 16W
Problem of the hordei form of stem ruat. Sbor. trud. asp. i mol.
nauch. sotr. VIR no.5:255-259 164. . (MUM 18:3)
PRIDANTSEVA, Ye.k., nauchnvy sotrud-nik;
OT k.a na sellskokhoz. nauk;
N.I., kand. sellskokh'oz. nauk;
FONIROVSKIY, V.N. (Kharlkov);
kand. biolcg, nauk; CHEMODANOPIA.,
E.M.; MkTLASEENKO, Ye.V., aspirantka
Brief news. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.7:50-53 '164,
(MIRA l8r2)
1. Dallnevostochna@a opytnaya stantsiya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issle-
dovatellskogo instituta rasteniyevodstva (for Grachev).
2. Hleyevskaya opytnaya stantsiya sadovodstva, Cherkasskaya
oblastt (for Vovchenko). 3. Velikolukskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy
institut, (for Chemodanova). 4. Altayskaya opytnaya stantsiya.
sadovodstva, Barnaul (for Kalin-4chenko). 5. Nikitskiy lbotani-
cheskiy sad (for Petrushova, Ovcharenko). 6. Moldavskiv institut
sadovodstva, vinogradarstva i vinodeliya, Kishinev (for Flarinskaya).
7. Nauchno-issledovatellsk4-y zonallroy institut sadovodstva
nechernozemnoy polosy (for Drozdovskiy). S. Tadzhikskiy nauchno-
issledovatellskiy institut sellskogo khozyaystva (for Matlashenko).
KfE YUAN-FU [Ho Yuan-ful
Flastic soattering of positive 3.2 Gev./sea. -mesons by protens.
!Ad" fi.Z- 1 lio.4t681,686 AP 165. (MIRA l8t5)
ObIly6dinennyy institut -yadernykh issledovaniy.
........ ..
-.ACC NR: AF6006386 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/002/0119/0118
,INVENTOR: Grachev, A. G.; Vladimirov, V. A.
x, LV
;ORG: none
TITLE: An output systeM. Class 42, No. 178177 [announced by the Joint Institute
.for Nuclear Research (Ob"yedinennyy' institut yadernykh issledovaniy)3
@SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshelnnyye obraztsy, tovarnyye maki, no. 2, 1966, 118.
!TOPIC TAGS: computer.output unit, hodoseope,-scintillation counter, coincidence
circuit, shift register
:ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an output syst@m for a scintillation
'hodoscopeo The device contains shift registers and counters. The time for tape re-L
cording qr.punching the output iinformation is reduced by usi ng binary code for re-
:Cording information on the number of the counter. The device contains, a source Of
:shift pulses and two coincidence circuits. The inputs of the first coincidence cir
,cuit are connected to the first digit in the shift register and to a source of ca-
dence pulses. The output from this circuit is connected throuE;b a blocking genera-!
and a switch to the output system.which'r\-cords the state cf the counter on
Cardl/2- UDC.-_. 681*142.07,
p 40,
36342 Opyt podiotawki ovetlo-kashtanovykh pochv pod zashchitryyo IssrWe
kulltury. I" I steplp 1949, No 7, 0. 86-89
SO& Istapial Zhurmall mWkh Statey, No. 4,9, 1949
2. USSP (600)
4. Windbreaks, Shelterbelts, Etc. - StallngrTad Province
7. In the Kamyshin-Stalingrad state forest bel t. Les i sten' 4 no.10, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions,.Library of Congress, January j953. Unclassified.
Forestry Engineering
Mechanizing fol-est cultivation woric, Les. khOz., 5 No. 3(42), 1952
N2nthly List of
, - - @! @Oian A-1_0_e3-qionaj Librar7 of Congress, July 1952. Unclassified.
G:uC-@EV, A. G.
2. U311 (600)
4. Acorns
%, I @)
7. Establish correc@@ s-andards for soi-ring acorns. Les. no.12 JC."2
9. Monthly List of Russian Ace Iessions, Library of Congress, April 1953. Unclassified.
-.1- - - ------
lamyshin-Stalingrad forest belt] Imesopoloaa Kawyebin-Stalingrad.
Stalingrad] Stalingradskos knishnoo izd-vo, 1957. 82 pjMjRA 11:11)
(Windbreaks. Bholterbelts, etc.)
USSR / Forestry. Forost Crops 1@-
Abs Jour. Rof Zhizr-Biol., 110 13, 1958@ 58417
Author : Grachov, A. G.
Inst :Moscow Agricultural Academy Imeni K. A. Timir-
Title :Contemporary Condition of the State Protective
Forest Bolt Kamyshin-Stalingrad and Cultivation
Methods for Tree Plantings.
Orig Pub: Dokl. Mosk. s-kh. adad. im. K. A, Timiryazoval
1957, vyp- 31, 176-180
Abstract; No abstract
Card 1/1
Forest working circle@ help collective farms In establishing shelter-
belts. Zemledelis 7 no.9:76-78 S 159. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Nachallnik upravlenlya lesnogo khozyaystva Stalingradekogo oblastuogo
uprayleniya sel'skogo khozyayetva.
(Windbreaks, shelterbelts, ate.)
GODTJNOV, Yuriy Nikolayevich ,Jfd@XnHEV Ale@kseyGqavrilovich;.. . ,
T" , e san r
t liv
KALASBNIKOV, Ana o y e orov
Sergeyevichj DEVOCHKIN, red.
(The greenbelt; practices in the establishment of park
forest plantations and orchards around Volgograd] Zele-
noe kolltso; opyt sozdaniia lesoparkovykh nasazhdenii i
sadov vokrug Volgograda. Yolgograds Nizhne-Volzhskoe
knizhnoe izd-vo,, 1964. 100 p. (MIRA 18:3)
A= NR, AR6032062 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0271/66/000/007/BO20/BO20
,-.1"'AUTHOR: Grachey, A.' G.; Kirillov, S. S.
TIT LE: Eight-channel semiconductor scaling device with printedgutput
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomatikd, t ei emekhanika'i *ychialet'naya tekhnika, Ab
.7 REF SOURCE: Sb. Polupr o'vqdfii1c, elementy tekhn. W 1965, 3-17`.'.Y11'-`
v vychisL
TOPIC TAGS: semiconducter.devic ply, scaling device. scaling
power sup
channel, control generator, 'control ctr61t, scaling decade
onis ve of a semiconductor scaling device developed_:',-'
ABSTRACT: Descripti gi n
at the Joint Institute of Nu6lear Research which makes automatic rinting of -
..'@.output data possible. The device, consists of eight scaling chainnele,o
-,an input-
t t rolcirc it with an intermediate. memory, a type TsPM-17digit printing:
qont u
enmuacphine (p'art'of the ChZ-4 fr*e'que' nic- E
y meter.Oet),. and'a control'generator. ac.
scaling channel consists of, an input'pulse shaping unit,. six unified scaling decades,
block-diagram of the'device, and schematiq-@'
an output unit,'.and a'Dower, source.,; -A
._!UM. 68
ca!@ '112- 1.142.621.374:32
diagrams of the inpu@ unit, decadej d
ecoders control circuit elements, control,. z
generator intermediate memory, and power. supply.unit. are givetu Orijg. art
;.,-:has:.13 Mustrations and a'bibliography of
2 titles@.. [Translation
, of
,'@ og
... ..... .
d. 2/2
"Plant Defects of Cables," "Operation of Cable Networks" (Eksploatatsiya kabeley i
kabel'nykh setey), Gosenergoizdat, 1949, 384 pp.
9, gey 2. (a 60-31 ho L/ /) 1,0,@i 16) A0O5/AOOJ
Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1961, No. 2, P. 31, # 2G236
AUTHOR: Grachev, A. I.
TITLE: Radar Reflections During Geomagnetic Disturbances
PERIODICAL: V sb.: "Spektr. elektrofotometr. i radiolokats. issled. polyarn.
siyaniy i aveoheniya noohnogo nebe@'. No. 2-3. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1960,
pp. 19-23 (English summary)
TEXT: Observations of radiorefleations from polar lights are described,
which were carried out in 1957 by the Northern scientific station Loparskaya,
F-640. The radars operated at the frequencies 30 and 72 Me. The observations at
the frequency of 72 Mo were conducted all the days raound at 00, 15, 30, and 45
minutes of each hour, and continuously at the appearance of reflections. At the
frequency of 30 Me, the reflections are of extremely short duration; therefore,
the obs ervations were conducted during periods of 15-30 minutes with a following
pause of 10-20 minutes. The radioreflections at the frequency of 72 Me appear on
a scanning trace of the amplitude indicator of distance in the form of dense
groups of an extension of 100-200 km. Quiet, diffuse reflections were observed
Card 1/3
@K A
Radar Reflections During Geomagnetic Disturbances A005/AOOl
for hours. Sharply defined sliding reflections were of lesser duration. The
dis ance of 450 - 1,050 km corresponds to the reflections at 72'Mc. The radio-
reftections at the frequency of 30 Me have an extension of 30-50 km and appear
at histanaes of 100-500 km. The statistical analysis of the observation data
shows that 56% of the total number of events of appearance of reflections at the
frequency of 30 Me coincides in time with the reflections at the frequency of 72
Me. The maximum number of reflections occurs at 21-22 o'clock of local time.
AIsicond maximum is also observed at the frequency of 30 Me, which occurs at 2-3
o a ock. It is axoertained that the position of the maxima somewhat shifts from
month to month. The comparison of the radioreflections with the behavior of the
components of the Earth's magnetic field discovered the existence of a close
correlation, which particularly pertains to the horizontal component of the
geomagnetic field. The results showed that 4e% of reflections oocumin times
of negative troughs, 27% in the periods of transition from positive to negative
troughs, and only 7% of the reflections occurs during the positive troughs. Some
number of reflections were recorded during the periods of undisturbed geomagnetic
field, but the overwhelming part of reflections occurs during the main phase of a
magnetic storm. This fact points out that the main phase of a storm is closely ,
connected with the invasion of charged particles into the ionosphere region, which
Card 2/3
Radar Reflections During Geomagnetic Disturbances A005/A001
causes an additional.ionization, as A result of which reflections appear at so
high frequencies.
L. Yerasova
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 3/3
f, folo 0 (4 /rdp 10 3 6) A005/AO05
Translation from: Referativnyy zhui@nal, Geof izika, 1961, No. 3, p. 23, # 3G219
AUTHOR. Grachev, A. I.
TITLE: Some Result3 of Radiolodation of Polar Lights-Near the Zone of Their
Maximum Recurrence
PERIODICAL: "Spiektr., elektrofotometr. i radiolokats. issled. polyarn. siyaniy i
svecheniya nochnogo neba!'. No. 2-3. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1960, pp. 24-27
(Er.glis'h summary)
TEXT: The author describes investigations of radioechoes from polar lights
at frequencies of 30 and 72 Me. which were carried out in 1957-1958 by the Sever-
naya Station 0A AR Q0 (IFA) of the Academy of Sciences of USSR 64c)
The directivity patterns of the antennae of the radar stations are not to a first
approximation overlapped with respect to the angle of raise above the horizon.
The suitable arrangement of the antennae provided for approximately equal direc-
tivity pa+terns at the mentioned frequencies. Observations carri--@d out from
November 1958 to April 1959 showed that the radioechoes at both frequencies
coincide in time in the overwhelming majority of events. However, the echoes
Card 1/3
Some Results of Radiolocation of Polar Lights Near the Zone of Their Maximum
at the frequency of 72 Mo statistically occupy a much larger range of distances
on @he scanning trace than the echoes at the frequency of 30 Mo, The distance
distribution diagrams at comparable frequencies ran approximately equally down to
a distance of about 650 km. A sharp decrease in the number of echoes sets in for
the frequency of 30 Me starting from 700 km, whereas an effective decrease is
only observed from 850 km at the frequency of 72 Me. The sharp decrease of the
number of reflections at the frequency of 30 Me behind 700 km is explained, in
the'authorts opinion, in the following manner: Firstly, the regions accountable
for the appearance of echoes are located, in one's opinion, near an altitude of
110-120 km; it is inherent that the distance responsible to these altitudes may
not exceed 700 km for angles of 100 - 150 (upper section o@ the lobe of dire-etivi-
ty pattern) . Por angles smaller than 100 (the corresponding distances of echoes
exceed 700 km for these altitudes), the power radiated by the transmitter notice-
ably decreases. Secondly, the path of the radiowave in a absorbing medium
approximately linear increases with decreasing angle of raise. The absorption is
effective at altitudes of 100-110 km at frequencies of 30-50 Me in nighttime in
Card 2/3
Some Results of Radiolocation of Polar Lights Near the Zone of Their Maximum
polar regions. It Is reasonable to assume that the echoes could not arrive from
large altitudes, also with the effective magnitude of absorption.. The
visual observations of glows well as the analysis of photographs showed that the
radar echoes also appeared at instants of absence of visible signs of glows in the
angle -of aperture of the directivity pattern of the radar antenna, Nevertheless,
at this instant the glows were observed in another section of the firmament. As
a rule, the echoes did not appear when visible forms of glow wer e absent on the
firmament. A comparison of the variations in the amplitude of radioec-hoes with
the variations in the integral brightness of glows in the same sky region showed 'X/
that they do not coincide in time. It is but remarked that the maximum of the
radjoeoho amplitude more or less regularly lags in time behind the.m&xiT.= of the
Integral brightness. The lag time fluctuates within tl,.e limits fMm 5 to 20 min.
L. Yerasova
.Lranslat.orls note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 3/3
GRACMV, A.I.0 inzh.
Trenching operations in frozen ovils for laying and repairing
electric cables. Cnergetik 9 no.9:24-28 S 161. 04M 14:9)
(Electric lines-Underground)
qRACHEV, A.I. (Odessa)
Rare case of gigantic 11pona of the epicardium. Vrach.delo no.9:
127-128 3 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Patologoanataxichookoye otdoloniye pervoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy
G W REV, A.I.P inzh.
Cable lines
F 161.
kv, rating. jle@. sta. 32 no.2:50-55 16:7)
vith a 220 (WRk
so) (Ijectric power distribatiOn)
Q kand., tokka. niLuk; ZOMNSKIr, Av P., kand. tektm.,
BEDW',, N- -t )v Tus T., Inslrj
niuk;, VISHNMKIT, Mo A.-P inshe; PER'11( 9
GRACH&T-w-" lush.0-1 GOBI ILI M.-IOV.1ushe
a Dobropollye Central tOncOnts'
Flotation Of gas Coals in th 1 163.
tion plant. ugoll Ukr-7 no.400-32 A; (MMA 16--4)
ZYTNER, David Yakovlevich,- KIRYACHEK) Andrey Yakovlevich; BER,
Ya.M., inzh., reteenzent; GRACHEV, A.I., inzh.,;
VAYTS@ V.M., red. --
(Automated control of the electric drives of continuous-
line systems] Avtomatizirovannoe upravlenie elektroprivodami
potochno-transportnykh sistem. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 207 p.
(MLRA 18! 5)
Apparatus for selecting gas wimples during chromatographie analysir.
Zav.lab. 29 no.2-.244 163. (IMIRA 16:5)
1, lastitut fizicheskp.V-k4#i AN SSSR.
(Gas chromatography)
Semiautomatic proportioning device for gas chromatography, Zav.lab.
29 no.2;243-244 163. (MIM 16-5)
1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR.
(Gas chromatography) (Proportioning eqaipment)
Ectopic chorioepdLthe3ioma of the liver in a mana Arkh,
Pat. 10:77-W .162. (MMA 17: 1)
1. Iz patologoanatomicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - N.B.
Zelenova) I-y Odesskoy gorodskoy klinicheskay bollnitsy
(glavmyy vrach A.S. Teslik).
Discharge current distribution along the cross section of a
large gas-discharge device. Elektrichestvo no.5:28-33 My 164.
(MIRA l7t6)
1. Vsesoyuznyy ordena Lenina elektrotekhnicheakiy institut
imeni V.I. Lenina.
Role of intercoronary anastomoses in the blood s-apply of the myocardi=
In disorders of coronar7 circulation. Eksper. kbir. i anest. 9 no.1:7-
1:1 Ja-F 10'40 (MIRA 17-.22)
I., Kafedrs obshchey khirtrrglil (zav. - prof. G.G.Dubinkin) Smolenskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
DEMLYTIRV, I.V., dotsent; 7AYTSEV, A.T., inzh.; SOPROEOV, irtzh.;
Prin!Tali uchastiye: GRAGREN, A.fl'.; U-11-13ERG, M.A.
Laboratory investigation of sublevel caving syslems for deop
levels of the northern Karabash deposit. Izv. vys. ucheb. nav.;
gor. zhur. 7 no.10:15-21 164.
(",!17U@ 18:1)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V. Vakt-wusheva (for .
DementlyevY 7aytsev). 2. llrallskiy n,.aiiehno-i~ssledo-,,.it~elis~-i'y
i proyektnyy instiLut mednoy promiyahlennosti (for Sofronov).
Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki rudnykh i rossypnykh mesto-
rozhdeniy Sverdlovskogo gorriogo instituta.
2. ussR (6oo)
4. Forest Management
7. Prof. V.G. Nesterov's methods of improvement cutting. Lee. khoz. 5 no. 11, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionst Library of Congress, ynbrng= -1953. Unclassified.
MULCHAUOV, Aleksandr Alekseyevich; ?UOBW1MUIY, Ivan Yedorovich;
HCROVILOV, G.?., doktor sell skokhoryaystvennykh ns-Xk-, otvetstveaW
redaktor;,UjOBET, A IPbt raoiaktor izdatellstva; PAK.C-TSKIY, is-A..
tekhalcheoldy rudaRmor
Dforests and forestry in Arkhangellsk Province] Lesa i leance kho-
zisistvo Arkhangel'skoi oblesti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR.
1957. 237 P. (Huth 10:10)
(Arkhangellsk Province--Forests, and forestry)
POZINTAKOT, Ley Konstantinovich; WRTINSKIT, Tl&dWr losifovich;
QRACI!@T, A.P..; TIKHOKIROTA, Te.T., red.lzd-va;
KAidif red.
[Forests and forest resources of southern Takatial Lea& I
lesnye resuray IUshnoi lAkatii. Moskva, Isd-vo Akad.nauk
SSSR, 1960. 117 P. (KIRA U:3)
(Yakutia-Forests and forestry)
MSHGHNVA# Yelons Pavlovne; GORMOVA, Yokaterina Alskseyevns; PUGHKOVA,
Nina Ivanovna; GRACMW, A.P., red.; LAM, V,G,, tekhn.rea.
[Kethods of teaching the subjects of oxides, bases, acids. and
alto] MotodUm ixuchenila okislov, oanovanii, kislot i solei.
:skva, Izd-vo Akad.podagog.nauk RSrSR, 1960. 102 p. (MIRA 13:10)
(Chemistry--Study and teaching)
A.A., red.; SHAPOSHNIKOVA, A.A... red.
[Mechanical engineering in school) Mashinovedenie v sbkole.
Moskvaf Izd-vo APN., 1961. 187 p. (MIRA 17:4)
GRACHEV, A.P... inzh.; SMENYUK, V.F.
B@ige shores in dry and floating docks. Sudostroenie Irl
no.12-.52-56 D 164.
Appliances for docking vessels, positioning them and letting
thma out of the do-.k. Ibid.g56-59 W[Rk 18:6)
.,_& P t MARUKYAN, S.M.; HnONOV, V.V.,*
A. M. ,
NoUchom forester's manual.] Spravochnik kolkhoznogo leso-
voda. Moskvat Lesnaia prqmy9UennO9t1, 1965. 4248@,
(MIRA 181
ACC NR: AP6002974
SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/024/0148/0149
INVL74TORi Grach
@TITLE: A dock centering device. Class 65, No. 177294
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 24, 1965, 148-149
TOPIC TAGS: marine-equipment, ship
'ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a dock centering devi -made in the
,form of traction trolleys moved by a winch and cable systent. The trolleys are moved
;along guide rails on theupper inside edge of the dock tower walls. The device may@
be used for centering one or several ships in the dock either parallel or at*an an-I
gle to the diametric plane of the dock by using the trolleys on one or both dock
Hinged to the trolleys are telescopic struts which are fastened in the
iworking position to the ship by flexible connections.
Card 1/2- UDC:_ 629.129.6: