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P A tI C, V o r k ov T e r'." I j P -1c) t op r tAuc t i OT -j ipul Y_-Iderniya fizika, v. 1, no. 1, 1965, 9Z-95 ne-~ r ra I p I on prodtic t I an , P I nn rill t i on e I ec t r ica I d I Po I e phoLoproductLon, near chreshoid pion productiun ~,.777RA-- The correct dateT-mination c-f the phy-;tcai pgranu-trrg of low-ener-3y r~-_I, !riper !a I importarw_ e i n r onner t i on w t r n no avDcthes-Is cancerning -m--5on (A. M , Baidin Nuovo Cint. ibli 1 17 A M . 58 L L i, . R - i 2 2 , 3 6 1 . 19 5 8 ; A K . Ba 1 d i t A . A - Ki F_- a r z I z. t o v. or. Hi-gh Phy, i r qIcs at CERN, 1962, p. 657) Exper, Lment a I data on the r+ P-- p have been analyz,-d in the vivinity of -,he -hreshold so a6 to deter-mine ci,~ tiectrkcal dipole amplitude E for x~-weson ~tiotoprooljct ion. Twu, metho-is of determining E lead to dIfferent valuei for this quantity, The authors remark in ,c~ Added in proof or 19 December [964 that in vIEv of tho paper by Yu. D. Prokoghkin submitted to the 12th Inte--national -Ionference on High Energy Physics Card M-1 Ulff--2"t MINI x"r ASSOCTATION: FizicheskLy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii r-auk SSSR (Phyaics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, SSSR) SU-Pn=D: ZOJ4164 hV UP SOV: 006 ENCL: 03 SUB CODE: te OTHER.. Card 2/2 ACC NR: AP60314220 -SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/005/0060/0066 AUVHOR: Capotchenko, A. G. ; G2o~vo~~; Denisov, S. P.; Kotf?l Inikov, Ys. G.; Stoyanova, D. A. ORG: Physics Institute of the AcadenV of Sciences ISSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva) TITLE: A spark chamber as a detector of hidi-energy electron and photo showers SOURCE: Pribory i teklinika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1966, 60-66 TOPIC TAGS: spark camera, spark chamber, electron energy, DF-rPCr-"'7') ABSTRACT: Characteristics of a multi-plate spark chamber used as a detector of y-quanta and electron showers whose energies range between 50 and 200 Yev are studied.1 The total number of sparks formed in the camera while it is registering showers is I proportional to the energy of primary particles; the average number of sparks is linearly related to the primary particle enerr&r. Fluctuations in the total nunfoer of sparks varies according to Poisson's law. A formula relating the thickness of the chanber electrodes with the camera resolution is derived. Data on spark distri - bution along the shower axis and on the effectiveness of the camera in registering y-quanta are given. Orig. art. has- 8 figures. SUB CODE: 20, 14/.SUBM DAM: 09Nov65/ ORIG PEF: 003/ OUR REF! oo6 Card 1 /1 UDC:- 539-1.071- GOVORKOV, E. Sorevnovanie za snizhenie sebestoi- inosti (Competition for reducing costs). Moskva, Profizdat, 1952. 87 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 6, No. 1, April 1953 ACC NRi AP70056o8 SOURCE; CODE: uR/o4l3/67/OOO/OO2/oo48/oo48 INVENTOR: fuifilov, Ye. A.; Govorkov. I I.; Gurevich,iR. V.; Zhuchkin, I. A.; uznetsovi V. D.; Olifin, L. ORG: None TITLE: A cophased antennh array with electrical scanning. Class 21, No. 19o433 ISOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 1967, 48 C TAGS: dipole antenna, antenna array, antenna d*ectivity MRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a cophased antenna array with electri- scanning. The installation is made in the form of center-fed dipoles arranged groups and equipped with an aperiodic or -tuned reflector. In order to reduce the ,el of side lobes of the directional pattern in the horizontal plane, the lower mp of dipoles is shifted horizontally with respect to the upper group in the plane the array by one-half the distance between the adjacent dipoles in the group. UDC: 621-396.677-32 ACC Nib Ap7oo%W L"center-fed dipoles;* 2--lower group of dipoles; 3-upper group UB CODE: 091,' SUBM DATEt 27AUS65 0 MCOM, A.G., kandidat takhnichookilch nauk; GOVORKOV$ N.A. inshener, retsenzent; TARIM3190, M.Ts. inzhene., P.To., inzhener, redaktor; MOWV, 3.0., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Electric equipment for hoisting and transporting machinery] Blektro- oborudovante pod"emno-tran P,Drtnykh mashin. Koodkva, Goo. n&uchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroitellnoi lit-ry, 1954. 372 P. (ML8A 8:4) (Electric machinery) (Hoisting machinery) 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 e 0 a I I Oita Ps n at a 16 It X 30 4 it u 11 SO a to so a 11 0 0 a 43 61 4,0 " I Il f. a L-1 ll p a a I T -l-A& III CC MAlffi-A 6-t-i-I a %L I-TAt A A-1- -so :go so 0 dm*k ad mwOk*wjw- -so - r -00 m*A" of L**w's oqmWm for he At A pbm '10 SIMD. lbealem It" I.- m2l a4mmots paims of Ommo P. WM am WA& so, bp 7 wtiltme" pectomm Q"km of so j _;~.j task,"" CON al of the lomim &V amohma Examim d( an mubw to pleft In dww we ow Hkaws"d by c l too *( 0) the rbM or 4 too bom"b" mmpwt mw is* am fossil (0 she 10 Wdugs linumi the com mod )%Aw o( a tckpbonc 2 at** IL .Iel,r ~ see - it. $L. .11ALtIOGICAL tllll&VLRt CLAWfOLAItOk t; 7- 4t# U VI A. No if ad o a v 0 ft IV to Is I( of 41 A I it It n It el "La a I I& In 1 3 Will 00000 0 goo 0 * 0 0 q 0 * 0 6 0 * 0 o 4170 so so 0 so o 0 0 0 0 0 goo 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 41 4 e 0 0:0 0 goo too 000o0 9 0 0 GOVCREOY A:.' SA 64 q "621-318.2.042.1 V. A. Govorkov. Elektricheatyo (No. 4) 47-56 3364 Degian o Lg=p. . . . 1950)_ i1m. 7 In Russ (April x. If the wquat ono of the magnetic circuit a~e so expressed as to conWn wh 'd funation of-the speqific energy W(B) -j HdB.* ich may be unambigu determined from the maEpetizi~qotj curve of the material, a number of problems in the practical. 01cuiation of vapetio oircuits can be solved. An-important example is the calc~latiqn of laminated cores~,with overlap ' of the..individusil sheets.- The method-le based on COG ma Izations abut its results are suitable for,-allbernating magnstizat Well provided the fi-equency is not too high The approximation tormiulas derived a broken linear curve substituted for the actuai ma'Setization are based on B, F. KRAUS .4 kri.1; .Alllw._14 IIA JI- GOVORKOV, V. A. "Electric and Magnetic Fields," 339 P., State Publishing House Pertaining to Lit. on Communications and Radio,. Moscow 1!~51. ~6411 11a 41111141 of* 04-9 ~ A -A- 0 my 111111 111J11#111 too got od r V go if a L-", ALL-4--s- #81 All P- 2"'. A-MLLUJA Ji wo *of or- _09 01111(iCtittl AM* 00, Cmilrotimim fit dw*k- good a -jr jigus im pwwr cwdkmn by dw mwmd 'd footwormw mr4h .00 09 V.--A--AJmvg:wiiRw.~" No, 7, if A -so Sea (Jody. 193 It to lRowsl4mv. A nsWi o( Wig wW vwkewic cmu, vaiw tirt"re is of the kni p is go limed to the Iku wh ~410 9 1 ign o pp thit 9"l Of jh1FW dMin 4111C CALM 01 a jgt,~nwjjftjkj .00 10 of provirmilism %flow Luagomkof filtou a f(s). %k(V .1 U .1119 Oov 1hV OWU U- ficilimUd" fodilan 1`4111, tht. VJUAN41 000 A Op -f Op 0 %4(1 1 #S --- 4 0. - 0 i~ derned fiamn the oill SO '31- Lap6w 04"k4k fill A P0194 'V" oil Ilk- 11"11 s 00 ' 4*0 OOJ to W in shir nink, An gifounfrol Wd is of",twi ,W flog; wit equietiou geaw at Carl; point if) lom. fly goew 11UC%VW%c AP9140%iffoiliOn ON POW14141 at v^h lu"til . 094 a gotiffutfird to Of" "Simunto ficsiduc. '[IV 111clikiki k- id is &Wi d t h b f d h see 00 09 4r c o ca e t o ag; t a u c. nL&hj(k: iggoif . sho thor Ckvitalmlic fkjj in a Mormcd twhial vaW ) tkid ( 6 see a. A o zngiagpo am (a s it( tny twulkiily Jwv ani thigh dny chiff"I"I o1 Ix"em"I kill bmumLiv burLwcs. 1b) any wc4uir.~) kg;j.:c of wtumy likyAllik; if) &A"Ummus kuntottf om the J L J ICUJII Uling; (ht kJakU IMM; ( f filtitCdult h viltpW V7 " ,lo 7 1w. 41"Afty - ' .1. 0.0 (lot if v Ilk t sea 0 is i 1 41 IT a it got g; a tho 0 0 a I got 1101 11 a 4 No tat CO OT14*10 * "i" 0 ~ q 0 oil go 6 OLO 0 S411110111411410 06 see 0 q WO see * 0 6 0 0 49 0 sUi so**** oo**oio*oo** w-kTOFIN-OV, V. Solvin.- problems in the electric and magnetic fields by using potential screen ~grids. Tr, from the Russian. p. 42. (StrojnoplektrotechInicky C--~z5o,,A5. '71ratislava. '101. 3, no. ?, 1952) M: Mont'hly L st of Fast European Accessions, Lr,, Val, 4, Nol -6, June 1955, Unci. r,ov()RKOV, Calculating electric and magnetic fields in polar coordinates 10~y US4ng potential screen grids. Tr. fromthe Rus,-4an. P- 53 (rjtro.,jnoel~-ktrotechnIcJ-y Ca5opis. 9ratislava. V01. 3, no. 2, 1932) SO: Monthly List of East Nropean Accessions, (ML), M, Vol. h, iio- 6, June 1955, Unel. GUVORKCVJ V.A. 03novy tekhniki avtomatichaskoi telefonii. fBasic principles of automatic telephonz7- Moskva, Sviazl-izdat, 1937, v. 1-2 SO: Soviet Iransportation and Comrunications, A Bibliographj , Library of Congress, Reference uepartment, Washington, 1~52, Unclassified. WVORIKOV, V. A. "Works of Acad. M. V. Shuleykin on :,2ectrical Machines," Elektrichestvo, No. 5, 1952. 1. GOVORKOV, V. A. 2. USSR (600) - 4. Physics and Mathematics 7. Electrical and Magnetic Fields. V. A.Covorkov. (1408cowp Communications Press, 1951). Reviewed by A. A. Semenov. Sov. Kniga, No. 5, 1952. 9. FDD Report U-3081, 16 Jan. 1953, Uncla&sified. GOVMWV,, A WoulatIng UAW IMA nonliam eilsetric networks 'by the tabu- lar method. Blektrosviss' 10 noolo:63-73 0 156. wa 9: 11) (Ilectric networks) 1, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1175 Govorkov, Vladimir AlekBandrovich and Kupalyan, Stepan Davydovich Teoriya 61ektromagnitnogo polya v uprazhneniyakh i zadachakh (Elec- tromagnetic Field qbeory in Exeroises and Problems) Moscowo Izd- vo "Sovetskoye radio," 1957. 339 p. No. of copies printed not given. Ed.; Masharova, V.G.; Teoh. Ed.: Koruzev, N.N. PURPOSE: This book Is intended fo:? students of vuzes studying the electromagnetic field theory anti for specialists conducting calcu- lations on electric and magnetic, fields. COVERAGE: The book comprises over 400 exercises, problems and tests on electromagnetic field theory at the level studied in radio engi- neering vuzes. The authors claim that some exercises are published for the first time, namely the exercises on:.approximate calculation of fields, application of the relaxation method and the method of' constructing the field pattern for calculating stationary and al- ternating fields. The authora have paid special attention to graphi- Card 1A Electromagnetic Field Theory (Cont.) SOV/1175 cal construction of electric and magnetic field patterns. Chap- tera 1 through 6 were written by S.D. Kupalyan, and Chapters 7 through 9 by V.A. Govorkov. The authors thank Docent M.R. Shebes for his help. There are 15 referenoes, of which 9 are Soviet and 6 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Lists of Symbols Ch. 1. Vector Analysis Ch. 2. Electrostatic Field Ch. 3. Electric Field in a Conduoting Medium Ch. 4. Magnetic Field From Direat Currents Card 2/4 5 7 9 22 48 53 A Eleotromagnetic Field Theory (Cont.) SOV/1175 'Ch. 5. Electromagnetic Waves in a Dieliectric 76 Ch. 6. Electromagnetic Waves in a Conducting Medium 93 Ch. 7. Directional Electromagnetic Waves 1o6 1, Reflection of electromagnetic waves from a conducting surface 106 2. Electromagnetic waves between parallel conducting surfaces ( y-0 and y~-b ) ill 3. Electromagnetic-waves in a rectangular wavegaide with cum- section ab 136 4. Electromagnetic waves in a parallelepiped cavity resonator with edges doaob 157 5. . Electromagnetic waves in a cylindrical waveguide 169 Ch. 8. Special Methods of Calculating Electric and Magnetic Plaza 180 1. Principle of super position 18o 2, linage method 215 3. Method of average potentials 229 4.. Method of conformal mapping 234 Card 3/4 Electromagnetic Field ~%eory (Cont,) SOV 175 A Ch. 9. Approximate Calculation of Electric and Magnetic Fields 1. Graphical construction of field pattern 2. Relaxation method (finite differences) applied to station- ary ahd"qaasi-stationary fields 30 Relqxatlcffr method applied to alternating electromagnetic fields in a conducting medium 4. Relaxation method applied to alternating electromagnetic fields in an ideal dielectric 5. Determination of critical wave-length in wdveguides and ' cavity reponators by the relaxation method 60. Application of the-expected stream-paith method Answers Appendixes Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress irlsfm 2-24-59 Card 4/4 251 ?51 259 275 287 292 307 ~14 338 340 V. m I 16(0)s 28(2) M%fz I rox IMAMTral SOY/3365 Aladaimlys, monk Azorbarulacckr am lbaloy daklMor So"mbdAnlys yo -ryehislitel'opy matematiza, t prixonvatyu amdqtv vychUlttaL-wy tkbnLtl (Outlines of Nmorto of tbo Conference On C-Plutionel ihtboM%t.v al the Use of Camputor Tvc)=lq-s) b-J-, 190. 63 p. 4M "too printed. A&LItlemal Opme"s ASencimot U14autp nook SM. Trahlolitel'UTY 14matz, ond Ak.&mt.- -uk MU. I..Utt ,U-%LU t tol-Ab-M. On dootritutm mentioned. MMM We t~k is intendot for pare mn4 &MW MtbsvAtlOlM#v scilutts"t" mod &et*.tLft6 -~irk*ra, ~Wmm, ~k Involves c*Met.Uft and the MAND of dlglt-I ond auslog 914atruclo , term. COMM IM. book contains wavattoa of reports umbdo at t1w CoeNrecom, ca COMPmtAtIonal tkt)wlnttce wA Uw AVVIlo4Um of Computer Tt~MlVwo. The book to dLvtdod into two imila, parts. Ito first par% to drow to computational matbamatlem and contains 19 rumovarlso of reports. In togma& .tion to 4-otod to -Tttad Mhlquma -4 contains 20 -.rise erf rts. So parowalittee arm mwsU*cw4. No xiforenc4a an Alves. = MCTM or COOMM =wqM Almalarvw, S.A. Mlows, of systmaw, ce Ructriftl Nodole 21 OMrk-A-TA- Affucauce or lbuxation 16thou to Cam"ttag tM -""dqMGll of Knew lustflumellue Wave* 00,selskV, G.B. On Q. Work or the Nowagrasmi v..wh of Us O.,,tim, Center at UA Acmdoof of Mcignoms M= 30 Artm'sl-l- 31 MablurAorp N.A. lb=IU of Davebitt, a V&tvvrftl Digital Cc spear With woestic (Serrita) lit"wate With &arv Central Co. Stereo )2 low, Ms. ON as solution, of D"lep"olsion Ffvblom = sicefts 54 Zbdswbs�- 9- -1-1-1148 at Parameter~ *f & ~"=We Trtwr ty tb. levels Of Its Tm"ftf 10 IIIM Nut is Us lint Approx1jualtoce 31 Call 5/t C" Vu /Z-, V lo5-58-4-3/37 AUTHOR: Gov orkov, V. A.,Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Calculating Electromat,inetic Wave by tile Lattice Method(Raschet rasprostraneniya ele!-.tromagnitny1:h voln metodom setki) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1950, 1Tr 4, PP. 16 - 22 (Ussm) ABSTRACT: In this paper a method of the approximated nuiierical solution of the calculation of the propa~;ation of electroma,-enetic waves is given. It is assumed that the dielectric flillinE of the hollow s~.)ace of the wave juide or of the resonator is ideal, i.e.exhibits no conductivity (y = 0) and the vialis of the wave guide or resonator concist of an ideal crnductor y=oo). At first the electric tranf;verse waves (TE-or H-waves) are investi,-ated. The distribution of the lonf:-itudinal com- ponent of the maL.-netic field strenZth 11Xon the transverse plane uz(the X---Xis coinciding -aith the direction of the Cz~-~(- 1/5 wave propagation) follows the tvo-dimensional wave equation (1) 105-50-4-3/37 Calculating Blectromapetic Wave Propagation by the Lattice Method 2 ~-2 H + k Hx - 0, on which occasion 12 - - + 7 ~Yz x 2 42 yz y 2 z denotes the two-dimennional scalar Laplace operator in the transverse plane yz. h denotes the ei,~;envalue which in the wave guide i,-- equal to the critical factor and in the resonator to the phaze factor of the ei~;cnoscillations of the lowest frequency. The derivative of c"u-Aion (1) as aell as of (3) Ymo carried out for tile special case of a direct travellinj wave in the wave ~;Llide in reference 1. These equations c-an be P-Pplied also in the wave guide in which the electroma~nctic ota--din- is the result of a superposition of the direct and the reflected wave. Follo,,-Iin,"- the equations(3) and(4) by neans of widich the tranaverac components of the r3a~netic and eloct-ric field are deter!.-:i:1cd froin the lonoitudinal component, arc z,2itten down. In th.-- case of the wave -uide the equations are rcduced to(5) or (6), The lon---itudinal co;,.iponent of the field 11- can be re- card 2/5 -arded as the funda-:iantal charactcristica of t'lle elcctro- 105-58-4-3/37 Calculating Electromagnetic Wave Propajation by the Lattice Method magnetic process if all other field components can be obtained from it according to the equations (3)-(6). The nu-merical calculation of the distribution of H. can be carried out by means of (2) according to the lattic me- thod at any form of the boundary lines. The boundary con- dition is the following:llormal components of the magnetic field and the taGential components of the electric field at the wave guide or resonator walls equal zero. The inte- gration of equation(l) is a typical Neumann(Heyman) prob- lem. Following, the magnetic transverse waves (TIT-or E- waves) are investiEated. The equations (9) and (10) for the transverse components of the electric and magnetic field are written down. in the case of a wave guide they are reduced to(11) and(12).The limit condition is the follow- ing;the longitudinal component of the field E x at the boundaries of the cross section of the wave guide or the resonator is zero. The integration of (7) represents a Card 3/5 Dirichlet problem. The calculation is rendered difficult _41 105-58-4-3/37 Calculating Electromagnetic Wave Propagation by the Lattice Method by the fact that Ilk" is contained in the equation. There- fore some provisional values of the number k 1 must be assumed and the calculation must be carried out in all points according to(2) and(B). A complete liquidation 0 of all "rests" is riot possible on this occasion. All or at least the majority of the rests should be brought to the same sign. In order to carry out the problem more quickly first a calculation should he carried out accor- ding to a rougl(network. with few nodal points. If, in the course of the calculation none of the rests has an abso- lute value greater than trio random units, the more pre- cise calculation on a finer network can be carried out. An increased accuracy can be achieved 1) by multiplying all values obtained and the rests by 10 and a subsequent liquidation of these rests on which occasion this process can be continued until the desired accuracy,2)by applying Card 4/5 a still finer network, and 3) by passing to more precise 3 lo5-5s-4-3/37 Calculating Electromagnetic Wave Propag-ation by the Lattice Method calculation equations. In the supplement 3 examplea are calculated numerically and the derivatives of tfib'formulae are given.There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 5 So*iet references. ASSOCIATION: flockovakiy eluktrotel-chnicheskiy institut svyazi(Moscow Electrotechnical Institute for Telecommunications) SUBMITTED: February 19,1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress E1sctrMBPGtiC waves-PropegAtion-ThO017 Lattices-AppUcatjow Card 5/5 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Govorka;r, Vladimir Aleksandrovich SOV/3T24 Elektricheskiye I ma$nitnyye po3jys (Electric and Magnetic Fields) 2d ed., completely rev. and enl. Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 196o. 4Q p. Errata sUp inserted. 15,000'copies printed. Edo~. D,V. Bychkov; Tech.: N.I. Borunov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students and aspirants of institutes and divisions.of electrical and ratio engineering, as wen as for engineers deal- ing with problems based on the theory of electrTaguetic fields. COVERAGE:. The theory of electrcn&gnetic fields is presented with a view to its practical application In calculations of. statioh~ 'and alternating fields ea- countered in radio engineerinop, comunications, electrical power engineering, and in. automation and telemecbsni es equipment. Stress is therefore Wd on simple: methods of calculation, such as relaxation methods, which use very simple instruments and tables of calculation. ReMirs desiring more extensive -information on the theory of electre-agoetic fields are refwmd to Soviet text- books by,L.R. Neyman and T.L. Kalantarov., A.V. Netushil, and K.M. Polivanov, card 1/18 Zlectrieg! and Magnetic Fields SOV/3724 and to the works of I.Ye. Tam, V. K. Arkad'.yev, L.D. GoI'(3Ehte-,n, N.V. Zernov, and L.A. Vaynshteyn. The book " Tor.riy~i elektromagnitnoco polya v uprazhnenyakh i zadaebalch" by V. A. Govorkov and S.D.-Kupalyaa is repeatedly in the text of the monograph. There are 53 references& 50 Soviet. and 3 Engiish. TABLE OF CONTEM: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Introduction 13 1. Basic definitions 13 2. Scalar and vector qualities in electrical engineering 1-8 Ch. fI. Conceipt of Vec~or Analysis 18 1. Addition of vectors 18 2o Scalar product of vectors 19 3- Vector product of vectors ' 19 4. bizit ;mcto'r s ' 20 5. Scilar'ijd vector -prolucts expiessed thr6ugh their ccopments 22 -6. Product:of thrve vectors 23 7- Gradient of scalar p6tential 24 8. bifferential operator 26 Card 2/18 GOVORKOVp V2adimir Aleksandrovich; DOIENKO, L.N... red. (A.c. networks with ferromagnetic cores] Uepi peremeh- n6go toka a ferromagnitromi serdechnikami; tichebrLos -po- sobie. Moskvap Moak, elektrotekhn. in-t av-iazij' .1,962. 78 p. (MIRA '17'2'5). GOVORKOV Vjgdimir Aleksandrovich; KUPAIYAN, Stepan Davidovich; :~~~~WA, G.Ye.,, red.; GOROKHOVAO S.S., tekhn. red. (Islectromagnetic field theor-y in exercises and problems) Teoriia elektromagnitnogo polia v uprazhteniiakh i zada- chakh. Izd.2.0 perer. i dop. Moskva, Vysshaia shkolap 1963. 370 p. (MIRA 17:4) GOTOREDT, T.G.; PARTOV, TOY* fine Interval Indicator :for cinematography. Trudy Inst.krist. no.11:243-246 955. (MIRA 9:6) (Cinematography) I SOV/70-3-1-10/26 AUTHORS: Regel', V.R. and Govorkov, V.G. TITLE The Dependence of-t_he__UF17_ti0a1'Splitting Stress of Single Crystals of Zinc on Temperature and Rate of Deformation (Zavisimost1,kAticheskog0 Bkalyvayushchego napryazheniya, monokristallov tsinka ot temperatury i skorosti deformirovaniya) PERIODICAL: KriBtallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 64 - 70 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Studies have already been reported by Schmidt and Boas ("Plasticity of Crystals") on the behaviour of Cd at different temperatures and at different rates of defor- mation. In view of the similarity of its structure Zn has now been studied. Crystals of Zn were prepared from 99.98% Zn by the method of Obreimov and Shubnikov; they were withdrawn from the stove at a constant rate of 1.8 cm/h and had a length of about 150 mm. Each rod was cut into 3-4 spegimens. The orientation was determined optically to 0-5 by identification of the 0001.(cleavage) plane. The angle between the normal to this plane and the axis of the rod was kept between 25 and 700 for the Cardl/4 crystals used. Extension experiments were carried out SOV/70-3-1-10/26 The Dependence of the Critical Splitting Stress of Single Crystals of Zinc on Temperature and Rate of Deformation on a Polyani-typB machine and the temperature was stabilised to 1 C. Experiments were made in the range 20 - 416 0C at extension speeds of 2,3 X 10-1 NTA X 10-4 and 3.3 x 10-5 mm/sec. These gave the limit of flow s t from which the critical splitting stress t cr was obtained by t cr ~ st Bin X0 Cos X0 where X 0 is the angle between 0001 and the specimen axis and Xo is the angle between the specimen axis and the direction of slip. Certain connections between the form of the extension curves and the external shape of the deformed specimens could be observed. Photographs of the extended specimens are reproduced. The tabulated values of t cr determined. under identical conditions on specimens cut from different crystals agree moderately well considering that the crystal orientation is not under control. The curves Card2/4 for t cr as a function of T (temperature) for Zn are SOV/70-3-1-10/26 The Dependence of the Critical Splitting Stress of Single Crystals of Zinc on Temperature and Rate of Deformation ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of SUBMITTED: Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR) Januar7 5, 1957 Card 4/4 SOV/70-3-1-10/26 The Dependence of the Critical Splitting Stress of Single Crystals of Zinc on TempErature and Rate of Deformation sigqficantly different to those for Cd. For Cd above 500 C t or is independent of T but for Zn at the higher temperatures t cr decreases faster and faster. Bi shows the same type of behaviour as Cd. The influence of the superficial oxide layer and sur4ace irregularities on the yield stress of the specimens of the low-melting- point metals studied by Schmidt and Boas, which were only 1 mm. in diameter, may be considerable. Bot only the limit of flow of these specimens may be influenced but also there may be some retardation on the formation of slip planes. All these effects can be reduced by using large-diameter specimens. Differences between the behaviour of the Zn and Cd may be due to oxide films and supplementary experiments are necessary to clarify the situation. The dependence of t cr on velocity of deformation is substantially the same f or Zn and Cd. There are 5 f igures, 3 tablea, and Card3/4 3.references,-2 of which are Soviet-and 1 English. HIGILI, VOR.; GOVORM DOBRZFIANSKIT, G.F. Iffeet of the temperature and the rate of deformation on the parameters of tension curves for silver chloride single crystals. Opt.-mekh. promo 25 no*6:28-32 Je '58. (MMA 11:10) (Crystallography) (Silver chloride) AUTHORS:Regell, T. R Govorkc 4mulaw TITLE: A Raster tecorUing Mic"rometer SOV/120759-4-32/50 PERIODICAL: Fribory i tekhaika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 41 PP 133-136 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe a raster recording micrometer which can be used to measuro displacements of up to 10 mm with a precision of 0.1 IL. The action of a raster micrometer is based on photoelectric measurement of a light beam passing through a system of two rasters which can be moved with respect to one another. The instrument is shown schemati- 4ally in Fig 1. A light beam from a small incandescent lamp 1 passes through a condenser lens 2 , an optical grey wedge 3 and falls on an inclined glass plate 4 This glass plate acts as a beam splitter. Some of the light passes through -two rasters 5 and 6 and reaches a measuring photo-element 7 . The rest of the light passes through a second grey wedge 8 and reaches a compen- sation photo-element 9 . By displacement of the wedge 3 it is possible to altez the initial light intensity Io of the beam reaching the plat-e 4 . The compensation part of the system, which consists of the wedge 8 and the photo- Card 1/6 element 9 is used to establish the zero position of the SOV/120-59-4-32/50 A Raster Recording Micrometer galvanometer r' when the rasters are exactly aligned. Each of the rasters is rigidly connected to one of the two points. whose mutual displacement is to be measured. Fig 1 shows the instrument when it is used to measure deformation of a sample in creep tests. One of the rasters 5 is rigidly connected to the upper part of the sample 10 , and the second raster 6 is attached to the lower part of the sample., Fig 2 is a photograph of the raster micrometer as used in micro-mechanical experiments (Fig 2a shows the micrometer as a whole and Fig 26 shows the niarometer without the opt- ical system). The rasters should be as light as possible, especially when they are attached directly to a sample. This is particularly important in measurements of deformation of comparative4 weak, brittle or plastic --riaterials. The ras- ters were prepared by V. F. Parvov in A. V. Shubnikov's laboratory by photographing a system of white and black bands (the latter were painted with Indian ink). The bands were recorded either on a photographic plate or on a photo- graphic film; the rasters made of films are lighter and more Card 2/6 77777"IPI SOV/120-59-4,-32/50 A Raster Recording Micrometer suitable for micro-mechanical experiments. The raster dim- ensions were 1.5 x 15 mm and the widths of the white and black bands were the same (d = 0.1 mm). The sensitivity, (p of a raster micrometer is j~iven by the number of the galva- nometer scale divisions n per unit displacement of the rasters; (P = dn/dx . For ideal rasters the relationship between their mutual displacement and the photocurrent as recorded by the galvanometer should be linear for displace- ments smaller than the raster bandwidth d . Such a linear dependence of n on x: for ideal rasters is shown in Fig 3a. In this case the micrometer sensitivity is constant and equal to (P =. CIO/d 9 i.e. the sensitivity is proportional to Io I the intensity of the light bewa incident on the plate 4 and it is inversely proportional to the raster bandwidth d . The coefficient of proportionality c depends on the sensi- tivity of the photo-elaments and the galvanometer. In the micrometer constructed by the authors selenium photo-elements SF-10 of ,v 500 ItA/lumen sensitivity were used. The p4oto- current was recorded by means of a galvanometer of 10-'J A/mm per metre sensitivity. To record the photocurrent the authors used the appropriate part of a MiCrODhotometer MF-4 (there Card 3/6 SOV/120-59-4-32/50 A Raster Recording Micrometer were 1000 divisions on the scale of the galvanometer used in MP-4). The sensitivity of the micrometer was then (p = nmax/d =11000 divisions/mm, i.e. one scale division corresponded to a displacement of 0.1 ~L . This figure refers to the rasters in the fully open position (exact alignment) and the conditions when a 2W lamp was used and the grey wedge 3 was only partly inserted. Higher sensitivity could be obtained by removing the grey wedge 3 altogether. Still higher sensitivity could be obtained by replacing the photo- elements by photomulti,pliers and using d.c. amplifiers. The above discussion of the micrometer sensitivity assumed that the rasters are ideal. For real rasters the relationship be- tween the photocurrent r- and the raster displacement x is not linear. Fig 36 shows schematically the dependence of n on x for real rasters. For real rasters we have a linear portion AB , where (dn/dx) AB ~ const . The value of (dn/dx) AB for a real caster io higher than for an ideal Card 4/6 _2 '30V/120-59-4-32/50 A Raster Recording M4 crometer 0 _L raster, i.e. the sensitivity of a micrometer with real raE;- ters is higher in the AB. region than that of a micrometer with ideal rasters. On the other hand, the sensitivity is much lower in the regiOrLS from 0 to A and from B to E where dn/dx is not constant. The interval A between 3 and E in Fig 39 is exaggerated. Fig 4 shows the depen- dence of the photo-current on the raster displacement for a real micrometer shown in Fig 2; the graph was obtained by recording the photo-current by means of the appropriate part of a micro-photometer Mr-4. Fig 4 shows that for this micro- meter the value of & is r-.10.2d. The raster micrometer of Fig 2 was tested in sevoral experiments. Fig 4a shows the record of motion of the upper plunger of the micrometer dis- placed at a uniform rate with respect to the lower plunger. When the upper plunger was stopped the instrument recorded a straight line parallel to the abscissa axis (Fig LIZ*) which indicates that temperature variations in the room where the experiment was carried out do not produce unstable displace- ment of the rasters during periods of, say, 15 min. Fig 5 shows the re-ord of creep of plasticized polymethylmethaerylate. Card 5/6 SOV/120-59-4-32/50 A Raster Recording Micrometer Fig 6 shows the record of creep of the same material but under the action of a smaller force. Acknowledgments are made to A. V. Shubnikov who suggested the subject and ad- vised on it, and to V. F. Parvov for preparation of the rasters. There are 6 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Crystallography institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: JulY l?, 1958. Card 6/6 REGELIO V.R.; GOVOftMV, V.G. Plastic deformation of zine utonocryotals under conditions 'forbidding baaai Plane BUppage. Part 1: Deformation curves. Kristallograftia 4 no.6:8?EI-886 N-D 159. (MIRA 14:5) 1, Inatitut kristallograffl. AN WM. (Zinc cryotaloo 24.7100 77112 sov/7o-4-6-i3/31 AUTHORS: Regell) V. R., Govorkov, V. G. TITLE: Concerning Plastic Deformation of Zinc Monocrystals With Orientations Eliminating Basal Slip. 1. Deforma- tion Curves PERIODICAL: Kri8tallograflya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 6, pp 8,(8-886 (USSR) ABSTRAM Variation of parameters of compression curves with the change of temperature T and velocity of deformation v was studied in crystals in which the axis is either parallel to the basal plane ( )( = the angle formed by the crystal axis with the bAdal plane- ~~ 00) or perpendicular to It ( >, = the angle between the crystal axis and direction of slip 1Z,,900). shearing stress in the basal plane T for both orientations equals zero (since -c = a' sin X cos >, , where 6 applied normal stress). Compression c~:,rves of the crystals, grown by the method of Obreimov-Shubnikov (in glass tubes, covered by a thin layer of carbon black) Card 1/9 and prepared from pure Zn (99.98%) or from Zn + 0.1% Cd Concerning Plastic Deformation of Zinc Monocrystals With Orientations Eliminat- ing Basal Slip. I. Deformation Curves Card 2/9 77112 sov/7o-4-6-13/3i and Zn + 0.5% Cd mixtures were obtained using apparatus and methods described earlier C.Dubov, 0. A., Regell, V R. Kristallografiya, 2, 6, 746-755, 1957; Regell, V: R:, Berezhkova G. V Dubov, G. A., Zavodskaya Lab., 1, 101-105, 1959 Y_. Re;hts for the crystals with orientation X -60 are illustrated in Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 5. Figures 3 and 5 show fmIl agreement of compre8- sion data obtained by the authors with the empirical equation derived from the results of tensile tests by Gilman CGilman, J. J. Plastic Anisotropy of Zinc Mono- crystals, J. Metals, 6, 10, 1326-1336, 1956] for crystals with X -,, o0 -(at the temperature above 2500 C). The value'for the activation energy Q (^,45 kcal/mole for Zn + 0.1% Od) found by the authors compares favorably with 46 kcal/mole found by Gilman and stay constant for Zn-Cd mixtures up to Cd content of 0,5;. Qompres- sion of crystals of the second series ( A -~ go') (see Fig. 6) does not follow Gilman's equation even in the narrow temperature range (300-11000 C) indicatIng Concerning Plastic Deformation of Zinc Monocrystals With Orientations Eliminat- ing Basal Slip.7. Deformation Curves IDA 7~ Au.S. 4 Oc Lj zoo' 400' ~ 77112 sov/7o-4-6-i3/3i 0 2 1, 6 8 10 IZ E.% Fig. 1. Compression curves for Zn + 0.1% Cd monocryptals at various temperatures X ~~ 00): 6- stress, kg/mm!2; Card 3/9 4F , compression,%. 77112, sov/7o-4-6-13/31 Card 4/9 0 4 a rz 166,% Fig. 2. Compression curves for Zn + 0.1% Cd monocrystals at vaFlous velocities of deformation cr, stress, kg/mm ; ec compression, %; v ..' 4.5; 1. 12; v3 3.65-10-1 ; v 41 11.25-10-2 ; v6 2.2-10-~ v 8. 2.2-lo-3 mm/min. Concerning Plastic Deformation of Zinc Monocrystals With Orientations Eliminat- ing Basal Slip. 1. Deformation Curves 196, r 0~ 77112 Soil/70-4-6-13/31 'a ZO ZZ Z4 26 M 30 32 34 36 Tb Card 5/9 Fig. 3. Variation of yield limit with temperature for Zn monocrystals. 6, Zn + 0.1% Cd; 0, Zn + 0.5% Cd ( )(~~ 00). 77112, SOV/70-4-6-i3/,2i 01 -3 -3 -4L Fig. 5. Variation of log V T(With 1/T for Zn monocrystals (&- t; 1) pure Zn, from the data cf a~&) at constan (reference is given in thetext belo4, (2) zn + + 0.1% Gd, from the data of Gilman; (3) Zn + 0.1% Cd; Card 6/9- (4) Zn + 0.5% Cd. 77112, sov/7o-4-6-13/31 Card 7/9 9 Z 4 6 8 10 M 14 16 E.1Z Fig. 6. Compression curves for Zn monocrystals at various temperatures ( X -900): c , stress, kg/mm2; v , compression, %. a-, k* Concerning Plastic Deformation of Zinc 77112 Monocrystals With Orientations Eliminat- SOV/70-4-6-13/31 ing Basal Slip. I. Deformation Curves Card 8/9 nonconstancy of Q (at the same time, the value of Q above 3500 C for Zn~crystals with X _-900 is much higher than for the crystals withs~ -- 00). The greater value of deformation resi ance found for crystals with ~, -_ 900 at room temperature is explained by the fact that orientation A z 900 eliminates not only basal slip but also slip in the prism plane, which takes place in crystals with X ~~O 0, and that deforma- tIon In the former takes place by twinning and faulting (slip in some other plane, e.g., pyramid plane, is also possible). The authors point out that there exists a a relationship between the mechanism of deformation and the form of deformation curves (and the appearance of deformed sample). The zigza s on the deformation curves (below 3000) in Fig. 9, for example, indicate reorientation of individual regions of the crystal during twinning or faulting. However, detailed informa- tion of the deformation mechanism can be obtained unly by metallographic study of dislocations (already started Concerning Plastic Deformation of Zinc 77112 Monocrystals With Orientations Eliminat- SOV/70-4-6-13/31 ing Basal Slip. 1. Deformation Curves for the samples investigated in this work [Urusovskaya, A. A., Stepanova, V . M., Kristallographiya (in the -)] ). M. V Klassen-Neklyudova process of printing, articipated in discussions on this study. There are figures; 2 tables; and 10 references, 9 Soviet, 1 U.S. The U.S. reference is: Gilman, J. J., J. Metals, 8, lo, 1326-1336, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Crystallography qf the Academy of Sciences, USSR (Institut Kristallografil AN SSSR) SUBMITTED., June 6, 1959 Card 9/9 s/12o/Wooo/oi/o44/051 Elk AUMORSi -Govorkov, V.G,, Zakatov, A.F. a a/Riffil, V.R. TITLE: A Recording quipment for the Photographic Measurement of Low Currentsill PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhbika eksperimenta, 1960, Nr 1, PP 138 - 139 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The recording equippent, type ZU-1, for the measurement of currents in the ranze 10-9 to 10-6 A was developed and constructed at the Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc., USSR. The operation of ZU-1 is based on the 6r'inciple of photo-electric measurement of the light reflected from the mirror of a galvanometer. The optical system of the device is illustrated in Figure 3; this consists of: 1- a light source; 2 - a condenser lens; 3 - a calibrated scalel 4 - an objective lens; 5 - a galvanometer mirror; 6 - a prism; 7 a photographic plate; 8 - a 'correcting lens; 9 a mirror; 10 - a screen; 11 - a slot; 12 - a diaphragm; 13 - a cylindrical lens. The intensity o Cardl/2 the light falling onto the photo-sensitive layer is S/l2o/6o/ooo/oi/o44/o5i flqA/2~82 A Recording Equipment for the Photograph c ea urement of Low Currents controlled'either by changing the diaphragm or by means of an auto-transformer. The equipment is used for the recording of the photo-currents produced by double refraction (Ref 2), photo-electric-optical dynamometer (Refs 1, 4) and other purposes. The authors thank I.N. Zhokho_v and I.N. Tsigler for participation in the development of the oquipment. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTEDt January 8, 1959 Card 2/2 REGILI, V.R.; GOVORKOV, V.G.; ZAKATOV, A.?. Apparatus for mechanical tests of refractory materials. Zav.lab. 26 no.2:243-245 16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Institut kristallografit Akademli nauk SSSR. (Refractory materials-Testine) zJU98 S/181/61/003/005/003/042 B101/B214 AUTHORS; Govorkov, V. G. and Regal', V. R. TITLE: Dependence of the parameters of the compression curves of single crystals of gartcan:ium on temperature and rate of deforma- tion PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no- 5~ 1961 , 1324-1330 TEXT: Up to now the plasticity of germanium has been tested predominantly for shearing and stresa. The object of the present work was to supplement these data by testing for compression at different temperatures and ratos of deformation -,r. Samples of the form of parallelepiped 5A 2 x2 mm. are out out from single crystals of gezmanium with principal axes along -..111>, , and -100>. The experimental apparatus i ,q described in Ref. 15: V- R- Regell, V. G. Govorkov, A. F. Zakatuvy Zav. lab., 26, no. 2, 243-245, 1960. Before the experiment the samples were heated for Thr at the temperature of the experiment. The tests were made in oxygen-free dry argon at 2000000. The rate v of relative deformation was varied between 10-1-2.4-10- sec-1. Fig. 2 gives the results for Y 6.3.1()-4 sec-1. Below 4000C trittle Card 1/7 23098 B/18 61/003/005/003/042 Dependence of the parameters B1 OIX214 destruction Get in without prior deformation. Between 400-7000C the curves show a "peak of fluidity"., Thu rtoults depend only slightly on the orienta- tion of the samples, The following experiments were, therefore, carried out only with samples oriented towarde and at temperatures 500, 600, an& 7000C (Fig. 4). Reaulte ftra found which differ considerably from those of V. R. Patel, B. H. Alexander (Acta Metallurg., A, no, 4, 385-395, 1956). These authors found no "peak of fluidity". Graphioal determination of the functions 1n v . f(c); In v - rf(lna)j In v - P(1/T) ahowed that the following equation holds for the experimental data; v - Ban exp(-Q/Ty' (2). The activation energy (Q - 47 kcal/mole) calculated by this formula agrees with the values found from the ahearing. As is shown by Fig. 6, the peak of fluidity is not reproduoible If the cumpression is repeated after release, or if new loading is dono at. lower temparature. The peak is explained as due to the aggravation of the deformation whose origin remains still obscure. The irreversibility of the effect could be caused by small diffusion coef- ficients and low concentration of the impurities, M. V. Klassen-Reklyudov is thanked for advice and discussion. There are 6 figures, I table, anti 16 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 14 non-Soviet-bloc. The 2 most important references to English-language publications read as follows: J. Hornatra, Card 2/7 23098 S/181~/61/COVOC5/003/042 Dependence of the.parameters ... BIOI/B2114 J. Phys..a. Chem. Sol., 5,.no. 1/2; 128-141, 1958; D. Dew-Hughea, G. E. Brock, J. Appl. Phys., 30, no. 121 2020-2021, 1959. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR, Yoskva (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: November 25, 1960 Fig. 2: Compression curve of single crystals of germanium at different temperatures with relative rate of deformation.v 6-3-10-4 cm-1. Legend: a) orientat ion -.::.l 1 i.->