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CO=EB. J. The contribution of a new law on inventions) discoveriesi and suggestions for improvement. P. 262 (Kozaratvi. Vol. 7. no. 9. Sept. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly index of East European Acce.--sions (EEAT) LC. Vol* 7j no, 2., February 1958 GOTTLI-13. J. What's new In the law on inventions, discoveries, and suggestions for improvement. P. 274. (SKLAR A KERA'MIK, Vol. 7, No. 9, Sept 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (ZaL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec 1957. Uncl. 0 OTT L I.r,- n-', J . Contributions of a new law on inventions, discoveries, and im.orovement sugaestions. P. 320. (TE-EXTIL) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 12, no. 9, SePt. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East Eurocean Accession (7--EAI) 1C Vol. 7, 110. 5, 1958 GINGOLD, Nve PAPAHAGIO Tb; GOTTLIP-15, J.* Another tamily with the OFelgor-HuAw aknowsly associstso Wh familial diab6teA6 9tudy inoluding 4 genarations. (Prtll~~ary note)* Studi aercat. mo& intorn. 6 noJI287-293 165. GOTT14Mp Fe - Vol* 3y U09 10i Octe 19339 SOCIALISTICKOU VEDU A 7ECHNIKU Method of Improving the standard of living. pe 40. Problems of railroad electrification in Csoc&oslovakia. p. 44. SO: Monthly list of &A European Accessional, (MAL),, IZ,, Vol. 49 No. 9,9 Sept. 1955 Uncl. GOTTANN,, F. V01.4,, no. 3, Mar. 1934. 7A SOCIALISTICKOU VEDU A TECHNIKU The great contribution of 1. V, Stalin to socialist tachnolou. P. 97. Possibilities of the use of producer gas locomotives on Czechoslovak railroads. p. 134. Our experience in "search work and socialist competition. p. 135. SOs Monthly list of East &vopean Accesslixis,, (KUL),, LO, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 UDOL -7 GOT MANN) F. Prospects for electric traction in Czechoslovakia. P. 311. (zELEZ1,J-1CNI TECHNIKA.) (Praha., Czechoslovakia) Vol. 5, No. 12, Dec. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 GOTTKANN, F. TECHNOIDGY Periodical: NOVA TECHWM. No* 129 1958 GOTTMON, F. Our further tasks in railroad electrification. P. 535 Monthly List of East European Accessions (9W) W 11 Vol. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclasso GOTMM, F. Influence of the starting acceleration of electric-traction vehicles on the following running time and the operational efficiency of the railroad. P. 179. ZELEZNICNI DOPRAVA A TECHNIKA. (MinisterAvo dopravy) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 7, no. 6, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11. Nov. 1959 Uncl. GCTTMANN, F. Some operational and economic consequences of'specific characteristics of depend- ent and Independent traction on the railroads. p.232. I ZELENZNICNI DOPRAVA A TECHNIKA. (Flnisterstvo dopravy) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 7, no. 89 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 8, No. 11. Nov. 1959 Uncl. - GOTTNER, Reinhard.-dr., prof.; KRALOVCOVA, Marketa (translator) General principles of tariff policy for communications in the Geman Democratic Republic. CO spoje 7 no.6:4-5- Je 162. 1. Vysoka skola dopravni, Dresden (for Gottner). 2. VyzkumxV ustav dopravni (for Kraloveava). HASIX, Jan~,_Gl"T C4AL Measurex~utv Of VC160ity Of False wave spreading with electrocardiogram and digital plethysmograme- Polskie arch. med, wewne Z8 noo'5*-738-743 1958- 1. T II Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych A.M. v Pomnani-a. lierownik: prof.dr med. J9 Roguskle Adres autora: Poznan, ul. Przybyszewskiego 490 11 Ilinika Chorob Wown. A.M. (?=E, velocity of spreading of pulse wave, detrms', BOG & digital plethysmography (Pol)) (RUCTROCARDIOGRAPHT, of velocity of spreading of -Dulse wave (Pol)) (PLMYSMOGRAPHTO finger, determ. of pulse wave spreading velocity (Poi)) ZADINA, Jqsef, -inz.; Problems of potato resistance breeding against the G-biotype of wart dispase (Synchytrium endobiotia=), Pt, st Rost vyroba 9 no.5:567-574 163. 1, Vyzkumny ustav bramborarslor., Havlickuv Brod (for Zadina). 2. Biologische Zentralanstalt, Kleinmachnow (for Gottschling). FARKAS, Lorand; VARADY, Jossef; GOTTSEGEN, Agnes Ring immerisation of isoflayones.VII.Synthesis.of 41-methyl- tectorigenin. MW kem fo3jroir 68 no.6:23&-240 is '62. 1. Budaposti Muas*Jd Egyetem Szerves-Kemlai Tanszeke. FARKAS, Lorand; VARADY, Jozaef; GOTTSEGIEN, Agnes; KENGUL, Vilma Research on Baptisia tinctoria R.Br. glysosides. Pt.2. Magy kem folyoir 0 163. 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Szerves-Kemiai Tanszeke. FARKAS) Lorand; VARADY, Jozsef; GOTTSEGEN Apes g- - Ring isomerization of iso-flavones. Pt.8. Magy kem folyoir 69 no.10:458-460 0 163. - Ring isomeriz&tion of iso-flavones- Pt-9-460-462. 1. Budapesti t,',uszaki Egyetem Szerves-Kemial Tanszeke. FARKAS, Lorand, dr. (Budapest, XI., Gellert ter 4); VARADY, Jozsef (Budapest, XI., Gellert ter 4); MAJOR, Adam (Budapest, XI., Gellert ter 4); GOTTSElGEN Agnes (Budapest, XI., Gellert ter 4); STRUP11,17YA Janos ter 4) P Ring isomerization of flavones and isoflavones by means of potassium ethylate. Periodica polytechn chem 8 no.3:177-182 164. 1. Chair of Organic Chemistry of Budapest Technical University. Submitted February 6, 1964. FARKAS, Lorand, dr.; VARADY, Jozeef; GOTTSE2EL_Ape~ (Miss) Data on the ring isomerization of isoflavones. Pt.10. Acts. chimica Hung 40 no.4s457-461 164. 1. Institut fur Organische Chemie der Technischen Universitat, Budapest, XI., Gellert ter 4. 'l,orand VAR,', Ung, A 70 r0. I. Chair a f fltrY, L 63722-65 7a1 ACCESSIOtl I"R: AT50222-41 "A Farkas, Lorand(Farlanh, L. (T-)oc~(,-, qU/2502./64/oO4l/OCO4/C)44 i/CA4h sclartltLr= huagaricae. AcIp 4~-, The syntheeis of 5, 4' !notl tut fur Organischp !>-~a -? dr-r T-c,l-ni.---!- -it C;hemi 5try fit tne '-~s tml -,q' Card 112 NR: AT5022,241 '-:;'Teb64 w OWN W-14 0 Foo 05! 1 S 4 1 4 6 1 N It Is 13 Is is It ti a ty Masi UISS416 0611111*41 #1 a a a U Is Is U Is a W." u 8-1 1 -1 4. 1- A 'I - * A I-L.-L AL P A I IL. ~~Vj is 1.0 AW, 01. IRP141 -00 'is. fa. 's is O.pkipayaomprMlamiss (Akhdml intoxicAtion. Gv~ C.A tseW. Ormsi 11thijO 82, 1139 4113 WW). - 1'Wation. total absence at sleep. was S pwtxiucW by As) Inc. Atedrun taken awidirntally. This laved foe 2 disrs. thrit armher A days fullowd with & ws- SISSY Sjoup a symptcm. vagotouir wraction. slexpitirm. laintwg. etc. S. de Fin-4y 00 to v 00 00 j A s a. I A. A MITALtURGICA11. LITINATUOR CLAIIWKATIO* U U AV 00 It 1; ; ; ; ~, ; o 10, An I % as ew 0 1 5 a 4 2 4 If -00 -00 .09 -00 -00 nee coo as 0 We tie 0 too 0 too too EQ Dj G HORN, Z.; HARr, Me Vitamin I-tolerance test in hepatitis,.Orv.hatil. 91 no-35:1049- -1051 27 Aug 50. 1 (CUM 20:5) 1. Of the First Internal Diseases Departsept (Head Physician- Prof. Dr.0yorg7 Gottsegen) and the Laboratory (Read-Pbysician- Professor Dr. Zoltan Horn), An- loltoi Hospital. GOTTSBM, 0. Prognostic strophanthin test, Orve hetil, 92 no.13;413-415 31 Ner 1951. (CLKL 24.2) L.Dootor. 2. First Internal Dapartment (Director Head Physician Prof. Dr. Gyorgy Gottsegen), Tetenyl-uti Hospital. T - : ---- /Y 440, !gen. 2~lt Iforn, and N(ArgucOr C, IlAfy (116pi. imol ontufaltest). Ada Alrd-.14aied. 140. 1-'-. at SmIll - (11MM-Aller an Intravenous linjectison tt(',tb twin. vitantin K into lkiticuts with heliatit6 thr wtunt hilitultin nivirmil after the initial stage of icterwi, mul 4141 not ix-cur tA lien [he ic(riu- lieptil to subvide. Neither e(vuld tich a imlicinw tit Vitamin K injeclion IV evaktif ill obmfinmv j.lundicv, .4-f.-fir furnatit1q. tir in virtI14.6. S. %IM1111fil GOTTSIGIN, G.IROKODk, T. wAaAA*iA"W't Imating rewalts of internal treatsent in hyperthyroomis. OrT. hatil. 93 no. 15:441-444 13 Apr 1952, (CLKL 23:3) l' %ctom 2. 7irst Internal Departuent (Read Pbysician - Prof, i;. Oyorgy Gottsegen), Teteuyl-uti Hospital. 3. Use of mothylauracil. GOTTSEGIN,,G,. Effects of isolanid on circulatory insufficiency and vital capacity. Ther. hung. no.1:23-26 1953. (CLML 24:5) 1, Publieation of the Third Department of Internal Medicine (Director --0y, Gottsegen, N.D.), Istvan Hospital, Budapest. *Problem of Inoculable Hepatitis." p. 215, (NEPMESZSEGUGY, Vol. 34, no. 8, Aug. 1953, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 5, I-lay 1954/ Unclassified CIOTHTMIW~ ~Go Effect of digi%alis on strophanthin refractive heart diseases. Ory. hetil. 94 noolg;318-321 10 Vay i933- (GLML 25:1) 1. Doctor. 2. Third Department (Head Physician -- Dr. Oyorgy Gottsegen), Istvan Metropolitan Hospital (Director Dr. Janos Vikol). GOTTSEGEN, 01 Polycythemia vera. Ory. hetil. 94 no.25:686-690 21 June 1953. OTAL 25:1) 1. Doctor. 2. Third Internal Department (Head Physician -- Dr. Oyorgy Gottsegen), Istvan Metropolitan Hospital. O,OTTSIONN, G.;SZAM, 1. hothyroid skin manifestations. Orv. hetil. 94 no.47:1308-1310 22 Nov 1953. (GIML 25:5) 1. Doctors. 2. Third Internal Department (Head Physician -- Dr. Gyorgy Gottsegen), Istvan Metropolitan Hospital (Director - Dr, Janos Vikol). GOTTSEGEN, G.,dr. Comparative efficiency of strophanthin preparations in cardiac disease. Ther. hung. no-3:15-18 1954, 1.1municipal Istvan Hospital (Director: Dr. J. Vikol) Third Medical Service, Budapest. (Hand Physician: Dr. Gyorgy Gottsegen) (HURT DISNASX, ther. strophanthin, comparative efficiency) (STROPHANT11IN, ther. use heart die., comparative efficiency) GOTTSWJN~.Gy.; RADNAI. B. Pathology.of the iWelonclorosim. Act& morph. hung. 4 no,3:367-378 1954. 1. Ill. I=ere AbtellW (Primararst: Gye Gottsegen) und Pronektur (Promaktort D.Radmi) do* Istvan-trankenhauses (Direk-tor: J.Vikol) Budapest. (AMMIA, - --KRYTMOBLASTIC, pathol. astoosclorools myelofibroolm) 1 GOTTSIGAN. G.-, ROKODA, T.; BARTOK, I.A. The effect of morphine on respiration an& oxygen consusiption In heart disease* Act& mado hung. 6 no.3-43355-366 1954. 1. Yron the third Medical Service- Municipal "Istva" Hospital and Beip'artment of Postgraduate ;;~gery, Univoisity Medical School, Budapest. (MMMM, off. on reap. & oxygen conovaption In heart dim.) (RESPMATION, off. of,drugs on morphine In heart die.) (HNART DIMAM, metab. in oxygen. consumption, off. of morphine) (MRTABOLISH oxygen consumption In heart die., off. of morphine) GOTTSIKGIK.~ G.; SZAJ4, L; GMMAT, X. Uperimental studies on the xecbAnism of pulsonarr *den&. Acts sod; hung- 6 no'03-4:367-378 1954- 1. Trom the Mrd Me'dical Service &Ad Department of Pathology.' Hunicip&I "Istvan" Hospital,, Budapest. (=KA9 exper. Pula.. mechanism) (LUNGSO d1s. odes&, ej"r,, sechanion) GOTTSEMN, Gyorgy. dr.; RAMAI, Bela, dr. .Data In pathology of mWeloselerosio. Orv. hetilo 95 no.27:734- 738 4 July 54c 1. A lFovarosi Istvan-lorhaz (igazgato: Vikol Janoa dr.) III. Beloextalyanak (foor7os; Gotteegen Gyorgy dr.) es Prosecturajanak Uoor7os: Rainal Bela dr.) kozlemenys (ANIMIA, LVMMYTHRCIBLASTIC ontooselarotio, pathol.) GOTTSIGINO qyorq, dr.; BIROj lasslo, dr, Recent investigations on endocarditie lent&. Orr. hetil. 95 no-39: 1068-10,70 26 Sept 54. 1. A Favarosi Istvan Korhas 111. (foorros: Gotteengen G7orgy dr.) es a Peterfy Sandor-utcal Korhas-poliklinika A) Belosstalyanak (foomos: Biro Laszlo dr.) kozlmetwe. (IPWARDITtS, WMCMI BACMIAL) GOTTSEGIN, Gyorg7, dr.; RADNAI, Bela, dr. Case of Isolated pulmonary valve insufficiency as a result of endocarditis lenta of persisting Botal's duct. Orv. hetil. 95 no. 5Oil385-1388 12 Dee 54. 1. A Fovarosi Istvan-korhaz (igasgato: Vikol Janos dr.) III. Beloostalyanak (foorvow.Gottenon, ayorgy, dr.) so Prosektura- 3&hsk (foorvos Radnai Bela dr.) koslemanye. (IN)DOCAW)ITIS, SUBACUTE BACTARIA1, compl. pulm. valve insuff. & patent ductuo arteriosus) (DUCTUS ARTHRIOSUS, PATIN. compl. endocarditis. subacute baot. & pulm. valve lnWf.) (PULMONARY VALVI, die. Insuff., caused by subacute bact. endocarditis of patent duetus arterlosum) BIPO, L.; GOTTSEGEN, Gy. Subacute bacterial endocarditis; its changed aspects. Acta med.hung- 7 no.1-2:21-32 1955. 1. Peterfy Sandor Street Hospital and Istvan Ifoopital, Budapest. (ROMAIDITI-9, SUMCIPIN 'BACTMULL statistics, incidence, morbidity & imortal.~ GOTTSEGEN OW, Marianne; VARGA, Jossafne Procalne mffects on permeability. Magy. belorv. arch. 8 no.5: 151-153 Oct 55. 1. A Fovar~osi Istvan-Korhaz, (Igazgato: Vikol, Janos dr.) III. Beloaztalyanak (foorvos: Gotteegen, Gyorgy dr.) kozlmmanye. (EDMA pulm., off. of procaina on capillary permeability. (Hun)) (LUNGS, d 1 s edema, off. of procaine on capillary permeability. (Hun)) (CAPILLARY PIRKWILITY, eff. of drugs on procaine in pulm. edema. (Hun)) (PROCAINE, off. on capillary permeability In pulm. edema. (Hun)) GOTTSEGEN, Gyorg3r; KOHEN, Katalin; ROMODA, Tibor Procaine effect on ventilation and oxygen consumption In cardiac hypoxia. Magy. belorv. arch. 8 no.5:153-157 Oct 55. 1. A Povarosi Istvan-Korbaz (Igazgato: Vikol, Janos dr.) III. sz. Beloszialyanak (foorvoa: Gottsegen, Gyorgy dr.) kozlemanye. (DYSPNEA cardiac. off. of procaine on ventilation & oxygen consumption. (Hun)) (CONGSSTIVE'HF.AM FAILURE dyspnea, off. of procaina on ventilation & oxygen consumption. (Hun)) (PROCAINE. off. on ventilation & oxygen consumption in cardiac dyspnea. (Hun)) GOTTSBGXU, Gyorgy, dr.; MIDGTZS. Arpad. dr. Punctional diagnosis of silicosis. NePegeszeegugY 36 no.12: 383-386 Dec 55. 1. Kozlemany a fovarosi Istvan-korhaz (igazgato: KatOna, Istvan dr. III. belossatalyaro: (foorvos: Gottsegen, G5rorgy dr.). (SILICOS15,41.4ge -.-. iplrograpbj. advantages. (Hun)) (R?,SPIUTION, funct. tests ipt L, 9111conis, advantages. (Hun)) GOTTSEGEN, Oyorgy, dr.,; ROM&DA, Tibor, dr. Subacute bacterial endocarditis caused by Bacillus pyocyaneus. Orv. hetil. 94 no.104:417-419 10 Apr 55. 1. A Yovarosi Istvan-korhaz (igazgato: Vikol Janos dr.) III. beloaztalyanak (fooryoss Gottsegen Gyorgy dr.) kozlemonye. (PSEUDOMORLS IMOTIOUS, aexmginosa subacute bacterial endocarditis) (RIEDOCAMITIS, SUBACUTE BACTMIAL, bacterioloa, Peoudomonan aeruginoca) GONSAM, Gyorgy, dr.,; jMGUSP Arpad, dr. lWamination of respiration in medical practice. Orv. betil. 96 no.13:353-355 27. V4Lr 55. 1. A fovarosi Istvau-korbas (lg&Wto: -Vikol Janos dr.) III Belosstalyanek (foorwos: Gotteegen Oyorgy dr.) koslemerqe. (PWIMION, 1unctich toots,) GOTTSIGM, 03rorgy.; KGROSSY. Sandor, dr. --*'~Uaguo sis of Behest syndr(wo. Orv. hatil. 96 no.26-.719-720 June 53 1. A Yovaroal Imtvan-korbaz (igasgato: Vikol Janos dr.) III. as. Beloss (foorwom: Gotteegen (;Vorg7'dr.) as Boroestalyanak (fooryos: Rajka Go koslemenys. (BIHOBT SYMMONS, diagnosis,) GOTTSEGIBI, Gyorgy, dr.,; SUM, Istvan. dr. Arteritim spiaortica. Ory. hatti. 96 no.45:1245-1248 6 Nov 55. 1. A Fovarosi Istvan-Korhaz (Igasgato: Vikol Janos dr.) 1. 111. Beloaztalyanak (foorvos: Gotteegen Gyorgy dr.) kozlemonys. (ARTARITIS, spi-sortic) GOTTSEGER Gyorgy, dr.; SZAM, Istvan, dr.; CSORNAT, Margit, dr. Studies on pulmonary edema,, caused by high oxygen pressure. Map_v. belorv. arch. 9 no.is26-29 Feb 56. 1. A Toverost letvan-Korbaz (lg&Wto: Katona. Istvan dr.) III. Beloaztalyanak (Foorvos: Gotteegen, G7orgy dr.) Prosecturajanak (Toorvoo: Radnai, Bela dr.) kozlemenye. (EDMA, eiper, palm. induced by high oxygen pressure in guinea pigs & rat;, LFOG, patbol. & eff. of procaine (Hun)) (LUNGS, dis. exper. edema, Induced by bigb oxygen pressure in guinea pIgs & rats, ECG, patbol. & eff. of procaine (Hun)) (PROCAINIM, @ff. on exper. pulm. edema in guinea pigs & rate (Hun)) EXCERPTA MMICA Sec.13 Vol.112 Cardiovascular Feb 57 3GL GOTTSEGEN G. and RONIODA T. Inn. Abt., Istvdn-Krankenh., Budapest. Zur lCe-n-hrn-t9-1-tv~erodermischen Herzerkrankung Scleyodernial cardiopaildes Z. ges. inn. Med. 1956, 11/3 (134-137) Graphs 6 Tables I Illus. 2 Report on 5 cases of cardiac disease associated with scleroderma, whose significance as a general disease is therefore emphasized. Prepancy in 2 women caused remission which continued post parturn. In the clinical diagnosis of this combined condition ECG is of little value (the ECGs presented are not convincing; in one case the ECG changes attributable purely to regnancy v.-ere not given sufficient attention). In all cases, however, the BSR, the gyobulin level and the y-globulin fraction showed an unmistakable increase. The arterial blood pressure showed no significant changes. Urinary findings were pathological in all cases except one. Schennetten -Berlin (XVIII,- 13) EXCERPTA 2221. GOTTSEGEN G., SZAAI 1. and CSORNAY M. III.-Inn. Abt., Kardiopulm. Lab iTn_d-P3`M-6T.-1n_sr, StAdt. IstvAn-Krankenh. , Budapest. *Zur Pathologic und Theraple des hyperoxischen Lungenddems. P a t h o I o g y a n d t r e a t m C nt of hyperoxic pulmonary oedema Z.GES.INN.MED. 1956, 11/12 (~51- 557) Graphs 1 Tables 1 Illus. 6 Guinea-pigs and rats were exposed to an oxygen tension of 3.5 atm. In a few hours pulmonary oedema developed, which in guinea-pigs was mostly accompanied by bradycardia and severe ECG disturbances; no such changes were observed in the rats, however. The histological structure of the heart was not fundamentally changed either. In the development of this experimental pulmonary oedema, cir- culatory disturbances do not play a dominating role. The assumption of a com- pression of intrapulmonary lymph vessels, which leads to congestion and transu- dation, Is contradicted by the histological findings, which consist of tightly filled lymph spaces, hyperaernia and infiltration, as well as oedema. Previous treat- ment with procaine prevented pulmonary oedema in rats. However, histological. examinations proved that the protective effect of procaine probably depends an its inftuence on the permeability, the respiration and the oxygen absorption, but not on the antiphlogistic and circulatory action of the drug. Many references, Slapak - Vienna (V, 6. 15) EXCERPTIA ~EDICA Sec.18 Vol.1/4 Cardiovascular Aor 57 jo('6. COTT%,' G.. ROMODA T. and SZANI 1.3. Inn. Abt.. Kardic-Pulmon. Lab.. J-sTv-a-n--1W-n-F-,FfiF, Budapest. Zurri Mechanismus der Morphinuirkung bei Herzinsuffizienz und akuten Lungeniklern, Action of jitorp1da in licart lailure. aud acide Pulnionary ocdeina Z. ges. inn. Med. -1956, -11/14 (CM-U28) Graphs3 Tables 3 The effect of morphia in patients with heart failure results in a fall of the increased metabolism. In approx. 213 of cases a reduction of the previously increased venous pressure occurs (investigation in 25 patients %%rith heart disease). The reduction is noticeable within 10 min. after the injection and lasts for more than 30 min. Sodium nitrate causes a further fall in pressure, which can even be confirmed in patients in whom the venous pressure is uninfluenced by morphia. The average intrathoracie N pressure is usually incre.Lsed by morphia adniinistration-, the amplitude of pressure fluctuations is reauced. In anim"al tests the onset oi ammemiurn-chloride pulmonary oedema cannot be prevented in the majority of cases by morphia administration.. nevertheless, the intensity of oedema is generally less severe than in animals not treated before. The action of morphia on the patient is not attributed to its effect urn the venous mechanism, but to increased efficiency and also to p.;vchic comfort o the frequently emotional patient with heart failure'. Venrath - Cologne EXCERPTA ~ZDICA See. 6 Vol. 11/8 Aug. 57 6()TTSp-6EAJ 6: 'g SF, EN,, G. an SZAM I. III. inn. Abt., Istvdn-Krankenh., Budapest. 4717._? d _e e eTgenartige, unter dem Bilde des brachiozephalischen Arterien- verschlusses verlaufende Gefasserkrankung. A peculiar vascular disease appearing as an obstruction of the brachio-cephalic arteries Z.KBEISLFORSCH. 3-956) 45/5-6 (196-202) Graphs 2 Mus.9 E7CERPTA 'NOICA. See 7 V01. -1115 _PediatriC3 7 1123. GOTTSEGEN C., MATHEIDES P. and ROMODA T. III. Inn. Abt. und Kardlo- pulmonales Lab., IstvAn-Krankenh., Budapest. *Kammerscheidc%vanddefekt beimandibulo-fazialerl)~lsostose. Ventricular septal defect associated with mandibulof:xcial dysostosis Z. KREISLFORSCH 1956, 45/13-14 (499-503) Tables I Illus. 2 Report on the first case of concomitance of two developmental disturbances (mandibulofacial dystososis and ventricular s eptal defect) to be described. The con- dition was attributed to damage inflicted during the 7th-8th week of embryonic I ife. (X, 7. 8, 11) EXCERPTA IMICA Sec,18 Vol,1/5 Cardiovascular May 57 1312. ,GOTTSEGEN G. and MEDGYES A. 111. Innern Abt., Kardiopulmonales Lab., bUicit. 1stv&n-K_rWn_kenh'., Budapest. Die Atemstdrung des Cor pulmonale Respiratory disturbance of coy Pulnionate Z. KreislForsch. 1956, 4i5/21-22 (wi--839) Tables 1 i In most cases of cor pulmonale th&e is no orthopnoca in spite of very severe cardiac and respiratory insufficiency. Increase of the vital capacity when chanif ing from the horizontal to the vertical position is also rarely observed in this group o patients, in contrast to normal persons, emphysematous patients and patients with pul- monary and heart failure. This phenomenon may be attributed to the contraction of pulmonary arterioles giving rise to the pulmonary hypertension in cor pulmonale. This contraction protects the capUlaxy region from overfilling due to clino-static increase of the yenous return flow. (XVIII, 6,15) GOTTSEGEN Gyorgy, dr.; 14ATHEIDESZ, Pal, dr.; ROMODA, Tibor, dr. Simultaneous incidence of developmental diaorders of the face and the heart. Orv. betil. 97 no.12:333-335 18 March 56. 0j 1. A Fovarosi Istvan Korhaz igaz 0: Kotona, Istvan dr.) III. Beloazt-es Kardiopulmonalis Laborat. (fonrvos: Gottsegen, Gyorg7 dr,) ko2l. (FACE, abnorm. mandibulo-facial dysplasia with cardiac septal defect, etiol. (Hun)) (CARDIOVASCULAR DKMTS, CONGIMITAL septal defect with mandibulo-facial dysplasia. etiol. (Hun)) (ABNORMALITIES mandibulo-facial dysplasta with cardiac septal defect, atiol. (Hun)) GOTTSIGIN, Oyorgy,,; ~r .; MGYZS, Arpad, dr. Respiratory disturbances in cor pulmonale. Orv. betil. 97 no.40: 1103-1105 30 Sept 56. 1. A Irovarosi Istyan Korbas (igasgato: Katon~ Istvan, dr.) III. oz..Beloostalyanali so Xardiopulmonalis Laboratoriumanak (foorvoo: Gottsegen. Oyorgy, dr.) koslemanyo. (PULMORW HXUU DISIKASB , bysi 1 rasp., orthopnea. (HuO 0 (RISPIRATION. in various die. pulm. beart die., orthopnea (Hun)) Exc?:RnA, MEDICA See 8 Vol 9/9 Murology Sept' 56 3832. GOT-rSEGES G and KOHOS5Y S. 3. inn. Abl. und derm. Abt., stAdt. Igtvill. ~-~e ~.udapek, *Zur nosologischenStetlung der Behcetschen Krank. heit. The nosology of Behqet's disease DERNI.WSCHR. 133/2 133-36) The clinical picture of a patient was first dominated by optic nerve atrophy, (or which reason the diagnosis of a retrobutbar form of multiple sclerosis was esta blished. Afterwards, the pathological picture was completed and Included: aphthae, iritis, genital ulcers, phlebitis and orchitis. Beh;et's disease is interpreted as an independent neurological syndrome in the group of oculo-mucocutarkeous virases. also because the agent, a filtrable virus, could be demonstrated. latter virus The was inoculated into the allantols of a hen's egg and the brains of mice and rat# The disease is endemic along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. This pict U should be borne in mind when establishing the differential diagnosis of atrophyd Edgar - Amsterdam (Y-X,8,6,12,13 the optic nerve of obscure origin. GOTTSZGMF 4.=E;V, Dr.; SUM istvan, Dr.; GSONNAY,.Akxgit, Dr. The adrenal glands and pulmonar7 edema. Mau. belorv. arch. 10 no.2-3s 51-55 Apr-June 57. /~# relvg 1,.A Yovarost, Istvan ZDrhar. (igazgato: lm~'3-0 Istvan dr. ) III. Beloestal- 7&nak (foorvos: Gotteegen. Oyorgy dr.) es &*Koranvi Korhaz Prosecturajanak (foorvon: Csornay Nkrgit dr.) koslemerWo. (GMIRAL ADAPTATIOM SYMMO alarm reaction, prev. of pulm. edema in adrenalectomized rate (B=)) (FUIXONART XDZM, exper. prev. by alarm reaction in adronalectomized rate (Hun (ADMWAMTOKY. exper. prev. of pulm. edema by alarm reaction in adrenalectomized pate (am)) Dr.; MGYM AMD. nr.; Rwia TIBOR Asthmatic respiratory disorder. Ma. bolorv. arch. 10 no.2-3:56-Q 'Apr7JU I ~ ~ . jio 5 7. lo A Fovervit Istyan rorhLs. (joggsto: K&tou& jGjv&u talyanak (foorvos; 00tte0on Qyorgy Dr. Kosl~wnyo. (ABTM. pbrolol. reap, 1100MRIGIS daring interval &,attack '(Ban)) L/ (;Omj~ t IN, G~orgy; HLTHRIM, Pal; ROKODA, Tibor Pressure in the pulmonary circulation and thoracic space in heart diseases. Magy. belorv. arch. 10 no.5-6:148-155 Oct-Doc 57. 0j 1. A Yovarosi Istvan Korhaz (igazgato: Ptona Iotvan) III Bolaztelyanak es Kardiopulmonalis laboratoriumanak (foorvos: Too Gottsegen, Qyorgy) kozlemenyo. (HART DISMINS. physiol. blood pressure in pulm. circ. & thoracic vessels (Ran)) (BU)OD PRMMM, in varioud dis. heart dis., pressure in pulm. cire. & thoracic vessels Ohm)) R GOTTSEGEN, Gy.; SUM, I.; CSORUT, M. 4 a ;*.;,."(g d Vd lan and pulmonary edema. Acta med. hung. 11 no. 1:63-72 1957. 1. 3rd Medical Service, Istvan Hospital. and Section of Pathology, loranyi Hospital, Budapest. (GXUUL AUUMTION SYNIOROMI alarm reaction in prey. of pulm. edema iu normal & adrenalectonized rats.) (PUIXONARY AMU, expox, prey. by elicitation of alarm reaction in normal & adrenalectonized rate.) (ADRUAL GIANDS, pbysiol. prey. of pulm. edema by elicitation of alarm reaction & adrenalectomized rats. GOTTSEGEN, Oyorgy, dr.;'SZAN, Istvan, dr.; RONDDA, Tibor, dr.; dr. Pathological data on perforation of ventricularl septuns Orwo betil. 98 no.13:327-330 31 may 57. 1. A fovarosi Istvan Korhas (Igasgato: Katona, Istvan. dr.) III. Beloestalianak es'Kardiopulmonalls Laboratoriumanak (foarvos: Gotteegen, Oyorgy. dr.) kozlowj~F4. (CARDIAC SIMM, peirf. luterventric., In sWocardial Infarct. case reports (Hmn)) (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT, compl. Interventrie. septum perf., case report (Hun)) GOTTSEGIN, Gyorg7, dr.; SZAM, Istvan, dr.; CSORMAY, Margit, dr. Hi ornat"ors n experimental therapy of pulmonary edema. Ory. hetll. 98 no.26:713 30 June 57. 1. A hmarost Istwan Korhaz III. oz. B"looztslyanak (foorvos: Gotteegan, Gyorgy, dr.) as a Earanyi Korhnz Pros"cturajanak (foorvos: Ceornay, Margit, dr.) kosIm"nye. (PULMDNAW IDIKA, exper. off. of artif. hibernation in rate (Hun)) (HIBERNATION, ART111CIAL, off. on exper. pulm. odema in rate (Hun)) r 6 C.- ~j GOTTSSGIN, Gyory; TOROK. Iszter Clinicopathological mtudies on decompensated cor p4laonare. Ory, hetil. 98 no.50-51:1388-1393 15-22 Dw 57. 1, As Orasagos 4rdiologlai Inteset (igazgato: Gottsegen Oyorgy dr.) kozlemenye. (PUIMONARY MUR DISYASB alinicapathol. (Elan)) EIMPTA kYCA Sec.18 Vol.2/4 Cardiovascular Dis.,Apr58 1050. Perloyation o1 the inlarded seption; obsemations on pathology and haentodyna- inics GOTTSEGEv G., SZA31 I., RoMODA T. and MitntrIMS P. Third Med. Serv., I.qtv.-in--fl-o-s-p.-,-Bu-(T-,t-l)cst Ada med. scand. 1957. 158/2 (157-162) Graphs 3 Tables I Illus. 2 The authors give detailed histories and the investigations carried out in 2 fernale patients where interventricular perforation occurred on the 5th day after myocardial infarction. The diagnosis was made during life on auscultatory evidence and ECG findings. Autopsy in one of the cases revealed an unusual pathological picture of pericardial*cardiac tarnponade caused by'rupture of the posterior wall 4 days after the septal perforation. The second case was still alive 17 months after the septal perforation, the diagnosis being verified as a result of haemodynamic studies with cardiac catheterization. Cortisone and corticotropin proved efficient in combating the severe heart failure. O'Farrell - Dublin (XVIII, T FF.DI--' 3ec 6 Vol 13/1 Internal Yed. Jan 59 153. INTRALUMUSAI. ANU EFFE'CTIVE I'll lisStAl ES IN 'I'llE III I..\I().NIC CHI. Cl;:.A*I'ION .l~;L~I)ttsq ~(;. , Malbuillem 11. .111d It"mod.1 T. Third Melf. Serv. and Cardinpulmon. Laly. . Ismin . fludapet - Acm MED.SCAND. 1957, 159/1 (71-1$3) (;rajohi- 5 T;iblvs 8 IIItjI,. I In 72 initientri With vniinu4 forine of livart iliiiwapw muinly mitral Mi-newits, 'vffvs-t. IVv' 1wesHilres of the 11111111mviry vami-lilar bril Were i4mlied al ro-A, (hiring vXvr- vise, normal ri-spiration. Valsalva manomm-P and eough. Al rvni, im-an efft-t-live presslives Were slightly higher than intraltiminal premstires. Miring vxurvist, (I min. eyt-ling movements) effective pressures fell to lower levels 111.111 intralmninal valtirm. Wiring Valsalva manortivre in most patients except those with tight mitrut idenosis no materint inereave or the effective pressure neetirre(i. ctingi, gavi. similar results. In tight mil ral stellomis, paroxymlis tif cough may provoke acute Indinonary oedema since effective pulmonary-capillary 1)rrj;stjt-#- may ext-ced the colloid osmotic level. It is stressed that measurement of effective pressiore.- is of greater value than of the intralurninal pressures alone minve Imth values may differ and rate of filtration across the capillary wall ip determined by the pi-rostire gradient. Nowy - Munich (XVIII.6,15) F70- 1-F K j EXCER111A I-EDICh Sr-ic 1j Vol 131it' Cnt:,.;.-. ;'..L:;. june 0_~ 0 1557. A CUNICO-PATHOLOGIC STUDY OF COR PULMONALE WITH HFART FAILURE Gotteegen _Q. and Torok E. Nat. Inst. of Cardiol., Budapest - AWr9R_.TX"'M5DIOL. 1958, 2/4 (441-448) Tables 4 The pathogenesis afid clinical picture of 67 cases of autopsied cor pulmonale with heart failure were studied. Idiopathic emphysema was present in only 301'~'o of tile cases. Such bronchopu I mo nary diseases as ~Iung fibrosis, pleuropulmonary adhe- mions, tb and thoracic deformities especially with secondary emphysen-'a were the remaining causes. Associated cardiovascular disease. usually coronary sclerosis. was high, and the resulting myocardial disease seemed to pariicipale in the devel- opment of cor pulmonale with chronic pulmonary or chest disease. Smoking was not an Important aetiologic factor. Dyspnoea was a frequent symptom. The pro- greanion from exertional dyapnoea to dyspnoea at rest was an important Indication of cardiac failure. Stupor progressive to coma developed in most of the patients. ation probably due to un- ECGs were abnormal in almost all cases. Atrial fibrill, 16 of *he derlying coronary sclerosis was frequent. Folycythaemia was absent In 5, cases despite anoxaemia, probably reflecting the resulting anaern!a from chronic pulmonary infection. A prolonged arm-to-lung and a normal arm-to-brain ~irc u- lation time were found. Venous pressure was elevated in two-thirds of the cases. Pathogenic bactertainora were cultured from the sputum in one half of the cases. Barr Chelsea, Mass. (XVIII, 6, 15) ZGOTTS,,r,,F,Z in, Dr. GVorgy. Dr.; The origin of lymph-opitheiial parotid changes- Orv. hetil. 99 no.2: 12 Jan 58. 1. A yovarogi Igtvzn lorhaz (ignsgato: latona Istvan dr.) Ill. oz. ..Beloostalyanak foorvon: Gottaegen Gyorgy dr.) es Prosecturajanak (foorvos: Hadnal 391a dr.') koslemanys. (PANTID GLM, pa%hol. lyWho-spithalial changes (Hun)) GOTTSIGBN, Gvorgyq Dre Fatal hemolytic crisis in pernicious anemia during therapy. Orv. hetil. 99 no.7:235-237 16 Feb 58. 1. Az OrRzagos Kardiologlai Intezet (igazgato: Gottsegen Gyorgr dr.) kozlemeuye. (ANAM. POMCIOUS, compl. homologous serum Jaundice during ther., fatal case (Run)) (JAMIGN, H01401MUS SXMM, case reports fatal case daring ther. of pernicious anemia (Hun)) GOT'-w.3BGMT, Gyorg7 Somm problems of the etiolog7 and cliniova course of cor pulmonale. Orv, hetil, 99 no,19s630-6)6 11 MOY 58. 1. Az Orazagos Knrdlologiai Intezet (igasgato: Gottsegen Gyorgy dr.) I-ozlemenye. (PTJTX071LRT MURT DISMSI ,.Korgys Pro; TMOK, lazter, Dr. GOTTSMMTI,.g Idiopathic cardiac en3argement. Orv. betil. 99 no.21:698-703 23 fty 58. 1. Ax Orazagos Urdiologiai Intexet (igazgato: Gotteegen Oyorgy dr.) kozlemanys. (CARDIAC XYZAROWT, case reports idiopathic (Hun)) '~X-,Er)PTA ', See. 6 Val 13/12 Interral red. Dec 59 7234. MARFAN'S SYNDROME - PSEUDOTRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS. CEREBRAL ABSCESS - hfarfan-syndroma-poeudotruncus arteriosus-agytalyog --G,21t - sege n _Q. , Antony M. and Szdm 1. Orazdgos Kardiol. Lnt. do -MvTr-o-sl Istvdn Kdrhlz Idegesztdl - ORV.HETIL. 1958, 99/48 (1685-1688) Illue. 4 A girl hospitalized with maningeal symptoms and arachnodactyly showed pseudo- truncus arteriosus. ventricular septum defect. atresia of the pulmonary ostiurn and rising aorta. The shunt from right to left permitted the development of a fatal brain abscess. None of the pathological phenomena.have an yet been observed in association with Martan's syndrome. Autopsy confirmed the clinical diagnosis. ggl* GOTTSMG31f, Gyogy, Dr.; ROMODA, Tibor, Dr. U-noonaciozzoneem dmring coupfiing. Orv. hatil. 99 no.5Ozl742-1744 14 Doc 58. 1. Az Orazagoe Kardiologlai Intezet (igazgato: Gotteagen Gyorgy dr.) lcozlemenye. (AWHYSMA, PUTIMARY. compL tusBive syncope, etiol. & pathogen (Fuu)) (SYNCOM etiol. & pathogen. tussive syncope in pulm. emphysema (Hun)) (COUGH tuesive syncope In pulm. emDbyeema. etiol. pathogen. (Hun)) GOTTBMXN, Gyorgy; TARJO, Iasslo Development of blood pressure changes elicited by thoracic pressure increase. Magy. belorv. arch. 12 no.1:25-30 Yeb 59. 1. Az Orovagos Kardiologiai Intezet (Igazgato: Gottsegen Gyorgy dr.) koziemenye. (BLOOD PRESS I rM. Physiol. interrelationship of arterial, venous, intraabdom. & intrathoracic pressures in cats (Hun)) (ABDOMM, physiol. same) (THORAX, physiol. same) ; CSAXA T, Gyorgy. Dr. RCKODA, Tibor, GOTTSEGZN~ 13r "0 Bright hitlf-lumg on x-ray pictures. Orv, hetil. 100 no.10:361-364 8 Kar 59. 1. Az Orozagoe Kardiologlai intezet (igRzgato; Gottsegen Oyorgy dr.) kozlemenye, (IONG6, radiography bright half-lung on x-ray pictures, diag. interpretation (Han)) GOTTSXUN~ GyorMr, dr.; BCDROGI, Gyorgy, dr. Observations on the pathogensain of WPW-syndrow. Orv.hetil. 101 no*34:1197-1200 21 Ag l6o 1. ]hA&pestl Oryostudommyl Igyeteu. IT. Belklinika, Orazagos Lardiologial Intexet. (HURT BLOCK etlol) GOTTSEGEN, Gyorgy, dr.; TOROK, Roster, dr. Studies on the treatment of circulatory diseases. II. Administration of vasolastine in coronary sclerosis. Orv.hetil. 101 no.44:1561- 1564 30 0 16o. 1. Budapesti Orwostudomanyi Egyetem, IV. oz. Belklinika. (CORONART DISEASE ther) (ENZYMES ther) I. GOTTSEGEN, G.; BODROGI, G.; KALMAN, P. Considerations on the treatment of mitral stenosis from point of view I-' of the physician. Cor Vasa 3 no-4:241-249 '61. 1. Fourth Medical Department, University of Budapest Medical School, and Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, Budapest. (HITRAL STENOSIS surgery) E - GOTTSEGEN, 'G~rorgy, dr.; HOLLOSI, Katalin, dr.; KALMAN, Peter Effect of age and stasis on liver and spleen distensibility. Magy belorr. arch. 14 no.3:85-89 Jl '61. 1. A Budapeati Orvostudomanyi Egyetem IV Belklinilmjanak, az Orazagoo Kardiologiai Intezetnek (igazgato: Gottsegen Gyorgy dr. egyetemi tanar) es az Istvan korhaz korbonctani osztalyanak (foorvos: Radnai Bela dr.) kozlemenye. (LIVER physiol) (SPLEEN pbysiol) GOTTSEGER. Gyorgy, dr.; ROMA, Tibor, dr. 7unctional aortic insufficiency. Orv.hetil. 102 n0.7:313-317 12 7161. 1. Budapeetl Oryontudomnyi 11gyetem, IV. as. Belklinika, Orazagoe Kardiologiai Inteizet. (AORTIC VAIWE.dis) dr.; ROMMA, Tibor, dr. . Auricular fibrillation with 1:1 AV conduction during cardiac catbeterization. Orr.hetil. 102 no.11;502-503 12 Mr 161. lo Budapestl Oryostudomanyl Igyetem, We oz. Belklinika, (AURICULAR YIBRIIJATION etiol).. (HEART GATEETERIZATION compl) GOTTSEGEN, Gyaqjp~, dr.; ROMODA, Tibor, dr. Bernhaim's syndrome. Orv. hetil. 102 n&.18:820-822 30 Ap 161. 1. Budapeati Orvostudomnyi Egyetems IV Belklinika. (HMT ENLARGEMT case reports) GOTTSEGEN, Oyorgy, dr.; BODROGI, Gyorgy, dr.; KALMAN, Peter, dr. Internal wdical re'narks on the tre;tment of mitral stenosis. Orr.hatil. 102 no.36:1681-1685 3 S 161. 1. Budapesti OrvostudomwWi EUetem, IV. az Belklinika ea Orssagos Kardiologiai Intezet, (MITRAL STENOSIS eurg) w GOTTSEGEN G.- RCKODA., T. P On the effect of intr--scular injections of stropbantboxid K. Cor vasa 4 no.2tl46-153 162, 1. IV Medizinische Uhiversitatsk2lnik, Budapest. . (STROPHUTHIN pharmacol) Zia- UAlUX t t r, I '1~- , ~; Kjj-di.0101,5 LIA D .IaBtj.tjjtG 0~ (;a3,d tic Cf Vol 5.~, ITO 2466-2468- 0f rhou- f thk o U of 4 a it -,Ar t ai-~~,~ the g Lt. rA C4 j f 14. not attondAlai :3 ch oi~ 1 r Sc 14 o tiou pbovo the ' l ello-wa ' u o"Ice vill" do 11 YA p 6, q aft;Gl~ "1J f ~ " r. bL , v JA t-he e ak J'." in V ki r, S but M A Of all p oplj~ 3 -------------------- -- ----------------------- ~TS G~gL,~yorgy, dr.,- ZABOFOZKY, Belas dr. On the non-cyanotic fom of pallotis tetralogy. Magy. belorv. arch. 15 nc./,,.:121-126 Ag 162. 1. Orszagos Kardiologiai Intezet,, BOTE IV. Belklinika. (TETRALOGY OF FALLOT) GOTT ;-ZABORSZK:(,, B. Acyahotic forms of tetralogy of Fallot. Acts, med. acad. sci. hung. 18 no-43405-416 .162. 1. Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, and Fourth Department of Medicine,, University Medical-Schoolp Budapest.. (TETPALOGY OF FALLOT) GaMEGEN, Oyorgy, dt.,; RCMODAp Tibor, dr. Auricular tacbyeardia with block secondary to cardiac catbaterizationo Orv. hatil. 103-no.llt489-,491 18 Mr 162. 1. Budapesti Or7ostudomanyi Egyetem, IV Belklinika, Orsaagos Kardio- logial. Intezet. WIM CATUTUMATION compl) EART MMK etiol) R (TACHYCARDIA etiol) GOTTSEGENp Gyorgy, dr.; ROMDAt Tibor,, dr. Studies on the treatment of circulatory disorders. III. Clinico- pharmacological evaluation of intramuscular atrophanthin derivatives. Orv. hetil. 103 no.14t647-650 Ap 162. 1. Budapesti OrvostudowAnyi ESystem, IV Belklinika. (STROPHANTHIN rel apda) GOTTSEGEN, 03rorgy, dr.1 KELLNER, Kkr4,tnr-, dr.; TOROK, Zmter, dr. Data on the diagnosis of deacepeneated cor pulmonals. Orv. betil. 103 no.171774-777 29 Ap 162. 1. Budapeati. Orvostudomanyi Sastem, IV Belklinika, Orazagoa Kardio- logiai Intezet. PUIXONARY HEART DISEASE diag) T FAILURE CONGESTIVE diag) = N GOTTSEGEN, Gyorgy, dr.; ZABORSZKY, Bela, dr. Auricular flutter with 1:1 conduction with Wenckebach periods in infancy. Orv. hetil. 103 no-45:2133-2135 11 N 162. 1. Orazagoo Kardiologiai Intezet. (AURICULAR FLUTTER) IPFtL.DNISOLOIIE)(ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) M-1 i ,,c f-W. GOTTSMEN, Oryorgy Dr; TOROK, Ezzter, Dr; Medical Unlvrrs-lty o' B'ada- 'Clinle, Stete Gardiological lr".stitute C'rvastudo.marlyi Egy6tinio !V. Ralklinika, Orszq,,oa Kardlo.lcgiat Intszet) "Psychog,,-n Ventricular Fibrillation." Buaap~.,it, Orvnsi HoUlan, Vol 101, 71o t0, 16 Uf~o 62, pager- 21,61-2365. Abstracti [Authors' aunmaryl T*he euthors describe a young woman with repeated a ttaoks,sl-nce childhocd, of .14.os-- of conscicasne5s and parox- ystic ventricular fibrillat..."on. Hypokalemia is given as causative fact-or and the atzai~ks wera precipit.Z%ted by h.,,Tervanti la tion due to excitement or ozotional stress. This is the first description in the literature of ventricul3r, fibrillation of a heart without demon5-61ra'.1e eMo, A opal defect, preclpitat&d b.-,r factors CIO 1-1csterr, :-eferenees GOTTSEMi Gyorgy, dr..; MIKLARI, Erzaebet, dr.; KATHEIDES, Pal, dr. On the epidemiology of rheuuttic fever. Orv. hetil. 103 no-52:2466-2468 30 D 162. 1. Orozagos Kardiologiai Intozet. (RHEUMATIC FEVER) RHU NG A R Y GOTTSMSENN, riyorg , ISTVANFFY, Maria, SZAM, Istvan, CSORNAY, Yargit; y, 4th Clinic of Internal Medicine (Orvostudomanyi lYv;cdica nive�rsit Egyetem 'IV. Belklinikaja), National Cardiological Institute (Orszagos Kardiolo-iai Intezet), and the Dissecting Room of the Koranyi Hospital (Koranyi-Korhaz prosecturaja), Budapest. "The Role of Poripheral Pecaptors in the Nveloptnant of Experimental Lun.v Edema." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol 15, No 2, Apr 63, PP 185-189. Abstracti (Authors' Hungarian stumnary] Tho devololinunt of lung odema is not affected by the Te3salon anaanthesia of the expansion receptors of the lungs. Affecting the chemoreceptors with capsaicin, however, re- sults in prevention of the ammonium chloride edema in rats in about 95 percent of the cases. During the period of desensibilisation, the animals survive even twice the lethal dose; their sensitivity to the agent returns after the cessation of the capsaicin effect. Prior ad- ministration of capsaicin lowers the gravity of a-naphthylthiourea edema but has no effect on edema caused by hyperoxia. Of about 20 re 2E.rences, 4 are Hungarian, the rest Is Western. J 1/1 Z 17ff G D., 1,-r_'SSZVZ, Jamos, U.D., A~-IUAY, tt D Aultual, IZI.D., Of the FoLzrt-h 1-_'-dical Clinic, Institute ffor Coxdioloa[, at the Ee6ical Ultiversity (Orvostuda.,an-Y! E~~etoia, !V. Kardio-lor.;_11ai jntezot) -in Budanest. J,~yxaaa Sho,,rlnG tlae Sy..ij)'Vo:.1s of rulmonal Stenosis" .BUC1.Z1j)eZt, OrVOOi HetiICIT) 1."ol 104, No 119, 2.2 Ylay 19163, P--O. AjSt-_-1a_-'.: The care of in the rit-'It-sice C'11r_~~tn- is ~e- POI:tQ- '.:17,J170d t:--e 170~,.Ollal "01'r SUr_!_`e1:-y Of t`le C"'- so fl.'o.;1 t"'.0 Usual azzociated con-en't.-u! co~ztric- _Glo 1 0- 'o -paL,lon-l arificc at asystoiic unco_-:-cf_o.,_= ~h nezo a =C no-n-ston able Lasu' =6 suspected -ro1.ft%,h was evi6cat.. -The hemodynclaic".1 findz-,I~ n;l- cato6 i, ular oz ilifundibulcx ,-nosis. Fwvorabie ~reatacnt -,;as aiv 'bic o, ,jos3 aly by sux~;Ice.2. intervention bef ;:e krevers-*ble 63=1.~_,,;e 0 I I U -1 Ger- oo_cua:re6 in tac Lilyocardiun. rourteen refe.,enco-, _4nciudi.,,r~ ia,nn =. d 11 Western. r GOTTSEGEN, Gyorgy, dr. Ventilation and pulmonavy circulatirin. Tuberkulozzjs 27 P,0.8: 232-235 Ag 164. 1~ A Ehidapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyf?t,,Fjir N Bi!lkhnika, Crrsvsgos Kardiologial Intezet (Igazgato: dr. ,ryctemi tanar) kozzlemenp. SZAM, I.; NIKOLITS, Ilona; DESI, I.; GOTjaE2_EjL,_G. Electroencephalographic studies in experimental pulmonary oedema. Acta med. &cad. sci. Hung. 21 no.2:249-157 165. 1. Fourth Department of Medicine (Director: Prof. G. Gottsegen) and Institute of Pathophysiclogy (Director% Prof. J. Sos), University Medical School, Budapest. Submitted May 18, 1964. KELLNE'Ry Marianne; KOVACH, A.G.B.; YAKIARI, E.; qqK7~.EG EN, G. Studies on the pathogenesis )f pulmonary alloxan oedema. Acta med. acad. sci. Hung. 21 no.2!187-189 165. Correlation between isolated cerebral hypercapnia and pul- monary oedema. lbid.:191-195 1. Department of Pathophysiology, Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, and Experimental Research Department, University Medical School, Budapest. Submitted July 27, 1964. (IRG: Department of Pathoptorsiology., 3tate Institute of Cardiolp , Budapest (Allani Kardiologiai Intezet, Korelettani Osztaly)-, ]at al R Laborato . Medical University of BUda#jtj_Budapest tBudapes i OrvostudomsMi Egyetem, Kiserleti, Kutatoleboratorium) TITLEt Mechanism of hiver xA pulmonary edema /This paper was presented at the 22th Meeting oLthe Hungarian Physioligical Socldz eld in Szeged from 2 to 4. JulY 19647 SOURCEt -Academia scientiarum hungaricee. Acts physiologica, v. 26.9 Supplemsnts.~ 19 65 47 TOPIC TAGS: respiratory syatr, biologic respiration,, respiratory system disease,, rat, drug effect., pharmacology, therapeutics ABSTRAGT: A6cording to th0'11tCr8tur6v 1!:h CO nse to inhalation of 02 with a, hh17h W pulmonary edema deve cps in res n !a- UT'e 0, under su,h cond3 u 'e acts kcontent. The ede m. (v condiTi-ons Is ascri to Card 1/2 L 15485-66 CC NRi AT60074h) A -proven experimentallyby, the authors. It has be iOf C02. This could not be e Isuggested by some authors that tissue hypereapnia is also responsible for .3 the develolmint of hyperoxic pulmonary edema, The relationship betw6en tissue,..-. ~hypercapnia and pulmonary edema developing in response to inhalation oJ pure 'J 02 was studied in the present experiments, on normal rats and an rats treated with phtnoxybenzaminelbeforehand. Following exposure' of various duration to'. high pressure 02# the C02 content of the brain, liver and muscle, survival 1 time, and the grosa and histologic kippearanco of the lungs were studi d ;,Pulmonary edema developed under theso conditions but it was preceeded by~ hypereapnia. The severity of pulmonary edema and of tissue varied with the'pressure sind duration of the exposure. The survival of animals was slightly prolonged,' the- ueverit~r of pulmonary edera was irxreased aned IV the previous administration of and tissue bypercapnia waa less phenoxybenzbminee ri PR67 'suB coms o6 1. none SUBM DATE Card 2/2