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!ls*l1r,%f1l;f',`pl-~,. A*t:;, collill- )lilt -1w Jilt. 11, jw~ clill'if I k, Itillilliv it III if kvs, I in R't liew NOW .14,dy it It ivt juld WrEcil dhjIhvonwni4 "otim, 11w tlftilq~', Ittul to bk- [fit ruilacell S Mv J'~&Jj,j IV- affullfil, if) m 'fif hAvvi-ifil :WC hiller."i'lle twe'l O(IfIllowical UY w1lillit III lifting. tilt tf ;m tws (vom. tilt, . shaitilloilit lit rol-vi-ji 1if1w 'Illif vkfullolnelli, bN 0iiii1014g. up liv.1%mlilk"I Ill butislialk-To carcy k)tit the j Wil*.N~i Iffivill 1). 1 l� I Ile , ItIJ111.6a6l tfqhllo~ for",'' -ivy. Tht. lit ille vallie WU, cifevivil ith liff"la toll -1:1,1lial tjwldv!,~ alslifie'l lictwi-vis , tilt. vol(rc ilk A 11111-il-a lilt valtivi Afk.~F,thr adjAmil bli 1-4.1 ifled it., liff)JIfillif Wwm tilt vi fj,,~;Orctl iiat, flim pteillimt. liy it ;1641 mill Ow flevk~,d list- fivitlov 'vall Ills, Ity I,,, lit Ic '11.1 ii(miliallie clilil Name way. lit :"0!X!pI' B'. New re-lations concernim, highways bridges and the coefficient of safety; also, rem;irks by I- n R. HidVegghi. p. 273. (~ELEPITI:5;371UMMIANYI SZEME. Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1955. Buda0est.) SO: Monthly List of East Eurooean Accession. (EEAL). Lc. Vol L Nlov. 1.1 !.''-)v. 1555 Uncl. GOSMY, B.; K0VACSHAZY,,F.j ROSSMANN., F. . Designing the underground passage of Beke Road. p. 1. (Kelyepitestudomanyi Szemle,, Vol. 7, no. 1/3, Jan./Har. 1957. Budapest,, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 1957. Uncl. GOSCHY, B. ; SCHEMING, G. Dezigning and constructing prefabricated-concrete bridges for the inspection of electric railway cars. p. 282. MELYEPITESTUDOMANYI SZEM19. (Kozlekedes- es Kozlekedesepitestudomanyi Egyesulet) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 9, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8. August 1959. Uncla. BALAZS, Gy.; GOSCHY, B.; KILIAN, J.; NEMM, F. Frame bridge of varying regidity on elastic foundation. Acta techn Hung 28 no.1/2:209-239 160. (EW 9:7) l.-Lehratuhl II fur Bruckenbau der Techniachen Univeraltat fur Bau-und. Vorkehrswiseenschaften, Budapest. *(Elasticity) (Foundations) GOSCHY, B., Dr. techn., Kandidat der technischen Wissenschaften; BAT-A S, B. Critical condition of reinforced concrete sections under combined bending and shear. Acta-techn;55-69 161. 1, Ungarische s Forschungsinstitut fur Hoch--und Tiefbau.(.for Gosoby) 2. Budapester Technische Universitat, Lehratuhl fur Bruckenbau II. (for BalazB) GOSCHY, Bela, dr.; ORI, Sandor Examination of the prefabricated reinforced concrete hall frames during the various periods of construction. Magy ep ipar 11 no.10:480-482 162. GOSCRY, Bel&"r. k------ ligenvibration of harp-bridges. MelyspiteBtud szemle 12 no.1:33-41 A 162. ~~7!777 GOSCHYp Bela,dr., okleveles mornok, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa, Critical state of I-section beams in case of simultaneous bending and shearing. Relyapitestud szemle 13 nb.10:470-473 0 163. 1. Fovarosi, Melyepit~bii',Tervezo Ballalat osztalyvezetoje. I GOSCHY, Bela, dr., okleveles mernok, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Partially stressed reinforced concrete. Melyepitestud szemle 14 no. 2: 81-811 F 161~. 1. Epitoipari 1,!inosegvizsgalo Intezet tudomanyos osztalyveze- toje. oklavelas mornak, a muszRki ~-F-ndid.-arusa; BPI,AZS, Gyorgy, oklevnles marnok, muszaki ogyatDmL adjunktua Effect of the adhesion between concrete constructions and 5teal riinforcoments on tho moment, of rupturn of noncrute supporta. I'AelyepitasLud nm-mlc 14 no. 3-103-3.07 Mx 164. 1. Chair nf' ba"lr-Ing lMaterials, Tnckim(,al ImLversLty of D.illdlng nni Transportation, Budapest. GOSCHY#, B.#Jandidat der techn. Wissenschaften; RALASZ, G., Kandidat der ~eohn. Wissanachaften Data on the effect of bond on the tensile strength of prestressed concrete beam.s. Awta techn Hung 49 no.3/4:453-462 164. M W~M I-- , I.-, M~q - 4 W III* GOSCiM, Danuta ... ... -- ,. ~ ~., - e,.-, - -.- .. Cephalic vein valves in the monkey Macaca mulatta. Roczn. pom. akad. med. Swierczewski 11-179-196 165. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Prawidlowej Pomorskiej Akademii 14edycznej (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. Adam Krechowlecki). GOSCICKA fial-Ina; WWROGH-KOWALSKA, Mar-la Accessory secreting salivary glanda of the lo,,,;er lic. Pedlat. Pol. 39 no.4:4Cft-"+15 Ap 164. 1. Z Kliniki Chirargil Dzieciecej instytutu ilauzi J-1 DzAiecka d Warazaw'Le (Kiero"ik: prof. dr. med. '01. Por-idowska). GOSCICKA Teresa Immuological non-reactivity to otre tococeal antigens in rabbits. Postapy higb med. doev.. 16 no.604WW 1z le Z Katbdry Mikrobiologii Szosegolmo IjiUniveraytetu Lodzkiego Kierowniks prof. dr S. Zablocki. (STRUTOGOGNS) (ANTiGENS) v ri o n t f c r o b i o 1 o w n c 0 s 0 3 o I cuez, EM~J i.)r,.r f. on :,t of In .- I 0 10 zl,.t un r e n po 2 s 7 ci, F s C,^al V-1 1 t i rl In "ll." i.;.LtG and t s ns y!~!0 Nlr-t V',livr Of the rinil~ari t., Y, e to t t n ' 1,7. uI na t h GOSCICKA, T. I-minological unresponsiveness to streptococcal antigens in rabbits. Bul Ac Pol biol 11 no.1:23-28 163. 1. Department of Microbiology, University,, Lodz. Presented by E. Milallaszek. ---------- In Frequency of appeara-ri,:(- of stat Nauki matma pr7.;-X'oo Ln_Q7 no. 16 - 3~-9 64. 1. Department of l4i,,voblology, Uni""kil.-Ilty, W521/62/000/009/001/005 E202/E592 'AUTHORS.- Go4c Do A-n and Synake Romuald (Gdafisk) --,-j-.1T1TLE: Multiplying system based on the Hall effect laka Akademia Nauk. Instytut Maezyn Przeplywowych. ~SOURCE: Po Prace. no.9j 1962~, 3,~14 VEXT: A detailed description is given of a multiplying ~&nalog system based on the Hall effect and utilizing indigeneouP i: materials, viz. germanium and indium antimonide. The difficultielgi ~caused by the departure from linearity between magnetic induction and the magnetizing current, and those arising from the asymmetry of the electrodes,are,stressed. In the case of germanium# the' i_.current input and voltage output# in the case of indium antimonidel, the current input and current output are used. The load of the multiplying member-may comprise a valve amplifier or an oscillo- --scope. . Inorder to increase the induction, the designed halotron carries a permalloy core (11 = 10000) and with the 2 mm ga]R the maximum induction in 2000 gauss.. A preliminary evaluation of,,the germanium halotron, type CHI, was carried out, measuring the characteristic parameters without and with compensation. It in -.Card-l/-2 L 7 GOSCICKI., Ignacys, docens pro -RUted to the designing medium voltage distiribution networks in Poland. Villamossag 9 no.12:: 368-370 D 161. lo Huzzaki. Foiskola, Gdawk. SZTDIOMI, S,#SGORZILLK, Z.;GOIBCICKI,.J.;ROLICKA, M. StuAles on bacterici4i properties on newly synthatisied coMmunds from the group of aromatic chloramines. Ned. doew. m9crob. 5 no.3: 310-311 1953. ((;IML 25:5) 11 Loft. POLAND/micribioloMr - Microoripaisms Pathoc;cnic to Humans P-4 and Anirmals, Abs Jour : Bef Zhur - Biolly No 10, 1958, 43327 Authcr : Zablocki, B.# Kotblko, K., Goacicki) J* Inst Title New Chemical Complexes Isolated From Hemolytic Streptococ- ci, Group A, and Their Study. Report 1. Iso1_11tion of New Chemical Complexes frora Streptococci, Group L. OriU, Pub Arch. immunol. i terap* dieviadez., 1955, 3, 567-575. Abstract Gentle methods of treatment were used to rughure the streptococcus cell: extraction by distilled water and fractional precipitation by alcohol at 00. With this treatment new complexes were obtained from hemlytic streptoccocci, group A# complexes 1, 2, 3, al, b, b 1 and bp, the physical properties of which were ascertaindd. The complexes isolated differ from previously known cel- lular and soluble antir,?ens of Group A streptococci, Card 1/1 ZABLOCKI, Bernard; MOMM, Krystyna; GOSCICKI, Janusz Studies on now chemical simplexes in Streptococcus Antigenic properties of simplexes Isolated from Streptococcus A. Arch. immun. ter. doev. 3:377-583 1955. 1. Zaklad Mikroblologil Sgczegolowej Uniwersytetu Lodskiego (Kierownik: prof, dr. B. Zablocki). (STRZMCOCCUS, immnOI097, antig"nic simplexes in hemolytic strains-A, properties (POW T X'Orclkn, fmic !'ractd-nr t!7nInt 163. 1177T, Vol. 1956. lam~o-jir Folall(i) 'Iont,il-.r Lirt of E. P~C. 1957. -vw~t 'Tol. o, no. 12, UTic! . ,~-`~UJVKE~ I -- ", -- "-, -- ~- - ~- i_ - - i - - * ~ - - I , ~:, . - x- . - k .- . I GO~ KUKULSKA, Teresa; STZWINN, 4szard Behavior of anti-Vt antibodies during typhoid fever. Prsegl. Spidem.. Wares. 10 no.4:325-332 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Szczegolowej U. L. Kisrownik: prof. dr. B. Zablockl-l-z Kliniki Chorob Zalmznych A.M. w Lodzi Kierown1k: prof. dr. A. Goldschmied. (TY ID PSM, Immunol. behavior of anti-Ti'antibodies (POW STEWIIIN. Ryssard; NOWAK. Stefan; G0SC.IC.KI,.Janumz uWF%jFj3j4**f jg~:. Bm luiLtion of precipitation reaction with ant:4,,= 0 $n earodlaVm6mis of typhoid fever. P,r.zegl. epidemi-, Wares. 10 no.4:333-340 19560 1. Z Kliniki.Chorob Zakazzycb A.M. w Lodsl lisrownik: prof. 0. sod. A. Goldecbmied. (TY7WID ray . diag. .eerodlag., ring precipitation reaction with antigen 0 (Pol)) ZABLOCKI, Bernard; NDTMKO, Krystyna; GOSCICKI~.'~an4s (czese immunologictna) oraz Leon Szykier (czese klini~'Zi-tajl~az, 2 ft.Kosciuszki 52 m. a. Immunological studies in rhAumatism with application of six new antigenic simplexes isolated from streptococci. Polskis arch. med. vewn. 26 no-5:759-769 1956. 1. Z Zakladu'-tilkroblol. SiseegollowelMls. w Lodzi- Kier.: prof. --13. Zablocki I Wojewodeklej Poradni Prz3abirsuzat. w LodzIlier.: dr. mod. L. Ssykier. (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, immunology,, hemagglut. by streptoc. antigens (POI)) (ANTIGARS strep;oc.,.bemagglut. in rheum. arthritis (Pol)) (STREPTOCOCCUS, Immunology, antigens. hemagglut. In rheum. arthritis (Pol)) I ZABLOCKI, 'Bernardi KOZEMt Xrystyna,.GOSCICKI, Janusz, CZABAY. Wanda Passive hemagglutination reactions with sera from convalescent children after rheumatic fever by using 6 new antigenic fractions isolated from trel*ococmw group A. Pediate polska 33 no;2:165-170 YA 58; : , T Zakladu Mikrobiologii Szazegolowej Univeray~etu Lodzkiego Kierownik: prof. dr B. Zablocki. Adres: Lodz. AL losciuszko 52 m0'8)- (RMMTIC 7EM, jmmjMol passive hemagglutination reaction with convalescent serum using antigenic fractions from atreptoc;A (Pol)) (EWGGLUTIRATIOR, passive' hemagglutination with convalescent serum from rhe=o fever using antigenio fractions'from streptooo' A.t(Pol)) ZABLOCKI, Barnard; LAZIMSKI; Mikolaj; JAKUSMISKI, Doi,,Idan; GOSCICKI, Janusz; GUMTIAWSKI,, Eugeniusz Measurements of the caloric effects in bacteria cultures; theoretical fundamentalsp apparatuss and methods. Nauki matem przyrod Lodz no.,12:3-7 162, 1. Katedra, Mikrobiologii Szozegolowej i Katedra Chemii Fizycznej,.'Univeraytet, Lodz. ZABLOCKI, Bernard; CZERNIAWSKI, Eugenitez; GOSCIC!g.L.Janusz Comparative studies on the level of natural antibodies against the bacilli of Enterobacteriaceae. Nauki matem przyrod Lodz no.7:171-161 160. 1. Katedra, Mikrobiologii Szczagolowej, Uniwersytet, Lodz. GOSCICKI, M. "Porous Concrete In6ulation For 7 13 J n Wall Cavities . And Its Use In Housebuilding" p. 55. (&zeglad Bud Vol. 25, no 2, Feb. 1953, Warszawa) Fast European Vol. 3, No. 2., SO: Mont List of/XUUM Accessions hibrary of Congress,~e 1954~jXM, Uncl. .~bry~ ORZECHOWMI K...-inz.,- GOSCICKI, T., inz. pfur~minem and processing plants in Tarnobrzeg. Frzegl mech 20 no*19/201586-589 161, 1. Kopalnie i Zaklady.Przetworeze Siarki., Tarnobrzeg. G03CIM, I.; KPAK04IAK, FrobIpms concernin-, the use of e3ectric ~,ower in a-riculturi? in the li;-,ht of dI--,c17sqIo-is of thi~~ World Power Conference held in i957 in Rel-rad and in 1958 in Montreal. p. 69. FRE791LAD F,!.E'KTROM3HYIG7-NY. (Sto,4arzyszenie Elektrylkow Polskich) Uarszawa, Poland. Vol. 35, no. ;~, reb. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LO, Vol. 9, no. 1, Aug. 1959. Unc. GOSIEWSKI, Piotr, mgr,- GOSCILOWICZ, Czeslaw, inz. Activities of the railroads during the winter season 1962/63. Preegl kolej elektrotech- 15 no. 5:113-116 M6 160. ~ "i_,;.''- . n, e railways during tha 1962/63 winter. Prveg! kolej mechan 15 no. 5: 121-126 RY 163. 1. DON - - Ekonomiczny, Miriaterstwo Komunikacji, Warszawa. GNSCINSKE, Jan Influence of the -basic dGcOmP08itiOn conditiw a of magmsuium carbonate upon the properties of Ita-Vig ferritas with square histeresin loopo Przegl elektronilld 3 ne.9-539-544 S 162. %icy 4 '.1pritea -uhladu ~irub444dlu .8 TtM,niku, i Uv~pqdalka mottka. NO, 1, 1953, PP. 33-137, He. 4, IM, pp. IN-171, 8 IIIV. riundnmeMfiti 0 tit-signinij ship~ii proppilera arronihilf, in diz-1graMr, volved froin dysLcmuflc kst; et pmreller terim. 'the -tuthor, by arlo- lysirig ffie rouvid of typicul rhawferlslici obtainud from nivii djv::!*;wIU' deaIg with the fwficlion relation ho(wepti pEn(vfIlLr ond ciiomie I~tld(w dCjjSjttO WOO'lng COnditIGIU, t&. o1 "nitant engme power, ipeed fmd lf)rqim (each factur I~clng kept eore4tant qcrerntely).- He Orownlrut", by tin example, the reciprocal Influence of the engine chjractvrlitlc~ and re-elstance characteristics oftfiehuJI on the ultimilte.,peed Qf the ven- A under Varinul load# aod candWarza provolling at ~ca. The nutj!ot gdvaac" definite b;twd on the couTsv- of teristics, as to the PMOr expinitAJDn of ilie mitchinory 1.0h a view w reduclng o a minimurn the per-wilt 4~owminpVol of twri). GCLU"LIK, DZ. ~flle Problem of increasing the pl-Ill of inlind buFbo,)ts. p.4jO. CC-6T)ODATW~ ',0011A (NaczeIna Orranlza*a 7'echnic=n) I' rszPi,,R Vol. 14, no. 11, Nov. 1954 So. East Euxopean Accessions-List Vol. 1T0. 9 September 1956 j~ ARMATA, Jerzy; GOSOINM , Zofia Gargoyliam (Hurler's syndrome) in an infant with second generation congenital syphilis. Pediat.polsks, 34 no.12:1547-1553 1) '59. 1. Z Iliniki Chorob Dzieci A.M. v Krakowie. Kierownik: prof.dr med. T. Giza. LIPOCKONDRODYSTROPHY atiol PRILIS, CONGENITAL compl:i M rZDWZKO,D&nut& Diabetic a ow in a -3-month-olA infant. Pedint, pelska no.4: 431-435 Ap 160. 1. X Kliniki Chorob Dziec'i A.M. w Krakowie, lisrownik: prof. dr mod. T. Giza, (DUBITIC GONA in inf. & child) (WANT IWBOIHN d1s.) HORZELOWA, Jolanta; GOSGINSKAp Zefia I-------- Sme considerationo on Rendu-091or diseaeo (h*roditary hemar a telangiectasis) Pediat pol 36 no.2:181-184 7 161. 1. Z Kliniki Cherob Dziesi I.M. w Krakewit Kierownik: prof. dr sod. T. Giza. (ANGIOMTOSIS in isf & child) POSCRISKA, Zofia Contribution to the problem of craniofacial dysoatoses in children. Padiat, pol. 37 no.8t842-849,Ag 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob.Dzieci.Q4 w Krakowie p.o. Kierownik: doe. dr -mod. A. Gebala. (CRANIOFACIAL DYSOSTOSIS) HALIKOWSKI, Boguslaw; GOSCINSKA, Zofia; GUMINSKA, Maria Effect of leucine on glycemia in diabetes In children. Pediat. Pol. 39 no.6t639-650 Je 164. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Dzieci Akadamii Medycznej w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr med, B. Halikowski) I z Zakladu ChemJi FIzjologicznej Akademii Medycznej w Krakowie (Kierowniks prof. dr B. Skarzynski [deceased)). GOSCINSKA, Z'oflPl; YIJSIAil,-.DADAK, Maria The ataxia-telninglectasia syndrome. Pedlat. Fol. 39 no.8g 955,959 Ag 164 1. 3 11 Klinik.1 Chorob DzIecl Akademii Medyczne.i w Krakow-le (Kierown1k: prof. dr. B. Hallkowski). GR&BOWSKI. JerW; GMIUSKI, Iwr Results of electroancephalographic studies in 200 cases of intracranial tumors. Neur. &c. polsim 9 no.3:361-,374 JO-JI 139. 1. Z Klinild Isurochtrurgiczuej A.M. v Krakovie Kierownik: -prof. dr A. lunioki. (UMMMCURLUARAPHT) (BUIN neopi) GOSCINSKI) Igor 2 cases of epidural cysts In the spinal canal. Neurol. etc., polska 11. no.4:457-464 161. 1. Z Kliniki neurochirurgicznoj AM w Krukowie Kierownik: prof. dr A Kunicki. (CYSTS case reports) (SPINAL CORD dis) GOSCRISKI, Igor Relation of electroencephalographic changes to the rate of devolopment or pathologic processes in cases of cerebral tumors and abscasses. Folia med. Cracov. 6 no.101-55 "64 GOSCINSKI, Janusz, mgr 'investment cycles and production ' 29s. so* remarks on the problem,of lye Przegl budowl i bud miesxk 34 no.11:685-68't N '62. OOSCZ, Tadeuss., Falata 2 m. 18. Role of Iodine In physiology and pathology of the thyroid; Iodine In Basedow0s disease. Viadomoscl lek. 8 no-7:296-303 July '55 immWIDISM. therapy, Iodine) (10DIN11, therapeutic use, byperthyroldism.) BRUDAF P.p confg; BERARWv T., dr.; GRW, .r., dr.; FA, C., dr.; Chimiotis HOINARESCV9 Z.; CRIORUNp V.; GAVRUSv''A. Contribution-to the otudy~of disordere of metaboliam in urinary lithiamis. II. Med. intern., Bucur 13 no.1:71-85 Ja 161. 1. Lacrare efeetuata in.Clinica de urologie din Cluj in colaborare au Catedrels do blochimia, anatomis patologica, Bacterl:61agis si fixica mmlicala. (URINARY CALCULI metALboliam) (CALCIUM metabolism) PHOSPHORUS mtabolixa) (MAGNESIUM metabolism) (PROTEINS metabolism) BRUDA, Ps.- prof*; BEWIU, T., CIURDARIU, Fp dr. Contribution to the clinical and fimotional -stu4*.-of interstitial, nephriti.B.: Med. intern. i5 no.3-1:3287-p93 ;N 1.634,'. 1. Lucrare efectuata in-Clinica de urologiep Cluj -(4i"ctor: prof, P. Bruda), si Clinica a 3:1--a medioala (director: prof. I. lGoia), I.M.F., Cluj. (NEMITIS, INTERSTITIAL) -(DIAGNOSIS) 0 GOSEK, Zdzislaw The Polish machine industry at the Poznan Int-ernational. Fair. Przegl techn 85 no.23t4 7 Je 164 1. Executive, 'Netalexport,~'v 'Varsaw. tTSSR / Cultivated Plants. Potatoes, Vegetables, Melons. M-2 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6279 Author : aolkev, - P. P T Inst : No Title : Chinese Cabbage Culture Orig Pub : Sad I ogorod. 19:58, No 7, 19-21 Abstract : The practice of growing Chinese cabbage as a filler for tomatoes and cucumbers In hothouses was developed In Xhibiny. The first crop of cabbage is carried out 22 - 25 days after sow- ing. The yield in a hothouse, when cabbage Is grown as an Independent crop, reached 4 6 kg/M2; in open ground the yield is 300 350 cwt/ha. In order to insure that seeds ripen uniformly, it is necessary to vernalize the seeds for 24 - 36 hours In a warm place and Card 1/2 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Potatoes, Vegetables, Melons. M-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6279 then to continue the process during 20 - 25 days at 0.5 - 10. The yield of seeds reaches 10 Owt/ha. Card 2/2 48 FMkYEVA, V.A., inzhener; BABALYAN, N.A., Inshener'; WS37NOV, M.A.. inzhener; GOSMO-V, S.B., inzhener; DADSHEV, B.B' kand.tekhn.nauk; KORNEV, T.N7,'*IN%1r-."kfin.nauk; IUKODIYANOV, I.B., inzhener; MAMEDITAROVA, Z.D., inzhene'r; PIVOTAROV, I.F., inzhener; SAROTAN,A.Ye., inshener; SHNNYDAROV, M.R., kand.tekhn.nauk;' SHVARTSKAN, L.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; IRLIKH, G.K., inzhener; ALITKAN, T.B., red.izdatelletva. [Reference manual on pipes used in petroleum engineering] Spravochnik po neftepromyslovym trubam. Baku, Axerbaidshanskoe gos.izd-vo neft. i nauchno-tekhn.llt-ry, 1957. 446 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Pipe) GOSFAY, S. A budapeati, szofiaip zagrabi es varsoi Park-Williams 8 difteria torzaek osezechasonlito vizagalata A comparative study on the diphtheria P.W. 8 strain of Budapest, Sofia,, Zagreb and Warsaw Orvosok Lapja 1946, 2/22 (1409-143-1) Graphs 1 Illus. 8 In the course of morphological study it was demonstrated that the Budapest strain declined to R modification and its colonial feature changed. This strain was kept in vvq poor condition for atx)ut mix month@ torlnR th~ ~i~rco. Among th.~ other thrve- strains no variation was seen in tw1o, but one had dissociated to a certain extent. Tb e microscopic appearance of the Budapest strain changed to a great extent, its poly- morphiam decreased and its granulation increased. Am-ng biological DroDerties., the sugar fermentation was about the same in all strains with the exception of the Budapest one. The fermentation' of the variated strain became very similar to the gravi5 type. The tox1n production of this strain was lost. Among the other types, the Sofia strain proved to be the most t-xin btit on &,count of the shortage of animals no such experiments could be carried out. The morphological changes are illustrated by photographs. Melly-Thidapest So: *.-'edical Microbiology- and Hygiene., Section IV., Vol. 1, #1-6 GOSFAY, S. Xanthomatous degenerated neurofibroma of the renal bilum. Acta chir. &cad. soi. Hung. 5 no.2t83-86 164. 1. Prologische Klinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. F. Balogh) der Medizinischen Univeraitat, Peca. 4p BALOGH, F.; GOSFAYO S.; WHAIECZ) K. on the significance of lymphography In the diagnosis of lymph node metastases from urogenital tumors. Parts 1-2. Acts. chir. acad. sci. Hung. 6 no.3:305-323 165. 1. Urologische Klinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. F. Balogh) der Medizinischen Universitat, Pecs. Submitted November 17, 1964. GOSFAY, Sandor, dr. 4~*T picture of primary thrombosis of the renal vein. Clinica Orv. hetil. 106 no.42:1978-1982 17 0 165. 1. Pecei Orvostudomanyi Rgyetem, Drologiai YMnika (igazgato: Balogh, Ferenc, dr.). HIMGARY .. BALOGH, Ferenc, Dr, KELDIEN, Zsolt, BURr,ER, Tibor, Dr, G02S�EAL-Saqdorj-,Dr Dr; Medical UniversVy of Pecs, I. Medical Clinic (director: BARTA, Imre, Dr), Urological Clinic (director: BALOGH, Ferenc, Dr) and Radiological Clinic (director: BE11KO, Gyorgy, Dr) (Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Bel- klinika, Urologiai Klinika es Rontgenklinika). 11 The Importance of Isotope-Renographic Examinations in the Diagnosis of Urolorgical Diseases of the Kidney," Budapest, Orvosi HetiD!g, Vol 107, No 34, 21 Auq 66, pages 16o4-1608. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] Isotope nephrographic examinations were carried out in cases of urological kidney disease.(nephrolithiasis 12, de- velopmental anomalies 9, inflammation 16. tumor 15, other 6). In the course of evaluation of the parameters of the renogram, literature data are con- f irmed according to which the Nax and the per cent renal excretion, expressed in minutes, provides important data for the evaluation of renal function. On the basis of the studies it appears to be confirmed that isotope renography is a very important diagnostic procedure for the discovery of complications and for the establishment of surgical indications. 3 Hungarian, 14 Western references. GOsH, j).s., aoktor. (KLRA 10:7) Indials.fu,91 outlook. Kir na-aki no.1:23-27 (Indis,--ftel) GOSH, T. Ye, Cada Vl-,--d Sci. - - (di~3s) I'lAorpholo--ical critp-ria for the devree of mll-gnanc.-i Of ,Awnich caricer and t~--ir prognostic value~ll mo&;ow, 1960, 18 pp (Academy of ;.'erlicLl Sciences Usait) I(KL, Y,-60) 124) GOSHt T.Ye. Cancer-cell secretory function of the stomach so a sign of the degree of their differentiation. Vop.onk. 6 n6.2:2~-29 F 160. (MM 34; 2) (STOUGS-GANOM) PAMIMO-W.F. Morphological changen in cancer of the vulva depedding on the method of preoperative radiotherapy. Med.rad. 7 no.7:17-25 J1 162. (KMA 15211) 1. Iz Gooudarstwe ogo onkologicheskogo instituta imeni P.A. Gertnena. (VULVA-CANCER) (RADIOTHEReY) FANIKAROVSKIY* V.V.; GOLIBMT, Z.V.) GOSH9, T.Ye. Cylindromao.of the salivary glands. Stomatologiia 41 no.5i 47-50 8-0 '162. - (KMA 16W 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki khirurgicheakoy* stomatologii (zav. prof. G.A.Vasillyev) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stmatologicheskogo instituta (rektor - doteent, G.N.b,�Ietakiy) I patologoanatomi- cheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik Z.V. G611bort) Gosudarstvennogo onkologicheskogo instituta Imen! P.A.Gertseva (dir. -'prof. A.N.Novikov) '(SkLIVARY GLAMM-TUMRS) VINC-KUH, M.L.; SAVINOVA, V.F.; GOSH, T.Ye. Clinical aspects and diagnosis of intraepithelial and initial infiltrating cancer of the cervix uteri. Akush. i gin. 40 no.033-38 J1-Ag 164, (MIRA 18s4) 1. Ginekologicheskoye (zav. - doktor med. nauk I.S.Krayevskaya) i patologoanatomicheskoye otdaleniye (zav. - kand. med. nauk Z.V. Gollbert) Onkologioheskogo instituta imeni Gertsena, (dir. - prof. A.H. Novikov), Moskva. BRUDA, P.; BERARIU, T.) GOSHA, K.1 GRIUN$ I. On the problem of the biochemical etiopathogenesis of calculi of the urinary bladder. Rev. sai. med. 7 no.1/2t23-27 162. (URINARY CALCULI) 777 GOSRCHITSKIY,-,R,,,Y,; IZRAIIEVICH, I.S.; FOVIKOVJ- S.N. Effect of the struct,tre of porous bodies on the specific furface value deterrined by the gas permeability method. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3:640-643 Mr 164. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Predstavleno akademikom I.K.Kikoinym. 112-2-4511 TRANSLATION FROM: Referativnyy zhurnal, Blektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, p. 292 (USSR) AUTHORS: Goshchitskaya, Ye. N., Meyzerov, I. V. TITLE: The aMY-2 and the 9MY-2rI Type Electrometric Amplifiers (Elektrometricheskiy usiliteT tipa EMU-2 and EMU-2P) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i- in-ta radioveshchat. priyerna i.akust., 1955, Nr 5, pp. 62-78. ABSTRACT: The schematic diagram and construction of amplifiers Intended for measuring small direct currents, or currents alter- nating at low frequency in high resistance circuits, or voltages in high and low resistanc6 circuits are describVd in detail. The measurement ranges are: for current from 2.10-14 to 7.10-11 amp with an input resistance of 6.8 -10-11 ohms and from 10-11 to 3-10-8 amp with an input resistance of 1.5-109 ohms; for voltage the range is 0.01 to 50 v. The error of measurement does not ex- ceed � 2 per cent. The time constant does not exceed 4 see. The insulation resistance of the input circuit at room temperature and normal humidity is not less than 1014 ohms. The aMY-2 ampli- fier is built, for convenience and stability of operation, as Card 1/2 112-2-4511 The MY-2 and the MY-211 Type Electrometric Amplifiers (cont.) three independent units: an extension-type electrometric cascade with a 2.12 171 tube; a d-c amplifier built around five 12 X 1JI electronic tubes and the power supply unit with electronic volt- age stabilization (BC-14) with 51~4C, CTL2C, ci-L4c, 6c4c and the 12)cljitype tubes. The amplifier along with the electro- metric cascade is covered by 100 per cent negative feedback. A multiscale indicating instrument (the M-24 microammeter operat- ing at 200jua was used) having the following measurement ranges was connected to the output: 0.03 to 0, Ito 0, 3 to 1 to 3 to 10 to 30 and 100 v on the whole scale. Up to 45 - 50 v the Ampli- tude characteristic of the aMY-2 amplifier is linear. The aMY-2rl amplifier Is an instrument of the panel type and is designed for industrial or laboratory installations of rack feame, rack bay or the back connpcted, switchboard type. The instruments' are fed from 220 v � 10 per cent a-c. Photographs of the ex- terior of the instruments and specifications are given. E.P.S. Card 2/2 V,-;~, 'ITIQUITMaj, B. N.; IZRLIMCH I. S. 2 .On the existence of a %mgm ive" enrichment affect in the thermal diffusion of gases through porous media. Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no.4t817-818 --D 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Predetavienoskademikom I. K. Kikoinym. (Gao flow) (Tbermaldiffusivity) ACCESSION I' s AP4023077 Z/0064/64/009/002/42~/C~~ AUTHORt So, ik, F. (Shavehik. F.); Liska, B. (Lishkat B,h Hosek, B. IL qR1 TITIX: An a~.;aratus for automatic inoculation and automatic recording of growth curves of bacteria SOURCE: Folia microbiologicap v. 9, no. 2, 1964, 125-128 TOPIC TAGS: automatic bacteria inoculation, automatic bacteria growth record- ing, Roux flask, choppor-bar recorder, germanium photodiodej, Inoculation apparatus# automatic turbidity recording ABSTRACT: The article describes a combined apparatus which makes both inocula. tion of culture and recording of the growth curves of the culture automatice Automatic inoculation is done by timed activation of an air pump which creates pressure in the flask containing the inoculum and forces a portion of the inoculum into a Roux flask containing nutrient modium. Automatic recording Is done by timer activation of a light beam which passes through the culture. Turbidity is registered 'b~r a germanium photodiode and a chopper-bar recorder. The dependence of the germanium photodiode on temperature is eliminated when the apparatus is placed in a thermostat. The authors 4311, trate the accuracy -1/2 J ACCESSION M: AP4023077 of the device by comparing curves of bacterial growth obtained by it with those obtained on a photocolorimotdr, The device has boon used in ordinary work for over a year in the authors' laboratory. "The authors w;sh to express their thanks to Mr. J. RM of the M,3opta National Corporation. Brno. for his advice and willing help in providing the optic parts of the apparatus. to Mr. S. to Vojta. the foreman of the glass-blowers in the Institute of Biophysics and the employees of the vorkshops for their painstaking and enterprising work on the electromechanical mid glass parts of theapparatmae" Orige art* hass 3 figares. ASSOCIATIONs Institato'of Biopbysics, Czechoslovak AcadaW of Sciences@ &M SIDNaTTEDs AOct63 DATE ACQ: 09Apr& ENMI 00 SUB CODEs 3D M REP SOVS 000 cm, oo6 2/2 Card --------- 'I G_ O'S PHASE X TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 686 - x BOOK Call No.: AF639915 Author: GOSHEK I Full Title: _HI6H_S*1EED AERODYNAMICS. Translated from the Czechoslo- vakian by Dorodnitsyn, A. A. and Bogoslovskiy, M. M. Transliterated Title: Aerodinamika bol'shikh skorostey PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing Houset Publishing House of Foreign Literature Date: Original - 1949 No. PP.; 547 No. of copies: Not given Translation 7 lgrIL Editorial Staff: None PURPOSE AND EVALUATION: This book was written for Czechoslovakian aviation specialists to help them solving construction problems of modern aircraft. The author.had also in mind the technical flight training of Czechoslovakian pilots on contemporary aircraft. Their knowledge and experience would help to promote further improvements of high-speed aircraft. It may also be useful to industrial workers interested in supersonics. This is a well compiled and extensive study of applied supersonics. It does not contain any new ideas or solutions. To follow the text, the reader must know the fundamentals of subsonic aerodynamics on which supersonics are based. V 5 Aerodinamika bol'shikh skorostey AID 686 x TEXT DATA Coverage: The original of this book was published in 1949 and the translation is dated 1952. Problems of high-spted aerodynamics are considered in it from the point of view of the practical engineer and therefore practical conclusions of design and strength calcula- tions are presented. Special attention has been given to experi- mental research. The book contains a number of design projects and therefore is considered by its translator a very valuable supplement to Russian aerodynamic literature. This study is based on a non- Russian bibliography. Table of Contents Pages Preface to the Russian translation. Preface, Introduction, Accepted Designations 3-14 Ch. I Mechanics of an Expansible Medium 15-62 1. Perfect gases; 2. Equations of state; 3. Adiabatic mea:,urements; 4. Air compressibility; 5. Equation of con- tinuity of disclfarge; 6. Equation of Bernoulli;.7. Rela- tion between pressure and speed; 8. Speed of sound in motionless medium; 9. Speed of sound in a gas in motion. Critical speed; 10. Heat content of perfect gases; 11. Mach number; 12. Speed pressure; 13. Special features 2/5 Aerodinamika bollshikh skorostey AID 686 x Pages of a compressible medium at various speeds; 14. Observa- tions on compressible flow. Flow linearization; 15. Prandtl's law; 16 Standard atmosphere. Ch. II Subsonic Region 63-164 1. Boundary layer. Friction resistance; 2. Classic profiles; 3. Laminar flow profiles; 4. Boundary layer suction, lami- nar profiles with suction; 5. Action of air compressibility before the appearance of.shock waves. Ch. III Transonic Region 165-280 1. Shook wave equation; 2. Characteristic Mach numbers; 3. Influence of various parameters of the profile on the characteristic Mach numbers M 'It. Mx M M.71., M-Y.,; 4. Basic tendencies in desi nr-4 "irar"a fo highbTr sub- s ing a fY! r sonic and transonic speeds; 5- Profiles for transonic speeds; 6. Swept back wing; 7. Wings of small elongation; 8. Influence of the finite span of the wing on the lifting force at higher subsonic speeds; 9. Influence of Reynolds' numbers at higher subsonic speeds; 1O.Influence of the Mach number on the distribution of the lifting force over the span of the wing; 11. Connection between the Mach number and the Reynolds' number. 3/5 Aerodinamika bol'shikh skorostey AID 686 - x Pages Ch. IV Supersonic Region 281-336 1. Fundamentals; 2. Profile theory; 3. Profile form; 4. Polar diagram; 5. Equivalent elongation; 6. Finite span wing; 7. Wing form; 8. Comparative table for sonic and ' supersonic speeds; 9. Region of higher supersonic speeds (hypersonic region); 10. Superaerodynamics (mechanics of rarefied gases). Ch. V Supplement to the Aerodynamics of High Speed Air- craft 337-372 1. Ways of increasing aircraft qualities; 2. Fuselage; 3. Sphere and cylinder resistance; 4. Heating of aircraft surfaces at supersonic speeds; 5. Problems connected with higher speeds of aircraft; 6. Influence of ascending cur- rents on the overload of airoraft at hiper speeds; 7. Reducing speed (take-off and landing). Ch. VI Stability and Maneuverability of Aircraft at Higher Speeds. Critical Speeds 373-422 Introduction, accepted notations. 1. More Important systems of coordinates in aircraft mechanics; 2. Fundamentals; 3. De- finition of the concept of stability; 4. Longitudinal static stability in an incompressible medium; 5. Influence of the 4/5 Aerodinamika bol'shikh skorostey AiD 686 - x Pages air compressibility on the longitudinal static stability;- 6. Degree of the longitudinal static stability; 7. Maneu- verability at higher speeds; 8. Influence of elasticity on the stability of an aircraft; 9. Controls vibration back rims of controls. The point of stream descent; 10. Critical speeds of flight, determined by aerodynamic and elastic properties of the aircraft. Ch. VII Tailless Aircraft 423-426 Ch. VIII Aerodynamic Measurements on Models 427-458 1. Modelling flight conditions; 2. Aerodynamic tunnels for small air speeds; 3. Aerodynamic tunnels for higher air speeds; 4. Special methods of aerodynamic measurements in the transonic region; 5. Aerodynamic tunnels for supersonic speeds; 6. Optical method method for flow study. Ch. IX Setting in Motion of High Speed Aircraft 459-505 1. Necessary power for flight in the transonic region; 2. Propellers; 3. Engines. - Ch. X Examplesof Aircraft Construction 5o6-512 Supplement: Some remarks about British profiles. NACA profiles, series 6. 513-529 !,i~liography No oF xReferences: Total 414,, Russian 11 (1908-48), non-Slavic ;g 3 (1936-48) Facilities: None 5/5 GOSPY'VP A. I. "On t4e Influence of Convulsive States on tile Activity of Cholinesterage in Animals and in Epileptic Patients. 11 Min Public Health RSFSR, Leningrad Sanitary-Hygenic 1"'edical Inst,- Leningrad, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences) SO: Fmizhnaya Letopislp No. 32 6 Aug 55 GOSHEY, A.I., -,_ I L-j' .- ", ..... -- Potentiometric method lor determining cholinesterase Pctivity. Yap. med.khim. 4 no.2:149-154 Mr-A-n 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Leningradakiv nauchno-iseledovntel'skiy psikhonevrologicheal-V institut imeni V.K. Belditereva. (CHOLINESTERASE, determinntion in human tissues & blood, potentiometric method (Rua) GOSHEV A I. Detdrmination of some biochemical indexes in Vilyui encephal7elitis. .5 Vop. psikh. i nevr. no-5:38-142-159. (MIRA 14 1. Biokhimicheskaya laboratoriya (zav. - prof. A.A.Shatalova) Paikhonevrologicheskogo instituta imeni V.M.Bekhtereva (4rektor - chlen-korrespondent AMN RSFSR prof. V.NoMpsizlichev) (ENCEPHALOMYELITIS) GOSHEV _4L; DEMIDENKO, ABRAMOVIGHt G*~Oj ADAMOVICHp V.A.; VOROBtYW S P"y A T.D.; ZA'rCHIKOVAO N.A. [deceased]; RUBINOVA,'77-.; TEMPOI~ Ye,A.; SHATALOVA9 A.A,j UKOVLEVA-fMIMUNt, I.V. Some investigations of the Clinical aspectop pathoge3polat and treatmefit of epileosy. Trudy Goa. nauch.1-isal. f0khonew, inst. no.20:343-354 159o (MIRA 14: 1) I 1, Gosudarstyennyy nailuchno-issle4ovatallskiy psikhonevrologicheskiy inatitut imeni V,M6 Bekhtere;mp lAningrad. (EPILEPSY) DEMDENKO, T.D. Effect of drug mixtures on tho activity of pseudo- and true cholinesterase in the blood of adults and children with ep.11spay. Vop.paikhA nerv. Ss217-227 162. (MIPA 17%4) 1. Tz biakhimichaskoy laboratoriJ (zav. - prof. A.A.Shatalova) i kliniki narvnykh bolazney (zav. S.P.Voroblyev) Psikhonu,.7ologicheakogo in3tituta imeni V.M.Bekhtereva (dir. - B.A.T-ebedev). MGM$ V.K.;.a2�HEV,-A..I~. Correlation of adreniorgic and cholinergic substs*s in some rotic oymptoms. Zhuk~ 'now, i psikh. vol. 64 no.5042-745 (MM 17:7Y 1. Klinika nevroznoy (zaveduyushchiy - doktor med.natik Ye.K.Yakov- leva) i biokbimicheskaya laboratoriya (zaveduyushchiy - prof.A.A. Shatalova) Hauchno-issledovatellskogo psikhonsyrologicheskogo in- stituta im. V.M.Bakhtereva (direktor - B.A.Lebedev),,, Leningrad. ?9859-66 EWT(l)/EWPkM) WW AP6013200 SOURCE CODE: UR/0421/66/ooo/oo2/0073/0077,,-, HOR: Goshev, Go A. (Leningrad) none TITLE: Deformation of the surface of water behind a submerged vane with a. finite span SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvesti-ya,, Mekbanike zbidkosti i gaze, no. 2, 1966, 73-77 TOPIC TAGS: surface propertyo vortex flow, boundary layer theory ABSTRACT: Based on the results of previously published work, the article investigates the cbange'in the water level behind a horizontal submerged vane and proposes an approximate calculation of the lowering (or raising) of the level of the water at large velocities, In the calculations, the following assumptions are made: the fluid is ideal and infinitely deep; the motion of the vane is uniform; the vane is replaced by a vortical system of the Prandtl type, consisting of a-single connected vortex; the boundary conditions on the surface of the water are taken according to the linear wave theory. (See Fig. 1) Card JL2 ME L 29859-66 ACC NRI AP6013200 In this figure, ris the circulation of the vane; V is the velocity of the motion; x, y, and z are the coordinates of a fixed system;l1st are the coordinates of a point on the carrier line., that is,, on the connected vortex. Results of the calculations are shown in a series of curves. It was found that the length of the depression behind the vanelis directly proportional to the velocity of the motion, and practically does not depend on the submersion of the vane. Orig. art, has: 19 formulas and 4 figures. amic a H;Edrodyn SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 12Sep64/ ORIG REF: 002. Card 2/2 113/124/62/000/004/01030 D251/D301 AUTHOR: Goshev, G. A. TITLE: Transverse stability of vessels on submerged vanes PZRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 4, 19621 59, ab- 8tract 4B372, (Tr. Leningr. in-ta vodr.. transp., 1960,.. no. 1, 48-56)- .TEXT: The hydrodynamic stability of vessels fitted with plane sub-i merged vanes is considered, with constant velocity of motion The lift forces arid restoring moment of the plane vane in a listing position is determined, starting from the assumption of the ab- sence of the effect-of trailing vortices, i.e. -the hypothesis of plane sections is used.' In the absence of list the lift.force of the vane is determined by the formula V2 Y CY00 K(V P2 21b Card 1/3 S/124/62/000/004/014/030 Transverse stability of ... D251/D301 where P is the density of the medium, C is the coefficient of yao the lift force for the vane in an infinite liquid, 21 is tho length of the vane, b is the breadth, V is the velocity, h is the depth of -the vane beneath'the free surface, and -2*5h/b 1 0.5 e b is an experimental coefficient. The lift force of -an element of a C 4-0 vane with list is described, and also its moment with respe t U tegration is carried out ,.the center of the vane,~and hence an in over the entire length of the vane (from -1 to +1). The depth :of immersion of a vane with list It' is determined from the equality of the vertical projection of the lift force to the weight of that part of the vessel impinging upon the given vane. The arm of the restoring moment is determined for small angles of list. The con- cepts are introduced of the transverse metacentric height, the transverse metacentric radius of -the vane and the angle of emergerL-, Card 213 B/124/62/000/004/014/030 Transverse stability of'... D251/D301 of the vane from the water, Stability of the vane is considered forl angles of list greater than the angle ofemergence. The restorinj; U - * moment of the vessel is defined as 'the sum of -the restoring Ploniento o.-'L' the individual vanes and the moment of drift of the vessel. The mutual effect of the vanes is-not considered. Graphs are given. Thc~ calculation is illustrated,by an-example../-Abatracter's note: Complete translation* Card 3/3 dokt,)r takhr. nfuk., pml.; Experimentfil invastlgrait)n of the. charactariatles of part-isilly submerged screw prq-ellorn. TrUdY 1.1W no.45,.14-26 1631# (Wilt 1'1-.6) GOSfffi'V, G. A. (Leningrad) Theory of in shallow MY-Je 164. the lifting line of a hydrofoil water. Izv. AN SSSR. 14akh. i with arbitrary shaPe mashinostr. no-3:29-38 (MIRA 17:7) I. GOSHEVP G.A. (Leningrad) Electrical modeling of plane hydrodynamic flows near the free surface., 1,. Izv. AN SSSR. Energ. i transp. no.5:644-646 S-0 164- (MIRA 17:12) L 2,51LO3-67 W(d)r1iE(h)/3iP(1) ACC NRI AR6032252 r,,V) SOURCE CODE: UR/0398/66/000/006/AO17/AO17 AUTH6R Goshev, G. A, 4g. TITIM: A vertical hydrofoil with a Minimum induced drag SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 6A100 REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. in-ta vodn. transp. vyp. 81, 1965, 50-53 TOPIC TAGS: hydrofoil, vertical hydrofoil, hydrofoil drag, induced drag ABSTRACT: A study was made on a particular variation problem concerning the shape of vertical hydrofoil which crosses the free surface and has a minimum induced drag at a Froud!e number of L-16~ . Formulas and integral equations are given. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 reference item. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE 13/ Card 1 1 UDC: 629.124.9 BU/0017/66/000/004/0034/0041 AUTHOR: Paliev, B.T-Paliyev, t';-(Colonel, Medical corps); Medical corps) Goshev, Khr. (Colonel ORG: Department of VpTg VVMI (Katedra po VPT, VVMI) TITLE: EKG changes occurring under the effects of a superhigh-frequency electro- magnetic field 'SOURCE: Voenno-meditsinsko delo, no. 4, 1966, 34-41 TOPIC TAGSs miorov"ves SHP, microwave radiation eff4at, radiation iA oaardial effect, electrocardiogram, alootromagnetiA field STRACT., An EKG sialysis of military personnel working around SHF fields was con ~Icted. Findings were compared with data gathered from personnel not exposed to ;uch, Tasle 1 'Pulse rate Group.' poied -IDSHF iFirst Contro Group,. Isecofid Cortr o ulgoto 0/m /M 2.0 2.0% % 2,09- 2.7% -9% -16.9% T 140# % 1364%, -47% 34.0% 340% 6,7%. ,7%, 2 8 28.0% .37.9%. Z7% 15.0 % 41% 49% '3 . .0% . i, z-rv o,~er .100/k zo,% BULGARIA C 1 of the Medical S ervioe; Chair PALIE171 B.9 GOB o one . maieev)p _L (Katedra po VTP, Ijead pro.f. A e,-;Y Of Military 254y Higher Military Medical Institute ,cardiographic Changes Arising as a Result of the 4otion of Super high-Frequenoy E.lectromagnetic, Fields: -41 Del0- Vol 21, No 4. Aug 66, PP 34 Sofia, voenno-Meditsinako f the ried out on me.. bers 0 urements were car 8 to the act. EKG bas jr dut Abstr___ se of their dut jr-med forces s jeoted in the cour magnetic fields. The igh-frequeney (SHP) eleetro r two control groups, aotion of SuPe d were compared with those fO resUlts obtai f normal. healthy People arA the other Of persons Vd 0 -,~-Jone consistin' 0 ated with exposure to SHP with a neurotic syndrome not assO01 0 had been ex established that among persons wh sed Inoldenea fields. It was tion of SHP fields there was an inorea posed to the &0 ojes ranging from pronouneed tachyeardia of abnormal Pulse frequen extrasystoles. dis- dycardia. supraventrioular first and second to pronounced bra otions of the turbanoes in atrioventricular oondU esenee Of in the frequenoY of ST waves. and Pr ca Of a Wolf- degree- changes vagotonic type. In four cas680 presen T 'waves Of tk* /2~ KRUSTANOV, L.,~GOSHEV, Khr., Colonels of the Medical Service; Higher Military M-a _rfii'titute (Chief Prof. X. Kupenov) J "Formed Element4omposition of the Peripheral Blood in Subjects Working Under COdItions Of EXPOSUre to a Superhigh-Prequenoy Electromagnetic ?1eld#1 ACC NR, AP603119Y SOURCE CODE: BU/0017/66/000/004/0034/0041 AUTHOR: Paliev. B.--Paliyev, B--(Colonel, Medical corps); Goshev Kh (colonel, IMedical corps) ORG: Department of VPT, VVHI (Katedra po VPT, VVMI) TITLE: EKG changes occurring under the effects of a suRerhigh-freguencyy electro- magnetic field SOURCE: Voenno-meditsinsko delo, no. 4, 1966, 34-41 TOPIC TAGS: microwave, SHF, microwave radiation effect, radiation myocardial effect, electrocardiogram / AC_*Aoll~,ck, S11U ABSTRACT: -'An EKG analysis of military personnel working around SHF fields was con- ducted. Findings were compared with data gathered from personnel not exposed to such -Pulse rate Group-- 4 to over O/M 100/9., Exposed ID SHF ' 2.0% '15.9% .36,7% 26,7%. 12.7% 3.9% 20% ! Firs t(,Control I , roup:_ i.0% 18,0% 3'4,0% 28.0% 15.0% . 3.0% Secong rCo= 0u p Card 1/3 ?.7% 13,6%' 36,0% 37,9% &1% 2.71W L 44766-66 FA-'C*-C' N__R'_t___A__P_6_'0_3_1_1_9_3_ Tab.le 2.., ' EK h n Length of Serv ice Cqntrol Group G c es j g! (% of j4litary . 0 14 ersonnel) p P.M 1. Supraventricular extra- Z3 ZS 1 4 4 1 8 2 0 6 IJ systolej 111 , 0,7 . Z0 . 0,6 , .1.7 ZO 1,a 2. Chamber extrasygtole; ~3. Disruption of atrioventri- . cubr conduction (I and II stcU?4 2,3 Q6' 2.7 4.1 2.4 0.6 1.3. 4. Disruption of inter-pre- caillT conduction; i f i M 1.7 1.1 0,7 4.1 1.5 1.1 J,O 1.3 nter- on o srup~ fi 1 0 1 3 c mber conauction' - 0,6 1.4 - 0.6. .1,1 , . 6. Wilson block-; Z3" 1.4 4.1 111 1.1 1.0 I,a . :7. Low voltage EKG- Q6 1,4 2.0 0.7 Q6 1.0 Disruytion of cAamber - 1 i Z3 Z8 1 4 6 0 Z5 1 7 1 0 Z7 ar z at on -, . _- - _8 h i St . . . , , n Frequency ann nd ikes of tlie- va o 20.3 14.0 19.0 24.5 20.3 14.4 15.0 13,6 , g toni Ne I I ILL -L.L L 44766- 66 ACC NR: AP6031193 fields. Some results of the investigation are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The cardiac characteristics of personnel exposed to SHP fields are summarized. A wide range of pulse rates wherein both substantial bradycardia and tachycardia were characteristicI was noted. Orig. art. has! 4 figures and 2 tables. ICDI SUB CODE; 06/ SUBM DATE: 13ADr66/ ORIG REP: 001/ OTH REP: 003/ SOV REP: 003/ L 44767-66 DD ACC NRs AP'6031194 SOURCE CODE: BU/00l7/66/ooo/oo4/o04l/0O46 AUTHOR: Kggstanov L.- Krystanov, L. (Colonel.- Medical corps, Docent); Goshev, Khr. (colon e17-Med! cal 'Clorps) ORG: HigherMilitary Medical Institute (Vissh voenno meditsinski institut) 41 TITLE: The peripheral blood characteristics of personnel exposed to a nupe frequency-electromam2ptin field V SOURCE: Voenno-meditsinsko delo, no. 4, 1966, 41-46 TOPIC TAGS: SHF, microwave, hematology, peripheral blood, microwave radiation effect, radiation hematologic effect JZL4~AZW--l ABSTRACT: Changes in the peripheral blood of personnel working around SHF electro- magnetic fields in anti-aircraft and air force installations were studied. Some . results are given in Table 1. Characteristic of the findings was a tendency towards L 44767. FA-CCkR, AP6031194 -------- - Tabl Alood components re Mean an Hemoglobin from 100 to 114 &3% 7% 7.4% I AOA 5 6.6% 9x6% If 60 to 100% Sk1% 93% 9z6% 91. % (X6% under 60% 17 Erythrocytes j O 00 0 0 bove 5 000 10.6 M 12.5% 5 11.5% 81% 20-9% 74 4% 82% , - a ( 0 ) - fro 0 M ~ ' ~0 M 79, Y. 5.4% . 7 4 Y ( O ) to 1 leukocytes 4,000 under a7% 3 1.3% 9 3% 0,8% 1015% 000 , fro. to 5000 1 9 71 % 12. % 72.6% . . 10% 69.2% -71.3% ,0()o '000 to 8 ' 1 7% IZ3% I 9.3% 17.306 16.1% to 10 000 A000 8 006 bove 10 1,6% 1.07% I,SIA 1.04% a , Differential count Cluatered nuclei 8% 2 4.1% 8% 3.TI6 above . . S. n nuclei arve g'4 1&6% 1%5 % 1e% 2 20 N 7 . under 55 "' % 1 6*6% 1% z I Lym phoTes 2 : ;e 1.2-1 . -: F IV 2 under . &4% 11.4% (x3%* - ITA%- ~ above Monocytes 13% _ 19%, . 1 30%. 4 .5 ,.1e c?s nophil. . 1 %1 above LI 2/3 Card . - - -----------