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KOCHERGIN SoVu- GOR ~ .. brigadir dorozhnyy master; BORISESKO., D G I ri GRIIIEVIC im c -vi us H.1; KMv V.G., brigadir; SELIONOV, S.I.; BEHOKOVSKIY, V.Ya.; PIRIYEV, A.M. letters to the editor. TuV I putekbos. 7 no.206-37 163. (HIRA 16:2) 1. Zamestitell wwhalunika Roa'soshanskoy distantsi-i Yugo-Vostochnoy dorogi (for Kochergin). 2. Stantuiya Kudinovo,, Haskovskoy dorogi (for Goryuabkin). 3. Stantsiya Rabanitsa,, Mookovakoy dorogi (for Borisenko). /+. Starohiy dorozhnyy m"ter, stantsiya Klaypeda,, Litovskoy dorogi' (for Grinevichus). 5. Stant-siya Cheremkhovo, Vostochn&-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Xux4). 6. ZmaeatiteV nachal9nika diatantsii., 14anzovkao Dallnevo,stochnoy dorogi (for Selionov), 7. Nachalcnik otdela zaahchitn,7kh leoowsazhdeniy Bluzhby pQti, g.Kuybyshev (toi Bauckovakiy)o 8.- Zamestitell nachaVnika distantaii, Khachmdo,, Azerba~dzhanakoy dorogi (for Piriyev)* (Rallraoda-Track) GORYUSHKIN.Leonid Mikhaylovich -RAZGON, I.M., doktor ist. neuk, prof., otv. red.; NAZARYANTS, T.M., red.; YEFRDIOVA) G.A., tekhn. red. [Social and economic prerequisites of socialist revolution in the Siberian village; the level ahd characteristics of the development of capitalism ith the agriculture of Western Siberia at the and of the 19th and the,beginning of the 20th century) Sotsiallno-ekonomichoskie predposylki aotsialiaticheekoi revoliutaii v Sibirskoi derevne; ob urovne i oBobennostiakh razvitiia kapitalizma v sel'skom khoziaistva Zapadnoi Sibiri v kontse IIX-nachalo XX vv. No- vosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia. AN SSSR, 1962. 128 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Sibiria, Western-Agriculture-Economic aspects) ZTWV, N.N.; SABININ, K.D.; GORTUSHKIN, M.N., red.; ZEMTSOVA, T.Te., . [Calculating the density of mixed sea water) Tychislents uplotnentia pri emesbenii morakikh v6d. Moskva, Giclrometeor. izd-vo. 1958, 36 PO I (MIRA 11:12) (Seawater-Density) SMOYLLIM0, V.S.; BAOROV, N.A., kand.fiz.-matem.nauk, red.; GORYUSHKIII, red.; ZWTSOVA, T.Te., tFormation of the temperature regimen in seas] Formirovanie temporaturnogo rexhima morei. Pod red. YeA.Bagrovas Moskva, (lidrometeor.izd-vog 19399 144 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Ocean temperature) 6 GORYUSHKIN., N.N.v inzh, Resistance to cutting in frozen ground. Stroi, i dor. mash, 9 no, 5:29-31 My 164. (MIRA 17t6) lb* GORYLISHKIN, N.N., starshiy prepodavatell - . , " ~ " I .I~ -I Wear of steel as a function of the adherence of abrasive mineral particles to frozen ground. Trudy STI 37:3-14 164. Speed of cutting and the wear of the elements of cutting parts in frozen ground. Ibid.:15-23 (MIRA 18-5) R:scllble way of prelnicJ.-ig the rc,--d, ---eeacn at 1,,ggir-g. oampa in Kratmoyaxah Device for otudying the alm7a-.~,w; of frov-n scilij, lbid, 174-81 :k~4TRA 18:6) RIV KAUFHAN, D.I..; GORIUSI-11111, V.D. .... I --- . 11 Automatic lirse for machinixig woc~kn bjro. blul. tekb,ekon. inform. Gos. nauch.-issi. inst. naixh. i tckh. iofc-~,n. 3-7 no.6:59-60 Je 164. 17:11) The MPZ ties for, bolting horizontal workings. Biml.takh.-ekon. infor'm.Gos.nauch,'&-iosl.lnst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 16 no.6sl&-20 !63. (K.RA 16t.8) (Mine roof bolting) 01IM-D.I.; BJTANOV, V.V.; GORYUSHKIN. VA..; LEV, M.A. I -.- Busiu'paramoters for sectional reinforced-concrete linings in the horizontal underground mining by the shield method. Trudy TSNIIPodze.mshakhtstroia no.3:144-158 164. (MIRA 18:9) PANKOVA., R.A.; KHODOVA, D.N.;jQ~ Study on the survival of dysentery microbes in dr-red feces in transportation under the conditions of Northern CILUcasus. Zhur. mikrobiol.; epid. i immun. 41 no.6:133-134 Je 161,. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Dorozhnaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskaya stantsiya Severo- Kavkazakoy zheleznoy dorogi. GORYUSHKINA, I.A.; KHODOVA, D.N. Some simplification of the methodology for determining the sensitlvi~y of microbes to sulfanilamides. Lab. delo no.3: 178-179~ '165. (MIU. 18:3) I.Jaboratoriya dorozhnoy sanitarno-epidemiologiche3kay stantsii Sev-e,r6--KRvk.azskoy zheleznoy dorogi (nachallnik V.S. Krivtsov). L15767~63' W~ ACCE$$ICV- NR:'-AP3W5,850- statei anil in the and axe`-chiradterized 1> I!O3AowiW,,_ data'. oCcUrff--OrI]$-fkOd t1id -.wyle , except f or the Very weak i. but - sharp,, 533&A line vhichappears in crystalline 1, at 100K and a 66-Q~ exposure and MV be dtin to a ccm, --aent of t~e 5D 7F tranaltion, 2) Mie 5rb -7 FO tro-m Is stron3, near ~identicaj in-intensity to the,5DO -4 7F, 1 3-Y $. trmnn itlcn, indicates the - 1w ry=etx7 of the f i-eld in vbIch the europlum _2.ou, is!- 3). Tha, ca_,plete rem~rval of deger.-,racy fron the 5% Vi and 2 t ra--l i t i On 5 9 IS 5 oinclicii'tes,-a law-degree & sy=etry-, 4), The Of trtLI.SiUM3, for ~Vhich AT exceedz 2 indicates that the europim ion rct ,-,t tQntar of -a 5) The most intense lined oa , in the V e cur Do F " 14-rcuv"itica. Onl3r four of the seven ccapcnents.of the 5DO --"%,-7F, =ZU-Iou v_--ra obzerveid, hi ly, due to it loss of film sensitiyity dh was apparent the.:Str6ngth and the sy=etry of the field-in which Oiese data prova that bath t2he curop-Im. , 1cm, is locatea areAdentic alln, the-crystallineatite:and in-:the )-icr. Hoiieve_-ro t era- are. certain differences pol: h -In the spectra, of ~ the Wo SMI-IDIes: - I) _111 th~,__Polqmerthe hilf-width Of lines Is 2 to :3 times as - great i 1 n A '0 v- most intense ecaponent the uo 3 101) 2) The ) or (5679 "0 TF, trazsitica in the crystal is the. least intense in tie polymer* 3) knwiber of weak lines 3, 6218, 6299,.and 6328, can eviaently be attri- buted to the superpo3ition of vibration frequency on electraa transitions. Orige art. has- 1-tigure. :Card 2 7V 7 71~- L 6167' %- WF --- --- 65 t (MME k ACCESSION NRt AP50=5 --j-116C k, or r 55.37 A U ~13 i OF: Volochin, V. A*; ao N. K.1 SUMNheTat Gt V 6. _G.,- Davidenko XuVehiiskiy, Va A* i---- ----- - V i - of benzor - gat ow- Vw~~eence;-ffeot errat T=il aCetollate'i I ne ft~*, Lmi sceuce- two readnaut. -Ityvels 1 SOMMIC: Optika- i spelitioikoDiTA 1 no TOPIC TAGS: europiun qp=oun nencence spea rum, ltmirtteffj~.4tnee dexit -VT ABS7RkM. The authors 6btained and an&ly-.--d in detail the lumi--aescence spectra of -ae europium benzaylacetonate in the 500--700 rm Imtnd at 20T. 71be lumines- ---q 1-bo-toggraphed vith a apec~trograph (STE-1) of ~tigh resc-bition and more sen- yL;-o,~-~6zaph--Ic material, which d1trp,12qed hitherto unno-ticei details in the a-Dec, -7~f +v-j Vensayi&f-,e~tonat~ c! zvounds - - :,- -c - . o , Prepared by meiho", were identical, eXCC?t fQT diff"ISiOll Of SUM-e linell, 'j,-MQ freqUen- Cie; of the observed liuea are tabulated cad the varimis transitionn responsible !'o- 'he 11ines are identifted. The wmbar of lin", In ~he =actrm is larger th= Card V2 -77~ -5- ACCESSION NR: AP401?397 S10183164100910021019210193 AUTHOR: Volosby*n. Ve A.; Goryushko. G. a.; 1k1'0bV*ts'k7*Y' V. 0. TIM : EnerMr States Of Benzoylustate rareo&rth covv1WM in polymathylmothaorylate hoot, SOURCE; U`kray1nst)q*y fizy* chny*y zhurnal, ve 9s'no, 2. 1964j lc.)2-195 TOPIC TAOS: rare-earth chealate, chealate luodnescence, organic laser material, luminescence europi= benzoylacetate, terbium benzoylacetatet europium. chealate, terbium ohealate v polymatlvlmathaor7late chealate host, copolywrization, rate-earth-organic complex ABSTRAZT: Brightly luminescing polycrystalline europium benzoylazatate (EB&) in a polymothylmethaor7lats (M) host luminesces just as bright2y, an without* the host* The basic characteristics of the luminescence spectrum are unchanged& and likewise for the absorption opeatra. These were studied between 2800 and 3700 A. Luminescence spectra were taken at room temperature and at 31quid nitrogen, hydrogen and helium temperatures with ISP-51 and STS-1 inatrumsnts~ Card ACCESSION MR: AP4017397 Absorption spectra were taken at room te"ratare only on a SF-4 apparatw. Terbium benzoylaoetate (TBA), in contrast to EBA, ceases luminescing In a R-M host, and its absorption spectrum changes sharply. The comparison is shom in Figuxvs 1 and 2 of Enclosure 01. The conclusion is that EBA dissolves in PI-24, ~&-Lle TBA copolymerizes. "The authors, in conclusion, coniider it their pleasant duty to thank their colleagues at the Institute of Pbysica of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences,, D* Fe Sheka and G., V. My*masheviy for their assist-wice and helpful discussions." Orig. art. has 2 fipres ASSOCIATION: Fizy*kotekhniohney insty-tut. AN TILQR. M2arkov (Pbysico-Tachnical 1nstitutG'ANURSR) SW=M: Wu20 DATE ACQ: 1914ar64 ENGLt 02 SUB CODEs PH NO REP SOU 001 OTM 002 card 210 2- GOfVjU~1;jIKQ,.V.Y,3. fflariu!!hko, V.IF.j; MTKIOMM, V.P. [Myk~'ajlov' 'U.1- 110TRASHKOV9 V.I., kand. Lpkin. np2ak, TKACH, G.A. [Tkap-h, II.A.1, kand. tekhn. nauk Control of carbonization and settling columns in the ecda industry. Y-1him. prom. PJkrj nc.4i42-4~ O-D'63. (MMI, M61, GORIUSUJW-,-V 0 V.IE.); TRAC K~ S.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; - ,1e,- -[9or Luahko HU MEXIjMN-,-Yu-.jG. (Mekinian,, W.H. I Application of calculating machines in some fields of the chemical industry. Khim. prom. [Ukr.) no-3:50-53 Jl-S 164. - (MIRA 17.12) GORYUSHKO, V.Ye.- (Horinshko, V.I-E.J; TRACHUX, S.V., kand,tekhn.nauk, dWAY T.A. [Ivy-v3'ka, T.A.] Methodology for studying the reactor for acetylene hydrochlort- nation as an object of regulation. KhIm. prom,[Ukr.] no.Iz6I-63 Ja-Mr 165. (MIRA 1814) ~' GORIM~ M*Q* Rod for instaUing vibrators in steam curing o4ambirs. SuggssW by M,O, Goriuev, Rats, predle zoo 411*9 159* (KCRA 14ti): (Vibrators) GORZ I A. New views on systems of frequency modulation. P. 4. (RDIO.414ATOR) (Warszawa, Poland) Vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC V61. 7, No. 5. 1958 , EXCERPTA IKEDICA See Vol. 10/8 Patholo,,7 hu,7, 57 i 2338. G6R7,-KARDASZEWICZ S. *Zmiany morfologiczne wierzchniej warstwy nab4onka ja-my ustnej w przebiegu niedokrwistoaci Addisona Biermera. Morphological changes in the superficial epithelial layer in the buccal cavity in Addison-Biermer anaerniah PATOL. POL. 1956, 7/4 (373-381) Graphs I Tables 1 Illus. 8 In 32 anaemic patients, 22 of whom were suffering from Addison-Biermer's dis- ease, the upper layer of the buccal epithelium was examined several times. The smears were fixed in a mixture of absolute alcohol with ether, in the ratio of 50:50, and stained with haemotoxylin and eosin. The changes as compared with the normal pictures consisted in the appearance of cells with several (up to 9) nuclei, and having dimensions much greater than those of the epithelium cells; all cells (of various dimensions) showed an increase in diameter of their nuclei. After im- provement of the blood picture of the patients, the epithelial celIB returned nea rly to normal. Karlinska - Warsaw (V. 6*) GORZA M ASZEWICZ, Stefania Morphology of the oral sucosa in leukemias. Pol. med. wewnet. 32 no.7t857-860 #62. 1. Z I Kliinikl Chorob Vownetrsnych Slaskiej AM Kierownik., prof. dr med. J. Japa. (LMMU) (MOUTH) (MUCOUS M~RWS) 4z GORZECH%~M4-&!;iej The Polish Acadev7 of Sciences taking part in preparations on the reformation of the educational system. Nauka Polska 9 n0.3:233-238 161, 1. Polska Almdemia Nauk, Biuro, Presydialme. GORZECHOWSKI. Maciel.- Recent resolutions of the Scientific Secretariat, Polish Academy of Sciences concerning the training of educational personnel. Nauka Polska 9 n0-33239-248 161. 1, Polaka.Akademia Nauk, Biuro Proxydialne, GCRZECHCWSKI, lla~tej Studlesfor the doctor degree at centres of the Polish Academy of Scienct.s during the year 1961. Nauka poloka 10 nc).2:183-189 162. Presydialne, Warszawa GORZECHOWSKI, Maciej Charters of the scientific posts of the Polish Academy of Sciences and establishment of new posts and scientific committees of the Academy. Nauka polska 11 no.1:159-168 Ja-F 163. 1. Polska Akademia Nauk, Biuro Prezydialne, Warszawa. GORZECHOWSKI, Maciej %....... Appointments-of heads of the scientific 6epters of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Nauka polska 11 no.W70-174 Mr-Ap 163. 1. Biuro Prezydialne, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszava. A~RZrBCMIJ, ZdzislAw, inz.. Problems connected with the regulation and conservation of riiers on the territory ~f-the Upper Silesian Industrial District. Goop wodna 22 no. 3t89-92. Mr 162, (;ORZEIAK, R. GOUETAK, 2. Attempt at determining the labor nroductivity an privately owned peasant farms. P. 3. No. 2. 1956 Z&OkmlxgrA XWONOMIKI ROLN&T AGRICULTURP Waroazava, Poland So: IkLat 1hro-pean Accession, Vol. 6. no. 1, WArch 1957 GORZELAK~ E.: KOBYLINSKI) S. Certain economic index numiers used for evaluation of the Dossible increase of production in indivtdual fams utilizina light soils. P. 97 ZAGADNIENIA EKONOMIKI ROLREJ. Warszawa. Vol 5, No. 1, Jan l)56 SOURCE: East European Accession List (EZAL) LC Vol 5, No. 3, March 1956 DRYL, Luojan; GORZEIAKs Eugeniuss; PR&ZMOWSKI, Wladyslaw A milk-borne epidemic of typhoid fever in Zgierz and Lodz In 1950, Przegl. epidem. 15 no.1:33--40 161. 1. Z.Filii Panstwowego Zokladu Higieny w Lodai Kierownik: dr Wl. Pra=owski, (TVIPID epdiemiol) (MILK microbiol.) V, OORZELAN 14. Is the Jaskollm Z a Cormrercial or a racing glider? p. 114. SKRZEUT.11 POMICA. (Liga Lotnicza) T,,`arszav-a, Poland. Vol.11, no.30, JulY 1955. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol.9, no.1, Jan. 1959. Lhcl. A~ SZTDTAWSKI, 8.*,GORZZW, Z.;GOSCICKI, J.;ROLICKA, M. stuates on bactericidal properties on newly synthetise4 compounds frPz the group of aromatic chloramines. Ked. dosw. mikrob. 5 no.3: 310-311 1933. (OLML 25:5) 11 Lo". ZABLOCKI,ILarnard;.SZYDLOWSKI. Stanislaw; GORZALAK. Zofia. Viscosity of solutions of hyaluronic acid and.accels2AtIzg properties in blood sedimentation; standardization of hyaluronic acid for determination of hyaluronidase titer, Ned. doew. m1krob. 6 no.2:151-160 1954. 11 Z Katedry Yikrobiologii Szesegolivej Universytetu Lodsklego. (BU)OD MIKINTATION, *relation to viscosity of hyaluronio acid) (HYALURONIC ACIDO *viscosity, relation to blood sedimentation) PSTRAGOWSKA, WalentywyGORZELAK, Zofia Anti-pertuesis vaccination of newborn infants. Pedlat. pol. 38 no.7:619-.626 JI 163. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych Wieku Dzieciecego AM v Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr mod. T. Bogdanowicz. (PERTUSSIS VACCINE) GOWXIANCZYK,;,B.jj~. (Sopot) Experimental quay wall tightening in Kuznica. Tech gosp morska 13 no.10:306-309 0 163. _POPZEIATTY., W.,, doe. dr. A Conference on the Chemiotry and Technology of Chlorine and Chlorine Compounds. Przem chem 41 no.1:8 Ja 162. 1. Politechnika, Szczecin. I . . . . . . . . . . ~01-12MWAIIO dr History of the unification of atom c scales. Wiad chem 17 no. 5: 209-302 My 163. 1. 'Kierownik Katadry Chemii Nieorganicznej, Politechnika, Szczecin,(for Gorzelany) CC Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej, Politechnika, Szczecin, (fqr,.Op'4p),.. JUSZKIMCZ,v T.1 MADRJSKI, Z.j GORZKLEWSKA, X.1 GRUNDBORM, M. (Pulaw3r) Studies on certain therapeutic and pharancologieaY properties of chlorpromazins bydrochlorids in domestic animals. Roes nauk roln wet 70 no.1/4:114-3-15 160. (IWAI 10: 9) (Domestic animals) (C;hlorodinetbylazinopi-opylphonathiazine) MITOUSHEK, lozef (Matousakp Joisef ) C14UTAp Ya. (Cuta, J.] tekhnicheskiy sotradnik; GLAZROVA, ZO lGlasrova,L], tekbnichesl:iy sotrudnik; GCRZHAKOVA, I, E-Hornko J.] tekhnicheskiy sotrudnik,* W&ff LMatoubkova,V.1; tekhnicheskiy sotimdnik; SHA.KHOVA,G. [;achova,,G.], tekbnicheokiy sotrudnik Preparation of immwne serums for cietermining the Group anti- gens in the blood of ted and white cattle, Zhur. ob. biol. 24 no.100-63 Ja-FI63 MW 16:11) 1. Laboratoriya biologii razmnozheniya sel'skokhovyayst7en- nykh zhivotnykh Chekhoslovatskaya akademiya sellskokhozyay- stvennykh nauk,, Iubekhovp Chekhoslovatskaya Sotsitasisticheg- kaya Republika, A 66RZH"67 VA and L V CHUMOMYEVA A "Methods for Chemical Analysisof Refractory Metal Carbides and lanthanlin and Cerium Borides" from Annotations of Works Complet in 1955 at the State U~ion Sci, Res, lust: Min, of Radio Enaineering Ind. So: B-3,080,964 SKOLTARINKO, D.A.; KATYUMUNA 'N-T-; KAPLAN, A.S.; GORZHUZATA, A.T.; Prinimali uchastlye: ULINSKATA, Te.I.; BiiiSH3_VA,_i_.Y.-,ROKAU. F.D.. AYRUTSCAYA, R.F., red.izd-va; ISLWITSTA, P.G.. tekhn. red. [Li t of specifications In effect for products of ferrous met:11urgyJ Perechan' deistvuVishchikh takhnicheakikh uslovii na produktaii-a chernot metallurgii; po sostoianilu na I ianvaria 1959 g. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tovetnoi metallurgii, 1959. 115 p. (KIRA 13:2) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovatellakly institut chernoy metallurgll. 2. Laboratoriya standartizataii. TSantrall- nogo nauchno-isaledovatel'skogo instituta chernoy metallurgii (for Smolyarenko, Katyashina, Kaplan, Gorzhevskaya). 3. Ukrainakly nauchno-isoledovatellskiy trabnyy institut (for Ulinskaya). 4. Na- uchno-iseledovatel'Wdy institut matiznoy proftyahlennosti (for Baryahava). 5. Ukrainakiy inatitut motallov (for Romas). .(Iron--Specifications) (Steel-Specification3) BAUKINAO I.A.; BOCHKAREVA, A.I.; GORZHEVSKAYA A V KAYLAN A.S.; SNOLYAMKO., D.A., kand. Ye.A'.; SOTS; G.A.; TREMBITSKIY, Ya.V.; ULINSKAYAj Ye.I.,- KHUTCJRSKAYA, Ye-S-j, red. Izd-va; KLLMOWI, M.Rop tekhn. red* [Technical specifications in effect on products of ferrous metal- lurgy; list as of October 1, 1961] Deistvuiushchie tekhnicheskie usloviia na produktsiiu chernoi retallurgii; perechen' po sostoianiiu na 1 oktiabria. 1961 g. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 141 P. (MIRA 15:5) le Moscow, Wentrallnyy naucbno-issledovatel Iskiy institut chernoy metallurgii. (Iron industry-Tables and ready~-reckoners) (Steel industry-Tables and ready-reckoners) M xW'RJ6_D6009l32 SOMM' COM! UR/00213/r,5/000/ciog/0063/900~5, ijpc) -JD/W_ AUTHOR: Balakina, I., T~;'Bo_ohkareva, A. 1*,, A Gorzbevilkaygh ORG:_ TITLE., Standard specifications for high-alloy steelAngots for manuf aoture ''SOURCE: -StsaAartizatelya, zos 9. 19660 63 TOPIC TAOS: -Itt*AA 1i SM, AUs/%, 0&4 d4ed, A+ mWo.'a Pipe 40Aj rBc OS!T;~A)T: The -authors presented a general review of, the new revised standard speoifioations (qbEnLTSNIIGhM-1345-"5 #or high-alloy steel ingots used for:pipe manufacture.. The.speoifioations were'. ladopted (some, of. them only tentatively) by the Cqntra , Soigntif i0 Research Institute of Ferrous 'metallurgy and ware intendelpto replace the previous sti-nairds ChMrU/TsN11ChM-VO0-621hnd TU-7,A;2. ftIt was speci- f ied that ingot diameters of 80 to 270 mm are to be ude .for seamless, pipes. In this-vonneotidn, it was mentioned'thal ,~the'Boviet metallurgi- cal -mille cannot produce high-alloy steel ingotal greater than 200 mms Chemical compositions of steels were.speci-MeTIn accordance with GOST_ t -5632-61*. In order to dWnish Alreo '1910-62 GOST-9941-62 and GCWT ;2 _7" ACC N16 AP6009132 of embrittl ementat hot. roiling, the alloy min. max. percentages in certain steels.were. limited* Mechanical properties (tensile strength,'' , etoo) ~.of hot-rolled 'ingots were adopted in accordanot) with the standards for hat rolled pipes without preoising . however the oonditions of heat*-':,1 treatizent, -The diameters of Ingot samplesused for maorostrueture te*sta were extended -up to -120 mmr-Alpha-pha e numbers mu not exceed 2 f a a OKhlWlOT K __12T.1- A number Ze 543 ite 1 h18NlOT 0018141 1 ad Khl�N allowed only -upon- -mutual ureement. It was to test ingoti,1",: roooiamended -f or plasticityl~y using -the method'of 'hot torsion. Finish allowanool f or''ingot. -surfaces waa accepted in "aotordance mith the 117 1, 11 Nolte Rai', SM DATI: AR101 I'S w 4, 21 Awl 0 1~ 2c- V.S ~~ n y (1) G-, t% SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1941 AUTHOR GORZEVSKAJApE.G., PANOVAON.M. TITLE The Photoproduction of Slow Negative Pions on Complicated Nuclei. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Hauk llitfaso.6i 1205-1208 (1956) Issued: 12 / 1057- The present work is intended as an investigation of the mechanism of this photoproduction. Above all it is intended to find out whether the photoproduc- tion of mesons in complicated nuclei takes place on a single nucleon or whether this process is more complicated. Furthermore, data concerning the interaction between a slow meson and the trunk of the nucleus are sought. The experiment: NIKVI photoemulsions of the type "P" were irradiated on the synchrotron of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Science by a photon bundle with Em.. Ma 250 MeV. As the photoemulsions were saturated with heavy watert it was thus possible at the same time to study the photoproduction of negative pions on deuterium. The carrying out of the experirnt is discussed in short. Measuring results: On-an emulsion surface of 830 am 262 mesons, which had come to a standstill in the emulsion, were discovered. Of these 75 and 163 were aoigned to the production of negative pions on a light and on a heavy nucleus respectively. In 24 Oases the nucleus, on which the meson was produced, could not be identified. The cross section of the production of negative pions with energies of up to 4 MeV on the light and heavy nuclei of the emulsion amounts (after the neces;ary corrections have been taken into account) to 9 2 29 2 (2,2 + 0,33) -10- am and (8,8 + 0,9).10- cm . A graph and a table illustrate Dokl.Akad.Nauk 111, faso.6,1205-1208 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1941 the distribution of stare according to the number of their beams; the traces of mesons and recoil nuclei are not counted on this occasion. A great part of two- beam stare and practically all stars with more than two beams belong to the light nuclei. In many cases only one proton is emitted on the occasion of the production of a slow negative pion. The angular distribution of these protons in the laboratery.system has a marked maximilm in the direction of the photon bundle and when photon energy was increased the maximum beoame even more marked. Discussion of results: The angular distribution of the protons originating from heavy nuclei and from deuterium (in which negative pions with less than 10 MeV are produced) hays, the same character, but in the angular distribution of the protons originating from deuterium the maximum is more marked. This difference indicates a considerable influence exercised by the motion of the nucleons in the nucleus. At least in 30 of the cases investigated the photon produces a meson by interaction with one of the nucleons of the nucleus, on which occasion the momentum of the photon is transferred essentially to that nucleon on which the meson is produced. The results found here are a good illustration and proof of the single-nucleon model. INSTITUTION: Physical Institute "P.N.LEBEDEV" of the Academy of Science in the USSR. GORZHEVSKAYAt E.G.; POPOVA, V.M.; YAGUDINA, F.R. - ------ - Photoproduction of T*-mesons on hydrogen near the threshold. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz- 38 no.l.-276-278 Jan 160. (NIRk 14:9) 1. Fizicbeskiy institut im. P.HiLebedeva AN SSSR. (Mesons) (Phatonuclear reactions) (Hydrogen) ADAMOVICH, M.I.; GOWAWSXAYA, B.G.; POPOVAS VJf.; YAGUDIXA, F.R. Method for measuring the photoproduction cross section of 01'r+ -mesons on hydrogen near the threshold. Z4iur.elwp.i teor. fiz. 40 no.3%974"976 Hr '61., (NM 14..8) 1. Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Levedeva Akademii nauk SSSR. (Mesons) (Ionization chamber) (Photonuclear reactions) S/056/61/04i/oo6/023/054 B102/B138 AUTHORB: Adamb4idh, M. I.,. Gorzqevskay-Q4-.R-G. , Larionovat V. Go 9 Pand*dj No M., Popova, V. M., Kharlamov, So P., Yagudina, F.R. TITLE- The enargy dependence of the photoproduction crone unction of n+ mes ono on hydrogen near the threshold PERIODICAL: zfiu'A4ekspeiimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, n6, 6(t), 1961,~ 1811-'1817 + TEXT. Thepape:~ gives results of n photoproduction cross section measurements made in the photon energy range from 16 7 to 212 14ev at an angle 6 = arccos(k,--O-93)/kq, i. e. the angle in the c. m. a. at the contribution.df thd'non-physical region to the dispersion integral vanishes. k deno'ie6 the photon momentum, 0.93 is its threshold, q andit are momentum.and total energy of the pion, 6 the angle of emission of the nieson; c 1 . The energy range was chooen so as to satisfy the relation kit kq cos 8 = 0.93; it holds exactly for 195-Mov ~hotonsy for 167 and 212 Mev it is 0.88 and 0.9g,which-are both close to the threshold value. The photon ray from the synohrotrcn of the HAN with a maximum Card 1 S/056/61/041/006/023/054 The energy dependence of the ... B102/B138 energy of 250 Mov was collimated and directed on to the hydrogen target, a brass cylinder of- 17v wall thickness, placed in a vacuum chamber. The Actector was- a stack of 50 layers of bj'~'-400 (NIKFI BK-400) emulsion plates. It was placed betvxxn two 2cm-thick emulsion blocks and fixed Do that the njesone struck its end. The emulsions were evaluated as usual, by microscopes. All'n-g decay events were selected. An area of 340 am 2 yielded 3322 n-p decays and 64 n- decays. The di.~ferential photoproduction cross sections were plotted after applying corrections for energy: loss, scattering meson decay and background (Fig. 3). The results are in good agreement.with dispersion theory, where the imaginary part of the resonance amplitude is determined empirically. The experimental results were treated by the method of least squares to find the threshold value of the matrix element oti+ photoproductionk- 1 dd/d,.- and its dependence-on q 2 21 (q/k) (I ./M) -2 , M - nucleon mass. For 0.17,/,ci 0.74 t do 10" 29 CA (1 t90 0,15) (0,34 0,22) (5) 7 Z d"[10:;!$-.-"- S' 21) (2,87 0,93) q2 + (2,80 1,0) q', (6) d 2/f '(2,39�01 ar C S/056/61/041/006/023/054 The efti3rgy depeddenoe of the B102/B138 was found. The, thief1hold value was determined from power expaAsions of the squares of 'i6 t4itix elements', a. (1.90 + 0.15)-10~ 29 old 2/et eradiant 0 4iment with-the.th6oretical value, which is in goo4, a4 -29 /a + - 1-34 + 0:11 wde f6und, a 0 -2-04-10 CM2/'i4i Experimentally Using the-theoretical a 0 valuei the 'calculated value is cy'/o+ 1.28. The pion photopr-oduction cross section a's.a function of the photoproduction amplitudes,,is,gi ye-p by dold(I - (qlk),(IFI (I+-jF,j$-2R6F;FIcc.s9 + 1., 0 .1 . ' a (9) sins 8 J'Fj Is 2Re P F, + MF;~, cos OW1 :2Re FiFs + i + + I F& r+ with F1 2FIO )~'ZFII Pos. PS -.Yff lot'. Os Fs j/-2Fjo +,J(-2Fn/ - osB), -F& )/'2,Pjj/ C -0. '46 Card, 3 S/056/61/041/006/M/054 The energy dependence of the-.... B102/B138 0 P denotes pion velocity. From e*perimental data for i5 and 165 in the c. m. a. the amplitudes were oalculaited for 16 5 -Me _y_jho_t_q4_q: ,03 (Flt'+ Flo),-, - (00 105 0,034) 4 0 (1,8 1 � 0,034). IV. (o, 105,L 0,034). 10-2. (Floh (Fil + F20)1 The authors thank Professor P&'A. Cherenkov for help, A. M. Baldin and A. I'. Lebedev for discussions and A. A. Svetlov, Engineer, for assistance. There are, 5 figuree,-2 tables, and 15.references- 3 soviet and 12 non- Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: J. Hamilton, W. S. Wooloock. PhyB. Rev. 118, 291, 1960; N. P. Samios. Phys. Rev. Lett.o Ao.470P 1960;'M. Derrick et al. Phys. Rev.' Lett., 5, 230, 1960; A. F. bunaitsev et al. Proc. 1960 Ann;Intern. conf. on high energy physics at Rochester, Publ. Univ. Rochester 1961, p. 181. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. F. N. Lebedeva Akedemii nauk SSSR -c (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of t-he',Academy of Sciences.USSR) SUBMITTED: July 31, 1961 Card, 4/0~, ADIV11OVICII, m. I.J MAIMIOV, G. P.) UMMOVA, V. a.; YAOUDIUA, F. H. "Photoproduction of Positive Pima from 11,7drogen near'Threnhold" report presented at the llth Intl. Conference on IfIgh Energy Physics, Geneva, 4-u JW.3r 1962 4 M 'M~ .5, S/05 62/043/003/057/063 B104YB102 AUTUOPS: Adamoviph, M I,, Gorzhevskaya, -E. G., Yagudina, F. R. TITLE: The production of n"'-Photomesons it angles of 25-360 in the energy range 152-162 Mev PIE IODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimenthl'noy i tooreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 3(9), .1962, 1113-11116 T This study was di*rected to establishing the differential photo- pro uction cross section of n+-mesons when the momentum transfer W - kq c 6 s 0 1 a clo se to I tq threshold value of 0. 9 3, k and q being resp~~ctiveiy the momenta of ,.;L-oton and pion, and &3 the. tot~tl i6n energy in the c.m.;. The mesons emitted by a thin pol~-ethylene film at an angle oIA abo6t 7,00 from the photon beam were examined by a method described Was 'Javio,~sly,(;I1. 1. Adamd:2ich et al.) ZhETF, 40, 974, 1961). 2 Pax al I- n-~c decay oven's were recorded. The ends of 4 v #.-he pion and m~oll t ere e3tablished for chec'kin6. The results (Table) are in goo d agIreement with the calculations. The threshold value of ('~ /X)dc;/d9- is (2 18 1 0-0)-10- 29 CM2/st erad. The threshold value calculated from Ca~d 1/2 .13/056/62/04"/()03/057/06.-1' The production of n photomesons at... B104/B102 29 2/s Panov's formula is 1 09.10- cm terad. The mean values of dc/d9- and (1/-X)dc1/dQ- agree -well with the values for kca - kq cos 9 = 0.93 as extrapolated from experimental data. There are 2.figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute Imeni P. N. Lebadev of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMIT'IFED; July 3, 1962 Ta:b le. Results of measure- ment6. Legend: L photon 0 V - mean energy, lal5oratOry system; mean pion energy in tRe enerGy interval of the photons; 1-1 - proton mass; (q/k)(1+(."/M) 2 Card 2/2 - En. Mev 91 kcs-kq cos 0 d*-'dn Z 153,4 3,8 0,023 0 91 0 321:0,054 2,70�0,46 155,7 7,3 0,048 0:86 0:39�0,070 2,26�0,41 f 57,6 9,7 0,069 084 0 43�0,077 2,12�0,38 159,3 11.6 0,088 0 83 0 40�0,076 4,77�0,34 160,8 13.3 0,104 0,82 0,39�0,097 1,59�0,40 GMHWS.ZLU, S.A. lanr Min.e'bor. no.5:324-329 151. (MIM 904 1. Toosoyalm InstItut Stiorallnoce syr,ya, Moskva. . (adthsoults) Di3sertation; -"Application nf Nlethods of Descriptive Minerrdo~-,y to the Investigation 0 .-f' 0xilized Ore, 2or -E-xammle, Chrtain Polvmetallic De 'nosits." Cr-nd Sai, rnst of Geological Sai, Acwl Sci USSR, F MaY 51,'. Uechernyaya X'oe~va. -Vnscow, 29 -~Ppr 54) SO: SUM 243, 19 Oc- t 1954 AM, GORZHICTSLAYA,---S,.A. Development of hypogenic ore-forming process in the Nikolayevskoye deposit in'the Altai Mountains. Trudy VAGT no.2:60-68 156. (MLRA 10:5) (Altai Mountains-Ore deposits) GOIMHBVS]rAYAO S.A. mineralogical abaracteriotleo of complex metal deposits In the RwbW Altai. Trudy TAOT no.3-.162-ln 157. (HIM 110) (Altai Mountine-Ore deposits) GORZIM-VSYAYA, S.-A. --- -7 ~/Vj~z~ A C05 I ~jq Y /I" S, A I i "Element-.Impurities in Polymetal Deposits ff the Rudnyy Altai"; report delivered in the Petrographic Section, 4 April to 7 June 1957. Chronicle of the Activity of the Petrography Section, Byulletenl Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskiy, 1957, Vo. 6, pp. 117122, 1957. St_~' --- - -~~/ -C') - Z- ~ M X t ~ AUTHOR: " ~ Gorzhevskaya S. A. 5-6-29/42 TITLEs Element -Impurities in Polymetal Deposits of the Rudnyy Altay (Elementiprimeoi v polimotallichookikh mestoroxhdon- iyakhRudnogo Altaya) PERIODICAL: Byulletent Moskovskogo ObBhohestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologicheakiy, 1957, # 6w PP 142-143 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Altay ores are typical polymetal deposits of low-tem- perature stage which originated underbypabyssal conditions. This conclusion is confirmed by the presence in the Altay ores of Te, Se and Hg. The investigations carried out as to distribution of element-impurities in the single-mineral fractions and ores of the Altay deposits indicate that many rare and scattered elements of the Altay polymetal ores may be of practical importance. These are As, Sb, Cd, Te and Se, and possibly also In, Tl, Ge and Hg. At the present time, the data available are not sufficient to determine the industrial valu* of these elements. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORS: Ginzburg, A. I.o forzhevskaya, S. A. BOV/7-58-5-10/15 Yerofeyeva, Ye. A.,Sidorenko, G. A. TITLE: On the Chemical Composition of the Cubic Titanium-Tantalum Niobates (0 khimicheskom sostave kubicheskikh titano-tantalo- niobatov) PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1956, Nr 5, PP 486 - 500 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The specific properties of the so-called mineral group are described in detail in the beginning; then the division into the perovskite type (ABX and pyrochlorine type (A B X 3) . 2 2 7 is discussed. 22 chemical and x-ray analyses (Table 3) are the basis of this paper. A number of analyses are plotted in several diagram s of ternary systems;Nb - Ti - Ta (Fig 1); A - B - X (Fig 5); Nb - Ti, Zr - Ta (Fig 6); Ca - TR - U - Th (Fig 7). The dependence of the lattice constant on the TiO 2 content in the perovskite group (Fig 2) and in the pyrochlorine group (Fig 3) is also shown. The result of the paper is a classification of the mineral groups investigated (Table 2). Card 1/3 The empiric formulae of minerals greatly differ from the On the Chemical Composition of the Cubic Titanium- SOY/7-58-5-10/15 Tantalum Niobates theoretical formulae generally adopted for them. A deficiency of cations in the group "A" was found. In connection-herewith the formula An_X B pXq is proposed where x denotes the value determining the deficiency in the atomic numbers of the group "Aft.. For the pyrochloric type the formula then reads A2-,B 2X7s and for the perovskite type A 1-x BX 31 or A2-xB2x6* The atomic proportion of the cations of the group "All in the cubic titanium- tantalum niobates ranges from 2,0 to 0,5, a. definite de- pendence between the extent of the cation deficiency in the group "All and the content of titanium, zirconium, uranium, thorium and water in minerals having been observed. The usual minerals with an increased cation deficiency in the group I'A" are metamictic minerals. There are 9 figures, 3 tables, and 23 references, 15 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy institut minerallnogo syr1ya, Moskva (All---Union Institute for Mineral Raw Materials,Moscow SUBMITTED: March 17, 1958 Card 2/3 On the Chemical Composition of the Cubic Titanium- SOV/7-58-5-10/15 Tantalum Niobates Card 3/3 GINUM. A.I.; GORZHUSKAYA, S.A.; YEROYSMA, Ye.A.; SIDORSIZO, G.A* k1. . ."" ChemiCal composition of tetragonal tit anium- tantalum- . I., -niobates. Geokhimila no.1:11-30 160. 04m 13W (Ferguaonite) S/081/62/000/010/028/085 B177/B144 AUTHORSs Ginzburg, A. I., Gorzhevskaya, S. A. TITLEt Characteristics of titanium-tantalum-niobates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 191A2, 108 - 109, ab- stradICC61'(Sb. "Geol. mestorozhd. radk. elo*qntoy". no. 10, M., Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1960, 5 - 10) TEXTs The composition of titanium-tantalum-niobates isvonventionally represented by the formula A B X , where A and B combine cations of m p q closely similar dimensions. Id many of them, the group A, cations are leaq strongly bound with oxygen than group B cations. Gro-up L includes cation;~,:"' with large R i Ca, Na, Y, TR, Th, U, and to a leseer extont K, Pb, Ba, i Sr, Mn and others. Group B includes cations having relatively small R i: Ti, Nb, Tag W and also Al, Sig P and others. For several titanlum- tantalum-niobates, group A may usefully be subdivided into two sub-groups, 1 2 1 2' 2+ A and A P whereof A includes Ca, Na, U, Th, TR whilst A includes Fe Card 1/2 5/081/62/000/010/028/085 B177/B144 Characteristics of... Mn, Mg. In many cases a deficiency of cations exists in group A. In the' minerals described, both isovalent and heterovalent substitutions are widely developed. It is observed that, as the ratio betw6en atomic quantities of cations in group A and the atomic quantities of oxygen in- creases, the syngony of titanium-tantalum-niobates decreases. The variable composition of many minerals is governed by the different p-rocessee that change them, which mostly take place under hydrothermal conditions. Probably the processes of change are connected with the extraction of water and with.the partial leaching ofcations in group A besides others. LAb- stracter.'s notet Complete *translation] Card 2/2 S/081/62/000/010/027/085 B177/BI44 AUTHORS Gorzheviksys# So A# TITLEt Thermal investigations of titanium-tantalum-niobates PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyao no. 10t 1962j 108? abstract 10060 (Sb. "Geol. mestorozhd. redk. elementov", no, 10, 9-t Goageoltekhizdat, 1960, 32 - 41) TEM Thermal analysis of titanium-tantalum-niobates makes it possible to trace the transition of these minerals from the metami state to the crystalline as well as establishing the temperature ot Polymorphic con- .Yersions.and details of the oxidation processes that gaiAr when the minerals are heated; also,, the' character and temperatulsi.40f water libera- tion. The thermal curves in the crystalline varieties may be related to thereactions of oxidation or liberation of water (both appearing as smooth bends). The metamict varieties are 6haracterized by heating curv,6'_a'," with conspicuous endothermal and exothermal effects. Exothermal reactioni, - due to the-transition from the metamict to the crystalline state, are ob- served over a narrow temperature range (400 - 8000). The sharpness of the peak testifies to the short duration of the transition. On reaching 7000C Cari 1/2, S/081/62/000/010/026/065 B177/1,144 AUTHORs Gorzhevs k -yqj_.�A-At TITLEs The chemical composition of titanium-tantaluff niobates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 19 108, abstract lOG59 (Sb-. "Geol. mestorozhd. redk. elementoie'. no. 109 X., Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1960, 41 - 47) 7 TEXTz Results of conversions from collected chemical analyses are shown plotted in triangular diagrams to represent the interrelations between atomic quantities of groups A and B. These confirm the presence of a con- tinuous isomorphic series between the Nb and Ta varieties of the same minerals and also the existence of a wide'is&mbrphism between Nb and Ta, but continuous transitions from the Ti minerals to-Ta are !not established. A'much close kinship is disclosed between Ta and Nb than 14etween Ta and Ti. Minerals composed substantially of Ca are characteri*;ed by a relatively constant chemical composition. They are distinguished by-a slight content of TH and by the appearance also of TH as ~he Ca content diminishes. Atomio quantities as high as 25% of Cat and ~O~ atomic values Card 1/2 4!Y' S/081/62/000/010/026/065 Th 1 composition 0f#.. B177/B144 of TR, are noted in the U varieties. All titanium7tantalum-niobates sub- divide into several groups, according to the relationship of Ti and TR. [Abstracter's notet Complete translation-3 IiA~ Card 2/2 N7- 4*ir~, - S/081/62/000/010/034/085 B177/B144 AL'THORSS." Sidorenko, G. A., Gorzhevskaya. S. A. TITLEs Cubic titanium-tantalum-niobat*es. X-ray analysis. PERIODICkLi Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 1962, 110, abstract 10GO69 (Bb. "Geol. mestorozhd. redk. elementov", no. 10, 9.1 Gosgeoltekhizdato 1960t 64 - 71) TEXT& Cubic titanium-tantalum-niobates crystallize in two structural %lypest perovskite and pyrochlore. Many minerals in tt~ perovskite group are pseudo-cubic with a 7.64 - 7.68 kX. It is found t;4 t a regularly in- creases with increasing Nb content and with decreasinE~jk- content. This provides a possibility of determining the Nb content f4-om the value of a. The effect of the diwensions of groups B and A cations on the dimensions a unit cell is'noted in the structural type of pyrochlore. An increased,:'!~ Ti content causes a reduction of a. In proportion to the substitution .N'b+-Ti in group A, the following isomorphic substitutions occurs Ca and Na are replaced by TR, U and Th. The titanium-uranium-rare earths con- stitute minerals, having elementary cells of reduced dimensions. The Card 1/2 0 S/081/62/000/010/034/065 Cubic titanium-tantalum-niobates... B177/B144 greatest call dimensions are those typical of minerals in the tantalum and niobium series, which possess a more constant chemical composition (micro- lites and pyrochlores). With minerals having variable composition, con- taining Ti, U and TR, the dimensions of an elementary.cell decrease. Minerals having a more constant chemical composition possess a crystalline structure, while those whose composition is complex are metamict. A definite relation exists between the chemical composition, structure and the state LAbstracterfs notes Complete translation Card 2/2 S/081/62/000/010/030/085 B177/B144, AUTHORt Gorzhevskaya, S. A. Cubic titanium-tantalum niobates. Chemics-i composition TITLEt PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 1162, 109, abstract IOG64 (Sb. "Geol. mestorozhd. redk. elemeotov", no. 10, U., Goageoltekhizdato 196ot 71 - 84) TEXTs Cubic titanium-tantalum niobates are characterized by a complex and variable chemical composition. The minerals so described difker sharply as regards relationship between atomic quantities of group A and group X ions, with noticeably smaller variations of atomic quantities of group B cations. In minerals of the perovskite type a broad isomorphism is noted between Ti and Nb, with simultaneous replacement of Ca for-TR, Na and Th in group A. A typical feature is the almost constant enrich- ment in Ti. Minerals of the pyrochlore type are characterized by their extremely inconstant chemical composition. Among them, minerals of.the microlite group are distinguished by showing the least inconstancy and the lowest content of TR and U. In minerals having a variable composi- tion, the additional constants characterisinig the mineral varieties are Card 1/2 3/081/62/000/010/030/085 Cubic titanium-tantalu~msoe B177/B1414 the ratios CaO s (UO + UO ) and Nb 0 1 Ta 0 In acoordance with these 2 3 2 5 2 5' ratios, the mineral priazovite, described by Yurk, should be classed with blomstrandite. Three~groups of minerals among the cubic titanium-niobates can be distinguished, according to their chemical composition,*as varieties heavily enriched with Nbj Ti - Nb and varieties enriched with Ti. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation Card 2/2 S/081/62/-000/010/032/085 B177/B144 AUTHORSs Ginzburg, A. I., Gorzhevekaya, S. A. TITLEs Cubio,titanium-tantalum niobates. The co position of the rare-earth elements PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 1962, 109, abstract loc66 (Sb. "Geol.,mestorozhd. redk. elementov", no. 10, M., Goageoltekhizdat, 196o, 84 - 89) TEXT: The minerals of the perovskite type related to ultrabasic alkaline intrusive complexes, are highly selective Ce minerals,.though they also contain La, Nd, and some Sm. Pyrochlores from carbonatites, alkaline beds and their pegmatites possess a constant TR comp!osVion. There is a marked predominance in them of elements in the Ce group' !with Blight quantities of Gd and Dy. In pyrochlores from albitites': related to sub- t alkaline granitoids, TR of the Y sub-group occur in slt~ht q~iantities. In pyrochlore-type minerals encountered in granitic pegmatitest the TR content is very variable. A typical feature of them is the higher content z of the middle members of the series TR - Sm, Gd, Dy, and sometimes Ce. lAbstracter-a note& Complete translation.3 dard 1/1 S/0-1/62/000/010/031/05 B177/B144- LUTHOR: -Gorzhevskaz~' TITLEs Conversions from the chemioal;analyses of'Pubic titanium- tantalum-niobates PLRIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 196~, 109, abstract 10065 (Sb.. "Geol. mestorozhd. i4dk. elem9tiov". no. 10, X., Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1960p 100 - 107) TEXT: The sum of the atomic quantities of groups A and cations in cubi titanium-tantalum-niobates is calculated from the atom:Lc quantities of elements therein. The quantity of cations in group B is known to vary only slightly, whereas ihat in group A is liable to ixtreme fluctuations. Atomic quantities of cations in group A vary from 2.0 to 0-5, i.e. the minerals are characterized by a certain deficiency of group-A cations. Minerals containing a considerable quantity of Ti and U are always characterized by a greater deficiency of group-A cations. Minerals. with a considerable deficiency of group-A cations are always in a metamict stater whereas those having no such deficiency are usually crystalline. Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/010/031/085 Conversions from the chemical... B177/B144 With a high deficiency of group-A cations, a high water cont:ent is aiso characteristic. 'A definite relation exists between this deficiency and the quantity of group X anionso A 2-z B2X 7-z' A relation also exists between the deficiency and the quuntity of water in the mineral (n). Its value is n z and n - 2z The general formula for titanium-tantalum- I niobates is A 2-zB2X7-z OnH; 0. [Abstracter's notes Complet-e translation.1 Card 2/2 S/081/62/000/010/037/065 B177/B144 &UTHORSt Sidorenko G. A., J _Gorzhevskayar TITLEt Tetragonal tantalum-niobates. X-ray structural analysis PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 1962, 110, abstract lOG72 (Sb. "Geol* mestorozhd. redk. elemeptov"t no* 10, M.p Goageoltekhizdatt 196o, 129 - 136) TEXTs Among all titanium-tantalum-niobates, the minekdls which crystallize in tetragonal syngony belong to three structural typq*i. fergusonite, kutile and tapiolite-mossite. Minerals of the fergusohfle group are usually found in the metamict state. Tetragonal syngonylof fergusonite (4, 5-15, 0, 10.89 kX) has been established in a non-metamict specimen., It is isostructural with scheelite. Heating the mineral causes a reduc-,'-_- tion of syngony to monoolinic rith parameters a - 5.05, b n 10.891 C - 5.27 kXj 85030' , The reduction of syrimetry if; possibly' due to the ordering of Y and 11b ions. A natural monoolinio modification of fergusonite (a 5.12p b 10-89t a 5.20 kXp ~ - 88010') was recently die- covered among granitest in the higheat-temperature mineral associations. Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/010/036/065 B177/BI44 AUTHORt GorzhevskayA,,__S,. A. TITLEt Tetragonal tanialum-niobates: their chemical composition and the conversion of their chemical analyses PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 1962, 110, abstract lOG71 (Sb. "Geol. mestorozhd. redko elementov"? no* 10i M, Goageoltekhizdat, 196o, 140 - 144) TSXTs Minerals of the fergusonite structural type belong by their chemical composition to the rare earth tantalum-niobates having the general formula ABK 4* By contra;t with the cubic titanium-tantalum-. niobates, the relation between group A and B cations and pxygen does not vary appreciably. All these minerals are substantially niobium-bearing; they contain Ti to 10 - 12% of atomic quantities. The Nb varieties are more widespread in nature than the Ta varieties. The existence of an almost, continuous ismorphic series between YNbO and YTaO is noted. From 4 4 the interrelation of the atomic quantities of Ca,,TR, U + Th, it is Card 1/~ S/081/62~000/010/036/065 Tetragonal tantalum-niobates ... B177/B144 established that all tetragonal tantalum-niobates are likewise rare earths, in which the Melements predominate in group A (usually *> 60%). The content of oxides of U and Th is very variable, fluctuating' f.rom 0-10 to 9-17~ for Up and from traces to 6.6% for Th. Usually U > Th. Conversion of analyses of fergusonites leads to the-following formulas (Yj Ybv Dy, Nd)(11b, Ta, Ti)O Spectral analysis always rbveals the 4' 2resence of Be and Ge; impurities include Al, Si,*Zr, Fe, 14~, Mg and Fb; Zin is constantly present. EAbstracter's notes Complete tranalation'.1 Card 2/2 3/08 1/62/000/01 Cr/038/085 -B1 77/B 1.44 AUTHORSt Ginzburg, A. I.,,Porzhevskaya, S. A. TITLE: Tetragonal tantalum-niobates. Composition of rare-earth elements PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no. 10, 1962, 110, abstract lOG73 (Sb. "Geol. mestorozhd. redk. elementov". no. 10, M., Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1960, 144 - 152) TEXTi Fergusonites are distinguished from other titan-,'um-tantalum- niobates by their content of Y.and TR Y sub-groups. The content of Y fluctuates from 40 to 70~ of the entire TH. content. 'Different genetic types of feTgusonites are characterized by a specific QR-composition. 'In some types of deposit, fergusonite is a substantially Itterbium-bearing mineral (unsubstituted granitic pegmatitea)i in others, dysprosium- ytterbium-bearing (accessory in granites); substantially dysprosium- bearing (quartz albitites oondected with granosienites); cerium-dys-prosium- bearing (alkaline pegmatites); neodymium-dysprosium-bearing (albitised alkaline beds and albitised granitic pegmatites). The ratios in Card 1/2 S/08 62/000/010/038/085 Tetragonal tantalum-niobates ... B177YB144 fergusonites Z*Y i ZCe, Yb s Dy, and Ce s Nd may be regarded as indicative, enabling one to judge the relation of fergusonites to various intrusive beds and to different genetic types of deposits. [Abstracter's.notes Complete translationj Card 2/2 GIIIZBURG, A.I.; GOAZI~~V.SKAYAp.~ ROFINEVA, Ye.A.; SIDORENTO, G.A.; MALYSIUN, I.I., red.; POLYAKOV, M.V., red.; RODIOVOV., G.Go, red&; STEPAROV, I.S., red.; TROKHACHEV, P.A., red.; FAGUTOV, V*P*,, redo; RUIUSHCHOV, H.A.p red.; CIMOSVITOY, Yu.L., red.; SIDWTENKOVp I.V., red.; SHCOMINA, V.V., red.; EYGELES, M.A., red.; NE2WTOVA, G.F., red.izd-va; BYKOVAp V.V.., [Titanates, tantalates-, and niobates] Titano-tantalo-niobaty. Moskva. Gos. naucbno-tWAm.i7,d-vo lit-rv po geol.i ol-chrane nedr. Part 1. 1960. 166 p. (Geologiia mestorozbdenii -rt,.dkikh elementov, noolO)o (111RA 14:6) (Titanates) (Tantalates) (Niobates) 0,BARTSIDIYAN.. TS.L.; BASAIDVA, G.r., rIORZH3VSKAYA--.9-,AI6 NAZARENKO, N.G; KHODZHAYEVAs-R.P.;.PCHELINTSEVAs G.M., red.; MAZE11, Ye.I., tekbn. redo - [Thermal investigation of uranium and uranium-containing minerals) Termicheskie issledovaniia uranovykh i uransoderzhashchikh minera- lov. Moskvap Gos. izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atomnoi nauki i tekhniki, 1961. 146 P. (Uraniur.--Analysis) NIRA 34: 3-1) . -711 - V-~Illl- - - - . - - ~ I - -.- - - GORZHEVSKAYA, S.A.; SIDORENKO, G.A.; SMORCPKOV, I-Ye. New modification of ferrusonite-rergusonite. Gej)* no.9:28-29 "'I. (Fergusonite) (MIRA 14:9) W^ GORZHEVSKAYA, S.A._; SIDORENKO, G.A. Phase composition of ignition products of minerals of the pyrochlore.structural type and their conne-.tion with the chemical composition. Geokhimiia no.9:794-799 162,, (MIR-k 15:11) (Pyrochlore) (Mineralogy) GOFtZHENSKAYA S.A.,- SIDORNW, G.A. Find of a crystaUine variety of lyqdochite. Dokli AN SSSR 146 nao5; 1176-1-178 0 162o (KWA 15:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'ohy instutit minerallnogo syrlya. Predstavleno akademikom D.I.Shcherbakovym. (Iqndochite) GORZIIEVSKAYAO S.A.;,SIDDREIIKOI G*Ae Main characteristics of the minerals of the samarskite structural type. Min.Byrle ne.7:96-107 !63. (MMA 16:9) (Mineralogy) GORWEVSKAYA, S.A.; SIDORENKOP G.A. Characteristics of the minerals of the eshynite structural type. Min.syrle no.8:48-57 163. rsomorphous priorite-blomstrandine and owce ni te-polu erase series. Ibld.,58-67 (MIRA 170) -~OBZHEVSUYAj.--S-UB-&-n,na-,Aloksltndr-on- at SIDORENKOp Galina Alokeandrovu; GINZBURG, .. .0 ~;do; PMYAKOV, M.V.0 zametstitell glavnogo red.; APELITSIN, F,R., red.; GRIGORIYEV, Y.K., red.; RODIONOV, G.G., red*; STEPANOV, I,S.p redil TROKHACHEV, P.A., rid,; FAGUTOV, V.P., - red,; CHLRKOSVITOV, lu,.L,., red.; SHMANMOV,, I.V.., red.; SHCHFMINA, V.V., red.; EYGEW, M.A., redi (Titano-talitalo-niobates, Part 2.] Titano-tantalo-niobaty. Moskva,, Nedra& Pt,2. 1964. 115P. (Geologiia mestormhdanii redkikh elementovp no.23) (MIRA 3.8:1) GORZ!MIISKMA, S.A.; GREKULOVA, L.A.; SIDORENKOI G.A. ........ Physical properties and composition of columbite-tantalitese Min.sbor. 18 no.3t257-269 164- (MA 180) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellokiy Institut mineralinogo syrIya, MosIrva. GORZHEVSKAYA, S.A.; LUGOVSKOY, G.P.; SIDORENKO, G.A. First find of samiresite in-the Soviet Union, Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no-5-.1148-1151 Je 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut minerallncgo syrlya, Submitted March 17, 1964. moo:==, wmml~mnngszmm~~R MW Im . M , - . :i ~~ ~~ii ~ -*~"",'f,"'-_-~ __ T ' - 7 - - ISO., GM7 *40~ Discover7 of the rare mineral sinkenite. '55- (MLRA 9-9) l.Llvoy. Gosudarstvennyy universitet iment lvan~ Franko. (Zinkenite) mitue Itt 'iteatTlf A~641- D- L -ye ~Vln:m 1174'1`4~,,i-.-ti~! L" tft~7 J,,' t-q I T C, Jr q,u:tt kbin. The r6f. "itlr 14 -1 Z, It, I -A VV IMOK6 t