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Ideas of inter'national cooperation are making headwaye Vneohotorgo
41 no.32sl5-23,161. -,-(MIU 14:31)
(lnt~=Ationa; cooperation)
(Internatio-nal:dconomio relationd)
bOIdU*Ovs__V.j, kapitaiii:-
I -.- - 1. . -I
. Knowledgo and 4ixperience helped. Voon.vest. 43 no.7.*96-98
ii 163. (Kak 16:11)
GORY ailiy Alaksondrovich; LUXITANOT, P.G., otvetstvennyy redaktor;
OSVJMKATA, A,A., redaktor; Auiiw, P.S., tekhaicheakiy redaktor
[Hull assembling operational Korpusosborochnve raboty.,Leningrad,
Goa. ooiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. prorgrahl.. 1956. 186 p.
(Balls (Naval architecture)) Omn 9: 10)
.4--fiP17005000 NOMM.Con: WOOW66/030/009/1549/1551
AVnW: Goxy
Ma ftsics Depulso"p, Nnew StatwMITeralty 1o6 K.V,Losonosov (Fizicheakiy
totmookovshogo --~-Vst man Miqarsitata)
2=R: InvestigatIM of the redis"lantleet at current carriers among traps under the
InnIUMCD of Infrared Irradlatim'In excited x1m su*fldo phosphors /"Repo rt, Fourteenth
AU-VAlou Conference en (Crystal Pbwpfi~ro) hold at Rig!, 16-23 Sept.
900=: AN 3891L 1XVIONtlys. 9u4" ful- no.9# 1966, 1549-1551
0 V.300
sawic TAGB: -P Us Sins SwUldep olectma trapplngp electron distribution,
AMRR=-. Ue audwra it t1W red1strUntlan under the influence of mono-
chlumatic Infrared Irrodiatim of carriers anou traps In US single crystal and
~Zw5v ZsS:Mm,.ZnX:CuPb, ~.-Ag,.Zogslav Zs8:Cu:C* and other similar powder phosphors.
All the investigated mtwA&JA have tw won-separsted "to, of traps of dif f erent
4iOtks. '72w transfer by lnf=wW Irre"atlan of el"trons'frou the deeper to the
'~W traps WSW InT48tusted with the a" of g1" curves, optical quenching of
----Cewev 'and StAWA)Lated P is 0 1 IvIty. Oulyotbo, glow curve experiattaits are
4426rib"t and som of 06 MwIts, obtained with zoe;Mn an present grayphically,
-lit these acparlsefts the phosphor was exalted at a r#latlvoly high temperature at
v6li* the ShalUm traps -.ware ampty,. iuW was subsequently cooled and infrared irradiat*
:s* a low Zm"ratureo Us CUw curve, we then rocorf'od, which revesleil the relAtive
populations of the deep and shallow traps. The Infrared Irradiation was conducted at
different temperatures and with different wavelength#, It was found that prolonged
bdrared Irradiation reqated In an;equillbrius distribution of electrons between the
Asep, and shalUm traps.;wbich was sot changed by further Irradiation. When an Infraro,
Irradiated, phosphor was, basted r so that Its shallow traps we" emptied, and was then
-caslod witbout further Ixeltation andagain infraredt Irradiated at the low temperature
th"O took.
place a furt4wr traaMer of electrons from the deep to the shallow traps,
'RM each Infrared 'sensitive phosphor there amid be found. A -wavelength vhose effect'
owthe Udipped electrons was am"rature IndMpendontj the quantum energy corresponding
to this' Wfivelengft.wam dlrftt]Ly rtional to the Ospith of the traps. OrIge art.
-Uss 241gureffie
MS. 0002s 20 mom,,. ORIG, Mrs 002
USSR/Farm Animals. Cattle Q-2
Aba Jour Rof Zhur Biolli ko 81 IW No 35650
Author iGoryunov
Inst s'~~.Ro~n
Title t Tho-InflUonce 'of Salt dn-the Metabolism and Utilizvtion~of
Nutdont,Substvnoos~by Young'Cottle (Vliymiyo soli nr obnon
f ispoltzovoniye pitotollnykh voshchostv raolodnyokon)
Orig Pub sZhivotnovodstvo# 1957, No 6, 79-81
Abstract :Experinants conducted with 12-month old calvos on wintor and
stLnor fooding diets, with the addition of salt at the fol-
lowing ratio per 100 kg. of liva weight - 2nd group 10 g.9
3rd group 40 Z., end lot group without salt - showed thot in
Antorp in the calvoe of the 3rd groupt the utilization of
nitrogen of the food was 14-21% higher, end that of calcium
of the food wes 30-33% higher, then in the calvos of the lot
group. In the sumor fooding of calves deprived of solt, tho
weight goin w9s'lower by 13%, and tho consumption of feed-
stuffs vice higher by 14%, es co:3parod with the groups
Cerd 1 1/2
P 1)
-G(WMNOT.-TUdimir AlsksmiWah, Geroy Sotsialisticheekogo Truda;
[Shoot rolling MII operators of the Ishore. Plant] Ishorskie
listoprokatchiki, Leningrad, Lenisdat, 1961. 47 p
j9M 14M)
I* Starshly valltsovshchik lintoprokatnogo teekha Ishorskogo
sayoda (for Goryunov),
(101pluo-Rolling mills) (Notalworkers)
L 23 ~Zo--66 EWTUVEWW/T~Awlm, IJP(c) JD
-0-1 W5 4 UB/03W/66100T;
AMORS: Goryunov V A 1Avsh1n,-V,-L.
ORG. none
TITLE: The influence of repeate&electron localization on the photos timitlated
luminescence and., conductivity of 7.nS-Qu monocEystals
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektrookopli,.V. 4, no. 4o 1966, 316-321e!
TOPIC TALGS: zinc sulfide copper, monocrystal, conductivity,, electron radiation,
electron trap, thermoluminescence
ABSTRAcr: The relation between thermoluminescence and thrmostimulated conductivit~L
curves has been determined by optical and electrical measurements. Electron migra-
tion from deep traps to shallow ones has been studied on thermolumineacence curves
under exposure to IR radiation of 1.2,u. An estimation of the influonce of repeated
electron localization on photostimulated radiation at specific temperatures has been
carried. out. Electrons transferred by the IR radiation from the deep traps into the
conductivity band are repeatedly captured by the shallow adhesion levels due to the
high probability of repeated localizations. With temperature decrewle, more and moxe
shallov traps. This leads luo "freezing" of photostimulated
electrons are delayed on
radiation. Orig. art, hast. 4figures and 2 formulas. (Based on author's abstract][AM]
SUB corco. 20/ SM4 DATE: 1(Vul65/ ORIG REF: 0061 OM law: 004/
Ca,d 1 '1
71 O/AT
ACC Mt.- JAW' _6416W~_
-AP6001481 SOURCE COM 05
AUTHOR: Goryunov-
Vs:A,1 Levshin#. V. L.
7 MM
~ORG; None
ated ZnS-Cu single crystal imnductivit
~TITIX,t Thermostimulated And photontimil
SOURCH: Zhurnal prLkladnoy spektroskopii, v. 39 no. 6j 19650 504-509
TOPIC TAdS.v photoconductivity# single crystal, crystal phosphor, lt=Lneacent
ABSTIU%cr: FhotoconductLvity studies in.phosphor crystals can contribute to the
understanding of luminescence. Consequently, the autli3rs studied the therm-
stimulated and photostimulated conductivity in ZnS phosphors. A detailed des-
j! crLption of the experimental setup is given and the data are discussed. Tests
showed that IF I..2,A( mradiation releases electrons from" all trapping levels
IS3i and 68C) whereas 2.~ and 3.15 A m light acts only on the -155C Lavel.-_
The number of electrons released by the 3.15-and 2.4'/.1 m linep is dose to the
um, ex,
b of thermally released electrons from the same -155C level) thib Pointe to tH
'insignificance or even complete abseAce of quenching of photoconductivity durL
-the true
theelectron release from givewlevel systeta. The opposite seem to be
_Par _I 2' UDC:~ 535.37
L 22517-66 IJP(a) JDAT
1 ACC 14R., AP6010450 SOURCT CODE: UR/00/66/004/003/0256/0260
AUMOR.-. Goryunov, V. A,; Leyohin~, V. L.
ORG: none
TITLE: Investigation of electron redistribution over the trapping levels in excited.
ZnS single.crystals expos t67 f&rired - rMs
SOUG's: Murnal prikladnoy spektrookopil, V* if, no. 3, 1966, 256-,,--o60
TOPIC TAGS photocon(kc
electron distribution, electron capture, single crystal,, tivi-I
ty, heat conductivity, electron trapping, electron mobility, IR rafliation, zinc
sulf ide
ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the application of thern~ and photostimulal-;ed con-
ductivity cur-Tea to the study of the wigraLlou of electroils, expoeed to Infrared rvs
Or 1.221,21 Crom dexiper trappliv levelv W T'lore ~,311RT1011- An c'Itth-IqUon W113-
o"' 'be chan
Z," In the rt~peat,-ed Lrapping efffeut cyn. We vt~ltse o1'
VIth dl,~creanluq temjjerat-ure ww. uqit. Orig- art. )inr,:
4 fitcu-cec'., LBDzed on cmWiWs Abqtract]
1131M COU: 291 GUM BAIT,: 0611140765FZ/ OBVIT Rlw- c*a/ n-,
LC-Urd UE!9: 7.
L 3V651-66 IJ7(c)
SOURCE CODE: WVO181/66/008/00~/1944/19461
AUTHOR: Kul'sreshtay A. P. Goryunov, V. A.
ORG: Moscow State University-IL 14. V. Lomonoserv (Moskovskiy gosudarstvenrqy univer-
TITLE: On the calculation of thermostimulated currents
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1944-1946
TOPIC TtIGS: zinc sulfide, semiconductor band structure, thermoelectric phenomenon,
semiconductor conductivity, semiconductor carrier, capture cross section, electron
trapping, electron recombination
ABSTRACT: To obtain additional data on the deep levels of semiconductors by the
method of thSgrmostimulated conductivitytthe authors consider a general case when
particular assumptions coxic-e-r-nEig the violation of equilibrium between the capture
of level and the conduction band (or valence band) do not play an important role.
For the purpose of eliminating some arbitrariness in the calculation of the depth
of the energy levels and in the estimates of the effective cross section for the
carrier capture by the traps, resulting from more approximate earlier analyses of
this phenomenon. An expression is derived for the conductivity of the semiconductor
in the case when the captive levels are of the same depth. Assuming si-nall variation
of t-he capture cross section and of the recombination time near the teuperature cor-
responding to the maximum of the thermostimulated conductivity curve, this maximum
L 38881-66
A6C NRt A 18570
temperature is calculated from the expression for con,3uctivity. By preparing a set
oP curves of -the maximum temperature against the de,-:;ity, it is possible to determine
the relative probability of recombination and of repeated captures for various trap
depths. A calculation nomogram and plots of the tbermostimulated conductivity for
ZnS at different trap filling densities is presented. The results can be of use in
aruilysis of electron-hole processes occurring in broad-band semiconductors. The
a-uthors thank A. E. Y\movich V. L. Levshin,, and V. S. Vavilov for us-efful advice.
Orig. art. ha~_.- 2 figures and 7 formulase
SUB CODE: 2o/ sum DATE.. 2TDec65/ oRiG rw: 004/ oTH REF: 001
Card 2/2
GOIIYUNUV, Vladiwir Grigorlyevicb; SMAMIMISKIY, B.S., red.
[Volzhskiy Bearing Plant) VnI2hskIi podshipnikovyi.
Volgograd, Volgogradskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 30 p.
(MIPA 18;2)
I EWT f)/EPR/r-2/EWA(c)
ACZ~ APM!A(M)/EWP( S/0286/65/000/002/0073/0(
V.; "Inkf &I Shardorov, P. L.;
AIMORS t Karnits kly, V. 0 M, j&mrjA,_S
POtraws, .5A WO GoryUnov, V4 Go
TITLEs Device for startir4l internal combustion enzines at low temperatures,
cuss 46, me 1677%
SOURCSs 0yullaten' IsobroteWly I tov&rzWM snakorp no. 2, 1965, 73
TOPIC TAGS$ Ignition systes'
AMTRACTo This Author Certificate describes a device for starting an internal
combustion engine (examplet Y-bloci diesel). The device has space for an easy-
to-1pite 3tarter liquid wbIch in fed to an intake track. A mixer receivej the
intake emulsion, ud a compressed air supply turns the liquid into a spray.
The abor is multichanneled so that the emulsion flows to one or a group of
sprayers. This ens~rss transmission of the emulsion W any or an cylinders of
the a shown in;Fig. I on the Suclosure& Orige art*
tine block. The device Is
46, 1 f4w*#
At I 'A kto-
te d~~
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
is w~~uw. vers
t~at6, Uri wii
$0 'J~ THERsn;'
`~:NR-- REF:~~.
zz N't
L 06081-67 EWT(m)/EWP(w)/EWP(t)/gri JD/aJ/GD
ACC NR: AT6030385~ (A) SOURCE CODEs UR/0000/66/m/000/0091TOC67
AUTHOR: Goryunary V4'K0
ORG: hone
TITIE: Investigation of under unsteady state high speed conditions
SOURCE: AN SSSR. uc sovet po treniyu i smazochnym mater t, Novoye v teorii
treniya (Recent-developments o;iF
cry o r c on Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka. 1966o
TOPIC TAGS: metal friction, friction coefficient, wear resistanc4
ABSTRACT: The aim of the investigation was a study of the temperature conditions, the
friction and wear characteristics, and the nature of the wear for a number of alloys
and metals at sliding speedallof the order of 220 meters/sec and higher. The friction
unit used is own schematically in Fig. 1.
Card I /I
L 06081-67
ACC NRs AT6030385
Fig* 3.* :Scheme of friction unit
I-samples; 2-counterbody; 3--oompressed air;
4--surface A; 5--surface B
This usit made it P03Bible to investigate simultaneously the friction of two samples,
identical in construction, but which could be different or the same in naterial.
Surfaces A and B of the counterbody bad different roughnesses; the profiles of these
surfaces were recorded* 7he counterbody was made of steel and had a baldness HB 207-
L 06081-67
ACC MR' 06030385
The sliding samples were made of the following materials: steel 30 EhGSA, steel
EI-696. stool 3, cobalt bronze, and several other alloys* Studies were made oft
1) the rate of wear as a function of friction time; 2) the friction coefflaient as a
function of the speed and energy of friction with respect to time; 3) change of
with time and the value of the temperature on the surface. The above
a 0
open ences were studied under conditions of unsteady state friction. A table based
on the experimental data gives the absolute value of the wear.Athe mean linear wear*
and the mean value of the energy criterion for the wear, r samples sliding on
surfaces A and.B. From plots of the data it becomes evident that at high speeds, when
a surfaces of the metal are at a high temperature, the magnitude and the sign of the
cceleration can exert a substantial effect on the magnitude of the wear. Orig. art.
as: 5 figures and 1 table.
SUB CODE: 11/ SUBK DATE: 22Feb66/ CRIG REF: 007/ OTH REF-. 001
GORYTRIOV VS. -, BELYAYEV, I.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik
Seal made of conveyor- belts, Gor, Zhurs. no,474 Ap 160. OURA 14:6)
I.Nachallnik ventilyatsionnoy SIU2hby shakhty MaretitowLya (for
Gbryunov). 2, Institut Unipromed' (for Belyayev
(Mine ventilation)
(Mining engineering-Safety measures)
USrl~-_I / Gonoral and Spicial Zoology- Insicts. Harriful P
Insr-cts and Arachnids. P~,sts of Fruit and B-irry
kba Tour: Rif ""hur-Biol-, No 14, 1958, 64105.
_-author : Bous, A. M.; Khunov, A. N.; Goryuno
Inst : Not * - g~v
Titll-, : An in tho Uso of Insocticid-al Smoko
ilots in thu Control of th,..; Plum -'Hoth.
Orig Pub: Zashchita rast. ot. vrodit- i boloznJy, 1957,
No 4, 16.
I~bstract: Thu ';outh,rn station of Plant ?rot,)ction carricd
out th', fumigation of nin.,; hoctaros of -)Ium plant-
ings with smoko pots of 3110 G-17 during th-% mass
flic~ht of tho moths: oncj, against tho first
g---n--.ration; twico, against thi s6cond, and onco
against thQ third. _L singlo outlay is four pots
Card 1/2
USSR / G-naral and Sp~,,cial zoology. Insicts. Harmful p
Ins,~cts and Arachnids. Posts of Fruit and Borry
Abs Zour: Rof Zhur-Biol., Fo 14) 1958, 64105.
j,bstrao~i bn~; h~jOtara on tho fruit. -41r;,ady aM.r 24
hours, noithor od6k nor aftorta'sto of -!-'C was
pircaptiblo. Thi nUmbars of the Pr~-datory mito
tiflo(:romus incroadod gradually. Tho crop
amountad to 35 a/hA; of thOSO ge- waro of tho
first quality; 40% w,~ro in th-j control. Tho
cost of a fourfold fumigation is 360 rublos pir
ono h.:;Ctar.-. 2000 rublos and 20 labor days aro
jx.n~jndod on tho usual fourfold s')raying Y:ith toxic
cho.micals. p. kdrianov.
Card 2/2
,.L ) Vikhnil lileksandrovich; GORYU-IiOV, V.P., red.
(The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic; its econoM, and
foreign trade] Chekhoslovatskaia ~~otsialisticheskaia
Respublika; okonomika i vneshniaia torgovIia. Moskva,
Vneahtorglzdat, lg(.V+. 1~42 p. (MIRA 17:8)
GoRYUNDT, Ye.K. (a. Urusovo. Balashovskoy oblasti)o
Use of the Kozovskit pump during chemistry leaeons. Maim. v shkole
7.0 no.1:55-56 Jo,,-Ir 155' OmLRA 8:4)
(cheuie&l Pv~r'&*tua)
In"otigating lifting and tilting tables for tbree-high 2300
sheet mill#, Izv. vys. uchabi sav*; chern, met no 12:
199-196 162. (MV16M
1. Donetokiy politekhnickeekiy institut,
(Rolling mille-Equipment and supplies)
Emig. Ilion 1--p- -1
-GORYUNOV, Yu,Ge, mladshiy nsuchnyy aotrudmik
Expendable wooden splint for treating fractures of the clavicle.
Ortopep travm.i protex, 23 no,6s6O-61 Je 162, WIRA 15:9)
1. Is otdeleniya travmatologii (zav. - A.M.
Mooitsyna) Saiatovskago Irotituta traymatologii, i ortopodii
(dir. - dotsent Ya.K. Rodin).
Stereoscopic photograpby with=t a special steresocopic cameras
Sov.foto 21 no.3:32-33 Mt 161o (KM 14:4)
.(,Photographyp Stereoscopic)
Automatization of production processes in the Kuznetsk Patin mines.
13goll 35 no-9:15-19 S $60. (mum 13:9)
1. GlaMy energetik komgInata Kusbassugoll (for Gorywov).
2. Knonetskiy nauchno-iseledovatellakiy ugolInyy institut (for Pogutskly).
(Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining)
(Automatic control)
Forces in pushing the metal through manipulator rolls on
continuous billet mills. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern.
-met. 7 no.8:76-80 164. (MM 17:9)
1. Donetskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
SHISHKIN, NPF., doktor tekhn..nauk;. KAYMAKOV, A.A.;
tekhn. nauk
Area using penumatic energy in coal mines: Using electric
power in coa,.1 mines. Ugol' 4d no.4:14-18 Ap 165. (MIRA 18W
1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A4 Skochinskogo (for Shishkih).
2. Glavnyy energetik kombinata Kuzbassugol' (for Goryunov).I~
3. Vostochnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po bezopasnosti
rabot v gofnoy promyshlennosti (for Kaymakov, Bezdenezhnykh,
Novoselltsev). 4. Kemerovskiy gornyy institut, (for Pechenin).
Economy of electric power and fuel important potentiality
of cost reduction. Ugoll 40 no.12:51-53 D 165.
f (MMA 18:12)
1. Glavnyy energetik kouit:-nata Kuzbassugoll.
Experience in eleotromagnatic treatment of water. Bezop.truda v
prom. 5 no.3t29-30 Mr 161. (MTRA :1493)
1. Maynyy ener tik kirAbinata Kusbasouggll.
rreed-.water pur1ricatioA)
GORYUNOV, Yu.I., inzh.
The AK-1 combined device. Bezop. truda v prom. 5 no, 5:30-31 My 161.
(MIRA 14:5)
1. Kombinat KuzbassvroI'*
(Coal minfia and mining-Electric equipment)
Mlectric transformers)
AUTHORS: Korenevskiyq S. Met Goryunovy Yu. Be 2o.118-6-34/43
TITLE: The Geological Structure and the Potassium- and Boron
Content of the Chelkar Saline Structure (Geologicheskoye
stroyeniye, kaliyenosnost' i boronoenost' Chelkarskoy
solyanoy struktury)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, lir 6,
pp. 1169-1172 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A wide distribution of potassium salts was proved by
borings amongst the saliferous deposits of the Prikaspiyskaya
low-plains. Borates, on the other hand, were consideredgei
eutonic (evtonicheskiye) formation for a long time (reference
1). The borate-collectinF localities in the aforesaid
territory (reference 3,4) are given. The discovery of the
borates and potassium salts in the Chelkar is of special
importance for the new computation of the boron content of
this region. The structure of Chelkar is situated 120
kilometers South of Urallsk and from the South reaches to
the slightly saline lake of Chelkar. In the Northern part
Card 1/5 of the structure there is a local elevation of it6 arch
The Geological Structure and the Potassium- and Boron Cont6nt
of the Chelkar Saline Structure
(Sassy mountain, fig.1). The lake Chelkar is apparently
a compensatory depression between the bosses, since also
the chalk-mountain Santas on its Northern slope is of the
same origin as the Sasay-mountain. A survey of the search
for boron effected since 19'19, together with the obtained
results, is given. A deposit of a white, mealy rook with a
B20j-content up to 8,57 % was found after determined
con ents of 0,01 to 0,23 % B20 in gypsum-sections. The white
mealy rock is deposited above ihe top of the intra-
formational anhydride. Sylvinites and8arnallites were found
amongst these anhydrides. The core of the Chelkar-structure
is formed by the chemogenous complex of the Kungur-layers.
The latter can be classified as 3 masses (from above to below):
1~ Sulfate-salt-(salt-), 2) Sulfate-(gypsum-) and
3 terrigenous mass. Ad 1) The mass consists of rock salt
alternating with thin intermediate layers (1 to 2 m), seams
0 to 4 M ) and indiViditAl. layers of anhydride. Seams of
potassium salt (carnallite-rock and sylvenite), as well as
intermediate layers and seams bf borates are found
y and white
disseminated Ad 2): The mass consists,of gra,
Card 2/5 gypsum with intermediate layers and layers of anhydride chalkp
The Geological Structure and the Potassium- and Boron 20-118-6-34/43
Content of the Chelkar Saline Structure
loamy material and aleurolite which is sporadically
converted to breccia. Thickness 92 to 202,3m; its top is
at a depth of 192,3m (fig.2). Ad 3) This mass does not
occur in all boreholes. It is lithographically similar to
the Upper-Permian sediments (20 to 40m), with which it
should possibly be classified. Jura-sedimento (jp), of a
thickness 'of 33 to 160m are deposited 'by erosion on the
Permian. Chalk and Tertiary are sporadically preserved.
Quaternary occurs as rocks of the Bakinskiy and
Akohagyl stages, Alluvium and Diluvium (reference 2). The
found disseminations, intermediate layers and seams of the
potassium salts and borates are given according to the bore-
holes (reference 2). Carnallite-rocks are deposited beneath,
followed by sylvinite and borates on top. The boron-
-containing rock is formed of gypsum and hydxoboracite in
the borehole number 29. A comparison of the ?ro'Liles of the
boreholes (fig.2) showsthat the seams of the potassium salts
and borates in the salt-mass, as well as in -the lower part
of the gypsum-mass, are bound to the local elevation of
Card 3/5 gypsums and salts on mount Sassy. It is most presumable that
The Geological Structure and the Potassium- and Boron 20-118-6-34/43
Content of the Chelkar Saline Structure
the elevation of individual places of the Chelkar-salt-
-massif is due to the higher plasticity of the salts in
the zone where the potassium salts are developed as thick
layers in the vicinity of the anticlinal part of the saline
body. The greater thickness of the covering brypsums is
connected here most likely with saline tectonics. Leaching
plays an insignificant role here. The faces on which potassium
salts and borates occur, are in accordance with each other.
Borates, however, occur several dozen meters above the top
of the potassium-zone in the'salt mass. Since the borates
border 612theelevated stripe of the potassium none, the
formation of the borates may be due to older(pre-jurassic)
hypergenous processes. There are 2 figures, and 4 referencest
all of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Ural-Rob& Geological Investigatton Party of the All-Union
Scientific Research Institute for Halurgy (Uralo-Embenskaya
geologo-razvedochnaya partiya. Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-
issledovateltakogo instituta galurgii)
Card 4/5
The Geological Structure and the Potassium- and Boron 20-118-6-34143
.Content of the Chelkar Saline Structure
PRESENTED: May 12, 1957, by N. M. Strakhov, Member of the Academy
SUBMITTED: March 15, 1957
Card 5/5
line structure of the discontinuity In the deformation of zinc
single crystals. Dokl. AN SSSR 105 no.2:253-235 '55. (MM 9:3)
1. Moskovskly govtA&rstv*nW univerettet imeni N.V. Lomonosaws,
Keedra kolloidnoy khimit. Predetayleno, akademikon P.A. Rebinds-
(Zinc--Ble&ic properties)
'l- mpt Im .tk.11 t'm,-at
tha6ut IT fA ui~thv pt.,,p J&rcA ip-T,7?v6q It
o! v V,
- USSI~/,Suwo I JF-VS, -
Category olld State es - Mechanical Properties of Crystals and E-9
Polycrystallj.~C-z COMP-.11WAS
Abe Jour Ref Zhur - FUlka-1, No 2., 1957 No 396o
Author R-,z.!a&cskIy, 'V,N.,-QfI~-rOV ~YU.V., Rebinder, P.A.
Title Errata to Axticlie "On the Inflize-r-ce of a Surface-Active Medium on the
Ab,rapt Deformst-irn of Single gryste-Is rof Zincit
Orig Rib Dokl. AN SWR~ 1956, j.o6, No 6, 950
Abstract Ccp-cer:.s Ref, Zh, Fiz., 1956, 28836
Card 1/1
USS#/Fhyzical Chemistry - Surface Phenomena. Adsorption. ChromstograPby- lon
Zxcbang*~ B-13
Abet Zournals Wwat Zhur - KhlmiY&,v No 1, 1957p 559
Author: Goryunov,, Yu. V., and Tampol'oklyp Be Ta.
Institutions Acad*W of Sciences UMB
Titlet On the Influence of ftide Films on th* Adsorption Effect of InMesed
Ease of Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline AluaLinum
Periodicals Dokl. AN SSIM, 1956, Vol 107e No 6,, 827-829
Abstract: Tb,a influence of thino natural oxide films (OF) (Referat Zhur - Yet.,
1956., 268oj Refamt zhur - m3smiya) 1954, 22913) formed when aluml"Um
vi" Is exposed to b3-4d air an the deformation behavi*r of the latter
on stretching in water and 1 N KOH with added butyl alcohol (0.75%)
weA investigated. It is shown that the flow of the wire Is facili-
tated, In the EM solution by the dissolution of the OF which strength-
as the s&Ml*. In the presuce of alcohol an adsorptive effect Is
observed vh1ch, reduces the strength of the metall this effect is
Card 1/2
USS31/PhY8ical Chemistry - Surface Phenomena. Adsorption. Chromatography. Ion
Exchange, B-13
Abet Journal: Referat zhur - Khftlya, % 1, 1957, 559
Abstract: more marked in the solution than In pure water. The authors explain
this by noting that In the alkaline solution the adsorptive action
extends to the large number of surface defects in the metal, which
in pure vater are partially masked by the OF.
Card 2/2
2 4
ussR/r,lectricitY Conductors
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika) No 1, 1958, 1407
Author Rozh&nsk-iy, V.N.,,GorYUnOv, yu.V.,.Dekartova., N*V*
Inst YAOSCOW State University.
Title Certain Features of the Influence of a surface-Active
Medium on the Deformation., and the Associated Change in
the Electric Resistivity Of Metallic Single Crystals.
orig pub Zil. fiz. khimii, 1957, q1, ixo 4, 882-886
Abstract A study was made of the dependence of the value of the
adsorption effect on the orientation of the slipPage
plane with respect to the axis of a zinc single crystal-
To separate the influence of the orientation of the sin-
gle crystal on the yield point from the indirect depen-
dence of the m&gnitud,,_ Of effect on the orientation, the
loading mode was vpried- In order to clarify the
Card 1/3
ussit/glectricitY -- Conductors
V 1407
kbia Jour Ref Zhur - iFizika.. 110 1~ 1956~
20-6.13/4a -
AUTHORS: Shohukin, Ye.D., Rozhanskiy, V.K., Goryunov, fu.v.'
TITLEs On the Modification of the Rheo9tat During tho Occurrence of an
Elementary Displacement (Ob izmenanii clektrichaskogo soprotiv-
leniya pri elementarnom sdvigoobrazovanii)
PERIODICALe Doklady AN SSSRI 1957, Vol- 115, Nr 6, pp, 1101 - 1103 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The inve 11 ti ations of the "elementary" displacements of about
500 - 2000 1 are the moot interesting ones, which occur in a
gliding zone. For this purpoe the ab lity of the channel to
to 0 i. The experiments were
record daformations was raised 5
carried out with cadmium monooryetale of a diameter of 0,75 mm
and with zinc monocrystals of 0,5 mm of diameter, These crystals
were 15 - 20 mm long and the angle between the hexagonal axis
and the direction of extension iffas 30 . The extension experii'.
ments were carried out at room temperature and led to an ex-
tension of 3 - 5 ~- In connection with slight and slow deforma-
tions like these the*total increase of the resistance was not
remarkably higher than the geometrically conditioned increase.
The results of the accurate measuringe of the oscillographical-
Card 1/3 1y registered cracks from rfl w 350 A upwards in the case of
204-4/48 1
On the Modification of the Rheostat During the Occurrence of an Litmentary
cadmium and zinc monocrystals are shown in a diagram. These
data give evidence of the Sollyping faett The streak of the
effective values of q a d /4*1.2ro-has an S-shaped firm with
the flexion in the area 11.;~W500 to 1000 a and with a total
decrease UP to 30 0 aT aomparid with the geometrically condi-
tioned values with 1 > 1000 2. This corresponds to a dis-
placement by about 500 interatomic distances in the direction
of the gliding (here R denotes the rheostat, 1 - the ezten-
sion and r0 denotes the resistance of the unit of length of the
not deformed sample.)A re-establishment of the order and a de-
crease of the defects of the structure within the area of the
gliding corresponds to the large cracks which exceed a certain
critical amount. It is especially referred to the paired cracks.
Finally the authors give an explanation for the development of
the phenomena here described. Despite the short duration of the
cracks the importance of the vacancies in connection with the
increasing resistance of the hardened metal and its relation
to the dislocation mechanism of the deformation has to be con-
sidered. There are 2 figures and 6 references, 2 of which are
V&rA 2/3 Slavic.
20-4-13/0 ~ --
On the Modification of the Rheoutat During the Occurrence of an Elementary
ASSOCIATIONs Department for Dispersive Systems of the Institute for Physical
,Chemistryt AN USSR. Cbair for Colloid Chemintry of the Moscow
I University imeni 1T.V. Lomonoqov
(Otdol disperanykh aistem Instituta fizicheskoy 'khimii Akade-
mii nauk SSSR. Kafedra kollo,.Adnoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarst-
vennogo univeraiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova)
April 12, 1957p by PoA* Rebinder, AeaCemician
April 3, 1957
Library of Congress
Card 3/3
uun LLJL,4uy , I U . v . I e , BIJ. Z,)AUMUNIri, N. v . 12111AU'LiM allo. V. .
"The Emersion of Dislocations on the Crystal Surface as Well as the
Development of Fissures."
report pra=ted at tb-- Confften= cm I=-ectigmtlon of Ymchanical PT-OpmtleG
of roa-robals, bZr the Xntl. Soclety of Pure and kmplied Physics end the AS
U---Mx at. L=bWadj, 19-24 MW 1958.
(Vests Ak NaUk SMtj 1958, no. 9., pp. 109-1U)
'AUTHORSs Shchukin, Ye. D. Goryunov, Yu. V. I Pertsovq N. V. 9
-Rozhanskiy, V. If.
TITLEo On the Nature of the Unhomogeneous Plastic Deformation of
Uetal Mono-Crystals (0 prirode neravnomernosti plasticheskoy
deformatsii metallicheskikh monokristallov)
PERIODICALs Doklady A17 SSSR, 1958, Vol- 118, Nr 2, pp. 277 - 270 (US.9R)
ABSTRACTt In a previous work the following was showns The jumps of
deformation of 0,5 to 20,u which usually can be observed in
the case of expansion of a zinc-crystal, have a very compli-
cated structure and are the suq of a series of elementary
jumps, which form in the various cross sections of the cry-
atal. The investibration of the elementary shifts made it ne-
cessary to diminish the inertia of the apparatus considerably
and to increase its sensitivity to 50 1. The mono-crystals
with the diameter of 0,4 to Os8 mm, which were of very pure
(99p99 It) zinc, cadmium, tint 14ad and aluminumv were stretch-
ed during constant stress and at room temperature, whereby
Card 1/3 the stress was a bit higher than the stretching-atrain limit.
On the Nature of the Unhomogeneous Plastic Deformation of Metal Mono-Crystals
In all the cases of the test-pieces (save aluminum) together
with the deformation also the change of the electric resistance
of the test-piece was registered. In the case of stre ching
zinc, jadmium and tin many small jumps Of 150 to 200 1 on to
2 00 with a duration of I - 3 to 30 microseconds were re-
giatered. Jumps until 10 000 - 15 000 1 were found rather
seldom, and if they were found, they were usually of several
small jum s. Also considerably less expressed Jumps of 1 000
to 5 000 1 were observed. By careful microscopic examination
of the deformed crystals was found out that those Jumps of
deformation result on shearing and not on twin-formation. The
number of jumps, which can be observed, increases with the
decrease of their size (at least on to 250 - 300 R). Obviously
there is no minimum size of the jumps, but a superior limit
of the elementary shift. In the case of mono-crystals of alu-
minum and of lead a clearly marked formation of jumps was not
observed. The results which were found out here prove the Xre-
sults on large jumps. The discontinuity of the flow and the
quick jumps are to be regarded as a common feature which is
produced by the nature of dislocation of the plastic defor-
Card 2/3 mation. There are 4 figures, and 6 references, 3 of which are
,On the Nature of the Unhomogeneous Plastic Deformation of Metal Mono-Crystats
ASSOCIATION# Department for Dispersive Systems of the Institute for Physi-
cal Chemistry AN USSR (Otdel disperanykh sistem Institute. fi-
zicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR)
Colloidal. Chemistry Chair of the, State University imeni 1-1. V.
Lomonosov, Moscow (Kafedra InUoidnay khimii Moskovskogo go-
sudarstvenno,go universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova)
PRE$BF,TEDs April 12, 1957, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician
3UBMITTEDs April 3, 1957
AVAILABLEo Library of Congress
Card 3/3
18 (6) S/17 59/002/12/013/021
ReEtsoy'-N 112Z1 Au, vo-L BOI
Kochanova. L. A.
TITLEs The Influence Exerted by the Deformation Rate and Temperature Upon
the Amount of the Adsorption Effect of Reduction in the Strength
and Metals and Easily Fusible Metallic Melts
Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal 19519, -Ji
ABSTRACT: In the experiments described amalgamated tin single crystals (pu-
rity of 99.999 %) about 1 mm, thick were deformed
gt room tempera-
ture withiN a wide velocity range (from 102 to 1 , % per minute).
In order to"I'study the effect of temperature, experimente were
carried out in the tomperature*range � 400 C and at - 1960 0. The
dependence of the elongation and actual breaking stress of amal-
gamated and non-amalgamated tin single crystals u:pon the logarithm
of the reciprocal deformation rate is diagrammatically shown in
figure 1. The diagram of figure 2 illustrates the elongation of
pure and amalgamated tin crystals at 250 C and -1960 C. Here the
deformation rate was 15~/min. These and further experiments indi-
cated that, if the rate of deformation is low, amalgamation does
Card 1/2 not affect the mechanical properties. It may be seen from figure I
The Influence Exe3~ted by the Deformation Rate and S/17 9/00~/12/013/021
Temperature Upon the Amount of the Adsorption Effect B014YI,0114
of Reduction in the Strength and nasticity of Metals
and Easily Fusible Metallic Malts
that at room temperature the action of mercury manifests itself
only at a rate of 104%/min. The dependence of the actual breaking
stress, elongation, and-yield point of amalgamated and non-amal-
gamated tin single crystals upon temperature at a deformation rate
of 15%/min is graphically represented in figure 3. Below -390 0 it
is no more possible to observe an effect of mercury, which is ex-
plained by its solidification. It was further shown that the tem-
perature dependence of the above-described effects has the same
character as their dependence on the deformation rate. The part
played by surface-active mercury in these effects is explained by
the fact that it facilitates the further development of microcracks
into macroscopic cracks. There are 3 figures and 13 references, 12
of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, g. Moskva (Institute of
Card 2/2 Physical Chemistry of the AS USSR, City of Moscow)
18-7400 77113
AUTHORS: Shchukin, Ye. D., Pertsov, N. V.j Goryunov, Yu V,
TITLE: Concerning the Change in Mechanical Properties,
Structure, and Electrical Conductivity of Metallic
Single Crystals Under the Influence of a Strongly
Active Adsorptive Medium
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, voi 4, Nr 6, PP 887-897 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article deals with changes In the mechanical
strength and deformation characteristics of solids
due to vanishingly small, amounts of adsorbed surface-
active matter, increased plasticityaid flow rates,
lowered yield limits of metals covered by organic
compounds which are lightly surface-active, and
increased brittleness of high-melting metals coated
by low-melting metal melt such as of Zn and Cd coated
by Hg or Sn. Possible explanations for these phe-
nomena are cited from the works of Academician P. A.
Rebinder and his s Chool (Dokl. Acad. .133ci. USSR, lll,.
Card 116 1284, 1956; and others). The authors studied the
Concerning the Change in Mechanical Properties, 77113
Structure., and Electrical Conductivity of sov/7o-4-6-14/31
Metallic Single Crystals Under the Influence
of a Strongly Active Adsorptive Medium
physical properties and structures of polycrystalline
specimens and artificially grown single crystals of
Zn, Cd, Sn, Pb, and Cu of highly pure compositions,
0-5-1 mm in diameter and 10-25 mm long, with or withoiAt
coating by molten Oa or Hg. The experimental data are
presented in figures and tables below (Fj _g. 2c, 4, 5,
11). X-ray diffraction data disclosed that Ga-coating
with subsequent Ga penetration into the crystals
increases unit cell dimensions and leads to a gradual
partition -f Sn and Zn single crystals into an in-
creasingly larger number of disoriented blocks, i.e.,
L'o the transformation of single cryotalB into poly-
crystalline specimens. Ga-coated Cd, and Hg-coated
Zn crystals did not show partition Into blocks even
after long aging. Ga-coating improved the mechanical
properties of polycrystalline Sn and Zn. The electric
resistivIties along the axes of high resistance of
Sn and Zn single crystals dropped rapidly with the
Card 2/6 partition into blocks and increased along the
C ard 3/6
77113 sov//7o_4_6-i4/3i
P, - T,
is .70 45 60 75 SOk.
Fig. 2c. Ultimate tensile (P.
and shear (,rc) stresses as func-
tions of the orientation of Zn
single crystals coated by Ga-melt,
at indoor temperature. X denotes
'angle between basal plane and
crystal axis at rupture point.
Fig. 4. Ultimate-tensile (p 0)
and shear (-rc) stresses as func-
tions of the orientation of Cd
single crystals coated by Ga-melt,
at indoor temperature. )( denotes
angle between basal plane and
crystal axis at rupture point.
77113 sov/ro-4-6-14/31
Fig. 5. Ultimate tensile stress P in a Sn single crystal as
fimtion of aging, after coating b7 Ga-melt at indoor tem.Derature.
Stretching at the ra~te of 2.4 mm/min of a crystal 13 _14 mm long
and 0.62 mm thick: ArOO.Ij-1-450; o denotes average of 3-4 measure-
ments. Card 4/6
Concer,,ning the Change in Mechanical Properties,
Structure, and Electrical Conductivity of'
Metallic.Single Crystals Under the Influence
of'a Strongly Active Adsorptive Medium
b. -1.
Fig. 11. Tension curves of single-
crystal and polycry3talline Sn at
temperature of liouid N. P is
ultimate tensile stress; C,
elongation (%); (1) and (3),
single-crystal and polycrystalline
Sn, respectively, without Ga-
coating; (2) and (4) the same with
Card 5/6
'Concerning the Change in Mechanical Properties, 77113
Structure, and Electrical Conductivity of SOV/70_4-6-14/31
Metallic Single Crystals Under the Influence
of a Strongly Active Adsorptive Medium
low-resistance axes; both approached the resistivity
of the respective polycrystalline specimens. Pb and
Cd only slightly changed their resistivities. improved
mechanical properties of polyerystalline specimens
seem to open a new way for development of high-strenglftlh
alloys. A. 1. Kitaygorodskiy and V. 1. Likhtman a-re
acknowledged for discussions. There are 11 figures;
2 tables; and 29 references, 24 Soviet, 3*U.K., 1
German, I Japanese. The U.K. references are: A.
Deruytte're, G. B. Greenough, J. Inst. Metals, 84, 337,
1956; A. N. Stroh, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 2~3, 4o4,, 1954;
A. N. Stroh, Philos. Mag., 3, 597, 1958.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lonionosov
(Moskovski gosudar2tvennyy universitet imeni M. V.
SUBMITTED: September 2, 1959
Card 6/6
2-4(2, 6) SOIV170- 59-6-1/20
AUTHORS: PertsoV, N.V., Goryunay,_j4"*-.
TITLE: On the Effect of Thin Mercury Coating on the Strength and
Deformation Properties of,Metallic Single Crystals
PE RIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurinal, 1959, Nr 6, PP 3 - 8 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The.effect of adsorption reduction of metal strength was dis-
covered by P.
A. Rebinder fiefs 1-17 and was studied by S.T. Kishkin,
Ya.M..Potak j
efs 4-g and V.I. Likhtman and L.A. Kochanova jef j7.
The authors of the present article investigated the effect of a
thin, about one micron, mercury film on the strength and deformation
properties of zinc, tin, cadmium and lead single crystals. 0.A.
Baryshnikov, a post-graduate of-the Colloidal Chemistry Chair of the
MGU, took part in this investigation. Its aim was to study regulari-
ties and mechanism of the action:of low-melting metallic coatings
and to clear up the causes for the specific features of their action.
The purity of metal crystals investigated was 99.99%. Two methods
of investigation were applied: stretching with a constant speed
and stretching under the action of -constant load. The results of
experiments are presented in the form of the curven which show
Card 1/3 relationships between the stress P and specific elongation FE for
On the Effect of Thin Mercury Coating on the Strength and Deformation Propertfies-
of Metallic Single Crystals
zinc (Figure 1) and for tin (Figure 3) and between the specific
elongation and the-duration of load application (Figures 2 and 4).
The analysis of the results obtaided led the investigatora-to-the
following conclusion; a thin mercury coating applied in the form
of a thin film on single crystals'of metals,- may alter their
physical properties in three different ways: to strengthen metals
(zinc, cadmium, tin, lead), to reduce the strength of metals (Zinc,
tin), or to increase their ductility (zinc). The first effect is
a result of the diffusion of.mercury atoms into the lattice of de-
formed single crystals, and it comes into being when the metal of
a coating is well soluble in the main metal. The sharp reduction
of the main metal strength is a result of the low solubility of the
metal coating in the main metal, indicating its surface activity,
i.e., capacity to reduce the metal surface energy by means of
forming a mono- or polyatomic layer on the surfaces appearing
during deformations. The microscopic studies of the specimens
after stretching have shown that amalgamated single crystals were
Card 2/3 stretched out considerably more uniformly than non-amalgamated ones..'..~
On -the Zffect of Thin Noreary Coating an the Strength and Deformation Properties
of Ywtam~ single C*wtalA
CitIng thest and preftow InvestAgatlons two 83~ 10, 3.3.1 and
theoretical parforiod by Te.D. Shchuk:Ln [Refs 12-151
the nothors point otit that, apparently opposite phenamsw~ occuring
with sine coated vith mrawy film could. be satisfactorily explained.
In conclusion, the nothors +hmmIr Acadspician PA.'Rebinder and Can-
didaten of Physico4(athematical. Sciences Ye,D. Shchukin and V.N*
RothansIdy-for valuable advices In discussing this investigation,
Them are 4 graphs and 15 Soviet references,
ASSOMMMs tzw Inst1tat (NwhInoJZo*1 and Instrawn Mutt-
wdVer itet In, M.'V. Imonosove (State %tver-
s1tj lumal MoVe Lamonosov), Mosew,
Cud 3/3
Zffect of the deformation rate and temperature on the value of
adsorption capacity of reducing strength and plasticity of
metals In fusible metal malts. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. io.12:77-82
D '59. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Institut fislabeskoy khImil AN SSSR, Moskva.
AUTHORS: GO'YUnQW+-Xm.-Y,-1 Pertsov, N. vot SOV/20- 127-4-151160
Rebinder, P. A.9 Academician
TITLE.- Re dno tion of Strength by Adsorption and Brittle Failure
of Zinc and Cadmium Single Crystals
YERIODICAL: Doklady Akadem15. nauk SSSR, 1959s Vol 11279 TNr 4P PP 784-787
A31STRACTs The authors hAd already asoortained (Refs 1-3) that also highly
plastic bodies oan b9 destroyed undef the irLPIvenQe of highly
adsorbent metald; the metals form fine Iliquid inolusions in +-.h9
plastic body. In the present paper, this prooess is investigata~
by means of Zn- and Cd-singlecrysta3s; gallium uss-d fo=.tbe
formation of inolusions. The gallium was precipitated on the
Qrystals as a thin film so that a solution of the gallium In
the crystals was impossible under the existing concentration
conditions. The destruction of the single ar3atals was invesH.-
gated at various initial orientations of the glide planes. The
crystals were stretched at a constant elongation rate. The
a-'rystals treated with gallium were subjected to this prccess-
Card 1/2 and showed a reduction in density, and were destroyed in all
.1 ion of Strength by Adsorption and Brittle
edict SOV/20-127-4-15/60
Failure of Zinc and Cadmium Single Crystals
orientations investigated, thus forming basal glide planes.
Figures 1 and 2 show the results of the investigations. The
Zonkets law of the constancy of the normal stress at a fracture
was not 6beerved. Likhtman, Kochanova, and Bryukhanova had
already pointed out this fact (Ref 5). The law cf Likhtman. and
Shchukin (Ref 6) was observed, which assumes the constancy of
the derivation of the normal and shearing stress. The effeet of
the gallium is based on its high surface activity. A mechanism
of the formation of inclusions is indicated. There are
3 figures and'7 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION; Kafedra, kolloidnoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chair of Colloid Chemistry
of Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: May 23, 1959
Card 2/2
424(2), 18(6)
AUTHORS t N. V., Shchuk*i.n, Ye. D., Reb~nder,
P. A., Academician
TITLE: Variation in the Structural and MechaniCELI Properties of the
Single Crystals of Tin Under the Influence of a Strongly Ad-
sorptionactive Medium
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 2,
pp 269 - 272 (USSR)
ABSTRAM This article deals with the influence exercised by a thin li-
quid gallium film upon the mechanical and structural properties
of the single crystals of tin and upon their electrical con-
ductivity. Differently oriented single crystals of tin (degree
of purity 99.999 %, diameter 0.5 - 1 mm, length 10-25 mm) were
bred by the method of zone crystallization. The liquid me-
tallic gallium was mechanically applied to the surface of
the samples in a quantity of from tenths of a milligram to
5-10 mg. As in the case of Zn-Hg and other pairs mentioned al-
r dy earlier, plasticity and strength of the single crystals
c. tin decrease abruptly as soon as the gallium has been
Card 1/4 applied to the sample surface. However, they decrease even
'Variation in the Structural and Mechanical Properties SOV12,)-128-2-13159
of the Single Crystals of Tin Under the Influence of a S'trongly Adsorption-
active Medium
more in -the course of 'time. After a few days, the sample is
pulverized by the pressure of a finger-nail. A diagram illu-
strates the results obtained by measurement of 'the true tensictis
of the break resulting from an elongation of the gallium-
coat?d single crystals of tin at a constant velocity ofrJW~
min- as a function of the period of time passed since the
coating of the samples with gallium. The extreme relative pro-
longations increased by 30'/j' (as a maximum value) immediately
after the samples had been coated with gallium. This percentage
dropped to some per cent after the sampleshad been exposed
to room temperature for 24 hours, and after some days it was
only very small. The strength of single crystals coated with
gallium amounts to 1 .5 kg/mm2 approximateiy immediately after
the coating, and drops to 50 g/mm2 after 7-10 days. X-ray
pictures taken before and after the coating showed that after
the coating the single crystal gradually decomposes into di-
stinctly disoriented blocks. After some days the initial stains
on the X-ray picture vanish almost completely, and the picture
resembles that of a polycrystalline metal. At a sufficient
Card 2/4 quantity of gallium and sufficiently long action of the
Variation in the Structural and Mechanical Properties SOII/2o-128-2-13/59
of the Single Crystals of Tin Under the Influence of a Strongly Adaajrption-
active Medium
latter on the single crystal of tin, this phenomenon extends
throughout the entire crystal volume. In the case of samples
oriented in such a manner that their original resistance is only
small (i.e. at large angles I [00~ betwee'n the tet-ragonal
axis.and the sample axis), resistance increases in the course
of time, while it gradually drops after the co&ting of samples
with high original resistance (if the tetragonal axis is near
the sample axis). Gallium (or gallium saturated with tin)
is a strong adsorbent for tin. During elongation in liquid
nitrogen the strength of samples coated with gallium really
increases as.compared to single crystals withoiA coating. The
authors thank Professor V. I. Likhtman, who contributed to
a discussion of the results of this article. There are 4
figures, 2 tables, and 27 references, 26 of which are Soviet.
Card 3/4
Variation in the Structural and Mechanical Properties SOV/2o-128-2-13/59
of the Single Crystals of Tin Under the Influence of a Strongly Adsorption-
active Medium
ASSOCIATIONt Otdel disperanykh sistem Instituta fizicheskoy khimii. Akademii
nauk 535R (Institute for Disperse Systeims of the Institute
of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)Kafedra
kolloidnoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chair of Colloid Chemistry of Moscow
State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTEDs June 5, 1959
Card 4/4
5%"4 PQ 0 0 SOV/20-128-5-40/67
AUTHORS: Pertsov, N. V., Goryunov, Yu. V.0 Kochanova, L. A., Likhtmant V. I.
TITLE: On the Mechanism Underlying the Effect of Readily Fusible Metal
Melts on the Mechanical Properties of Less Readily Fusible Metals
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRt 1959, Vol 128, Nr 5, PP 1003-1005
ABSTRACT: The authors give a survey of the processes occurring in metallic
monoorystals by applying defo~=ative forces. The necessary shear
stress rises with increasing deformation of the lattice.
Dislocations are confronted with obstacles in the glide plane
which are the more difficult to surmount the more strongly are the
processes of regeneration(whioh depend on the thermal motion of
atoms) inhibited by low temperatures or great deformation rates.
In this connection, hollow cores of dislocation are produced as
origins of microgaps. Contrary to organic surface-active
substances such as alcohols and organic acids, surface-active
metal melts enter the deformed monoorystalg are adsorbed at the
gap walls, and promote its development by reducing the energy
consumption required for the formation of a new surface. This
effect was investigated with pure tin monocrystalB (99.999% Sn)
Card 1/2 and mercury as a surface-active, liquid metal. The effect was
On the Mechanism Underlying the Effect of Readily Fusible SOV/20-128-5-40/67
Metal Melts on the Mechanical Properties of Less readily Fusible Metals
absent at room temperature. This is explained by the fact that
room temperature is too close to the melting point of tin so that
the processes of regeneration are vigorous. The crystal strength
is reduced not before great deformation rates have been attained
(Fig 2). Figure 2 shows that the adsorption effect of mercury
increases quite expectedly at low temperatures, but again
diminishes near the freezing point of Eg. If a readily fusible
metal is, however, surface-active with respect to a less readily
fusible metal, an optimum range of temperature and deformation rde
will be foundin which the adsorption effect becora.,~s effective.
The increasing effect of readily fusible metal melts with rising
hardness of carbon steels which was found by S.T. Xishkin et a!.
(Ref 10) may be explained in a similar manner. There are 2 figures
and 12 references, 11 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONi Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (900cow
State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov),Institut fizicheskoy khimii
Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy
of Scienceaq USSR)
PRESENTED: May 28, 1959 by P.A, Rebinder, Academician
SUBMITTED: May 18, 1959
Card 2/2
3/1 ~7/6 1 /000/012/1;,,4/149
-b0 A(Yj 6,,IA. 10 1
AUTHORS i Reb!ndor, P,A,, LIWm", VjT.r Shohuicir.1- Ye.D., Ko,:-h&nova, L.A.,
cv, N.V., Goryunov, "fu.V.
Tr-rlZt 11~%ra)tvr1t1*3 and tl%A rmhnntrzv of Ur~ effetit of arall surfaco Ike.
tive admixtures on difor.T-41~lon and strength pro;ertl6s of single
CT-Jatal. rmttla
FERICOICALs Reforati'myy thurnal. Met-Illurglya, no. 12, 1961, 34-35, abaLraot
I.M254 ("Tr. In-ta fiz. n4tAll,~v, AN SSS~', 1,%0. no. 23, 147-161)
TEXT-1 Ex;eri"nta wqre mado with dIffere-atly orier.'Ad Zn and Cd single
Oryetals of 1 = in dlwreiAr, aoil-,od wi-zh a thin film of surfate aotive Sn and
Vg mptals. It Is shown that at temperatures Wm--~ T. of "ba-*- w.tal-natine
euteatice, tM presorx" of a molten surfact..attive mottal-layer atrongly reduces
defcmdbility and strength of the and pr--m,:tea bmtv;le failure. The
brittle effoot of the surface activa mtal le m&W7 a funotion of temprature
and trw deformAtion rate. Librittlen-ent And raiwed strength aro not conrected
with cormsion processes tut are o&-ised ty it decrea" of the -w,;rk which It
neceasiry for 4-h9 develoWnt of croLak tuclei, due to t1as adzorpicn cf sixfaca-
Card 1/2
12112 V149
rtI:;-vn rn-'.al on Cm int-?rnal At a drip of tbo "ot Av.-r-
jorature I-il:w T 14 or eutc-c-zi-s, th-~-o-,L-rLtl n 'f
ef eat
,m gra+^lAy, to a r--4i1i-,-d vmocillil,j of ~4~~
v%ntthc atma. The
i-mbrittling Afft'ct vw;Ialhe alto wt s-iffial,)iMy bi.~h t,~rpvi!,Iren mill low
*Anai.m reLt^,,, wMn tho mijorptica pf bfcrmxtlo,-, And local
stronff6s p-,v-vortL ~ho fallure, riatiloi ',o dovolcp In'to Aamjercus cra,-~a, evt-i at
a "nbiderabla dnirjobt of froa surface Oioq7. T)-,c.-3 aro 21 reforanoo3s.
[Abstracter'a note Complete trapalation]
I L 1115 B'101/B203
AUTHORS: Summ, B. Do,-AGqKYUnoV' Yu, V'j Fertoo-'r, N, Vot 0Mchukla,
Ye. D., and Rebinder, Y, K-s-, Academiaian
TITLE: Cracking in a bent zinc plate with local application of a
liquid surface-active metal (mercury)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRO v. 136, no. 6, 1961, 1392-1395
TEXT: The authors deal with the problem of changing the meahanioal
properties of metals by the action of surface-aotive metals. The presert
paper reports on the action of small mercury drops on cracking iii a bent
zinc plate. Industrial zinc of the thickness 6 - 0.6-3 mm and the width
a of up to 50 om was bent by a force F9 as is shown in Fig. 1. In the
place of Hg application, the stress pm was only about 7 _8 kg/mM2 (tensile
strength of Zn about 18 kg/MM2). In the absence of Hg, no considerable
residual deformations occurred after 10 min; at a higher load, the zinc
could be bent at right angles. If, however, at a pm of about 7 kg/mm. 2
an Hg drop (mass m about 0-2-40 mg) was applied to the zinc surface
Card 1/4,
Cracking in a bent zinc plate with local...
polished by etchingg a crack formed whicht in a short time (1-2 Sao),
adsorbed the entire Hg, and rapidly extended perpendicular to pm. The
rate of extension decreased gradually, and was already very low after
5-10 min. The crack extended over the greater part of its length through
the entire thickness 6 of the plate. The final length L of the crack
depended on the quantity of Hgo On the basis of concepts of the migration
of Hg along the aracked surface and the diffusion of Hg Into the aracked
surface, the authors derived for the length L:
L - A6-2/3M 2/3 (A - const). This equation was confirmed experimentally.
Cracking showed three stages. At the first stage, the rate of cracking
is constant and independent of m, the mass of the Hg drop. Hg 1.9
adsorbed, and distributed over the crack. With increauing volume of the
crack, the Rg is no longer sufficient to fill it. This is the beginning
of the second stage. Hg is distributed as a liquid phase only on the
crack surface. The Hg migrates to the place of destruction, and diffuses
into the crack surface at the same time. At the third stage, no more
liquid Hg is present. The slow growth of the slit takes place through
migration, the Hg au-oorbed on the slit wall being redistributcd.
Card 2A I
gin a bent zinc plate with local... B101/B203
According to the authors' opinion,' a'detailed analysis of migration
diffusion, and the reduction in strength of metals under the action of
surface-active raelts, can be studied by means of such experiments.
Furthermore,' the kinetics and migration of adsorptive atoms will be
studied. There are.4 figures and 4 Sovie~-bloc references.
ASSOCIATION., Moskovskiy gosudarstvenniyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova,
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). Institu`t
fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of.'
Physical Chemistry.of the Academy of Scienoes-USSR)
UBMITTED: November 5,
S 1960
Card 3/k
Spread of mercury over a free t4lic ourface in connection with a
study of atrerSth reduction due to adsorption@ DokleAN SSSR 137
no.6:1413-U15 AP 161. (MIRA 14:4)
le Moskaveldy go aretvenm" univorsitet lmqni M.V.Lomonosova.
Predstavleno akademikom P.A.Rebinderpm.
(Mercury) (UM)
6 .'1 F5 52
Summ, B.D. _!--,or runov YmY -askin, V. Yu.
_t, Pertsov, N.V. , Tz
and Shchulcin, Ye.D.
TITIA: Propagation of cracks in zinc plates deformed in the
presence of an isolated molten drop of a surface-active
PERIODICAL- Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 14, no. 5,
1962, 757 - 765
TLXT: In continuation of earlier worR (B.D. Summ et al - WN
SSSR, iq6i, 156, 1392) the pre.4ent authors studied the errect O'c"
locally applied drops of molten mercury and gallium on the resis-
tance of zinc to fracture. The experiments with mercury were
conduct6d at room temperature on technical grade, 98.7/140 pure,zinc
sppcimens, 0.11 - 3.0 Mm thick and up to 50 cm wide. Specimens of
this type, gripood at one end jil tile horizontal position, could be
bent through 90 without formation of visible cracks in the absence
of a surface-active substance. If, however, a drop (0.2 - 110 mg)
of mercury was placed on the upper surface-of the test piece'in
its central line, 15 - 30mm from tile fixed end, a crnck was formed
Card 1/4
Propagation of cracks E193/E383
beneath the mercury drop 'wilen the bending moment E eached it value
produci`ng a constant tensile stres of 7 - 0 kg/mm (in the absence
of mercury this stress was ~ barely suf f ici ent to caus c a s light
plastic strain). The cracl~ absorbed all the liquid mercury in a
fraction or a second and continued to increase at a progressively
diminishing rate in the direction normal to the tensile stress
its' length (in the crise of a 4o mg mercury drop) after 1, 5 and
240 sec being, respectively, 15, 52 and 120 mm. Depending on the
mass M of the mercur~y drop the time t required for the crack
to reach its final length varied from 15 min (Cor larger drops)
to several days (for small drops). Vith increasing m and
decreasing thickness d of the specimen, L ~'7qreased; the
variation in L could be described by L,-- M ') at a constant
d - According to the present authors the magnitude of L was
determined by two competing processes: a) spreading of the
mercury drop on the walls of the crack from the point of ctppli-
cation towards the ends of the crack and b) penetration of the
mercury into the meta.1 through the walls ot' the crack. Equat inns
were derived describIrIg the kinetics of these processes. All n.1 Y.- in
of these equations shoived that the latter, process was not due to
S/1 26/6:!/O1 4/oW008/ol 5
Propagation of crackg R193/E383
accelerated volume diffusion aIona but was a result of se,veral
processes which included the following: formation and growth of a
network of' tiltretmicroscopic crack--; on the walis of' the nt,tin crack;
spreading of mercury in these cracks by the machanism of' both
capillary flow and two-dimensional migration;- formation of two-
dimensional defects on the walls of the main crack and spreading
of mercury on those defects by t1le Iiiechanism of two-dimons:.Ional
migration; volume diffusion. If i bending moment considerably
longer than the minimum required to trigger-off the process of
crack-formation was applied to the zinc plate, microscopic cracks
branching-off the main crack were formed; - as a result, the final
length of the main crack decreased,with in 'creasing applied stress.
This effect was particularly noticeable in experiments conducted
at a constant load as opposed to those conducted at a constant
tensile stress. 'rho experiments with gallium were conducted at
35 - 36 0c. In this case, there was a time Ing between the appli-
cation of stress and formation oC a crack in the zinc specimen,
the time lag decreasing with increasing stress. The rate at which
gallium filled the crack was relatively slow and the rato or growth
sharply decreased from the moment at which the entire volume of the
Card 3/4
Propagation of cracks C-193/083
gallium drop wai:; drawn from -the specimen surface into the crack.
Cracks formed under the action of liquid gallium had a stronger
tendency. to branch off and the relationship between. L and m was
described by L 1 m 'these differences were attributed to the
fact that the surface energy of' z-Lnc was decreased more by gallium
than by mercury and that Liquid gallium - in contrast to mprciiry
did not spread on a zitic nurface except by the mechanism of
surface difrusion. CxIlloratory experiments of a similar nature were
also conducted on cadmium. No crack-formation was observed, in this
case, in -the presence or liquid mercury. Cracking of cadmium in
contact with liquid gallium occurred only at high loading rates;
even then, a crack was formed only if the cadmium specimen had been
in contact with liquid gallium for at least 20 - '50 rnin before the
streas was applied. There arc 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiv gosudarstvannyy universitet im. 1-1.V.
Lomonosova Oloscou, State University im. ','[.V.
SUBMirrED: Marcli 3, 1962
Card 4,1111
ru B101/B144
AUTHORS. Goryunov, Yu. V., Pertsov, N. V., Summ, B. D., Shchukin,
Ye. D.
-TITLE: Effect*of the microrelief on the ;rules governing the
propagation of liquid metal on a solid metal surface
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 146, no. 3, 1962, 638-641
TEXT: When the propagation of mercury on a backing of crystalline zinc
freed from the oxide film by NH 3 was being studied, two types of propaga-
tion dependent on the microrelief were observ'ed ior the first time:
wetting.and diffusion. These processes diffef- essentially in their
mechanisms. on a smooth zinc surface the mercury foras as a drop with the
ed5e of contact 70. A dull -spot propagates from the periphery of the
drop, showing the time dependence r-tO-5 which is characteristic of
diffusion processes. The mass m of the drop does not affect the propaga-
tion velocity. For smooth zinc lamellas dipped obliquely into mercury,
this velocity does not depend on the angle of inclination. The rate of
'bard 1/3
Effect of the microrelief ... B101/B144
diffusion increases with rising temperature owing to the temperature
dependence of the diffusion coefficient: D "Ljexp(-U/kT), where
U - activation energy. On zinc surfaces roughened by etching with 11H03
the mercury drop forma no constant edge of contact, and the spot
propagates by the movement of the liquid Hg layer. The rise of 11g on
rough surfaces depends on the angle of inclination of the surface and on
the mass of the drop. r - (6m6d/n-%6)'/4t1/4 - At' A holds, which is in
good agree7iient with the experimentally determined dependence rrv tO*3.
Ad - 6 32 - 112 - d319 where d 129 (1321631 are the specific free surface
energies of the liquid at its interface with the medium, the solid at its
interface with the medium and the solid at its interface with the liquidt
respectively; r% - viscosity of Hg, 6 - density of Hg. If the smooth
surface has a groove in the form of an isosceles triangle with the
interior angle a, the Ug will flow along the groove if 4< (180 - a)/2.
Examination of the profilograms of differently roughened surfacas confirmed
that wetting occurred instead of diffusion if a,060P. Conclusions: On
an ideally,smooth surface, ana under the action of surface tension alone,
a thin liquid layer will not spread as the migration of liquid.atome
Card 2/3
S/02 62/146/003/016/019
Effect of the microrelief ... B1 01 YB144
reduces the surface energy of the solid ahead of the propagation front.
If a surface has no microrelief, no wetting will occur. Similar studies
might be of value for analyzing the propagation of liquids on liquid
surfaces. There are*4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonoso va,
(Moscow State University imeni'M. V. Lomonoeov)
PRESE14TED: May 23, 1962, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician
SUBMITTED: May 15, 1962
'.bard 3/3
*Investigating the diffusion of mercury and gallium on zinc surfaces
in connection with the absorption reduction of metal 8trength,
Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.2.-209-216 Ag 163. (MIU 16:8)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. N.V. Lomonosova.
(Liquids metals) (Diffusion) (Surface energy) I
GORTUNOV, Yu.V.; SUMM,, B.D.j SHCMIN, Ye.D.; REBINDER, F.A.p akademik
Role of kinetic factors in the reduction of metal strength
by adsorption, Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no-3:634-637 N 163.
(MIRA 1721)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. M.V. Lomonosova.
NO REF SOV 009 OUMR! 00 1
Card 414
GORYUNOY, -- Yu- .
Physicochemical relationBhips of the spreading of liquid metall-
on a solid metallic surface, Usp.~him. 33 no.9:1062-106,~ S 164.
(MIRA 18:4)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova,,
khimicheskiy fakulltet.
b )IT/ VSKA d I It Z .LFf VjL/ k-NfF
7- th
Eu ow,~ t1jew", e tensile strength of zinc. The cracks are dbout 0.1-0.15 mm
'deep and do dot the
_pxopagate beyond-, the -boundaries of theamalgarns-ted area of
plate. With increasixi
_,j the jiumbe crac ~~d!ecreaseas andaa a. rula. at a. A~ q~j_~_
_ ____ _ k _qj_ L_ _
~:a single crack with a depth practically equal to the plate thickness appears, The
fft,zilfi -_--rluractt-ristic of' the plate failure at high a is a gradual' lengthel-ing of the
crack and itz. propagation beyond the boundaries of the armigamated area. The final
:length of 'the. crack depends on the total amount of deposited mercury, sco that with a
sufficiently large amount . of mercury-j, & crack can be formed that breaks the 'plate
!in two. A similar. phehommicii. a:~ sharp. opi gamated:
dr An the tensile strength of' amdI
;zinc with increasing q ~was also'observed in tension tests. Orig. art. has:
3 figures.
ASSOCIAttd~:! ~64kovskiy., sud t.vennyy~,uiAte~ersitet': iml.. -Lomo Hdscov,-~--,
ar s
State Universit
-CODZ*- 7-M -45f-
IZ 14429-66-EWT(m)/EWP,(wY/Ep,r(n)-2/T/EWp(t)/LPWP(b). IJP(c) JD/V#/JM/WB
ACC Nit. 'AP6002109 SOURCE CODE: UR/0369/65/001/006/06413/0647
AUTHOR- rrasldn, V. Yu.; Den'shchikova, G.I.; Summ, D.D.
ORG: - Mosc!ow S!&te Univgraity IM,
M V. __b,9_mAR2qqv (Mookovaldy gosudare tvennyy
TITLE.- Some aspects of adsorptive decrease In the strength of polycrystalline zinc
In the presonce of gggiurn
SOURCE: Fiziko-khtinicheskiiya, rnekhardka materIalov, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 843-647
TOPIC TAGr& zinc, gallium, brittleness, free energy, nonferrous liquid metal
ABSTRACT: The brittle failure of polycrystals In contact with metallic melts is thought
to be closely related to the adsorption of the melt on the grain boundaries (surfaces of
excess free energy). Since the extent of the adsorption depends onthe concentration of
the adsorbed substance, the authors attempted to determine the quantitative -relationship
between the drop in the strength of a polycrystalline metd and the mass of the MKfAqQ___
i wAive melt In contact with It. In the experiments, gallium was electrodepo Itedl on zinc
_T,~lai~_B'. After the electrodeposition, the platbs -were extended at the rate of ' ;_~m/mln
at room teraperature (gallium being still In the m
21j2a st4Le), and the dependence o! the
Card 1/2
L 14429-66
ACC NR: A.P6002109
strength P of the samples was studied as a function of the quantity of gallium q M
per unit area of the external surface. It was found that the decrease in the strength of
zinc polycnratals coated with gallium Is due mainly to the decrease In the free energy
at the grain boundaries as a result of the adsorption of gallium atoms. A qu.mtitative
scheme of the failure process Is proposed which accurately reflects the linear character
of the dependence P = P(q) and permits a correct estimate of the strength of Irallium-
coated zinc as a function of the quantity of gallium and the structure and thicPmess of the
sample. Ort this basis, all the factors promoting the adsorptive decrease in the strength
of metals are divided into two main groups: (1) Intensive factors, which affect the degree
of weakening of the interatomic bond in the solid metal, and (2) extensive factors, which
determine the proportion of weakened bonds relative to the total number of bonds broken
when the sample fails. Authors are.d6eply grateful to Ye. D. Shchukir- Dr. of
Physicomathematical Sciences. for valuable suggestions during the discussion of this
work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 5 formulas.
SUB CODE: 11, 07 SUBM DATE: 20Jan65 ORIG REF: 009 OTH RET: 001
ILqul"etal corrosiori IZI 44
Card 2/Z
~ FA
02 M
D 4428-45 L*T,(jt)/sjrptW)Y T
Avv ISM AT,6002110 U193W~65/908^0/0653
AUTHOR: flumm B D Ivanova. L.V.: Goryunov, Yu. V.
ORG: Mos ow Mate niversity Im. M. V. Lornonosov (Mookovskly gosudaralvennyy
TITLE- Influence of metals dissolved in mercury on the adsorptive decrease in the
strength of Mnc
SOURCE: F'iziko-khimicheakaya mekhanika materialov, v. 1, no. 6, 1965,,648-653.
TOPIC TAGS:. zinc, mercury, gallium, bismuth, lead, indium, thallium, cadmium,
tin, tensile strength, adsorption, nonferrous liquid metal
ABSTRACT- The adsorptive decrease in the strength of polycrystalline zinc (luring its
deformation' was studied in the presence of va
.Tious two-compon
yent me)~puryaolutiops.
added to mercury were c
The me admiunfj1`ggliunffr,-1ndium~, feadjhMliunF,7tin',fand
is hich do.not form chemical compounds with mercury or zinc at room temper-
attire. When small amounts of these metals dissolve in mercury, the adsorption
activity of tM melt relative to zinc Increases, causing an additional adsorptive decrease
in the strength of zlnc.~ At high concentrations of indium or thallium, the adflorption
Card 1/2
L 14428-66
ACC NR: AP6002110
activity of the melt drops substantially. The length of macroscopic failure cracks formed
during bending of zinc plates in the presence of a locally deposited drop of an. adsorption-
active melt Increases when gallium, bismuth, lead, and small amounts of Indium or
thallium diSEpIve in the mercury; when cadmium, tin, and large amounts of indium or
thallium are dissolved, however, the length of such cracks decreases. Thus, the dis-
solution of various amounts of metals in adsorption-active melts consitutes an effective
method of modifying the mechanical properties of a solid metal deformed In,contact, with
-w and Ye. D. ShcLukin for
such a melt. Authors are deeply grateful to V. N. Pertffl
valuable suggeoUons during the discussion of the results. Orig. art. has: i'.1 figures and
2 tables.
SUB CODE: 07, 11 SUBM DATE.i:. 1OFeb65 ORIG REP: 010 OTH REP: 001
brittle fallqr
11AUld~Mg!;a1s corrosion Va
Card 2/2