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0118-AMC/A.M-M ACCESSIOWUR: AP3002536, 3/0075/63 9/0742 AUTHOR: Gorosheb2a. Ta. _Ga Volkova, ff.IBabking.A. G.,- ay No 'K. TITIE; quantitative gravimetric determination of.niobium and tantalum after their extraction with cyclohexane fool SOURCE: Aimlal anal i ticheitoy k1d mi I ,ve 189 no. 6# 1963,9 739-742 TOPIC UGS:_ tantalum gravftatric~ determination.. niobium. graviketriq determination, cyclohe=e ABSTRACT: A relatively rapid gravimetric method for the determination of niobiun -and tantalum his been-developede Th6i method is based on the extraction.of these metals with cyclohexane from an aqueous,:solutioa-conts-ining 400 g/1 of Hsub 2 SO sub 4, 2W di of (NH sub 4) sub 2 50 sub 4.and 100 g/l of HF. Cyclohexane is a specific extractant for. niobitah and tantaluw and especially when wm=ium Vilfate is added to the solution. An aqueous solution containing.about 100 g/1 of H sub 2 SO sub 4 and 50--9/1 (Nit -sub 4Y-sub* 2 SO sub 4 wil.1 selectively extract n4obj~=~' thus gives the possibilit-yof.separating niobium from tantalum after their- i-aitia-1 extraction with cyclobwane. kdeording to the spectral analyses the elements Alp Y, Zr, Hf, Pb, Th, V* As, Bi, Cr, No,,W, U, Kn sup +2 and Fe in fair amou:nts, are Cam 1/2 ............... GOROSV,HENKO, Ya.G.1, UDEEP B.O.; KARPELIKO,.O.A. Chlorination of sphene concentrates by chlorine gas without a re- ducing agent, Titan i ego a lavy no.9:123-126 163, (10".16:9) (Titanium ores5 (Chlorination) vYa.G.;,,,VDE, E.O.; KARPENKO, O.A. Chlorination~of sphene concentrates by chlorine gas with a re- ducing a . . 163. (KM 16:9) (gent. TitaAi ego splavy no.9.-127-135 Titanium ores) (Chlorination) GOROSHCHENKO, Ya.G..-, KONDRATOVIC11.9 N.M. Investigating the decomposition of sphene concentrates by sul- furic acid for the purpose of obtaining titanium sulfate solu- tions with a 2ow acidity.Pactor. Titan i ego splavy no.9:149- 157 1631. (Sphe ne-An.,ilysis) (Titanium sulfate) (I-ORA 16*.g) GOROSHCHE14KO, YA.Q.; MOWN, V.G.; fEDYUS,HKINA, S.A. Salting 'out double titanyl and ammonium sulfates fran sulfuric acid solutions containing iron. Tita-" i ego splavy no.9:158-161 .1163. (MMA 16:9) (Titany Ce) (,,=niuta suvai taillivy) GOROSHCHENKO, Ya.G.; MAYCROV, V.G.; VOROBSYCHIK, A.I.; CHELPANOVY L.G. --, ... --- Rotary-ring type furnace for the sulfuration of titanium-beari materials. Titan i ego splavy no.9:162-165 163. (MBA 16:97 (S~lfuration-Equipment and supplies) .(Titanium ores) G(il',O---H.CIILNKO, -Ya.G., otv. red. (Autoclave methods of processing n-ineral raw materiris] Avtoklavnye metody pererabotki minerallnogo syrlia. Flo- skva, lzd-vo 1114auka," 1964. 39 p. (MIRA .17: 6) 1. Akader-lytt nauk Kollskiy f1lial, Kirovsk. Ingtitut khlmii i teklinologi-i redkikh elementov i -,-Irierallnogo b-jrlya. GITMAN, Yevgeniya Borisovna; nnlM--;H ,:,Ya,,,Q,s doktor khim. nauk,, otv. red.; BYCHKOVA, 11.1.9 red, (Electrochemistry of titanium in fused salts; an an- notated bibliograpIV] Elektrokhimiia titana v rasplavlon- nykh soliakh; annotirovannsiabibliograftia. Kiev) Nauko-7a dumkaj 1965. 96 p. (MUM 18:3) HrIIFU"-"u koy Gavx1lovich; .5fflE'F, I.A., prof., doktor khim. nauk$. Z.S., red. [chemistry of niobium and tanta. luml Khimiia niobiia i tantala. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965. 482 p. (MIRA 18:8) GOROSHCHENKO, Ye.G.j SIKORSKAYAi E-K- H20 at 2500. Zhur.nfsorg.khim. 10 no-4:950-954- S~rstem PeO S03 - (MIRA l8s6) AP 165. 'GOWSHCH Ya.G.1 IUIDRFYFVA, M.I. -- 4--l"IV-1v! Tentalm sulfates. Zhur.nearg.khim. 10 no.4-.955-960 Ap 165. (mmA 3.s%6) V L 10h57-66 ACC NRt AP6000290 SOURCE CODE., UR/0078/65/010/009/2156/2162 AUTHOR: 22!ggAghooko YA. G.; Spasibeako, T.P. ORG- none TITLE: The systen. Hf02-HCI-H20 SOURCE: Zhurnal noorganicheakoy khimil, v. 10, no, 9, 1965,2156-2162 TOPIC TAGB: hafnium compound, ziroonlum compound, hafnium oxide, hydrochloric acid solubility, absorption spectrum, absorption band, chloride ABSTRACT: The system Hf02.;-HCI-H20 was studied by the solubility method in the range of 0 - 50C. The presence vf the following three equilIbrium solid phases was established: HfO2- HC1 - yH20 and the two crystal hydrates HfOC12- 8H20 and HfOC12- 3H20. The solubility diagrams of the -IlfO2-HCI-H20 and ZrO27-14CI-H20, systems are very similar; how-,ver, at HC1 concentrations above 30%, hafhyl chloride is less soluble thin zirconyl chloride. The absorption spectra of hafnyl chloride solutions In hydrochloric acid differ from the absorption spectra of zirconyl chloride in that they have no absorption band with a maximum at 315 nm and are displaced toward the shorter wavelen1oho, The difference In the absorption of lig4t by solutions of zirconium and hafnium in hydrochloric acid can be utilized for the spectrophotometric determination of zirconium Impt2y1ties in hafnium. Orig. art. has:4 figures and 4 tables. SUB CODE: 07Y SUBM DATE: 29Feb64- ORIG REP: 004 OTH REF: ~006 UDC: 64. 123.32+646.832.41131-31 Card ill L 167go-66 E1dP(s)/EdT(m) wK ACC NR: AP6002541 (A) SOURCE COM UR/0286/65/000/023/OD41/0042 AUTHORS: Rogoahin, .7u, V,l Syr-AfhVIL -Z.M.; Ushanova, A. Vo Maxurov,_M X.1 Zadoroz~~,V, Kel IlMatlyev,'Ge Sol Goroshcheako, To. 0. ORGi none TITLEt A method for preparing titanium-containing onsmal and glassy crystal1in's materials. class 32, No. 176663 SOURCE: ByulletenO indbrotonLy I tovarnVkh snakow, no. 23, 19659 41-42 TOPIC TAGSs titanium, enamel, sphons, parotskite, crystalline matter, specialivA coating, coramic coating ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for preparing titanium- containing enamels and glassy crystalline materials, To broaden the base of raw materials and to improve the physico-chomical properties of enamels and glassy crystalline material# the minerals sphene and perovskite are introduced into the original ohs.-go. SUB COD13 07# 13/ SM DAM Mug62 Card 1A M UA9293*5 ACC NRi M150251611 DDOK M(PLOITATION Goroshchenkd" May Gavrilovich P C;hemistry of ~,~iumIId tantalum (Khimiya niobiya, L tantala)', ICLev, Xzd-vo "Naukova dmka," 1965, 482 p. illus.,, tables, diagm-_, graph, biblio. lp8W copied printed. (Head of title: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSE. 1watitute obahchey i neorganich6skoy Micaki) TOPIC TAGS.: nidbium, tantalum, ligand, complex compound PURPOSE ANDCOVERAGE: This monograph presents the modern state of niobium and tanta chemistry based on a survey of vorld literature from the time of their discovery to t a~th end of the year 1963, as well as's own research. The author acknowledges the contributions by Sheka, I.A. (Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences); kly. A-11. (Doctor of Chemical Sciences); Golub,, A.M. (Professor,, Doctor of Chemical Sclle~ TABLE.OF CONMM [abridged]: Foreword -- 3 Ch. 1. General Jnformatloa on the occurrence of niablum and tantalum In nature,, vinning of the meta2z from theIr a"*,, and their use In technolqW -- 5 ACC N& AM5025164 Ch. 3:1. Special chemical characteristics of midblum and Untalin In counmalon. vIth their position in the D.I. Mendelmm periodic system of 91mments 52 Ch. Illo Metallic compounds of ideblum and, tentabse -- Ch. IV* Oxides Ad bydroaddes.of alobive and tutalum 132 Ch. V. Mobates and tantAlates -- 175 Ch. VI. EaUdes of uldblum and Uutalux -- 258 Ch. VIX. Sulfates sM s*1enates df nicblum and tantalm 348 Ch. VIM FhoejMtes VI n1oblum and tantalm -- 377 Ch. ix. Remaining classes of alobium, and tantalum Inorganic compounds -- 380 Ch. X. NicbIum and tantalum c 9 covnedwith organic Upnds -- 385 Ch. X1. Pbyalcochemical regulowities of the Ion excbmage and extractIvo septratlog of Idablun and tentalum -- 398 ACC NR# Ch. XII. Electrolytic reduction of niabim and tan"jum - 04 ch- xni. Pbysicochenical b"es or tb;e analytical cheodstry or n1oblum and ~ tantalum -- 430 Ch. XIV. Unsolved problm of nLobium and tantalum chemistry and "Ism for research -- 474 SUB colas U#07/ SUN DAM 23Apr6.V ojao IUWs, 697/ 0111 W 1 999 GOROSHCHOKO.Yu.L. Olesearch on the genetic significance of grafting between genotypically different plants" [in German]. Helmut Bohme. Reviewed by IU.L.Goroshchanko. Bot.zhur.40 n0.3:434-437 XY-Je 155. (MIRA 8:10) 1. Botanicheskly institut, ineni V.L.Nomarova Akademli nwak SSSR. Ioningrad. (Bohme, Helmut) (Hybridisation, Vegetable) VOLt,fjij'NZUII, I.G.; GOROSILCILMO, Yu.L. WI-4-~.'k Confere Istolo&y, arA eribryolory nee on problems of cytoloj7, h in Aiga. TSitolog-lia 1 no.2:253-255 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA, 12:()) (HISTOLOGT) BALLSHOV. Development and functionIM of the mle genital Votem in argusid ticbm. Paremosbore 191,16-25 1600 (KIPA 1328) 1. Zoologicbeekly Institut I Institut taltologli Akademil -uk SSSR. (Ticks) (Spermatogensele In animals) yNan , A.L.; (;CROSHCEMO- YU9149; YUDIN, A.L. Coordination meeting on the OPrInc1pal problems In cytology.9 ?Sitologlia 2 ao.U103-112 A-P t60. (MM IND (CMU)GY) GOROSHCHENKOl YtitL.- MASHkNSKIY, V.F. Comparative electron microscope study of the structure of apermatocyt1w nucleoli in argasid ticks. TSitologiia 3 no.4:389-39341-Ag 161. :-' WA u,8) t. 1. Laboratorlya morfologii kletki Instituta, tsitologii AN SSSR, "- Leningrad. (CELL NUCLEI) (ELECTRON MIGRO�OOFY) 1 11 11 OOROSECKENKO Yu. L. *Dynamics of #uclear' and Cytoplasmic DNA during the OogenesiB of Argasid Ticks.* pp. 25 Institute of Cytology AS USSR Laboratory of Con Morphology II Vauchwa Konferefto Instituta Tsitologii AN USSR. Tezisy Dokudov 18econd 3clentific conference of the Institute Of Cytology of the Academy of Sciences USSR,, Abstracts of Reports), Leningrad, 2 88 pp. JPRS 2o,,634 4GQ.,JOSHCHENKO.,,-~~ Naryotypea of argasid ticks in the U.S.S.R. and their taxonomy. TSitologiia 4 no.2:137-149 Mr-Ap 162. (14IRA 15 t 8) 1. ~,aboratoriya morfologil klO'Ud Instituta taitologii AN SSSR9 Lemingrad. (TICKS) (CHROMOsCsW.S) GOROSHCHENKO, Yu.L. Karyological foundation of the systematic subdivision of the ticks belonginw to the genus Argas Latr. (Ixodoidea, Argasidae) of the "Reflexus"-group. Zool. zhur. 41 no.3:358-363 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Laboratory of Cell Morphology, Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad. (TICKS) G OROSHCHENKO., Yu.L. ,-- Chromosome complex of Carios vespertilionis Latr. (Lmdoidea, Argasidae) and the problem of its generic classifica'u4on. Dokl. AN SSSR I" no.3:665-668 Vq 162. (143RA 15:5) 1. L3.stitut taitologil AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom K.I. Skryabinym. (Ticks) DORFKkN. M.D.; ROGACEOV, D.L.; GOROSHCHENKO. Z.I.; USPENSKAYA, Ts.I. Canacits, a now mineral. Trudy XIn.vuz. no-9:158-166 '59. (MIRL 12:6) (Kh1biny Mountains-Calcium silicates) KIJPRIYANOVA, I.I.; VOLKOVA, M.I.; GOROSHCHENKO, Z.1. ... Rare earth minerals of a molybdenum deposit in the European part - - of the U.S.S.R. Trudy Min. muz. no.15:123-133 164. (MIRA 17:11) L 36193-66 EWT(I)/T WR 'ACC NR; AP6011447 SOURCE CODE. UR/0109/66/011/004/-0662/060'7 ~AUTHOR: Goroshchenya. A. B. ORG: none TITLE: Using vector potential for studying flat spiral logarithmic antennas SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 66Z-667 TOPIC TAGS: spiral antenna, logarithmic antenna, antenna theory ABSTRACT: If the flat-spiral log antenna and its exciters are axisymmetrical, it is more convenient to describe its field by one vector -potential component in suitable orthogonal coordinates than by combined Hertzian electric and magnetic vectors (B. R. S. Cheo et al. , IRE Trans. , 1961, AP-9, 6, 527). Integral formulas are set up for that vector -potential field component. These formulas are .used for describing the antenna field in two cases: (1) Excitation of a spirally Card 1/2 UDC: 621.396.677.45.001.5:517.9 L 36193-66 IACC NR: AP6011447 anisotropic plane (a -P a*) by a vertical magnetic dipole and (2) Excitation of a iflat-spiral antenna by a vertical electric dipole. "The author wishes to thank V . N. KesserAkh and V. G. Myshkin for their valuable comma. ta. " Orig. art. ;has: 2 figures and 3S formulas. !SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE; 15Dec64 / ORIG REF: 006 / OTH REF: 001 QP40SHCHENYA, K.I.; LIZOGUBOV, D.V.; NIKIFOROV, M.I. Automatic control for a conditioned reflix chamber. Zhur;VYB.nery. deiat. 11 no.3.*,561-565 MY-Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1e Medical Institutet Ternopol. (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (PHYCHOLOGICAL APPARATUS) UJILL-66 ACC NRt AP6021315 (N) SOURCE CODEi, UR/0390/65/028/005/0527/0530 AUVIOR: Goroshcheag. Ks Is; flikiforov, He It 11 j I tili Medical OTIG: Department of Pharmacology /headed by Prof, 3. Ya. Anbuzoy Wly Order of Lonin AcadeyV im. S. 14. Kirov, Leningrad (K-afedra farma 16-ifi -Voyanno- meditsinskoy ordena. Lenina akademii); Vinnitsa Medical Institute im. 11. 1. Pirogov (Vinnitskiy meditsinskiy institut) TITIZ: Assimilation of photostimulation rhythm in rabbits' brAin following extirpa- tion of the frontal and precentral cortical regions done agJn__sU the background of thiopontobarbital narcosis SOURCj~: Farmakologiya i toksikologiya, v. 28, no- 5, 1965, 527-530 TOPIC TAGSt brain, rabbit, cerebral cortex, EEG, pharmacology, nervous system drug A B 5 T i1ACT -. In the e'mergence -of the een~ra-l-fforms of depre6sion ,the individual sections of the cerebral cortex larae have defl- .nite value, However, the value of these regions of the cortex, Particularly the frontal and preoentral, has been studied quite little in the mechanisms of the central narcotic depression. Thus .the task of this study was to investigate the elootroencephalo- graphic manifestations of barbiturate narcosis In rabbits after oomPlete removal of the above Cortical regions. L 31853-66 ACC NRt AP6021315 Administration of th lopentobarbit'al In a dose of 40 mg/iig to in- tact rabbits and after removal of the 4,6* and 12 oortleal regions :~S- accompanied by a short-term depression of the electroencepha- lographic response,to photostimulation of varying frequency. Thls~. inhibition Is more clearly expressed In Intact animals than in those operated on. of the 49 6, and 12 cortioal regions In rabbits Is ac- companied by an increase In the eleatroencephalographic reaction L,o photostimulation In animals both in the state of wakfulness and especially against the baekground of thiopentobartital-induoed nar-,' ~cosis. -The indicated increased reaetion to photostimulation is .expressed in a certain Improved assimilation of the medium fre- quencies of photostimulation (~ aps) and marked extension of the assimilated frequency ranges In the direotion of low (I ops) and 'large (25 ops) photostimulation frequenolesgusually diffloult to assimilate by-1-ntact animals., LhRST .. . .... SUB OCDEt 06 SUBM DATE.- 20jul& ORIG REF: 007, OTH REFs OW Card 2/2 j_S --qORO� CBMA, ,; NIKIFOROV, M.I. Assimilation of photostimlation rhythms in the brain of rabbits following the extirpation of the frontal and precentral cortical regions during thiopental anesthesia. Farm. i toks. 28 no.5027- 530 S-0 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. S.Ya.Arbuzov) Voyenno- meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Kirova, Leningradt Vinnitskiy meditsinskiy institut imeni N.I.Pirogova. Submitted July 20, 1964. GORDSHCHEIZA, R.I.; KIRICHHNKC, I.S. Additional vertical food unit for the 54-type Gleason gear- shaping mchines. 8tan.1 instr.'32 AP '59. (MIRA 12:6) (Gear-cutting machines--Attachments) GOROSHININ, K.F. NOW Mmosures for bringing land under cultivation and tasks of soil research in Siberia. Isy. AN SSSR. Serbiol. no.4:393-400 Jl-Ag '57- (KLRA 10:8) 1. Sallskokhonyaystvennyy institut in. S.K.KirovN g. Omsk. (BIBIMIA, usinx-sous-mimi) I COROSHRIKO, M. K., Engineer "Investigation of the Operation of Dough-Kneading 1,%chines.11 Sub 27 June 51, Moscow Technological Inst of the Food Industry. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 10,51. t SO: Sum- No. 480, 9 May 55 GOROSRMO, U.N. History of the develoymnt of doughmizing machinery In Russia. Trudy po ist.takh. no.7:78-98 154. (KLM 7:7) (Mixtug machinery-"History) (Bakers and bakerfes-Squip- Mont and supplies) GOROMMM, U.K. ~tgh-lntsnlity, pn~uwtf a tr'' s qn,poitation of bu it producto~,- prow, 1,Fo.2s4449+,; 157. Ia: 8 548chuyy t4*h4ql.QR*qhp*V.-lnstit4t pishchavoy (fteumatic-tube trgnsportation) GOROSEMI . N.K. Berlln conference on bakery probless,'ghlebei kond,prom. 1 no.8:46-47 Ag '57. (Km 10:8) l.Vsqsoyusrq7 s&qohwy'iuwtitut,pishchevoy romphlennosti. (Berlin-Baking-Congresses3 GERNET, M.M., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.; DIKIS, M.Ya., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; LUKIYANOV,.V.V,, doktor teklm.nauk,prof.fdeceasedl: POPOV,, V.I.. doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; SOKOLOV, A.Ya. doktor tokhn.nauk., prof,; SOKOLOV,V.I.,doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; SURKOV,~.D.,doktor tekh.uXiAp prof.; BARANOVSKIY, N.V.p kand.tekhn.nauktdots.; BROYDO, B.Ye..' kand.terim. nauk, dots.; BUZYKIN, N.Ae, kand,tekhnonauk, dots.; GOROSHMKOp-M.K.-j.- kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GORTINSKIY, V.V., kand.tekbft-.-na-u-k,- dots.; GRMENYUK, S.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GUSIKOV, K.P., kand.tekbn. naukv dots.; DEHIDOV, A.Re. kand,tekhn,nauk~ dots#; ZHISLDT, Ya.M., kand,tekhn.naukp_dots.; KARPIN, Ye.B., kand.tekhn nauk, dots.; KOSITSYN, I.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, dots..[deceasedi; GEYSHTOR, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk., dots.; MARSHALYJN, G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; mdimsica, G.Ye.., kand.tekhn.nauk,, dots.; ODESSKIY, D.A.,, kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.; PELEYEV, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; RUB, D*Mep 0 . kand.~ekbn.nauk kand'tekhn.nat1k,, dots.; SKOBLO, D.I.. , dots.; SHUVAIDV, V.N., kand.tekhnnauk, dots.; KINELINITSKAYA, A.Z., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., tekbn. red. (Principles of the design and construction of machinery and apparatus for the food industries] Osnovy rascheta i konstruirovaniia masbin i apparatov pishchevykh proizvodstv. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1960. 7/+l p. (Food industry-Equipment and supp3ies) (MIRA 14:12) . 11 SOR2JURIM - -, Mi lrhn i Ii"I 0+01WAMmh-. NUDELIMAN, G.E... inzh., retsenzentl SHMAIN, N.M.- inzh., retsenzent; ITSKOVICH, U.S., inzh., spets. red.; PRITYKINA, L.A., red.; SOKOIDV4 I.A., takhn, red. .. - (Machines and machinex7 units for dough preparation] Y4shiny I agregaty dlia prigotovleniia testa. Moskva, Pishcheprom- izdatp 1963. 147 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Bakeries--Equipment and supplies) GOROSIIEZIKO, S.T. Characteristics of the species of leguminous plants and their condition in the pastures of the eastern 'Part of Balkaria (basins of Psygansu and Khaznidm Rivers). Uch. zap. AGU. Ser. biol. nauk no. 2:11-19 f64 WIRA 19:1) ~j ~ . , orkVir .; itlik" _i:.- ~ , -- , -.. ;,.. -. 4~i?- E I .~ I - ., .. I- i f ~I , r. "- ,- -a~ ; - t ; , , , .ri n. - .. fl~ . ; ~- u. .... ....... . . I - . - .. -, - I '. 1, 1 1 ,.. .lk.. I . 2 !" . - ... I . . I ~ i I ~ ;j -j I :, , r . I, i.' . !~T - . j~ 22246-66 ACC NRs AF6Q193(39 SOURCE CODE: UR/0102/65/000/003/0015/0019 -4Gor AUTHOR,: Horoshyno 0~,Z? oshint-04 I. (Kharikov) ORGv none- TITLE: Necessary condition for providing.the stability margin of a two-loop invariant system without perturbation feedback .-i'SOURCE: Avtomat kag o Y n TOPIC TAGS: automatic control'system, perturbation, control system stability ABSTRACT: The demand to _Inii~ise-i4e dynamic accuiscy'of -automatic control systems for,objects of basic chemistry compels pttention to iiivarient,dystems. )Considering the fact that many pi.~rturbations acting.on the object cannot al- 2, be measured, it is desirable to.construct invariant systems without ways ;perturbation feedback. 11.14-hough absolute inveriance In real systems cannot be realized because of the Impossibility of completely accurate satisfaction of the invariant ton- 'dition, in many cases,by the,appropriate selection of the atructure and parameters of the system, it canbe approximated to completely invariant with -the required degree of accuracy': This explains the practical value of the principle of invarimce and its'applization In particular for objects of basic ! Ichemistry. In real systems , obviouslyj the condition for invariance must con- a Iform to the condition of stability, 1'. To ensure.a stability margin in an Invariant system it is necessary that the' Lpbver of the degenerated characterletic-,equation, derived from the initial cari, 1/2,-,- _1rj fir -T6 8 8r- 6-6 - SVF+1 T J P RB I/G 0 ACC NR: AP6012870 so u R AUTHOR: Goroshin, 0. L (Engineer); Zhuravskly, Yu. P. (Engineer) ORG. none TITLE: A multichannel coupling device with regulators for use with the "Dnepr" all purpose computer SOURCE: Mekhanizatslya I avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 4, 1966, 22-23 TOPIC TAGS: computer programming, coupling circuit, digital analog computer, industrial automation ABSTRACT: The article describes the circuitry, operation, and scope of a 14-channel regulator coupling device, developed at the NIOKHIM Institute (Institut NIOKHM), to be used as a coupling circuit between a "Dnepr" all-purpose computer nd an output work unit (e.g., a machine tool). The device has 30 output trigger ef - Nonnection of signal and control relays which are switched on and off at commands fed from the control unit in accordance with the machine operation routine. A structural diagram of a data conversion system using this coupling circuit is examined, and the operation of one of the Identical 14 channels is considered In detail. The device has a built-in alarm system in the case of machine stoppage due to pro- gram-monitored faults. A basic electrical diagram of the device is included, and it is pointed out that this unit, which is simple and reliable in operation, provides the operator with the UDC: 681.14-523.8:62-519-654.15 L 45688-66 C NR: AP6012870 possibility of visually monitoring the control process and of intervening In that process at any time. The device permits easy matching with electronic simulation equipment and may be um in the formation of hybrid (digital-analog) control systems. Unlike static discrete-analog con- verters, this device filters out the HF oscillations of output signals caused by the operational instability of the discrete-to-onalog converter in the coupling unit of the computer. At the pre8ent time, the device is being used in a Dnepr - based control system in the absorption section of a sods production operation at the Slivyanskiy Sods Combine- I'- (Slavyanekly sodovoy "kombinat). Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE; 09,13/ SUBM DATE:. .'none Card 2/Z /)7 THET~YAKOV, F.Te.? 'KIRYTIUMA G.N.1 GORSHWOV, A.I. I p Effect of heat treatr*nt on the structure aml pr-opertllei of VT15 alloy welds. Metalloved. i term. abr. met. no.,,s59-63 My 165. (MIRW 1817% GRINYUK, R.I., inzh.; GOROSHKEVICH, A.S., in2h. Inspection of the quality of the welded joints of multistrand wires. Elek. sta. 36 no.1:68-70 Ja 165. (MTR& 18.;3) GOROSHKIN, A. K. Prispsobleniia Ma metallorezhushchikh stankov- spravochnik konstruktora. I-oskva, Mashgiz, 1947. 258p. (chiefly diagre.,, tables~. Bibliography: p. 246-(255) DLC:TJ1230.G88 (Devices for metal-cutting machines; designer's handbook.) SO. Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953- I GOROSHKIN, A. K. .Prisposoblenila. dlia jistal-lareshushchikh stankov. Spravochnik kozistruktora Isd. 2e Moskva, Yashgis,, 1950. 402 p., (Devices for metal-cutting amehinles. Dealgner's handbook*) SO.- Manufactur-Ing and lHechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library if Congress, 1953. GOROSHKIN,,A&K*., inshenor; MARKUS, HaTe., insheneri redaktor; KAP-GANOV, V.G., ier, redaktori'. (Attachments for metalcutting machines; manual for the designer] Prisposoblenila dlia astalloreshushohikh stankov; spravochnik konstruktora. Izd. 3. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. I sudoetroit. lit-rY, 1953.-266 p0 OQRL 7:6) (Machine tools), -1 01 ", 0 S3 IT PtK dlya metallorezhushefil-kh stanko,%r (Atta6iraentsz for Netal::Gu'ltuing Machine Tools), reference book for desi6ners, third edition, Maslagiz, A sheets. The boo's containS a description of basic problemi connt?c ted vith t he design Q of attaciLments, contains reference tables, calcitlations, mid typical desigms of attaclunents, machinp units: and parts, treats prolUerx of the applicat-'on of pneumatic attachments, and gives the caUber of metal-cutftinE mac~dne tools. The refer-ence book 1,,5 Intended for pruduc-Uon Oosigriertj ind stud-Cilts of spetiall training institutions. so: u-6472, 18 NOV 19,Q~ AIVIPOV. K.F., inthener; -B.S., dohor tek~nlr-heskikh mr-'r, professor: BARYIOV. G. I., in7henar, BXYZ91,'MAII, R.D., tnr~nnj!r; BXRDICHZVSXIY, Ya,G.. Inzhisner: BOBKOY, A.A., Inzhener. KALIN114, M.A., kandidst takhnicbeakikh nauk; ICOVAN, V-14., doktcr tokhnicbe- skikh nauk, professor; XOR";ii-KOV, doktor tekhnirheskilrc~ nauk; XWIWVA, A.G., kan4ldnt tAl-hnichaskikh nattko, ?.UDRYAVT84V. E.T.. dokCDr ihimicheakikh nauk. professor; KURYSHIVA. Ye.S., inzinener; 1AKHTTli, Yu.M., doktor tak-hnichesklkh nauk, vrofessor; HhURMAII. H.S., Whoner: YOVIKOV. M.?., kandidat tekhnicherkikh nauk, PAR-lY- SKIY. H.S., lazhemer; PSWO601, M.N.. inzhener; ?OPIIOV, L-Ya., inzhener: POPOV, V.A., kandl-iat tokhnicheslcikh na&.; SAVYPtlb, X-f%, doktor tekhnicheskikh -auk, orcfessor; SASOV, V.V., kandint teichni- cheskikh nauk; SAUL*. toktor takhaicheskikh naulk, nrofeEacr- SOKOL4DVSXIY, A.?., dolctor te'l-.1-nicheakikh nauk, profescor fdecev~odj: STARKAVICH. V.G-, in2hener; -FRUY,114. Yu.L., Wheiner: 0%4-110Y. Inzhener: TSBYTLIN, L.B., inzhener; SHUNHOV, Yu.T., kand-:da?.- tekhnichaskikh naul-,. BABUB. 6.1.. kandidat tekhnichpDkikh annuk; VULKOV, S.I.. kandiat takhnichaskikh nAuk-, GOR013TSKIT, I.Ye., doktor tekhnichaskikh cauk-, professor; GORDSHKIN, A-K i-l-herer: DOSCHATOY, V,V.. kardidat tel-hnicheskikh 'irmhener. LSAYXV. A.T., doktor teldinichaskikh nank, arnfessor: KOR(W. ~mnd.idat tekhutcheaktIch rotA-, MALOV. A.N., kandidet neuk, MARUDYAN. M.Ye,, in7lhener; PANCILYhKO. K.P,, tel-lr!niche- skikh nauir; S104T.Wi, bY.. inzhener; STAYNY. K.?-, kendi&it tekhni- cheakilch nauk; SYROVATCMWO, P.V., inzhener; TAURIT. G.P., ftzlhansr; ALIYASMU, M.A., kandidat teirlanichaskikh nauk; (Continued on next nerd) AUTIPOV. K.F. ilium! (;iii-. Mtiv. 1) - V. , red no: (11c3c,vin,ell ; 6tAULOVi. T.?. t-~ IltiLlAor's manual) So- v 4--rul0h red.3ovat Vol, Uoi red . Mn 25 L:~~t " "' ORE% I JEJ I Ito IMM all gig fell !jig Neill till it - I fit 21,4 ul HHH, fill P il oil KAL07, A.U., kand.tekhn.nauk; BABKIK, S.I., kand.takhn.naulc; VCLKOV, S.I.. kand.tokhn.nauk; OMOLETSKITO I*Te,g prof*, doktor takhn.nauk; in2h., DMHATOT, Y.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; WMIN, "UV, A.L. prof*, doktor tekhn.nauk; X&MOT, S.M., kand6takhn.nauk; KARDANYM, K.Ta., inzh.; PANCHMIKO, X.P., kand, takhn.nauk; &%=TRY, D.K., inzh.; STAYEV, K.P., kand.takhn.neuk; SMOVATCIMMO. P.V., inzh.; TAURIT, G.B., inzh.; ELITASHETA, N.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk; KOVAK, T.K.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, glavu" red.; KAIMUS, K.Te., inzh., red. (deceased]; SOKOLOVA, T.F., [Manual for mechanical engineers; in two volumes] Spravochnik tekhno- loga mashinostroitelis; v dvukh tomakh. Y.M.Kovan. Chlemy rad.sovets B.S.Balakshin i dr. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.isd--vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. Tol.2. Pod red. I.N.Malova. 1959. 584 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Mechanical engineering) GOROSHKIK,, Alsksandr Koustantinovichj IVANOVA,, K.Ns, inzh., redo; - TIKHANOTj--A;T&i-i--tekbxe red. - [Attacbments for machine toole; handbook] Prispoooblexiia dlia metalloresbushchikh atankovi opravochnike Izds4ev perere i dope ltoskva,, Wshgiz,, 1962. 379 p. WMA 15:5) (Machine tool&-Attachwits) NOLKOV, S.I., kand. tekhn. nauk (deceaBedj; GOWiDETSKIY, I.Ye... doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. [deceased]; LURKHLKIN inzh.; DOSCHATOV, V.V.,, inzh.; ZAMALIN,.V.S., inzh.; KEDROVI S.M., kand, tekhn. nauk; MALOV, A.N.� kand. tekhn.nauk, prof.*; MARDANYAN, M.Ye,, inzh.; PANGHENKO, K.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; RDZHDFSTVENSKIY, L.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; SEKRETEV, D.M., insh.;.SYROVATCHENKO, P.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; TAURIT, G.E., inzh.; ELIYASHEVA, M.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; YAKUSHEV, A.I., doktor tekhn.nauk prof.; KOVAN, V.M., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof., red. (deceasedl; SERGEYEV9 V.M., inzh., red. izd-va; CHERNOVA, Z.I.7,.takha. red.; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. (Handbook for the mechanical engineer] Spravochnik tekhnologa- mashinostroitelia; v dvakh tomakh. Glav. red. V.M.Kovana. Mo- skva, Mashgiz. Vol.2. 1963. 912 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Machinery--Design and constraction) GOROSHKIN. 1. A vignificant five-year period. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. /+ noo.10:23-24 0 161, . - (14IRA :14:22) I* Zamestitell prooedatelyn Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po voprosam truda i zarabotnoy platy. (Penoions) /j VA~.~VA, O.P, ; G~IOROS DRZYSIN, G.I.; LUKIYANOVA, Ye.D.; RYATO 4 VA, G; SAM66 LOVA, L.G.; DAMY, GJ.; LIMM, A., [State budgets of the Union republics In the fifth five-year plan; * statistical manual] Gooudarstvenn" -bludzety aoiuznykh respublik * platoi piatiletka; statinticheakii-sbornik. Moskva, Goefinisdat, 1957. 174 P. (KIRA 10:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Bjrudshetnoye upravlenlys. (Budget) 4RERENTSIS, A.N., inzh.; GOROSHKINA, V.A~,,-insh. 2conomic limits of current loads for UO-550 kv. overhead power transmission lines using standardized towers. Elektrichestvo no*3: 39-45 Mr 063- (MIRA 16S4) 1. Institut "ZwrgoxetIproyektO,. I (Electric power distribution) ,.GOROSH-KINA. V.A.; SHERENTSIS, A.N. Authorts reply. Elaktrichest*vo no.4:91-92 Ap, 165. (MIRA 18:5) GRACHEVA, V.P.; RASTORGUYEVA, G.P.; RIKHTER, B.V.; rEDOROVA, G.Ae Meteorological observations In analyzing the industrial pollution of the ground layer of the atmosphere. Trudy GGO no.138:18-30 163. (MM 17-2) ALEKSANDROV, N.N.; GOROSHKO, B.B.; KOVAIENKO, V.G. Determining the coefficient of the.rate of air flow through a gauze filter. Trudy GGO no-158:102-108 164. (KRA 17:9) iF0531."hn B.P. Methcds cf capanatirig di-y f'tjll.!:mt Pr-orn fallnut a-c-aeLved jltb p.?-,~c~t,rlftat"cmo Trudy QGO no*1721.265-173 165, (KRA 18:8) L 2666-66 WW/W~(m lFqqL W GSAW N'Jit__'AT5023962 UR16000165/0'006000473 460 0 AUTHORt Aleksandrov N Nei o, V C Panfilov Go As! Effect'of meteorolo ven as TITLEt Rical conditions on the affecti e radioactive pollutant.collection SOURCE: Hauchnaya konferant siya Vo yadernoy mateorologii. Obnins I WE-op ---. ktivnyye I y v atmoofere i ikh ispol'zovaniye v 1964, Radioa meteorologii (Radioactive isotopes in the atmosphere and their use in meteorology); doklady konferent6ii, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1965, 473-48Q .,tdPtC TAGS: nuclear m y, micrometeorology, F#Aioactive fall- J, out. radioactive pollution CTs Re sults are presented for co para ABST A m tive tests carried out 'to-determine the affec*tiveness of 3 types of fallout collectoirs and forexperiments determine the coefficient of air passing over a vertical sheet (panell. The collectors were plain gauze-covered sheets, framedl sectional, steel sheets painted with nitrocellulose enameli or glycerine-coated aluminum vessels. The effectiveness of Card GORDSHKO, D. (Kharikov); VZMOVSKIT. V. (Kharikov) Centralized cutting out of leather goods for repair shops. Prom* koop. 12 no.7:64 J1 158. (MIRA 11:8) 1.Predeedatell prayleniya ob1bytjJr~=oT=& (for Gorashko). 2.Glavnyy inshener oblbytpromsoyma (for Verkhovskiy). (Kharkov Province--Boots and shoes-Repairing) KAZAKOV, Ye. I.; LARIN, A. Ya.; VORONMA, T. B.,- LYUBD40VA, Z. V.; GQRMMM,a--L Surface-acti" oubstances frm peat tar hydrocarbons. Trudy IGI 17:157-168 162. . (MIRA 15:10) (Surface-active agents) (Peat) KAZAKOVP Ye. I.; LARIN, A. Ya.; VORONINA, T. B.; LYUBIMOVA, Z. V.; GORGS G Light oil of a mean temperature brown coal tar &s a raw material for the productioA of-sUrface-active substances. Trudy IGI 17: 169-173 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Coal-tar products) (Surface-active agents) SKURATOV, S.M.; GOROSHKO, N.N. -'- S:,MPIw--b-r-Idge circdt for measuring the resistance of a platinum thermometer, I=Otekh. no.2:6-8 F 164. (MIRA 17:4) :A !'Z 7 A :-,/!:WT f E P F 1`74-r z)1T if. N. KJzInal A P t F. of combustion of exo-and endo-isowers- 2- F____ _gZano- b cyclo-7~T2,ITheptaae K' t n 1 no, 4, 1964, I3omerizat-lon I n p A i r M o r~ -zip Ud -c ian')- 'ycio- 71 R NP : A',1404Ln-76 The enthalpy for the exn-j9-mx--., 4-4 Z -caijuioi, and for the endo- I sox. -- r: _,&_q250 113?.98 0.39 kcal 'Imol. 7he heat of was CS'Ic-Slated at at w -c I ~-e 'Both ~Iiomera were liquid. AHTO 1130-09 41 0.31 and LH715.80 1131-0q 3 kcal/m , i ; cendo 0 exo ~xo -endo heat of Isomerization -0.96 + 0.4-4 kcal/mol. Orig. art. has,- tables. Kafedra fl Z11 C~ T 11; X *U I ty -q 03"ar64 DATE AC(~: ENICL: 00 E -rD, G C -- NR RBF SOV: 004 OT14ER: 004 Cord 2/2 SERE-GIN, E.A.;-QQWSHKO,,N,,11.,.; KOLESOVI V.P.; BELIKOVA2 N.A.; SKURATOT, S.M.; PLATE, A.F. Heat capacity at low temperativres and the themodynamic functions of endo- and exo-2-methyl-bicyalc~-(2,2,1)-heptanes. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.66.1381-1384 D 164 (MIRA 18:1) SAVIN, G.M. [Savin, R.N.] VIIYGVI*~~. 0~-4-11!oroshko, 0.0.1 (Arev) Noureboundiag of a 2omd during 4brupt changes in the lifting force. Prykl.mekh. 4 no.3s263-268 158. (MIU 13:8) 1. Institut strottellnor makhadki AN USSR. Uifting and aarrying) GCROSMM, 0. A.: Meter Phys-Mth Sci (dies) -- "on the dynamics of flexible conductors". Kiev, 1958. 7 pp (Aced Sci Ukr SSR, Tnat of the Physics of ~Ibtals), 150 coPies (KL, No 5, 1959) 142) AUTHOR: Goroshko, O.A. 21-58-5-10/28 ---------------- TITLE: On the Vibrations of Plexible Guides Under the Action of a Moving Load (0 kolebaniyakh gibkikh provodnikov pod deyst- viyem dvizhushchegosya gruza) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1958, Nr 51 PP 508- 511 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author has derived integro-differential equationsfor the transverse and torsional vibrations of flexible guides He has also analyzed qualitatively a possibility of the con- version of the energy of longitudinal vibrations of the load into the energy of the torsional and transverse vibrations of the flexible guides. The author concludes that the mini- mum of swinging of the flexible guides can be achieved by using ropes which do not untwist or pairs of ropes ;twisted in opposite directions. There are two Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Institut matematiki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Mathematics of the AS UkrSSR) PRESENTEDi By Member of the AS UkrSSR, G.N. Savin Card 112 21-58-5-10/28 On the Vibrations of Flexible Guides Under the Action of a Moving Load SUBMITTED: November 11, 1957 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation. I 1. Vibration--Mathematical, analysis Card 2/2 GWOSIIKO, O.A. LHoros*o, 0.0.1 Soise special characteristics of the motion of flexible cables [vith emmry in English]. Dop.AN URSR no.12:1296-1299 '58. (MIU 32-1) 1, Institut strottelonoy makhaniki AN USSR. Predstavil akademik AN W.141 G.H.Savin (H.M.SavW. (Cables--Vibrations) 2'4(6) (s&virx,, G. R.) AUTHOR: Savin, 19.~.,/Pember AS UkrSSR, Bezsonov, V.H. (Bessonov) V. G.) TITLE: Determination of Stresses in a PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains1koi pp SOV/21-59-7-5/25 Horoshko90'40i1r,(GL~r~ ~bko Reeling 'Flp-stic Rope RSR, 1959, Nr 79 712-717 (UkrSqR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated stress distribution in the reeling part of ropes. The equilibrium conditions for the thread on the felloe are determinated from equa- tion ~% 'Ajw.4.) Al . =. 0 . '6 t x ffY ?x It is shown that, at winding-up speeds of v. = con- stant, limited by condition the dynamic stresses in the reeling-part are almost completely damped by friction forces. At winding-up Card 1/2 speeds definited by inequality SOV/21-59-7-5/25 D6termination of Stresses in a Reeling Elastic Rope the slipping of the thread on the felloe vanishes. There are 23 mathematic formulas and 4 diagrams ASSOCIATION: Tnstytut budivellnoyimekhaniky ATT UkrRSR (Institute of Givili-Ingin6ering,AS UlcrSSR) SUBMITTED: March 16, 1959 Card 212 !16 (1)9 24 (5) SOV121-59-8-4126 (Savin, G. M.), AUTHORS: Savin, H. M./-Member, AS UkrSSR and Horoshko, 0. 0. (Gorosbko O.A.) TITLE. Elastic Parameters of a Naturally Twisted Thread PERIODICALt Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainsikoi RSR, 1959, Nr 8, pp 628 - 832 (USSR) ABSTRAM In this article, the authors describe the properties of real ropes to untwist on longitudinal tension by introducing their mechanical model which is a naturally twisted thread. The term "naturally twisted thread" means a mechanical object. endowed with longitudinal and torsional rigidity and with properties to untwist on longitudinal tension and to lengthen on untwisting. The principal parameters of the model aret EF and B - longitudinal and torsional rigidity of the thread respectively - and k, the coefficient of untwisting. The following formulae are taken as a basis for determining the elastic parameters experimentally3 EF- Q2 - Q, Card 1/3 U2 _U1 (15) SOV/21-59-8-4/26 Elastic Parameters of a Naturally Twisted Thread (2) M(1) 'd M k k (16) B. -- k (17) Q2 1 T Io Whereby Q stand for loads, (1) and (2) for the 19 Q2 11~ N volume of the momentsj4Mk for the increase of the moment, and6for motion:eos direction. The above formulae are ob- tained from the equation for the static equilibrium of the thread EF d U + kEF d + q - 0 dx dx kEF d U + (B + k2 EF) d =0 dx dx Card 2/3 Elastic Parameters of a Naturally Twisted Thread SOV/21-59-8-4/26 Whereby q means the weight of the unit of the length of the - thread, and dx - elements of the thread. The elastic proper- ties of twisted ropes were also studied by M. F. Glushko LRef. 17 who based his experiments on the definition of dependence of the elastic properties of the rope on its geometrical structure. The naturally twisted thread, a mechanical model of a real rope, suggested by the authorsq defines the basic properties of twisted ropes of various construction. According to this model, the basic elastic parameters of the rope - the longitudinal and torsional rigidity and the coefficient of torsion -.are defined by means of simple mechanical tests independently from its structure. There are 2 tables and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut stroitellnoy mekhaniki AS USSR (Institute of Construction Mechanics of the AS of UkrSSR) SUBMITTEDt March 16, 1959 Card 3/3 IL v ILI R Ail 18 i ML r IV It as J 441 ---77777777'!~ O.A. SAVIN, G.N. Davin, H.N.Io akademikoP~O%= CHOrcshko. 0.0.1 3quation for the motion of a naturally tviested thread of var7ing length. Dop.Ax UM no-6:720-?29 160. . (NIBA 13:7) 1, Institut mekhaniki AN USSR. 2. AN USSR (for Savin). Obps GOROSHXD O.A. [Horoahko, 0.0.1 Nov periodicals on mechanics. Pkykl.nekh. 6 no.1:115 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Neohanice-Periodicals) 9.A. [Horoshko, 0.0.1 SAM, G.H. (Sayin, ILK.] almdemik; GTEHM,,, Intepodifferentlal equailous for the motion of objects of Twiable dimensions... DDp9AN URSR na,7:892-r898 160. (MM 13:8) 1. Institut mothanikl AN VULLAY USSR (for Savin). (Notion) GEGRGIYEVSKAYA, V.V. (Hisorhileyefkap V.Vojj GOROSHKOI O.A. (Horoahkot 0.0.) Work of the seminar on mechani(V at the Departmpnt of Technology of the hademy of S-iences of the Lresinian S.S.R. during the first half of 1961,-- I-rykl.M;6. 7 no.6:683-685 161. NDA 1011) .(Academy of 53ionces of the Ukrainian S.S.R-0) SAVIN, Guriy Nikalayevich, akeLdmikj_ GOROSHKO_I_ Oleg Aleksandrovich- GOLUBENTSEV, A.N.p doktor tekhn-. pauk, otv. red.-;-MWNNIK, T.X., red,.; LISOVETS, A.M., tekhn. radw [Dynwdes of a vire of yarying length, used in mine hoists) I Dinamika niti peremenncIX k shakhtnym pod"emam. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, 1962. 331 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. A~ademiya nauk Ukr. SSR (for Savin). (wire rope) GORPSHKID. O.A. [Horoshko., 0.0.1 Problems of mechanics at the joint session of departments of technical 0c,jenees of the Ac&deaV of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. and the Acade4r of sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. RrAlomakh. 9 no.2:22&-229 163. (KIRL 161.3) (Mechanics) GOROSHKq, P.A...[Horoahko,, 01011 Work of the symposium-seminar on the problems of wire ropes. Prykl. mekh. 9 niD.6:,686 163. (MA 16:12) GOROSHKON O.A. (Horoshice, 0.0j; KRASILINIKOV, K.V. (Kraisyllnykovp K.V-J Tranaverve vibrations of a string (cable) of variable length, Dbp. 0 URSR n0-3019-322 064e (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut makhaniki AN UkrSSR i Dr*propetrovo~iy gosudaret- vennyy universitet. Predstavlano akedemikom AN UkrSSR G*N. Savinyx [saving Home]. GOROSHKO, O.A. [Horoahko, 0.0.1 Work of the section of dynamics of the seminar on mechanics at the Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Pr7kl. mekh. 10 no.3:345-347 164. (MIRA 17:6) 3519;-66_ EW T(d),/_F-ViT(MWEWP(W), tWRM :4 T V 1 AN5013211 BOOK EXPLOITATION Goroshko. Oleg AleksandroXich Dynamics of elastic structures in1ree flight conditions (DLuamLka uprugoy konstruktaLL v usloviyakh evobodnogo poleta) Kiev.-Naukovd.,- '_A~l dumka, 196D. 164 po illuso, biblLo,j fold, chart. Errata slip inserted. 1200 copies printed. ~ (At head of titlet Akademiya nauk UkraLnokoy SSR. Institute makhanLkL) TOPIC TAGSt aerodynamics, elasticity theory, dynamic stabilityq~ aerospace vehicle, f.ree flight !,A PURPOSE AND COVERAGEt Thiis book deals with the dynamic stability of W s. elastic hulls of flight vehicles under free flight conditions, It, is shown-.through investigations of the general equations of.dynamic that lose of dynamLc stabillt~ can occur in some cases of motion - an 'loss of stabLlfty due to longitudinal bending in other cases$ ---pendlng on flight *conditions. RegLons of stability are detarmLaod by means of mechanical parameters of'the structure, depending on- peculLarities of the control'system, and the thrust, and on,otha:r.' factors, Full coverage-of -the subject to not claimed$ and the &w4_1 3 1~ 3!519-66 AM5013211 book contains chiefly the results of investigations 'conducted by_'~"" the author. The book is intended for.specialists working in,thi.w and oscillations. field offlight dynamics# con trol systems -j TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged) "N __4 Idtroduct:c~n 3 Ch,, I.*,1 -The basic equations of motion of elastic structuroalin.- c an trolled. flight 7 Ch. Z1, Ldngitudinal-vibrations of a ona-dimensional objeqt-La cone trolled flLght _4 - - Ch..111. Plans longitudinal-transverse vibrations of elastic structures in free flight 46 _T~ .14, ICh. IV, 'Longitudinal-trannversa-:vibratiohe of elastic one-ditiensi6nai obJects. An inve-itigation of motion -under nonlinear,., laws of~ control 92 Card 2/3 . I-Cqrd- . -- .-i". . I-, - -11 - - . - .. I -- - -.--II -A