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GORBUNOV, M. A. and KCSHIINJI N. I. "Absorption of Sound in the Region of Transition from Liquid to Crystals." report presented at the 6th Sci. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound in the investigation of Matter, 3-7 Feb 1956, organized by Min. of Edueation MEW and Moscow Oblast ?edagogic Inat. im N. K. Krupskaya. ES T;O,ZD,.R:-7X1) V. F. I KOMIMF, N. I. , and GO-1:010 'N, M. A. "Study of Physico-Chemical Properties of Complex Mermod~namical SystE--, by Ultrasovic Methc4s." paper presented at 4th All-Union Conf. on Acoustics, Moscow, 206 May P jun 58. Z NCZMBVO V.7.; YAKOVIST# V.P.; KOSHKIN, N.I.; GORBUNOT# M.-A. Certain now possibilities for using drtVe`===aS;9_yOr investi- gating substanass. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotakh. no,1:35~42 to, (K IM mo 4) 1. Pekamendoyana kafedroy obehohey Miki Mookovskogo oblastnogo pedagogichookogo instituts. (Ultrasonics) (Liquids) 5(2,4j AUTRORS: Gorbunov, 11. A., Kochkin, 11. 1. SOV/153-58-4-8/22 TITLE: _~easur_eent of the Absorption of Ultra-Sonic Waves in Oroanic Liquids in the Transition Zone, Liquid-Crystal (lzmereniye poeloshcheniya ul'trazvulcovykh voln v organicheskikh zhidkoctynkh v oblaoti perckhoda zhidkontl- kristall) PERIODICAL: izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy. Xhimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 4, PP 49 - 54 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The study of the properties of matter in the transition zone, liquid-crystal, is of particular impo--tance today, especially in connection with the artificial growth of crystals for various industrial purposes, as well as for the prodlIGtiOn of pure substances. A survey of literature is given (Refs 1-10, 14-16). The problem mentioned in the title was, as far as the authors know, not investiL:ated. The authors used the impulse -method for measurements in the Card 1/3 transition zone. The main problem wan to determine Measurement of the Absorption of Ultra-Sonic Waves in SON/In'3-5B-4-8/22 Organic Liquids in the Transition Zone, Liquid-Crystal whether the impulse would penetrate the medium in the transition zone with low sound intonsities: if not, the natural process of crystallization viould be disturbed. (Ref." 3,11). Eventi'allYt the aiithors succeeded in constructing the chamber out- lined in figure 1. The con~,truction and functioning of this charaber are described. Tests we-:-e carried out with benzene (consolidation Point +50) and its derivatives of various kinds: o-xylene, chlorobenzone, ben2~yl alcohol, and carbon tetrachloride. The lLtter served for comparisons since its molecular st:~,ucture differs considerably frorm that of benzene and its derivatives. The authors refrain from entering into a theoretical discussion of the general problem of transition between liquids and solids and confine themaelves to a discussion of the results of measureme-ts of the absorption in benzeno tuid bon-_yl alcohol. It follows from the results obtEdned that; 1) there Card 2/3 coexist in the transition zone 2 modific~,tions which Measurement of the Absorption of Ultra-Sonic Waves in SOV/153-56-4-8/22 organic Liquids in the Transition Zone, Liquid-Cr~rstal are in static equilibrium; this fact also seems to determine the presence of -an absorption maximun, its position and width. b) The transition does not take place at a cert--in temperature,,but within a range of temperature determined by the strkictural properties of the substance. There are 3 figures and 16 references, 1'17_;419 Aich are Soviot. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogichookiy institut (1-10"cow Ofblast Pedagogical Institute)Kafedra obshchey fiziki (Chair of General Physics) SUBMITTED: October 12, 1957 Card 3/3 SOV/124-59-9-9840 Translation fromi ReferativrAyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 9, P 38 (us SR AUTHORS: Kagthlrin N-I*-, jorbung, I.A_ TI=: A Method Worked out for Measuring the Absorption of-am-rsonic Waven in the Liquid-Solid Transition Range PERIODICAL: V sb.i Primenenlye ul"traakust. k issled. veshchestva. Nr 6, Moscow, 1958, PP 199 - 208 AWTRACT: The authors describe different variants of the pulse method for studying the supersonic absorption (frequency of the order of 106 cps) by liquids at temperatures being close to the crystallization temperature. The conditions, which must be fulfilled for applying the pulse method to investigating the properties of matter within the transition range between liquid and solid crystalline state, are formulated: 1) application of a solid acoustic delay line; 2) using two quartz converters for reducing the acoustic range; 3) operation within millimeter distances. A glassy measuring chamber is described, which provides for the following properties-. Card 1/2, a) uniformity of the crystallization process over the entire volume Xb SOV/124-59-9-98W A Method Worked out for Measuring the'Absorption of Supersonic Waves In the Liquid-Solid Transition Rtinge of the chamber; b) possibility of a direct observation of the oours 'e df a process; c) exclusion of possible chemical interactions between the in- vestigated liquid and the chamber walls. The authors recommend to record two series of measurements with different distances between the radiating and receiving quartzes. It is necessary to record also the initial value of the sounding pulse equal for the two measurement series. The measure- ments must be carried out at temperatures different from the crystallization temperature by 1 - 1.500. The results from measuring the sound absorption coefficient of benzol at a frequency of 6.35 Me within the temperature range from 4 to 8oC are presented graphically. Bibl. 12 titles. B.B. Kudryavtsev V16 Card 2/2 C; v I I kill It ;1 it E TL l ft F:1 I l it 9. 1 c afe y to ft,- 4 IM u lilt .1 lit 1 ;1!ja At MAN I GCRBUNCV, M. A., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Research intc the ab- sorption of ultrasonic waves in the area of tran-sition of t, orCanic substances." Mloseow, 1960. 10 DT); (Mini,E;try 0 f Eu, u C ~~ t i on ~~ t,~: ;~ -, - 4 ~ ~11, , Moscow Oblast' Pedegogical Inst im Jq. k,. Krup!~,kaya); 200 copies; price L) - not given; (KL, 24-60, 12?) aORRUNOV, M.A. AMD NOZDREV~ V.F. -------- "Untersuchung der absorption der ultraschalls auf dem schemelzungsgebet der molakularen crystal. Paper presented at Fourth Intl. Congress on Acoutics. Copenhagen, 21-28 Aug 196? GORBUNOVp M.A.; ROSAKIN, N.I, Ultrasound absorption in the transition region liquid - polycrystallins benzene. Prim. ulitreakust. k isel. veshch. no.l3t241-250 161, OGRA 16:6) Benzene-Acoustic properties) eorption of sound) M i'll C~ 7 i7 T (-)W i~'j t"n 5 1n Dmit,riye-va, N. A. 1i. !. Garbunov, M. A T'11 T LE C GJ, 'jklJ)n of acoustic propartier4f 'pol"prit'r.; i;y iL pulse Metilod Jibs. 1:L7,h435 REF Sb. Frii,.,ieneni~,e ulltraakust. kissled. veshchestva. Vyp. M, M.) 1964" 47-53 .'TOFIC TA.C;S: ultrasound abnorption, acoustic speed, epoxy plastic, rubber, butyl rulb'Der, acoustic measurement, thermortat 3 #9COCIJ-r/C Arre'AF.Cry ABSTI-ACT: The speed and absorption of ultrasound were measured at frequencies 500 kcs - 10 1'cs in the following polymer materials: polvbutylmelh~,~lat~e)c~)mpounds based on epoxy resin or the producb of copolymer. . utylmethaerylatcP'with dimet acrjlatle-,,,L~iet, 1~ine gl~,co. a~ m~brature range -60 - +60C. A b e glycol, Or dia3ram of -he pb1se apparatun-ir, The speed measurement vas based on the re- lative disD-Lacement of the first half-wave on the oscilloscope screen :,,'or two samples made of the same material but having different lengths. In determining the absorption the amplitudes o0 the first half 4. -wave were compared after passage throiigh samples of different lengths of the given material. The method of multiple reflections was also used. ", c~chematic diagram of the measuring chamber is presented. The entire system was irzerGed in a DL,%qar vessel filled with a liquid which did not react with the in- vestiGate4 polymer. To obtain low temperatures, refrigerating apparatus was used in Card 1/2 L 322991-6b conjunction with an ultrathernortat of the "Vobzer" type (accuracy 0.05C). Curves showinZ the of (X, nnd of the ultrasound velocity on the temperature at 830 and 9,50- lies ~nd ~,jt, 2ivere o1btaincd. The temperature at which the temperature co- efficients oil' the vclacity change, exhibit no reciprocal proportionality to the tem- Perature witl-~in the iii~iits of experimental accuracy (1%) in the interval 80-0 kcs 2 Mcs. 7he 111*c:1-a""ound ".peed in rubber decreaE;es rapidly in the interval -4o I.- 10C while tho a-'bi;orpLion in the region -_'~O - 20C paases through a maximiun (transition frora the biFhly-elta%tic into the glass-like state). At higber frequencies, the absorption maximiz-n shlits toward lower temperatures. 1. Nikolayeva. (Translation of abstract) SUB (;O-jj-,-,: 20 A;) L Nno-66 ACC NRAMUKU" SOUNDS COD11 MV027311moowwwowowoom IJP(c) JD/JH AUTHORI -Go*=Y, M. Burkovp V. V. 'TITIAt Engineering economic effectiveness of adopting aluminum radiators SOUNCEit Ref. sh.-Drigatell. vautreanago egoraniyaq Absp 1.39-130 MW SOURGEt Zap* ~."kh. in-t!'# ve, 97# 1965j, 205-217 TOPIC TAGSs aluminump wqAme radiator ABSTRACTs The adoption by iadustry of aluminum sectioned radiators manufactured directly from the melt or from alloyed-r-ol-fe-dproduets Qlas found to be economically feasible. Moreover,, it economis" large amounts or,.* such critical,gatbrials as copper, load and tin, and has other advantages'in the manufacture 1. tune atmi repair of radiators. The estimated yearly savings to the USSR from the adoptat.00 of sectioned aluminum radiators will be about 35 million rubles. The 200#000 to 2501ODO rubles needed as investment to manufacture copper radiators accounts for.favorable depre- ciation of the aluminum radiator producing installation. The manufacture of soldered aluminum radiators of the NE-120 type and the tubing-ribbed aluminum radiators is unprofitable. SUB CODEs 139 1l/ SUBM DATZ: none Card 1/1 L 45173-M ACC NR: AR6023279 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/003/EO07/EO07 AUTHOR.; Gorbunoy, M. A. Makhmudov, A. U. ORG: none i TITL]4-. I& m-Ug4tlon. Iky, !~e pulsip method of acous4c rogerties of benzenel..-, transition from crystial to liquid 1t1ftA"A.%-4*V 400000not- A-1-1-7 SOURCE--- -Ref. zh. Fizika-, -Abs~ - 31349- - REF SOURCE: Tr. 1-y Mezhvuz. nauchn. konferents1i po primeneniyu mole akust. k issled. veshchestva i v nar. kh-ve. Tashkent, 1964, 77-84 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic property, benzene, ultrasound absorption, temperature dependence, frequency band, pulse method, crystal liquid 'transition ABSTRACT: Ultrasound absorption has been measured in crystalline and liquid benzene at a frequency of 15. 1 Mc. It' was found that up to 5. 3C the absorption depends little on temperature but at higher temperatures absorption dependency increases sharply up to the values characteristic of the liquid phase. The role of 1/2 1 4gu-66. I ACC NR: AR6023219 diffuse scattering of ultrasound at the crystalline grain boundaries is discussed. The procedure of preparing samples is described. [Translation of abstract] [NT] SUB CODE: 20/ Card 2 2 GNOYEVOY, P.S., inzh.; NOVIKOVp V.G., Jnzh.; GORBUNOV M.A., Inzh.; KONAREVSKIY, A.A., inzh.; BESSTRASHNOVA, 6. .1 -M-1-adshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; GINZBURG, O.M., mladahly nauchnyy sotrudnik; SKOBELFV, M.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Experimental unit for studying the thermal and humidifying processes in sausage production. Trudy VNIIMP no.12:104.. 111 164. (MIFIA 18:2) I GOAPIP!RV, M. D. The PCImn'" fish-locating echo sounder. Biul.tekh.-ekon.informo no.10:45-46 160. (MIRA 13-10) (Sonar in fishing) GORBUNOV, M.D. Fish-searching sounding device nDellfin 1.0 Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform. no.7t69-70 161. (MIRA 2-4:6) (Fish processing plants) ARMIYEV, Yu.N., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; A RY V, I.A., inshener; ASTVATSATUROV, G.G., inshener; BISWOVATYY. S.L. inzhaner; BONDARU- 10, A.Y., inshener; GURALINIK, Ye.L , Inzhener; GORBUNOV, K.Y, inzhe- ner; ZIATKOVSKIY, A.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh MerACIT01-09, *.W., in- zhener. KITAYZV, A.S., in'zhener; KOZLOV, A.M., Inzhener; ISONOV, P.T.. inshener; LIVSH-7TS, L.G., kandidat takhnioheskikh nauk; LIBERMAN, A.R., inshener; LINNIK, Ye.M., luzhener; LUKANOV, M.A., inzhdder; XOROZOV, S.A., inshener; POGORILYY, I.P.. kandidat tekbutcheskikh nauk; PETROV, S.A., kandidAt tokhnicheek1kh nauk; PYAT=KIT, B.G., inshener; RABO- CHIY, L.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh naukt SILIVANOV, A.I., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; FUBXRG, B.S., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; CHISTYAKOV, V.D., inzhener; CHUNIIHIN, V.M.. inshener; SHIRYAYZV. A.1., inshener; SHCHUFAK, A.P., inshener; KUCHUMOV, P.S., inzhener, redaktor; PETROV, S.A.; PZTRYAXOV,. A.L. redAktor; BAIIOD, A.I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. (Handbook of equipment for repairing tractors and agricultural machine- ry], Spravochnik po oborudovaniiu dlia remonta traktorov i sel'skokho- ZW9tTeWkh mashin. Moskva, Goo. isd-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1934. 646 p. NLRA 7:11) (Tractors--Repairing) (Agricultural machinery--Maintenance and repair) t' RB 10 UNOVI 14. G. Authors Gorbumv;. M.G. ,ritie: Aga of the tertiery flora at Ummkoa nn tht OD, Jourdalt Doklady Akadimil liauk Sa"Slip 1951) W,1-771 09-11 P- 101 0 SAbjeetv Palteont 1099 Froms D.S.I.R. USSR/ Goology. - Paleontology Card I Authors Gorbunov, M. G. TItIe Grape seeds fr(La iliocene depc)sits found downstream Qf the Chitlym River in Festern Sibvria Per:Loaica:L Dokl. AN MR, 97, Ed. 3, 527 530, July 21, 1954 Abstract Scientific data are given on grape seeds extracted from ilicoene deposits taken from the Chulim River in Ilestern Siberia. Sixteen references. Drawing!s. Institution : The V.. V. Kuybyshev State University, Paleontological Museum, Tomsk Preserate6 by: Academician, V. N. Sukachev, May 17, 1954 IMSH/Geology - Tertiary flora card :LA 5. Pab 22 - 30/U. Autbors t Gorbunov, M. G.) and Shatskiyj S. B. .Title : Stratigraphic position of tertiary flora (Kompasskiy Forest) on the Tim River Western Siberia) Periodical- t~Dok AN SSSR- TF/6., 1049-1052,, Aug 21, 1954 Abstract. I Map showing thestratigraphie position of tertiary flora on the Kompasskiy -forei;t - on the -River -Tim--in- Western Siberiaj is presented. The mater al-on-the I ces of Tertiary era plants., was argest resour gathered in 1952 by--the-West Siberia Geological Society. Twelve. USSR references (188-1,1952). Institution Obruchev, 1,L-Y 31, a954 Presented by: Academician V. A ANURIN,A.V.; ANANITAT9A.P.; BEMIKTOYA,R.U.; GRLTSIANOVA, I.T.; YBGCROVA,L.r.; IYANITA.Y.A.; KRAYNSKLYA.L.K.; KRAWMY31VA, P.S.; LXBIM,I.V.; LCHOVITSKAYA.M.P.; POLTUTIVA,O.K.; ROGOZIN,L.A.; RAWHUKO,G.P.; RZH(X5NITSKAYA,H.A.; BIVOV,A.G.; YOKIGHWiV.D.; MILL- FINA.V.K.; UILWIN.L.L.; CE30WSHIVA.S.V.; NIKITIMAJ.N., redaktor; OUROVA,O.A., tekhaicheskly redaktor [Atlas of leading forms of fossils in the fauna and flora of Vestern Siberia) Atlas rukovodiashchikh form inkopasmykh fauny, i flory sapad- nol sibiri. Pod red. L.LJM&Ifina. Hookys, Gov. nauchno-tokha.izd-vo Ilt-ry po geologii i okhrans nedr, Vol.l. 1955. 498 p. Vol.2. 1955. 3.18 P. [Microfilm] (KLRA 9:3) 1. Tomsk. Politokhnicheskiy institut imeni Kirov&. (Siberia, WeeterA-Faleontology) G(MBUNOV, M.G., BARUWV. I.A. On the stratigrapby of Tertiary flora in the Ub valley near Tomak. Dokl. AN SSSR 105 no.5:1062-1065 D 155. (HLRA 9;3) 1. Predstavleas aks4emikom D.I. Shcherbakovym. (0b valley-Geology, Stratigraphic) G 91- . New Juglans species from Tertiary deposits of Western Siberia. Bot.zhur. 41 no.5:653-666 My '56. (MLRA 10:7) 1. Tomskiy goeudaretvanW universitet. (Siberia, Western--Walnut, Fossil) GORBUNOV, M.G. Tertiary pines in Western Siberia [with summary in Inglish). Bot.zhur. 43 no.3:337-352 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Tomokiy goBudaretvannyy universitet. (Siberia, Western--Pine, Fossil) 3(5)917(4) AUTMOR: GoEbunoyL Id. G. SOV/20-128-3-48/58 TITLE: On Residues of Fruit of the Apple Tree (Pirus Mal-Lis) From Tertiary Deposits in West Siberia PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959t Vol 1289 Nr 3, lip 607-610 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The disclosure of Zaobskiy Yar (on the branch of the river Ob'# 0' km south of the village of Kozhevaikovo) is, according to investigations by P. A. Nikitin (Ref 3), one of the moat abundant disclosures with respect to discoveries of Tertiary plant seed and -fruit (Fig 1). This dizolosure is stratigraphi- cally divided into 2 unequally thick halves* On the foot of the steep wall, up to 6-9 m high above the river level, Tertiary sediments are deposited which are covered by a Quaternary mass up to 36 m thick. The Tertiary sediments belong to 2 horizons. Siderite nuclei of fTesh-water mollusks were found in the lower horizon (detarminations by A.G. Eberzing Ref 1). An intermediate layer of sandy loam, 0,5 m thick, was found in the loam of the same horizon. It contains numerous plant remains in the form of detritusp soed, fruitt wood, and leaf Card 1/3 remains. P. A. Nikitin washed out and determined 116 species of On Residues of Fruit of the Apple Tree (Pirus malus) SOV/20-128-3-48/56 From Tertiary Deposits in West Siberia plants from these -remains. In his opinionj this loam mass is of Pliocene age. The author considers the flora one of the habitats of the Kireyevskiy type which he assigns to the Lower Pliooene (Ref 1). In To A. Yakubovskayals opinion (Ref 4). these deposits are of Miocene age. The author found and described - from the lant detritue - endooarpia of Juglans oineres L. fossilis Brorin Ref 7)p numerous cones of Sequoia Largsdorfii Brogn.), as well as some cones of Metasequoia disticha (Heer) ~ iki (Ref 6). Among the undescribed plant remains# some large fruits are interesting which the author now assigns to the genus of Malus Miller (family of rosaceae)o Also leaves of this genus are seldom inthe fossil state, fruits seem to be wholly unknown (Ref 7). Here follows a description of the ner, species; M a I u a o b e n a i s 0 o r b u n o v s pe no (Fig 2). These fruits are similar to those from the Japanese Pliocene (Ref 8), namely the presumable Carya akashiana Miki. The author was also mistaken before when he described the apples under discussion as Carya. (Ref 1). Also Miki (Ref 9) has 3ow assigned his C. akashiana to the family of roaaceae (as Chaenomeles Card 2/3 japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.). A comparison of the fruit of On Residues of Fruit of the Apple Tree (Pirus Malus) SOV/20-128-3-48/58 From Tertiary Deposits in West Siberia Me obensis with that of recent species is difficult due to the poorly characteristic aspeoti With respect to the size of the fraitt the species of Me obensis is next to the s:peoies of Malus Sieversii (Ldb.),M. Roem from Soviet Central Asia. Me Sieverai rises up to the Tarbogatay Chain (Ref 10) in the north. At presentf there is no recent species of 11alus in the West-S'Lberian flora, The rather large fruit of Me obensis suggests it favorable climate in the beginning Pliocene in the respective area. There are 2 figures and 10 referencest 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Toms!--iy gosudarstvennyy universitet .1ra. V. V., Kuybysheva (Tomsk State University imeni V.V* Kuybyshev) PRESENTEDt June 1, 1959t by V.N. Sukaohev, Academician SUBMITTED: May 29, 1959 Card 3/3 G,ORBUNDT, )L a. Gontribution to the study of the Tays, horizon of siliceous rocks in Western Siberia. Doid.AN SBU 133 no.2:427-430 ii l6o. (MM 13:7) 1-Tomskiy gonudaretvanVy universitet imeni T.VJvWby~h9v&* Predstavleno &kademikom A.A.Trofimmkom. (Y" TallqW--Qeology, Otratigmphic) GORBUNOV, M.G,' Find of fossil nut near Antropovo on the River Tavda. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 4:814-817 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Tom5kiy gosudarstvonnyy universitat im. V.V.Kuyhyqbeva. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Sukachevym. KHA,LFIN, L.O*% prof.) otv. red.; IVPJUYA, V.A.) dots., kand. geol.:r;.iner. nauk, red. toma; BAURIOV, I.K., prof., red..; BULD."NIKOV) A.Ya.) prof., red.; GORBIUNOV,, M.G., dotu.. kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; KUZIMIN, D.S*,q prof., rcA.; ROGOV, G.M.., dots., kand. geol.-miner. nauk) red.; SULAK.5HN, S.S., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KHAKHLOVI V.A., prof., red. [Materials on the geology and mineraIs of Western Siberia; reDorts] Materialy po geologii i polezriym iskopaemym Zq.,udnoi Sibiri; doklady. Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ., 196.44. 424 p. (MIRA 180) 1. Konferentsiya, posvyashchenriaya 100-leti~u so dnya -ozlide.- niya akademika M.A.Usova, Tomsk, 1963. L 34c72-66 EWT(l), GW ACC NR~ AP6021223 SOURCE CODE: UR/0210/66/ooo/oo4/ouqq/oiob AUTHOR: Goebunov, M G.; lo3pelova, G. A. ORG: Tomsk State University (Tomskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet) ; jR_stitu_t_e__Q~L_ Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Department,ANSSSR (Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR) TITLE: Ppleomacmetic investigation in the Lower Miocene lake clays of the Tym River (Western Siberia) SOURCE: Geologiya i geofizika, no. 4, 1966, 99-1o6 T`0PIC TAGS: paleomagnetism, Mpp*P-944*~c=e, 4xmr==ffitrzft, magnetic declination, magnetic inclination, xftmm3rrLr magnetization, vlroeeH m&S%*4&aa&4,Pn ABSTRACT- Paleomagnetic investigations have been carried out on lake clays taken from the banks of the River Tym in Belyy Yar in the Kompasakiy Bor region in North- west Siberia. The clay was lens-shaped and belonged to the Upper Oligocene. Nine patterns were taken from various places in the lens. Patterns were studied in the laboratory of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Patterns taken from the middle of the lens had weak magnetization and those taken from the upper part had stronger magnetization, Magnetization of all patter-no was inverse to the present state of the earth's field. Card 82 _L 3A972!~_66 ACC Nit, AP6021223 Magnetic declination of all patterns was 194-50 and the man Inclination -620, sinc the present declination of the magnetic field is 140 and the inclination +77*. The stability of the remanent magnetization was determined by the demagnetizing alter- nating field. The demagnetizing field varied from 12 to 28 oe in the patterns, which indicates magnetization metastability. The viscous magnetization was determined from the difference in the remanent magnetization after the action of the earth's field in the direction of the magnetization and against it. A fast restoration of magne- tization after demagnetization in a constant field and great viscous magnetization indicate that rocks cannot be considered to resist temporary magn6tization in the earth's field and that viscous magnetization easily appears in rocks and vanishes rapidly. The speed of increase of viscous magnetization rapidly diminishes and its maximum is less than that of the initial magnetization. The position of the pole at the time when these sediments were deposited was computed from the declination and inclination and was found to be at A = 230'E and ~ = 70%. These coordinates agree with the migration curve of the pole. The polarity of the geomagnetic field then was opposite in comparison to the present field. Computations based on the remanent magnetization show that the region of Kompasskiy Bor was tit the paleolatitucb of 420. The difference between that and the present latitude is 180. These results may be considered as new data on the history of geomagnetic field. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. (EG) SUB COEE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 21Aug65/ ORIG REF: 008/ ATD PMSS:,5V2_? is GORBUMM) NIIII, inzhener. From the work wTorienco of the Hungnrian furniture industry. Der. prom. 5 no.8:26-27 Ag 156. .(MIRA 9:10) (Hungpi7-4rurniturn Industry) GCRMOV, N.I., Inzhener. - 7F=n"g"r"ea*r pwL*ls without fmmes. Der.prom-5 no.12:22-23 D 156. (MIRA 10:1) (Fumiture industry) GORBUNOV, Nikolpy.-Jy novich inzh.; SLUTSKIY, S.B., red.; SARRATSKATA,G.I., ~-;7-.Gda-t 1 r d 8 fetva, MTISHKO, L.V., [Selection of veneer for facing furniture] Podbor fanery dlia obli- tsovki mebeli. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1957. 94 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Veneers and veneering) GORBUlTOV,..j6Lba,l,uzh. e___OO,w?_,_nIshing furniture In Hungarian enterprises. Der-Prom- 7 no.3:30 Mr '58. , (MIRA 11:4) (HungarY--l'urniture) (Hungary-Wood finishing) GORBUNOV, I.I., insh. Chests and half-chests made of glued plywood. Der. prom. 7 no-7:20- 21 JTl 158. (KIRA 11:8) 1. Proyaktpo-konstruktorskoys byuro Mosobldravmebellprome. (Plywood) (Containers) GORBUNOT. 17, 1 -insh. Selecting plywood for facing furniture. Der.prom; 8 no.4125 AP 1.59, XMA 12W (Plywood) (yurnitnre industry) GORBUNOV, N.I. Manufacture of veneer shoots from wood shavings for furniture manufacture. Der. prom. 8 rp.11121-2,2 N 159- (MIRA 13:3) (Venosirs and Tollepring) GOWBOY, N. I. I inshe Paste for remov&I of otl-during poliabing, 9 no-3:18 Mr 1W. (MI" 13:6) 1. Moskovsksqa mebelinaya fabrika IlLyukons (Grinding and polishing) (Moscow-yarniture induatry-Nquipment and supplies) AnTIPoY-XARATAYZV, I.N. , akademik, otv.rad.; TYURIN, I.V., glavnyy red.; GORMOV, N.I.. red.; VBRIGINA, K.V., red.; ZONN, S.V-, red.; so redo; WROV-ZIRIDWe O.K.0 red.t KONONOV.A, N.M., redo,* LOBOVA, Te.V., red.; MISHUSTIN, Te.N., red.; RODA, A.A., red.; ROMOV, A.N., red.; SOKOLOV, A.V., red.; FRIM-UM, Vom., red.; SHUVALOV, S.A., redo; TWIMOV, A.L., red.izd-va; MAKUNI, Te.V.,, [Reports of Soviet woil scientists to the 7th International Congress in the U.S.A.] Doklady sovetakikh pochvovedov k VII Nexhdunarodnomu kongressu v SShA. NoBkva. Isd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 487 P. (MIRA 1'1:10) 1. International Congress of Soil Science. 7th. 2. AN Tadzhik- skoy SGR (for Antipoy-Karatayev). 3. Pochvetnyy inatitut im, V.V. Dokuchayeva Akademli nauk SSSR, Moskva (for Antipov-Urstayev, Gorbunov. (Continued on next card) ANTIPOV-XAUTAYNT, I.N.---(continued) Card 2. Ivanova,,Xononovs. Rosanov-,,Yridland, Sokolov).. 4. Laboratoriya lesovedenlya Akademii nauk BSSR, Moskva (for Zonn). .5. Vtiesoyuznyy nauchno-ionledovateliskiy institut udobrenLy i agropochvovedeni.Va Vaesoyusnoy ordena Lenina Akodemii sel'Bkokhoz.nauk imeni V.I.Lenina i Institut xamledellya akadenii sallskokhoz.nauk Beloruszkoy SSR (for Eadrov-Zikhmen). 6. Institut mikrobiologii Akademli nauk SSBR, Moskys (for Mishustin). 7. Nauchn" institut po udd'oreniyam i insaktofungi- taidam im. Ta.V.Samoylove, Moskva (for Sokolov). (Soil research) GIMBUNGV , N. I.. inzh , Attachment for prefilling pressing of the wood particle mass* Der.prom. 10 no.11:23 N 161. (MBIA 1/+:10) 1. MebelInaya fabriks. "Lyuks'l., Wskva. (Wood, Compressed) doktor sallkhoz, nauk, prol'o) KOZHEKOV, Dzholdoshbek; GQR.B.UNQVj otv. red.; BUTENKO, N.P., red.izd-va; POFGVA, M.G.,, tekhn.; red. [Soils of sprues and juniper forests in Kirghizistan, their chemical and mineralogical composition and properties] Poah- vy elovykh i archovykh lesov Kirgizii, ikh khimiko-mineralo- gicheskii sostav i svoistva. Fnmzep Izd-vo AN Kirg.SSR 1963. 147 P. (MIRA 17:11 1. Zaveduyushc~iy laboratoriye~ mineralogii pochv Pochvem-iogo institute. im. V'.V.Dokuchayeva for Gorbunov). GOMNOV, R.I.; PRL;3jNW.WHj Z.; GRADUSOVO B.P. Formation of clayey minerals in Podzolic soils on sandy rocks of various ages. Pochvovedenie no-8:0-57 Ag 163. (FMU 16;9) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva. GORBUNOV, N.P. I Fetroleum refineries are improving the quality of automobile . gasoline. Neftlanik 7 no.6:19-20 Je 162. (PEIRA. 15:8) 1. Glevnyy spetsialist Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov RSFSR po koordinatsli naucho-iseledovatellskikh rabot. (Gasoline) GORBUNOV. N.P. Improving the quality of petroleum products. Biul.tskh.-ekon. inform.Gos.nauc.-h.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.9M 163. (NIRA 16s10) I_A__I_ AA i I 4f. 2 .00 -AD 0 Pft"y C4- N- UMI-A A U . . gy S- S- Strfan R&K-3r -Fcb M 214 . , , . a ZVI W)v #%mt' 11 1-131%of Al . go roe zoo 00 400 fie .00 :.4 6 OAT f'*$ 0 * o o 0 0 , A, 9 0 0 o G 0 q 0 o 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 4 0 9 0 a # 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * O!o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 # 0 0 0 0 0966069,010 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Ole 9 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, Oj7 VI'l UCTHJOJI UJIM big 1?31 M4D 4141J a c D V G it A 1. a ft 0 K Uv f -11~ #4p,-% W*Ilv)ldlstvl) Wkywol 1131,J1111111. s or s v 21 f 00 00, Coos 00 00 69 -tutillupw u1 qjq ast)[1v of- Oj lillill tmtv wl!l!mxfujtx3 alllnna ja nsoffw j0j iwlvms vulija ARMS ".tlfl!v " - - u o l N j ~ 4 00 . - - ,N) - o un.) julm "Ut" ullixto aqj Soo U wqd Ilia% 1 -)Alr4 5.1"n3 IHV! puld tutu) - 110hRusul QU -pipa" Uv u1 pug 14.)v J!IXIV i Og` 0f- 0! skilloo la"Itupw j MQ11jo MINUS* oql Sul--'U'- invit- ' 00 lrb-wu a '41"1 "frinva ?Jv 'p-r - 'I" -40 ISI 1111111 o OLM Il W W I 1 P " F V a OO M t 00 'to, I -.4 la,A.14.1 -1-1 .11 so IS p j v I n -M T) I& IN I I Ii I I R I I l! 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