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77=- -- , -, . - .W-.., VAZHDAYN, V.N.Ostarshiy alektromekbaulk- GONCHLW, K.K. Letters to the editors. Avtom.telem. I avian' nool;40 (ININA 12: 1) 1, Yaroalimakays distantelys. signallsatall i avyasi Savernoy dorogl (for Vashdayev). 2. Nichallnik ralinkovichakoy distantait siguaixatsii I evyuml Belormaskoy dorogi (for Gonqsrov).'' (Railroads- Ignaling) GONGWOTO M. N. Professor Didtril Antanovich Novashilov. Ortop., trava. i protes. 22 no.8:94 Ag 161. IMIRA 14:12) (NOVOzHnM,,*,nGTRII ANTONOVICH., -3.895-) MUPIRO, Ij.; YIWOY,.F.G. Prinimali uchastiye: PZGUMW, M*Te-; aRIGOROYSTA, O.I.~; PMWA, LOP.; WNCHARDT-rA.Ye.; TME910TA, LOY.; S0RaKW, G.Te., JGeneral machinery.industry tima*norms for establishing norms for milling machino operations; small-lot and piece production] Obahchemashinostroitellnys normativy vremani dlia takhnicbeskogo normirovaniia rabot na.frezernykh stankakh; malkoseriinoe i edi- nichnoe proizvodstvo. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ryo.1960. 1,42 PO (KERA 14:4) ye ~ normativov po 1. Moscow. TSentrallno by=q promy9blennvkh .trudu. 2.-zaveduyushchiy otd,slom mashinostroyaniya TSantrall- nogo byuro promyshlennykh normativov po trudu,3ri Nauchno- iseledovatellskom institute trada (for Shapir, (Metalwork--Production standards) GONCHAROV, N. Top pp~ N Apoembly'lihe for proce0oing potatoeo. Sov.torg. 34 no.5*.9-53 My 161., (KERA 3.4: 5 1. Paohal!nik TSentraillnogo ~onstrAtorskogo byuro torgovogo mashinostroy-bniva (torlGoncharov)., 2. Glavnyy konstruktor Mentrall- nogo konstruktorokogo b~uro torgovqgo mashinoutroyaniya (for, TSypin)-. (Po~ atoea), (Food industry6-squipment and suppliea) .., . I - - '- - , ~ - - -..- :-~: -- I - - I ~ . ; , t - t , - . ;,~ Z-,- ~ J- -,, * , , ,, , , ", , - , 4. :1. - ! ~ -,", i* . - I .:_:., - ," -, ; ~Q - ~:,j ': , ., ~g ; - : - -, - : -,- - , -i- 1, r.-.. GONGRAROV, N. We "nd every silnuts, of the working time in productive work. Xastsugl. I nos'90-10 51.54, (MINA 8: 2) Naddalst kmbsina sbskhtr 110,3-bis kcablasta Stall=gollo (Coal nlrAm &ad mining) TUNAKOV,, P. (Kazan9; GONCHARE, N. (Kazan') Device for displaying the outdoor temperature in numbers. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 21 no.n:25 N 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Predsedatell ispolnitallnogo komiteta Kazanskogo gorodskogo Soveta (for Tunakov), 2. Nachallnik -laboratorii TSentrallnogo proyektao-konstruktorskogo byuro (for Goncharov)* (Kazan-Thermometers) MASLMIKOV, X.V.; GONCHLROV, N.A., nachalnik bumazhnogo toakha. Now developments In the production of pulp for condenser paper. Bum.prom. 30 no.12:20-21 D 155. (KM 9:3) 1. Glavnyy inshener bumazhnoy fabriki 'Zommunar" (for Maslennikov) -Ut iE RODIONOVA. Sergey Vasillyevich; ill-,.~"IYANIXOV, Vladimir 'I'likhaylovicb; HYABOV, 1,Gorid Ilvano-Ach; GIRIBYAN, Knarik Yervandovna; GONCHAROV,-N.A., red. (Finishing vood articles in an electrostatic field] Otdelka izdelii iz dreves1rW v elektrastat.-Ichaukom pole. Moakma Lesnaia promyshlep-noet', 1964. 96 p. (~imk 17:101 77-7 RODIONOV, S.V.; GONCHAROV, N.A. Proportioning device for atomizing varnish in electrical painting. Der. prom. 13 no.1:21 Ja 164. (MIRA 17--4) 10 Lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya im. S.M.Kirova. . , " . , - , .. . ~%-~;, j- , : ~ . I . ~ I -~: ~1.1-j-, .::: . I GONCHAR M& N. Wterials for the.evaluation of the epidemiological eff6etiveness of' vaccinations against whooping cough. 2~iur. mikrobiol., spid. i imm. 41 no, 2t140 F 164. (MM 17:9) -1. Luganskaya zheleznodorozhnyaya sanitarno-epi emiologicheskaya stantsiya. GONCHAROT, N.Y. Reconditioning steel valves. SW&.pron. 30 so.]L:45 156., (MU 9:6) (Talve"IdIng) BORISOVA. A.G.; BOGRANTSIV, V.P.; BUTKOV, A.Ya., dotsent; VASILIKOVSKAYA, A.P.; VVWWSKIY, A.I.,.dotsent; GOLODKOVSKIY, V.L.; - ) -- Y. (deceased]; DROBOVO V.P., professor; KCROTKOVA, fe, I 'K.F.; XMRTASHEV,.S.N..Cdecf6asedh IAKHI)U. M.N.; LIPCHEVSKIT.I.A.; MIRONOV, B.A. Receamd];,PA21Y. V.1.; POYARKOVA, A.I.;-PROTOPOPOY. G.F.- SUNMVICH, G.P.,Cdeceased); KHALIZOVA, K.P.; YUZIPCHUK. S.V.; KOROVINi Ye.P., professor, glavW redaktor4,2AKIIROV,.1,k.Z., professor, .redairtbr; SHIPUNHIN, A.Th,redaktor izdatellstva- ITkw giorm of Uzbekistan] Flora Unbekistana. Glay. red, 3.P.Morovin. Tashkent, . Izd-vo -Akademii nauk UzS.SR. Vol-3* 1955- 825 p. (HLRA 9:10) 1. Deystvitell my chlen AN UsSSR (for lorovin) S-N BBNXSHBVICH, I.II., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; BOGIN, U.N., kanaid&t 'tekhnicheeklkh nauk; BYKOV, Ye.I., inzhoner; VIASOV, I.I., kendidat tokhnicheskikh nauk; GRITSEVSKIT, M,Tee, lazhouer; aRUBBR, L,0,w inzhener: GTRVICH, Y.G.. inzhener: DAVIDOY, Y.N., inzhenerl 13R- SHOV, I.H., kandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk; ZASORIN, S.N.. kandidat tekbutchaskikh nauk; IYANOV, I.I., kandidat tekhaicheskikh nauk; KRAUKLIS, A.A., inzhener; IMMOV. L.B., inzhener; L&FIff, V.B.. inzhener; LASTOVSKU, V.P., doteent; LATWgIH, N.I., inzheuer; MAWAUDTj K.G., professorl doktor tokhnicheakikh nauk; MAKHAYLOV, M.I., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; NIKANOROV, V.A., inzhe- nor; OSIOLKOV, K.U., inthener; ONHOSHIN,L.I.. Inzhener; PARMOV. X.A.g dotsent, kandidat takhnicheakikli nauk; PERTSOVSKIY, L.M.g inzhener; POPOV, I.P., inzhener-, PGRSMIMV, B.G., inzhener; RATOR, M.P., inshoner; ROSSfrAVSKrf, G.I., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; RYKOV, I.I., kandidat tekbnicheskikh nauk; RYMOVSKly, I.Ya., dotseut,~kandldat tekhnicheskikh nauk;.RTA'BXOV, A.Ta., professor [deceased); TAGIR, S.A., kandidat tekh-aicheakikh nauk; IMZIN, M.N., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; CHCRUYSHEV. M.A., doktor, telchnichookikh nauk; Will, I.Ye., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; I'MtH)MV, B.11.. dotsent-, AKS14NOV. I.Ya., doteent, kandidat tekbnichookikh nauk; ARKHARGEL9SKI-Y, A.S., inzhoner; BAMBMV, P.V., professor, doktor teklmicheakikh nauk; BSItHGARD, K.A., kandidat I I . tekhnicheskikh nauk; BOROVOTO N.Yeo, doteent, karAlidat tekbuichookikh nauk; BOODANOV, L.A.. twhener-, BOODANOV, II.K., kandidat tekbniche" skikh natLk-, VINNIG.WXO, N.G., dotsent, kandidat okonomichookikh nauk; (Continued on next card) lonsEsVICH. 1. 1. ----(continued) Card 2, VASILOYST, V.P.; GONCHMOV M.G., inshener; DIRIBAS, A.T., Inshener; DOBROSELISKIY, tekhnicheskikh nank; DLUGACH, B.A., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; YVINOV, G.P., kandidat tekhni- chaskikh nauk; UMBLIKOV, S.V., proressor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; ZABAUO. H.L.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; WIN, X.P., kandidat tekbnicheskikh nauk; KARIGNIKOV. A.D., kandidat takhniche- skikh nauk-, KAPIA19. F.Sh. i iuzhener; NAN5HIN, M.D. i XOCHUVj F.P. 4 professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; KOGAN, L.A., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk; WOMIN, S.P., inzhener; IXVASHOV, A.D., insbaner: MUMIMOVICH, B.H., dotsent, kandidat tekhnlcheskikh nauk; NARTYNOV, M.*S., inzhener; MUNLI, O.M., inzhener; NIKITIN, Y.D., professor.. bandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PADNTA, V.A., Inshener; PANTURYAT, P.I., kandidat tekbnicheskikh nauk; MROV, A.P., professor, doktor tekhni- cheakikh nauk; POVOROZE3NEO, V.V... professor. doktor takhnichookikh nauk; PISKABEY, I.1.0 doteentg kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; SNRGNM, U.S.', kan~idat tekhnichaskikh usuk-. SIKONOV, X.S., kandidat tskhni- chekikh nauk: SIMANOVSKIY, N.A., inzhener; SUYAZOV, I.G., inshener# TAIDAYRV. F.Ya., Inzhener; TIKHONOV, K.K., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk; U3HAKOV0 II.Tas, inzhenr; USPANUXIY, V.K., inzhener; FAL013MAN, ,2.D., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; YXWORTOV, G.V., inzhener; KHOXHIA3V, L.P.g insbanp; OMNORCHDIX, G.I., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; SWUYXV, H.F., inshener; SHAPIRKIN, B.I., Inshener;_- URMIS.- Solo Inshenent - ORANOVS11T, P.'G. , redaktor;- - TISHCHnio..A.I., rodaktor-, ISAYNV, I.P.,'dotment, kandidat tekbnl- chesklkh nauk, redaktor; XUROY. V.P.. dotsent kandidat tekhnicbeekikh (Continued on next card) SBBVICH,.I.I.--- (continued) Card 3. nauk, redaktor; MARKOV, H.V., inzhener, redaktor; KALININ, Y.K., inxhewr, redaktor; STSPABOY, Y.N., professor, redaktor; SIDCHOV, X.I., Anthener, redaktor; 011ROMIMUS, B.Te., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nank, rednktor; ROBBLI, R.I., otvetstvanW redaktor LTechnical referenas manual for railroad anginearel Takhnichaskil spravochnik zholesnedorozhatka. Hooky&, Goa. tranap.shol-dor. izd-avo. Vol-10- LziectricIpower supply for railroads) Anergoanabzhanie sboles- nykh dorog. Otv,rad. toma X.G.Ifarkvardt. 1956. 1080 p. Vol-130 . [operation of railroads] Nkspluatateiia zheleznvkh dorog. Otv. red* tome R.I.Robell. 1956. 739 p. (14LRA 10:2) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Petrov) (Alectric railroads) (Railroads-Kanagement) GOHCHAHOV,J!R~~ls,y Grigorlyevich- T]WINOV, German Pavlovich; MANTUXOV, re .1 GiP,,,. (Transportation of oversize.and heavy f.reight] g4b&rittwkh ~ tiesholovIosnykh gruzov. Moskva, Gos.trainsp, zhel,--!dor.lzd-vog 1959. 223 p, (KIRA 1246) (Railroads-4rilght) PUMP. Nadeshda W I -a--QOffGWOTq-NsK.q red*; JLMOVp I*App red.; ILONSTAVTINW. CA., red& ~ Ldeceized]f JWLIXOT, P. I., red. , MOT, T.G*,- teklpivred..~ [Pedagogical works In ton volume] Pedagogichaskis sochinaniia v deslati Onkhe Pod red.,#.X.Goncharova, I.A.Zairova I I.A. gonstantinova, 468-6a. Isd-vo Akad.podagog-nauk. VoLk (Tnining for work and technical education] Trudovoo vospitanis I politakhni- ch.askoe abraxavanle. 1959, 629 p. 12:5) (Vocational education) (Technical education) I : -_, ~ ~ z - !~ - ,~t ,;~, . . . , t; 7'~:-_-- - 4i, : I llo~~, i~'. , - ` . . ,.;- 4 : -m ", 2 " .- - 1: 1 ~ .1 . I .. 3 ~ . - . .:., , . , XARIAMMISKIY, N.A.-i UROV, A.M..; GCNCH&ROV, W.N. Usin'g oil-bass drilling fluid In well drillW. Neftlanik I noi9:19-21 S 156. (XLBA 9:11) i.;Glavnyy inshener Stavropollskoy kontory bureniya (for Na- riampollskiy). 2. lachallnik prots'Yodstyenno-tekhnicheskogo, otdela Stavropollski?y kontory bureniya (for Tarov). 3. star- shly nauchnyy sotrudnik instituta Teesoymogo nauchno-Issle- dovatel'skogo instituts BurneftIL(for Goacharov). (Oil well drilil"'flulds) ZEE, TIM ZRIGACH, K.F.; AMILI, I.B.; MUXHIN, L.K.; IINKISHEV, V.N.; GCUGMCV, N.H. Oil-bass drilling fluids for revealing the productive strata and for drilling under complex conditions. Neftkhoz.34 no.8:9-14 Ag 0,56. (Oil wall drilling fluids) -(KM 9:10) GCNGHA=.,~-likolay.-N,ikq4nvjLd-k-,JVAIiOV, A.S., inzh., opetered.; KOSSOVA, O.N., red.;. GMIB, S.M.,. [Mechanic's handbook for the silk industry] Spravochnik makhanike molochnoi promyshlonnosti. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1959. 657 p. (Kilk plant 9--Iquipment and x4plies) Circulating drilling flUds in Tndla. Trudy V1411BT no.8-U54-165 163. NIRA 17:911 STRYANOV, V.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, prof.; OLESHKO, G.1.9 kand. tekhn. nauk., dots.; DEL RIO, B., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; GRITSF21KO, V.I.., inzh.; KOSTENYCO, O.A., inzh.; PARKHOMMO, N.V., inzh.; KULESHOV, V.M.y inzb.;_QQXC~, J-A. v,-N . p kand. tekhn. nauk.. dots.; LESHCHINSKIY, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; DOLABERIDZE, A.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ZLATKOVSKIY, V.N.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; DMITRIM, V.K., kand. tekhn. nauk) dots.; SHIPULIN, A.P., inzh.; SHISHLYKOV, Ye.S., red. [Automation of the operation of hump yards (using electronic computers)] kvtomatiz-.tsiia raboty sortirovochnykh stantsii (a primeneniem vychislitellrykh mashin). Moskva Transport 1964. 175 P. (MIRA 17:7) QQKIWIOV-,.Ijikclqy~~~ ; SERGEYEVA, I.N.2 red. [Programing of engineerit-g calculations for the opera- tion of railroads; a manual] Programmirovanie inzbener- i3ylr.b rasebetov v oblasti ekspluatataii zheleznykb dorog; uchobnoe posobie. Moskvaq Vses. zaocbmyi in-t inzhenerov zhel-dor. transp.9 1965, 142 p. (MIRA 18.-1.1) , -, "--. 11-0 .~, ~ i~:~~. - ~, -7" ~;~ . : .1 1.. t--~ - GONCRMV, N.Ye.,, insh. (st..Archeda). Inroving the orIganization of local operations on railroad sections. U61, dor..tramp. 41 no Z:78-80,- 7 159. (KM 12:3) GLUBSOV, M.A.0 Inshel GONG11A4Qjj-J1A1V*4 Inshe Now dowelopments In the operatiotis of railroad sectione, Zhol.dor.tran4p. 41. noqll;4?-44 N 159. (MRL 1312) . GONCHAROV, N. Ye. , Cand Tech 6ci -- (diss) I'Determination of the optimal variant. of mutual arrangement of miscellaneous trains in graphics." Mos- 1. I cow, 1960. 20 pp.with charts; (Ministry of Railroads USSR, Moscow Order, . of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Railroad Transport Lngin- 11 eers im I. V. Stalin); 170 copies; price not given; (KL, 24-60, 132) GONCHAROVP N.Yeov~". itekhn.nauk; SOIDVIUVAO N.P.p Insh. ------------------------------- Nev principles of the organisation'of local operations* 2heledor.,transp* 1*5 no.2163-65 F 1630 (IUPA 16:2) (Railroads-Mmagement) KAPITANYUK., S.P. (Kiyev); GONCHAROV, N.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk (Kiyev) New potentials for the increase of the productive capacity of locomotives. Zhel. dor. transp. 46 no.8:26-29. Ag 164. (MIRA 17ill) 1. Zameatitell nachalinika Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Kapitanyuk). ~J' I .... .. -;-.,~ a' I ~~ - ,- ~ ~ I .~ 1 1 - . '. - - .~i :-- ~- f-- -4,~rj , - -; ~ 7, ~-- . 1 - .7 , .~!;~ '--_i ~ : . i ro' -! - - - )11 ZkPITAlffM) S.P. (Kiyev); GRICHAROV, N.Ye., kand. teMn. nauk Wyev" Transport the crops in due t1me and without lossen. Zbel* dor, transp. 47 no.8:15-19 Ag 165. (MIRA 18.-9) 1. Zmestitell nachaltnika Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Kapitarqi*), ~77 (1sulng"d. &90 Botkinakaya ul.. d.15. kr.125) ftrgleal anatomy of the aorta and pulmonary valve In the light - of treat- nent of cardlee defects [with summary In Englishb Test' Wr, 81 no~7174-79 JI 258 (GA lls8) 1. Is W04117 OP~ratlvnoy khirurgii (nach, prof* A*N~ Xskslmshkov) Toyenno-zeditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademli Ime SA, KIrova, (AMA VALVE, anate & histol. aunt surg. (Rna)) (PUMONARY VA1WR. anat. & histole Simon (Run)) - -- . I ~ 1 -1 ~ ~, , . 1 ~.~ , --,j -6 -~ ~L; -~,' ~~ - . I ,F'~ - , - . ..- tF '9 ~. VI: : ~ - , 1 -1 ~ C~4` ., ~~, qzil , ~,,T ~, !+ . -.- , , .% - ABDULIN, . _ MASLOV, I.I.; LEBEDEVA, M.N.; MAKAROVA, L.I.,- DatENTIYEVA, G.V. Drilling- in a clay gas-bearing bed using a saline drilling fluid. Burenie no.6tl8-20 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Stavropollskiy filial Groznenskogo neftyanogo nauchno- issledovatel'skogo instituta i Moskovskly ordena Trudovogo ,Krasnogo Znameni institut.neftek-himicheskoy I gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akad. Gubkina. 'T T- T~- ~fflwft ~~ C4 AIZYNIKOV,,A.I.; BAKLUSHIN, LL,; VEKSIN, I.N.; VOSKRESENSKIY,, V.A.; LYUIENKOV, V.I.; SHIROKOV, V.N. Investigating the throw mechanism of a charging machine on ferroalloy furnaces. Izv, vys. ucheb. sav.; chern, mt. 6' no.6-.204-208 163. (NIRA 1W) 1. Sibirskiy joetall skiy institut. (MO=2199ical furnaces-Equipment and suppliell) - " t,' : -,: - . '.-!. -'~ - , 1. ..-t ~-,; '~ ~ :- . . . I- - , .1 . ~, : ~~ '~ - 1 . .1 . : . e. '. .: , " - .-!,o , ~ . ., . GONCRABOT, P. Progressive-forms of mauufactured-goods trade in Leningrad. Sov. torg. no.8:14.-I? AC '56. (MA 9;10) (LenlwRd__D6WtMent stores) (Display of merchandise) . ~.. -. :. '' - 7 , .... . .i , . '. . % I . '. . t - ; T . . . . I - 1 4 ; , 1., - - ..'. ~~ ; ~ - ~: - 1. -. - % . : ~lq ` :. ; . I - . .... . . . - . :, : I -;~ . - I I., 1... 1: -~~ ~:~, - -:. ,i -- _i - ll~..I~A"~ -1.1'..7", E GONCHAROV, Y.F. Planning loading areas near beat storage centers. bakh. rpom. 33 no-8:50-52 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) I*GosudaretvenW proyektVy Institut rromtransproyekta. (Sugar beat~--3torage) (loading andunloading) GOTIB, A.D.;.GONCHAROV P.G.; LEVCHENKO, V.Ye.; GIP2EL'FARB,, A.A.; FEVTSOV, j__ !; , ~. - ~ - ., - - ~ - , f , . 91- 0 -, .- - - ~; .7 ~ 7, z~ , :, , __. _,-, -,7- " i . I- 1- 1., ._ '. I -,-? - I. - :. I" . : .a . ~ I . . I :- , ~. ~ "I ~- , . --. ~, - . ~ , ~ I . ..,. - . . ~ . ;- , ~:,~c --" '-t- - , - 7-1- --j- - ": .., ~', . ,. , - I - . .1 .. -. , --,. ~ ~ -, :' --'~ -j ~ ~~ 'i~-- . . -:,~ - i. '! ;~77- - *.,. :-11.7 ',~' :, w,:- ~ :j '. II, .. ~ _ :;-- ; I ~ ll~ I ~ I - -- -- -- , , ~ -;~ -. -., 'I ~ -- - - ~ -- ;, 11 ~n~ ,- I - - - "i .- -. . .. : ". .., F. ~- j -, - 1. . ., ~': -7~ !-,, . ~:~, . I I. ~ : - ~'. I I I . I --- I . . . BARYBDIMP K.I.; BRISKIN, A.I.;, VOROTYNTSZV, A.P.; GONCHAROV, P.I.; =Gov$ zu.v.;~ LIPWITS' L.A.; XCUU7, K.I.; .A.. Z 2. PZTROV, L.P.;, SXRDYUW, D.S.; 3WANKIN, K.P6; CHNWAVSKIY, A.A.; AR23NOW, B.Go, red4;. ZAKHAROVA, A.I., [Sanitary and chemical protection; pathology, clinical aspects, and treatment of poisoning. Manual for students and physicians] Sanitarno-khimicheskaia saahchita; patologiia, klinika i terapiia porazhenii otravliaiushchimi veshchostvami. Rukovodstvo dlia stu- dentov i vrachei. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1959. 434 p.. (XIU 13:6) (CHWCJL WARIARZ--SAMT MEASURES) CONCHAROV, F.J.; Veterinary spaclallst5 in Voronezh FrovInce in the st~~uggle to ln~;r6ase .11v stock produ,-teo Veterinarila 39 no.1:20-2A, Ap 162. e (14MA 17 10) as n 1. flahallrul voterimmogo oulle"a lloror,7~,. kogo old trogo Di-r-ktor. upravleniya aellakogo Voronezhskoy oblastray laboratvil USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodder Grasses and Root Crops, M-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biologlya, No 2* 19591 No. 6317 Author VGoach~&=~ Inst :-Not-given Title Agrobloldgical Pocullarities of Mobar and Foxtall.Millat In Omskaya Oblast' Orig Pub Zemledellye, 19579 No 3, 30-34 Abstract Experiments on the cultivation of mohar and foxtall millet show that they are capable Of giving high yields of hay and soods even in dry years. In addition, they withstand spring frosts.woll and suffer considerably from fall frost. The above surface part of the plants perished totally as a result of fall frost during 1955 (-1.70). The seeds can keep their Germination capacity rather well If they are Card 1/3 69, USSR Cultivated Plants. Fodder Grasses and Root Crops. M-3 Ab6 Jour Ref Zhur Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6317 stored, even for a long time, in a dry and aerated space. MS-1, Barkhatnyy 83, Krasnokut- Iskiy 461, Karagandinskiy 242 are the best mohar Varieties for the Omskaya Oblast'; Nemchinovskaya 6 and Sibirskaya 56 are the beat foxtall millet varieties. Omskly 10 mohar variety and Novosibirskaya I - foxtail millet varieties are of interest to the Northern regions. In the experiments conducted at the Siberian Scientific Research Agricultural Institute on the study of the time of sowing the highest yield of hay were obtained when the sowing took place during the third ten day period In May. The action of MCPA herbi- cide was studied on mohar sowings. Troatmev~t with 1150 9 of the preparation per 1 ha In trie Card 2/3 USSR Cultivated Plants. Fodder Grasses and Root Crops. M-3- L Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6317 COUPTAY C w ~~,O"y JOTJR -40- No. RI_22*4 I RZBiOl- -. ,, PLUT-HOR, .:.Gonc',Iafov, . l let hybridizati T! of 1 gL-I i T IJ 'J'Ibil.ij NO 01 OR IG . F . ' 3TIUCT experinents Of the .~Ubru rian * ' - 6 A tific 6 I ture on Rese-are', JL"nstitute of ;---ficull- d r hyb "- l cien , f an r J. c ai k ~ o il.~ticx , . F ,-ybrlcl!; d F ~ i I 1e t , ' . an 2 d a consilie duc rl-bly e and mu -.a'Acm Cf aecds, -and pro t -- , - ith the parent v !,"gher yield ofs green crop, in comparison f s C AR D - .11 ~ , : - ~ t - - C -'., I , -~-, lt~ I ~ L - - ", . , 1. . j . I I, 1A _. ;i ~- . ~: , - , :,.-- , , , I I . I VILICHINSKIY, M.Ye..., red.; POLYAKOV, P.L., red.; GONCHAROV, P.L., red.; STRIIEVA, G.F.p red. [Fifty years of seed breeding and production work, 1913- 1963; collection of studies) Piat'desiat let ~selektsiormo- pemenovodcheakai raboty 1913-1963; abornik naucbrWkh rabot. Irkutsk, Irkutskoe knishnoe izd-voq 1963. 197,p. (MIRA -18:4) 1. T"lunskaya gosudarstvennaya selektsionnaya stantsiya. 2. Direktor Tulunskoy gosudarstvennoy selektsiomoy stants1i (for Villchinskly). 3. Zamestitell direktora Tulunskoy go- sudarstyennoy selektsionnoy stantaii (for PolYakav). 4. Za- veduyushchiy laboratoriyey komovykh kul'tur Tulunskoy go- sudarstyemoy selaktsionnoy stantsii (for Goncharov). _kzq_rjXkSh. kand. sellkhoz. nauk; GEKHTLYO, S.Ya.p red. (Lucerne in Irkutsk.Province] Uutsorna v Irkutskoi oblasti. Irkutokp Vostoohno-Sibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vop 1965. 106 p. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdolom selektaii i semenovodstva kormovykh kulltur TulunBkoy selektsionnoy stantsii, Irkutsskaya ob-- last' (for Goncharov). .: ~-- LIML~.Iil---~-al- ~- ~~ 4 -, 77"T~~ . . I , - : ~ . " d r 1~ -z . I . .1: ~ :1 ,.1 . - I I & o /7 e /7 flf? o /1 67, T. V-1 Card 1/1 L; 0 V flf~ V ~1~ t KAZAIDY, AnArey'Trtfonovich; %GOIAWANI, Pavel F4dotovich; CMGMO Nikoka &Vie-h! KASLOWO Alsksay Trofimovich-, RAICITO. Ik,Luard lostfovich; CE~uy, N.PF.-, Ansheh6r, redaktor; MIM, G.F., takhnichaskty redaktor [Installation of automette blocking apparatus and electric centrall- sation] Montash ustroletv avtoblokirovkt I elektriebOkoi teentralt- satsito Hookwa, Gon.transp.shel-dor., isd-vo, 1957. 399 P- (NLRA 10:9~ (Railroods-Signsling-Block system) GONCHARgY,-IL., general-mayor nod. slushby Brief wt&wey of the,stages of development of the S*M. Kirov Medical Military Acadewr folloving the October Revolution. Voen.-med. shur. no.10:3&55 P 157. (NIPA 12:7) (MIDICIU, KILITART AND NAVAL Xlrov Nod. Military Aced. (Run)) (SCHOOIS, MICAL. same) 17(10) SOV/177-58-5-"O AUTHOR: Goncharovv-P.P.j Professor TITLE: 'Some Problems of Modern Clinical Pathology (Nekotoryye ,voprosy sovremennoy klinicheskoy patologii),, According to Data of the Third International Congress (Po materialam 3-g0 mezhdunarodnogo Kongressa). PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 5, pp, 18 26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authorreports on the Third Congress on Modern Clinical Pathology which took place in Brussels in July 1957. Papers were read by French, Swiss, English, Ameriean,.Belgian and Polish physician J. Szyszkowiez, D. Borecka and K. Ruszczyk (Warsaw) read importamLt papers on the "Lungs as eb:organ. for drawing out bacteria that had entered the blood stream". Papers read on the use and misuse of anti- biotics are commented on by the author by pointing out Soviet clinician V.N. Shamov's endeavors to Card 1/2 stop any unnecessary and exaggerated use of antibi- BOV/177-56-5-4/30 Some Problems of Modern Clinical Pathology. According to Data of the Third International Congress. otics in the USSR. The author also thinks that He Vidin from Basel, Switzerland, in his recommenda- tion of sternal,'punctures in connection with cytolo- gic diagnoses, should have quoted the name of the Soviet dean of hematologists, M.I. Arinkin. Card 212 C-77 77 7. 7. 7 I : ..I- , -777777 I . . !. - '. - - 1", , - I . - ~ , , i .o, 1~~' - - .,. 1. .. ~ ~,,i ~ :~ 1~ t - ~ -: : " I I I I