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ACC NRs AP"000022 SOURCE CODE: LJR/0051/66/02VO05/0525/0r,31
AUTHOR: Golubovskiy, Yu. B.; Kagan, Yu. m.; Lyagushchenko, H. 1.
ORG: none
TITLE: Spectroscopic and probe investigation of a pip~ched discharge column. II
SOURCE: Optika i-spelctroskopiya, Y. 21, no. 5, 1966, 525-531
TOPIC TAGS: gas discharge, plasma pinch, line intensity, neon, argon, spectral dis-
tribution, pressure effect
ABSTWICT: Part I was devoted to the radial variation of the characteristics of a
pinched discharge column (Opt. i spektr. v. 20, 561, 1966). The present investigatia
is devoted to the radial distribution of the line intensities and a comparison with
thpory. The theoretical formulas for the comparison were derived by the authors
earlier (ZhETr v. 34, 1873,~1964). The measurements were made in the positive column
of neon and argon at the same current and pressure intervals as in r'art 1, but the
discharee tube was different in thet there were no probes and there were two flat
windows on the ends. The radial intensity distribution was investigated in neon in
the lines 6929, 6506,.5764, and 5330 A, and in argon in the lines '1503, 430c), 4259)
6871, 5888, and 5187 A. The line intensity was corrected for reabsorption in the
usual manner. The experiment has shown that the radial dependence of the different
line intensities agreed within the limits of errors. The contraction of the pinch
increased with increasing pressure for all lines. A decrease in the current likewise
1/2 UDC: 537-523/-527
ACC NR9 A177000022
resulted in contraction of the pinch.
The experimental results are found
with theoretical calculations of the light flux distribution with allowance for the
finite dimlansions of the monochromator slit and other factors. Orig. art. has:
12 figures and 3 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 27jan65/ ORIG REF: 003
SOURCE! CODE: UV()" V6(;/C)00/W'S/('O('\IJ/OOI3~
GO.I'LI'r")v'-.k.1y' Yu. 1.1,
I-,- Y' I.':
Cai-clilation of characteristics of a photoelectric system with light modulation.;
~"OVCI nod by thc variaLion of the controlacd qu(intity
26i:~C'-': Qptilo-mekhanicheskaya pror.7shlennost', no. 8, 1566, 8-13
j~'IC TAGS: ;)ho'ocIcc'ric detection, light modulation) autonitic control system)
to nui.-.c ratio, light interference
Uiis is a continuation of earlier work (Optiko-mc1dianichcskaya pro.-v.,hlcn-
!,7~66, no. 7, P- 15) dealing with the design characteristics of an amplitude-
("e-pen(lent phot'L.001CCI-Iric system for mcasurcrient of linnar or ai~,,ular quuntitics,. Slic
-.1ro:"Ont arl.-icle iz devoted to the calculation of the nen~;i,Livity and the ssiCnai/noiac!
i"'*t_I;IO of a n-ol-ocIcetric device mcanriz,4-, the angle between the axes of an analyzer and
a ai,-,d al,--o for a device measuring the displacement of an interference pat-
4Lcrn. 'ihe sensitive element is modulated by a light- flux which varies periodically in!
prop --tion to the controlled quantity. R ecoriuriendat ions are presented on the choice of
klic modulation amplitude of the modulating element and the width of the slit that co-
;C'1110 thc L.,.-Lerference pattern. %'he results make it possible to de-termine the th
rc.-ical threshold sensitivity of the device. The operating principle of the devices
t-heir,rolves is not considered, but references to papers in which they are described arej
.given. Orig. art. has: 15 figures and 28 formulas.
SUB CODE 14 SUBM DATE: 27mr65/ ORIG REFF: 005/ OTH REF: 003
Card 1/1: 4 o8g.4.. 621.383
a-V - - !_53
PW -
ACC.-NRi AF06015693 SOURCE CODE; UR/0413/66/000/009/0090/0091
1,WE'NTOR.:.-.Golubovskiy, Yu.'M.
ORG: None
TITLE; A two-coordinate photoelectric anele-data transmitterw Class 42, No. 181336---
.SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 9o-91
TOPIC TAGS: angle measurement instrument, photoelectric cell, electronic measure-
ment, prism, optic equipment component
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a two-coordinate photoelectric angle-
data transmitter which contains an autocollimation system, a color selective prism
made in the form of a7~rui;cated tetrahedral pyramid, and photocells located in the
pencils of rays reflected from the lateral faces of the prism. The transmitter is
designed'for improved stability. One of the photocells located in the pencil of
rays-passing.through the cutoff section of the prism generates a signal proportional
.to the angle of ihclinatioin of the mirror with respect to the amplitude of the modu-
lated luminous flux,-while the other two cells located in the pencils of rays re-
flected from the lateral faces of the prism serve as re ference voltage generators.
The light beam. from an inclined rotating mirror is used for scanning.
1/2. UDC: 531.743
--~ ---
- 'I, -. . -*. ~. I -- I
The preparation of phosphonothiate dichloride. Pal chim PAN
12 no.7;471-474 164.
1. Department of Sanitary Chemistry of Wroclaw Technical
University. Submitted May 15, 1964.
Goi-va-sovf), R-
r A
to Oj mot bilemm to ge"
a i-imipm A.t Kh-
zour. ppdj,
24 - f
7i7..- he gcp"
cf, 01o.4 Inq (it to (m, it"'
colup wtely5 O."Ap t I
by Otwula. to PPI tAkh -Ch
ty of mt Ito
0111h ) umdium-
AUTHOR: Golubtasova, P.B.
TITLE: A new electrolyte for the deposition of the metallic
compound N13Nb from nickel alloys containing niobium.
iOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Trudy,
no. 10. Moscow, 1962, 215-216. Letallurgiya,
metallovedeniyeg fiziko-khimicheskiye metody
TEXT: The new electrolyte contains 5 g of oxalic acidi
50 ml of HC1 and 1000 ml of methyl alcohol. The electrolyte
was cooled to -20C with a mixture of ice and NaC1, and the electro-,
lysis carried out for 30 min with a current density of 0.3 amp/CM2.'
Card 1/2
A new electrolyte for the....
Cooling of the electrolyte considerably inhibits oxidation at the,~
anode. The presence of N'3Nb in the anodio deposit was confirmed
by MiCrosCopic and X-ray analysis. There is 1 table.
Card 2/2
B rS F V, V
.ATJTHOR- An Editorial note on p 18 is followed by contributions
to the discussion by a nimber of authors,
TITILE, Discussion on the Design of Medium and Low Output
indu9trial Power Stations (Dislcussiya po voprosu
proyektirovanlya promyshlenny1ch elektrostan-'siy
oredney 1 maloy moshchnosti)
PERIODICAL, Promyghlennaya EnergetLkal,, 1958, Nr 6, PP 18-33 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Editorial note D 18
TRe7-iE-9-aVT-sf,actory position in the equipment.. desigi.
ind construction of small and medium industrial power
stations is seriously retarding power de7elopment, n
Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1-9.56., Nr 9, M., I. Lav-rov
published an article to,- discussion on thIs subject., We.
must agree with Lavrov that the standard designs issued
by Promenergoproyekt are un~3atisfaatory arid new types of
industrial Heat and Electric power stations are required..
Small 9 costly, inefficient power stations are displacIng
small and medium heat and elect-ric power stations simply
because these latter are too big and complicated. Small
and medium power stations should be cheap and simple and
Card 1/11their design should be thoroughly reviewed. Industrial
9L~-58-6-12/ L9
Discussion on the Design of Medium and Lori Output Industrial
Power Stations
gas turbines should be introduned. In the discussion
published below there are no contributions from Works
making power equipment and they and staff of Councils
of National Economy are asked to join in,,
Professor Golubtsov, V. A. (Corresponding Member
Academy of Mcience USSR) pp 18-20
Work on the development of cheap and simple industrial
power stations is lagSing. In 1952, at MONITOE M.I.Lavrov
made a number of suggestions about drawing up new type;3
of medium and small industrial power stations, and in
1956 he published an article on the subject in Promysh-
lennaya Energetika, Nr 9, based on his earlier report.
In 'the intervening five years a number of his ideas had
been confirmed but they had never been adequately discussed.,
Concerning Lavrov7s article,) it is a good idca to have
individual feed arrangements for each set; it is
inadvisable to have more than one stemirpduction and
cooling installation because of the equipment and piping
required, Lavrov's comments on the poor characteristics
Card 2/110f feed pumps are correct. Small instruments are required
Disciis-,--ion on the Design of Medium and Low Output- Industrial
Pdviar Stations
so that control panels can be made e-~heaply, The proposal
to reduce the size of deaerator tanks requires further
consideration, The use of semi-outdoor construction i-=
progressive. The question of ic-,al mechanisation ard
avoidance of the uee of bridGe cranes 1-S iLnportant, neil-her
is a crane needed in the boiler house, It is oorrect to
lighten the turbine foundatio"ns and t-he bui].-dln- 3tructure,
Some underground conmun---,ations mus-: ` 11:-.we7er, be retained,
Not a-11 the author's sussestions are fully woriked out or
aeseptable, the main thi-ng is -'Uhat he has come ap with aew
and critical ideas,, R. G- Candidate of Te:-t,.n4--,a1 Sc4erz~e (A'I-TJ-io,,
Corre.-,3pond-nce lnc'titu-~~) pp:20-21,
It is very neceszary to rev"se 41 p vre r
.L ~onstri,---ion ot o
stations of 8 to 12 14111 and Lavrov~s -oroposals are generally
acceptable,, In smaller power stati8ns use should be made
of steam at 130 - 140 atms, 535-565 C ur-Ang pearlitic class
steel. Detail proposals are made for simplificaticr, cf
the thermal circuit of the ower ata4-4on. Boiler houses
Card 3/11can be simplified when burnUC pulver'-ised fuel,
Discussion on the Design of Medium and Lo,.,r Output Industrial
Power Stations
Standardisation of boiler sets is discussed, Air heaters
should be made smaller. Forced circulation boilers of
Lamont type should be introduced because they are snaller,
Construction should be speeded up using prefabricated
standardised concrete parts. Unit type sets made within
the limitations of the railway loading gauge can help
to make construction cheaper.
Khaldeyev, P. I., Enginee-r (Gi.prosakhar)
It is important to cheapen and simplify small power
stations because of the large number of heat and electric
power stations that it Is proposed to build, Lavrov's
cost curve should not rise so steeply for small sets,,
because small sets are simple and of low capital cost,
A.revised cost curve for small heat and electric power
stations is given in Fig.l. Capital costs of typesl and
2 heat -and electric power stations are tabulated and the
reduced costs that result from fuel and ash handling and
water supply in type 1 stations is evident, capital
savings are up to 22%, Question of fuel ai~d ash handling
Card and water treatment are then discussed in detail. Ammonia-,
4/11 sodium cation treatment is recommended as being simpler
Discussion on the Design of Medium and Low Outpult Industrial
Power Stations
for sugar works then H-Na cation treatment .. this ammonia
process should be widely used in other branches of
industry. Effective measures must be taken to keep
a=onia out of the. stweam. The use of back pressure
turbines is recommended. The use of pre-assembled
dist-'ribution equipment for 6 kV makes it possible to
a-Lmpl'Lfy the main distribution equipment,, Layout of
"ectrical control and distribution gear is discussed,
F~iel haudling problems are then considered,
The arrangement of power stations of 6 - 8.5 MW shown in
Fig.2 is in accordan,,~e with t-he priMcipleo explained, '. of
the two arrangement3 given the firs", iu to be pref..rred',
M(,qt of Lavrotrs suggest'llons for making statioas ch,,iapel,
wid simpler are agreed w2ith. Medimn pcwer stat'Lons should
combine the practice of large and of small starion-q. bait
hitherto they have been based only on that of large
stations, Some of Lavrov's ideas are debatable,, Unit
arrangement of feed means having more feed pumLs and
Card r.7/11 ~eaerators, Whillst unit working of turbines and boiler5
ia desirable the ner;essary uniforraity ~~f loa,".Ang ewuiot.
Discussion on the Design of Medium and Low OutD11t Industrial
Power Stations
always be achieved in industrial stations. If feed lines
are not linked full use cannot be made of deaerator
capacity of lightly loaded sets. Central control of
the thermal and mechanical part of the station is very
desirable, but cannot be achieved in most small stations
with chain grate stokers with fuel of variable quality
because complex automation is not possible. A number of
requirements for the near future are listed: load factors
should be improved by combining different types of
loading; fuel should be delivered in loads equal to about
half the storage capacity; equipment suitable for outdoor
operation should be supplied; other improvements are
Tager, S. A Candidate of Technical Science (Power
Institute,';:Irc. So. USSR) pp 25-27.
Small and medium powor stations have,, in recent years,
been built on the model of large regional power stations,
Card which is a mistake. Much work is required to make
6/11 industrial power stations cheaper and simpler. The
physical arrangement of deaerators and water treatment
Discussion on the Design of Medium and Low Output Industrial
Power Stations
plant is discussed. The idea of unit construction of
boiler, turbine,, deaerator, feed pump., reduction and
cooling plant is hardly suitable for small and medium
stations, partly because the various components must be
convenieiit and relibble. It is ofter. quite impossible
to give each set its own reduction and cooling installa-
tion, Boiler house layout is discussed, the arrangement
without basement is preferred, The climatic conditions
of the USSR do not favour open air bciler houses as a
general solution. Plant sizes can be cut down and boiler
costs reduced. For burning small fuel, furnaces with
liquid slag removal offer promise, particular"iy cyclone
furnaces and other t3Tes recently rig tested at the
Power Institute,, Ac.Sc.1, USSR. Modern mechanised chain
grate furnaces must be used. Their advantages are
described. The main reason why -they have no-t been used
more extensively is that existing Soviet designs are out
of date. Chain grates can be used to burn coal with high
Card fines content', and they have been used with success for
-tIll many years at the Chelyabinsk Regional Electric Power
Discussion on the Design of Medium and Loa Outl.,;u'u ILdustrial
Power Stations
Station, burning local brown coal, The new method of
burning hot fine fuel, developed by the Povier Institute,
Ac.Sc. USSR makes possible complete combustion of
material carried over and trapped in gasways and ash
arresters. A further factor hinderin8 the introduction
of chain grate stokers is the disorganisation of fuel
supply which leads to wide variations in fuel quality
at any particular power station', so that the plant has
to be about universal - greater uniformity of fuel qualitj
is required. Meanwhile the fuel balance is changing,
and fuel oil and natural gas are particularly suitable
fuels for small power stations. In view of this changinC
situation small power stations should be designod to
run on naturail gas and oil fuel and gas turbine and
diesel stations should be designed. Because of its
scattered nature there is no research or design institute
for industrial power supply and there should be.
Ka.chinskiy, R. K. (Engineer) (U`1--rgiprDsakhar), p 28
The unit system of operation is supported on grounds of
Card 8/11 r e liability and economy. Pressures of 60-80 atms should
Discussion on the Design of Medium and Low Output industrial
Pbrier Stations
be used for power stations of 8 - 12 MW. Unit feed lines
are desirable,, but there should 'be automatic connection
of spa--te feed pumps. Fuel handling equipmen-I can be
simplified. The standards of the Boiler Inspectorate
should be simplified.
Kuritsyn, F. F. pp 2&-29
it is most important, to estimate industrial lo-ads correctly
or the station will be underloaded, allternc-tive forms ef
power and hd*at supply should be fully conaidered.
Existing conAructional standards are in urgeut -need of
revision and are retarding the viork of design organisationa,
Not enough attantion is paid to the demands of the final
customer. In Light Industry during the 5th F-,Lve Year Plan
not a single project put up by TEP and Promenergoproyekt
for power stations paesed withoilt important changes of
output or construction and in some casps they were rejectiA
Card outright. A number of industrial power stations started UP
9/li in the last few years are only running on half load.
Discussion on the Design of Medium and Low Output Industrial
Power Stations
Lavrov, M. I. (Promenergoproyekt), pp 29-33
The original author then sums up the discussion at some
length. An industrial power station may take 1-2 years
to design and 2-5 years to construct,, which is too long.
Therefore., all sorts of locomobiles, diesels and power
trains are installed and they are very inefficient and
expensive. This is also the reason for the rapid increase
in small and inefficient boiler houses. Examples of this
are given. Most of the proposals contained in the
original article receive general support, Objections are
raised against the use of uait construction because of the
difficulty of regulating the loads on the units, or
because more feed pumps are needed. However, load
distribution and regulation really cnly needs special
consideration when loads are unusually variable. Careful
comparisons have shoym that in fact unit schemes do
economise on materials and equipment. The main difficulty
Card with unit schemes is to cover the heat load and the use
10/1, of special boilers for this purpose is recommended; such
boilers are in fact being widely installed. Many of the
Discussion on the DesiFn of Medium and Low Output Industrial
Power Stations
suggestions made in -the article have proved themselves in
practi-,e but are still not being widely adopted. The
various recommendations are then repeated and reinforced,
Objections against semi-outdoor boiler houses are met
with the reply that t,'.,e Mlinistry of Mectrin Power
Stations has recommended their use for large st--ations in
a ni)mber of clim-a-'Uic regions and has recommended outdoor
instal-lation of induced drau&"it fans and ash arresters in
all regions. All that then remains of the boiler house is
the bunkers and ash hazndlinr
., equipment, VIKen pow6r stations
are reconstructed it is often no-!_7 ocssible to use the old
boiler hou-zes, Progress Vhat_ is beizZ made in the use of
higher steam cond-Itions is &--seriberl ', but it is not yet
fast enough,, In the discussion objections YveTe raised to
the proposal to avoid underground services and in 'reply
accounts are given of practical experience with the
recommended construction. A number of further reco=-enda-
tions are then summarised under the following headings.
Card fuel and boiler roomi machine room, Ile-at and Electric Power
Stations as a whole; construct-ion and alzciliary shops,
There are 2 figures arid 2 tables,7
1. Industrial plants-USM 2. Ponier 3, P..),-Vtr plante-
Design 4. Power plants-Econ-oxic asspa:fts 5. Povsr pl&nt's-Standardizatinn
USSR / Plant Physiology, Respiration and Metabolism. 1.2
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biols, 1958, No 16, 72553.
Author Qolubtseva.
Inst Odess niversity.
Title Role~of Carotinoi-ds In the Oxidizing-Restorlng
Processes in Plants.
Orig Pub: Nauchn, yezhegodnik, Odessk, un-t. 1956, Odessa.,
1957P 205-206,
Abstract: The accumulation of carotin and Its oxidizing effect
was studied as well as the activity of the oxidizing
enzymes In the process of formation and ripening of
carrot roots. In proportion to the accumulation of
carotin, its oxidizing effect was strengthened; the
activity of peroxidase was decreased; the activity
of the ascorbinoxidase hardly changed. In the
Belaya zelenogolovaya carrot roots, which were
Card 1/Z
Effect of tisaue implantations on the relationship of inhibition and excitation
in the central nervous system of rats. Uch. zap. UIIIGB 4:160-175 '58. (MINA 12:6)
1. Ulcrainskiy ekeperimental'My inatitut glaznykh bolezne~.-, i tkanevoy terapii
imeni akademika V.P. Filatova.
GOLUBTSEVA, M. V. Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) " - caro'bis in oyddation-
11vat2lacrt of
reduction processes in plants," Odessa, 1959* 18 pp with graphs. (Min of
Higher Education UkSSR* Odessa State Univ im 1. 1. Meohnikov), 150 copies
(U, 4Z-59, 122)
GOLUBTSOVO BeL., insh.; LOMWA, V.I., Insh.
Inspection of electric contacts, Mek. sta. 29 no.2:93-94 7 158.
(Nlectric engineerivg) (mm llr3)
Ham toma of the luug. Zdrav. Twk. 3 no.600-31 N-D 159.
(XMA 13 t5)
1. Is kafedry propedaytichaskor khlrurgii (sav. - prof, N.X.
Tachmuradov) Turkmeuskogo gosudar8tvennogo meditainakogo instituta
im. I.V. Stalina.
AUMOR: Golubtsov I.
TITLE: Oxifers (Oksifery)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956, Nr 5, p 16 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A general description of oxide ferromagnetio materials is presented.
A brand Pq Soviet material is claimed to be suitable for wide-band
transformers (100 to 160000 ke) and pulse tramformers (caMing pulses
shorter than 0.1 microseconds).
There is one figure in the artiole.
AVAILART : Library of Congress
card 1/1
RAZILITICH, K.T., redaktor; GOLUBTSOTO I.Aeo redaktor; ZINOVOYBY. N.A.,
redaktor O"Waft
(Historical atlas of the U.S.S.Rol Atlas istoril SSSR. Pod obahchal
redaktalst X.V.Dazilevicha. I.A.Oolubteova. M.A.Zinorleva. Moskva,
Glavnoe upravlente geodesil i kartografii KVD SSSR, 1954. (MLTIA 8:2)
(Russia-Historical geograpIT-Haps)
Category : USSRAJagd/etism - Ferrites F-5
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 No 1438
Author : Golubtsov, I.V.
Title of Magnetostriction Resonators Made of Ferrites.
Orig Pub : Vestn. Mosk. un-ta, 1956, No 2, 45,-h8
Abstract : Using toroidal specimenh of "exyfer" ferrites, a study was made of the
depeade~ce of the magnetostriction resonance on the value of the constant
magnetizing field'and on the amplitude df the alternating magnetizing field.
The fact that the magnetostriction-resonance frequency depends little on the
permanent magnetizing field is most probably bue to the increase in the modul-
us of elasticity caused1by magnetization. The resonant frequency is indepen-
dent of the amplitude of the alternating field. The dependence of the effect
of magnetostriction on the amplitude of'the alternating field and on the mag-
netizing fleld is explained with the aid of the static magnetostriction vs.
magnetic field curve. The equivalent Q increases with the permanent field and
reaches a iiaximum, when the magnetizing field exceeds the amplitude of the al-
ternating field: Further inckea5e in the magnetizing field causes the Q to de-
creas6, owing to the shift t6 the non-linear section of the magaetostriction
curve aa saturation is approached.
Card 1/1 -
11 )" --r-S 10 1/ -~-
'0 z t,/ I
, i. PRI39MV, YU.A.
.!5~ ,
Keter for recording torsional and becillatory movements of a
viscosimater pendulum. Zav.lab.22 n0-7:876-877 '56. (MIRA 9:12)
1. Koakovskiy institut toyetnykh metalloy i zolots imeni H.I.Kalinina.
(Viscosimeter) (Recording instruments)
it 1 ic A~, , cqi r, I =0 -,
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2AAbb0 5/153/60/003/004/001/006
51100 B000058
AUTHORS: Golubtsov, I. V., Lapitskiy, A. V., Shiryayev, V. K~
TITLE: The Problem of the Volatility of Niobium, Oxides-VI
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebn~kh zavedeniy. Khimiya i
khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 4, PP. 571-574
TEM This paper was read at the Ist Intercollegiate Conference on
Radiochemistry, Moscow, April 20-25, 1959- It was the aim of the authors
to measure the pressure of saturated vapors of Nb20 5 and Nb02 in the
temperature range of 1489 - 1905 0K by using Nb95. A vacuum furnace of the
type MR-3M (MVP-3m) and a Knudsen effusion chamber (Fig. 1), the
aperture and.container of which were interchangeable and could consist of
molybdenum, tungsten or ceramics, served as testing apparatus. The scheme
of the absorption apparatus made of quartz and tungsten is shown in Fig.2.
The temperature of the effusion chamber was measured with an optical
OTTW"P-09 (OPIIR-09) pyrometer. In addition to the Knudsen method, the
vapor pressure of N20 5 was also measured by the flow method. The apparatus
Card 1/3
The Problem of the Volatility of Niobium 5/153/60/003/004/001/006
Oxides B004/BO58
used consisted of the MVP-3M furnace, the reaction tube, the installation
for air drying, and a gasometer of the Patrikeyev system, type rcTr-1
(UGSP-1). Niobium. metal was dissolved, converted into the oxalate complex,
precipitated with tannic acid after the addition of Nb95, and annealed to
Nb205* NbO 2 was obtained from Nb + Nb 205 in theTM-1 (TGV-1) furnace at
10-4 torr by heating up to 1250 0C. The specific activity of the prepara-
tions was determined by means of a gamma tube of a 9-2 (B-2) apparatus.
The data for NbO 2 are listed in Table 1, Fig. 3, those for Nb2 05 in
Table 2, Fig. 3. X-ray examinations showed that NbO 2 was stable under the
experimental conditions, and that the container material (molybdenum,
tungsten, ceramics) had no influence on the results. For Nb 20,, the X-ray
picture showed the appearance of NbO 2 above 1150 0C, A thermal dissocia-
tion, therefore, takes place in vacuum at high temperaturesi
Nb 0 - 2NbO + ';-02.The authors thank Yu. P, Simanov for his advice, and
2 5 2 2
L. P. Belykh, V. A. Galushkin, and V. G. Pakhomov for assembling the
Card 2/3
The Problem of the Volatility of Niobium S115Y601003100410011006
Oxides B004 B058
apparatus. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 5 referencest 1 Soviet,
1 French, and 3 German.
ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova,
Laboratoriya radiokhimii (Moscow State University imeni
M. V. Lomonosov, Laboratory of Radiochemistry)
Card 3/3
(071EWP(b) Ttqe*S_0MKODE- UR/018 /65ioOO/005/001110033
AM 9
AUTHOR: Golubtsov-1. V.;,Nesmeyar V, An. N.
ORC; Ity,_ do twnt of 5~_qh0Yd_-'1trYJM06k0Y0ko90
hivern irr-, _-'
ull veis to kafedra radlokbi
TITLE: Investigation of evaporation of tungsten, molybdenum, and tantalum in
SOURCE: Moscow. Univerattet. Vestnik. Seriya 11. KhImiya, no. 5, 1965, 31-33
TOPIC TAGS: tungsten, molybdenum, tantaltim, metal evaporation, tungsten evaporatlon,~
rt..olybdenum evaporation, tantalum evaporation, vacuum evaporation
ABSTRACT: The evaporation rate of W, Mo, and Ta In a vacuum of 8-10-9 0-4 mm
lig has been investigated. Stectmens of zone-melted, bigh-gurity metalUrVed
with radiactive isotopes M09 , W185. and TaI82 were heated to 2063-3203K by
passing an electric current or by electron bombardment. It was found that as
the pressure dropped to 10-14 -40-6 mm Hg, the evaporation rate of all tested
metals increased. A further pressure drop below 10-6_10-7 mm lig brought about
considerably weaker addItional effect. The composition of residual gases also
affects the evaporation rate. At a pressure of 10-7 mm Hg and lower the evapora-
tion proceeds in the form of molecules;,at higher pressures, such as 10-4 MM 11g,
it proceeds in the form of axides. Orig. art. has: 1 table. (WWI
inqtal- Uaporation 1
card 1/1 UDG* 541,15+5 3,
SEMENOV, I.I.; KUTASHOV~ P.D.;-MLUBTSOV. I-Ye., otv. red.;
SVERDIDVA, I.S., red.;..SHEE&R, G.I., tekhn. red.
(New equipment for rural automatic telephone stationk.] No.-
voe oborudovanie dlia sellokikh ATS; informatsionnyi abornik.
Moskva, Svializdat, 1962. 62 p. (MIRA 16:5)
(Telephone, Automatic)
ZHARKOVA, L. F. - WiSill.) - - ~ - - . ,- 1. %.a, IUZITIS, T.Ya.;
GOLUBTSOV 1.1a., ot!?. G.V., red.;
tek~-n. re~i,
(Ftural K-40/80 crossbar au'~uraaLic telephone exchanges]
Sellskie koordinatnye ATC K-40/80; informatsionnyi sbornik.
Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1963. 109 p. ~ - (mrm A6210)
1. Nauchno-issledovatel9skiy institut gorodskoy i sel'skoy
telefonnoy svyazi Ministerstva. avyazi SSSR (for Zharkova,
Movshovich, Frolova). 2. Cosudaretvennaya elektrotekhni-
cheskaya fabrika, Riga (for Rudzitis).
LIVSHITS, Boris Smoylovich; POLYAK, Fetr Yullyevich. Prinimal
uchastiye WIMOV, N.N.; ~~LU , 1.Y-e., otv. red.;
ROMAROVA, Ye.V.p red.; TRISHIIIA, L.Ae"., -E~khn. red.
[Rural telephone comm=ication system] Sistema sel'skoi
telefonnoi sviazi. Moskvay Sviazlizdat, 1963. 127 p.
(MIRA 17:1)
SHTAGER, Valerly Vitallyevioh; A red.; LEONOVA,
B. I.,, tekhn. red.
(Transistor devices in pulse cirouits and owitching circuits]
Poluprovodnikovye pribory v impul'snykh i kommutatsionnykh
skhemakh. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 189 p. (MIRA 16:5)
(Transistor circuits) (Pulse circuits)
(Electric networks)
ACC NR1 AP60256 4
SOURCE CODE: ~R/0106/66/000/005/00611
AUTHOR: Golubtsov, Io Yes; Samonko, So He
ORG: None
TITLE: Setting standards for attenuation in telephone speech tract elements
SOURCE: Elektrosvyazl, no- 5, 1966, 64-71
TOPIC TAGS: telephone equipment, telephone network speech transmission, speech
signal, scientific standard
ABSTRACT: A methodology which can be used to establish attenuation standards for the
individual sections of a speech tract in local, inter-city, and international tele-
phone communications which will provide for reaching the recommendations made by the
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (MKKTT) for values of
equivalent attenuation (EZ) of transmission and reception volume and intelligibility
(AEN) respectively, for 95% and 90% trunking is explained. Standards for attenuation
in trunk lines and call circuit trunk lines for dial offices and toll officea
(ATS-MTS) and for inter-station trunk lines for local communications are eatablishedo
Orig. art. has: 2 formulas, 7 tables and 5 figures.
UDCi 621.3.018:8
Some functional characteratics of the eye in the codfish (Gadus
morhua (L.)) and the marine sculpin (Hyxocephalue scorpius (L.))
Trudy Inst.morf.shiv. no-13:129-138 160. (MIRA 13:9)
(Souse organs--Fiehes)
i Antifog light filters for automobile headlights. Stek. i ker.
19 no.8sl9-20 Ag 162. (MM 15:9)
(Light filters) (Motor vehiclea--Lighting)
takhn. red.
[School of socialist management; book for reading in schools
for workerc studying the oconomics of industrial onterprises]
Shkola sotsialisticheskogo khoziaistvovanlia; kniga dlia
chteniia, v shkolakh rabochikh izuehaiushchikh ekonomiku pro-
myshlenrWkh predpriiatii. Moskva, Go.-politizdat.. 1962. 295 P.
(MIRA 15:9)
(Industrial management)
AvEnSYAN, Ye., red.
[School of socialist management; a school reader for workers
studying the economics of industrial enterprises] Shkola
sotsialisticheskogo khoziaistvovaniia; knigs. dlia chteniia v
shkolakh rabochikh, izuchaiushchikh ekonomiku prorzrshlenrjykh
predpriiatii. Izd.2., perer.i dop. Moskvii, Politizdat,
1964. 318 P. (MIRA 17:8)
Golubtsov, Mikhail Georgiyevich
Blekbromekhanicheskiye ril,try radioehastot (Radio-Frequency Electro-
mechanical Filters) Moscow, Gosenergoizdatt 1957. 47 P. (Series:
Massovaya radiobibliotekao vyp.282) 25,000 copies printed.
Ed.: P.O. Chechik; Tech. Ed.: K..P. Voronin.
PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for advanced radio amateurs.
COVERAGE: The author describes new types of filters used in radio
engineering devices with a nearly rectangular frequency response
characteristic. The author explains the role of filters in improv-
ing selectivity of radio receivers and points to the difficulties
of obtaining a nearly rectangular frequency response characteristic
with band filters and ladder-type band-pass filters. Mechanical
resonators, according to the authorp give much better results
because of their very high quality factor and small dimensions.
Card 1/3
'Radio-Frequency (Cont.)
He describes briefly the ele=nts of the thoQry or oscillation of
mechanical bodies and compares it with the theory of electrioal
oscillations in LC a-zoulta. He explains the operation of the
basic types of electromechanical band-pass filters and gives eme
data on the design, construction, and assembling of such filtere
for the use of advanced radio amateurs. Several electrgmeohanioAl
filters were investigated at the Institute of Radio Engineer"g
and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The text
is accompanied by photographs, designa.gr4phs.and tables. No
personalities are mentioned. There are 3 references..2 of which
are Soviet and 1 a transla~iqn frem English.
Physical Principles of the Operation of Electromechanical Filters 5
Systems of Electromechanical Band Filters 14
Card 2/3
Radio-Frequency (Cont.)
Design of Mechanical Filters of the Rod and Laminated Types
Precision in Filter Manufacture
Filter Manufacturing and Assembling
Placing Mechanical Filters in an Electric Circuit and Filter
Frequency Response Characteristics
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TN5565M.G0
Card 3/3 6/18/59
& It. lb."m
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w""" tw us am$"" MOW4 fit we mil"Itu ba"U61"I &"lot, Gor
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&19 hm.
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3.L 1_~3
AUTHORS: WmIzov, L T G lubtsov, M.G., and
Miufyalft~~ M2,_'TJcLeceaNucr7--.
TITLE-. Receiving Equipnfent for the Measurement of Statistical
Signal Characteristics with Tropospheric Propagation Of
Radio Waves
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika I siektronika, Vol 5~ No 7~ 1960,
pp 1065-1-071 (USSR) (+ 1 plate)
ABSTfULCTs A brief description is given of areceiving equipment
Intended for the simultaneous recording of signal-level
,tariations Independently of a decimeter-band carrie? and the turo
AM.-sidebands for modulation frequencies 115, 3L~61 5207 1040, 22-080
and 5200 kcs. A complex system of mixers, frequency multipliers
and dividers, filters, et- Is employed, permitting frequency
instabilities introducad by various factors to be cancelled out.
The maximum permissible rate of frequency variation compensated by
the sYstem is 0.3 cps1sec. The tracking band of the AM-system
Is 400 cps, the noise factor of the input circuits is equal to
10-11 dB with sensitivity not poorer than 0.01 ff. Examples of
zesults obtained are given in Fig 9 for a test on the path
Mo~;now-Vladimir, perfoMed in September 1959.
Ca -1d. 1/2
Receiving Equipment for the Measurement of Statistical Signal
Characteristics with Tropospheric Propagation of Radio Waves
koknowledgements are made to V.A. Kotellnikoy for his assistance
in selecting the circuits of the receiving equipment, and also to
A,M. Klestov-Nadoyev for his assistance in the laboratory testin.g
of the instruments -and to A.N. Lomakin for checking reception of
Th6re are 9 figures and 3 referencesq of which 2 are English and
1 Soviet.
SUBMITTED: December 23, 1959
Ca-rd 2/2 Vr
TWERICHg, Nikolay Mikhaylovichj.?I!~BTI~Vp ~.G,j red.j BORUNOVv N.I.$ tekhne
(Noise generators] Generatory sbuma. Moskvaq Gos. energ. izd-vot
19610 183 P. I (MIRA 14:7)
(Oscillators, Electric)
GOLUBTSOV, Mikhail Georgiyevich; AKSENOV, V.I... red.; YE24ZHIN, V.V.,
waff Y.-recr.
(Temperature stability of narrow-band electrorrechanical
filters] Temperaturnaia stabillnost' uzkopolosrykh elektro-
makhanicheskikh filltrov. Moskvaj Gosenergoizdatj 1962. 59 p.
(MIRA 15:7)
(Radio filters)
Radar system used in the Venus probe of 1961. Radiotekh.
i elektron. 7 no.U:1851-1859 N 162. (MIRA 15-11)
1. Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR.
(Venus probes)
KANEVSKIYp Zinoviy Moiseyevich; FINKEL!SHTEYN,_HOisey Ionovich;
TIKHONOV, V.I., retsenzentp-GOLUBTSOV M G., red.;
BULIDYAYEV, N.A., takhnered.-"' -
(Fluctuation noise and radio Impulse signal detection)
Fluktuatsionnaia pomekha I. obnaruzhenia impullanykh ra-
diosignalov. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 215 P.
(MIRA 16:8)
(Pulse techniques (Electronics))
UM/Madiclne - Wounds Nov 48
Medicine - Penicillin
"Penicillin Therapy for Tra-, " M. 6. Golubtsov
Aest, Propasdeutic Surg: Clinic, Belorusoian Mad
Inst, 4 pp
'Thirargiya" No 11
Describes various cases of penicillin therapy.
Concludes that cytological method, suggested by
Pokrovskiy and Makarov, can be used to determine
general course of regenerative -process. Penicillin,
applied locally, acts directly on microflora,
Improving reactive and reparative process in the
vound. Prolonged contact of penicillin with vound
4ft 18/45M-31-
UM/Medicine - Wounds (Contd) Nov 48
microflora is achieved vhen applied locally by
fractional irrigation method.
:On~~ylactie Utilization of renicinin in Ab-
Unlial Surger7," U. 0. G*Iubtsovo Chair of Gen
Bog :Kinsk State Med Inst, 2 gp'
Mfrurgiya" No 12
that penic:LUIn Is not used to the fullest
mcte~2t as a j=cphylaxis against conplicaticnia in
&M;4iimal s=gery. Best results were o'btRf=ed in
k':i~er of surgical cases where penicillin wasI
tLin the abd=Iwl cavity. Penicillin h.-as no
I'let on the, Intestinal bacteria which rare3,T
~*/)bdjclme - Surgery (Cmtd) Dee 48
6idee peritonitis. Peritmitie is gener
~~d infection. A pure culture of Intest
t-ioteris. rarely Indicates peritonitis. Chief,
k"sk State W& Insts Prof 7. V. Babu'kr Em
r of Sc 1.
UM/kediclue - Antibiotics :.Fob 49
Medicine - Penicillin '. Tbarepy
-Tenicillin TbsrgLpy of 0.
Golubtaor, Chair of Gon Surg, mi"k *a uOty -
3A P
Had" No 2
Usic. aim of radical surgical measures used In
treating knee-joint wounds complicated by swore
Vwuleat infection Is to fight the infect&=.
Miscuases clinical obserrations and bacte*ioi-
logical data in caaes vhbre penicillin vas effee-
tiTe. CJaJMS aoCd results "re obtained In local
USM/Madicine - Antibiotics Nputd) 76 49
penicillin therapy (administered by injection) for
purulent infectionramd mot affraotional. irrlgw-
A 4M49T72
USSR/Medicine - Penicillin, Effect of 1940
Medicine - Dupyema, 'therapy
"Penicillinotherapy of Empyema," M. 0. Golubtsov,
Chair oi CL-n Surg, Insk State Med Inst, 2 pp,
"Vest Khirurgii" Vol UCIX, No I
Describes method whereby the infected area is in-
~cised and irrigated with a penicillin solution
with simultaneous dr&Lnage of the affected area.
Usual penicillin dosage is 100,000 Oxford units
to 250 ml of physiological fluid. Treatment con-
sists of 50 - 100 ml of mixed penicillin solution
every 12 hours. Authors conclude this-method
should be given greater practical application.
GOLUBTSOV, M.O., katd,med.nauk
Some problems in modern anesthesiology. Zdrav-. Belar. 5 no-10:
23-26 0 159. (MM 13:2)
1. GlavVy khirurg Grodnensicogo oblzdravotdola.
Trea.tment of lumbosaaral radiculltis. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.7:67-U JI
162. (KIRA 15:3.1)
1. Iz Grodnenskoy obiastnoy bollultay (glavnyy vrach S.G.Dulayev).
2. Nervxoye otdalaidys Grodseaskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (for
N.A., kand. tekhn. i~auk, dote.; MILIKOV, N.V., kand. tekhn.
nauk,- BYCHKOV,, M.I., kand. tekhn.nauk,, dots.; SUKHANOV, V.P.p
kand. tekhn.nanki dote.; IL'INUHq N.Z.; TSITKINt N.A.; RDGOZHIN,
-&;-4-VUS-VONSOVICH, I.K., inzh., retBenzent; GOLOVK M., i6h.,
reteenzent; GUSELETOV, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; KALUGINW,.L,~
inzh.,, retsenzent; KRAMINSKIY, I.S., inzh., retsenzentj MAYLE,
O.Ya., inzh., reteenzent; OZERSKIY, S.M., inzh.p retaenzent; SKORLO,
Ya.A., dots., retsenzent; SPERANSKIY, B.A., kand. tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent; SHALAMOV, LYs., inah., retsenzent; VOMCH, N.F., inzh.,
red.; GETLING, Yu., red.; CHERNIKHOV, Ya., tekhn. red,
(Construction handbook] Spravochnik stroitelia. Red.kollegilas M.I.
Bychkov i dr. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. VoLl. 1962.
532 p. Vol.2. 1963. 462 p. (MIRA 16:5)
(Construction industry)
GOIJJBTSOV, II.V., dotsent
Graph for determining momeptal focal relations of a continums
beam. Trudy VSTI no.l.:115-116 162.
Calculation of COMPIeX fTames. lbid.:117-130
(MIR-A 17:11)
,GOLIJBTSOV, Nikolay Vasillyevich; OGIYFIIKOI S.I.t red.
(Design of statically indeteminate frameal Raschet, slozh-
rWkh ram. Ulan4de, Buriatskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1964. 95 p.
(MIRA 18%10)
GOLUBTSOV, P.M., insh.
Production of lids for the top chambers of long-distance
light signals. Avtom., telemai evias' 3 n0-7:36 J1 '59.
(XIBA 12:12)
1. Orshanskaya distantelya migualizateli I evyazi Beloruskoy
GOLUBTSOV, P. M.. inrh.
Collective of communist labor. Avtom., telem. i eviazo. 4 no.'5t2l-22
my 16o. WU 131) 11
1. Orsbanakaya distanteiya sigualizataii i avyati Belorueskoy
(Railroads-Communication eyetems)
OrffAm~orn 001 LT14TROV, P.A.
"Discus,slom of Uw Arfl,~Ia by A, A. A. A. ~*,I-.:Ilrov .I-iic/, ano G.
Rozqnov, "corv-ir Lcallv Fet,21',Pla R-at-10 of' Alumin1jr., ftnud St.".-A i,)ect'on:~ ',-n 3te~,-l-
Alu!,Anur- Coniuctorl"ll U. ii. Krachkov-;kly, f~~ird Tech Sc-1,
R. A. Golul-Jonv,
FxqclA-ovs,k;v qnd nolDbtsov, in s.-?rnrate commento, discliss
-52) to
tsrec+s of T~~ropot--if-~l b-.- Gl,~zunrjv et q1 (21ektrichestvo, N 5, 19
st9!ir'mr,l COST-839-41 ml -steel-,.ilumlnun conductors.
AID P - 3455
Subject USSR/Electricity
ICard 1/2 Pub. 27 --o 22/32
Author ; Golubteovi.Ro.-A., Eng.
Title : Use of steel flexible towers (Discussion of an article
by M' L. Gallpern, B. A. Udovichenko and K. N.
Voyevodin, this journal, No. 12, 195
Periodical Elektrichestvo, 10, 73-74p 0 1955
Abstract The author discusses the statements made in the article
criticized that the use of flexible suspension towers
increases the reliability of 35-kv transmission lines
and reduces the expense of supporting structures and
their foundations. He disagrees with these statements
and gives detailed reasoning, formulae and data from
experience. One table, 3 Soviet references (1952-
GOLUBTSOV, R.I., inzh.; GRIM, S.M., inzh.; GROSHEY, H.I., inzh.
Forty years development of electric transmission lines; Zlek.sta.
28 no.11:53-58 3 157. (MIRA 10:11)
(Electric power distribution)
GOLUNSOV, R.A., inzh.o, KANAULIZE, A.R., kand.tekhn.nauk.
=C.1culation of straight-line poles of overhead lines for
outa -64 Ja
.ge conditions. Blek.sta, 29 no.1:63 '58. (MIRA 11:2)
(Alectric linee-Poles)
8(6), 14(0)
AUTHOR: Golubtsov, R.A#
TITLE- The Susponsion of Open Air Line Wires Carrying Different Voltages
on one and the Same Towers
'J.0DICAL.- Enorgotf!c, 1959, Nr 8i pp 39 (USSR)
ADSTRACT- I.S. Kenigstul (Poltava) requested information whether a 6-10 kv
and a 3PO -v line may be suspended on the same towers. The author
states that this is possible if the following requiremc-nts are
met% a) the line carrying the higher voltage must be suspended
higher than the lov voltage line, or, it must be mounted on the
other side of the tower; b) the s,)P-cing of conductors carrying
different voltages and the calculations for conductors and towers,
nrust be made in accordance with the requirements for conductors
carrying the high-er voltage.
Card 1/1
GOLUBTSOV, R.A., inzh.; KMAULIDZE, A.11.. kand.tekhn.nauk
Calculating ateel-aluminum wires according to the now "Regulationo
for the installation of electric units." Xlek.sta. 31 no.lS
60-62 Ja 160. (NULk 13:5)
(Electric wiring--Tables, Calculations, etc.)
B081111YAKOVICHY A,D~, inzh.; GOLUBTAN, R.A., inzh.; KAPSAULIDZE, MT.,
kand. teldin . nauk
Calculation of stdal reinforced aluminum lines using the con-
sideration of a temporary stretch. Elek. sta. 31 no.9:50-54
s 16o. (MIRA 14:10)
(Electric lines-Overhead)
"FuDdamentalo of the mechanical section of overhead power transmission
lines" by A.A.Glazunov, A.A.Glamiov. Reviewed by R.A.Golubteov.
Elektrichestvo no.6z91-96 Je 161. O~Pk .14:10)
10 Vaesoyuznyy gonudarstvenW institut po proyektiroMni~U teplovykh
elektrostantsiyq Mcskva:,j;9r Golubtsov). 2. Voesoyuzrqy nauchno-
issledovatel'skiy institAxt ilektroenergetiki, Itskva (for Karoaulifte)a
.3. Vaeooyuznyy gosudarst"~JW institut proyektirovaniyu teplovykh
elektrootantsiy,, Tashkent (for Kesel2W, 4. Vaesoyumiyy treot po
proyektirovani gidroelektrostantsiy i gidroelektrouzlovo Leningrad
(for Sinelobov,
(Electric power distribution)
11-1 -
Location of connectora installed with weak clamps on 220 kv.
power transmiosion lines. Ebaergetik 10 no.105 Ja 162.
(MIRA 14~02)
(Electric-, lines--Overhead)
GOLUBTSOV, R.A.,, inzh.; LUMAULIDZE, A.N., kand.tekhn.rf#uk
Changes and addilKons to Chapter
lines with voltages in excess of
for the Installation of Electric
noA2s2l-U D 062.
(Electrie'lines--Overhead)' (1',lectric
11-5 "Overhe4d power transmission
1,000 volts".-of the"Regulations
Fbwer Systems." Energetik 10
(MIRA 16s1)
power distribution)
GOLUBTSOV,__Aj., inzh.; KRYUKOV, K.P., inzh.; II(JVGORODTSEV, B.P., inzh.
- Loads acting on the intermediate towers A a result of the
Aress of the wire duoing the break in the lines. Elek. sta.
34 Ao.1:51-55 -J& 163. (MM 16:2)
(F.lectrio lines--Overhead)
(Eleotric lines-Poles and towers)
Suspended radio rediffusion lines on uprights of a 6 kv. electric
power transmission line, Naergetik 8 no.5:39 Ky 160.
.(KM 13:8)
(Zlectrio lines-Overhead)
(Radio lines)
;;~~ ---------------
Rapid method of determining iron in alloys. Trudy Inst.met. no-5:
193-195 160. (Alloys--Analysis) (MIRA 13:6)
T*37VI/Chemigtry 4 SUICan MAr/APr U
ChemUtry * Orgazda GC4poUW#
IWI:Icon a0rjntnic Compounds#- X. S. Andrianov, A. A. Zl-.danov,, S. A, Golubtsav, PI. V,
Sobolwnkiy, Moscow, 40 pp
PUspekbi Xhimn Vol XVIII# No 2
Discuesess chwdc&l bonds& halide derivativesp orthosilicia acid esters* awl. am
aqIhaUdoOi%4Mjj tridrdysis W cwdonn.ion of orodc dUcon monowxs# POLYM
siloxanes use of silicon organic compounds$ prep4ration of hydrophoUt filim,
th"VOSMIZ rosins and lacqwro, polysiloxane fluids and lubricants,, and poly.
siloxane rubber.
PA 47tara
FD 194
USSR/Chemistry - Silicon-organic Compounds
Card 1/1
Authors : Romanov., V. M., Candidate of Chemical Sciences; Golubtsov, S. A., Can-
didate of Technical Sciencea.
Title : Organosilicon liquids and their applications
Periodical : Khim. prom. 4, 25-28 (217-220). June 1954
Abstract : Describe in detail the properties and applications of organosilicon
liquids, pointing out that products of this class are now being manu-
factured by enterprises of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. Six
USSR references., all since 1940; 68 foreign references.
ANDRIAMV, K.A..,- ROKANOT, V.M., kandidat khimichaskikh nauk;
GOLUBTSOV, S.A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk.
Hydrophobing fluid and some other silicon organic fluids.
Kbim. prom. no-3:142-143 Ap-My 156. (MLRA 9:10)
1. Chli-n-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Andrianov).
(Silicon-Organic compounds)
USSH/ Physical Chemistry Kinetics. Combustion. Zxplosives. Topochenista-y. B-9
Abe Jour : Referat Zhur KhImAyap No 4, 1957, 11292
Author : Andrianov K.A.., Golubtsov S.A.p Trofimova I.V.., Denisova A.B.,
Taieteka:* R.'A.
Inst- : kadeiq 6f 'Sdien6ii USSR
Title : On the Role of Copper in the Reaction between Myl Chloride and Silicon
Orig Pub : Dokl. AN SSSR,, 1956, 108, No 3, 465-468
Abstract : A study was made of the influence of Cu'-:6ontent of 'sillcon-~opper alloys
on their interaction with CJl,-Cl (1); among the. reaction products visare '
found 'CA4800 - - S 4__~ - .) 3'el er
.A __ 12, ! q?RgPP'RCl~_ -(Ce,5 -2 (11) aiia a iaiib
of'liquid aHd &seous pr6oddeti. tal~,tic, Ac vity-of alloys vas eVbai)A-
t'ed on the'basisof-thi d6ntidt 'In th6'reactibn produ6ts,_& IXI-'the'for-
~iation of vhich takes plade, adc6idiAg t6-th6 most sAvaktdg,---'O'Iii'ie~Lc'tioli~.
2C05CI~ S17~7(CA_) Sic -iiiV6Iiihg'iio, losii of oigiiif6'riaicals.' 'Vith
dicimsi 'ifi - Cii-conten? bi-fte"alloy-ftom'70'to %; c6itint 6f'T_T-ih the-ie-*
a6tion -pr'6duc'ts ~inikriiaseis- fr-6it 20 *t6 45-50. - It -is 6h6ifi-thit di6j_in car
taly,tic activity'of alloys vith high Cu-content is due not to thermal
USSR/ Physical Chodstry - Kinetics. Conbustion. Uplosives. Topochezdetry. B-9
Abe Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4. 1957, U292
decomposition of products (vhich is slight under the conditions of the
synthesis), but to catalytic decomposition of I in the presence of Cu,
according tp the reaction:' CU
C2H5Cl----~C2R4 *-HC1 and subsequent reactions: C2g5C1 + 2HCl + S'
H and MiR CI + 4RCI - Si -Cu -> 2C2H5SiHC12 + H2.
C2H5S'Cl3 2
AUTHORS: Mallnova, G. N.p Mikheyev, Ye. P., 20-4-21/52
Klebanskiy, A. L., Golubtsov, S. A., and
Filimonova, N. P.
TITLE., On the Catalytic Phenylation of Hydrogenous Alkyl-
Chlorosilanes by Benzene (0 kataliticheskom fenilirovanii
oderzhashohikh alkilkhlorsilanov benzolom).
PERIODI*CAL: Doklady AN SSSR, Vol. 117, Nr 4, pp. 623-625 (USSR Iq s7
ABSTRACT: This reaction of the alkylohlorosilanes mentioned in the
title above with aromatic hydrocarbons has been treated
only insufficiently in scientific literature. A short
literary review reveals among other facts that as yet in
almost every case elements from the third group of the
periodic system have been used as catalyzers. The authors
preferred to use boric acid as a catalyzer sufficiently
active and fitting for their purpose. If it is added to the
reaction mixture in a quantity of 0,1% the formation of
phenyl-trichlorosilane is restrained almost completely.
Otherwise there is hardly any possibility of separating it
Card I/ from mothyl-phenyl-diohlorooilane by rectification. The
.3 increase of compression in the autoclave - chiefly caused by
On the Catalytic Phenylation of Hydrogenous Alkyl- 20-11.2V52
Chlorosilanes by Benzene
elimination of hydrogen-coasesv according to the temperature
of synthesis, at 2900 after one hour, at 2500 after two hours.
Warming for a longer time is not profitable (see patents,
references 2-4,6) as in that case the exploit of the final
product defrOaBes. With 0,1% boric acid the optimal temperature
is by 2400- If the temperature is caused to fall by 5-100
the reaction is decisively retarded. The comparatively small
exploit of alkyl-phonyl-dichlorosilane is caused on the
whole by the high capability of reaching of the alkyl-
diohlorosilanee which suffer not only phanylation but
different other transformations such as changes of thermial
rearrangement, condensation, and reaction with alkyl-phenyl-
dichlorosilane. The detaila of table 2 confirm the assumption
that the augmentation of the proportion of benzene will
increase the exploit of alkyl-phonyl-dichlorosilane.'Under
optimal conditions it reaches 40% of the reacting methyl-
dichlorosilane. Finally by-products are mentioned. The
reciprocal reaction of benzene and ethyl-dichlorosilane in
presence of boric acid is analogous. The optimal temperature
Card 2/3 is about 2500.
On the Catalytic Phenylation of Hydrogenous Alkyl- 20-4-!Pn/5P-
Chlorosilaneo by Benzene
There are 2 tables, and 7 references, 1 of which is Slavic.
PRESENTED: June 28, 1957, by B. A. Kazanskiy, Academician
SUBMITTED: June 27, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
,5 e,
AUTHORSt Andrianov, K. A., Golubt~jov, j. A., Sumenova, Ye.A.62-1-8129
TITLE: On Some Reactions of the Amlino-Group in Trio t.,iylEuai no ui lane
(0 nekotoryk)2 rea1,,tj3iya!:h tuiizioj,~rupp~f v trictilaminonilane).
PERIODICAM Izvo!jtiya Ali S2311-, OtdelenJye ~,-.hir.,ichujkikh Nauk, 1958, Ur 1,
PP r17-53 03SH)
ABSTRACT: In recent time tw.'~a amino3ilar-es gained an constantly in-
creasing practical iraportance as active hydrophobizing pro-
ducts. However, only few in mentioned in litorkiture about
the chemical proporties of these compounds. In the present
paper some reactions (with the 3ilicon atom of the amino
group) were inveotigated by means of the example of tri-
etb,ylsilane and its methyl- and ethyl-derivatives. Tri-
ethyla.minosilane easily reacts with hydrochloric- and hydro-
bromic aoid. The author3 obtained derivatives of the tri-
ethylamilnosilane, as well as derivatives of methyl which have
not yet beert describcd in liter,-Aure by the interaction of
triethyleliloro5ilane with ammonia (or the oorresponding
amin'e). Table 1 shows the physical properties of the synthet-
ic compounds. In the investigatior, of these properties it
turned out that the have sufficient thermal stability. Tri-
Card 1/2 ethylaminosilane reacts only with difficulty with
On Some -Reactions of the Amino-Group in Triethylaininosilane 62-1-0/29
triethy2chlorosilane (at roon, temper-Aure). The reaction
can be a little u,-celorated at boilinC temperature. Table 2
shows the properties of the (by tLiethylethoxysilane) ob-
gained compounds. FurtherLIOZO the authors found properties of
new cot-,ijjoundi3, e.C. of trio I,!Vl-n-propoxysilane, triethyliso-
propox,ysilane, triethyl-n-butoxysilane, triethylisobutoxyoil-
ane, triethylisowniloxyoilane au well as of triothyl-n-
-oc'uiloxysilane. Ethyl- and inethyl- derivatives of triethyl-
aminosilane react with alcohols in a sitailar manner, Here
the number and the size of the radicalo in the nitrogen
atom exercise their influence on the reaction process. Tri-
ethyldiethjlaminosilane enters reaction with alcohols, how-
ever, with a oonsiderp~bly low,~r activity than triethylamino-
ailane, its mothyl-dorivativeo or triethylaiainosilane. There
are 3 W)les and 7 refurolluou, 1 of Which is Slavic.
JUJI11ITTED: Aujiust 212, 1956
AULILABLZ: Library of Coneress
1. Triethylaminosilane-Chemical reactions 2. Amines-Chemicel
Card 2/2 reactions 3. Triet,byleminosilane-Derivatives 4. Methyl-
AUTHORS: AndrJ-anov, K. A.,_aolubtsov, 62-2
Trofimova, 1. V., Ttiretq Krylov, V. 1).
TITLE: On the Modifications of the Catzilytic Activity of Silicon-
-Copper Alloyo in the Proce3s of Direct Synthooi3 of Ethyl-
chiorosilanes (Ob Izmenenilys.1-.1i 'cutal-itichecilaoy aktivnosti
kremneniedny'kh spla,~ov v jlrots,~!:-,so pr,,,wuogo sinteza etil-
PEaIODICAL: Izve3tiya AN SSSR OtdeleniyeK]ii-,:ii-clieslilch Jauk, 1958, 11r 2,
pp. 15'1-165 (U30.70-
AD31'RACT: The direct synthe3iis of al!cyl- and arylchlorosilanes by the
influence of the haloid derivati-.,e upon elementary silicon
in. the presence of a copper catalyst was already described
.Ln several papers.. But only scarce and insufficient-data ex-
i3t on the fa--t that the a.-tivity of the contact silicon-
-copper mass slowly decreasas in the prooess of synthesis.
Concrete reports on the reason for the modification of activ-
ity have hitherto riot been published. In the present paper
the following is said on the result of the experimentt It
was found that in the interaction of the silicon-copper
Card 1/2 alloys with ethylene chloride their activity is highly re-
On the Modifications of the Catalytic Activity of Silicon- 62-2-5/28
-Copper Alloys ir the Process of Direct Synthesis of Ethy1chlorosilanes.
duced, i.e. to the extent to which silicon enters into re
action (formation of ethylohlorosilanes) It was found th;t
for alloys with a low content of copper i5-WO the lines of
the general activity in the reaction of the formation of di-
ethylchlorosilirune run o-,rer 2 maxima. In alloys with a high
copper-content (ev251,'O) the preuonco of only one selective
maximum and one maximum. of the -eneral activity was determin-
ed. It is assumed that the interaction of ethyl chloride with
ailicon-copper alloys i3 composed of two parallel processest
a) the reaction with silicon of the intermetallic comnound
CU Si with simultaneous separftion of active copperl b) re-
acKon with free silicon in the presence of the separated
copper as catalyst. On the basis of this hypothesis the
variability for alloys with a diverse content of copper can
be explained. During the reaction carbon is to q consider-
able extent deposited at the surface of copper which may also
contribute to a decrease in the activity of the mass. There
are 2 figures, 7 tables, and 5 Slavic references.
SUBIMITTED: August 22, 1956
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1. Bill-con-copper alloy catalysts 2. Ethylohlorosilanes-Synthe'sis,
Continuous method of catalytic addition of hydrosilanes to un-
saturated compounds. Ihim.nauk i prom- 3 no-5:679-681 158.
lo Institut organichaskoy khimil im, TeD, Zelinskogo.
(Bilane) (Unsaturated compounds)
SOV/64-58-6-6 1/15
IXTHORS: Andrianov, K. A., Corresponding Member, Academy Of Scienceo,
USSR, Goll Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Petryakova, A. A.
TITLE, The Composition and Distribution of the Reaction Products
of Ethylene Chloride and Silicon (Sostav i razdeleniye
prodiiktov reaktsii khlorintogo etila 9 kremniyem)
PERTOPTCAL: Khimicheskaya TromyshlennoW, 195",, TTr 6, pp 342-346 (TJSSR)
ABSTRACT: The article quotes the results of the experiments mentioned
by the title. The synthesio was carried out by reaction of
ethylene chloride with a copper-silicon alloy at boiling
temperature accordin,(.r to a method that has already been de-
scribed (Refs 4, 5). The composition of the mixture was de-
termined in cooperation with M. A.Kleynovskeya. A table
states the basic conditions in three ex-oerintents. F~jrther-
more, a sketch of the laboratory column used for isolating
individual ethylchlorosilanes and a description of the ap-
paratus is given. A distillation curve shows that a column
with 24 theoretical plates permits a sufficiently accurate
Card 1/2 isolation of thelmixture. A table of the physico-chemical
The Composition and Distribution of the Reaction Products of Ethylene
Chloride and Silicon
constants and analytical data of isolated distillation
products is given. An analysis of fraction 5 was carried out.
It was assumed that besides ethylchlorouilane there were
also 5 to 18 per cant of diothylchlorosilane present. In
order to determine the optimum ratio of ethyl-trichloro-
silane and isobutanol in partial esberification according
to a method previously described, a number of tests viere
carried out. On the basis of the data obtained, a pilot
plant with a column for rectification of the ethylchicro-
silane mixture was built. The results of the tests were as
they had been calculated. M. A. KleynovskAyn has developed
a method for separating the mixture from trimethyl-chloro-
silane and silicon tetrachloride by means of partial esteri-
fication. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 11 references,
6 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/2
AII.LTORS: Andrianov, K. A. , Lavaliuk, ".I. Ya. , Golubtoov, S.A. I and
X,r:i3ovolviya, T.A.
T 12 1Z On the Com-ion Hydrolysis of Mono- and Trifunctional Al'~rl(Aril)
Chlorine Silaneu (0 sovuestnom --idrolizu mono-
nykh alkil(aril)'khlorsi1omov) i trifunktsionall
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1950, Vol. 20, Nr 2, pp. 333 - 336 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The aji-ithesis of most polymeric orGano!3ilieon co-.i~,,ounds o-" the type
of polyor,,,,Rnooiloxanes takes pla- ce by neans of a common hydrolysis
of t-..,o, sometimes more, monomeric orflariojilico n cQ!.ip01jnd:3 - alkyl -
or alkylc--:lorou-'Llanes or 8ubutiti,ted (Alic-ro of ortho3ilicic -acid.
It ij usually aox.-aed that in a hydrol-;.3i:j of viixtures of two al-
kylcl.loro3iloxancs a polymeric product oj: th,; con ~on hydrolysis of
the-,,e CL~;apound3 forms. The author3 found that the reaction often
-)rucceds in the direction of a nixture of two pol%,ners and not in
the direction of the for%i;ition of -, product of cou..on b.,,droly[As
R sio
(x+2)(C2 H5)3 3iC1 + xRSiC1 3 (C 2H 5)3 ;DIU I
u si(y 5)3
Card 112 ,t
Q i (C
On the Com--ion Tidrolygis of A'.Iono- LIM42rifunctional Al'..
yl(,%ryl) Chlorine Sili-mea
Card 212
whcre It - C61ir or C 6 H4Cl
2(C H ) Sicl -t --- (C 11 siosi(C,11 (2)
2 5 3 11 0 2 5 5 3
./116icl - ____ Hsiol.,), (3)
3 j ..
As the tout showed , neither the chan7,c of the molar interactions
and thu acid content of the nedium nor tlhi~ ucc of Onc or the other
-nt in the hydrolyji5 were c:apable of suppresjin - reactions
(2) an'.4 (3) and leadin., the proceis to,.-tard the fol-i-ijtion of a com-
mon product of hydrolYsia accordin,: to reaction (1). it was ao3umed
th,rit the tenpcrature coefficients of the reaction velocity are dif-
ferent. A test confirned this assumption ard j1howed that the per-
formancc of the h.?drcly:3ig at hi~;ber teiperatures promotes the
production oi pl-olict3 of the conion hydrolySi3, loutt not the me-
clianical 1.1iXture o.* two polymurz. There are 2 fie,ureu, 2 tztblesq
and no refQrencos.
Jainutry 1(,,, 1957
Library of Con-reoi
Card 1/1
Andrianov, Tishina, U.N. and Trofimovaj
Direct Synthes13 of Phenyltrichlorosilane in a "Pluidized" Bed
(Pryamoy sintez feniltrikhlorsi-lana v "kipyashchem" sloye)
Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Nr 1, Dp 201-207 (USSR)
The authors investigated the synthesis of phenyltrichlorosilane
out of chlorobenzene, hydrogen chloride and silicon in a "flu-
idized" bed ir, the presence of copper and iron as catalyzerbat
a temperature of approximately 6000C. The experiments,performed
showed the possibility of attaininG the high efficiency of the
process, the satisfactory yield of phenyltrichlorosilane,. ap-
proximately 11 g from 100 g of the contact mass per hour, and
sufficiently complete utilization of silicon,