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09 A so so 00 *0 go 09 00 00 oo d OOW 0& ilia A PROC12441 40-0 peops"Its woo L pirld d ~wW.,vmO.Acad. "..U.Rss IS "is* Audied the amount at rAkft A" is a drop at Nept solutin Will Oorrelated witb bath Uw % fs!~W",of do" tube. AIN-ILA MATALLUNK&L MIAMI CLAUIPICATM lion. 41"Ov 61 a F 0,794-r- Ilia tailil = 04. Ill U 9 AV la As to, lt & a al tw ONO-1w1w!)Ald-3Q T 0 0- 0. 0. 0 *0000000000600000 10 ::o:::oooeooo 010 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 a a 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 -00 .00 .00 0*0 let loo .06 Coo age -00 see woo coo go* goo *Go =00 too 0 /Medicine - Plants LL JAIi -1~48 Wdialne -,.Pollen Knovlodge of the Pbysiolog7 of Pollen Gominsum. *tIculare of the Germination of Pollen Sesda of ftlryll- Off icinalls Jacq. In ftsmootion vith Estero- 1. N. Golubinskiy, Mcrainian SM Soi Bes Sta XCO Groving, 3 pp Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LEE, No 2 fterlmente gave following results: Pri-i'm off icInal- Is! Pollen present In nutritive solutions emits oww - tionB having effect on percentage of sprouting) 10'n'gth of pollen taboo. Self -pollinatiam alow Vrops- Ati ~tlan of nollon. ybile p2LIen from other Dlants ftw- URM cine - Plants (Contd) n jan.*8. sprouting. Therefore, observed that secretions Iso- Uted by haterostylic pollon were specifici, possess rious Submitted by Academiclan i chemical affinities. -~~:A. Makemov, 21 Oct 194T. 7~- ~., 21871) GOTIUMBEISIM, T. ". i MITTI'Ot Yo. P. Sorta khmol.ya otechostvannoy sclel,,tsii. Selelctsi.ya: seirenovodstvo, 1949, No. 7i s. 64-68. SO: lotopist Zhurnaliny,-h Statey, No. 29, Moslwa, 1941). USSR/Medicine - Cens " Physiology :1ar/Apr 4`,z Medicine - Cells, Tmclusions, "Various Types of Naryon and the Concept of Cytogenic Irregularities in Tissues," I. N. Golubinskiy, Dubno, 1q, n."n "Uspe1rhi Sovrem Biol" Val 7XV11, No 2 Many articles hxre been written on the vari- ability of the -Ilaryon even within sin,.3le spe- cies. These chpunes can be very radical, and even cause mor-,)hological chanoes in the chro-. mosomes. CytoZenlc hetercjereity and asso- ciated variations in the karyon are not neces- sarily related to formation of bArlds which cause cbsnges in the or,,-anism. Spontaneous I 4W 47149T54 PST - --. - . j U5511/Me=c2Ze_ -Cells.. 0 Ogy Xsr Apr 49 (Cmtd) appearance of a chimera is-due to a cytogenic heterogeneity, vhile vegetative =t&tiOZI Of POU- toes obtaj~ed Iq Asseyeva is die to simple vegeta- tive division. 47/49TOr r, /I DynomIcs of 0MCMIlulatim ol bitter substances in haps :01ses in the mtso of vowth, 1. N. GodubinAd And L. G. Shchc rfdna. nvkhioly .4 kad. AVO 77, 9 ' (19,19).-The accurnul3tims cwrurv princilmlly in Lite almirwr (Augmt) and nitappreckiliSe tircline 14ki-s pLacr in Larr monlb~. (I. M. K,-)E,I,*,ff _ USM/Biology - Botww. 1 oct 49 sip, -Bireb "Birch Sap as &.Germinating Medium f6r Pollen," N. Golubinskiy) pp "Dok Akad Nauk Vol LXVIII, No 4 Tabulaied reaults.obtained by'using birch sap as a germinating me dium for the pollen of Salix alba, Prunus insititia' Ceras~s padua, Primil obconica, and P'. officia;lconsidered bettor than best sugar media.. Since4sp deteriorates quickly, a boiled solutionlyas tried and proved better.than fresh sap for Salix alba and Primula obconica pollen. Submitted by Acad N. A; MaksimoT 27 Jul 49; 150T5 USSR/Siology - Botany 11 Oct 49 Horse-Radisb "Action of the Phytoncides of Horse-Radish Upon the Germination of Pollen Grains, " 1. 11. Gcklubinskiy, 2j pp nDok Ak Iqauk SSW Val 1XVIII, No 5 Found pbytoncide action of chopped horse-radish (Cochlearia armoracia) roots (in a Petri dish) on pollen of seven plants -- Galanthus nivalis, Sedum acre-, etc. -- inhibited germination while chopped leavei stimulated it. Sedum acre pollen vas destroyed in atmosphere saturated with -IM 151T-4 'Z~ USSR/Biology - Botany (Contd) 11 oc~ 49 horse-radish pbytoncides in 20 min, its germina- tion retarded in 5-20 min, but stimulated in very short periods. le-thal action was greater an germ. inating than on fresh pollen. Submitted by Acad N. A. Maksimov 27 Jul 49. 151T3. A, -~ _*,ez'l HOIUB-'M, M, I. M. Study of the pbytoncidal action of various plants on the germination of poll& grains of the sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus L.). Bot.zbnr.[Ukr.) 9 no-3:42-54 152, NLRA 6:11) 1. Sortodilinytoya ovochavykh kulltur, m. Koetopol', Rovenelkoyi obl. (Sweet peas) (Phytontaides) 1. GOLUBINSKIY, I. N. 2. USSR (600) 4. Ferne 7# Male fem, Sad i og. No. 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. GOLUBINSKI-.,,,l Now data on the phytoncidal action of different plants on the germination of pollen grains. no.4:13-19 156. (MIRA 10:1) 19 Bortodillnitaya ovochevikh kullturiomixos topill, Rovenelkoi obl. (Phytoncides) ( 1 on) GOLUDWSKIY, I.N. Atmospheric precipitation water as a medium for germinating pollen gralne, Dokl, AN SSSR 109 no.6:1203-1205 A&_156. (ULML 9:11) 1. Lostopoliskiy,gQsudari3tvarmn.,ovoshahnoy aortouchastok Kostopoll, Rovenakaya oblast'. Predstayleno aka&mikoz~ V.Jt.A~ft (pollen) GOLUBINS11Y, I.N. Teratological variations observed In pollen tubas affected by phytonaides. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 no.6:1115-1116 0 156. (XLRA 10:2) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.L. Kursanovym. (Phytoncides) (BotamV-Morphology) GOLUBINSKIYj I.N. . .............. "Problems and 9;wroiseis on botany" by D.I. Traitak, Reviewed by I.N. Golubinakii. Biol. v shkole no.5:92-93 S-0 161. (MIRA. 14:9) la.,Ukrainskiy institut rastqniyevodstv~x) genetiki i aelektaii,o (Botany-Study and teaching) GOLIJBIN3Kly, I.N. [Holubynalkyl, I.M.14 Effect of boron on the gemination of pollen grains. Dr. bot, zhur. 20 no.4:3-6 163. (MIRA 17;4) 1. Rovenolkiy zagallnonaukoviy fnkul'tet Kiivslkogo derzhavnogo universitetu im. T.G.Shavcharika. COUNTRY CATMORY ABS. Joul-R. AUTHOR MT. T ITU U,119R M. Ouluk-1vated Plants. Grains. RZBiOl-, NO-21, 19~O., Mo. 95901 :Golubinski S*K%I* Y. '-Tha Leat ot Seed Size on the Grain Crop Yield ORM. ~DUB. :Uoh. zap. A01. fak. 'KIxg. un-t, 1957, v7P.8, 57-61' A133TIRACT Mo abstreet UOD: USSR/Rateomlogy, - Winds, Dry Sep 50 "Dry Winds and Forest Melioration," S.S. Golubinskiy "Priroda" No 9, PP 37-41 CA.Ins made by the author showed that the main restric- tion upon the size of the harvest in Kulunda steppe (Altay Kray) was dry winds. Found that field- Xxotective forest belts were the only reliable measure to combat there dry winds. Tables show the correlation of pptu, dry winds (days when the relative hil-idity dropped below 30% were oonsid- ered days with dry winds), and harvests of various 212T98 grain crops for a 10-year period on the Kulunda steppe and the influence of field-protective for- est beltsupon the harvest of grain crops. r4 C) C) Forest Nurseries Growing the poplar from seed, Les i step' NO-3, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952- - Uncla ied. GOLUDINISKU, S. S. Tree Planting Setting out spot-seeded strips of white acacia and honey locust. Les i step' 14 No. 5, 1952 Monthl- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. AID P - 3868 Subject USSR/Meteorology Card 1/1 Pub. 71-a - 31/35 Author Golubinskiy, S. S. mm, Title Nikifor Petrovic h Nizenikov Periodical Met. I. gidr., 6, 63, N/D 1955 Abstract An obituary of a well-known agrometeorologist, who did research In the field of hydrology, frost resistance of plants and winter crops, and died in June 1955. Institution : None Submitted : No date GOLUBINSKIf,_,S.S. Problem of,ualng box elder in shelterbelt-afforestation, greenbelts, and parks. Trudy TSSBS no.4t23-30 160, (MIRA 1514) (Box elder) (Windbreaks, shelterbelts, etc.) ... 0 GOLUBINSLU 3.6* kand.aelIskokjioayayvtvennykh njua.(Nomsibirsk) ___ I---,-,-,- - Pine stands planted in clusters. Agrobiologiia no.11119-121 i Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16t5) 1 (NovoBibirsk Province-Pine) i i )it COLUBID.SKIY, S.S., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk Oak stands planted in clusters in Western Siberia. Agroblologila no.6:938-939 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:2) GOLUBINSKIY, V.I., (Gorlkiv, u1. M.Gortkogo,d. 226-a,kv.2.). Phosphorus burn. Veat.khir. 89 no.8:74-75 Ag 162. (KIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.I.Kozhevnikov) Gorlkdnkogo meditsinakogo instituta na baze oblastnoy klinicheakoy bolinitsy im. N.A.Semashko (gl.'.vmch - zasluzh. vrach RSFSR X.I.Kuznetsov). (PHOSPHORUS-TOXICOWGY) (BURNS AND SCALDS) --GOWPI~P~TY,J.~. (Gorlkiy,, u1. M. Gortkogo# d. 226-a, kv.2) Strangulation of the liver in epigaotric hernia, Tent. khir. 91 no.8t119-120 Ag'63 (MIRA 170) 1. Tz kliniki obahchey khirurgii ( zav. - prof. A.I. Kozhevnikov) Gor1kovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imani S.M. Kirova na bam Gor1kovskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy Imeni Semashko (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR K.I. Kuzneteov).. SECHUYAK, -naida FedOtOVna , st. nauchn. sotr.; GOLUBINSKIY, Ye., obshchestyennyy red. [Use high standard cultivation practices for sugar beets; from practices on collective and state farms in the Crimea) Sakharnoi svekle - vysokuiu agrotekhniku; iz opyta kolkhozov i sovkhozov Kryma. Simferopol', Izd-vo "Krym," 1964. 49 P. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Krymskqa gosudarstvennaya sellskokho:~raystvennwja o1rjtnaya stantsiya (for SechrWak). j 0 U--~ r: 53 ~wj,;~tata Ag-ric, 'rb-I! P;r0'Ac-rj of Choc.AiIIS Grass, Mix0u-aa for th* v- ,. eSetable-Foddor Crop Rcitationts undfir Irrig-, t.J on im the Steppe Part of the Tr, Krym,3k. Obl. gon. z.-Itch. Opytn. St,, ic56, 21 27-42 Z.-tPerimmitz mro not up in spring 195-1 tindor trviguticia w.-Ith sowing diffevent. grain-le_cuomo ji -aBa -a. mponeutis ,~i mixture As the legumincuo co a trial waa mada of alfalfa, eapavciRC sind clovcr; az tho grain grasaist; there uare: slen- dev -alleatgrasz, smoothbromm, Italian x-yegrass, and -.~Adoiq fo3cue.. The gra3acs wcr.~ planted; with the fall ploving under a ro*.7er of bctrley aad ifAthout a covar. The. ~jrasz nirturt!a of' clover + 41ioatgrac-4 aad clover feacue weve 13. ol r) th(i productive. The hay ~ritjll in 19511 frem the uncovered voifing of tijesc mixtax-js was. "OsPacttivelY, 179-1G and lqi'.l cantnerS ha, And ti-1086 Undor cn-,,-or 41.24.7 and Chernov GOLUBIMM, Ye. D. , Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "Problems of agrotechnics of corn in the steppe portion of the Crimea." Khar'kov, 1.960. 16 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture Ukrainian SSR, KharIkov order of Labor Red Banner Agricultural Inst im V. V. Dokuchayev); 150 copies; free; (KL, 26-60, 140) % _IABI, ~ , 0 - NITly, yel- Metabol-,xm of' purine and py-ramidine do.-IlTati-ires in the "Llagua miarobe. rNAI. Trk. gos. nauvh.-Isol. protivochuma inst. no.'~z %-~95 '63 (1,41RA 18-~--.) ..T, Ye. 11. ; KOLMUTSKAY-A, N. 1. NECHETSK-46YA, R.M.; ZAYTSEVA, L.D.; _R4!~k~ U1 U, Viability of aerated bouillon aultures. DAL Irks oss nauche- ival. protivochum. Inst. no.5t43-41+ 163 &UM 18ti) IMIMSKAYAS -R.M.; 1MLESINSKAYA, KAUMOVA, A.P.; GOLIJBINSKIY, le-P. ZAYTS.-VA9 L.D. . ' Dynamics of the multiplication of st-rain E3 of the plague microbe in an aeriitedTluid medlum* Dokl. Irk. goe. naucho-issle, protivo.-hum. inste no-5945-47 163 (11m 18 -.1) aomihnzv, 0. N. Golubintgov, 0. N. "Investigation of the Kirunavarskiy method of measuring the deformation of drill (test) pits," Trudy Novocherkas, politekhn. in-ta ime OrdzhorAkidzey Vol. XVil .L.. 1948., p. 69-93 - Bibliog: 6 items SO: 'U-3264$ 10 April 1953, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, no. 3, 19/+9) COLURIUMV, O.N., doteentp kandldat tekhnicheakfth nauk. I ~ I Determiping the coordinatss of measurement Doints for boreholes. . Ranch.' tradt Npr 26:206-233 155. (KIRA 9:10 (Boring) (Prospecting) GOLUBINTSEV, O.N. Principles o; the kinematics of a core bit. Razved.i okh. nad.r 22 no.8422-30 Ag 156. (HERA 9S11) 1. Novocharkasukiy politakhnichookiy institut. (Boring) GOLUBINTSEVv-R,N,v dotsentp kand.tekhn.nauk Kinematics of a cutter bit. Trudy NPI 49:71-108 159. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Kafedra razvedochnogo dela Novocherkaoskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Boring machinery) GOLIUBIN A 0 Clubroot of cabbage in Western Siberia, Zashche rest. ot md, I bol. 3 no.5j36 s.0 138. (KIRA IltIO) 1. Direktor Novosibirskay stantaii sashchity restaniy, (Siberia, Wastorn-Clubroat) (Gabbage-Disesses and posts) BULANKINA M. Mo; TAKOVLEV, B. V.; COLUBINTSPAO A. P. 9HITM4WEV, Zh. T.1 Zi *=,". V.A. Coordination conferences. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 n0-5957-61 My 160. (KaU 16t 1) 02ants, Protection of-Congresses) LEBEDEVAI L,N,, as5istentj UGOVORA, A,V., kand.biolog.nauk; RYAZANTSEVA, NA; PDOORELISK17 L.L.; DINX NTSEVA, A.P., kand.se2Iskokhozxaz& (MOVO sibirsk); GAGMYLIEV, G.E. Brief reports. Zashch. rast. ot vred. I bol. 6 no.7:56-57 -Tl 161.' (KIRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra plodovodstva i zashchity rasteniy Novosibirskog"o sellskokho- zyaystvennogo instituta (for Lebedeva). 2 Ukrainskiy insfttut rasteni- yevodstva, selektcii Igenetiki, XharIkov ifor Lagovora, Ryazantse4a). 3. Nachallnik karantitnnoy inspektsii Dagestanskoy ASSR (for Pogorell- skiy). 4. Zaveduyushdhiy mezhrayonnoy biolaboratoriyey, Kubinskiy rayon (for GRdzhiy64). (Plants, Protection of) USSR/Meadow Cultivation. L Aba Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 14, i958, 6326o Author Golubintseva, V,P. L.St Ural Uhiversity. Title Bottom Meadows of Collective Farms of the Central Cisu- ralic Region and Ways to DVrove Them. Orig Pub Uch. zap. Urallskogo mi-ta, 1957, VyP- 15, 94-118 Abstract 7he VeE;etative cover of the bottom meadows in the Ufa River valley represents a uotley mosaic of different groupings, set in connection with meso- cuid nicroreliefs, soils and humidity. The brushwood undergrowth, the con- tanination of the grasses by weeds, their incorrect uti- lization and lack of mintonance appear to be general for all meadows -- hence, the generalized low yield (10-12 c/ha). Experiments for the improveraent of meadows showed Card 1/2 0 GOLUBINTSEVA$ Vop. Devel"nt of the dlassification-of 109ows of the central cis-Ural ftg~on. Trudy Inst. biol. UF AN SSM no.271123-125 161. (KRA 17:2). GOLUBINTSEVA, V.P. . -... Park forests of the western slopes of the Central Urals as forage lands. Zap. Sverd. otd. VBO no.2:101-106 162. (MM 16:8) Gl~ I f.1 11 B Ili S~-- ~ 11V A n, V. ---a Changes in the vegetati= Cf J3'y me;:,di)~ws in the ~r-asnCufLM-sk 51 rcr.r,st 3teppe, Zaps f5verd.. o~d. M-i no.33.51-57 16.4 f ~ 1 -1 'X, 118 s7f.- ) Z."~.MTOKIIINA, A.F.; IVANOV, D.D., Study of tho ricychotrcf,le preparaLlr;n 71,2, on a of audlio- Fcsrii.,, efnilepy. li-i.4i7l-73 165. (I~MA 18:10) 1. Roliorlondovana kafaflr~!y fl7lolof-il vylm;:,,'.~-~y nat-moy c-:''.atnl'llOstl Wskovokogo gosudurAvennogo univar-oitc:ta Im. M.7.1ximoric'Invile US~M/General Problemsof Pathology - Tumors. Comparative U Oncology. Tumors of Man Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 5, 1959, 22857 B.M. Author _GojMkLtsk'ayva Inst Title Terratoid Tumor of the Ovary with Unusual Clinical Course. Orig Pub Vopr. onkologii, 1958, 4, No 2, 211-214 Abstract In a 62-year-old woman who suffered from the duration of one year from strong 'congestions', pains and a feel- ing of pressure in the lower abdoman, a tumor was disco- vered in the abdominal cavity of densely elastic consis- tency, movable in all directions with respect to the uterus. The 'congestions' were conditioned by disturbance of hormonal balance. After amputation of uterus and ovarica, in one of vhich a tumor with dimensions of 9 x 10 x 8 = was discovered, the 'congestions' and headaches Card 1/2 - 28 U15al/General Problems of Pathology - Tumors. Comparative U Oncology. Tumors of Man Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 5, 1959, 228P stopped, and hormonal balance returned to normal. Histological diagnosis - teratoma. Card 2/2 GOLUBITSKAYA, F.M., asuietent; IMITEV, I,A., assistent Observations on the course of preopney some gynecologic .pataci fever. Zdrav.TuA. 2 no.1:33-35 diseases in pap Ja-F '58. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Iz kafedry akusheretva i ginekologii (zav. - prof.A.B. Freysman) Turkmenskogo gosudarstvannogo meditain6kogo instituts, in. I-V.Stalina. (PAPPAUCI FRM) (MGIIANCY, COHPLICATIONS OF) (GBIMLTIVS MGM, MWALE-DIEMSES) ---GQLU~ITSKAYA, F.N. Treatment of hypogalactia with the salts of trace elements Vop okhe mat. i det. 5 no* 5t46-51 S-0 160o (MIRA :~;10; 1. Iz kafedry alcuBhoretva i ginekologii (2av. - prof. A.B. Peraysman) Turkmenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinBkogo instituta imeni I.V. Stalina. (IODINE-MEWEUTIC USE) (LACTATIO11) GOLUBITSKAYA, F.N. Two rare cases of chorioepithelioma. Zdrav.Turk. 6 no.2:36-38 Mr-Ap '62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - M.S.Seyradov) Turlcmenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta i Respubli- kanskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni N.I.Firogova Turkmenskoy SSR (glavnyy vrach M.B.Shapiro). (CHORION-CANCER) Golubitskaya, 11. 13. "Errors in diagnosis and role of biopsy in c~izricer of the ute:-,.,0, Trudy Akad. mod. nauk SSSR, Vol. Ij 1949, p. 108-12, --Bibliogi p.112. SO: U-1411, 17 July 19531, (L--topis 'Zhi-xnal Inykh Statey, No. 20, 19L,9) Imiting 1A "tics on the Blood Picture From theiStandpoint of Occupational Damage," by t_-JL-_GolUbitskay&1 Gynecological Department, Institute of Oncology. Academy of Medical Sciences USSR (head of the depart- ment and director of the institutep Prof A. I. Serebrovp Corre- sponding Member, Academy of Kedical Sciences USSR)~ Keditsins- ~m RadiolpIlLa. Vol 1, No 6. Nov/Dee 56., pp 6-13 Analyses run on technicians, clinical physicians, and various other classifications of physicians tvo or three or more times per year proved that ionizing radiation in small amounts over protracted periods causes definite changes in the peripheral blood of clinical workers of the Insti- tute of Oncology of the Academy of Wdical Sciences USSR. These changes are expressed in gradual Increase of the number of eosinophils and mono- cytes against a background of leukopenia, of various degrees. In the ma- jority of cases the blood changes are functional in nature, and under favor- oble conditions compensation may be considerable. Evidently, the question concerning the maximum permissible dose of ionizing radiation cannot be considered solved. The prevention of Injuries to the hemopoietic system requires strict observance of regulations for people working with radioactive substances, regular dosimetric inspection of protective devices., and regular measurement of irradiation dose received by vorkers. . (U) GOLUBITSKAYA, H.B. ",08~ =Iia~~So 76aston No.12 of the society of Oncologists of Leningrad and Leningrad Province hold on June 14, 1956. Vop. onk., 2 no.6:773-775 156 (TMMS) (KLRL 10:4) GOIIJBITSKAYA, h.B., (LenlMrad) Observation of women following radical treatment of maligngnt tumors of the generative organs in preventive and therapeutic clinics. Yelld. i akush. 22 no.12:23-26 D '57. (HIRA 11:2) (GINIMATIVB ORGANS9 YMIX--CA14M) GOL ngrad, Pr.Mv orova, d.20, kv.15) Teratold ovarian timor with an unummil clintral courae. Top. onk. 4 no.2:211-214 '58. 011HA 12:8) 1. Is ginakologichookogo otdelenlyu Instituta onkologii AM 53SR (zav.otd. i dlr. - deyetvitellnyy chlen AHN prof.A.I. Serebrov). (OVARIES, neopl. teratom in aged with unusual vase, skin reaction, case report (Hus)) (TSUT011A. in aged ovarian with unnsual vase. skin reaction, case report (Rus)) 14(10) SOY/112-59-2-2698 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 19 59, Nr Z, pp 59 -6 0 (USSR) AUTHOR: Golubitskaya, M. G. TITLE: Determining the- Most eveke Conditions for Energy Dissipation in the Tailwater of Hydraulic Structunes (Opredeleniye naiboleye tyazhelykh usloviy gasheniya energii v nizhnem Wyefe gidratekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy) PERIODICAL: Tr. Khar'kovvk. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp., 1957, Nr 30, pp 123-137 ABSTRACT: The most severe conditions for energy dissipation in the lower pool of hydraulic structures are investigated, particularly the problem of apron length. Horizontal bed strengthening is considered for the cases in which water levels are conjugated by a perfect jump or a submerged bottom jump without -energy dissipators or with dissipators of water -cushion or apron-wall type. Articles devoted to the above problem are analyzed; a criterion is suggested Card 112 SOV/IIZ-59-Z-2698 Determining the Most Severe Conditions for Energy Dissipation in the Tailwater . . . . for establishing a design discharge in determining the height of the apron wall; the criterion is suitable for various structures: (1) an overfall dam; (2) an outflow from under a gate; (3) a combination scheme, etc. Bibliography: 18 items. YU-M.S. Card 2/2 GO.VIDITSKAYA, 1'.G., Cand Ach ~5ci-- "StllilY Of the ?.'IO.3t difficult conditionD of v.,wxRy extil'.C.Uisifin;-~III-, Of nn,-iniierinr_! construct -ionz. " Eli-rlkov 12 pp 1959) (T.-An of Iligh,3r E"ducation Ln-,SSR. Kllv~rll:ov Construction Enginoarinf; Institute). 150 copi,,jr, (F! 301--0, 116) ,32, PLESHCHITSER, A. Ya.1 GOUJBITSXAYA, 11. 11. Modification of blood viscosity In vitamin C deficienc7 and in certain other states. Klin. mad., Moskva 29 no.8:82 Aug 1951. (CU4L 20: 11) 1. Prof. Pleshchitser. GOLUB ITSKAYA, N. V. Subluxation of the crystalline Ions in chalcosie of the eye. Test. ofto 69 no-5:65-68 S-0 156. (MIRA 9:12) 1. 1z glazuogo ot(lelenlya Kurskoy oblastuoy klinicheskoy bollaitsy. (ITS, wounds and injuries ohalcosis. causing subluxation of crystalline lens) ORTSTALLINN LENS. dislocation subluxation caused 17 chalcosis after eye inj.) GOLUBITSKAYA, N.V. Case of gumaa of the eyelid., Oft. zhur. 17 no.1:60-61- 162. (14W 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki glaWkh boleznoy (zav. - prof. A.G. Kroll) Hurskogo meditainakogo inatituta, (EYELID--SYFRILIS) (FENICILLIN) own it It 4, m 11 a .12 is Is IN 0 mm 14 i III if It m a It Ar 0 m #1 a a L -4 "S. 1. a Jit~ f - a a I- VJ L-A- --1. AA 14 CC U4 t -1 t V j 0 r AT of a SM 04~ 1~2 the U"d serum 06fiflow 4"404(04 Milk 'a AIM oftl WkIllillu. W j l 9 mijbits io;uwd frum -M ;rrt mA:Th 0p , prouta pit4hully hvirc"d with up. lb6 lptiew W, valbuollin/ Ti A r frig C H .A, . #41hullit r4lin wombs# dolveoeill with im. of 00 u a o It if IN 4 It ti It Of it it 'U It Of m I v 0 W 0 0 9 0 0 !Z9 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 a go 0 a a *I* a 0 0 6 0 0 00 0 0 0 Ogg ;771 too too 00 4 1 4 1 IN it Q It I, A-1- --m- 4 " a 11 9 a A-M JAL A IS, A.f. !-so so :.oo A-9hylseft Owk is asimis Ol diffirmt ag* &a4 In. OWWU=tlon. & V. Nallmnyl awl R. I Urd, fxml. (Vksthw) to", %., :i. ft-n- If ~111-- =1 erdworml Ou while tali. fal4bits, gujik-j Imstamitin". 110IS"Iffilm wipilitel ion 44 lbo Tmax bc - vante wr*krr end dimapprarrd 2 nkm1hoefler so Eli 44 Ow ItuRfIrr while thr Ulm %lift #%hiW1r.I 16 mfml t"V~ lkml Thift if"fkAle'l that intr"Iffeti", 1mAivv hent. A 00 a goo too 00 - MOO 06 Vi qoO goo !Soo twos 00 ,00 at* It,& w4mowAt k4floatwe ftWWO(Atic" if: too U--m a to It so K It it It 6 It Ot a it 24 000,s so* 0 Soo* 0 *so 0 10 0 is 4.01111 09 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0Sootl * 0 so 0 0 00 0 0 0 wis If kill Italian so _b a a if Lr A C-A_L-_f_A_S_.A_ JLk a A_ " k A 0 --VICK( %.W$ AkO F#CVI4 1-ti I-so 0 0 0 0 z Oes 1110 'henges in the SUUM PrOtcht COMPoet"O" 'a Vvwlng C - * 0 oox aultusle. H. 1. (kilubitsk x AIM. rxpll. (Ukrainri so j 1939, No. 4-2M3:=MrYR' bewstfusis (pmftuvii by in- goo IfQvvwAIq injection$ of i'mitonic 11cl SwIts.) had no CITtl 0 o wt dir tolml Irrowin runtrut 1w on thr ps"Imfli'm 44 Ill.- dilterrut provin fisw6tim of thr wMit, 111 fabtlit~ twt%('1n the agrvi of t woutts and %vats. A. 00 goo 4r *0 woo CLAISIFICATION also WOO 0 U a &I U 1 0, "U4% IJK14AOM_WLWT5 a ago 0 0 w st It goo "Use -im,'o; .0,P) , ISOL, _T 100 '90 000 o It we no '; 0goo 0 (a 0 000 go 0 0 Of 0 0 0 010 IF o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 o 's o 0 o 0 4 so OSA ** 4 P - - It OO.A i Feet ooj seat a so- Is withr- RJ-C4WmWM7sa Vrd.e.pd.(Ukrajjw) 0 'M' 0.2#34-8.-Expts.wczcPcrfoftnedun4lraliagriI ldytOl-3Y-- 7U COPM. of total and in", pwolein 4 Ole skin w" lrcrcswd with Age. whilc the quaulsly ~4 -sidualandoisol.Vmltcinwasdemawql. I-hvjujmjjjru. Itin rentral at The ima effcmk(l thm 14 livvr And Illust le. S, A. Cw*m 14345o Hit GMT got fawn u is At 00 I*-T-#--r-r I f It u is & to 0 * AD I've wo 00000 Goes e 0 a 0-9 0 9,0 0 goo coo Oro* coo goo goo U00 to** Nola u 11 ew 0 0 0 1 1 It I to 6 V TA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 * 0 00000 0 0 a 0 0 0 * *$goo * 0 aOLUBITSKAYAO R.I.: NAGOMU, AN. Age Effect of age on changes in the ctlorio content in animal organi=B. Ukr. bioYhim. zhur., 22, No. 3, 1950. 9. Monthl List of RUSBian Accessions, Library of Congress, October _iq5j, Uncl. -XV - The nioch-cmicai naiure if !h~ e1i,Iii -I! pro"f-w :n 1.e VGvnctiz c 324- 1. tosphstc '.TP ene,gy syrimm' 11m I jjuulmln~ d Ln,' aiiui:on. C n 7 ij~'i 31 ..3- 2L'i flf~i* 1955 ;?4,' - A .4 1; In ,jiv. ule tru, "I Nfi.Ci w=5 ra tusi;cs trum ratsa monuis oul. 2,11" .ith the addo uf ATP 3t I rapfid ratc In t1,1111ts fruin -3- .71". th-"i rats; [tic rat, is e.J--,Ld ". w'i- f-?'~ ~a-ld In !-vt mm- it- ra's .1 mi"ah, ~'.d .'Se '. 1h, .~nth'- 0 1 T P I ~33! I in 1e '--Ith"" d Irs, r"I; fz 1 !"rr' ,f , I .-I ~ " . . , . I A--u- - " r-li -7 1 1 ., -jw~ _- -, I 9-- ~ -... - - --. -- -., i j2 'r L'- I A0 P~ I USSR/Human fuA Animal Physiology. Neuromuscular Physiology. T Abs Jour; Fpf Zhur-Biol-, No 8, 1958, 36M. Author : Nikitin, V.N.,,,Golub itskayaP R.I.2 Silin, O.P. Likhushina, Inst :Kharkov University. Title Changes in BiocheLdstry of Denervated Organs occuring During Grovth Periods. I. Changes of Some Biochemical Indices of Striated Muscles Following Denervation and Tenotomy During Growth, Orig Pub: Uch. Zap. Rharkovsk un-t. 1956, 68, 79-99. Abstract: Experiments were carried out on rats aged 1.4 months to 1.4 years. on the 21st day following removal of the Achilles tendon a decrease was noted in the musples of the foot of the All?, creatinephosphate, glycogen, acid soluble P, Lipoid P.P. PNC and DNC Card 1/2 U.3.S.R. / Human and Animal physiology. Liver. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958p 22290. Author : Nikitin, V. N., Golubitskaya, R. ~., Silinop, Stovitskaya, L. P Inst : Unit. of Kharkov. Title : Quantitative Biochemical Changes in Denervated Organs. (II). Quantitative Changes of Some Biochemical Liver Factors Following Denervation. Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Kharkovska. Un-t, 1956, 66, 101-316. Abstract: The liver of rats 1-3 months and 1-2 yrs. old was denervated. by section of both vagus nerves and excision of the solar plexus. Animals, which only underwent laparatomy, served as con- trols. Twenty days post-operatively, it was noted that the weight of all the rats decreased more markedly in the animals one month, one and Card 1/2 U.S.S.R. / Human and Animal Physiology. Liver. T Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 22290. Abstract: two years old. In comparison with the 3 month old animals, the weight of the liver decreased more markedly in animals one month and 2 yrs. old. Biochemical liver changes following den- ervation (decrease of residual N, li oidal and acid soluble phosphorus and glyoogen~ were more pronounced in the old animals. The P-desoxyri- bonucleic acid content and the ribonnucloase so- tivity in the liver following its denervation, increased in all animals. Card 2/2 85 NIKITIN, V,N.; GOLUBITSKATA, R.I. Stimulation of protein synthesis In liver homogenates by adenooine triphosphate In ontogenesis. Biokhimila 24 no.6:1023-1025 N-D 159, (KIRA 130) 1. Research Institute of Biology, the State University. Miarkov. (PROTNINS %stab.) (LIM metab.) (ADINrL?MPMSMTB pharmaool. NIKITIN, V.N.;,GOLUBITSKAYAp R.I. Biochemical nature of age-connected attenuation of protein synthesis in the swimal organism. Report No.2: Stimulation of protein oypthesis in liver homogenates by adenosine triphosphate .4wd its ontogeattio variations. Ucho zap,KHGU 108:95-102 160, (MIRA 14: 3) 1* Otdel voisrastnoy fisiologii Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta I biolo ii I r1kovskogo gosudarstvenn go imiversiteta. . &OTEIN METABOLISM) (ADOENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE) (AGE) NIKITIN, Y.N.; LUBITSKAYA, R.I. Age pecUiar4ties of the effect of adenosine triphoophate injections on nucleio acids of the liy~r of white rate. Uch. zap KHGU 108: 103-108 160, (MIRL 14:3) 1. Otdel fiziologil, zhivotnykh Kharlkavskogo gosudarstvennogo univerpitetao. l(ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (AGE) NIKITIN, V.N.~-GOIUBR-SKUAL R.I. Ontogenesia of functional reactivity of a denervated liver. Uch. zap KHOU 100181-189 160. (MIRA 1413) 1. Otdel fiziologii zIAvotnykh Nauohno-iseledovatellskogo inbti~uta biologli Kharlkovokogo goaudaretvennogo univ"rsiteta. (LIVER-IMMATION) - (AGE) GIE',TA G t. vil t(~ vin. 1. ir. . 'i"'O I d."h Ve L stwi~--,nt; ;30?JIA7(I"Pi,AIK,')y iI.R., student nauk; KOZIP!, Vt,,,,,-4 j n. vritc!,; B~YKO II.L., I F'H IE-V N . V"0 L4~ r i tiIGO DIT ~IT A~ V. [I. titurifint; Sjjj'Fj-*'jTI'$' ~.F. , ~!tu-dent; SM-1up-Ey, 1. , phenothiazine against aarh'e -Ny in,'eaTzition of 1~,u3ultz of tostAng A cattle. Voter.'ria-riia 38 nc.2:214-32 1 1. St.birokty inoLitut (for, Get ~a) Oms'y-iy nell (for Ziatov) 3. Tukhomichskil,- vriterinarnyy tichrist.ok, Khobankoi%) rayona, Novgo- rc,dsiwy obbisti (for KOZIOV, Baykov). .,,. Volkwry~;Irdy vuLerInarnyy .ekhnilmrn (for S'lepnev, Golubitskaya, Doreychenk.oj Sinke-vich-, ,i)-mi-rey) . 22(l) SOV/3-59-3-46/48 AUTHOR: Golubitskiy, A.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, _D6UWffV_ TITLE: Bibliography Bibliografiya). A Textbook on Steel Construction Rchebnik po stallnym konstruktsiyam) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkol'y, 1959, Nr 3, pp 93 - 94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the article, N.D. Zhudin's book "Steel Construc- tions" is reviewed.~ The USSR Ministry of Higher Education has recommended it as a textbook for en- gineering and construction vuzes. It was published in 1957 by the Izdatellstvo literatury po stroitell- stvu i arkhitekture (Publishing Office for Literature on Building and Architecture). There is 1 Soviet reference ASSOCIATION: AzerbaydzLanskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Azer- baydzhan Polytechnical Institute) Card 1/1 L 5427-66 EWT(1) Gil -0 - .. - ACCESSION NR: AP5019M UF/0051/65/olq 002/0306/ AU11fOR: Golubits 6 535-23 : 525.7 0307 TITLE: On the cai 1-c ion f the tke-t~~Iadli4tiOn~of the atmo SOURCE: 0-PtikM i sPektroskoplya. v. -U~~~re TOPIC TAGS: at=sphere radiation _19,9 no. 2, 1965# 306-307 .. thermal radiation tion spectrMk, i , atmospheric optics, abso -adifttion intensity rp- ABSTRACT: The author svogc.-sta a Possible way of using distorted "unresol ed" 'P,~Otra for the calculation Of atmospheric radiation. V The Purpose of the investiga- tiOn is to determine corrections due to atmospheric thermal radiation incident on recording Instruments used in atmospheric research. The use of the method will help eliminate the difficulties resulting from the lack of knowledge of the true absorption spectra of the principal radiating molecules of the atmosphere (Co_, and 11:20), since these are distorted by the apparatus function of the spectral instru- ment. The author calculates the integral intensity of the radiation from a layer of the atmosphere, incident on a receiver of a given spectral sensitivity, and modifies the result to Include the unresolved spectra obtained from spectral in- stru=1413 Of low resolving power. This yields a working formula wb-'-:h can_also-be-~--, Card 1/2 39697 S/051/62/013/001/019/019 E039/E420 AUTHOR: Golubitsk.r, B.M. TITLE: r__,0n the-possibility of enhancing the sensitivity of the Fourier-spectrometry method PERIODICAL: Optika'! spektroskoplya, v.13, no.1, 1962, 149-150 TEXT: Expressions are,given for the flux yield from a Michelscn interferometer used as a Fourier-spectrometer both for the ideal case with an infinitely small solid angle, the parallel beam "se and for the real case with a finite solid angle. By simplifying and tranucribing these expressions and making use of integ.ral Fourier-transforms a connection between the real: f(t). and ideal f(t) interferograms is obtained in the form of an integral equation. If the known function f(t) can be reduced.the permissible value of the solid angle is significantly increased. The integrAl equation is solved and from a c~onsideration of the errors involved an expression is derived giving the value of any point in the range of the interferogram. By the use of this method the solid angle can be increased Card 1/2 S/051/62/013/001/019/019 On the possibility of enhancing ... B039/E420 by an order or more at resolving powers R ='2000 to 5000. The solid angle is limited by the input diaphragm (diameter 21)# When this is equal to 0.2 the solid angle fl a ITi2 - 0.011Y. Hence from the relation 1'~R = 21T a.value- for the gain ~L. is found. G = 0.005 R. At R = 3000, G = 15. WBMITTED; March 9, 1962. [Abstracter's note: Abridged translation Card-2/2 ACC tl;i: AYIN02452 SCURCIL; WDI;: UR/0362i6~iDO~/011/i2OO/l2Ol:-l; AW i Golubitskiy, B. M.; Zakirava, A. R.; Tantashevs 10. V. ORG: none ITTLE: Monte Carlo calculation of radiation transport in a homogeneous scattering sphere with a central point source Z;WRCE-. AN SSSR. Izvestiya. rizika atmosfery i ckeanat vs 2, nos 11, 19669 1200-1201 70PIC TAGS: transport phergvenonpradiaticn souroe,, electromagnetic wave scattering, Monte Carlo method, angular distribution ABSTMCr: The article deals with the angular distritution of radiation on the bound- ary of a homogeneous scattering sphere, in the center of which is situated an isotrvpic point source, using the only assumpticn that the scattering mediun consists of a set of individually non-absorbing spherical particles, such as ware discussed by D. Daiernienjian (Appl. Opt. v. 2, 187, 1964). The calculations were made with the I 'Ural'-21 computer by the Mmte Carlo method, making use of a known relation between any random number and its arbitrary distribution density, in this case the distribu- tion density of the mean free paths and the scattering angles* 7he results were found to be in good agreement with trial calcUlaticns by means of nunerical integra- tion. It is indicated that the mathod can be used for calculations with arbitrwy Card .-1/2. 30 I-ACC NR8*----AP70a245Z- scattering indicatrices with allowmice for polarization and absorption, and also to solve more coap2icated prob3 of rudiatim transport. orig. art. has: 2 figuzes and 4 formulass SUB ODDE: 20/ SUBM DATM 14Apr66/ OIUG IM 004/ OTH FEF., 001 C,,d 2/2 .. ....... .... GOLUBINSKIYO I.N. Effect of the pollen of the Compositae family on the germination of pollen in plants of other families. biul. Glav. bot. sada, no.49:90-92 163. (MIRA 16t8) 1. Ukrainskiy ordena. Lenins, n#uchnb-issledovatel'skiy institut rasteniyevodstva, selektsii. i genetiki imeni V.Ya. Yurlyeva, KbarIkov. (Compositae) (Pollen) GOLIJBITSKIY S,I,, Two-line network for switching-on a caution signal. Avtom. telem. i sviaz' 8 no.1:35-36 Ja '64. (MIFA 17:3) 1. Starshiy inzh. Dorproyekta Belorusskoy dorogi. S/551j6l/01O/OOO/OOl/OO1 D051/DI13 AUTHORSi Mat-Teyevt P. S. and Golubitsklyr V. G. TITLE-, The effe,-,t of lunar and solar tidal forces on the frequericy of Transcaucasian earthquakes SOURCE: Poltava. Gravi.metricheskaya observatoriya. Trudy, v. 107 Kiyev, 1961r 67-74 TEXT: The authors tried to rbveal the effect of lunar and solar tidal forcF-t~ on the frequency of 1813 earthquakes (intensity 3 and moTe) recorded in Transcaucasia from 1.900 to '1950. The moments of origin of the earth- auakes were distributed a-cording to their mean (GTeenwich) lunar and solar hour angles ( Vand t, respectively) in eight variants according to two-hour intervals. Four of thpse variants reflect the particular circum- stances. (syzygies and quad-ratutes forZ; summer and. winLer for t) of P~,ssj ble maximum lunar and solar tidal effeots on earthquake f-r,6quPr.,.;y. ThA re- mainder express the general distribution of earthquakes for r and t and eaz,thq:uake distributions fxom. 1900 to 1924 and from 1925 to 1950 for t (table :1). For these eight variants,tffelve ordinatev -haracteTizing ths, Card l/ 6 S/551/61/010/0001/001/001 The effect of lunar and solar tidal forces 1)051/D113 frequency of the earthquakes during lunar and solar days were obtained.. By harmoni". anaiysi.s.the authors se2ected, from the series of ordinates di- u:r,r!ai and Pemid.furnal, waves which permit the frequency raip (expressea in- I-C be representel. as follows: Y -, 100 + ('T A. fl.)+ Y0500 where Ra. and J1 and R- and 1~! are the amplit-udes and IrArIal phases of the diurnal and semLdiurnal waves :respe-ttively.. T representinj; 11inar or solar Greenwich -time. The TeSUItS Of the analysis ar-~ givea in iable '-. Bo Ft" tables chow incrPased earthquake frequency during syz~rgies -and the rvinteT si~ason, This cortfirms the predictions of G. Tamr,.I-%y-an and a reiationghip bi~~tween earthquake frequenoy and lunar and seasonal -.nariges. The authors gtate that the increased rumber of ~,arthquakes dur-Lng ~he Ounaj, and' solar Eidal for,-~ee are .iombined) be caiispd b,.r inc-reased tilai for-es, but they mainly attribute Lhr- relativsly high number of earthquakes and the increase in the amplit,,de of the diurnal solar wave during ibf, wirter season to shOTt,-~omings in macioseismir~ observation many daia baspd on these observations wore supplied by Ye. 1. Byji). They V/ C ard. 12 if 6 S/'551/61/010/000/00-L/001- The effe~;t of lunar and solar tidal forces D05l/DII3 -:onziider that the diurnal solar and lunar waveo are not %aused by f]i af f v r t 0 ~On the other handIthe authors believe that the greatest z,,,a-r semidiurnal via-ve M2 of the terrestrial tide is resconsible f,)T th;? frequency increase during the syzygies. A comparison b.-Aween the rate of eartlnrjuaVe frequency and the movement of the vector of the tidal forro for a po-ini, ir, central, Transcaucaslashowed that. at the timo of maximilm fre- qlienr-v the verti-al component of the tidal foroe (wave M2) is dirr---ted down- viara, i.e' increaseggra-vityg whereas the hocrizontal component is oriented in. the azimuths 214' (general distribution) arid 1.90' (syzygips). According to R. J. Brazee's Fitudiesjit can be assumed that. for somp rp,2;iono the tiig-- gpr effeof of tidal forces on earthquake frequency will be prefc-,,ably tie- f,ermined by the horizontal component of the tidal forces. this may be of importanc'e for Transcaucasia. where. at the time of frequency maximum,, the hr~rizontai component is oriented ap-roximately along tbE~ -meridian. Seismi 7i~--Ds "f ~-.he r-~a,compiled by Ye. I. Byus and Ye. P. Savarenskiy distinctly show the progress of an epiceritral zone in this direction. The effect of the semidiurnal solar wave could not be evaluated due t,~ considerable fluc.- fr,aticns of amplitudes and phases of the found valjes. Ir. tneir introductory historical account uf researoh on tidal effects, the aut.hom, mention th~~ Card. 3/6 5/551/61 /010/000/001/00! Vne ~ffc-,A o~' lunar and 5olar tidal forces Do* D053./D11 5 Rliss;un Ficient.1sto A. P. Orlov, A. Ye. Lagoric-. and F. A. Brediknin. There are 4 figures, 4' tables and 7 refe5rences: 5 Soviet-bl---- and 2 Non-S,.)vie! refer;-nr-?s, The two English-language publication.9 read an foll-,ws, L. Rcdes~, The influevcE- of the Moor. on the frequency ef cart hquakes, Gerl. Beiir. ,, Ge,-phys.r Bd. 41- 11- 21 Lplpzig, 1934~ So 209-,'1?: R, J. Brazv6. Ea,.4,h tides and earthquakea,. Ftrthquake Notos Seinmol. So-. Ame-ri~a, v. 2~, ITO. 17 19J7. MATMEV, P.S.; GOLUBITSSKIY, V.G.; YEVTUSIIEITOp Ye.I. Relationship between the free period of oscillation of horizontal pendulums with Zollner-type suspensions and tile oscillation li tude. Trudy Polt. grav. obser. 12:100-109 163- OURA 1677 - (Pendulum) GOLUBKIN, V.G., starnhiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Early planting and the Swedish fly. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.10s17 0 163. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Novosibirskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya. L!,OIITfYEVA, YU.A., dotormt; GERPSIMOV, B.S., TFUSI~IKIN,, L.R.., aspirant; SODOLITIA, Yc.ll, kund. sellolrclok~oz. nauk; SMIPOV, B.S.9 nauchnyy sotnidnlY kTwsbRen`,-~); SAMPTOV, S.P., aspIran'll; BALL, E.L., kand. biolog. nauk; YULDASHETIp Kh.Yu.., mladshly -auclmyy sotrudnAk-, IMNETSOVA, P.A.,'sgronum (Kostrovia); SIAR-In,A) L.S.p mbm5h-j'y nauelmy-j sotrudnik; SDICHINKO, M.G., mladshdy naLI:IlrLyy so"rildr.1k: SINIMNA, A.A., nauclziyy sotrudnik; GOMIKILL'S.G., Star.-h-l-ji- n&-ui.-hnyj sot.rudnlk; BOGOITIK.. I.V., kand. biolog. nauk (Llvov). Brief news. Zashch. rast. o~ vvel. i bol. 9 no.10:52-54) 164 WIRA 18 :1) 1. Katedra zashchi-ty rastenlj Kuybyihe~vvkogo sellskckhozruys-~vm- nogo :Lnstituta -(for Leantlp-val, Cerelslmo-v). 2. Samarkandskiy ~ashch universitet (fo, Tnishkina). 3. Kazakhsk-_'7 institu' - iy rasteniy (for SaVyanov). .4. Institut mAng."I 1 botaIn iki AN FoLonakc.y SSR, Tar-~7i (Vor KraLU Q. 5. S-.!-edneazlat:skl7 ins"'i'tul. zashchity rasteni~rr U,~,r Y.~Ida;5heva). 6. InuUtu'u lubyan-ykh kallt;ur (for Zhalnina, Senc,,henkc,). "I. Institut, sadwodstva ne- chornozemnoy polosy (for Slrdl-,syna). 8. Novojiblrskay-a sellakc- khczyuys~-vunriaya opytnaya etantsi,.Ai (for Golvlkin). MOLMKOVSIKIY, G.M2.; LOPUSH&NMY. P.I.; GOLUBMUT. V.0. Relation of polarity to the dynamics of formation and the dI Bot.zhur 11; tribution of ascorbic acid in the walnut. . Car.] 1 no.4:3-12 155. (MM go) (Walnut) (Ascorbic acid) GOLUB MAMi - Iinshaner. Combination building plan for seat combines. Mias.ind.SM 27 no.2: 33-34 156. (MLU 9: 8) 1. Gipromyaso. (Packing honses) I z . -.~I: MAYOROV, I.M., inzh.; GOLUBKO, B.P., Inzh. .. -.- - - .1 - - - I Determining the expenditure of car-hours for cro, accumulation in classification yaras. 7.he1.-dor,t:--,a!,-;.p,, 45 no,!~-76-77 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Glavnyy inzh. stantsii Lyublino Voskovgkoy dorag! (fcr Mayorov). 50) SOV/153-2-3-16/29 AUTHORS: Spryskov, A. TITLE: Production of Radioactive Salicylic Acid PERIODICALs Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimioheskaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, PP 392-393 (USSR) ABSTRAM In the present paper the method by Kolbe is applied for the production of salicylic acid tagged with C14 in the carboxyl group. Sodium phenolate is carbonized with carbon dioxide which was obtained from Bacl4o by decomposition. An apparatus 3 which may be used for this synthesis is schematically represent- ed in this paper and exactly described. The finely crushed sodium phenolate is first dried at 140 0 with a carefully dried hydrogen current during 3-4 hours. The radioactive barium carbonate is decomposed by 95% sulphuric acid saturated with carbon dioxide under heating. The precipitated C 1402 acts at 1600 on the dried sodium phenolate. Carbonization lasts 5-10 hours. Air is then introduced in the reaction mixture in Card 1/2 order,to cool it. A small amount of hydrochloric acid is then Production of Radioactive Salicylic Acid SOV/153-2-3-16/29 added for the decomposition of sodium carbonate. Radioactive salioylio acid is extracted by ether and then extracted from the extract with a sodium bicarbonate solution. After recrystal- lization with active carbon salicylic acid is dissolved in alcohol and the solution is poured into boiling water. Thus a 0 pure product with the melting point 185 .5 is obtained. The activity yield is in this process 45-50%. A number of experi- ments furnished results which were in good agreement. The course of the synthesis is exactly described. There are I figure and 3 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Ivanovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institutjKafedra organicheekoy khimii (Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technolo67, Chair of Organic Chemistry)% SUBMITTEDt September 30, 1957 Card 2/2 SPRYSKC;Vp A.Ao-~ ~INL~.N. Orientation during twbetitution in the aromatic series. Part 8: Effect of the carboxyl group on the reaction of substitution in the benzene ring. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.3001-905 Mr 161. (MIU 14:3) 1. IvanovBkiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut. (Substitution(Chemistry)) (Carboxyl group) KACHURIN, 0.1.; GOLUBKIN L.N. Laboratory column of average effectiveness. Ztkv.lab. 28 no-5t 630 162. (WRA 15:6) 1. Ivanovski-y khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. (Distillation apparatus) GOLUBKIN, P.S. Taking care of rabbits on a scho,)l rabbit farm. Biol. v shkole no.4:80-81 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 14--7) 1. Zaveduy-ushchV Morkinskim rayonom Mariyskoy ASSR. (Rabbits) GOLUBKIN, V. M. "Quantitative Characteristics of Topographic Complexities and "'heir Application in Planning Irrigation Projects." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Inst of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Oartograpby, Min of Higher Education U.`."SR, Moscow, 1954o (KL, Uo 8, Feb 55) SO: Sum. No. 631, 26 Aug 55-Survey of S~,,ientific and Tecluiical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institu- tions (14) GOLUBKIN, V.M.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Determining the increased Indices of grading work for land under irrigation. Nauch. zap. MIIVKH 19:21+9-256 157. (MIRA 35 :3) (Earthwork) KERRIOV, Leonid Sergeyevich,, prof.; IZEDESHEVA,, Lyudmila Pavlovna; V1140GRADOVA Valeriya Arsenlyevna- GOLUBKDI Yja Y -- -- ~j - Aimir,_, Mikha MWRYGINA~ A.I.,, red . ?A--va; ROMV40VA., V.V. y,lovi c h, t7effin-, red6 (Handbook on calculating analytical nets]Rukovodstvo po, vy- chicleniiam analiticheskikh setei. Moskva.,, Goodezizdat 1962. 247 P. (MIRA 15:91 (Triangulation)