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GOLUB, L.B. Case of glassitie rhomboidea. Stomatologlia 37 noo*6:63-64 V-D~Y (MMA U: A" 1. 1% propedevticheakoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki I byehevskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. prof. S.P. ShilovtsevT.- (TMGUE-DISEASES) GOLUB, L. B. Effect of surgical trauma on the dynamics of vascular reflexes and thermoregulation in surgical patients. Trudy 11:45- 56 16o. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz propedevticheskoy kbirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. klinikoy prof. S.P.SbAovtoev) Kuytyshevskogo meditainskogo instituta. (REFLEXES) (BODY TEPPERATURE-REGULATION) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) GOLUB# L. B., and. Med. Sci., - (dL-,s) "Certain changes in the vascular- reflex activity and heat-regulation in the pre- and, past operative periods of surgical patients,t' Stalingrad,, 1961, 15 pp (Stalingrad 'Pgedical Institute)) 280 cbpies (KL-Supp 9-61, 189) BARSKIY A. V., dotsent; GOLUB L B. aanistent .1 Amputation of the lower extremity and half of the pelvis. Khirurgii& 38 no.5:3-18-120 My 162. (MIRA 15W 1. Iz ;afedry obahobey kbirargii (zav. - prof. S. P, Shilovtsev) Kivby'shevskago meditsinskogo instituta. (AMPUTATIONS OF LEG) GOLUB), L.B., aosiotent Some probIwe in treating vecond-degree burns. Trudy Kuib. med. inst. 24t182-189 163 , (WHA 174) Some characteristics of theTmoregulation In peptic ulcers of the stomach or the duodenumi before and after resection of the stomach. Ibid.t207-214' I* Iz kafedry obghchey khirurgii ( zav. - kafedroy - zasluzhen- nyy deyatell nauki prof.- S.P. Shilovtser) Kuybyshevskogo medi- tsInskogo instituta. YATSENKO, Anatoliy Yevdokixtovich, inzh. [deceased]; STL7tONGIN, Izraill Yakovlevich., inzh,, nauchn* sotr, Prinizali. uchastiye: BELEVICH, V.F GOLUP L.G., inzh.; I-III14IK, I.L., inzh., BOiLB'&N,,N*A& 'J~ .. nauk, (Erecting exterior wall elements of industrial buildings] Montazh stenovykh ograzhdaiushchikh konstruktsii pro- myshlenr*rkh zdanii. Moskva, Stroiizdat, IL965. 295 p. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Naucbno-issledovatellakly institut organizatsii, me- khanizatsii i tekhnicheskay pomoshchi stroitel'stvu (for Yatsenko, Strongin). S/1-120 6~1, 000/003/004/013 15 0 f, 411,70 ON 2~i /S'3 75 '26-0/) B124 B204 AUTHORSi Shpigellmanj Ye. S. and Golub, L. M. TITLEt The dependence of the thermal electromotive foroe of the TE'PA-56/900-1600 (TUA-50/900-1800) telescopes on temperature PERIODICkLi Izmeritelinaya tekhnika, no. 3, 1961, 16-17 TEXTs For the ideal case that the scheme of the radiation pyrometer is simple and oor'Jains no reflecting and refracting systems, the relation e - a(T4 _ T4) (1) holds for the variation of the thermal e.m.f. as depending on 0 the temperature of the black body at all wavelengths. Therein, T denotes -~he temperature of the source (of the black body) and To the temperature of the receiver. Since the coefficient of total transmissivity of the optical system of rational telescopes varies with temperature to quite some extent, (1) can only difficultly be satisfied, and the dependence of e on T may be rendered by the relation e - a(T b - Tb) (2), where b denotes a factor which is constant for every 0 Card 1/5 2(0 S/ 111 5Y6~11/000/003/004/01 3 The dependence of the... B124/B204 device and whose numerical value varies between 3-5 and 4-5. The size of the source and its distance from the telescope are in this case ;oared to be constant. For pyrometere with a lower measuring limit of 00 C and more, T b is very small as compared to T b , and therefore the equation 0 a - a (3) is correct for practical purposes. The calibration ourvo plotiad according to (3) in logarithmic coordinates, is a straight line according t8 which radiation pyrometers may be calibrated up to 1300 - 1400 01 at higher temperatures, the values of the thermal e.m.f. must be ascertained by extrapolation. Work carried out at the KhGIMIP (Kharlkov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) showed that a discrepancy highly exceeding the trouble in calibration exists between the experimental log e-versus-log T curve and that calculated according to (3). The authors examined 10 radiation pyrometers (type TERA-50) with glass lens and a factor of sighting 1/20 in order to find an analytical equation for a sufficiently exact description of the dependence of the thermal e.m.f. on the temperature of the telescope. The results were evaluated according to the method of the leaat squ 0 _Sres and expansion of Eq. (3) into a series, with t C taken instead of T K. The Card 2/5 20U1 8/115/61/000/003/004/013 The dependence of the... B124/B204 fourth-order equation a - at + bt 2 + 00 + dt4 (4) rendering the mentioned dependence the most exactly was found. It was further found that the best suited temperatures in plotting the curve of Eq. (4) according to four measured points, are at 1000, 1200, 1400, and 1600 0C. On the basis of the thermal e.m.f. at the above temperatures for each of the telescope investigated, the system of nuations 3 4 e1 - a1000 + WOO + o1000 + d1OOO 02 - a1200 + b12OO + c1200 + d1200 a3 - a1400 + b1400 + 01400 + d1400 e4 - al6oo + b1600 + o1600 + d16oo was solved. Therefrom, the coefficients ail bi, oi, and d, were calculated for all telescopes. Table 2 shows the values of the thermal e.m.f. as obtained on experimental calibration of seven telescopes according to the 11black" emitter and calculated from the coefficients ail big oil and di from (5), as well as the values At which denote the difference between the experimental and calculated thermal e.m.f. In this case, At is much Card 3/5 The dependence of the ... 20441 B/115/61/000/003/004/013 B124/B204 smaller than 20 (a stands for the mean square error of second-olass radiation telescopes6 vhioh amounts to +2-5 OC in the range of from 900 to 13000C, and to �4 C in the range of from 1400 to 180000. Only at s6me telescopes,,&t at 18000C is somewhat greater than 26. There are 2 tables. 2oh4i S/115/61/00b/003/0014/013 The dependence of the... B124/B204 T e s 4c x 0 0 u X, 4 NI 7 j j 4 q A at -t M r, g 17 wi I A I I A 2 I A A. 2.23 2,29 -4 2.48 2,53 +5 2,48 2.45 0 2.28 2.28 +2 2.28 2." 0 2.13 MD -3 2.20 2.24 -4 000 3 B2 3.92 0 4,01 4.01 0 4.07 4.07 0 3.69 3.0 0 3.78 3.78 0 3.63. 3.68 0 3.80 3.80 0 1 5,90 5,92 +1 5.78 3.83 +2 5.90 5.97 +3 1100 5.90 5,98 +2 0.30 6,24 -3 6,21 6.32 +4 6.70 5,71 0 1200 8,08 8.68 0 9.34 9.31 0 9.34 9.34 0 8.48 8.48 0 8,89 8.87 0 8,06 5.65 0 8,66 5.86 0 13W 12.71 12.64 +1.6 13.43 13.41 +1.3 13.36 13.27 -1 1A.16 12.13 - 1 12,59 12.60 0 12,39 12.31 -2 12,71 12A -3 1400 17.36 17.380 18.54 18.84 0 18,28 13.28 0 1 16.80 0 11.30 17.38 0 16.91 16.91 0 17.31 17.31 0 1500 23,13 2.1.21 ~-I 24.04 24.81 +2 24,89 24.43 -1 TA.GL 1 22.64 +0.5 23,34 23.23 -2 22.71 22.65 -1 23.03 23.14 +1 .1 600 30 27 30 32 30 0 32.10 32:10 1 0 2 21 2 33 30 33 0 29.70 29.70 " 0 30.23 30.23 0 I :',o ';:'02 :14 1,05 '33:78 38 77 0 37.73 38.23 +5 38.33 38,79 +4 '1700 8: :'w 4 00 -2 40.60 41 M +5 31 3 75 38 1 9 1800 49.01 48.64 -4 $1.60 51,15 -6 P1,35 $2,30 +9 41.63 40.83 +10 43.68 48,68 0 47.53 4d.68 +7 43,03 48.82 +1 Table :2 Legend to Table 2s 1) Experimental values of the thermal e.m.f., mv. 2) Calculated values of the thermal e.m.f., mv. Card 5/5 !-XCC-N91--AP60lh52 SOURCE CODE' UR/0115/6 ITO~A-N 51 AIMOR: Golub, L. M ; F Ye.;-Shpigellman, Ye. S. ORG: None TITLE: A new !black body" radiator for the 1500-3KO00C temperature iange SOURCE: Izmeritelinaya tekhnika, no. il, 1965, 66-67 TOPIC TAGS: black body radiation, radiation measurement, pyrometer ABSTRACT: The authors describe a "black body" radiator developed at the Kharkov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments for graduating the scopes of .radiation rometers with a sighting index of 1/46j'and less) in the 1500-3000'C tem- perature range. The radiator (see figure) is an electric resistance furnace in which tile heating element is graphite~Aube 1 400 = long with an inside diameter of 25 irm iand a wall thicYmess of 3 mm. i screw thread is cut inside the tube for boldJ.nB gra- lphite partition 2 and diaphragms to increase the blackne6s of the radiating cavity, The heater is placed in a cylindrical iretal housing 3 w1th doijble walls for passage of running water. Insiae the housing is a graphite screen 4 in the form of a tube with fireclay rings 5. The screen and rings separate the furnace bousing frcm the heater tube. The space between the housing and scrccn in filled with a heat insulation Ma- ,terial,/(carbon black) 6. The furnace is covered on both sides by mJ-j--lids vith do~ ii IV Ca~rd 112 UDC 4526 walls cooled by running water. The heater (graphite tube) is threaded.into movable 7 and stationary 8 metal flanges which simul- taneously serve as current conductors Tho movable flange is necessary for expansion of the heated tube. Both flanges are equipped with glass windows 9 with metal baffles to avoid burn-through of the gra- phite heater. Argon is fed through pipe branches in the movable flange for the same purpose. The maximum working tem- perature of 30000C is reached in one hour at a power of 20 kv. 0.980�0.015. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE. None Radiation blackess Is Card 2/2 A&-' - ~ GOLUBO L.M.; SHPIbELIMANq Ye.S. Efficient raethoda for calibrating atandard telo5copeB for radiation pyrometers. Izmetekh. no.4.30-33 Ap 163. (YIRA 16:5) (Calibration) (Pyrometars) - GOLUB, L.M.; FINKELISHTEYN, V.Ye.; SHPIGEL'MANP YO-S, - -- Method for expanding the scale of a radiation pyrometer into the high temperature range. Izm.tekh. no.10:50-51 0 165. kMIRA 18:12) . ~ * I - t - " - . . I . ..' -1 '0 1'. GOLUB, L.M.; FINKELISHTEYNp V.Te.; SHPIGELIMAN, Ye.So ---- Now "black body4l emitter for temperature rangea from 1,500 to 3sOOOO Go Izm. tekh. no.11:66-67 N 165. (KMA 18:12) YL vjid- - - - - - -- _- - C NRs AP6000033 Uiijiili/65~cd~/6i0766~6/d AUTHOR: Golub, L. M.; Finkellahteyn, V. Ye.; Sh i -Ye _p MA n ORG: None TITLE: A method for expanding the ratige of a radiation pyrometer in the high- te.mperature region SOURCE: lzmeritetnaya tekhnika, no. 16, 1965, 50-51 TOPIC TAGS: meteorologic instrument, rAdiakign ej, telescope, optic black body I"ABSTRACT: From the meteorologic viewpoint, one of the practical disadvantages of telescopes of radiation pyrometers is that they are calibrated directly by "black body" emitters, as a result of which the upper temperature limit is restricted by the maximum working temperature of this emitter. It is depirabLe to have a method of ranle expansion which would make it possible to construct the range by means of calculations, but which would be free of any assumptions regarding the optic pro- I perties of the telescope itself. The authors propose the application of a method vridely known in optical pyrometry, but never used in radiation pyrometry. The t method is based on the fottowing. In measuring high temperatures the tight flux is attenuated by a glass selective absorber, the transmission '/), of which, in the Card I A UDC: 536.521.2 A ACC NRt A13600OU33 entire longwave- runge -admitted -by the radiation-pyrometer -is retated-to-the tong wave 7~by the relationship: AVIiere -After- -a-b-solute black body emis.sion passes through such an absorber, the tempera- tures T are made identical (i.e., equal at all wavelengths) to the emission of the absolute blackbody at a tower temperature To, related with T by the relationship: I Coast, -L-Ai' Furthermore W 7r, F where cZ is -the second constant in the Planck formula, equal to 1. 438 cm x deg. Hence, irrespective of the properties of the radiation pyrometer, the signal origina- ting from the black body of temperature T through the absorber will be equal to the signal originating without the absorber of the black body temperature To. Several examples of application of the method are presented. It is concluded that the utiti,za.l--- tion of an absorber whZic-h-satisfies-the condition of formula (1) in the region of 0. B-Z. 7 microns makes it possible to extend the range of measurement of indu--- triatly produced telescopes of radiation pyrometers up to very high temperatures. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 17.04 / SUBM DATE: None / ORIG REF: 003 Card '2 - i i~.E, F - - - - % '.. - . -, 1,: 4, 1. ~-.- . ME- . . TS227.L66 TREASURE ISLAND BOOK REVIEW AID 788 - s GOLUB, L. V. Eng., and SUSLOV, V.- N., Kand. of Tech. Sci. DEFEKTOV STALINOGO LITIYA POD ZASHCHITOY UGLEKISLOGO GAZA (correction of Defects in Steel Castings by Welding under Carbon Dioxide). In K. V. Lyubavskiy, ed. Novoye v tekhnologii svarki (Innovations in the Welding Technique). MAShGIZ, 1955. p. 191-212. The authors report results of their research on the welding up of common defects in cast steel pieces, particularly those large in size or of complicated shape. They describe the PESh-l semi automatic arc welding apparatus, the special features of are- welding under carbon dioxide and the method now most widely used. The selection of wire used in the welding process and the semi- automatic welding of an average carbon steel casting are also discussed. The authors give practical recommendations for correction of defects in steel castings. Sixteen pictures and graphs, 13 tables, and several GOST standards. 3 Russian references, 1950-1953. GOLUB, L.V., inzhener .MMWMWWWNNNW PWSh-l semlivatomatic welding machine for weld repair of defects in steel castings with fused electrode and carbon dioxide shielding. Svar. proizv. no.1:17-19 Ja 155. (MM SO)' 1. TSentralinyy usuchno-ionledovatelluldy institut takhnologii i mashinostroyeniya. (Steel casting"Ilectric welding) I 0 /_ /,/ /,~~ 1, 4 , V" BRINBM,I.L., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GOLUB,L.Y., inzhener Electric welding under flux of 16GKhK steel. Bvar.proizv. mo.9: 18-21 5 155. OMA 0:11) 1. TSeutrallnyy Nauchno-iseledavatel'skly institut tyazhelogo &a- shinostroyeniya (Electric welding) (Steel--Welding) SOV/135-59-11-14/26 18(5) AUTHORSt Golub, L.V.1 and Paylov, M.Y., Engineers TITLE: Table Endoscope for Inspection of Pipe Welds PERIODICAL-. Svarochnoye proizvodstvo~ 1959, Nr 11, pp 33-34 (USS11) ABSTRACTs At present, the welding of tubes of different diameters with turn- in,y and non-turning joints is widely applied. When welding without using underlying rings, the oontrol of the first, basic weld in- side the tube plays an important role. The quality of the inside tube surface is usually detormined after the weld is cut out, x1ii-zh entails a considerable loss of time. The authors have devel- oped a simple table endoscope which is a single-elbow mirror periscope with inside illumination. It can be used for inspection of inner sri-faces of tubes of a 18 mm diameter, and up to 15 cm in length. If needed, a device for inspecting tubes of a smaller diameter can be produced. In Fig 17 ft pertinent endoscope layout Card 1/1 ia given. A photograph of the tube's inner sufface can be taken. Fig 3 shows a plictograph taken through a magnifying glass with a sixfold magnification. There are I diagram and 2 photographs. ASSOCIATION: TsNIIT1(ASh 0811 A300 S/590/62/104/OOO/M4/006 1007/1207 AUTHORS: Golub, L. V., Engineer and Pavlov, M. V., Engine" TITLE: Automatic welding of rotors SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentral'nyy nauchnoi-soledovatel'skiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya CTrudy) v. 104, 1962, Voprosy svorski v energomashinostroyenii. 110-126 TEXT: In order to develop a special technology for automatic welding of gas turbine rotors, the TINIIT- MASh carried out investigations intended to: 1) determine the weldability of 9H 415 (El 415) steels; 2) to redesign the welding joint for rotor discs go as to adapt them to automatic welding; 3) to develop methods and technological processes for automatic welding of rotor discs. Experimental results are reported and d*- signs of welding joints, most suited for automatic welding, are shown (see figure). A special welding unit and outfit has been designed; performance as well as technical and economical characteristics are given. As shown in the author's conclusions, the new technological process and the design joints developed at the institute, give good rcsults in case of perlitic steels of the 314 415 (El 415) type. Automatic horizoptal-seam welding leads to important material savings as compared with manual welding, and ensures reliable joints. There are I I figures and I I tables. ASSOCIATION: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issiedovatel'skiy institut tekhnologii i mathinostroyeniya (Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Machine-Building) Card 1/2 Automatic welding... S/590/62/104/000/004/006 IOD7/1207 V~ Figure Design of welding joint preparation for gas turbine rotors. Card 2/2 GOLUB', M.F. [Holuo, ".P.1 Septicemia and diagnootio oignificance of hemocultures. Mikrobiol. zhur. 23 no. ,2t80.82 161. (MIRA 140) ('3EPTIGFMIA--GONGRESSES) (BLOOD-MICROBIOLOGY) GOLUB M.P. (Holub M.F. ] I- -Y- y Acute viral gaotrointeotinal dimoas, Mikrobiol, 2bur, 24, no*4- 55-0 162- (MIRA 160) lo Iz Institata infektaiorwykh bolemey AMN SSSR. (VIRUS DISMES) (AMENTARY CAINAIDISEASES) GORBADEY, N.K., doktor med.nauk; YELIZAROV, V.A.,; GOLUB M G Significance of dispensary treatment in preventing the wCacerbation of hypertension; based on materials from the "Sevkabell" factory in Leningrad. Zdrav.Roo.Feder. 6 no.9:16-19 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny truda a klinikoy professionallnykh bole7ney (zav. - prof. Ye.TS.Andreyeva-Galanina) i kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego prof. Ye.Ya.Belitskaya) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta i mediko-sanitarnoy chasti (glavnyy vrach ,M.G.Golub) zavoda "Sevkabell". (LENINGRAD-HYPERTENSIGN) IVANOVI B.I,,,, KOZAK,, Tu,,A,,*, SHMNOVA, '9,,Fjj~rinimala uchastiye: GOLU-B, N.V. WmWWA0Q New solvents for the dephenolization of waste water. Trudy VITIIPS no.7:261-268 '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Phenols) (solvents) (Sewage-Purification) GOIUB, N- Betula Tarrucosa met be a-ought out, Promo koop. 14 jio.5:23 JW ON ,6o. (KIRA 13:121 1. Cblen Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva lesnoy prooVehlennosti. (Woodwork) (Birch) Spr ing water, Isobr,i rate. no.9:18 S 162, (NNA 16*3) 1, Cblen seltakokhosyaystvennoy i aktiva TSentrallnogo soveta ~oy i ratoionalizatorov. Voesoyv=go obahchestva izobre "Aloloyi (Tomsl~- ultural x earch) GOLUB, ~- F.; ANCHEVSIIIA, M. S.; BIAVDZEVICH) G. 0.; SOKOLOVSIKA, I. G. flExperiments on the Applicati6n of Alcohol Vaccine for Treating Children With Chronic Dysentery," Peaiatriya, Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya, Vol 2, 1952) p 17. USSR/Microbiology - Antibiosis and Symbiosis, Antibiotics. F-2 iAbs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.: No 4, 1958, 14736 Author Gromashevokaya) L,L,,2 Golub) N.F., Panchenko, I.P. Inst Title Sensitivity of Dysentery Bacteria to BionWcin. Orig Pub V sb.-. Disenteriya, Kier) Gosmedizdat USSR) 1956~ 62-69 Abstract Studies of the sensitivity of 120 strains of Flexner bacte- ria of various serotypes and 80 strains of Sonne bacteria to bionWein (I), levomycetin and norsulfazole showed that the most active I depressed the growth of the main mass of bacteria (91.5% of strain studied) at a concentration of 0-1-6.01r/ml. Sonne bacteria are more resistant to acti- vity of I than Flexner bacteria, the sensitivity of which did not depend upon belonging to a definite serotype. 7he microorganisms are more sen itive to I on a Moore than on a Drobotko medium. I decreases oxygen consumption on a propiferating as well as on a non-proliferating culture Card 1/2 'Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 41 1958; 14736 (endogenous respiration) of dysentery bacteria; bd com- parison with the control) Utiliz%tion of 02 for 45.minu- tea decreased from 288 to 103 umi. Card 2/2 USSR / Pharmaoology, Toxicology, Chemotherapeutic Agents U-7 -.Abe Jour t Ref. Zh. Biol., No 2, 1968, No 8110 Author iGolub, N F ,Aotrovskaya, N.B. N rnst Title iIntestinal Ho meals in the Biomyoin Therapy of Dysentery Orig Pub tV'sb.t Antibiotiki. Mcaperim.-Klinioh. izuoh. H., 1956, 304-310 Abstract In 210 patients with dysentery there was an alteration of the normal intestinal flora with a sharp depression of H. ooli and an intense multiplication of the genus Proteus. Hormesis appeared on the 3rd - 4th day following the onset of treaizaent and persisted for 15 - 20 days depending on the duration of therapy. The homesis in the majority of patients influenced extensively neither the Card 1 1/2 GOIIJB, N.Y. r the.species of intestinal microflore following antibiotic therap,* of djeentery and properties of isolated cultures. Mikrobiole zbu*r. 18 ao*4:32-37 156, (HLRA 10:2) l.-Z Institutu infektaiyniiCi khvorob. (ANTIBIOTICS, therapeutic use, dysentery, off. on intestinal microflora (Ulc)) (DYSMARY, ' therapy, antibiotics. off. on intestinal microflore (Uk)) (I*RSTINIS, intorobiologre off. of antibiotics in ther. of dysentery (Uk)) GCLUB, N.F. (Cand. of Med. Sci.; PETROVSKAYA, N.V. "Intestinal Disbacteriosis During Treatment of Dysenteric Patients With Bio,Mcinj" P. 304 Ministry of Health USSR Proceedings of the Second All-Union Conference on Antibiotics, 31 May - 9 June 1957. p. 405, Moscow, Medgiz, 1957- GOLTJB, ~-P. [Holub, M.P.], logical characteristics of infantile paralysis in the Ukraine. Ppd., atcush. i gin. 20 no-5:3-5 '58. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Laboratoriya poliomiyelita (zav. - M.F. Golub) Institute. infektaionnykh bolezney AMIT SSSR (direktor - prof. I.L. Bogclanov). (UKRAIffE--POLIOMYILITIS) Golub, A _14, F rnova, I. A., Porisenko, ". G., .. Chudnaya, L. M. ~ Che Danileychenko, I. A., Kirichinshaya, 1. A... Chaourskaya-Bazheuova, N. and Yanchenko, T. F. D-,tction of abortive and latent forms of poliorrLyelitis and of the 11hpalthy" viriis carriers in the closest environment of the patient. Materialy nauchnvkh konferentsii, Kiev, 1959. 288pp (r,ieskiy Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut Epiderniolorii i Hikrobinlogii) GOLUB, N.F. Intestinal bacterial balance disorder caused by antibiotics and its significance in dysentery-. Antibiotiki 4 no.4:1-10-113 JI-Ag '59. (HIR& 12:11) 1. Institnt infektisionnykh bolezney AMN SSSR. Kiyev. (DummmT uciuey ther) (ANTIBIOTICS eff. inj) (INTESTINES microbiology) VASHCHENKO, M.A.; GOLUB, N.F. Neuritis of the facial nerve caused by Coxsackie virus. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 60 no.Usl4l6-1422 160, 01IRA 14: 5) 1. Institut infektsionnykh bolezney AM SSSR, Kiyev. (CCIKSACKIE VIRUSES) (NERVES, FACIAT DISEASEC'N -., j GOLUB Enteroviruses in the territory of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Report No.2: Parapoliomy-slitis viruses-(Cosackie and ECHO). Mikrobiol. zhur. 23 no.408-43 161. (MIRA 15:10 1. Institut, infektsiomykh bolezney AM SSSR. (COXSACKIE VIRUSES) (ECHO VIRUSES) (UKRAINE--VIRUS DISWES) GOLUB, N. F.[Holub,, K. F.] Enterovirusee in the territory of the Ukranian S.S.R. Report No. 1: Polionqelitio viruses, Mikrobiol. shur. 23 no.3:39-45 161. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut infektalonnykh bolezney Akademii nauk USSR* (UKRAnTF,POLICMYELITIS VIRUSES) MIKSIMOVIGH, N.A.; GOLUBp 14.F.; BORODAY, V.M. Muorescone microscopic study of changes in the cultures of a,-Miotic .calls infected by thb poliomyelitis virus. Dokl. Ali SSSR 139 no.2: 467-469 J1 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut infektsionnykh bolezney AMN SSSR. Predstavleno 10 akadamikom A.V. Pallsdinvm. (VIRUSES) (POLIOMYELITIS) GOLUB, N.F. (Kiyev) Parapoliomyelitis infections in the Ukraine. Vrach. delo no.2:103-106 F 162. (IMIRA 15:3) 1. Institut inkektsionnykh bolezney ANN SSSR. (UWINE-VIRIIS DISUSES) GOLUB, N.F. m - I..,-.:-..,.- ~-.7 '' .. Hemagglutinating properties of ECHO-7 viruses. Vor. virus., 8 no.lt117 Ja-Ft63. (MIRA 16t6) 1. Institut infektsiorinykh bolezney AWT SSSR, Kiyev. (ECHO VIRUSES) (BIDOD-AGCUTINATION) TITLE: The control of the heating of a "linearly" viscoclastic plate with restricted temperature stresses SOURCE,- Avtqrnatika i teleinekhanika, no. 2, 1966, 18-27 TOPIC TAGS: rolld viscosity, elastic plate, heating, heat stress, licat transfer Ab',~;TRACT- The audior jnve5tig!ites the probleiii of the fastest heating., with restricted icniperature stresses, A an infinitely wide awl infinit0y long rl~,fr. If. is ,ssiiined that is no heat source in the plate, aud diat licat transf-r is idenIk'al on its surfaces and I,;,, W.Icorrling to TJeM.oW,- law. Tt Is Hsu uslIMICLI !13,1! tlir- tem, perature of the beating flicilhim depends only on Urne, alid diat the init;;d tcmpi Iitrihiition in the plate. is Viniforni. A procedure for itlic approximate t',~ (111v pi-ohlf--ni is Prec;cn!ed. ,N11 possible types 0( control actionz; are ol)taiiied for difflerest temper-atureq rif the heated plate. Orig. art. has: 71 formulas. Card !/Z TJDC: 536.4 GOLUBI~ N.S#"; VOLSHINA, II.K. industrial accidents in building thO Leningrad subway. Zdrav. Ros. Feder* 6 no.1t2l-25 Ja 162, (MIRA 15:3) ILENINMAD --- SUBWAYS) (IE;INGRAD-BUILDING--ACCIDERTS) GOLUB', N.S. Organizatiao of traumatological aid for patients at home. Zdrav. Roe. Feder. 8 no.3t64 M064 (MIRA 1714) 1. Organimtsionno-.metodicheakiyotdeI ( zav. - prof. S. Ya. Freydlin) Leningradalcogo instituta trammatologii i ortopedii (dir. - Prof. V.S. Balakina). Gal ,,Ad.-dAures of Copper ai-A Iron in Condenser Paper." Cai-A Tech Sci, Leningrad Forestry Engincering Acad, LorIngrad, 1954. (RZI-.YhiL-,, I'llo 1, Jln 55) Survey of Scientlf Ic and Technical Dissertati-ons Def ended at USSR HIGher Educational Tnstitutions (13) -90: 5m. I-lo. 593, 29 Jul 55 GOIAM, N.V., )muds tekho, nauk, .n and copper Laqw1ties in capacitor paper. Am. prom, 32 no,?t 8-10 J1 157. (NIU 10M) (Iron-Analysis) (Copper--Analysis) C-- =UB. N. V. Spherical lime slaking machine [Suggested by N.V. Golub]. Rats. i izobr. predl. v otroi. no.6:110-112 158., (14IRA. 11:10) (Lime industry-Equipment and supplies) F=YXV. 6.P.. otv.rad.; LK83M, P.A.. red.;'-GOLU-B N T red.; DOTCHEMO, G.P., red.; TIMIZON, S.M., I.G., red.; SAFIYAR, A.Yu.0 red.; MARKUSIK, N., red.; SHAMA, S.. tekhn.rea. LLatest developmentu In woodpulp and paper produotion) Novoo v tnelliulosno-bumahnom prolsvodetva. Kiev, Goo.isd-vo tekhn.lit-ry USSR, 1960. 93 p. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy Institut tsellyuloznoy i bumashnoy promyshlennosti. (Woodpulp) I --- - -- , w", .:i i YTM~ I UN~ I J Nv 4.4 'UH, lu:i I Ulf UREVICH, A.B., kand. tekhn. naUkL_q2Lqp,_OV.,_Mjadshiy nauchnyy sotr.; KARNAUKH, K.A., tekhnik; FREYDOVICH, N.L, tekhniki SHISTERl G.M., xed.; GANKINA, R.G., tekhn. red-... [Album of machineep equipmentp and instruments for repairing facades) Allbom. mashint prisposoblenii i instrumentov dlia remontno-fasadnykh rabot. Moskva, 1962. 89 po (MIRA 16:3) 1. Akademiya kommunallnogG khozyaystva. Leningradskiy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut. (Facades) (Building-Equipment and supplies) GOLUB, P. Slamle method for computing fine#. Ptn,SSSR 18 no-7:43 JI. '57. (MM~'10:7) 1. Starshiy Inspektor goadokbodav Pavlovekogo rayflnotdab: Voroneshskoy oblasti. (Arltbvatic, Commerefikl) PLEKHOV, N.D.; LUPAN, A.M.; ABRAMOV, L.S.; DOGDANOVSKIY, V.S.; REZNICHENKO~ V.I.; GREKOVAI Z.I.; _W P* ENLRZBE.YEVSKIY, Ye.V. ; BELOSHKOSSIP ~P.~.~;~~ftAYA, I N.A.; MIROSHNIKOV, P.P.; KOHNEYEVA, L.P.; ZLOTNIKOVI G.Z.; PAVLISp G.F.; SKACHKOV, I.A.; SEDELEVA, Ye.P.; POLTORATSKAYA, E.A.., red.; LEUSHCHENKO, N.L.) (Three-dimensional apartment house construction] Ob"emnoe domostroenie. Kiev, Gosstroiizdat USSR, 1963. 165 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iftuabno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitellrUkh kon- struktaly. S/006/62/000/004/001/001 D054/Dll'3 AUTHORS: Golub, R.A., and Martynova, Z.I. TITLE: Third Interdepartmental Conference on Present Movements of the Earth's Crust PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, no- 4, 1962, 74-76 TEXT: The Tret'ye Mezhduvedomstvennoye soveshchaniye po sovremennym.. dvizheniyam. zemnoy kory (Third Interdepartmental Conference on Present Movements of the Earth's Crust), organized by the Commission for the Study of Present Tectonic Movements and the Geodesy Section of the Interdepart- mental Committee at the Presidium of the AS USSR, was held on November 14-18, 1961 in Moscow. The participants represented various departments of the AS of the USSR and individual republics, the State Committeefor the Coordination of Scientific Research at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ministries of Higher and Secondary Education and of Geology and the Conservation of Mineral Resources of the USSR, etc. Opening the conference,, Academician I.P. Gerasimov dealt with Soviet research on vertical crastal Card 1/5 S/006/62/000/004/001/001 Third Interdepartmental Conference ... D054/Dll3 defining present relative tectonic movements; A.K. Pevnev - Reaults of relev elling in the Baskunchak area; A.M. Gabaydulin and N.N. Nelidov - Study of vertical crustal movements in the Kazan' area; L.P. Kazachyan Study of these movements in Armenia; G.I. Leontlyev - Vertical nontectonic movements of the Earth's surface, caused by temporary atmospheric and water loads, and their influence on high-precision levelling in the Lower Volga areas; 114.3. Uspenskiy and co-workers of the Institut geografii All SSSR (Institute of Geography of the AS USSR) blartynova, L.Ye. Setunskaya and Ye.A. Fin'ka analyzed nontectonic deformations of the Earth's crust; Gzovskiy and L.A. Latynina - The qualitative correlation between long-term tectonic movements preceding an earthquake and specific movements immedi- ately prior to an earthquake; A.A. Nikonov and G.D. Panasenko, reporting on late-quaternary tectonics and seismicity in North-East Pennoskandia, concluded that, in the postglacial period, the elevation process sloweA down and the elevation and sinking areas in the East of the Kola Peninsula were reduced; Ostrovskiy, A.B. Bakhrushin and L.I. Mironova, reporting on surveying results in Kondar, described the block-motion character of crustal movements; V.F. Bonchkovskiy - Slow movements of upper terrestrial Card 3/5 S10061621000100410011001 Third Interdepartmental Conference ... D054/Dl13 layers in the Serpukhov area; A.T. Donabedov and V.A. Sidorov - The corre- lation between present vertical crustal movements, geophysical fields and geostructural elements; G.A. Kon1kov - Increased methane and coal-gas emanations are connected with zones of contrasting movements; A.K. Raftns- kas - The possible connection between quasi-geoid surfaces and tectonic movements; A.N. Skurlyat - The use of a level variometer for finding the difference in height of points on profile; Setunskaya, Fin,ko, A.P. Rozh- destvenskiy, Yu.Ye. Zhurenko and Ye.Ya. Rantsman - The correlation of pre- sent movements with contemporary reliefs, actual tectonics and morpho8truc- ttres.-Meshcheryakov and I.M. Sokolovskiy - The inherited character of vertical movements; Martynova, Mattskova and S.K. Gorelov - The importai,,!e of relevelling todbtain correct-characteristics of the crustal movement" speed; Dumitrashko, Liliyenberg, Rantsman, V.A. Rastvorova, Ye.M. Shcher- bakova and Yu.A. SkvortsoV - An analysis of present crustal movements in the mountainous parts of the south of the USSRI AI.K. Grave and V.Ye. Yev- zorov - Movements in the complex of Holodene and older Quaternary deposits on the Kola Peninsula; V.V. Lamakin V.G. Rikhl~er and A.V. Volin - Thi study of tectonic fracturing.zones to facilitate understanding crusta Card 4/5 S/006/62/000/004/OCI/001 Third Interdepartmental Conference ... DOWD113 ,movements in inherited faults and consolidated rocks; A.S. Ionin, P.A. Ka lin, V.F. Kanayev and Ye.N. Nevesskiy - The use of geomorphological and stratigraphic methods for studying vertical crustal movements on sea shores and modern techniques for underwater research. The conference outlined for the most important tasks ae being; the compilation of a complex map of vertical crustal movements in the European USSR, the study of present tee- tonic movements in 9eismio a:~eas of the USSR by all available methods, the creation of several experimental areas for studying tectonic movements, detailed studies of coal reE-ions with a view to solving the problem of forb- casting sudden gas outbursts, and the designing and constructijn of new instruments and devices. Card 5/5 GOLUBo R.B.. d1yetvrach; ABRAMOVICH, D.G., assistant Viet in disease at the Third Clinical Hospital in Minsk. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.lOt6-10 0 159* (MIR& 13.-2) 1. Iz propedevt1cheskoy terapevt1cheekor kliniki (savedtWasboMy - prof. I.D. Hishening lavn" vrach 3-y klinicheakoy bollnitsy g. Minska - A.I. Korkhoyl. (MINSK--HOSPITALS) (DIET IN DISEASE) 9(4), 24(0) SOV/112-58-3-4604 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, pp 176-177 (USSR) AUTHOR: Golub, R. L. TITLE: Measuring Some Parameters of an Electron-Gun Immersion Objective by Means of an Enlarged Model (Izmereniye nekotorykh parametrov immersionnogo ob"yektiva elektronnogo prozhektora na uvelichennoy modeli) PERIODICAL: Tr. n.-i. in-ta.M-vo radiotekha. prom-sti SSSR, 1956, Nr 6 (36), pp 47 -61 ABSTRACT: An experimental method is described for investigating electric-field- strength distribution around tha cathode of an electron immersion objective and for studying the radius of the active surface. Earlier investigation methods (an electrolytic bath and an incandescent probe) do not provide the needed accuracy of measurements. The method of field investigation as suggested by Academician Semenov and Walter (Semenoff, N., Walter, A., Z. Phys., 1923, Vol 19) provides for measuring an HF field by a capacitance probe on a 100- Card 1/2 9(4), 24(0) SOV/112-58-3-4604 Measuring Some Parameters of an Electron-Gun Immersion Objective by Means times larger model of the immersion objective. The circuit diagram and function of the outfit are described along with experimental curves of field- strength distribution around the cathode; the active cathode surface depends on the field strength at t1! nodulator aperture and on the geometry of the modulator. . Meax,~_-rement results show that the ratio of the total field strength Eko in the cathrde center to.the field strength Eao due to the anode can be expressed by a straight line. The effect of modulator voltage on the field 3trength at the cathode center is also linear. The measured data permits estimating the cutoff -voltage value for any immersion objective with planar electrodes at various anode voltages. Curves of the active cathode surface plotted against the control -electrode voltage are presented. There is a linear relationship between the active cathode-surface radius and the modulator aperture. Curves are presented that give the cathode-current density as a function of the modulator voltage. S. E. K. Card 212 GOLUB, S.At,_polkovnik med.sluzhby Results of combined antibacterial theia4y of patients with fresh forms of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. Sbor.nauah.trud.Kim ok=zhevoen*go9p* no,42222-234 162. (MM 16$5) (TUBERGUIDSIS) (CMNOTIMUff) GOLUB, S.A., polkrrnik med.oluzbby --------- Role of blood transfusions in complex treatment of pulmonary tuberouloois. Sbor.nauch,trudKiev,okruzh.voenogospe no 41 235-240 162. ~MIRA 1615) (TUBERCULOSIS) (BLOOD-TRANSFUSION) GOLENKOVp A.N.) GOLUB11 S-,G. Use of indicator of small shifts ranging from the subsonic level to 300 cps. Trudy inst. Kom. stand,, mar i izm, prib, no.73s24-30 763o (HIRA 17-.6) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-isoledovatelOskiy institut fiziko- tekhniebaskikh i radir.-tekhnicheskikh izmerenly, GOLUB19 S.G.-, SHULIMAN, B.R. Semiconductor ampliflera with a blgb Input reeistance. Igm, tekh. no.lls5g-62 N 164. (MIRA 1823) 1. (j it t 4 v " to 1" A 0 41 At 01 n l* I PA to U M It I I - "I K. 1., 1. . 11, 1 1 , 00 - ' 0 so or sptctrowopkdowtimodwasmaleculaflayorsolads"bedgiises. L LS jLt I tfiQ! A t' -Th v ib Sear eftniom l 019-LM RKC) st m Pk Z ch I t I V K l -00 i . o .A . . . c angrs icr R . n r p ys l j ~ within nuAs. of different kinds, adsortoord on different surfacei and the almorpti-i sg-jr~ 00 00 j; 4 ad%mtwd mols. ism discummed. A coenparisoom of the qp"Ua cA gxso~ou~ -1 a,I-1-1 00 N(h showot rothher a Otift twr a meldming of the bands but (fare show intensity 0 *a indkativr of the forroution of a rnom~rnol. filin. The similmity of the ~"r.& i4 r~ - l i I t th i1 f a l it h 1 I ff t ti l f t d N h 0 e r TM a ure o neu ra a sm ict suc 4 A n e ec cCA A oy e as 1 any no c r angr P in the ortig-fIgy ltvels of the mal. The abuxption slk-ortruin of NOt dismolved in brotifir o cem.par-1 with that of the COX Show% UO Shift loot OOMC hfokk&"ing .1 tlW 11AWN '11- effecti are riplained and others joredicted from a study oil the gottruiLd ormirogy mr- .,I P : !,Is the inal. AlmonAlatt 6"ra of No vul X were similarly numit but no Ad~tlwd him ; t 06 cot lot Ik- forntord, This investigatioa will be citended to advirbril Xwoors on sputirml z -cs ] filmx. JIOWAxv A,;.nRw no one ZOO 00 ;Zoo Zq# 00 as 00 --be A I I L A 81 1ALLIOCKAL LITtOAT"I tie* - -- W 3 0' V 61 K 9 it 1tt Ktltt 190C 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 41 0 A I. toe er see 8 11 wvvw~ ad rwuum. AAL SOvkhUdW4 I M 7, 49- AkO AGNIMOOM and p"phw- a IN. Aim. (o) 0e') 004 S ARTALLUM&CARL UTINA14411 CL"WWATI" lowagNP .4. -1 "'Alai u AV LIT, ; '1--T -- , r , ; & p 0 of K It W 44 - i 4- 109 nee ce nee "00 gee goo 41040 Nee tsee nee 0 Igo. 11"Inv toe g glass, CSK a", ~1' 9 on I 1 10 ad 61101welsaa-3- do e 0 0 PROCIMS "a 0110004ifft -Olt 00 A sea 333j? 00 240. Lmmbm=064ffdkwkMftwAbL (kKw.. & L 0041. Akdot Smok MR. 0 (No. 7) 11$3-3 001 (IOW-ho X=WL-U.v. adcadon c( Ago am*- 00 a ovWs at kw W* I omc~-- h*hmm bbA 0& a fitiommo. ubwm Am dwgms a wxh we4k" yellow-wev" Oat Afiu*m I& Pm Aaa Got aYS" CIN Q* bl! ddoftd by the p" ItIlwo-054wambdoo" Akmiumaki 06 a and a vask ydim 96 at"Pla Ingo sea duratkm No aftdow c=M be In pm 00"3 AOr cqstsh. vM em uM D h m r bm c c r I: - of sow =10-14wreedftcapeft. Fhowmamspoctro. FlUllandeldtatim 0 c' OM 1801sund pboto- mcukWfy. no muft m v p, icd and dboxmd so z =W Om wocuW cwwo OvaL Th astdoctim bw is 00 of tM uvjd km I - Ara. wbem a - 0-IS (for AgCI). Fm do shom room (w dtarow4membie) an ox*gdm kw (w Aek omM igot be kAmm& 0 444, 9411100 ago a" -jet 11111i 40 4mv Ali 0 u it AV in u In a, 14, Is Km A I rA S a at 0 0 9 1 v 0 0 a a 3 4 1 s a 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 a 4 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 *10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q, 0 0 00 -00 -00 "410 .00 800 see do* 000 goo ties see *00 fie studYLaLzlAr& and -dulda-Yans- W"t Ya 18, 2TF-4(t953).--0n the fibroui rmt% ' gr. PC- . vines, susceptible to phyllox"a Infestation. them PY)t jiodule3 within which stach accumulaw. Cytot Restudicl indicated that In the case of phyIIoxcra-5u%ccr)tihlt grape vines a ttansforination, of the starch, formed within the toot-nodule celli,. occurs simultaneously as starch becamrs' extruded from the cytoplasm Into the plant juice. No such starch transformitt* occurs in the cage of phyllaxera-re- sistant grape viak%V It was also observml that in the centri- WIC4 e&t_. of raft hodules Wl;yL1p;qa-rcsistant plants. - - id-ita d inir i f n ki fi Chemical Abst. oll'o tr Mat add a oes ot l OaCi % Itfiln the fIr3t 2-3 bro. ;n the phylloxera-susctptible tnK traus- Vol- 48 No, 3 f0fmRtI0n Of starch to erYthl'Odextrin within a similar time Feb. 10 1954 I)eriod ivas observed. In 24-lirs.-old autolyzates Of root - - - , Biological Chemistry 9xts, Of both tYPe$ Of Rraill! vines a boft-sediment Itfa M ed contains microscopically discCrnilk cr)4"s that stain blue or light-violet with I Eoln. Nci starch- or dixtrin-I reaction ivasobtainttdivitlitITesuperriatatitliqttW. Rxts.of parts of dormant potato" showed eVidelwe at the existenke of processes of starch synthesii. Tissues close to tile eye of 5prouting potatoes evidenced the presence of starvil-5plitting processes. In the study of tile filtelp;ity j~( tilt! proct:sset; of starch and dextrut transformation as evidmiecd by the in. tensity of colors uwally manifest N stwil trailgformqtion 1 l b l or a processes. co .,iorption spectra were o1)t. t "C4 tro- h- i Il 1 r h t t 1 1 r %rnuruncid w o ome cn y. re niat f"Iq of p 10 Inp Ivitbill a range Of;WQ-7,10) illp. R. S. 11. 'Ji USSR/Pr3cesses and Equipment for Chemical Industries - K-1 Processes and Apparatus for Chemical Technology Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33256 continuous removal of the finished product, the stoppage of beating tubes with crystals is completely eliminated in the cace of a forced circultLtion apparatus having no salt separator. Tests carried out in an industrial unit have shown that lowering of heat transfer coefficient in the heating chamber, due to scale formation, at a relatively low rate of circulation (1-8-1.9 m/second) was noted after 20 hours of operation, and was decreased not more than by 20-30% after 40 hours. On the basis of the experiments there hag been worked out a scheme of a two-hull uniflow EA with automtically arijuating solution level within the separators. The recommended EA has a forced circulation (2-2.5 m/second, in the heating tubes) and an outlying heating chamber. Card 2/2 Q, b ) ""~" ~ SUBJECTs UBSR/Lusineseence 48-4-20/48 AUTHM Golub S,I0 TITLEs Luninesconc* of Silver Haloids (Lyuminesteentsiya galoidnykh soley serebra) PERIODICALs Isvestirs. Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheakays, 19571 Vol 219 #49 pp 534-535 (USSR). ABSTRACTt The luminescence of Ours silver haloide or their mixtures can be observed in powder-like salts, single crystals and sub- limates, and also in conventional salts of photographic emul- sions at cooling below -1000C. The luminescence consists of a more or lose bright fluorescence and in a6me cases of a weak and short (a few seconds) phosphorescence.. The luminescence decay of AgCl and AgBr+kgj krv 1~ vol.) proceeds by a hyperbolic law with a fractional power (equal to 0.25). This is an evidence of recombination character of luminescence Card 1/2 and of the fact that silver haloide pertain to a class of 34427 3/185 61/006/006/004/030 .*39oo (1132111.3?) D299YD304 AUTHORS: Bilous, V.M., and Holubp S.Y. TITLE: On the effect of infrared light on the luminescence of pure- and mixed silver-halide phosphors PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, noo 69 19619 738 - 741 TEXT: The luminescence spectra were measured by the photographic method and the effect of the infrared light on the various lumines- cence bands by apparatus described in the references. It was found that in a number of mixed silver-halide single crystals, glow and quenching of luminescence occurs as a result of the infrared light, whereas in silver bromide, only quenching was observed. All the re- levant experimental results are listed in a table. The effect of infrared light on the luminescence of AgOl sublimate is dealt with in more detail. Although for the majority of specimens the authors were unable (due to lack of a suitable photomultiplier) to study the effect of the infrared light on the red luminescence bandp yet Card 1/3 S/185/61/006/006/004/030 On the iffect of infrared light ... D299/D304 in two cases they succeeded. Thereby an oscillogram of typical sha,- pe was obtained. On applying the infrared light, the luminescence increased- after removing the infrared light, a glow was observed and the previous level of luminescence was restored. The authors note that such a behavior of luminescence under the effect of in- frared lightp had not been observed hitherto. The fact that infra- red light has a different effect on the various luminescence bands of AgHal, cannot be interpreted on the basis of Seitz's model. The obtained experimental material shows that the various luminescence bands are due to centers of different nature and that the lumines- cence mechanism of these bands (the blue and orange-red, e.g.) dif- fers, too. The increase in luminescence of all the investigated single crystals (and of all the bands), depends on whether or not the repeated excitation of the specimens was preceded by infrared illumin--tion. This fact could be related to the trapping of (freed) electrons. It was -found that the intensity of the glow increases linearly with the intensity of the ultraviolet (exciting) lightp and that with high intensities of the latter, it begins to decreaseo This fact shows that the electron trapping-levels of mixed silver- Card 2/3 On the effect of infrared light ... S/185/61/006/006/004/030 D299/D304 halide phosphors are subject to ing light. There are 1 figure, 1 -bloc. The bloc and 1 non-Soviet publication reads as follows: F. 852, 1957. the quenching effect of the excit- nces: 4 Soviet- table and 5 refere reference to the Engli,h-language Moser, F. Urbach-, Phys. Rev., 106, ASSOCIATION: Odeslkyy derzhavnyy universytet im~ I.I. Mechnykova (Odessa State University im. I.I. Mechnylcoir) Card 3/3 34430 8/185/61/006/006/007/030 3,r>oo D299/D304 AUTHORS: 1Lo_1u _.Y., and Orlovalkat N.O. 14-3 TITLE: Dependence of luminescence brightness of silver hali- des on excitation intensity PERIODICAL: Ukrayinalkyy fizychnyy zhurnalg v. 6, no. 6, 1961, 758 - '160 TEXT: An experimental study is described of luminescence effects in AgCl single crystals. This is important, as the luminescence me- chanism in silver halides has not been sufficiently btudied. The ex- perimental apparatus incorporated the photomultiplier (baY -18 (FEU- 18) and the two light-filters Y43 -2 (UFS-2) and 12C -9 (ZhZS-9). The apparatus was very suitable for the purpose set -- the study of the later stages of luminescence; it permitted recording the brightness of luminescence 15 seconds after excitation has started and to continue the measurements at the same rate. 'Me experimental results are shown in a figure. This shows that the main glows occur after the first minute of excitation; after that, saturation is rea- Card 1/3 S/185/61/006/006/007/030 Dependence of luminescence ... D299/D3o4 ched very soon if the excitation intensity is lowq whereas in the case of high excitation-intensity, the first 10 to 20 minutes fol- lowing the rapid increase in intensity during the first minuta, are characterized by a slow increase in luminescence intensityo wi'hout complete saturation. This is proof of the quenching effect of the exciting light. If the excitation is stopped for a minute and then resumed, the previous level of luminescence is attained almost im- mediately (in less than 5 seconds)* This leads to the conclusion that the trapping centers for electrons and holes In AgCl, remain filled for a long time after excitation ceased. Although the results obtained by the authors agree with those of D.A. Wiegand (Ref. 3: Phys. Rev. 113v 529 1959) and of R. Meyer (Refo 4% Zw. wissensch, Photogra, 53, 141, 1959), the conclusion reached by R. Meyer, as to the absdnce of deep trapping levels in silver halides, is pre- mature. Further, the dependence is plotted of the brightness of lu- minescence I on the intensity of excitationg E., Six different speci- mens of AgOl single crystals were investigated, and the measurements -were repeated several times. These experiments confirmed D.A. Wie- gand's results that at liquid-aIr temperature, no temperature quen- Card 2/3 8/185/61/006/006/007/030 Dependence of luminescence D299/D304 ching occurs in AgC1 and, thereforet the dependence between I and E should be linear; this agrees also with the results of Ref. 4 (Op. cit) but is in contradiction with the supralinear dependen~,,e obtai- ned by F. Moser and P. Urbach (Ref. 2: PhyE. Rev., 106, 852, 1957). There are 2 figures and 9 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Sov- iet-bloc. The referenoes to the English-language publications read as follows: F. Moser, P. Urbach, Phys. Revap 106, 8529 1957; D-A, Wiegand, Phys. R(,f., 113, 52, 1959. ASSOCIATION: Odes9kyy derzhavnyy universytet im. I.I. Mechnykova (Odessa State University im. I.I. Mechnykov) tx Card 3/3 GOLUB S I Madmnization and automation in the food industry. Mekh*i,.. avtom.proizv. 15 no,9:43-49 8 161, (MIRA 14 -. 11) 1. Nachallnik Uoravleni7a po avtomatizataii i oborudoveniyu dlya pishohevo7 pro*i~blennosti Gosudarstvermogo komiteta Soveta Ilinistrm, SSSR po -Avtorlatizataii i mashinostroyenlya. (Automation) (Food industry-Equipment and supplies) 20843 71 S/048/61/025/003/032/0i'+7 B104/B202 AUTHORS: Golub, S. I. and Orlovskaya, N. A. TITLE: Effect of gases on the formation of luminescence centers in, silver halides PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no- 3, 1961, 366-390 TEXT: This paper was presented at the 9th conference on luminescence (crystal phosphors), Kiyev, June 20 to 25, 1960~ Like most of the alkali halides also Agol sublimates must be subject to heat treatment- to develop full intensity of their luminescence. Annealing in vacuum increases thin luminescence of the blue bands by 2 to 3 times. Annealing on air does not cause higher intensities of luminescence than annealing in the vacuum. Annealing in pure oxygen (pressure 2 - 3 mm Kg) proved to be more efficient than Annealing on air. This is explained by the fact that oxygen render3 the diffusion of the activator in phosphor more easy. Annealing in chlorine vapor (at 20 atm) weakens or destroys luminescence. This is explained by the penetration of chlorine into the structure and the de- Card 1 1 20843 S/048/6!/025/003/032/047 Effect of gases on the formation... B104/B202 struction of the centers of the blue luminescence bands, The oenters of the red lumineseence bands are formed by colloidal silver particles on the phosphor surface. Annealing on the one hand increases the number of these centers which is explained by the increase in concentration of the stoichiometric silver excess, on the other, however, the number of centers is reduced by the resorption of the colloidal particles beginning at 3000C. The results obtained by the authors demonstrate that annealing In the vacuum increases red luminescence due to the formation of new centers. Annealing in oxygen reduces the luminescence of the red bands by the fact that oxygen favors resorption of the colloidal silver particles. Furthc~r- more, the oxidation of silver leads to a further weakening of lumitlescence. Annealing on air increases the luminesoence of the red bands. This is explained by the formation of new centers under a rather low resorbing effect of atmospheric oxygen. Annealing at 4000C destroya the luminericerxe of the red bands in air as well as in oxygen. Annealing in chlorine vapor increases the luminescence of the red bands which is explained by the fact that the chlorine which had been diffused in renders the diffusion of silver atoms more difficult. There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet-bloc references. Card 2/;)L S/031/62/012/.002/014/020 E202/E192 AUTHORS: aelous, V.~J., and Golub, S.J. TITLE: Action of(infrared light on luminescence of pure and mixed silver halide phosphors PERIODICALs Optika i spektroakopiya, v.12, no.2, 1962, 271-274 TEXT; The authors studied the effects of infrared light on various bands of luminescence in pure and mixed silver halide single crystals, Viz. AgCl with additives of AgBr and AgI, and AgBr with additives of AgCl and AgI. The luminescence was measured photographically at liquid nitrogen temperatures. The method used in studying the effects of infrared light on the different luminescence bands was that described previously (Ref.4: V.M. Belous, N.G. D'yachenko, Optika i spektroskopiya'.'. v.10, 1961, 649). The blue, green and orange bands were isolated by sui-table filters and recorded using a photoelectric multiplier and oscilloscope. However, the authors did not have a photo- electric multiplier sensitive to red, so that bands in that region were either not studied or observed only visually. The luminescence was excited by 313 and 365 w lines isolated from a Card 1/2 MATUSEVICH, L.N.; GOLUB, S.I.; ODINTSOV, V.A. Now apparatus for carrying out the process of crystallization in vacuo. KMm.*ome no.1:60-63 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:3) ,(crystallization) .UUS, V. M.; - GOLUR S. 1. . BE j___~ Effect of deforiation on the I=inescent properties of silver hal.idee. Izv.- vys. ucheb. zavi fizo nool:89-91 163. (MIRA 1615) I* Odeaskiy gosudaretvemqy univeraitet ime4i LI,$Chnikova. (beformation.049chanica)) (Sliver halides)' I AVOIVOC11/011/02G vl.~J,, GO-LUL), V..J. TITLE Ccrtaitl Peculiarities of tile luminescence of ASCi-Mn pho.9phor.,j j) T C 1) t i 1(,, i s I i e k t r o n I ~ o 1) 1 va , v . i n ci . 1i I G 5 16 - r, 2 0 T deta i I ed invest i ga t j. on ()f t lie i~ropert i c-.g of' XP:C I -N[n are carried olit '-sild discussed. LO 0.07 mole !4. LL .i njitnirn Lilat AgCj-*.'.rj poswqsc.4 an optical I'lash in the rcd ;Hn band for any concentration of 1:n. 71tis effect occurs only ;If-ti-r ~ definite ti;:Ic of staracre (t) ul' ~j 4ar,.r)jr- 1,01.h at IOW temper"Lurc azid at room teriper-attire or after exposure to infrared pr gh L . A n incr(:.AsL, in (t) lfacLixtatvs the developi-wnt of tile flasli evOil aftcr a year's stov,%~~c -it roont toi-iiperaLUCC in darkness. 'rile t)cculiarity of the lumijw~~ccllce af dt!vc.lops from a c;,)1V[-(1L1tL(jFl betwcon two OL U114E! FiROEW i" -but-wisr-.- oC the intensity of these bands on the intensity of tlic ultr ,-Lviolet (E) (V ) 5 m 4) is t-.icas,-ircA and shown to be nonlilicar'. The intensity of tile blue Card 1/2 S/c5L/63/Oi4/00V0ll/026 Certain peculiarities ... 1- 03 ')/r 112 (--1 xid increases faster than the red with increasing (E) and hence the color of tfie luminescence changes froat pink lo blue. The resiilts are completely analogous E() -,Ilos(. b", V.L.I.Ovshin '-F , v 17, 119"'7, 675) . Cor "InS There are I TT E 1) Xay 29, 1962 Card 2/21 r.- 11 - - r~ . ,- ROZEN A.M.; ALEN 'KIN, N.F.; GOLI B S.I. Mechanism of an advanced-stage purification of vapors by removing~_ ent-ained drops in p4te columns. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no. 3:699- 7U Ja 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Predstavleno akademikom S.I.Vollfkovichem. - r.U., p ~, of a 156-160 165. of -411711o-Dhora. Trudy MIP. Otd. blol. 21. OfiriA 18-, t'~ KHRAKOVSKAYA, E.M. Temperature effect on tke luminescence of silver halides. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.fiz. 29 no.3s521-523 Mr 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Institut fiziki Odesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. I.I.Mechnikova. ZOTOVP V.P.p- MAKHINYA, M.M.; PAISHIKOV,, M.Ya.; GAVRILOV, A.N.; SILIN9 P.M.; GOLOVIN11 P.V.; KHEYZE, N.V.; BUZANOV, I.F.; KHELEMYLlYp 14.Z.; YAPASKURT, V.3'.j SHARKO, A*P.; SANOV, N.M.; LITVAK, I.M.; IVAHOVp S.Z.; LEPESHKIN, I.P.; KLEYMAN,, B.M.; YE-PISHIN, GIR4SIMOV$ S.I.; GEUBE, V.R.; FASHKOVSKIY, F.M.; LITVINOV, Ye.V.; BENINS G.S.; IVANOV, P.Ya.; VINOGRADOV, N.V.; PONOMARENKO,, A.P.: ZHIDKOV, A.A.; KOVAL', Ye.T.; KARTASHOV, A.K.; NOVIKOV, V.A. Sixtieth birthday of A.N.Shakin, Director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of the Sugar Industr7. Sakh. prom. 35 no.7:33 J1 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Shakin, Anatolii Nikitovich, 1901-) (Sugar induBtry) GOLUB., S.I. Development of mchani3ation and automation in the food induBtry. Yokh.i avtomproizv,, 16 no.4:1-2 Ap 162. (MM 154) .1, Nachaltnik Upravleniya po avtomatizataii i oborudovaniyu d1ya pishchevoy promyshlonnooti Gookomitsta, Soveta Maistrov SSSR po avtomatizataii 1. mahinostroyeniyus (Food induatry-Equipment and uupplies) (Autemation) TSELUYKOI N.1.1 SAPELKIN, A.I.j FILI, Ye.V.; PUZrRIffY V.P.; GOLUB, S.T.; LANTSOV, V.T. Annealing malleable cast iron without packing. Lit. proizv. no, 10t42-43 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) GOLUB', T., inzh. Saving tine and cutting costs in mine construction by using per=- nent installations and equipment. Prom.stroi. i inzb.soor. 3 no.2:33-36 Mr-AP '61. (Mining engineering) (MM 15:3)