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~ . I , , ,
That the unification of sm&U-aportment-house offices has given us.
Shil.-Itom. khos. 9 no*9:19-20 t59. OURA 13:2)
I.Sachallnik shilishOmo-kommunalluoy kontory (g.Khabarovsk)
(Khaborove"pertment housea-Management)
.19LIKAJ, Am; PDMD'1!KlN,, PIP ekwovdat EMYANSLUI, M.; AJMNEM, Yet
TIP teMnik (Chkalovsk,
oblall AVIZMAg VIP tekhnik (Chkalovsk, Gorlkov-
W6 disauv* 04 Gabarov's letter entitled We zmant not vork this
vlo*my 1pr4arto 3W*.bcwkhov. 12 no.8dO.U Ag '62..
(MA 164)
it N*OW alk shilisbabrA-kommallnogo otdals. g. p
I ir obOL. Ater Wman). 2. Zhi3A~b Days,
"Ugrad t
k*%orm. t Oto "Mmsooftratroe, Krasnodar (for Pikhovldm).
11204' flUals Moskovskago oblastnoga p ektno o
80 9
1*sUZZUtAJ C. Mint Mosiovok*7 obl, (for Polyan 7 1
n07 tory
s4bv*ta n&ftdnogo 1&*IQMyitva (for Golovanov)
(Housing manst ment)
_VftVAI-40Y, A.
I "".. I"..
Scientific ana technical cooperation between the U.S.S.R and
th,e German Democratic Republic. Tnesh.torg. 29 no.10:30-34
15.9, (ICU 12:L2)
(Bassia-Poroign economic relations-GermaW, Bast)
(Gorimmy. Uet-Porsign economic relaiions-Russia)
A= Hits 0y>006556 SOM -)005100241002Ci
CE CODE' tR/0335/65/000,
A!hSCR4 Avayukisvich, V., 1 Golovsnsw, A.
ORGt Noscow Technological Institute of Heat and Dairy Industry (Y-oskovskiy
tokhnologichoskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy prowyahlennosti); Moscow Lerdn Order
116at Packing Plant (Moslawakly myasoksombinat)
,TTrIS: Inspection of yell*w pigmented moat using a caustic reaction technique
:SOMCE& )~yasnay& Indust;riya SM, no. 5, 1965, 24-26
'TOPIC TAGS: food processing,. animal disease, chemical identification, causticization
:ABSTIRAC T: Yellow pigmented moat of slaughtered animals may be caused by a pathological!
!type of jaundice or by a psoudojaw*sdioe. 7he pathological types include hemolytic,
1parenchymatic, and medbanical jaundices produced by different diseases. Psoudojaundice
:,results from animals eating large quantities of beets. bagasse, or certain other foods.
,The distinguishing characteristic of pathological jaundices is that the Y6220W
:pigmentation is fowid not only in the fatty tissues, as in the case of psoudojaundice,
ibut also in the intramsoular comective tissues, bones and mucous membranes. However,
imeat inspectors do not alwao correctly identify the type of jaundice and at times moat
!of s2Aughterod. snimalsh*a been needlessly rejected as uncertifiable. To facilitate
!identification of pathological and pseudojaundiaes, the author conducted experiments
on cattle and pig oarosissoo with yellow pigmented meat using a caustic reaction
technIque (details not given) and compared it to Xh. S. Goreglyad's tecMique (1962).
Zs caustic reaction Uchnique prcyed far more sensitive in determining bilirubin in
:fatty tissues and Positive results were found only in oa:et:rof Pathological Jaundice.
This technique in relatively simple, more economic", f& (5 to 10 min) and a
valuable aid In st"t inspeotime. OrIgo art* bass 1 table.
$T13 CCOE: 06, 07/ SMM DATEs , ime
aCUT49T,,"A,.L.-jj;.I. .
Upierience in the operation of patenting furnaces and the reoduCtion
of dro" formed during the wire patenting proc6as. Metis.preixT.
Ino.l:y4-A8 156. (M& 10:2)
(Steel--Hsat treatment) (7urnaces, Heat-treating)
GOLOVANUVjj,j,j, (Clutlyabinok)j FRIM, L. (Chelyabinsk)
YA*ifold metal rollirg. Izobr. i rats. no.22130 163.
(MIRA, 17: 2)
1. Rukaroditell prokatnoy gruppy Gosudarstvennogo soyuznogo
inmtitutia po proyaktirovaniyu met&llurgichaskikh zavodov
(for Golovanov), 2, RukovocUteil okonomichookoy gruppy Goou-
durst"imogo ooyunnogo(Instituts o proyektirovaniyu metal-
Im-giolhoskikh s&vWov for rrimn~.
Our suggestions for improving the scheme. Tekh. v sellkhoz.
20 no.'PsIO-11 il 160. (MIU 13--9)
1. Ulcrainsk:aya mashinolepytatelinaya stantaiya.
(Pare mechanization)
Iloetric comayer train for factory transportation of sesifluished
prsduots. Taket.prom, 15 uo,lls43-46 N 155. (KM 9:1)
(CourvIng machiner7)
GRIOORIYAT, SUpon 11'strovioh, slosarl-lioballshohik; GOLOTANOT, A.A.,
Insh., vatoonsentl KUgf, A.M., bmd.tekhn.xiAldrv
WINSUT, V.T., insh., red.IM-va; RLIXW, V.D.,
Clastrament menufocturs and adjustment] Slosarno-Inetru-
msntaJLPnp rol)oty. Novkva, Goa6nauchno-tskhn.izd-vo mashino-
atroit.Ut-ry. 1939. 127 p. (KIRA 13:2)
(Instrument maufaoture)
Zudil two, OtAlps froph tb6 atm. M, tokh. 7 no.1049-~5
a 490 .I . (KRA 3,5: 10)
(COOM4 ptw$i"o--4w*arch) MlsscoPep RadiO)
GOLOVABOV, A., iw&. (ChitA)
Readerst letters. OmaMeav. 20 no-5:24-25 MY '63- (KM .16:7)
(Aarormuticas Gomercial)
RAZAXSVICM, O.S., Im*4.t*kbn.muk; POR18078M. U.S.. Insh.; KULMOV. R.8.1
-, Insh.
Me4bQd of improving the performauc6 of patenting furnaces. Stall 20
no.10057-959 0 160, (Mi3a 13:9)
(Yurnaces, Mat-treating)
Goloranovs A2*ksoy Dmitriyevich
Tokarno-revollvernyya avtomaty v seriynou proisvod3tvo (Autmatic Turret Lathes in
Lot'Produatlon) Moscow, Haabg1s, 1960. 105 p. 7,0W copies printed.
Rwiewert B.L. Boguslavskly, Professor; Ed. of Publishing Houset A.F. Belandin;
Tech. Ed.t L.P. Gordoyeval Managing Ed* for Literature on Metalworking and
Machine~Tool MaIrlinga V.I. Mitin, Engineer.
PURPDSZ r Ms boolast In intended for engineers, foreman, and setup men in me-
chime-building enterprises.
COVERAGEt PrWwUcal examples are given which deatonstrate, the use of bar-atook-fed
automatic machines in-largo- and small-lot production. Attention is given to an
ensineerimig-econmic analyals of the effect of a reduction in setup time on an in-
orease in productivityp and to a aosparison (taking into aocount necessary reset-
ting and retooling) of the produativity of various machine tools used in lot pro-
duction. Igo personalities are mention4d. There are no references.
Card 213
AUUMUO TWT*t LatAft in tat production SOV/5503
Foreword 3
Tho Effect of Setup-T:bw Reduction on the Increase of Machine productivity 6
A Comparison of the Pvoduotivities of Automatio and Nonautomatic Machine
Tools in Lot ProductUn 9
Cutting time 9
Setul) or idla time 14
Time loaOss LaLIOW&Usx) during operation 17
Time *ll0W=c* for p4riodiarefteval of bar stock 18
Time allowance for porioac impaction of the product 19
TIme allowanoo for chip rawai 19
Time allwance for setup mjustment of the machine during operation 19
Tim allwance for abort breaks for the worker 21
Tim allOwanco for adjustment and light repairs on =chino-tool
m obanisms 21
Card V3
~` , "~ , 1)
_7 L~ 1. !" 1, :-, 'I'D e, :
061OTMM, A.D. t 11MIL-MY, R.D., redaktor; GIAMKH. N.N., takhnicheakly
Cbewaloptog technological possihilities of autonatic lathes]
PAst'hirede tokhnologichookikh vosboshnostat tokarmrkh avtomatoy.
Hookwa, Gow.Isd-vo obar. prourshl.,1955. 357 p. (MLRA 8:12)
Ccini4qt tnisbikr duct. Rate. predl. na gor. ollektrotransp. no.9:
6 ?-68 1 Ul.. 0%11PJ~ 18:2)
1.- West "Movelektrotranalf.
Large laboratory-size aDdel equipment for the continuous coking
of coals at the Institute of kineral lhnl of the AcadevV of
Uaieno*s of the U*S.S.R, TrWty IGI 10:45-50 459.
(NIRA 12:12)
Woke) (laboratorien-Apparatus and survilass)
Vruagdjag of 11OMW shrinkage and weight loss of coal shapes during
coMnS. Trudy IN 10tl?4-181 159. (KM 12:12)
(Coke) (DIWO10017)
SIEREMOVITSM S.S.0 kand.tolan.umukl EDPEMNA, N.N., inshoTAWINP V.N.,
Imaho Uloym, 2.1.p iush.1 MELEVSKIY, S.I., inzh.;
COMAR in".
Volverse$ loa&r Ilmiter. BowT.truda v prom. 5 no.7:16-17
JI 161. (MMA 14* 6)
1. Voesoy=nyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitallnogo
i d*rologo mushinostroyaniya.
Or-anes, derricks, etc.--Safety appliances)
... .... - -.1-
Thawing of flooded peat buga. Fochvovedenie no.3:F,4-88 W 165.
(MIRA 18:6)
1. Moskovskly gidromeliorativnyy Institut.
The 4th scientific and technical conference of the Central
Scientific Railroad Transportation Ressarch Institute. Tmkh.
shol.dor,7 no.6:28 Je'48. (KIRA 8:11)
CEUMHBV# K.A.# kand-tekbasnauk; GRAZIMAM, GaMee prof*$ doktor
Sekhm.nauk; KOVALgySgjy, 3).Y., inshe; POTOTSKIT, G.I., insh.;
PgDYJVII=. J?.]P.. inxb,.; tq;~ANq!. A.L
EProgresalve toolmology of railroad track work] Peredovaim
toWwoloille putevykb rabot. Moskva. Go~.trauzp.sbml-dorAz4-vo,
1951. 106 N (MIRA 12:3)
I* %laTW inshener Glavnogo uprayleniya putevogo khozyaystva
Minleteretya putay soobshchaniya (for Chernyahav).
MU. T.A.; ROMiRMX. 0-8-; M"VF. G.P.t OMOFAMY, A.I.. redaktor;
YMSON, ID.N., teMmIchaddy redaktor -
Advanced tachmoloa In the rive of loaders and cranes. Trudy TMI MPS
no.44:3.-108 151. NULL 8: 7)
(loading &xA unleading) (Oran**, dorrickm, ate.)
"daktor; BMICMff. T.Go, inshoner;
BX031OWSKITo TKOX-9 -013"971% wk&Lo G.I., inshoner; SOLOOD, A.D., inshener;
TAXTMW, A.L. Luxboner; T OVA, I.T.. inshoner.
[Progressive technology in the building materials industry of the Kinistr7
of Railroad 'transportation] Porsdovaia. tokhnologiia v promyshlennoett
strottolliWkh axterWov MM. Kookvx. Goo. transp. shol-dor. iad-va, 1952.
62p. OMU 6:5
(Building materimas)
OOUWA=r, A,.L., rodaktar: ISIM(N. P.A., takhnichealdr redaktar.
Railroad tmck mA railroad construction. Sbor.LIIZJff no.144t3--A3 15Z
(Nal3road construction) (Km b:4)
SHUMV. A.I.- GWA)VANOT. A.L., Inshoner. redaktor: VMXA, G.P., tekhnieheskiy
[3olocting ballast section and least curve radius f*r industrial railreadp]
Tybor varkimego stroonita, i Aalmen8shogs, radiums krivykh proff7s'alaunft
sbalesnedsreshufth putel. Moskva, Ges.transpertnoo izd-ve, 1956. 66 p.
(Mosceow. TonsolussWi nauchne-Isledovatel'skil institut sholesnodereshnego
tramsporta. Timidy, no.114). (MIRA 9:7)
(WIroads-Track) (Railroade-Curves and turnouts)
(e:: c ~Fe V ?~ X 0 i~' //' / -
USILIYSV. NJWO;r Iwasovieh; ASTONT, Takov Andreyevich.- WWTANOT..A-h'&...
Insh., reA,,'BCMVA# Ys,.N..
[Zoaal building materials prooessed by vibration mills prooticas of
the Roadboilding Tmet of the Tarkestano4ibirian Linsi KastWe
strotteltWe moterialy as ounove vibroponols; opyt Dorstrottrests
Turkestano-Sibirskal dorogis Moskva, Goe.transpahel-dor. Ind-vo,
1115?. 47 (Lilding materials) (MIRA 11:2)