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GOLOi!GRODIKOI 0.11. (11oloborod1kc, 0.1;.]j kand,el-cn,nauk, dct:iem Economic competition batw(~er. two syl'terns. 1~7alulk~l .". 11 no. 4:11-14 AP 161. ( ~ f. E Ft 1, 1.,.*, . 5 J~ (Economic cendition--) W'CHIPOR!"NKO., ',,.Yi:. (N,whypororiko, ~',' Ilf, li GIMIC1,11LIMIll, N.(;.-, GOL(TOIROWFOp c).P. [flolobor,---Vko, 0,P, 11, _j, :-tudentka ronten'. of adf-Ulic. syst-rim !inc; glyclogen in the --lyo- c9rdlum in cir"1111'atory ~ls"I'l-b!IrW141. nx. bi-oididni. ~,Ililr. 37 zio.3: 3 52-3 5,1 1 (-, r, ~ (KIRA 18-7', k , 1. tick~limii ~;: ~.Jyev. ACCESSION Zill; AP4037990 S10196/64/01.01003/0263/0270 AUTHOR : Buyvo I , V. H. ( Buyvo 1 , V. N (1cf.ev) . Golobo roV ko S 0 (Go I obo rod' ko , S A.) (Kiev) ; Sline ren k o I. (i,'Acv) in a a 5~1j-,cnt2ui on t-hc edge b,, an el.--isLtr zing 0 1: no. 3, 1064, 21',.1-270 :.,phe ri k-,11 J~ sh.-l low Silt! I I i~ Ca I !;k-ril. lot,' c o 11 e-,-, 71 L r,! C i 0 ri t, L t; df,; 1~ r ibuL Lon ritn Lrur. 1- t rre C,2:-, !-,I r 0 n c I I - o I -I; I I I I --l o I c- r - :;Lt: fo r m 111 1: (! 1-111 r 0 S 3 1.1 i7 t~ r -v,-, Th c C! cd F c t-1, lit, k! !I,;,- a ti-, i 11 c c r c 11 1, 1 i. 6 u - 1 a 11 (.7 ii fl!; i o it . Tll -, ho 141 11.11 L k: n g on I y r t re ~j -~ (,.~ . 1 zlw";f-, cwipon(211~: p,tl*L!-, -proper, rlic stificninV aild 'Clit, 1-1c cover) art. :--rcauccl rlh-a r'c-ri-es aii-~ vi o ~.-i ii nE; a c. z L n oil (-.h,!rri are tat, T r, L n t I C C 0 U 11 L th e 1. n t C- r- a c t i 1) e it Il It 0 11. a vi (I r i il v, a I I ti r 1. n g 1.1 [1 (1 co .1 L r T1 I u c c t o f -C a rd I ACCESSTOI'Z tIR: A114037990 rigi(ii ties of tile s t If fen ing rinj; oil the ci cross, fls tr-' button around tile ho It, is vvl I u.1 tod in 1"Ilme rLcal c xamp los , an3 1, C. Lo slimm that by va ryini-, Ille f 1 (! Xura I and Lall 3 11 v 1*! --" L ~ I L 1 '2 '1 a I [I at i on of t1lem can bo found that will make tht, q t~ rr. q 1; 'colicc-'I t rat I.oll ;I., tile 110 1e -2~gc a minimu;;i. T lie va I u L s of ri,',idi~)- ?arametcrs [or Eur-L an optimum, ring and [or an a I m o a t. pe r f cc (: I y v L 1. (1 r I- ii a r e. d e- 1~ e rm i n c d . 0 r Lg i r t . lin P, 13 formulaq and 3 tabloq, ASS 0 CI AT T.,0111 : 1 n r. ty"t u t m elf. 1. ant f. !.-. y 7~ AN U RS 1) -1,j 11: u ze 'I' Mt! ch an L c v~ AN URSIO SUBMITTI"ID, 2 7 A p r 6- 2 P'A E it C Q 12 j Ln 0 4 00 SUB CODE: A.S N) (EF SOV: 007 0TUG a : 000 Card 2/2 L l51o4_6r~ EWT W /JCWF (w) /EWA (d )jV'1P (V) /~,VP ('410IEfolU. 0.i ASD(f)-2/AFTG(p) EM 099:: ACCESSION NR: AP5000105 /066/655V j G )orodlko, A,~~ 'AUMORS: Giizf, 0. It. (GUzl A. N.Miev); GOIGIN"lod )Ioli V ,(Kiev) TITLE: The stress state near a sqwwa orifico with roon(jad. ijornaril Jn a oylindlrioul~ shell SOURCE: Pry-*kladna mekhanika, v. 10, no. 6o 19641 594-599 TOPIC TAGS: shell structure L_,~tress eoncentratio.17 glin '1'!"31 shol?. ABSTRACT: This paper aupplies a solution to the Indicated pi.%,lblatil obtained. by U, 4 ,disturbance to the "form of the boundary".(0. M. 0 z i Mbll.AoN~f*y tie toll I ivi2nacheniya kontsentratsiyi napruzhen' biVli kry*VDHXI~71~j,Aldi o11,7ox,P-r Y oboloi&akh, ~Pry*kladna mekhanika, vol. 8, no. 6, 1962) for small crriftbO~;Ip & aoxkl~ to A.;,I. 1 lye (Kontsentratsiya napryazheniy v oblasti otyerstiya. 3wl~ povorichnosti, 1=0wop Lur PIN, vol. 10, no. 3, 1946). The about tjl~J o'penljig; has beez itit computed by the formula T14l b adwiderat'ion of the zero + 2ph ~w 2y + 2npp& [I I- first Card 1/5 15W)4-65 1ACCESSION FR: AP5000105 !7 ?phcos2y + =4 + Y + 6Ph cos 6y 4- APIP~ ~second (20. - 2ph cos 2V + 6ph cos 6y 4- 54 ph cos By + I Sph cosI J 21 45 -,+3tfPPh 5+9cos2y*+3cos4y+ j=6y+36cos8y+ fccaloy aj,~prox:lmaii one. For the icase when V 0.3, formulas are given for determixiing TO st,the fulp of the &Mde [when the diapnal of the square is directed along the Imoraimix ;'(T,lr=ph(3+2.25co32y+2cos4y+0,74cm6y+0,67cw4,-l,+O,McosieV, 0, i i- Q9 14,26+ 6,00cos.2y+ 3.41cos4y+ 1,93cosfjy+0,89cos8yA-0,66coslOyll) (pimi Fig. on the Enclosures) and at an angle lrll~ to the generatrix T,~-ph-13+ 1,80cos2y-*2cos4y-0,59cos6~+0,67co's' 8V+;'022oos1!0'(+Q'fj5-"1 ,+~4.44em2y-2,69=4y 0-','8"9c-wBy +:9.66cos 10y)) on the Enclosures). Table I on the &010aures given the values, or.!'hhe wai"ntration coefficient for the plate and the shell at the zorof ~irst$'-qnd oticynd Card. IWNNI~~Nmm~~ L 15oo4-65 ACCESSION' TRI: AP50GO105 approximations at different points about the orifice, The r%uner resultsglven, in this table show the nature of the convergence.of the sol-~Lion~dbt.O.Laed. "'ar- more, from this# one must conclude that the maximal cooffialiont oe eltress aonciin- tration for the square orifice in the shell an vell &s iw Ahe p1%Leip differa substantially from k for a circular orifice. I'able 2 oil "Wie ]!h0o~sitren sh-olru max the effect of curvature on the stroso concentration& Orlg~ iia-t. hewv2 figur,94j, 2 tables, and 13 formulas. ASSOCIATIONt Instjotut mekhaniky* All URSR _(.15!stitate of 1104111(hZioll'.111! UIMSSR) SUBMITTED: 2MY63 ERCL i 02 !SUB CODE: AS NO BM SOV 2 005 OTMMI Ood rd 315 ........ L 15004-65 ACCESSION KRs AP5000iO5 02 Approxi- sec_ zero Exaof 0.3:: *.2. 0.1 *ik '0.4 ma irs and S l t o u ion PI 6.90 / 5 7.89 8.88 9.36 k oh, V-0 7.11 11.23 12.87 ,4 8 .461 P11 h k I 2.1t 2.46 2,61 on 2,0 8 1195 I.jIN I'm 1! all 00 o.16 1,gs 2j48 kPl/ 3 1 67 I m . ' k x 3 94 Op 30 $ 1 . . . Table i q- Card I'l/ EM L 9233-66 EWT (d) /LVWT (in) /EVFP(W) /Z74FM IDWP(k) I ZWA(h) I-STC (-m) ACC NR: Ap6o00238 AUTHOR: Goloborodlko' ORG: Institute of Me,-h~ni SOME CODE: U?/0l96/65/C-Q1/O" W21/0029 S. A. (Kiev) s, -_(Institut m9khaniki, Ali Ukrss'R) ~c. _Lq UlqSSR TITLE: Investigation of stress concentration around square holes, with rounded ccrner3 in a cylindrical shell Of SOURCE: Prikladnaya makhanika, v. 1, no. 10, 19655, 21-29 TOPIC TAGS: cylindrical shell structure, shell theory, stress cnn-!,entration, stress analysis, approxination method ABSTRACTi A third approximation operator was obtained for the tanguntia-l component of stresses in shells with elliptic, triangular, and square holea. The governing equation for stress distribution in a cylindrical shell with holou is given by V3~120 + 8jou (M) "-0, V~ 2 rd ; (D:= w 4- inT 4 Rh Card 1/3 L 9233-66 ACC NH: AP6000236 where R is the radius of curvature of' the surface, h is the shell thickness, and ro is the mean hole radius. The holes on the cylinder are described by the func".%ion z + (Z + iy', Z and the various stress components are expanded in powers of IT. T, 'TU); 8 Ir 1-0 1-4 Ir .1-o. The J-th approximation is typically described by 7M. = T", + + M-0 where the third approximation operator L~3) is calculated in detail. The above stress components are then calculated for the particular (.a-jo corres.ponding -to .74".Ph; n=qh; up to order 3 -nal Numerical results are obtained for the ca-so of uni-form, intez Card 2/3 0 L 9233-66 ACC NR: AP6000238 pressure in the cylinder p - poll/2h and the various coefficien4a tabulated. It is shown that the maxistum strosa cancen4ratioa in tho 3hoU olAaj.nod from Ltie second order approximation differs from the exact solution by 5-6% and fron the third order approximationp by 2--3%. Orig. art. hast 15 e5uations and 5 tables, SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 09Feb65/ ORN RHF: 006/ OTH Wit. 001 COM ~3 0 0 0 41 -1 Angular dixtribut 09 beryWmn. T. 0 DL ' 00 KEVITMCH (Myxihl. 7. N2).--ne dixtrfbatim Iiv y-rays (Imm not mr 1`088-section for the *0 1)), JIV 6 2 11 j.0-3 0 0 .0 r I AA 114 j. W 1 , 1 00 n of photo-noutronfi from OIUIPKQ~ And 1, R(p,4F'i - gairietimlon, 11137, 11, 7K 00 f iii-tstronm ejtN-W from B- " dthdinx-tion. Theeffe,tm. 06 tteruitt of lk, jai(itutwutmv., 'Go I i i 00 ;00 to LA METALLLPGICAt LITIXIT68t CLAiSIOICITIC- A%. A 4-F-13 I V-71 s 3 1 v ".1,J) r,x it I I i It 't X JKLO , , '. 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 01 0 :~ 10 .00 0-9 O.A.1k *-9. 0 0a 6 00 a0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * L r 11 1) IA it 14 It III it x It 11 if 11 1. M V 41.4 11 V .I. A fi C D L-L A it F 9 L I li Y I AA 90 W U j I It i ;, " A 'A ~ to 00 'leuterium by The KAttermg Of PhOtOu"ut[On" l"O"" G 6) I nuclei of atoms of hetTy elements 5 j,j,, 1 .1. 34 -1 7 II,ni "N"r,5 by I" It III., It-,, g1%, u -h + 1) "cut'ans aud -I,' ht~uj-l frum Rd. I RC5.1ts we p"'n 1", 19 f-ru Mn w 11'. b.-Im,.n 111. ""'U, Olt jilt ob ained by DMIR1119 It' "1 ; 00 ~j -L I IS - - d, 0 2 =4 ~. 0 1001 roe ~es 3 I L (LWIF-1- ...... go 6, a n 1 It It R x 11 9( e 0 & 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 IS * 0 It 0 0 0 0 111 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 4 0 0 4 6 0 * o o 0 0 a 0 0 mwmmi~~M~m 0 6 0 1111TY1 , - , o p 0 0 0 , "T 3 l . t to 4 0.1 Nuclear cross sectrons lot n"Itrocii Wi th SOCI A energy in the region at light elernents.I V -,Do 34 . o l t 0 0 0. 0 0 0 IS, 0 410 'l 0 it ' zoo A I I I A I(TALLL-CKAL LITINATUilt CLAWFICATICk 0 0 it tri 71 1 1 " Iffil, 9 Of It R Is K 11 It It lit 1111 a ell 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0!0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 4) 0 * 0 -0 0 0 0 0 a - w ~ 11 a- - - I d I I I a I a I p 16 it 1) 11 4 Vj M 11 4 0 0 ,; p a It jolt lelffes to L. a goal 4fil , o "dj:W A 2, L A f f -AL, A I I L a -1-t-A-L-A-M-MAX OR L-j-. -A. A.. ttlDfOl a., ~C, .., to a :10 0 06 ~00 a I. Bit). 1100 T. A. G(AO PAYSUA lit -.1421 - rbe dig-~ t;ko ol noutrtmal emitted by lie MAI- :06 j sated 0 'kwly huau to UiAt abtatined with Z*# R..Tb + D, SINj dint,, wArkally (rum the tiphtM ll- 1 symmetrical distvibution Obtairsell will, Ila k6, 1, 1 z 0 0 roe voo t 0 0 AGO u 4) a% I I a 0 f, p a 3 x N 11 q a 9 0 o a 0 4 0 f) to a a 0 41 0 a a 4 s ca 0 * 0 0 0 a 10 0 0 a 0 s 0 a 0 0 0 , *j " 11 0 6. 0 V 1 0 4 : * 0 il 1) if is A .? .2 .1 J, A 1,L 1 6 r. 1 1, 4 r 0 T 6 1 L W U M If 0 Scattering of pholocieuttons from radium and lieryllium by the atomic nuclei of heavy el,*mezU I A. C-4,)- i-.d*k- J h'pii lk-A Ph", (U. S. h It W: .174 M(IWO) On th, I... of .,rviiiureme w elements fr,unl Ain to Bi. '. linds that tile CT"51-sm1w~ areas do not increttw as a brim, fun'T.'n Of the at. sill as in the ease of Tijea-rerneut, will, Ili, t,ut owdlate between 3.5 and 9-11 X 10 11 sq cri. wlth,,It any apmfrit 43,tern, F If --v, r 0 V 00 11 1170 * 0=6 emb 4 to 9 0 a a U a .1 1 11 Zoo ~411141111 of 00 0 so of 3 00 t p a it n a :t i ~x W Oa 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 N 0 (1,0 0 a Q` 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0-41 -(b -41111a_~ * 0_6 460 6 0 _i lot W F f 1 l w 111 0 0 O f e 4) it 0 0 41 41 0 4 41 o . 4 1 1 -4 A u I 00 Tht spoc of phownowtan 6 (Rd.n t jnj . , R b V ( a f e) A. 00 lolatt,m-lk., J Ph); It it 5 - 15 ISWAIM' MIVIIIO~ Lf. C A. 31, 111,00- 11, lllfrjf~.'n through parflArr Uyem W raw.11 t"Ii krw1jr., it -a' fl~Vld thAt tht p1mu-4tom, It,.) 00 ttlolltX'111 Mlllt~ IjjV1)fA1'(1iIj0Aji:i '10 fbi, pbw-momn 'rwimul ,I (III ~ 11'~ -Ojt~~' C"' Ive gr"Ill" .1th -1., If 11 1 stl'i 0 r, m I ~ 11" .-Atteffil I --, , If oh, ('11 .~ It, 1'1' '180 I- I` I A- v 'fill's l.'r the v n'uI ...... . tv-1c, r ...... .1 fo, 11 'phtr' ) a otirlimm., ,f 1 6 1,.r I I : , -d Own ig,tm it '&-I" t" 1.1. f- '!T1 If PW 49 7 0 0 0 v: to 0 0 10 0 0 0 ip a 4 a 0 0 is 0 0 4) 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 --d-- A L J A...4-A-4 .0 (C 90 lK4ALA.. L-I- A A L;.V --------- -- V354 53TINI ' 6 4 pm-ft md emigy of Plumaxwom M811h. fitl 'F GotaiwgujaKo A I, wd IRS 1k) J ^ . . . , , , . VSS.M., 5, 1. Imp 19-211, 141, ThL %ft-virlan 4 Ormomum)"S IRAh - DO and IRA fk) -3.4 SIUJWJ by fillrIllOn thftx4h LI)et-. pariflin Neutrutu of tht frst muction art mc-mchmmaut~, 00 ith a Irrull mmunt of pht)(twIcuirces f(,mwd b) uhx 06 114 3 weak luws of the ,-WkvIruTn RADC'. Uktitcacro .00 00 is abo%,.t 0 45cmv. Photonculmms of the wcmd , mution arv comp)wd principally of 2 groups -ith so J encrW o(O I arki 0-25 a%4V. T11cri: u 4rpatt:ntIj a Au k lint %iih an cn"lly of Ifir cadLi of 3,:MV III 3 the spm-irum of the )-rays RAC 0 6 of I, Of ZI too go 16- J go I I L SITALL06KAI, LIT(NATVft CLAWfKATkC* t Z- a** age t -1V TIM--A~A-l S 0 " a r, it Do ej q u"I It 10 m 1 ,4 If 16 S a 1 3 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 00 a 0 0 0 Of 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 Oil 'Does of)(6s, 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 IS # 00 0 0 0 ?,40 0 0 ~ 4 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6111000004)(60 A loot w v I ICAL-1 2t-,Lx LIN p 9 R s T It Y I J! Y L All 0 M I t 2 1 t A AD -to z Mucleardiatnortermof OCA11COD1 j) for Cy. Al. Cd 4a, Hot with photactoutrous of energy range 0 1 to 0 V U) 0 v ' . Sauk I N of 1141,4V Ajq ih~dla,- I,t , kA -.1 It., -III d 00 . do I "Id Il," i J C' I As u."t. hd'. c Q4 -,d .I on, t.01.' Cd all,[ ILk I I", "&;.- ~..... .I , g1kally Willi viulatitill Ill liculroll cltqro~lk . kil-lo 'I-lk I I ~, ll,tl 11) 9 V )l'belt, 14 fill WAII.141101Y J O'l. PlIt'loaIN Ilm Alld 1111ohrl woll, 1, 1-1 lim"I H), I, violu" lilt Ilw livull'ill willf',ol 11"d lilt (I,,( l ity :'e ' , 1e y 4.,wil ; a "'Irsirl ott,tili'd I ...... Ill, Ow., 4v- Kv/. 00 Fitt; A '%j Z7 tz t $1 11 10 is r -T I It j 0 3 , n 1 9 " Or t r A *T . o K K a t It .1 U K C t 11 & a 0 A . : a so 0 0 4 .2-6 Nuciam saxtwing ctowswicus -j for thfunuam, Form Cad- diloca, and "m wtth pholommutrou WOW the energy range o i o 9 x*.Y. i .% I R ~ 1 041. 10 3w., - 310~ t,v ltrA.114tifig It,, %,1,1 1) ith y r~- from V,Th 4,1,1 R- I I-, A "I " -fill ~10' th, n,.rs(y 4 th , VAIVTv'j n'On"), n' I...... 1C.111 1) lii..v 1, r,.;Zar,f"j 'I. in'! It"11, t4' and 1),,- -11, th, 0, -1, -Ifon it : ~ ~ " "!. , t .5 M " '. 111 Nuclear WAUWtW elowill'ictitmu for heav7 elawrintj with photc- MnU,m of about 800 ke.r. I I C-Pt. PeNd A W Sl I P -S S, 104 1. 80. 41-4 1 are given for %.triiws elm,-nii as fAr as N f.-r HAI 11 1) t -~'M kt~ % I "If HATh [It ~ -,mtk, k, arr -mrml %ith Ili.- -f Amilli u%mg mrut-ti, !i in I 1,41 '.NW)k- th.11 . ..... ol"'I 0.". 1, Ansolst distribullm tit fh,,I~npulrottj . " f, "".. I - 1. . I ~' ~. I 1.1, .1. ~ "1-I 'th a tph-'., I p.".W- J~ tr ,f pp'W~n .1 .'Il" 1. 1 ni f.", 0 w 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 VO 0 0 0 O's 0 0 '0 a 0 0 0 so 4 00 0 rq o: so Scatlarizic of natnu by potous. T A. tw1oln,mlit, ij Phy),, USS U., 1944, 8, 13-16) 111~ ~ktt,~ing -x 0 (y-Th-c '. lk) phat~neutrons by pratums Itave be(n rnr4b"rml (%1t 0 neutron energies 11' 1, 13-2. 0-3. itnil 0-4 Mc.v, uting Vp oxi(Ir its -'so Irt-t(T in a counter T)w vah. 0 cp fouip) r'p-ti,ely, 0 Q. 3-0. 83, and 3.2 x I" tin 1, in AgTrem-t -0. 0 other xj~,,nicntal results but nat with thmrettritl pr,,Ii, ti,,n It -so is "'rig"icil that , doi~x not vary sm-thly with nrutr,,n i-nergi ai mjuire,l by, Wigner'# ft)tmul,t but cwffljt~5 tegulftriv -th .1 ...... ARIJARULIC as thr energy is mrrascl I I 00 ..09 00 do 1o0 ~-Oqsp C~-, 1110 190 ., so .4 it A it K it 15 It 1 .0 n 1 1. 0 to 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;1 0, 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 .9 a a 4) 0 q 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 is o 0 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 16 0 a 0 1b 0 a 6 0 41 to 6-4 17 1 R so* 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0: ~ 4) 0#00 f ,,J 1 1 " " 3 - ~: ii ~~ 4 ., I] I m i. v a . 0 1, v . " o 1:0 A a L 1 Ic v 00 .1 so 00 ut 1 "'W" "t h1111 l,1-tIIekItN 1 % : 0 of---~ w, a. I., !" so '00 (A th, so ph-,wntutf,l-, I ICY ~In 1 of Ott wull 0 mv- I- q the U'll, III, ~I~ Ill-, tw Ill " J- I'Jillt ' ,~ ~ . , , 40 00 so to so .4,0 00 Ve *6 1 hit) ~~y 0 40 -00 400 0 0 0 0 MP /Physics Jan 1947 Photo- Neutrr)ns Resonance "Pesonanco -henomena in the Flas-Lic Scattering of Photoneutrans with Fnergies ef 0.1 to o.4 Mov .by Atomic L,4ucici", -1. ThatitI.Atc of Physicu, of Scienars --T -Lb.0 Uk--alnian, SSH, 5 Pp ~V=rnml of rhysice" 'V,~, XI. No 1 -rq,-%44-4Y The hieli enerF,,, Ln"ervals betvr)#~n maxi=m and minlram. levelG(of the,- order 100 Kcv) 1-c- argue-d to bt- due t,-, 'the resonance Interaction of neutrons with nuclei. The hypothesis is advanced that the surface layer of all nuclei in of the s=e BS 2 :-r69 U USZER/Physics (C ontd) jan 1947 structure and this layer is supposed to consist of alpha particles. BS, 26T69 An julu It i I I ai,:, it III T 1 4,11." 1 r: "I", '.I It. IF 1, if Of aa a : : * I A It I ALA U L A x Is f If Is 13 1. 9 a p a 4i Ili w - - A V- 40 ol 745 Elastic scitterirw o( Neutro" by AWInle Nuclei. - I 9Y the .-utr,,,,. FhC! C cel,,il-Ill, F.Ict, :,-t 1. it A/ T.A.Uulobrod'" ~~k A7, 414-57 Ir,hulvd III . --Ii- if... , ..f '0 0 In A Critical reill" of tho eqVirimentAl work dong, oil Uw 4 A 1,:,11I W-t I", I h) I "I " l .. g atitic wattering of neutron.%, In Comectioll with the general f r,- tlu- - vri, d Ifi, 4-~t. I-ati-i I r t, I. t prohlem,, 4 the , ructure of the nicleus. the author fir,t I.. it rv,) A it,., I, I A ~i,Ll! I %uryry!i the dictermInAtions of Itw relationihip LY , f(A). di-r, luoc,, 1, t-o Ili.- kti,mI~ it I I where j 1, lh~ , Iii- -, twil 1,,t the ela.dic cAltering And V I t n I I i A ~ I A 1, the Atomic nw,% ininil,er III the catterer. The rinilrl- I.", C-A ;,k 'n it,, 1,01 Ili, I. 'I I . Id. 1, Wilton of Hu-Iin *-irkrr, wj~ A I,erle% If dulernililatio- (I! Z r,t, .1 1( 1, , I -lot I~ r. I l! thl, r,UtIo.,hIp hy u,.,,.g pl.,Wov.tron, In Uo- --j0 Inter . h,nd-t liev. Pit - 1, 1 1 -:l I I t--~ 1 ;, 1- a vAl 0 O 1 1 s M ;A ( , 11 . . , III, -1 I Ord I, ' !1. 11. ""1. 1, jil-,t .1 1 .:, 1-, 1 !Al, I 1w, I Alid. %Auk jo. rhC pn-i pi,tor, ilin"I t'l III IL I I j' It. 1. ! Ii.. 111' 1, Ai~ d. III U.- r.oig~ [.,is 1 91) M, li Acd lh,~ ttiC f,, 11 l',j t'lr ' ",I, b: It' I Cr ~ , pr b"1 I, vx.v* 1-1 11 . -qiIrIIC ', r rII'. olon'r-, 111 1-1-( o I,, I it"'I U, F~,Ittw Iiewrl I fori-ij for a M -I t- - p-mio-rt. Pit -It SA (,At at i- ,I, ~i, , V.. L:.- Ili at -r, 1-ld 1. -pWC,I ' C~', Uining I. it 0.2 An 'd 0.4 hl". The 1 r4d Lm-ligat!" U, it,,- g tu'. of the A.g. I A r III t I, 1w 1- (!, pt,e , Ic Lc I( Ihe n-lIr, ..i ~. I- I-t-l I!,- -L-1 tu,!, 7 I Diur Lkr,V 1. 1 1 ivt ~t 17 114S4 194 . ti. t) ruse CIO 0 atIALLUNGKAL LIJERATWE CLASSWICATiON A I it - I L fnAaj!.I1 At 15 -11 !3!1 -C At V) Aid 160 U-K. T1.v ta ~t,d ti-4 -thImAm, I.. mv,11or ~llhth., ni" I-o (11C.01 IC . ~lf ICA[ 1,)r(, U A, .0 is :r a 9 n it U it ( i s 0 # 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 : : 10 0 0 0 0 0 e *Go*- 1: : : GOLOPORODIKO, T.A. (.Kherson) Statistical relationship ho~twonn the amplitudes of t','Ie brightness variation of variable stars and their spectral class. Biul.VAGO no.25:26-3() '59. (MIIUL 13:3) (Stars, Variable) GOLUiORODIKO, T.A. Amplitud.o-poroid roL-O.Ion of i,,uAvoj-uLw- -f ~-r 1.1,, !)*,.. f! i; ;).tvi !',Lri Coti-tylA ~~ t;,, ~. ~, s .Biull.'PAGO no.26:41-1,~.. 100. (MIFA 1. Gleosl:oye otielGr..*LyEi Vsooovli7no~;o cbshr~lvstvz',. (Sta-,-O, GC)LfiBORC)Dl;,.C), TA. Period-lurninosity relation of cepholdc. Diill,V~,.GO :no.;)B; 16-20 '6o. (!!.DVI 14,6) 1. nersonskoye otdelenive Vs,,soyuzno!,.o i113l~7~,~rioiiuic,-.tli?Odt,~zicht~:~kogo Ashchestva. (Cepholds) -~CLORRODIKO, I I . . . "- C, s -17 1 1 GO LO,~-JHGD ~ 1-10 . T -it, re-lation bef-wcc;n Ithe rotati,)iv-d --'d ()-Ir-I)it,-.LL rolaorit'lizu -)" vriaiov kstron.z~iuv. 39 no.4 !761-763 J L 1 , L ( I-ahA -1 5 i 7 ,) (Plane t9 ) GOLOBORODIKO T.A. Relation between the nass-radiation and the ws ss-radius of double stars. Biul. VAGO no.31:37-43 162. ()IIFtA 16--4) 1. Odeaskoye otdeleniye Vsesayuznogo astronomo-..goodezicheskogo obshchestva. (Stars-Masses) ACCESSION NR: AT4016597 S/2556/63/000/034/0014/0019 AUTHOR: Goloborod'ko, T. A. TITLE: The law of planetary distances SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye astronomo-geodezicheskoye obshchestvo. Byulleten', no. 34, 1963, 14-19 TOPIC TAGS: Bode-Titius law, astronomy, Neptune, Pluto, planut, Jupiter, Saturn, planetary astronomy, solar system, satellite, Uranus, cosmogony ABSTRACT: Investigation of the Titius-Bode law revealed that there is an exponen-, tial dependence between the distances between planets and their sequence numbers. The generally accepted formulation of this law contains two errors which result in sharp discrepancies between the computed and true R (distance) for Neptune, Pluto and Mercury. Random deviationsZN R from an exponential distribution have the specific character of quasi-periodic variations. As a result, it is impossible to represent planetary distances by an exponential or any other functional dependence with great accuracy, if these variations are assumed random. The formulation of the law of planetary distances derived by V. G. Fesenkov and similar formulas de- rived by G. M. Idlis for the satellites of planets also are erroneous because they are bas on these random variations inR.The distributions of the distances of the Card T~2 ACCESSION NR: AT4016597 regular satellites of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, as well as the distribution of the distances between planets are expressed most simply by exponential dependences of their sequence numbers. Quasi-periodic R variations are observed clearly only for the satellites of Saturn. The R distributionsof planets and their satellites, determined by various investigators, either do not differ from an exponential distribution or are erroneous. The Titius-Bode law is a true cosmogonic law of the solar system and not a purely random mathematical rule. it apparently is a corol- lary of a more general law governing the process of formation of planets (or proto- planets) during the formation of the solar system. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas, 2 tables and I figure. ASSOCIATION: VSESOYUZNOYE ASTRONOMO-GEODEZICHESKOYE OBSHCHESTVO (All.-Union Astronomical and Geodetic Society) SUBMITTED: OOMar6l DATE ACQ: 24Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 C-f , t -i~ , : , , , . . , . . I ~,*(), 1,% 1 . , !~; ~ ", - r : n ~! t, *r 1 - ~~ - " ~ ~ " ~ , i: . -. - . - I I . - I I I I ": : :: -7 . . . -. - . -.- . '7: 1 , 1, , . ..i I J', I'_'. . I . 1 CJ U~ 0 'n'; and tre---A.,:,erjt 07 czilv,~,, c c i o 3 i 38, no. 30, i",til, DTFT~7 W, m ACCESSION 11M AP3COO986 6/0340/()~/000/00910161/017,1 AUTHOR: Stepanovp M. A. j Kurdyuaoi,,, A. V.; Gojob~s V TIM: Corrosion resistaxiee of Ironoaluminum allcrys in fluorl.MD &t taVeratur('s Of 500-700C SOURCE: IVUZ-. Tsve'-.,wya metallurgya, no. 2p 1963o 167-,1'11 TOPIC TAGS: iron-a*.1.uminum allxWea Iron-aluminum-enjailma ItUoyp ABSTRACT: The corrosion behavior of Ft-Al and Fe-Al-rx Mloya in a fluorine atmosphere at 500--700C vas studled. The a-Upys vere malted :Ln an h-f induction furnace from Armco iron vith AVOOO [99.9