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~5 ,K97J1 7 ? 0 0 3 3,~_ AUTHORS: i:~ov~, 0, 1-1 '1, 1: TT1111,E: --:Ole mob--',: -I, fw,.-::. 11 rat 1 "at U! 1~ E.-~~ D3 D C A L Fizika tver~io~ o 1 TEXT: T he hole mobil-iTy ---n p-tyne, ~,,,rmari_um ~ri i i cc e-, a ^oncen~ra- 1 20 t-ion of 4.9 * I (-; c M, 7 a S, 7~ _,r-L`t,?-4 '.r ranj~e of from 77 to 450 0" i K. The carr,_,~- :y measuring the Hall effect i n m i-nz~ t e 4 r. -2 above range of temperatures. S~- z c n e m -a i t n during which the germaniurn :1 y 0., I -eren t spec i mens as f --. n - t co:: oi and 2. The carrier concentrations o' 10 6 cm a~ to 6.4-101 c . 2)~ I ', i _rTi o a s u ::I i, 7 300'K (Fi,,~ Card 1/~ having concentrations of '0 -n!,,' i t,~ + motallurl7ii AN SSSH ln~; me thod e ri 7.11 *, s a I, er.n T i~ 1, F,-,I!: s io he results the aut-ors s h ow 1, h rt _n, 1015 In to 3 - 10 1 C, - ~- '. -,, -_ n m the P-type german 4 UM in the K an I, e ex- plained qualitatively and quant' t~l' --arri-q- from ionized imnurities~ ~~Ie t'-at of nure materials t _011S, 01, concpntrat4 decreases to 1.0' and, at a -.n tf ~,I. ~,zrs i n z again 7he aut-ors t',,.ank 1'~ T, 7., n: I n s tt u t e o f '''e t!.,. 1 luAS 3.'~ are 6 fiF,~_ires and IT There four mcst recent references to -lit On'q :-~ad as follows : E S age C m S - C __ ea n E. G. S. -Page. F,ys. -;-,e~, Sol- F . b o r A. Tartagila. J, A. Beer, Card 2/5 Hole mobil, 11" R. K. Willard.-~on. '-hys. ASSOCIATION: I n s t i ta D 1 0 1 1 K SemiccnJuc-or~, AS ......... SUBMITTED: )T Fig. 1. Hall mohility as a Z -2ne by the curves indicate the D. 1: 'S 1:1e n S 77 lower carrier concentration. Fig. 2. Ha' 1 :-. o b, i I ia F3afu ii Fig. 5. Hall mobiIity ac, a I. temperature. Legend : ( I) 3 -" eI 7~ e e S en': a e r AS " :'S 2 ) s D e c i m e n s sue i" e -i:_. taken from. the ,-a-)cr of F. 7: L E---: r0- E:~ cajer oi .1. C. Dunlap, Card ?9 0 0 V-3, // 3 7, // 6 AUTHORS: Golikova, 0. A., and Stil bar.8, L S~ TITLE: Investigation of the dependence cf tne Hall coefficient on the magnetic field and zhe temperature in p-tv-.)e germanium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3 cic * 0. 1 o' , 3' 15 - 3 122 TEXT: The authors study the function R(11') (R -11all coeff-icaent) for 13 ,6 -X carrier concentrations of n -10 to '0 Cm I at magn(!tic field strengths of 50 to 38,000 oe, and at temperatures of 77-121)OK The experimental results are comoared with theory (ii, C Beer, R. K W` Iliardscn, Phys. Rev., 110, No. 6, 1286,1953), The experLmental resultr obtained for samples with n -10 13 to 1014 are in 3em~.iuantitative ,i,;::reement with theory. Agreement is found at mobilizies lower than ti'le theoretical values. According to G, Dresselhaus, A F~ K4-o. and. C: Kittel (Phys~ Rev., 98, no. 2, 398, 19551) (Determination of the rela):ation times r I and T of light and heavy holes, respectivel:i, from the vii-h of the h Card 1/3 Investigation of the dependence of., B ~ 2 B -02 resonance curve at AOK), the following reia~,_-_n --s 1" 'h ~-'~1.A and not -r l/ -rh '1 . The results concerninir Fa11vancma;,net-__- effects were in conformity with theory at b -m M, - 8 (in and m. are the e`fPctive masses h L of heavy and light holes, respectivelv') v ~ n. n :441 w 11 su t i n 9 t e a d of "X &)= 0.04. (n, and n h are the concentrations of .',.aht an,! heavy holes, respectively), According to ', Y e Pikus (ZhETF, HVII, no. '1, 1957)) taking account of the angular dependence may leai to -a Jifference between T1 and T h ; hence, the value b =8 used for the Rupears to be doubtful. The values of b obtained for various c-ca-0tering rtechanisms (consideration of a DOSsible influence of optical vibrations and of hole-hole scattering) should be taken into in a more exac't theory, M. N. Vinogradov is thanked for aid in measurements, :';, S. Shalyt for arranging measurements of the Hall effect in strong ma,;:rietic fields, 1. 1. Farbsteyn for advice, a.~ well as G., L. Bir, B Y;1. Voyzhcs, and G. Ye. ?ikus for discussions There are 6 figurts, 2 tables, and 12 references : I Soviet and H non-S~)vie- The t'ni-c most recent Card 2/3 s 1 e,/'6 03~1/0110/023/036 Investigation of the dependence of, B!251!,Blo;; references to Eng! ish-language pubiications read as follows R. K. Willardson, T. C, Harman, A C Beer, Phys. iiev , )6, 1~12, 1954; H. Brooks. Advances in Electronics, 7, F J, Morin, Phys. Rev., 93, no. 1, 62, 1954- ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikoy AN SS~R Tlen,.rij-,rad (lnstitute of Semiconductorn AS 1ISSR, Leningr.~ld) SUBMITTED: May 27, 1961 Ily Card 3/3 S/18 62/00,~/012/019/052 B1 04YB1 02 AUTH01IS; Golikova, 0. A. , Moyzh~s , B. Ya. , and Orlov , A. G. T IT LE, T'he mobility of holes in 6ermanium as it funct-~on of theLr concentration and temperature il~!!I~)DICAL: Fizi?a tverdo6o tela, v. 4, no. 12, 1~02, TEXT: A previous work (C. A. Galikova et al'.~-'FfTp 3, 10, Ool) in -a-ich tne carrier mobility ol gallium-aloped p-type germaniun was detzrmined between 77 arid 4500,1r: is here continued. Ge specimens havint, ~alliux, concentraLiOZ13 of uj to 7-10 2C cm-5 were used for determining the electrical conductivity and the Hall effect between 450 and INOOK, at which tampe;:atures a noticeable electron concentration alrea,,1y arises. ~- n calculating the carrier mobility, the collisiona between carrievs for a nondeEenerate electron gas and the scattering from bo,~h accustio and optical vibrations were taken into account. This permitted of comzaring theory with experiment at higher temperatures also. The measurements we".,e made in an argon atmosphere using platinum Drobes and Pt-?tRh thcrmocou-ples. It was possible to determine the temperature dependence of the Hall effect at Card 112 1,-, -/ /I S/101 1'62/004/012/019/052 The mobility of holes in germaniumn B I 04A 102 i.-i ac ne t i c f -i e i 1; s t re wl t I is u,-- to ~ C 'k a e .Result a: A t t e m ~ e ra- t u r ~- 3 b ~-, I o i 7C0 the e x-.-e rlmen tal and theo re t I cal results aCree iairly well if sc.atterin,i- from optical and acoustic vibration3, from ioniztd ~nd neu-..-,Il imuurities and the scattering,, of h:;Ies from holes is -.aken into account. At hi6her te;,,i~,,uratures the theory differs considerably fruia ey-perimen, l from 1.11t tJ CE' which is explainad by the fact that the mobility in scattering vibrations decreases, more rapidly thun is predicted by thEICI-j: 2 . 3 :, . L -ong decreast? cannot be f2xl~airied ulattice -~ T instead o" ,, his uLi by the fact that the carrier ener6y approaches *the spin-orbitLil splittin6 i1n, germaniu.m (L~ - G.29 ev). Spectral analyses showed tKat witi,. n :~ C.10 19 cm-5 at nitrogen temperature the Hall concentration equalls triat of the gallium atoms; in the Case of stronger alloyinj-~, the concentration determined from Hall coefficient is too high. There ~) figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: institut polunrovodni~ov AIN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) july 6, 1962 Card 2/2 657/1607 ACCES'MN INIR: AP.".001237 5/01: 62/005joob/l AUTI'VIS: Vinogradova, Mi. IN.; Golikovi, 0. A.; Voy:!hos, 8. I~a., TITLEz Thermoelectromotive force of p-type germanium in rel;.-Ition to concontra tion and temperature SOURCE: Fizika "Verdogo tela, v. 5, no. 6, 1963, 1657-1667 TOPIC TAGS: force, Go, Ga, intrinsic coriductivil;v, R311 L,-:fect, current carriers, Chromel, Copol, p-ty,a senicorJU 4 11) c ': Q r A3ST.RACT: The authors undertook this stlidy;becauGe of lack c)f data on either polycrystalline material or single crystals~"having high con(,entrations of current carriars investnated single crystals in the concentration interval 7 740 to 7x!0~0 per cm and the temperature intenal 300-950K. Spociniens irtere p:^epared by zone refining, during which the Ge vias alloyed with Ga -,,*;I Concentration o:: current carriers was determined by measuring the Hall ef-AFvc-L.*. a%,,oid erro::s. resulting from surface nttachment of thermocouples, the thprnio,-A.ectromotive force was measured by thermocou)les of Ghrontel*-Copal vieldod I:o platinuin pins d::iven into small holes (0.3 mm~ in thle specimens. Measuremcnjt!; al: ',IA!;h temperatures were madein an argon ainosphere. Variations betneen coruputed and ;;Card l4 L 18001-63, A~CEESSION NR: AP3001287 20 3 exoerimental values vere observed for concentrat-ions above 10 par cm ~;t 300K and also for lower concentration,, at ibove 300K. *Rjesp have been explained by deviations from the square lar., of disper,--ion with iri=aasa of energy. This explanation is in agreement with Lhe change of elix,"txical con- ductivity, the Hall constant, and tho t1hormoclectromotive force in the region of almost- intrinsic conductivity. "The authors thamk L. * ''S'."' Sti'11' b*DI)s for h5is interest in the work, A. V. loffe, for making the measureqnents on thermal con- -d e on the techn;que of measu--Ing the thermo- ductivity, and A,. V. Pet - F.oy,. f oIr a vi c electromotive force." orig. art. has: 7 figures, 1 table, and 16 foxTaWaso ASSOCIATIM Institut roluprovodnikov AN SSSI, Leningrad (InstiLutq o-^_. ces, SSSR) Semiconductors, Academy of Scien SUBAUTTED: 24Dec62 DATIE ACQ: 0lJul63 _NCL- 00 OYFER: 015 soB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 007 Card 2/2 L 18o43-63 EWP(q)/gWT(x~/BDS AFFT014.0 JD ACCESSION NR: AP3001309 S/0181/63/00.1/006/1-753/1755 Golikova, 0. A. AUTHOR: TITLE: 'Mobility of electrons in Ge at temperatures above room temperature SOURCE: Fi2ika ~.verdo&o tela, v, 5, no. 6, 1963, L753-1755 TOPIC TAGS: electron, mobility, Ge, 8b, alloy, scattering, vEbration, temperature, lat:ice ABST1,'CT: The a ithor undertook this study because of inadequite information on such vnobilitv at higher temperatures. In COMrALZin; the dependence of mobility on temperature, -,alues at room temperature coineid!d wir-h exporimental, values %..,ith an accuracy o.1; 20-40%. This pn-cision is con~;idered sat: sfactory in light of the -great con ribution of ions in scatterln~; an-[ in view o, the ap,.-)roximate nature of the ex sting theory on sca~terinZ by ion;. At highcr teinpe~atures this contribution sho Lld lessen and the a,~;recmzent tqi~:h ~!xperimenta:. data should Improve, but if mobility Ath scattering at thermal vibrations is taken into account, the reverse is found: at higher temperatures the computed values diverge more and more from experinental values. By considering mobility durLrl.!,, sca:tering at Card 1/2 L 1803-63 11 ACCESSION NR: AP3001309 lattice vibrations (at temperatures above 290K) coincidence between calculatel ard experimental results was obtained within an accuracy of 20%. It was found that if the mobility in a sample at room temperature is 357, lower than for such a sample containing Sb, at high temperatures the mobilities of the two are wichin 10-15% of each other. It may be assumed that the dependence of electron =obility (during scattering at thermal vibrations) is practically unaffected b, the kind of alloy- ? - Y ing mater3al. "The author thanks V. S. Zemskov and A. D. BeRrya for furnishLag samples and B`.- Ya. Moyzhes and L. S. Stil'bans for their interest in the work." Orig. art.,has.: 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Injititute of Semi- conductors, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) SUBMITTED: 16Feb63 DATE ACQ: 0lJul63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 004, 07HER: 003 C.rd 2/2 L 0,~6 3 171. EWT(I)/EWG(k)/EW(q)/Em(m)/Br~s/~Ec(b)-2 AFFTC/*$D/ESD-3/ impli! PZ_4 JD/AT AG~CLSSI.CIT. ITR: A-?3CO3Z87 S/0181./63/CO5/007/1908/1912 1115' AUTH,ORS. Golikova, 0. A.; Orlov, A. G. r10 )d with Al and In 7 TLE. of 1zles in Go alloyL ~Sx.nE.: Fizika tverdoffo Telp, 5, no, 7, 1961"37, 10,08-11:12.2 TOFIC.TAGS: mobility, hole , Ge, Al, In, alloy, sroctral anolysis, Rc.11 coefticlott, magnetic field, Fell erS, inTuritY, atom, local distortion 'ABST?Ar,-: This is a continuation of previous -.,or]. on Ge a-21D-1roj -,,ith Gi Icy 0. A. Golikova, B. Y&. 17o, 62). In ~'~ z yzhes, and fi. G. Grlo-7 (FITI, 4, 3482 , 19 he present study the Hall coeffficient was measured in a rn!!Gnstic ficild of 20 COO carsteds, Formi"tinc the authors to obtain reasured vrlues of Eall erT ;.,it tho hic-hast concen- trotions (~~reator thian 1020 cri-3) on 4F.0 order of several teno of r-7 in a sarmle about 1 m= 'Uhick and rith currents of 1-2 vr-,p ~",L-oiij,7h.thc sarple. Yeesui-emenis were made in the termerature range 77-KON. 5he robilitiea w" ~o'-as ill saq-11eB allved vPith Al throwhout the entire temerr-ture Pnd st concert.-ations :from 101 to 2021 CmL3, ngrcio YIth robilitior, ci~ttdned proviously oil sarples, allove.1 with Ga, within 105 or less (values on Grn alloy taken from :pq4-3r ~-.itad IbOY4. The robilit*eS 01 MICS in s8mples alloyed with in proved to be less tbat- in samples Card 1 2 L 17109-63 ACCEISSIGI IM: ~F'3003287 alloyed with Ga and Al. At concentrations greater thpn 1OX c!'11-3 the Hall ccnur.- .Lrption was observed to exceed the Al concentratioii As detvridned 'U.Y spectral A, - --nalysis. "The authors thank V. S. Zer-91-ov and A. D. Bola. furnishing samples and B. Ya. end L. S. still bans Fo-rinteres-' in -~~e iork and for v--lunble cou sel. 11 Crig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 t,,~ble. ASSIOCIATIG': institut roluurovcdaikov ~~i SSSR, Leningrad Qi)etitute Ofsecdconduc- tors, Lcademy of Sciences, SSSR) SUMITTEED: 162eb63 DAME ACP: l5tug6.3 RICL: 00 SUB CODE: PH YO RIT. Sul/: 008 OTHM:- 008 Card 2/2 L 19628-65 S!4'.P(m)/9'WP(t)/E'dP(b0 JD ACCESSION NR: AP4041738 810181164106(4 07~2,202/2204. V0 AUTHORi Golikova, 0. A. TITLE: Effective mass of holes in decienereute gLrina*!mM..,,,:1 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 7, 196st, 2202-2204 TOPIC TAGS: hole conduction, carrier mobility, garlplniium, carrier densilty,.carrier effectiv'e mass :resu ABSTRACT: In order to chec'k on the conclusions of el-rlier its by the author (0. A. Golikova,,B. Ya. Moyzhes, A. :$~i 13til'bans,' FTT v. 3, 3105, 1961; 0. A. Golikova, R. Ya Moyzhes,~~ A. d.,;Orlov,' FTT, v. 4. 3483, 1962,-,0. A. Golikova, A. G. Orlov, AM, .'v; 5, 1908: 0 4rea i q; at 77--; 19631 that the mobility of the holes in germanium, (10iq 43 300K much more rapidly -1than would folldwjrom the. tboory'jiM the '.C!18jj of strong degeneracy and scattering by impurity ioilpi and lattice vibrations, the autbor~calculated the eiffective maslj of t1hp holes Card L 19628-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4041738 'fun elll'f of a ction of their density obtained from data n tlwirma 30 : - -~3' very strongly doped gerinanium specitens (n >10 cm Sq1ch CaLm- lations are also of interest becaus6 the4m are atil!.!~ijo 1?04biished da'ta:on the effective rdass of.holes~in sflrozlqly deig1b#iira6. ~j)t-ger- m s ecimens. It i's shown that,"in the case of viltry bfyi-l Condon-i man:Lu p the predominant' contribution to,01'e. scatte~~:Lll.~ is,:made by the impurity ions. Thd effective mass iii found to ii;icre.hiie: with coq- dentration and to be dependent on the scat~tering pair,,, aj~ 'The values of the mobility calculated at a constant efifell,'tive-vass (M* -,0.,33 mot wbere m( __ mass of free-electron) exc-(-.ed:1:tbe-,6xp!ari- mental values by 2-3 dimes. On the.other hand, :If' :J:~I'ie 6)acentra- tion dependence of m* is taken into. account, the val4os aqree withi~i 15--30% if r = 2. For r = 1 the agreement is poorer, bui:t~here are: grounds for assuming that 1 < r < 2. It is conclude4l that,; in vieiir~ of the correlation between the results for the inobilt~,ty ji.ja4l the tber- mal emf, the concentration dependence of the mobilitle ca.~ tie regard44 as governed by the grow~th of the effecti4e mass of 051p h6los with in- Card 2/5 ~i- JD- 1ACCESSION NRt -AP4046620-1 ~V. AUTHORSs Golikova, 0. 'A.j' Petio~ A."I -3 ITITLE: Electron m0bili4 in j[!!janii~m at t ej~j' -atQ 00-1000xi'D 3069 SOURCE:' Fizika tverdogo telai v 6t: 10~1 i".1641 A tr fmd.Alify, opinj,~ elai'c- TOPIC TAGS t germanium# alec on: a V itron scatteringt cryot4l uttia. "tatj(x~ iABSTRACT: An investigation, at 300"-1000,1,1!/of tb'o~iTfiobilityliin j,4er-w' (n X111 3.0 3, sht* imanium heavily doped vith a.ntjj~ony - i~d Viat !the mobility above the Debye ~empbrature fell as 11~~2 ~ 5 in sharp conflict with the theory~ of,scattek.iYA4 by acoutt-J.16al: 'and tical modes of thelattice vibrdtiow d~ ~: ify-of- o p states mass, determined from ~the:*Oie 1 *er at Z g'h;, t e m-, =10 M, 0 q., t r J. q. ndent ot teAper, Vio tron j1peratures, wad indepe 1g, bajq~~atuxe ~41f~t t~ e, i teivall j1depenclence of the electron mobility wag ~e ca ...... .... I ~372-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4046620 di Itering, the role of which should increase. at'hig, 'OteRp4~thtures. lAbove 800--900*K, twoll~phono6,aaattering ptoc6ss 't- 1y a~,,Iso,~ -active, because the parameter Zbpresefiting the of U-,~ise liprocesses could be regarded as Small ~"at these 1! T~a authors are grateful to B. Ya. k6yzhq~~ and'L. in for t~- ir 'art. iss ~11~ f iqu toiitnl interest in this work.4 or ii-il, Ti as,, land 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprcivodnilcov. AN 668A~~ ~,,,(jEnstit 19f Semicondtictors, AN 88 1 SUBMITTEDs 25Apr64 00 J~SUB CODE: SS 0 W up, .8 V 0 a lV~ 1; 2/2 r-9744--66-Elfr(l)/Blp(e)/E~JT(M)/h-yip(t)&ii!3jlQ rjT(Z.~ "(p(b) IJ Pt C JD ACC M AP5022743 SOURCE CODE: ii)~*1'81/65,1007/009/2860/286'IL2//. V AUTHOR: QQj1jk2_V_4,_Q,_A..; AvZj!jtiqqik A. 1,.; Kjj!as~~i, M. Xo-alovs I ORG: Institute of Semiconductors AN SSSR (Ipstitut polupray*dnikov AN SSSR) _Len~.n- grad Technological Institute im. Len __~.'(teningradskiy toldinologicheskiy inutitut) TITLE: Electrical properties of titanium carbide ~: Y1- SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela Y. 7, no. 9, 1965, 2860-2862 - , ~ I ,, , ~ ~j TOPIC TAGS: eleciric property, titanium compound, carbide, enerj,"j band structure, thermoelectromotive force, Fermi level ABSTRACT: The authors study the electrical properties of titanitai carbide as a func- tion of carbon concentration. The data are used as a basis for an explanation of the energy spectrum and mechanism responsible for scattering of current carriers. The resistivity, thermoelectromotive force and Hall constant ulere measured in specImens of TiC x (x = 0.43-1.0). Powder metallum methods were used for producing the speci- mens. Curves are givei. for resistivi~YVi~ptbermoelectrcmotive force as functions of temperature in the 300-15000K range for various values of :c. Hall concentrat ions, defect concentrations, mobilities and effective masses are tabulated for various car- bon concentrations. It was found that the effective mass decivases with an increase 1/2 ACC NRi AP5022743 in concentration. It is assumed that the Ti-C bond is basic In stoichlometric TIC and that the Ti-Ti bond is strongly screened. The Ti-Ti bond becomes more and more important as the carbon content in the compound is increased. The stronger this bond becomes, the wider the conduction band and the greater the deNiation from semi- conductor properties. The rapid increase in thermoelectromotive force at high tem- peratures is explained by assuming that the "metal" conduction band overlaps the higher conduction band of stoichiametric titanium carbide. At high temperatures, the Fermi level falls into the higher band and thermoelectromotiva force begins to In- crease more rapidly. This hypothesis is confirmed by a(T) cinvires. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, I table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 14Apr6S/ ORIG RM 003/ MH REF: 002 Card 2 L 15736-66 EW(l) ;ACC NR: AP6000898 SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/(.,,-)/00'(/012/3698/3TOO 'AUTHORS: Golikova,.O. A * Av ustinnik, A. I.; K1,1mashtn, G. M.. ;Kozlovsi~iy, L. V.; Ordanlyan, S. S.; Onetkova, V. A. ORG: Institute of Sem1conductovsj AN SSSR, Leningral 111,91"Itut lpoluprovodnikov AN SSSR) ot' the ~Vgmiltlon metals of' TITLE: Electric properties of -gaIjbidet, group IV SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 12, 1965, 31598-31'0O ~TOPIC TAGS: titanium compound, zircorilum carbide, hafnium compound, 1 carbide, thermal emf, Hall constant,. resistivity, tvansition element VABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to compare the elec- itric properties (thermal emf, resistivity, Hall conSbant) of TIC, ZrC~ HfC as funct-177n-s of the composition in the temperature interval NO -- 1500K. The data on TIC were taken from an earlier investigation i ~by the authors (FTT v. 7, 286o, 1965). The ZrC and HfC were prepared 1by the same technology as the TIC. The plots of all the measured Card 1/2 2- L 15736-66 ~ACC NR: AP6000898 iquantities against the carbon concentration are appi,aximately the 1same for all three carbides. 71-ils demon,~,trate.,,, that the scatterlnE, I mechanism and energy spectrum of the carriers are the same- in all the! ~compounds- An unexpected result Is the fact that the effective mawes of the three carbides are equal, since their latticeo have different Ilattice constants and the participating electrons came from different !shells. From the fact that the ratio of the distances between the imetal and carbide atoms (R) and the radii of the metallic atoms (r) i ;is also constant for all carbides, it is concluded that the orbitals of the metal atoms overlap equally, This explains the equality of the effective masses. The carrier scattering mechanism Is briefly discussed. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, I formula, and I table. SUB CODE., 07 SUBM DATE: 23Jul65/ ORIG REF: 0011/ OTH REF.- 00_3/ Card 2/2 ~:- - ( 1) /7 - I, ) I C T 2 -~ I ' z1 - 6,C) /- ~ , ', L ~-CC NR: AP6006037 SOURCE CODEt UR/0N1/66/00E!/002/0500/0- 506. AUTHOR: Golikova. 0. A.; I.ordanishvili, Ye. K.; Petrov, A. V. ORG: Institute of SemiconductorsjAN SSSR, Leningrad (Institut polup-.rovodnikov AN SSSR) :TITLE: Electrical properties of solid solutions in the-Si-Ce system ':SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 2, 1966, 500-506 ~TOPIC TAGS: solid solution, germaniun, silicon, current carrier, conduction band, 'semiconductor band structure , electric property 1ABSTRACT: Experimental data are given an the electrical properties of heavily dop- :ed specimens of solid solutions containing 5-30 at I Ge in p-silicon and 15-30 at % Ge in n-silicon at temperatures from 100 to 11000K with particular regard to the mechanism responsible for scattering of current carriers by lattico vibrations at ihigh temperatures (above 4000K), by ion impurities for the c.:ise Cr- d--!ep alloyi..!g and by nonhomogenelties In tile solid solution. The authors li-scuss data on the energy spectrum of holes and electrons at h-111h energiev pzyjdticed by two Indepondent 11'ard 1/2 L M~,4-66 ACC NR: AP6006837 ~methods: increasing the temperature and filling the bands (deep allaying). Curves I :,are given for thermcelectromotive force as a function of current carrier ccrncentra- in silicon-germanium solid solutions of both conductivitY typu~,, Graphs are !also given showing hole and electron mobility as functions of carrier, concentration ]for various solid solutions. The resultant data are used for calculating the ef- Ifective mass of the density of electron states. It is found that the Pffective mass !'for the density of states in solid solutions of germanium in :3ilicon is comparable I .to that observed in pure silicon and increases with temperature. This indicates ~that the parameters of the conduction band in solid solutions with a composition ,close to that of silicon remain the same as in pure silicon. 1'rom this , it may be ;concluded that the amplification effect in Si-Ge solid solutions is emtremely ;small., ,We are sincerely grateful to V. S. Zemskiy, Y. V. Rozhdestvenakaya and R. S. Yero- ,feyev for furnishing the specimens and to B. Ya. Moyzhes. for participating in dis- ;cussion of the work. Orig. art. has: 5 T =o rmulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 16Apr65/ ORIG REr: aw XH REr: ol.5 2/2 ACC -/0241P Aly,027151 jMCE' COD:~l Ui/0000/65/0010/000/024.1 AUTHORt AvGi~p~Lnlkj_ A. 1.; G-olikovaj_q. A. ; K11mashin, G. M.; Kozlov!iki L. V. Noshpor, V. S. ORG: none TIME: Dependence of certain oloctrophysical properties of titanium nonocarbide on the carbon content SCURCE: AN SSSR. Otdoloniyo obshchoy I toldinicheskoy khimii. I3slodovaziiya v obl2sti khimii silikatov I okislov (Studios in tho field of chomistrf or silicates And oxido3c).; Loscoir, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 241-244 TUIC TAGS: titaniiLm compound, carblc-la, liall constant, Hall mobility, conrluction i electron, resistivity, carbon A3,STiVXT; The dependence of tho resistivity C , thernal emf a and Hall. constant R of tit;Lnium vionocarbides on the carbon contenL Was studLer! In tho -region of hoii-iogenoity on samples prepared fron po~-rdored Ti and acetyleno black at 1750'. 4111 tho Showed a negative 1LL11 con3tant, indicatinq an n-typo conductivity; the absolute value of R decreases rgpidly with docreasinr:, carbon content, indicating an increaso in the concentration of free conduction electrons. The abmolute dil"arential. thl~rmal enif also decreases with dtiinishing carbon conLent. nia resistivity docreases with da- iroasing carbon content in monoczx"uitle phas,,)E: T~Cx, thU3 beirq in accord vitli t"at in- Cord 1/2 L '~629,5-6-, ACC NRi J,TAi1!/-JM- G 0/0000/65/000/000/02(4/0250 a6v?152 6 OU "~ CC C D Z' ALTHOR kigustu&.-, A. I.; Goliko 0. A.; IaLriavhinp. 3. el'. Kozlovskiyg L. V. ORG: none TITLE1 Effect of oxygen on certain proporties of titanitun carbide SCURCE' AN S33R. Otdeleniye obshchoy i tolkhnichnslkoy khirdA. issledovaniya ~ o1olasti khimii silikatov i okislov (Studios in the fiold of chemis-tr:~r of silicates and oxido4.' 1~oscoif, Izd-vo NaWca, 1965, 2441-250 TOPIC TAGSt titanium compound, carbido, oxyGon imurity ;G.5T1'tr,T: In a study of alloys of the TiG-Tic~Ti syste'll, structurald-ta show-d that the conta.-.driation of TiC, idth o%.~,,?on causes a docreaso in tho size of the unit cell, this Gffect boin~ more "ronouncod-tho closor tho cwipol;ition is to tho fj"Gichio-71 P iov accowits 10r rietric zroiDortion of TiCx. T)As idong w~tln thL- Influonce of vacarl" the -roat scatter of results obtained by uthors It-, t'heir study Of thFj paranater of TUC1.0. 'Llie moltinp. point, ,,nd of titan-1uni carbide cantaxii- nated -with oxyCen docroase with incro~,sl. t-, W' An I. 'he L.Atice, inl t 0 lessor dt)L-Iroo dopon(I on the k1nd of A:; tho oxyj;,,r)i1 -,~ontont risn:j, tho doeroaso3 at fIrst, Ui,~n to incroiiso bocxuse of incro~,Slng ionic, bond character. The electron cone c;n'~--at, !,on ~-,t Litt ium carb!.&-i containing sone o-.Vj1on is influenced by two offectst whon tllv3 or %,a.c2..,ioLos Ln the metanoid I Cod 1/2 L W`29~-"~- ACC NR: ATC,027152 sublattice (J. a., the number of conduction oloctronZ) i.,; small, the current ca.rriar concentration grows, since oxygen atoms ~,iva up to ttlhp conduction band their excess electrons relative to carbon. 'Mhen the number of vacancior, in the matalloid sublat- tice is large, the oxygen atons do not lgillro up thoir alectrons, and oxygen in its ra- action with titanium ties up the titani~ui electrons, causing, a, drop in the carrier concentration. Titanitri carbide containin.- an OVjrOn a(3Vd.Xt11rO S11CW!; a Metallic t'11:1- (, raturo dopendunco of the resistivity arid Lhenwl omf. !lit) mobility of eloctrons at p T = const drops with their Increasino, concentration and is r!ilativoly insensitive to the concentration of defects in the metalloid sublattice. 7he oradoininant, scattering mechanism appears to invol" scattering by lattice vibrations,, and the energy depend- ence of the relaxation time is close to that observed In semi.conductors. Orig. art., hass 13 figures. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 09Apr65/ OKG 1UFt 009/ CrH RE-Ft 0403 -Card 2/2 L OL,'676-67 Aw~'.'.- -2,1A ' I SOURCE CODE: 5 WCC IN R: AUTNOR: ~~tinik, A. I.; Goli~ova. ().. A..;_ Klimas I in G'M V. S.- - -- - I- Ordan'yan, S. S.; ~rletkova' V~ A. ORG: Leningrad Institute of Technology i-ITI. Lensovet te~khnologicheskiy TITLE: Dependence of certain electro- and ther-inophysicaj proper-c~es of zirconills ~monocarbide on the carbon content within the range, of homogerjoity ~SOURCE: All SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 8, 1966, 1439-1443 ,I I ITOPIC TAGS: zirconium carbide, solid mechanical property, saLid physical property, :electric conductivity, thermal emf, Hall coefficient ABSTRACT: The dependence of electrical resistivity,~ at'solute therm.Eil emf, Hall coed ficient, and thermal conductivity of zirconiuni moriocarbide was studied for 36-48 atom % :C contents in the carbide. The zirconium, carbide samples were prepared by fusing high 1purity zirconium and carbon at 18000C in vac"10 followed by sintering at 22001C. The !,properties, compositions, and lattice pa amete ~i~ .101' VEIrLOUS zirconium samples are 1graphed and tabulated. It was found that free electrons act as current carriers within :zirconium carbide. The electrical resistivity, the thermal emf, and the Hall coeffi- 'clent were found to decline and the tlieiiiial co-,lductivity wlis found to increase with L 06576-67 ACC NR-. AP6029818 ,declining contents of the combinfd carion in zircuriiiiiii monoc,irbidi!. This phenom~!na ~Lited to the relex3e (if I pot,tiolt of the zir,conium elec-trons From the localized metal-carbon bonds. The specific resistivity and absolute thermal emf were found to ~increase linearly with increasIng temperature. The slope of these lines was found to Idecrease with decreasing carbon content in zirconium carbonate.. 77iis phenomenon is !apparently due to the decline in the effective mass of the conduction electrons. Orig.: iart. has: 2 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 11~ZCYSUBM DATE: 060ct6S/ ORIG REF: 0113/ 01,11 RIT: 015 Cord 2 R Abs~ Jo'-jr. R F T 4 r 1 or, I C, I 1 1 ;.1 AL s t rac-,~ Abs 1., c a, ra c Card 31'j -68 -- 10MIOH: Kra."11'shchlkov, L.D., ~Wllkova, 0.1. )and lllovoil'elltsev, ye. P. TITLE: Photoelectric Measurements of Relative ~',Pectral Coefficients of Brightness (F~otoelektricheskiye Inierezil',a spektrall- nykh otnositel'nykh koeffitsiyentov ya'-r,kosti) PERIODICAL: Trudy Glavnoy geofizicheslcoy observatorl.1 1957, Nr '08, pp. 152-163 t t "BSTRACT: Photographic spectrometry Is gradwally being replaced b pbotoelectric spectrometry. Tile article discusses results of determining the brightness coefficient of brick, sla~le, and various paints and describes a number of photoelectric apparatus used for this purpose. The article mentions Ye. L. Frinov. There are 14 diagrams and 4 tables, two of them in the appendix. Of 13 references, 10 area USSR. AV~kILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 MR/ Physical ChsMistry Crystals Abs Jour Pef~rat Zhur Knimiya, No 4, 1957, 11000 Author Tolstoy N.A Kolomiyets B.T., Golikova O_J~, Tsentner M.Ya. Title Photoconducti~ity amd Luminescence of Polycrystalline CdB(Cu) Orig Pub Zb. eksp~rlm i t~-or fizilci, 1956, 30, No 3, 575-570" Abstract In the case -.f p-Dlycrystalline samples of CdS-Cu (lo-6 - 5 .10-4 ~/g)vere inlrestigated dapendence of stationary photoconductivities and luminosi- B-5 ty of glow on intensity of exciting light E (Hg-lines 365, 54,6 and 578 m .A' ), and el.;c th,~ ratios of surface areas below the cuzn,es of photocon- ductivity rir~- and drop, and below the curves of increase and attenuation of the glov Tne conclusion is reached that results axe conflicting irith any recombination scheme of the glov and are in accord with the theory of a 2-step mechanism of excitation (Loshkairev V.Ye.,, Fedorun G.A., Izv. AN SSSF, S~-j. fiz,, 1952, 16 81; RZhKhi-m, 19505, 64335), Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Gayilva~aya, -22/22 TITLE: Conference of YounK gjj~;M jE olt by L.,_k Observatory imeni A. 1. VoZeykov (Konferentsiya molodykh 3pet5lali~;tov ~1!,vno,j t;-_,ofizicheskoy ob3ervatorii im. A. 1. Voyt_,ykova) PERIODICAL: Meteorolo.-iya i Gidroloeiya, 1958, Nr 2, j-.. 61-61 (USSR) th - th, - ABSTRACT: This conference took place froin Onzober 28 29 1957; assistants of the LeninKrad University, cf the Arctic Scientific Research Ins*itute, of the All-Soviet Institute for Plant Breeding and others took Dart in it. Lectures ivere held by young scientists of tha confLrence. It. S. Grigorlyevals lecture on llth,~,, Hllorizont~~l Synchronizing Pulse in the Atmosphere" dealt with the computatioq of the atmospheric coefficient on various ioo'-jnr 9urfaces ffith re- ference to the air current. L. P. Spirinals lecture dealt with the forecasts of the monthly temperature anomalies with zefere=,e, -to the inertia laws. 11, k. Timofeyey reported on th-_~ calculations of show Ca; melting. On the strength of the known laws by Prandtl and of Card 1/1 the stage law by D,~ L~ Laykht:;ian, a formula for the -Urlz a d by ~rl O_UZU~_; ~Jav.j,e Cl. ; C, ' 7 T 1- . red . Z (X,1017'1-11(~A, F.,Ya, red.; -,G..(,ZGVA, G.S,, re'd.; red,; f; D. red. ;MCRTSOV, % -r- of 'uL; work '3 6,3 '~t'I`A 15:7) vincde- USSR/Radio - Television Receivers SeP 50 Miniature Tubes "Tuned RF Television Receiver," L Colikovsk-ly "Radio" No 9, pp 48-52 Recommends for radio amateurs witbin 10-L5 im of television center, tuned rf picture receiver. This 3-V-1 type receiver has 3 hf amplificazicri stages, using three 6AZh5 LTAJ'17 miniature tubes for rf amplification, 6X6 diode detect,:jr, and 6AG7 pentode picture amplifier. Schevitic diagrams and details of construction and ad- justment. 4w i7AT98 PA 171T98 GOLIKOVSKIY, I.. Moscow. Use of the output transformor of the *Leningrad T-20 telovialon act in televinion generators. Radio rio-7:56 ii 15), W-RA 6.?) (Television-Receivern and receprion) 111 0 0 * a a 19 a v MI a o o 0 0 GOO 0 00 041 ;5 ;l ;7 A N t: I l, 1.v )1 42 11 di elf f i A 'A 00 t' Ptopet I S,P,rir~ ... ji'd".4cm (I 00 * re I i, A J ............. Mar. 1949. P. -_--wi , 40 1) . ... Oll't, Jurl,tg , 410 r . .. . 1, p 11"1 1, 1, 00 1-t -410 4p 0 Ao 0 zip 0 0o "Go JOS, 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 ~ 7 - - ~ Y.- .. I ~ .. ~1%. , y , . -. . I', ,, Et r, L (: IL L txrz' Cables of Zi.Kh Boo!,. 106vintsevaniye Kalu,~i~!,i' DC En ~7rs D. L Viewers) Elektrich--~ot.vo, No Reviewer call's and Ma~-iteretli: book (13~ pp, a book for tecIuiology t~ )r., bi;t. i.D',es defects, ln-ludinE ii i -1; c. c, v 01' lea-I sheathin~,r of commuxii~ations F-r;,j sulate.d. cables F-Rq back of t(-2 ec,,;,iomy of ~Ilec power I-E presbing (5r~~Oil.ions 20PT~d, GOLIN, Ya.l. First Conference of surgeons of the Dagheetan A, ~; S R. Z,i:-a-I Rog. Feder. 3 no.1:44-46 Ja '59~ (.141RA 12 :2) 1. KorreSDondant zhurmla "Zdr!ivookhranemjV,i Houslyskoy Yatler.--tsLi.l (SUR(, hTy- -CON("Rr:S SES ) ,GOLIN, Ya.I. Third olenwm of the Dughoetan Province Committe of t"19 M6dical Trade Union. Zdrav.Roa Fader. 3 no.1:46 Ja '59 - (HIRA 12:2) 1. Korrospondont zhurnala "Zdravookhraneniye RofmLys'coy Federatsii." (DAGRESTIAN-MEDICAL PKRS0711"EL) GuLI'i, Ya.L G(,nucal lncidonctD of dioeaju (accol-11111tc lo cail'a oll upplica- t L I Id-)u for iaedlcal. care) among.- -,.'ho population of a mo~ in-tuin rocion in tlac DaZlhestan A~S.S.H. Zdrav,!~os~Fed4ir, 7 ro.7z 16:9) 1~ Zwwotiteil :u-nistra zdraiao!~Rvanoiiiya Darlelitanskuy ASSIL DZIIAVALX-V, "L.A.; GCILRA, I.N. Oil recovery from water-free an(4 watered oil vells in the 1, Sub-Niriptaki series of 'lie Khorasany and Rwiany a-cas :Ln fields of the Oil Field AiLministration of the Leni-n Petroleum Trust. Azerb. neft. k-hoz. 40 T10.1:28-30 Ja 161. (11112 -14:8) (Clil res,r,x--ir engineering) S ./o C/t~, -I /C)(-)(:,/o0 AUTHORS: Go: ina, Yu. I, , Kaslitanova, A ~M- , Maksirriova ~ G, V ~ and 6;.anavi, G.l. (Decease~fl TITLE: Producing sin,cJo crv6tals ()f zitronlium-tit,vi,tte .tnd some data on thoJr dielec tr:tc. pt-op,.-rties PERIODICAL: Kristalloi~rafiya, Vol,0, No.-), TEXT: In othi~r- work the aUth(jr~s dea] 1,1L11 t1,.(! reslAlts of Lests on growing single cryz~tals of SjTiO- by the v:etl~od of Vernellil from a charge produced by of TiO,.)(r) all-i SrCO , The obtained sing le were (-,iijalletj 0.00~ to 0~0006, L,,.,. patternz~ t,iken after annealinu, 1',-r 21-.' hours -I t, t I(, t max ~ 12000C with subsequent slow conLing indicatr- presence of' tension and twining.. More per-fect cry!;tal.~, t, o r t, grown from charges produced W. the. o-x,i.kxtt-, method- In I It I Piper the method of preparing such charges and ganie dat,i on thl! electric properties of the produced siri,vie- crystals cire li% e,i T h e preparation of SvTi0 f r () M s t [- (, I " I i I Ii (" X, I I a t f, a I I (1 1. i t t follows. T h v s a t i i r ~ t o d ~1 o I i i t i ) t i , ~ , I j s I j I I o d 'T i C ~ 4 IY111 "d by gradual addi tion of the lal.tei t() wator . It ttas #~):;)f I if -.11ti"ll, Card 1/6 Producing sin,vIv crystlis (-)t 3/070/6 1100t, I (1 0 /Ot: 1) E07 YE~, -, -) established ihazz satitrat i,)ri .,I, reaclied Oxnaboill. rll added to lUO tit] .)I I,atvc, '111 C ,- (. ()Ili I'llt I"tt 101, -1 solution was I(- t by prec i p I ta t I lig Ll. t.1111k I; subsequent wej Iiir,,. iti the f,)rm of' TiO 2' 'fheii, a it I j o 1.1 f 6rCl wa !5 pr c p~i I t d an d 1~o t It so I it t i,) it .5 we r- it, I x I- I 1 1! 1, 1 11: , i A d 2 - , mix ture wa ~5 potir ( d i it to t 1) re p.-I r od L 00') so I u t I o,~ f : I,) ,, I o j, i )rll oxalate, For n e it t r i I i z,i iig t It e fo ri,i i it, ox i (I e i i;!i ~ldded until it smell could be det#-cte-;4 Tilt' double salt nf Sr aiid TJ oxalote i,itshod in wai ey to c, ~.,(,vL chlorine, dried irid tintered at 4.5o'C lot on,, htmt' so as to obtain SrTiO After :~inteiin~, the !Pnt, ~et %,as c(-u~divd i.11 it porcelain mortaVto 9 ti c 11. a - L '. o I I''I I i 13 1 -,Iloilici r,-, 1 1-1-11 ~ i Sit-ke t;j th 1000 hole.9 per c It Si ri~- I e cr to 1 s of bi-Ti 0 W01- 1 accor(li liv, ~ to the Vernetii-I Ti!cthod 1ri ei t Ll r n r, T 10 rc, Is .it,-. silit rods, ihicl: are 11~-i ~tii Supt ,~rt~ . easil.: f,I :i lbre c 1, lid ~r as a result of which the b,-i6e -t the (_rystill soft 0 prevent this , the 1,o,,,e of I It,. , ont, ii I tilt- c!',irclo sl,i)lil ! b,- located in a z,or_e viti, -liffii. ie-itt,, I r,,. t I tit , r I. e s t ab 1 j sh e d e x p P r i m e r i t c I 1 -1 t it - 1 1 t h " I ~ :: r :, o n e Z~ 1-1 o k I I it t tit,. t, a distance of 3 cri, ft oit , t t1ii I f C . - jp orl! ntion ct a Card 2/6 Producing single -rystals (,I' E073/E~)'~5 drop on it (t~~' 2000':C), thorefor~l, prioz to drori forritation, the charge colle waE 3 cm hl-,Ol~ 1 11 1k n u m 1) e r o f experiments bases were used wl-lich wtir,e nia,lle of pr-4:.~ssed Si-Tio3 powder sintered at 1400'C,, Thi- cry.,itiils werk. !j-(,wn without germinations it t an average -4peed of 10 tO 50 111111/hoLir, Th e f I a ni e conditions var-it!(.1 from it i-educing otie to all o\1ding onk-, Under oxiding conditions, hritAit transpatent crysti-11S *-;Q 1111TI long with a diameter of over 5 mill were produced,, rhe reflection index determined by the imiliersion methad equalled 2,39. According to spectrum analysis, the contents of the admixtures did not exceed the following values in %; INIg - U 006 , 6i - 0 000. Al - 0.01 fee - O,UO3 The pl-odu~-ed single ~-rystal:s wece arineated to remove ) X I ITIM WC-7'0 CUt perpendicular- internal stresses, Then, S-I]CeS 1) X ' ly to the axis of growtli Silver- electrodes wece burtir-i-d on after the coherence of the surface had been CheCked b'T ~l MiCrOf3cope, The dielectric constant varied betwe-A 315 and 320 arld Wits independent of frer;uency, At sonic frequencies Lgr 0 did not exceed 0,004, shows the deperidence. of E and tg 6 on the teitiperatitre f() r St- Ti 0-i i it g I e ( r 1; ~i i Iit t t 11 ft f, q i i t- it 4: i e s 200 C , 1) , s, 1 and 5 k-c/s for the Jalvle'!, d,~rioted L', 1. 2, iiiid I , 2' , '5* in Card 3/6 Prodocing singlt! crystiiI.;3 of S/070/(,1/Oo(-,/oO3/0(.)9/oO() E073/E535 the plot At tempera tuc ~.s bel,,w -$ 7"K a ~harv i rt,: cea!,e Ln E: 'Vicl!i observed, It) 111.~ rari~~e to !I `C kb,~Vv T11" i I (',I[ i d 11"! 111111 tellipera- t Ll r0 E r ('111 a I 11!~ 1) r'l ( t i (- a reachil'.Z 'N )f, 11)out 1.9 000, The teniptjrature deperidence ot. t7!. 0 is by a very pronounced maximum ~at T - L-)"K), tilt, 1)~)sitioii ,J' O)lch is practically independent of 11'requollcy In tile temj.~(!ratuie range 48 to 98-K a second, wf-ak maximum wa!~ ()1)8(: --rved for t ',,, 6, 111tiQ11 shifts towards higher tompoiatures wlili freqllerlc~- Investigation of' thu li~,st t~re~si:~ wi-ot 2")-1. 77, 4~2 cK, ho hysteresis loops were detected at. room tewper~,~tui-e ond liquid ni tro gen t empera t klr e , Tile 111~lx11,,11ll1i potelltl-,.il ~~l tile (~.IeLtric field in these cases Oid not exceed 30 kV/~-m Th e result!; obtainc-d at liquid helium temperature are piutte,i in Ft ' .2 k z t-a (. h I - E ~ I k V/,2m graph 2 - E kV/c ni, gr aph 3 - E kV/,: Iiii'' th'lt, at this temperattire, tile hysteresis 1()0f) j..-i very iiaj-i OW wl thout a pronounced saturation, vue to hr,~akdown of tht- inv,:!~tigrated specimens, the authors werf~ unable to observ,~~ L, Lzt~xrc--Sis loops at higher field strengths- Work j s 1.11 0111,- L,lati-ny tilt, -influence of the puri ty of single (I oil Tlieir dielec-tric Card 4/6 propertic s a n (4, t h o r! f- T- n ('I e ii c e o a d (~Jt i on.~ T I I er Z,. r u, r c ASSCCL.WIC"~-: SUENTTTED Z 1*,3 C.Ard, 5/6 ;SOURM: Nukleonika, v. 10, no. 2, 1965'o 193-130 iT*o'PIC TACS: stronium, isotopes radioactive coatAmdnatlon, radio4otiva* i bn'out tum-loift boiona 6f stmes 69i ABSTUCT: The concentratiort of stront tve& fri varl(= i places and several years was iuve.stipted. Pietao ou~orn~ w~rie! ~Ltmq i d were prepared from ash. The activity:oflhos~ op~lamdm 1(dry ~Oj,: iUq Iwas vas foua~ 't z ~tW I sured by use of several counters. It d thst~+,bm c6acen 11 tN otroiltliu 90 In horns grows with time. This can', ~e taken a Okitexliki of grD"I tion by fallout. Orig. art. has 2 Ublim, and: ASSOWTICK: Wojokon Akademla ftWmic-inst NOW (Wil 4; 00 SmKr=: 24APr6k NO REP ON 1. 000 Oma I Wh 17 GOLINWO, A.V., inshener. Increa.9e the efficiency of excavator machinery. Gor.lrhoz.Mosk. 25 no-10:35- 37 0 '51. (MI-Rl 6:11) (Ucavating machineiry) GOLINENK0. A.V., lnzh. Motor cranes for builling and Rseembling operations, Mckh. strol. 17 no.6:B-12 Je ,6o. (KIRA 11-6) (cranes. J--rricks, atc.) KAMENSKIY, M.D.; GOLOM, M.V., rodaktor; WRODINA, A.A., te,ch-ilchoukiy redal-tor. [Blectric systems] Elektriche8kie sistemy. Izd. 2-in, pe:zar. I dop. Leningrad, Gos. energeticheskoe izd--vo, 1952. 21v9 p,[.1botostat*I (Electric networks) (MLEA 8 ~ 2 ) T ITL E A 11 U, s i e:. t c 2 t t i i,- of Tov;.-,s ~-,nd Di ri of ti.": i'~ t z; 1, t-onov SS51 iMIODNAL: A 1 ~S T R C T u D _i ec , 'D 0 o C t E tu j r v,- i t I t~~- 1-.:7 tAtil-to of En~-.4:lu er -'n AS Tr S 'S R in L e:-. n, an (I. lon cities the ~)f (:0 f "I ~o S " it i -)r L7 of t he ...... -4c e to olf t:~o USSP -r, ! t-. o -)f 0~ t',:o t 0v o 1 e c, I:,,, lit o - of t'le 1 S in- Otit-It 7, t f e "S- -.I- co :L "L 1 F t t C 11 :)f ~Iil.isterj All Union o!. t~'r~ Elect,-ific--tio:, of To-.;:..'; m,'I 16::-~I -)f f.- flc;~ lion of t"-~ Cou:."r~"" r t e d Or I t'I -, k ~ I L I L) w'-, x-~t the Tc- 10- 0", t'-:~ .9 of th~~ r e r eye! olpment f 'Ie f ~'2 -,j S S 0 D 0- i:jee- . j I e,.rS): ~oaer en. - (:,'i.-'.Istry of Eiec-~-ic, I 1;'.V'r or. tl-.e 'u:'.ctio:~s of t',-.0 :I-ii.-I~strd- -it t'-~l ti.'~, Lfter of the in- I. to'! on t h'' k! 1 1 'T c' t :1 -ifn r'-: - e 1" 1 3 (" o 1 o Ii i e 0 of t*,-,c, 11SHR, Ye 0,31-,Levn-~'-.I'm: E~" Econo-iics In- st-it'-zte (!'0'-I'Ovs'r:iY -c -1ral prol;lc:is lie elacti'3.c , I ~1: :I I ~1~ 07 t. cul~-ply of t'~e citio-, G V e t 0 v cle'