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GOLI::, A.Z. [Holyk, O.Z.1; SHIMISKIY, Yu.1. [Shymanq'k7i, 1U.1.); KOHYCHUK,N.M. -- --- - I c h-a V, If . M. I Compressibility of Isoviscoun iubstances[with swInary in English] Ukr.fiz.zhur. I no-4:537.--541 Jl-AP, 158. ('11RA 11:12) 1. Kiyovskiy gosudaratvennyy univeraltot. (Compressibility) GOLIK, A.Z.; KOGHARITM, TI.F. Ph7sical properties ard stri,ctttre of normal alcc-ho-- 3olutio.-113 in acotone. Ukr. khim. i.,hur. 24 no.1:29-32 ' 58. 01IRA 11:4) l.KiyevsIdy gosudarstvennyv universitet im. T.G. Shevchenko. (Alcohols ) (Ace tone ) (Solut4on (Cheriistry)) KOTC',RT,F,ITFO, L.A.; GOLIK, A.Z.; KOVY3,RISTAYA, A.S. Viscosity and electric condiif~tivitv of chlol-idp. 3olutione in alcohols. Ukr.khin.zhur. 24 no-5:61F-6~~5 I 5B. W111 1211) 1. Kiynvsi:iy gnsudar,~?tvenryy univprsitet Inani T.G. Sbavcbenko. (Lithium chloride) (Soluticn (Chomistry)) GOLIK, A.Z. ; SOLOMKO, V.P. Investigation of the physical propertion of the vniter - acetone - alcohol system. Pa-t 1: Water - acotonn-othanol s,.,roten. Ukr.khiri.zhur. 24 no.6:731~-7L~() 15fl. (MIRjX 12:1--) 1. Kiyf4vBkjy gosudaritvpnnyy universitnt im. T.G. Shvvellenko. (Acetone) (Ethyl alcohol) (Systems 011,~Mistrv)) GOLIK, A.Z. [11ol7k, O.Z. Viscosity and elmotrical conductivity of vinc Pnd cadriun amalp,~ ms. Part 2. I~kr.fiz.zhur. 4 rio.4:101-lot') Tl-.Ar '59. OTRA 13: 4) 1. Kiy(,vskiy gop-dArstvannyy universitet im. (Amalgnms) (Zinc) (C,I~tlium) GOLIK, A,Z. (Holyk, U,Z,,]; SHIA~Nj~~AYA, Ye,T. Inv eo tig a ilio a 3 ' -~he c:- 17-1 , ~41 -- 4.a --e Of ~LL I, Cot: 'by I ~" ET-1 (;,' , 5 method, Palt 2, ciept:rxlence 31' the dannity of ho,',=c mear the critical ..),jint. Uki-,fiz,zhur. 1, rio,0.769-7118 159, (Allul 1. Kiyevsk-iy illosud~Lrstvennyy univerilit,'L im. I (flexane-Ther=2 pro1wrties) GOLIK, A.Z.; SOWMKO, V.P. Investigation of thp T)hysicql proprartieo of the s,,rztpm wnter- acetone-alcohols. Pnrt 2: Systern wnter-aCOtOnebutanol. U~-T. khim.zhur. ?5 no.1:40-44 159. (yLqA 1p-4) 1. Kiyevgkiy gosudpri;tren-q5, univprsitet im. T.G. Shu7chenko. (w.qter) (Acetone) (Butirl alcohol) ch. lniy- p la'! U i .:1 olutic.;" L) C o 1, 07. V. 3 tol' Of i h L li c,-i o o E. S. S. G. Til&;:ov_n. I!,-, ColleCtiol 0;~ 3z'"iC103 1!3 fC-- concerned ',,lth C~--!.Ulz;try, play3les, and h~.-at Card 1/9 11 0-, J 7 ~-~On n It y ~Of 0 1 C'E :-!',y ill-11VILiUal Cr ~lc It! 5 :~,j. T., Q. Allbe:,ov (l' fizill, flilal A:; of Dranch, AZ ?ropevt.,~o of .".attr at Critical Tc~.~,pt!val;uro car.-I 219 32 Of 37 -,I Id Tn3tt t,."to o0 I nd u L; t 17- of and Oa u2 Solu- In the C:,-'-~Ical lltellon .45 I. R., and Yu. V. T3eldian.,lkaya [Laboratoi-j -:a~ 4/9 Li j t; 3,,- ry C)f t' I :7, 7.nd L 7 - I~~ 1" ,1: C~ ry -; ' L- of :11%, r of L-' ;Iolu-~ -'On 0 T7 V. anal, Ya. --f2d~,a C-, rd c J'l ll'i i,) 7. c -:-.ic at con'.3 93 7 -':ii" il-. titut 32,~,,'Lry E~Zlr.,7 ~., r in C u th'D Diffu-'lon i:,-L CritIcal Stratificaticin, 102 Ca rd 619 C Ic 1 C:~ I a a z z t ~l o i ut; L" 7: C) t1a, Llo~l j I ~l C, I uLo;l,: hy y ln,~ '. 11, . tS, rova -1;,a i'j -%;JCO, UrAll '01", '~'!C I:,'C lt.llt 17 :r-- .3. of 0- t~ Critical Poin ; a-,iu fl.:ill~fcl, :1 117 V. and Yu. 3. Koln~~]:Gv I,Labo2.-tory 01, L 31 cz, Ural Polyteclni~ o*;, !;:, 11. 1 slzl~, Laborv,~or-,-, Ural in CErbbon Dloxddo along l'i7c- and Po3t-Crltl(~al 126 1~ -,.~mov B. A. (InGtitut ilefto-,~IiL-AcheBkcgo 6inteza 7Z9 C r i t i c -- 1 :1 1 CV, a 3, n Gculo-,, 3 AS U7s, 0-1,,~--rvatl on:; In '37 7. K. Z. , ~.nd V. .. :lt -ezmin~; t~ik- I zrt I, :,i c,,-. ID fCucr~ 11 r. a t lcn b,I11,14,11 13 7 7 11-]t Cor2cla-,Ion AnT yc..!! Of ~'rL, ~n C-,il-al :10-1"1t Cl~cr- try of Ez)-O- Lo-,.. oi c z a vFluctua--lons In Sclutlc-i.L 151 L-,101:-Ya, Y~. T.j a-~Jl' J%. Z. Ccll"c (Lrbr,~,atory of ~Iclemll- - -,I - Kiyev Otate Un,Ver:lluy imcrL E'1-3iC3, 1"l-,yalea DIvI31c , K Invc3tis'vlon of CrItical state, liquid- Val)or, Gf Solutlon3 by '.eplerlu Nctlicd 16 -1 Card 8/9 ya ~;lcal 3,~at~~ of l,'-' 0.) L) "I e Co-. f e 0 c-,. Ir-, ...-?I a Fla" -ns In Soul:~lono Llbrar-j of Con,rc~~,3 Card 9/9 2557-1 S/185/60/005/002/012/022 D274/D304 AUTHORS: Golyk, O.Z. and Cholpan, P,P. TITLE: Molecular structure, compressibility, surface ten- sion and viscosity of certaiii poLysiloxanes PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy z1airnal, v, 5, no- 2, 1960, 242-250 _siloxafics wit~i linea_ i.o c . s TEXT: Polymethyl- and ~)olvethvj ule are exDerimeritally studj_!-i, (111S iAk'L_L(:,L1: I colit i.111-, at-, oll ot one of the authors previous works: (-)-Z. Golyk (Ref. 2: Ukhzh, 23, no. 2, 139, 1957, and 2 articles in collaborati-on wit',.-t other.,,,). From intensity curves of X-ray scattering, eloctron-dcnsity curves were constructed; thesc were used for determining the valence angles, the length of the chemical botid, and the packing o1 the molecules in the liquid state. The intensity curves, plott:t(:-~('i on figures, show that polymethyl- ard polyethylsiloxaties^with li-near molecules have a similar structurc iii the liquid state, Thr, densitv. ;urface tension, compressibility and viscosity of these sul.)staaces wcre Card 0 2 557 Molecular structure S11 85/60/005,/00 210 12/0 2 2 D274/D304 investigated for a wide t:emperature range; fi~~urcs Lrid tables are given with the results oV t:hese Lnvestigations For polymetliyL- siloxanes, the polytherms of surface t,2nsion and of-' viscosIty are the higher, and those of compressibility - the. lowor, tii~, higher the potential of intermolecular force,;, iind tile LIne critical temDerature of the substance, Tlic surface tonsion is also in 6ir- ect prODortion irith the size of the molecules i~diabatic comoressi- bility of polymethylsilo):ane.,; was studied by means of an ultra- acoustic interferometer. The temperature dependence (:)j' viscosity follows an exponential Utw. The polyl-inernis of' surfacc tension imd of viscosity in the case of polyethylsiloxanesi '11.0 also tile Iligher, the higher the potential of- intermolecular forces and the. higher the critical tempertture, TI.-, activiLtion oner~~y Loo, is in dircc-_- pro- portion with i:ftermolecular potential and critical tet~-.:)erature. 'Elie viscosity of binary solutions of polymethylsiloxanes was also Stu- died, and isoviscous substancos i..,ere obt,-Iiried: bott:h tlie actLv--iti-on energy and al.!;o compressibility oi_' t:hc i.soviscou,,; subsLances :Ls practically the smiie, study gives additional. proof of tiie correspondence 1-Jetween structure an(~ interrnol,2cular farces on the Card 2/3 2 55 17 S/185/60/005/002/012/022 Molecular structure-. D274/D304 one hand, and surface tension, compressibility, and viscosity on the other. There are 9 1-igures, 4 tables and 3 r('ferences: 2 Sov- iet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English.-lan- guage publication reads as follows: H.S. Green, The i-LioLecular theory of fluids, insterdam, 1952; I.J. Kirkwood a. F..P. Buff, J. Chem. Phys., 17, 338, l9iO; I.J.. Kirkwood, F. P. 13uff-, H.S. Green, ,7. Chem. Phys., 17, 998, 1949~ ASSOCIATION: Kyyvs'kogo ordena Lenina uniVet-3','r (2 t U im. T.G. Shov- chenka (Kiyev Order of Lenin Universi-cy in. T.,G~ Shevchenl:o), Department of Molecular Physics SUBMITTED: October 1., 1959 Card 3/3 GOLIK, A.Z. [Holyk, O.Z.1; CHOLTAIlp P.F. [Cholpan, P.f',.] Molecular structire and physilcal propertleii of some poly- siloxanes. Part 2: Structure and physical propert-ic-9 of isoviscous polysiloxanes. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5 ro.6:843-81,? F-D 160. OIDU 14:3) 1. Kiyevskiy ord3na Lanina gosudamtvenny-y im. f,", Shevchenko. (Siloxanes) GOLIK9 A.Z. [Holyk, O.Z. 1; CIIOL,;AN, P.F, (Cholpan, P.P. I Molecular structure and physical. properties ol' somp -polysilixanes. Pavt 3: ViScOsit7, compregsibilityt and strl,ettLre of liquid ayelio Polysiloxanes. Tkr. fiz. zhur. 5 no.6:850-856 IT-D 160. (I-IIIU, 14:3) 1. Kiyevskiy ordens. Lanins. gosudarstvetmyy universit.-A im. T. G. Shevchenko. (Siloxanes) SK;I'- SfTEVSKIY, Anton Frantneviclq_ GOLIK, A.Z., prof., otir. red.; D:~OZ101111, E.V.) rod.; oi,,or,,-AYA, Ye.-D., toklui. red. [Diffrnction of X r-ys, electrons, and noutr,-P.5 L~,ase!-, am tho 1~.ohcular luchei, clektronov i neit, onov v j,,az~di i stroenic., : elelval. i"'d- vo Kiev,-~Icogo univ,, 1~,61. 84 P. (1,1ZEA 15:9) (X rays-Diffraction) (Elect_= diffraction examination) (Ileutrons-Diffraction) It ~, i,. F, GOLIK 7 ClIGITATO, Speed of ultraswind in 3omp, nr,.l: 33-39 :6] 0!1~','. 14:4) 1. Kiyevskiy iniversitot. (S i loxar.-,:: (Ultrasonlo. wavog) -Cl/C-t- A A*lfTU()RS sh 1 -!t ""i ya'. T. 1'.~ b., T-n mt-*,hA PERIODICAL: lie fe ra t i n yy K: ri r, i~ abttran 2 IB'47 (Sb. "Krl-.!,~h. rasnvorakh'l; A;'f 3 S 3 R C I -,1 tic. TEXT : A --nE,--,h-,J has 'Lecn i:.t- th- of .M 113 s'ates, t~v Df whi,*i~ zh,~, a cl,jbstar,,~:~ n b M. u r ei -'r, ar,y p~-int in a a m lb e r e p -a f;r m 9 thrd 1 t n I c-) r t iT., e t h F, rmo s t t T n c a np a t t i z~ r L, J - t% I and haxane hm~ i !I ec t -~ c t ne r hamb-z- h L I n;i ri :i 17: n U :3 x I r-- 117, tic reas-s ag h m 5 1 h m c n a cu it h % . W M"i x I in u m 1 0 f~ :1 s u )a r e n ri n-- r i j.. C~ '10 he at a s a _i r n r, i s e s t o h~~at Tn 1 rl n A Fo 1, 11, -1, t 4, 1 1 :,-~,vn L, o n s I t; m i~, hiph-~r a n~~ in :i r o i f n-, r a i Tn 1, s c n f u 1 1 a g r c e me f,. t x ~lo c ): I s I f-- r1" a r l a r, I r! the v t,e(, t T r r a v i T a ,,a -- -a i r, i n na r r,- w a 7 C-. r a !ill, "fj, f; I ~Jrj.~ t ri 3 , A .i Ild "o o u l iayer th~ n,--t :r i r i - -i c~ a "I 6T n i 1 5 ten ,nerat~ire r I t i ~~ ii z ,I- 1 1 T 1 i ii ii.-. .,irhc. i,,~-mb-?r CorreEcondo a t h r 1 j (.17 Me h a 1 'p tho t f~m t'r(,r: 1~!M Ah!-, ct r no 1, e a f o va-,o.-ii, arA surface ter-sior. of jolltdoll.~ c", !.nd alcohols. Uk-r.kIiiiii.zhux. nc.5: 4- 57 7 161 14: if cim;) (Alcohoh) '1~111 ;.i:c)vs-Kiy, V.yo. heat *;a,*,)7-,iz-:.--,-'on of alcohols i.,~ acetc-ne soi-uticna. 't ':~, Z...- . .- ~ no . 5: 5:77-580 161. (MIR.. 14:c ) 1, Eiyevskiy ,.,,osu-larst-uenny..~ univ,-,raitet La. T.G. ')havchenko. (" IC01101.3 ~ Ofeat of vaporization) i~,~ A. Z, Cho' pi~ n P F, T ITLE PERIODICAL U k - L i iv- k h in i 7 1 - r) ,5 q TEXT z Th3 s wc)Lk i~~ an adiabatic compro.-~S- b J I v~ 1 sj-lo.Kane (CH C H ~7,sdos; (,r 6 6 m t hyl. Dil. 'Cl H r s c. Yan? H-)-SiOS ~C,. -CH, 'CH-) Si f,)S CIT-C,ii, 1 (P ;..Sa 51CH~-, 'H,,j,,OSi(CH ~os i. c H,~ 05 U v 1 5 Caid -Os, hy i ~h t fl.- 3- j th~ f t 7 1 5 7 Ci r e aS r~F 7 - ~Z , d T 3/07 3/61/02 7/O(-16/Cr)'?/'OC15 Investication of 20mo phy:lical ... Bi 1 O/D1 .17 POlyther-i of D li(2:, above that, of ":. In N, 1"", iii,,1 levia'tioi, fro-,-.i linearity vias found at 400C (ne--tr~ til'Ar -~.Olijific:!.tioli -.joint). Adiabatic compressibility -.-ias calculated by; 6= -1/a' (a = u k-aom-,1L j speed, f = density, f- --diab-ntic COMDre3sibility. I L 4 Proportional to the number of phen.-;l radicals. From the li~~,~ar ':,Ppei1--'- ence ; In f (t), c,:.,p(T/C) if-, derived; T 0 affiabatic compressibility at T = 0, 0 = constant (Tablo 2' . Thor-2 aro P 0 10 figures, 2 tables, and 3 Soviet reforoncos. AijOCIATION - Kiyevokiy E,;osud,-.rstvennyy univeroitet i.m. T. r". (Kiyev State University i-,-,n-i T. G. ~X37,'ITTED: September 29, 1r)60 Card 3/v GOLIK, A.Z.; KIAS6EN, I.F.; KUCHAK, G.M. Speed of propagation of ultrasonic waves in certaln zim and cadmium amalgams. Akust.zhur. 7 no.2:258-260 161. (zM~A 14:7) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Ultrasonic waves-Speed) (Zinc euital~;am) (Cadmium amalgam) GCL A. Z. 1-c,. , otv. ROSECIEZ.'.. G~ F. dol:z. , ct"'. ,:=-.C~Tls, Yej'~; red. St,ructure and r,-,r7sic .1 i.roi:ertie-f, of r-itter In t-e "iziche, Strc,:~nie i E!t-.te; materi%ds- kic stll~, stv~- v ::!-.-.,dl:om sostoianii; univ., 1962. !"'o P. S- e-lncL, nive T.-cm,"ya~-1,clic!rmoye 701.-hchestva. OLI STPUCrURF A'T F~SICAI 77~-P*.,-rrT--S C-- "AT--':R 7~1 A L7T:!D SrA-E- r,-,rtn r,!a,! a, tY-~ lith Cmferpm-r- crnv,iv,,,d in KI"E'l ",-. 1 !.a 1~'~9, rll--11131~-I ~)Y t~g Or UrAVIII-Oty, i~62 ,k 14 d Y L V c 0 t r i :,t t- e of the u 1 n A Oy hn,! !A !i,ort,."n~,:,iiptiic In% of tho r,f !'in-L- tl I ~ y 'I I ~7 1: A 7 07 A . V i KI -:,k T'-,",r, .-Y"V r7 I v c o L V K I Y V.- STj1',i!C.TU!C-*. P.1M P!rf~)Jr&j, "I P1.1; 17~, 0~, T*1 k D ITAM re,,,! a' the lith Corift~r~nc,- cny-wA in fmn I '9' tNa Po"q'! If t,.:*-.:v I*:11v'lI-'1t" f Vi ho r I on YA . 3 '.'C Y.,( V O . 1, 1; 'u. JU ;Y 'lo 11 Y te 1 r a t I It t F ol ot" GOLIK, A.Z., prof., otv. red.; dotc., - IkEtioNsIks, Ye.,.'., red.; ti-khn.-f-4. (Structure and physical properties ol' matter in the liquid state; matei-ials]Stroenie i fizicheakie bwaisttrn veshchestva v zhidkom sostoianii; m-aterialy. Kiev, lzd--,,o llievskogo univ- 1962. 146 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Soveslichaniye posvyashchennoye probleme zldd-korp ,-Ootoyaniya veshchestva. 4th, Kiev, 1959. (Liqulic) ./845/62/000/000/006/010 J207/i-,301(i las Foil, e I C) i- the vi scosity mv~ corvlluc- L L: -L ~;trv.cturo. 0-f zinc a:-.(! Ca"11-.1ium amal- -:.ic--,esI:iw, svoysi:w, v-siichestva v orial- sov2shch. :-)o orob'- zId('.'_O',o :;CSL. vcsliciiestva, v idycvc 1959 t - "1z"I-VO :-iov. univ. , 1.962, 96-100 potlicsis 0-T thir, worl: uzi-,; to check the 'i iv t ii. 'L )oLh 1/2-SCOSity and t1le :.,o-,,.ductivity oE T;~Ctals -,;olutions arc relatec' to the ordcr. Thc v;scosit,.,, (11 n--~_ty ~nd electrical coudmctivitv, oi-- zinc 'I-ad W011-k: -at t(_~m )crazure:. u, to 3501t, in L L ~ - Ith .11~' S,.;re v"-scosity "nad a uido 0' 'Lie Sal 11 ;1C 3 ort-range oriler ',)ut (151fere-at electrical coaduccivities. zial-,-.~.w; wiLh the riectrical conductivity had practicaLLy the Car,'. 1/2 j/:" I )4-X G2,/O()0/'UCO/'CJ6//010 ,~OIZ.L ons'lli" 0 ... '107/ j30~3 s a-.le 2 '11-- V 1 r, C C),, I L 1S , Confirm tilo I tlyl)O,Ll,l(-,S-L,s cite(~ )OIrr. cxc 4 fli,('1112cs and 1 table. universitot G- ev itate Id urllvors-tv) Card 2/2 GOLIK, A.Z.; RYNDICh, N.A.; KUGHINKA, M.Yu.; ANDRIUNKI), S.S. Thermomechan-ical properties of cord aade from polycapmlactam. , IDU Khim.volok. no.2:23-25 162. ~% 15.4) 1. Kiyevakiy gosudarstveanyy uaiversitet im. Shevcher~ko. ('.'extile fibers, Synthetic) (Azepiwne) GOLIK, A.Z., [Eolyk, O.Z.); CHOI,PAN, F.F. [Cholpan, P.P.) Molecular structure and physical properties of certain siloxanes. Part 4. Density of two-com]ADnent solutions of liquid siloxilnes. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 7 no-51549-553 My 162. (muj~ x6a) 1. Kiyevskiy g-)9udarstvr:!nnyy universitet im. Shevehenko. (SUOXFMPS) GOLIK, A,Z. [Holyk, O.Z.), CHOLPAN, P.F. [Cholpan, P.P.J Molecular structure and philtical properties Of CEIrtain si~bxanes. Part 5. Surface tension and molecular Interaction of liquid siloxanes. Ul(r.flz.zhur. 7 no.5:554-558 My 162. (MIRh 16:1) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Shevchenko. (Silaxanes) GOLIK, A.Z. [Holyk, O.Z.1; CHOLPAN, P.F. (Cholpan, P.P.] Denaity &nd Bhort-range coordination of certain liquids. Ukr. fiz.zhur. 7 no.5059-562 MY 162. (MIM l61l) 1. Kiyevskly gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Slievebenko. (Liquid3) GOLIK, A. Z. Present stage and problems of the physics of liquids. Ulr.fiz. zhur. 7 no.7:685-686 Jl 162, 041RA 15:12) (Liquids) AUTHOH: Golik, A 7 8/18 62/007/008/001/008 T I T L cojjjjec,,,4oji of comore,.sibi lity anj Pheer vi:~Cos` ty with the structure o--.- liQuid stante o' matter U U I - U ~ U'f-Irayins'k,ry fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. H, 1')162, 606 - 811 TEXT: The author gives the experimental values of -U-ies and shear viscosities of seve,-al Daraffins, and alcohols, obtained by him in coll~--.boration witl~ 11. C1101"an and I. I. Ivanova. G:,aphs of temperature dependence of -1hese ,I~tian 4Qi- ties are given for all substances mentioned. The compr~::sibility n,~ was determined from data on density anI ult-rpsourid iatter being measured by I.T. 1,1iMiRylov's The. rical formula for the temperature dependence of 'lie tY ~o exp [aTI is found to agreE with experiment be',ter than the expression given by the cell th~--ory. The temperat,,ir,*~ depen3n-ricc viscosity is described by Ya.I. "renkells formula 7L = A exp of Card 112 3,4-19 /62 /007/0( 9/00, 1,,'C Co- nection of couipressibilituy ~anj ... D-2541/35",-~"3- [B/HT1, A t,,ible of critic-il. an~, th;, and it iq inciuded. It is founJ that there is a 3 and a. Properties of isoviscous subF-.'U-anc9s 'for f,-,,(-h studied . The au'hor -i%res as an the of s c .-~ t t e ru dX-rays, plf)-ted ~'ainst C, 11 Cli, ) Si o and the solution consisting of of (C":1 S i 10 4 3 J E, 3i 0 isoviscol's with --'ormor. and 51 . 27 of (CH 2 3 '11 rimental, points are situated on "he SUlne Curve, w~-,Ach int2iica-tes .hat tie isoviscous substances have lthe samme o,rucrure. There i,:. I table and 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy universitet (Kiev Universit,y) CL,rd 2/2 :, '' , .: " , ; . I" , . . . . . V . - , . ~ " ~ V , , ! *. ; j I ~ I ~ . 1 '. , 2 :, ~ , '. . I .. : . . . . I I ... . . . BARANOVSKIY, V.Ye.; SHIIWISKIY, Yu.I.; GOUK, A.Z. Heat of evaporation of the ternary Bystem ethyl alcohol-butyl alcohol - acetone. Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 no.4:484-4116 162, OVDA 15:8) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni T.G.Shevchonko. (Ethyl alcohol) (Butyl alcohol) (Acetone) (Heat of evaporation) GOLIK, A.Z.; RYIMIGH, N.A.; NUZHIIYY, V.M.; GALAGilli'l Yu. Velocity of ultrasound and the com.pressibility of alcohol - acetone - water solutions. Ukr.khLm.zhur. 28 no.4:506-510 162. (KIRA 15:8) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imerli T.G.Shevchunko. (Alcohols) (Acetone) (Ultrasonic waves-Speed) GOLIK, A.Z.; IVANOVA, I.I. Molocular structure, density, compressibility viscosity of n.parriffins in the liquid state. no.8:1768-1770 Ag 162. 1. Kiyevskilr gosud%rstvennyll universitet. (Liquids) .. (Paraffins) and .9heitring,;,khim, '16 (MIRA GOLIK, A.Z-.I(Holyk, O.Z.]; 001PIKA, M.Yu. (Kuchynka, 14.rU] Temperature-time dependence of the strength of polymprs at a constant tension rate. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.4.-479-486 kp 163. (Wlful 16-8) 1. Kiyevskly rosudaratirennyy wilversitet 1m. "'hi!ivehanko, (Polymers-Testing) BARA.NOVSKIY `j,!e,i,COJAK., A," 9 - tatent heat of vapor-Inatior; )~ 0.!L" khim. zhur, 2~ r,o,2-:'- ..).1-.4- t:))" M] .:?A ;6, ~), 1. Kiyevskiy ggsudarstvennyy tuliversltet im, Tci, Shevcn--j:.ko, ~Hsat of evar.oration) ~.Aj-~ojjoj!-"~ GOLIK, A.Z.; I.I.; ~~HOLPA','y P.F. Effect of molecular 4nteraction on the compress.1-hil 14 LN, ~ . I-r-d viscosity of liquids. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 9 no.4:41.--4k A:) IC)4 (,',!F~A 17:P) 1. Kiyevskiy iosudarstvennyy . , . . . . .. I .. . .1 - -11 . .. r:L f~ . . I . I - I I L., , It I I.. 1. 1 . I .. . . - . i " I ; . . . I I . , I ~ . I. . . . . 4 . . I . . :-.- I I I . ., . . : . . .1 . I I . I . . . . . - . I I - I . L 1442-65 DM (a) lEpr (c) ---pr-k- -ra4- ACCWSION IR:. MOUQTO AUTHORs H911A. 0. Z. aolik. Aa Z. t. AM~nmvki~)I I TITWt Compressibility and moleoniftr rkractupe -essibilit r n-paraffins and of their zirtual solutions SOURCE: Wayins 1k7y f1rychMy zhiWnal T., 10, no, 40 i04 TOPIC TAG$t n-paraffing mol6cular4tructure: essibilifil-j, 114tdd state, itai. S ""Pr vation energy, Yiscous flow, intermolecular force ABSTRACT: The authors investigatethe. compredsibility of; II J~,:ddjl its-ring an ittim- tical molecular struflure and the ow. #".*r (the a- paraffins j n-Aeptane,'[D.Onanq nnowkne,. aaiudemel. Mg: ii-1 Jlodea~fie ). It- is' iiholfi, that the compressNUity -iijitherno of the 04' deeper w liqudds 'Ile tki ;he potenti4l well an the maleaWAr interaction 4um and the, 3. oger Ue uztivatiotL energy of viscous flow. It to aloe, A.b9im that wbbr asrt~i~ ~~!Qwfttloas it is 1~104-, sible to attain coincidence Of the :PQ]yth*rMG of danpr*8810103.ty lir *01utioun 40f paraffins end pure substmes or oth4w solutions of parwiiip of 41fTerent effir,~451.1 LCard 11 L 5144Z-65 ACUSSION NRt AP5011070 tiono (these substances we called iso-coqreosible). Ismi-4 quprim;O![ble ffubstaiieesi: have identical activation energy of viscous flcw~snd ldeal.kL w4rjW of btcritfolel.-- cular interaction. The adiabatic C=~ressiblllt~r j 6f -4e in"xtigst~--d normal paraffins are well denoribed by the 4*1rie&1 forsiWA '13 1 91 exv M. $7 .0 vhich the constant a is Luversely proportl=4 to the vinitj 1~. I? adtlyttion, Ienfir,'. * gy. The dependence of the adishatle a=pres~ibillty on 66~IpAeiiflol of the ~01.ter~- molecular interaction is in go*& agreement vith modern stw4iucld. ond model tlheoi I ' 6 ti. le, j 1:' -: ries of liqmidso Orig, Uto hall 5 figueel forauxami 4:01A k kIl a ASSOCIMON: Kyyivs~~y,.derishunivarsytet U# T6 Go Oha"60#6& [x1j*tAk1Y gon4u.- xtve~ wdversitat In# To 04, MwnheniiIj (~41AV ONO* 1.4 Mral., 3) Urava ow= I 9L Mill CO il t1: 'IM W a"$ 1j; to Rt-, Card g 9 I .. .. I. . . . I - i ~ ., - I. . f . .1 I ACC NRz AP7004553 A)URC~' CODE: AU111ORt Golik-, A. Z.; Chot;-zin, 11, 11 Tarw;onko, 0. 7. ORC: Kiev nit:(T ~JniTer.-,lty fri. T.11. Sh-vchf-fil T I Velocity of ultrasonic -,ribrntiolm '11)(I comovm",;Ihi t t ty ol, I I q, I d SOURCE: Ukrayins'kyy fizlychnyy -.11urnai, v. Il., ro~. 7, 191-6, TOPIC TAGS: siloxanc,, tcmpr~ratun~ depondonco.. kiltrasonic vLbrixtion E 0 NO( betweon the range a r)f 11renr Tr-hyi~,i~cx,i-,I- doucc~i: CC",, q, oct:amethylcy~- lot.(- ~riz!l i siloxancs t1w at high turperat-ures deviates Cnim: I-lie 1-,-em- on y pressibility obeys an CXj)Onenti,11 1,11, 1 ;7~ ~Ij `1 ct -1*11;~Ilr,:. It Is shoum that the comprefisibilit-v (-,I- ~I:h thn. of the intemolvcular force poLuntial and tho -,o --ordiimt,ioc, I-o.miller. Orig. art. hast 1, flgur-~9, 3 fomulas anA fj SUB CODE3 20,07 / SUB14 DAT.--A 11*~.)ec6i / G-MG rai.-II-i 009 Card i /1 lfr;~ill :;irl :,I i -' ~ ~~f~ ;-.-) ~;, -1~ t- i ; --- o r t'-] ~~ :; - I 'i : , : t; Lr) , " ~~ - . 1, j, ! -! !-, L " r, r" ~'I -~,7r~Q r. ~,,nd 1 " no. (): !W- j) I r 7 , . (MIHA 12:-)) 1. Iz obDstn(-,:-,o 1-co-zlino-vf-ner~-'Loeichf:jl3l-ogo dis---)at,,j9era 6E!"Iero- SSR. ( I (,,.~L I - fs,fal 1-u! J,2-i AIM APP,!L:ij-."' *S ) ( I WTS , :,FTODII.~--VVII C. ) AUTEOIR C,:2_*~-., C 'U, DOEAAF Rejx~oll.:: C'~:mf ;_-e rT- 'fie am: ~3 CMe 2'i ',~ ) 00) "Y LI -t'-,hc Tc...airte. P, 1:. She:-'ama -,rLL! re bii.'__rie~-s ASSOCLIkIPION: ill ula-' m r'I"t-1 iocln I bul 1(i ill ca,.-a. VI GOLIK, G, At gatherings. Kryl, rod. L~ no,'.-18 F '61~ (14111.1, 16,-,4) 1. Nachal ,nik otdela av-.atsiorLnoy podgatovki re 13", blikanskogo kaml te ta Dobrovol I noizo obs hche 9 tva s odeys tviya a -rl I # avlatsil i flotu, .; Okra Ine - Far -t chut i ng) ACC NR: '6~*::('' C07)E: AL e I c IS C i e 1'. C (2 ::i: ;-,auk U"IrSS'."- 'r VNI-E X(ill,) 1 1 -W! d, o 1 i 1 t h,,' lho~! L L L!~; SOU'-~CE: Zhuraal ob-~hchey khimi", v. --D. 9, 1960, 1636-L"'39 TOPIC TAGS: in:;Pcticide, A-,/ 1-1 r E, Z; /C /C ABSTRACT: In a search for now insect lci(~cs, a series of monoalkylamiLdes Of alk-yl methylphosplicnatus wi-,:; obtained by the ritaction of methylphosphonic acid chiori,ie v;icii primary xilines in the presence of triethylamine in ar. ether soiuticn at room temperature: cll'p(opsp CE'?(0)(0R)N'uR' Composition and properties of the amides are given in the table. Card 1/4 UDC; 547.26'118 ACC NR,---AP6031382 T,ble 1. Mon -og-1 kyl=ides .0 fI- aIIk-71 .- methyl-p-hosp ho-n4 tea It, Yield, bf, (P, m-) c if, Gil, a 37 72-73- (0.02) 2,93 .4423 1 cif, C'Ifs 5S 7s_ 7') (0.02) ' ) d 7) 1 , 4 cifi, Hao-C3117 a 42 81-83 (0.03) 2 1 -',573 C'11' Gil, 6. (0) S s CAI -'ils 6. 7 0 S C.115 z~3cC311, 6, 7 i6'-) G6 __67 (0. 03) 0. 11, 7 1 '113 6, S t(5 so -CL "17 C'il~ 7 6J_71 ~0.02) I.("!0'_- ~H7 6. Card 2 /4 (13~ 6 29 1 1 ! i C i I N I 33 54 33 ti-, cil'o 3 C, 11: "N 0, P C J., 2 1,9. 1-, 33. 3~; C"30 CH30 4,21.92 1.2 . ~i clko c': i o 1 i) c H 30 11. C, ify;O'l, N 11.22 7. ~42 3 S..3 C,i! .13.03 42.9S f 3 --19 C, 11 N 0,P P H.75 4 7. TJ 47. 1~0 ,i 7. O.,~, N 7.61 38.0.1 38.3t; C~H,,NOP 114 j . 7 2. 5 3 2. 'J 3 N 6. i3 c 47, 1 W. 60 4 IN 7.99; C., i 1:",; O'l, : P 17.3~; 52. 3 52.22 N 7 . 2s; C, 11, ~i 0, P IN 7 , 2.5 Card 3/4 p i6.04 p 16:05 ACC NR, M'60.'J138-) 'Zil-iese amddus have strong properties but arii vcry toxic to clomiestic of al'.'.Yl mcl-liyp'.-Ios- phonaces react with tLrL-auc,A to fo-z-1 N-6110ro-N- alkylamides of alkyl 'Die reat-tion place in chloroform at 20-30%. SUB CODE:06,071 S UB'M DATE :17,Jul65/ OR!G RE'F: 003/ GTII REF: 01-4 Card 4/4 4 1 1 KHODCHYINKO, L.P., inzhenor- GOLIX G.I.. inzhe,ior. Strindnrd Totallic f!dgo fittims fr~r cormtructL~,r lylrd7i. Shakht.strol. no.~1:25-27 Av 157. 1.0: '?) (Ruildin~; mntarials i ndUH try- Akilipment and qu,n)"Ien) j ;t !3,ildent F/ K,Lrsa; I.P., !it,:iie,it V Profia:j~,-,r Petr I-vin,Dvich f:)12n(Ior of t!lo of t"Ien.-LnPlitics. i- n A" 1 OliaA 12:8) jrom~c~pvtiki vn,it-pnnikh (zav. t~ in,tol' naliki K~u,.r m,7sl~oro rleditiLns~-o~,o in-ltit-m i 1-1-i-ni- Shatilov, Pftr I.) mflm~ MIR 00 0 a 00 0 0 0 o a, 0 0 a 0 tl 11 It .1 $f of JAA a M a A A A 00 ........ ....... 00 60 Z -00 00 -so 00 11 ,11 0 1 so ' 1 t I 00 0 ldt at 92 i Ao - To-; ISO 0 0 1 'i, m, I Ai a 0 0 0 It 0 9 a a 0 0 0 4 a 4 ok 4 4 0 a 4 0 0 0 # a 4 ti A nhrj p1ra d a~-ricot. 2hta. -lc -7 15 T: ~,-'ruit tn,!ee GOLIK, K.11. [11011,,k, Effor.l. or ;h.-jrjfl ~)J, "'hi trarl:-I~l r,tti oil jrl U11) 64 fl C) t i C- j f~ t,() ~', i il ',,~ ~ t - fllfflmffiml~~M~l Ole 0 0 4. 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 4 do D 0 0 to a 0 0 4 0 a 0, 1 1, a " 00 fe Z~7 I', "n th, sod. of 00 041 0 0 1114 00 04. 400 k i!,:!i I W '44 It a 41 0, 00 a 00 04- 00 041 00 04- 60 fe I of, 0 041 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1=~R/Phyrice jo. 4o Ei,~ctr= Miuru,3ccljr, Arcc,, Mercury "Electronic PhtL,,ci-=na in thi Plamzia cf, a kercur,; Ar:a Ubjnr Low Pressur- "' L. I. ,oliR, V. Rptrak, -Friyo t-~, Moscow Sta-,-o U -'ji;oni M. To-rh 7~0 XTJ.. No Shc,wo t~-,at ~n fieid a ma E i T a a or; a etatIsmar-~ -Di=a, con-cract-Inns of dovelop: (1) ~a,~fiueve-p~asm~atic, and electronic optic. Second case developG for a rmpid change in potontial and an artificial con- in plarn-Pi. Measured distribution of caa4:~geG along radius of ray and clarified In- fluonce of aeccnd magnetic lens capturing ray. Magnitude of discharge current, influences focusing, ft-, it does a1-1 effectq of the magnetic field in the plagnq. Decrease in contraction with increase in current io due to increase In proportion of speed of chaotic motion of the elect-rons in com- :,MrieoD with direction. Submitted 29 Jun L8. 51/49T59 USSR/Pnyzics - Plasma Oct 53 "Kectr-)n Oi)tiQal Phenomena in Facu2.,i~i,- and Stationary Plasmia in Mercury li--;,'' -.I. Golik d e c e a a r, dG.V. :3piva'--,, Cli~,ir o,.' .--~ectron Optics ,7est M :3 Univ, 7cr Fizikoma-t i Yest Nalik, 110 7, PP 117-123' In their ~,revicus (sce -,1-hur Fi:-,, Vol 2'. .t their !---b the author- .Stabl4shed the -p-re--crice r)~* thlw~ Phenu,.,.ena c,-:' ~ocussin G ,which tli,~ action c,-' e.,,:t;--,--~~al ard in- -11 pur- tern, pose i:; -~tujy tl-:e rhenomena conLruuLiun of -:'-e Of me-,-f-y Jr, a ztronj~ ~.-nu- conc~-ntrat~---! cxtornal. ,-nm f 1, uIll A~ lo- ',f. (~. "Scientific Principles 'inderlying the 6torage o-C F.-ar aa,! -)h(!Iled Corn and Their Practical Application." Dr jkgr -:ci, QiarI'.-)v A,--rJ- ciiltural Inst, ~,'oscow, 1915-1. (HZMiol, No !), iNov '~L) purvey ol" 3cientLfic and Technical Di~,sertalions DaCended at Higher Educatlonal Insti"Atimil ~,11) SO: 3um. No.521, 2 Jun 55 Cho-AL Cal VnJ . 4IJ 1,). Apr. 2r), J,,), Fats, rFlt,.y Mkol C-7 r z I /~~ /)!, G*l VORONroov; O.S.~ GUR, M.G, DILIDOVICH, 7.N.; KlXfZV, L.k.; UZI- MM. 11 P~ , iokt or biologicheskikh n-wak, "proffessor SCISID)V, 5 . 1. YESTA, I'l, Ta GHFJJC-URI KO, Z, T GIL'YaLS, D. T&, , r e iax, C. r ; LL- BUS. G-A.., tekhnicheskiy redallctor. [Grain management and equipment] organizats..ia I telchnuca khxaniniin ze.rna, Moskva, tekhn, i ekorio-zicheiikol lit-ry, 1954. 358 p~ [Microfilm] OVIRA. 7:10) (Grain- -Storage ) t/ Accumulation (4lit arld its 1.~.!jlribudon irl Lbe o)r. G. GoijL. P1,101i"r, -I '). - 'Ir g.MiZI C%Ill!;LMF l;jWAl F.11, M.1clikil; ;it I ipow i!i. brp) ti,~;Ilci voutain, nlor.~ fat -har. ,W at-l't pkivt l,f 11117 grilli. 'rill! emkyo alzo bt!31~. (:w jv-ljf,!r iit MR. Thwi the qt~&~ of I l!" ('bill; o i i Imn 1, i:,q, :11, 3 fuctot ill c zi th.ok ;11 ill-1ift 0 . ~i BAUM~ A., kandidat takhniclitiski-kh naL',; GOLIK, M., kandlilat owl'nko- khozyay~3t7,)nn7kh nauk. Transference of moist-are in stored grain. Mlak.-elav, prom. 21) 1 nn.1-3-6 Mr '54. 7:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelIBMy Institut zorna i produktov ego parerabotki, (Grain- -Storage) 1wripcs in the enrfunic adivity n1 i1penise, c,)r,i .~cth. Nut.,$ I t792- --Tile ,:tivity ~,f 'I'All dt'l,r" lind of lip", Ill 11W C( ill dlirb,; cil~ f,~flllatwlj ii hiji. As tk ~mls riti, 'i tile ~ictjvlly ,f s,.CII , Ils-I'dwally " C"d(t wail lit 111, A, ;-: "t cwlljjit~ rip'llmg clul nn~ a'-tivity ii I,i I I v$ thm Ow pe~abiv jwfm,I,w, cf waly 1" ,:ac "I (he f i r-iml,ible for t1;,: "wil ,Z'v:,tol 1, Wi FUH MALli'lly lmmmlml~mmmm GOLIK, It., doktor sellakokhozynyi3tvennvkh nauk. Particular aspects of corn storage. Muk.-elev.T)rom. 21 no.10:4-7 0 '55. (MLRI 9:1) I.VynBhnya zagotovitel'nRya Bhkola. (Corn (Maize)--Storage) GOLIK, Mik :oil Grigor'yevich, dAtor sel skokhozyaystvannyk~h rum, orol'es.90r;. MTOVICH, V,L., profensor, doktcr biolo,,icheildlrh rLauk, rnd0v,or; (13BLI(Aff. D.Ya., rfd.--.iVtcr-, GOLUBKOVA, L,A., tektintcheskly redaktor [Storoga of cor7i- -3~~Iertlfic principles] Khrammio ki-kuruzy-, wauchlaye ootiovy. Pcd red. V L.E.retovicM. Mnskva, Irri-ro tekhri. I -ikon. lit-ry po voprosam mukcmol3no kruplariol, kornbllcormov-ot promy6hl. i ,31ovntorno-ikadgko~,o khoriaiatva - Khlebotz-19t, 115 P. Acorn ~I(LK, 10:3) hit a n4ortaxas W evil ap as 40 0 Itio go, ~uMiMatlon qf maize gritin tilare Is it tradura decO-no lwtho rate. of rtspirati'm of the puh~. A10111with tIlLi -ftlitl4w ill rate of retpitation thtm wm~6bocrvitd, a dmemic: fit ~Jwac- tivity of ddi~draswum k4katitiqUat thli km ql' tile ricapirattiq Via taittaboll4su is?wnueoted wit the of the activity of the oxidatiniii-rullill loll M3Ytl:U II)Jifii.MS, mainly Or dehydrosonases., GOLIF, 14. , do Irtni- 9,~ I I ~;kokhnzyay v tvAnTlykh rinlik . pro". ; NV I P. Effectivenonn of di7,,Ine ear good r~orn wlt),, lic-I f-,J.r tr Yr~,.!!nodar Torritnry. l4uk.-elev. prom. :14, no.B:14-16 Ag "iH. (MIRI, 11:10) 1. Nn(-.hAil'nik Krannndnrolcoi7n 11IM171finlyrt Hilvilloprodukt.r,7 (for qvazfl,lt!4F3v ) . (Krwinodnr Torritnry-Illorn yevich, dok-tor sellkhozz. nauk, pro-f. uchf-..- GOLIK, VLkhail Grigorl otiye KHE711-TEIZ, C,.I., kand. teklin. nauk; V,L biolof~. nauk, prof., otv. red.; GLAZU:.:-%~, yr).A., Sf:AF~I~AIISKEA, N-Z., red. ivii-va; FOUANVA, " V,, tekhr., red. [Scientific pciric-Jplos in the st.orn,-o arCi .~f ccrn] llauchrve osulox~; khraneniia -1 obr,!Ibothl k"I"I I Z".-VG Akad. nauk SS-"i, 1961. 347 P77 C, c, 1, 11 (VIii-A -14: 10) (Corn OMFilz i.. , do-'rr , '.. , ':, i - I --. w Zv.alil a t,:. ~~ - 2,~~ r-in ca I :x P -,, .-)I* u 27 Ac 161. ("EIA 1-4:7) 1. Ini3ti4a,01 , (C o rn (:-'. ': 7 ~- " ((-.%rminatli~-n ) GOLIK, M,, prol'~,,:lsor-doktor ,'llrovi,Aon,il r commendations on tne- recelving, Olisnain~, --InJ storing of pulse crop s~ieds (peas, forqge boans, anO lupiml)."' Revielwnd by M. Golik. Mhk.-alt~Y. prom. 21~~ no.10:'il~ a~-Jd p~ 3 of cover 0 '62. (MIRA h); 1. Vsesoyuzn-Ty zaochnyj institut jr.,21~evcv