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uOL'D",HT;--lRlt V. 0. 1 C AN 0 ~,l E D 'S C I , "t.1 E T A B 0 1. 1 ~. 1.1 0 F P Y R I - 0 0 X I N E. AN D N I C 0 TINIC ACID IN PIATqE-?+'T!3- 11 ITH PVUAoIh%RY TLI- BERCUL051~ U N D E R C H E hl 10 T H E R A P Y . "~.!Oscovl F . ( SECOND ~,~ 0 S C 071 :1 E DI N S T I M N . I . P I R 0 G 0 V ) . ( K k- , 3 - 6 1 , 2,1 31 1) . 406 Dol~ROKITOTOW,.- F. f,.; S.,% ; -M"~F, ft. ~OLIDGHTEYJ,V.D. cf combined unilic.1 -I ic nj I:,:, I r y!- t I .'i Lik 41 vrof. A.Y~-. I'LaLaki,ir.) TSenl'r,al'n,--,r( va-R,;licy, TS,--iitrnJ:n(,y Ministonstva 1-~utF~y --ioobshcht~niya (Flaviiry vnicli IVY-;,~!-! , Y,:~ rfc-~"V" (j'*Lq'.-11-,-,l IlTa--!'- Nycamill~r,TE) (W~IIOTMI~.P.~) GOLIDSHTEYN, V. D~ Disorders in the composition of the paripharal '.-)b)od 1181M!ODing as a result of the thorapeutic use of phth-!vazidtti,, C mat. i perel., krovi no,4:29-'32 -62~ (14,MA 15, 1. Iz Moskovskoy tubork-laleznoy 1:11n1rhookoy- brlll!vlt~y 'ZI-Mkhar'i!1o" (glavnyy -,:rrich V. P. Potrik) i fi-liala ka',)dr), tulh3rkuleza (zav~ - prof. F. I. Levitin) TSantrallnogo ln!itltuca vra chey, ( RiTHIVANLE-TOXIC OLOGI) (BLOCD-DISEASSS) GOLIDSHTEYN, V.D.; MIRIA)TI, G-13. (I'losk-VII) Combination of taberculoris of tile arid KiijI. 1.,E!d. I,lo tia. 12 ~ W,'_1 10 D ' 62 . I. Iz 1-flockovskov f~arc)('Skoj k.1 Ini,-,Lpskoy t,il bollnitsv No.3 "EakliartirlO (C"lamyy i filliala kiCedr-7 tu,'Lerkuleza (7,av. - 1,!icf. TSentraltrjo!~o Deve I (-,p :eti 1~ oL' - iiocu if t.h(, rax ~i~; F1 ~ Q:iul t, of 'A lorapm I I. ic I Is of pn(~-L)-T~opcritoneum. Vrach. diin no~'7-*133-!Y (nm~ 1(,):ic) -ororlsl.~aya U.Juez,ladezraya hnl'nl.ts!t "U'kharlino" i ~.;llal kafe'lCY til'bel"lad.~z!o (zw,. - 1~:~of. F.I.In-vit;n) Tsen- ... rallro ,o ~noti~,114~j Ul I IV 03 011311. VC krWll.`y'R L, I vrtichoy (P!:El",-~MIMIUCK) (PI EU::GPERITO','DR-1, IV lCIAL) VI GOLIDSII'in:, 7.D.; ',IIRR.'OV, G.B. Dif-if-piosis of primary lung cancer in tuberculous patienta. Ter. arIch. 35 no.7:106-3.08 J1163 (MIRA .17:1) 1. Iz Iloshovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy tuberkule-moy bollnitsy 14o.3 "Zakha--'.u'io" (glav-.n. vrach V.P.Petrik, nauch-iyy rihovodi- r tell - P-of. F.T , Levit~nj. GOLIDM"EY~;, V.- 17 ~I A, 1 .1 ~ - - -.. 11.1.1 1.. ~ II I - I 7. .cc"lrl;c zn~i evahl;t~cn l4sts. robl. Lub 1 9- 16 ve n', T~~entra ln,-)~o "ris tu La k:so v- GOWDS11711YU, V.M., 1uh. Methods for calculating turntable ball bearings for excavators and cranes. Stroi. i dor. -kneblnostr. 3 no.1!8-10 Ja 158. (Nxcavating machinery) (Cranes, derricks, rite.) (MIRA 11.-J) GOVDSHUYIi, V.M.,inzli. .1 operating conditions of go-ars in rear balancers of riotor graders. Gtroi. i dor. mAshinostr. 3 no. 7:V~'-22 JA '58. (.,AIRA 11 :a) (Graders O#a r thmovin-I machinary)) GOT IDSHTM,, V.M.. iiizh. ii Determining maxirmjm ijtroooos in motor ~,,r~~Joro. Strol.~ e!f~r. tmmhin,)t3tr. 4 no.9:14-jil S 15,3. (mclu, la-11) (Gruders(Mrthmoving macblnery)) GOLILSHTEY'i, V.1'.. Inzh. 'i . ("flIC1311-,tillf, thfl ratio for -,t- - I d or. r)tiF,, h Inn a tr. no.', - J 1 1 f-'9. Oa, ((,rvdnrq Ill.,: rini'll1nory)) 11. Cand Te,-~, Scl ore , Ical study 'of the auto~;rader dfit-7-~--c~er vri-a ~Ws I'los, I)r'JI. (1-11ri oi. -ind See Spec Ed RSF61H. 24os kuroaiat4-1-e-lloads Inst) (i~L, 2"j2) MLIDSHYEYN, M.N.; GOLIDSHTEYN, V.M. Theor7 of the vibratory sinking of untapered pi--,r-,;. Vol]. peotekh. no.6:1,.-lg 163. 1?19) i I.- -''.: - , :j.. I I ", 1, '. ~ , , , .: ~ , , I I . . I : ~ : . ! , ~ . i.r. ;,, . : , , ~' ~ . - , . ; . . , I ..~ 1 lo, I, ~3.j I. ,,(' ! I '): ~ t: -, %- % I ". , ~ 7 7~':" ; ~ - 1 , Perl'nrman,'. c. n * ;, ~'e -i'. r . , _ - -. I ~ - , - ~ " I I : . no,. 9! 1 " - L' ~' 1, 1 ~' ~ . . I , '.:I ", . L 35829-66 ACC NRI AP6003749 rA SOURCE CODE: UR/0113/65/000/010/0023/ 0026 V. M.(Candidate of technical O~ AUTHORS: Marshak, S. F.; Golldahteyn, sciences) ORO: VNIIStroydormash TITLE: The stability of 8ingle-axle tractors in the turning position SOURCE: Avtomobiltneya promyshlennost', no. 10, 1965, 23-26. TOPIC TAGS: tractor, vector, motion stability, coordinate system, vehicle engineering ABSTRACT: The tilting of a trailer on level ground relative -to a three- dimensional coordinate system is considered (see Fig. .1). Thit coordinate origin (point 0) is at the center of the contact line of the. wheels of the tractor. The absolute value of the angular velocity :1 + U? '2 Y X I NX and the direction cosines Cos a " -_a COS or -Z Card 1/3 t0$ Y w _.- UDC: 629.114.2.001-5 ACC NRi A0-:-03 Y;,'~; Fig. I The eX73rOSSiO-il fOl- tho critical 21ope is fuund UQ be a fiizic-,,ion of s:Lc indepondent variables - the ti-aci-, Ulc., ~:IiL;platomlefltu of Tiv~, frGm tiw~ 2~:Cle of the tractor- the coordinatk~s of r-~~nt,.rs cC of ',ho I,i-a4lc- and ti'actor, the ratio oe the we5t~,htt,3 of tlle ~,railfjr and ~ract.or, ;nrvi wr*~7,---da contq.,r of u CruvitY OC U10 1-41til M., ~3 for forward arri are, 0 L-Cvzrd -x. lrcl~ ACC tip, SUB CODE: DATE: cC,3 GRONNSHCHIKOV. V.S.; GOLIDSHT.NYII, V.S.; KOZDDVSKIY, Tu.j. Cold cutting of emll-module gear whools. Stroi. i dor. mahinostr. 3 no.l.'35-38 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Gear-cutting mchines) KOCHNOV, V. Yo. (Chelyabinsk); GOLIDS11THN, V, Ya. (Cholpib-Insk-) Kinetics of re crystallization of electrical steel during Its annealing. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. M4t. .1 topl. no.6: '01-66 N-D 162. (MIP-A 16; 1) (Steel-Feat treatment) (Cr-,rs tall izati on) GERS;NiVi 14.11B.1 6ELIKOV, pil.i.i., . I ~ ;, : , ; .1. 1'. ~(!.. "I.; GOVDSEL"71N, V.Ya., irzh.; -.~' " I.. Xffoct oC Li bend In ttlectrIcal sLoel or, Its, maj;:tiat~-c propertui,is, Ele~-trichastvo no.11:62-63 N 10. (mm.~ 1. Ila~a,-,Iino--issledovatellskl*-Y in~ztltuL mi,~tal-lurgriil Che2yabinsk. KOCIINOVI., V,Ye!,; GOLIDSHTEYN, V,Ya. Recrystallization stages in transfomer. steel. Tiz, met,, i metalloved. 15 no.5.685-689 Vq 163. (MIRA 16A) ,. Nauchno--Issledovatellskiy institut metallurgi-I Cholyabinsk. (Crystallizatt oil ~ 8 (3) SO-1/1 1 1-1-57-5-10,71-: Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika. 1957. Nr 5, p 92 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gol'dshteyn, Ya. M. TITLE: Speeding-up the Process of Drying the Transformer Core-and-Coil Assembly (Suggestion by G. G. Lisin) (Uskareniye protsessa sushki vyyernnoy chasti transformatorov /predlozheniye G. G. Lisinal) PERIODICAL: Sb- rats. predlozh. M-vo elektrotekhn. pron-i-sti SSSR, 1936, Nr 1 (5 9), p 19 ABSTRACT: Transformer core-and-coil assembly drying by the induction-loss method in its own tank, without application of vacuum, can be speeded up by blowing hot air directed from bottom to top. A. G. K. card 1/1 8 (3) Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektroteklinika, 1957. Nr 5. p 92 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gol'dshteyn, Ya. M. TITLE- A Method to Check the Equality of Turn Numbers in IYound Transformer Coils Connected in Several Parallel Groups (Suggestion by S. A. Farbman) (Sposob kontrolya ravenstva chisla vitkov v narnotannykh Itatushkakh transforrnatora, vklyuchayemykh v neskol'ko parallel'nykh grupp 1predlozheniye S. A. Farbmana/) PERIODICAL: Sb- rats. prediozli. M-vo elektrote,.,hn. pro-sti SSSR, 1956, Nr 1(59), pp 19-20 ABSTRACT: It is s'.iggested that a short-circuit experiment, as a part of trans- former test (with the core-and-coil assembly lifted from the tank), be made with 50-1001o of the rated current for 30-45 minutes. If turn numbers in parallel circuitij are unequal, the coils will heat unequally, which can be detected by hand. A. G. K. Card I / 1 r a A I I u Y A I L a 0 cc 9C d I d* 1 .4 A. I he growth &oil operatiua of the synthetic Ammonli 00 factory of the Beternikov Chemical Combine N.i R 046 1934, N,, -40 L.I~Trj 00 off 4.0 00 0 .00 Go "S.6 4-6 4 Will, 6 71 a 4 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 4, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 41, 00 0 & 0 0 0 0 Mi ele * 0. 0 a * 4 a * 0 * 4, * # * 0 0 0 0 0 : 03 1 0 ki 11 12 1) m Is 16 Ills .1m il a a i i a 4 v a 'x it JIM Ills bu use 41 v4swet-0 ~A 111f 1 L A--A IF. It I 11~ IF 1_1 --- L AA 0 C C OP M~a_ 1. s L a -410 . 04'. twaa soda. 4n$ 10, thip Purifyica mail Wild ltc)7. J -30 1 040 a xi , it GK)I'di,3txjr. 11"'4l 61,HN, sweni (reAtinell firA with d b Y .16 .,e nmmm nt to pp"'i th-%1jr, and aMll. s k ffi Of e c I U '*.OH - ,,_d tAp h,, = 00 ""I't . ,h, 'j li CILd"I'll lk ! a h a " 00 * Ga. doll Zoo 00, as 3 44 as go Sol 4141 *0 Os 00 so t 9 u 0o , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oe IN 0 0 0 0 A A I I v v ..1.-I I m IN M w its I 1 .1 1 . v a )1J . - ' Io 4 .kined WIS I" 'ht' lustion of 01 Intens Y.. jW110" of 11,801nik.). r-, 01, 1 it 'kvI =0 0: alp to z 00 V~ WV,7 pj A i i L Ollttl,"Kll. 0111.11.1 is 01 W 11 a It t( 1 9 0 0 0 It Is I o It 1 0 0 0 0 a It 0 S, 0 0 0 or's 0 4p 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 0 *Is 0 111 IN 0 4 0 4 0 00 0' 70 0 FR I 0 F 6 0 0 0) 0 0 111 0 to a 0 O 0 It IS S 0 Z, A 0 ; 11 Il I I, ;, , 'I 1* 11 A! J. M h P it 1, A, 11 1, ~ 4 " 1. 1. A so I i L A 4. i_l",Id V! t Z ;4 'J. 1, -,".4 -#4 1 041 00 The proLumumY7 pu n ticstion of brines In %oda roduchou .104) 00 VA. R. QkA441110U. ". OW" All ~ U - S S ) 15. No, - tt, l'-2101.0,11 A -m-nic duhlil 4d the virw,wl III 4 Q rhmin-y th, ml-rlur, , ~Tl - H.M 1--l" 4.0 -04 -60 00 -00 .400 00 .00 00 A 0 00 as 0 so 00 00 11)0 .4)0 Me A 06 A I L i OTALL P~ACA ILITE RAT ~il CLAMFKA TILN of S .400 Igo A 9 0 n It K It t If I ml;) alU 0 0 0 9 0 0 111 0 0 IS 0 4 0 0- 0 0 0 0 ' , 1m is 1 *Ile 00 IV 1 .1 1 1 A M a 4c go It I A A ~0~161 o* 00 Esublmhinig contfol .,ad the gas calculations In soda production. YJ R. 06'411htcla J. ( nfm. 1"j. (1, S S R I -,jfl , lit). Some remirkson the p4pti -d, III of Yjj p Kotelevskil .1. 33. 3',"t C- I Ntli,11~11 1 Vol. mi"ll 1, It \1 I --h, -00 so A ll, -0 00 A l -40 00 00 'El moo 00 -06 00 a t: S L AOfTALLUNGK AL LITF*.TUNt CLASSIFICA11CM I Z. a~ 10 vro Ill. -T; ] 1 4 j- 1~ 11-1" 1, 0 it It of AM L S 4 0. 0--1NI4-)sj ;T III, IV 11 WK Or It 01 9 PC It ~ It T 0 0 6 Is 0 0 : : :a Ill 4# 4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 of : : 7.0 0 00 0 : o 0 6 04 0 4r a oil, S 0 ill 0 0 o on(I : : : ,0*0*60004900*0 Os L I L 1. L 00 go go 'D 4 : i; , , Intensiflution and Ww", w1h in the,pn3duc.6011 C& ad awls. V. R. ('Mhrow'j., of I If .1~6SZ RA 16, Nil 34 IfUh 90 00 of 00 of ! ..die -400 410 Of Z4.0 00 4. 9 -410 34-0 '140 00 0 =00 ee rx 'Y I 'r 4n,7 0 u u 64 ita It 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0f,4 .0 0 0 1 i- - 0 0 If 0 0 0 : : "', m b:A[A-r Q IF r t. a 0 4 '1, -D J.0 400 a st 0 a 41 f; it a * a 4, to 0 1111 to 0 - 0 0 st, a a 0 to 11, 0 0 0 : a Reactions In nsmtlon- Y.' k (eWdOlid". l!"' It Khiot. (j Appliml 01011-1 ItY. 9-50 A'!; 19171 Prihyd ~ D,