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GOLIDFAI~B, R.I.; DANIISNKO, P.,L. Determining the raffinose content of --molasses hy irean.3 of rancr chromAtol-It,aphy. Sakli.j)rom. .34 no;5121-23 MY ',")0. (M:ll i/," 5) 1. Ukrainskdy iapaucLno-Issledovatells-kiy insti-Ilut spl-rtovoy i likero-,;odocl-moy prormyshlennosti. (Raffinose) Omo sses) (Paper chromn _ . Y~ ROVENSi,~IYAY GOLIDFAM, ".N.; VA3".,%.OVSkAYA, I-II.A. Resistance of dysenteric bacteria and ente X pa tho -genic'Eticherichia coli to some antlinicrobic proparations.'7 no.9:53 l) 161. (mll,-k ly~: 10) 1. Sanitarno-epi-de.,~uolo-iches:caya stantsiyu Lenins:,(,go rayona Dnepropetrovska. (ESCH"iaCIIIA GOLI) (DYSENT"-:~,*Y) ACCESSION NR: AP4041363 510048/61t/0281006/0998/0999 AUTHOR: Ugay, Ya, A.; Averbakh, Ye. M.; Fogel'son, R. L., Gol'dfarb, V. A. TITLE: Some properties of thin indium phosphide layers SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Scriya fizichaskaya, V. 28, no. 6., 19640 998-999 TOPIC TAGS: indium, indium phosphide , indium f1. In, indiura phosphide property, film property, film alectrLe conducci.vity ABSTRACT: The temperature dependence of electric cimiductivity of in- dium. phosphide twin films and of their limit of absorptton in the longwave range have been investigated. Films were prodticed by a separate vacuum vapor deposition of components, first: of' fildium and, then of phosphorus. under pressure of about 10-5 mm lip at 400C. Electron diffraction patterns of the films corresponded to those of the InP compound. The temperature dependence of eloccric conductivity of InP films 0.55-0.06 v thick was determined at 20-500C. One of the two films investigated was first annealed in vacuum at 2,50C -:1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4041363 for 3 hr. As shown in the diapram (see Fig.'l of the Enclosure), the electric conductivity of the films at high temperature is almost identical. The width of the forbidden zone determined from this diagram is 1.42 ev. The width of the forbidden zone detevmLned from ;the longwave absorption edge wan 1.27 ev. The higher value obtained ~from the temperature dependence of electric conductivity is explained by partial decomposition of indiurri phosphide at. high temperatures. 'Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy gosudarstveny*y univeraLtet ~(Voronezh State University)~ SUBMITTED: 00 ATD PRESS: 3058 ENCLi 01 SUB CODE: SS,IG NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 001 co i :2/3 L 5423-66 Ez1iT (I )/E P./EriG (m)/E lvA (%w)-2 I j 'H r, AT ACCESSION NR-. AP5019764 uVoo 5 1/6 5/0 19/002/028h /0285 rt, 533-9 AUTHOR: Gol'dfarb, 1. _M. Ljq1 TITIE: A simple technique for determining the temperatwe u-nd elt'ctTon density of a one-component plasma SOURCE: Optika i spekt .roskopiya, v. .19, no. 2, 1965, 284-285 TOPIC TAGS: plasma temperature, electron denrity, line sp#ectrum, gats discharge plasma, continuous spectrumy radiation intensity ABSTRACT: The technique described is based an isolating the intervals in -which the intensity of the continu-um of a nitrogen or argon plasma, is anky slightly de- pendent on the wavelength and exceeds substantially the intenaity of' the line apec- trum. It is then possible to forego the use of ppectrcy.,rraph and photograph -the process through light filters. The measurement A411tere made Tor the following sources-. (a) 25-amp are strength 1O6W1oRj_Vx&_ning in a strealn of' axSon bet-veen tungsten electrodes in a quartz tube, (b) 2bO-amp pinched ar., fr(M am argon welding torch with water-cooled copper anode, (c) 10-amp arc 20 mtk long between carbon electrodes in a weak stream of nitrogen. The fornw1a used for the oxgon plasillp- was 5.9 x 10-"I, Card 1/2 L 5423-66 ACCESSION NR.- AP5019764 where ne is the electron density, T the plasma temperature, and I the intensity of emission (w/Cnr3Sr-1A-1). The formula for nitrogen is I - 3 X 10-35 n2 T-1/2 + 8 X 10-17 n& T---1 X, e where x is the degree of dissociation of the nitrogen. The results are compared with published data and some of the differences explained. Advantages claimed for the method are the possibility of determining plasma parameters wil;bout complicated spectral equipment, higher luminosity, ease of conparison with a standard source, lower errors in the measurement of radial diatributions due to plasme, displacement, and smallness uf reabsorption effect. The electron density and teii(perature errors are estimated at 25% and 200K, respectively. Orig. art. has: 2 fiewes and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 21jui64 ENCL: 00 67JB CODE: NE, OP NR UF SOV: 005 OTHER-. 007 L/ i/) 2/2 S/124/61/000/012/033/038 t2-'37/D304 AUTHORS: Gol dfarb., V. M, , a-.rid Stepanov, A11 TITLE: Elastic, constants and strecs of stratiform heterogenous riedi~l PERIODIC~.L,-. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mlekhanikrt, no~ 12,, 1961~ 6. abstract 12V33 (V sb, Vopr., ddw~,,iki. 1 prochnosti, no,, ':.., Riga, AN Latv`)SR, 127- 158) TEM A stratif'orm medium -is considered, -where each layer consists of a different material,, The medium is put under streS~': in such a manner that mean stresses in each layer ore con!,tant. It vias sliown that the given medium ca-~i be coji9jd,?1:-ed anisotroDic, and the method for determining elastic constants in an aniso- tropic medium ;kith elastic constants of each layer kno~vn ~,,as given, As an example, stretching of a stratifor-, model was con.. sidered. Each layer, in this case, is shown to be undc-r Card 1/2 S/1241161 Elastic conslants and D237/D304 three -directional stress. ard the layers %,;ith hi;-:her Youn:~ s modulus are comDressed, ~;hile the ones ,dth modulus are stretched- Distribut-ion o~' stresses in separate layprs ,,ias in- vestigated for the case -wh~ln dimensions of the la-er,-3 ~`Ile COM- parable .,ii'L-.h other di~menslons of the model under inv.':?-;ti.-aticn,, Experimental determination of noduli of elastic~_,ty of some stratiform materials confirmed theoretical calculations,, it wag found that the distribution of stresses in stratiform media foun.d. by photo-elastio, methods -~(!Lncides with the di,~trJ.bution found theoretic,all.y. 1, C 0!11 1_' IA Abstracl~er o nott- A(? tion Card 212 S/051/6i/oi1/004/002/OO-' E202/1-"592 ,J AUTHORS Gol'dfarb, V.M. and 1L'ina, Ye.V. I I TLE: Determination of the moan residence time of atorlis and the Coefficient of diffusion in an arc disch.11-ge pl.-Illil-M PE,RIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v.L1, rio.4, P)O1, 1115-1151 1 LXT: High Speed Pilo tographic "ittidil'-s of' Carbon Zli-C discharges,8 mm long, were carried otit by introducing firle needlos carrying 0.1- to 0.3 iniii diameter beads of NaNO,, B;xCO I and Li~,:O- These needles were either stationary, or traversed tho plas rltt -) channel, at midpoint between the electrodes at a consta;lt Velocity of 60 ciii/sec. Tlie high speed cine' camera was synchrollised with t.hc entry of the beads into the plasma. Background arc luminosity was rejected by suitable cut-off filters. Two independent methods were used to determine the coefficient of diffusion D. The fir-st method was based oil plotting the rate of blackening of the film against the time lapse, and thus lead to the evaluation of the Me,"ll residence time T of the atoms introduced into ,,he plasmix an (i hence to the detAnination of the diffusion coefficie t D 1* In t 1--j- second method, the coefficient of diffusion D,, was :Ili,-ter-mined from the rate of propagation of the luminous f.~ont within the plasitia, Card 1/3 -7 Determination of the mean residence ... S/051/61/011/0011/002/004 E202/E592 using a sequence of high speed photographs 1-ind I), witil the help of a microphotomotor, a series of curves rel.atin,~- the blackening to the distances from the axis at each particular instance. 'Flip results given by these two method~m ar,-.i smmm%r-Izk!d below: Table 2 Metal T (sec) D D, 2 (cm /sec) (cin /-;cc) Li 0.002(0.0014-0-0027) :18 4o Na 0.003(0.0022-0.0031;) 19 21 Ba 0.005(0.0037-O.oo6o) 11. 13 V The authors found that the evaporation of the bead starts within a few thousandths of a second after introduction and that the luminous region surrounding the bead grows preferentially in the direction of the cathode where it is retained for, 0.01 sec after Card 2/3 Determination of the mean residence ... E202/E992 the main part of tile luminous cloild is dirrused. During Ch,,- ducay t, il tile hi,~~Ilvs t 111ru i 110.91 ty wa.,l ob!wrved not a 1olig (-he it xI ~. [)It T. along tile peripheries of the discharge. There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 9 references: 2 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The Englizih- language references read ab follows: Ref.l; V. 1. Symon. Proc. Zoy. Soc., 46, 153, 1925; Ref.2: G. E. Davis. Phys,Rev., 24,2d)3,1924; 24, 168, 1912, Ref-5: A.Arnoid . Ref-3; H. A. Wilson. Phil.Mag., J . I lrid.Eng.Chem., 22, 1091, 1930. SUBMITTED: November 19, 1960 Card 3/3 3/0 8/i~ 22/326/C37/024 '65C B 12 /Ij 1 4 7. -knl Gol, I '--trb V. M. i na t r. o f e . a a a n r a 13 n o f e om 5 nd iin !rc :]Jschu~-L;Fj .-L--jion coefiicicnt in D, v e iya . sor4yii 2 no. 7, 1)'2, n 0 f - t 3,.-, S i n t e a 3 f an v c 4 11 S C "Izi t'- a 0 ex,C I t~Z - e: 1. ; ly":7e &n arc r-sch 31, ;c):-'s~ ~,nt t tire t S cent er of '-i i a i-iliare'. 2:-. e i e 2 o I c, c e n t r, i n ::,,L, t r-r ij i f ',a o n L-, eleCI c i- .1,4 C f' 4,1 kd n ve c o - -1 4 nd D ij t r, c I C C, I I t or. s 'D e b r, e to b e 0 r 2 S 4- n n p /2 . 3 follows for the e a n a t i o n o f a e 4-,. t 1 L; S D and of Li, ",Ta, and Ba are deterrained 'c,, .7.eans y B I Second) :'o va c 0 U- ou ic,rl c Oe~ 1 ic C, 1,?~ermined by Of S C. c J r e f t --k 1,,:,l y e Lo na V i La I , vevila 60 1, 1 D.111~113 ) V-, LO I !a V, [1-'utu~!l effe(-t of elr!,7,t!nt.s in the rpectrurr. rar.jles in a i~rbon arcl Vzairrmyo vl.iiil::~ia ,anizi:ov, rio.5) I (A 1"': 15 AID Nr. 586-7 10 juae T:L,%STIC DAECHP.11NITCAL PROPERTIES OF LA~JATINIATED "IMHOMOGENEOUS E D LA. (U S S Goi'ff~r;D., V, M, and A. V. Stepanov. Zhurnal prikladn,:)y mekhaniki i no. 2, Mar-AprI963, 100-107. S/207163/000/002101';.1025 The of "..hornogenecus "thin-laminated" media under arbi- U'ary is 6.J*,Zcuss_,d. The term "thin-larninated" mleans that there are any iaye:rs a vou-:n, e e, ement in .vhich the state D st:rcl-ss is close to a tenSion, Vomures,2_ion, Otc. ). Tl'e layers are assumed 7c) Oe an-' ri -,.i -:1y In-rercornected; ziiel'r -hicknes!; es are small rclative and the S~reSS f4e'd Nvi~hin each laye-r is homo- L -.a is treated as hornoseneous and ani~*.;otropic, with -sym - :--,etry a'_-,~ut an ncrrnal to the planes of Le L~~%ers, so that: -the elastic constants of can '--e '_-*_---__~_-~-~,ined by -using the equations oi the generalized Hooke ia%%r :o tha avera-;,:~c' ,,alues o-1 .3tresses and strains of the volume ele- ment. stresses in an -Individual layer are determined in terms of the com- ponen~s o"its avera.ced state of stress. The awraged elaat~c conotants and . Card V2 A :D, OF TIM [Con-t1d] S/:20'r/6" /OI)0/0D2/OU/O25 S S Z th(-. C-,,., a-i-i'sotro-pic layc:rs are also d--'s(nssed, and associated fornaulz~s .,Or the -zt:~~ss aralysis o-f polycrystalltne media. are T -7"Ive results, are in, r,,ood agreement with experi- nncrit--l Tha, depe.~---'e-acc of the clastic constants of a t"hin-1:irninated medium on its er~~o-netry e. , --~~Iative thickness o;-.' layers) is discussed. Because of the. d f-icu:---Ias in investgating this dependence theo.ret4cally, a method of using em- pirical daza to obt-nin coz-rections for aria-I'Lytical formulas is outlined. [ vic I Cz,~rd 2/:? VATZ.;WY-1,11, D,I.j' irc-h.; GOLIL)FAiLE, '.7,".., ral.J' Calculating the depth of tulle fusion zom3 in wel-iing with carbon dioxide. SIvar. proinv. no.8-18-11 IY 16.3' (VIRA -'~ ";,10' ' P.)II IF i 11 ~" 4 Lilt, I A -~ . K .' L I- L ~6929-65 ACC&iSSION NR: AR4039898 ZnX 3072.06 and 3075.90 At. Call 226. 4n CMIX distance between the carbon a lectroidliaii i4as 6: MM I ': drate 41 the salts of the basic metal were placed . n: electrode (anode) mixed wi.tb:Lcq4l dust.; I%e ziPc id on the bottom of a deep bole inth anode., Time s0 e trum made it possible to chooseicOnditiOnaluber b~ the "influencing" metal, zinc, land callcium'!ent~rej into the discharge channel. The, 6btai!4~4 Ci ti and concentration of the electi!o,xi6 ard Ovet~jes ~.oVi0 posure time. The results of the measurbmexits havei wit plasma temperature decreases LhAedreasi:64~ iohii, J of-the metal and with increasiniq~concentkation:o~f I t! of ionization of calcium.~Odroaa~o;09:,tbo. is degree d duced, and the concentratiOnLj6'j:tbe 6X60 ~6n 0 inct6 of the decrease in te ",rature.!, This. r0sult: haim control measurements based roaden r*:,of:,theA d characteristics and f rom the b Card 2/3 6929-65 :ACCF.SSION:NRt AR4039898 '7228 an d 6214 1, witb juat 1 i; j!j, j-- T; i r f 1 11 i T. H i t ! !1-1 '~A i Ell Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043025 S/005'L/6,1/017/002/0302/0304 AUTHORS; Gol'dfarb, V. M.; Il'ina, Ye. V. TITLE: Cesium line broadening in the plasi-iia- of a dc arc: SOURCE: Optik'a i spektroskopiya, v. 17, no. 2, 1964, 302-304 TOPIC TAGS: arc discharge radiation, dc arc discharge, cesium, line broadening, alkali metal, electron concentratton, Stark effect, spectrum analysis ABSTRACT: The electron concentration n e of a dc carbon arc was determined from the line broadening of Cs lines, the St-ark constants Zor which were calculated by H. B. Griem (Phys. Rev. v. 128, 515, k 1962). The use of cesium was dictated b,/ the insufficient intensitv of the customarily used hydrogen lines in weak arcs. Tests with a KS-55 spectrogra-ph were made to chec'r'. that the line broadening is indeed due to the Stark mechanism. The dependence of n. on the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043025 amount of metal introduced was also measured and the possibility of determining ne from the metal concentration was verifted. The variation ofn 1~ along the arc was found to follo~v t',1(? variation in the metal density. Deviations occurring on the boundary of the radiating region are explained. It is also pointed out that the variation of line broadening of alkali metals, fteqiiently used as buffers in spectral analysis, can be used to judge Lhe stability of the excitation and ionization conditions. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMI'ITED: 09Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP NR REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 006 Card 2/2 4 L 2350-66 ~,/ENG (m)/~ PA (w)-.2/E1iP(t)/EWP(b) lip(c) ENT ( I )/E irr PF c :ACCESSION NR: APS016688 J6/.vT Ult/0294/6510031003/0333/0339-'I S33.0.082.5:546.293 'AUTHOR: Golldfarb, V. M.; Dresvin, S. V. ,TITLE: Optical investigation of temperature and electron concentration distribu- tions in argon plasma ,e :SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v. 3, no. 3, 1965, 333-a39 iTOPIC TAGS: high temperature plasma, plasma heating, argon i I !ABSTRACT: Argon plasma burners (high frequency electrodeless heating of gas at at-1 I - mospheric*pressure) with water-cooled quartz walls of various diameters are studied.' ;The electron temperature and electron density distributions are determined. These I iresults were obtained by observations (with in situ carbon arc calibration) of ab- isolute line and continuum intensities and measurement of 11 broadening, relative :i1ne to continuum intensity, and continuum photography. The electron density of about 1016 cm-3 in the burner assured the existence of equilLbrium, which is re- lected in the small deviation between values obtained by thili abova methods. It In I ,noted that sometimes when larger diameter tubes were used, the planmin column wa-ndera--,- L 2350-w-66- !ACCESSION NR: AP5016688 I from wall to wall. The temperature profile for such plastna was found to have only ~slightly lower average temperatures as compared with symmetric discharges. OrIg. !art. has: 5 figures, I formula. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. A. X. Gertsena (Leningrad Pedagogical Institute) Y SUBHITTED: 27Jul64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: KE NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER; 012 I-COM-2/2- , ) jj-J/,Tf L 5138-66 1)1:-,WT (M) /T/E-,Tp WAE"Jp Ob ) /ZWk ( C) T,T-.1 (,- ACCESSION NR- AP5018723 Uli/C IN R. CNW > R(A'. Ik.I L A ACTAILLOCKAL LITIRATURE 4LASIVICATIOW --------------- to 1440 -It 041 Cal 1931AJI 4-1, It ~A T 11 If to LS it *so* 09* 0410*0* 0 00 0 0 41 41 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 boo b0 0 use 4 0 0 0 0 -4-6,40"s 40 116 00006 40 0 0000 l 4 to 11 a " 0141 ot so* 0 4 00 0 0 0 it 41 0 0 '4111JU Ida I&V t- X " a i d;* . A 1. A C-1 so OtadeltOLUM 44 24mbboalcouse wft .00 broam"060911samiks. J. L OuLDrAm and H. V. AyDaLns=IJ f0oclipit. rend. Acad. Bel. 1937 ~ 24L 47 . 3-477)~ 248-,Juouj(mglw ad COPhCRiBr In MH Yield a mixture of 7-iN. "WA got rTWI -2- 1', kmte, ir.p. 209- M 4' L ahni- p. ; p nt-p~ 240-T$3*) and (pimile, lit. 1). so a , Zee go a A21 00 see -60 ;.J; 4 1 ~ 1, 0! 4 0 o 0 0 0 0 o00 00 0 4 0 0 0 0 to 0.0 000 0a 16; film F T #10 , t' ! MW if 11 w is w It 0 11 D a 14 3 A 17 1 1 11 x P a U 14 A It It a P .1 U .2 41 j! 0 L L I a A A t 9 1 1 1 J I I AA III U It U I I A 00 90 00 A 114h,tions of effirralro of tin and huniurn IrtrAchii)r1re -0 In Uelictiona of difixtime and tvtrxhy,irofur&n with ot - 0 00 genic acid chlori&~ in the resence of tin and tium"111 tetrachlorides. Ya I G'4"ff.&'h aml I., M -411111111, -00 '91 00 a ml - 4)0 00 -00 06 1 ~ -00 FICI, at ].',it I"r 1' 00 0 knd IICI. %,1I, Fitt I. .3'hing A tit, of lit Nll,(Ill mul 11,41, lit- I 1.( ,:13 1"t' 1 0 Ih, ""; M'(. 111 .1, ~'- . !, . ; i f 0 so I 7~ If:,)( 11 r . 00 j IV, f""-& H-t"IK III 'I""' ,, -III NIC1. It 0 0 1 f- 2.1 1--- icu- IV. %% I'd'. I ."I A,(.'I d., I,. - , 00 00 m I b, I't,. ~ m., .4 1 '1, 1" t h~ "a, O.m -11. "~% 1, .:"1 1. 00 a 11" Kill I';'; -11"i H;(*I[:( 1. 11 1 V. z: 0 0 ............ It 0 0 =02 'i, I .,III I IL I- vt,-M~d 71, P:,~ L' 0 0 I" . 144 1 1"0. "J~' I o0 00 t .11d Ind, 14.0, ( 11. p11: V , m N, g '21"t, C'milition, ", 1( 1, " '~ 4 \' I, I IIIA ~ 0 0 2.5 I'd, L'Al, 9-1 .11,0 ~ II!;'I H'I :' 1, ,, 11" 0 like I.-iM, . li,-mc .,f th,o f-m.ij i,,n ,f IV ..11,1 V 1, 11, O(Clf,l.Cl - )I,,) Cil".0N Cl Clf, I C !I I t LITEOLILRE C1.1111FICAMM I 1 0 0 00 1:0 a ty C? a -, T_ I IF F 4 -T . is K a If 91 it it It N - v 'I, An I S I W .3- .0 1 1 T. 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 4p 4 0 .0 0 0 r,! 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * of 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 4 to .0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 to 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 j if W I 1 f 4 am 6 1 1 . 1 If 1 . 1 111 C 11 A I I AA u 0 s 11theals ket"a- In th~ I.f.lf 3" y 1l I'll 'I I M dill J-1 RIM 4: b, -rkmg m 4-- of 00 If 00 00 an't 00 j It A 'C' ~ 111 1 4 1 "1'.1 00 "-t. " 4-k- 1- ...' ': .... I .' 0.1111 it ItIp. I:.' I S )11 '. Aft. I I., 00 00 X~ t1h I't" 0!: 6 11 0 4 11 11 0 0 0 111 0 4 to 4 It 11, it I it0 0 0 UIf if It 11 11a I if Uis I I 10 1 s -.0, 04, 1 24 - 111, 41 .0 4. -04 C!, -d 0 41 '-d .' 1 0, 1, 0 4. 1 ' ow X f. .'i Jkno-, It. 1'. 171 it,.::. A, 1 T, 1-~I' b" 7 1 ff"- 1 10 g*4 ft"!n PrOt :11. 1 1- 7 0 4 ilea 4 0 4 SfTAILLO~KAL Llff.&Tlilf CLAWfWChI;CW 2,111 0 It An 1 1 4 Cl c t) X3 [Intl 19 X11 K11 naft 11:1 n 1. 01 0 to a 0 0 a Y f O O & A, w u It 11 U 13 7 a a N a I I 0! T I 'A td IX (k Ct L I I IS. 4A L a A F9 ItI TU I 41 basis at carbail ca ThA, _:" d,,' rrurionicocAnts Ill. The actica of hromalpyr"Ic n and . amin.mmUnts YA 1. -4 ' Ater tt .4 ~~, R. 1 10, M. S K ul.k-a. .1. (4-, (W,~~ W %; . f c ~1 32. 17.61; 35, ~'.l 10t~ -A"llit"I I, It c1fill cit'El ill m It t ()I. Fit Ili -*4 I.J. *113ch I--- 11,A) On ItAildit1f, 'It K1110' -00 it, -J.". .1 Amnni . I 1.1 4 % 1l;, (lilt. PIN -Nit M IV ii vx,ty hvxr-In,w wi,l I M IV coadem"tI.0 of amillcamatinq with scrII'Alcetic d Wi 00 I'll,. tang, .11, a livat' ll 1, .star. CIli dim 1, 11 mi zoo Nit, it K1-4 the '-l, III IV, 1161 x Wh- ...... .. h l I 0 a 00 1 ) , 11(1 .,1 _A4 '.I Whoi IV .- ~, I I-I ~ k p-, 40"i 1. .* it 00 ."m"', lb."I d I ii 00 , t _ I IV b, 1,0 ill I I ( pl, m. ~'f 11 .4 j : -00 I,. m. _'411 - Illd 14 V 11% k. It J, -4 11 6y 1 it'l I'mmulm, 00 1'. it fl ..... . III,. ". It flits lIt I'm, 1-19 114- (W Ill, I I,, I It, J N .,I ...... .. -t ; 0.0 J (VI it, 1 .I . 00 ( I dvI do., V I I I ,I I I I I J' - ),,, 1, 1 so * -A ) kill fi.rm, V1,I .1th -M, lt h 0 .0 . : I lrn CO, f- t Ill M lit i I-Ill 14 Vil 1-~ I, It', III IllItIM, 11 -tIt KI * lu,"Il .1111 Kl til 0 1111, . t-- limt th, %t l, -,,p I. ,n it", k I I I 1 1 t "' -' ' " " K' 11 "ILI \it I % 1-4, Ing, A", .""' I Ilu, j t I . III .......... 4".1 11 Ill I ' 40 , -, lea It _N1 j 110. if I", III dlirl" I rl- m". t"mcd ,,0, lit, N 4 of ~J. It Ij jf%,"]" ' t lit " I I i of 8 '. IL V it 'I I a a 0 q q 0 0 01 * 0 00 9*041 410a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 to 0 0 0 0-0 0- 0 0 0 6 0 00 0 0 0 0 0000a 00 0 0 0 4 0 0 rit, 4. a (I a 0 4 0 it Y') t rid e,~ ,i-.1 -1,),l i c n t i rv L A Os 00 00 a 0 111 r 11 U 11 W 1 % 11 4 1. x 11 IT j L 11 11 6 il 1? 41 .1 1; a 6. go I AA 0 U X 11 1A# action acid ITAUdirs an tetrallydroturAn. and 14DIIIr der, TAIlves at 4-diVtbYI1LM1JIG I bUIA1101 1. NI "",,kd Vg. I.. (;j:I,(jfUtj, j t" IT """ ~I ~ ~, 1, It I Iw liw. IP-NIIA:jI,CfK'I If U.I.-n III ,, ~h, j."Ir-n" !( .;nv 1:sI . ,nJ."J c. !~ 11 .-d A,k, vvr IyIA_jAt" I", AIR -k.j. Mf u, !Ilvr LIM :IV . I,, 1.1, -1 1) INIP) IT". IIIN K" 67. -111, TI'a Imn in NIt I'll gl%. , .11, 61: Wll,n IV I, heated with W`,' Kill, :1 AT--- t-d!,slillim-1-1pulaziol IV , h, ~%, ~Kj' (plcr.)I,jjjAj, I, 's". P-NOTC,JIXOIJr and 11 ;iv, -41-, 1 %ilh Ill 11(, p-t,,6e-.,We, I" a, Ih, If( 11,111 (VI,), in. 1.-~4 9 !'It _' Irt ~I, v,-r y 11 yst,-pi, VI 11 .111) Iltlt,kimd Ii yi, 1.1 frum I ~nd V. Wdu, I ",1. 4 VI It 1, IICI , I I f _',~ 40' gm-, 4 &i.1hylaminoli,I)i p-.j,n,x.oe, .,;:, 171A tf'j,j,, R,... t,,,n, _4110 -0 40 -041 jZ041. 1, .00 : 0 4 .00 tl,.,t I~ "ITT .,t 1". 1, I'll, , "In". 11; JIIITI'11111~11T' LO 1.UICA TIC- rx IT u it IT) IT 0 go 0 41 Q 0 0 0 a 0 go 0 0 0 g00 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go, 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 O 1 0 0 0 T 0 1 1 , u v Q 1: m 1) Ad 4 1 1 I I L - 11p 9 1 1 1 w I A 1, t Po t4 It, It O 4 ~ 0 Tho attivill of cl ba,"alzrione Da and JuDiAll"34OVIC4 -A 11 A I- 11, 31 k., C.,mlov #,,.I 045 .......... t Im "'I'd. I-V fr~lilm.l 010 llou, 09 N. 1:, 1,,, ~1 k,, I. 01) Ht t oil k t Os l..1 A Ill., Ole . ...........l al ..... .I h, l'L .. ...... . .... f I , 10 0 0 I lt~%Ilgl. 114 Mill ~16 0 1, t.-n-i 4 and dicil ;00 it, -qd thAll ill hw OF 0:j if l,- -0 . ....... . n-0 0 PO 0~: hil gli, .%00 I. i,ith I l ti ts Alf .0 11 11 v & i 00 00 40 Of 40066~00004610MON* %* 00 1*6 :1 Ald GOLTFARB, Ya. L. "P-cw,ylation of iviAiil-s bir lr'(-~,'uls CC ";i-tern," C,.),:hch. 12, Nc- 5-6, 1,1-42. Inst. Org. Cheri. SSSR. .A. -Un 00 A N F as A *0 00 Go 09 'o 0 A IM-SLA .9 ULLURG KAL LITI14TUAICLAMIF)C Ll DOW wit 0 o ~2 12- o0000000 o 0 0 A 00 0 e lei lot 0 Q it in 4 6 L. L 1w, ~ -100 file .119 -100 -100 W06- IWI; -" 4400 zip 0 Roo 0 qpo All 0 sive tigo ate An L s a -.1 11 9 A (1 3 a v 111 41 o 0 00 see 0 OlIP0414) 41 16 9 0 0 e 0 rf fff7fl/Irr * # o 0i op; i 0 0 . . - - a t k. i~ U 11 w If 4 il 4 " x , 21 12 to Id A A r? IS ?1 13 P U U A 0 a 11 0 l balides on amino Ovilvatives of nicadalt. a( atk y Vs. L 13"'ilfall, Afid M S K-likkovi" ~ l"if ()r$- Ch"' If ~ R S J 1-00 -- - li-l- , AcM. Sti. U.SS.R,). C-Pi. re-i. L1-I . . I I Wh 4.1A-7(IQ4S).-In the formulas bdow 48 , ' .. . ..... m , fach 1, fl,01, I ........ I j,"I AI)P.111. ". -00 cift--cill 1~- 1RCIck 11cil" I lift "id M,i vild a ` .00 It ,% Ouch fiwm, ,' ~tdlldwg. 110" IV* w Vbj, h., K N.) \ N.%fe -1111ak flint ript,11Y in air. %WhC(41t jo,,- a , ty'l 11.114 1 Aij~j ~% I ji,c Va w Vb --,Iv e it I'hr jit'l -11 j R R (1), and AcC I I,C I i .00 00 (11) Stvv ~ imwh better yi,rld ~l it' .04 1 *0 (lei lei " trrnko, C.A. 35. 21191) fit,"' I And It, st'Pluitting the It -whe product% are Irtrined sit the rearth", aimitripticin th4t S 1, N1, NIF : ,I a-h.l.warix~tivi tumlxls~ with aininonicutinics, particii- itaf (Vbl a ally L I to -W, NIVOII sill". is treated with I ; gir 111.4t, Md, th,r null IwatM bir ~wral units , amt lit,O is kmv,., hv * 4,filed it? inve le~ thina ~-10,7c tif a ba- and Aixut 136%*( an 1111-ilft!" k V11 Mid \111 41"! i I Vt. a* which CVellttlAIIY rry.tAlliltes, In. 1-19 1141' "irthi-I'd u,, !!_,; A J, N,widakmM art,,. I" h,n hrall-.1 %],,.Iy), after '~' , ryOns. (totil Air 01, tire C .1 35, 111-111) 'j, ~, .-1:4. to )lot- 1.., .1 it, Witlity w nli,ahct and artalyst.4, It I, &"I td 11, 1., u I'a- ., " '), , :~O% ar"I 7:* or-t-, 11,101 Cff,CIf,CII,-NN1e,j11 O-Mllo X11), "iG of a ha~, 1,, INJ 4 ' tall, r t 11-trm Iiv cr-lit: o, .0 fit -Alt Willi 11000, 41(11( I'm- 1~ I WN1 Vila i,,4--J -'I; t,f . . ..... i~ 114' Ill and Art,(). y3firtirs) but c"ut'i I~ Vilb ow Sil, f~ fi;rawif on NAI K 4 h,ti, m -.-. iti, 141.11 qh-tr~l 1,v rvill) alkah-) Vt wid I, if Kiv, 0)1~ ,[ the 1-~ dffjr 00 rIV). it ..... K-1,- 10. ; IV, (VIII). b, It-,, Vt hir lfl;(h tnatillp"t, Z's 0 1 111.. 101 10 0 U Is T I j 4-A1 41 v 44 ff a list nall It X .0 a 41 M 1 0 0 6 0 0 -11 ~4~ 4 Ul4d ':;I; ,u"41 ~Iv lAd Ju 1,1 4p. 1 lani.,4,1 uo!, IAJ 1!111 Alth, aAll j41 1.11 IIA ... . ... IIU -All HA I (qllA) I -11A) IN 411 '11j 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0_0 0 0-0 0 0 0 Q 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 06 0* 00 -0-0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is * 0 41 0 0 0 : W4, 0 0 * 0 a a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TI M w 16 11 " 1 0 a 0 4 41 6 1 I f 10 11 11 it to Is 4 if 11 0 1, , j. ' ' ~ 11, ( R. .% 49, I_ I t P-15); If 1 1 40. " so go iri Iv III, h"':'I 1-41" is., 1., -00 III it'. ..... . I. I'f'. I - go I it, I i L I ~Jl .11 tl,I~I M It"ild III t Ile It, Old I I !I f,, I so go !111'. "t !~.I! -;:, !'so M1 kit" 111.1jiji'l it 1. 1. 1, -so set floe 13, VIA t, pi't.1 In C, I, . ~1 ,% 0 a Irij, Im, Vb r im. I: I!,, . se ... .. ..... go, V, t h C, I Go I - ...... . ~P,. Vb 11-Ill-r IILHI pj~td it,, ,,I "I', Ll WC HICII I IV) ("mi "Ifl. '111f.I1111Y. thr 6 IV fc,,., a I-c. 11.2161S_ 2 11 ,vri- i;eo tit, amm,,p%Ti,hile f"ItIllf IV r..%Cll .1:!l filif 111L1 L A afTALL49GACAL LITERATURE CLASIIPKAY#Ck ri 110.1 1111,1311. - . . .1 - , _-_T_ ____ !i, , .).". i 19410 C S.".0 W4.3 A, 011,,, cot !.Mll, a. a L I A 'A 0 9 1 1 If 14 5 it] 0 3 9 u is ity 00 11 Fw A, Ib so** iT, lip 41 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 II ~It I -]A 1. )9 it 11n A 2. : r X 1, 1; t I, is v I A L. AI I V v t- A JL-" I , L a m 1~ L -0 0 'IC UP til A A , 00 I c:fbazo tondense4 ysterno ltom ud, 410 d ct th. 4) to 00 it aunintmucolln *,,,I blunt "Acatulifetic N , -1 .11 Ill. I l, -I Mid A.-t .41 0 N . 0.4, hh-, A ".1i 194n ".,.I hill, . 0 .1 37, Amm-mimim, t~l) I ) an.1 2,,) jr 41 A,0114CIIJ. - 11 ' IA M A1111W111 tl) 11AIld 2 " ! : m.11)IIIIII. ill, I aWill, after -hwh Al I Ile V,(011 1, n ..-I AW T, dll~. tArli up in 11A 1, r W Ill K h-I .-d I:, I t h 1:, 1 :0 . dr, 4 0 qa' it 1111 I A I i 1.1 d~ ,u ,pn to dr . y Ir-un-t ulill K, ill. in,l ~vu, III, ~.t:kj zib 0 ' a I M', p,,,,,.,e. 1: 2111 ift ... n aq ; Nimit-11 .,I 1 1.% Li'lot'g 11M). 11;~~A 1. ill ill,- c.lid (,0, d 0 ,so f to I~ L, I'l.- 11. -1 th'. oll"I lIx"I. C'Adllv AkVr a Ill!, 0 hot ~1, KO t 1: Gal Kroup p-1ml,1v t, ill the 't-l-tion. C.. M. Koullaj~ff * U -Chlaro -0-methoxy-S-nitirequinoline. lUrry L Yale 00 (Sujuibb lust Im M,d. K, -,carch. Ntw flmn~wlck. N.J.). 1. A.i. Ch- .\., 70, 1~1,1,-' 191S~ 3A 0,N(ll,N)- Q.11,0M, 4 it ), S2 it 16AW.. aml 3,N) ml. c-1 110 at lir ~ttb ill t - " U n It INa U It 11 14 A 4 4 .1, 0 0 to to .0 0 0 40 41 0 0 0 0 I to u W LE r A 1 0 to oo-, a it $10 oil Ilk I Oly l j 00 ' , io, fill j -00 ,d) "Ift, It,,.I 00 t to i I ..... .. .. * 0 0 M 0 ;0 9 9 4 ) 4 1 0 * GOLIDFARB, Ya. L. "The '-~nseirble' a-rid '~,-r%,ra,~ati(-,n' Princi-iles in CatEL1~sis," - i,~I- :" "r ' - - . , - ~ ;, ('. 2, 1 I.J- . 2L, 1 DePlu. of -~IhysiceLL Chem., Lab. of C.;talysis and !.-Ilectrcclie~,.istry of Gases.. ll.'~sccw Stat~-- U. 0 6 a * 0 0 0 0 a * 0 #-w-oci- 10 M " 0 *OID (I Goa 4 0041 00 0 00 000 0 9 0 * 0 0 4 q 4) 41 0 0 0a09 0 Ia 1 4 1 11 1 It 1. It 11 u 11 111 14 t o J. to 9 it z if Ll 9 It a III vw10 4 at Q ii 4. a ce L0 1 u A 5 1 Lot v If 'I Ir I m ON IV 11 j It III rA I", r'. to , , _& 0 41, -11 -1. 1 Amfn',) derivall- it I pirridyl) 1 1 buladlotio, I . -14 "old d"Id Y, 11, 1.4, L."t 11'. v. 1. 11.1"1 ... 1-1, , I.J. 40 1. 1~* 1pr-', I--- I I..) I, I I, - IWII~Ill .. I I " L,I ) 1 : 11"I k a Co. auld . " ' , ....... It Z 0 1 0 Imt III, ;,l, Ll ") ,1 14 1", I- 4 00 It C1 I i w'.t I I.!; "ofl f...... I ICHOI 111, 1,. l-,l ; 11'. 'l-ol I, II .' 00 J( vId'I' Im '.it, , Il' A .. I, I"'NI, Ali 41 Go a th,s uk-I O"dial'N tut, vA.", 76 1 "t a Ivav'11'r 4 11 'll"i (O'Lllwd %V!wl' I 'I I so 11 "- in Ilit.g. CS, .0.- ' ClIk .4 1 1-1-- of 11. 1, 1 1., . ...... . ..... 41, 1 1'. , "'0. , 00 a Aipl it S Ilk I w -20 41) "I", h "T"'o .:"I H.'S f-n'd I A-p It. t~' g"'. Nl.,N Ind I~l "I't A .... .I 'It I ".K ""I.] fi"':' 4 eloj"' ze It , ho-I 1,, 1,, AV, IV lot i ". 14" 4'L*"!) " I " I '( I rvapc too . I, '. '111-1 41 .ht'mlrd m _,I m vidd I-- I", K I!IYI I"", C..4. 15, '1 Voi). lot) it. 1"~' 1; 111' ~ c* at 105 Atilt.. b. 1"0-0)" N IV) EMIL ind ..Oi-l ilh Vill)", it., '0", "t V 41 * f bad h,~A~ I I'L h,,. Ati-pl. V 1%, a* 41 9 -111 14 111 .1111 .%A,4 1 .111 A ItIA111 kith. IV 1-1% it" it" I1 1; "'Ily "', I--- ~o A, n 'tAlodmx III,, _',i - IV) '4 IV. III-I M Ise 'j V. 41DO .A. "bum'd. .6'.14 '1 1-1 1 lit . 1"I'. -I IjIjL' 1 e : w , 1'~" _' I., %% isio If Poriolwation of crclic thiosmideri. I V-h-ka IN- 0 Ich in'tiltite I)( flic lim., /60. k "'U., - Ch C '% " S~ to, oi$ob It I IIIIA-110C.1, 'III t3 41 1 0 It A) 1 4 Du 11 10 11 to ~ a It n q K n rt it ot 6UD n 1) 0 0 T 17 V L i n t of and,.-Ya. L Dan 1% ~ , Opp- &37 Ahson. (J. Lien. IkAlem.1 I R-31 048 ... ~~jpft~, - ior dts. 1 i trum of I-inethyl-2-Midon C (1) In a.kbows. U-40 R; at raft%. Lit 3400 and at M A.. am V mg.11.), soln In EtOH ' t In (OiDlIp 31 1 VVU; 0, he inax. are shifted to and th 1111di Va. ! L~ Gt .; the 0 deviation from Eleer's Ill 's Ill In a1c. b not cleitr.' In speliOn of jhd follij .In. in EtOH. 2 -arnhiopyr1dint (11) thiml a hand with ninx. -it .00,10 A., log E - 3.6, I.e. the fWntoland as uble~ ~injr td" In CIII,q (1;piersand Wibaut, C.A.31,52726 ;~ jdj C411A the band is shifted to longer wam 41. Ott . A The khift is not to be attributed t6 Uubvititii6i;~ bit. (I 2M 0-8); cause a-dinicthyLiminopyridine (W), which, to itiot cap. 1-0 tb I 240ina 'able of tnutomerism, shows, In sk. goln., a further shift In ~ I to inax. 31200 A., log E 3.8. the spectitum dmwbqW clam q kIo that of 1. The shifts are hitierpreted by all Illcreatted wt, of Volair structures in the Ist kxcited state ont, Vitt a U, result al which the double-band character nt C:R la,.M. t~.24n"-I,$4hOr 00 hattred. this effect b increased by sub-titution art jhie aktillhe withiodid Wall NN- gruup with Met. Substitution with the !electtti. Met I III de X~11 i~ nophilic groups Ph or Ae. give-s rise to a shift in ithe op- 1-2 q positeditect-lon, 2-diplietiyl,,tntitiol-)-ri(line(IV I WeLMAX. Ca te V (iv am i Lit 2.170 A., log E 3.4, and 2-acetatuidopynd rr (V) - flal : iy tod 0, 'Pat] Pl;~ Max. 2470 A. log E 3.8, tit dit ?j dqW Wide (Vi), in whiell the N atom of the NOI10i #OSIP iaritli!~(Xv laethl cannot patticipAte In resonance with the Ting, tht-je atj 3 t1vt to nicatime ati close inax. at 2600, 1-1;M, and 2,M A.j log B 33, 333, "-dines telativi to and 3.65, M~P,, i.c.005'! to the spectrum of C41(5N (ritin. am &tit. by re3on Ttl!l at 2520 A.), as exty-vted, lit 1.111 tte NIr, groa is free to take p1trt in ruollarwz with tltc Anx. the - P CIO 1K, ss; xy I -a I `7~ ~$t tv W. 1k or - it ~t -K St It. V. 2t '11 -M 66-~iWjis~ e j(Utk4j jt~ hit rlalt Ij j V& qlj~jj Off! C I W Ot al, kit 141 1 do t -57. 511 q .4. A.-V T- L,;t in uitravioLet )f ctuo 10 Dct'dwl" CU. nyx.. ba- ;I -A.'x s Ll'i-,- ol" of i d ln-,nlmnico~ jail Action of alkyl baLides on - and amitionicotines V, 1. C. K."A 'k,'- I..'t I ",i C I-u 1!Tv'I ,,,'!, k,, ~ .~ H . I lid, t it, w., 1049. 101, 47 M,I 12 ', g ) ,,,I U, K -,, - ni-lin, m 21) itil fl,, 0.,11,11119 1 fit i! I,- fluxing mm. K;Av, In. 14111 NI fw:" Ftolf). v.mIX 1) !t If;( ). -th Ih, XIvI it the 1)vrrf,l,- N Mom. a, it t' w"+.- Kv, I!- mw'! X..I I i ; it i I IC I ~I! I, m, I -''j - ~ ) , . P.-Ition "f Mirl -11, 1 -'Ill it 1.4. I-vd by vir"t I"'.1ki't 'Itth 11'a 171 In I-.,t fr~ I th,"Im-ftlit, "t.0 "" I im,n I "I.w I,-- bv -0-imi.m. - 1 1,, , wit (,~nn , c;,rhimat,. I IICI wh M, I g imikir I, ull aivi r0lu-i :1 hir., I.". g '22; 7' f-m N1,0111, , wjig _%I~ I I'VI-1, it r, i:, I!- fit, 't "Imic 'ith A. I. I '( I to I I., t It, 11i"t h~ , 1.~ ...... f...... t I., . I . " , , it , I I ". . 1'~ II. I- - .-1 1" 1k.,!,. .'( ,,, fli'l p-h~ t'. I, I ; ~ ~'; . f'.."t s-1 , t, d 12 K 1., 1 2 1, ,111,, 1 1-1:0 m.d th. tv"ts-i ';-1 It"r ALA' -mId- ':",t1 h."'I hp 11 .1 it, %1~ I it Ow I'v".1mv N. in 171 Vl,'. of 11 A wiLm,,ii trit, ttiti. vid t 11TIN-0.11.11-11' Of 11. M '2 , 11 If\ Ot, ire iltn~t in '01., t,~J h, NJ,-: . 0 1 4 2. :,',1 N I K, -A., poll 1. 1 ot 1 7*-e *oo*o ****so so 41 0 6 0 0 0 a 4 10 N A a ; ; -, 'i ; 41 to ,,Ii ? ? ? 4 1 C-S L f. Q It I A L- a to F Q It A -1 U.-Y LX-A- III CL OP (L 1 9 1 00 4 so A111111130 J14447dea ot too pyndint, salicl, I (,,il d -00 f,,l, aml N, K it mlov.t A-111.6 Hod Nud 3 .1 e 0 ~~.m 65, ~ I !, 1'"'1 ) 1 C. :0-', . Al'i.m, 0" prodactl (A the rr~U;II.,!1I (A,C"l .101 - "I'l ., -Imp, so so nicOmes are im.lucts -,( rmg~,;wmitlg, ~h ch at tht struct%irri 2,-, Ck/1,N1 N11, ('11 ( It OfIC/IjA It tie so 1.0 "If'S N11001 I he 0.0 'tris"flu" t of,mimil"11 Op -q ~Ilml ~j Olk olm The Ac 13" UCI javv 90 C.11.); 110 kill. m 169 71? 5, ( FfOll l . ple..,I. Alvdljw~, m. JI-I-A, from LtOll). de