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I~ L N/ Conditions for th! vwhumiop- spo Aukawlk-an-ninhiii Iflame Rrm-11-n. Under 110111ing comilitions. ' 1' -7 Khitrin art I S. 1%. dersil -4r Qg, Voklady Ak4d. bro, t 7 3854tc.-A ge.l- cral txprmion Rf,.,. - AS"* i5 detiveci for slit evitlattimr uf the crit. flarric front stabilization facws, vritere S, 4:01cv.1 tile stabiliMtiNt C17itCriOll rcd/a (id - witruat flartle Tt!I,K!- it!" d - Milne diani., and a is a tentit. ..zirL xscff~)~ it ulti' arld n arf! comAs. arid A rooter var -iaf corselilicits ci . ) p , I 'I It, I tit aH 1.45, v tile is - 0.5. z cxpressi,m cost tl~ rcwr'tt Re_ W. 161. FternbEL - GOLDEMERG, S. A. and Fld=Mll', L. I'l. "Influence of the Initial T!:viperature C)f 'n c of the Pressure of tl,,(- .1,riblent of t1w Mmitu of ;~tab~lizqtior." :I submitteOl .3" 'he 'Axth intornuti-iol '~yimosium on ".;.ni lia-7cn, 1Q-24 Au,,- 56. "'Linflire al'Al pnp~-.r C-c-rr., Goldernberg, institute of -Energetics, LUS11, !Snscow., WS,P h'hiterin, A.S USSR, I'loscow, USSR. GOLDENBZRG, S. A., and PELEMI , U. S., ~kl-, USSE, Moncow "Influence of the PreEsure on the 1~)rmal Velccltv o--!' the a paper submitted at the 16th International Congress Gf F-are iiLd Applied Chemistry, Paris, 18-24 July 57. Oz- D, 1171117`17 H t , ti 0 o 1; J.. N (,, ER "The influence of Preheating of Hot lUxtures ani of 4;1u! Pressure o', the Surrounding 14-2dia on the 1A.Ats of 13U~bili:,!Ition," I- Gol'denberg and L. N. Khitrin, Puwer Enl-ineering- In-timre Ic ader ny of Sciences USSR, I'7Vejtiy% j'~j,'jjdt?jjjji ff~JW~o Tekhnicheskikh UaWk, No 2, F,~b !JI) 13C-U) In 1955 at the Laboratory of In"onsificati3n of Fuz-,.1 of 'ft~ Power Engineerin.- Institu'L;e, ,'..cadei~1-1 of Scienc,~, USjR7 L. V.-Iodin L.n~ 7. 1. :Mdreyev carried out experimental work oil the influen:-_ ,f 1:111L initL1.1 temperature of methane-air mixtures on flame stabili:"LLtAoa. T!1~2 tests uere conducted at atmospheric pressure on a conica-L stabilizer ,iith a diamc-ter of 7 millimeters within an initial-ter;iperatLtre ran~_e of 4'~0-400 de,7_ees centi.-_,rade. The data obtained froia these tests indica'Ca. flame ftatili- zation near stoichiometry. The results of a procQssinL.,- ol" -,hio aaeza a-re given in graphic foria with flov -,;-elocities at which o~- curo plotted on the ordinate -n.,i:: and axiz of the abscissa). Experinental data from the literature is .1rawn oil -,,o .~',q-por4 an ex- pansion of the author's; theore,.ical wDrIK (previou3ly 'I" U: Alw4emiLNauk SSSR Vol 103, 1955, No 2 and 5) LO 1 -1 -- Of the pressure of fuel-air mixtures on f1mie stabili:nati:m. U AUTHDR: GOL'DMERG,S.A., MITIRE1,L.N. (Moscow) PA - 3081 TITLE: The Heat Theory of the Ignition of Gas L`_ixturm,-,q i.-~nd Fh~!nomena. In. the Boundary Area. (Teplovaya tconLya zazhiganiy,,i t-',a;,ovyr'-M .~me5ey i predel'n,yye yavlerdya, Russian) PERIODICAL: Izvestiia SSSR, Otdel.Tekhn. , 1957, Vol 2-1 , N'r 3, PP 142-155 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 6 / 1957 Revi.wwd: W~, ABSTRACT: In the introduction a survey of the entire field and the investi- gations carried out up to the present are given. Th-on the problem of ignition by a glowing body is handled mid it foimula is derived for a Vessel -with flat parallel walls (in the dil3tance#rorn O'ne another) with the temperatures T ~ and To (-,-old walls, , wjiich determines the ratio among the values on the igniti,ar bokmiar7. T T 2q T 1/2 8 0 The fomula. reads: ) w 11 C."P) dT T~ T denote3 th~~ wall temperature, TY is the _.mimar.:Lture of t h e a 3 t terior limit of the layer q - the heat eflfect, 14 c,T) - the pression for the reaction and /I - the heat oanductlon coefficien-, Card 1/3 of the mixtura. The ignition In a general cavi w&3 ir.w3tigated and The Heat Ttieocy of the Ignition of Gas Irixt-,irt~11 PA - 306.1 Boundar-j Area.' ard Pbenomen.'a j_'1 -U--- Ll I - - - . - PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 026 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energeticheskiy insitut Issledovaniya protseS30V goreniya; abornik stately po rabotam, vypolnennym v Energeticheskom institute Im. G.14. Krzh1zhanovskly AN SSSR (Study of Combustion Processes; Colle,*,,tion of Articles on Work Done by the Power Institute imeni G.M. Krihlzhanovskogo AS USSR) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 123 P. 3,300 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: 1~hitrin, L.N.,Corresponding Member, AS USSR; Ed. of Publishing House: Pobedimskiy, V.V.; Tech. Ed.: Folesitskaya, S.M. PURPOSE: This book is meant for scientists arid !,engineers working in the field of fuel combustion. COVERAGE: This collection of articles representa recent research in the field of combiistiori processes performed at the Institute of Power Engineering imeni G.M. Krzhizhanovskiy, ikS USSR. Materials studied were gaseous and vapor fuels. Proble-its consl(lered weve: Card Study of Combustion Processes (Cont.) 626 Khitrin., L.N. and Gololdenberg, S A. (Laboratory for the Intensification of ridi~nace Processes) Ignitior of G-lulecus Mixtures and Critical Characteristics The authors based their research on the assumptlons -)f' Ya. B. Zelldovich for the determination of ignition Aaract-ristics, such as: concentration limits, boundary flame velocities and flame stabilization criterion. Heated rods or ophero'-s wel'e used as ignition sources. N.N. Semenov [Ref. 21 and L.A.. Vulls [Ref. 41 are also mentioned as contributors to combustion theory. The activation energy for methane-air mixture (E=35()()0 Is quoted from the work of V.I. Andreyev and L.A Volodina [P. 36L There are 9 figures, 14' equations, and 4 Sovi6t references. IVevlev, V.N. and Solov'yeva, L.S. (Laboratory for -the Intensification of Furnace Processes). Experimental Study of Ga.,i Combu.stion Processes in Tunnel Burners 14 Card 3/18 Study of Combustion Processes (Cont.) U2C Golovina, Ye. S. and Fedorov, (I.G. (Iaboratov-y of Combustion Physicq . Effect of Plcsicocl-,eiiiical Fac-tors (:1,n the ','~!locity of Flame Propagation 44 The author3 ,itudied the effect of' tile chf-1111-oal of fuel mixtures on the velocity of flame propagation. This was achieved by varying the oxygen content in inixtirros with benzene., hexane, and hexen"hexarie fraction (60,,'10' hexane and 40% hexene). The results revealed a constant fuel to oxygen ratio for maximum values of flame propagation ve1o,.,,1tJ.eB.. which evidently corresponds to optimum conditions for the (.;hemical reaction In the flame front. There are 15 fii,,,ur~!!s. 1. -table and no referenoes,. Golldenberg, S.A. and Felevin, V.S. (Laboratory of Ccinbustion Physics ~_f_fect of Pressure on the Flame FrCMagatiOll in Laminar Flow 7 Card 8/48 Study of Combustion Processes (Cont.) 626 The authors studied the effect of pressure on flame VE!lOCitY for gasoline-air and methane air mixtures. H'Xperiments were conducted with a burner of d=16 mm and d= 12 mm, with a peripheral ignition source, and constant Reynolds nuaibe~r 1700. Pressure was varied from 760 - 100 mm. Results obtained were: for methane and for gasoline (j ne -as, - 0. 1 1, There are Y figures, 1. table, and 3~ refere L 1111ch are Soviet, 20 English, 3 German, and 1 French. Gol'denber S.A. and Pelevin, V.S. (Laboratory of C ombust !on ETre--ct of Pressure on the Flame Propilgation Velocity in a Turbulent Flow 68 This study is based on the experimental work of' the authors. The pressure dependence of flame propagation velocity was studied by means of a burner with d ~_- 16 mm andlength assurinr,, stabill.. zation. A gasoline-air mixture was used at oressures of 760 - 100 mm and Reynolds numbers It - 20-103. It was detezinined that Card 9/18 Study of Combustion Processes (Cont.,) ('26 for a constant mass velocity (Re = const.) and vary:LnE; pressure, the turbulent flame velocity increases accordinj-,, to the li:.Lw UT Ct' 17- analogous to the variation of normal flame velocity. P It The turbul,~~nt flame velocity decreases with the drop In presslife I UT - P1 at a constant flow velocity. When cond'! -tions approximate isotropic "-urbulencf., viscosity of the mediun is the main factor modifying the flame propaption velocity at var!.able pressures. There are 12 fig-ares and 4 references, 3 Soviet and 1 German. Khitrin, L.N., Golovina., Ye. S. and Sorokina, A,V. 0,aboratory of Combustion Physics). Effect of Preheating the GalsolIne-air MJ-xture on the Flame Propagation Velocity. The author3 studied the effect of preheating the.. fuel mixture on the flame propagation velocity in laminzar and turbulent flows. The temperature of the mixture was varied from 17 to 227'C. Catd 10/ 18 GOLI EENBEIRG, S.A. Combustion in a turbulent flow. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. Ja '59. (MIRA 11:7) 1.Enorgatichoskiy institut Ali SSSR, g. Hoalcva. (Combustion) (Turbulence) AUTTIORS.': Go] 2. A. V "ITL-, I Ijiflii-~.,nce ot' PERIODICAI: AI:aIt!mi]. N~,,,ik ""c 0. ABSf2RACT: Ilic. re 1 a;, ic) i be II f 1 a-e V~:, 1, i 1 el;--,Irefli:~e . -1 o - J C~~11 Ule I)y ~ ,:0 f o I U P /2) bein- order of "lie 'Uneories on tubulei~t flcu~,e E~lso on the cri .teria of fla---o sta,(-AIJL~-- A;Uo:-$ rlcl-,-.~fdll. f la:., c ve lo c i ty i c o ne c f T-, re m.'- i of the -Droces.-. Th,~ of L!~-e in-fl-i-tence Of -,lie -fro m- ic al", in -t C!~ t 1 1 'U-I,e rani, -e of ',)-iI:`,ier pre.-!u--e,~ an.- ran-:-e o f inves ti,-ated, conce-it-ratici "1 -7, The e=.eri--)enta1 data of 007'~--! .~,,c)r-, J.j:.~~ C,-- 1 7,' rf is a definite relatior bct7veen tl-.e s I-,:? e Card 1/7 pressure, i,~u-iely, Lhe linear v~-,loci o--- Influence of T)re~::~ure on prop~lv~ation. dec-T,cases wild itcr,:!ar,,)iiF- a.m~ Sr)':o J-i'~ ('Ref .15), Kolx` -~;ev f in t'i'e C-~ce 0 f o - tile I v -i 1~ C) !-`-'c'-e f!'' -aJ-::'Uur-~-1 Of vari;,i,zs doT)--.n- e n w"loc:i t-"- r c, -L u.-L:.: r i e , I in a do not rela"ue sole!,, 1 d; on the ba~:'c~ of ro-sul'-,,.- o.:, a ,-d--:t-ures an,, t' r e 1 1.- s ~1 I.- - Pic Linne (Ref . 2" 77dor 2 a t u-e c anc lu s. -i o n tha t tl`ie f I a~ 1c. vc, 1 c; c i Oil nre S published co~-lc lud---~ t fOl' 0-'--"7 OIL 1 of tl~11~ fl.,~z"-, sl-ic'- a '~Clll~ C ard 2/7 'c V 0 L ") 1 "fo 1, Z~' j, I , -.1 1 Lr 1~ 1 4 Influence of tlip,~- G 1- e of Of f 1: 1u IIca, 150 "-)o 100 jV ~11' V'! Card!. vario,,- ir K'-i L I. Of f 1: ... e i vr~ r f 1~ il t. io, 1 1', U o L c, F3 f C) 1. Ac - A(P 0 Card 5/7 Inf luarl,--3 o f t ~3-"; D O'D a -L 0 z I f0 1 lol,i j_ r u p y 0 1 L -i, u fo f A ~(D V(2 lo c s lo t 11--i LZ ,:e c a, 2. A. L Card 7/7 ;"`nc-i--- are ur;,,- 1 7 t 11 h SUE,IIIITED Oc ASL CL' 11C AV..kILP0,L-,' Lil 2(j A she t'l- 3 10(2,7) AUTHORS., Goltderberg, lyev].,~av, ~" 11 3 T=-. The Determira~ton ~if tli-~i !n,(--n~11.y (-,I So~;rre PERIODICAL,,, Inzhener-no-fIz,-cheskiv zbumal, 19~,Q, Nr 2, pp 10-1~6 ABSTRAC`r: '7he paper d:?scribe--i an itlrimp* 10 theorv of fu-I-.ji-noe 0114 nf 1,h~ intensity of ot rin --u- flow, s!~-aml-Nr .-~,rlfrdncai in the region of i-.s Th- a.,-,hD-rs ari.a-lyze ~hE- busi~! -Iqtja-'..Dn for tile determiratLon of ~UrbUl~r--~~- r,'31--uri~-1pro, in ar~ fi-ld, ForMUla I- oblamsd f',rs~ by Taylor Z~~-f 117 ar-d two ry.-rem~ cclo- tions? 1. For ~h'~-- ca~~,~- of a whorls Itme ard 2 -tlie cas-? c~ a long interyal. of limtt- Lr -T,- f*-rst base ~hx- -,f -:urbu-l--r,- diffusion grows !!nearly a:.,:ri tlm-, Formula 9; It! 'Tilt at a considgraol- he uahwl Df %-uz co'~rflcl'!r~ t tends to a %onsf~ml magvit%~,,ie., Formul-~ 11, T), ~at.tfior~~ 1-11.n con*lder theoretically tile cas-~ o! a pc.,Lnl~ ~If h-at !ind T-o:-port on the ments carTi:?d out by lh~i.m w-~-h a La~s-oxyge~! '-..-Llk~n --s a "poin-." source ', pl.3-:d o~ 3" min in diaml-lt~y Card 1/3 Figur#~ I show aloi-x a t~rans-r~~ The Determination of ~-h-~ direction r-'-a* i A,,r- :t!- Long I f I ~jw T~e i~emperatr- w3-, ir 1w! 'n r ~i for radiaklon D- aaalirz,,s D~ -12ar -:!j~ )f tempt-a,,-~~ '..- !n-: zilr tl-,- to the ~-Iu~,-- 1:1."t I;lg"- 7,' or) t-he fubs- wall w !"(7 j!" ill: J;TV1-3A thermoan~-mornz*."- t~v ~~ iTV~, I,-j?,, a T,i irk i!r o[ tho laborat.)ry of rhombus f- ion or,~, o f The exper,-,n~v,5 -arr!-.1 na-r- ---au ':ha, r~Lat--t-ly homog,~,qeo,js fi~,Irjs of :, C ~ ~-. . -. 1 r 7"t'. ~ c -in a-1 1):LT- t~ of the a Z- is Card 2/3 Ln Flgur~- ~F , - i~', t'0 SOV/1"( -1 .1-59-2,-2/?3 The Determination of the Intensity of 'Diz,bu'leace Along A Heat Joik-1-11-,- di:~tance of 2D from the end of the 'ure ,md pvatica.11y doej riot. deptzn~ -,r, the flow -velocity, There are-, 4 graphs and 5 -efer~jm~es, 3 of wba~'h Sn-Li'-~t and 2 ASSOCIATION: Briergetiche5kiy Ln5titut AN SSSR (~'owe-.- En~~Ineer-lnrj oF M U33R), Moscow. Card 3/3 AUTHORS: GQ1 ~ d enber ~3. A... Pehvin.. V. S. TITLE: Influence of ?rressure C)rl t4e Pro ti oil of Flaunes in Tar- bulent Flow (Vidl-,Taniye davloniya n'- s ,k,)rost, vas-,)rost-rame-niya plameni v 1~urbul~,,ntno-m p u told PERIODICAL, :3F' )3~ ot~~ nauir, ABSTRACT! Tile proces,,--, of' fi.,-cu-,f- propl-1.,T-ation in wali--uu-ed air beiow rv,-. t; - iSated, using- prevL0u,.,-..1.y doscrited ,neu,"nods (Ref" 1), T~,e velocLty vla:; mea.-,juf-!~! tile air n-ssli-7c- val~.I.,~~, from 76C) to ~00 :in Revncilds: number from IWOO to 2-0 000 (;uTv-:-,. are (Fig 1 -~jaow-- - I - " - Z., inc- tale. var:L,!T-.iJT-l ~f tration (C. c,.t~ lrariou5 i,,,:ues-1;ures (p) arid E'e,lnolds num- bers (R) Gra,!-hs cif lc.~ I i, at,, L,,, 11,-:; -J- C) n, i _i ,, a (- f Card 1/2 L Influence of Pressi,,re on tlie Propa~:-a-t;i.on of Flames in Pti-rbulent Flow, CD that u T varies as p-0,25 Similar analysis of the data in terms of Reynolds nlimiber suggests 'n.'aa-, uT varies 0.711-1 approximauely as R , . Tiiere are 4 f4-,~ur,-Jo and 12) references, of 1.,iiiich 3 are. Su-,.riet, 6 En~,].isli and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Energetic,ieskiy j-!IS~itLlt AN SSLS.R (PowE!r ln.-;~-;itute Acad- emy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED- November 16.. ic,456, Card 2/ .2 PHASE T SSSR. PIWW,11. Pr(!5.m:.n?s and In t!ie Raj-'e, -plage azd Two-phase 14',~Sc--,4 I c,)6C,. T) . Errl-'Aa ql 'T iu~-a: '~;000, copies printed. Sp y Ak~.demly!i v lT'W-tllt Un't i (". M. K, LIREC 7rS kO L1,17 *q.,-,-. j S L, 14. Kh r; Ed . e:, f Pu 1) 1. L i: Tech, Ed., PLIR-R-:M,: Th -.c b - : k Is t e rided f - -r c t s e Tesearch. CCF*j'Fr'?P.GE. Th,:- bo,Dk, five! rer~or~-s de-.7 n! C, Ml~; The rrob~ems S r press%ire )n the ign'tior ~-t rep,7,-3 -,9nc,2rn I'e t!` of a s~-ea-m -2f f Lcw. Each mport, 'Ej --y iLri-L u T11- fpcr-c-ase in i"Ic, gzra,,-i~.~Ed by tile turbulence n ~-Qr 1, -Y r,n pnes::,ur~~ 1, i de nIrt- S A. E F-,j f! Li 'hat. f-!-,-a vo s If I f. e Tm 1~ !e Tr, i,tid en, Z P -ble -,-,eff Me luhery. cfl-rd 5,16 5/j ~~ ()If) I /0n0/006/00 4101. 4 E071 3/E `,.5 AUTHOR, deni)et-~-~, S A TITLE -1 In f 1iiencc- of redtic od t T- (,,- ~,-ic 1- kn I I ~-) -v jwopii ~TA t! on in tile CoMbLISt 1011 2~011~i An a tlij-1'111'~ni f I ~Iw PERIODICAL~ Referativnyy zhiirnal. E1c1%trotvkhnik.-t I cnov,,i(~tika' 1) a h S trac T 1, (A 49 S b pri poni- zhennvkh davleniyal~li i jiekotoryye vopr. stalt-Alizatsii [Jvul(Mi v odnofazn, i dvitkiffazri si-9tenia'Ji, M_ AN SSSR, 19(,,O~ 2!j 42) TEXT The j~nfliicnze ol F)re-~~;nr o oti tht, sn'-(,d of V,Iario 1) r- o pa - g,ition -Ind 1,1--v dimcnsions of t1lo zombustion zone behind t 'lie f lame front was iiivnsti-,,att~d in a c-il-Lndri-cal burner , d = 16 Mm, without a ttirbilltzin- ltttice., III tho experiments a ~Taso]-tne-air mixture v.-as used I.--otl, tin0er 1-atiiinar and turbulent condjtion!~, The pressures varied 'hetween 100 and 760 min Hg, Tlie ignition. was stabilized by rne,~ns of a flarne rin 'v- at the edv:(~ of zhe burner. The s-)eed of the flowe was deterwined b.~,- d-i.rect photography of the internal lit-))t em-Ittin%, In the pi-esz~urc, dependence ()f ti~t~~ tTirbii1ent flari,,e the '-'(! wirfl'ers were varied Cnrd 1/'; Influence of rcdu,:-(--d ;)rexisul e S / 19 (1 O'oo/o o I, /oc) 1; /0 1 E, 0 7/ 3 /L between 4 x 103 ~Md ::0 \ 1.0 'Ilic intonsity (.)I' tlit! tur-Imlence nt tile outflow from Ilw liOzzle 1, ilk SE: - 4-5)0 J!1 pro!;ellce of A flame a considerable olc,ll~,~-~l loll of the core (if the Stromil of the licit mixture was obsorved as i-owpared to con(litions ill al'senco of' a f lamt~- , Tl,.-~ conclitiml ,Nibs irrived it tii;il. I'or ~,, comqt~mt mass !~J-ecd of tl'~e flow ot' t1io but-iiing IllIxt-urv (Rc-con;)L ), tlie doperidence of tile -Pcf~(l of' the --ropa,latiOll 0 ) on the iwcssure (p) in T 1,1111inar and ~Irl till-butent fLclw5 can )c.- vopresonlvd in tlie form of if '11W p -0 2-) invt,-;~t iv-itl-d ~I-o iiii'l -ir,rice of pressure T on the d1mc-n,:t1c);1S (I f ! I (- c, --):T~!!lls ti oll Zo IQ t Iiv .1 oil -( h r) f v h i- c h wa s rleter-ptined oil t'he h,-:~-ic~ of Ilie CO, content in tlie c cliOms-clon prodnc t s a t the axi s of tfli e. f I ar-iie-cind f rom 1.1ic t enu, era tur ewhi ch was i,.iensured b-- the rieLhod of reversing the Spec-tral. lines of Na. The werc. vi,ii~e C-lr on excos-,~ ijiv, c(,officivrnt. - LA5. Tbe maxiamui deiKree of combu-timi achieved tlioreb~ was !iO to 85%~ A dependence of 1:1 1? lon~-Jll of Ilic, combustion zotic, on tlie pressure was establislied- Witi- decreasing pressure (dlie to clian-e-q in the turbulence characterigii-cs) the len,~-tli of tlie zone -will increase for o :1 Vell COTIS tZ1.11 t ~~-C ill C- If t,llt-bl-l LellCe I) In the Card 2/3 rif I I w [I cc: ci f, r- cI (I l loo ()/0 o 1 /00 li /0 14 1 a .9 t t a, c, f co, I;, I I. or I ,Oien 41 "'.5 e 1 c ti 1, f c o it! 11 it s t i o n i n t h c t !r bi, I enl. f'] ow -tn lie szit 1 sfa ~~ tol, i I hy pill- v c o n t i,,i Iion along the r: 7- o I n :, of t 11 cc c, !h'1 t 1 ti u 11 tilh v r- (I z- ., ao s t