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- . I ; .~ 1. , - - > I , . I .. .1 GUL)D-l',16, V~V. lk~, p - I r; r, ~, -, Lf .~: ~ 1, -~.. -.,. m '' i , ~l i: , -: i , I ~ ~:; 11 1 - ~m ': ~, t~-) r -_ 11 - : I . a .::,-try :, i. , 1 3 .;: 3 ia-,!" : C'.",_ ; 1.1 T:,,.' k,~ 1 1 1 . I ~ ~ : .. , , . . ,*-,-', '-- -~ -- "', *, : - -1 -; - . I 1 1. . - . I : : - , I " -. r. z . ~ : ,~ - , . .- - ~ 11 . EW(m)/BDS--AFFTC/ASD--DM L 1190-1-63 ACCESSION 111R. AP3001178 AUTHOR: Artemov. K. P.; Golldberg, V. Z.; TITLE: Elastic and inelastic scattering of S/0089/63/014*5/0482/0484 Rudakov,-V. P. Alpha artia16 by Al sup 27 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiva, v. 14, no. 5, 1963, 462-484 TOPIC TAGS: elastic scattering, inelastic scattering, Alpha partkoles, excitAd states of Al sup 27 ABSTRACT: The Alpha particles were accelerated to 4.0, 53, and 36 Mev in the 1.5 m cyclotron of the Institute for Atomic Energ. A high praiware ionization chamber was used for detection of Alpha particles. In agreement vith the results of other workers, the angular distribution of scattered particles tj1:R)wed a "diffraction pattern, 11 the maxima of the inelastically scattered particles coincided with. the minima of those scattered elastically. The results are interpreted on the basis of theory by other authors, among them S. I. Drosdov (Zh. expezim. i theoret. fiz., 31, 901, 1956). The radius of interaction of the 'lpha par-bicle Ath the Al.. nucleus is found to be 5.5 fermi. Conclusions are made conceriing; the excited states in Al sup 27. "The authors are grateful to S. I. Drosday, for the discussion of results of the work." Orig. art. has: 3 figures Fand 6 1~;ferwcqs. Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4043632 S/0056/64/047/002/0571/0576 AUTHORS: Gol'dberg, V. Z.; Rudakov, V. P.; Serikov, I. N. TITLE: Analysio of elastic scattering of He-3 and Alpha particles an the basis of the optical model of the nucleus SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 2, 1964, 571-376 TOPIC TAGS: helium, elastic scattering, alpha particle reaction, differential cross section, optical potential ABSTRACT: Although a detailed analysis of elastic scattering of alpha particles by many nuclei from C12 to Th232 was made by Igo and Thaler (Phys. Rev. v. 106, 126, 1957), no such analysis was made for the elastic scattering of He3. Earlier'calculations, made on the basis of a limited experimental material, have led to para- meters that vary erratically from nucleus to nucleus. The authors have therefore used the optical model to attempt a riare syntematic Card 1/2 I ACCESSION NR: AP4043632 analysis on the data concerning elastic scattering of fie. 3 by differ- ent nuclei, and calculated the differential cross sections for Lbis scattering. New data obtained on the differential cross sections at the laboratory of the authors (V. M. Pankratov and 1. N. Serikov, ZhETF, v. 44, 187, 1963) and by Gonzalez-~~idal et al. (UCRL-9566, 1961) have been used in the calculations. The results show that a single set of parameters for the optical potential can be used to describe satisfactorily the experimental data over the wide range 209 of nuclei from Be9 to Bi . A comparison is given of the parameters of the potentials describing the elastic scattering of He3 and of alpha particles by A127. "The authors thank V. A. Selyakov, P. E. Nemirovskiy, and I. S. Shapiro for useful discussions." Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATIONt None SUBMITTED: 2BJan64 EINCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 010 Card 2/2 11 , . , 1 .,ac,!; F, ~ *~- RIMAKOV V J' I ~ ::'-'; 'U", I-N, .kRIT-~mov, K. . V,Z.; f ~) .1 .1 1 j I fI ?" - 3 an:i ("-" . I !J , t"I z - EAU t, if, ")r.,Ll ~ - 1 1)1!:i T ~,;,I , N , , ci, lie I I Is ~ :I 1 n r.- . 4 . ~-, -2, ) - 6 3 2A p 16 4) . , ~ I-, a-A . ) I AUTHORS: Samoylov, A. , Gol'dberg, Ya. SOV/29-58-~--22/27 TITLh- Forks No Longer Break (Vilki perestali lomatls.,,a) PERIODICAL.- Tekhnika molodezhi, 1958, Nr 8, pr,. 40-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: MeaV cyclists know very vrell that while! they ride along country roads or paved streets at high speed, th~., fork of their bicycle, Mnich is subjected to considerable vibtati-orial stre3.9, breaks easily. The authors found a simple and reliable method of counter- acting this danger by fitting out tile front fork of their bicycles, which are provided with a "D-4" motor, xith a da=er or shock-ab- sorber ("amortizer"). This makes it po.,3aiible to ride along any kind of road at top speed. Besides, thi-,, aimple device proIcnils the life of the motor. The device is then described. The I~Lthors express the opinion that facto ry-produced fork-9 are more simpl- and of lighter aeight than those made by hand. There is 1 figure 1. Bicycles--Equipment Card 1/1 BATALOV, N,; Ya. -me,- Such is -,h~. --r.~,retisc In vc~hinl.e of tra-nspiorts in tuenty years, ~rszhd, av, 21 OqNk 18: 3) Koman,fr Litov-~~" w~l'-gnlppy grazindal"S't-my w1datsil -n:Rn, a oy chasti 0- Goildbarg). GOLIDBERG, Ya. M. GOLIDBERG, Ya. M. "Penicillin therapy of typhoid fever", Trudy Kishinevoll-r gos. m-. in-tig, Vol. 1, 1949, p. 115-21. 1 SC: U-3.61, 10 A~-ril 53 (L,jtcjIiq - Zhurn-ril InyM-i Stettoy NO. 1.1, 6 GOLIDBIMG, Ye.D. (HeruiLological changos in acuto radiation ijicluieaa cautiod by a 25 Mov botatron] Gematologichaskio sdvigi -or! oatroi luchevoi bolazni, vyzvannoi na betatrone 25 KEV. Tomsk, I:,d-vo Tom9kogo univ., 1960. 39 P. I%MIRA 13:9) (RADIATION SICUESS) (BLOOD) C71 na I)et-atroric A 131.cluiess Caused by Fr_ V, P. filial' Vse!30yuz- Lr - e-t` t,.~ a.iid engineers con- 2: na"i !j tC: io 1 -~ cz :a! r!-..Perinieents Oil radia- at ~c -)r-b c,,!.j. by a 25 K'v t',?(! t-:, E~e blood and -7 -v of the existing liter- Me fol- Hematologicul Complications (cont.) 30V15042 N. M. Ogiyeako, M. N. Meysel, V. A. Sondak, Ye. a. Kirpichnikova ojid N. N. Kursh&kova (nucleic acids in blood cells). There are- 19 references: 37 Soviet, 9 German, 7 English, 4 Swiss, 1 Italian, and 1 Czech. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Brief Information on the Betatron 5 Data in the Literature on the Effect of the Radiation From a Betatron on the Blood System 7 Characteristics of the Blood Count in Normal Guinea Pigs 10 Characteristic Data on the Changes in the Blood and Bone Marrow of Guinea Pigs in Acute Radiation Sickness 13 Kurlov Bodies in Radiation Sickness 16 ca;S-3/4 GOLIDEEIW, Ye.D. Blood pictiLre arxl bone marrow hemopoiesis ir, gu:Ln-:.~,k pigs in acute radiation sichnin:~ ca-uocd by irradiati-on on a 25 M,~v. betatron. rad. 5 no.1:28-35 Ja ~(Xl. (1415j~ 15:3' 1. Iz kafedry patofizioiogii (z:~v. - ~Tc--:'. D.I. Go1!db,-rg\. i 2-y betatronnoy laboratorii (zav. - kand.rn3d.-nauk 1_1% Garganeyev) Tomskogo meditsim-kogo instituta. (i3L(-,C,D C:,,L:,S) (1b',DL',T101T SICKNESS) GOL'D--Zz-'G, D.I., (.ev~ tell nauk-i prof.; QCL'I;~EAQ,_Y'q.D'; TOHOPTSn-') I.V., -I-Of., red.; G5CFVSKIY, A.T., telflin. red. [Handbook of hem;Aology with an atlas of rdcrophatograjhs ,I Sp2avochnik po gematolo~ii s atlasom Ydkrol'otog-mim. Toms Izd-vo ~Tonskcgo univ., 1961. 121 p. (!.U:.A 1:'~: 10) 1. Chlen-kor respondent k:adeirdi militsinskikh nt%i-,k- SSSR (for Toroptsev), (1EMATOL001) GPLIDBERG, Ye.D.; GOLOSOV, C.S.i POTI-MiM.', K.rj~ llematol(-ical ixdices in workers of r-~,ortr,enolor cal. and r, di- - a logica departnents. Med.rad. no.534~--54 '6-1. ,Ii 7:j(!(jjt.- 1. h,. kal'c~lry pvtofiz[olofl trmmatoloi:icheskoy bollnitsy Prokoplyevskaya. (MOOD C,-EIZS:-JUDIOGI!-PHY) (R~DIOLOGI~STS) I.G OL 13;-RG D Bic(;c", piuturo in licalthy ;uiri.- a -A~gs. Blii'~!, !:;~p. 1:'14 L me 12 ro. 7: 115--IIE il 1 C lfl;~ 5: I . L-, ~jifedry i-Aofizir-logii (zavc6i~Tjhchly T ~c.2 1,11G~~-l-,; Toaokogo gosudarstvonnogo rro(~ illz titut., 1.kade::i-""-cM V.11;. (B LGCL,-.-L V-: ! I (GIIII,EA 2 1./ b 2/0 D 2 9 6/j 7 Gol 6bcr- yo D. , r~O].Oscv, (3 i-.J~ T, ca" T); staff no. 6, P1)(.,:_.' 3 2 _3 26 The a"It'nor'; Lill, i Iv:', (2 ~'. -che )100c~ t)f 1")U U L posc(~ Lo coil t n"'.ous smal't do:-'os of re-Iso". 0": their occ1a1)a-Li(_)-.,' =c G:-: 75 cor~"-20'_ su~)jct."L.: '."ot, 0~:Poscd to rad~ !I: walz; the staf.", of vparo oa 'l ~-O.Sc of 0.02 - 0.03 r. "Ioiac. of Llic cul)j(~cts CcJmpI'Ii.z' t-)_$: 1I(2,-tdacIIQs, tired-ness, an(l in a flew c-iscs and loss of hair cou.Lc. uo in 17"J' of i.-112 the white ccli count was (~ocrcasc,~' c.,,,.d ir, 6.11_'~ it -,.,as -Lncrc-~S."2c'. ~~monrr LI-612 staff of ra~_',iothcrapv i.:-s fovmd in 90.9"'~ 0~ thos~~ ~."Or'kcd L~'~ tilc-.,;(! .~cr L c,s sta ~-.n 5 years , .,ut only in 75'', of Lhonc workin-.- for more tci~.. 5 y Card 1/2 GGLI DBERG,_ Yqvgeniy Daniilovich,,, TORCFTSEV, I, V., prof., --ed, MORNVINA, L.G.,red.iid-va (Leukemia and radiation] Leikozy i riidiatsilit, Tomsk, l.d-vo Tomskogo univ., 196~, 71 p. T- (I IRA 16:7) 1. Clilen-korrespondent Akademli meditsinskikh iviuk SSSR (for Toroptsev). , (LEUKEMIA) (RADIATICIN-PHYSIOLOGICAL AFFECT) I() IJ E~!D1 G. P. T~T - . I ~ . 1~ ~ - I I . ~il I I . i I C I' C ati n ~;orodskaya 3 ar. eiis t t i i FZK-N-54 -,-',-iotocolorimeter SOURCE : Cigiyena i 3anitLriy nD. '1 --/07 TOM C TAGO : pho Lo,, --~Io r imetr" ~Irbnn (i i ~'x i ti'-. )Icr il ::,v L ry I iox i de/ FEK N 514 Photoc0iorimeter .0., -on,-entrat:~o-n In ABSTRACT: The following prccedure:-i irk, 1'~scd r. tc m, II !II Jd an absorb- air specLrophotonleLricaLly- T'11(- clir ent containing one part 0,1251i' hiu.-' and 51") o-.' I'LIECC, After interaction With the absorbent, optic-al jensity L; :,,i-asured at AM"Ix 600 nm using an SF-5 spectrophor-omet~er in a ce-71. a ton-i-A layer. The concentration of C02 is tlwn found a showing optic density a.; a function of C0,. Using ii varian... (III this method, the author devised an approach employinE th,.-, F F", 4 photo- colorimeter. Air samples were collected in 50-100--ml syrta~,es from closed spaces (dimensionf; -are given)~ A cel) wish (t ten-min layv-~r and UDC: 611i:72:661-993-074 Card ACC NR.-AP70035115 Table 1. Colliparadve cvalu~,Lionof titro- metrfc and fiotocoloriln,cric or me the& ) f , le w rmii i iv~,, CO, collcenti-Ition ill closed spdcaS. ~11. ic:l, ov; :-ill Cc,rd ACC INR, AP"100351,5 no. 7 (or.mgel FIII~ur w-izl of' a compar-Lw)i~ of Lhis method wish a titrometric one are shc.-wn in Table. L. An examinple of the describcd above L4 -In.ywn i-,j J~ .Tt w~js (:o~irludled chat the author's mothod faCiIiLaLoS the deturi-Anation of G(.2 concertration in closed spaces wizh 13.6% accuracy during, a fAve-mio test. art. has : 1 table and I fiFur-~!. SUB CODE: o6/ SUBM DATE: l7Miir6)6i ATD PRF55: 511.2 Ca-rd- GOV DBMG, CorrectirV, the cutout 5ulses. Avlcm., telem. i --vlaz' 7-1 no. 4p, ' 59. (HDA 11:8) 1. Starshiy inzhoner sluzhl)v s~LwilL7,-.tsii i dorwi. ('?,31 Ire a A nn) G.')LIDBF,R(,, Ye.N. Remote control of an audic; in railroad radio c(-,U!Muni- catlo!~. Avtom., telem. i w.lail. 4 nc..5:22-2-,. ~(y 16o. 0,112'-'. 1):8) 1. Nuch--OLInik Plfarnuokoy dialants1i -3ijnalizatsif. i on,azi ME,tcn-ikoy dorogi. Bysterls" GOLIDBFP.G) YO.N., lnzh. is ') Oc 1,-*'.Zl`, :Iulae mrdulatcrs using jun2tton t-an3i3*Cr , i-' i. no,224175-99 164. 1 1819) GOLtDBERG,, Yu., inzh. Model plans for enlarging r-aral hospitals. Sel 1. qtrc):i. 15 no.4: insert: 1-3 Ap 161. (1,11.U 14 :6) (Hospitals, Rura]~Zonotruct--'on) ACC NR, AP6030155 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/004/0169/0193 AUTHOR, Go'&.'dberg, Yu. A.; Hasledov, D. H.; Tsarenkov, B. V. ORG: Physico-7echnical Institute, AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko-tekhniclieskiy institut -AN SSSR) 1ITLE: The ohmic contact between gallium arsenide and indium, SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 4, 1966, 189-193 ~TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide, indium, semiconductor research ~ABSTRACT: The wetting of gallium arsenide surface with indium, and the extent of fu- jsion and contact resistance as a function of temperature and fusion time were studied. JIt is shown that 100% wetting and minimum contact resistance occiX at a zemperature of; j5000C and above. The GaAs-In junction was obtained by fusion in hydrogen. Hydrogen !was used as the reducing medium to prevent the oxidation of In and GaAs at high tem- ~pera-_ures. To prevent the explosion of the hydrogen-air mixture, a neutral gas was :passed through the system before and after the hydrogen was turned on. The gases uIre .dried by cooling them to a temperature of -1960C. Activated chavcoal was used to I :PWifY H2 and He at liquid nitrogen temperature. The following parametera were deter- mined &xing the fusion process: the edge wetting angle, contact resistance, wetting ~ooefficient, depth of fusion, and hole shape. The reduced resistance of the n-GaAs-In UDC: 621.382.032.27 1 ACC NR- AP6030155 icontact was 10-5 ohnvcm2 while that of the p-GaAs-In contact was 10-4_5.10-5 ohm.cm2. !The author expresses his gratitude to A. D. Forelenk, Ye. it. Posae, and It. F. Yurochkin !for their assistance. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. i I iSUB CODE: 20,09/ SUBM DATE: 16Jul65/ ORIG REF: 007/ 0.M RXF; 004 2/2 GOLIDBERG, Yu.A., inzh.; SMNOWER, I-Ye., kand.tekhn.rmuk; CIUKRYGIII, T.~, kand,tekhn,nauk."- Study of the operation of the radiational section of a FK-12 boiler. Teploenergetika 10 no.1:34-40 Ja 163. 0,1IRA 16:1) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issladovatellskiv kotloturbInnyy institut imeni I.I.Polzunova i Vostochny-y filial VsesoT17,nogo nauchn-&-sKe- dovatel'skogo teplotakhnicheskogo instituta. (Boilers) GOL DHiG, I,: ~ A, inzh, in ~4 ~ ~e'-hr. , n auk As,--ur~mce of a(Jmqilatm of t,hp~ w,,~Mr t 1'!! Opdr,- I -- , I - A~ at 4nr nn d coal ~7~; , `,, r :41H ." 17 12, ACC NR: SOURCE, CODE.: Yu. A. '.'asicdov, D. N.; Acadiu:i;y Of ~CIL-11CC!I SSSR, LonLn~;rad X" SSSI~.) z7 gallium 7.') UC'E c"sjerim-ata, 6, 1966, TAGS: contact, o"-..-.-._ic contact, g~11_`um arsen_J'_-:!, -,old, tin' n c e z I-- cz3 ve r , c o p7,, c r I 2,ACT _"G'~ of Manufacturin- gIIII*U,-,' ")y on, o ~'fn in mi C t a 1 1 ay 0 r L C. 11 U. ove0 un C 0 a t InE; 0 a 111 ui.1 en 11 ( -a) o u va:_-ouz; T i 6C;)Lh Of fWlioil LII~~L "w 1'.-' C! t a IIL ..'az; _'Ct;I-,u Lil.'L With was cithe~ nonoh"ic' -lot --ow-chmic, J-. u s 7n e b o s z: 1 ow - oh n -1 c : oz: -7. c t s ~;,~ r e co t a z. n e 6 ") 1' ti-I s _'-_V'~ y C: r B Of V__Z__GL5 Meta-13 deposited on arsenide. For ins"anca a Card -C -NO 59 R: Al c,-. galliumm-arrsenid,~ coacod --Il Au-Sn-NL-Au all a L2G L3 ta-LC (I ( p er un i t ar ea) o f 10 -,'n..cmZ; a Contact on P-typ,- ~a-!Iiuzi arsonicle coaced with O's 'ia resisLance or Lu--Ll OCLM- c=2.- Ori,-,. arz. has: 2 figur,-S and 2 ZdDles. 1 SU3 CGN ', 1, 09/ SIMM DATE- 03Dec65/ GIRIG REF: 004/ CjTH RET 067 iTID ?,HESS: 51", 1 L~; HL-2 1. 687-66 EWC(k) -2AWF(k)1~UT (1)6T (m)'FBD/T/h-WP(t)/:-!FI IJF(c) lr,/JD ACC NR, AP6024502 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/007/2251/2253 AUrHOR: Gol'dberg, Yu. A.; Nasledov, D. N.; Tsarenkov, B. V. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im, A. F. Ioffe, AN SSSR, Lening-rad (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE., Dependence of electrolum'inesCenL parameters of 'Ls lasers on the angle between the p-n junction plane and the resonator mirrors SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 7, 1966, 2251-2253 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor laser, gallium arsenide laser, diode laser, laser outpu tj awl '.~" &,..- /f 'Aa~C_4~4- ST'RACT: The threshold current density and the output of di.ode laser~were inves- L tigated experimentally as a function of the angle (~ = 900 tO) between the p-n junction plane (100) and the resonator mirrors placed in the (110) plane. It was shown that: 1) the threshold current density decreased with an increase in the distance between mirrors 1 (Fig. 1), and with a decrease in the angle when 1 = const (Fig. 2); and 2) quantum yield Increased with a decrease in 0 (Fig. 2). The toxi- mum angle 0 max ' d (where d = width of active medium) for which the reref lected L 37687-66 ACC NRi AP6024502 140W - 0 a 24 V -cal Fig. 1. Dependence of threshold current density on the distance between mirrors v A xW - f0ou f0ou o - CN04 0 Q 6 rz v w w tw m 0, rdn Fig. 2. Dependence of threshold current density (curie 1.) (for 1. - 0.7 mm) and quantum yield (curve 2) on the angle betw-en the p-n junction plane and reso- nator mirrorB Card 2/3 L 37687-66 ACC NR, W6024502 beam w",1 travel the entire length of the active mediuri waj entimated roughly at 11'-16', for d 1 2-3 pand 1 z 0.5-0.7 mm. Orig. art. has: 2 figuies and 2 formulas. [YKJ SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 26jan66/ 0111 REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: Card 3/3 G.OLI-DBERG, Y-,I.I. (Moskva), KLEKSAKHIN, S.P. (Moskva), Vasilil Grieorlevich Chichipin. Kat.v shkole no.1:75-76, Ja-F '57. (Chichirin, Vanilli Grlgor'oiTich. lAm-) (KbIlA 10:2) 1,1-j the ~j GOLIDBERG, Yu.M., inzli. Installation of unpr,.-AE~C'~~' his conductor linC-3. " t. ~N rrom. energ. 18 no.1,38--/,O Ja 163. (MJF~k 16:4) (Electric lines--Uverhead) (Bus condactr,rs (ELoctricity) SEMI(-"'rl:O, V,.",,. by of 2d- and rlass manganes-, no,lC-58-61 D 163. (M--EA 16-11) L Illet, Kr 4voy Rog 1 71 0 0 66 ., " X ~~ it L a I- J k it i k L A h r R 1 1 V 00 so Tungstic anhydride. j Gol'dherg. Run. tA),442, W~mtx- shavickv and ~ -ind KX(A, the 9-A. of N 09 11hen,41. th, I'mi-t i, fill, ~MIAI I'maner by Actiml .I 00 f Os X of a 00 09 j Al 0 00 00 a 0 4 4) 41 0 0 0 40 4 le 0a 0 a ~ 1 0 0 a 1 : 1 I 0 0a 10 b 0 111 it 41 0 0 41 111 a 40 0 1 . :1 . )1 " I 1 1; 1 .4 m A IK; It .. " " . " 10 -040 -00 N. Lyubjinow mj3d Z. A. -041 eb. 1N, 107. WOUTImite m le are treated with Na*Ct). -041 WO. obtaintil is irented inth .041 d 6mi IWAII, is kem"d in i h~ IC1. 11,M), k "Nivtritm Ini" -all -oil 041 :0 41 041 . - i - 41 w a 04) 06 S L A LITF9A%d( (Z of It 0 0 111 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 so 99 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 IF 9 0 0 0 0 ,41 400 0 0 so 00 0 Sff.iLPOSffliIKOV, I.G.; GOLIBBERG, Z.A. Absorption of sound j.n ~)inary mixtures. Ziiur. f)ksior. Fiz. 2", N-,. 4. 42~-9 '52. ( M 1,R,% " : 12 ) (PA 56 110.068:5)42 IIL,)) Abs Au t', c, c Illsu L"10 Or _i Abs Jour Refera'-. Zhur-FiZiK~11. F)'-7. order, .;~, is with viscosity the mations. Terms wIV, v i-- L--- -D al; sho--,ld be included i.ntu rh,~ i,~Iu--C. i.,~ ding on the value of rtr~ kinematic viscoss wl: ""t-I V/ (v is of -,he ,ribrat.'onal velocity) Part;7,~~a--- i the velo- Co- city of the ;,-" V//C (the vj:;cous, Lerim; an(~ nigher appro.,.: rrat ons 'I and 1 nat enter into the equation tion r:(,,incide,, wDJ, 1 1-1 X I RiCIIIIa!'-ZI .3DlU- tion, and i.n spitc -f 7,;-',- ha,5 a tendency ,o Ii ailt,,-cx determ,ines the due to the appearance oC th-, LI Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Golldberg,_Z.A. 4-6-2-7/23 'PITU: I)ecoiad otder maGuitudes in acoustics. (-"iekotoryye , I wa veiicniny Ntozop v PERIODICAL: "AlLmst-icheskiy Zhurnal" (Jouinl-tl of Acoustics), 1957, Vol, 3, !.-,o.2, up. 140-153 (U.S.S.R.) ABSILUOT: The second oi-der acoustical inagaitud-3s hawl b~20.n, for the ideal medium, inv~~Ltil::----ted elsewheiv (bib,-Jo,,:r-,phy in (2)). It is nevertlieless of in.erezt to investis-ate -'U-iem for the case of a viscous thermo-conductinf- iiiedium. It has been sho-.,m (1) that thrlee )(-xticalar cases n-;L!d to be considered (1), evei-j one of tiiea described by equations of the first and of the second order an~)roxdmation. In (5) exore S s ions of Wile oecoacl o.Lder aD~)rJXi.1111"Lion b,.*)en obtained for one viscous mediuu. In the prcot-1-nt article Wie. author, using the notation and term1nolo&y of (4) and (1) analyses mathema- tically tLe solution, obuained in (3) '15 1M.Aied Lo a -,-;lane sound wave for tile above 3 cases (1). 'SC!Cand Ordlel, solutions are found and analysed for Qliz) hy~-xo-dynai.-lic velocit-y v2 0 pres~3ure - uj f o i i u -Q L,:,, ~-, e f o I I o,,,~ i n g c a s e s -P2 a-l"t Q2 N It is sho,,.,,,n -uh-,-G for this condition the amnli- (7tird J/ 2 "icient of Uude of -Y2 iz; lin~~:,I-ly the coefl. Second oi,ier m,iL;niuudes in acoustics, (Jont. ) 4-6-2-7/23 viscosity and to tiie frecpency and -that at a cei-III-ain distance z frou the source, the s,,.cond oider ii--~~itudes decay faster uhRn the ma6nitudes of the firsu" o:rder. z is called the "relative form stabilisinc- distance". P 0 e2 -r~,Ld P2 are rel-ated by -che usual rAationsiLL-p~; of linear The oecon(l considered c~.tlso is ~hc cond--tion 11 I~Vwlc and ex-pre.9sions f o r t 11 e s a ra o clu,, ~ n t i t- i e s -', ru. d e i - iv e d . It J- s s n o,.,,,n t Ii a t If o r a v-,,ave of infinite dur,-,.'-'ion the snroliLude of v2am this case increases for every ~-,oint in tiMe Caxd 2/2The third ccaidition Is K >)P -V(;) / c. and second order sollitions are given in eq.(29). There are 5 Slavic references. ASSOCLLTIOIT: i-Hic ',Jagnito-orsk State Teachin~ institute. (I.Iagnit- ly T-- F,orsllciy GosudarstverL-iyy Pedago-ich:?sld tit-ut) U T SU BiZTTE, D: -.,,ovauber 5, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Con,-mss A: 3 1-1 ~cca7nllat-' of C ~r!t -,t,4 0 -L ~-'rd 1/2 A. n S TI A 17 7 TTA : ~ 1311 'ttaves-Propagation-l-heor 2 y . AbsorptiOn Acou3tics T !~-r A 01, Fro - :.~Itiml of P1,111-1 ,f i- !,il,o ti).Jf3 inai ~i ~ondu tlzi- Madi-lim (0 0 1 rwlo; U)~ 1 C~--L ti -he~~ ki 'i rn--, I -T. x, t to d i:: cus an aco-,i* ti - it odij,,el in tile ret, ion Y: > 0 by a plane vibr%tin~, alone the x-axi,~ :it the coint x = 0 undar the f ollowing intial arid boundary condi tionr (I) di-qz)luc,) out of tno particles in th-3 .;iadhiu i:3 II(x, t) 0) ~.t t 0; t'lw P, (IIj - at t ), 0 wo have u(0, t) f(t) ~ a(! are no reflectors at r > 0, i.e. only tne v:-,-vB mouiu~ from tne Ii Cr,t tir - nlane in thij diractior, of positivu x is C01,13itiarod, T110 e:juaticl) t, motion is ujii.1; tna -.r ylov-Bogolknibov r,~thad (Rof ~)- `iw ooT~-Linad for the vioritimal motion. of the narticlel- Of medium shoals th~,t in propa?,qtion of vrtvur of f-'inito am-,)-'itjdo tiialr profile i-, distorted bz!cwlso of difforojico~ ill volocities or, !,,oi;its of Viis profile. lilt! IT-Ive EL119litude -11ith ,~n of Flaw3 L;curL' of uill -j is tan - Ei. ~re na blur i,~3 3uti. rj ttloor Al 1.11 ia~du tc, and ti-ia of MT smnillar f!~l trle~,-; .1 r -ho 1111;tItl to ON 6.", y o SU 1 IT '--'D 2:" 1 S/ 041~,/60/006/003 !004/C11 2 'I - , o~,, 6/Bo6 AUTHOR: ~olld',erg, Z. A. TITL7-. Interaction Between Plane Lon~!itu3indl i.-rii3 Trnsverse Elastic Waves PERIODICIL: Aku--tiche3kiy --hurnal, 1960, Vol. 6'; "a); 5, op, 507-310 TEXT; The present article describes a theoretical investigation of the interaction between elastic waves in an unbounded, isotropic solid, The equations of motion '5) used for this purpose take account. of both the linear terms and the terms which are quadratic with roopoct -:1o the der-11"a., tives of the deformation vector u. For the special case of nlane waves the general system (5) can be transformed into the systiin (6) .. (8), In a linear approximation, the latter system consists of thz-oe ii-Jependent Wave equations for uxY 11 Y, and u z. This means that lor.,,,,i.udinnl an] trans- verse waves propagate without affecting one another. "he Lerr-8 vihi,2h are quadratic in du,/dx k depend on all components of the tli_-;placemen~ vector- Accordingly, one obtains an interaction of the two kin~in of wzolea only Card 1/3 Interaction Between Plane Lonj~itii-dinal and ~~ !'". I , * , , , , - , I ~, U 4 t, / ') J,' U Transverse Elastic 'i'laves 2oO6,1-L;0b,-3 in second approximation. A series of peculiarities ap-,Ie;:.rl3 in this connection. A consideration of the propaUation of a transverse wave only shows that also a lon,~,itudinal waVO OCCUT3, AhereAii vice versit, durin,~, the propagation of a longitudinal wave, no trangverse -irive appears. The shape of the lonl-itudinal wave chan.Teg during its while the transverse wave remains inchangei. These results are finally discussed. 71. 11. Anireyev ani 'he participants in the author'o are thanked for their valuable remarks. There are 4 references 2 Sciriet anl 2 US~ ASSOCIATION', Magnito~orskiy go3udarstvennyy pedaFo:-iches%iy institut ('Magnitoi,orsk State Feda~,ogical Institute) Card 2/3 Interaction Between ?lane Longitudinal and Transverse Elastic Waves SUBMITTED: 3eptember 28, 1959 f OIC,4(-,1601,'CII)~,,"0031004)1,)12 Eoo6,,n63 VIL Card 3/3 GOLDIERG, Z. A. and NAUTGOPIM., K. A. "On the radiation prei;sure of st.~~-.ding vaves" report submitted for the 4th, Intl. CDnl-ress of Acouotlc:3, Copenhagen, Deninark., ?L-2,'~, Auj ]~-)62. J~ A:' V 1~ r S 0 1:1 7,'l C i tI hy i rf~il vii 17. i~!~ F v i b ra t n c, I ~,. n ~2 1 7,', e. r t ro i n .1 v: s c Du~~ c -1, r 1c t li -::1,. 1 iun ht~ t-m no, - li v ~i r Oj ;.n 1 ~~l i c1t 11.1 %".11 1,,,- L r, nedil. n v r ~if e ss n'! s vt? n na i t t ti-nn t rw_ -he (O'p Op), 2u(21 t I!, fill, n t 3/046 '63/009/001/005/026 B104Y11186 AUTHORS: G-ol I dbe rg, Naugol I nykh, K. it. TITLE: Rayleigh sound pressure PLAIODICAL: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, Y. 9, no. 1, 1963, 26-31 TEXT: The results of Rayleigh (Phil - Maus - , 1905r lot 364-374) obtained for- the sound pressure on a fixed rigid wall for the case Gf a P-Miu;a vibrating between two fixed plane rigid boundaries are generalized for a forced vibration ot the medium produced by harmonical motion of one Qf the two boundaries. In linear approximation of the sound fieLd. 'the raiiation pressure of a standing wave on the fixed boundary is po" 0 + "U", Y, (9), 2AI where vo . A(,n/ain(kl) is the particle velocity, I is the mean shift of the particles from their equilibrium position, A is a constant, k is the Card 1/2 5 /026 5/046/63/009/r,,01/005 sound pressure B104/Bla6 wave number, 'j -the angular frequency. If kll~~l or k1---; nx (reaonancc), V4.) and with it p, indreaoes unlimitedly. In the case of spherioal st:oi,ling i-aves produced between two concentric spheres by vibration of the ijij.Gr sphere the pressure at the unmoved outer sphere io Alk' sin' kB, (16). p' (Rj) = pa 7f_ R.' + c,. lhi-j formula is specialized for a quiet inner sphere and a vibrating outer r,phere, for a zero radius of the inner sphere and for it standing wave betreen non-vibrating spheres. ASSOC! "TION: Akusticheakiy inatitut AN SSSH, Moskva (Inatituto of Acoustics AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTS-T-, lune 25, 1962 Card 2/2 ACC A?6034020 SOURCE COD-- AU7, "-.3 R TuT-,anov, V. 1. , Gol'dberg, Z. A. ; Cherny5hev, V. V. ?iiviwia, Z. 1. ('-ac_c,assed) G-.~G All-L;nion Scientific ResQarc'.n Institute of FarQ Alioys (Vsvusoyuznyy nauclhno- institut tverdyk*R s-davav) C"cdbilizv of 01- tulv,~;.~en-cobal, carbi'der-; 'G C ?o ro o vava i'~i c t a 11 uy i , n o I 1,J t i 67 7 7 I A k uD to 120 :'u rii,_, -,,,3 ~,~,~az to 20-40 3 in n c I* n I o - t: a' ---o 36 c3o al' tw c- r u, j~ 11 ov o c, 0 .2 v0 7 h first sez of x 6 x 3 r.-.T, samnles quencir,eul 776011-1. J'l!l';j~-,~:a7lC:, Co. to 6~1 Cc the w.L-a6cr c).~ t"ner"I'li shc)6: cv,,~ies 0- Card 112 C- je c0, e z W-S FiVell ~:c)r -Cile ~lore 'mid alLov C, te:, 'Ile 0 X T~ ),I of ":!"C- 6S 07 :7, ronz 1-00 c, "o" co) it)~~u;;', ~ov of c C,;-~ -c UJ or cvC, S t ~,U--- t una 1 cln a'-Ig e 3 , ";`l C'- COU! (i 110 -L: he obser'vedl by zhe Z-2ciiniq !:3 a- U Gri,q. art. has: 2 figures, 4 tal)ies. SUB CODE, ; il SUBLN DATE: 04lipr641' ORIG REF: GOV 0i"'n' RZF: DG~ Card 2 GOLIDBIMG, Z.11., inzh. Conferenco on the mechanization and automation of coal, minirq,,. Bezop.tmida v prom. I n0-4-94-36 Ap '59. 12:0 (Coal minnu and minitir) GOL I D i -,. 6 1 L" , Z.1-, ,,U1. -.. -n i,,!;- ~t I r duri Orioj~3~; I ~-i :t.J r. . L:: Z.': ~ . tn~.I~ v pr.,-%. 5 -',F- I C', I-I . (: ~l Ll, , 3 ) (~Iirlo GOLID&EFL, Z~111., -irzh. A skillful orCar,'2. .1.1on of wirr. L; the bajiL; :D;cce:jo, dezrip. v pro,,.-,. () no ~ 3 , "', 41-tr " 62 - I'L, . 117) - 3 ) , -L~ (Doii~~t,s 1,lasin-Coal mines and m-ining) GOLIDBERG, Z.N., inzh. Ifety er)j,411- c al q7 j Sr-ipntific technical conference on 13; e 0 mining industry. D3zop.trida v prrm. 6 n k) . I - - '13 Ap '62. (MIR-A 15-- 5) (Coal mines and mininj--Safety Lnaiisur,~s) 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. KRAT, V.A.; GOL~DMG-ROGOMISKATA, N.V. Imestigating granulations of the sun's photosiftem.L. Part 2. Izv.GAO 20 no.~:17-21 1~6. 11:5) (sun) GOLIDBIRG-ROGOZINSKAYA, N.M. 6pectomphotometric inveotigation of the eclir)sing %mr-I'able 11,9 Vuli)eculae. Izv.GAD 20 no.2:61-73 t5fI. (miu. 13:5 ) (Stars, Variable) GOL'DBMG-ROCK)Z'INSJ:AY,t, N.M. Detorminint; phutometri~., qtaudardi3 in artias of Fal;'m.jr: Catalog of oxtragalactic nobulac,..Izv.C6X 21 :9,o 11,6. Ovull 131-11) ( NA ul a p ) ACC H G50 I ~5 2 S IJIRCE, 0)DE: UR/0269/65/000/0121005110051 AUTHOR: Golldberg-Hogozinskaya, N. M. TITLE: Helium lines in the spectra of chrornospheric flares SOU13CE: I?ef. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 11.5t.399 BEF SOUBCE: Izv. GI. astron. v. 24, no. 2, 1965, 35-40 TOPIC TAGS: chromosphere, heliuni, spectrurn, chromosphere flare, solar flare, ionized helium, neutral'helium ~ABSTRACT: An article of the same title by tht, author (Goldberg -.1i ogoz ins kaya, N. N1. , R. Zh. Astr, 1963, 2. 5t.4'20) is continued. Lines of neutral. helium ~-,L4,171, 4713, 4922, 5016, 5876, in(] a line of ionized heliurn )A6,96 were observed during three flares of 2 April, 30 April an(] 6 AugusL 1960. The line profiles are wide and nonsyn-imetrical. Real interior i-novcm(.,nts explain the profiles ob:3erved better than do thernial processes. Thl? electronic diltilliltY n(I "Ind the elvcctroniv temperature T. in the flar(,.s is evaluated by the intcnsitics of t1w lines. In the case of neutral Card 1/2 UDC: 52:3. 75 ACC NR, AR 60152 16 helium, ne = 1010 , 'r. = 1)0, OOOK, and in the case of ionizeiJ- lielP,1111, ne = IC 10 and T c = 5 0, OOOK. [Translation of abstract I c fc;c] SUB CODE': 0:3, 20/ MINI DATE: none/ ,- C.(3r,l-----21'2 1-) 13 17 " '- F ",UPASCUt Gl,., mnmberu corna-D. RI Arftdqm. RPR: AGAVIMPATI. A.; V~STIN, P.; FMIA,"), 4.; ZYLIG, M.; RADCOV, G.; TEDDOROVICI, St.; GOLDBERGM, SZA90, M. -, STANCIJL~PSCU-ROSTU, I. Study of pappatact fF%vpr. Bul. stiint. spct. mf~l. 9 265-?O~ Jan-Mar ~6, (7,VER pmppataci fovor, opiiplinl. & prpv. ITI Rlimarlir'.) 6r, p. MILP=: 'MAA cz TA=y OF Cjnnl~- K P~4 -I C-1 ~--e-tlm or C.-.t.-~ -,-d al, of of ~no r-tl of F--.1 lll=i~tlo~ ~y w- or Lt,t.-4 All- A. or -1 _A. -1 L~'-. -7-,, f T-..t r- A- jft,~, or C- fir t-- C- C. N-,. -U of LL-~ D-log lz A. W.-I Cyll~~r of Q-t 1- JX-.Ji, A., A. -d L. N-t-. ~: or -I L C.--I~e--. : u- 3CT :f 3t. -,1 21. C.L-.. To- nA U~ ~~UW- v- PbLt, fo.- X~.ctrlc Cl_ _.4U 397 A. ~d Xa-ti~ti= of Obt.A.Intj T- P~Wr y ro-lbjuty of U.L.A B.- F-.v i, tl,- pm,-m- or -Im- In, Wb~la Wlth a 3--d BmA 427 PROTIC, Mihajlo F.; GOLDBERG&R, Aleksandar Rectal injuries. Med. Glasn. 8 no.1:11-14 Ja '54. (R3CTUM, wds. & Inj.) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES *rectum) PRIT TC, Hihalio, Y. , Astst . , Doe., Dr.-, (PURERGER, Altiksucder, dr. Gallbladder pmrforation as a 7--mplication of typhold fever. X o'! d . arh., Sarqjmvo 10 no.5:~11-85) Smpt--Oct '0. 1. 11irurska klinika Hedicinskog fakultmta u Sarajnvu. S~if: prof. dr. 31agoje Kovacnvic. ('FfPH-')!D FIEVE2, compl' perf. of pallbladler, sure,. (S,!r)) (GALLRLADDER, 1),~rf. in typhoid fevnr, su-g. (Ser)) GOLDBER E;~,Al-l-sandar, d-r. Surgery of the thyroid gland. M,-.~d. glann. 14 r.o.2a ; F '60. 1. Hirinrsko odelje-ije Cbste Spomen-bolnice "Prolel;erolc~b brigadn" u Foci, UnravT,.ilr: dr A. !~odbei-Cpr. (T'iYROID tIAND :;urg.) GOLDBURGJIN, A--, HkBY?'12]GI KISS, P.; SZOKE, G.; TMMD1, 1. - Significance of bacilli secretion in infantile tubervaonis. Gyar- m.pkgyogyaszat. 2 no.9:273-276 SaPt 51. (CIAL 21:1) 1. Doctors, 2. Szabadsaghegyi Stutn Ghildren'3 Sanatorium (Director Head Physician--Dr. Istvan Flesch). HOYFMAMI, I.;GOLDBF&GERO A.;SZOGSKA, M.;SZOKE. G. . Streptomycin therapy of infant tuberculosis. Gyermekgyojjyaszat 4 no.4: 119-121 Apr 1953. (CIAL 24:4) 1. Doctors. 2. Szabadsaghegyi State Children's Sanatoriwit (Director -- Head Physician -- Dr. Istvan Flesch). TELHGDI, Istvan, dr., ; TOTH, Eva, dr. , ; GOLDILOGER, Arpad, dr. , ; TEGE, Antal, dr. Data on the anamnosts of children with pulmonary tuberculosis. Orv. hetil. 97 no.6:153-155 5 Feb 56. 1. A Szabadsaghogyi Allarit Gyormokovinanatorium (igit-.ento-foorvoo: Flesch Ietvan dr.) Primnr tbc OBZtal.Vallak (fOOrVOS;TOlOgIi Istban dr.) kozlomenye. (TUBMCULOSIS, PULMONARY, in inf. & child anamnestic data on 1100 chl2d. Olun)) GOLDBERGi~R, A~ Elidead c struma, Bul a..! Yj-iu- '7 ria.6 T!3 L " 62 . 1. fakui-,~,Ar) Sararl,-),, GOLDBERGER, M. L. Weak interactions, Postepy fizyk! 12 no,4:403-,03 '61- I GOLDBERGS, ~, red, FASTARE, D, toklin. red. [Sov-10t 13111ti,~ ;~tojyublic:i In the fratt-mia.1 f~i:jly of peoples; materials of tile interrepublic conferencel Baltijas Fadomju republikas PSHS tau-,u bralimaja svivi4i; notikamas, starprepublikaniskao ai), srwicdos matoriali. Rija, LAviias Vals'U2 i.-.aevuiQciba. [in Lat-vicuil. Vol.l. 1960~ ("aid 15-1) N,ezhrespublikanskiv seminar-soveshchaniye na teru "Sovatskaya Pribaltika v bratskov sem',.-e na.rodov SL;Sk, RL~a, 196,01, (Latvia,--F,conoi-.ic conditionT, GODURGS) J." rod.; 1`.,,E11STE1NF, A., tok.1m. red. (Soviet i~--Itic Revublics in the fraterne-I fan-lv ;:-' Sc-i-iet peoples; materials of the interrepublic conference] ~--ialzijas Fador,ju republikas FSRS tautu braligaja notilcusas !Itzrp- republikaiiisk,,s apspriedes matarinli. Alga,,.Jas T-11"As izdevniccilca. [In LiAvian] Vol.3. 19&~. (NMU -15-1) 1. VozhrespublikansIdy sominar-soverhchi~niye wa -,c-ru "Sovetska~~V. P.--iballuika v bratskoy --ralye narodov SS'-R, 1960. (Latvia-Economic conditions TIR-ISEVIC"), I,'. ; (l,()LDf,.-,,,,,r,:~, j., L,,!(4;. ; A., f.4~1(hv. r(d. ;~ L! f, us i,.(ji) L I i -.,c! I ilc:,rl(?n T o f-ri i,in I Ei I ',,~o I) i I Iz c-!; !,: i,~!k :I i! -*a o I re -,e i-ves . itif,,m, La-~vijav ) 10(~;!. "I"G 1). (:.'I:tA 17:2) GOLl-,5FdT, -,. V. Golldbert, Z. V. and ?ett-~rson 0. P. '1Histc)pttrio1oL,,ic-.-,1 chan: in whi-~e mice Upoll ~ e introductiu . of large doses of virus i:ito the stomach", Voprosy med. virusolo_--i~-, Issue 1, 1~L! , L). 19t-m-97, - i itells. SO: U-3042, 11 March 53, (Letopis tzhurnal trVkh Statey3 No. 10, 1!',41-1). GOLIDBIsIS, S. F-,- USSR/Engineering - Refractories, Production Feb 52 "On Utilization of Chrome Ore Tailings Obt..%ined in Fabrication of Chromomagnesite Brick," S. B. Gol'- dbets, Engr, Plant imeni Petrovskiy "Ogneupory" No 2, PP 85-87 Describes exots for using chrome ore tailings in fabrication of chromite bricks or as chrcmite com- ponent in chromomagnesite bricks. In Int,tcr case, briquettes of chrome ore are preliminarily burned to 1,520-1,5800 and crushed to fine powder. Re- sults show that utLliiation of ore tailings is quite worth while. Gives physicochem characteristics of both types of brick. cop, SAMOLI, G.L, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; GOLIDBLAT, Icaudidat tmkhnicheakikh nauk; KOLOSOV, V.A., k~idlldaifl~kh~tchetskikh nauk, radaktor; POPOVA, S.M., tekhnIcheski.7 radaktor [Gas cylinder automobileal Gazoballonnya avtomobili. Izd. 2-c, parer. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-takhn. Izd-vo mashinoutroit. I Budo- stroit. lit-ry, 1953. 284 p. ()EUU ?!9) (Automobiles-Inginas (Compressed gau)) S.Al,',OLI Grigoriy Ivvnovlzh, licarididat tai~hnlr:l~osk-iy naak.; GOLIDBUT Ij I a rLdl-a Isaakovich kandidat takhntcheakillch nau?; GETIZ11107, VT , rl a-tor; ~i~~V., trkimiche-syl:7 rGas rylinder, autmobileg; chaufff~ur~a manuall Ga!! ob 3, 111 o riv.-,- avto- t- mobili-, pcsobla dlia sh~fpra. Monk-va, Avt3tranaizzdat, 1~,54. 9,6p. (AL-Itomcbllezi .,Enp~rtas (Ccm-praqsod-gas)) ('-URA 9:4) 3XIOLI, Grigoriy Ivanovirh; GOLIDBLAT, Il'ya IGAILkovich;IGOIXIN, V.N.' radaktor; IALIKOVA, t*056aktor. [Booklet on safety measures while driving compressed-gas auto- mobiles] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti pri raboto na gazo- ballonnom avtomobile. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn. isid-yo tivtotrans- portnoi lit-ry, 1955. 45 P. OSRA 8:8) (Autonobile8,-Safety measures) GOLIDBI~kT, I.I., kanOlldnt !,I.-,:k. ,6ngtnes for ras cylipd,-r Avi,l 1-1 N 756. (VLRA 10-~,) 1. Nai I -, I ; vit -ir~noAF-,s!~!dovnt~-.j sMy t irj~.t, --. (Ai!toriehj,l~,L~ 'ermc: 1, :,-, ~ GOLIDBLAT, I.I. --_-1 I.-.. . Ts-othqrmal tank for low-tomperatlire atorapo of proyme. G,tizol-rom. no.12:35-36 D 157. (MIRA, 11: 1) (Propane--Storage) SAMOLI , Ivan Ivanovichp kand. teklu~~. nauk; GOLTBLAT, Illys. Isaalovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; DIVAMV, red.; lJOLAYM., L.1N., teEhr. red. [Motortrucks operated witb liquifie~ gas; ma4Ual for driverij.') Gazo- ballonnye avtomobili; posobie shoferu. llaskvaj Niku(.,hno-tA,.klui. izd- vo M-fa avtomobillnogo transp, i !3ho.,;.sei-TK;kh dorog RSFSR, 1961. 14.1 p. (N I I `-A 14; E (Yotortrucks-4'otors (Compressed cas)) a SAMOLI, G.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; GOLIDBLAT, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; KISELEV, V.Z., VkSIL-YI.Vk,,I.A., red. izd-va; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. (Gan cylinder automobileDl Gazoballonnye avtomobili. Izd-3. Mo,,jkvn, Mashglz, 1963. 386 p. OURA 16-5) (Automobiles--Engines (Compressed gas)) 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953, Unclassified.