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SOY/'20--127-5-29/58 Tunnel Transitions Between Systems Which Are Described by Morse--Potential Curves (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebodev of the kciLdemy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: April 11, 11059 by V. N. Kondrat'yev, Academicimi SUBMITTED: April 1, 1959 Card 3/3 GOLIJ,UISKI-Y, V. 1. "On Two--~roton Rg(iioactivityll report submitted for the 2nd USS)H Confert,i-cc -,-.n Nticlt-ar Rcac,"I.cns 1,t Low anj lnt-ermlt-it~~ Encrgieg, Moscow, 21-2P Ju3y 19t-,. ILI' 5/1:.'0/60/000/03/004/055 EO'2/E514 AUTHORS: Golldanskiy, V._L. , Karpukt-c, Pa%,L,)vskaya,V.V.. TITLE: Determination of the Energy Dependence of the Efficiency of Recording of High-Energy Gamma Rav '? PERIODICAL: Pribory i teklinika eksperimenta, 1960, 140 3, PP 23-26 AbSTRACT: A new method is described for Oetermi,ning the energy dependence of the efficiency of recording of high-ener.~y gamma rays (35-50 MeV) using a coincidence telescope, The method is based on measurements of Compton scattered gamma rays. The Compton cross-section is well-known and is given by the Klein-Nishina formula. At small angles the scattered gamma rays have a relatively large energy, Thus, for example, at a scattering angle of 9 = 3' and incident gamma ray energy of 250 MeV, the energy of the scattered gamma ray is about 150 MeV. Thus by placing a gamma ray telescope at art an,[,'Ie of 30 to the beam axi-s, and by varying the maximum onergy of the brems-stralilting from a synchrotron, one can examine a. wide energy range, Card 1/2 The experiment was carried out in the gamma-beam of the W S/120/60/000/03/004/055 E032/E514 Determination of the Energy Dependence of' the EFficieiicy of Recording of High-Energy Gamma Rays 261- ) MeV synchrotron at the Physics Institute, Ac.,Sc-, USSR~ The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig, -1. The gamma ray beam from the synchrotron target was collimated by a lead collimator, its maximum energy being set to 250, 200, 1r.)0, 11,5, 80 and 60 MeV. T h t! gamma rays scattered at angles less than 30 were detected by the four-counter tel-esCOX)e shown in Fig, L' The efficiency of recording of gamma rays between 35 MeV and 150 MeV was measured as a function of enert~v, and the result obtained is shown in Fig 5~ Acknowledgment is made to A.V.Kutsenko, A.Samiullin, S,P. Balatlyev and Ye. M. Petrov for help during the measurements. There are .5 figures an(] (I Engliih references, ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics. Institute SUBMITTED: Ac,Sc., USSR) MaY 25, 1959 Card 2/2 ,6()/(,C)c --, 3/026/ j)043/DCO'~-- ,~jje i)lscovery of the Antiproton There ~,T~e mentionea. Soviet -~,2fel~ences, ;~-,rd 2/2 IJ AUTHOR, I da us TITLE - V,,e L imi. ts o If 5 tab i I i ty , t he Tli Ha i a G i v i ty o f Ne ut ro n - d e f i c i E., nt Di c~ t o p c-s o f L 11; ti 111? PERIODICALt r n a L u k s p e r i.n,~ i i t a IU Y I f11 e ti" 'i " y Vo 1 39 , 140 2 ( 0 p 4 )7 0 TEXT: By applying the principles of isotopic invaj-2.-tr~c--! I riuc'-4-1 the author has been able to d'erive A Very Simplo re'.0 jOn!3'hip the ersi~s of neutrons and protons -r, distant binding ~n AE - E ylA,' E :E. np n 0 iN" coul C 0 u IZ AE s t h e dl -f fe r enc e o f t h e b I coul N z -1 nj) neutron in the nucleus !1~ and t~iat 2f the Zth prrot~:n -.P, L.,--rcr nucleus YL 'The first two terms C~-aracteriza z when a proton is rt~moved froi-,i th,~ ziaclt!us , thI. Card 1/3 832 G~ The Limits of Stabil-,ty . the Prot3n- and S, 0~6/6("/Cj Proton Radioactivity of Nr~utrun-defici,'nl B 0 0 0 j 0 Isotopes of Light Nuclt--,i accuracy of and may be approximat,~-ly !'oI-w;!'.1 PJ 1 2(Z-1~(?Z-1)- U I " i III t t, I rip difference of distant m-irr,r nucl-i a1sc follows ~r-m the irivariance!, (7 1- odd A Z *N N, Iz A/ All and AM for evt--n A. r-u-1i I is -'ry 21 fA/2,1;'~AA/2-11 A/2-1~'~A/2f- confirmed by the available experimt--ntal material W -'. t h help of the formula given here, the author t 0 f s t ab i I i ty w i t h r,?s p c c o de,-,.ay w i t h --a i s s 1 on c'l' pr') ~-'q e neut ror: def icient is o topos of ilght nuc 19 i , and prtLdic t-; r, :-C-:; o- abo~~T. 90 isotoDes of this kind (See Table 2) ift, discu,;!;-o of observing proton radi.,)activity --ind iwl,,~,ates 9how (for oxampl-, Beo---*Li P) For I)Ie Card '-1/1 202 Tht= Limits of Stabil ity ~h~ Proton Radioac t i.v ty of Neut. ron --,ief i c~ i et,t 0 C; 1, 0c Isotopes of' oto:)es are i n d d i 33 ( 34" Ca C r- F S e65(62?) 67 6 r,- ?h P::iain i)rot)(7,r+ es o f-,,j o - p r c) t.,:) r. ar- I K dis cus s ed and , h~ p r -,b lems of proba~ i I ity a ri P- ~ I , i; p r o b 1 e ms of pr,~paration of neutror. I!-, ic.- titI stable light nucle-i Nith H or He n uc I -- ia r- also authir thanks Ya B Zel~dovich for discussions A 1 3az' '-s ir~nt:cned There are 2 tables and 1; re4prences: .1 Eoviet and ':JS ASSOCIATION% Fizicheskiy institut im. P N LEbed-ja nauk SSS-~ (Ins..t-itute of Physics P N Lebedev of ~hf? Ac~I~if-mr,-[ Scienc~,,,, of' the USSR) S UBIMITTED -I: a r c, h -2 89 110 Card 3/~ 87030L S/190/60/002/007/015/017 B 022 0/ B 0 ',-, 7 AUTHORS: Barkalov, I. M., Berlin, A. A., Golldanskiy, V,-_~ '.1 - , , Dzantiyev, B. G. TITLE: Radia'4nn Polyme-ri2at-~on of Phenyl Acc-tyl!ine PERIODICAL: Vysokomo1ekulyarnyye soyedirieniya, 1"Iel"O, Vol. 2, No- 7, PP- 1103-1107 TEXT- Purpose of 'his paper was "lie investigation of kinetics and the mechanism of the radiation polymerizatlion of phenyl acetylene which was initiated by electrons with an eneri;y of 1.5 was carried out in special cuvettes (Fig. 1 a). The electron beam was introduced through a plane-parallel wLndow 0-5 aim thick. For accurate thermo- stating within the range of positive temperatures, a different type of cuvette was used (Fig. 1,b) . The temperatures of the polymerization were -196 to +850C. The reaction yield was not. hi.-h-ar than 1C, - 1X, , since in all exnerimento tj,, 4nitial staCe of polymeri,-,ation .;as investigated. The radiation dose was determined by a chemical dosimeter (0.02 nole/l of Card 114 HT z43L Radiation Polymerizition of P~',enyl S/1!)0/60/00,1/007/015/017 Acetylene B020/'BO52 I I - CUSO 4 00.002 mole/I of FeSO 4 0and 0.09 n 1 H.)SO, " which recommended by the In3titut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Institute imeiii L. Ya. Karpov). The de 3; veloping Fe ' was photometrically examined by a 'SF-LI) Spectro- photometer. The IR spectra of polyphenyl ace%7lene were studf-ed by Yu. Sh. Moshkovskiy. The polyphenyl acetylene yield rises proportionally to the dose of wide ranges (107 - 106 roentgen) (Fig. 2). Even with the largest doses applied, no noticeable destruction of the developed pol-Yner was observed. This seems to prove the absence of effective inhibLtor additions whose presence would be indicated by the S-shape of the curve. In the presence of atmospheric oxygen, the polymer yield is increased to the 1-5- to 2-fold under otherwise equal conditions. With a certain dose, the polymer yield does not depend on it,% quantity, not ever. at teml.,eratures near the melting point or when the liquid monomer is exposed to radiation. The dependence of the polymer yield on the quantity of the dose was also investigated (Fig. 2) at 0 and -780C. The extremely low dependence of the polymerization rate of phenyl acetylene on the temperature is also typical. Experiments were carried out regarding the polymeri:,ation of phenyl acetylene in nonane and ethyl acetate. In theoe two solvents the Card 2/4 670M Radiation Polymerization of Phenyl S/-1qO/6C/002/007/015/017 Acetylene B020/BO52 polymer yield differed widely from that expected on the basis of the ad- ditivity law (Fig- 3). A very effective radiation enert3-y transfer (the radiation is absorbed by the solvent molecules) to the. phenyl acetylene molecules is observed. Substances with structures of the polyacetylene type have the same properties as aromatic hydrocarbons, namely that of taking up the energy of ionizing radiation. The laws of ph(niyl acetylene polymerization in many respects are specific, sometimee even !he opposite of those of the usual radical polymerization. Summing tip one nay say that the polyphenyl acetylene yield is approximately 0 - 9 nolecules when the radiation is 100 ev. In the liquid phase., polymerizatior and initiation rates are proportional. The activation ene:rgy is as loir as approximately 700 kcal/mole. A mechanism was suggested which explains the Unusual results by the specific properties of ha-hly conjugated products during the polymerization of phenyl acetylene. in these products a strong de- localization of unpaired elements takes place, and the reactivity of similar molecules is reduced with an increase in their length. There are 3 figures and 6 references: tj Soviet and 9 US. Card 3/4 S t f L 1, "* ,~ . , - , , , - I- 0 POO t t2 d a i a rm' ra t o n cf thc- o f lleutron 'i t -!I F: z -3'u~35,-d Fu r r m o r e x -, - r i r. - t, :~r t r in r o n - m r~ 117. in f r r"E. f as of n,,,--, t r c n - ;-ric; n t i~3 h~ C'n y vaiiz-,~!,- f0-1 -C BAZ'., A.i. ; G(VDAIL)K17, V, I ~ i zll;, (If I 01.'i I f~ , b1. h. Undiscovered isotopes of niiclei. Usp. fiz, nauk 77 nr,.2:211-234 0 160. (MIRA 16. 8) (I Sot op~;,5) GOLIDANSKIT, V.I., prof., doktor fiz--matam.nauk; ZHDANOV, G.B., doictor fiz.-matem.nauk (g-Mosk-va) Sample of scientific foresight. Fiz. v. oldcole 20 no.):' -11 MY-Je 5 16o. (HIRA 13'-11) (11articles (Nuclea:r physics)) 6 9cc 'o1 U c' z-nnii,.-,la,1ion of !-',cay 7ic, i!l(; i ;i --1 n w s u s st~'I~ m,' u u I , fj si z rc ~ cations ~O-meson i s 2, 1 0 -en,,L;~-z ~~ccordinj; to :IIIJ :1 1. 1 J - decay modes ar-~ ~.-ri' ten do-.,;r,. 0 T o r I S al S t Cal 0 theory of multiple processt~f3, ti'.e I: c m r a re h- Fe pr:)'esses w4t'n C--xperiment al J aa n c e r n. i n nn a-,icn of T ~le m-!an v 1 1 1 r" Cu-'~rd 2 ay 'i ro E r r y ovidc.4 1 UA ex-1:3 t C, r e n s i n e :1 u 0 r ~,e S 0 b T 1 T LE n I u i.-. R e PERIODICAL: ~11', 1 e' s -p e r i r-. 15 1.1-11, '!"H TEYT. s r n ann j,,.i I o n 1-n a~-Y-i ~2 --iS fluence ol d f r e add i o n s i. eg e - 'r h resul ,j r,~ 1 ~n a e was 7n prove t-a, act. on tl~~ n u m a rin i n t i , n s a nd -t' c~, T,-J 5how P- c on i so n i c) x i r edu 7 t i --) n -. f. a i- t, j r9 sand characl~~!ras-i:,q ,17 -i I t, Ife 2, The ~~u~,hors t-Ke t.- n f 5 'ni I Li~ i;'nf s i n s r c~:-. ar, a s U S 1; lard 1/(,,' I-, !!S Tl,,.; ,I I j.'A ht 7 -D tj p C. S T T,, n u c~ s rc ~7 V*, 1 r! T U L 7 uci 7 11 T 'D 1; OD 0 b s e rv- a tc n o f tP - s i t r o n i u 7i F,, ea con i nS /,I Aq~ie0l,13 SOlUtions, Concentration o a u a td C.1 n. 0 1 in re+0. 4 5 c n; 4- 0 . 'I (1 7, I f~' 7 t ba 4 n, I re al, o an.: 4 3 3 CIC 7.,'.7 F4 t t1l "J 1113'~ tit' SC4 "nCes it -,,-i S IS, 3 3 ',.1 - e o uSSR) L `2 1) IZ c1 C:--, ss t 2 Card 3/4-- 83608 9/056/60/038/005/o,ii/050 1- 070 B006/3065 AUTHOR; V, 1, - ------------- TITLE. Superheavy 13otopePof Hydrogen and Helium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teore*ichegk,:,y t-,zik, 1960 Vol. 38, No~ 5, PP. 1637 - 161g TEXT: Data on the neutron pairing energy may be used to estimate the stability of numerous isotopes (especially H5. H7, and He8) against neutron emission- The present "Letter to the Editor" sbcws that this method offers usable results for the above-mentioned ii3otope5. Pig. shows the pairing energy E as a function of Z of the -irst s-,x neutron shells (from is to 2s P) for all elements from ~,yd:.-ogen tc potassium., 112 1/2 (E denotes the difference between the binding energ-,eiz of -h'! (2m+2)nd Q (.2m+l)st neutron). It maybe seen that nuclei with'odd t,rot~,nnum- He6 bers have a smaller EU than those with even proton numbers. I : The pairing energy is not-higher than 2.86 Vev and n~,t lovi:!r thax I. 5,1 Me -,r 6 9i he -uirement that (the values for He and Li respectively). Thus, t", req Card 1/3 V~( 836o8 Superheavy Isotopes of Hydrogen and Helium S/056/60/01,8/005/041/050 B006/BO63 the He 7 4 lie6 ~ n decay energy be smaller than -1 .4 !111~v is, a rivcq3oary condition, and that this energy be not hither than ,0.8 -'s a suff,- a cient condition for the stability of lie ,A comparison betwe;~ n the sses of Li Ile and n along with the cort ma -7. 6, -ection for interd: - tion indicates that Hed is stable if the first level T i~') for A~-7 is not higher than 12.7 14ev, and that it is safely 6tatie if thp 1ovel is below 12 Mev If the level with T - 3/2 exists, the He? 4 -He" , n decay has an orier6y of about 1.1 Mev, arid from the condition of slAbili ty it follows that the pairing energy of the two last rieutrong is not lower than - 2.2 Mev- The problem of tile stability of He a rOlLains Ull solved, Some experiments which might contribute to ita explariatiin are given... if5: Also in this case Ep- 2.86 Mev (this ID thE! Value C,Dr Ht~ 6 which is the even nucleus with the same number of neutrons).. Further- more H) can be only stable if the ener~zy of tile H if d--av 4A 4 3 not higher than - 1.~t Mev. A comparison between the maii5~s H= H Card 215 I 836oR Superheavy isotopes of Hydrogep and Helium S/056/6C/038/005/04' Ir" 0 S006/Bol')5 and n along with the correction for Coulomb inter-kct,,-:!n ,an op -n1v stable -,f tile with Tf-1 for a-2zirti:-Io~ -3 I -- 2. ? Me vThe 'a,t that no He" levels arf, known f~lr th.,B 7an~-E tha' H- ,,g unstablc,. The upper limit. oil' tile le-;-el With 11'~ullitoi be - 25.2 Mev The stability against the H 5 .4 115 -.n -,h~ energy of the level with T ~ 3/2 for A~c, which is Kev, A-- 1 data lndi(~ate tha,, this nucleus is unstable. If the R 7 nu,~IeuE wfire s'~,abi~ it would be fcund in reactions of the mode Be 9(It-*2p) in Ya F- Zel~dov4ch and A, A, OEloblin are thanked for Th e are 2 fiEures and 6 references: 2 Soviet, 3 US, and 1 D'.~',,h ASSO CT ATION; Fi zicheski.y institut im, P , N. Lebedeva Akade-m~ I nau'- SSSF. (institute of Physics imeni PI IN Lebedev of tli--! of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: January 16; 1960 0 lard V~ 1w. y AUT-40RS: -G K D TI TL E: !a S t I - -p Scatt"t-In". ft* the Pc 1 -a z ab i I ', ty :)f P-RIODTC-L; h-,; r r, ;2 k s 7. ei m, r, TEXT: The a d t- -d Ae~crl :tl of scatterinE experiments, f the d --'~ t--r:; tc r- F I . - ! ~ elastic '~p scat t,~rJ ne. 3 9~-- * i -n i3 -a n ~I c F' r7~ r i F, f t'- e '-i th t h ry The :,b ;~-ct of thr~ data EivinE a def in i t Irlif ~-mat , cr, c- tll~.i~- z a b I t C -cn Th,:~ Pxpe--'im~n ILL ':u t '~n t1-:, th,~ tzamma f ~a I The 7 C a rd El a fit c p Sca t r ~: r in r, 0 i ,10 1-0 "Iev ~imi t o F'c,~ 1) e 0 n ve r r s e r a ~; 1- igh - 7 r- ,sas conn---ct,-z.1 F E] electlrcni c a s c n r, F t r c n s c :0 0 e c an e r a i n e a--- The ---x gh I 'r -m e L x r m n t a A 71 1 !,'1 7 Card 71 f r- rr-' ani f f t2 tr 1 -r. r au (Do t T-- a -I u n s 7 T 4 G 70 Ile, 7: V ASSOCI,-TION: F~ z3 t r-t t 1 /'~c' /0. : AU'HORS: :1 G TI '-LE: e W I !I,:- r f I C) PERIODICAL: 0 TEXT: A othc r lvmc,, r ~ c thermal r r I I - a n d 1 .: "l-. I um c - z-.;2 --i nE '2, e f I I ni - L Te"-C)n Z:e a c r"l, to a then:!,il nol~i r:-, 0 C) -in c e Card Tl~e r, 0 ~'/(-107, 0- !'I,-. t e r I a I -s lb y R a o n roont:"or. B, I) f 'ho Te f- on v n~- j Tl~ 'e r c ard non-i.ol Ic ASSOCIA'-- I ON I S -,,j C,,, r d ~-y L - ~'y -y .1 -qz mm :v7m3c nn~jm, TI C", ',J '7 :~Z: it r ropcrt pr-"-ifej rt tb,,) Intl. VTk, ag of r.11aticl, ]Ratio Gt. Brit. ~-Ij Aug rap,-.-,t -it t'l-) 2^11 -I IlItI. con~,,Iinx of PoIntion Resoirob, H,qyo:7 G4. Prlt. ~-Il A,,,,,,, 'q zt, A'j T S G;D 1 ' l an z,': V. TIT LE S me r - I e - s o f i e i .3 -o m e f PZDI-"~'TC,.~T U T E XT T~'.e ;~u ' irr, nt -2] 1 e i? f r E. I t'-. e I e ta i 1 edI c - i o 3 i o n o f sT.-.' e 3e CI I o r Su r, s'~Y s o r.. e r i s..-. o -f ao.--. n, i e4 -1 -u e z f L 1 2 s n o v a D r I z c c ic': n a k a n t 4-c 1 e b n,- v e e f 4 ZC e a, ik 7 5 n 3 - e s - 4 S~,-e,-4 e cove rll 0 e t ion V. Klurc v t C, of c C. ~.',a,Jer c. a a n e C tions know-n in `il-~- )rl -n r k2 3 er C:. Card 1/8 s! i c hee 1 s 'u v o t r o nu II C ~l e r - a e -; 3 s 1: 0.)n t -5 10 1 oec .kith an ell.'!,~i 'I t" 11 'r--n31tion~ ln~ C e C q u r o 1 e r,- n -1 0 e e i~, e --2 :nair, i ,,-aine~ C - r C 3orner ~L-" C. C C -~ r tranSit-0 3 a an r t r.~ 1-t.7-.a i -l e a r cle el e' C sel-- .1 e:C r 4 Yl-i. 7. 1" Y ; E ,J iscovere-I 4-n -i-,e T 1 a r 10 r Cf r oi- "i e irl*~~ I o r t I i -.,e d a cvi '. ietT 0 . 3 2 ' 1 /. 2 Because o--.- vafie~y of n --e-.,; c-n- I S 7 onz c~,: ce -111 --'C--: tell Lh P~7-2-r C ~~-~' for the cle -C e e it 'i'dil 'Le or.-I !-.-in 1 i n i !l o n ~! r i3, Card 2/8- 2.2291 7 an! tra:-,z t i ~-~ns o -.'-,e E,' ~__n] '.'2 'o-: n c 0 rI - io n I ev e 1 s e 1 v c I, + J c D 1. '1 e c v e v o CC, T!,,~-re ~-re alro.- 3.4:-. t c )f c0- 1 r i e c f nucle= er ic i. i~!1 C - C- T-1 t e _- i t i c r c., ev e 1,3 0.~~ a 11 _n 1 .2 v 1; 1, 0 0.". -_z t o d i -~ i o r s z r. t i c .3 f 7 7- e e r E? 7 1, 1: -2 r t e one or sever-.' 7,i i I ,j ry n.- i. 7 1. 1? 9 C, x n c -C -let c v a u e s 0 1, f a c eu J 2 1:i 1 e i L) f 1--, 2 1 ?2: 2 0 1 e t,:Il r f? 1~ a 1. e i i r 0 n e. )0,. -11 + C',,; t r -f~ c o r, f i 7,1 r i 0 n 1 e,:;~ S Z~ 7 or j o n I r: L c o n f I r a 11 v e a L e t -s t i i 1 carj zl/,q 22291 5/055 '/ 6 1 /0 7 0 4/0 Some -oroblems of the isomericm 3 12 5,,32,-,)', 10 87. 10*( + 2 Ar 1 (0) is is' also in neutron transfer procQz~~;,:S o' 83 (9/2 + ,I'r (9/2 + 'j + c-cnon cri t 4-a 1f1i Ic of n C'I' e c.:; CeCt4, ,)n op rons and Z oro s i c Z) 11 ZI (AP )(It (N, Z) - - (N Z) p Z) -- 21? 1. Z) +211 rvI f 114 The dissertation of candidate Y... :,7orozov ins i tu t. .1 ~ '7, 4 tu, SSST .,enerno-fiziche-c - n ZI ~Z - ',fockovskiy i,iz,, o-~* CI-iemical p,.,jyoico of the AS USSR !no -Y94',s and Card 5/8 22251 3/0.53/6 1 /073/00~~/004/007 Some Problems of the isomerism of... 7; 1 5/ 32 01 I I s 11 C, e r i I I g c o n t a i n o - a c o in p I e t e 11 n o h -:? e I e 'n ti t o ',) rj i-, I b a r d, e d 'by 2-,,'ev -,)rotons. There -,zp 7 figures, 1 tablo. ,n] 5 2 r e -.7 c - s 2 S o v i e + -b I o c ~ i n d zi o n - 3 Dj i et -b I - c Th e * vi o m ~:l t :7-,-erencc~s to publ ic"i t ions rt"'! as follo;"-: A. 7"n.vS. Rev. Lett. 4, 21, 19",("; J. Pillaiian, Nm!'- 1". 14 L e e nd t o F 1 7 f 11 ed c,- e I . "TI A70 - 4,99 1 MO T Card /1,7 "15 11,7 I'v V AW 4~5 fi~- i o ;i v tie 111 1*.*, r r :3 -3 PEP.,'ODI'A-- Z.-K,a~iorr.L:7a nauk S -, 3 R V n I k , n 'j'EXT The r)f trie new n~w-rav main orobleciis 1) Investiqation of nuclei, --equirinf- rhe ajp1icatI0r1 07 cllv!;Ilc~tt -If-f~ods and conceot io:is i'rom nuc lo ir c n y s ~ c .~ a!-,,,. r, nv s I e I" t ~1 r E:i 1: th e I n v e s t I ,ra t 1 o n clh e m ca 1 n r,),) i, I, I, r e I, -In y are, - " 1 o:, 1-i 14 of nuclear cnemlstr I :'J 1 '1'0":; rea r t J on:j ~-zn --r) o 1 cIns o c c-, s I.-, o .2 h eo-, s- r.-i -i n n - m :r- e t e "i e r e v. 1 t ?I S -I L:i 1, 1 n; e z" t L ~':t t 10 111 (',):J 1~ (;,I P. P V-i nojra~i,)v K I ru k h i I, t I i 1 M 1 i 1 M In r. II! Ch e ~i i s 1,; r y m e '.'e rnal sk i~~ I 1 1-% ,1 2i n o -2 1) a r ;T. 1 11 i III Ku r(- h Li t ov a n.- L n t 17 -u r e v.,;.v I n rd 11 t r C t tz LI 0 V: 11" Lr! u In 5, C T,v 'IQ r t1 I V- 1, 1 -A V V 1 '1 ail t r r1 t, s L R r1 S rr C 0 U IT :tv r1 S/020,162,1 1 /0 1 t!,102 1 4 i n e er S r I C' r: i yu n n ilz-'ip V . 1 n t f) t he o ob u C- r e-ec~ n n c o I s a e 'm 4. y ai a i i k v. I z7 i 12 7 1 3t) TEX 7- c- eflec' in 'he c mr~ cr c a S";::" Sn C' ril in the -h ~;rilial sn3 41 6 C H- , H:11 F C r u s i' n f-i a :i J,a the I :'. 'A ni~n aosorber -.o,;e' reo:)ect '.D t .ne source ri,~ r, r ~i U 0-x J- t h sn u s m o v e mi e n ~-Jr' -r :;C)l!r"o.'- t 7 I I ,jmma-(ju;in'a ~Sn 11-i ne z;v-me'rJ~c le -al com~ounls t'r -:nift of the Lbsorber lines -iitn eX-)reSC-E'l in M 7,;' /, - - 113 j e c - 7 0 V)l of the of 'fie a t ev , r) -.,. 0 b o ~ I r, 0 5 r. .'2.-l e E~ ca , 31 arl 1 / 'k n v e s t -_i i D n 4 the . . . i. n fi 12 7, "fa k, n a I . e C t r i c n ~3t n t, e :r,:) e -2 h 0 a tn il'\ ZIn !m1 1 J e na e o e 1e e r- f rom h e A r. L c j k 1 .3 t - i ca i i ~ 1) e r e Db,; ervel n i I t r '-I o s e o,A n I Boyle e t a I . 4 - n W ~I n issolved Compounds and cannot o c ex n, j ~~y i ~ d o u. o r e i n f e cry s t a i 9 t i c, n J i r - c t o n o a )y Or pu r e s . 7ro m -,e e 1~;I it it re *,he subocri:)t 7~. h t u ta 1 3 tne z ed L-ege ndre "a r' ~ 2/5 F3,'022 D I o a i , f t ni: t ~~r .1 e te r:- o t 'n s b 2 ne , ~1 t f 1" i en L , l i t C' rd o l t t 2 e:' C 0 :o" 0 7, " 1 12 ~,'u;~.'21;,'IL!f~." "t e hi-her tiian tiae ot;-Ier one ~i c c, z- j t c~ 1% 0- 1:atio a 3/ 1 cfill '09 d ter~~in~-j ex~e--,imen -allt. a -1 :.11:)")Ie o~') I it ti 1" f, t' *1% e -o s s upr line n 33 n P P i, '1; L , )-10 X V 7 11", J!, I ro -2 - 2 1 C V, 0 1 C, fi e I I i :-, t n c re h e 3 n I C ea s in of the bon-A i, I x -0-55 1 3r, Cl and x 1 7. . n o t h e r D j s :3 b I e i n t e r o n 0 f t e 1,71%, t r i c ~I I be the -I J ifferent il b r i ~i i r 1 n or 1 e o i n t i .)roblem it is su-r-es-eJi t~iat t',-Ie f, f e c i"It. C~"al-es f t o 1 e an :I o atoms be determined! 3irec.Iy. e r, e D I e c i x -, ~,j r t! If anI r, T viao J.' rr aci i a t t-,i ,N it ~'I I . o - 'I.Q V C, !i,-, t, nu, Yo o s 1) wj k2 v oe rLI m C~i rlVeZ3 t I C) n t irie . . . ec ra ;s ZI [I C, c; t! n C I u 0 c a s ru c C! I J C, C j J~ , 1. 1) Lj "D Cil e - I . t i 0 n c e 7, n e t e c a lc JU 27, 2 SE11,51liCV, N. ';.I avademik (Fockya); ', . t~ , ( !,: ci ;3 kv F- , - .1 1 9!J;!l'-A.':SFlY, V. I. (Mloskva) On -,-e proidem of plyrierization at low temperatures. Rev ch-:,mie 7 no. 2: 501-511 W~ I. t khimlcheskoy C-,'zik-* A:~' S~:~SR, Mosivia. - /; - / , - I ~ - - ~ , -D/ ." Z~j U,~/ " ~'U/ " . ,/ 3 2 5 /B 10,' Tj n on to-, p e -1 J, -h e n e S 7 C:c-, rd~ le nt~utrLl 3 -i G s t E t (D m n 0 Q ~,!o3k. 1'. z I z 'C; ZJ, J u~ f; 0 1'~ C4, r! ii 1 und m o c L,~isi ficaLions of a l", C - C t c f a ,,:I in z i.., r0 tc-.,ic dovich Z h:-'- F, L.-, r a I"d p i -I 1 5 1; 1 1,; al.,, case a t o r~ t z I I pi on. 1 :7, 7~ o