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GO'K'. n-1201 1 1.) . V . PlAl soobs"I'. arlii-lk i'inlianiii. /Trans ortation faciliti,-ic c!' l'od ru-J. T. tran::P. z ol-ior. izd--,ro, 19,1~1. 62 p. i'llus.. n-ais (?art fold.) Ils uisolc is-.)ol'zovannoi literR4.,iry": T).C)()-/,j37 D Lf, :2 ") 5 , 3C S'O : Soviet TransDortation and Coammications, A Library of Congress Reference Department, 1952, Uij('Inns, J- f ied. GOKHMAN,Sh.M., inzilenar-mekharlik Improving the operating characteristics of tile RSS-6,0 straw and sila,age cutter. Sellkhozmashina no.8:14-15Ag'55. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Nauchnyy sotrudnik Sverdlovskogo filiala Vsesoyu:!,iogo Instituta elektrifikataii sel'skogo khozyayst7s (A,gricultural machinery) YERAITTE, Dmitriy Dmitriyevich, dots., kand. tekhn. naidi; GOKIMUl-, Si,ler..,._I,:oiseyevic.h,,k-nmd. te-hr.. naul-; DVPv-AI!D!GV,-7 stor ~ikolnvevich, st. prepodavateV; MYTaV, Fpvel Alekne,yevich, inzh.; LOFATEI, Anton Venediktovichl dots.; OR9JV, Ilikolay VILkhaylovich, inzh.; STIRATA11OVICH, Nikolay Nikolayevich, inzh.; STRIGAI'OV, Ilikolay Igratlyevich, inzh.; TIM101'.01', N:Lkolay Prokoplyevich, dots., kand. teklm. nauk; RAYKHLIH, Zaliman Tanfilovich, st. prepodavatell; BELOV, AleksEndr emallnovich, dots.; i'MHETEIKOV, N.S., dotsent, retsenzent; "IA3USHIMI, I.N., red.; FITEIVAII, Ye.L., red.izd-va; PkiAKIIINA, 1"1.L., tolchn. red. (Repair of lumberIM-aM forestry machineryl Remong leso7.ag0t0- vitellnykh i lesokhoziaistvennykh mashin. By D.D.Erairchtin i dr. Moskva, Goslosbumizdat, 1961. 436 p. (1,111RA 1~-:2) 1. Kafedra rer~-onta Moskovskogo --;sotekhniche--kogo instituta (for Reshetnikov). (Forests and forestry-Equirment and alUplieH) (LLunbering-l!achinery) iii -n o t., 1 e ni: 1:. 1 L I GOKHRMi. V.; CH&TVERGOVA, A.D., md.; CHIZHOV, N.N., red, [Central America ~.jnd the West Indius] Amerika i Vest-ladiia- Sc-la 1:5000000. M02k73, 11013.iMi-70 jizeot~:-. lit-ry, 1959. fold. ..Gok~unan, V., Mentrnllnaia Amarilca i Vast-liidii!3. 41 P. Oiru i):6) 1. Rassia (1923- U. S. 6. 11. )GIBvncyeu-)rnvIen~a i.-odezii i knrto- grafii. (Central Armarica-Maps) (West RATYZ3, C,1~1`0!d BOlUtIOLB Of Inist. AN SSSR GOKHMAIT, V.; SVIRUOV, V. Determining the voliime of earthwork on vertical cur-1k,-s. A-vt.dor. 20 no.3:24-2~ Mr 157. (mmu- 10:5) (Road constriction) (Earthwork) FAYN, U.S. . dotsent; GOMMU, V.A. Surveying =d designing Lighways in =unta--Li', Axt.d0r. 25 no.7:30-31 JI 162. (IiEtl 15:8) (bbulitain roads) rj r ruiluf2 hn t ilA rr r. - GCYAsaN, V. M. "Distribution of Industrial Coni?tructlon in the U IS During World War 11 and Its Effect on tne Geography of American Industry." Cand Geog 5ci, Geography Faculty, Moscow State U imeni M. V. Lcmonosov, 12 Feb 54. Dissertation (Vechernyaya '%.o.3kvq Moscow, 4 Feb 54) so: sw 1s6, 19 Aug 1954. Gq~!Ml, Valliamin MWkuvich; BARAUZZlY, N.N., red. ; LAMM IT-RIVA, Ye.V., red.; MALICHEVSKIY, G.N., red.1cart: KOSEKNEVA, S.H., [Geography of heavy industry of the U.S.A.; according to branches and regional Goografiia tiazlialoi promvuhlonnosti SShA; po vaz~uiei- shim otrasliam i po raionam. Moskva, Gco.Wl-vo j,-oojrr.1it-ry, 1956. 280 p. (MI-M 13:12) 1. Chlon-korrespondent All SSSR (for BarEnBkiy). (United States--Industries) (United States--Economic zonizz) GOMAAN, V. M. Griticit3m of tho book "AT.-iorifwi gooi,rAphy-Inviintorz nnd pron-pect" by the Department of Geographv o-- Capitalist Countries in the ,raphy of t a Academy of Scionces of the U.S.S.R. Institute of Geog h Izv. All J,,,-F 156. (KISA 9:7) (United StataB-Geop ,raphy-Study and teachinr) GOKHKLN, V.M. Geography of the atomic industry of the U.5.A. and Canadit. lzv.All SSSR.Ser.geog. no.3:50-62 My-Se '56. OaLu 9:11) 1. Institut geografti AN SSbR. (United Stateo-Atomic power industry) (Canada-Atomic power industry) GOKHMAN, V. M. FundAmtntal changes In the geography of the mpwifactnring Industr7 of the U.S.A. during and after the Second World Wp.r. Trudy Inst. geog.n , 15 * (MLkk 10: 1) (Llnitmd States-Indmstries, Loc.-ition of) /GOMM, Y.M.; MEDVEDKOV, Tu.V. Fundamental characteriatics of the structure qnd &imtritution of industy in the Pacific Norhwest of the U.S.A..Trudy Inst.geog. no-70:236-301 156. (M12A 10:1) (Northwest Pacif ic-- Industries) 4 , --t ~, t - "~%A \!~,~4AY-,~V, P.M.; GERASIMOV, I.P.; GOIRNUNG, V.P.- GOYJLlWi 2,11LIKUNSKIY, N.H.; K0VAL3VSKIY, V.P.; KULAGIN, G.D.;'TlVii~ftcly' h.G.- 1-TYS11TAIrl, V.I.; POPOV, K.M.; PITLYARKIN, V.A.. A.S. Dobrov; obitwiry. P.Y. Alarmlev and othf-rs. 1z7. Ali SSSR. Sor. csoe,. no-41:143-V:4 Tl-jig 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Dobrov, Aloksandr S~--s-jnovioh, (.11" ~ ""/, ~d ) ",'" ; GOKHMAN, V.M. Development and location of atomic power industry ',n the United States. Top. geog. no.41:93-109 157. (MIRA 10:17) (United States--Atomic power Induntry) GO,KHMAN, V. M. "Economin geography: economic cartographyll* by N.N. Baranskii. Reviewed by T,M. Gokhman, Top. gar)b- . no.41.-289-29) '57.(MIRA 10:12) (Geography, Eronomic) (Cartography) Oftranskli, N.N.) KASHBITS, Ya.G.; GOE2U4AN, V.K.; KUMS, S.N.; TIKHOMIROT, V.P., otvotstvonnyy red.; ASOYAN, N.S., red.; VIIX?TSr-4.Zk, N.N., tekhm. rod. [Mexico, Guatemala Honduras, British Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama) Moksilm, Gvatemala, GondUr,'L8, BritansIcii Gondu- rae, Sallvador, Nikaragua, Kosta-Rika, Panama. Mook-wa, G-os. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1958. 53 P. (NIMk 11-7) (Central America) (Mexico) ANDRFTEVA, Vern 14ikhaylovna-, GOKI(Ridl, Venianin Ikkaovich; l(CIVAT,MVSKIY, Vladimir Pavlovich; PnTPVII',;KAYA, Ntarlyn Yiii1movr-.EA; POPOT, K.M., doktor ekon.nauk,; S0.Y)V'YFVA, M.G., kand.goograf.nauk,; CHIZqOV. rod.-, VASILTIVSKIT, L.I., red.; KISHL19VA, Z.A., rod.kart; WGINA, teVInn.rod. [Econn,nic rnp~oni3 of tho. 11.1".A.; ths~ ','orthl ralony SShA: Sevnr. Otv. rpJ. V.'~.Pnpn-i, M.G.So1r)v'f3va, I/o sk-v a, Gos. IvI-vo gpogr. lit-ry, 10~9. 9?Q p " (MIRA 12:1) (UTAted StFitpB--Bconr)mIc 1:," "graphy) GOKHMAN, V. M. New book on apricultural geopraphy. in thn, U.S.A. ("2he Agricul- ,Ions of th" Unitod Statns" by L.Haystx~~Icj ,11(l G.Pit . tural Rep 6 .j~j:-07_;)()q 15~1. Vop.gpog. no . I OXITRA 12:5) (Unitod Statos--h,-riculturo) (flayetoacl. L. )~Fjtn, C.) C,OKHMAN, V. bf. Industrial gnngraphy in thn U.S.A. Vop.gootp,. no. lilt: 114-114 158. (MIRA 1;).:5) (Unitod Statno-Economic goography) FARPOV, L. N. -, GOMMAN, V. 14. A Cningraphy in Canada. Vop.geng. no.44:205-?17 '59. (Canada-Goography) 0411U 12:5) A (rI ' GOKHRM, V.; KARPOV, L.; KOVALEVSKIY, Y.; ShTMRYANNYY, L.; CHIZHOV, N.N., red.; VlId2fSKAYA, N.H., [U.S.A., Canada, Alaska, Greenland) SShA. Y-qnada, Aliauka, Grenlandiia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry. 1959. 55 P. (KIRA 12:6) (United States) (Canada) (Alaska) (Greenland) ALECANDERSSON,Gwmar; GOKMW4, V.L11. [translator]; BX%',JISYJT, N.N., rc.c. .. - [Indust.rial otnicturo of Amrican cit.iei3]El.-.orioi!iii2ii()skiiii titrUk- tura gorodov SShA; geograficheskoe issledovanie ellonorrilki go- .rodov Soedinennykh Shtatov Ameriki. ~ redisl. i rod. N.N.Diaran- skogo. 'Moskvan, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1959. U3 p. Tranolated from the ni,-Iish. (MIRA 15-3) (United States-Industries) ZIWN, Lev Takovlevich [deconsedj;.WlQR4JUlj T,4,,j HILHT- KOYSKIT, A.G., oty.rod.; MINHO, N.1j.. rod.; POPOVA, V.I., mladshiy red.; KOSIELIAIVA, S.M., [Economic regions of the Unitad Stnteal Ekonovdcheskia raiony SShA. Mo3kva, Gos.izd-vo Pmogr.lit-ry, 1959, 5111 P. (MIEU 13:2) (United St!itas--Economic conditionq) LESHC.HINIM, Roql'd Yefinovich; GOKHKAN, T.M.. red.; LAVR~MIOTSVA Te.V., red.; POPOVA, V.I., mindshiy red.; MAWC-~EVS11T, G.S., red. kart; GLZYKH, D.A., [GuinnaJ Gviana. Pod red. V.M.Gokhmqna. MoslcTa, Goa.izd-vo gew7r.lit-ry, 1960. 76 -p. (MIlUl 13:4) (G-ainna) -IASHL~ITJ, Yakov GriCorlyovicii; GOEMAl' v ~ otv red.; UWC~ !:T Ye V . , ~~,e a-.; ")~. A 1*0VAIGITA, N . S . , mliud shiy red.; :~-Isv 1,01d. kart; A1,11KA, N.P., tnkhn. red. .1 no"..", Z.A.1 [I-e.cico; economic and ~-eorr,-.iphica-l features] i,leksilca; e'-~-onoT-.iko--,eozrafic',iesl-aia ter is-.ikn. l-'osImi, Gos. izd-vo ,,coFr, lit-ry, 1961. l)c")6 1). (11-U"A 15:3) USHI~ITS, ',A'~JtIREVSKIY, O.R.; RYAZANrSEV, of (mi"iA aransIr'--l' , Nivol ai Lcli- --," -'El Y, G n n :,I~i-uiatlion dL;,ributicn in 1"i,ijor r--1,7:Lc)n.3 of t,-a U.S.A. ciurinL; the ;.CIjtu',IL.r period and jema probhmL; in (,,.Lt-,. 9-oirth. Vo p . Feog. 161. fUllit---d k :.Irl(; tcIms-Crowth) MIKHAYLOV, Yevgeniy Dmitriyevich; TALYZD', Fedor Fedo.-(:-vich; .GOK11'Pd,', utv. red.; :1G')",7'1':SK1Y, DX., TI.S.j rdt?ds.*,~iy red.; DU'.ilk:A, N.F., te~hn. red. [In cities of the U.S.A.; travel notes]Pu f.-orodzu-,i ;S],-k; p-ltlevye zametki. 'Moskva, Geogrrifi; (MIRA 16: 1) I _,iz, 1962. 231~' p. (United Statas-Cities and to,,ms) '] (" hl L "'. i ~ ? 11 . 1.1 . ;(,-rieo ot' Junk reC. renct) maps. 1-4-!Od. i k t--to (I I ~ 1 1, 15 : I C, ) f':u , f P.-,') GOMAR, V. M. "Geography of the mining Industry- of tho capitalist. world' by M.S. Rozin. Reviewed by V.M. Gaklman. IzV. AN SS314 Ser g(loge no.ltl45-147 Ja-F 163. 6MIRA 16:2) (VAnernl industries) (Rozin, M.S.) ~r. Nor" (F--RA AN ~~ISR. s e r ec, :j, ;~ , r,omill k,! . -, - ~,i, - j.~l,(-,!,' ", I Y!"'! ~ . I : ~, .1 . .1.~ i _,: ,,. ;,.. -~~ : ., ~'')v . ! 17, 1, -, - : ~~ l-l' ~ FTI :.," , I . - . I . . -4 1`7 : '~ I ;, ,,~ C, ~, r,' - ~- rl C- 7, -1 f "I : - I , s,, f F, 1,v-, . It , 1 ", i') - 1-(-j --,' ; I!*' t i,LII ~ GC;K!i",Ai'. ,-" ~ ~'t . -- :.r ", I , ; . ~ -, 7 , I I I If I", , p . - - - ,, ~ , . 1: . i- ~ . ; - j - '. -I 'i; * e:; t. Cc. i,,-c.,j:: t ~ n,; wor'-; (,1! 1, Z~i I t ~- '! F-, ""., ~'Or-e - c F, , - - 1. .. J . I . I I the U.--'.A. an-I (-'a-nada with r;~I'Iural r.zi s o1, r,; (j, s .AN ~~. ,'t-r, ~,r-cg. no. " ~ - - F (! M r -,, j' ~, -'. I ~ !-! 1-1 -, ; ~ , I . !:.:I t 4 t - ~ it ,~ I I,.-. ", ~ : "', N ~ , ". i ~ . I ~ , % V"NER, 1. A.; WKINAN, V. M.; MAYIJIGOY.,~', I. M.; R~AKITNIKO',', A. N. In memory of NikGlai I'likoluevich i3laranskii, Izv Vses geog ob-va 96 no. 1.81-82 la-F ;64. 17:5) 11 - . I I 1 1 , :. , ", :, 1:. 1 ~~aL , -' _;I !I!., ~ 1'4 ," - , . . . . . . . -. . . . " : .. ~ I ; I I , h.1 7,-- C, BZRN,j7,1,1, Nniil rKMNOUILLI, L~aniel]; GOKHMAN, V. S. 7 *.SOV, - Y.KR~ A.I,i akademik, rf3d,; BAUYCfAt, K.K., -,prof., roaf.; Z.&YCHICK, N.K., rod.lzd-vi; MUM, E.Yij, ,111ydrodynamics or notes on the forces and mnveiients of fluids] ; Gidrodina,,nika i1i zapiski o silakh i dvizzheniiakh zhid'!-rostei. Tsynsiated from the Latin] Izd-vo kcad.nauk SSSR, 1959- 550 P. (MIRA 12:2) (Fluid mechAnics) FA&MY, Mikhail [Fa,,day, Michsel] ~_aQ&W_41,ff . -latorj; Im.-"GO, '~,_Etran,~ T.N. Etra.islatcrl; KRAVETS, Torichan Pavlovich, -nrof.,red. (decensed]; DORFV--AN, Tq. G. , prof. red.; 3-ROT211DOi, Yr-A., izd-va; SOZANOV, L.S., red.izd-va-, SMIIUIOV, A.V., tak-fi.rea. LE.cvarimental researchez in electricity] EkSperimental'nye issledovaniia po elektrichestvu. Kommentarii i -red. T.P.KrnvtF;3. Izd-vo Akad.mauk SSSR. (Yllassiki nauki) Vol.3. (Tranziated from the Enp!iBhl 1959. 8,31 P. (MU 12:2) 1. Chlen-korresponderit Akademii nauk SSSR (For KI-Ivats). (Electricity) EYLER, Leonard [".Euler-, Leonhard, 188C-10-561., GOKP-,!Al%*,, rold'; lW"EVA A F 11YI., - - tekhn., red. [Introducclon to in~initcsirtial anadysisl Vvedenie v :inaliz beskonechUkh. 1'.ed. perevada, vcLup. stntin i ,.,D i ~ 219 OA P, ramllated fr~)r~ the Di,J.-,i,, p r. E., I Intecral Stil't'yesa i ye~,o I ntegral and its ApplIcat'l-1) matro.aticheskoy lit-ry 1", L i e r Int e c Ed Tsvet'Kov, A.T.; Tf~n- PURPOSE: This book is advance(-~ students of mathemal.I.-O. Fh,:. il*j-:0~3e ~,f b,-;,J"I: A..; to -rive an accurate and comp~ict, ~?w Oft., tht,- theory of the Stieltjf-s -ertaln applications of t1h(~ probability theorY, COVERAGE: A defln-It-Ion based on the concept. 1:r, 6jP.-a-,unovZkiy. Card 1/5 '~tleLtjes Th e I)as i c prop,~rt i~e .3 t J~ i-I S t I e 1 t j I n t e I definition with tl,k, a rr'_,~ -a at the co.,).clu.3jo-, i re in some respects- I d whore g is a real- f and auffilcient criteria D' -.n InteS.-ral esta'-lished. Funrj.ament-,-)!,~ Fourier and n t -_'L f i - The to I!.nl,t and kjl*L-_`.r~,lll -Ll~lnri intecral silrn is carried oL,,,. T~j c,- rho a:)p_'-it.~or. o' th E 3 t i 0 11 t j e S i n " e C, r a 1 L -i t-;,. ep~- theory the concept of Lebe.,;, 1:s 1. s: 4-ntroduced and .Lundament-nis '~om L-h(, S C. -f!",-.ry ~Ln t1--e last rhapter, the author L T j~ KolmoE;orov on 1-,he hec;-i n(:, refer-. e n c cs Carr] 2/ 5 '."-e ')'tie!tJes inte-c,ral and 1~.-: T.,'tDLE OF UONTEENTS: Ch, I. Fun,-~tlons of' lloundod 1~-,n 2. E.~clusion aff 11i:ia) fun c "I Ion 3. Functions of a ',iel1 s rij) I Ch. H. The St!,.~ltje~~ 5. Def inition of S r, i-1 t conclusions from i' 5`1 D , Generla! criteri,,vt Fundamental prmjc--Ilef~ Cler-iin an inteEral Comnarl3on 7.11!rii - rj- Integral The Stielt Ch. III. J I (D. llundarierir,~-, I 11- inteFra In te-ra 1-s of the absolur,~- c),' a fur~:~4.or. :1 ~'s C) f In OXPI-C, , ".."! ~.,, . rl:., la-i1 V! Reli~iarm 15. Inte-rat-Lon ovei, Fourier 1 r r 7 1", Pa s sa c, t, oi on theorem Card Th t I e 1, tj e ~,i Intcror,,t ia rid "I t,~;AIIi', I c) .Differentiation under si'Uri o,;^' ~S t iel 13 integral Ch. UT. Lebesc-ue-Stieltjes InteF,-ral 20 Sets. Measurle 21. Measurable functions ,L 22. Lebesgue-Stieltjes inteLml ~oo 23. Application of I,ebeoCue-13 tie ItJes lnte~-val to the probablllty theory Supplements. Line integral. Static i-.iorrent AVAILA?,LE: Libr2r-v of Con~ress Card 5/5 GOK11-:11, Ye. V. ~A 12/49T57 IMSR/Engtneering Sep 48 Refractories Refractory Materials "T'he Production of Refractorles Ln India," D. S. Vatchagand! and Ye. V. Gokhman, L D "Ogneupory" Vol XIII, No 9 Llsts refractories now minufactUred In India. (D. S. Vatchagaidi, "Iron and Steel," 1947)- L2/49TT ARMITUNOV, gikolay Bagratovich; GORELIK, IoBif Grigorlyevich; GGHMAN, Ye Ions Vladimirovna; SRUKHOALITHR, L.Ya., redaktor; PI1W.IH, 1J.0 rvd8kt*V:' I.M., tekhnichookly rFicbiktor LFerrous mmtallurgy of capitalist countries] Chernals matallurgiia kapitalistichaukikh stran. Moskva, Gos. nouchno-tolchn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I toyetnoi metallurgil. Pt.l. [Tachnical and economic survey] Tekhniko-ekonomich6akli obzor. 19.56. 032 p. OLRA 10-2) 1. Moscow. TSentnllnyy institut informtsit chernoy m6tallurgii. (Iron industry) (Steal in4untry) ABRAMOV, V.S.,kandidat takhriicheakikh riauk; LEONIDOV, ARUr'nWOV, II.B.,itizhener: ICRASA'rTSEV, ILI,kandtditt tekhnicheskikh nauk; GOOMAN, Ye.V,.Kandidat 6,zouomLcheSkLkh nauk; YABLOIISKAYA, L.V,redait'or 'i,-,dia-t F-,IiBtva; ATTOPOVICH, M.K., takiwicheskiy redaktor [Ferrous metallurg_v of caoitslist cowitrit5qj ON-iriiiiia Metatlurgtia kapitalisticheskikh stran. Moa~va. GoB. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetual metallnrgll. Pt. 2. F?reioaration of ore for smelters and blast furnaces] Pcdgoto'vka rud k playki) i domennoye proizvodstvo. 1957. 493 P. Oti& lo:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo ciiertioy iintallurgAy. I Tekhnicheskoye upravlenlys. TSentralinyy iristitut izXorz-asIi. (Blast furnaces) (SmeltIng) KUSHENSKlY, K.S. , inzh. , lauroat Stalinnkoy premli; V.E-"LIGC, K.N. inzh. ; ROSSMIT, A.F., inzh., GCKHMAN, YO.V., lujild.olcon,rujuk: ABUMOV, V.S., kand.tokhn.nank; SOMOV, 0.0., otv.rad.; PARTSKMIY, V.11., otv. red.; NURMU1MAMDOVA,.V.F., red.izd-vn; BOIJ)YREVA, Z.A., LFerrous metallurgy in capitalist countries] Chernaia metallurgiia kapitaliatichaskikil atran. Mo--',-ve, t.os.ri~:,uc,rino-.tekhr,.ixd-vo lit-ry po gornom delu. Ft.7- [Iron ore mining and the dresslr.~ of oresJ Zhelezorudnaia promyshlennost' i obolpashchanie rtid. 1960. 999 P. OURA 13:9) 1. Moscow. TSantrallnyy ingtitut informatsil cliernoy metal'-urgii. (Iron miner, and mining) (Ore dressing) -,GGKHIOJIJ- Ye.v., kand.ekonom.nauk Production of stainlegs and acuie-resistant, :;,,eel in countries. Atil.'l-SIMM, no.,'1:22-27 161. (1,1~--Il (3teel, Staiidess--6tatis,,ics) GO,ULIK, I.G. [deceased]; C PETROVA, T.D.; RRISLAYA, N.I.; HOMXOVA, F.X.; MHUN, L.M., red.; KH'U"TUSKAYA., Ye.-S., red. izd- va; ISUMIYEVA, F.G., tekhn. red. [Ferrous metallurgi In capitalist countrios; sUtistical handbook] Chornaia motallurgAia kapitalio tic ho ok ikh 3tran.; st,~-tisl ichaskii spravochnik. Moskva, Goj. naneNio--teklin. h~d-v,., lit.-ry po chervoi i tsvetnoi motallurgii, 1961. 3tA p. (MIR-A L/~: 1:1) 1. Vorcow. TSentral'.,Vy Inst-itut informatgil ch:!rnoy metallurgii. (Iron industry-Statistics) (Steel indus try-StAi!; tics) G. ldecw!~~t:d I "KAY red [Ferrous manuail ernai,-.. mptallurg'Aa i :7,i-Xav(;chn:LK. (Ily (~ol . m.w T,;entr.,~-' Inyy 130-9--4/21 AUTHOR: Gokhmar., Yu. I. TITLE: A High-Temperaturf~!~ Cowper Stove. (VysokotemperaturnTy vozdulkhonaCrevatell) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1957, Nr 9, pp.8-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Calculations have shown that o~ three pcssible methods (hiLher combustion temperatures, hi6her waste-gas temperature and increased teating surface) the first is tile oo5t promising and the author considers ways of puttinE this into effect. Fussian-made 45-46% alumina brick. is considered suitable for the highest temperature regions, and an 8-l"21% addition of coke-oven Eas to tte blast-furLace gas to raise comblistiozi temperature is indicated. Cal.culated operat-In'E. parameters L are listed, showing a blast temperature of 125000 ~allin6 by 240'C in the course of the 1.0-liour "on air" period (19 Lours "on gas"). The dome is ten, isph-erical -and well iz-Bulated. The combustion chamber is sligiatly incli--cled towards the checkers thus reducing dome weax. Improved combustion- chamber design and gas-mixture ignition axe provided for and a special arrangement of checker and wtPll bricks is envisa6ed. Card 1/? I~XIIIDOVP N.K.; Yu.1. Use of liqitld and pulverized fuel in blast furm,~as abrczd. Diiil-t-Ah.- ekon*in.L'orm.Goe.nauch.-isol.inst.natich. i tokli.inf'o--m. no.7:8&~88 162. C.n=t 15.,!) (Blast fLznaces) LE ON P, 0 E fr, riejs o, T!~a rs, A I A 1,111.:;intir,:,vich, dicto, ENA BELOVA, 5 V,q,,,i I ,,A.-!,'ANC,VA, L,G,, -e an ub~;hch~i _jjA 1 '7: 1 A ._. v a lvan,_'. 6lol. riaul~ , rr2d. j r~!d. in. "3-)ii fertility an(~ Crc! in- creas,~ of the of f0,! I io: I; a I' fortlilzor_~ ~rjl I III lkro- G(),:CEAanVj Boriq Prokoflyevich, kand. biol. nauk; !1--"KTFORt:)V, Clog Alokoondrovich, ktind. blol. nouk; GOKIDIE;(, rod. [Green forage in winter] Zelen~d kona zin~oi. Izd-vo !Kolos," 1964'. 70 p. (V,P!, 17: 5) v;Ln prof 24 AUT"ORS: Go'-h~hteyn, A. "'a, y' V '2 2 TITLE Tile Investi~,,ttlon of Film:3 on a :,!ercury plenok na rtutnom elcktrode) MIODICAL: Doklaciy A`~,ili(,--Mii nauk 1'1',',3H, lo-,)J, Nr op. 825 - 826 (U-SSH) ABSTRACT: The foilowin~, method is, apart from the de-terTir,,--:!.tion of Ca-0acit'ano'e (Rr~fo 1,2,'.) and of u~-eful ~*,)r the irlv~-."til'~Ition of f'ilmL" on anodeci arA c-i'hadilc: Vi- -,vi th the sollitu ion to It),, expaiined i~3 --v~ red into a% ordinary polarographic circiiit If trie patential of t~e dr-)ps-haped mercury electrode in tllc- oircuit is k.~pt discreot chanh"es of ntn 'I-, f~ rav,,~ take in the, circuit. Anmperaffe quickly increaseF, to a certain vilue, aft~.-r it SlOwly decreasef3 to Zero. The range:-- of in wti--h this ciffect occurs and the dit"or in. the case o~ form and inten~~ity of the -111se different substa!,ces: In s, o m e ~-, o 1 i i t i o v ', -.1nere are no mises at -111, and in others pulses occur -evit!~ir. r;!n,-!e of' the anodp or -within r,-nt7e of th,~ an,,Ae and cath-de, T~.e po-,E!ntlals of Card 1/3 vani~hino-,- an(i occu-rrlag ant in teth thc hand-(" The Invest iWat 4 on of -7~~ or'. a Me r,~11 r-f L r,,de V 1 2c, - 1 2o-~- 6- J~ , I i take -, place -xi th a certa i nao~~. T'-.e ,rood repro(iuc- i bil J- ty of. 'n ea Se Tritss j) .,-- a k C;ft-1 t a a if e 11i t1'. V'Io ~;, r1l:, "ion o ft'-:e f'itTl, 1!3 7111id~ T"ta Which t t ~: e~ I 'I CI !-~ J if f~~ r ~,i t0i-~ i (J n E3 S e7, it 4 t 11 r ~-- '.1,40 " iC 'Go continue in th-~ i~a7ie wa~~, The milsf--F~ are iue t'- e o r~:~at ion o f t f i 1 m on the t,- - u ry This film ro becomo, 9 tip ormel aric', blirzO.:i a f t e r11. v i n I.- retched the 1)0'-Ylt of critical tension, A 1f4 ed i-,iethod. is discuss~A in short, makes it pos~;ible qualitatively to explain the change (with re~-,,ect to tine) of the amplitude nrld rrequency of the current pulses, Art ex:pression is d9rived for tho time dependence of amperaze i(t). The measurements sittsflctorilv prove the Proportionality !between the initial concentration C .1 n d -,, h e qlaxi:num anpo rpwt! in t he -i c r-~,n t pu [!-- !'or concon t ra on 3 b-74 wr 0,1 N~ The i!ithor~i fheilr Merriberi Acad-?,my of Sciences, USSR, f',,,r hi~,-, assistpnce- Tnere are 3 Ngure3, 1 table, -in(l 6 refe--er:,,-!P~7, 2 ~f -,Y'nil~h Soviet. Card 2/3 The Invest i~,at ion of Films on a 111--rcury Elr-ctr--de SCV,12r- 12 ~71167 PRESENTED: February 1, 1958, b,[ A.Ii. Fru-ikin, M,~:nbz.r, of' USSR SUBMITTED: January 22, 1958 Card li -Iny I,~-` L K.auc 'LU!I- j- !-e -L na P F-. T: A e v i,,~ L in t;-e -Uil N", of U-"(; L 0 j T; . .... -.LUI ~,..T) U(-, e . UL I UTJ -r c c --'V,.* r (D.p c r re c :r re 1, e SU j cl Fj- v 1' *10 11 7 ~le (21 1 U 1 L nS -11a e r i a s n c :3 ~3 eLsured at I J., T,c-,rsi-sts as e co-E,-Jerable at c,: i n I , lo c a I el~ I 'is L v a vi 1 ~1'1 0. A~, ."Icrol"S tiri ?I c, o ~un d Ei rd, P o V1 .1 :58-- 59- -2, -14/24 A iviethod of Measuring tl-.,e Tl--ic;':iie,-,l,: of Late.,.,. fj~rr.-elol)es tiilicllrnes,,~ of C 2) z~-.O% There are 4 f i,,-ur -~.Ilov"rldl i V.i'~c for -'-ubbe-,- 'Ir-11 Prodite's) 3/5 (2) AU-2 !-'0R: lokhshteynt A. Ya. 307/7", -- 14-,",- 15,13 G TITLE: On the Exact Determination of the Peak Potuntial in Oscillo~:raphic Polaro(-rarhy Zhurnal anpliticheskoy khiMiij 1959, Vol 14, "r A, i;p (Uss"') A-' ZT A C '-7': In the ar~ 'alycis of solutions by means of cocillographic pol-aro- I peak of the diffw3ion -raphy the notential and the height of the current are mea3ured. Phe peak potential 6?.pendO on the. natur,~ of the ion concerned, the height is proportional to the concenturatim of the ion. Simultaneously with the electrochemical re-action the charCing of an elcc*.riQ double layer on the electroda tal:es place. Correspondin.gly the current is proportional to the v-A-3cilt,f or the change in po'ontirl ~nd attains a con.,3iderablo hei-1-11t. Alrio the presor 'ce of s(weral substances, the ClIer"trochenical reaction, m~.,kes the det(~rvination by oscillo- Iraphic polaroCraphy rather difficult. As it rul,:,, othor curr,:-rlts iibadd thomst--lvos to thi., diffu3Lon current. id, catsing thlat the C~.r,4 1/3 total current i ir. the c,hain is detormine(i by the equation On tite Exact Determination of the Peak Potential in SOV/75- I'j r; Oscillc),-.raphic Polaro!~raj-hy i = i, + i (1), (Refs 1, 2). The diffe:~entiation of (1) in 11:1-.e b (I i dib (2) maximum of the voltage curve results in dE = EE (E... electrode potential). Therefore it is advisable to inodify "he conventional method of measurenent in which the peak potontial of the total current and thoop of the di-ffuzion current are nut equal. The principle of the new measurin- method is that the peak potential is as2u-iied to be that Point at '.7hich tht, curves of the total current and those of the back~~round curr-~nt have the same inclination. By this ulethad the error in the determination can be eliminated, which in practice often exc-CoCI.- 10 mv. 111or detorminingg the actual peak rotent-.1fil oil the oscillogram the curves of the tot-nl cu=ent and those of the background current are cor--bined in one, From L"is the actiz,11, values of the current and the notential can be readily e,~timated, by subtracting the back.,round current from the total cu:--.ent. C a r d 2 On the Exact Deterraination of the Peak PotentiE~l in SCIT,/7:Z_ I '7C Oscillo;,--raphic Polarc)6;raphy This subtraction can be directly made ql:ro in tl, 'e alectrival measurinj3 ocale of tho polaro[~;-,raph, The ftutlio-- chovied that 'he conventional measurin-C bridge the schc,~-2 of which is illustrated in the rapeTg is not suitable for this -~hnre ar,~ fiL-,Ilr~s and 2 Soviet r~2 0 rf-IrIce G ASS&'TA'I0::: ::auchno-i ssl,~,d ova to I I skiy Institut rozinovylh. 1 lateksnyk-b 7deliy, l!o.,lva 2eoearcll institute for Rubber and Yo7cow)/ :,'T 7 D - SUI-I r- Y& -5- ~300 AULIHS: Gokhshteyn, Ya. P., 3ol-hohteyn, TITLE: Consecutive Electrochemical FolaroL,1raphy FE-HODICA'~-: Doklady Ak-ademii nauk SSSR, (USSTZ) 66181 A. Y,,4 lZeactions in Grcillo,~,-r%phic 1959, Vol 112fl, I'I'r 15, 1,1) 9135-988 A7, T: By determining quantitative rplationsh4)s 1)(2 tween consecutive current waves and th~~ conntants of reactiors proceedin- in vnrious sta-es the kinetics of the latter may bc- ir-v~~.qti.Sated. Th~- Eiuthcrs inve~,tigated such relationships for the ior-ic reaction nip e + 6 p (6 = Iori,i,p - 192 .... r) - it i!) z zP is the number of electrons reactinC-; in one stage (n, 1 = np .1 system of conditions at the boundary between the elect--cle and the solution is set up, and Yi(t), the equation foz- the course of the polaroaraphic current, is deduced. The result--int relationships were practically applied to the reduction of ',,'1)5+ iii 23-n sulphuric acid, the development of which has not beer; explained as yet. Card 1/2 Fi,,,rure 1 shows the oscillogn-im, fij-ur-~ :' tl%e ctirl-lits computed,. 66181 Consecutive Electrochemical Reactions in Oscillooraphic S07/20- I ?,';-5-3r5/67 Polaroaraphy 5+ - -b'1 + --b3+. he height of the for the two-staGe reduction ib N 11 - current waves is proportional to the qquaro zoot or the velocity of potential variation. The experimental data arc! in good a.-reement with the theoretical relationships. Threr(--~ are 3 figures, 1 table, and I references, 4 of "I'llich "re 30viet. A5~3GCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analitichesko~- kl-,irili im. V.1. Vernadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Inotitute of Geocl-,Pmi.itr~- and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy of the Academ., of Sciences, USSR) PRE~Z'ITED: June 1 p 1959 by A, N. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED: April 16, 1959 card 2/2 GOKHSHTEY14, Yq.P.; GOKHSInWIN, A.Ya. Os,~Illo~Taphlc polarog-raphy. Equation for th-,~ d*acandlng branch of thn polarographic wavti anO for its alproxi--mtIon. Zhur.fiz-ldlim. 94 n0-7:1654-1657 JI '6o. (Rhb, 1-1:7) 1. Lkademiya nauk SSSR, Im-,titut geoVdilmit i analitichesi-coy kllirnit im. V.I.Voruadskogo. (Polarography) Cory of i - t cu-rr.,- c' anic). in -U*.e ~,_r~2-onc,~ o-' c~ or,, .ion. Do-,,--!. 1' . ..... 13', no. 34.5- T:r '61. 14 In:,t--*- tut cle'.. GOKFSliTZlT;, A.Ya. L1- nc. 16-1 GOKHSHTEY?i, A.Ya.; GOKHSHTFYN, Yn.P. 11 New oscillographic polarographs. Vest. All SSSH 32 no.5:90-')5 my 162. (Polarograph) (,kfIRA 15: 5) 90KHSHTEYN, A.Ya.; GOUSHTEYPI, Ya.P. Device for automatic reproductIon and removal of swtionRrl 7? '1- droD electrodes. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 110.3:651-6515 Mr '(1% 17:8) I. InsTitut elektrokchimii AN SSSR i lnstitu-; gt-,Ok*,,-'?-!-"-', L' anal-i'l-cheskoy khimii imeni Vemadslkogo AIN SSSR. GOKHSHTEYN, A.Ya.; FRUMKIN, A.N., akademik Study of self-oscillations in passivation-free systems by moans of a solid electrode. Dokl.PJI SSSR 144 no.4:821-324 Ja 162. (W-RA 15:5) 1. Institut elektrokhimil AN SSSR. (Electrolyte solutionB) GOKHSHTEYN, A.I. "Origin of Self -oscillations in Passivation-free Electrolytic Systemsev Report presented at the 34th meeting CITCE, Intl. Cor7n. df Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Moscow, 19-25 Aug 63. Institute of Elactrochemistrf, AcadenRr of Sciences of U.S.S.R., Moscow, U.S.S.R. GOKRSHTL-Z, A.Ya Selfa-aseillation frequency in electrolytic sy8temz,. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.1:136-139 A 163. (MMI l6s2) 1. Inatitut elektrokliimii All SSSR4 Predstayleno a1sdadlr-m A.N. Frumkinym. (Electrolyte solutions) (Osaillatims) GCKHSHTEYN, A.Ya. Stability of stationary states of electrolytic syliterns. Dokl. All SSSR 149 no.4:880-883 Ap 163, (MA 16-3) 1. Institut elektrokhimli AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Frimikinym. (Electrolysis) (Chemistry, Physical and theoretical) 1 - .. . i ! r, , I loci i nf~- an 4 prcjii~:t of anod iz oxid at -4 on cl, icid ilie,, ~:E k--rokhtmii -t J ro.;1:906-999 Ag 165. (mu", .1. In-l-AiAut elektrokhlmii ANSSSR. ~ I OY, I k.137"A*YEIq f tl-n JO(lillo pin !LA) 11~7 t 1.0 11:4LJO. -ilia W!%Onition o %I - I no.3:285-291 t,t, 165. IG122) 'Al "I !. DqUtuL 01OL-tr("IM, J PRONTARSKIY, A.F., kandidat tekhaicheskikh nauk; GUMHU'llf, B.Ya.,, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor. Equipment used in automatic electric traction subattittions. Trudy T-5NII MPS 68:6-169 '52. [Microfilm] (KIRA 7:10) (Electric railroads--Substations) ZAKHARCHENKO, D.D,dotsfint, kandidat takhnichookkich nauk; ESAYS'Y, I.P., dotseat, kandidat takhtdchoukikh nauk, KALININ, V.K.,inch-5ner; KHEY."YANOV, K.Ye.,dotsent, kandidat takhniche~3klkJi nauk; LAKSHTOVSKIY, I.A.,dotsent, kandidat telchnicheslclI6 tiaLLk; HAMARW. K.G.,professor, dohor tekhnichaskikh nauk; RUMLI, V.B., profeusor, doktor takhnicheskikh nauk; RERONOV. K.A.,inhefier; MMiAYWV, N.M.,dotantit, kandidat takhnichaskildi miuk; NUKHODKIN, M.D., dotsont, kandidat tekhnicheskilch nauk; OZEMBIAWBUY, Ch.S.~ iazhener; OSIPOV, S.I.,inzhener; RORASHKOV, S.G.juhanor; SOKOLOV, L.S.,inzhoner; FAMINSKIY, G.V.,karidldat takhnichaskikh nault; SHATSILLO. A.A.,inzhener; SHITAlUIT0, F.N.,dotsent, Icarididal; tekhnicheakikii nauk; BOVE, Ye.G.skandidat tekhtUcheigkilch natik, retsenvent; PERTSOVSKIY, L.M.,inihener, retsenzent; ALEK33TRY, I.Te.,professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk, retsanzent; BATALOV, P.H.,iazlionar, reteenzent; VIN]MG, B.N.,inrhener, ratuensent; GRACHEVA, L.O.. kandidst takhnicheakikh nauk, retnatizent; YEVDOKIJ(OV, A.M., inzhener, retsenzent; KALININ, S.S.,inzhener. ratsenzent; TRAUTMAN, L.M.,kandidat tekhnicbiskikh nauk,reti3enisaat; PYLENKOV, A.P.,inzhenar, retB 11 nZent., 6"Aotird'. kandidst tek~uiicheskikh nauk, rotgenzent, WIN, !a-zhentir, ratsanzellt; NAKHODKIN, 143.,dotsant, kaildidst tekhnicheskikhnaidc. relannzent; TISHCHFWK0, A.I.,otvatetvanny7 radaktor; BEHISBUG11, I.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, rodaktor; ZOROKIfOVI(,'H,,dotsent kandidat tekhulchosklk~ miuk, rodAtur; LUTSANKO, To.G.Jnzlioner, redaktor; ROGOZHIN, A.P.,inzherier, re-daktor; SUOROT, N.I., inzhener. rodaktor; VERIHA, G.P.,tekhnichaskiyradaIrtor (Continued on next card) ZAKHARCISIIKO, D.D.---(continuAd) Card 2. CTechnical manual for railroad workeral TekhnichesIcLi spravochnik zhelaznodorozhnika. Red, kollegila II.G. Granovokii i dr. Moskva, Gos. trnnsp. zhal-dor. izd-vo. 7o1. ~).[Elactric railroad rolliiu,, stock] Sleiktropodvizhuoi sostav zhoil~%nykh dorog. Otv. red. toma A.I. Tishchenko. 1957. 652 p. (KLRA 10:4) 1. Chlail-korrespondent Akadawii naidr SSSII. (for Alolwaj,,~v) (~Wlectric railroads-Rolling stock) GOKHSHTEYII, B.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; REBRIK, B.11., k-,nd. tok'hn. nauk; LAPIN, V.D.. inzh.; KARYAKIN. 11.11., inzh. First electrified section operating on alternuting current. Elek. i tepl. tiaga no.1:8-10 '51' (MIRA 12-3) (Ilectric railroad.) GUHSHTM. B.Ya., k.-,nd.tokhn.nauk; TIKUMMMV, 11,F., inzh. Electric denign characteristics of electric traction po-wer-S-.1pply equipment ucod In rectifier eloctric locomotivo. Trudy TSIM MPS no.156:5-32 158. (Miu 11:8) (Electric locomotives) (Mercury-a-c ,ectifiers) GOUSHTEYN, B.Ya., kand. telrhn. nauk; 14APIN, V.P., inzh.; TIKOEIT7, B.N., immh. Operational characteristics of electric power SzIT:pl7 nquiprn-3at of a.c. electric railroads. Trudy TSNII MPS no.170-5-43 '59. (MM 12:?) (Electric railroads--Siibsl,ations--Ea,iipment an(I supplies) G-OKHSHTEYIT, 3.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk Determining the capacit7 of a. c. trartion gubatation transformo-.,. Trudy- TSNII MPS no.170:44-r',? 159. 011RA 12-7) (Electric railroads-Subqtations--Equipmont and supplies) (Electric transformers) - GOMSIITEYTI, B. Ya., kand.telrlin.nnuk; LUIN, V.B., in7Ji~ Features of parellel opera-ion of a.c, tnclct'c~n substatic;n networkj. Trudy TSIIII 14PS no,201: 5-16 160. ('1IFU 14 3 ~ (Electric (Electric power distributi,r) 1 11 RAKOV, Vitaliy Aleks2ndrovich; 13OKESETall, B.Y.a., ksmd. f;ekhn. natul., ro- tsenzent; MYLOV, V.I., inzh., reteenzent; LOZAN'011SKIT, A.L., in?L.P retsenzent; NAKEODKI31, M.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, rat-senzent; NEVEMD", P.P... inzh., retsenzont; TAr"V, 6.F., irizh., retsen-ent, TIM-SIO!, B.N., doktor teklm. nauk, retsenzent; SAZONOV. -;nzl:., retsenzent; SUKHODOLISKIY, P.I., inzh., retsenzent; KT.YLOV, S.Y., -.'Ln-zh. i-ed.; DANI- LOVY L.""., -ed. izd-va; SOKCLOVA, T.F., tek-En. red. [A.C. electric locomotives] Elektrovozy paremenrogo toka. Moskva, t;~ Gos. nauchnc-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit, ht-vy, 1961. 1 '-1 p. (MDA 14: 10) (Electric locomotiveq)