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GLUSIEO, "" - (CO" - ) Lecturer, Bach-AGr rif T,--~chnicaL I f "Atomit- Uncler ".now, I~Iltllor o Trans . - D SO: Krasnaya ~~.'vezda., 2') Jan 1~1~~)5. L - I . . I I ''. I . ) . ~ I G-L-U-S--H,,KO-, A. "Use of Defensive Features of I.h,!! 1~,rr~vin" an article in the publication Problems of the Use of Atomic ~,nei:jf;y. Octo`~er, 1956, MOSCOW VISHNEVOSKIY, A.S. ; KHODYKIN, A.V.; Frininu, ucriastl.yla: Vl!"5ELGIT, I.A., 'Llk"iKO, B,.I," .rach; PINCHUKOV, Ye.F., vrach.; G vrach; CHVAMANIYA, A.Ye., vrach; FILIPPOVA, Ye.l., rrachj G0LFB,',VA, L.%',., v-ra--Il; SHEWMENKO, M.M., vrach; MAHGINA, V.F., vrach Sarmtorlim and hwilth riisort tretit;iient of c~jxoni-. (immodiate and late rosult:3). Trudy (MIRA 18:11) 1. Kafedra kurortnoy Lerapil zav. F-roC. A.S. Vishirl;~vski.v) TSentrallnogo institut.-i vrachey. n op in Pc :3 1 n i t Ii ra r, i ~. rt j'~ :I s foot- ,In( i -nou t. .I ~W F1 !3(: " r, c R Ve te r wl r n Y,0 nc . 1-1 -, 30- 'i 1. N If, ninr ( ~,Jj P-A 17 "'Ii zhi k sk iv n iiiic hn D.- 1:3!3 1 f-d ova t e1 I SKj y ve tf~ r 1 no.rllyy i ns L ~ lut 011--liM, B.A., aspirant; I!KfHACn'v', N.V., prof., nauc`iny3, rukavo,.5ftell raboty Dpami--,~7 uf the tifr-~r cf antibodies in newborn c!ilves during I foot-anc-mouth dl.eoase. lk~terlnarlia 41 no.8'-.('Ck-;!1- Ag 164. 1 1 (MI RA 18 14 i 1. TL-Idzhik3'kiy cdova tell skiy vetp,,v.Irmr-nTi imtltut. . n M, VISHIEVSKIY, A.S., prof.; KHODYKIII, A.V., -:ri i nli ucMstiye; GLUSIT,O iL..I -1*' 1 L 3._J., vrach; OVAMANIYA, A-ye-, vvach; TU ~77SPIYA, v-ruch; LWITSKAYA, A.S., vrach; GOLU3E711'., L.T., liTach. Use o 'L cortisone and dollydrocortiO0110 ill th-D t1-tIIItMI,'IIt Of S3701-~3 hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Vrach. delo no.8:55-38 161. (1=71-L 15:3) 1. Eurortnaya t~olikIlInIII,:a, YevaentrJc-'. (COETISON~-") L I; ~- - D 16 ~~, o --'S GIliSHKO,--B.-V-,-.zasl. agronom Voldavskoy SSR, ':ard. sel'Id.,02. nall],; &Lronor-ekonomist,; FANDI, IV., rou.; GOP,V-,*.C,,7E",I,:Oy F., tekYx-. rod. [Efficient une of collect ive-farr. land] Pc-khoziaiski isj-,oll- zovatl I~oLdhoznuiu zerpthu. Izd-vo 1 -4 I-.SKh VSSR, 191,2. 20 p. 1. Frodscdatell 'IV,.,,Ltsa notTe" TeIenesIht:,ko,-:,o (for GlusWco). 2. Koll:hoz I'Vyatsa nouye" Telenealitzkogo raymia (for Yankovskaya). (Telenesh-ty District-Agricult-are) GLUSHKO, B.V,, za&!-zhanziyy agronom bfoldavlko~, S."JR, Icalid. sell c~kokhoz. nauk; BUKHAR, I.Ye., kand. sallskokhoz. nauk Improve the system of agriculture. &=-ledalle 25 il~,.5.3-6 My 163. (Ifllk 16:7) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Vyatsa noue", Moldavskaya SSR (for Glushko) . (Moldavia-4rictLlture) 6/00 /001/0040~ 3, liAO it,, lit, 44~~ on no.7-L,O Tl 1~ , (~fj.JA 11-7) 1. Do-no Okt;raorl , Yuzhnara 4oroga. (Electric rill CUSHKO, G.F. Different approach to expert um2uati.on of the state of alcoholic intoxication. Ilral.-.s-,idelropaikli.ekspe-it. no.6:1,I.- 45 162, (IMIA 16.2) (AMOVOLISM) 7 r,..,, . GLUSH-1.1~) - - "Me turbulent '.)ourAmm, la~,-er in qi,. T'uidll. . 1.1 " - re.-.ort present:.-i at the 2nd A-11-Unior. on illiooretf,c.-~l ArpLied ,,:ochanics, 29 J,,u, - 5 Fol) 64. I L !~68-66 ~-iT 1,'L)/' (k)/Pii [A ( 1) VdIUJ IN: AP5021709 uiz/Oi'[3,165A)()i)/004/0013/0023 AUTHOR- GIvishko, G. S. Oloqoow) T ~T "ur'bul,in' 1, Qz- Oil it 1*11 1.1, ful fluid SY ya 11, jwr), j,,--,-, AN "T"R. f I tj j (I 111 t i (III !T': ~k, "T Th,~ cnw-f~pl. (1C iii, ~I rvv wl-) (-' vtlld~v "n'l f3ujA ov,?r a i 1;.,r. tj i 1~; obtain-ti For Ui,, PCfo(,,U%e B 1~he [,~vnolds, -)n.!. 9 (r 0 :~rmlysis of Cw.1'a :this was expl-nw3e,! -I!, -I function of nkimbpr accordinjF, to th,~ plecewise emooth Card 1/3 L 1hi 8 ~66 IiR: API)O2 1,100 < r < V. i:'' r " r" F It (1) r rv-. Dext, Ul- momentun, aTo ein~,rcy eq,woons ro~. uie stronaeli are simplified into ci set of Wire,) oquaViowl j) I i the Trv3t of whi-ch is flfi~-' total-1xvbIlIvill; ~!Iio~rlry P(jilation. threr- equatioris tire thrM illt'!~)CM;ed us-iiiL,- the me(-hw~ of nieslips with bcuridai.-y condition x = 0; lj~ - Ii e u mid x, -~,- co , U U , e -i, o. loj an. initict.-i input, the 2 F 2 11 cal.-ulation van sta~-ted with a BLn-4Iu-q prohle. Mean values Were obt-alned for t,49 con~qtari~s Q'I r , "" '--I- frorn availible expeviurint,,.O. data, wid Ple sc-&:! of turbu- lence WM9 obtaini)ed empirically. The computation results show Nuee fl,~T derusinc: Card ,zt;6-6-6 L ii A(11:1,,I:~TMN Tis?: AP50,;.11708 1;1-~Insitinn, ".114 turbuiqnt, Thq ~11-100. Of transition dqiendr~ oa the nagrn- h0- I.)t, Lurbuic-at olwrf5, ill, the ill.I.IJ:11 cro,3,3 Tbe It:.'Mina-- ard tza-buloa~ oll tho 11:110, of cros,::i sect.ion tnv~rgdoc. 'File re:3ititj wen-, traphically riq v-looit- y and tot.~O. cnnergy-cf- Ropiol.di' num"-wor. T! i t7 o.r', "PIRO'l VO Vo TY w" I I v? i t 11 pl r i ill '11 I~rl 1~ dr, hi, ()ri,~ !J, ),as- -otatk.ins and 10 fipsurea. [AT 11311 - TT:;D: ',A or'4 OB QJD"-;., )L,, No 14~z- ','(,IV: ('1011 OTIL"i 1 005 Carcl 3/~ GLUSHKO, G.T. Design and kinematics of a kind of cardan honolcin-btic ini !its. Trud.7 SADI no.16 pt.lM-74 159. N IRA 13: 11 ) (Motor vehicles--.Aales) GLUSHKO, G.T., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHESTERIKOV N A kanij. ^ I - -1 tekhn. nauk, otv. za vyp. [Methods manual on the course "Theory of Trechanisins and machines"] Uchebno-metodichesicce posobie Fo kuz%yu "Teoriia mekhanizmo%, i -,!,ishin.11 Sost. G.T.GliisiLko. Snratov. 1963. 115 1). _ [Album of Allbom chertezhe" k... I v. il~TI.A .17:4) ANASTASIO, V.F.-, ARAKELOV, A.S.; B()Bl?OV, A.L.; VIKHOICKY, Y,.j.V.; VRIDER, S.I.; GLUSILEO, I.K.; GOKUN, A.M.; PINIKOVSKIY, Yxi.I.; PASHKOV, N.D.; RYABUKHA, G.K.; RMeEIIIXO, G.S.; SMOV, Tedor Pavlo-,Ich-, SOSKIND, D.M.; SAMSONOV, B.A., S.&I911OV, A.B.; SMViK,'iIIOV, A.B.; KHARL.AMOV, A.A.; TSARIKOV, B.N.; SHIFRIIT, D.L.-, SIV,'714Uf, T.I.; ABAKUMOVSKIY, Dmitriy Dmitriyovich, rad.torwi; SVYATITSKATA. K.P., vadushchiy red.; THOFIMOV, A.V., taklin.rad. [Petroleum aquipnent- in six volumes] Neftinnoo aborudovanie; v shesti tomakh. Moifl-va, Gos.risitic'?Illo-tt3l,-Ilrl.izd-vo noft. I ti-,orno- topliviioi lit-ry. Vol.4. 1959. 294 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Potrole-am r9fineries-Equipmnt Find --rapplijo) GLUSffFO, 1.K. Prcb-!F:mq -,z,. the desIgn and manuCacturp of equijimp.nt. Standurfizatalia 28 Mv (MIRA 1. GlavnTy in.-h. I'SentraLlrm~-,) koruitruktor-skor-o Lpiro apparatuny. SHETKUNOVA, Te.A.; GLUS,11KO, I.V' SuaceDtibilit7 of gerbils and water voles '.,) ',)xopla-x~losis in an experimnt. Zo(-.)l.. zh::r. 42 no.6:956,-Q59 16:1 . :7) (MULA 16. 1. laboratory of Toxoplasmosis, Department of Drifections of INatural Nidality, Institute of gpidepdolog~-i and Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow and Anti-PLalylie :n4titutle of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Stavropol Caucasian. (Toxoplasmosia) (Rodents as carriers of disease) LUEASH-EVICH, F,A.,; Yh,'i,; GLIJ,7~110_, K.3,; GU:,El)',,:OV, _;..,redi -1 - -- _-- I GO.,',Y A C r11: 0 , F , ~, te k h r. . r ed . - . [Now nu..~~Iiiiies for friz'1't culture and viticulturo-il Novye nlashilv dlia sadovodstva i vinoEradarst-va, 1"Ashinev, 1-,,d,-No sellkhoz. !it-ry ',:SK)i VISR, 1962. 145 p. (1-11HA 15:6) (!"oldaviv. FriiU culhire) GLUSHKO, 1:.i3l Needle-shaped Iant feeder, Trakt, 1 32 r1o.,6:34-36 Je 16-1. (MMI 15!t6') 1. 11.1oldavskiy imuchric ... issledovatellskiy illOtitUt 011dovadottva, vinograda-rotva i vinodeliya. (Viticulturu --iEcluipment tund oupi):Lloo) (Fortilizorn alid iinki ACCESSION NR: AP4038417 AUTHOR: Glushko, K. S. S/0166/64/000/002/001ii/0022 TITLE: On one possible generalization of differential equations foir the motion of nonholonomic mechanical systems SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Izv. Seriya fiziko-metematicheakikh nauk,'no. 2, 1964, 14-22 TOPIC TAGS: differential equation, nonholonomic mechanical system, motion, quasiparameter ABSTRACT: Using the equations of P. W. Woronetz (Uber die Beiiegung eines sterren .](6rpers derohne Obitung auf einer belibigen Mche rollt, Hath, Anti, Band, 70, 1911), as a particular case, the author investigated motion equationo of tionliolonomic mechanical systems within quasicoordinates with linear, nonstationtrry couplin8s. The author conducted differentiation operations along nonholonomic. paratnetaro based on 'the system of subordination of n-m independent Pfaff equationiii p p 0 dx + dt w 0* 0 Card 1/2 1,2,ao#,n; P 1,2,seaq n m MALT NOVSKIY, M.S.; SOLCtEO, Z.F.; GLUSHKO L.P. I ~ -.1 Sulfanilides. N-sul-fonyl derivativea of thiourea. Ukr.kidia.zhur. 28 no.8:952-954 162. (1-11RA 1.5;11) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyj, universitet. (Urea) (Sulfony-L group) MALINOVSKIY, MI.S.; 30LOW0, Z.F.; GLUSHKO, L.P. Sulfanilides. Part 2: N-sulfanyl derivatives of thic)-zrea. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no-31728-731 YX 162. (1,I[RA 15:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosiidarstvennly universitet. (Uren) (Sull'anilido) HALINOVSKIY, M.S.; SOLaIKO, Z.F.; GLUSHKO, L.P. Sulfanilides. Part 5: N-chloroacetyl derivatives of sulfanilides. Zhur.ob.kllim. 32 no.10:3195-3197 0 '&'.. (MIRA 15: 11) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat. (Sul-fanilide) , f MAUNCUM, M.:). ; ', :- , : ~ 1' (;, .! . Sulfanilides. d#!riwitAwis of irene,-vdfimizidides, ararie gill f phene tAd i,,ie s, an-i itrlilwi, Ukr.khim.zkmr. 214 no.(,: 61!,-615 16 1. (KIRA 1t):')) j L.P --- , SOLOMKO, Z.F.,- MALINOVSKIY, M.S. GL113~~O Sulfanilides. Part 7: Ethyl esterB of N-arylsulfamyl-lf-phenyl- carbamic acid. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.2612-613 F 163. (MIFA 16.2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitut. (Carbanilic acid) (Sulfanilide) SOUY-M pa i v 1JR-7, a: a r -)I Lfn H.,% iart 16: Propyl ivy ~ ID jS :,. 1, , -)~ L -- (-I " Lor-.i-; tu,i :i,-)fi tor ; : )ti (I rl' or , i ~. i,)n:: oC :- i i:e oL:t lrik-, r.:,,ar I Kf.-,v , ~ 911--i~ , I I v,; . ( 1,1 Ln of "i, r, 11, . ~,. n a r I k () v - In i ri g ! n 1; t ', 1 *, i -) c c, p i m! s ( 1 - , , GLUSHKO, M,F. Differential equationr, for the statfcs arid C-e dynaild(27 Of hoisting ropes. Sbor.nauch.tircd, KEGI 5:231,:-2L8 152~ 1-4:4) (Hoisting machinery) (wire ropes) GLUSHKO, IM.F. Propagation of elastic waves in steel wire rop(-:3. Sbor.nauch. trud. KHGI 54249-254 158. 14--4) (Wire rope) (Elasticity) GLUSIM, II.F., inzh. j -4,~ 2. Thpori of locked-roil riine-hoi,3t ropen. Sbor.DonU'~! no.17:92- Olr%k r.':5) 103 '58- % Oline hoiBtinp) Ofira rope, 2 - 2 LIS for t.-,-: :.C u'1 ~~11 -test U' ed by I" al )X, .3~ direct )n C 3 in t S c t I-A C S s ol a L ~,2-2 -3 i/oo i t s o r. a t h 1.1 I t 1)"'I - ert i e 3 L .,C. G c r. a ~,7: i~re ai,e r a AV,(, I L;". ry f C Calbiezz--TT,,:," 2 . -2 -- ~Sff~~(~O -m F,- -~L Det,i-iTdrdrig strains in helical rope wireo wid,-:-r the C-rJ"'s,:~t of b(,.ndin-,,. Nauch. trudy MKIrl no.6:299-309 r5~- Olfli"A 14:4) (Wire rope-Testing) GLUSITKO, M.F. Dynamic balancini~ of hoisting ropen taking into accourit torsional vibrat4onn. Nauch. doki. vys. shkoly; por. delo no.1:1.11;-120 159. (MIRA 12:5) l.Prodstavlena kafedroy go;rnoy mekhaniki Mharlhvskogo ;,,ornogo instituta. :,Hoisting =-ichi nery--Vi brat i one) GLUSHKO, M.F., kand.tekhmlauk Theory of stress diatribution in two-layer hointim, ro-)fm. Iz,/. vya.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 110.5:101-113 1 )9 . (MITUl 13:5) 1. Kharlkovskly gorn7y institut. Rekomandovana kn'eilroy gornoy nokhnniki. (Mine hoisting) ( 'dirP f'OT'tl -1 ~G ) GLUSHKO, M.F., inzh. Bending stresses in doilbln-lay wire ropes. Izv.vVp.ucheb.2W1.; gnr.zhiir. no. 6: 90-97 '59. OKIRA- 13:4) 1. Khar'kovskiy gorMry institut. liplomonclovana 'K-uLf'odroy gormy mokhaniki. (Wiro rope) (strains and stronso3) GLUSHY0, M.F., Torsional vibrations of mine hois~-inj, rores. I2v.vy-.ijcheb.zav.; gor. zhur. no.P:101-109 t5q. (MIRA 1~ : ; ) 1. Kharlkovsk-ly gornvy institut. Aekomendowma kafedroY e-ornoy mekhaniki. (wire rope) (Mine holstl-m) GLUSHKO, M.F., kand.tektin.naul- TeatiN, mina hoiijtiry,, ropos for strangth. (brol' Ukr. 3 no.10:i7-19 0 159. (KILL 13:2) 1. Khar'kovskiy gorryy inatitut. (Hoisting machinnry-Tasting) (Wire rope-Nilting) GLUSHKO, 143,,-IS!~nd.takhn.nauk; R)CHTCMIKO), inzh..; Ua,.KONSKIY, V.F., Inzh. Strain on ropes of irregular strands during winding on a pulley. lzv.V,ls.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.2:151--157 160. (,,',IRtl -14:5) 1. Kharlkovskiy gornyy institut. (Paileys) (Fopo--) GLUSHKO, M.F., kand.tekhn.nauV Wire rope twisting vibrationu on mine hoisting Izv. vys. ucheb. zav..- gor. zhur. no.9--117-124 10".). 04IFL, 13:9) 1. Kharlkovskiy gorny-y instittit. Rokoneud. k~ifodroy goriloy mel-hanil ' r 11. (Ifoistin~; :aclainery-Vibr.ations) (Wire rope) ,GLUSHEO, Ya.14. Determination of forces in a mine hoisting cable with M771ng lenjzth while changi-rp- ?rorT, steidily accelerating movemant; to even movement, Trudy MakIIII 12i Vop, gor,, olektramekh, no.4; 117~324 161. (MIRA 16.- 6) (Wire rope) GLUSHKO, M.F., Vanri, tt~)(hn, nnuk Lo,,4-twioting sing"; e. r~)pea wl-'.L a n-Lx~-d coil nnfl theLr use in mirv!~ hoistIng, lzv,, wjj., ucheb., gor, '211ur. rl,:).5: 135-1411 161~ Wrful. 1. IffiarIkovsIdy -ornTj motitut, 16-.k~,mendovana kjtfe.-,Iro~ soprativlerliya inaterLalov Odn9skogo poll tmkhn:ichj30-ago instituta. (Wire rope) k1.11ne 1101.1ting) GLUSHKO, M.F,, kand, tekhn. nauk Approximative method of calculating special-fo-fin -.,.opes ~ju::-Jng stretching and twisting. Izv. vys, ucheb. zav.-, g(.-,r. zhur, no.6:1-44-152 '61. (HIRA 16:7) 1. Kharlkovskiy gornyy institut. Rekomendovana karedroy gorrioy mekhaniki. (Wirs rope-Testing) GLUSHKO, M.P., kdno.tekhn.naujc - ----- Investigating stresses in steel-wire cables. prochn. no.7:122-152 161. (MlIph. 14-:11) (Cables-Testing) GLUS-TO, II.I., kand. tek. tin, nPuk Study of dcf,)rmtJL:)n jna L.-?PEion ir, spiral ropt:6, ~onsfd'~rinL-- ',~e actual conditions of contact of thr- wires. i,-v. vy.-. U,~heb, zav.; por. zhur. no.11:103-118 I vi ~ ( 1-11 ail 15: 1 ) 1. in:~C;Ujt. Rekomendovana ;,ovnoy mekh,aniki. GLUSHKO, M. F. kand. tekhn. nauk; VOLOKONSKIY, V. F., Icand. toklui. nauk Design of nontvisting cables. Izv. vys. ucheb ia-ir.; gor. zhur. 5 no.8:161-168 162. (MiRA 15:10) 1. Kharlkovskiy gornyy institut. Rakomendovana Rafedroy gornoy mekhaniki. (wire rope) GLUSHKO, M.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; VOLOKONSKY, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk Bend of the wires of a cable on contact with the pulleY. Izv- Vs. ucheb. zav,; gor. zhur. 5 no.10:115-120 162. (MIRA 15%1.1) 1. KhFLrlkovskiy gorny-y institut. Rekomendovana k&fedroy ;,,orn(;y mekhaniki. (Wire rope) (Strains and stresses) GLUSHKOI M.F. . -- - Mechanical testing of' 3te-31-wire ropo. Zav.,lab. 28 ri~j.8081-983 162. (MIRA 150.1) 1. Odesskiy kanatnyy zavod. (Wire rope-Testing) R f r, e ri f o rm, i a If o r c c t z, n r e 1 9 e 3 11 r o u n strwid -,tf,(,l hoi~-,timg 1,~v. vyl. twhob. .,nor. 1. Odegskiy poli tr~klinichz~s~.J v t: -At. A 1; r I T" GLUSHKO, M.F. (Odessa) Nonsymm.tric stretching and the spin phenomenon in !iteel cables. Prikl. mekh. 1 no.5:72-78 165. (WRA 18:7) 1. Odesskiy politakhnicheakiy institut. -~"% ~ , ~! 1: ~ , I A , I , . t-, r I-, 11: !1 (, 1 ~-. ~ , "3 ~ , , ~ , !~,, - -,., 11 --1 . " ~illi..~ ~i !,--, ],~: . n:-, bra,king . 1.*,~,el-. . TS, - T ~.- J - . ~ -_ ..,, :- '4 ! ~-.. - - N ~- - ~! -.. .- - , , I- , ;. , ~. i 0 , , ; , j , : % I . , , . ; ~, , , , - I , . , ,- ~ I ', ( . . ~:. . , , _~; C G - 1 4 _;A ,. , .. : ~'- ~ , . . - I _ . ."! ll:S, 1.-., - ar. , "., - - :' c i 1 0 C. -: - r! d , 114 1-3 . "-~: ~'. - . ` " - - 7- - f - :, . I- - _ _ " - - :,' ...I. . : - : , , (", 6 . ( , . ~ -1:,. --.1 , ~GLUSHKO, X.M.. mladshiy nauchnyy f3otrudniv System of sanrtionn for thig violation of wcurk'lity In self -f Inatining toleermimunirntion nntriri)rLvi:i, Vi-1-it. 37inzi 18 no. 8:16-18 Ag 158. 011p,-~ 11:8) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovdtal'911-Ly tristit,it 710(5) z'UTHCR: Glushko, Junior .1cie-itific T I T L On the Derveci.',tic)n RI'jt,,..,; -.n,- of o-.. in i un i t--:, t i o n PERIODICAL: 11 e :: t n i k :3 v -,r,! z iT~ ."BZTRACT: Th,--. T:~entrL~l'no,:-e vl--:nJ.v(! ("'rn- S-1---tistical Office) of thc~ C.-uncil oi~ ':4nj_ sters, the Gosrlp.n, -in-i all mu-t revise.-. the e-,i.I-,'.-inc d,-,-. r T 1) nua L- -md out ne-.-.- ;--ni",or c ~-4 n,,- in (:Ii(? 1 7.11 Of the of ne,,v calculation princi--)Ies, .,:i~,-h flic, ijs--~ of coc,"ficients that would nermit the -3 rate for )n ~i t i r, n, f f e n t Or c. t n -,. 1. c, ~i-.uipnenb, - t:~il:in into :~.(-,collnf. tl-!~E, ho 2 cn t I ageing" of the co--r.,.urd(, tlicm : in u,, ui C--r-] 1,/2 creation of ne~:.: :!n'.' ., On the i n R ,ge 01' tll!'~ corapl. Df 1, mt~ans; fol. C%Iclliatirl~" A3 '.Oc-"~Tj"!j-:T-'PTIIS '12 GLUS9F~',, IN, M ~ ., R;ki I NA, I' ~'! , , in zh, New n(.1-ris on amur t i za - :-on ded-ictions s~eci-ol. of their !,se in enterpz-ises. Ilps,, sviozi 22 no.4:29-31 AD '62. 1~./,) (Te le conununic a tic-n-- Accountl rig) GIUSHIO, H.Te,, inzb.; XOCHMIII, V.H., inzh.; MMOYAN(YIS, N.A., Inzh. - Experienee in using specialized care for intrafactory traffia Lt the Dzerzhinek-ii Works. Biul. TSNIIGHK no.3146-50 '58.(HLR& 110) (Railroads, Industrial-Preight earm) AVERBUKH, A., Imnd. tek-fin. nauk; GLUSHKO, M.Yi)., JtI7,11. Using communication graphs in organizing intrafactory traffic et the DzerzhinBkii Plant. Blul. TSNIIMl no.3:66-6s) 158,(MI(RA 1195) (Railroads, Indust rial-Ilroight ) 7 r.~ 11 tj k'- Tj u, 21 -vcd 'D Iyu - Card 1/1 qLqq,,IKO, F.T., brigadir kompleksnoy brig4dy, Gercy Soto in-1, Lst i chi,,skoj,o Truda To be worthy builders of communism. Transp. stroi. 13 no.2:34-36 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Kiev-Hydraulic engineering) ~~ I.- -, ~' ~'-I ~-' " , ~j I y . KUCMUK. V.V. ; PETROV, V.G.. DUNAYWI.A. T.N. ; PSi!~J!"~JiIh, L..&-; M10TADAVA. M.S. ; GWSBKO, N.Y. Characteristics of the natur~il foci of tularemin in forest shelter- belts and ways of controlling them. Vop.kraev..ob. L eksp.paraze i mad.zool. 9:140-152 '55. (IILHA 10:1) 1. 1z otdela parazitologil i meditslealcoy zoologii (zav. - akad. Ye.N.Pavlovskiy) Instituta epidemiologii i mik-robLologii Imeni, II.F.Gamaleya (dlr. - deyBtvitellnyy rhlen Akademli inediteifiakikh nauk SSSR prof. G.V.V3rgodchIkov) hkademil meditsinskikh nmuk SSSR Stavropollakogo protivoepidemicheskogo lastItuts (dir. V.S.Ter- Vartanov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (TUIAMIIA) (wommas. saxmsws, xrc.) BABENYSHEV, V.P.; GLUSHKO, IT.V. On the change in the distribution of thit lesser suillik in litavrcrpol Territory [with English summary in insert]. Zool.2liur.35 no.5:770-7?3 MY 156. (MLRA 9:9) I.Nnuchno-issledovntel'skiy inntitut KFivkn--a 'A Ink,~tvkn!,,'3,a Mintsterst7ft zdrFLvooldirnneniyn SSSR. (StR,rropol Territory-Susliks) 5/126/62/013/006/012/o18 Elll/E352 AUTHORS: Glushko, V.I., Dorokhov, V.I. and Nechiporanko, Ye.P. TITLE: Contribution to the kinetic-d of the oxidation of molybdenum disilicide PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 13, no. 6, 1962, 923 - 924 TEXT: The results of a study of the kinetics of the oxidation of molybdenuni disilicide in air at 900 - 1 300 OC are given. Specimens were prepared by_ eating molybdenum plates with silicon powder at a pressure of 10 ~ mm Hg and a tempera f: tire (if 1 350 0C. After meLallographic and diffraction analysis for MoSi 2 t44e 0 oxidation kinetics were studied in the interval of 900 - 1 200 C and a duration of 6 h. The rate of oxidation per unit surface was determined from the gain in weight. The activation energy was found to be 82 +-2-5 kcal/mole and the process fallowed the equation: n where W is the change in weight, the timo, K the rate cc stant (1.998 x 10- 4 at 900 - 2.590 x 10-* 2 at 1 200 0C) Card 14 VERKHOROBIN, L.F.; GLUSM(O, P.I.; DOROKHOV, V.I.; MATYTJ,,311ENKO, t!.N. Interaction of molybdenum disilicide with 1;e-ylliwn. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.5:751-753 N 163. OMIRA 17:2) 1. FizVo-tekhnIcheskiy inntitut AN ITkrSSR. ACCESSICil I.-R: AP4013101 S/0126/64/017/001/01112/0110i Auzaoa: ivc.-imv, v, ~zo.; irachiporanko, Ye. Pa; Zmiy, V. I*; Glushko, P. I.; Alckzandrorv, 0. 1;.; Doro1~iov, V. 1. TITME : HiC)i-temperaturc oxidatioa of mo VDden= disiliciae SOMCE: Fizika metallov i metallovcO... v. 17, no. 1, 19641, 142-144 TOPIC TAGS: rtolybdan=, silicon, raol,,/bdenun disil4cide, molybdeniza d1silicide oxidation, molybdenL-.a disilicide micrcharLness ~WMCT: MolybdenL--n dissiliciae is a r,-.etal vith .~rcat pramiso~ fo.- use in stru.ctuw designed to withstand hir~h temperatures. In t~ic tec!Liical literw;ure thcre oxe data on the c0cidatiOn Of 1'1oSi2 achieved by rarious methods: hot. p--essinr', Sinte-z"ing, U etc. The authors of this short article conductcd. a study of the-, Idnetics of Mlos12 =idation in a tcmp--r--ture interval of 1100-17jOOC using a hiC~a-temperature rerist- =nce fu=ace. r-11hc heater was a spiral in clic.-icter made fraii a molybdenm rod. For acLdaticn, ssriples eL molybden= disilicide 25XIOX0.15 mm in --iz,.- vcrc Used; these samples were obtained by the vacu= method. The tezperature was controUed by a thermozouple (Pt - Rh rp center: Pt-:.Rh 20~d) ana an optical pyrcrieter, the latter placed directly on the heater. The temperature gradient betveca the heater Cord 1/2 A! MSSIall NR: AP4013101 ZMd t11C 3ample was not more than 3CC. A i-.ietallographic nnalysij; of the sample nz O,tt vJ-th -1 I~M-7 microscope, with nicraharcbiess tertled C-n a IMP-3 instru- m,int. Ox:idation timc was 10 hours. It was found that with incnnnsin~g time and. tempcr,-.ture the 0":id-iz':COi1ity Of MOSi2 increase.3, the rate of oacIdation obeying a r-crabolic law. 11ro traiisition frcm a parabolic law of oxidaticn tb 'a. logarithmic cm was detected in the tests. X-ray analysis in the temperature range indicated (1400-1700C) rcvt:al--d aa amorphous oxide film on the surface of the acidited S=ple& "relin , contains unkno= y analysis shaiica that this film, in addition to S!Op ccmponents. These are, apparently, lower molybdic oxides, the N-apor tensica of ifnich is lover than that of MoO 3 . The miarchardness of the nolyb lenun disilicide, ,,fnich aid not chanZe during the wddation process, was 1200 kgfi=1 . Orig. =-t. has: 3 figwen- ASSOCItMal: Fizilco-tekhnicheskiy in3titut All USSR (Phyticatec-ffinical lastitute, jai suu%=.- 0-'1=63 DATE AG,,).: 26LFeb64, EINC L: 00 S',M CGD7 ML NO REr SOT: 005 CMR. 003 Card (;[.1U4o , ;',. ; RcactL'I-i c-,r' tn- i;-:: '- '.n,~ ~ic!.,--n o., s',LTl:llli. lzv. Tx. ~-C"F, inst. I v -- . "I., - -17~o , j _. 1 7i. - -1 - ! ~ r- 1 3 t i!- :3 ' 1t'.,! N ` " ~ 1-Y ; i' r ~ 'I -! y .- )mp, ~. " I lf~ I UL i ~ 1 ;it'd -i! I c , n I !(;, 4 z t!,* , ini ~ i ' a r t.-)n!, s . 1 ". ;_ 1, . -. 1; 1~ ! (VIRA 1R1"." GLUSHKO, V-,i.C:ORDZIYEVICH, V. Voluntary inspection is efficient. Avt.transp. 41 no.4:9-10 AP 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Kharkoy-Transportation, Autonotive) GUMHKM 11, Cyb-~rnettciq anil pedRgogics. Nau;