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Difficulties in the differential diagnosis of tuberculcsi!i and of lung, ~-ancer. Probl. tub. 36 no.8:42-44 158. (MIRA 12:7) 1. 17 tuborkul(!2:no,,,,o otdeleniya (.,,4iv. K, L. Slivetl, 1wfl-11111talit - ~-and. :ied. nauk I.I. Villderman) IV klinichpskxy hollnitt3y v Kiahneve. (MIGS-CANGLER) (TIBMCULOSIS) GLINCHEVSKrf, V. "~ Screw cap for hydraillic TAPe testinF,,. 1'4ishinostroltell no,10.22 0 -62. W-IR!, lr,~]A (Pipe-Testing) GLINCIIEVSKIY, V. Foreman V.i,.Koral-cilshchikov. %shinoutroitell ri:),,2;4 1" 163. (14111 16:3) (Penza-Machinery Industry) GOROKHOVY I., inzh. (Zhdanov); GRANKOV, L., inzfi. (Zhdanov); RAKHMINOV, N.~ inzh.-mayor, izobretatell; BASKAKOV, Yu. (Chernagorsk); PERFIL'YEV, N. (Moskva); -QLIUCHEVSKIY, 11, (Penza); KORNEEV, M., inzh. (Kiyev); MIKHAREV, P., konstruktor (Orenburg0; DIYACHKOV, 14, (Irk-atsk) How interesting: Izobr.i rats. no.1:19 163. (AURA 16: 3) 1. Nachallnik Penzenskogo biwo po dehun ratnionalizatsli i izobretatellstva (for Glinchevskiy). (Technological Inrovations) GLINCEEVSKIY, V. Device for autvatic reltrict-Jun of the idling of' wulding transformers. Kkshinostroenle no.6;;104-1-05 N-D 162. (KIRA 16~:2) (Electric transfor-niers-.6afety appliaric-9s) GLINCFEVSKIY, V.'Ill Plig for -. ,~. ~ s : : - -i ~ ' i -, f.; :; ~ ! n fy , ~ ' 1) 1 ff! fl . ~bltli I on It I i Za7,-- I ~-Al L -it) . '):, ).~ 13 , - - I.i 16 ; . GLINCHEVSKrY, T.N. Equipment for automatic control of the switching-Dn time for the haating of industrial furnaces and baths. Mashinoctrondie no.1tioz. -Ta-F 163. (HIIU 160) (Automatic timers) GLIll"'fi, ILI, Aut,~.iaa;,ic I-iTr..ite,- (.)I* ~,he Ll , C. cuf1rdr4-, (,,I' I i foin. IC no-,.10:)3-30 I c-.3. (1.'Li.,~A -,,- , - ~ ) GLINCHEV-`~KlY, ~I.t . blind for ~ , . , ~,- , , : ~ :,t "' , '- ; * ne!'s, v.shiricsllr. n-). 1; : ~ 1~ ~. , Y ~. -1 1 . 01i'll 'iUlil, , -). 2. 4. Coal "inftf~ arid - Ukraine 7. In th- I ignlitt! ri t3 Gf tlie Urkra`ri,~, " !St. iij . 2 -i0. ~ I, ! -, ~--. 9. Monthly l,i:;t o" RuF-sl,m Acc-ssif-,ns, Lll,!*~iry c;` n ; 'i~ 11, 1') --, . T- r r- I . - - - --- - --- - ..... ....... ~ - - I ~?- I - GLINCHUK,D. inzhener One should value Ovm,7 second of a work schedule. Mai5t. up,1. 3 no.12:17-19 D 154. Oirju 9:6) (Coal mines and mining) (Exca7atton) GLINCHUK, K.D.; MISELYUK, Ye.G. Photoelectric method for musurin;; the length (:,,' (IiffusIon die- nlacem5nt of secondary current carriers in stmicon(Luctorfi. Ukr. fiz.zhur. 1 no.1:44--58 156. (MLRA 9:11) 1. ln~titut fiziki Akademii nauk URSR. (Semiconductors) (Photoelectric measurement:3) SUBJECT USSR61/ PHYSICS E I N, - 1814 AUTHOR GLIN IJK,K~D., ~iSELJUK,E,G RAS3A, TITLE The Miiasurin.- of the Recombination Velvci~y ~)f c~ixriers by Con- quctivity Modulation. PERIODICAL Zurn.--,echn.fis, 26, fasc.12, 2607-261.1 Issued: 1 / 19 ~~iT Though the photoelactric method of measurin.1, the life T of nDn-bEisic ca_rriers is today mostly used, it has considerable disadvantages, as difficulties when measuring too short diffusion len6ths Ll the method is a-,) 'plicable only if the local concentration of carriers changes only little; insufNcient accuracy; not practicable when measuring T in the hole-material. A inucA morp nerviceable method of measuring -r is that by conductivity modulation on th,? occasion of the illumi- nation of the sample. Unlike the first method, life is hz?re determined by one single measurement. The geometric criteria are consideraoly inor(- _,Omple and the method may also be applied for the hole material At first the theory of the method is dealt with, A homogeneous semiconductor sample Of cyli-ndrical form is investigated. Formulae for the modulation of the conductivity of the semicon- ductor on the occasion of illumination and in CO11Sid,-r,AtiO11 Of 3"Urfack- and volume recombination are derived. If ti,.e volu-c life T is hort. ard if the veloc- ity of surface recombination is not too high, so that :'~L 'K1 , then -i - 'C and 6 eff it is Possible by this method to m-~!a~iure 't 1:3 is tl.(? vvlo(.-ity of surf~ice recombi- nation, 6 is the diffusion coefficient, P licle, concentration:, If it is true that 3L - 1, it is potsible to find t if 9 is known. lnv,~rsspl.y, if' iis known it is ~_ > p V Zurn.techn.fis, 2~, fasc.12, 2607-2613 (101561) CaD 2 PA - 1614 possible to determine s. Such measurements can be carrie,1 (.,ut f(.-,r extremely high values of s - 104 5 _ 10 cm/sec, 'Next, the measurinir -_i,.!thod is discussed. In order to measur-~ - . 6P it is necessary to mt~aqure ~t ivu.~ber of electrode- eff f 17 hole 111-pairs which are ormed by light in the samplt- within one second -as well as the modificatioi 6R of the resistance offer~-tl b~ tht~ :3W11r)1(.1 occurriri~-, at that time (bP is the fuLl number of photo holes in the sample, N Is the capacity of the photo-hole source in holes per 3econd). The scheme of the :Peasuring system is shown. Before m3asuring was begun, it WK3 found in th.~ CL3e Of all SaMples that the volume phatoelectromotoric force aas lacklni~, the liL:ht probe -nas calibrated by mea3urinC; the short circuit photocurrent and :,- lighi source with a colored temperature of 23600 C was us~!d. In conclusion mt!~-_surine reoults are described. In the case of a siiailar treatment of tho surface, c- dt~pends )n the specific resistance Q of the gt~rmanium., Thori,Core th'! 1, Lire deter:nined by the Q values. The i-,iini7lium -r p are lletermined by the in~easity -,)f the light probe, by the specific resistance of the nat,~rial, and tl,, the niini:iium i,,iodifica- tion of voltal.-e. 144-:!anurements of -t', in doj,n,lt~nco of Ue Purreat used for the _ff sample are shown in form of a curve, t :0, first 'tjy tile Inethod of conductivity modulation on a surflace '8,'Lrr:intinG a smaLl s. llerLafter, the surface was roughly Cround and etched. On the occasion Df this trontment, I/ Zurn.techn.fis,26, fase.12, 2607-20-17, Oc~96) CARD PA - 1814 s was determined according to the fDrmula T) 6 ;--r.d comDared L f with the result obtained by means of the photoelectric mi!th~)d. Values of f rola - 600 -* 2500 cm/ /sec were obtained for s. The same- mef,hol was a-pplied on other suriaces, 01) which occasion values of from 10 000 1,o ')0 000 ,,mlaec were obtained for s. Physical INSTITUTION: Institute of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. GLPICH -UK, K.D. [Hlynchul-.. !V~~WVA, G-X-; MISSWRIX, Yf~.(i. Dfi~oliuk, 0.11.1. Wfuct of minority citrrtint c!irriar on i-I'll-r-larilli'l "nillf, triodes [with suinrytry ir. KriplAshl, Tlkr, fiz. -,'hur, :" nn..~:l '-''- 31W) ' 57. Of IRA I I : I ) 1. Institut fizik-i jUN n- S'R. (Tri odes ) Glixehik- D., kiselYuk, fu- 7 - 11-03 TITLE: Investigafion of Recombination of Current Gax*riers in r witi, i,he fLdmixture of iron (Isolodovaniye rel~,(-lmhinflt:~ii nositelay toka v germanii .9 prijrm.,ilpi zholoza). PERIODICAL.' Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 27, Mr 1.1, pp. 216L.24571 (USS11). ABSTRACT: The influence of the giowir.V, on the of tho two acceptor levaLs (see '11. E. Tyler and H. h. Woodbury, Fhvs, 96, SA, -1954) and the recombination lifetime of the carriers in n-germanium with iron adml;ctDre Yyere investigated as wilil as tile C-SIPtUrE' Cross section of' the non-equilibrium current carriers in thene le,ielzs. It is sho-Wri that an acceptor level occuring in such a gf-~xmanium which Lies at 0,27 eV of the conductivity zone is eliniinated by glx,'Wing at to 45n t 5oooC. This. becomes obvious in the first great increase of tile Lifem' time of the non-equilibritun. current carriers, It is assumed that tne observed glow effect is due to the deac-riva-iion of the iron atoms in consequence of the elimination of the Lxtter from the gerinanium lattice. The capture cross section for toles in tile mentioned local level is determined and the value obtained. Card 1/2 The-.-e are I table, 2 figures, 5 Slavic re.104arences# Investigation of Recombination of Current Carriers 57 -11-4/33 in Germanium with the Admixture of Iron. ASSOCIATION. Inst'-tute for Physics of the A14 of the Uk-rainian SM., "V (Institut fiziki AM USSR.,Kiyev). STYRITIED. April 23, 195-1. AVAIIABLE. Library of ConGress. Card 2/2 AUTHUHS: i r, iu I,K j I! 1,y u k Zc r t L i ntv; 't - L j 4 j I,' T IT LIE: ot' i ur, Cu rr~,-r:t (~ i r--i , v.i i1i j L. '~: i'A4 Y (71iyw,iye na LokalInjic urov.,ii i zh-J,-"Lj V-11j!'n no-;itclej tolka v 3 pviiilts I,iu Letter to the Editor 1 :';!,. I-Y~, Vol. 27, Nv 1 1, A~ST-RACT: V . ''Ii . T,,- 1,! r~i.H.'Itooc-Burj ti-..Lt t1i -- 1:l1;1,r-tJk,'11 n j to th(r covelc~-,)~,,-,.i,Li ac,: ~,:-eat i !.i-i ition- I,,: t~,~: 1"C'y ;~-, truot.;j- of i: -!r-'ania:~, of th,-, ii-fidrs in G'2r-;aNiUL!. lllel-t.- t%-: Of ann--lalin,r on cl-ncition of t g -- 1 e vs 1" t:-,,! ui n(j-foal cui-ricrs v iii the an ~Id"ition A1~3o th~ ca!Aurf! !,C,-: wev-, It, is qiwiin ~.~,.at a nn e,-i 1 i n .- a d-~-a-ctivation of t~~, -~ aci:iixtur-?--L-v-~1 -:.ith it-, activ ~ner,,y uf 0,2o e.V. too'.-c ~ji .cc. C~.ruje ..~i ntdy th.-, concentr~it iun ;;ithiri th,- area uf t:,,u c,,nC,o.-,ivitd increa- t t'-,- --).:.Iense of a ~~ul of carrL:---rs z--f :,re the sitaated I 'lie lev---It3 A -fr~:::l --rcn.Bt~sic-~,U, z~ct; binat-4o,- -t rosf~ fro.- to 6o jec. after tne In C-Ard 112 so:.;e cases ev,~n Lip to a ?i-indred tii,ies lun6i .,ior,?. i,-r tri:~ JI-cjs- Influence uf Aiin,2'~,l '~n Luw1l -ilia Uit'. Lift: Ti-~e (A' 1;'~11- eiailibrium C,rren'u ir, 1,jt~. Irons a3 i f ~i ,,(; t io~A:jj iioie:i at L;,t.- of C -`7 (-V c')nduct~'.vity bottc':~l 0,J)"t ev t."~~ TA-'11-1 !A , 1:. V'1 ILL ~s SP'-:~I'U.10- ion -tnd 50cz:;,i o x lo f Uo..'d i "I. - . - " A-, - . -, to '~"' S":lUct.1u, 'd " R-,, 11i i-~ru are ariti, 2 S1,vi; -eference:'. ASSOCIATION: In:3t-i*Uute for Paysics ol-1, t!-~~ c1, t~,~!Ukrainiaii SSR,Kiyev fi:, i'< -I I - ! , A? - JS S It i, ev S j 3- 1 T T ED j . ri,~a ry I ) 7 AUILABLE. Library G!' CCri-rrCOS Ca r d li t, 1 1.1;-,., LJ I I 1,r / - , - - . .. " - . ~ j , ~ ~,- - ; ~ - " ~ ~~ "'! , :!-~ 11 % : (,: ! I [%~t '- -~ , , .. --. --,. -- T;., ~ ~ ~, ~ 7 ~ '... 1. ; , I - , - - , - L I : I ~ .. ? , 1 .1 . BELLi,TIN, A.D. -Bieliaiev, A.D.1; K.D. [111:mchiik, K-D.]; 141bBLYiJK, YF).G. [Mqr~lluk, O.H.] Invp!itj4ition of the recombination of mirrant carriers -in f,,orruiniin with iorio iTIplirition. Part 1: Goviviiiiim, pure and r ' I with 6~) or Gra impiirttJ03. IAcr.fiv..zhir. -3 Tio . ) : 6:7 S-0 15F. (MId, 12-2) 1. Imititilt fiziki All M;SA. propartle-.1) AUTHQII~]. TITLE3 _.nflUence of Annealii,~ (.11L the Lr)r;al Le!vt~!.~j ikild the Life of' Current Carriers Not in Eqw:iiibriwu 2n p.Type ermanium With ':roii I;,;~urities (Vliy~Lniye otzhiga na 1Dka1':iy5,e Lroyni i irr,,f,lya zlhizni nr_,ravno-,r,!dnykh ncziteicy toii. ~i primealvu zheleza,) PERIODICAL% :,hurnal Teklin ic lies k!--y Fiz.Lki, 195~j, Vol, 26, ';J1"' 105'--1U53 ~USSR) ABSTRAM In ttit previou-i p;Lper 'i(ef 11) the rtcoi!ibin,tion. of tile :,'urrent carriers in p~tyj'e with ii,uri in.-urities Was Ln-resti- j~-atedz In this letl.~!r to the 5di-,or tha .;Lllthors ccjmmuni~,ate the :results of similar A fij;.ure- 3hows the curves re- -resentinj: tile detendellc;6 of he '-:hvll ~ --constant In R - ((1/T) for one c' the sio-mp.1 en of ~ .-hype germanium-, As can oe seen from the fiEurf,'-, the lev,!l 4-1 u uituate%; ut 0, 33 ev fro= the valence '.,,one It can al:3o be seen t1,at th4-s leyel is removed by the annealing, Th',s bet~omts manifest 11-~- the modification of tl-,e kind and t'he ~'f cc:idiA,_- -. ail Well as ir a marked increase of the the sauple Thi~j ao'iification of the Care. 1/2 :ind and the Liugn~~tude of ~;(Duductiyity dae tc annealing; is ex- Influence of AnriLalJ~ng on the Loca] Ltvei-i ir,d t%, Lif',! 2 of Current CarritrLi t i r, i t rx I i r o n t ur i - t i J)!,.Li-ne~d ~~u, tile fi,:,r th~.t t 1-o1 mlectrons. whIch, pr,~.rious to tile annt a 41 n;, 1) 6L L- t I y f J I 1 11,-- loc-1 If-yel 0 , 351--V ( at T -~: ()OK), p~ss,!.d i.rto tile Lrmtalin,; Tile incre~ist- of 7-iq '%y tiif! diu-1. atli,n tlt level duri.-IF a rol ea I i r. A s a -; o rt,-. l ii i3: L t A ay bt.- ;:ientioileJ that values U, 2 0 :;11 C r 0 -3 t~ (- C 1. LL "i a 1 5") ohm ;m were observed in -0:1 im- A e -1 f th!! j,.--y!;e lfit~: al purities The minimum e w?iich c,a'd cbservel in such a - I - at 4 OL--cm germanium, had tht! -ralue ~~ , 1 5 In-i- - - - The autboi,5 ex--re~33 thel:7 -,ratitude to V.Y-~ Lashkarev , Lembtr, A12, iind K. for sug,.-estions. There are 1 fi~-zuim and 1 ASSOCIATIONj Inst-itut fizlki L, UL)-?. El %rev (Kiyev TnStit-.Ite ~.j lfe-rSSR' SUBMITTEI)i Duly 4, 1),58 Card 2/2 .2 67385 __t~ SOV/181-1-9-3/31 AUTHORS: ~lLnchuk, K. D, Mifielyuk, Fortunatova, N. N. TITLE- Investigation of the State of Lo cal Silver and Gold Levels in Germanium PLRIODICALi Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol 1, Nr 9, pp 1345 - 1550 (U~I'Sil) ABSTRACT; The present paper investigates the influence exerted by medium-temperature annealing (T - 400 - 6000C) on the state ol~ local gold and silver levels in germanium. As already shown b,-f other authors (Refs 1-8), Cu, Fe, Co, and Ni in germanium can be deactivated by medium-temperature annealing, i.e. these impurities pass over from ar, "active" to a "passive" stated The aim of the present paper was to investigate this pheno- menon more closely, Also the temperature dependence of the carrier concentration and of the lifetime of the minority carriers c was measured. The method of preparing the samplei3 and of conducting the investigation is described in refer- '2 and 1-1 The, paper consists of two parts: the first deals with the influence of annealing on the state of the acceptor levels of silver in germanium, and the second on Card 1/3 -.hose of gold in germanium. Figure 1 shows the temperature 6 7 )d 5 Investigation of the State of Local Silver and ,.Dld SOV/ i a -I - 1 -.9 - 5'.., (2 If,' 111 e L irl r .1 Ilia d-enuence of the carrier concentration for t-Ao p-type k,t!rmanium samples prior to (curves01,2) and after (eurv-, 1', 2') the annealing process (500 U, 2.4 h). The curven, ,~):hibit a certain T,.,independent range, for uhich the ~-.~irj-ty concentration can be calculated, The followin,~ ,Io~iined for the two samples: 6,io 13, M'5(1) and 1.6,1013cm.-3(2). Fij3ure 2 illustrates j: I ie influence of annealing on T. It is found in general that T is considerably reduced by the introduction of silver. C,.zrve-- ! and II show the behavior of sample (2).-An interestin, plienomenon is that the plateau existin.r, before -annealing vanishes after that process. A maximum appears in its place, j,e there is ~i recombination levi.-1 with the activation energy Et, - 0 07 ev, The course of the function -i (T) beforf, annealing is, as briefly shown, ex-~lainable by the theory of recombination on multicharge centers, Fieure 3 shows the temperature dependence of' the carrier conuontration for two gold doped germanium sainple-B i before annealing (full circles Card 2/3 and after annealing (empty circles). Annealing took place at 67385 Investigation of the z3tate oi ',coal Silver and Gold 2OV/ 1181-1-9-3/31 Levels in Germaniuir, 5UOo during 46 hours, and the course of the curves vas found to be practically independent of the annealing process, Nor dir- an annealing carried out at 6000 during 72 hours effect any chan-e thcrein, Curvi.~ I shovis -r (T) for p-type germanium (,, ;= 2C ohm/cm) again befcro -.ind after annealing, Here agnin, no influence of mmeaalizi;, ~~; rioticed. Finally, thi! imuthors thqnk V. Ye, Lashkarev, Academician of the AS for his advice, A; 11, Kvasnitskaya for preparing the samplef-,, and N.'- IMI, Tkach for his aid in the measurementq. There are 5 f.igures and 21 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ln5titLit iiziki AN U55R Kiyev (~ hysics Institute of the S UB 1TT:, 1) JT Card GLINCHUK, K.D, [Hlynchuk, K.D.1; MISALYUK, Ye.G. [Miseliuk, O.H.1; FORMIATOVA, N.N. [Fortunatova, N.M.] Recombination of charge carriers in germanium doped with nome immirities. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 4 no.2:207-218 Mr-Ap '59. (Mlle& 13:1) 1.1natitut fiziki AN USSR. (Germanium) f AUTHOR. F T T 11' LE . 1 1' . IC M oL i -'nall u"-a j". PE."R I C, j 1 9(-) i 4 9 - 5 5 T 7- T This T)ai -),2r- ('Ic-,cr~Des !1C c e silwq' 111(1 1 .r t ~'-Mur: t I i t rkiiii .1; 1: 1 1c C' wj t:n i~u .,.;) "ll l"" Jill', 11 Droved t~iat coDw~r cnuLa C 1"i, I'l-1. ature treatmenr n "n.- b ~ AS , I"C' A !7~ -zl~ 'r-- C-a- !'a i r; r some cyanide solt:,L~o n,~ lile e"-tractl:- a 1 call be explaincci by Lhe v'iluc of th- c o e f f i (- -L* e n t- -I-,- r o n; o a C) yo dl w I -1 1, small- c r t li.;ri I( L 0 - 5 L 1 t c coy)per in :i co~71 0W-: !V01v ar d 1-,, Extraction of ',;i -z anium. it. can be suf f i.c i ~-at to Cooper I ~e a coinparal-~-V- 1% T)arison wi th t1r,c I: t V M veloc,11--v o1- ils:i o u bilitv ot k?.xtrac'~in~', L rom -r:l~x~ V J- Ag I arld -c c ~1 al i 11,;vk, 't 1 w(I VeLoc-'*-tv oc (11;~tfu~;~,)I-, I t-l(~ o TI", :1.." S C 1 J.; c i 's 115, Au , 'n and s c me, ii SC, T"", ;1 1 (2 OM - par--s(,,-Li c- r diffusion into greri ~i-c i ~Oii- PIC s for extrac. I -,* t~-, III!) 11 C S 1~1 ~'J' n r - 111 pI 1 1 A;,~, 1,0 it lit ro,lli i manium tle C ITA I t:1-1 I,%,, z~ "I k?. 0 1. me 1. t 4. ng, o c c s a o OL Ag .; in ~rilon I-Le L 1",tc- L ('11L., !C-c C,-~T-~ I atures o nc c. n r z, 0,,-,,; u f their amounts cxl::i n~, the cx,:"L!(-'7 e temperature der)ernd , ol i'al.i ''s o e f i~ G i r c" C dependence of 1 E L c- -c Card 2/4 metals, of ii aI.1v (~,n, Ni- ~:r rosi,Ihic, The results ar-1- ,!,rat L C T I DC seen tii,i-,: thc a t and -~c e comp Le te re -.2 t or j ~-,.c L and t i-ie d i m i. 11'. S lie raid 0 ac t V, !11,1 1il~ "C. ;::i C,-)a t i Lag Cx c v ~,i . b S ve 1. at 0,,-as I C 1 J! 1- UIV 1, i 1 I's 0 s, 10 -~i c u'. t he e -,C J_ t',n C C I C F T-, be seen that 4,,u L, ;itl(i (2 C: C V c rm an i LI ul r I : C -- L-~ c rt : c a use s V C C I ~'2 i S t i on c Li pi t o-~ (,'ard 3/4 i-xtraction of CM'3; aEtcr the pncies,; c), I r~, s t or - I 1 :1-, ed Value tal latt-,'Cc wh~ci-, -,,I I- i i Th e r e a r e t i Bind _,I rt c Z,. * o t,iolls Pav s 30 Card 4,,L. GLINCHV, K, D., CAND PHyS-NIATH SCIt "INVESTIGATION I ~ ~i OF RECOIABINAT ION PROCESSES IN CERHANY,,-:USIf94 CERTAIU MULTIPLE CHARGE ADMIXTURES." KIEV, 1961. ( AC AD S' C I UK.SSR , I UST OF S)EM I CONDUCTORS). (KL9 3-61, 203). 38 -L'- , -, ~-, --) - w -, : , . I -, I - , - ~ I , ~ I I - . - I I . I - - - .11 - I . 0 1 '. -. 1 1. - - . I . I . I , . , . I - . I - " I . / - -, I i~ ~', - 1: " ., I ~; / . .. , . -.-. - - . , -, I - -1 -. . .1 1- .. I , ~ I II . - . - - I -: . - ".j 6 -, ~-.. - , . I ;_ 1 . ~ , I - I .. ) , . . -, - 1-7 - I .,- I S -'~ I -- :- - -, I 1 11 11 Ll t7 .2 7- t2 f0 0 s e d C, '' 2 _ : I-' , , " -: - ""I ; -/--. " I/.- - ,*,/' 1) 1 V -j - o - . I I I ~. - .. : " -. -I- . - - * , ,* " . . . :) -'~ , "' ~ / -, :I "/.! 14 k2, 0 1 i /6;.,/CO4,/C, 1 2',!0 4 7 /05 2 J B 125/,3102 J T~ AUTHORS: Glinchuk, k. D. , and M.'selyuk, Ye. G. TITLE: The cross section of the electre~n capture -,-~ neE~a~ively charged atr)ms of deep impurity levels "r, Czermnr.,-um PEKODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. ;, no. 12, 1962, 76"7!-14t 5 T E XT: The cross section S . the electron. capture by ne-,~-tively ciiar6ed 2e 0' C atoms is determined by investigutin6 -the photoconcluctivi..y cj' a-type I - ,5 cermanium with a Ni impurity (concentration 11-10 at'),-,1S/c:: ~J due 10 phototransition of electrons from dual charEed atoms (w.i-.h an N, ccnceritrc-,- tion) into the conduction band. The valuea-and the tempt-l-rature ;ependence of the cross 3t.'CtiOn S cannot tied exactly frcm intrinsic 2e pnotoconductivitj since the carrier recombination is linear cnl,i f-Ir injection levelp w~,ich are di.ficult to attain (S. ~;. Ka1L-tshi,,ik,--,V. T ru G.i :.',ezhdunL,rodnoy konferentsii po poluprovotinikam (Padel"3 o' t,,e -~nterrtatlon'AL Conference on Semiconductors), P. 2i~i, Prague, 1961 i ~- D. Glincriuk- et a-'., Tjkr. Fiz. zh-, 7, 152, 1962). The main measurements, mace on Card 1/3 S// I 1/C:, 1 0..' 7 lhu croos :i,,ctlun of 'un..,. 6 1 6 162 l , - 14 a N 2 C 'o cm, sujpi~_,men~ed by oti~;!:-s cn slia-_-__-_~ -_f r e s I' I-t i vi ty i : Lr t ly c o,-.-, p --, n s a t e dfcr which N > 1 (k t'tlc~- Light absorpt-J.on cocfficient) the averaye lifetime z of carrior3 can be calculated from 0 oh d + i~ S1.1 I L sL L W 2ch !~ + D s" sh (I L (sL ~O-) L 1-ieasurinZ~ in s,)ecimens uith JiHerclit thicllnes~; (1, thQ diffusion lemyth L can be found from the best coincidence of cxperimental and 0 Card 1/2 Measurement of diffuSion ... '~/1'3 62/007/011/013/01(1 1)234y,)308 theoretical curves. if sL/D >> 1, -,,, is inversely proDor L4 ona' I to s for all values of d. Then, mcasurinly '71 in a speciiiwn with (111 and in one with d2