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USSR/ Physical Chemistry - Cryatals Abs Jour - Referat 2hur - nimiya, No 4, 1957, 11039 B-5 Destruction of pho-,olytic Ag near the anode on beating is attributed to emission of electrons by Ag-part~cles which dissociate further into Ag+ ions that migrate to the cathode. Result of illumly- ion of AgBr crystals depends on the medium, Photolytic Ag separates mat intensively in H2S at- mosphere and in vacuum., Illumination of crystals In 112 and 02 yields same resulta a5 in the air. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Gladkovsk-4, V V 6011/7 7-4 -11-3/22 2 'TIT' E: Devial4on From the La-a of interc',angeabJ`y in Silver Bromide Crystals (Otk1onen_'-.v ot zakona vzaimoz~,.mestimosti. na k.-iztallakh bro-aistO12-o sere- bra) PERIODICAL: '~hurnal nauchnoy i r)ri.'r-.Iadnoy fotogrRf-ii i kine- matografii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, up 61-62 ~JSSH) ABSTRACT: The author, assisted by P.V. ',eylkiyar, investigated cases of deviation froi,,i the !a,,-; of Ln-tl-erchangeabili- ty in silver bromide crystals and ca:-,~e to the con- clusion that in the formation of -ohotolytic silver, not only individual silver atoms diain7egraie on -1arLre crystals, but also groups of two and more sil- ver atoms. Card 112 SOV/77 -4-1 -9/2 2 A Deviation From the Law of Interchangeability in Silver Bromide Crystals There is 1 graph and 2 Soviet references. ASSOC TATIO1,14: Voloiodskiy pedago,,iches'Kiy institut (Tile Vologda Peda-ccrical Institute) n ~ SUB".'ITTED: SeDtember 29, 1958 Card 2/2 'V07 7/6 1/0 06 /304/0c, 1/0( )4 D051/D113 Cladkovskiy, V.7. '~,e e--ect of t:ie treat-i,-nt of bromide cr,-iftals on the in t:-,eir dark con(luctivity undf-!r tltc! action of light 'L7,,.rnal nauchnoy i pri;--ladnoy foto,,,rafii i ;-inemato~'rafii, v. 6, no, 4, 1961, 256-258. In co,tinuation of earlier 'soviet research, the author attempted to find the effect of the treatnient of silver bromide crystals on the amount of their dark conductivity on exposure to liGht. For experimental purposes, the cxystals had silver electrodes. --7he illumination of the crystals was altered by a sensitometric silver wedge with a 0.10 constant, which was nlaced bet- -cr-ilirv lpmD and the specimen. initially'-the pe i- ueen a fl PK -A s 0 mens were tr-eated with L ~,,eak solution of sodium thiosulfate, washed twice and dried. The amount of illumination necessary for Vne measurement of the dark conductivity was found by varying the illumination of the specimen, Me exDosure time vas set by a notched disc, rotated byanr.A.6o (SD-k)synchro- nous motor. 7he dependence of the logarithm of the illumination intensity Card 1A 3/07 61/006/004/001/0-34 fnct of t1io treat::.ent DO~l 113 of YI) c-i '~ze !o,~-'aritha-_- o' t~ie time of illumination for an 'gl3r crystal after treat- a -Uiosulfate solution is conditioned by ripening at 48 OC for 6' ~-.ours, treatmerit by a L-Dr solution for l() mins and treatment by a V I %g.-'O_ so- for 10 mins. '2he curves obtained s.-.oa that the cr,!-1tals are subject tc the same laws as a photoGraphic layer. The ripening o: crystals leads to a reduced deviation from the interchangeability law and to increased light sensitivity, while washing in a KBr solution leads to increased deviations and reduced light sensitivity. "2he reverse effect with Or is caused by '.,iashing in an Ag'_O_ solution. In figure 2, the same curves for various re- ductions in dark c6nductivity during transillumination are illustrated. It (~a:i be -seen that the upper curve reaches a minimum quicker than is the case 'blackening densities of a -photographic layer. From figure 3, it can Ie seen that for both the crystals and the photographic layer, the devi- ation 'irom the interch--ngeability law do not depend on the radiation wave- length, In conclusion, the author _,taten that the results obtained cor- res-,ond to those obtained on the deviation from the interchangeability law for a photograp~iic layer. -2his confirms the hypothesis (Ref.7), according to ~,'rhich photoiysis consists in the neutralization of surface silver ions by Card 2/4 -,~,C e ~~cct Of "I"'le -""r(!at-cnt .... 7 3 :?"Otociect-ro-in. o I - r f~ :7 ~4 for -*:cro ,~--e 7 a -,,o e S': y ,ard 3/4 OWIT.:E , ; ~; i ; i 1, ; ,~ '. , : , , , :,r- i :" :;: ;" -;r-,her lx: C- Lr-i 0 K OX11*1133 OUAi : ff" ff 0 i ;j a OmP . 34 Woda f TecbOll s sari He. 1~ fac PP. 336-3301 VVU' The of -tho Meucci )A "Ifetv Sit : mot ~*e; ade~ quately wiv T a of Ve woms an two t tional 1011014) by the gravile In o? 3t the vftntilatlon mAhws S~ wtd b4f1s; ' dil: i vmUlation by ~Mcanv 9f.exhaull"Co mit Mio , emths~ce. As for, mwilanw 4 witilmil6a, it i6~1j ;'not 6~~ used its sick :i "Oms, anciliarr,and dommUe p remfs% belij. " Ven' l odultatis, wfd~ 'depliKknt, 6n atmospheric cbMi ttal 6s. For wick M i om , lka ilia n m kid (I IL of hospital buildings Onfinoes to; li;~ an iiii C-DiDFOW-SKI, ST.1',NT.S11,1W~. GLADF,01-21, "ITit N I S LAW. 'e;vp,) leczn'.c.- c h Arkady, 19157. 327 p. Monthly Index of East 1~iropean Accessions (EF-AI) LC, Vol. 8, n3. 1, Jan. 59 GLADKOWSKI, Wladyslaw Treatment of enterobiasis vith the aid of the preparation Molevac (pyrvinium pamoate). Wiad. parazyt. 9 no.3.235-239 163. 1. Katedra Parazytol ii i Chorob Inwazyjnych WSR, Wroclaw. 0~ (PYRVINIUM, (OXYURIASIS COMPOUNDS) CMADNEV, IvBn Fomich; ZIMIN, Gril,,oriy Somenovich; ZUBMIII, P.T., red.; - - - H.S., red.; KARZHAVINA, Te.I., [Lipetak Province] Lipetakala oblast'. Lipetsk, Lipetskoe Imizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 317 P. (MIILA 13:10) (Lipetsk Province) Wi-l"HAKOV, K.A.; BODIN, i.A.; GLAIINEVA, A.F. n syst8m H20 - HReo4i,~-~,rieorg.khim. P) ri~ jY--, ~ *1,/ ~l I',". (yj ~;! ~,q , , , ) 1. Xfoskovskiy imitAtut tonkoy khimichecckoy 1i: -Ja rl ! M.V.Lomonosova. SLibmitted May ?0, 19()4* 1. GLADIIEVA . A.N.; N.S.; PAVIPV, S.V. FtLrfurole-hexose method for p;Vcessing husk and tan waste. Giclroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 14 no.7:23-25 161. (I-ITElk 14:11) 1. KrasnAcLrsl:i,, gidrolizn7rj wrod. (FUDALDMIYDE) STARICHKOVA, V.Ye.; DUDKIN, M.S.; GLADNEVA, A.B.; 14WIIIEIIXC,, 11-S- Preparation of fodder yeast from millet hulls. Gidroliz. i-lesokhim- prom. 16 no.1:9-11 163. (MIRA 16.2) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicbeBkiy institut ii~.. M.V.14w*ova (for Starichkova., Dudkin). 2. Krasnodarskiy gidrolizayy'zav(>d (for Gladneva,, Maksimenko). (Yeas-t as feedixg stuff) MAKSIMICNM, PAYWY. S.Y.; AUMU.N. J.Z.; KOIDSOVA, A-Ta.; MHTM, Ya.V. Mastering the processing of now raw materials at the Krasnodar Hydrol7sis Plant. Gidroliz. i lefyokhim. prom. 11 no.6-12-16 '58. (MIRA 11:10) (Krasnodar--4drolysis) GLADNEVA. A.N. Rice hulls as raw material for yeast pre)(fi;ction. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 17 no.6:19-21 164. (MIRA 17;12) 1. Krasnodarskiy gidroliznyy zavod. P, GLADMA. A.tW.;. GIAZAAN, R.A.-, GUFWICH, N.S.; MALIMNSYAYA, Te.Y. - - Chemical composition and ph7sical properties of some t7pes of raw mate-rfhLr-for hydrolyula.-Vidrioliz I losokhim.pron. 12 no.4.1 17-20 159. (ICIRA 12:8) 1. KrasnodarBk-iy gidroliznyy zavod. (Krasnodar-Hydrolysis) L 33142-66 ENT~m)//E',VP'e)/F,'.VP(t)/Fl~ ~FWP~Ck, ACC NR~ AFbO15352 W SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/66/000/005/oo67/0073-1, AUTHOR: Gla!WcXa. b,_L. (Moscow); Yefremenkova_,_K. 1. (Moscow); LebedSva Noscow)-,-' Spivak, G. V. (Moscow); Shelamov, V. A. (Moscow); Yurasova, V. Ye.--Noscow) 1 ORG: none TITLE: Ascertaining the structure of sintered materials of the Me-Meo system by ion bombardment. Report presented at the Firth All-Union Conference of Elec Microscopy in Sumr, JLijX 1965 SOURCE: Peroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 5, 1966, 67-73 TOPIC TAGS: =tdik- metal oxide system, sintered aluminum powder, powder metallurgy, .,- *,- -.- electron microscopy, ion bombardment ABSTRACT: A study of the structure of sintered aluminum powder material by ion bombardment is of practical significance for the investigation of materials obtained by means of powder metallurgy. tThe method is suggested for use for manufacturing samples prior to electron-microscopic.investigations. Analysis of microphotographs shows that, the base of SAP material is a cellular grid consisting , of oxide particle bounded by aluminum pseudograins. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. [Based on author's abstract.] [AM] SUB CODF:11,20/ SUBM DATE, 11 Aug65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001 GIADNEVA, M. N. 37496 funktsionalinoye sostoyanlye aktivnoy mezenkhioW prJ vospalitellrorkh zabloevaniyakh zhenskikh polovykh organov i dimanika ego pod vlivani,.vem tokov vysokoy i jlltravysokoy chastoty. ;~ikusherstvo t cinekologlya, 1949, No. 6, a. 35-40 SO. Letopis' Zhurnal'rLvkh Statey, Vol. 47, 1949 GLAMTEVA, Sme data on the stimulation and induction of labor Akush.i gin. no.5tLIO f6l. (MLA 15:1) 1. Iz Moskovshogo oblnstnogyo nauchno-issledovatellskogo insti- tuta akusherstva i ginekologii (dir. "- zasluzhermiT vrach RSFSR O.D. Matspe-nova, nauchnyy rukoVodite-11 - prof. V.P. Mikhaylov). (LABOR (OBSTETRICS)) GLADOSHCHIT, 0. V. 1, Dissertation: "Reflex Changes in Muscle Activity and Metabolim During. Irritation of the Oral Cavity or the Masticating Apparatus." Cand Biol Sci, inst .o _' Physiolcgy imeni I. P, Pavlov, Acad Sci USSRx Vlo~scow~ Oct-Dee FL. (Veotnik Akader.ii Nauk, Moscow, Jun 5h) Sn : SIN '1118, 23 Dec. 1954 GLADOSHCMX,G.V. Effect of stimulation of the oral cavity and the masticAtory apparatus on muscular activity. Onyt izuch.reg.fiziol.funk. no-3:323-333 154. (MIRA 8:12) 1. Xafedra normallnoy fiziologii Leningradskogo meditainekogo stomatologicheakogo instituta i Laboratoriya ekologicheskoy filologii Institutn fiziologii imeni I.P.Pavla7n Akndemii nnuk SSSR. (MASTICATICN) (TASTV (WCRK) I. A. ODMOVA n/5 7 3 5. 9 . R2 R;3zvitiye elektrifikatsi i sovetskoystr~,ny, 1921 - 1925 m:r.; sbornik. dokumentov i materialov (Development of electrification Off olrlet regions; Pad red. I. A. 'iladova. '-!osk-.,a, Gns-V.,litizdat, 1956. 703 p. tables. At head of ti tl,,: Akad niiya Nauk. Inr ti tut Bibl;ogr2ph-Ical rontnotes. GLOO1111-t", ar. Purvura a2 a symptom of penicillin all~-~rgy. 'U'1 -- i~' 370-371 M 164 1. Interno odeljenje 11-ledicinsk-og "Da.-L'lo 1", (Sef: dr. A. Gladavic). GLADOVICH, G.U., inzh. Calculating the electric power production of a hydraulic station on the basis of power engineering indices. Izv.vys.uchnb.sav.; enarg. 2 no.12:113-130 D 159. (MIIIA 13:5) 1. Odesskiy inzhonerno-stroitellnyy inetitut. Predstaviens, kafedroy ispollzovaniya vodnoy energii. (H,rdroalectric power stations) ARGUEOV, P.P., prof.; STEPANIOV, N-11-, inzh.; GLADOVICH, G-1U., im'-^. Turbine block with ejection fron a conical su::tlon p1pe tv'Ith at internal cone insert. Izv. vys. ucheb. za-u.; enor,,-,. 3 no-11:100- 1o4 N 6o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Odeaskiy inzhenerno-strolteltnyv institut. PredBtavlena kafedroy ispoltzovaniya voduoy energil. (Fqdroelectric power StAtionj) GLADOVICH, G.U., inzh. Power losses in the machinery of a hydroelectric power station with continuous regulation. Elek. sta. 34 no.3:4/4:--47 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Hydroelectric power station*) 7AAYDMAN, N.M.; GLADOVSKAYA, M.F. Effect of the carrier porosity on the activity of a floating hydrogenation catalyst in the liquid phase. Khim.i tekhtoDl.i masel 6 no.6-.27-29 je 761. (MRA 14.7) (Petroleum-Refining) (Catalysis) ZlL'E:t,h, Notell Kushevi,7h, kand. tekhn. nauk; .(G7CVSKIY, leonid Davidovlf,hl inzh. Prinimall uchpastipi: Glj-.j'fV~~'FAYA, T.K., lnzh.; KOSSTINA, T.N., inzh.; I-ILAROCIMIKO, A.4A., lmh., laureat Leninskoy premil ', ret.jenzent; Oo-MOIABOV, 1..Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; ;VET, Ye.D., red. [51ag pum~cej Sbl-ikovaiu perza. Nzhrio- ural'skoe Fny- 103 1). (I L kell,~A ill:?) 330 AUTHOR: Gladovskiy, P. S., Engineer, TITLE: Steam Turbine type SVR-50-3 LMZ. (Parovaya turbina tipa SVR-50-3 LMZ.) PERIODICAL: "Energomashinostroenie", (Power Machinery Construction), 1957, No.4, pp.1 - 4, (U .S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: A description Is given of the main prototypes of the steam turbine SVR-50-3, operating with steam of 200 atm., 550-5800C, produced by the Leningrad Metal Works (LMZ) during the last quarter of 1956 and intended for fit- ting into existing power stations so as to increase the efficiency of the already installed lower pressure tur- bines. This steam turbine, a longitudinal cross-sec- tion of which is Rhown in FU. 1, p.2, is a single cyl- inder unit of 50000!cW, at 3000 r,p.m., directly coupled with an alternator and operating in conjunction with ressure turbines from two bollegs producing 260- lowe r 300 t steam each of 215 atm. and 575 C. The exhaust A steam emanating from the turbine, which has a pressure of 34 atm. and a temperature of ~500C, is re--heated in an Intermediate re heater to 415 C and fed to medium pressure turbines. The turbine rotor Is flexible, Steam turbine'type SVR-50--3 LMZ. (Cont,) 330 supported by two bearings; Its critical speed is 2 000 r.p.m. The total weight of the turbine is 160 tons, overall length 8 200 mm, maxinram height above the rotor axis 3 740 mm, The thermal circuit, the design and the used materials, control problems, and the lubrication system are discussed. As a re- sult of experience gained at the Cherepet power station, a number of modifications of Individual components were made. Trhe heating-up of the turbines during starting is to some extent simplified, owing to the fact that the internal cylinder is made of pearlitic steel. There are three figures sf!I-RL~, Z., dotsent; ZAKIIARMET, V., inzh.; QL.ACSIIFV, A., Transportation cA' phrjsphrite Fecri. tra%~,p. .-,. 1-6-IP 165. IMAU, I. finr`kovqk~y I nLit J tilt 1 .-~ if , I,ci:-I !"~-7 !, ~, 1*--r ", I ~M f"', ) . - TI /lk Iwo ~M 7=774.'gr 9a 661 vd.v) "_v ow -r."Q o91 (66w -8 'I*V 'Ac-11-A .;n ;-a-EF-o 1_v . ..... _j UWA= -.j-:1 m - -TIT" -4 *-1 -.1*" ..j w- md~ .- 1- .1 _6" vww;.TP.T -T"n-z 'I _j --I-. j~ Lz -7-o -n- j~ 1 :..%.7 ;I*v zq vnn. uw %.Tj .u ,4 ftev~ C -I% Cl - -q-An -j -c " rim 'Alu." p-w - _% TOP--ft v__T TA " "M-1- %-t-v at rm.-Wo _. -n-- x. WT- WT ".Gk_ q .NNMNL-- .-T-2 r- -I-- T.." -1 -1 Twwpo 01, =nW- Wp._ 'n-o-u- _j V.P.".7 -m- "U mmaw" 7--m T.x I ~" x-z f-%.nqm -no v- (*.q T2 !--in T-Tq-& p -ft-C -ga.2 em 'jw~m --o I ... '-t-r-rrv '_qmv -v-v 'mu) -ft Pw -Id- om'v 'I- 'A-A :wl :-I") 'a ozq 'act TWV -q=8 !nM=I~g "nAgg jO Lw~A" luftq_ wrppm- zuq T-v ;. --n T..;-~d m tVZ/ADV A)I=V,= MM T R9M Miz BELENIKAYA, G.M.; GLADSHTM, A.I. Antibacterial activity and the sterility of dissolved antibiotics iu relation to the duration and condtitions of their preservation. Lab. delo 5 no.5:31-34 S-0 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta traymatologii i ortfspedii (dir. - prof. N.N. PrIorov). Moskva (ANTIBIOTICS) GLADSHTEYN, A.I. Cytology of the synovial fluid in injuries of the ~mee oint. Ortop.travm.i protez. 21 no.6t2l-28 Je 160. -; iMRA 13:12) (SYNOVIAL HEMRANES-SECRETIONS) (KNEE-4WUNDS AND INJURIES) GLADSHTEYN, A.I. (Moskva) Schick-positive substances and acid polysaccharides in the synovial fluid in some pathological processes in the knee joint. Arkh. pat. 10:6/+-69 162. (1 MIRA 17: 1) 1. Iz mikrobiologichookay laboratorii (zav. - starshiy nailchnyy sotrudnik G.M. Belenlkaya) TSentrallnogo instituta travmtologii i ortopedii (dir. - doktor med. nauk M.V. Volkov). BELENIFUYA, G.M.; GLADSIUM21, A.I.; LOWI, I.D.; CHEMKOVA, F.A. Standardization of lydasce - a 3oviet preparation of testicular hyaluronidase. Lab. delo 8 no-4:28-32 Ap 162. (MIHA 15:5) 1. TSontralinyy institut travinatologii i ortopedii (dir. - de:rstvitel'nTj chlen AM SSSR prof. N.N.Priorov (deceased]) i Gosudarstvennrf kontrollny-,, institut meditsinskikh biollogicheskikh pre-paratov imeni L.A.Tarasevicha (dir. L.S.Ogloblina). (HYALURONIDASZ) BELENIKAYA, G.M.;-GLADSHTEYN, A.I. Nature of testicular hyaluronidase inhibitors In some biological fluids of the body. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid.i immuri. 33 no.8:42- 46 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta travmatologii I ortopedii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (HYALURONIDASE) (WEY FLURS) GLOSHTEYN', 19,M.; SHTTOV, Ldl.i KNALES, B.,:;, SOFOROVSKIT~ Reaction mechanism cf direcr haloal.kylatior of elemenzarry phosphorus. Zhur. ob. 1rhim. 35 no.9.1570-1574 S '65. ' (NIIIIIA 28,10) i:on/C4MIs*Y - Diane COUTWelon a= chemistry - Cyclopropane -ftnt#eeis Of Olefla, Paraffin, and. Cyclo- 9 a, pu%ffin BydrocaAcms: VU, The Conversion Z~ crDiene Rydrocarbons Into Cyaloproyanes. The 80jMtbeeis of 1, 1-, 2, 2-Tetrametbylcyolopropane," 16 Ya. I'Ovina, B. M. Gladebteyn, P. A. AkiBbdn, Ybecow Orcl of Iznln State U. lab of Org Chem. bpni N. D. Zelinakly, 5 3/4 pp anur obsbLch miW vol =, wo 6 Damrolops a method for extracting cyclopropanoic hydrocarbons in three steps, and by this method nZathesizes 1, 1-, 2,2-tetrazathy1cyclopropane, IM 64/49T18 too/chemistry - Diane conversion Jun 49 (Contd) and determines Its previously underecribed d1ructure from its physical ind chemloal parties (which are inantioned). Investigates possIbility of using ditertlaz7 1,3-dibromide in Gustavson's reactions for first time. Bubal d 5 Jan 48. 64A9TIB E- I C4 Ite"'Man of cyclopropam brolt"arboas with itirtcurl, salts R. V,. L~vi I I I~m.n- S Vask S.A 71. ti~'- hi 19-101 C 1 44 1 i:: t t,t o 71mrt (01.4 it.). Al.,-1 1~1 I--- -b on,lf ;-'1. -0; "1 ~V' M 9 If.K '0' ', fill fill, i" I ,O~i_ gu- 761. huldigai. In, 69-71". -1 Ill OiC k it petv echrr; thm with -Id ., K k- I K., - I ii, I - C W111oll 4nakq, m. 115 Ill' ft,oll I.jl-.,, -, h., h ,-lily obt~llw.l aw, hy ... 1.1 " Ii j I 114k t, 11) ilarv in 11*0 with (onlinuix- ii, uIrAmili-, -,4 01, -ulting ITO. R"Ju.-I"m J I r , " ". ~. !, with 32 g, 2'; N.-fig with i` -7. 1 2' hm Cu., m , :,, -~,. klodl'~O 1 If.,. !, IZ- I_ I be rIt;Ir fk41*V' sirt"Ily s-r tfi, I : - q ?If gymps*3 g. hf,.Cc%j~ it, ~ ;,1-1 14 win. rd 9 6 S. 118, OA~),. I k", firm Moll). which with M. I F- it. .1 ]:IS' tft-i bellt-). -hit" 11-1-9 lh, A.I with ~d. JICI In ., mnievit of 1-v, g-, M, t. .I. L"Iff, &mitaf Ir-1--ni -1 0. A (ifig ticil-col gx%~ In I.. "ConverrIon of t.- rf U t7nr-n' V.. 7. Diqsprt-,~tlon~ nre-ented for -,(,-ic?nce n7,.' -ni-!nterjrw .-lt:rne, in durint, 1Q51- `U: .1. 5 -.,- 1.80, .~7. Chemical Abet. Vol. 1,8 No. 5 Mar. 10, 1954 Organic Chemistry S..thaml. I htdUSKhgMA, . %MI. The bydrabromide and 4- methyl-1.3-pentadirne In the Mthtsk of hy&ocarboq with [so Suncturo. VA. lAv%al K A. Falazil'beric, and E. dii n,~= jWpa NERY-L. /. yen. LAM. ~�,Nxskoz 7-t(A TIU)~KjjgL UanShatlon).- See C.A. 47, Wfli. XX. yathasin of alkenea and- Alk-02 Irith a quaternaq carbon atom. R. Va. Lcr T, 1. Tantsvreva.~'and A.'A. Fainzil 'berg 11L.-olnonosov Ibid. 633A.-Set L.A. 4r, 2679d. XXI-. MTMMm1des of dione hydrucarbour In the aynthesis of olefinic and paraffiek hydrocarbons with a quaternary carbon atom. R. Ya. Levina and ,k,. 44: ShnNhvriwk., Ibid. 641-6.-Ske C.A. 47, MT9 . Tfanstafination at diane hydrocarbuou Into cyclopro hydrocarbons. R. Ya. Levina nd 13. hi. ', h -52.--S~e C.A. 47. 26". Ibid. 647 USSR/Chemistry - Rydrocarboni6 Fuels Apr 52 'Synthesis of Hydrocarbons XXII. Conversion of Diene Hydrocarbons Into Cyclopropane Hydrocarbons," R. Ya. Leviwi, B. K. Gladshteyn, Moicow Order of Lenin StabeU "Zhur Obshch Khim" Vol XXII, No 4, PP 585-593, A fte-thod was developed for obtaining cyclopropanes from conjugate dienes of iso-structure and using for V~mthesis of 3 homologues of cyclopropane with one or 2 quaternary carbon atoms. 1,1,2-Trimethyl.cyclopro, pane, and 1,2-d:Lmethyl-1,2-diethylcyclopropane were prepd by this method. The last mentioned product has not been described previously. The opinion 01' Amrican chemictG of the impossibility of cycliza- tion of ditertiary 1,3-dibromides by the Gustavson reaction is refuted. 224T33 quantities of C In cmtpb, &,m6111641- Luntililso titactlaii is Usciffarcm-01m.46 W11111? '. 110 titit tV*1 tat Nmi. big prutalmn blim an !"a'Unt. tricar, 'Itinvolvitri Ignit Ing a mixt, of the antRyad substance, NH,CI, 4114 metill Kar NA in a dittPitir it in cold 11to. filtering a few ail. inw a ttst tuba. ad4linj at few (Imps of dil, Mohrs saltsobt, and nfuwdt*M of Fvfljsohl.'~ . Cinj t ae amtents, to bod. c4s , and addluxa few dr s JICJ. Blue or con color iridwalts The prownce of C. In the p nce of 8, N - is liktty to finut aud iti pres- ence ihs rev by its tion. with FCCI.. 11%11 It. AUTHORS: '.ioborovskiy, L. Z., Gladahteyn, B.. Y,., Kiselevu, !-'. 1., "hernetskiy, V. N. I TITLE- Investigation in the 'aeries of Organosulfur ConiLoundo (Issledovaniye v ryadu organicheskikh soyedineniy ser,0 1. The Synthesis of the Fluoranhydrides o~ AlkFine3ulfo Acids 5nd Their Halogen Derivatives (I.Sintez ftorangidridoj al- kansulyfokislot i ikh galoidoproizvodn,,kh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1958, Vol 213, '1" 7, Pr~ 1866-1870 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The fluoranhydrides of aliphatic sulfo acids are little in- vestigated. Some of them are of practical value, as, for instance, methane sulfofluoride which is an effective in- secticide. In the present paper the authorn realized the synthesis of some alkane sulfofluorides and their halogen derivatives (comprising some not yet described in publica- ' tions); they do ;o according to the general scheme RF, Zn-F 2 F. The synthesis a' the first member, IIRSO C1 - 0 RSO Card 1/3 2 2 ~; W/7 5-2 r3-7 -30/64 Investigation in the Aeries of Organosulfur Compounds. r.. The Synthesis of the Fluoranhydrides of Alkanesulfo Acids an heir Halogen Derivatives qT of methane qulfofluoride, according to tho method by Davit;, Mt,k (Devis, Dik) cannot be carried out. Thp Liithors suc- ceeded in obtaining in good yield methane ,iulfof_:uoride from methane sulfochloride by thi, action of pota~uium I'luorida on it; the fluorido could bo distilled off 13:i Mcan.,] of' stpuln wtthout tiny admixtures. The same way t~.e bmthonsynti,e::ized the hitherto unknown n, and isopropane sulf'ofluoriden, as well as the iodomethane sulfofluoride which coul~l not be ob- tained according to the method by Davis. Thur the authors' synthesized the hitherto unknown fluoranh~,dride~~ n-propane-, isopropane-, iodomethane, 0-fluorethane-, J,-chlorethine-, ~-bromethane-, P-nitroethane- and P,P-dichlorF~thcine 2tilfo acids. It wfis shown that the heating of thq~ methane-, pane-, ioopropane- and iodomethane rulfochloriden a saturated solution of potassium fluoride and with uninter- rupted distillation of the forming sulfoflnoride by meang of steam represents a convenient preperatift nothod for the synthesis of the above mentioned compounds. There are 14 Card 213 refc-renceo, 6 of wYich are Soviet. "'he Syrt~,.~~ ~n%-z:ti~,-:tion in '.ht~ `1xior-inividi-3.dc.~, or. n,~ .-ul Fo c ids, prid Thu i v 1. Sulfur compounds (Organic)--Analysis 2- Fluoroanhydrides-Synthei3is 3. Acids--Synthesis 4. Halogen compounds-Chendcal properties Cu.rd J/3 "U"OHOR'O r. vc t i ga t i o r-- i n t he-rp s o f 0 r j,,a n P~-r (Tssledovani,iq v ryadu o.-;-anic*n-,-;ki!,:'rI IT. The ':.-ynthe~!is of th:~ "luoranhyd' r 4 n :'r~ awl Their Halogen (TI. dint:--, ,.lkensul"okiAot i il--h i-, 1 1) L~ Zhurna,11 obshchey khimi-,', 7,i)] ,'I (us,: AB'S)THACT - Cont ~nuing the previous -3- r ---f 1 on t~:-- of po- taL-ws-ium fluoride on come :~ulfochloridi-:- tnt ~~unx-ni,~nt trenerative rro:oic~i(-n ,),' alkan- ;:,C -1-kon- --.i!IfoflIIorides th~ aulhor~- -arriod out of the reaction of votw7sii.M. C i uoride ha .s.-U,07titut-d ethanesulfochla'"de,;; ~t foull! tn-~~ tne ---ub!-titution of the chlorine anh:.-dri-de Fllio;-in,~ an- ot.qE-r dr~h.Yclration and dehrlogerr~A:c,n r' 4~! :: th un- 'Ird 1/3 !,:jturat-od :!nlf'o cliloridpn being oH.711?1(od wl f~rr : ;~T-7)dncb,! '30V/7~t-28-7-7 -.-'4 .rnv, stigations in the oerieq of OrF.,--nic Julfur Compoundo. Ir. The :'ynthenj o1' the Fluoranhydrides of Alkenesulfo Acidr~ ar-A Theiv Halogen I,erivtttive: (net, 2cheme 1). The property ot votassium fluoride to cleavf, ot'f the hydrogc-n halide from trG adjacent carbon a!oms made it por-ible to realize thc~ lirflcf trnw?ition frrr. tho ~alcren dc-rivntives of alkane sulfocnl(~rAt, to t'--- ~3u'fo fluorile:, o~* the unzaturated series in ori% !;t!ige in good vields. Hith~-r- to Drily one such ri-presentativi- !,a.; 1),:!i~n knovn, th,~ vin:1-1 -o: u- .9 -d for th~ ,3ulfc~luoride (Ref i). This re, n w:- iisr 0!' the fluoranhydriden of the un::atiirat,~d aliphatic julfc acidti %nd their halogen derivati,.,,~-,~, the con:,~tante of !.,hic-. ,.ire givon in t,tblo 1. The halogewjl~-,~.ttie ,:ulfochlorides (a,; in sch-~me '.~) .-Prved as in 4 ~ -i ;, I rrr)~ucts for t~lp S,711- t I,- -,; i ~; of the ~u`fo---Luorides of t)i~- unsatura~,?d type qn-I tiko ir haloger. dt!,ivatives, althou& -ii-~ yield a-..' the o-~tain~d :'-chlorf?thun-~, ~-ulfochiorid~, -was small, ~:,-~nclutiing it may b,j caid that th,! vinyl ,olfofluorid- ~~,nd thn i;ulfo'iuovide ii: fo!.r--" ME-r-, ;n way a!-, t JJV/ 'S .i. Sulfur compounds (organic)--Analysis 2. Fluoroanhydrides --Synthesis 3. Acids--Synthesis ". Halogen compounds--Chemical properties 5. Potassium fluoride--Chernical effects r..j GLdWSURIN, B.M.; KULYMN, I.P.; SOBOROVSKIT, L.Z. Sulfur organic compounds. Part 4: Synthesi a ofE chloroethane- chlorosulfonate. Zhur.ob.khim. 28 no.9:2417Z2419 5 '58. (Ch-10TOsulfonates) (MIRA 11:11) 5(3) SOV/79-29-7-11/,-17) AUTHORS: Gladshteyn, B.*M., Rode, V. V, Soborovrltiy, L. Z. TITLE: S-Ynthesi-- of Fluorotrialky! G-~rrman-,- (S-intez ftoristykh trialkil'-ermann-;-) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol `~), Nr 1, 1,P 2155-2156 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the synthesis of a fluorot-rialkyl -erman-~ compound Tras carried out by the divect action of hydrogen fluoride on the t1ctraalkY1 [;erm.-Ine compoutid:. GeR4 + HP ),- I-R.3GeF + RH, where R = C113and C2H5- This reaction takes place smoothly and produces a ~,uantitative yield of monofluorotrialkyl germane. It is possible that this reaction, may be used for the elaboration of a quantitative method of determining some tetraalkyl german-~s. The replacement of an alkyl group by fluorine in tetraalkyl Cei,mane b-nomes distinctly manifest in the properties of the remaining Ge - C bonds. The' further action of Hr on fluorotrialkyl germanes, -2ven under more rigid conditionsv does not lead to a serarati(-n of other alkyl (3roups. In this way fluorotrialkyl germanes are obtained in pure Card 1/2 state, without admixtures of d-4- and trifluoroalkyl germanes. Synthesis of Fluorotri-iEkyl Ciirm,.-ne -, b '/'7 5 - ? ', - 7 - 11 'A For this reason the method is corfortabl:! %nd j-r,!_),-,rrItive. The values of the incr~moiitj of tY.;l rttoi::ic o' ~:crmanium for fluorotrime'l.-l- and rluoi,.:)tri,~thyl sli.-htly vary between 8,351- and 8,28. 2he iritiul tet-mlaII-yl fermanes are obtained by oraaromajncsium froll .-.Jermanium tetrachloride antl th,? corresponclin,:: al'.yl .la~;Iie:~Ium halide, vhich undor the presont ccndlitinns '-ibutyl et~or mediwn) led to a quantitativi-.- yiel-1. i:~..-Iier, ctl,-2:, r~s used for the synthesis of tetraalkyl tl-,ir yicl-'l however, -.-ras only 1077 (,ef 5). 1 f T.'lich i.- Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 17, 1956 Card 2/2 S/079/60/030/05/35/074 -5-3690 B005/BO16 AUTHORS: Gladahteyn, B. M., Soborovskiy, L. Z,, TITLE: Investigation in the Field of Organic Sulfur Compounds. V. Synthesis and Some Properties of Halogon-ethine-sulfonio Acid Chloride PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obehohey khimii, 1960~ Vol~ 30, Xo~ 5, PP. 1574-1577 TEXT: At the beginning the authors give a survey of the experiments described in publications with respect to the synthesis of compounds which contain a sulfo group bound to a carbon atom of acetylene Refs. 1-4). The Soviet authors A. V,, Dombrovskiy and G. M, Prilutakiy ~Ref, 3) are mentioned in this connection, In the present paper, the synthesis of 0-chloro-acetylene-sulfonic acid chlorideil and various reactions of this compound, are described. M-e---s-cKe-me of the synthesis is given., Acetylene which is allowed to react with ethyl magnesium bromide seTves as the initial product, The resultant qrganomagnesium gamplexl(Iotsich complex) is converted by means of SO 2C12 to the anstabli;-ae-e-t-yTene-disulfonle acid chloride which pasnes over to the hydratn of tho 0-chloro-acetylene- I- Inyestigation in the Field of Organic Sulfur S/07 60/030/05/35/074 Compounds. V. Synthesis and Some Properties of B005YS016 Halogen,-ethine-sulfouic Acid Chloride sulfonic acid chloride (I) under separation of $Of When treated with water, The yield in ffl is about 10% calculated for the nitial ethyl bromide. The compound I synthesized decolorizes potassium permanganate solutions, separates iodine from potassium iodide solutions, reacts after some time with the Ilosvay reagens (Cu+ + NH40H) to form a characteristic precipitate of copper-chloro acetylide, and reacts in the form of an explosion with aniline. If the reaction with aniline is carried out under cooling and stirring, the crystalline, light-yellow dihydroohloride of the phanyl amide of 0-phenyl-amino-acetylene-sulfonic acid is formed. Under the action of aqueous bases on (I), the sulfo group is separated even more readily than with the corresponding derivatives of ethane and ethylene- The mere action of aqueous ammonia (1 ~ 1) causes the SO~')- ions to form in the solution. A characteristic reaction of compound (1) is the reaction with bromine in carbon tetrachloride. Decolorization occur8 in -this con- nection; the analogous 0-chloro-ethylene-.sulfonic acid chloride does not decolorize the bromine solution under equal conditions,, To convert the sulfonic acid chloride M to the corresponding sulfonic acid fluoride, the authors investigated tho rp-7.ntions of (1) with potasslum Card 2/3 Investigation in the Field of Organic Sulfur 3/079/60/030/05/A,5/074 Compounds. V. Synthesis and Some Properties of B005/ '~016 Halogen-ethine-olilfonic Aoid Chloride zinc fluoride. The reaction with powdered potassium fluoride proceeds vigorously, and a mixture of 0-ahloro-acetylene-oulfonic acid chloride and the initial product (I) is formed in the ratio -55;45. Compound (I) Ot., is completely decomposed by aqueous potassium fluoride solutions, An organic fluoro compound is not even formed by treating (1) with solid zinc fluoride at 1500. All reactions performed are described in detail in an experimental part. All resultant products are characterized by physical data~ V. N. Chernetaki assisted in the experimental work, N. P. Rodionova and Ye. M. Popov arried out the spectroscopic investiga-- tions of compound (I). There are 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED- May 27, 1959 Card 3/3 GLA.DSHTXYN, B.M.; SOBOROVSKIY, L.Z. Studies In the series of sulfur organic coml-ounds. ParL r,: Synthesis of 8-hydroxyethyloufofluoro-N,N-dimetEVI.cii:b.iiLitt..-. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no.6:1960-1954 Js 160. (CUBA 1'3: t)) (Carbamic acid) (Sulfur organic compounds) RODIONOVA, Ye.F.; KOLESNIKOV, G.S.; SOBOROVSKIY, L.Z.; GLADSHTEM, B.M. - ... I..-..,. - .,Cax,bo*chain :)olymers and dppol-ymers. Part 30: Qopol~merization of vinylsulfofluoride . Vysokom.soed. 3 no.3:456-458 Mr 141. (MM& 14:6) 1. Institut elementoorganichaskikh soyedinaniy All SSSR. (VinylmLUofluoride) GLADSHTE]MY B.I.I.; PCI,Y.',I'S-:AYA, E.I.; SOBOF.CVSKIY, L.,-. Sulfur organic ccmpounds. Part 7: Reactions of addIt-loms to vinyl- and 6-chlorovinylsulfonyl fluorides. Mitir. ob.khiri. 31 no.3:855-P97 Mr 161. 14:3) (Sulfoiiyl fluoride) ')0/6' "30~'//00.1 '009/0 14 L' 10 /B204 AUTHORS: Ro-dionova, Ye. F., Kollesnikov, '.'. S., Sc b o ro vsk i y, L . Z. Giadshteyn., B., M. TITLE: Carbon chain polymers and copolymers. XN. The copolymeriza- tion of vinylsulfofluoride PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v, 3, no. 3, 1961; 456-45S TEXT: it was the p-~rpose of the present work to obtain copolymers from vinyl sulfof luo ride (M,), produced from 0-chloroethylsulf'ofluoride, with 11~' ~M,): stvrene, vinylacetate, methylmethacrylate and acrylonitrile. The copolymerization was carried out at 50 0C without solvent, in a nitrogen atm--phere with 0.1, mo'-,e% azoisobutyric acid dinitrile, It lasted 25 hr. The copolymers were dissolved and precipitated with methanol. The ir fluorine content and Che softening temperature were determined. Table gi,,'es the results. The good styrene copolymer yield and ,ts softening temperature which was higher!i that of polystyrene gave rl3e to further Cald V4 8999--" Carbori-chain pc)lym.~rs arid. S/1 9o/61 /OO5/OC V009/014 B101/B204 ~,'XDeriments under the same conditions, but with a varied ratic., between took 49 hT., Table 2 ,'r~ny.5,-i2fnfluoride and styrene. The copolymerization gi-r,~s the results. With a content of about 32 mole"14 styrene, an azEutropic copalymer is obtained. The figure shows the resuLts of the therm,--mechanical inve5tigation of these copolpers, carried out according to B, L ~ Ts-~tln ( 'Ref, 3: Zavodsk, labor-32., 352. 1956), Equimolar mix-~ures of vinyisulfofluoride and styrene copolymerized in emulsion; af- t~~ 7 hr resulted in a copolymer (in the presence of ammonium persulfate) -01 6.85% F, y;e',d 69%. Mention is made of the fact that polymerization -,f r--ny1sulfc-flu"ride by means of bentoyl peroxide, azoisobutyric acid or TiCl 4 was not successful. The authors thank G, L.. and h--9 (-,,~-')-aborarora for determining the thermomechanical p 7 j r,,~ s ard S A. Pavlova for determining the molecular weights. Th-~:-e are - figurc. 2 tables, and 3 references. 2 S0VLet-bl3c and i.-,n bloc., The reference to English-language publIcatior, reads as cw~: : USA Patent. 2 "93-973 Chem. Abst-9. , -'8 8815 11954) . 0. . ( 1 95A - ASSOCIATION: insti-Lut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineny AN SS3R (Iristitu-.e of Elemental Organic Compounds, AS USSR) Card 2/4 SUB:4 1,1"T September 2, 1960 Legend to the figure: Molar ratio M M 2 in styrene-copolymer: 1) 1:6; 2) 3:8; 3) 5:11; 4) 3:5; 5) 2:3; a) tem- oerature. ~9993 1q0/61/0W//003/00')/0114 Card 3/4 11 .. a Pa".0pa ~Topa 1 1111~ T)rr-a P.1- 11 ~,Inrqvma -TB" :w, i 11- M , cuf willmepa. f L . . , 11P11 1w P we. (S,) CTJ1PO.1 9, 72 1,83 (smmueTar 7.10 2.3 135 IlmmnalkMUT 0) 9) 0,41 (MICTOH)IP 8,67 A 5 111) A ic 1) It.3011 11TP11.*t 4.51 1 1) Ito NICTIM MOT11 K 1) 11:1 a4 4, 56 0,25 (atteTonF~1) 3, 1 .1 115 A 9 99, 3 Carbon-chain polymers and... S/190/61/003/003/009/01" B101/B204 Legend to Table 1: 1) Yield in reprecipitated copolymer, weight~6. 2) Specific viscosity of the 1% solution at 200C in (solvent) 3) Mean fluoride content of the coDolYmer. 4) Molar ratio M :M - 5~ Softening temperature. 6) Styrene. 7) Vinylacetate. 8) Acrylonilri?,. 9) Slethylmethaarylate. 10) Ethyl- acetate. 11) Acetone. 12) Dimethyl formamide. cm-ras C.C., :~C%O;tfloa iomepoo, Legend to Table 2: MWI, BIAIO;t "nUCTI, IIJ On,A W canepma- C"OTHoLne. Te-41-er" a' ~O CO 1) Initial ratio of monom,a~., con.- P.:iwnue- n., impa une Tyra t,ai* (OC140, a (01tonn. 31, W011,4rillm. Opa 11 Me moles'.. 2) Copolymer yield. fa- r1l"WIt "rj cono.111- 3), Specific viscosity of the -a 4ir 1~o solution in ethylacetate at 20 0 C - 4) Osmometrically 10 W 90 0,8o - 2,71 1:G 12 1 determined molecular weight. 1.50 5~ F content in the copolymer 20 80 q-) 0.88 698 O(Y) 4,74 3 : 8 135 6) lJolar ratio R :N1 in the copolymer. 7) Soft3ning tempt3O 70 0,03 - 5.62 1 5:1 erahire. /10 60 87 0 , 1.0i - 6 -o 3:5 lio .9) 1 50 83 0, 9_9 1 MOM) 7: _'H Card 4/4 6 At MA Rl DO 4c RE- I k, p J, off 6 d WX Mi; ACC Nits)i6016688 boulwL.; uuukis Ux/VtFfY/o>/U"fVV7f-L AUTHOR: Gladsjxkeyn, B. H.; Shitov, L. N.; Kovalev, B. G.; So'borovskizir, Le Z. ORG: none TITIS: Mechanism of the direct holoalkylation of elementary phosphorus SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khirdi, v- 35, no. 9. 1965, 1~)70-1574 TOPIC TAGS: free radical, phosphorus,. al.171ation, halogenation ABSTRACT: A free radical mechanism of the direct halc f elemental red phosphorus was experimentally confirmed. The proposed mechanism includes an attack on the phosphorus molecule by radicals formed as a result of homo- lytic decomposition of the alkyl halide, leading to the formation or phos- phorus-containing radicals. the further traneformatio s of lihic h depewid on the probability of recombination Ath other radicals. Tile hydrocarbon radicals can subsequently either recombine or, splitting out alThrogen atom, be con- verted to carbenssIlleading to the formation of the reaction products. The ,reaction products off methyl chloride and of benzyl chloride with red phoaphorus'. were found to contain not only phosphorus-containing substancies, bv~ also h7 gen, methane) ethane, ethylene, qM propylens) and toluene and trans-otilbene .respectively. R, I. B6rodulini and Zo As UUneva assisted wfL+li the experl Orig.- art. has: 1 figure, and 3 tables. LJPR_Sj SUB C6bS: 07 / SM DATEt 08jun64 / ORIG REF.t 004 / OM RM 009 66 3010;i~ CODEt UR/00~F9 36100310a7*z iLu~~n, I. P.; Soborovik1j, L4 Zo. 1- Clrjavato of thn hotoroatom-oxyp;on bond L5- the dMuoride of -_~Lrnal oJushchey khimii, v- 36 - 3. 1966, 488-492 no ~-3-1'1~7 cho-rdeal boiyling, pho5phinio acid, eaterification, reaction mechanism. flliorinat(36 or.alnic compound, substituont, transition complex, chemical Ihe difluoride of mothylphosphinic -acid was foxind- to be capable Of Cleaving the silicon-o)cygen, germanium_o_-,qrgen, and arsenio-o.Vgen bonds, forn the corresponding tria:Lkylailanal.Atrialkylgermanol, Iand dimethyl- .:rninol estersl'f methylfluorojP._ospE_n_i'C acid ana__&UIR~Uluorosilane. 13Tu`crbg~ermane, or trialkylfl.uoroarsine. respectively. The fluoride n-I ethanesulfonic acid does not cleave disiloxane bonds. The reactions 3tx)di(.d proposed as a convenient preparative method for synthesizing new silanol, and -e difft. arsinol esters of not-hyMuorophosphinic acid, utich &i ;-alt to pr6pare otheriise. A reaction mochanismi is proposed: nucleophilic r~~'-.tack on the phosphorus atori of the difliiorido of riothylphosphinic acid by ~'Ie o'ectron pair of Lh~) oxygen Atem of the reactini; molecule, in acccr...d t -ha gcinorai theory of Gubstitutior. at atatrahodral phoaphorur tarough a tra.-Isition ftpavs 2' JiLnu 1JIG i~EF- 00? R-- 0-18 A. _1 F: Ccrd ACC NR, AP6030549 - -- ---- S O'URCE'-CODF.:--Lt~./G-ii-ij'f66/000/016/0030/0030 INVENTOR: Bliznyuk, N. K.; Kolomiyets, A Gladshteyn, B. M.; Zimin, V. M. ORG: none F.; Golubeva, R. N.; Varshavskiy, S. L.; TITLE: Preparation of aryl esters of N-(5-chloroethyl)taurine. Class 12, No. 184840 (announced by All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut fitopatologii) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, Lovarnyye znaKi, no. If), 1966, 30 TOPIC TAGS: fungicide, 'I "1 1 1-4 ~'-'!~ ... hydroxyethyltaurine, Lhionyl chloride, phosphorus pentachloride, esters hydroxide, ethylene ABSTRACT: To obtain aryl esters of N-(B-chloroethyl)taurine with fungicidal properties, esters of 0-hydroxyethyltaurine are treated with thionyl chloride or phosphorus pentachloride in an organic solvent (e.g., chloroform) at boiling temperature of the solvent. The excess of the initial reagents and 11C1 formed are removed from the reaction mixture; the residue is dissolved in an organic solvent, e.g., an ether, then mixed with alcoholic solution of an acid, and evaporated. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 26Jul65/ (WA-50; CBE No. 111 4 Card L ',J THOR- 'Iudshteyp 100-5-6/io , I ~T , D.A. (&4,iiieer) TITLE: TippinE lorry constructed for discharge on both. sides. ('Lvtomobill-sumosval s razgruzkoy platformy na obe storony). ~.&JODIIIL: "Meklaanizatsiza Stroitellstvall (Mechanisation. of Constructioll),7957, Voi.14, INo.5, p.17 (USSR). TLds lorry KAZ-600 (L:i3-600) was constructed by the Kutaisskiy 'iiitomobile Factory which is suitable when back- tipr,ine, is impossible without resortin8 to awkward manoeuv- rinE, e.g., during road construction and construction of embankments. The lorry is constructed as the tipping lorries ZIL 585 OM-585) and KAZ-585B (KA3-585E;). A laydraulic jack serves as lifting mechanism which works to both sides. A protective, caratilevered shield is fixed above the roof of the driver's cabin as safeguaxd during loading by crane. Rubber buffers are fixed to the frame to reduce the impact of the material during loading and when the tip-platform is returned. The loading capacity = 3500 kg, the loading space = 2' 4 m3, the dimensions of the lorry are: length.5920 mm, widih: 2360 mm, maximum Ileight: 3300 mm, weight off the lorry: 4250 kg. The time of elevation: 20 seconds, time of return: 25 seconds. The above factory is also .C the produr!t- (,i, jreparii Card 1/2 ion of tile tippirL lorry LtIZ-621 3- ?1) *iich could tip Tippin lorry constnicted for discharge on both sides. (Cont.~ 100-5-6/io the load to both sides and to the back. Prototypes are being tested. Detailed tec~Lnicul duta are gi7er- There is 1 photograph. AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 GLADSHTM, D.A., inzh. SM-NII-100 soil-cement truck-mounted mixer. Mokh.strol. 14 no.6:16 Je 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Mixing machlner7) GRIGORIYANTS, A.S.;-GLADSHTErfl, D.A.j WITSBURG, Ya.B.; TRUBIN, V.Asp glAvo red.; SOSHIN, red.jGRII;SVICH, G.F., red.; 7-zPIFA- NOV, S.P., red. ONURIYEV, I.A., red.gKHOKHLOV, B.A., red. ZIP,121, P.A., red.; KANTSELI, Ya.O., nauobvjy red.; SHIROKOVA, G.M., red. izd-va; SURSTNEVA, N.V., tekhn. red, (Handbook on the consumption Q~f spare parts and rateriale in operatin and repairing building amd road machinery] Spravochnik po rankhodu zapasnykh chastei i materialov dlia ekspluatatsii i reronta stroite.11- nykh i dorozhnykh mashin. Moskva, Gas. izd-vo lit-ry po strait &rkhit. i strait. materialam, 1961. 399 P. (MIRA 14;io) (Building machinery-Maintenance and re air) (Road machinery-Maintenance and repairs x MERUTINSKAYA, Ye.P., GLUSHTEYN, D.S. The SP11-0,14 and SPIT-0,1 mounted hoiat booms. fliul.tekh,-4kon. Inform. no.11:71-7~ ' 58. (MIRA 11,12) (Hoistinp rachinory) ~~L~~T~F ~_- D -S. The PSSII-0,3 hay loader and utacker. Biul,tckh,,-ekor.,ii-"*'r)rm, no.5:62-63 161. (HIRA 14,6) (Ilay--flarvesting) GIADSHTEYN, D.S. The STS-15 self~-feeding fertilizer distributing planter. Biul.tekh.- ekon.inform,Goo.nauch.-iosl.inst.nauch. i tekh.Inform. no-4:69-71 162. (MDU 15:7) (Planters (Agricultural machinery)) GUDS11TEYN, I., inzbenor-kapitan 3-go ranga; IICYNKIL, inzherier-kapitan 3'"96 ralga Operation of equipment on a ship. Tyl i snab. Sov. Voor. Sil Zl no.12:77-82 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Marine engines--4-taintenance and repair) KRASNOV, B. I.; GLADSHTEYN, L. D. (Odessa) Occupational dermatitis in the preparation of stimulin D-1 and measures for its prevention. Gig. truds, i prof. zab, no.4:50 '62. (MIRA 11;:4) 1. Odesskiy oblastnoy kozhno-venerologichoskiy dispansar. (ROVE BEE=) (BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS) (SKIN-DISEASFS) SOKOLMSKIY. P.I., kandidat tekhmichookikh usuir; GLADSHTM, L.I.. izzheser. Determining the tendency of low-carbon steel to mechanical ageing. Standartizataiia me.6:41-45 N-D '55- (MIRA 9-2) (Steel--Testiag) VORONUV, S.M., professor, doktor takhnichaskikh nank: YXIAGIN, V.I., kan- didat tokhnicheakikh nauk; GLOSHUYN, L.I., Inshener. ~... Bffect of zirconium, titanium and vanadium on the compressive effect in the aluminum alloys. Trudy KOLTI no-30-36-59 '56. (KM 10:2) (Aluminum-zireonium-titanium alloys-Ketallurtry) i,AUTHOR: Olladshteyn, L.I., Engineer 13;-12-6,117 TITLE: Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Welded joints by Calculation (Otsenka mekhnnicheskikh svoystv metalla svarnykh shvov raschetnym metodom) PEFIrDICAL: ;vnrochnoye `roi::vo1.qtvo, ln',7, ii 12, n ?1-21 ABSTRACT: Thus far, the mech,inical properties of well netal in welded structures are checked by te!-ting specimens cut from finished structures. The purpose of the described investigition was to find a way of preliminary evaluation of the nechanical properties of welds by calculation. The technology of experiments is de- scribed in detail. The calculations were based on the equation of the heat propagation in welding (Ref. 5; N.N. Rykalin, "The Thermal Basis of -','elding"). A a'uantitative relation was found between the mechanical properties of well metal and the rate of cooling within the suberitical temperature range. The estab- lished dependence of the cooling rate from various conditions (thickness of the joined metal, conditions of the welding pro- cess, initial temperature) and the interrelation between the ultimate strength of weld metal and the other properties (yield Card 1/2 point, elonp I t ,ation, etc.~ arf,. shown by diagrams nomos-rams, tables 15~-12-6/17 Evaluation of the Mechhnical Properties of Welded Joints by Calculntion and equations. Steel "CT.. 3", rimming and killed, was used as experimental material. The ultimate strength can be calculated by an equation and a table (equation 2 and table 2) f'or any definite practical case, provIded the welding technology com- binations and the steel grades are the same as were used in this investigation. There are 8 diagrams, 2 nomograms, 6 tables and 6 Russian references. ASSOCIATION: GPI "Proyektstallkonstruktsiya" AVAILAPLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 .7_ 79/,tf AUTHORS: Bat A. A. , 91&04-311 ~e'~L- L 710-58, f TITLE: Questions of the Treatment of Refractory Alloys (Voprosy obrabotki zharoprochnykh splavov) A Conference at the Institute for Engineering Sciences (SOVe3hchaniye v Institute mashinovedeniya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958 Nr 3 pp. 115-115 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Heat resistive alloys are at present being used in all branches of industry. In order to discuss problems are connected there with a conference was called on December 18th to December 21th 1957, by the Institute for Engineering Sciences and the Commission for Tcchnology of Machine Building of the AS USSR; Work was carried out in plenary sessions and 4 sections (Casting, treatiaent under pressure, machinine and welding) In numerous reports the specific properties of these alloys are investigated and new constructional solutions of machine parts requiring a new working technology were investigated, In the section dealing with castines (under the suz.,ervision Card 1/3 of L. I. Fantalov, doctor of technical sclences) a report Refractory Alloys 7 -58-'-"9 ' 5 questions of tho Treatment of ,0 4 A Conference at the Institute for Engineering Sc-lences was made on vacuum smelting, as well as on the structural refining of cast steel. In the section on working under pressure (under the supervision of A. 1. Tselikov, Corresponding Member of the AS USSR) thermomechanic regimes were dealt Withp as well as the development of a modern technological equipment for the realization of high specific pressure. In the section on welding (under the supervision of G. A. Nikolayev, Corresponding Member. of the AS USSR) reports were delivered., among others on new ruethods of automatic weldinr in an atmosphere of carbonic acid gas, as well as on electric slag welding. In the section dealing with machining (under the supervision of 1. 1. Isayev, doctor of technical sciences) the production of cutting tools of particularly great durability was dealt with, in which case liquid carbonic acid is used as a coolant. 3pecial attention was devoted to the problem of metal savingg because the various allo5- elements (nickel, chromium, columbium, titanium, cobalt? mQlybdenum~ Card 2/ 3 tungsten, boron, and others) are rare and expen5i7e, Therefore Questions of the Treatment of Refractory Alloys -20-58-3-391'45 A Conference at the Institute for Engineering Sciences working zpathods are developud ;hich permit a saving of Waste nitterial (by accurate castinC and punching, electric welding in a protective milieu). The following drawbacks were found to exist in the field of treatment of the heat-resistive alloys'-' Insufficient velocity of the solution of some practical problems, too little exchange of experience, the absence of a scientific coordination center. The following decisions were taken: Improvement of working methods in order to obtain a clean surface; development of new vacuum plants, mechanized furnaces, of steel qualities for punching work, of new electrodes; the working out of measures for the purpose of obtaining faultless welding-seamal the improvement of cutting processes: The congress also atressed the necessity of establishing a research coOT