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USS,R/Chemistry - Weta_Uurgy, JUn 50
])*composition Potenttal
"Secondary Decomposition Potentials in Molten
Salts," O.K. Kudra, E.B. Gitman, Inst of Gen
and InPrg Chem, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR
"Ukminskiy 1(himicheskiy Zhurnal" Vo! XVI,
No 1, pp .128-136
The d6cOmPn Potentials of pure mclten silvei
halides (AgCl, AgBr, and Ag!) are measured
employing a modified method of taking current-
voltage curves using various si2ed cathodes
and the same anode. Two Adecompa patentisas,
for each molten salt, caused by 2 different
cathode processes, are established. The pres-
ence of a 2d potential in such simple system
c&zmot be aBcribed either to the decompn of
the solvent or to gradual dissocn and therefore
can only be attributed to the decompr. of complex
Relation between current density, time, and concentration in electro-
precipitation of lead. Ukrain. Xhim. Zhur. 16, NO-5, 477-83 '50.(KLRA 6:4)
(CA 47 no.22:12054 153)
1. Inst. Gen. Inorg. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukr. S.S.R.. Kiev.
Relation between concentration, current density, and time In electroprecipi-
tation of cobalt. Ukrain. Khim. Zhur. 16, No.5, 484-91 150. (MLRA 6:4)
(CA 47 no.22:12053 153)
1. Inst. Gen. Inorg. Chem., Aced. Sci. Ukr. S.S.R., Kiev.
KUDRA, O.K.; GITRa , Te.B.
Effect of concentration, current density, and time on electroprecipitation
of spongy silver. Ukrain. KhIm. Zhur. 17, 890-901 151. (MLRA 6:4)
(CA 47 no.22:12058 '53)
1. Inst. Gen. and Inorg. Chem., Acad. Scl. Ukr. S.S.R., Kiev.
(=r I T- M A N' Y'~ .
BOOK CaU No.; A-623815
Authors: YUDRA, O.J. and GIT.MA%__)~e.
Transliterated Title: Flektroliticheskoye polucheniye metalliclieskikh poroshkov
Publishing Data
Originating Agency: Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR
Publishing House: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR
Date; 1952 No. pp.; 144 No. of copies: 3,000
Editorial Staff
The authors express thanks for valuable assistance to Prof. N. N, Voronin, to
senior scientific coworkers I. A. Sheka and Z. A. Sheks and to Prof. Ya. A.
Fialkov, Corr. Mem. of the Acad. of Sci., Ukr. SSR, editor of the nonograph.
Text Data
Coverage: The production of metal powders of loose cathode deposits is already
used on an industrial scale in the USSR. Accounts of the investigati3ns of
Soviet scientists and engineers (Igaryshev, Kudryavtsev, Borok, Bal'shin,
Gavrilov, Yesin and Levian, Levin, Loshkarev, Kuzlmin and others) are not yet
systematized. The authors present this monograph as a first preliminary at-
tempt to generalize the available data on the electrolyticeil production of
metal powders.
Elektroliticheskoye polucheniye metallicheakikh poroshkov ATD 446 - 1
A large amount of reports dedicated to this problem at the All-Union Electro-
chemical Conferences (in Ivanovo In 1945, in Kiev in 1948) shows the need in
theoretical works. The rather extensive patent literature Indicates the in-
creasing demand of industries for electrolytic powders. The monograph Is
provided with tables and diaerams.
Foreword 3-4
Introduction 5_10
1. Electrolysis. Conditions of the Production and Trestment of
Metal Powders 11-22
2, Composition, Structure and Properties of Electrolytic Powders 22-35
3. Mechanism of the Electrolytic Deposition of Metals under
High-Density Current 35-47
4. Zones of Deposition of Compact and Loose Cathode Deposits 47-59
5. Causes of the Formation of Spongy Porous and Loose Black Deposits 59-69
1. Production of Loose Deposits of Copper, Silver, Cold 70
2. Production of Loose Deposits of Ferylliun, Zinc and Cadrd-ta 94
3. Production of Loose Deposits of Aluminum and Thallium 92-96
Elektroliticheskoye polucheniye metallicheskikb poroshkov AID 446 - I
4. Production of Loose Deposits of Tin and Lead 96-99
5. Production of Loose Deposits of firsenic, Antimony and Bismuth 100-103
6. Production of Loose Deposits of Chromium, Tellurium and Mancanese 103-105
7. Production of Loose Deposits of Iron, Cobalt and Nickel 105-130
8. Production of Loose Deposits of Figh-Melting Metals (Zirconiuri,
Titanium, Thorium, Vanadium, Tantalum, Molybdenum, Tungsten,
Uraniumf Platinum and Palladium) 130-136
9. Production of Loose Metal Alloys or Polymetal Powders 136-139
Purpose: For persons interested In the production of metal powders by
means of electrolysis.
Facilities: None
No. of Russian and Slavic References: 126
Available: A.I.D., Library of Congress.
0- 1 TMAIT, YE. B.
Dissertation: "Inver' 1,-otion of Cortalin R10on 11,overnini, t~,o !34?,wrt,tP)r. -)f
Powder Metalz ',-!ith %-,e Help -)f Hleh Densities of Current." C.-,nc Cn-em ~Cl.
Inst of General and Inorpanic Chemistry, Ar.-e -5ci UkrS~R, Kiev, 19 1?t
(Referiativnyy Zhurnal--Khimiya. Mopcow, No 5, M;ir 52;)
SO: STIM 21-,'3, 19 Oct 51.
- -Wpu
14 Tnii ski Ylu.~..k`
iansf nce'numb6rs
T ore
A44 -t - r.
6VFbCi~ arAlbbir, t4
and A
atich cam-
us WA d
bltdned. its
of the al";~ it4i
Lori. I twee nwitransfe eace;
oral S~ da4
e: 40.4 t
;l o
GIT-UN, Ye.B., MLM,~qSKIY, Yu.A.
Electrochemical se-3arntion of lead-gold alloys. Ukr.khim.zhur.
22 no-6:731-736 '50'. (MUk 11!7)
1. Institut obshchey i neor,&anicheskoy Whimit AN USSR.
(Lead-gold alloys) CRIectrometallurgy)
( _~~ . , V,
k ~ i -~ T. ~_ ! I.- V
I ~
Recovering the lead of worn-out storage batteries. UlcrAhim.zhur.
23 no.6:817-822 '57. (MIRA 11:1)
l.Inatitut obshchey i Neorganichaskoy khimii All USSR.
(Lead) (Storage batteries)
"Eler- trolytIc- Pr,)duc: tt~~,n Dead by Ele,,- ,!' S!t ~ t 1:',
IO!a&. Ac , Sc . M~1- SSR.
report sidxdtted at a conference on nev methods of lead productiou from concentratesp
Gintavetmet (State Inst. Non-Fax us MetallurEy), Moscov 22-25 June 1958.
(for entire conf. see card for UDOV, V. P.)
,&kWV, B.F.: GITW. Ye.B.
Simultaneous deposition of metals during electrolysis of fused salts
with concentration nolarization. UL-r.khim.zhur. 24 rx-5:581-584 ' 58-
(MIRA 12:1)
1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheakoy khimil AN USSR.
(Alloys) (Blectroplating)
5(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITA'1011 50V/2~lt
Saveshchanlye pe, el.ktrokhl.ll. 4th, MOSCOW, 1956.
Tmdy... ; 13bornikl (TranAactions of the Fourth Conference on Elect-"tgry; CallectLon,of,Artl cl.5) Moscow, lxd-va AN SSSr.,'
195v6 P,,YErra :,Ip neerted. 2,5rc copies printed.
Sqon&9~lng A Ak ya nauk SSSR. Otdalenlyst Whimicneskikh
141toriial.5. rd, A.M. Pmmkin (Romp. Ed.) Academician. 0 A Yer-In,
,- fees ri"S.I. Zhdanov (Reap. Secretary), B.N. KAt.-.-1: im-
feastrr, S.I. Zhda.-v (Hirap,rSecrveary);be M Kab-OV.
Ya Korlotyrkin,1)Oct or Chem le &1 5 1 n 8)VY. 03e . P_
v. ProreasoN Z.A. Solov-yeva; V.V. Stander. P engon,
and O.M.
~Iorlahovjch; Ed. of' PUblishing Hougel N.a. Y49O
To Ed T. . ?.,sa"va,
MPCSE: This book In Intended far chemical and electrical
a Y,
,:;.r3 Y31111 lt,21,r3 '.,,a and ..... It I- Interested In
Peet irarc trochasilstry.
_1oVT OE: Tra book contains 127, of the 133 rripor a presented at
MAPourth Confer- 'e an .1-11-111-1-Iry sponsored by tn. Depart-
none of ChemicalSa a no the :n3t t,te ofIC vTlatry,
At00ccisU h _%,
r 3 ,a, I 1;I T I Oollqbti.n parts a
.f.cmsc kin .0
brad.ny. t, d- 4
I tic,d"' , a
Italva.1c process to in metal eIa trod posIt'n an" -1-1trIl 1 lct-
rolyBig. Abrid'.., discussions are ",,en a, the and of each 0..
alon. The majority of report anot lncj~d.d her. hb-ari
IIcal Iite2rure, retina litiri. a. -mentioned.
pub' !'h d in per Od , tt I.
mo:o pe
R.r;mn..s are gj,ir.. at the end 0 t a. he &r I ir.
(Insticut geOkhImII I AnslItIch-koy k-, .11
AX S.: : Imeril V,I, VarnadskogO - Institute of Oecnem.,.~ry
and A. leal Chiirelbtr I.,nl V.I. V.rhadskly~ A,Id*,T.2.1_
cl.ncl.;~ ussRDIffuysion or Electrolyte$an tn. ?o
graph--c Method 6-,
E_A,_ZhIg,.l-t,,(Ir5tItutq Of rhy.11-1
eplarry. Acmdemy Or -2-len-, R), DIff-lon of "Y'i-
Trilr, Piles or Electrolytes
Dlsc~sslon to -Krrnxh~kIYu, A. Chjzmaczn*~. Yu. A. Vd.~!..
0. 11 . 1Cnnch;'uryh, and contributing a-tncrbl 68,4
In.rlt~t* of ChirmiAl T-Anology
Ikly; InstiCa is r 4CAdemy
11-1~ no tut: as sihMml t )
orI'ec, -nIng
3cc, Kz.:;R.E 01Ire .,is of Comb.
Card 27134
M.t.1I...r1""`I an' 11-1 Pr"..etin Prices,
L3orre New Pro-IY t': z Y-11- ay) b11,
Azz_-~iklyl (Y-17ak-, State X-ory Or
=~ '~_ Z-t P!`111- et A---'j1= ---t IQ,,
f ~et.lir WIth
Cnr=..v, D.M. V,N n1 Nn,t!tut. ~r
---:Lldemy Of r
... Anodic of t.111c _111CO, and
A'!.Y. 71-~
X.9.1_,-Pjill~, AnI I.A. 11--n
I".1. rit.1-11TY il.t Is, t Y6,h X, Is .1 -url"n
SO In 'it, c Research Institute of Son.'erral'. sp.ciiit
C." 28"34
f-ati-red Of the Ari-Jr, Fro2e~l Llur:r~.t.~,.?,rlfl- I.- or
Copp- NI Okirl Ar.ij, In._rrr _Ch,,.ZI.c.r-I17-
Zrtr.t--ty, S.A., I-G~ 211,irrlt.41y (D.-ade-J), arid I.&. Biogdarc_.
Brrh'~I.r or Mairij.hariis and ita A.,I.Y.,
5(2) S 2-5- 19143
AUTHORS: Gitman, Ye.B#, Delimarskiy, Yu.K.
TITLE% Electrclytic Separation of Binary Alloys of Lead With Silver
and Arsenic (Elektroliticheskoye razdeleniye binarnykh splavov
svintsa s serebrom I myshlyakom)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 19,59. Vol XXXII, Nr 3, PP 578-582
ABSTRACT: The treatment of crude lead by pyrometallurgical metl2ods does
not separate silver and arsenic which are contained in it. In
electrolysis silver remains in the anode alloy. At a content
of 0.25% silver In the initial alloy the cathode wetal contains
only some thousandth parts of a percent. The electrolyzer should
be designed to reduce stirring of the electrolyte ir order to
obtain the best separation results. At a silver content of
0.25 - 2-5% in the initial metal only O.G0C167'0' of silver is
found in the cathode metal. The elimination of _nrsenic was
studied in an alloy containing 2% of arsenic. The radioactive
As-716 was used as a tracer. The arsenic remains almost com-
pletely in the anode alloy. At a content of 1 3% arsenic in
Cr.rd 1/2 the initial anode a:loy, a current density of L2 a/CM2 and a
Electrolytic Separation of Binary Alloys of Lead With Silver and Arsenic
50%-extraction of iead, arsenic cannot be detected in the
cathode metal. Only at a 96;~-extractlcn of lead some hundredth
parts of a percent of arsenic are present in the cathode metal.
There are 3 tables and 5 ~-eferencas, 4 of which are Soviet and
I German.
SUBMITTED: May 27, 1957
Card 2/2
S/07 ~/ 16 1 / ) --,, 7 /1 1 /1',"! 1/0 0 2
B '10 3 /B 2 16
AUTHORS: Yarkov, B. F., Gitman, Ye. B., and Belyakova, Ye. P
TITLE: Electrolysis of ti tonium totrachlorido i n fused sa I ts
Stepwise cathodic reduction
PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khir-,.-Jcheskiy zhurrial, v. 27, no - 1, 11)61 , ~9-1.
TEXT; The authors applied several meti.ods to inv,~StiL,,ate- the cathodic
reduction of TiCl TiGl, and TiCl in fused salts (KCI Mqci), i.e by
41 j 2
taking the curcent voltag! curves, I b) by recordinz- the saine curv,--s in
'the X111-09 (EPP-00.) recording potentiometer, 2) electrolysis L~y control'wl
potential and 3) emf measurement of voltaic cells. Electrcly,--is und-jr
these conditions involves various processes: a) T-i',l,,, may be reduced to
TiCl 3 and TiCl 2) which dissolve in the electrolyte, me-It wit,-, formation, ci'
a COMPIeX COMPOUnd; b) apait from electrochemical, proce.,ses, t~e reductijr.
products of TiCl react chemically with e;-ich other. Th--.
heteroEeneous equilibriums must be talLen into account- ;"FiCl, (mielt)
Card 14")
Electrol,isis oC tit.unium. - B 10 ~//B21
(solid) ;c~ 3TiClq (melt) and TiCl (melts +. TiCJ,1 ;F_~ MCI, ',~-lt) sh,,,'t
have partially beer, ,~,tudied previously by other researchers, Tc I ): The
~IU'ti~ors nassed. TiCl vapor mixed witli argon over the KCI-NaCl melt!3 In
~-ectrclyz~.,rs or vairious designs. Fig. I represents a ty~._Jcal curve witii
3 reduction potentials at 7200C, i.e, I, slightly above 1 v; II,
approximately 2 v and III, approximatelY 3 v. III corresponds to back-
ground reduction, namely reduction of sodium ion. At rot'~~:ntial II
titanium chlorides are reduced to metal, Pof.,~ntial I corresponds to th,?
reduction of TiCl 4to TiCl 2' To 1b): A cell with separat,~ electrode
ccmpartments was used applying a silver anode with an anolyte conta-inlnq,~
silver chloride, The authors draw the followin,, conclusions from the ti~-,,
Zeries performed: Two reduction p.~,t,.ntials weve observ;:d during cat""ii,
of a mixture of chlorid
es of di- and trivnlent titanlum., t*,e
lower one being the reduction potf~ntial of the system Ti4 2/Ti+3. and ~i
higher one the potential corresponding, to i-eduction of TiCl,l to metal,
was electrolyzed between graphite und tunC,,~ton electr_-des
E-lectrolwifs ol' titanium, ... B103/B4--,6
separated by a diaphragm. A controlled pr)t,-~nlial appliod to the
vl,octr~;do:3. Fi~-,. 2 r!lo~-.:i the results fro-.i which it -ij arparent that :7 4- C I
i,, red,.zced mainly to TiCl 0 1
2 after electrol, for 6-~l hr "t 'it c nstant,
Ion volt-aj,e (1.-2-1 4 V). At a voltaj,~ of v, t.-vi tit,~nium in tt-
.,.,,It is mainly in ;he Ti3+ form. Cathodic -,~duct.ioii c)" t;!; :!iiim chlo,-ide
to,.l ~.-.ets i.n at 1.5 v. To 3). The %ii~hor~i ~-ttidied `;-~havior n.'
J"~'l _ kT,_,Cl m(,
.It con'!-~ining T'C1 and
~.ICI:~ at 700'C i~-i to deter7ine
2 2+
-1e redox potential, me,,suring the e~mf of the cell PtjTi KC1
diaphragm1KCI- NaCl, A6C1jAg- The redox r-otentials olitained in this
manner vier.~ rfduced to the potential of a chiorine electrode by adding th~~
u to ~n
011if (from oublished data) of-the cell ALIA-Cl,
v,lueo. The authors mention publ'cations by :,.. 7. Ka2-~enetskiy
,a - i dV. SLiirnov. There are 5 figiires, 1 table, iarid 21
S~:vi,t-bloc bind 13 non-Soviet-bloc. V--o 2 rf,.-rQPxe.: to
lan,.lia,r-e nublic~ttions r-.~ad ns foilovs: :.~. B. Alpert et I. , J. 1 t~ro-
a ec
cl.ei:.. Soo., 10,~, 555 (1957) and '106, 1,12 (195), IlLf. 19.
AUTHORS! Markov, B. F., Gitman; Ye,.
TITLE, Equilibrium between TiCi
chlorides of alkali metaig
B i 11 ()/B 1 11
B- -and Tishura., T. A.
TiCl 2 and T-L m,:tal in m-:Jter,
PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhi~rnal, v. 27 no. 6. 1961, 1 i5
TEXTt The technologically important equilibrium between low Ti i--hlorid~-
and Ti metal in individually molten alka',2 chlnrides was investiga,4-ed'
In the absence of neutral salts, TiCl., -.., foriar-d- 2 TiCl, + Ti-111 T,.C!
(1) (AZ -22 kcal/7000C). If TiCl 2 and T LC15 are fouai iv simpleit.
physical solution in molten salts T.'Cl formi complexes with CSC]. Rbc]-
K01, NaCl.. Me3TiCl 6" and MeTiCl 41 whose reoi9tance to heat decreasez, N,
from Cs to Na. TiCl_ forms compounds of Me?TiCl 4 arid MeTj.Cl. 3' No
--omplexes are formed in LiCl melt. in CsCl hev -forni complex aniz~nC4-
Card 1/3
S'/075-/6! 02,/006/001/00~,
Equffibrium. between TiCl Y TiCL 2~ and B,, I ()I/mt 4 T
The equilibrium is determined by the ratto of tne at.,.intfies of TiC!-- at-d
TiC.L,, TiCl being the better oompl--,~c fr-,,ic
Licl the equilibrium is shifted from ;efl~ -,.) ziFzol. In the 1-c"! melf
(61,50c), aimogr T.1C1, format-i-n rA-kff4.
95-100%; i ri NaCl ate] t (8600C otilly 8(-, 01',0/. -,,f TiCl mei, j;-~
forming complexes, Iri mel ts wi. tit KC I (~i'DO~'C -c TiC-, !3 T C-;-sr j
and TiC-.-.3and TiCi,, are forming c-mi),exi-L, w. t ,i KC:. W~~?-) Ul",
Ls reduced from 860 to 5800C~ only rile
molten KCI-LICI eutect."k: (380'01. T;r; f d
C%3C-', ' 720"C' )q?:-jc e wi th in~.reqr, iv.,- s tac-
f A.-
TiCl, complex also bet.-omes more stuL. ' e a- - tl tr.t
brium. was shifted in a melt in wh-,ct~ 1~,x T ci --t rd i a
This is caii5ed by the vlarLaTi.on )f a- :i f -A-iiiiiii :hler)dq~4 :;.s
Card 2/3
Equilibrium between TiC1Y T-~Cl, c. , and. B',!O/B!47
result of complex formation A !,Judy cf - F. Belov and S. I. Sklyaxeixc
is mentioned, There are 4 tables and referencef-i- 6 Soviet and 7 non-
Soviet. The three most recent references to English-language publicatlon~
read as follows: S. Mellgren, W. Opie, J, Metftlq, )_. 266 (1957); W. Kroye,
H. Kellogg, J. Electroch. Soc 104. 504 P, B. ifead, Austr, Jol.;J.n.
of Chem., 13. 332 (1960).
ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i ne,)rgari.:heskoy khimii AN USSR
(Institute of General and ln,:,rganic Chem~_stry AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: November 11, 1960
Card 3/3
S/073/tS2/028/009/0 11/011
Volt-ampere characteristics of the... A05'TIA120"
responding temperatures. Almost all curves showed ei.~ily reproducib-'e Inflectials,
corresponding to the formation of TiClo, i.e., the most favoralble w1odj.;.- process.
Inflections corresponding to the form,~i,, of titanium ions of I-Ligher valencies
were not attained even at relativelly high current densities. In some cases
curve inflections could be observ ed at higher current densities correspnnding to V
the emf of decomposition of T'C'31 bur. these curves were not i';~!Il reproducttle.
The bad reproducibility of the emf for more positive anod-ic reactions is probab-
ly due to a superposing of the curves because of the relatively smal- diffe-rence
in the emf of decomposition of TiC12 and TiC13. There are 2 figures and I table.
ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN USSR (Institute of
General and Ihorganic Chemistry AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: June 20, 1962
Card 2/2
GITMAN, Ye.B. kand.khira,nauk
----- --
Electrol,ytic refining of t1taniw7a. Met. i ~Iorncrud. pvc),m,
no.2:90-92 Mr-kp ~62. (Him ir..11)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimil AN UkrSn,.
Voltampere characteristics of the electrolytic solution
of titanium in fused salts. Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 no.9:1116-1117
162. (MIFLA 15:12)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii MI UkrSSR.
(Fused salts) (Titanium)
(Electromotive force)
GITMMI, Yevgeniya Borisovna; GOROSHCHENKO, Ya.Gj., dokt,-),- Ich,-T.,
nauk, otv. red.; BYCHKOVA, red.
[Electrochemistry of titanium in fused salts; an an-
notated bibliography] Elektrokhimiia titana v raw-plavlen-
nykh soliakh; annotirovannaiabibliografiia* Kievy Naukova
dumka, 1965. 96 p. (MIF-A 16-,3'1
1'7 ' Ti',J 'Y B .
C'u r---i t (.- -T 1 ci,rcy Lr.-; i.ature cR1,iic.d1.:: d(-Lc!:it hi
t 1 i f-, f-, 1 e c t r o 1 y o i s o f 1 ow e r t, I t, u -. Ic ~ 2. OE!:
--cde. T-!,.-. Z~Ilr- 31 no.
D-,-titut obshchey i neorgar-irlic-s'toy U -rS R.
Su*u--l tted Decemler 31, 1(16,1+.
L'36082-66 OW W/T/~7dP M AT I IJP(c) DS/JD
ACC N" AP6015901 SOURCE CODE: TJR/0073/65/0.31/0:L2/1275/128o
AUTHOR: Gitman, Ye. B.
ORG: 'institute of General and Inorgftic Chemistr
.L _1,-AN-IJkrSSR- (Institut
obahchey i noorgenicheskoy kh1m1i AN UkrNgRY-
TITLE: Yield with respect to the current and the nattire of the cathode
deposit in electr2lysis of the lower chlorides of titanium with a
dissolvine enoTe-
SOURCE: Ukrainskly kbimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 31, no, 12, 1965, 12'75-1280i 41
TOPIC TAGS: electrolytic deposition, titanium compound, chloride
ABSTRACT: The conditions of the experimental electrolysis were such as
to eliminate the effects of oxygen and of traces of moisture. The
electrolyzer and the anode were in the fcnnof a titanium beaker whicb
was placed in a. cylinder made of stednless steel with EL water cooled
cover which could be hermetically sealed. The catbo6ea were steel rods.;;
The distance between the cathodes and the walls of the anode beaker was ,
from 25 to 30 nm, and the distance between the cathode and the bottom of!
the elecl:rolyzer was varied from 20 to 50 mm depending on the conditions';
of the experiment. Experimental results are given in a table wbicb
L 36082-66
ACC NR' AP6015901
shows the yield of titanium with respQct ~~ the 9Vrrent and the nature
of the deposit as fuctions of the Ti -/T1 + Ti-' rstLo In the
electrolyte and of D In general, the results show that an Increasc In;
the yield of metgllig*titanium with respect to the currentj as well an
the production of deposits with 8 large crystal grain 31ze, in the
electrolysis of the lower chlorides of titanium in KC1-.-.IfoCl and FCl
solutio wit ~+ a dissolving anode, is connected with en incregs-) in tbe~~
Ti +/Ti + Ti ratio. Orig. art. has* 4 figures and 3 tables.
SUB CODE:07,20/ SUBM DATE: 03Dsc64/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 005
GITNIK, S.M., inzh.; LAPKIN, M.Tu., inzh.
Precast prestressed reinforced concrete frames for single-story
industrial buildings. Nay.takh. i pered.op. v stroi. 19 no.6-6-9
Je '57. (Min 10: 10)
(Industrial buildings)
(Prestressed concrete construction)
Large industrial building made of precast reinforced concrete.
Prom stroi. 39 no.6:31-36 161. (MIRA 14:7)
(Factories-Design md construction)
(Stavropol-Reinforced concrete construction)
GITNIK, in7h.; rsyRLIPIA, S.L., inh.
Sectional princinle in the denjFn of Pntei-.r)!-i!,e!, I-)r *o c-n5trucr~nn
industry. Pron.'stroi. 30 no.0:4C-47 '(1. 0111!~~ 14 .10)
(Industrial buildinrs)
~7-- i,. -,%- ;
GITNIKJ* S., inzh.
lafge irmil, trial buildi made of precast reinforced concrete. Na
stroi. Boo. 3 nu.2:23-25 F 162. (MIRA 16:2).
(Stavropol-Industrial buildings) (Precast concrete construction)
GITOVICH, A., nachaltnik.
Further development of short wave radio amateur activities. Radio no.10:41
0 '53. (MIRA 6:10)
1. Kollektivnaya radiastantalya kluba Smolensk. (Radio, Short wave)
AUTHOR: P'yanchenkov and Gitovich
TITLE: Smolensk Ultra short -~iv_e_ XrhAteurs on the Air (V efire --
ul'trakorotkovolnoviki Smolenska)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 4, p 27 (USSR)
A-BSTRACT: The Smolensk Oplast DOSAAF Radio Club pays great attention to the
development of ultrashort-wave radio amateurisin. Twenty-two new radio
amateurs went on the air recently, among them Shchepetil'nikov, Daynenko,
Vol'skiy, Khibenkov, Losev, and others, who opamte almost daily.
Vol'skiy established the first contact with the boat, "Kooperatsiya, " which
headed toward Antarctica on December 9, 1956; his RSM was 595-595.
Lyubarets, a radio operator of "Kooperatsiya, " reported that the communica-
tion he had had with Vol'skiy was most reliable.
Gard 1/ 1
late postpartal hemorrhages. 22 no-3:74-79 Hr 158
(MIRA 11:4)
1. Iz kafedry skusheretva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. I.I.
Yakovlev) I Leningradakoro meditniziskogo Inatituta Imeni akad.
I.P.Pavlova (dir. A.I.Ivanov)
(IABCR, hemorrh.
late postpartum, causes (Rus))
Prognostic 6ignificance oC O-e tampora1-brachial (,,_wf'OJ.cJ,3nt
in parturi.ents In physiologiial and pathological labor. Akush.
_1 gin. 39 no.38101-W5 MJ-je *63 (MIRA 17:2)
1. 1z kafedry a~kusherstva I ginekologii (zav. -- -,.a!i1uzh-mnyy
deyatell nauki prof. I.1. Yakcvlev) !--go Lor,.Angrad4togo medi
toinskog~ Instttuta imen.1 I.P.Pavlova.
AUTHORS: Mogilevskiy, E.I., Gits, I.D, and Ioshpa,. B~A~
TITLE: Electronic Circuitry o f the
lar Magnetop
IZMIRAN (Institute of Earth MaynTr"sm and Radio Wave
Propagation of the Academy of Sciences)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavederii.y. Radiofizika,
1960, Vol 3, Nr I, pp 67-71 (USSR)
ABSTRACT~ The method of measurement of the magnetic fields of the
sun spots is based on the following princ,Lple~, The
Zeeman components which are elliptically polarized in
various directions for different intensities in that
pcrtion of the Fraunhoffer line which is selected by
means of a slit, By directing such a component onto a
photo,-cathode by means of a light analysed:-, a modulated
light beam is obtained. From the depth al' the
modulation it is possible to deterrviin,~, thE- magnittide of
the magnetic field. The situation i_~; illu~strated in
Card 1/5 Fig I., The intensity of the magnetit: fi.,?Ld is
Electronic Circuitry of the Solar Magnetographs of IZMIRAN
(Institute of Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the
Academy of Sciences)
defined by
Card 2/5
where 1~ is the difference between the light beams of
two components at a given point of the contour. k is
a parameter describing the magnitude of the Zeeman
effect for a given line, J is the intensity at a
given point of the contotiT, F is a rkiiiction describing
the polarization of the experimental equipment.,
4t`= is the average radiation, M is the depth of the
modulation and X is the wavelength. It is seen therefore
that the measurement of Hz amounts to a simultaneous
measurement of ~- and dJ/dX ThLS principle of
measurement was first realized in IZMIRAN in 1953 (Ref 1).
The electronic circuxtry of the measuring instrument
(magnetograph) should be desigried in such a way that a LI/
Electronic Circuitry of the Solar Magnetographs of lZMIPAN
(Institute of Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the
Academy of Sciences)
stable and reliable gain for the signal 4~- is obtained-,
secondly, the Doppler shift should be el:tminated.. as well
as the asymmetry of the contour and its changes at
various spots of the sun, The first magnetograph of the
IZMIRAN was furnished with a mechanical light modulator
(see Fig 2),~ However. later investigations showed that
the modulation frequency had to be increa8ed to above
200 c/s. For this purpose the mechanical modulator
was replaced by an electro-optical modulator (Ref 7).
A Kerr cell was employed as the modulator and this
operated at the frequency of 225 cls (st- Fig 3).
Further development of the instrument aimed at the
increase of the signal-noise ratio, ft was Cound that
this could be achieved by employing
, a balanced method
of signal rer-eption. In this case the amplifier was in
the form of a photo-mult1plLer and a narrow-band
Card 3/5 amplifier. The signal applied to the measuring device
Electronic Circuitry of the solar magnetographs of IZMIRAIN
(Institute of Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the
Academy of Sciences)
was compensated so as to obtain a zero resultant
voltage. The block schematic of the resulting
magnetograph is shown in Fig 4. The device consists
of. (1) Kerr cell, (2) d.c. voltage sourcef
(3) amplifier, (4) a photo-multiplier, (5) a supply
source for the photo-multiplier, (6) a recording
device, (7) an audio generator. (8) an amplifier
(operating 225 c/s and having it band-width of 5 c/a),
(9) a phase detector, (10) q-feed-back loopi
(11) recorder of the signal (V- and TT a Polaroid.
In order to determine the true value of the measured
field it is necessary to ensure that the position of
the output slit on the contour of the line is rigidly
fixed during the measurement. In practice, this
condition is very difficult to meet., Consequently a
system in which the contour wobbles along the slit was
Card 4/5 introduced. In this the slit always passes through
Electronic Circuitry of the Solar Magnetographs of IZMIRAN
(Institute of Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the
Academy of Sciences)
that point of the contour which has a vitaximum value of
dJ/d%,, When the contour is displaced., the signal is
modulated at the wobbling frequency. The depth of this
modulation gives the magnitude of the displacements
Subsequently, the resulting signal is applied to a
feedback circuit. which returns the contour line into
the position such that the slit "cuts" a linear portion
of the contour. A device operating on this principle is
illustrated in Fig 5., There are 5 figures and
8 references, 6 of which are Soviet. I German and
1 English.
ASSOCIATION:Institut zemnogo magnetizma i rasprostraneniya
radiovoln AN SSSR (Institute of Earth Magnetism and
SUBMITTED: March 18, 1959
Card 5/5
Polarization in coronal rays. Astron.zhur. 38 no.3:471"/+77 yj-je
161. (KERL 14t6)
1. Institut zemnogo magn tisma, ionosfery i rasprostraneaiya
radiovoln AN SSSR.
(Sun--Corona) (Pol#ization (Light))
MANOLIUP V-2 starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; .GITSLi, T. [Ghitan, Tj
Some historical medical informaticn from the time of Stethen tiie
Great. Zdravookhranenie 4 no.6:52-56 N-D '61. (,I.tA 15:2)
1. Bukharestskiy institut gigiyeny i sanittrii Rumynskoy Narodnoy
Respubliki (for Manoliu). 2. Zaveduyushchiy kabinetom kafedry istorii
meditsiny Kluzhskogo mediko-farmatsevticheskogo institutta (for
TITLE: An investigation of the light scattering in the water-dioxane
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 1, 1963, 6-1, abatrbat 1D472
("Rev. Phys..Acad. RPR", no. 4, ig6i, 6, 519 - 526)
TEXT: A description is given of the results of weamuring Rayleight's con-
stant and the depolarization degree for an observation angle of 0 in a binery
system with a strong bond between the molecules of the components .(water-dicn
The measurings were carried out with the help of a photoelectric installation.
The concentration relations of the calculated coherent and incoherent scattering
components aro'graphically shown. The calculations were conducted by two meth-
ods corresponding to different points of view regarding a change of the refrac-
tion index in the elementary solution volumes. The depolarization degree and the
intensity of the scattered light (calculated from the point of view of the wwro-
scopical theory) on.the density fluctuations reveal a minimum in the region of
Card 1/2
An investigation of the light scattering in ... SA)5b/b3/000/W1/Ot6/120
those concentrations at which the SYstem Possesses a strong bond. The experj-
mental results correspond well to the phenomenological thcoijr of light scatter-
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
N. Voyshvillo,
J /
Card 2/2
ILIYESKU) K.K. , prof. [Iliescu, K.K. J; L, , dolftor; S`:T::.-'AII!!3rU, T.
doktor- GITSM M. , doktor; BVIDU, I., doktor; uoktor;
ROSHEiS~~Lw ~corz~ttap doktor
Catheterization of tile left heart through blic interauricular septim,
Kardiologiia 2 no.1;9-13 Ja-F 162~ (MIIRA 15:5)
1. Iz kardiologicheskoy kliniki (dir. -- Prof. EK.11i~13sk-u) BLfkharustskogo
modiko-farmatsevticheskogo instituta.
Yq. M .
AID P - 592
Subject USSR/Engineering
Card 1/1 Pub. 93 - 7/11
Author ; Gitsel'ter, Ya. M., Engineer
Title : Attachment for cutting sectors out of pipes for pipe-
Periodical : Sbor. mat. o nov. tekh. v strol., 8, 15-17, 1954
Abstract A special attachment is suggested which when set on lathes
enables cutting pipes under angle into sectors necessary
for a fitting assembly for a pipe-bend. The details of
such attachments are shown on diagrams.
Institution: None
Submitted : No date
GrrSILITBR, Ta4., Inzhenar
Uperience in wintertim electric welding of pipelines for
technical uses. Sbor. mat. o nov. tekh. v stroi. 17 no.4:2P.-30
155. (MLRA 8:6)
(Blectric welding--Cold weather conditions)
6r I rS E 7- ON,
Mechanism of reversion of bemolysix I .% ret,ku%
.01.1 1 1 Citwl'"XI (Kr-Iwya"k %feil. In't [Wkd.
.1k.4 70. v%pl, Ili.
-Ivlh"wyt- ,' hVj- I- hTPM(XIk "'AC) -1111
loaf .1wettrouletr 'IdIs. (tticults Film) ji-ph."IN
A-"l chit In ch~ =Wfl 'd 0 43 1) Xre NXI re~.oo o1
mn be reiruL.)y "abliAtA by th~ whin of ,
:;-v- mc ol byl-t."ic "n. Fue llorl=f hu... I--
l"ll- lJw 'Ila% olf 1kI -1 () 4-',% N.C). ith -ct,.-
ll~bo* to 0 IS alld It pit; Colliplete letufft 0(
;"t" th'. V01. ...' ,,,I -hkved. but a 011M. ~ffrrt w.. re.ohN
Milli The m~-mm ~- ".able wily d th, b,,ttuAy.i.
-, inildiv tioor, ~ "if walf 41atnjizr by very bypovi-it
-Its, prI,"'Utnt the "heft'"IsTflon C. 361 K-441.4
GITSESKU, Tibefiu[Ghitescu, Tiberiu]
[Pr+ems of experimental vascular and cardiac surgery]Prob-
lemy eksperimefitallnoi sosudistoi i serdechnoi khirurgii.
Bucharest, Izd-vo Akad. RumynBkoi Harodnoi Respubliki, 1962.
"0 P. (MIRA 16:3)
GITSEVIZ(;,,.-~4~-.-.inzh.; HASTROV, Z.B., inzh.; SAGAYDAK, V.G., inzh.
New data on the explosivity of hydrocarbon mixtures in liquid
oxygen. Kislorod 12 no-3:12-16 'S9. WRA 12:10)
(Hydrocarbons) (Oxygen) (Explosions)
Phage titer growth reaction In th'J BtUd.-~ of e/lArnal f3m,11ronment. Zhur.
mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 40 no.11:3-46 N 163.
(MIRA 17.12)
Use of the phage titer growth regction for studying objects in the
external environment. Report No.2: Use of the pi1uC-"- titer growth
reaction in the analysis of water. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i imam.
32 no.7:124 Je 161. ('[I?',A 15:5)
1. Iz Doroz'tmoy sanitartio-epideniiologicii,,skoy jt;tnt,;ii Vostochn'-
sibirskoy zheleznoy dorogi Irkutsk.
tai of the phage increase reaction in the examination of objecO
.0 the external enyironment. Report No.l: Use of the phage increase
reaction in water analysis. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i imimm. 32 no-3:
43-41, Mr '61. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Iz laboratorii Dorozhnoy sanitarno-epidemialogicheakoy stantsii
Vostochno-Sibirsh6y zhelezaoy dorogi, Irkutsk.
KARTAXTSHEY, Anatolly lossafovIch, prof.; POTOTSKIT, I.I., red.; GITSMIN,
A.D., red.
[Textbook on akin and venereal diseases] Uchobnik po kothnym i
venericheakim bolounlam. Izd.2.. ispr. J dop. Kiev,
izd-vo USSR, 1959. 415 P. (MIRA 13:5)
1. TSentrallnyy institut usoverahanstvovaniya vrachey Rinisterstva
zdravookhraneniya SSSR (for Kartamyshav).
LAPIDUS, F.I.; P02240GOV, A.I.[POZrA)hov, 0.1.]) red.; GITSHTLM4, A.D.
[Hitshteix, O.D.1, tekhn. red. .. ..... .. I.-------,--
(Tomography of the maxillofacial region] PoBharove rentgeno-
logichne doslidzhennia shcholepno-lytsovoi dillanky. Kyiv
Derzh. med. vyd-vo URSR, 1961. 177 p. (MIRA 15:31
(Jaws-Radiography) (Face-Radiography)
Time marker for the MPO-2 oscillograph. Priborostroenle no.9,28-29
s l6o. (MrXA 13:9)
(Antomatic timers) (Osaillograph)
G71 '-',IT,
Cnr,-~ Phys-Ir.-ath Sci - (~I-Iss~ "Anisotror~.-,' of
erties of r.-.onccrvsta.'-,s of ar.~~ its qlloys." e- n a
19C,] 10 T)T,; (Leninrrid ~'A!O.e
G e r e r: ~i r c) e i. e rn (-s c op 1 1. i c e r
r 1 ven L ll~ 1
'o V
J/ I t3 1 /6()/0()~~[,)07/013/042
L100 G 1'50 7C
AUTHORS: (,I tsu, D, V, 1VW1f:N,
T 1TLE. The Electric Proper? ies of -,i, cf' 11',.1milti,
arld Its Allcys. I T'he j'-a)1ranotT1a-,-n----t1-
B 1 ~~; T-1 U
FE1,1JONCAL: Fiz,,ka f-verdogo teLa. 1960, Vol, 2, No. pp. V(
TEXT: Th-? authors have measu--ed the Hall coerfic"ont R ~trd mu6not ,C.
resisTallse A f /F ~-f very pure sinle crystals c f ir matne!i'.
f,elds betwp e
-n l')00 and 18,000 oe ( i~?I? zras ~meusured a1sn f,~,r -,Y~q rami-
!8c' - 5~00 -e) (IT 11ori-itudinal ). They report c, tii,~- methcil rC measuremert
and the results cbtained. The bismuth, was 9M7% purt!,. and was rbrfjinpd
fr.-?m -.hp Sverdlo-skly zavod kh4.mirh'?:3kikh 7,:ak"v(""f S%,.Prdj.--k Works
~'b -till - -;n,-
fo~r Chem".,al ReaCerts). IT had ;Mpuri-
-1 S., - ~ . -
anj c-f Zn, Fo, i'd . 13, Air, anI Cl , It. Na-,; 1c,
-el ining. and cvlindri -al -,ing',~ r:rystal-s were
Walli- la The sami~-Pc wer-~ "rp~--arod wit'i thp
The Electric Properties of Single Crystals
of Bismuth and Its Alloys~ I. Galvanomagnetii B006/B(D70
Properties of Pare Bismuth
orientations of the crystallographic axes relative, to the axis of the
sample: A) The trigonal axis parallel to the axis of' the -sample.. B) One
of the binary axes parallel to the axis of the sample. 0) The trigolial
and one of the birary axes perpendicular to the axis of' the sample. All
samples were subjected to a tempering at 2000C for 56 hourt),, and there-
after slowly cooled. All elo~otricaL measuroments were IlMde by a
compensation method with a potentiometer of the type (P'AS-48).
The errors of measurement were no more than 3-5%. The results are shcwn
diagrammatically. Fig. 1 shows rotation diagrams R(G) and S?J (0 for
crystals of the A-type; the curves show three symmetric maxima botween 0
and 1800. at 30., 90. and 1200. Fibr. 2 shows, for tho -oame cryoita.18,
R(H) and -!~~ (R) for the maxima (curve a) a~; well as for the minima
(curve b) 'of ~he rotation diagram. Fig. 5 shows rctlir'on diagrams of the
B--type crystals, obtained by rctating the sample about orii of the binary
axes; here. the curves R(Q) and (9) have no similarity. Fig. A again
Card 2/4
The Electric Properties of Sin.-le Crystals
of Bismuth and Its Alloys I .GalvanomaOeti-: B006/'BO-70
Properties of Pure Bismuth
shows R01) and -~~ (H) fcr tht~ cry.-O-ils of thi.,-, ty!)., !h,w! zurvo-,, a and 1)
showing the uourt3es for (9 - 900 anal z~ 0')~ The s,~'uaLlorl for the O'rys!dl~-
of the third type-,.is ghown. in Figi, and For -3 -- O'~, trigorial
axis parallel to H. is perpendicular at 0 900; in tile forMer case R(Q)
and 6V (Q) have a minimum and in t!it, latter a maximuri.. Fig. 6 shows
I '
R(H.' a-rid (H) for 9 = 900 and 9 = 00, Finally, the mea-urement. of
in ti-ie longitudina: H field is briefly mentioned.. F-.6. 7 91hows 11)
fer all. three types cf orientations. It was found Thai holds wili.-
a 4 0- C S ~~21, 10-looe'-2. 'Ooe'- ie -1 ow~ r
A' aB and a,c-'29.10- Tr f~
values of resistivily %,.ere found at 20,CC YA 5-7- 10' ~chm.--. and
1,04, 1o- 4ohm~nm, There are 7 figur-is and
US, -3 British. and 2 G~rman-
Card V4
The Electric Properties of Single Crystals 143 1,/(,..O/OO:VOo-(,,/o I ~/04-z
of Bismuth and Its Alloys. I. Gal VlLnomagnetic po06, 13()-~O
Properties of Pure Bismuth
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicbeskiy ingtitut -,m.
A. 1. Gertsena (Leningrad Sttt(I j'edagQgi~~Itl Illsti~ute
im. A. 1. Gertsen)
SUBMITTED~ September 17, 1959
Card 4/4
8253 9
s'/i a i /6o/002/007/0 14/0,12
C19 B006/B,,')70
AUTHORS. Gitsu, D. V. Ivanov, G. A,-
of Bi
TITLE: The Electric Properties of SinEl,~ a t smuth and
Its Alloys,, II. The Galvanomagnetic rropertleo of Alloys
of Bismuth With Tellurium (Solld SolutLons) J1 -
V~ A '
Vol. 2. No.
Pizika tverdogo tela.
TEXT: Following the previous work (I", the authors give results of
measurement of the Hall coefficient R and the ma.:,netic resistance 6?
in magnetic fields between 1300 and 18,000 oe for single crystals of
bismuth-telluriumAlloys, as well as result3 of measurements of
in lorgitudinal magnetic field. The cylindrical single cvystals
investigated were again placed in three iifferent orientat.,.c)n~3 of the
crystallographic axes relative to the axis of the sample; A) The
trigonal axis parallel to the axis of the sample. B) Cne of the binary
axes parallel to the axis of the sample, C) The tri!~onal and one of the
binary axes perpendicular to the axis of the sample, i:Thefie -,hree case3
Card 1/4
Th- Electric Properties of Single Crystals of S/181/,60/002/007/0114/042
Bijmuth axid Its Alloys. II. The Galvano- BOO61"DC-70
mignstic Properties of' Alloyj of Bismuth With
Tellurium (Solid Solutions)
are desi,-nated by Aj -P) ). The sample3 had teLlurlum impurit4es c~f 0.02
to 0.5 at%. Fig. I shows rotation diagrams ~~,f A-type R(G) and
(9) between 0 and 600. A clear dependence on tli~-- c-:~ncerltration of
tel lur 4 aM is seen; the higher the impufity concent-rati--n, the Inwer is the
ang-ular dependence. For 0.5 - 0.5 at% of tellurium, R and Li r lo are
practically independent of 9; for 0.02 at% the-e is a distinct)maximum at
301, Fig. 2 shows R(H) and (H) fcr difftirent T-, c-cri:.entrn.ticns f-,--
9 = 500 and 00 (maximum and minimum in the rot~itL:,n diag-ram.). Also h~-rc,
for 2oncentrations 0.5 at% there is n-~ mo-re dependerc,, on. H. Analogous
results were obtained on inve3tigation~, cf the c--1,11stals .)f the othe:- twc,
tyl)e-;. Fig. 5 shows R(G) and (0) botw-~~?n 0 ktn;l 1800,- Fig. 4, R(H) and
'H) for the type B, and Figs. 6 and 7 f -z the type C. Th-~ number3 in
the vicinity of the --urves give the concentra-,ion cf t,~11-urium; Figs. 5 and
Card 2/4
The Electric Properties of Single Crystals of S/i a 1 /'60,100 2/007/0 1 " /04 2
Bismuth and Its Alloys. II. The Galvano- B006/8070
magnetic Properties of Alloys cf Bismuth Wi-~h
T-~Ilurium (Sol-;d Solutions)
8 show R as a function of telluri~im --oncentration. in ii iun'~;tudinal
magnetic field, AP approximat-~Iy ob,~, '-- the law -A P., Fig. 9 shcwG a
as a function of tilt, t Pllilrium conc~-r tration ; a K E', c n,~ n t : a ~ 1.-~
increa~itig concentration. Th,, re~~ults of zieasuremi~'rit I," re."jstLv~"ty fo-z
pure blsmuth and fcr bismuth doped with tRilurium (0.02 - 0.5 at'% of Tk~)
are collected in a Table. Then, a phenomenological th~-(%ry ---F the gavano-
magnetic phencmena in crystals of the type D3d is given. Th~ results
obtained are discusspd it, detail. The author, fi;iaily th::trk Frofe.:Sor A. R.
Regel', Doctor of Physical and Mathematlical Sclencel--, avi Prof,zj.~cr A. V.
Stepanov or their interest and alvice. There ar-:~ 9 figures, 1 table, and
12 references: 4 Soviet, 2 German, -2 US, 2 Japanes~, and 2 Bri,--'sh.
ASSOCIATION: Leningrad3kiy go9ud:3rstv,~-!,.,fy --:~'Jtitut
A. I. Gertspna (Leningrad State Fedagog4:,!.~-' 3 e
1 r. t tut
A. I. Gertsen)
Card 3/4'
82 53 9
The Electric Properties of Single Crystals of S/ I a 1/6 0~/002,/GG7/)014/1042
Bismuth and Its Alloys. II. The Galvano- Boo6,/BO7(,'
magnetic Properties of Alloys of Bismuth With
Tellurium (Solid So)utions)
SUBMITTED; September 17, 1959
Card 4/4
"I 05-,/A 10 1
=113P's Gitsu, D . V lvanov, G . A
TI 7'L2: of ~;allvano-magnet`;.c properties of bismuth and its
a with tellurium,
Referati!iny:j z.-rurnal, N:etallurgiya, nu. 7, 1962, '13, abstract 7175
("Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta A. Ii. Gertsena", 1.961,
2G7, 13 - 29)
The effect of admixtures on tae -anisotropy of electrical properties
of was lnves-.igated. 'As startLng material for the alloys was used Bi with a
nurity of 99.97%. Among admixtures wit~q a strong effect or~ electrical properties'!
of :34- ?b 0.01), Sb C .005), and also thousand t1is and smaller parts of
per cent-- of Zn, Fc, Cd, :3, AS, and C::. Bi .,:as purified by repeLlted zone melting.
crystals of the alloys were grown by the method of K,:-.pitsa. All samples
nneaed after Growth and tine control or, monocrystalL.Inity in a thermcstat
UU-11 nE; ~Q '-rz at 2GOOC -eirith s-absequent slow coolinir_ The ellectric resistance of
s'-,r'-e crysta:s -e;az determined both in a magnetic fielid (up to '18,GOO oersted)
and without magnetic field, and also the Hall effect. It was observed that the
Card 1/2
Aniz3tropy of ...
21/137/6 Z/000/007/037/072
=ifficient docreLs,~s in absolute =16-nllltude, romain'-',.,.,~ negat-'ve, in swnpl,03
orientation ~Z crystallographic axes relatve to the current and mag-
netfc field Grientatcn a sufficient quantity c;f admixture 'aas added (O.Cr~
-t' -e) . This c.:xpiained by the increase in concentration Df electrons durffn~,
rle ~n--rt,4,uction and the -ecrease in concentration of oz. The addition of Te
adm"Lrt-,~re effects a decreaso of the dependence of t'lae uo,:,r, the
..,- -I-- The --dm--'.'-,ure of Te eff'ects a sharp dro-) :;f the concentration
field .
of '-Olas and rfse of mcbility of the latter; on, the -the voncentrat'-c;-,
-)f eff- - n'
----ctrons r--*scs, therefore decreases the dependo-e ~-' the H--I 1 00 -~ ic *e ~
the mnaGretic field. A oharp decrease of the deper-lunce 3f ma~;netic resis-
L vh
tance upon the field intensity is observed and -;cmo inxr-3-ase of ' e quadra-
-Y cormec~cd w:~th the sharp dec-"eaze o~' effic-'sney ol the
c-- raz-,3e Of
- - -,-,oys because of the sharp drop of electron mncbility with an
field - a--
increase of Te admixture. T.,.iere are 19 references.
,%z . Avrazz7,cv
Abstracter's note. Complete translation
AUTMRS: Gitsu, D. V., Ivanov, G. A., Luzhkovskiy, V. G.
tITLE: The microhardness of bismuth alloys and its relation to electrical
characteristics of these alloys
PERIODTCATL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 7, 1,)6;?, 66, abstract 71424'
("Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. In-ta im. A. 1. Gertsena", 1961, 207,
45 - 50)
TEXT An investigation of the microhardness of Bi-Te and Bi-Sn-Te alloys,
carried out with pressed samples, Indicates apparently, that the microhardness of
alloys containing a small amount of admixture is determine(k principally by changes
of' electron concentration effected by this admixture, rather than by the number of
admixture atoms.
T. Rumyantseva
(Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
ILI (90 (/,1'/.3/ //3 B102/B138
AUTHORS: Gitsu, D. V., Ivanov, G. A., and Popov, A. M.
TITLEj Thermoelectromotive force in bismuth and its alloys with
PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. i,.1962, 22 - 28
TEXTi Measurement was made of the thermo-emf a of Bi single crystals with
a tellurium impurity. The temperature difference was between 2 and 100C
in dependence on the Te concentration. When the temperature gradient was
oriented parallel io the trigonal axis, the differential thermo-emf was
denoted by a,,, for a perpendicular gradi6ntiit wan a Ij anisotropy was
thus characterized by a,,/a,.. The measurements were carried out by a com-
pensation method using a MT"-i (PPTN-1) potentiometer and copper-
constantan thermocouples. a dropped rapidly with increasing Te content
(from 0 - 0.4 at%); the anisotropy also decreases, vanishing at 0.1 at",'o Te
where the at, and a, curves meet'. In.order to explain this behavior the
rotation diagrams wereltaken for-the thermo-omf of pure and impure single
bard 1/4
Thermoelectromotive force in ... B102/13138
_:rystals. In the first case they were elliptic and in the second circular.
Exact measurements showed that there was no anisotropy between 0.1 and
0.3 aU"" Te. From the equations of the isoenergetic surfaces of conduction
and valence bands, on the assumption that the electron and hole mean free
paths were independent of carrier energy for both pure Bi and its alloys,
-i-T' - 01i -;T-
was found;
2e2 V2mjM2M3 dE
O'J-- Wh3m' dE
2e2 VFMIM2M3 ,E4 AOL dE.
Wh3m6 JE
denotes the level of chemical potential.
For a relaxation time
Card 2/4
Thermoelectromotive force in ... B102/B138
T rJE _11/2 # a a k 2F 11 (X ') Iw-ere is the reduced level of chemical*
j a F0 (79 a
potential. The same relation is found for total thermo-eaLf, if the con-
tributions of the sets of ellipsoids are added. a Q.L . _L
eT A
2es 111WI-asms all
A 310A3 dE,
M=- 20r2m,mias dE. (221
These relati6_n_s__!i6la-_ik--on'e-- el'ictr-on'remains in the Bi alloy with in-
creasing Te content. This contains the vanishing anisotropy found ex-
perimentally. In anisotropic metals (Zn, Cd, Hg), semimetals (Bi, 5b)
and semiconductors (CdSb) anisotropy may be considerable (Bis
aH ' 96.6 pv/deg,,a - 58 .0 1xv/deg at 180C). There are 2 figures, I table,
and 13 referencess 1-6 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The four most recent
references to English-language publications read as follows: G. E. Smith.
Phys. Rev., 1115, 1561, 1959; B. Abeles a. S. Meiboom. Phjs. Rev., 101p
844& 1)1~6; A# H. Wilson. The theory of metals, Cambridge, 1954;
Thermoelectromotive force in ... B102/B138
F. R. Drabble a. R. Wolfe. Proc. Phys. Soc., 69, 1101, 1956.
ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskiy gosudaratvennyy pedagogicheskij inatitut, im.
A. 1. Gertsena (Leningrad state Pedago,,,,,ical Institute imeni
A. I. Gertsen)
SUBMITTEDt June 21, 1961
Card 4/4
AC6 i
AUTHOILS Gitsu, D. V., Ivinov, G. A.
T I =E: ,nisotropy of tli(,, galvanomagneti.c properties of' bismuth and its
alloys with tellurium
N-MODICAL: Ref'orativnyy Lhurnal, Fizi~-.a, no. 8, 1962, 2R, abst"act M`1207
("Uch.zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta im. A. I. Oertsena", 10,61,
207, 1-3 - 29)
=(T: The anisotropy of the galvanomagnetic properties of Bi arid Its al-
loys with To in magnetic fields of up to 18 kilogauss was investigated. The
single crystals concerned had the shape of cylinde 'rs 3 - 11*mr, in diameter and
5 - 8 cm long, and were oriented in one of the following three ways: A, the
trigonal axis parallel to the specimen rt:cis; B, the binary a-xis parallel tb the
specimen axis, and C, the specimen axis perpendicular to the binary and trigonal
crystal axes. In type-A specimens a trigonal symmetr-j of' the Hall coefficient
RH and the magnetoresistance 6plp was observed, and the maximum of the values
corresponded to a magnetic field perpendicular to the binary axi.s. 11owever, on
C ard 1/3
-'05- 62/000/008/C77/134
3/ IV
Anisotropy of the ... A06 I/A 10 i
an increase of the Te concentration to 0.3 at.r% this synviietry became circular.
At the same time, the magnitude of the effects decreased. 'Elie resistance,io,
of.the alljy depended on the Te concentration, displaying 1 minimum at 0.2'rt-..%
Te.- The properties of type-B specimens also became 1w;-; dej)enlicw~ on Uie
magnetic Cield orientation on Te addition, without vanishiru; ~~,)mplotely. The
maximum of AP/o sets in at an angle of, say, -,Do, formed by the nal,rnetic field
and the trig_onal axis. In pure bismuth RH ha's a minimum -which is also sl~if'ted
by 100, and where it changes its sign to positive. This :;ig-~ change i:-, rfmovi7d
by a Te addition. The same effect of Te impurity Is observed-in C-type spcci-
mens. In pure Bi the 60 curve exhibits a double maximum for a magnetic field
being perpendicular to the trigonal crystal axis. p was totind to charige in the
longitudinal magnetic field of all specimen types concerned. Thi:3 effect wa.,;
also reduced in magnitude by Te addition. These experimental results can 'be
explained qu&litatively from the consideration that the complex character (-;'
pure Bi ani!3otropy is due to the simultaneous presence or holes and electrlori!i
possessing different effective masses and a different anisotropy of mobility.
The Te impurity leads to a decrease of the hole concentration and to tin Increase,
Card 2/3
Anisotrop:e of the ...
S105F),16 2/000/008/0 77/134
A%- I/R 10 1
of the hole mobility. At the same time the electron concentration grows, while
the electron mobility drops. Hence it is to be noted that pure Di atillsotropy,
as from fields of 5 kilogauss, cannot be described phenomenologically In wvA
magnetic field approximation. The Bi-Te alloy anlso~tropy is to somoh- degree
better describable.
I. Farbshteyn
Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 3/3
.-Gitsu, D. Y--, Ivanov, G. A.
TITLE: On calculating the anisotropy of galvano-magnetic properties in
bisrrath single crystals
PERIODICAL: Rcf,~_rativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1953, 10, abstract 1149
("Bul. Akad. Shtintse RSSMold., IZv. 101 M-old:33R", 1962, no. 5,
83 - 91, Moldavian summary)
TEXT: A multi-ellipsoidal Shoenberg model (D. Shoenberg "Phil. Trans.
Roy. Soc.", 1952, A245) was calculated for the case of Bi and Bi with Te admix-
ture and the results were compared with the experiment. It was found that the
given model was in agreement with experimental data. It follows that In repro-
ducing the picture of anisotropy of galvanomagnetic properties for single crys-
tals of Bi and its alloys with Te at room temperature, it is necessary to take
into account the inclination of the main axes of the ellipsoidal surfaces in the
conductivity zone, to the symmetry axes of the crystal. It is easy to select a
model of the zonal structure of crystals from the rotation diagramz of gaivano-
magnetic effects.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation] A. Loshmanov
Card 1/1
investigation of the efficiency coefficients in the solid solution
system A]Sb-GaSb. 1. 1. Surdiyan. (10 minutes).
,~nvestigarion of some properties of indiu-m arseno-telluride doped
w:tn bismuth. D._V-. G.itzu, S. I. Radautsan. (.4ot Presented)j-
Pnysico-chemical properties of the pseudo-binary alloys of arsenic
with indium telluride. B. P. Kotrubenko, V. I. Lange, T. 1. Lange.
Study of the anisotropy of microhardness of some semiconducting
compounds. 0. V. Gitzu, V. 1. Lange, T. I. Lange. -
(Presented by 0. V. Gitzu--15 minutes).
:-~aoo.-t oresented at the 3rd National Ccaference on Seniconductor
Compounds, Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1963
Density of the electronic states in the conduction band of
bismuth. Fiz.tver.tela 5 no.5:1406-1410 My 163.
(MIRA 16:6)
1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut
imeni, A.I.Gertsena.
(Bismuth-Electric properties)
NASLEDOV, D.N., prof., red.; GORYMOVA, 'li.A., 1-;rof., T-ed.1-
GITSU,,.D.V., kand. fiz.-wit. nauk, red.; LOGZ,
kand. fiz.-mat. naukp red.; F"ADAUISAN, S.I., 1mr-d. fiz.-
matem. nauk, red.
keseFirch on semiconductors; new semiconductor mil, te---ials
Isaledovaniia po poluprovodnikam; novye polul)l-ovodnlko*,rye
materialy. Kishinev, Kartia Moldoveniaske, 11)(4. 173 P.
(IMIRA 17:5)
1. Akademiya nauk Moldavskoy S.M. Institut fiziki i matema-
ACCESSION NR: AP4043397 S/0181/64/006/008/2550/2551
AUTHOR: Gitau A----Te
TITLEt On the symme4ry of rotation diagrams of magnetoresistance
about an n-fold axis
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 8, 1964, 2550-,2551
.TOPIC TAGS: Ha'11 effect, galvanomagnetic effect, resistivity,
crystal structure
ABSTRACT: The structure of the rotation diagrams of the magnetoresis-
tance ApIp about the C60 C and C axes in crystals of class D
4# 3 6h'
0 , and D is considered phenomenologically in the weak magnetic
h 3d
field approximation, with terms of order higher than H" included in
the expansions. The expressions are derived for the particular case
when the current is directed along the C axis (n = 3, 4, 6),and the
Card 1/2
field is perpendicular to the current. Separate expressions are
obtained for even n (including n = 2) and for odd n. It can be
shown similarly that the add components of the Hall field have the
same angular dependence as the magnetoresistance. Although the
expressions are obtained in the weak magnetic field approximation,
they are applicable over a wide range of magnetic fields even at
low temperatures. Orig. art. has: I figure and 4 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki i matematiki AN MSSR, Kiabinev (Insti-
tute of PhysI-cs and Mathematics, AN MSSR)
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AP4041382 S/0048/64/028/006/1080/1084
AUTHOR: Lange, T.I.; Gitsu, D.V.; Lange, V.N.
TITLE: Investigation of the microhnrdnova anisotropy of some semiconductor com-
pounds ZR-eport, Third Conference on Semiconductor Compounds held in Kishinev 16 to
.21 Sep 196V
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizichesicaya, v.28, no.6, 1964, 1080-1084
[TOPIC TAGS- semiconductor, semiconductor property, microh-Irdness, crystal structure.
ABSTRACT: It Is suggested that useful information concerning the forces within a,
crystal may be obtainable from the easily measured microhardness anisotropy, and a
number of measurements, performed in an exploration of this possibility, are pro-
sented. The microhardness measurements were performed by a method described else-
where (Yu.S.Boyarskaya and M.I.Val'kovskayn, Kristallografiya 7,261,1962; V.N.Lange'
and T.I,Lange, Fiz.tverdogo tela,6,2029,1963), which involves scratching the crys-
tal face in a controlled manner with a special machine. Materials investigated in-
clude InSb, In2TO3, DO, Dip Sb, TO and To-Sb alloys, In each case the microhardness
was plotted against the angle between the scratch and an appropriate crystallogra-
1/.'. Card 1/~
phic axis, and a suitable trigonometric power series was fitted to the points.These
curves differ considerably in shapc from case to case. When the crystal symmetry is
such that the period of the microhardness curve is 1200, the microhardness depends
not only on the plane to which the scratch is parallel, but also on the direction
in which it is traversed. This difference can amount to 30% in ln2Te3. In some cas-
es the authors plot other crystal properties together with the micratiaMness. Parti-
cularly striking is the agreement between the rather involved shape of the microhard-
ness curve for the (0001) face of Bi and that of the curve relating direction and
Intensity of the Hall field. The addition to Bi of amall quantities of Te or Pb,
which oppositely affect the electm n/hole ratio, distort the m1crohardness curve
strongly and quite differently. The authors argue that it should be possible to
obtain information concerning the band structure and the shape of the Fermi hurface
gram microhardness anisotropy measurements. The authors characterize their aigu-
ments as "phenomenological" and "purely formal Orig.ort.hasi 4 formulas, 4 fi7,
and 1 table.
Card 26
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya poluprovodnikovy*kh soyedinonly Akadomii nauk MoldSSR
(Laboratory of Semiconductor Compounds, Academy of Sciences, MoldSSR)
.sull CODE: SS, HE Nn REP SM., 008 001H)b 002
Card 3/3
-ans 0:7 rt:,Latfon
o I
axis. tver. tola 6 noX:25zC-' 'I.,
,-- L 28560-66-.EW(m)/Rwp(w)IETV(f).&/RWE(t)/ETI T.TP(,- IRM14M --- -. -1
i XZZ-N- =, AP6612511 SOURCE CODE-: --tj~/0181/~6/0r-)8/004/1293/1395..,,"-
1AUTHORS: Gitsu, D. V.; Ivanov, G. A.
ORG: Institute of AvDlied PhysicB,AN MSSR.Kishinev (Institut prikladnoy,
fiziki AN MSSR)
'TITLE: Some features of the influence of Sn and Te impurities on the
Anisotropy of the galvanomagnetic properties of bismuth 1V1
ISOURCE; Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 8, no. 4, 1966, 1293-1295
TOPIC TAGS: tin, selenium, bismuth, galvanomagnetic effect, impurity
level., magnetoresistance, Hall constant, bismuth base alloy, ternary
ABSTRACT: This is a contimiation of earlier work by on,3 of the authors
(Ivanov, FMM v. 16, 848p 1963 and earlier), where It was shown that, at
certain concentratiWs. ternary alloys of bismuth with On and Te have
the same properties\'Us pure bismuth, meaning that the Sn aiid Te c'a'ncel
each other out. The present study reports measurements of the angalar
,dependence of the magnetoresistance and t~%- Hall Cc fficlent at r~O-T-
'temperature, in a maGnetic field of 18 kOe. for twZsuch compensated
[cylindrical samples with different crystalloLrr,-tphic~borionLc-Ltions. The
!results showed that when the axis of the sample was parallel '~o the C
Card 1/2
L 2856o-66
ACC NRo Ap6ol2511 010
,axis of the crystal the sample had galvanomagnetic properties jimllar to
~that of pure bismuth. When the sample axis was parallel to the cry*jtal-!
I f
;lographic C axis the magnetoresistance of the tcompensated' sample ex- i
1ceeded that of a binary alloy with either Sn or Te. In the case of
~sample A, the diagram remaino symmetrical regardlez~s oLf the nature of
!the additive, and the magne tore sis tance was lower than that of the alloy
with tin, and much higher than that of the alloy with tellurium. The
Mall coeffIcLent of the compensated samples was larger in absolute mag-
Initude than In pure bismuth. It is concluded that although the Influ-
ence of the impuritieB on the anisotropy of the galvanomagnetic proper-
ties of bismuth has a rather complicated character, it can be explained
qualitatively within the framework of the existing theories. Orig.
art. has: 2 figures, 3 formulas, and 1 table.
CODE:.20/ SUBM DATE: lONov65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001
Card 2/2
00 9
--A-L 1-1 LLM it
!"'!v -Iqj - 0
hbaralliciff twW814 01 Am
. IM. 1.
&nmmmoQkmsjAXprvpm.imd6td.-A, 't 'hy All
.d in imnedut conig. bkwd was itivesligat"L 'flit' vc
did not differ from that of othity AS con:ipdmi. of tile Site
dcvm of dimocn. The dilial-ling a,lion wa~ ,(-I in.
ffeitred by excm NHj. The prepu. had litik vfimt on
expitimentally produced purulmi inkctiom m mWl. and
white mkr a t th(rwtd no odymulav o-r the pt,-viou-4v
us"I AgN(N. hi.
u x AV to As q
0 40 s An & a 01 0 -W- -,., -W -.
0 0
4 i "s # 1~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0
/ , - - .;- a ~ -IV-
-. ~: /7/"",
'%-~ -,* ~ pui,
MnteriRl on sporndic cnees of Breolnu infection in Molotov. Y-hur.
mi)-robiol.eDid. i immun.,auDDlement for 1956:53-54 '57 (MIRA 11:1)
1. 1% Molotovskogo institutn vpktsin i syvorotol~ i Gorodskoy bol'nitay.
Activity of the Perm branch of the I.I. Mechnikov Al-l-Union
Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists and Infectious
Disease Specialists. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i i"mun.
33 no.2:158 F $62. '1"-P,;, 15:131)
Case of isolation of S.Heidelberg from a frog's intestine. Zhur.
mikrobiol., epid.i immun. 33 no.8.125-126 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Iz Permskogo instituts. vaktsin i syvorotok.
Bacterial pollution and pyrogenicity of diaferm-3 sera. Mauch. osn.
proizv. bakt. prep. 10:206-212 161. (MIIUI 18:7)
1. Permskiy inatitut vaktsin i syvorctok.
GITTEE-AN, L. I. L;Un 53
U'13~;R/Medlcine - Ty1hoid
"Attempt at Yhage Tyl.inL: of "!.yhoid Bacteria in -Fracticn,"
L. 1. Gitterrian, Volotov In3t of Vaccines and .':era
Zhur '.dkro, ',Pid, i lm.,Tim, No 6, p 88
In phage typin;- 'or epidemolojicai analysis, P~Ahor foun,_~ Uhat the -,redominwit phage
types were F, ~,,'and A. ',bdification of' phage types CoUl 1 be dirfer~-Itiated acc to
individual cultures: F, changed into A, cultures that coull'] not be typed -'-..-nCed ;-:Ito
G, tyre C)1/858 changed into C. A*cthor proved in 4 cases that infection was due to
contaminated water, an--', in one case tc spreadinC of bacilli by carrier.