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SOV/126- - -71-5-6125 AUTHORS: M.Sh.. and N~P. TITLE: On fl~- Dept~njen-e f Psz-meters of P_ Semiconducto-" on Dli",)City of (0 2.av~_5imostl paramet.,cc.' JL'? PZRIODICAL-. F1.7i~a metalLo* metal1r)-vedenlye, 19'5), Vr~! ?9 pp (USSR) ABSTRACTi 3~7, and his -,i-:,.nker.; developed recently a :%,I thec. Y t.~ s iT-.j_c_)adu--.torF (Refs ~n WY1(.r_' tile -111reTa;:~'.Ing qle,~tron,~ were rej.,::-esented as a quasi-pavticle ga3, Piupt-,-',~Ies -!.' 'Llb-4s Pas a-,a detG-m1nad by thi_:j propertlas cf tte assembs~y, arid in the c-aue of an. semni~-.oriduct,.)-r should ct'~-.peni on the Impuzity d-jis.j. t Y The prasent' authors iised. Vt:)miovs!ii5,'s the,)'v, t~, d1scass the energy spe,..-trum oi an n.-type atomi-i: ' " semic.onductor wit.h impuritles. su,,th as germanium with (Vonsc.-ikiyis thri!o:ry can be used also to Study the vnergy spe,~ti-m of a semic-onducto-_-, ~iith ac(ieptcr Jties)~ Th,- authoz-s rieduced dependence of the Card ;Mpul i a.r,ti,.-atlor, ene-;-gy and the effect,ive mas.,~ of cu:trent 1/2 ,.a-, i f, ers or; tLe impurity derisity. [The paper Is 3OV/126- - -',7-5-6/25 On the Dependence of Parmeters of a Semiconductor, on the Density of Impurities entirely theoretical.] S.V. Vonsovskiy, Y-a-P. Card 2/2 for their advice. There are 8 references, 1 English. Acknowledgements are made to Irkhin and I.M. Tsidillkovskiy 5 of which are Soviet and ASSOCIATIONs Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (UralsState University) SUBMITTED: March 30, 1915,8 sov/1z6_8-2-3/26 AUTHORS: Giterman, N1. Sh. and Moskalenko, S. A. TITLE: On the Structure of Energy Bands in Ionic Crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 2. PP 170-175 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The interaction between electrons in crystals was taken into account in the Shubin-Vonsovskiy polar model (Ref 1). On the basis of this model Votisovskiy -and his collaborators (Ref 2) have considered a large nwiiber of static and kinetic effects in metals and semiconductors and have obtained good agreement with experimentaL data. The method of second quantization turned out to be a convenient !iathematical apparatus and was developed by Bogolyubov (Ref 3) for application to crystals, However. in Ref 3 only the simpler case of s-electrons was considered and excited states were not taken into account, Seidov and Galishev (Ref 4) have taken into account one non-degenerate p-state which gave an overlap of energy bands in the spectrum of elementary excita-:ions even in the zero-order approximation. The fact that degeneracy Cardl./4 with respect to the magnetic quantum number wa.-5 neglected in all the above papers means that it was not possible to SOV/126-8-2-3/26 On the Structure of Energy Bands in Ionic Crystals obtain, for example, the anisotropy of the effecti%,e masses of current carriers and certain other effects. The present authors have generalised the polar model to the case of ionic crystals (NaCl, KCI) in Ref 5. The present paper is also concerned with the problem and gives special attention to the degeneracy of the electron states at the Cl points, and the possibility of the motion of current carriers of each sign over both cations and anions. The first of these effects has an important influence on the energy spectrum of the "holes", and in particLilar, on the anisotropy of their effective masses. The second effect leads to a change in the form anti' p~)sition of the energy bands, i.e., it has an influence on the properties of the current carriers. The work reportei in Refs 6 and 7 may be considered as the zero-order .1pl)rOgLination of the solution now given. For simplicity, lattice vibrations are not taken into account. An ideal cubic la-tice is considered with two types of points g and h occupied by positive and negative ions respectively. the ions being Card2/4 considered as fixed. In the ground state, the electron SOV/126-8-2-3/26 On the Structure of Energy Bards in Ionic Crystals density distribution exhibits maximum non-uniformity. Near the g-points (Na, K) there are no valence s-electrons, while at the h-points (Cl) there are six electrons in the p-state having m = 0,+l and 6 = +-1/2 . The excitation of the systait-i is co3mected with a re-duction in the non-uniformity in the charge distri- bution and the appearance of elementary excitations of different signs. These excitations are called electrons and holes, by analogy with the one-electron theory and, correspondingly, the authors refer to-electron and three- hole energy bands. The energy operator for the problem is of the form given by Eq I (N.N. Bogol3rubov - Ref 3). The results obtained are substantially in agreement with those reported by Howland in Ref 9, except that in the present paper the interaction between the valence bands and the conduction band is taken into account. It is shown that the spini orbit interaction is not an essential factor leading to the anisotropy in the effective masses of the current carriers. An approximate diagonalization of Card3/4 the Hamiltonian for the many electron problems is carried SOV/126-8-2-3/26 On the Structure of Energy Bands in Ionic Crystals methpd out and a group theory 3_s used in studying the structure of the bands in sonte directions in K-space. There are 1 figure and 9 references, of which 8 are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat i-meni A.M. Gorlkiy (Ural State University imerxi A.M. Gor2kiy) SUBMITTED: July 8, 1958 Card 4/4 S/16IJ60/002/01/28/035 POO8/BO14 AUTHORS: Giterman, M. Sh., Irkhin, Yu. P. TITLEi Theory of Electrical Conductivit f A tifirromaEnetic Polar Crystals; I PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No, 1, pp. 144-152 TEXT: The authors calculated the energy spectrum of the carriers of antiferromagnetic polar crystals with intrinsic and oxtrinsic conducti- vity, taking account of the electron - background interaction and the effect of the magnetic order. The latter determines the change in activation energy and effective mass near the N6el temperature. The results obtained were compared with experimental data. The theoretical results contain the quantity of the s-d exchange interaction I and the quantity IQ 1Wl as parameters, The latter is proportional to the vidth of the conduction band. As usual, these quantities are parameters of the theory and are determined from a comparison with the experiment. They are related to the experimental quantities LNE and /\Ind by equations Theory of Zie,~;Lrical Conductivity 5/181/60/002/01/28/035 of Antiferromagnetic Polar Crystals B008/BOT4 (22) and (25)- Strictly speaking, it would be necessary for a quantitative confirmation of the theory to calculate galvanomagnetic, thermoelectric, and thermomagnetic phenomena accordine to the scheme suggested in this article. This would lead to additional equations relating the quantities I and QI(a) to the quantities observed. The "Jump" of activation energy was found by several research workers in numerous experiments. From equation (19) it follows that in addition to the "Jump" of activation energy also a "Jump" of the logarithm of conductivity occurs at the Ne'el point. In the case of L E > 0, .81n6 consists of two terms with reverse sign, so that it may have any value and sign. When A E < 0 , ZUnt5 must be positive and not smaller than 16 El - The latter fact may also be used kTN to verify the theory suggested. More detailed experimental data tire available on the conductivity of NiO. Several research worker3 obtained both positive (Ref. 10) and negative (Ref. 11) values for t~~E. The "Jump" 61nd is mentioned only in one publication (Ref. 12).. The existence of a "Jump" alone is 3triking and necessitatus further V1~2 Card 2/3 Theory of Electrical Conductivity of Antiferromagnetic Polar Crystals S/1 8 1 160/00~;/01 /'2S/035 BOOS/B014 experimental studies, The authors thank Professor S. V. Vonsovskiy for his discussion of the article under review. There are 5 figures and 13 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIC'Ni Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Ural State University). Institut fiziki motallov All SSSR, Sverdiovsk (Institute of Metal Physics, AS..U.SSR, Sverdlovs.k) SUBMITTED: January 11, 1959 Card 3/3 S/18;/60/0021/008/049/052/XX 4.;*o o B006/BO70 AUTHORS, Vonsovskiy, S, V., Giterman. M, Sh TITLEt Many-electron Theory of Ion Crystals PERIODICAL,, Fizika tverdcgo tela, 1960, Vol, 2. No 6, pp, 1795-1805 TEXT4 Ion crystals are characterized by strong inhomogeneities of the electron density at neighboring lattice points, The binding forces have, therefore, essentially an electrostatic character The interaction of electrons with one another and with lattice vibrations must be taken into account in the theory of ion crystals Such studies were made earlier by S. I. Pekar (Ref. 1). In the present paper, the authors ds_-scribe the investigation of ion crystals (phenomenological and model treatment) within the framework of a many-electron theory by means of the method of elementary excitations, The approximation %ised here is valid only for weakly excited states of the many-electron system A consistent handling of the problem by quantum mechanics is POS.3ible only unde,- 'ch*-s limitation. When the excitation is weak and an energy gap exists, it is possible to separate the energy spectrum in good approximation into i.,idiv:.dual branches Card !13 Many-electron Theory of Icn Crysta15 S11 8 1 /60/00,2/ 008 /0 49/0 ~, 2 /XX B006/BO70 'representing i,-fferent aspocts of the ;)f the many-~I-t--n system. The theoretical studies are made cr- the bas:s of the Ham4ltonlan of the ion crystal -in se~:ond qu anti zat L,--n r-pre5eritat-,n; F(a,a a!(x a a . a a K (a a: 'VL) aL !I a at 4 1 a a a . a7ga a 2 ! 2 a. a a a -4pe 2 2 Iz Aw Here, a and a are Fqrm--.~s arrihilat~--n and p-Auctior. Yr- n a a 4- Operators of the electrons in the state a; and are B~ 7iels -rAuction IIJL ~vt z and annih- lat4on operat~jrs of the phon3ns with mom-nluw Yx. e,nd enr.-U ~Wt The furictizns L F, and K may be determined e-,ther- or in the microssop-,r, model representaticn as giver -r. ~'2) H can be Ferm-,,Bose- Fermi-B~~sp Fermi rep-resente!d by: H - E B H The Hamiltonian H for an alka-1---halido: crystal Is represent-d by (4) and tlh~- FeTT,- bra,,--h of elemc-ntary excitations are studied for -.he f.Dllowlng ~-,-pecial ;ase5-. 1) a very simpllf 'led model neglecting the electron phcnon in-:-,---ac'lzjn and the elp~:tr-,P. degei-racy; 2) Re?glect,-ng thc- 'Interactiorl but taking acc-urst of the dpge-nerary; 'I) weak electron-phon-n 4) Card 2/3 Many-electron Theory of Ion Crystals S/18 I /'(O/O0,-//OO8/,N40'/Q52/XY 130C,, / n 0,7 0 stronE electron-phanon intcract-lon m ,tdiabatic, ap-,1rox-,u;atiL,r,; 5) impur;.*.), ,,Onductivity; 6) ion crystal whose on.:~ F, 1,. tr!i i,~i T ion metal, In the last secti-n of the paper, Ox? Bost- branch of' '4.1~ '!111-ntary exci tatiow is briefly discussed.. There are 2,1 refore,icoc~~ '~' G~~v'lot US, and Bri ti sh ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy univers,.'..-t i_, (Ural State University imeni Gor'kiv) SUBMITTED: Dec,,mber 24, Card 3/3 s/126/6o/ooq/o'3/0O?/033 E032/E4i4 AUTHORS: Petrov, A.N., Taluts, G,G. and Gite rman, ~1.5 TITLE: On the Theory of the Stark Effec or Excitonslin Ionic Crystals PERIODICAL :Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 3, pp 327-331 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a previous paper (Ref 1) the authors considered the interaction of excitons with lattice vibrations. The aim of the present note -is to generalize that calculation to the case when an external electric field is present. The shift of the energy levels of the exciton in the external field was considered by Korenblit (Ref 2), Samoylovich and Korenblit (Ref 3) and Gross et al (Ref 4), using the single particle approach but they did not include electron-electron and electron-,ahonon interactions which, in general, will have an effect on the dependence of the energy level shift on the external field. In the present note, the excitons are looked upon as Bose-type collective excitations of a many-electron system. Using the Hamiltonian given by Eq (2) it is shown Card 1/2 L that if the electron-electron and electron-phonon T-b26 S/056/60/0.39,'C'-, j,/C,,jz',,'048 01 Sho DooOo56 AUTHORS.t Voronell, A~ V., Giterman, Id. Sh. TITLE. The Hydrostatic EfZtTiear the Critical Point of a Liquid PERIODICALi Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol, 39, No, 400), PP, !162 - 1163 TEXT: Near the critical point of a pure substance, its ccmpressibility increases to an unlimited extent; therefore, already a slight change of preosure. causod by the pressure of the upper layers of tY-e liquid upon r,he lower ones, may be of essential importanci! For thio caso. tht- authors theoretically investigated the curves of state p(V) and T(V). The ohangz in pressure with height is given by dp = (Pg/V)dh, where V is the 1pecific volume at the height h; andit is the molecular weignt.. If D and V deviatf,- only little from th-) critical values, then, iJ' T - T(11. 1 2 1/3 dh/dV (B/2,ug)V(V-V,) and V - V a(h-h 0) with a - (6~"31'Bvd where h denotes the integration constant which gives the height at which Card 1/3 The Hydrostatic -iffect Rear !Aia Critical, S/056/60/039 I/00~/O,~, I /10I.C, Point cf a Liquid R006/B056 the critical conditions are satisfied; B =(alplavl) The mean spez!ific T c volume in the entire vessel is experimentally measurable ' and tic, is the pressurc- at a certain level, If p_ predominates at h.0 one obtains 415 _ h4/3 A numerical estimate shows V V(h)dh - V H-h mean 4H c that for all substances at 0