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e)e AA --L p 4r /sooooz a C7 1 h/z b (//f 9, j* 10 Ts, i % 75. GUTOP, Veim GrIgorlyevich, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; GINZBURG. Te.TS., inzhisnar, retsentent; CHISTYAKOV, S.F., kandidat le n""Mink, dotsant, vetsenEent, nauchnyy redaktor; GURVIGH, B.A., redaktor; PANOVA, L~T&., takhnichaskiy redaktor EControl and measuzing techniques in building materials production] Kontrollno-izmeritel~nata tekhnika v proizvodstv4!, strottelInfth materialov. Moskva, Goa. itd-vo ',it-ry po atrolt. materialam, 1954. 494 p. [Microfilm] (WLRA 8:3) (Measuring instruments) (Miding materiala ladustr7) ACC KRs AT6036600 SOURCE CODE: w/om/66/000/000/0236/0237 THOR: Euzin, R. A.; Nevskaya, G. F.; Popov, V. I.; Sychkov, X. A.; :;halirkin, A.V. Kalandarova, A. il. Yurgov, V. V.; Abramovr., G. M.; Ginz OaG: none TIT!..;: ExrLerimentil investigation o~ the effectiveness of locil radloprotective shielding 0aper Presented at the Oo~ferenco on Pmblems of Space Modicina hold in 1-;ascov from 24-27 may 19667 SOURCE: Vonferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problony kosmicheskoy meditsiry. (Problems of space medicine); materkaly konforentsil, 'Moscow, 1966, 236-237 ZOPIC TAGS: radiation shielding, solar flare, cosmic radiation biologic effect, radiation protection, radiation dosimetry ABSTMCT. Ala"Y "~i_fl-Cuitics are encountei4ed in selection of a radiation method 'suitable Zo;~b Svidy 011 the e-z"ect of local shielding. The radiation field with- -i'r. t..e of the irradiated object.must not vary more than ~1016. The dose differerAiLal among absorbed doses must not exceed t10%, Local -sh-'eldin- musz produce at least a tenfold weakening of the dose. Further- more, dos%; power must be sufficiency high to model solar flares, con- 1 aru ACC NR. AT6036600 sidering the stay of the irradiated animal in a fixed position. Ex- tal calculations of the passage of protons through tisi;ue have shown tlha~ high-energy protons scatter very little. For example, the avera-e angle of multiple scattering for 660-Mev protons passing through a lead filter with a thicImess of 100 g/cm2 is approximately 2% Selection of proton energies was made u6ing data on the distribution oil z:bsorbed doses created by monoenergetic protons with energies from 133-600 Mev in a watter phantom. Since these distributions have a dose arential greater than 1076 with shieldin- thicknesses up to 20 gjcn-,2, it was dec~deci to irradiate the animals from two sides.. Maximum equaliza.- tion of distribution with this method was obtained with 25 O-Mev protons. The local s'.-.ield used was made of paraffin. A radiation field was produced a-, zhe irradiated object with a difference of -i2076. To obtain more uniform radiation, animals were placed asymmetricaUy to the axis of the proton beam azd each side received half of the dose. 71-Us method was perfected with a heterogeneous bone-paraffin phantom, 1'%reasurements made with this phantom showed a radiation field varying orly 1176 on the animals' surface. Furthermore, the differeiltial of absorbed doses did,no' . exceed 5%. W4en individual body parts were rphielde.d,, the. 1-A-C-C-Nlj~--AT~ duse decreased 10-15 times behind the shield. Thus tha method deocribed satisfies e-U the requirements listed above, ajld can be used in radiobiolop;Lcnl study of the No. 22; ATD Report 66-h9 effectiveness of local shielding. /W A SUB CME: 06, IS SUMI DATE: J 0 0 It u is w is it 10 . ',[ A AL A- L-1 1, a a m a A 0 JA 0 M 2 1A V IN P 0 Al Q AV 0 *ice 00 M 0 24A If I 00 goo Tisipie tMulsinum gs Iffitents for the producliou of un,l ~,. A y (;,.Ikon dy*bWbic !qzlme in doiz. , ,l '(11 , - -00 ""th Ir" , - O 0 w 0-:11111 nornial filuwle ilijcmd uit,, ,,.dn and cl - 0 _W N_tj, n,,f_, h, btntn,d tht, -I,- rd -0 0 j,Vevw%-,lv J,w htain twi6im A. INO-w 00 00 00 a. z:0 0 goo j 0 ~o 0 AS-SLA MITALLUPGOCAL LITINATINE CLA$iWKVlVCm 00 1- 00 0' IV 11 IV OP K It R a m H d it : A 070 0 a a 0 0 If 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 v 1 0 0 9 4, 0 0 0 0 0 Is a 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 0 0 0 AUX 2::216 1 no Fk Svosob Lprvhpniya --oley Amputiravanjylr,,~h, 7crrosy SO: L,- t 3T-, J r, 'o. ft q1BOURG, Ye.Ya. ~ - Method of general ultraviolet Irradiation of children. Ked. settra, Moskva no-3:17-21 Mar 1952. (CLHL 22;1) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. e,-,Wd/zAW C~ )~ .~r GILYAROVSKAYA, Ye.P. nThera-peutic gymnastics and massage in rickets and 17potrop]W." Eq -Gi R.G.Sorochok. Reviewed br ILP,Giliar-ovskata. a r a no*6:91-92 N-D 154. (MIRA B.-4) (PHYSICAL THEMPY) (RICKETS) (GINIMUIG, B. IA.) GI TZBURG, Yell zavota Yakovlevaa; MESSELI, David Veniaminovicb; NIEMEN, Z.A., tekhnichaskiy rae,aktor. FPhyaical therapy, ml p1qsical prophylaxis of diseases in children] Fizioteraplia i fizioprofilaktika detskikh boletnei. ?4oskva, Gos.izd-vo mod. lit-ry. 1955. 366 p. 8:10) (CHILDRO-DISPASF.9) (POSICAL THMLkPT) GOLIDFELID, A.Ya doktor mod. nauk, GINZBMtG, Yo.Ya.; 1A:IJ'jSi-a, S.O.y Prof. [deceased]; IGNLOV, !rcf.. KRAVETS, E.H., doktor med. nauk; LEPSKIT, Ye.,'-I., prof. [deceaEzCjI; PIMITOVA-UlKIYANCEIKUVA, M.N., prof.; SPEROSKIY, G.N.; TUR, A.F.; DOIFBi(OVSKAYA, Yu.F., otv. red.; BUBFOU, M.M., prof.; red.; VIASOV, V.A., prnf., red., CRECHIS11NIKOVA., L.V., red.; LEBEDMT, D.D.P prof., red.; IIASLOV, M.S., red.ideceased]; IIOGINA) O.P., kand. med.nauk, red.; FIOSOV, S.D.', prof., red.; SOKOWVA-POUOMAREVA, O.D.P red.; TEUOVSKIY, S.D., red. (deceased]; KIIOKHOL, Ye.N. red.; ZHUKOVSKIY, V.A., starshiy nauchr;yy sotr., red.; MAZUhN, A.V., kand. ned. nauk, red.; ZAKHMIGVA, A.I., tekhn. red. [Multivolume manual on pediatrics) Mnogo-Lomroe --ul-ovodqtvo po pediatrii. I-Ioskva, Medgiz. Vol.2. 1961. 56k, P. (PIPA 15:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSF deystvitellnyy cILIen Akaderii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Speranskiy). 2. Deystvi- telIgyy chlen Akaderii med-itsinskikh nauk 351~R (for Tur, Dombi-ovskaya, Maslov, Sokolova-Ponomareva). 3. Chlen--orrespon- dent Akademii zeditsinskikh nauk .36SR (for Terrov:ikiy, Khokhol). (FEDIIiIHICS) UMBURG, Yu.A. Rates on electric pover im the Polish People's Republic. From, energ. 18 no.6.45--49 Je 163. (KT-RA 16:7) (Poland---F.lectric power) GINZBURG, Yu. B. "Growth Morphoic~~y of ALIveol-jr Br,incher." Sub 31 Dec 51, ?4otjccw Medical Stomatolcgicr,l Inst. Diiisertations pr33ented for science ond ergineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: S-am.. No. 480, 9 MaY 55. I[- r - .1, -1- - I-- W., -"AC', YI0., kv-s'.J. a tent. Structurel moili'last4.ons of bc-.-i life Stomat-%(.-.--:-*It; -5:31-2 1. i: kafodry n3,7 at. I ,%- -7 at ciAi K laBnikcv) Map- vnx i.~ me, t c:--t I IGNATTUK, V.M.; GINZBURG, Tu.B. No* We are waiting for businesslike proposp.1s. liv-tom.,telem.i Iviaz, no.6:42 Je 157. (X1RA 10:7) 1. Nachnllnik otdaln takhnichaskogo kontrolyn zavoda "Transsigunl" (for Tgnatyuk). 2. HnchAllnik kontrollno-izmaritallnoy lAborn-.orli zavod.-i "Tr%mssignAll." (for (linsburg). (Railroqds-Sigmaling) CHAKLIN, V.D., prof.; GINZBURG, Yu.B., kand. med. nauk 14yofasciodesis in insufficiency of thx: vluteal muscles followirg poliomyelitis. Ortop., travm. i protez. 26 no.1:39-" Ja 165. (MIRA 18: 1. Iz kliniki detskoy ortopedii zav. - Ye.A. Aballinasova, naucbryy konsul'tant - chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR prof, V.D. Chaklin) Men- trallnogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedi-i (dir. - chlen-korrc,s- pondent AMN SSSR prof. M.V. Volkov) na baze Haskovskogo ortopedi- cheskogo gospitalya (nachallnik - doktor med. nauk S.N. Voskreseriskiy). Adres avtotov: Moskva Zh-", 2-ya Dubrovskaya u1., d.13. Ortopeii- cheskiy gospitall. o il, d Sea t Sh.- ov 71 c 1 1:2 B C_ 4.1 60 t1i too ii, (mt the IkMit 0 '**a ~ ~ituwth I I . duzing the- I a( j raloary; J iff I t1 IM esu IN -No. W Weie).; - ji T i~;~ bitetme imich. ddi6 r w id sm~ 1. W ith In-! ml 11 ' 6 ~'Wona Axt Aimms T d"06 00 04 a ~i parflvN4 4*1tit. OAK,. SUBJECT: USSR/Tubular Mille 101-4-12/13 AUTHCR: Ginzburg,Yu.N., Engineer TITLE: About Lining Tubular ',*ills (C futerovke trubnykh mellnits) PERIODICAL: Tsement , 1957, # 4. P 31, (USSR) ABSTRACT: Efficiency of tubular ball mills depends to a extent on how the profile of its lining complien with two nasic con- ditions: 1. It should correspond with the gindirg surf-lee and insure highest possible density, and 2 the contact between the balls ne well an between the balls the lining ought to be as close as possible. It is necessary to classify the balls in relation to the length of the mill in such a way that the size o.' Grinding surfaces decreases gradually towards the discharge section. [Reported in PRESENTED BY: Revue des Materiaux do Construction ("C'% 1956,# 481-48t] SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: At the Library of 'ongress Card 1/1 GTKZBURG, Tu.N. Pmapects and Pconomic erxpedlen-3jr of u6ing tiodium tripolyphosphate, aodium metasilicate and a peat -reagent as slurry thinners in the cement industry. Trudy Giprotsoment no.20-145-114 162. (MJRA 16U) (cement) VORONOVA, N.A.;.QINZBW ,N.; TOVI',P.OV, V V., TKA.CCH, Prinimall Q,Yu uchastiye: OSKALEMKO, G.N.; KOPOTArFVA, V.,P-; B)DITACHEVA, T.B,; NMNOROVA, N.A. The problem of raising the quality of cylirdrical grinding bodies. Trudy Giprotsement no.24%119-14.1+ 162. (KIRA 16W (Milling machinery) AUTHOR: GT`Z~PPRG, Yu-P. 20-2-2/50 TITLE: On J-Non-Stretching Operator Funztions (0 J-nerastyapivayUsh- chikh operator-funktsiyakh) S.S 3 R PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nlauk,,1~57,Vo I 1 17011' 2,T)I'- 171-173 (US~' R') ABSTRACT: Let L+ and L_ be mutually orthogonal complementary sub- spaces of the ffilbr-rt apace 14',. Let thr, opemttor J be de- 4 Sthe - fined by J = E+ - F_ , where E + projector on L (f,g) '.enrtes the scalar product in It. Let u nondegeneri,,ted indefinite motric be introduced in 11 with the aid of the "scalar proluc~" [f,g] (jf,g), T~e author considers linear bounded operatcrs in H The operator 11 is denoted to be J-unitary, if the inverse operator of U exists in H and if [Uf;Ugjj 1f,g] for f,gCH. The opr-rator Y is denoted to be J-non-~stretching, if [Yf, Yf) < [i-,f'l . Y is denoted to be two-sided J-non-stretchin.c,, if Y as viell as Y* are J-non- stretching. Theorems The tranformatior. (1) X = (E+ Y - + - ~_Yll- generates a one-ta-one correspondence between the set cf all Card 1/4 two-sided J-non-stretching operators Y and a certain subset On J-Non-Stretching Operator Functions 20-2-2/50 of the set of the non-stretching operators X,jjXjj ' 1 . Theorem: Let Y be a two-sided J-non-stretching operator.. U is assumed to be J-unit 'ary and R an operator with a ncn- negative spectrum and with the property that JP is self-a-d- joini. In order that Y admits the representation Y = UR t!sch of the following conditions is sufficient 1.) It exists Y-1; 2.) Y is of the Fredholm type. Here R is uniqualy determined by Y. In the case 1) this holds also for U. The operator-function Y (-~ is said to belong to the caavs ~r if a.) Y(-~ is holomorphic in the unit circle (at most exceit denumerably many points); b.) it exists a -,, Y i.-5,1 < -1 , so that Y-1 (10) exists and J-Y jy( -el- is completely 0 continuous; c.) Y(,~) is also i-non-stretching in all points in which the function is ~olomorphic. The function Y(-5) is said to belong to the class if it belongs to and if in the unit circle there exists a Doint with sp fj_Y*(-5,)JY(5, < OD Theorem: If Y(5)~ then Y(-t~ and Y-'(",,) are holomorphic Card 2/4 On J-Non-Stretching Operator iunotions 2C~ - 2 - 2/"-)C) in in a :P~t Of' if]C,Iciti-~1111 points in < 1 , at mos t f ,,-r h Y (-~) and Y- 1 ((~) pc):~,,seF7s polezi, Her,~, tY.,~ InigheSt ~-,o_ efficient of the Laurent ,3eri(,s in t- wear of tb,-- ~-~ole is a finite-dimensional orierato:-. Theorem: Let t~ 0--5 iflfinitl? W (~) and Ir b (I fcrmel-i over -lie k= poles of Y_I and Y converj~E, uniformly with ::ospect to the norm whereever Y is holoinorphic. Ear4! it is Y(5) y0 W11pre yo is an operator f'unc- tion of the class in < I simultanecus- 1~r -.-iith Y0 Theorem; It holds the rei)resentat.ion y ex, 11 t) T,T+" Q, where U is a J-unitary operator, -J t' p- monctonely decreas- Card 3/4 ing fTinction (o