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GIN~MRG, Yfl.ct.
Kinmmatic unalysis of the swinging Df th-, 1~,7711~ gnar-slwtving
ruichinn tablo In ordnr to Imn it for shitV114" govir clutcholl.
no. 11: IiO-V 1,-)A.
OIRR 1'.:11)
(~;ear rlItting) (I-W,hinery, Kinomtticn of)
A*,' I "C I i S Rachkovskiy, j.Ya. , Doctor of ',economic -,cences, Trofessor;
Oinzl)urg, Ye. I. and ._;habel nikov, andidates of
~ e 61 i ' 16A
I ri T -9ciences
T LF -~ie Funai::~entalt of the :'vnluFJi,)n ~,f ',:ineral Deposits and
'Itnes , snevy ;)t!.4onki rilleznykii iskopfiyomykh
i rudnikov)
~rnvy .-, ~iu rna I r PP
is & contin-;ati,)n 7,f tl,e li3cussi--r ~f t-e article
-inrier t~.e name title pu~ii_-ie~ 1,-~ 'ozharitskiy in
,':r 9 Df tni,4 -)erJ1ofdic;a_!. .-.e three authors express
t.,eir opinion )n this s-.~b7ect, -1-.ere are 1~) references-
TION: ','oskovskiv institut tsvetnyk.n -netallov i zolota ~'oscow
Institute of "Ion-ferrous "'.etals ani ';old Fermskiy ~',ornyy
ingtitUt '7he Ferml',~inin(-, Institute 7::-Itsvetmet The
Card 1/1
imdozh3lily,, 'V,,ievolod Dialtr1yevich, Aleksandr Ivanovich Dei./anin',
`,', 1"'vovich Veyt3, Yevgenly Urigorlyeviell 'jinzbkirg,
Alek,iey Marionovich Yefimovich, Igor' Somenovl.~T- =6.riko,
Viad I mi i- MIJkhaylovich Shannikov, land Nzti:11111,,~!I-.~~vi"-!h.
'Altiph-cityye A vhe:-',Yanhnyye peredachl; nekotory-i(,
I proi:mdstva and .%'1C)1T! Dr1v-,,,;
in Theor3, De,.iign,mi(I Hanul'actiirt!'~ Mf, w 1,1 ~ 1: w 1
I lt'rr;lta :Ilip ilwerte"J. Of), I 1""I-11to
(Title page) ; IN. 1. Kol,lan, Doctor of Technical,eq,
ro f e s s o r; Revlewer: L. N. Grubin, Doctor o' Technical
Profe3sor; Ed. (inside bool,): N. F. Golovanov, Candidate
Technical Sciences; Ed. of Pliblishing Sjj-,r
T(,ci,,. Ed.: R. G. Pol'slmya; Managing Ed. for
Dc-:;I,--,^,n and (.peration of Machinery (1.eningr.ra(i Divi-,,Icn,
1. i4,tl~~ovj
ca 1"! 1,1 6
Spur (R-,ai, arni 'ficrii (bear Drl.vt-,i (I ont.
~'i!k' .3
?CSE: TN.- book is intended for technil-.-il pei-
scleritific worliers, Interested In the thf!'-~r'.Y
M~i bt. au-,U; with the
pz-,letic~iA. aPplication o' gear,., ml
hr(~'~ ~'haptef- ave devoted to riew tyj)C1:; I!'
o the manufacture f)f Grear,-, -.-:1th i i'.- r c. i
..rij,airomen,. The laSt four chaptemi t 7
pri~,tlual mi%thods of gear calcul,-itlor). A
oi' -1-metary gear drive:3 with
emphasi.; On the design of planetl-iry
J--.ives for use In electric motors. Recont In 1'~
ov -, , - tting Industry and theoretical wot,:: n j,,t-',v
~Ieolgn ~nd crilculations of 3tres--e,3 In -rear
No of, rsonali tier, are mimtic-llel. Tht-~I"t~ :111i"
Soviet, 10 German, 4 Flngli~,h, 1
Spur 1 W,7)1-., Joul, DrIvos j
Ch. 11 31.-Ildy of Worni Drives With a I](..w Geom( V,!J,
(Krivenku, 1. S., Engineer)
General theory of' wom drive:;
Study of worm gear- drives wIth
ShapI ng of the cutting tool and gigi,3 f ni
worm gear3
Some recommendations and basic
Basic, results of experimental studl,,.,,~
Ch. 11. Theory and Design of Cycloidal Reduring Cear., ~-ilitii
EccentrIc Planetary Engagement as Tntegr,-,]. P.,trt- ci'
Electri r~ Motors (Shannikov, V. M. , D(-)Ctr ,, r.!'
Technical Sciences)
New developments in the design of reducing gears
which are integral parts of electric motors
ca ni
Sf)!j.r 'lear arid Wom Gear Drives (Cont. 3 0 V,~ L d
Geoi,,,etry of eccentric cycloldal
',I' eccentric epicycloldill
'~eometr,/ eccentric hypocycloidai engagainerz,,t
1,0. Productlon of' gears with eccentric cynlold~il.
J. -1 ~_r:31-in for reducing, gear,7,
:Iev~~l IIears With New Type of'
Ye. G.)
- Stlldy of' engagenieiit
~;--,:r,(--try bevel grear train!,, with
_~r t. Methoas, of gear cuttIng,
Ch. 1'i", ineore~ical Det:enriination of Corita(~t
_eetli (Andc,zliskiy, V. D. , Candiciat T
Docent, and A. 1. Yefimovinh. 'Emiineer) I
4 of Point!', of illfinitt?
ApPv!)a(th (ir of a semispaoo
Jj). De-fomiation of cylinders compressc-i tr!i,
M~m-11,,atlot-, of results obtained to tne
-,act ieromatlon of gear teeth
it i
Spur ;e!ir ani! (io-av Drive~; (Cont. )
Ch. '4'. Exoerirrientai Determination of Total Deforratlon ani
Rigidity of Straight Teeth of S ur Geai. (Frenk-el, 1.
Candidate of Technical Sclences~
101. Experimental study of rigidity of straight teeth of
internal engagement
19 . Theoretical determination of displace.,-,).ent ilue
bendinL of' jrer~r teeth of Internal an,i exterr!al
ment. Comparison with experimental results
"~Itioll of' the elastic con"ttrilat'lon of, ~,eav
tooth root
1. Contact compreosinn
-al eli~ ~I,c d! i -Leeme
o jli~ -nt of tootri
Recormiien'j ~,t lonc fo rthe deter-rilInntion 1'!~-
ri~r-ldltv .,i' ~,toel ;~,ear teeth
Mi. Study r)f,t, hr--~ Lr)ad-bearing Caparity )f
(Z,~el'pnln, A. I., Engineer)
"'he . r
:-,t,vJ:v r)f the loal-t~jear.lti),,
C a 'J 5/6
spur. e ,, v a ri A 'i,, t -, I I~a rl v e:, ( C, o n t,
1'!t3l- results n1' experimental ctudier,
r t,--! 1 ~ -. Y I
tllev:;~ I r1 tlle r I nn)
Aear Tm-,';.nr3 (V. L. Vol '!i,
f'eature-. un,,k~r v I r
ati,! chaln
vr. the riq-j-dit, of
AV A! TIJ\'3TL-' e 3 .1, Cr,T
Ginzb~irg, Yevgetd,y Grigorlyevich
EYon(~mika proizvodstvennykh protseonov v tsvetnoy metallargii (Ecoy,omics of Pro-
&,xtion Processes in Nonferrous HetalYzgy) Moscow, Metallurgi,~dat, 1961.
151 p. Errata slip inserted, 3,200 copies printed.
El ~ t L.Ya, SbukhgW ter; Ed. of Publinhing House t R.F. Avrutskaya; Tech. Ed. I
I.M. Evanson.
PURPOU: This book is intended for technical persoLnel and economists in non-
ferrous mstallmrgy, and in desigr -and planning and scientific research insti-
tutes. It mV also be useful to instructors and students in schools of higher
education devoted to metallurgr and economics.
COVERAGEt Problome in the economi-co of production processes in nonferrous metal-ur-
gl,~%l plants an discussed. Urianta of production processes are compared from
the standpoint of ooonmio effootiveness. Requirements for production processes
and machines are given, and methods for calculating the optimum parameters of
industrial. processes, operations, and machines are included. Attention is given
Card 1/5-
Econandes of Prodrxtift (Cont.) SOV/5351
to problus concerning the a8tablishment of price levels for raw materials and
semifinished pa-oducts. No personalities are mentioned. There are 77 references,
all Soviet.
Ch. 1. Fundamental Principles of the Economics of Production Processes
I. Indicators tu%d criteria of the economy of production processes 7
2. Effsot of capital investments on results of production processes and
their effectiveness a
3. Basic funds, and the time factor 25
4. Assessment of the economic effect of lowered current expenditures for
carrying out a production process 32
5. Economic assessment of changed qualitative indicators of a production
process 36
6. General conclusion on the economic expediency of differeat variants
of a production process 38
Card 21~
SIDOUNICO, Alekeandr Konstantho"chi lush.; AUK* Takov Ig&akovich,
IrAnd.tokhn.nauk; OVURTAN, GaSik Gagamovich. kand.tekhn.nauk;
(107113URGA. Ts.G., kand.takhn.nauk, retsonzent; RIKBUG, D.B.,
-iod.; 46R1,96t~kPOLISKAYA, M.S.,
(1.1hnufacture of large-tooth gears; exT*rience of the Novo-
Kramntorolc Machinory Plant named after Stalin] Proizvodstvo
krupnykh zixbohatykh porsdach; opyt Novo-Kramatorokogo mashino-
stroltellnNro navoda im. Stalina. Mos"a, Hashgiz, 1961.
1.52 T). (MIRA 15:2)
DRIZE, losif Davidovich; MASHKOV, Aleksandr ~Ikitich; GD%'?MRG, ie.G.,
red.; AVRUTSKAYA, R.F., red. izd-va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.G.p tekhn.
[Organization of wages in plants of nonferrous metallurgy] Orga-
nizatoiin zarabotnoi platy na ztivodftkh tsvoti;oi metallurgii. Mo-
skvii, Gos. rLauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tffvet i W-
tallui-gil, 1961. 295 P. (MIU 14.9)
(Honfoi.ous metal industrisq) (Wage payimnt m-stems)
RUM, Ippolit Kikhaylovieh; q(TNWQ, Yevgeniy Grigorlyevich.
Prininali uchastiye: GLIGOLEVA, L.A.p kand.tekhn.naUkp dotsent;
GRII[MG, L.A., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsenA. AVRUTSKAYA, R.F.2
red.izd-n; ISIZET"MA, P.G., tekhn,,red.
C Wustrial organization in nonferro,is metalworking plants]
Organizataiia proizvodet-ra na zavod&:h po obmbotke tsvetmykh
matallov. 2.izd., perer. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1962.
51#0 p. (~MI 1515)
(Ha,Cerrous metal industries) (Metalwork)
SILAE" A, Y13. V. ; :iAINOVA, (". A.
;W14, of oxYC, ri fac Lor In Ila bih ty f
th,~! blooi in Gog,
psikhonovr. 1;1~.t. no
IIISROIK) Xaligm NO ireyevich, kand. tokhri. mmk -. Y-I'DiTISKly, Iyaciliy
11-1koltiyevich, kand., takhn~ rtauk, Laurait7. L(--xiinnko:; prerdi~
FL-1111, N 11- hand. teklin. nnuk, ratsenzent.; KOLGI'lli, N.I.,
za-,l. de.;ab ~11 nauki i tel-.hniki RSF,'11,, (loktor teklui~ r,.mkp
prof. ~ red . GINZBTff(G.,.Ye.G,, kand, teklin. niaO.., red.;,
Z, red zei, UUMINA. A.A- teklm. rude
C .! .1c ill at i ('11 and r-,-xtlTqdP.,~ '-f c)f I fc,r
cllttillj-~ IN"W-1 '4101 r-ircula:- i w-
u JI au
(D. Dliotechkr. 5) (XI;~'A 25;'01)
-attiii~: nviiAdnel)
(Gear ~
GINZBURG, Yevverdl Grigorlyevich, kan6, tekhr- nauk; SKk~AMIN'
.1 1
Aleksandr Vasillyevich, inzh., jjUjL;TDT ,N.I.; 6oktor telchn.
naidc, prof., zasl. deyatell nauk! i tekhniki RSFS11,., red.;
FIRU112 V.B.j kand, tekhn. nauk, red.; SIMMOVSKIY, N.Z.,
red.; BARDINA, A.A., tekhn. red.
(Standard technological processes in uwnufacturing gear
transmissions]Tipovye tekhnologicheskie protm,-m, izgotovle-
niia zubobatykh peredach. Pod obshchei red. N.I.Kolchinu.
1.M.2., peror. i dop. Movkva, Mashglz, 196". 114 p. (bib-
liotechkta mobreza, no.2) (Ger- cuttir4,,) (xmu ir'-.9)
GMRSATOR, ~asiliy Ukolayevich, inzb.;--G1'1ZAL14, "n.Q., --ed.;
Gill GC:,, ",'EVA, I.S., red. izr-',-va;
[Increaring the load capacity of Cenorvl-purpw~r
geurv of the me, of hibh frecuency current for A he harder,-
ing of :,,iiilon tveth1TOvy:-,hcDic migru-.ochnui ~q,oi,obimA.i
reduktorov obohdiego navircheniin zu schet i~-1nenenii%
TVCh (Ilia ob"eirmoi zakalki zublev she,,--terni. Lcnii-j-,vid,
196:' 16 p. (Lcnin(,,rndi3kii dOT
p'.1-andy. 01mion poredevym, op.-Acm.
obrnbotka 11.etallov, n0.17)
i Gearing) (steel-Dardeni ng)
KOLMIll, NI.I., zasl. deyntell nauki i tekhniki i-ZF,12, doktor t6lchn.
nauk, proP.; VE"Y'S, V.L,, kand. tekhn. nauk;
M,L.p inzIl.; TIZOV, G.A., kand. takhn, nauk, retsenzent;
GINOURG, Ye,G,, Icand. tekhn.nauk, red.; 0NI:.TClMO, iil.14.y
red. lnd-va,- DKIDDA, A.A., tekbn. red.
(i~uidamont&l infomation on gear trnnsmissions and me5hings!
OsnoviVe svederiia o zubchatykh porodaclaikh i tit! i JFAI(h.
Pod ob3hchot r(.d. 1:.I.Kolchbia. Mo:;kvn, 1962. 11"',
(Bibliotnelika mul)oreza, no.1) 16:1)
GERSATOR$ Vaslliy Nikolayevich, inzh.; GINZZM,--joG,',_ red.; FREGER,
D.P., red. izd-va. GVIRTS, VA., takhn, red.
[Results of Increasing the load capacity of gears by select-
Ing oil gmdes and additivealEffekt.povy9heniia nagruzoehnoi
sposobnosti. zubehatykh poredach za schet vybora sortov masel
i prizadok. LenAngmd, 1962. 25 p, ~Leningradskii dom
nauchno-taKhnicheskol propagandy. Otmen peredovym opytom.
Seriia: Mekhrmichesk&ia nbral-otka metallov, no.26)
(MTRA 16:2)
capl'..,,il investmerts and
selecting optinum p,Ir!jaeters (.,f mr.Villurj~i,-,l
I] Ci,(,]). -,.,I Iv t. !.!4' t
1. Se~ver,)kavXn,,,.ski3, in-stitut Jil Fermskiy
t i tu t..
I yl~ . G. ) rod
[1wW I Ii I vi n6d ~ Livo!~~ V(w 1,41!Lr t. I j I I! ~: !~;!,i .)11:.; vi-I-I)Lt 11-
t of n A'-,turo d,A*vev(!d ill !A10 !;011:~C
r. rai i, .,A 7
CGIMBURG, TIRT a- SHIRNOV, V.M., atarshiy prepodavatell,
no A in .
0 T. ref.,,
0 0; . .,
LFor a strong now increane in labor prodnetivity; biblio-
graphical index] Za novyi moshchnyl podgem proizvoditallnoeti truds;
biblior,raficheakil ukazatel'. Rootov-nA-Donu, 1956. )2 p.
(MIRA 12-2)
1. Roatov on the Don. Gosudarstvannnya nnuchneya bibliotaka.
2. Infedra "Oonovy sovetakoy okonomiki" Roctovskoy obl. part-
shkoly (for Smirnov).
(Bibliography--Labor productivity)
L L L 1 6 11 0 1 1 1 is Me 11
00 00
"Nomisaas In the lailpfactive of lally
aullitumelp with .06japed issed cittome-tagaged lastbor
1L A. I'llsilln 610 F I C-titibusit I'DI'sillai %'a sit 4
b"n.ilpi /-I K,trAiriststil-I h-, , Vile-4 i"ON,j %,~- , itrifults I-T 1'. Ill, .
046 6, till 21'.10MW the wat undertaken fiv Vvrn suirlatr I Ill, t~ rflni~] fir he Is4anty nif ibe -00
u 1. of lv~ 44.1 "MIAlt I.I.Ml al rrrlI .. fc. the lislifts- I's lie trisilml
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0., 1 r A, ,
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c A
of moroblep by the Sobolovs mer"W.
.1.4NW*M At
,L,_4(jV46); cl. ryudy pIptasdopOple Koodfla, 1930,
4, A and 6,-Wlwh rhr4t4l, the %livileve mtth-A
#0 W sumphim; concot, of O.b-41.51 ms.;Ild. but W~.'In-
-ti-jactipily for Tile deviatxmis cvuld hive
a I-ft C4UMd cA tbw est NaN(N In the
'11too own. T'bc Mcalixure tbatial. VITrMted t~'
Ottoluote cut diastioultatubc acid,
-1d 1.6 mi. of coil 1,1[090, to (wol. not given l a 0.11;
fin. of wAlklifik " in it BW mi. A"k and biring t. mark,
Itar 3D rida., Wd 24 set. of a wes, min. (W 1. of urw in
, W. of HO) WIM there is no . .1i. I excess coo
nitrite. In Undard. hill.- zoo
O.jr nu"
#0- 1t0 a 10-W gmduatcd
001 test iloble. Into a almila tat tube place the soin. to be re e
tetted. To osch of the test tubes add 3 nd, o1 the diaw
~In., I.&-111,0 mi. 4.1110. and o.26 ml. of 101'~ N11,011,
K"v fat 10 min., "M 110 to make lu mi., and tAnnpart see
ITT a uAwilimeW. nut tropults obtained hir this melficwl
j::9 0
""V ."I! occumte am consistent. coop" to the
infattatirmal wahad 1tv rum,hine, thit nwiNd gavv
wwnriwhal billiff rr"116. It. 110orb
4~Dllcaiy State UniVersity we *A
too 16
I I V, 4',
14 5 If 00 A -1 i IT 1A left
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Val tivic!
"ay to
110 a ;V5 alt.
,r poot .00
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b11000. * 0 10 P"-
C, the 1 10 It. the total Plot .00
W,,Aiuc -', be itillp.
r0ill"ll"I" 305 9"t-b otal't"tilIKC tlid so
#01- bo,, eject Altai, jilld I it%* all%,. j Ax'0111 0
naubsk 1 71%~ "ton I"V-41-Atis "'ll V, lacel'u"
d Oise to go", L4, in 10s*
to )k 101". ;X (Wjb ""L of see
V11111. " 0 1 ITS
on * 14
bfP6 fatto 110- TIPW to "Idd In W
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c6thlide, 9 tllq~odt requ 011C IN
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r= ~404 6-14 0 A .. I p1got. goo
1%"'" ti, CA" thCe
.to 50 aaa j*j, ~rM. b OW11 !'Stecti'll
wit 6 it at 1112% (A ky %Tit*
01NOW""OhOl oibiedimit I* gild. lot I bf .. (1"
1&" 10 1 Casio In, cledrop
04 The %be cw-'61 o-196
tgot lost
='oej tW- boU ome- 60;0-b~- at It r) see
at pt Cat
) - do 00
MIX, -
SlAtuat", _41~j
so whib 80 j,*, 100 V- I A,0jj. Ccuop ti his.,
;31'=eb0w0- '(&crow "odel a Olivetti to . (yjl,j A . ,
"Iwo CA tive 'atiI slits " It. --,,I tag
%W- clibit,1110 2bo ... U1161111t, I the ildl
uir4 -42
illso, kbyttd I , vo*
004 11A 1 .1 th. in cathoL va."t II . 21A%
N orl.- Z Wert twrA ;,a& eolt - 6314. . .
No the . Wevw-va"o jr(Om dFv4,mj 1
At wit. t4~tgh I $]let to ho-Iii, ;ivllo ad. -
Got 0 t Wilb a Its I:`, p 5 wit, W
Ad"C' WO Vu" tilitur. is his. "o mid I
oo" In
,VWO wo be' 01rwId Viso 31,lop r.4"t" a wttb wit
I list I bode C.I
it bolt It In
oply 61tu AcQ la -,4d of -" 69 to.
:wi-oww- attivent
,dl br rLs
ob tamiffil!!- Zarrowa Sau bock Ott lilt
1111114., laij at To d"t,
in 40 *do-- 0109% moo* Nava 3% It.
4:;~~ V" .0h a 2e. (1) Joint orAul". tit, lit 0- q V
took - Mi"'V2114iorill. but to. tor
the SNOW .,W we" 0.1
SNOW Itte If W 01. *Is
ro"id 0
low sea lot
I 1 11 a . 0 00.0
- IF - 1& 0. AA
f or C
-GINZBURG, Ye.I., makhanik; ITANOV, V.Y., SMOTRITSKIT, P.A., slesar'
Clamps for prestressing reinforcing bars. Suggested by Te.I.
Ginzburg, V.P.Ivanov, P.A. Smotritakii. Rats.i izobr.predl.v stroi.
no.13:12-14 159. OaTIA 13-6)
1. Stroitellnvv treat No.10 Ministerstva stroitelletva BSSIR (for
Gin",burg). 2. ~Ia shinorrolratnaya baza bresta No.10 Ministeratva
stroitellstva 35SR (for SmotritqV-iy). 3. InstfUktor Orpstroya
(for Ivanov).
(Reinforcing bars)
INVFNTOR: Mledyedev, S). K.; Ginzburg, Ye. L,; Titov, M. M.; Koz1ov, Ye. V,-, Volkov,
IS. S.; Bocharov, G. A.
1ORG: None
TITLE: A high-voltage pulse capacitor. Class 21, No. 190996 [announced by the
'~Capacitor Design Branch of the All-Union "Order of Lenin" Electrical Engineering
IInstitute im. V. 1. Lenin (Filial po kondenastorostroyeniyu Vsesoy-uznogo ordena Lenin&
lelektrotekhnicheskogo instituta)]
~SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, toyarnyye znaki, no. 3, 1967, 56
POPIC TAGS: electric capacitor, pulse signal
;ABSTRACT. This Author's Certificate introduces a high-voltage pulse capacitor equipped
,with insulating layers madc from paper saturated with a liquid dielectric and plates
of aluminum foil. The capacitor is made in the form of packets which are electrically
and mechanically interconnected. These packets consist of plane-parallel pressed sec-
I'tions with the higher-potential sections located in the middle of the packet and the
!lower-potential sections at the ends. The leads are connected to accumulator buses.
The capacitor is designed for reduced inductance with a simultaneous simplification of
production technology. The high-voltage bus is parallel to the end surfaces of the
!section packets and has holes for passage of the packet taps connected to this bus
Card 1/2 uDc. 62i.3ig.44
frcm points of high potei,,tial. The low-voltage bus is above and parallel to the high-
:voltage bus and. is connected to normally situated packet tapa from points of low
f I I I
1-lower bus; 2-sectiona; 3-holes; 4--upper bus
SUL CODE: Oq/ SUBM DATE: 13ju164
ACC NR: Ar,"03',;D0 I:
,V", ~3jn--',AirG, Yo. L.; Postava, V, L.; 5topanov, V. G.; Sh--horlba~,mi, V. N.
n-1 pvc(~!,
f)", -1paco ):,Ai-,J' c) 11()!;~
Ly'-1 ch')SI-c-'y ry)~;
ii, t;:-imd o1 illrcwlllati~m to him. is
1,epo'l-I (ellwl-frency, infol-inative, 1wevt-Ilti"'c' -1c.
To zissul't-, and speed oL, i(Ild processing,
I'C(' Ill 1"2 r1lent
th if I-cpol-ls bo as brief al; possil-'Ic. T:1
I,; ncces~ italq!d by fo" mems of incl*eZISHM Oi",I-alor rell"'W1111Y
~1 I
wt'!! :It~ 1)v Ulu limited memory volume of a inachine. Tiwrefol'e,
f1)-1!,iiIIzf oplullull-I nw,-.1115 f01' lii.(jIliStiCZI1lY tVLIlIC,'kt;IIi_'
ill is mosL essential for solving a iumber oi
jvforlli~,itloii lani'lloge probleln'g.
Card 1!"i
ACC Nl~!
T;isll "I'Til (If tilt! pr(_,::wjIt Study lva~; to find, forn.uLiti.,, ;jnd fowinaliz-o
!;iWCi01~:,JJo1js for trolicating texts. Oil thin basis
of a pvchinim-'ry Uliquistic almlysis, the possill1ity of e-TIoiting two
truixAion iil g,)Ili I vvas reveitled. A check of tile perception effic",,n,~y of
teXtS tI'LI1Ii_-0,(.',1 1W 0111! Of thesw ;I11"Orithills was collductt.~d ill 0.~:perjmollts.
ml(.i truiv -At'd t(~Xts Nver(~ pro~'Si~lltcd to ;I oil a t(~0-"j:sion
I the pr(,scntation was 3) ~_~c Tlie sul)jec',' s
"":iJoslin dur;'Jion of I I i
to ilm% accurately mid quicki"', lit- C'mid r eprod lice
A r;itjri~r
of perreldion nrid reproduct:nn Consisted
I;W. Ilid Ii
s iill'~Itio)ll 4II)iSSit)!I
Ivrt,ii. ill the eNi "'rilne lit "i. Several pr'dollged (~%;wvillwllt.,; were
CCIIAI,,~ 11!(:. ()1: Of lIK'Ifl M V;WiOUS tilfles in tile day.
1. snowk,6 t7mt in tile t_-;Ises,
11101T "WCAirat(~1Y th"111 t all(I Nvi"11 a
(d c'mipli1ion. 'An increas(,d pei,iwl of truilcated
let" 11(:(JIIT(.!d ill 33(.,/,0 of tile cmqeB and wils ;-.ttributed to not
1~'W Of 1110. tt'LIMMHOll )1g01'itlI1IlS. 'llic duration of normal
!ex's became more stable at the end of the experiment as
of* 'i :.-ilninr.
Cord 2;`
AnoO,(!r -.ippronch involved the truncation of texts bY 'lie
11) reproducing
truncation of texts, it was not~,d th,,t the
S-Uhj('Ct'~ Ll.~Cd linquisLically significant niaterial assuring the integrity
of sernan'tic-all), (;ssential components in tho text.
authors analyzed text reproduction errors made by the subjects
(ornission of individual words, displacement of words in presentations
use of synonyms and antonyms etc. ). It is suggested that a number Of
errors of the above type would.~ave been eliminated by cxploiting a
second trurcation algorithm. . Besides the above, during the errant
reproduction of truncated and normal texts, words functigning as
cliches were iioted. Their use was characteristic of texts which caused
perceptual and memory difficulties. The results of the experiment
permit hypothesizing that the algorithm under question reflects some-
mechanisms oi internal speech formation. fiff. A. No: 22; ATD Report 66-LL67
1LCSrA- 313
L 07198-67 EWT(m) JJP(c)
A-CC NR. AT6031'768 SOURCE CODE: UR/3092/66/000/004/0174/Olef-,
AUTHOR: Arkhan&el'!~~F. ~.; Ginzburg, Ye. L.; Gustov. G. K.; Kcayakin, M. N.;
Urodkoy, V. M.
ORG: none
TITLE: Certain technological features in the mass production of diaphragm-type wave-
auides for traveling wave electron linear a.ccelerators M
,SOURCE: Moscow. Hauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut elektrofizicbeskoy apparatury.
rlekt ro~izicheskaya apparatura, no. 4, 1966, 174-181
~TOPIC TAGS: traveling wave, waveguide, linear accelerator
ABSTRACT: A mas3 production technique is described for diaphrarm-type waveguides used I
in travailing wave linear accelerators. The process involves the following operations:
the stamping of cup billets, annealing, machining, and electrochemical polishing of_
cups, soldering of subsections made up of individual cups, and the soldering of sec
.tions from atibsectiona. The waveguide consisting of the cups and the terminal match-
'ing section are made of deoxidized copper with a specific electric conductivity of not I-
,less than 5.60.107 zholm. The cup billets are obtained by hot stamping from round rol-i
,led metal. The machining of stamped billets consists of four stages: coarse cutting I
annealing, preliminary fine cutting and final machining. Difficulties were encounter-
card 1/2
-------------- ------
L 07198-67
ACC NR: AT6031768
ed in selecting the necessary cutting tools. The best cutters conslat of hard alloy
plates, but even these undergo substantial wear. Experiments were conducted which
show the feasibility of using diamond cutters in the future. After machining and in-
spection, the cups are polished electrochemically to produce a cleaner surface and an
anticorrosion film. The final soldering stage is the most critical production step.
Soldering is conducted in a vacuum by means of high frequency currents. Industrial
,samples of accelerator sections produced by this method have been In operation for se-
veral years and have confirmed the fact that the geometric dimensions, the surface
,finish, the hermetic properties of the joints and the radlomitric parameters re"in un-;
.changed. Orig. art. hag: 4 figures.
SUB CODE: 09,20,14/ SUBM DATE: none
LCard 2/2 e-1/z.
GTNZBL.RG. Ye. M., profassor.
Dmitrli Milchallovich Rossiiskit, obituary. Probl. andokr.
I-,nrm. I no.2:118-121 Mr-Ap '55. (MLRA 8:10)
(n,j I TI)AR7 &S,
Ilossliskii, Dimitril M.)
The 11(16 typo univorsal emnterloss grindly4e, rcchinfl. R lal .
tokh.-okon. inform. no.1:26-27 160. 04IIU~ 11%5)
(Grinding, machinpin)
A m a * p a A 1)
I L U L -1 k A I AA N U W U j a
Mathods (w thr cOuttutiOull P90"Ll"'" of supelphos
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thambisto I sN. WRLWIS h4--, A-,
3, kit A I- ,f 0,1 -0
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*40 a b75. POt(TA8LN DIIAM' IETHIC TEI~ RE"t UAM Gi'niburg, 1-00
0 #01 Y. S. (Kotloturbostroyaniye, Aug. 1A7, (4). 2V-3L)). -00
400f,. A now type of prtable dilatomatric to perature ratulator age
for electric furnaces to surrestad. in-expenelve to
produce and with a martin or ftrror of not more than
0 2.5* in 24 hours or inore, as co,ijared with the types in
use, which are exl4usive and work within a linit of 400
vs 0
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