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S/080/61/034/011/ 017/020 D204/D301 AUTHOR: Ginzburg, A.A~ TITLE: Certain physico-chemical properties of rhenium carbonyl PERIODICAL: Zlairr.7-1. prikladnoy khimii, v. 34, no- 11, 19611 2569 TEM; Thermal Droperties of [Re(CO)5J were investigated as liti- le work has so -far been published in tFlis field. The carbonyl was prepared by the action of CO on potassium or ammonium perrhenates at 260-27000, under a pressure of 300-550 atm. The carbonyl was purified by shaking with a 5 % solution of NaOH and steam distil- lation, Spectral analysis showed the following percentages of im- purities in the finished productt Zn 0,005, Al 0.0015, Cu OaDO12i Mg 0.00039 Mn 0.,00006, Si 0.01 and Fe 0.0025, Specific gravit of the carbonyl was determined pyknometrically as 2.78 t 0,005 g~cm3o Vapor pressures in the range 78.0 - 155-50C were found to obey the relationship: P = 10.68 - 4152 (where T is in OK). The iatent Card 1/2 (Dim fig) T S/080/61/034/011/017/020 Certain physico-chemical properties - D204/D301 beat of sublimation wis calculated as IM kcal/mole or 29,1 oal/e, On heating the curbonyl, thermograms exhibit a sharp break in the curvv ut gu,,2 _ 91,80C (an unidentified phase-transformation), and a gcntle discontinuity between 155.0 and 161.10C which was ascri.- bed to m0tanIY;-,,, Preliminary kinetic studies between 2500 and 420o C showed that the thermal decomposition of [Re(00)5J2 is Of filst order belovi ~1150C, The mean energy of activation in the range 250- 4200C and the cons-ViLnt A in the Arrhenius equation were calculated as 18.6 kcal/igoie and 2..l x 106 respectively, The authors express the:lr gratitude to 11,A. Belozersk:Ly for suggesting the subject and for helpful advice, The thermograms were made using N.S. KurnakovI8 pyrometer, in the baboratoriya khimii termoelementov instituta po- llliporovodniko-v AN SSSR (Chemistry of the Thermoelements Laborat~3- ry, Semi-ccnductors Institute~ AS USSR)j and thanks are expressed '-G tile laboratory di.rec'Lar G.,I, Shmelev and group leader S.S. Si- nan. There are I figure and 2 non-Soviet-bloc references. The re- ference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Brit., Pat, 679; 906j. 24th Sept, i950. SUBMITT ED: April 110., 1961 Card '2112 / 1v 2. / 3 t, c PQ C-,, I / 9 - / V - The Second All-Union Conference on Rhenium, sponsored by the Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Daykov, Academy of Sciences USSR, and the State Institute of Rare Metals, %yas held in Moscow 19- 21 November 1962. A total of 335 representatives frc~m 83 scientific institutions and industrial estab- I lishments participated. Among the reports presented were the following: autoclave extraction of Re from Cu concentrates (A. P. Zelikman and A. A. Peredereyev); Re extraction from the gaseous ph an 6 AV. P. Savrayev and N. L. Peysakhov); recovery of Re by sorption and Ion in- terchange (V. 1. Bibikova, V. V. Il'ichenko. K. B. Lebedev. G. Sh ~TrektO~, V. V. Yermilov, Ye. S. Raimbc~o , and M. 1. Tilimonov); production ofcarbonyl Re (A. A. Ginburg); electrolytic produqtion of high-purity Re and electroplating with Re (Z. M. SomLn-eLtaya and Re coatings on refractory metals produced Fy-t-FienmiaT dissociation or Re chlorides'(A. N. Zelikman and.Y, V. Aaryshnikov); plas- tic deformation and therm omec_5_n1_c_aT -treatm ant of Re (Y. 1. Karavaytoov and Yu. A. Sokolov): growth of Re single crystals and effect Of 0- 2. ~~thefir proje-R-i-es CY-afi. Savitskiy and C. Ye. Chuprikov); Re-M, IRe-W, and y. X._A. Tylklma, and K. B. Povarova) Synthosis of Re_rRt_RiE~i_,FWddes, phosphidoe, and se-len-id-ca (G. V. Sam&qLav, V. A. 0!?Ri(Lr!qh!k, and V. S,_]~~q#~pqr); weldability of TCe-Mo aniRe-W alloys (V. V. D'yachonko, B. P. Morqzqv, and G, N. Xlcb~jw); now tiolda of ani-R-a alloys (M. A ifli-na _Z__ ...... Ty_ an Ye. M-1%ultakiy); and Ro-Mo alloy for thermocouples (S--k. Danishevskiy, yutj~-_~qh;pbinakiy. 4nd G. B. LA P). Tsvot;m zeU14, no. 4j Ayr 1963, PP'!~__93 w i ~T Im :j4d ii it i i-e tit GMBISG,A. Do 25717. Generator Stan"r xykh Sigmalov. (Is okeponatoy 6-y Tessoynx. Zaoch. Radlovystafti). RWUos 190, No* be so 40-43o SO: Letopis' Zhurwllnhkh Statey, Val. 34, Hookysi, 1949 Al d,-a /e- AUTHOR: None Given ~,p r 117-~;_ J-24/24 TITLEi Conference on Construction and Utilization of Casting Equipment (Konferentsiya po konstruirovaniyu i ekspluatataii liteynogo oborudovaniya) 1ERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1956, Nr 5, p 48 (U~;SR) ABSTRACT: In December 1957 a scientific-research conference Vook place in Gorlkiy dealAg with the construction and utilization of casting equipment. It was organized by the department of casting of the NTO MA311PHOM. At the conference were 900 repreaentatives from machine building plants, casting equip- ment plants, scientific research institutes, universities, etc. A total of 28 reports were given. l.P. Yegoranko, Candidate of Technical Sciences (NIILITMASH) reported on the actual state and development of the casting technique. P.11. Aksenov, Doctor of Technical Sciences (MAMI) reported on automated lines of sand-blowing moulding. L.M. Mariyenbakh, Doctor of Technical Sciences (xvfa) reported on the subject "Mechanized Drying Kilns". G.S. Zelichenko, Engineer (Leningrad Branch of Soyuzprommekhanizatsii) reported on "Automatic Lines of Molding in Casting Shops". A.D. Ginzburg (LF VPTI tyazhmash) Card 1/2 reported on a self-construc-t-ed--a-u-t-o-m-a-Elc-machine for the pro- 117-58-5-24/24 Conference on Construction and Utilization of Casting Equipment duction of shell moulds. V.N. Bobrov (NIILITMASH) talked about automatic machines for moulding. A.V. Odinokov,Engineer, reported on modern sand blasting devices. G.3. Taburinakiy, Engineer ~NIITLITMASH) reported on "Automatic Machines for the Production of Shell Molds and Cores". Z.D. Levin (Plant KATEK) spoke on "Projects and Utilization of Equipment for Mechanized Casting". I.V. Yefimov, Engineer, spoke on "Mechanization and Automation of the Technological Process of Casting With Meltable Idodels". G.R. Nikollskiy, Engineer (KILITMASH) spoke on hydraulic and sand-hydraulic cleaning of castings. B.G. Shpitallnyy (NIILITMASH) talked about the automatic moulding machine Nr gb2b4. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Casting equipment-Development 2. Casting equipment-Application dAd Pa 16 0r,4 -",i a till mi. 40 A 44 'all's C; fit WHO 2 2 20 m 10" u t1o ro MO b - I A V.. u a A 'o J.S 16 IS ou .3 w 0 ?WIN, O.N.; GINZBURG, A.G.j FLID, R.M. Soluble complexes of unsaturated hydrocarbons with metal oalts And their role in catalytic i9actions. Part 4tThemo- dynazics *f the formation of soluble /r-complaxes of ethylene with Ag-t-and Cu+'ions. Kin. i kat. 5 no.2s221-227 Mr-Ap 164. (*IRA 17:;B) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskay tekhnologii imani LOOLOnosova. r i 48 A. : . A. I..- "Activatim of Prrssed ll~ast in 1'read !-~in of Allhor Education USSIR, Technolo, ir-al Inst of Food I'os-ow, 195h (Dissertations For Veiive of ~'andldate of Tec.mi-l -'Icien-es) SO: KnizImaya Letopisl 1.7o. 2(.,, Jime 19."', , !~os(,ow AUKWAN, L.Ya.; 11 GINBUM, A. Prollminar7 activation of compressed yeast in broad baking. Trudy MTIPP 4:54-57 156. ("M 9: 10) (Yeast) GIMMIGAA.A.; PROXHOROV, I.I. Hquipment for activating compressed yeast in Moscov bakeries. ralob. i kond, prom. 1 no.3.'34-37 Mr 137. NLU 10:4) 1. Roskovekiy takhnologichookiy institut pishchevoy prowyahleanosti (for Ginsburg). 2. Moskovskly gorodskoy trest Roxglavkhlaba (for Prokhorov). (Teast) (Moscow-Bakers and bake rie s--Zquipment and supplies) !~INZBUIRG, Ark-adiy Grigorlyevich, dotsent; ZAGLODINA, F.I., spetered.; XMINAO Z.P., vadiishchiy red. [Oontrolling alcohol fermentation in the baking industry by mans of the A&l appnratnasl lonroll spirtovogo brozhontia priborom IG-1 v kasbopekarnoi promyshlonnosti. Moskva. Gos.nnuchno-issl. in-t nauchn. i teklin.informAtaii. 1959. 30 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Fermentation) (Bakers and bakeries) GUZ3*v*lUj A. ali ~ *,. Lkyan it- of' Uvi c I inic of th-3 Yo ravan "oov . *. ~ ~- 1- , ~t - ~ :j ~ s f, i 4 - u ta " 1: ron., t', ~~- .~x. -.i ~-i (- r i c I k'01 No 7, 1,')t)j p 2~ GMBLM, A. G. "On the measures or prevention and the right against strangles of horses," Veterinariya 26(9), 1949, p. 25. USSR, Ministry of Agricultrues Main Adminstration of animal Husbandry, Veterinary Adminstration. OMMURG, A. "Rostov Oblast Veterinary Bacteriological TAboratory." Veterinariia 27(8), 1950, P. 55. GnMWG, A. G. From an article "Veterinary Servicing of Consolidatid Kolkhozes" by A. 0. Ginzburg. One can find in every obLut many exapples of theftne organization of zooveterinoxy institutions and thetr exemplary servicing of Yolkhozes. In this respect the experience of the Central Zooveterinary Section in Leninskiy Payon) Moscow Oblast) is representative. It aimed for serious achievements in veterinary and zoot-echnical servicing of kolkhozes. On the basis of the work of specialists in this progressive section, directed by Veterinarian D/G. KDBILYAMV, development according to plan of all adopted measures was assumed, close association vith active kolkhoz stock raisers and responsibility for opportunely equipping thr rayon hospital.. the animal room and other nec- asary apparatus of the zoaveterinary section. Specialists in the section conducted monthly production meetings at which were discussed the next plans of preventice, veterinary-sanitaty and zootechnical work. Eventually these plans are brought to every kolkhoz. In addition) the specialists of the section organize;! on every kolkhoz, monthly production meetings of workers of husbandry brigades vith the patticipation of the kolkhoz leaders. Veterin&riya No 2, Moscow, 1951, Pp. 7-10. 1v7- BUR Cy G-. ., A. GOLOSHCHMV, Yu.N., redaktar; POLYANOT, A.A., redaktor; ITANOT, A.D., sostavitoll. GINZBURG, A.G., sostavitell; SMINITSKIT, T.P., gostavitell; POMW."~ .. takhnichookly redaktor. (Gollection of regulations governing veterinary affairs. Veterinary code of the U.S.S.R., statutes, directives, regulations, rules and Instructions) Sboralk rukoyodiashohikh matertalov po voterinarit. Vaterinarsyl ustav SSSR, polosheniia, lnstruktsii, nastavloniia, -pravila, nkaxaniia. Moskva, Goo. Ixd-vo salkhos. lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1954. 400 P. (KWA 7:10) (Veterinary laws and legislation) USSR/Medicine Veterinary, Textbook Card 1/1 Author Shishkov, V. and Ginzburg, A., Veterinary Physicians (reviewers) Title "Review of 'Laboratornyye issledovanlya v veterinarnoy klinicheskoy diagnostikel (Laboratory examinations in veterinary clinical diagnosis)" by P. S. Ionov et al Periodical ! Veterinariya, 31, 58-60, Apr 1954 Abstract : P. S. Ionov, V. G. Mukhin, A. I. Fedotov, and 1. G. Sharabrin have intended this book primarily for students in veterinary colleges and to provide reference material for laboratory workers and practic- ing veterinary physicians. Tmportance of this book is enhanced by the fact that all previously published textbooks and manuals on the methods of clinical and laboratory diagnosis in veterinary medicine have been sold out and have become somewhat obsolete. Notable ad- vances have been made in the past few years In the Soviet UnI.011 in the field of veterinary medicine; veterinary clinicists have con- tributed much new to the veterinary laboratory-clinical diagnostic methods. All these advances have been incorporated in this book. The book was published in 1952 by the State Publishing House of Sovhoz and Kolkhoz Literature, Moscow, 252 pp, Fifteen thousand copies. Inntitution Submitted GIUMM, A.G. Skilfully present leading veterinary sorTice in the press. Veterinarlia 33 no,B: 16-n. Ag '56. owk 9t9) l.Glaynyy vaterinarnyy vrach Glaynogo upravleniya vaterinarii Minister- stva sel'skogo khozyaystva SSM. (Veterinary medicine) OINZSIMG9 Amicador Gesselsylob Caourse in the orgenisation of vetertuary work] Nurs organizatsit "tarlmrsop del#, Xoskyal Gos. isd-vo tolkhos, lit-ry, 1957, 293 p . (MIRA ll14) (Yetarinaq medioins) ..'~ / ,y -? :"/ !,~' I "': r / / ,.,! 6 , /' I ~, I (- I.; t', . AZIAM G~ 76- ri!-ary lwal anti-aircraft defe.:xe measures. YeterinarLipt '34 no. S '57. (HLRA 10:9) 1 Glavayl vetarinarWy vrAnh IjAvuogo vi)rovienip; veterinilrii t1inioterstva aellskogo khosyskystvR FSSR. (veterinary medicitie) (Air defenses) GINZBURG. Amipaday Gesselsvich; IVANOY, Anstolly Dmitriyovich; G01WHAPOV. ThiN., red.; SHIMO, A.Ya., red.; VISKOYA. Te.l., BALUM, A.I., [Organization of veterinary medicine in the U.S.S.R.] Organizateiia vaterinarnogo dels v SSSR. Pod red. IU.N.Goloshapove. Moskva, Goa. lzd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1958. 527 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Veterinary medicine) GIMURG, A.G.; IVANOV, A.D.; BOYKO, A.A., red.; KALOTA, L.I., red.; 'MEWIN, I,V,,, (Veterinary legislation-, veterinary statutes, regulations, decrees, Instructions, directives. and rules on veterinary medicine) Voterinarnoe sakonodatel'stvt veterinarnyi ustav SM, polozhaniia, Wmxanila, instraktaii, nastavleniia I pravila po veterinamoma delit. Pod red. A.A.Boiko. Moskva, lzd-vo H-va sell.khos.SSSR, 1959. 1230 p. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Laws, statutes. etc. (Veterinary medicine-Laws and legislation) GINDURG, A.G. Antibiotics in the service of stockbreeding. Yeterinariia 36 no.11: 51-55 11 '59 (KIRA 13:3) 1. Glavuyy vetvrach-terapevt Gosudarstvennoy inapektail. po veterin- arii. 14inisteretva sellskogo khozyayBtva SSSR. (Antibiotics) (Stock and stockbroading) GI In the 111nistry of Agriculture of the U.S.S.R. Voterinariia 36 no.6:87-90 is 159. OIRA 12:10) (Veterinary hygiene) GINZBURG, A.G. Enlarging the role of veterinary specialists in mobilizing reserves in livestock production. IreterInariia 37 no.6:85-90 A 160. (MIRA 16:7) Veterinary medicine) St,~ck and stockbreeding) ~ GIMURG, A. G. "To increase fertility and to improve the organization of artificial insemination of animals." Veterinariya, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1961, P- 15- GINZBURG, A.G. Imprm daily veterinar7 practices in the country. Veterinarlia 38 no.7M-23 JI 161. (MIRA 16 % 8) (Veterinary wadi iine-Congre sses) WWARoV. I.S.; GIMINOSTITOT, Tu,L., nsuchnyy red.; YEMOT, A.D., glavnyy red.; OINZMMG, A.I,, red.; ZVWW, L.Y., red.; ZUBARIV, N.N., red.; T.A.p red.; SOLOVIYHV, D.Y., red.; KMIUSHCHOY, N.A., red.; SWRWOV, I.V., red.; STOLTMOV. A.G., red.; IVANOVA, A.G., [Industrial requirements as to the quality of mineral raw materialw, handbook for pologistal Trabovaniia promyshlennosti k kachestvu minerallnogo syrIta; upravochnik dlia geologov. Izd.2., perar. Moskva, Gos.nouchno-tokhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr. Ho.46. (Rubidium and cesium] Rubidii I tsozii. IU.L. Chornoovitov. 1960. 33 P. (miRA 14:2) 1. Moscow. Veasoyuznyy usuchno-iBoledovatellskiy institut mine- rallnogo syrlya. (lbabidium) (cesium) Of lalimills. vet~rfnarny,, vy-w-li-terap, vt pr%v] s erl'. vEj of- n GINZBURG, A.G. Improve the organi2ation of the veterinary aervicep increase the effectiveness of vet*rinar7 measures on each collective and state farm. Vaterinariia 39 no,6zl)-20 Js 162 (MIRA 18ft) 1. Glavnyy vaterinarnyy vrach-terapeyt Upravleniya vaterinarli Ministersiva sel'skogo khosysyntra SSSR. GINZBURG A G.,; GOLOSHCHAFOV, Yu.N., red.; INELEVSM , B.N., red.; SOKOidAll N.N., tekhn. red.; TRUKHINA, O.N., tekhn. red. [What shoiad the coilective-fam chairman and the state-farm director know about veterinary regulations of the U.S.S.H.] Chto nuzluio zrAt' prodisedatellu kolkhoza i direktoru sov- khoza o voterinarnom ustave SSSR. Pod red. 1U.N.Goloshchapova. F.oskva, Solikhozizdat., 1962. 63 P. (MIRA 15-6) (Voterinary bygiene-iAv and legislation) GDZMW A. G (]Lead Veterinary Surgeon and Therapeutist of the Veterinary nistration of the Ydnistry of Agriculture of USSR) 'I For a better organization of measures of control of noncontagious diseases of anlutals" Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 4, April 1962 P. 5T GIWaM, A. G, (Chief Veterinary $urgeon) Therapeutist at the Veterinary Department n% of Ydnistry or Agriculture of the USSRj "To imprave the organization of Veterinar7 medicine, to increase the effectiveness of veterinary measures at each collective and state farmM Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 6, June 1962 PP. 13 IVANOV, Anatoby Dmitriyovich; GINZPW.0-,. hJnAd.Av..-Qqqpejqy DRY'vIIANSKIYA, N.I., red.; DSYEVA, V.1-1.1 tekhn. red. (Organization of veterinary service]Organizatsiia veterinar- nogo dela. Poskva, Sallkhozizdat, 1962. 407 p. (MIM 15:12) (Veterinary medicine) 1WOVp A.D.1 BDTKOp A.A., red.; KARTASHEVA, N.M.# rod.1 PROKOFIYEVA, L.,N.p tekhn. red.1 SOKOLOVA, X.N.9 tekhn. red. (Veterinary legislation.1 statutes, regulations, instructions, directiXes and rules on, veterinary medicine) Voterinamoa za- konodatil'stvo; poloidtaniia, ukazaniia, instruktaii, nastayle- nlia i prnylla po voterinamonm delu. Pod obahchei red. I.A. Boiko. Moskva, Sellkhosisdat, 1962.~ 358 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Laws, statAtes, etc. (Veterinary hygiene-Laws and legislation) (Veterinarians--Legal status, laws, sta.) 4..' .11 . - - GIWIIBURG, APG* Veterinary service and state veterinary control are to be fully consolidated. Vaterinariia 40 no.616-10 Je 16). (M. 17: 1) GINZBURG, Aminadav Gesselevich; LZOEOVA, 'I.S., red. [Veterinary medicine in the i3ervice of man] Veterinariia oluzbit cheloveku. Moskvap lzd-vl "Znanie," 1964. 53 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. V Seriia; Sellskoe kho- ziaistvo, no.7) (MIRA 17:5) GIRBURG A.G, Give every assistance '!) the inten0ficnWon of animal husbandry. VeterinaHla. 41 no.UA,18 Je 164. (MIRA 18t6) 1. Glavnoyn upravlenlye voterinarii Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. GINZBURG, A.L., prof. (Dnepropetrovsk) Direct adenotomy. Zhur. usho, nou, i gorl, bol. 20 no.4:61 JI-Ag !60. (MIRA 14:6) (ADENOIDS-SURGERY) GINZBUM , A. 1. Dopondonoo of Lhe chomical composition and phyoleal properties of sapropolitos and oaprohumollths on the content of alginate group microoomponents. Lit. i pol. iskop. no.5-51-67 S-0 164. OMIRA rl:ll) 1. Vses.:)Taznyy nauctmo-isoledovatel I ski y geologicheskiy inaLitut, Leningrad. Mrr"M T; t. u u m v ft 0, a p I, A"M it u 41 0 t o Cb"Ktwutko Of Cools W the cberasokkay A, t 1 7 . 3 I .4 ail. ' lu A low fisaill sow 111WO-tol'i. of .11ib. 1".. , 41'.1 1, .00 th' 1" 10, lwkl 41, It- J A A 11 see OS I zoo of o as* 00 j go* 00 see so z 1 .10 l 21 a It u n 01 MAO 110414141 o4 000 a 0 eta 0 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 a a J_L4 S 4 loll uu Jim m" upeal CGOOL411111 -L AU 11 11 11 11 111 11 I m liwi%eof SM A. A. Podt"I at Oft. &so 1*0 ot 6r r Y AnI 1 Rb u RAV IDA[,' a IN it f 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 4 0 J 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 If q 0 4 *4 0 q 000 09 Up 0 CJ* 0 8 00 v 4 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 e oil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S7 04 Le. '? ? 1.e. 0 'lit I I 74-111ili isir mode 41 U464 t -A. -I. o.-, #- ~j IRS 00 ##"Joni Ala #00#10111 hedi" dOWAM d dimbm m4 wasiam. X, L TAXAOAV MA Appl. Clown. sof I a" Is bolled so #1.- 3 MWAMFOtuan, to 0 "m Anowbv* 1.!L a Ond a bm" *own*= bao" Ti. Os pa do ob" b bdal wM noom of Nil md Owed. The nAdve k extrutail wM so AJH &W sel. &POW), b addkd to dm exuwt, so bralm ealahwm or Plot. bulicat" U, Hlomm so or (v J�ROW& AWO with I 1 (1, A'1%9#0., Wd it &&hd Is adumd with R. T. As a a x if a 0 lp * 0 6 0 0 a 010 0 0 *iO. 0 0 0 0 so 006 %,s0 0 *00 `S* 400 1 v 0 roe wee Aso 0 9 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 s 0 go 6 of ow a c I 0 u R a 1. 0 P. a IN No 11 null 111111 Its , L AA - I "100144111 41 4! v at av 4 1% m p I It 1 11601 06 7 ' -. ... . . 0 * - tell it. )lilt I., i-m -tit milt-I it! mp It iv .111gur .- m - l ml "I Y n l o, I , . lm~w w(wil 'It t p'll I kil l J 'Irl '111'sl .Iwl 1 't-110311 lie P. 11valldiii I.% Ili jtli A104% on '1111, 111 'All 11,111 1 111m) Irt It (,1 (0.1 -tv,111 'Nil 111ml j3 'j ., 'wip- r p w " os . j T"I #,I, I. il Y , 'tit loll I"PI) 1"! ; I v li "71 -it (lOrl 1 ' it ljK p. "WHY I,k wil.11to .-y P. 11.14411 1.4v -Ml t ait 11111114.1, ),1 m .. Owl, J lir o~: ki J :III llvm~ 4 1 ~ -'IV will 1-161 mII ~f 'pjlrjr.I Alluil.11 lip I,ItK Aml ~v jm- I m: I I ir it ol ilvIle jitilm ',,IilrlAl I xtjiunl..I, I,, '..mirtutwi 'ziiii-put,l till,% 11-- ' It ;~J 1111111 -11 lmuqu,,P 11 PRIM, 40111111-1 J4-k lml, ljr,% p %iiiiisill alow"I .)li!jAiI,fm.I pmilaill "It'll -1111 "11-1A MILL -is of 919* '111 lot Olim Iviril UNV aif) I- 2' , . . ; ..lvpj w.pau ,j 1.11D voinvil;I "I j lit 311.11 1 ..m .") T to 'S"'S I lip", ' U 10 r"". P111A piffiliel-.4" Hit I 'WidlinflIVII)l N 'Indite III J--T-r n it I At R flo l IT ITn ioug lip IOPM A 00 i R1 ~ x 9 A- 11P 01W MONO, , Ut 1~ 4, 1 -11(01041- . .......... .. . . TImckulita a till lantalitit frum the dilliciall of thr so 00 lijtr~,-v lliul A I I 11 Alba R it, c. P, lv~1717 ii m rjr 1: I , - m ' . . dmd. 1- . I'Mer, ? -I I'mm- ill-Al de Un l l i f i 1 n k' 1 MOrMli ro l c K l 1. nglv,h)- l so %mall avegulair arlifirtalitills ill Ihr I'M- -4 11141194""1"14- ' , ml .it. tit f,A ( )o . Ir, Striltially flut ekortAills I !1 so AFe h1ajKjt-!W4lU1 14M, 41f th'""Allill, Ill, Ill Ill x~ 15 ent, ill %Iiw have 1XV11 A-ft.j I 1W "4.4 A 0,, minrial I% brisbi yvil-* tit Ifeem,ft vrfl- 4 Ix-i-11 yellow, trankatitnot fictin mic rAor tit th, 40141 19111C 461-- .1,16111antine, loalticularly (in the lieffect cleavage 14411c'. i #u, Al'-fis %hich tile 111111clul readily %I'll#. fill') thin I'dul I fir tintirral t. Wilk. Tile otral. i* billit vAW-A. sp &1. 7.5; H 5,5 OE Cleavage is lieffert SUMS (PRI! ... 1'. r* 0 UrW4 un&f atice,mipitc). Tile Uniturtai delmm it mi. tialml Ili file Asti-Milak Itirgynatitt fwl,l if the Vallta kanic oil IN- upjwt -tut-4- -4 live AU-Itulak kivri, 1. itill cirpre. Itiltio * d ""ll"I IVY It 1416 4 11CSIMAUIC V,111, Ill IlW R 114111(m 711C (VOUS1 par( of tht vel .U VINW01 44 Wilt. s rrylilab of NIVdUnfelle. quatz. and M . "'In", &"-I Ill dit himiWMI of lep,-hilitf, Imillurile, and Anitilylooll, Prickt-14 of re(Mish brow 41 n (112'; TaA and 12',, CW,) antj oth" Ta tidriffal, in. if9 199 t!'fer""" "'Ill cal'it"ite have Iftil, hjund, Anatywo an so )ilhll 1".. liu,t,,f L A '11VACLUKKK LITIN&TY11 CkAISJOKILTICIN r I too u .0 "t u 5 ,v 10 F V-r-y-r- r-z4 im-1 4aill a K it ill A :14 so o All 0 0 0 GINDURG, A.I. Petalite in pegmatites of the Kalba Range and its alteration products. Trudy Minemuseno-1960-73 149. (Km 9:6) (Nalbe Rugd-Petalits) GIfiZBURG, A.I. Structure of mineral aggregates of complex lithia pagmatites. Tmay Hin.mus-no-1:74-86 '49. WaA 9:6) (Pegmatites) "Wit 1 TE MI J-31 1A i'P i tI it i;Lt 4i tl- tf t gr: I it ,Ir 'Jj ro .1" 414, '~-iA u u IT AR wtc- it it 14 4aw Ir a 81- Iti 0; go * ~*- oe.. IWO Amphlibol" IN"Whilatifir K.. bern fieurvill In two Walittep Osty. am 1. 3.Won And A&Ithfr lh *,,rIh Carelive (Palarlir #1 &1.. Am. Mitairst 15, Mi. 111419110). , Wn 1. 1141 IF It. Poo. 1 (194711 r Poe The a 1WF*I IN bilk. to, It .1buiumort, a pblira-amirth"Ife age mavall is reported here. 11 form groviSs of very el,witated zoo irryotill- jvp lu I to kog) both in t1w,mler mov,if Iwo w,&Isllr budhip &W in Ow surrimmillivig rack. uncia a. far "itirprol dinsto yve& from W p"maillit. T%r COR411 411110a s, 44 the opudifiview-boirlitIl Imily cm the baw nurk ,-: reatilts to %4 furim" of Wiles III the vicirlity of [hit ttlfttl. 11,1111114 a t*PW#N" of hurnblemit, by "mififlatitir brilber away. 71his elreafteftore my have & to 0 nw,61161II'ShIs PnNPWUP4 YAIOK Ilvt 110111sig of a silsille it"idle see i kif 11111thuht8titir Is a bmic forlivilklis ithoulf! indicate the Well prPSIPPOrt Of IrAtt-metal-briatft pollstatitraM the lithium IIINP- 0to 0 AT 10 JA l AA1 %@Iwo I'liffilloao t .- b - r 1114 I i fag 111a I l I 01 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Ill 0 0 Mu .~I' 'o j7 ;I,_ LZ RA It Vii i.L hu Pic Nil to Ir J, VP Orycklidrewtit. a a" makeeral of the iron -mamansee Aluilnual pbom - A. 1. (Upsirtu I i x .fMts gromp 'i'maikova Muni. "Awt, Wifif 11.4hilly Abod. Namb S.S.S.R, 71. 10-111ill,"All III,,. 411.1 IvIlIku p1mmilbate nolifulft with 111OVISIr 4%TUI Ili 'I Imis IwInadtite tit the R&IIHMA MOW. (H. kAiAlibmilm 1. olik-It c4mitain *a sukuma 1%6umisc insaimal. ,I veilits.1i lm,,.n hwdum,.I-.% Ili 4; aIA.Ak%3.2A.S t.t% ~ 'I it-, I Ill-ifivi dirlivaiiii of the affIN141".111bit CITMAIS 1011, (41111) - .. I - 1'. .1th -Y lir-Wish yeth-W. 310, 33"; dislier3our, p < 0; a - I.M1; -v -a - UAW. Patkula ckFe was given In the cbem. olilytib to the detti. of WO and the re- sults, turiltvitt 14.47% MuO; 11.7 It'll WIN. aft. Imq tri, .irriv couriusiviisince the Pecauki ottly hedetif 4.pep, ASAVii). The derivricicbem. crempri. it (tin. Cli-Mit i I, 11'r. MOAlAIM.2PAX.711.0; thili fmmulA ~ I, ukAhly simillir to that o1 rhikkenitrAiFeMio and the new mineral is (mly ijl~ tisicuilbed by trillikat Ft and Mu. and It slightly lottri 110content. The mecanday reigritt 4 1 hit -mv, hilitirril !ir- i. etwicut thrmigh p~mIms,wph,,. whwh -ha% ihir Iwt, if thip momral. 'IV it-lidy durants W Ixth 111111 Trill- stir v" y simititt, &I% 6msh difftirm in dei ad. t)%V, chikistaite to emadt, ditirmilml. to a mixt. 44 lifisainitir wii h dduk Mn mintials k1miloasselanc, PYT14uAlic', stul m hi- dr,"ll Al pholphate (vallitirvitc). W. Part -A. I Jun 50 *new mineral of the Phosphate Group," A. I. Ginzburgp Miteralogical Mus; Acad Sci USSR -I)ok A Vauk MW' Vol LXXII, No 4, pp 763-766 Describes now sineral discovered in 1947 and nazed "hanovskit after Prof V. 1. Kryzhanovskiy, Russian mineralogist. Mineral belongs to group of basic hy- drous phoophates in which iron is present in form dIr 1PO203) and almost all mangaaese in fom of Mao. Form- uls-of Mineral: 1.16Ro.o.87Pe 03-P205-2929, Where R = Ma, Ca, Mg. Xryzhanovskit fe typical ifneral of oxidation zones of pegmatitic veins containing triphy- lite and represents modification of latter phosphate. aubmItte4 by Aced D. S.,B61yankin. Iii- 169f36-- A$ fl! -7 Y4 ;A 4 i:f p 'Ilk i5illv ~ d 1. L qj ' - T Rq-, zl!oi ow, ..... ....... WIN,--,,~'- i" . . . . . . . . . .. . . MW Ud~ 9 an A. T. 18BT47 MM/Geophysicia - Coal, Bumus JU-I/Aua 51 "Petrographic 'Farietiee of H-umus Coal," A. T. GInz- burg "Iz Ak Nauk SSBR, Ser Geol" No 4, pp 81-96 On the basis of personal observations and perusal of written sources, Ginzburg attempts to classify the humus homogeneous and striated coals and to reveal their paragenetic connection according to number of criteria and indications. Shows how the gradual variation of the quan ratios of microscopic elements and the degreeis of metamorphism are reflected in certain indusixial properties of coals, particularly in their ability to coke. LC 18ft47 sT ri;. 9T_Qt`Kx mom nky Ill It krw! Allp tut Omv .ilk 14 .1 crudial"lls. tatirdy feiiilicini it IQWWmd 01% Spammirtflo brftW 01 it~ to mid&-vanalu mum or roam CTYW&h it Is Caticited tit thti *Nitt-like CORS"S aw w p". matite wrimp and it im 1014motely -X41, Ithil ouvisa, quarts. AWInrtguitti, wcur in aftftd Imictiolis 01 jkc rks nil Rohl" ht"JeSile I N b bythe and, M=Okmml. chnic Wilk = PMtG faWft, but 41101hirt 11YK1b at r iffol.m.d.yr4we, 14 "' a ilia" lw4w- 11111"m f1OjMju;jr;1k;* The aid density S_ CIvw Oftir"d 16"Wtbfuim 141" V . wbw-y"lkm -arty mWirm, 4 vi,opff" r N ad AnOmAku.Vu'111' - OW, with fifumig ut and tw" a juleffeft'ne, iviuel. a I tug, , . 1 .661, and " . imM. The thmi, Iblutula is 4 (PC, MR, %IUVP'-k~ Mg)r,. whk FcO 25.9, MoO 13.0, OW M90 IT- 1% T-VACM 1, ther(sxv aimW to tAtirWite (tivarvibrd by ipbtr&n (100)) and arintbu dtwdtW by Ilutilat ( I%A. ;1. MW); the ww mbwtA is, b-,rvrc. in - do- taN dillit"t from tatkiliPlitt uld ifilittv Vn4w- *, by the abatm c4 Cal) aust the catim, of MSO: Pro whov% ,, WAP"jutelojiv is unly 1:1 but pttkIlatty hillon in the "tharem". Additional. tht falic ki(pohlit(f. 0114 is not 1A a In Iriphir hul ammuly 41. Atin the pow4w dimparap atv diftcat In dclailt Uh. replace MjFj in mLW*"v*Wr. The p"mA. I", It of "lasuraWripthe With OWIRAW' diuvilmrZmenve toplat"a"I by alblic is b*Wy so" denita 6 atmwv.1 it% &%surimlrd anuJadfiv 'Mis t",A- tiah Is causlAn"I with list vF0111 of fuVUS04 64 4"11 *M runecovift, wbilv VrQ %*1 Mai) watw hesiddrake aud rfOA bhw tounnalfur, vAmmuding black too line. W, F ,r&m&Dujw* A.I* %I-: ~- Phosphates in granitic pegmatites. Trudy Kin.mus. no.4:36-63 152, (Phosphates) (Peguatites) (KLOA 7:11) glT ij 01 or _4, 07?7,79G3 A. T., and ~M-W", V. ". 'Tosphoritc, Pi-om the Pefinatites of Ear" Tran:~!,afl-1,1111 Tr. Minr-mIrwich. lhi:-,eya A"' 'ISSH, 1953, The alitho-'s eot;plioritc, firr~t encomtered in thf~ territor., of the USSR in a permatite vein in ra:-,t Tranrl,~aikal, within hollow.- in allite, quartz and muscovitc in the fom of solid masress an(, crystals with fol M. (U) and (12'1). E'osplhorite chanpe.,l easily under h.,,11cri-enetic conditions. OnhGeoll No 3, 195h) SO: W-31187, 8 Mar 55 11 .; - , ~:~ - :-- - -4 ~" . i0 I, tu -till if "i :if 14, i.o J~f ji~- ~C-A' it o'-- Vol; 0"o 1 j:z, i wN N f I.: t-"'~Jf i 14 J~ jili Ji it i 14 I j GINZBURG. A.I. Mineralogical and geochenical characteristics of lithium pegmatites. Trudy Min.muz. no.7:12-55 155. (MLIA 9:5) (Pegmtites) GINZBURG, A.I. Chomical compositon of bsryl. Trudy Kin.muz. no.7:56-69 '55. (KLRL 9:5) 00171) (IINZBURG, A.I. ,1 -~ 1. , , " "0 "'; , ': I A now mineral from a brittle mica group. Trudy Min.mus. no-7: 70-75 155. (KLRA 9:5) (mineralogy) GINZBURG, A.I. , " ~ 'Lithionite.' Trudy nin.nmz. no.7:169-170 '55. (MLM 9:5) (Lopidolite) GI~Z=t.- Alio Il',Inichna: IVINOVA, Antonina Ivnnovna: SHABAROV, W.V., red.; ROSSOVA, S.M., red.izdatelletva; GUROVA, O.A., [COTiditiono of sediment accumulation and coal formation in the eastern Fergana (Uzgen) coal basin] Uglovila osadkonakopleniia i ugleobrasovanila v Vostochnoferganskom (Uzgenskom) ugollnoo basseine. Moakva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geologit I okhrane nedr. 19~6. 146 p. (Leningrad. Vessoluzny'l geologicheskii institut. Trudy, voi.W (MIRA 10:10) (Yergana-Goal geology,) 15-57-5-6653 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5, pp 138-139 TUSSR) AUTHOR: Ginzburg, A. I. TITLE: Kirghiz Hard Goals in Polarized Light Vith Crossed Nicols (Kamennyye ugli Kirgizil v lyarizovannom svete pri skreshchennykh nikolyakjo PERIODICAL: Materialy Vses. n.-i. geol. in-ta, 1956, Nr 8, pp 241-251 ABSTRACT: Clarain, clarain-durain, and durain coals were studied in normal light and in polarized light with crossed nicols. Th*en sections parallel to the surface of stratification were placed at an angle of 450 to the crossed hairs of the eyepiece in the position which provided maximum lighting for the coal. All com- ponents with the exception of the fusain showed aniso- Card 1/2 tropy and interference coloration in polarized light Kir0iiz lilard Cnal,-~ O"'orit. with crosged nicols. Theic phu-nomena were intensified vfth increase in the degree of inctc*imorphism, Double refraction of t.,o:.,1 substances varies from low (D-PZh qual.~ty coal) to averaee (1,-T quality coal) to indistinct (FA quality coal). Extinction varies from slight (D-PS coal) to almost complete and direct (FS-PA). Th e most marked chanp - .,es ~n properties occur between G and Nh qualities and between K and PS qualities,. Use of polarized light is recom- mended for study of coals of PS and T qualities. It. yrovlJcit-n~, a inor~~ Precise iden of the plant ,structural sub.,Aanct; t,c, a low degree of metamorl.hism. Card 2/2 ,- 0. D, h. 15-57-1-806 Translation from: ReferEttivnyy zharnal, Geologiye, 1957, Nr 1, p 127 (U33R) AUTHOR: Ginzburg, A. 1. TT TLE: The Evolution of Fusain Daring Metamorphism in the Coals of Central Asia (K voprosu ob evolyatsii fyuzenn pri metamorflzme v aglyakh Sredney Azii) PERIODICAL: 'ARterialy Vses. n4-i, geol. In-ta, 1956, Nr 8, pp 252-258. ABSTRACT- Fus n,, and fusain-xylain-darain in the Central Asian coals undergo changes during metamorphism similar to those for bright clarain coals, but in a smaller rangeof variation. In brown coals, fusain- xylain types are distinguished from clarain by the higher content of carbon, the lower yield of volatiles, and the lower content of hydrogen. In bituminous coals of the first type, changes in the content of carbon, hydrogen, and volatiles, according to increased stage of Card 1/2 metamorphism, are less than in clarain coals of the The EvolQtion of Fasain During Metamorphism (Cont. ) 15-57-1-806 some series. 3I.milar types of changes in coals of different essential compositions are observed for color, luster, density, and fracture. card 2/2 M. K. p), Category: USSR Abo -Iour: D Author Krylova, 11. IM., VaPts, I. E., Lyuber, A. A., and Ginz.1,,11-6, A.I. Inst Coal Geology Laboratory of the Aca0emy of 3cienres USSH Title %Isic Principles in the Material's and Petrographic Clai;jlficat~~on and TerminoloLV of Ewnus Coals Orig Pub: Tr. Labor, Geol. Uglya. AN SSSR, 19',E, 11 2 Abs~~ract-. Na abstract. Card 1/1, SUBJECT: USSR/Geology -v Ij AUTHORi Ginzburg, A.I., and Gorzhevskiyj D.I. TITLE: On Interconnection of Rare-Metallic Pegmatites and Some Types of Ore Veins (K voproau o vzaimoavyazi redkometallnykh peg- matitov i nekotorykh tipov rudnykh zhil) PERIODICALi Izventiya Akaaamii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 6, p 14-29 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Interconnections of rare-metallic granitic pegmatites of the pure series and high-temperature pneumatolytio-hydrothermal formations are analyzed in the article. The authors came to the following conclusions: 1) Rare-metallic pegmatite fields and ore veins occur most often in different regions. Sometimes they occur in the same metallogenic provinces, but also in these cases they are spatially separated and localized in different sections. 2) The territorial separation of the rare-metallic peg- matites and ore veins is determined by different geological conditions of their origination; the connection with differ- Card 1/5 ent Intrusive rooke, different depths of origination and 1o-6-2/13 TITLE: On Interconnection of Rare-Metallic Pegmatitea and Some Typea of Ore Veins (K voprosu o vzaimoovyazi redkometallnykh peg- matitov i nekcitorykh tipev rudnykh zhil) difference in ages. 3) Pegmatites are usually connected with normal micro- clinic biotite granites, whereas ore veins are often connect- ed with muscovite and alaskits granites. These varieties of granites correspond often to different phases of intrusive complex origination. 4) Rare-metallic pegmatites and ore veins are originated at different depths: the origination depth of pegmatites varies from 4 to 8 km and that of ore veins from 2.5 to 4-5 km. 5) Ore veins are essentially younger formations than peg- matites. Many cases were observed where pegmatites were inter- aected by ore veins but no case of a reverse situation. 6) Rare-metallic pegmatites and ore veins differ from each other in chemical composition. Pegmatites are distinguish- ed by a very high concentration of alkalis Lit Nat K, in part- Card 2/5 icular Rb and Cat rare earths, Y, and also Nb, Tat Zr, Hf, 10-6-2/13 TITLE: On Interconnection of Rare-Metallic Pegmatites and Some Types of Ore Veins (K voprosu o vzaimoavyazi redkometallnykh peg- matitov I nekotorykh tipov rudnykh shil) and Th. For the ore veins are typical S, Wt Vo, Cu and Pb. Some elements can accumulate both in pegmatites and ore veins, Buch as Li, Be, B, Ga, Sc# Bi, Sn, Go, As and U. 7) Aucording to many of their peculiarities, pegmatites occupy an intermediate position between igneous magmatic rocks and ore veins. 8) The available factual data make it probable that the development of pegmatites and ore veins proceeds along two parallel independent lines, but this development does not occur simultaneously. Pneumatolytic-hydrothermal protesses occur later than pegmatite development and are often connected genetically with the younger intrusive phases. These both branches of development can be achematically presented as follow$% Card 3/5 lo-6-2/13 T~ATLE: Card 4/5 On Interconnection of Rare-Metallic Pegmatites and Some Types of Ore Veins (K voprosu o vzaimoovyazi redkometallnykh peg- matitov i nekotorykh tipov rudnykh zhil) Normal Granite pegmatites (without ores) Granite pegmatites rare-metallic (biotite) granites V Leicocrata4c and alaskite granites I 11neumatolytic- hydrothermal form- atione (ore veins) The article contains 1 table. The bibliography lists 19 Slavic references. 10-6-2/13 TITLE; On Interconnection of Rare-Metallic Pegmatites and Some Types of Ore Veins (K voproeu o vzaimoavyati redkometallnykh peg- matitov i nekotorykh tipov rudnykh zhil) INSTITUTIONt Ves-Saytianyy Intititut Minerallnogo Syrya "VINS" (All-Union Institute of Mineral Raw Materials) in Moskva and L'vov State University PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDs On 10 September 1956 AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress Card 5/5 GINZBUEG, A.I. w1i * 11, characteristics of lithium. Trudy Min. muz. no.8:29-41 1.57. (MIRA 11:3) (Lithium) G c 'VWPhysical Chendstry Crystsb;. Abs Jour: Referat. Mwznal Khimiyatp No 3~ 1958, 7014. Author : A.T. (jigzIp3rg. inst :AcadexV of Sciences of ITSM, Mineralogical Museum. Title :Isomorphous Substitut-toms In Lithium Micas. Orig Pub: Tr- Hineralog. mizeya Afl- &98R, 1957, vYP- 8, 42-~O- Abstract: Qumstions; co=ected with all tb-- possible isowrphous substi- tutions in lithium micas are dismwsed in detail based on the genexv.Uzation of the great factorial material in the litera- ture, The main conclusions and results are as follows: 1/ the ^.omposiLion of Li irdeas =u be expressed by Vae fox-Ja (K, Wa, a, CS) Lr(IL, Mg, Fe, MR)n (Al, Fe3+, Ti)m-7 f-(,SipAl4,_p) r I'OH, Ft, 'where k = 0 to 3, n = 0 to 3~ 010 J , m = 0 13 2 iind P = 3 to 4; 2/ the most :baracter-istic substitutions in Li micas have been establishedi 3/ it has been shown that =3covite may contain up to 1.8% of U02 as an isomcrphcris admixt,.ire -athcpat Card 1/2 -10- USSA/Physical Chemistry - CrystaU. B-5 A e J;-r, i r: Referat. Zhumal Mini , No 3, 1958, 7014. a4y atractural, changes; shmdd the LIO content be up to 3.2%, -muecovites (2-layer lepidoli v;2 d be foxmd, their d TA tee ,a difTera some4bat frm that of muscovIte; ~! the dependence be- tween the chemical coMosition. and struc-tue of lepidolites haB been establisbed; 51 there is a direct dependence between the Li and Pe cottents in minerals of the gz-rip. Que.,ition ionces:nLing the connect.L)n bdtw(,en the stiuc- ture cT Li zicar wid the c)nditjons :)f fosquation &re aloo ~U 9 aus; inel. Cari