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SOV/124-58-11- 1 '05 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhan~ka, 1958, Nr I I, p 109 (USSR) AUTHOlt.- . Ginevskiy, A. S. TITLE: Influence of the Viscosity of a Fluid on the Intensity of the Circulation About d Fluid Foil in a Hydroknamic Cdscade (Vliyanive vyazkosti zhidkosH na velichinu tsii+uIvalsii %okrug profilya gidrodinarni clieskoy reshetki) PER!ODICAL: V sb. -, Prom. aerodinamika. Nr 9, Moscow, Oborongiz, 1957, pp 5-15 ABSTRACT: An investigation of the dependence on the tundamental geometric parameters of a plane cascade of the ratio kr- = F/ F id, i. e. , the ratio of the circulation about a cascade foil of a viscous incompres~ sible fluid flow and the corresponding circulation of an ideal flu'd It. is assumed that the fluid foil differs only little from straight seg ments. Equating to zero the total vorticity of the flow downstream of the cascade is tantamount to equating the velocities at the outer bound ary of the boundary layer shedding from the fluid foil. Applying this condition to the flow of an ideal fluid through a cascade of foils, the Card 1/2 author obtains (with an accuracy tip to the terms of b2 order) SOVI/124-518-11- IZ695 influence of the Viscosity of a Fluid on the Intensity of the Circulation (cont. I - - k r = I - k .4 6V 6N where k is a function of the solidity ratio and escape losses of the cascade, and bv and bN are the nondimensional. thicknesses of the boundary layers shedding from the upper and lower sides of the foil, respectively. The calculated values of k[- tend toward unity as the solidity ratio increases and the angle of escape decreases. Using experimental data for compressor cascades consisting of solid fluid foils with a shockfree entry, the author obtains kr- 7 0.86-0.93. The results of the investigation, on the whole, bear a qualitative character. L. G. Naumova Card 212 LUTSORa FEDYAYEVSKIY,K.K.,.GINEVSKIY,A.S- PA - 2127 TITLE: The Computation Method of a Turbulent Boundary Layer in the Case of the Existence of a Transverse Pressure Gradient (Metod rascheta turbulentnogo pogranichnogo sloya pri nalichii prodollnogo gradyenta davleniya. Russian). PERIODICALt Zhurnal Tekhn. Piz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 2, pp 309 - 326 (U.~.S.R.) Received: 3 / 1957 Reviewedt 4 / 1957 ABSTRACTi A simple approximated method for the computation of the charac- teristicu of a turbulent boundary layer is described. For the pur- pose of a simplification of the equations for the velocity profile and the law of resistance notC, butFris represented as a poly- nomial according to y-powers. At first the velocity profile is de- rived in a turbulent boundary layer. Next, the formula for the law of resistance is derived and reduced to a form suited for compu- tation. The significance of the constants X and cK is-mentionded. Both are experimentally determined. For practical purposes'K- 0.4 and c~ - 11,5 can be assumed. A diagram represents the law of resistance. In the next chapter the impulse equations are integrated and it is shown on this basis in what manner the location of the point in which the liberation of the turbulent boundary layer takes place is de- termined. Computed and experimental results were compared and were found to be in good agreement. The computation method of the cha- racteristics of the twodimensional turbulent boundary layer with Card 112 essential transverce cross gradients of pressure is distinguished PA - 2127 The Computation Method of a Turbulent Boundary layer in the Case of the Existence of a Transverse Pressure Gradient. ASSOCIATIONt PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTEDs kVAILkBLEi by a sufficient operation capacity and makes it possible already in first approximation, to determine the conditional thickness of the layer as well as the value of the local friction coefficient and the location of the point at which liberation takes place. The graphical representation of the law of resistance obtained shows the possi- bility of the occurenoe of special states accompanied by a con- siderable reduction of the local friction coefficient. From this it follows immediately that at certain relations and in the case of a po sitive cross gradient of pressure conditions are created which leaa to the liberation of the turbulent boundary layer. (11 illu a- trations and 2 tables) Not given 25.4-956 Library of Congress. Card 2/2 SOV/124-58-8-8889 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, N-'r 8, p 80 (USSR) AUTHORS: Solodkin, Ye.Ye., TITLE: The Turbulent Flow of a Viscous Fluid in the Inlet Portion of Axisyn-n-netric and Plane Channels (Turbulentnoye techeniye vyazkoy ;,hidkosti v nachal'nykh uchastkakh osesimmetrichilykh i ploskikh kanalov) PERIODICAL: Tr. T,,ientr. acro-gidrodinan-1. in-ta, 1957, Nr 701, 57 pp, ill. ABSTRACT: An approximate solution is offered for the problem of the turbulent boundary layer and resistance in the inlet portion of: 1) An axisyrnmetric divergent channel having a zero pressure gradient, 2) a circular conduit, and 3) a plane channel. Attention is given herein to the matter of the influence exerted by the transverse curvature of the channel surface on the vel- (Wity profilc -, the local friction coefficient, and on the other characteristics of the turbulent boundary layer. The authors considered that in the channel's inlet section the velocity is constant and that the static pressure across the width of the Card 1/4 boundary layer does not vary. Analysis of the differential SOV/124-58-8-8889 I'he Turbuleni Flow of a Viscous Fluid (cont.) equations describing the mean stationary flow in the channel's turbulent boundary layer revealed that near the surface (correct up to the terms of tile third order) the tangential -stress distribution across the width of the , T Here r is tile I ayer obeys the condition I- T :7 COnSt, -' r00' -adius of a I fluid clement in the boundary layer. ro is the radius of tile channel cross SCCtiOn, T Is the frictional stress in the boundary layer, and T 0 is the frictional ijtj-(,ss it th' "'12 nel surface. Taken m1lether with tile Prandtl relationship T:= f) 1(011/dy) ,I wherein p is the density of the liquid, 1 tile the turbulent mixing length, and du/ dy the mean - flow- velocity gradient nor- mal to the channel wall) , this permits the evolvenlent of a formula for the velocity profile in tile turbulent boundary layer of an axisyrnmetric channel. When ro-- , the formula reverts to the well-known logarithmic velocity profile of the turbulent layer of a plate. In the immediate vicinity of the channel wall tile velocity distribution is arrived at on the basis of the hypo- thesis which posits the existence of a laminar sublayer in which T= l.L all/dy (11 being tile viscosity coefficient of the liquid). 'rhe resistance law is obtained by cquating the two velocity distributions at the boundary of the laminar sub- layer. The thickness of the larninar sublayer is determined from the usual re)ationship, bo~ al 1, N, , whervin t-jilp The calculations were Card 2/4 SOV/ 124-58-8-8889 The Turbulent Flow of a Viscous Fluid (cont.) performed on the aSSU111ption that the turbulence constants k, and a I main- tain values equaling the corresponding values for the case of a plate, narnely, k i --- 0. 392 and ar 11.5. As a result of integration of the impulse equation, a determination is made, for different values of the Reynolds number, of the aerodynamic characteristics of an axisymmetric divergent channel having a zero pressure gradient, and an analysis is performed of tne influence exerted by Ow transverse curvature of a concave surface oil the character- istics of the boundary layer, It is demonstrated that because of the curva- ture of the surface the velocity profile becomes less bulgy, which circurn- stance reduce,, correspondingly the coefficient of frictional resistance (as compart-d with cases in which the channel is a flat surface). Moreover, tilt! influence exerted by a transverse curvature of the surface becomes espec- ially significant when the ratio 6/ro approaches unity. The data obtained are used to solve next the problem relating to the inlet portion of a circular conduit. Here the i influence exerted by the longitudinal pressure gradient is taken into account dnly in the impulse equation. By solving the problem the authors arrive at the aerodynamic characteristics of the inlet portion of a circular conduit, including the length of the inlet portion for different values of the Reynolds number. When determined by this means, the length of a circular conduit's inlet: portion exceeds by a factor of approximately three Card 3/4 SOV/ 124-58-8-8889 'I urbulent Flow of a Viscous Fluid (cont.) its lenoth as calculated from tile velocity power profile (as per the Lattsko tilvory), and exceeds I)'(, it factor of two its length its calc%ilated with a loga- rithinic vvlocity profik (its per tile Shablevskiy thcory), but it does approx- imate very closely the length obtained experimentally (bv Kirsten). Ill con- clusion the acrodynamic characteristics are calculated for the inlet portion of a plane channel for it logarithmic velocity distribution in tile boundary layer. Inasmuch as it circular conduit and a plan(- conduit represent two limiting cases of all arinular-section conduit, the relationship found to exist between the acrodynamic characteristics and the length of either type of channel is depicted for both cases on a single graph. It is shown that, if a channel's hydraulic radius is taken as its characteristic linvar dimension, tile stated relationships will. be virtually the same in the two cases, i.e., in that of a plane and in that of a circular conduit, and that they may thereforc be employed to determine the characteristics of the inlet portion of an annular-section concluit. V.1. Yagodkin Card 4/4 D'DVZRIX- %Mdl A-fonovich; GISVSKITI k.8.pkwA.tqkhn.neuk,r9d.; WYDATH, L.I., Isdatellskly red.; tOSTIONEYVA, M.N.,tskhn,red6 [Designing blades of subsonic axial-flow compressors] Profilirovanie lopatok osevogo dozvukovogo kompreoaora. Moskva. Oborongis, 1958. 138p. (Protivehlennaia aerodinamika No.11) (MIU 11: 12) (Compressors--Blades) (kerodynamics) 't i L TUDIN, Yevgeniy Yakovlevich; GI14EVSXIY, A.S., kand.takhn.nauk, red; SH&WAT11, L.I., izdatellskiy red.; ZUDAKIR, I.M., [Investigation of noises in ventilation Installatlons and methods for preventing them) Isaledovania shums. ventiliatornykh ustanovok i metodov bor'by a nim. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo obor. prorTshl., 1958. 227 p. (Moscov, TSentrallnyi aero-gidrodinamichookii institut. Trudy, no-713). (MIRA 11:4) (Ventilation) (Acoustical engineering) GINNVSKIT, A.S. Investigating two systems for changing blading areas In axial- flow compressor stages. Prom. aerodin. no.10:61-76 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (compressors) 8OLUDKI11, Ye.Tm. (Hookma) Effect of lateral surface curvature on the characteristics of the arlsymetrIc turbulent boundary layer. Prikl.mat. i mekh. 22 no.6:819-825 N-D 158. (MIRA, 11:12) (Dowulary layer) alit p Jul 1.4 1 1E 1.2 -jtti!j!; g -4 A - -at I! A Z4 W /24-5c,~--l-?/ AUTHORS: Ginevskiy, A.S. and Dovzhii~.. S-'.A.' (M-10--cow) 1; 1 TITLE: '-M-P9TTMM-ar-D-eT5-iiidnat ion of the Pressure Loss in the liotating Vanes of Axial Gompressors (Eksperimiental`noye issledovaiiiye poter~' davleniya vo kolese osevogo kompressora) aRIODICAL:lzvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdc-leni- .1 yt: n,,khnicheskikh Nauk, Energetika i Avtomatika,1959,11r l,pp 4r~--52 (USSR) LBSTIUCT: In this! paper, tile rtesultL~ are described of experimental investigation of tile pressure loss in the rotating vanes of an axial compreosor at low circimferential speeds.. Uri tile bas'Ls of measurement of the total pressure 'by means- of a radial llilot rak'c rotating together with the vanes ' the structure was investigated of the losses in the space between the rotatine vanes and certain (yuant-itati"re data were obtained which chara,,;terise tc,-kal maomitude of the complete pressure loss as well as the dl stribution of the losses along tile radius within a wide -r-ange of operatj:Lng regimes, -The work waS -F;erformed on an axial compresscr of 600 ima cllre.V a..lmlim'Fter, 300 i= inner Card 1/5 diameterl delivering air -1u Lr, ax-'Lal direction. Tile vane Experimntal DeteriLriaticm of the 3-r. Vanes of Axial Compressors profi-Le was al-tered to give. --:irculation along tho radius; full dutu'Lls ai,e -1 P ,i-ivn of the ;me rofile. bieas?uxeuients of total. head n.~idul us-Lj-,g a Pitot rake r, with t'lle -.-,rvis and -jpa'~I,e )t ia--.13urintf pressure , , 16 diffeTont radial pes-~lcic,T; simuitanen-is.'Iy, i.e. covuriag th,-: space betwluoii 6 -~f tLe bl~,des and the casing,. uv!-a:L.L J,-, i7;,JLvt:~P ol' the method of iaeas~~ement., mancmeter aqaipment 1IC;~,SSLire, ir, the re ,n. between blUk~O" ti-, i.'1 VC~A J-1 liej-stxemenlr~; &.re s e a form. Ap() = I)C' .- P0, izi in ffon,: of the vane in mction; P 0;-, Is -Ulle total pressure ba-bind the vane. LN h R whe re is the a~T- r.~.,amf e rent ial C'ard 2/5 speed at the out-~r value .'jv/24-59-1-7/3' ) Expe2imental Jeteruiinatioa of the Pressare in the Rotating Vanes of Aydal Compressors of the loss coefficient at a given, Ali can be deterLuined by means of the follovjin~- equation: 0 All Ah (9 )dp 0 k TO 0 where k is the number of spaces between vanes. Thus, the pressure loss coeffinient for --:J! ~adi-- for any working condition is gi~.)-en by: 1 6H AH (r' ) a.' (r ~ )rd,--' ca" - Ca uR 0 where ca is the absolute fl,DW Ve.'OCity in the vane, Eqj (5) expiesses the flow rate --cefficient c,'0 and a .Oor a series of co values the thaoretical head HT t a is calaulated and also the coeffi(,i-:qIt of the total Card 3/5 head H. The Reynolds number, based on the relative flow II: jJY,'-14 ... *)-'.-I- - - !. - . r1 / ~ r") Experimental DatQi!minatior, of tha Pr,~ss,.jri~ in the Rotating Vanes of Axial Couiprossors valccity in the wheel, is 2 x A'; t, I, g 'r_-' sh.D v; s t I -, e st rar. t U.T."- of tb.(-,. head 1(~ss 81..L cilre,- t lr~e -. -an :; at rad-Li rari-iag from ttlt: 'lane. t1D to close to the xz~31-. ~!Lerv; is in th,'-se cxtreme re L~i c ns . Vig .3 shows poiar fdc.*,L; of tfie head losj for djfj'Q:LejiU WCrkp3g 11(.j j.-I i.- r - f 4, e r -ioi 111i iL; pra(;Ui-~ally Yeru j.iv.*'L'E-azes in the space betlwef,ri ~,a-res .-..c~-'s and fy'Letion C.f. - aa..- biade surfa~;e---;, '-L11)-P,.r;,: J-- alSo some loss over ...aa gap ~~Ptweeii b1a~,~ t. -v) al d t'L~- ~-.qsing, I L 4 i l..;, at t,~_ 'I, 1,-,e piessvre .11OSS is not only dw. t~) -f the air r-ij +--h,~- h-lAb surface but also due t,j the ~wc b.--,uPda.L,.-Lez- fo:Lmed by the blades and the hub with t-1he assl-,~iated seiao-,dai-j fl-,,N icsses. A brief disc.uss'^.-DY,,, is gi-~en of t;he fact,,j--s influencing this Ilia 4 nj y head loss. L. c;o~ncerned v;;~1.11 of attach of the 'hlades and the. bo,.~ndarj- la,~e-Y.--bi-Imess, 1-1' i g 4 slb~)ws the cf lc~~, v:'4-h raddus -*.ri different Card 4/5 workl.rE; .* :,, ~--vr. -14-1- . i. _ qj)t i F, made to :~' U V/24-5 35 Experimental Determination of tne Pressuze Loss in the Rotat4n Vanes of Axial Compressors divide up the losses which cccur over the vane. Fig 5 shows the total JTAH divided into the Drofile loss: 1~ end flow and secondary flow loss; 21) output, loss; 3 it is evident that the profile loss malkes up 50 to 55~o of the total. Fig 6 shows the efficieno-y variation with working conditions. There are 6 figures and 6 references of which 2 are Soviet,, 1 English and 3 German. SUBLUTTED: 22nd AuEust 1958 Card 5/5 j V 5/40 AUTHOR: Ginevskiy, A. S. Moscow) ' ` "I"" rb len Trall'"and Stream in a Vortex Flf-w with the Presence TITLE: Tu u t of a Longitudinal Pressure Gradient (Turbulentnyye sled i struya. v sputnom potoke pri nalichi~ prodolln-ogo gradiyenta davleniya) PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR OTN, Mokhanika i mashino- stroyeniye, 1959, Nr 21, pp 31 36 (USSR ABSTRACT- An effect of the pressurE! gradient on tht, ti:ail in a flow around a rigid body in the aerodynami, tube is considerable (Fig la). Similaxly, this effect can be notj~..?able in the case of a streaw. (Fig A method t-1-f cal-ulation of the turbulence is described by the author, taking into account the longitudinal pressure gradient, The equation of turbu- lence in this trail. or stream in this case will take a gen- eral form (1) , where x and y -- longitudinal. and trans- verse co-ordinates respectively, u and v mean compon- ents of the velocity along the axog x and respectively, tangent tgnsion, density, p The Card 1/4 Turbulent Trail and Stream Jii a Vortux Floiv wj'J, of a Longitudinal Pressure Gradient distribution of the tangent teniiion it-, Eqs (2), (4) and (5). The last two exprosFtioLs in the Eqs (6) and (7) which determine th47i t:iif. trail (or stream) and at the boundary rpspectively. The aimultan- eous solution of both equation2 gives the oxpres.,3ion (5). To find the race of an in~-,rease (01' 01' til' Velocity (Fig I), the fornit)la (9) is derivwll f,-Pr ii - U U1 and um - U 71- ijim . The vc-iocity profile along tiii, axis can be derived from Eq ('?), which o.~ui be writt(-;n in tl,~- forms Bqs (10) and (11). The Yattev can be wben the. relation (12) is determined (61 and 61' -- dis.1jacement and loss of impulse, respectively), Then the expressions (13) and (14) are obtained VW :.f iriflowv 6" - lose, of impulso behind tbe t-JY). Th- 'or-ftilcient of 00 body resJstance, Eq (16) ( L dimen- sion), wh,-,!n sabstituted. in thE, Eq (11), Qi- final diff- erential equation (1"e), Thio t,q7j'rJ'irjn ~.;' 4-,, . 1, i,,.t-at-ed in the case of the longitudina) ix_-r~. U- c."mrst while Card 2/4 Turbulent Trail and Stream in a Vertcy- wlt'!, til, of a Longitudinal Pressi.ive Gradittnt the relatione4ip of 6 wid (,I ri0cbn as Eq (18) which z1 - C.xL for trail, when substitut~.d into Eq (1'~) givuzi ti;t2 ~I!Herential eqi~ation In the. case of the tlail, th., r~qpression (20) (-an be df.rived froic Sq (19). Th- %-t],Ai 4-,41 is found experj.M-~11,.T'-jjj j y .It ~!an tj,- fj-~'Uj ~`J) and (22) fo.r the t;.-a:LA" a~.; O.i~)~f allt'l frLIA 1-1,11~; (23) and (24) for the stre~am as 0.037) V - 0.1.1 T"'je determina- tior). of the profij.(~ "'hil 1.': 1! iil-l wijen Eq (25) is appii~.,d " )t. (:zi,tant., V.~I togHther with Eq k~4)' Will give thle rt-IU4 1')USr1iT' ~ '~L Fig 2 Mus trates the. ~;ojjiparison of the results obtained frcz the various formulae: the 19 2, 3 werc calculated fr,,.;m Eqs (9), (26) and (28 ')-, 4 and r) - expt-rimuntc-il pcintt, f,'-,T' the. plane turbulent trail and stream, respe(Aively, 6 i i A exper-4- mental points for Lbe coax:ial tLirTjii1,-,:%t. ~,'A !Areamy respeo.tively. The difference between tue and Card 3/4 "/Z4 Turbulent Trail and Stream in a Vortex F2,,.w',l ti.F-. PrcEi_--noe.. of a Longitudinal Prcssure Gradient experimental detei-mixiation of the velo,~-ity profile can be improved by a more exact approximation c-f the tarigent ten- sion, e.g. the Eq (28) can be used for the r;oriditions (3) and T expr8osed by Eq (2'?). Thuri-, ccco 1 figiires and 9 references, of which '7 are Soviet and SUBMITTED: August 22, Card 4/4 SOV/179-99-3-40/45 AUTHORS; Ginevskiv, A. S. and Fedyayevskiy, K. K. (Moscow) TITLE'. Some Laws of-the Unsteady, Forward Motion of Bodies in a V.iscous Liquid (Nekotoryye zakonomernosti pri noustanovivshemsya postupatel'nom dvizhenii tel v vyazkoy Zhid]-osti) PERIODICAL: lzvosliya Akademli nauk SSSR, Ohle)(,nive tekhnicheskikh nauk, Melchanika i inashinostroyeniye, 1,9591 Nr 3, PP 207-209 (TJSSR) ABSTRAM. The interaction force X between a body and a liquid can be defined as Eq ( I where el 1:. density and viscosity of a liquid respectively, g gravity, V and dV/dt - velocity and acceleration of a body; L - characteristic linear magni t tide ~NRe - Reynold's 1111mbe.r, NFr -- Freude number, NW -dimensionleSS acceleration characterizing the relationship of forces of inertia, Eq (2). The actual relationship of fI(N Re' NFr'NW and f2(NW) is determined by the shape of a body and by the character of the motion and flow. In the case of laminar motion of a sphere in a viscous Card 1/2 liquid, the coefficient of resistance can be shown as Eq (3) or as Eq (5) in a general case (L - radius of the SO V/1 79- 5 9- 3-110/115 Some Laws of' the Unsteady, Forward Motion of Bodies in a Viscous Liquid sphere). The motion in this case depends on the initial condition, Eq (4), where the ratio N IN can be found Ra oWt by from Eq (6). Experiments were carrie 11 the Leningrad Ship Building Institute, where Ac X was investigated in relation to the parameters N Re and N W, Fitt 1. illustrates the restilts obtained for L cX(N Re ) and Ac X(NW) determined 1'or the types of motion characterized by the load P. Fig 2 shows the experimental Points of AC X(N Re INW). Fig 3 represents the results of the experiments for various velocities and accelerations. It is evident from the experiments that in order to determine the dynamic properties of similar motions of a body in a viscous liquid, the ratio N Re INWor N W should be considered in addition to N Re and N F ' There are 3 figures and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 2 English and I Italian. SUBMITTED: November 12, 19513 Card 2/2 QIIWSKIT, AA.; POLODKIN, Ye.Ye. Aerodynamic characteriatics of the entranos region of a ringshaped pipe with turbulent flow in the bomdary layer. Prom. aerodin. no.12'. 155-167 '59. (MIU 13:1) (Pipe--Aarodynamios) SOWDIII, Ye.Ye.; GIMSKIY, A.8, Affect of initial unsteadiness in the flow on characteristics of diffueton channels, Prom. nerodin. no.12'.168-180 '59. (HIM 13:1) Orluid dinamios ) GINNSKII. Integral metbods for solving problems of a free turbulence. Prom.asradiAe n0-15:47-71 159. (MIM 13:8) (Turbulence) AVDVMSKIT, Yeavoloul Sergeyevich, doteent; DANILOV, Turiy Ivanovich, dotnent; KOSHKIN, Valan'.n lonstantinovich, prof.; KUTY IN, Igor' Nikolayevich, dotsent; MIMATLOVA, Militsa Mitrofanoyna, dotsent; MIKH3131. Turiy SergeyevLoh, dotsent; SERGELI, Oleg Sargeyevich, dotsent; GIMM71-A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; S M , Z.A.,; ROZRiN, V.P., takhn,red, [Fundamentals of host transfer In aeronautical and equipment] Osnovy toploperadachi Y aviataionnoi I takhnike. Pod obahchei red. V*K*Koshkina. Moskva. unitchno-takhn.iid-vo Oborongiz. 1960. 388 P. rocht raketnoi Gos. (MIRA 14;4) (Rocketo (Aeronautics)) (Airplanes) (Artificial satellites) (Heat--Transmission) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4820 Unhakov, Konstantin Andreyevich, Professor, losif Veniamenovich brusilovskiy, and Aleksandr Romanovich Bushell Aerodinamika osevykh ventilyatorov I elementy ikh konstruktsiy (Aerodynamics of Axial-Flow Fans and Elements of Their Structure) Moscow, Gosgorteftizdat,. 1960. 421 p. Errata slip inserted. ~,000 copies printed. Ed.: Konstantin Andreyevich Ushakov, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: G.B. D'yakova; Tech. Eds.: S.Ya. Shklyar, and Z.A. Korovenkova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for workers of scientific researcb institutes and planning and design institutes of the ore-mining industry, and may be used by the personnel of other organizations concerned with the design and operation cf axial-flow fans. COVERAGE: The authors describe a modern method of the aerodynamic calculation of axial-flow fans and critically review the design of mine-ventilating machines. Their method of profiling bladed rings Is said to be a synthesis of the theory of two-dimensional cascades of airfoils, testing data, and of the generalized results of various systematic experimental Investigations carried out by the C a- ri d--71E"*-- Aerodynamics of Axial-Flow Fans (Cont.) SOV/4820 authors at the Teentrallnyy aero-gidrodinamicheskly institut (Central Am- hyd'rody,namical Institute). Individual chapters were written as follows: K.A. Ushakov, Introductiong Sec. 3 and 6 of Ch. III, Sec. 4 of Ch. Vl, and together with A.R. Bushell, Ch. XII (except Sec. 3); I.V. Brusilovskiy, Ch. I (except See. 4), Ch. 11, Ch. Ill (except See. 2,3, and 6), Ch. IV, V, VI (except See. 4), Sec. 3 and 4 of Ch. VII, Ch. VIII (except Sec. 4 and ~,), and Ch. X. (except See. 3); A.R. Bushell, Ch. VIl (except Sec. 3 and 4), Sec. 4 and 5 of Ch. VIII, See. 3 of Ch. X, See. 3 of Ch. XII, Ch. XIII and Ch. XIV; A.S. Ginevskiy, Sec. 4 of Ch. I; A.A. Dzidziguri, Ch. IX; 1.0. Kersten, Ch. Mesnikov, Sec. 2 of Ch. III. No personalities are mentloned. There are 107 references: 87 Soviet, 11 German, and 9 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction C arA--211fr- ' Aerodynamics of Axial-Flow Fans (Cont.) SOV-4820 PART 1. AERODYNAMICS OF AXIAL-FLOW FANS Ch. 1. General. Information From the Theory of Fans and Cascades of Airfoils 15 1. Bernoulli and Euler equation 15 2. Geometric parameters of a cascade of airfoils and flow parameters 22 3. Zhukovskly's theorem 29 4."-,Aerodynamic characteristics of two-dimensional cascades of airfoils 39 Ch. I Theory of Axial-Flow Fans 1:7 q. j 1 otor c7 2 1 diagram of a one-stage fan NA + K + SA [guiding vanes + rotor + F~~ e va oz nes] 64 3. MultiXsge axial-flow fans 75 4. Counter- ow fans 81 Ch. III. InfluenceVf Air Viscosity. Efficiency Coefficient. Fan's Charac- terist cs \ 86 1. Air-viscolity. 74uridary layer, Reynolds number 86 2. Profile and seco losses 91 3. Number of blade 1 105 L ficie t 4. Efficiency coef n the cascade and fan 110 Cud_~ 1\ ~F-t 7r-AfCr '--r S- by S. L. Det"~, of ~v,14t!,-, v- N_ Ac-d-'- 259. 260. V. S. Tl~r"" f 261. 2. 1. T-t~-, 3~. Oalv-~.t-- ~51trzd f F-t tlr-'~r n-, AE-- 262. A. V. Ka-z-.1. A. 7. 3. YLl-zl.. al. 1-1. -d tt . 263. 0. cr T~elt-t 2L-4. L. S. Xlly-~--, F-it -s Tr-:er t z-t F~7ced 245. Yu. v. ~-,t ~ftr at T~--t-mt sf 266. Z. 7. L-d~L.. n: A 64, c, 7.4-t Tr-:- r C-- t~, -1 at !"t'Zn tf ORS, Dov z k, and Jji.r~,v~3k":y 5/632 61/000/020/001/008 D 2_3 4, XD.5 0 8 A n fra s on i C -ral ~:he Jy in.9titut, o ,.yy Pro.- "y Sill ennaya aerod~na:rJka. no. 20, -)61. Osevyye do;I,vujk0VYY0 xompresBory Zitalbionlarnc)Co ti,)a, 5-56 fl: ~'he results are -ive,- of an experizer.I.a.' i.-vestigation of 0--essure losses in the inlet (directind device and in the working w,eel o~" the con-Tesso-l. T,e struczare of pres,,;L~re 'osses was stu- died a-. strea:n elocizies c. = 4 0 - 6 0 e c ; i _1 i f.,.v;.ilues of,loss ooefCficien-vB for the d-'.--ec-.--'n6 device ,.,ere plotted against the ra- di,,us, 'the ax-4al velocity and Rc~ nu:-,ber; t"Ile Power coefficient - n' - hee - - ,!-.e full pre:~sure coefficient of '6",1e w 1 against the r~Ldius and -the flow coefficient. On of ',,hese results io_u-as determining separa-te component6 of lhe louses are impro- C-rd 1/2 /000 102 0/001 /OOB vcd and mnGro ac-,~ui'atru vitlues -re 'ound 11%,r coeffic"C-1-1-vo occurring -ere. ze',hod of constr~4cting a pre~;Liurc of a s -~ ~; '- e ide-icribed; c~.aracteristics o;IL;cv-2.-ai com- ~)re3sors deterzini.d. witll its aid are complared with experimental 1-~ io, concluded thut the method is ~3u~table as L., first. approximation. 'A. I. Morozov and several others are men- -U-~oncd for their partIcipation in the study, G. Yu. Stepanov for discussion, A. D. Kochergin and Yu. N. Kurzanov for designing part of -,.-'-e equipment. There are 41 figures, 4 tables and 23 referen- ces. Card 2/2 S/262j62/OOOiOO8./005'Y022 1007/1207 AUTHORS: Blokh, E. L and Ginevs k i A. S. TITLF: The laminor flow around a cascade of circles and its use in solving hydrodynamic problem,. PERIODICAL Referalivnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. 42. Silovyye ustanovki, no. 8, 1962, 22, abstract 42.8.121. Collection "Prom. acrodinamika", Moscow, Oborongi7, no. 20, 1961, 89-136 TEXT: A tentative solution is given for the case of flow around a cascade of near-circlei: the deviation of the actual resulting contour frorn an ideal circle does not exceed 0.6'/,0' of the radio,,, even for the limiting case when q --- I (q is the ratio of the circle diameter to the distance between the adjacent circles)~ for q = 0.8 the deviation is less than 0.1 ", The authors also give an exact solution for the flow around a limitingcascadc (if circles which permits the accuracy of the above tentative method to be estimated for the whole range of variation of the ratio q. With q = 1, the error in determining the flow velocity is 1.63 "', Thcre are 23 figures and 15 tables. [Abstracter's note: CornpIctc translation.] Card 1/1 S/6321'61/000/020/005/008 D234//D308 ,-L~~ .11OPS: .3elot:~erklovskiy, S. 171. , Ginev6kiy, A. 'S. and Pollonokiy, Ya. Ye. 1" L E, ~!ro~~ynam4cal forces acti-i6 or. -,,he profile Lfrating in 11on - j U- " ~L -U i o rk It ry f 10 w 0 -~, R C ::~;LjuDw. T:~unt-railny, 'i e s'-iy institut. J, ')0, -961. Osevyye .ro,:,j-:ihIu,nnaya aerodinamlika. no. 0 dQZVUX".OVYYe IOMPrE!SSOry stato,Junarno6o tipa, 137-167 '2 --'):2 :A met'-Iod of comp,,.~ting the aerodynamicai characteristics, b,~--'n,c, a enera.,i--ation of tiw molrod ol'!'crea oy one or ine auinors P-"(-V-'OLIS ~juolica-,ion, is de:-,cribed. The gencral case is con- zidered in- which the profiles vibrate in an (but equal) a 4- nmnner and are dlefc)rmed U the sa .. e tJLme. The only assumptions ,ade are those on which the linear s based. 'he solution 16 constructed as a linear combination of vortex chains of arbi- -urary otaggor and utep; the intensity of associh-ved vortexes and the basic kinematic parameters of the grating varying harmonic- Card 1/2 i/6`2/61/000/020/005/006 .I,k~I'oGYxI(IM1cttl forces acting ... D-23 4 //D~) 08 al7y.with tine. Formulas for tile forces and momients acting on the U C-1 dc,!rived and the met', od of n,, me.ric, U u-L ~.fatinG are al corzputat-on on an electronic computer is described. Graphs of characteristics are ,even for a wide! ran,e of Gratin,:,~ parameters and Strukhal's num- 0 /-Abstracter's no-e: Name tran S14 oer v ~terated-7 for a grating con- sist-in- of plates. There are 22 figures. 0 Card 212 3/632/61/000/020/007/008 D234/D306 7 - T 01H 5 Ginevskiy, A. S. and S~loLin, Ye. Ye. ~U M 7 MI Sistance of C'VI:.InII(2I", 6 0 U-1,11 C E E*D.~cow. T.,;;_.ntralInyy inot-Ltut. ' `c no. 10, 1961 Osevyye ajz,.,u4ovyye ko,-,,pressory ota-~oionarnoGo tipa, 202-215 ate SOJU,.4011 '2EXT ; The a,,it'.- ^ors 6ive an approxi.., of the problem of v CrOS13-sec- '14 zed I I, lb'L 1. e;,, t ow i n 1) p c, s h: i _nt~ tion, for ar i)itrary values of the ratio of external to internal solutions for a circular p'pe and piane pipe are Mp4 obta-ried, as cases. Values of e ~rical constants are de- The a,~,,ree::;w-A with ex,)crimt_--ntal d!tta is found to be satis- _"c-.Gry. The opin.lon 1hat, Liu processin6, 'Uhe aid of hydraulic di a:..e-. or eii----'n,,.-,es the effect of the s',-.ape of cross-section, is proved to be incorrect. 'A"here are 12 figures. Card 1/1 [,r)771 S/124/62/000/009/009/026 AO0]/A1O1 AUTHON3: Dovzhik, S. A., Ginevskiyt A. S. T=: Pressure losses in blade crown of the axial subsonic compressor PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanlka, no. 9, 1962, 35, abstract 9B220 (In collection: "Prom. aerodinamika, no. 20", Moscow, Oborongiz, 1 1961, 5 - 56) TEXT: The authors present the results of an experimental investigation of losses in the blade crown of the guidance apparatus and impeller; the investiga- tion was carried out on an experimental compressor at low subsonic ve'locities. Radial and pitch distribution of losses was investigated for several variants of blading of the guidance apparatus and impeller. Profile losses, secondary and end losses are analyzed. The published empirical formulae for determining I!osses of various types are critically reviewed and compared with experimental data available. The following formula for determining the sum of the end and secondary losses in the guidance apparatus and impeller is recommended at conditions below separation: Card 1/2 S11 24/62/000/009/009/026 Pressure losses in blade crown of... A001/A101 1 COS2 'L- r + I - _:_ 2 1:11 .1k .b - jj mk + mbcy I where ~ is blade elongation differing from Howell's formula by the values of co- efficients mk and rub (it Is recommended Mb = 0.016 :, 0.019 Independent of R and Mk - 0.016 -''0.022 for conditions self-simulating in R; a more precise selection of mk depends on additional conditions). The material obtained enables the authors to propose a method of approximate determination of the pressure charac- teristic of the stage, which agrees satisfactorily with results of testing stages of axial compressors of various types at conditions below separation. Numerous graphs of experimental results are presented, There are 23 references. N. A. Kolokol'tsov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 BLOKS, E.L.; GINEVSKIYVA.S. Free ft'rom eddies f1mi about a circular cascade and the use of this flow in calculating fluid-dynamic cascades. Prom.aerodin. no.20:89-1:16 16-1. (VIRA 14:12) (Cascades (Fluid dyramics)) S/262/62/000101 IiOI3"030 1007/1252 AUl'HORS lklotietkovskiy, S M ,G,,ncv.,I*,I,_A S and Polonskiy, Ya Ye I I TLE The cirect of aerodynamic forces on a cascadc under nonsteadv flo% PFRIODICAL Relciat ivnvy thurnal, otdcl'nyy vypusk. 42. Silovyyc ii~tanovki, no 11, 1902, 37, abstiaci 42 11 115. (In collection Prom acrodynamika, M., Oborongit, no 20, 1961, 137-107) YEXI I he principles are outlined of a method for computing the aerodynamic characteristics of a flat- plate cascade. 'The general case is described of spontaneous vibrations of the cascade about a certain mean position To obtain the nonsteady aerodynamical characteristics of the c~qscadc, dimensionless functions %ere determined for the components of the inductive velocities of adjacent vortices The boundary con- ditions in the problem under consideration are equality to zero of the normal component of relative velocity it each point of the profile. For an approximate solution the vortex laycr, contintiouslY distributed over the profile. is replaced by a number of adjacent vortices. The procedurcfoi calculatingthe cascade onthe "Strela" (Arrow) electronic digital computer is described. The required number of adjacent vortices is dictated by 'he requirements of computational accuracy. Solution of one variant of the problem take, about 5 minutes Dependence of the coefficients of rotational derivatives on the spacing and depth of the cascade is shown Card 112 I lie ClIect Of SI'262/621000/011/0131030 1007,11252 and a maiked discrepancN tk noted between these. results and the data (or a single I-whic It is also noted that ~oi d qmcing factor above 0 5, these coefficients are ptactically independent of the Stioulial nunilwi (Ahontctei ~ noic Completr translation I Caid 2112 5/124/62/000/008/009/0"10 1006/1242 AUTHORS: Belouscr,~,nv,,;kiy, S.M. , t~lnevlikiy, A.S.-, ,ind jlol:)n.-,kiy, Yi.Ye. TITL3: kerodyn.,ivilc forc,(~~; ,ictiu,! on I net of profiles in n-)n :~tp-~dy flow PERIODICAL. ;lQ_'er-tivnnY 7hurn-il, Fekhanikl, no.8, 1962, 29, ,n.bstrpct 8B176. (In coll,~ctinn: Prom. berodin..mika, no.20, V., Obornngiz, 1961, 137-167) NIT: lncompre.~isinlr! nnnv*O;colr~ ilow p,~~-,t i npt of thin profiles (pUttes) is considered. The prniiles expc,ite oscilla- -tions with equal ph-tse, fend c,,i,n be deformed sim,)ltancqusly. Each profile is replpeed by a ~;yF-,V~,m of continuou.~lj di!;tributed Card 1/4 3112 4./6 2/000/00P,'009/0 30 1006/1' "42 Avirodpiamic fOr(!4!:; acti'16 --- vorticc-3 -,-,rith a t int-!i ity. Lh- linear lraiw~,-~,orK )i' thr~ 7.t ~s, th-t th-:! vortex sheut le-vinr- th'... pr,)f i1, -ij int a ~ :i.-, -n invar~ahle i,,):- i ? i nn %%,ith resp.-ct to thr: n-t. NI, -lid for this purnose th,, contiirio-i. vo-tpx th,-.- r'-)*Cil,~ contoir is !---!p1acf1.d by-a di.,icreet nmabtir )f vnrtices. IN i f, determin-ition of* th,~ cirul!ition -mplitivip ii; 1-Iticpr! t.,) th~, tion of -i systen of li7i(!-,.r nIgebr!tic ekluptions. "'he equation co- efficients -ire flinctions of the net -Par,-~m;:!ters nnd of the hall number. T'he co(-f.L'ici(.-nt.'3 of' li:t and moment of the )rofilr nre determined bit th,~ formulae C A % jill "'X lot k + hil fit t 4 4 1 700 the coefficient of lift and the nom,~nt where cyGO fmd Card 2/ 4 a-/124/62/000/008/00n/030 I006,'lr_'42 Aeridyn~,mic 1',)rcp..,~ -acting... corres,,-)nding t,) !.to-dy ilow part the net, re~q),~ctively. '_`h other Levi,.,:~ c-)nt,~iu c~)officien~~. o; raLaLion deriv,;,tiyes -:orres- ponclin.-. 0 th,a rate oi ch:,ne ol rin.,le of attack, the proftle rotation, w, ~~n(j it:~ deform-ttion, Speci&l caF-e:-~ of identicql pure rotational -iscilLttinils and. pure nncill:,tinns without delorn,ition Are c,)n.,3ider(,-d. i6rnultte -r~~_ ol)t-ined. n-onnec- tin : the -.mj,litud-~ oi the lift and mommnt co-~iiici,-ilt~, cd .111d m* and tile plrtse ~AlilL~i ,z Ej , and ~, ,-iiL4 the of rot-Ainn deriv-tivps. 7he ch-n -,e of the jingle, of ~,.tt;ick, under tho iniluence of n ch.~iin of inLti:tl vortices in a quasi- steady case of' purely translational motio'n ol' the profiles is determined. A numerical C.-lculati,)n of nerodynamic ch-racteri6tins of a net of plates iS performed on the electronic di..-it-11 computer .115trelall accordin~~ to the formulas obt:1,ined, for vaLleq of consis- tency t = b/t (b- chord, t- pitch of the net) of 0.25, 0.5,1.0, 1.51 2.0 and Strouliall numbers 0, 0.59 1.01 1.5, -.0 -nd Cc&rd 36/4 S/1 ~/62/000/00W,/O() q//0 30 1006 /12 42' Aerodynnjidc force.-, actin StU&6#&1' ULLglU 1, I.L tau ra-4,e 0 - 6011. :or o th~~ re.,,ult-nt curves coincide with curv(_; ior -i single oucilliting pl,-te. It is shown th!it the co-fficients o.' rot,-,tic)n deriv:Aives of tile profile in th.,~ n~~t -ri (is.",Ontially diifer(-nt frxi tile coefficients of a ~iirigle profilo and -it low cnn3i,:;t(~ncie, thf,y oepcind tronk~ly upon the Strot4xdl n~wiber. All the cotilicir-nt.; of force-- ~~nd momunt at 1- - 0.5 ire prdctically indepcndent oi the Stroik~is-11. nwnber. The con~.i6t~r,.ci cr)eiTici(:nts of rot%ti.,inl deriv-Llves -re. pracLically inuleim--rident of the angle of att~,ck: , , = 0 - 100. The ph,ise ihift of the lift coeffici-nt t( attains~ values, o1 tht! onier of 20 -500 --t Strotthall numbers q = 1 - 2 and T 7 0.5, whereis the moment coelicient 6hift LL is smull. At 0, 0. c,qb,1rjJcr,~s Card 4/4 GINUSKIY, A.,S..; SOIA)DKIN, Ye.Ye. - - - I ... - .. . Hydraulic resistance of annular channels. Prom.aerodin. no,20: 202-215 1 ta-. (YJRA 14-12) ("ipe-Hydrodynamics) ELLOTSM6van, Bergey Mikhaylovich; .01EVS,KIY, Aron Semenovich; POWNSM, Takov Yefimovich; SUVORaVA, I.A.,, red.; PUKHLIKOVA, N.A.,, (Eldrodynamic theory of cascades; aerodynamic power and momnt ebaracteristico of cascades of thin profiles] Gidrodinamicheakaia teori.ia reshetok; silovye i momentrVe aerodinamichuskie kharaktaristilci reshetok tonkikb profilei. 14oBkva, Goo.nauchno- takhn. imd-vo Oborongiz, 1962. 124 p. (ProaWshlennaia asrodinamlka, no.22). (MIRA 15:8) (Cascades (Fluid dynamics)) FEODOSMV, V.I.p doktor takhn. nauk, prof., red.j GINEVSKIY,- A.S., kand. tekhn. naiko red.; KURBAKOVA, I.P., red. izd-va; NOVIK, A.U., tekhn. red. [Some problems ir mschanics]flakotorye voprosy mekhaniki; sbornik statei. Moskva, Oborongizp 1962. 203 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Mechanics) . JEYNIN, Vixtor 14Jklmyl*,-icn; ,4 ~ :, ` -' . ktow), Iekhm.nnuk; TH 1 .1 retsenzent, GALITSKIY, lu, V. . iriz!-, , retsenaent; GINEVSKIII_ A.S., knnd. tekhn, nauk, red.; !A(,,-,PdTVA, F.B., red,fzd-''va; OIS" )TlKlNA Y V, -4, , ttkbn,, ml, [Weight And trnnsportation efficiency of pnssenger plRnes) Vasovnia I transportnaia effektivnost' passazhirskikh sa- mr) 1 fitov. Vo:4va, 01myong, z, 196:1 !$62 p, (MIRA 16:10) ~~ A! rpDmei, - Tarbulent, rionisothenwl jet flows of a compressed gas. Prom.aerodin. no.23: 11-65 162. ~NIRA 16-4) (J19to-Fluid dynamics) (Turbulence) IF... "I I ik GInTSKIY, A.S. Radial slot jut flowing out from an armylar source with a finite diameter. Prom.aerodii,. no.23-.72-79 162. (MLI 16:4) (Jets---Fluid dynamics) GINLNSKIY, A#S. Turbulent jet flows with return currents of the fluid. no.23:80-98 162. Ueto--nuid dygaMics) (Turbulence) Prom.aerodin. (MIM 1634) 1ACCESSION NAs AT3002066 5/2632/62/000/023/0107/0118 ,JAUTHORS: Ilizarova. L.I.1 Ginevskiy, A.S. TITLE: Experimental investigation of a jet in countercurrent flow 'SOURCE: Moscow. Toontrallnyy aero-gidrodinamichookiy inatitut. Promyshlen-' ;naya aerodinamika, no. 23, 196Z. Struynyye techeniya, 107-118 ITOPIC TAGS: aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, gas dynamics, fluid dynamics, jet, jet flow, countercurrent flow, counterflow, incompressible flow, Pitot-Prandtl .1 ,tube, wind-tunnel test, null reading, nuU method, null-reading method, dynamic- pressure head, static head ABSTRACT: The paper reports the results of an experimental investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of an axially- symmetrical jet in a countercurrent flow within a numerical range of the parameter m (ratio of the free-flow countervelocity divided by the primary-jet velocity at the nozzle exit). of from 0 to 0.4. Velocity (V) 'and pressure (P) profiles are obtained in the "initial" mixing region (surrounding ':,the central core of the jet) and the "main" mixing region (farther downstream) of .such a jet, also the dependence of the lengths of these regions on the parameter In._- .The experiments were performed in a closed wind tunnel with an open working Card I/ Z ACCESSION NRt AT3002066 I !section (f40-mm diam). Velocities from 13 to 14 m/sec were employed. The jet inozxle (10 and 15 mm diam) was carefully allgned with the direction of the local :free flow. Jet velocity: 120-150 m/sec. Three types of Pitot-Prandtl tubes with 3241 ~component heads and T-shaped heads were developed and employed to explore the 1complex flow in the mixing sheath between the counterflowing jet-core and wind- !tunnel flows. The various types of head employed are described and pictured. A disk-shaped static head is also described and depicted. The pressures and magni- tudes and directions of the iocal velocities were measured by a single head which was transported and positioned by a precision coordinate -locator device. All measurements were done by the null method, that is, all readings were performed ,by equalizing the pressures in the two branch tubes of a U-shaped manometer. Them ~results of the measurements are portrayed graphically, and it is shown how the 'length of the initial region of the jet is determined as a function of the ratio m, .also the length of the "torch," which is the sum of the lengths of the initial and the main mixing regions of the jet. Orig. art. has IZ figs., I tbl., and I eq. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ- OlMay63 ENGL: 00 SUB CODE: Al NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 C~Drd 2/? ~11N.F,VSKIY,A.S.; KMOZOV, A.I. Effect of the radial and circmferential irregularity of the flow on ebaracteristics of stages of an axial-flow compressor. Prom, rierodin. no.24t63-73 162. (MIRA 160) (Compressors-Aerodynamics) GlNhyk~4 (Mookva); SOLODKIN, Te.Ye. (Monkva) Effect of the transversal surface curvature on the characteristics of an isothermal axisymmetric turbalent boundary layer of a compressed gas. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no.1:99-110 Ja-F 163. ( k dary layeA) (MA 1622) 9pun GINFVSKIY, A.S. (Moskva) Approy1mate motion equations In problems of' the theory of turbulent jets. Izv.AN SSSR.Mekh. I mashinostr. no.5:134-140 3-0 163. (KRA 16:12) WAR', Samuil Markovich; SUZINGER, Jeaek luayevich; GINEVSKIY, A.S., red. [Aeromechanical measurements; methods and instruments] Aeromekbanicheakie izmereniia; metody i pribory. Moskva, lzd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 720 p. (MIRA 17:8) L 11830-66 SOM110.01(m CS'(k)/9WA(1)/SWA(d) GS i"ISWRON CODEr UR/000OA5/000/000/0-189/0202 AUT90R: A. S. 114oocow ORQ': None TITM Turbulent nonisotbeftel. flow of a viscous oompressible g in the inlet Sdotions.Of Zanjijistrio end flat expanding obannals w a nun pressure gradient SOURCEt Teplo- i 10assoperobon, t, 1t Konvektivnyy toploobnon v odnorodnoy irsda (Rest and mass transfere ve 1: Conveotive heat exchange in'sn homogoWoous inedium)o Minoks look* I tekbn1kap 1965# 189-202 TOPIC TAGSt fluid flow., bydrodynamloop friotion coofflolents boundary loy.,4r theory ABST~RACT: In,the Inlet sedtion of a channel the veloolty, the te.Vera- tur4s the A Lob nUal~or$ and other flow p6rameters are distributed uni- forimly oveiiihs chiroial orbie sootiono As the distanoe from the inlet Section lnciisisos04~bounda~ Uyer uisen due to the effsot of.vinaouse tb! L W foress on Is alli;df the *6banhol and thorn In an Innontranin 1PInw nnp& ,$30-66 C. NR, AT6001-364 only t In t b I layer*. It follows that the velocity# tampers- tures flaWn ers~00 other 'flow.parametere remain constant across the Oh 'nel in t 1i noii; core. ~Flow in the boundary layer in assumed to be rb 0 0 94 ~'i turbulant.0 he ar'4~le propbsei to solve the given problem talting.into 400000t, thclftect Of the tOsnsvierse curvature of the surface on the ixiipuatrid turbOlont boftdU7 layers, There follows an extended i0atbamatioal ~AoveI0006ht'bsiid 6n the foregoing assumptions, Rbsults Of tw; Csl0uAi*1ons~.0'r'G oxhi~ItO6 in the form of curves showing the q~ban~e in the';.1ooal~oo8fftotjnt of Motion resistance along the exis# the length ot the Wtial saiction-of ths.tbannel under various condi- tionlj~ and ob's0ge iAtha local beat transfer coefficient along the Wdso Wg' arts b as t 30 farmul",,` 6: figures. SUB CODEt 20/ SUBM DATEr ~WuS65/ ORIG Wi 003/ OTH MWt 000 jW w/10, '/9' WMPWAAM(nALa!A-(1X- - 20246 8!~ I(1i). -4CC cc AT6066924 66009 CODE: UIR/OOOQ/65/000/000/0377/03911 off(* AVTH [ ORG: none TITLE% Heat and m"a transfer in a nonisotbamal turbulent gas jet f variable oomposition in a 00.01rectioBal'stream SOURGE: Teplo- i mameoperehose t, II: Teplo- i massoperenos pri vzolmodayetvii tal s'potokami zhidkostey i Eazov (Heat and mass transfer, v. 2: Heat ard maa*,~.~rswsfor in the interaction of bodies with liquid and gas flown), Min'Wi,' Nauka i tekhnika, 1965, 377-391 TOPIC TAGSi heat t1ransferj mass transfer, turbulent jet,, gas dynamics, 4wAkU4'-+ 104- i~y '" -Mp6ar~4 ABSTRACT: Tb6 =a. heowtical, development starts from the differential squitions of qontb*1tyj,, momentum$ energy, and m"s transfer for avs~aged st~146Y stite plans or axialwatrio isobaric motion of a two component go imixt~Mln a,,turbulent boundary layer: (Pay)+ (Pod) -0. ,--A 1/3 L 242496." ACC NL AT6006924 + (3) 4v (4) p a +m 3Aec& h + p,.!t P, ON Opg h eT, (6) Rd p VI-J" v pt pi. H-h+- P., pi it ~Dg xs. y *re coord:LnkteS!or a rectsn$ular Q 0) or cylindrical ociodimate systom; mg~Iv are tbe~oowponents of the velocity along the x and y axon; P Is the densitrof the gas mixture; b is the beat content; R in the tota3!.beat icatent; 2 is the mass concentration of the sub- stance:of the jet or.ams of its components; D is the coefficient of ckw 9L3 ACC NRo AT6006924 reciprocal dif f usiOn; 6is the coefficient of turbulent transfer;;L is the coefficient of turbulent beat conductivity, P is the turbulent Prandtl numbOr. P to the diffusion Prandtl number; L ia the specific best 0:pacitj .of the gas mixture at constant pressure?, T to the absolute temper tureo. The remainder of the article is devoted to a mathematical solution of the above system of equations. The calculation method is said to be applicable to the solution of a wide range of problems in the theory of tuftulent'gas Jets.' Orig. art. has: 53 formulas and 5 figures. SUB CODE.* 20/ STIBM DATE: OqNov65/ ORIG RKP*. 004 J card 3/30' 4667C3-66 Eff ( 1 -41 (-n 20726 ACC NRi 4Aix A063 SOURCE CODE: UP/011m/ AUTHOR- q_inevakiy, A..,'L'._ (Moscow) er OPG: none K3 17ITLE: Calculation of the transition section of a turbulent jet SOURCE: All SSSR. Izvestiya. MekJianika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 3, 1966, 59-67 TOPIC TAGS: -turbulent Jet, axisymmetric flow, transition flow, flow profile ABSTRACT: An aprroximate calciLlation method in developed for the transition sections of plane and axit-~Metric turbulent jets in EL co-moving stream. It is shown why earlier methods, -.~:ised on differentiation between the initial and final sections are not applicable in the transition (mixing) region. The velocity profiles obtained by this method in the transition region turn out to be the same for plane and axisym- metric jets, and can be used to calculate the variation of the jet parameters along, the stream axis by using the set of integral equations connecting the angular momenty and the energy. Limiting parameters are defined under which the results coincide with the velocity profile of the main section of the turbulent jet. It is concluded tbat '-. 1 in first approxiiYabion the external boundary of the transition layer is straight and- is a continuation of the outer boundary of the outer section. The method is then demonstrated to be suitable for a determination of continuous velocity-profile deforn. i mation in the transition region. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 33 formulas. SIM CODE: P-o/ mw DATE: olmar65/ oRIG REF: oo)/ OTH REF: 002 LC-E'i--- Vi a - T n M) F.I., '~' ' 11 - . AP60301.)3 SOURCE CODE: UB1014 ~1/06/000/004/001/0(456 ALTIHOH: Shilbin Yu. M. (Moscow); Ilizarova, I- I. Wos cow) &el ORO: none "~2~ TI TLF: Invest igation of the micros trtxct ure of a turioilciit j(-, ~n a wnko J I SOURCE: tVi SSSR. Izv(!stiya. Mekhanfka zhIdkoqtI J raza, no. 4, 11106, 81-88 TOPIC TACS: fluid me,.-hantus, wake flow, turbitleilt jet, jet flow, wind tunnel, boundary laver equation ABSTRACT: 'Ihe m1croctructure of the frialn -0art of an axisy"fimetric "urbulent jet in a i wake flow J,, fiivet-,* k!aLed ~,xperlmental'-., c-'Icy, a wld-., r~invt, -f the ParzlmetCr m (0.04, 0.21., 0.14, 0.512), whero li~,' - i!~ the c,) wakf- flow and tic, is, Lht~. niCaii v(,JoclLy A Lhe i'107.71C eXit. t~!!d- with "Nsa LLCkLronik and ;I correlaLoL. The velocity pioHle!: of thr(-t, in~,, veinrity and Reynolds s.t.~es,F-were measured in thc main ,:ilt of the ict 'ih~: ,-alues of the mean velocity and LWO COMPOTleriLS of QUCLuaLin~, vel(wiLv wilre Tiv-asii-te-i at a large number i of points on the jet axis. Vie meagured profiles of Revnnlds stress are compared profiles calculaLed from ;in experimentally determined mean i with correBlionifing vc~oclty prorth! by means of turbulent boundarv Liver equatfon:;. The correlation Card 1/2 ACC NR- AP60 30113 (If I LW~- f t!ld I IM I (-(~riporwn t ii of f I u, I lm tiw v, o, ic L w:ls [ne"uml-od I wo V;! I llf*~, f, f"Old t !I,. v,I r 1.11 i,!1 I I Iw W turbulence acl-o6l, till, I I I v r I,:; jl::!~ wa~: det.el ef fvcL of the paramet(tr n on the char;:cl cri ~1 i T,: :~I-t ;11 Orig. art has: 7 f i gm-v~l aild -110 foi mul.!1; SUB WDE: 201 SWIM VATF: 17Feb65/ 01,1C 00 ,TH 10'.F.- ()of)/' Al D I R E SI 5074 Card 2/2 L 071,66-67 EWP(m)/W(I) FDNIWWIJWIWE ACC NP., AT60345~4 ---- - ------ som AUTHOR: Ginevskiyt A. S. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITL3: The methid of integral relations in the theory of turbulent lot flows aero-gidrodinamichookiv ins ti tut. PromyBhlennaya SOME': Moucow. Tsentral 1)V truyWe , t-e.c.heniya (Je't streaMB), 5-30 TOPIC TAGS: turbulent flow, turbulent jet, turbulent mixing, approximation method, isothermal flow, boundary layer ABSTUCT: An isothermal, turbulent, plane, axisymmetric jet is investigated using Karman-type integral methods. Both the initial and main flow of the jet into a wake whose speed is oither slower or faster ar; analyzed as the jet issues than the jet speed. Also investigated are expanding and converging flown of a radial-Blot type jet. The Golubov integral relation for the plane or axioymmetric Jetl is given by '_ - ' a. d +I - 11k+1) y!dy=k (k+ 1) TU*-' - ILI yJdy. dx JY 0 0 (k = 0, 1, 2, ..., oo) The analysis starts with a pili~e' turbulent jet where the jet speed u6is either Card 1/4 UDC: 917. L 07466-67 ACC NRs AT60345`1 smaller or greater than the wake flow u0' The length of the initial section is then calculated to be I 1XI An! + A2in + A3rni ~Xo =4- 6o - 2a4 I(al - a2) m + a2l (I - m)?' where A is g coefficient determined.from the velocity profile 2 2 16G 48 'Jl IT. a2=TI a3=-, a4 =- 715 35 In the main flow, the same length parameter taken the form x0) F mb; 2a4 m2 which for m - 0 nimplifieB to .U" 42a4 + L_ X X0 2 UO a3 I similar analysis is made for the axisymmetric jet. The reaulte are shown graphical~ as plots of velooity profiles in the jet and mixing boundaries along the Jet axio. The analysis is then extended to a converging or diverging radial slot jet issuing from a nozzle with thickness 280 and diameter 2x . (see Fig. 1). The governing inte- gral relation for this case io given by X UN+2(ty k(k+l)x L uk-'-Lu dy. (k-0, 1, 4jr I OY Card 2A .. 0 0 Q . . - 1. ... .- . L 07466-67 ACC NRt AT603455-4 Converging jet Diverging jet -psi Fig$ 16 Once more the solutions are given for the initial and main parta of the flow, and the results are presented graphically. This analysis is shown to be directly related to the plane flow case with m m 0 through a Mangler-Stepanov transformation. A plot of Um/UO versus x shows excellent agreement with experiments. The abovo analyses are then compared to a similar integral method of L. 0. LoytsyanDkiy where the governing equations are u (it - it j) dy 0, X 0 d U (a a s) ydy -v (it - it 1) dy = v, (u, - u,) dx The two approximate methods are then compared to the exact solution With the following! Card-ji-A. ~W. i 1, 07466-67 ACC NRt AT6034V4 result. Its K? 113 at --0' Ulm K Us I iat - - 0. VXUA Ulm Golubev expression 0.442 0.286 Loytayanskiy expression 0.434 0.280 Exact solution 0.454 0.282 A brief discussion is given showing how to extend the above integral methods to a turbulent jet which is nonisothermal, compressible, and has variable properties. Calculations of the above formulas were carried out by V. P. Kondakova and V. Me Arbekova. Orig. art. has: 110 equations, 12 figures, and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DAM none/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REFi 004 / ATD PRESS: 5104 [bard 4/4 A &-S~ AUTHOR: Ginavokiy, A. S. (Candidato of tochnical aciencoij) OIG: none TII'L:;: Turbulent nonimithomil Jots of coinprenoiblo L-an with vixiable compoirli tion acrodinzziika, no. 2-11', -1966. Struynyye techeniy[L (Jet utrearlo), J1-5"' T ~' D TA G.-J' :t1ulbillont flow, compressible f1w.-i-, ~7is int, terips!rriture dir~triibatior,, ;~;tol Ciiffuf;ion, bomidary layer A compres.,)iblo, variable-compo timi using-, trie ni ') W! I nt-I. -I. in .1111, -.11 i ~ntejral nothod. The (malysis is divided into aix p.'wt-:3 -~;ith t4o fOA.c)-a4n,-' a3o~u;Tip- 4ions hol.ding throughout: thn riiwc~lic iwat of V'-Ich CO:;~pOne:-'t in; the flow is isobaric; ~Lne Jeou is independent of tne Lemperature; pi-00SUrr-1 ILnd therl'uL1. diffUnion are n,D.-'1ccted; the demijAy ia determined from Lhe Clapvy.-on equation; an(l 4' Mere are no cacillical reactiona. Part ono treats the plalle noni'lothermil Iet ill a ~.-"it'h "r --- I uL hibi vo'Locitica. The governing bowi6ary 1ayeX equittions consiat of d c i .13 Wid overall continuity equations, the momentui equation, wrid tKo oner:11 c"pial,lon. U. ried f, sing ilutoUral relations, tho fc)!Lowin[, equat on :s obta- -),r 'ho ow a-LO111, the jet axic I.Card- V3 L 09'$ N -67- 'ACC N11, 'AT6034555 01 -ni C't D X .1ro = --- - L' 7. d 110 Ail two, the name pt-nljl-~n i; tuialyzed for the iLKi3y-Limetric jot whoro the viscoun ;roino lo exprermed by the pol~lno mi aI , wilich, SublitAution into tho 1-;Dverninj Pqiiation luid intef;ration, y.iuldn M fit. X 'VQ '11~6 r~' m"'M -"m 112 0 In LID -x F4 z0 2art th.-ce is the same as part one and tvo corabined, except that the flow velocity ia ac;GuZed to be very low. The results of the analysis are .ho,;m as velocity profile Per various radial temperature distributions. In parts four through six '.no conditions Pr (turbulent and diffu3ional) equal unity are relaxed, and the viscous stress and thermal conductivity are expressed repectively by J Qmll mil"Y 2 Q."' it f'" YVr) For c conat and amall flow volociticla, the following expreniliona are obtained for p L 08431-67 ACC NRi AT6034555 the velocity and temperature diatributiono I-M All,, + f (11)f Old I r dil r M 0 - ~'- + -M ~-Il' ~1~ 10 Tit Pt, P(( P"'P. 0 28 105 60 For a submerged jot, these results Wee very well with experimental values for Prt a 0-5. The corresponding concentration profile io given by P'111 7 d 4z.- i Pf2d Pfd + -L PIY2 5 35 7 35 which also agrees with experimental measurements if Pr d L 0-5- Orig. art. hass 13! equations, 8 figures, and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM UTE% none/ ORIG REF% 006 / ATD PREss: 5103 Card 3/3 'S 1. 07467-67 W'(Td)1NT(l) Pat/w/iw/wE - -- ---- ------- ACC NR, AT6034556 SOURCE CODE: U11/2632/66/000/027/00W000t: AUTIHORi Ginevski7t.A. S. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITLE: Calculation of transverse velocities in the initial and main portions of turbulent jets in wake flow SOU--,.'I;: Moscow. Tsentrallnyy aero-gidrodinamicheakiy institut. Promyshlennaya acrodinamika, no: 27, 1966. Struyriyye techeniya (Jet streams), 55-70 TOPIC TAGS, wake flow, jet flow, plane flow, axisymmetric flow, turbulent flow, turbulent jet A3STIIA~'11.- Formulas are derived for the construction of the transverse velocity proftles for both the main and the initial portions of jets in wake flow. The iorm-alas are derived on the basis of two approximation methods. The first uses boundary, layer equations, and the second uses the fluid continuity equation with the condition of momentum conservation in transverse croos sections of the jet. The degree of approximation of both methods depends on the approximation expression for the longitudinal velocity profile used as the initial condition. Using the boundary layer equations, the transverse velocity profile of the main portion of a plane jet i given by V - . :T- [--!!- --L + (I + 3,1) (1 - -q?] >< 12% C.,d 1/3 UDCs 532.522.00:L.24 L J, OA67-67 N AT6034556 X dri. P M &U. 0 .1 3YO 0 - T0,11 0 where Y Ul M UM - U, Ulm M Aux UO - fit UI Vi M=__ ~ Ulm UO and is the virtual viscosity coefficient. The upperand lower sigm correspond to t m>l and m