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473". MOCIMMICAL INVESTIGATION OF 111,LX)D 17110M ME FX711EMITIES AFTECTED BY OBI.ITT;RATIVr VANCTILAH I.CSIONS - Badazda biochemic::ne krvi _-yInej ~oricxvn objetvch zarnstowvmi fmilinami naczvntowvmi - G i b i A s x i K. et a.I. 11~ 6n. Chor. Wewn. ~1. A.M., Hytonllu 1958, 2815 (693-6941 Vascular diseasem impairing the blood supply to the extremitY may affect the capillary circulation in different degrees. Besides the impairment at circulation. qq3z It lot Pecemakry to take into consideration the intensity of timmular metabolism, which may he quito varied in the area involved by vascular lesions. Thus the ratio of blood supply to the oxygen demand in formed not only according to the width of the vascular bed. There may arise here local deviations from the norm in the con- sumpnon or oxygen (usually a worse utilization), a decrease of activity of certain enzymes it% the blood (proteases) or a release of other enzymes (transaminascii) from the dying cello to the blood. These changes were observed in all groups of the patients: a decrease. however. of the proteolylic activity of the blood was distinguished by its constancy, intensity and a certain parallelism with the clinical condition in a group of arteriosclerotic patients. Changes in the protein and lipo- protein composition of the blood and in cholesterol level do not remain in con- nection with local vascular lesions and are not characteristic for any of the dis- eases described. The total lipid level in the blood increased in BUrger's disease and it was higher in the blood from the diseaaed foot than in the blood from the haTd. Tte ctindutted biochemical Investigations do not give sufficient foundation for stating that angiopathia diabetics, to a disease differing from arteriosclerosis In the course of diabetes. (XVUI 4 MUSKI, Xornal A CAlle Of O9tOOlYGi% e98"nti9ll6- P014kt tYROd- lek. 14 no.45:IQA7- 1990 9 NOV 59. 1. (Z IIXKliniki Chorob Wownstrznych SI. A. M. w 9ytomiu), (1101M, DISASSS, onee reports) GITIVSKI, K.; TiARA, H.1 RAKOM, H.-. SLWXA, Z.; SMIAQ, A. An oDidemir ,f "orpholm dispase. Poltski tygod. isk. 14 no.48i 2101-2103 )C' NOV 59. 1. (Z III Chorob Wownetrinych 31. A. H. v Ilytomiu: kierowniki nrof. dr K. (;lAnski , Oddslalu Wirusalogil: kierovnik: Drof. dr H. Mnkover i ltlgtytutii flironfol4m we Wroolavin kierownik: nrof. dr S. Slopek). (PIOLMMOYNIA JTUMKIC, ffpidamiol) s,*c JP lo'ni 3/11 Card1nvP.-,C. dis. 1:")v 4q 3304. Biochemical alterations in blood in obliterative atherosclerosis Glav.-SKI K. Third Clin. of Int. Dis., Silesian Sch. of Med., Bytom. Poland J228--231) GrapNi 4 Tables I Twen, en n alher ei'mined, Y-"v e pa pe 's phc'a' 0' er'a e Ose cro' 've re',p, 'eve's ..%t r d 10 tr ica' a' mn C% '11 c Jan m cho' an "a nd t ipd'4t 0 P1 I I from %% i h t1 w we c M es e e taken ~crujn Cn f lite 'Cill I I M epe 'I' mpl h lutarnic_ Vic txansatni~ uti i was highc In the b ood t ken rom t f t p a a I the c tMI bl from 11tecuh1tal vel mm olase ecect rhanin or the a n. ~ aid ac -viy d~d not show "' C" 18 leristic alterations. The blood from the affected w rtas ic a le h dec ed teo t c ctivity, especially in the severer cases. It is reiatsedo t tile cellular Peroomponents of the blood. The oxygen utilization by the tissues was decreased in the area normally supplied by the damaged vessels. GIBINSKI, Kornel; GONCIAM, Zbigniew Blood coagulability in peripheral atherosclerosis obliterans. Polskie )0 no.1:21-26 160. 1. 2 111 Zliniki Chorob Vowastrznych S1. A.M. w Bytomiu. lierow- nik: K. Gibinski. (LRTXRIGSCLKROSIS blood) (BLOOD GQLGUIATION) SURNAIS.- Given Names CountrYt Poland Academic Degreest Lffiliationt Source:Warsaw, Ratux Hizieny i-MedycYny Doswiadgzalnell Vol XV, No 4, 1961t pp 437-1+38- Datat OBornholm Disease in Upper Silesia." English abstract of English article originally published in Bull. World Health Org., 1960, 221 421. Authors; OTBZ5KI, xZo-rne,17, mD Chief Third MedlopLl Department, Silesian of Nedicino I Aytom. or MA4M-XR$ ffMtYk1 11D,M 88. 1 Chief, Virolo D artm nt, Ludwik Hirsz- feld Institute of' Immunology and-Efp-e-rf'mv-en'gtoa~lar"~i~'e-i~-apyI Polish Academy of Sciences Wroclaw- Directors 'Piof. Stefan SLOPEK, Dr. ZWKA Zofia M , &puty Chief Virology Department, 'Ludwik Hir3z- feld instituie of Immunology ani Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy df Sciences, Wroolav;,Director: Prof. Stefan SLOPEK, Dr. BARA Boleslaw 10 Chief Assistant, Xhird Medical Department, Silos- ~:~an School 61 Mohoine, Bytom. - SYPULa?Aj Alicja t M So. I Virology Department 9 Ludwik Hirszf j44,,6,,, of Immunology and Experimental Therapyj_~;Y 1. Wroclaw orBINSKI, Kornal Coagulolyvis and fibrinolysin in atherowtoeia. Polaki tvgod. Isk. 16 no.21t781-783 22 MY '61. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wftmetrsnych S1. A.M. v B~Ftomiu; kleronikt prof. dr wd. Kornel Gibinski. (ARTMOSCIMMLS blood) (BLOOD COAGULATION) (MRINOLTSIS) GIBINSKI,-Kornel -, Curt-ant status and perspectives for the utilization of enzymatology In clinical internal diseases. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.34:1323-1328 21 Ag 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wmetrsnyeb S1. A.M. v Bytomiu; klerownik: prof. dr mod. Kornel Gibinski. (ENZYMES) .el;...FOJT, Eugeniuss; NOWAK, Andrzej; GIEC, Leszdk AIBINSKI, KqM Effect of variou3 diuretics on the activity of mveat clarAr. Polaki tygod. le.k. 16 no.42:1601-1603 16 0 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych Sl. 4.M w Bytat:ijul kicrownik. prof. dr mad, K.Ribinaki. (DlUlL--TM; pl~armacol) (SWEAT GUMS pharmcol) qBINSKI, K.; FOJTT, Z.; GIEC, L. ---- 1 1. Zff#et of taidrox on thermal sweating. Polskie arch. nod. wmetrs. 31 so.117-12 161. 1. 9 111 Kliniki Chorob Vownetrsaych Sl, Ak. Mod. w Bytoaiu Kisrowaik: prof. dr ud. K. Gibinaki. (CHLOROTHIAZIDS rel apda) (SWEATING pharmatol) GIBINSKI, bl-mol; GONCIARZ, Zbigniew Coagulum daeomposition in oblitorating arterisselerosis. Pelskis arvh. mod. vowastrz. 31 ne.2tl6l--167 '-61. 1. 2 111 KlIniki Chorob Wswnstrzayoh Sl. Ak. Mod. w Bytoziu Etorownik! prof. dr ned. K. Gibinaki. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS blood) (BLOOD COAGULATION) NOWAK, Andrzej Fibrinolyois in arteriosclerosis obliterans of the lower extremities. Polskie arch. mod. vown. 31 no.33309-315 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wmetrsnych Sl. Ak. Mod. w Bytomiu Kierowniki Prof. dr mod. X. Gibinaki. (FIBRINOLYSIS) (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS blood) GIBINSKI, Kwmel; FOJT, Eugertiusz; GIEC, Lessek; NOWAK, Andrzej Antldiurotic horvm* and thermal sweating, Polskie arch. mad. vaim. 31 no.821059-1064 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Cherob Wownstrznych S1. AM w Bytomiu Kierownik! prof. dr mod. K. Gibinaki. (VASOPRESSIN pharmacol) (SWEATING pharmacol) GIBINSKI, Kornel, NYWAK, Andrzej - FOR, Edward Froblon, of tlw ef fact of mineralo-corticoids ox. opariar, of oodium by tbe sweat glands. Polskie arch. mod. W(3m. 31 iio.12;1585-1593 ,61. 1. Z III Kliaiki Chorob Weimetrznych SIAM w By-tomu Kierownik: Prof. dr med. K.Gibinski. (ADl-uliAL ~ORTSX 110,~,11014Z pharmacol) (SOJIU,'.' matab) (SWEAT GLANDj pharracol) NOWOSIELSU.-MMSOWAt Eva; HEM, Zbigniew; GIBINSKI, Kornel-, Studies on the ulcerogenic mechanisms of the effect of corticosteroids. Pol. tyg. lek. 22 no.23:906-910 4 Je 162. 1. Z III Hliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych 31. AM w Bytomiu; kierownik: prof. dr red. Kornal Gibinski. (LDREMALL CORTEX HORMONES toxicol) (PEPTIC ULCER exper) GIBINSKI, K.; FO.TT, E.; NOWAK, A. The lack of influence of corticoids on the excretion of electrol.Yte3 by sweat glands. Pcl. arch. med. vewn. 32 no.10:1219-1224 162. 3. Z III Wniki Chorob Wownetrznych S1. AM w Byt.omiu Kierownik: prof. dr mod,. K. Gibinski, (SWEA1) (E-1EMOLYMS) (ADRENAL CWTEX 110WONEES) GIBINSKI Xomel; NOWAK, Stanislawl GIEC, Lassek; KOKOT, Franciazek Aldostorone and the activity of sweat glands. Pol. arch. med. wewn. 32 no.12:1507-1516 162. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Vownetrznyah 81. AM w Bytomiu.Kierownik. prof. dr mod. 1. Gibinaki. . (SWFAT GLANDS) (ALDOSTEIRONE) GIBINSKI Kornel; NOWAK, Stanislaw; GISC, Leszek; KOKOT, Franciszek Aldoeterom and sweat gland function. Acta mad. Pol. 4 no-3: 313-320 %3. L IIIrd Medical Clinic, Silesian Medical AcadeW Katowice, Pbland, Director: Prof. Dr~ K. Gibinaki. (SWEAT GLANDS) (ALDOSTERONE) (DEHYDRATION) (SPIRONOLACTONE) (HEAT) (SWEAT) (HYPERALDOSTERONISM) (soDrum CHLORIDE) GIBIRSKI, Nornall KOKOT, Franoissaky NOWAK, Staniolaw; GIEC, Loosek I--- '.' 11 ~ ~111H--~#',' '' -, Aldosterom in Or ftintenance of the wate"lectrolyte balance. A*ta met,~ Pal. 4 no.3021-328 t63. 1. HIM Moftcal Clinic, Siles-~an Medical Acadea, Xatowlcep Polud, Director: Prof. Dr. K. Gibinskip (MOSISRONS) (WATER4UCTROLITS BALANCE) (HEAT) (URINE) (SODIUM) (POTASSIUM) (CHLORIDES) (SWEAT) .GIBI11SKI, Kornel; GRZYBEK, Henryk; ZMUDZINSKI, Jerzy The occurenae of gamma. -glutamyl transpeptidase in the hun,8A liver under lirdrmal and pathological conditions. Acts, med.Pol. 4 no.4041-350 163. 1. 111 Clinic of internal Disenses, Silesian Meldical Academy, Katowice. Direktor3 Prof. Dr K. Glbi:iski and Department of 11isto- logy, Silesian Medical Academy, Katowice. Director: Doe. Dr A. Vorbrodt. -t G113INSKI , K. . .~ i Increased blocd coagulability in atherosclerotic vessels, Gor vasa 5 no,lt44-52 163. 1. Third Modical Clinic, Silesian School. of I-ledicine, Katowice,, (ARTERIDSCLEROSlS ORLIMANS) (BIMD GOAGUIATION') 1%4 GIBINSXIJ,~?mel; KOXOT, Franclsaek; GIEG, Learsek; NOWAK, Stanislaw Aldosterone and the water-olectrolyte balance. ?o1. tyg. lek. 18 no.lil-4 I A 163. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych S1. AM w Bytomiu; kierownik: prof. dr nwd. X. Gibinkki, (ALDOSTLROIIE) (WATER-ELECTROLTrE HUMCE) (AYFERALDDSTEROMISM) (SPIGIDLACTONE) (KIDIE Y) (SWI-AT GLAINW) (PHYSIOLOGY) Prof. Dr. mod, Diroctur of '111i~-L' Clinic of In tornal Us~asos (III j,linika CtliozroD S1.116%1 [Slaska Akademia 1%1odyozna, Silesian Vodical Acade:-.iy] ill Ka to uri c e "Key Problems of Proteolysis in Clinical Modicino.lf I.-I'arsau,, Polsid 'Py~odnik Lekarski, Vol 13, No -~3, ~' Jul 63, m) 1937-1040 Abstract: Text of locturo delivered before Llic Socond 11~1- zy-molo,,,)r Sympusium of the Polish Association of Internists (Towarzystwo Internistow Polskich) held in Poznan, 9 Sov 62. Concise roview of developments and opened aroas for t1io study of proteolysis, proteosynthosis, and protein transport and balance in relation to clinical medicine of joint and collla- ,,,Ienous diseases. diseases of the kidney, liver, alimentary tract, lun.-,,; und bronchi, blood vossosls, homostatic system, endocrine _,Iands, and neoplasms -- and the onzymes involvad and their regulation. 13 references: ) polish, 2 3onnan, and 10 In En~;,lish. 1/1 GIBBSKI, Kornel; SZAT%j Ronaald; MLRASZEK, Jan Tho relationship between the activity of gamm-glutam7l trans- peptidase and leucyl aminopeptidase in internal diseases. Pol. tYg-lek, 11' ro-47:1752-1756 18 T,163. 1. Z III ]Mnili Chorob Vownetrznycli Sl. AM w Katovicach; kie- rcwnik: K.Gibinski. 4- GIBINSKI, Komal; KOKT, Franciazek; NOWAK, Andrzej Excretion of glucose with theiimal sweat. Pol. arch. med. wew- net. 33 no.lltl247-1251 163. 1. Z IIT KlIvIki Chorob Wewnetraiyoh 31. AM w Kutowicach. Kierownikt prof. K.Giblxiski. -W GIBINSKI, lornel; XOTT, Franciszek Non-protein urea and nitrogen in thermal sweat. Pol. arch. mod. vownet. 33 no,12s 1385-1390 t63. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob W6wnetrvnych S1. AM w Katmicach; kierownik: prof.dr.mod. K.Gibinski. b 7 F, Korne"I Clinical control of alde-effect c' dr,,,gs. ro.~4t1305-171A 24 S 16J.. I . 1 11.1 KJ ',k. Chvrob ~ewrstrzryoh Katc,vir.ach (kiercvniki prof. 6:- med. Forro' (2131140](1, WAL&DMISVA, Jadwiga; ZAMNITH., Jul Ad jeS4Vp ~ , properties of blood platelets :T arteriosclerosis. Pn1.. arcli. r-1- wewnet. 34 nc.lM1305-11(~,, '64 Ilea of niamide in decreasing adhesive properties of blood platelets in arteriosclerosis. Ibid.11311-1315 1. 2 JI I l",11n lk-1 Chorob 'Wevnetrwych Mask- 1, e~ Akademi I Me- (iy(.,znej w Katow-.'cach (Kivrowrik: prof. dr. med. Y. Gibinski). IMM. UfftUll (JUAMIMS 14 CII III JAWMI- 1111%1, Allf W4, I1'r .1meaqsImmis 14 The oudividuAl mustieurnis of Ow mm Inw welboil i% wnsilivir to about 11.401 % toy vW, NUIL CI I :UQrs *11k:11 C-411 lot tkill. by thin ImAbw 6.1,;; 1 Imp I. I"ifid fix a svilledds. ii about 4A suir A I I- ':r- %ION4 ', 0< II "We0q, Journal of the Institute 91. AnRlysis ana 0,11izat1f;n of extrnet from of Petroleum selective mfining of labrjeants. -S. GIbInski. nn .. Vol. W No. 361 Bull. Folls), T P.0'rol. , 1952, 2, 12 Jan. 1954 (SUPPI. to NAft,8 (KrHkow), 11)52, 8).-Extract Products ce-no from rffinJnf, witt. 150 and 1004 of furfural and name qtjentltir-s -if I : 1 phenol and water In 1. Ir', )AnAJ '.I, Markusion's analytical method showcd that oxtrvct o.~ntninvd resins, Ficids, anhydrides, and ?,sihattenes, the last 3 in quantities Identina'! in W! eAracta. Chronintographic analysis usinv petr~'Ie%lin utl~ur showed thnt whilst resins contained N, (). an(I 1, oils extracted had little of these elements. They also had high V. 1. It is therefore conc_~i~dod that poor quelities cf some lubricants or, dkic to rosfi)5. UtillzatJott A' I).(, -xtriict appears to lead through destructive dAst, or to preparation T cable oil which has very good properties, and its yield IaOIL 50%. 40% extrpct and W% linseed oil fomed a good lJnsoed oil, substitute for varnish manufacture. 14Y Olt DOM (= fuVw(BuUmms exU"cm boulodu asubmatule fog lia-WWwbvn%bAWArbM44 eoupshat d thb v&Mimb. IL GIBINSXI, S Analiza I. wykorzystania ekstraktow z selekywej rafinacji olejow. SWinogrod, Panstowowe Wydawn. Tachnic-me, 1953. 14 P. (Poland. Instytut Naftowy. Prace, nr.23) (Analysis and utisization of extracts of selective o-*l refinement. English, French, and Russian sumiarles, illus.) NN Not in DW SO- 1..O:,TliLY INDU OF LAST EUROPEAN ACI, ESSIONS (E*.AI) LC, VOL. 7, ""U. 1, JAN. 1958 tit -77- go-ft.'- M W - 7'" oil , Poland/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Treatment of natural gaaen and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubri- canta, 1-13 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 5516 Author: Gibinski, Stanislawl Szurek, Tadeusz Inatitution.f '-iione Title: DHD Process (Dehydrogenation of Gasoline Under H2 Pressure) Original Publication: Natta (Krakow), 1955, 11, No 8, 187-189 Abstract: Brief description of the method, developed in Germany, for the de- hydrogenation of hydrogenation gasoline under R2 pressure, for the purpose of raising its octane rating. Card 1/1 GIBLNSKI # 3: SMETM T. M processl reductim of hydrogen under pressure. P. 187 Vol, 11, no. 8, Axqwt 1956 MnA Kralmw Source; HonthV list of East Em-opean Accessions (EEAL) j IC , Vol, 5, no, 2 Feb. 1956 Ail it sold if lakma Owly 0 a rise i; tk Cos Tuz pow e(ket is 13swe 4L compoo", 40a 'CAUS" hd' A Imu 3 t:d Cl: pi d havo t E. groapl , j Of I if pp ihe Stsi4on apd N if [t 7l Nw Ij 1, T- liV 77 1 ff~t q 7 l jit "'JI ! k iJ THIU Ii:111 14:i,~ Jf .1 f WA trmtshrol tit tl,# i!d*t iststelp 1-,-ic its 10 tit - advity is cot), x1vid ft A w I :y- J+ q q Hid : ILa - . ..... ..... .... ...... =7777:7 . ........ .. .. ...... JMIGMHY/PhammcoI,.-)gy - Toxicoloa - General Problems. v Abs Jour Ref .7liur Biol., rjo 4, 1959, 1~1063) Author Forszasz, J. . Nador, K, Gf-bi!7zer. -Porsazasz, K., Bacscl I. Inst 11,xvj~priar) Academy ,,f Sc-ioicz-f- Title Pharmcolo,-,,y of ljrdnok~:ton-2s- 111. Jomparative L.vcsti- Cm-tion wjtj~ L4rp-,c-. -3-chlur-lo- , lyl '3-dinethylardnopropyl 7phenothlazin), Par-atal (N-~iethy-l-pil~el-ydil-3-methyl- Idienothiazin) and F-933 (1--i-iler'LdiaLl-,7,etliyl-be~-izodioxar.) Orig Pub Acta physiol. Acad. sci. .ung. , 195 ~, 11, 140 1-),, 9,' -10 1 Abstract Rectal TO uAd -~bsuiptluu of ,, w,~,- t,ti vato and mice. The extierimentr we're conluctc.d with subctances WhAd, possess Stropg ant~nicotinir-- (I-piperidyl-prcpio- 1 1) ~uJ -O.rong dre.% ,v!tior, (I.-pi- henori,?; M-65,; J, p Card 1/3 y V EmNGARYirba=.a--~l-)Lrj - Toxicolo~- Abs Jour Ref Mur BioL., No 4, 19559, 1,91433 NA-86; 11 and F-93j; I-T'. At an air TO of 221, 11 and 1.11 decrease ti-c '1,cly tv.M*)1,. lt-Wc. Pla" her'more II is tlv,~s weaker tIvAn lar~.mcty13 1. I's slill wa".~~r. At simultanems application u.' I and im ~i.(- 1cd to a ~sharp df,~crease cf' body TO at a time ,,-hcn by V. L:,%-, elves these oubstances are FtLmost intrnditic Lion cif mor- rhine and at 220 of ratz,, ulnile 1, `nxjdxi~d simul im1bited thi.' Retion. I romiderably de--zense6 tl.--- Dicrvaoc )1' mctn',clisn induced by the intr,,~dla2ticn of actodrom. !.,itter is re',yarded m, a substance whose infl,,iejic,~ on the is the Zenult c,,' an effect on the T~,i~ increase of in--.maboltsm in response to cooling from 21C. V, 0o is ouppres- sod by II and III more than with pacatal. The cooling of the animl under these conditions is very strong. Amino- ketones potentiate the narcotlo effect of ether; II defers only a little in this respect to largaetyl. Card 2/3 I'L.119 ac Lne adrenolytic t"" Of subt;tafloes were not de~ and Potentia. ist of, t), , 1,ri~ te"':dned. I is a PORSZASZ, T.: IWOR, K.; GIBISM-PORSZASZ, I- Phartmeology of iiiG;Gi nes. V. Heterocyclic and in the aromatic ring- lo substituted aninoketones. Acts, physiol. hung. 14 no.4:403-409 1958. 1. Physiologischen institut der Medizinischan Universitat, Szeged. Phavral-ologische abtellung des inatitutR fur 3xperimentelle medizinische Yorschung der Ungarisohan Akftdamis der Wisseaschaften, Budapest. (AMINAS histeroeyolio & in aromatic ring-aubstituted aminokatones, pharmacol. War)) (jarfous same) POBSZLSZ,J.; SUCE,Gy.; MADARkSZ,I.; BEM,K.; GIBISZXR-PORSZLSZ,Katalin Possibility of swuntion In the vasomotor and respiratory contra, else trophys io logical investigations on the vagal nerve in the cat. Act& physiol. hung. 17 no.1:23-34 160. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Szeged. (VAGUS MIRVI phvaiol. ) (VASOMOTOR SYSTIN Physiol.) (RASPIRATION physiol.) BARAMUT, T. PORSZASZ, J.; RADOR, I.; The pharumaology of mydeton (mydocalm, 1-piperidino-2-methyl- 3-p-tolYl-ProPanone-3), a now interneurone blocking compound. Iota phyviol.bung. 18 no.2:149-170 160. 1. Institute of ]Fhysiology. Medical University, Szeged and Pb&Tmcol*glcal Reoearob Department, Hungarian Academy of ScienceBt Badnpeet. (PARASDIPATHOLYTICS pharmaool) PORSZASZ, J.; FOLD~AK, S.; MATKOVIGS, B.,- URANKAY, T. L GIBISZE4-,POiSZASZ, Katalin Comparative phart-incology of N-substitute& tertiary and quaternary waino esters of acetic and propionic acid. Acta physiol. hung. 19 no.1-4s235-258 161. (ACETATES pharnacol.) (PROPIONATES pharaacol.) PORSZASZ, J.; BARWAY, T.; SZOLCSANYI, J.; GIBISUR-POPSUSZ, Katalin; MADARSZ, Elam Stud.ios of the neural connexion between the vasodilatator and vaso- constrictor contres in the cat. Acta physiol. acad. sci. hung. 22 no.l:;!9-/a 162. 1. Inatitute of Physiology, Medical University, Szeged. (VASOMOTOR SYSTU-1) HUNGARY PORSZAF)Z, Janos, anl GIB !O'ZEf(-1'OR";ZX;Z, FntFilin, of Phycioloa at the Madical Uaiversitly (6r"" studomanyi Egyotem 'Eict-,ani Intezete); and vo FOMEAK, Sandor, and MATKOVTC3, Bela, Institute of Organic Chemiatry at the Scientific UniversiLy (Tudonanyegyetem Szerves Kemini Intezete), both in Pecs. "Pharmacoloi-,y of a New Neuroplegic Compound, N, 14'-Di (Pipe rid inomethyl)-3,3'- Diindolyl,-MeLiiallu" Budapec L, AC La Phys i ) I or, i c a Ac a de , i a v Sc i en t ia rum 1!un_i;zLrjc i~e, VO 1 29, No 3-4, 8 Jun 1966, pp 299-317. Abstract: [English article] 111C title COMPOUnd CaIlSeS CaLalepsy, hypothermia, and reduction in inetabolic rate even at low doeses (3-5 mg /kg ) in rabbits, cats) and dogs. The effect develops slowly and lasts several days. In anesthe- tized cats it reduces respiration rate, blood pressure, and inhibits carotid sinus pressor reflex. The vasomotor response to carbon dioxide remains. It has no antihistaminic, adrenolyLic, anLiacetylcholine, or antinicot.inic effect. It does not paralyze the autonomic ganglia but blocks polysynopEic spinal re- flexes. The analgesic effect: is more effective than that of morphine. The coMpollild potenLiiltes ether, Evipan, and chlorpromazine. It synchronizes the cerebral electrical activity. 26 references, including 5 German, 9 Hungarian, and 12 Western. (Manus,~ript: received 15 Jul 1965). -GI-I , i . 'ilork of V,~- I t~t-d ContnictinC C( ruAw-i( i. c a ulif, Cori tx: I Cc)(, pornt Ive cr,uncl 1. I . ~~ (Rclink Vol. 9 (i.e. 30) llo. 6, ~v;'. 1.(ntitly Index cf East Eur-cq-(?.,)n Accessic-ns i,,. Vcl. , nr,. ~ L, Fcbrip,- 1~1 C ur A~ I: rannsi ~ fl, --z! r~ 1; *1 j.,;;;r,:r,r!t shf vs r-cw d I-em;l t- T~ . (i.e. 10) ric. ':ov. Y,rthly --.n(ic-x f ~~v;ll E':r -ern Acresji(-rs (!-,Fll) jr:. USSR/Industrial Microbi~)lo~W Abe Jour Ref Mur Diol. '43 ., No 1) 1959, Arth.)r Gib;lal" M.R. List Title ',.cetic Acia Rods in Cheese a~,d Other Milk Products Ori: , Pub DAL Vaes. koliferentsii po i-x)lochn. dely. Mi, Scllkhoz- r;iz, 1956, 365-369 ,V,)E;traCt 311 strains of acetic acid bacteria (Z) which oxiOize ehtyl alcohol t:) acetic acid in a Yield Of 5-9.5% were isolated from 1713 samples of cheese, eour crean aud kefir :?owder. There is a symbiotic interaction '.)etween the lactic acid bacteria (LD) and AD, so t:iat the LD in the symbiotic leavea preserve their viability for a year. However, the AD which preserve the viability of Bacteftimi coli aero~;enes and mx~.ioc-)cci contribute to develo-,t lent of a bitter taste in the rAilk anft cheese. -- V.K. Sh. Card 1/1 GIBIDMJ B. "Uragan.0 Za rul. 20 no.7:25 JI 162. (MIN. 15:7) I. Men Prezidiuma Pederatoii vodno-motornogo sporta SSSR. (Outboard motors) GIBIqER, ~ I On foreIgn wswr tracks, Za rul. 20 no.12-.28-29 D 162. (MMA 15:12) 1. Cbleq lrezidiuma Federatsil vodno-motornogo sports,, (Mc~orboat racing) ~IBINERI ~- - Pluses and minuses in aquatic motor sports. Voen. znan. 39 tio.11:35-36 N 163. (MPRA 17t 2) 1. Chlon preziditum Federatsii vodno-motornogo sports SSSR. GIONER; Bp NXILARINO V. Viotorioo..&M Isesome VO9lkvl-ZnAn# 41 nO#1444 D 165. (MIRA IS:12) 1. Chlony pretidiuma Vseaoyuznoy foderatail vodno-motornogo sporta SSSR. GTT~Fl, B. Golden doublo~-. lloer. ,,.ntir.. V F 16? . ( *19 : I I MWIDWYAKIA HICHAUIS IVANOVAp Os; FkWj 1.1 !~' ~M- ! Regimal ttygims, and Bpidemiology Station, E<eM Slovskian Region (Krajoks hygionicko-opidmiologicks stanics. Vychodoelovensk*ho kraja), Kosice (for all ?) Props, Cge~oslovenska ~yjqigna, No 10, December 1966, pp 609-11 *Mass incidence of Lgastric) disorders'resulting from ingestion of Backed tum in Kosice.* OWN, A.4. - Penicillin therapr of otitis due to scarlet favor. Toot. otorinolar., Rookys 14 no. 4:31-34 July-Aug. 1952. (CLML 22:5) 1. CaMidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of 18th Moscow Municipal Childlron'B Hospital. GIBOROWSKI,, Adolf (Warszawa) --- ............. " - -. , Role of building engineering in the design and realization of pro " ctive planning of Polish cities, in particular the city of Warsaw. Pr%%gl budowl i bud mieszk 35 no.7:289-291 J'l 163. J-- 1994, llWUClWtW"j F.,t "- ~-Jyt f-pWal. Chen , 194co, vol. .18, i,3 3YI abetr. in altm abstr , R~6,01. 41* 6656). The ti4varAspo ane disetivartages of fluldlikation are discussed &W the -Ase pr Us rv*oses In t~t, catalytic crackU4 of petroloun Is described. lar,-Mate s,)tjrcn clIppirip Btq=TA/ZooparOsjtoloa . General Problem. Go Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, 48168 Author ~Gibov, A. Irmt Scientific Reseuch Institute of EpidemioloGy and Micro- bioloa. Title The Study of Hum Intestinal Protozoa in Somr., Rc6,ions of Bulwia. Orig Pub Tr& Republ. no-i. in-t apidemiol. I Mikrobiol-, 1956, L 219-227- ; Abstract In t1c inveatitAtion of the local population and Koreana, healthy and those recovcrin~: in hospitals (755 men), :rom various regions In BulLnria, there were disclosed: Entaxiodba hist2l*ica in 7-4, E. hertmani in 3.5%, E. Coll n 347, Jodameba butscblii in--7-7W,-Endolimax nana in O.W, LmbliaTn"testinalis-Tn 1o.4%, Card V2 5 GITIVA; 1. A. ~nl VI V. ~, 'I'lertain lAtws Governint, tho claactiomi of r',utual I ol nu-izati or! ~--f Dii sonyanates dt'll "l.-Ir-01:3,11 -Jd~, 82, No. ;, j,) 397-400; 19,12. A'jVIc [is: G I bovskaya, L. N. , Zho I tk u, Ye TITIF: Early Snowfall (Ranniy snegopad) )c'k, Nr 1), A case of an early snowfall during in Krasnoyarsk is doscribed. STIO-.4-USSH F rhsr., Oya r9k the napht of ?5/26 'P,vre q I photo. Card 1/11 3(5) AUTHORS,. Droste, Z., TITLE: Analyals, of RE-Corded on FERIODICU! Acta Ileo hy-IOCA 164 (POL Gibowicz, the Pirst Se2smographs tD poloni--ti, 2 -A, /I e. of tlhe Seismic Waves V-1 7~ ',J,- pp 136- ABSTRACT~ New problems de-Teloping in seismolcgic science require in inany cases acoi-ratc- )~novvledge of the true values of the amplitude3 ar.A periods of the first recorded movements of the seismic wave. These valu- es are, as a rule, strongly leformed by instruments. Complete elimination of the~~,- A~otort-ions by compu- tation is impossible at prejent ow.,ng to our lack of knowledge of the analytical shape of true ground movement. Prom recent research work it appears that the frequency characteristics computed for first ground vibrations do not show major dissimilarities. In order to simplify computation, a sinusoidal form of the ground vibrations %-dill therefore be assumed in Card 213 this investigation, Rec( expt.--rimental material PCII/2C - 7- 2-d/18 Analysis of the First 11,11ovemento of t1he ','-'aves Recorded on Seismographs confir,m the correctneos of zuch an assiimption. The IYA-DOSe Of this inVeStigJ-1011 J.0 to exai:iine the deformations in i)ericds %,nd ~-:rst ~u-.,-Iitudes caused by seismographs of variouj typt~~;, Two types of sedsmographs %vere exainii,-el. For the f--rst type, se-ismographs with mech--ni-:al. tl--e character or perioJ and rmplitude dr-fcrm.,.~t'on- in the first movement is 9hovin in f:;,ure '.hc~ s~~-ismograph used bi?ing one with a free vibrratJoi~ pec-Lod of 6 seconds and a darnping con~;tant of 0.', The otner type of apparatus investigated Jo thp seJstrioCraph with gal- viinometric recordinir, Th-~- f re-quen-, c'haracteristir?s ~n this ;,,ase are il 1u s f!,i 1,-11 44n fi.-,-tres 19, '110, and 2: 1 full English summary on T),,) 257-164. There are 21 graphs and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet, I Czech, I Frnnch, ari : P.71ish 0 a r d 21/ 3 Pr~1/26 - -1-2-4/18 Analysis of the First Movement.-. of the Recor,~ed on Sei smo:-raphs 0 ASSOCIATION: listytut Geofizyczny Pclskie,i -likal.,cit: llauk (Inst-i- tute of Geophys4lcu of tll:,-, Pol "-~,~,adomy of Sciences) 6UBMITHM; Anrill ](0, l(WO Card 3/3 G GIBMIM' Slawomir ..... ... -.- Magnitude and energy of subterranean shocks in Upper Silesia, Studia geophys 7 no.1.1-19 163. .11" 1. Imtitute of Geophy~sjco, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Paoteura 3# J gp 3,000 0, To .......... d no. 3 A k~7 nat an ofcig' recordO& '4'RaCib*rZ'. !n I OX41 Am 6t "the fro: ihodkq! ~xz~ I PP, ir GIBOWICZ, $jawomir Seismic energy classification of underground tremors in Upper Silesia and frequency of their occurrence depending on the magnitude of the energy. Archiw gorn 8 no. 1:17-41 163. KASHAYASIIVILI, II.V., SHAROMUDZE, S.A.; MALYSHEV, S.I.; CIMIRIME, Z.A. GIBROUP, Ph.S.~ KHOSHTARIYA, Sh.F.., RIJKIIADZ%, D.A.; SHARASHIME, :~. th." #rinimall: uohastir, -. SH&IGELA'YA,V. -, 6KRMICHEMSHVIM, Sh.; POPIASHVILI, Sh.; LOUA,K.; MBIDELI, .M.; TSKHELISHVILI, D.; GORDEZIANI, N..: ODIKADZE., Ch..; TATARADZE, Z.; KIIUTSISHVILI, A. Production and use of hir'nly basi-, or)pn-hearlh iurnace sinters from DanNkesan iron ore. Yraov GPI [(,r'u,.] no.'-.'~5-32 162 1. - ( IM I RA 17:8) P ~2, P D:I c J Fr. q j USSR/Morphology of Man and Animls - (Norml and Pathologic). s-4 Circulatory System. Abs Jour Ref Zlitir - Biol., No 3, 1958, 12441 Author Gibradze. Inst TiLle Hicrovascularization of the Thyroid Gland wider Norml and Experimental Conditions. Orig Pub Tr. In-ta eksperim. morphol. AN Gruz SSR, 1955, 5, 163- 178 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 ana Anii:hnl - N,)rml ruid ical. S -Y Ciro-,:lat xy System. ;Jm, J-~,,,,r Ilef Zhur M.A., 11) 11, 1958, 50246 In S t Title S tl,.c Ifeart and Vessels. Ori.~ Pub ,r1Lhiv aint )j-Ai, ;:ist )1. 1 unhri 1-957, 34, N, 5, Bo-81 Abstrict III n fctu:-, thero 'has booll f~)~i:Z! a mlizc0l. aporture at the "..)rdor bctween t:,L. auricles and vc:-,tricles, which u)nnects all the cardiac, c,.ambers. The iDrta has ~llly an ascondii~,-. part aind is dcvided tilt.) the riJit si,bclavicular and tw c un-)n carAid arteries. The pulm);iary artery is ~Ii!viJecl int) tLe and left , - )W'lr -'--! - ; - -,011, -1 VIC s a t~ ftS V. l,L1 aIJ t! . 1: -11 I)C Jf 11.)tall.)'s duct, int.) the descciulin,~ aDrta, f3rrain~; the loni, left su'Lelivicul-nr artery. The author Card 1/2 2 IJSSR/jJu=i ai~.! viimml MDrpli,.)Io,,_Zr - and Pnth:,IDL-4Cal. s CirculatDry System. Abs JDur : Rof 72%ur Diol,, N) 11, 1958, 50246 e-.;.siders the 1),)ssible )f t',,e -)f Cis a.~ x1aly. C:,.rOL GIBUMB, T.A. Q~xostioz of 110aturs of the pulmonary veins. Soob.AN Grus.Sfflt 24 no,5,6114i8 w l6o. (MIS 1318) 1. Inetitut sksperimentalluoy morfolorii im. A.I.Fatishvili AN Gru&SSR, Tbilisi. Predstavleuo akRdemikom V.K.Zhgenti. (PULMORW MN--LIGATURI) GlBI?ADZEj T.A. Bronchi arteries, and veins of the bwoan lungy. Trudy Inst ek morf. J Cruz. SSR 809-81 160. (MI'm i4:10T (LUNGS-BLOOD VESSELS) (BRONCHI) GIBRLM ~ T.A. "-I----- ..... Ago aspect of microsoopic vascular amtomy of the human lungs. Trudy Inst, eksp. morf, AN Grua. SSR 8:181-195 160. 041RA 14' 10) (LUNGS--BLOOD VFSSFIS) (AGE) GIBRk=t T,A. On the question of miorovaguitiarization of the pleura. Soob.AN Gruz. SSR 26 no-3055-362 Mr 161. (MIRA 1414) 1, Akademiya nauk Gmsinskoy SSR, Institut eksperimentallnoy morfologii im. A.N.Natishvili, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom V.K.Zhgenti. (PLEUIL4--BLOOD SUPPLY) "(111101,9 1111 ttm lung and ow:b. fill ']:,u,-, . 1`9 no. 6, W I. -Ab':Ir d 'u ly "0' i9t GIBR"ZEI T.A, Ligation cj' yhe pi.1monary artery. Trudy Inst. oksp.mor". 1,J; Gm-z. SSR (KIRA 16:6) (PUMPARY ARTMY-LTGAR[RE) GIERAM, T.A. Combined ligation Inst. eksp.zorf. (PULMONARY (puLmoNARy of the blood vessels of AN Oruz-SSR lOt75-93162. AMM-LIGAIM) no-LIGATURE) the lung. Trud (KIRA 16Z -0 IRYJ, fl,F , T. .1, ~ in r,tl.l:,o-,a,--., ieslf"F A IN ff.r-,~b _,i tuk cuios-"..z. 7!-~Air Iej,-q- a,.orf, AN Gritz ! ~ ~ . : I ~ '~ - " " .. , 63. "'!T;0 17:111) 4. 11":"titit ~-,or", :;.,w All GIMADZE, A i, v . -.. --- _J. .. .; lv'.A., red. [Bronchi an:1 blood vessels of the lung] broz-&.hi i krove- nosro,e sosudy legkogo. Tbilisi, Metsniereba, 11,(';4- 255 p. (MIRA 1F,:(,) GIBRAIADZE, M. A. "The Total Iron Content in the Bone Marrow and Per1rheral Blood During the Treatment of Hypochromic Anemia." Cand Med Sci, Tbilisi State Medical Inst, Thilisio 1954. (Rf'JhBiol, No 2, Jon 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Deforded at USSR Higher F-ducational Institutiomo (12) SO: &a. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 GIBRALTARSKAYAJ, V., inzh.; DOTSENKO, '., kam.tekhu.nauk; KUNINA, K. . inah. 1W-2 m9natoolectric flaw detector* Avt.tranBp. 39 no.6t26-28 JTO 161. OaM 14:7) (Wgnetic testing) BLIZNYUKOV, Yurly Nikolayevich; BOCHUM, Vladimir Ivanovich; BURACHKOVS107, Vladimir Vladimirovich; QIBIWXH, lazarl Isaakovichj-UBROVSKrY, Viktor Fedorovict-T-ma-i-11-61 TRUVI Imnail-ogly; BAZONENKO, Petr Alekseyevich; %',La40V, Arsenly Sargeyevich; SYRONYAT7,11KOV, Yevgeniy Sergeyevich; SUSUBIKOV, Nikolay Kikhaylovich; IUYESRKCVA, S.M., ved, red.; TROFDIOV, A.Yap tekhn, redo [Practice of innovators in drilling and exploiting oil wells] Opyt novatorov bureniia i ekspluatatsii neftiarjkh skvs.zhin. Noskvsi, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo, neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 67 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. I/oticow. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlenrjykh normativov po trudu. (Oil well drilling) (Automatic control) (Oil fields-Equipment and supplies) W,if.KOUYKO) Z.A.; GISHEYKIII ~.I. Cal.c.1dation of the total time norm for hoisting combination drilling strings. Neft.khoze 39 no.1:25-27 1 Ja 161. (MIRA 17:3) -.tudikii Ile t 014.0 y -j: GIDS" t A. V. glaktrifikatniia zholeznykb dorog Ual -kuznetakogo kombinsta. fElectrifleation of the railroads of Ural.-Kuznetsk combIj. O(h Vaesoiuznoe moveahchanie po aostavlonilu generallnogo plaw elaktrifikataii SM, Moso9w, 1931. ProblemW genplans, elaktrifikatsii SSSRO p. 171). DLCt TX5.V8 1931d S03 A2XW TraSjQvrj&&j2D q& Commications, A Bibliography, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. GIBSHMAN, 09., daktor toklin. nnuk, prof. Tak1nF the delay of expenses for periodinal repairs into conaideration in accounting. Vest, TSN11 MPS 23 no.1:40-41 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moskovtkly Institat inzhenerov zhelermodorozhnogo transports. GIMMM, A. E. Transport v probleme Ural*-Kuznetskop kombinata. LTransport in the problem of the Ural-Kuzmtsk combinm7. bDskvL7, Gostransizdat, 1931. 59 p. (Zhele2nodorozhnye novostroiki). DLCt IM0506.RM67 SOt ktill TIMMItatIgR Ld Oom=jr&tjopgj A %jJj2gLe=, Library of Congress, Reference Departmemt, Washin&n, 19529 Unclassified. A. Problems zbel 2noclDroAnogo sjroitellstva luzhnol chutl UKY (ICzhno-SilbArskala I Sredne-Sibirska-'La dorogi) . Phe pmblem of milrr,ad construction In the -,-)uthF.-.rr, part if the Ural-Rumetsk ombine: South-Ziberlah and Central,~i',, rian rp.11wgy.�/. (Sots. txansrort, '.l,'131, no. 7/8, p, 1110-126). VLC: Irr,7.S(, .ra 1,ri, -f C n-r SO: ry ess UWan &W C-,,=,-gDjcjjV-,nr, h Bit-ijoig by Peference Departrent, Wa~hlngton, 1952, Urclascified. GIP�IM. A, E. and KRUZHIKOV, K. T. Wansport v problems Uralo-Kumnetakogo koiabinata. frransport in the problem of Ural- Kuznetsk combinl/. (VodrTI transport, 1931, p. 51-53). DLC: HE56l.R8 SO: Soviet Tr!MRgrt&& o AMd Coxmnir&tlons, A Bibliograft, Library of Congress, Reference Departmatp Washington, 1952p Unclassified, -1 n-, SWAN , A. Vtrral.a Sibiv!~kaia va~~istrall. /Necond Siberian tlrink-lirr-7. (Scts. trar~,,ort, 15"?, no. F-9, p. 29-01. ~fA'X; HV.sc6 - -1 SCI: Soviet Transportal, on and f7riviunicati(ps, Library ot C~n-:reqs Referen-~e Depri-tvent, WAshinirtcn, 191.2, !lmlessifled. I . I I! ~i I" . . GI'BSHW,A.Te., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk ~ I-1t low railroad Construction during the last 30 Years. Takh.zhel.dor. 6 no.10:13-16 0147. (Railroads--Construction) (MIRA 8:12) GIBSHKAN A.Ta. doktor tokhniohsskikh nauk; YZLIDKAN,B.D., kandidat - - ;1;;IW " -19arnnicneakilth nank Kethods of calc4ating railroad operating expenses domparing various typal, of iquipment. Tokh.rhol.dor-7 no-10:9-13 0 148. (Railroads-Cost of operation) (KLEtA 8:11)