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II ,e y1- GHERMANI D. GHEMAN, D. Theoretical and experimental researth in connection with isotherrial surfaces of the temperature field of lathea. p. 21. Vol. 8, no. llj Nov. 1956 METALUFWA SI CONESTRUCTIA DE MASMI. TECHNOIA)GY RUMANIA So: East European Accession, Vol, 6. No. 5. May 1957 TIRIEA, T.; OPRIS, F.; VASILESCU, E.; ZALMAN, M.; LEVIN, S.; GHERMAN, D.; REICHART, S.; ELIAS, A.; MDISEp 0. Clinical,bacteriological, and apidemiologiql study of staphylococcal infection cases in the Tivisoara. Pediatric ulinic during 1957-1959. Micrablologia (Bucur) 6 no.1%29 Ja-F 161. )v ZALMAN, M.;.1 GRAM, D.; LEVIN, S.; ELIAS, E.; MOISE, 0.; POP, 0.; VILCEANU, X. Influencs or scarlet fever penicillin prophylnxis on the formation of staphylooocci resistant to penicillin. Microbiologia (Bucur) 6 nod: 60 Ja-F 161. 1. Inatitutul de igien& si Laboratorul de microbiologie, Institutul medico-fa.rmaceutic, Timisoara. f 2.11 L,.i S c '01 VID 11~61 n1) 62-70. 0 cnd 5 c. z;a in c-n Corl:i~-unic-,r Duri-r. thc Sp:~in, 6oazonsn s L; 0 ,~t tj-j(j 1'~,T)Jdoro.~ojor, S:--(~tjny, of -ltnte. of H'rr-ione In conf. ing., cand. in st. tefirdee Timning hard pieces b7 introducing electric current into the aplIntering zones Metalurgia constr mas 23 soi 3: 226-230 Ur 161. 1. Institutul Politehnic Brasev. EMMA XMICA Sec.9 V61.12/5 Sogery May 1938 H t-- K /0./ . kl~ ...... .... 248S. (609) DIAPHYSEAL FEMORAL FRACTURES IN INFANTS - A gyermekkori combesont d1afizis tbrisekrbl - Gh g rm a n E. and Ha I t e k Z. - ORV. 5ZLE 1957, 3/1 (75-80) GraphsT-Tablea 4 Illus. 1 Fentoral neck fractures in 45 children were submitted to open treatment (72.379) with KOntscher nailing, wire fixation, and closed treatment with vertical extension and plaster-of-Paris casis. The beat results were obtained by KUntscher nailing, although the nail caused suppuration In a few cases (this also occurred after other types of surgical treatment). Pap - Debrecen RUIiANIA / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and Patho- S-2 logical). Iflathods and Apparatus, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, ?B992. Author Rocsin,.S., Gherman, E., 3oman, 1. 1113t Not given. Title Venography of the Lower Extremity. Orig Pub: Chirurgia, D57, 6, No 3, 400-406. Abstract: Describes the method of direct venography by means of introducing into one of the external veins of the lower extremity of ZC ml of a 4CIA umbrathor together with I ml of Z% novocaine, The injection is performed after the application of an elastic tourniquet ianediately over the ankle. Roentgenography of the lower third of the hip, of the knee jol -rat, and of the upper two thirds of the lower leg gave good results. Card 1/1 GOIA, I., Prof.; GLIOORA, V., conf.; DINITRUCU, I., dr.; #I8=, G., dr.; FWRMCU, I.. dr. QMMW dr.-, YWILA, I.. dr. Therapy of ulcerous diseases. Nod. int., Buctir. 8 no.4:518- 52.5 Aug 56. 1. Lucrare din Clinics. a II-a medicala I.M.F. - Cluj. (PM?TIC ULCIR, tberapy gastric layage with bypertonic glucose solutions, evaluation) (HTPIRTONIC SOLUTIONS. ther. use glucose solutions in gastric lavage for peptic ulcer) COSMA, T., Dr.; MAIM0, Gr., dr.; PAPILIAN, V.V., dr. Liver puncture biopsy in clinical practice. Mad. int., Bucur. 9 no.2:285-294 Yeb 57. 1# Clinic* medical& I.P.S.M., Cluj dir. Aced. I. Hatiegam. Clinice. a II-a medical&, Cluj dir. prof. I. Goia. Institutul do anatomie patologica d1r. prof. R. Pops.. (LIVIR, pathology biopsy-, puncture, technic & practical value) OMMAN, G., 6r.; PAPILIAN, Y.T.. dr. Sequelam of epidemic hepatitis studied by liver puncture biopsy. Mied. int., Bucur. 9 no.3:365-374 Mur 57. 1. Clinics a II-a medicals, 91 Institutul do anatomie patologica - Cluj. (LITXR, pathology biopsy in compl. of Infect. hepatitis) (HVATITIS INFECTIOUS, complications cirrhosis & fatty dystrophy of liver & chronic hepatitis) (LIYJR CIRRHOSIS, otiol. & pathogen. hepatitis, epidemic) GMMM, Or.; CHMTOC, Gh, Iloo cimett of broncho-xiulmonaY7 vqsocis. Hed. int., Bumw. 9 no.11: 1717-1721 Nov ~7* 1. lacrare efectuata in Clinics A 11-a nedicala Cluj - direcitor prof. I. aoaia. (VWGM DISUSIS, case reports bronchopulm. aspergillosis & enndidiasin) (UING DISASS fium,us die.) GHAHM,Gr..&.; PAPILUN,V.T..dr.; SCHMTZR,N.,dr.; GRWU,?.,chixis% --- --- ---, ....... . Liyer changes caused by alcohol. Ned. Int. %cw. 12 no. 2:257- 268 1 160. 1. lucrare sfectuata in Clinic& a 11-a medical& (prof. 1. Goia); Instituttl do anatomit patologica si alinica psihistrica. Cluj. (LIVER DISEASES, 4tiology) (ALCOHOLISH,complicat ions) GHFa4AN, Gr., dr.; PAPILIAN, V.V., dr. Anatomoolinical contributiona to chronic heputitis. Med. intr-rn- 3: 305-316 Hr '62. 1. Lucr&ro efectuata in Olinica a II-a medicala, Cluj. direcLori prof. 1. Goia si Institutul do anatomie vatologica, Cluj (director: prof. A. Muresan). (HEPATITIS) dr.; PAPILIAN, V.V. , dr. r Hapatic ateatosis. Med. intern. 14 no.0:693-703 Je 162. 1. Luerewe ofectuata in ClInica a II-a medicala Cluj (directon prof. 1. Goia) si InstitUtul (to anatomie patologica, Cluj (director! prof. A. Murcean). (FATTY MR) (HEPATITIS, WECTIOUS) (LIVER CIXMOSIS) (PEPTIC ULCER) (CHOLECYSTITIS) (DUMMS I-EILITUS) (LIVER MOPLASMS) (RIUMATIC FEVER) (TUBFROLOSIS) GOU, I. , prof.; DORGA, N. , dr.; FLORESCU, I. , dr.; CIURDAIUU, P. , dr.,- GHEMAN G! ; BACIU, T. , dr.; RUB, D. , dr.; DEEERMLA, Z. , dr.; -V The treatment of corebral and periphoral atherosclerosis with vitamin B 12. Mod. intern. 14 no.10:1253-1262 0 162. 1. Lucraro ereotuata la Clinica a II-a medicala, I.I.I.F. Quj (director: prof. 1. Goia), (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (Viwar B 12) (BLOOD CHOLESTEROL) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (BLOOD LIPIDS) (LIPOPROTEINS) V., professor; BACIU, Tir., 10; Ur., !.'D-, :..Ili,, Cu, I., QRW AIFV, 1., 10; FLOM,, E. , J-14UX15 St., :~'.D; SAVA, E.., MD. TRid.E.Al P., I'M; LANULN, i"', :i,)f;pita1 attand-ant; NULIU, N., MD. 1.1,,9dLcal Clinic 11, Cluj (Glinica a !I-a modi.cala C-Lu.1) - (for first five); 2. Po:~!.clinic No. 1, C111,1 (PoliclimicTu Nr. 1, i3luj) - (for next five); Bontida Precinct (for petennil) - ;5tic'west, Vinta '..Iodicalr, No 8, 15 Apr 0.3. np 513-5108. "Tho Role of Certain Occupational Eactors in tho Aoliopathogony of Ulcerous Diseases of Tractor Oporators and Car Drivers." GLIGORE, V.; GOWIU, L.; GHHHKLN,-qr4 LUCICIU, 0.; HQlAN, T.; SZANTAY, ;.; FARUSAN, M. Chanpo in the function of hapato-cellular uptake of S-35 labe.Ued methicnime ~n patients with hyperfollicu.Uniam. Stud. cercet. endoer. 14 no WNP-266 163. iRSTROGENS) (LIVER) (METHIONINK) (METABOLISM) (SUIYUR ISOTOPES) (LIVER FUNCTION TESTS) CKNTFAO Aleundra, dr.; MIADIN, Tr, dr.; GBERMAN. Gr., dr.; SOLOMON, 0., dr.; IONESCU, Domitia, dr.; ARDE;VAN,'I'., dr. Pulmonary tuborculosis in the gastrectomized. Mod. intern. 15 no-1: 83-92 Ja 163. 1. lucrare ofectuata in Clinica do ftisiologie, I.M.F. Cluj (director! prof. L. Daniollo). (GASTRECTOKY) (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) RUVANIA ~aHERMAN, Gr., Dr; PAPILIAN, V. V. Dr. Cluj Medical Clinic No 2, of Pathological Anatomy Cluj, si Inatitutul do - (for all) and the Cluj Institute (Clinica a II-a medicala anatomie patalogica Cluj) Bucharest, Viata Modicala, No 17, 1963, PP 1171-1180 "Relationship between Bloscopic Hepatic Puncture, the Clinical Picture and Hepatic Function Teets" (2) GHIRMAR, (w4 I vu a, 0. Chronic bapato-portal ancephalopathy (Wilson syndrome). Stud. oarast, naurol, 10 noo2t117-124 Mr'65, GFIT t k" . . " ~ , i ~. I ;, C , b t,;., I .,. I I ;.,: - il I ra", I at! on of iubs!.-n-tA a. Op", I a pfktr. 18 nc.5r908-911 ~,, 1,,~: 1~ 1,0 (mot 18, 10) I- L' imni Balmshi bc)Y~'Ys- Kluils~ Rwaymiya. CIURDARM I P, , dr,; GHEMAN dre; RUSSN, M., dr.; TICLETE, I., dr. Q1 some Otiolo ical factors in chronic cor pulmonale. Mod. imtern. (Bicurl 17 no.6*.709-714 A165. 1. Lucrare efectuats, in Clinics a 11-a medicala, Institutul imMier,famaeoutic, Cluj (director; prof. V. Gligore). GHYMAN, I.: OLARU, T. Epidemiological studies of cases of boutonnause fevor recorded between 1949 and 1953 in two foci of our country; methods of pmontIng and combating the disease. Rev. igiena microb. epldam.. Bunur. n0.3!48-55 July-Sept 54. 1. (hetitutul de paratitologle madicala, director acO. prof. Ciuca). (ROORT MOURrAIN SPOTTID MIR, epjA--4e)jogy in Rumania, cases recorded in two foci.) OLARU, Tr., Dr.: GHMW, L. dr. Studr of the problem of detection and supervision of t"hoid carriers in the Capital region. Rev. iglens, microb. epidem., Bucar. Tol.3:90-95 July-Sept 55. 1. Centrdl sanitar st antlepidemic &1 Capitalei. (TTPHOID MIR, transmission carriers, detection & supervision in Rumania. Hkh%S, Ail GIERMAII, I.; SUMESCU, D. Chromatographic analysis of benzene chlorinated derivatives In vaporms phase. Rev chimie Min petr 13 no.2:113 F 162. RUMANIA GHERMAA, I., Dr; ROCCA, Charlotte, Dr. Section of Clinical Parasitology of the 23 August Hospital and Children's House No 2 (Sectia do par- azitologis clinica a SpItalulul "23 August" al Casa copilulul nr. 2) - (for all) Bucharest, Iglena, No 5, 1963, Pp 397-406 "The Prophylaxis of Intestinal Parasitoses In Chil- dren's Collectives." (2) ViOn !IA2sLui No Gp 15 (0, in) IVIlor ic 1],nnifootationa !n Ail,ctianss" GHEMAN, I.p dr. Concerning gome pathogenic uschanioua and clinical manifesta- tions fo=d In lambliasis. Hicrobiologia (Bucur) 8 no.4:353- 357 JI-Ag 163. 1. Lucraro efectuata la Spitalul do copii 030 Decembriellf Bucuresti. (GIMIMIS) (PATHMOGY) ~iu d GHERW, I... dr, M&Iaboorption in intestinal parasitic: cliseas0s. Mod. intern. 15 w.8t925-%9 Ag 163, 1. Lucrarm ofectuata in Sectia de parazitologie a Spitaluld "23 August"v Bucuresti. (INTESTINAL DISEASES, PARASITIC) (SPRUX) (CELIAC DISEASIO 131)unt r Rx6ania C~-togol--_ : Aaa3ytical Chwdatry - Genaral 19059 : 1bf 2bur-Mdaiya, No 6j 1959 A : Esayan, L.; Gherman, ~)~/J 'Stefan, V.; istrate, InBtitiib, Titlr, : Gas Chromatography. U. AnalysIs of a Mixture of Acetylene Vinyl Chloride and Air. Analysis of Chlorine-Aydrogen MIxture. Orl,&-, NIL. : Fiev. chim., 1958, 9t No 3, 1-4,5_12E Ab3tr::~,:!t : A method has been worked out for separating a mixture Of C7112 (:I;, vinyl chloride (11) and air,-in a coil- shaped glass column, 1.6 w long and 5 mr. In diameter, filled witb aluminum silicate (particle size 0.4-0.5 rm)impivgnated with dibutyl phthalate (in an amount; of 20.W. Catharometer readings are recorded by a photographic procedure similar to that used in polarography, Callbration curves for 11 are of linear sbapo, thoge for I are non-linear, being Itnear only for concentrations below 2$. Mean error of analysis about 1%. Mixtures of H2 and C12 are poorly separated in columns with silica-gel and charcoal, better -- in a column with a 01-,rd: 1.12 s-6 M-111XV, Fln CD?U) ; GiveE JUMN Country: Rumania Aeaderuic Degree3: -not given- AZfjjit~tjo,-,: -not griven- Source-, Bucharest 1 Comunicarile Academiei Republicii Populare Romine, Vol )LI, Wo 91 1961, p-p-7097-1103. Ikita; "Studies of Some Factors Which Characterize the Beginning of Fermentation of Moots Treated with Sulfurous Anhydride." Authors: TBD DO RESCU 9 St. SEPTILICI, Goorgeta CIOBANU, Henrietta GHERMAN I Karin SUXI.M2, Given Narw Country: Human I a Acadendc Degreest -not given- AffiU&tiOnI -no t given- S mwee: Bu ch are a t ,CoMQjgarIjg koadegligi Republicil Populare Romine Ve I XI I lit) 10i 1901t 09 1461-1,V74, Data' "Effective Means for the Complete Fermentation of Bulphite- Containing Worts With High Sugar and Acid Contents." Authors; SEPTILICI, Georgeta CIOBANUI Henrietta GHMMAN I ?I&ria AT.-a-U-slU , c. POPA, Scaterina BASAMAC I C. SEPTILIC!, Georgota; Gabrielal GHEIVAN, Maria Controlling the sulfitAted must, fomentation by using yvasts takon I'rom tbo Cotnarl vineyard. Studii biol agr laol 14 163. rAMIf, Mircorio ing. corsiderations on the carrying capacity of the aerial. ferries wtih cyclic functivning. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no.1:58-60 Ja 162. I. Institutul Tehnologic pentru Constructii de Masini si Else trotehnica, TItAsofArm - GABO3, Z.; GIIFRMAN, 0. Obnervations on 'In symmetry profxirties nf the Dirne fiell. 5tudin flniv R-D 3. Math-Phys 9 no.2:83-93 164. GHER14ANO V.) ing,; SCHMIDT, Bugenj NUTA, Elena; VILCU, Emil; CONSTAMIN, A., ing. ~ New buildings in the cities of Rumaaia. Constr buc 14 no#649:1 16 Je 162. 1. OLrectorul lntrepritiderii de constructii no.3-Roman a Trustului, Re- gional do Constructii de Locuinte-Bacau (for Gherman). GAVMM!, Eleodor, Ing. Borl 11, lnp.; ~"LTT' Ing. vs of pr ductil I ty'. coll", tj- fL)I' tev rran) 3 Enzineor, E-le'-p-Iso of, Con, -1 un:, lund Osembllr,,,~ (C-eneral I ~; Wrectc rte of' ti,;-; Assemblinp) O'cr Mi"t-veanu),, 4. 7 COUAMi7tdona Find A~,isembllnf;, Hm,,,:ov (fur G!!indo Chie amd Assemblltig 'r,,.7,t No.t,, --~-,-,v (for B~ Frifine,r, Fydro-t-rin'~-fi! nnd 1,!;,r q]. , C L, n ,, t I ~ f-cl r I:' ; ~- .-.te : , . GIMROGRITA, St.l. Notion of fluids hi an -unbounded porous medium havIng a sphatical oavity. Rev. math Roum 9 no.51425-4.30 '64 N C RU?.:I",'I../Chor1icnI Tethnology. Choraical Products H nd Thuir .ppl icat ions. 11-odicinc,_1 Sub- stances. Vitamins, ;,ntibiotics. 4* Jour ; Ruf Zhur-Khimiya, No 6, 19591 20514 liuthor : Ghurocbiacho, Const. Inst : .;, .- T it1c, Invostigations anC. Parspoctivkjs for tho 4- Production of J,ntibiotics, Orig Pu',j R,;v. chti,, 1957, 3, No 5, 32q-331 ,~bstr-.ct 1, rcvj.c~i is givon. 134.bliogra-,,hy, 37 tit1cs. r" a r Ct 1/1 RLJMAIITA/Ch,,!rAc!a1 TczIin_)Ioj3y Chemical Pr-Aucts and Their j,pplications Drugs, Vitamins, Antibiotics. Abs J:)ur Ref 72tur - Khimiya, Nj 11, 1958, 37201 Author Vasilescu, I., Milstoc, M., vr'im~;C'i' R., Patrascu, S., Birladeanu, R. Inst Title I'micillin V. OriC Pub Rev- Chim-, 1957, 8, No 5, 342-343 Abstract Biological and chmdcal stages of phenoxy methyl penicillin preparation arc describefl. Special atten- tion is given to the optimum conditions of the ferman- tation process (nutrient mediwa etc.), extraction axel precipitation methods. Comercial verification of the method yielded a 6pod quality product. DibliG(7raphy 15 references. Card 1/1 ze"4- GHEMANOCS I Progre831Ve accor%l in the ceramics indastry. 1. p. 2. CONSTRUCTORIM, Bucurestis Vol 8. No- 313, Jan, 1956 SOi East 1kropean Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol 5, Nos 7p July 1956 GHIUSANOC, 1. GREISAI,'0C, 1. 1n connection with an improved system of wages and labor renaations. P. 2. Vol. 9, no. 367, Jan. 1957. CO. ~d'~ HICI C11 UL So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 RUSUO D., (Tani) ; IONESCIT-MISCEL, I.; DAVIDESCU, 111. (Iasi); 114ERSIN, B. Improv'ng wool quality, an Inportant actual task. Trobleme econ 15 ~~ no.Z:76-82 F 162. 1. Membru a] Coleguilul de redactie, "Probleme economice" (for RUS11) IONESCU-KUSCU, Lm prof. ing.1 KEMERO Lp ing.; COTIGARUy B., ing.; RUUXDVSCHI, 14aria,, ing.; GRENCEA, M.., ing.; COSTENGIUC, N.., ing.; GHMIN# 13&p ing .; MATEI,, Ana.. ing.; IONESCU-$USrELv C.., ing.; Contributions to the problem of wool vashing under optimum temperature and pH conditions, Ind text Rum 13 no#5;197-203 KY 162, L Institutul do stiinte economics V.I. Lenin (for Iopescu- ftseell It., K93imr Cotigam). 2. labbratorul central Ministerul Imdustrial Uscare tfor Rusanovechi, Ghencea). 2. Fabrics Textila GTivita, (for Costenciua0Ghersin 1+. Miniaterul Industriei Mrol"13"i 4 Chimisi (for Katefl-- 5. Institutul de Oncologie (for Ion6scu-fteaell CO. 6, Fabrics Blectrotehnica (for Haou). RUMANIA TA7ARu. xicalsol UJUW.SCU, Titui GlW-jARUq sorin. Bucharest,, 9sifill 14 rAnellil At EmrostlRA li Elggtre- Ith"o No# Is 19660 pp 91-104 *An AUtaftatla Optimization Systom to RegUlate the Powar of Nucloar BeactorsO COPE ',J), C , , G'iFT'-,, C. Fs,ie-vnn of cost ~-rjce r(.,(:uct.,!,.-.n al 43t.,itions. fic,,)p 18 nc,.,:45-59 F 165, IONESCU415USCEL,Lp prof. 111g.; KKMER,I., lector ing.; GOTIGARU, B., lentor Irg.; RLISA14OVEGIII Maria, ing.; OW111pt, .:ng, I I CONSTENCRICtN. llaga:rding the pH (~f thm wool washing liquid. Ind text R= 14 tio.113532-533 W63. L 29761-66 ACC NR. AP6020892 SOURCE CODE: RU/0003A5/016/009/0450/0451 AUN(YR: Gher,~in Z. for ".Industrial Toxicology, UFS, Savinesti (Laboratorul do Toxicologi6 inciiistria-la) TT4-"-:; Detei-mina-.ion of cyclohexanoncoxime in air 501'-~Cl": Rev-sit'!, Ile chi-miep -6, no. 9, 1965p 1450-1451 oxime compound, quantitative analysis Tr,e authar reports a specific method for the determination of cyclo-,wriinonfj oxJjie in air. The method is a modification of the corresponding ill aqw~ou, ziolution, and has a sensitivity of 0.020 milligram Inr Ler!3 of golution. Orig. art. has.* I figure and 2 tables. [JPRSI SUD 07 .2V;-M DATIF: none SOV REF: 003 card. L 2261-66_ _DIPIJI-_IIM ACC NR- 06020892 SOURCE CODE: RU/0003A5/016/009/0450/0451 AUTHOR: 'her3in, Z. U 0j'L Taboratory for Industrial Tuicology, UFS, Savinesti (Laboratorul de Toxicologid II-Idustriala) T 'L"-E -. r,4,temina, ion of cycloh"anoneoxime 'in air MIKE: fievJsta de ch.Lmie, v. 16, no. 9, 1965, 450-451 T TOKC TAGS: organic oxdme compound, quantitative analysis ',TTe aut,hor reports a specific method for the determination of cyclo.(--xr~none oxime in air. The method is a modification of the corresponding deter,-,41~ 4 on in aqueous solution, and has a sensitivity of 0.020 milligram I 'lliliters of solution. Orig. art. has; 1 figure and 2 tables. [JMI per SUB C01j-` 07 / SUIDYK DATE- none / SOV REF- 003 DUIM I'll ~ I, 6t. M.; VCjfll(,A, st.; 'Tconery, organizatieup and planning w -ocialist industry" by G. Pintilia. Reviewed by St. 1-1. Dtimit,rascu, C. Vonica, St. Ghati. Constr man 15 no. 9:665 S '0. Gli-ETIE, Stela; TRIPCOVIC1, &Ilia Dosing the glucides in biological liquIds 17f the c-t-~;I-aidine reaction. Studil. ePre blochimie 7 nc,.2-183-190 164. 1. lAboratoi7 of Dior-hemistry, "Dnflia Irsa" Clinic i!os-.)itaj of Pedlatrici, Buoharest. Submitted Noveinber 1-)*, 1963. S rlJT tf ;all L:mwr 1) (,f-rc; Mill cp,: Pe 6~,a t- 1 11 Iml t t--- ,xm -jt,ion f i -y,,.,. r o io t3 ri 3, 30-3"Z I . r:: 1,~! of Sub- RUWIA/HLumn and Animal Morphology - Norrial and Fathological. S Muscles. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol. No 11, 1958, 510305 Author Chetie., V., Riga, I.T., Atanasi~;, I.P., Gavrila, V., U., 'di'16k"h "I M., Seicaru, T., Onicescu, M., sav~'Iesc " V. Inst "N. Balcesc~," Bucharest Institute of AJronomy Title The Cervical Fascia in Pti:ds, Mazrwnls and Mn. A Comparative Anatomical and Functional Study Orig Pub Lucrarile Sesiuaii stiint, Inst. agron. 111. Paleesc,~", BUCUresti, 1955, 1, 323-337 Abstract The presence of three homologous cervical fascia was ascertained: superficial (fascia colli communis), middle (fascia colli propria s. endocervicalis) and deep (fascia colli praevertebralls). The first one contributes to the preservation of the form or -.he neck during its movements, Card 1/2 - 27 - ZZ..'~M7,/ xdmls. Swine Q-3 ,',bs Jour : FUf Zhur - Biol. , No 19, 1958) No 88061 V., Dinu M. Auth.Dr 4.. ~ ~te ~ Dist : BluErmi-W-r's T! tl : StuLly of the Monm1actylic (One-Hoofed) Nine in the Rzxmian People'a Rapublic Ori~ Pub : Bul. stiint. =i1. RPR. Sec. biol. si stiinte. agric. Scr. agran,, 1957, 91 No 2., 127-142 an 1 ,,bstract : Studies of i3onodactylic swine chowecl that tho secon" thira phalanxes o-.L' their third and Pitirth tLIOS tuiderwent c-2rtain nutations, Me third phalrm% )f mor-Itel swine is the result of the cocipl-Ae fusion of b-,Ah these tocal (1-4vidcl fr-)n other 1-y two surfaoe foLls. This combined tnird p.1Ln1.-u-x 'Lr ;)rovi 1A wit*r cm intemo0iftte bone :)f unk:iown ozlr,.~.n. Mic i, nbralln corr''o.,ona is than in Qven-toes swine, and consk~qauii,'ly V-2 keratic box is thickcr t/-)o. Its thickness equals not the thickness of the keratic layer but, as in a horse, the thickness of the Cr-rd 1/2 i I No 1 brav j havt) only on,,~ iv7-f. ~,-JLq 2 'Oln L.P." vhUch is I I ere (A I, thryp 13 CAUSed i I iliwilon -,!' tho tonninnI 'ItIrantidn" Tito structur!) of the (n11--alotonp urusclus, the blo,,," iystam) is denribed an~ t,v -,ecuLurl- i,fft)rentlnt(j thf- Ru~ianlan nl~; frk-ri i~,ne;-ho-,)fed pigs of othor countrier, aro V. 1. Tsal',dr, ,AIZD: GITSM, Viktor [Ghetie, Victor] Eleatraphoretic studies of some plant-tissue albumins. Rev chimie 5 no.1:139-150 160. (EL4I 10:2) 1. Institut biokhimii Akadexii, RKR. (Plants) (Albumins) (Electrophore51S) GHSTIS, VIctor ~ 1-1 . ... ... ... Increasing eapneity of the alootrophoratic resolution of borato buffer solution by the addition of phosphate ion. Studii cerc biochimis 4 no.31397-398 '61. 1. Imatitutul do biochimia al Aeademiet R.P.R. Bucuresti. -GHSTIE, Victor; BUZIIA, Lucia Plooldng of the brming reaction for the study of proteins extracted from the juice of leaf cells. Bev obimie 6 no.1:143-152 161. 1. Mademis der RVR, Institut far Blechenle. MIE, Vict~,r; BUZILA, I ucia ITIL-.-.- Vagetal. cryoprotains; a preliminary note. Studil care biochimie 5 no.1:65-75 162. 1. Institutul de blechimle al Acadeafol.R.P.R. 2-4! GHETIS, Victor; MOTNT-GRIGORAS, Dan Electrophoresio and 4ammodifflusion of proteins in the agarose gal. Studii cere bioch W a 5 no.31409-414 62. 1. Institutul do biochimie al Academlei R.P.R., Bucuresti. ML BUZMA, Luoia Immnocheinical rosearch on tho gormirvition of the broad boan (Vicia taba). Studli cerc bioahimie 5 no-4:541-550 162. 1. lutitutul de biochimie &I Acadomiei R.P. 1L. , Bucuresti. R~ETIZ,, Victor; BUZILA, Lucia Blactrophcretic and immunoelectrophorstic analysis of the ey-toplawatic proteins in the development process of the broad bean (Vicia faba) leef. Studii corc biochimie 6 no.1;49-59 163. 1. Institutul do biochlmia al Academiei R.P.R., fteareati. GBETIE, !~ctor;,.BUZILA, Lucia Obtaining the plasmatic Juice from seeds. itudii cerc biochimie 6 no.2:235-243 163. 1. Institutul de biochimle al Academiei R.P.R., Bucuresti. GHETIE, V.; BUZILA, L. The modification of antigenic propertics of tissues during seed germination and development of horse bean plants (Vicia faba). Biologia plantarum 6 no. 3:202-208 164. 1. Institute of Biochemistry, Acadeqr of Rumanian People's Republic, Bucharest 2, Popovici Street 20. GIILTIE, V.; CAJOISKU-10J)ACHEL, 1"..; Vaucularization of the nasal cavity in ruminants. Rev biol 8 no.2il,47-152 163. 1. Akademie der RVR, Inotitut fur Biologie Tralan Savulescu Laburatorium fur Morphologic, Cytoloi,le und ~','Mbryc,logie der U Tiere, Ikikarent. GHEiIE) V,,; CALOIANIJ-IORI)ACIIEL, 14.; PETRFO'CII-RAIANII, A. Arteries of the breaat and the l'ore]Jmba of the goose. Rev biol 8 no. 4: 419-429 163. i. laboratorium fur Morphologie, Cytologie und Embryologie (tar Tiara des Institute fur Biolagie "Traian Savulescull der Akademie der RVR, Bukarest, GHETA, Victor, aandidat In Winte chimice P2Amt protsin mynthesis, St al Tah Bu,. 15 no,!-,2&-29 Ja t63 1. Itstitiats of Blo:ihwistry, Buchareat. GHETIEP VAvtorj BUZILA, Lucia Cryoprecipitation in the plasmatic .1-alce of some seeds. Studii cerc biochimie 7 ro.l,.47-55 164. 1. Institute of Biochemistry of the Runuin'lan Academy, Bucharest. MOTFT, D.; GRETIE, V. Preparative electrophoresis in aRaroisa gal. SLudii cerc biDebimie 7 no.2;221-227 164. 1. Institute of Biochemistry, Rumanian Academy, Bucharest. Sub- mitted February 17, 1964. GHETIE, V., prof. dr. Evolution of the locomotor apparatuB. Natura Biologie 16 no. 1: 23-32 Ja-F 164. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R.p Ducuresti. GETIR, Vnmllf), ()I*()f. dr. orivrtRtlon. NFititra Mologle 16 no.3:23-34 My-Je '64. I.. GarrespimtUng Member of the Rumanian Academy, Nichitrest. S-A!%! !~' clin"I I a i ~~*" I fl.. '~%. , "',- tor " M., , :-,.! kv irl witn par:!t In c! thm 'I 2-rnb~ --, ' ~ ri,- , I: '. -I ;- I r - . - 1-8 ;7 -) , ". I - , - and tint,. bai~,l f-~ a ~ 0 1 . I nstitute i,f ",, ,-,,nomt-w-ry , :i 1 llr,!171 Ili n "")I i0r,~ ~ HUC".Q-63t , O'll':mAtted ':~:'nbar "~' 1C)0"- eli 141TROIU, 0.1 BARBU, C..-, POPA, M.; COSTANDACHE, D.; SFERDLAN, 0.; GHE'11j. V. Adk---!),:,v,'ral antibodies occurring in the course of various virus diseases. Sill(h.j. cerc imframicrobtol Special issue-supplement to 12:265-269 161., .1. Institutul de Inframicrobiologie al Academiei R.P.R. (ADENOVIIUJS INFECTIuNS) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIW HITROM, 0.; LUMU, C.; POPA, M., an collatoration avec CONSTANDACHE, D.; OMMY 0.; GHETU, V. Research on anti-adenoviruB antibodies during various viral diseases. Rev. isci. mod. 6 no.],/2:69-72 161. (ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS immunology) (VIRUS DIMSES immunology) NlTROIU, 0..; BARBU, G.; POPA, M.; in colaborare cu COSTANDAGHE, D.; SFMEAN, O.I.GHETU, V. Investigations of antibodies against adenoviruses durinC different virus diseases. Stud. carcet. inframicrobiol. 12:265-269 Supplement ,61. (ADE140VIIWS inmnoloVy) GMTU, W. Qualitative catogories of turned surfaces. MkSINI. (Wdisterul Industrisi Mgtalurgice Stiir,itifica a Inginerilor si Techmicielor) Vol. 8, no. 4. Apr. 2956. p. 25. METALURGIA SI CONSTRUCTIA M si Constructii1or de Masimi si kaociatia Bmuresti. SOURCE: East European Aoassions List. (EEAL), 14brary of Congress, Vol. 5, No. U, Novenber, 1956. Gan, A. Problems of thehnical quality control. p. ~3- (IIAMIX-iGIA 31 CON37CICTIA ')E AUMANIA. V-)1. P, no. 5. YaY 1956.) IP 30: Monthly List. of 'Fast tiuropean Accessi,,ns (EKAL) LO, Vol. 6, no. 7, july 1957. Uncl. 68630 00 AUTHOR: TITLE: FERIODICAL: ~,rhe Engineer New Ways of Metal Machiningl R/009/60/01/0011/046 DOO15/D3001 Metalurgia gi Construc~ia de Magini, 1960, Nr 1, pp 18 - 23 ABSTRACT. The author explains that met,-al machining developed rapidly, both by the use of suit ble material and by the improvement of machine tool"J'in reneral, of which he mentions those provided with cams and those mecha- nized or automated, with perforated conveyer belts, etc. Ile describes the copying YsteM1,j which allows automation, whether parts are processed in large or small series. A hydraulic device for high-capacity copying lathes was recently turned out by the aALtQ_-_ ;atpd MAQ]aing Togj PIWIt in Kiev. This "UP-240" de- Card 1/4 vice is supplied by the plant as an attachment to the 68638 New Ways of Metal Machining R/~~(191/60/01/0(Y; I~Y4r. D0015/D3001 "Lk 62" and "DIP-26011 lathe.9 i-, the production of grooved axles, graduatea bushings and conical parts,, The '1UT-?40" device is maintained in longitudinal motion by the lead screw,. If a small quantity of parts is turned on the lathe one of the Pieces pre- viously turned may be used as template. If it is a large lot of parts the template will have to be made of alloyed steel, therm-ally treated and ground. The operation of a copying system produced by the Etablissements de Valli6re is also described, An intereating solution was worked out in the USSR, where an external grinding machine was automated by a device for the automatic regulation of radial pressure exercised by the grinding d~isk on the piece or part to be ground. This device 13 provided with a number of electric attachments, which continuous- ly record the radial pressure., The rotating piece changes its speed to maintain the radial pressure near the optimum point, thus reducing the vibration Card 2/4 and avoiding the deterioration c~,Li3ed by the exce3- 611638 New Ways of Metal Machining R/009/60/01/004 /04 6 D0015/D3001 sive temperature of the processed piece The Pieces are ground exactly in the dimensions prescribed. An automi;ted production line for ratchet wheel pro- cessing was put into operation in the "Krasn-..--.y T)ro- lfttariy" Machine Tool Plant in I'lloscow in Ratchet wheels tor parallel "IK 26" lathes will be processed by the new automated line, the annual pro- duction of which will be 120,000 ratchet wheels in 10 varieties, with an external diameter of 88 - 220 min and vrith a module OC 1,75 - 4 mm. The line is made up of 13 machines performing the following ma- chining operutions: frontal turninL, on the 1-the of one side; frontal turning on the lathe of the second side; broaching of grooves and holes; h3bbing; round- Card 3/4 ing-off of teeth by an end mill; -and severing of ,)86 38 'Nays of Metal 1alachining teeth, The parallel set of muchines performing the above-mentioned operations includes 5 cutters for milling teeth. 1 for rounding off teeth, and a se- vering wchine There are 6 figurc:~ and I t,~ble, XMLIU, Radu, ing.;. GTIETU,.--FG44q"-r, ing. Tramsfer IJaeo for tod3ton of pieceoo Metalurgia conatr Mao 14 no-5:/+29-438 Hy 162. lo Liatitutul tobnologic pentru industria constructoare do masid al induotria slactrotehnica. .:.GHETU, Waldemar, ing. Hodornization of the tool machines. Notalurgia constr mas 14 no.41353-358 Ap 162. 1. Inatitutul Tehnologic pentru Constructil do Masini ai Electrotahnica. tj 01 CC,:!t 1,Sk W lit Nt!w d 1 L 1-1.0 C t,"S - 01 4 Lj- C, -.L I' tz n At., E; 1.0 G"IA, V. Elimbiation Qf -.4i(xilal ov, mharj,irij, of' rc~~,,+,!ncun; for furnaces I,y air coolinE. and recirculatini-, gases. p. 22~x - I STUDEI SI (:'Z..'tGLTAId M. D41,R6,1, ri(.A. bucuresti. Vol. 5, llosA July/Dec. 1955. WIWI: East, European Accessions List, (ilAil) Librai-,, of Conrress, Vol. 5, No. 11, Novenler, 195~-. c* ", /.*I , " 7, , .. J, RUYANIA/Processes and Equ-'pment for Chemical Industries - K-I Pmceg!~es !nrl ApparaUs for Chemical Te~,hiv)-Joi-.,y Abs J:)ur Referat Zhur - I(h~jdya, NI) 9, 1957, 33250 Author .-Gh'a,. V. Inst Title CiAicerninr the Meth,)(I of Inrilrerl-t DcLermlnaL--~a :)f the Aiw:.unt of' Combir;L'in Issuin~, from Furnace,.; OriC Pub Studii s!!etar.~ ener~--., 1955, 5, IL-) 3-4, 5'5-578 Abstract F~r I'Urna-es wL--i re---anerative heatin:, if the a-*Lr a formtl- I la is i--,hc determ;naLlon )f the w-nouri-i, of com- bustion zD,- where D,,,, -- amount of comb-Li[;-~,i:)n pi-,ducts, in nm-) hour D -- a am:)unt of air heated in the re,--uverator. -ILs enthal- py at the ln~-;ress, iti -- same at the e~p,e~s, ie ental- py rif the oambust.'-on prorlzu--ts aL the inLxess. same er at t.,ic ell.,,ress ,a ooefficien, whi,--h takes into account Card 1/2 p,bjWjjA/pro2ess-2s wid &.juipment fc)r Indu~-.-,r*.P" - Y'- -, Processe!:. ILO. Apparatus for Chem:,(-,Ll Technolo~-,y Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 5)) 95'1', 332:,1') the losses to the sxirroiu-id;n~, medi-Lun. 'Ilie amDiui-~ of fuel is determLned by means ~~,f the equation: 7-1, where coefficient of B vz- DL' Z'--Vj! 4 1) VO-/ air excess, V volume .)f combustion prodll~-'LG formed per 1 1-(~ of ruel, Vo -- theoretical am)unt of air per i kG of fuel. Card 2/2 GHU 0 V. EmnoW of fuel by the recirculation of flue gas in air preheaters f or dMrs. p ENMETICA, Bucaresti, Vol 4. No@ 3,, 1956 80t Met Raropun Accessions Idat (M) -61brary of Congress, Vol 5,, Noe 7j, JWY# 1956 GHZAj v0 r,oriputation method for the theoretical combustion termerature in the cage of qombustion vqth retArculzition applied to furnaces. P. " (EIIIE~',k~iETICP- Vol. 51, no. 3, Mar. 1957, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East European leccssions (FUL) IL. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Vnel. GHIA, V. TECMLOGY Periodicals: STUDII SI CLRCLTARI DE ENERMICA. Vol. 89 no. 1, 1958 (RUL.. V. Method for detection of defects that may occur inside recuperators. P. 39 Monthly List of East European Aoessions (LUI)LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1959, UnclaBs. -- GHIA,.-'V'. ElUblishisig of deteriorations possible to appear in air preheating installations during their operation. p. 146. MMSTIGA. (Aagelatim Stlintifica a Inginerilor 81 Techicienilor din Rominia si Min.ifftsrul Energisi Elsetrice si Industrisi Klectrot6hnice) Bucuresti, Fal-nia. Vol. 7, no. 3, Mw. 1959. Monthly List cX Ust European Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. .~] nia ) V . i I , I V 14 0 '1,7; 1 Y 'vol. B.; 1~0- 3, 19 IjIl F,,T GIA 01.7idd DE LNIOUETICA 58 Gilia, V.,- Aerodyi,ardc characteristics of a tvpe of recuperator with acicular PrOmi-Seg- P- 30- Monthly List of East Euronean AccessiGnS (EIAII) LC. Vol. 3, No.)~a 1959, Unclass. (Ghia, Victor V. I - Econmw of fvel, feasible by means of applying regenerators in furnaces. Rev alectrotechn energet 5 no.lt2Ol-2l2 160. (BRAI 10:4) (Heat regenerators) (Furnaces) ' S112 Q2/000/03/015M? 01 D237YD3 nIU 2: 10,4 Ik 'S' Panoi-a, NI., and Ghia, V. T I :~xr)erimcntpl. investigation of n-,Itiual ~as conbustiGn 0 In cviindric al tubes zhurnal, Mekharika, no. 1962, 44' "-Istract 33~ 50 (Studil $1 cercetd.-i enerC,. t~.cad* HH., 19050, 10, no . 4, 827 - 833) T-`~,,T: are given of experimental inve-stilEations of the nro- of co~.ibustion of natu.-al :,as viell mixed with air, in a tube of 52 with the 'LenG th/diameter (1/d) ratio vary4r,- froL 7 4 to 16. that in combustion without the stabilizer t.he L -he sta- -ax~-U--. wat7,u~ is 65 x 106 kcal/m2 hr, while with t ,bilizer -zt -s 00 x iGO kcal/m2hr. [Abstractor's note: Complete trans1c..-ion.- Card 1/1