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GREORGHIU) if. "Pub2ic Inapector for labor protection in the trade-- union group." Reviwed by N. Gheorghiu. Munca sindic I no.l~:65 D 163. GHS3GH111, N. "Rapid pace, quality work, and low cost price in oonstructing" by Dorin Constantihescu. Reviewed by .N.Gheorghiu. Munca sindIc 7 no.12164 D 163. GHDORGIIIU N ~ "At the, Birlad Bearing Plant Club" by Al. N. TlMefICLI. Reviewed by N. Gboorghlu. Munca sindic 7 no.12:65 D 163, 1- ; '. N. ; V :.> '~;. , . . I .- 1.1-1 1':.,. E x p--i r i't v n t.!k I - I -, Y ~ n *,hill ' ': ~ ~ I ', ', - ', I : - 11 IT 11 1 : I ~l ' I , ~,~ .1 : ~, :, "! rif, ~, . Stulli ~,Alrl 1 11;1, ~ ,~ ra I ) -,. . 1 -, 1. -, ~:, 1 :!k. ~71; It, . GHEORGHIUP N.p o*rkf, ing, Results obtained by the uploitation of networks with two conduetorn-ground In Rumia (I)CP) after eight years of operation and prospects of their development. Energetic& Rtim 11 no.8t4ol-416 Ag 163. 1. Adjunct al, ministrului Minelor si Energiei Electrioe. MUM Ii. ) 33HEORGIIIII, N', Contr~b-utlcx" to me.39urtng tne tenvl:m of ainemti~I,g belts. Bail St si Tehn Tim 9 no.::103-109 vln-e '-'-4. 1. Suhmitted Anr',.l 4, 1904. III j;,I ) N - ;l.b., 14`1*1i i - '.,~ %!-- -,, t~I 'r~ - . . Z , s. sto-ma of rinern' jr, .1 1 t: ~ ! .: x Ih 1 p - lz.,m v- - ! , .-;:. "ehn Tlm 9 no ~ 2: 1-1-; 1 t-i I., L GHEORG11111, N., Ing. . 11 1; . I ~ Impressive achievements meet the 20th anniversary of the liberation of Rumania. Fner.-.0tica Rum 12 no. 8:349-351 Ag 164. 1. Deputy Hinister of the Min:~stry of Mne!.i and Electric Power. GHSORGUIUS Nicolas, Oonf. ing. Development of power industry in Rumania. Electrotehaica 10 no.6:198-205 Je 162. 1. Adjunct al Ministrului Rinelor si Energiei Mectrice. Cl I Vc to ti bu, ur c' zu l t IE I C G L '1~111 "t-, ill t., lol i v I a., c", 6 1 1 X T t: I,:. '.,i o n 11 + U I + b 11 C, j ir~ I- L! G I t I*() >_ 0 ar,~ t1lat taort~ func ". 1 n t fy i n Ll~ -he ruj tiun~~ (x) t~ 0 and + + a (Y.) + 'o , I CO~ vihQru b(x) and _-rc 0 on no intervztl. It i-, 1,roved ti,Lt there exi3L.,; s, i~ ia, ccn.,7i-.tinL,- of two -,ozitive oolu- t'lol..". tl,:-t all tund C) zi_-ro i z -.' + (L 5Q';~k: .L)!'(OV(:I', U-It: tit,"O~r trLn:;ferj some rti_,.ult~ to in the _e _Ic.:Ition~i tht-, boo!-. of _A1::,Ln tl,,curv of ::u-utions L) 52~1 ', th(- --..,er of C-pial Cc,rd 112 C, I hl L ~ 7. t o h i, v I a ~- c Cl 1 I C, 6 ) i i, L. t h 0:: U 11 t' C V 1-, 0 L' C t. C t 1.: 4 t, 44 01' 011HORGIIIU. N. Tho claality of dwelling constructions on the level of grand tasks. Muioa sindic 6 no.10:11-11+ 0 162. GHWRGHIU , 11. . Carry ing out the proposals of' a Rumanian collective. Munca sindic 6 no.11M-21 N 162. GHFXRGHrU, Nioo3m, conf. Ingo Achievemnts and taskB in lighting teehniqua, Energetica Rum 11 no&/+tl4l Ap 163. lo Adjunct al mlnistn~lul Minelor oi Margiai Electrice, CHEORGRIU, if. On thii 5c,l-w-l%Jo-yw, of ordinary differential equations of the :;econd ur&.!r. StAii mat Iaed 14 no,1:17-21 90, EXC"HRETA XKIJ~,A See 10 Vol 10/9 Obstetrics SePt 5? 1616. GHEOHGIIILI N. N., ROSENTHAL Z., GABREANU C., RODAN 0., SAVEA- NTJ J., BARBU M. and ROMAN 1. *Studiul scurt~rii durate't tra- valitilui prin infiltralh intradermice. (Aplicarea reflexoterapiei in dirijarea travaliului). The shortening of labour by intradermal Infil- tration with novocaine 0 RSTET. G UNEC. (Buca rest) 1956, 413(209- 220) Graphs 2 Tables A Intradermal infiltration with novocaine 317. (10 ml. in the suprasymphyseal region, creating 5-6 wheels and 10 nil. in the sacrolumbar region) was given to 348 women in labour. A 2nd group of IN cases received I ml, of atropine I To and in a group of 95 cases, novocaine combined with atropine was used, The intradermal infiltra- tion was applied when the dilatation had progressed to 3 fingers and the membranes were intact. In this way labour is manifestly shortened by relaxation of the uterine orifice and by regulation of the contractions. The method has moderate analgetic results. The intraderinal infiltration is a good treatment In cases of cervical dys- tocia and for the prevention of contractile disorders. especially in cases of early or premature rupture of the membranes. The infiltrations may be repeated 2-3 times; they constitute an excellent adjuvant of the psycho- prophylactic method. Coja - Cluj GHBORGRIU.N.N.,asmist. prof. -, NICOUSCU.C. Omseous transformation of the andometrlun. stumanian M. AlLev. )'., no-4:77-80 0-1) '59. (INWWRIUM, diseasoe) (OSSIMATION) GITMOillu, 01 knvaal Scientific Session of -,he Agrarian Econmy Section of the Central Institute of Agricultural Research. Problems aeon 18 no~4: 154-161 Ap 165. I ilop~ (i 0 HOA: TI TL-6'; 11/005/62/000/004/002/002 D015/1)10.5 Ghcor-hiu, 0. G. , 6ngineer 0 A device for measuring per7neability under low frequency condition.i 0 PAMODICI,L: relecociunicatii, no. 4, 1962, 171 - 173 TLI T. The author demonstrates the possibility of detenrLining the permeability of ferrite insulating magnetic materials, withoot coilin.- a toroidal field- measuring specL-iien, by i4itroducing it into a coaxial non-resonant cavity, jhown in Fig 1, in which Dl, D2 and SI, and D3, D4 and S2 are the dimensions of the cavity and those of the specimen, respectively. by connecting a generator to the points A and B, current flows through the walls of the*cavity. Between A and 8, the cavity produces the resistance Re and inductance Lc. The impedaice can be measured by a Siemens-built Maxwell bridge connected to the cavity throu& A and B. The cavity impedance changes when the specimen is introduced into the cavity. The contribution of the space occupied by the specimen to the value of the cavity inductance is D Card I/ Lmo = 4.6 x 10'~7 52 log D4 (4a) A/00 5/6 2/000/00 4/00 2100 A device for meastiring permeability ..... D015/D105 The permeability of a iagnetic riaterial may then be determined as follows: first, R and L are measured by a bridge, then the specimen is introdiwed itl-.~O the cavity mid iler. and LcIll are measured; L.I. is calculated by the relation (4a), and finally the permeability'by the relations LcIll - Lc (since14.>1) Lmo and R A' cin c Q Lno The cavity inductance Lc is constant within broad frequency limits. 'ilij ..,UKI can be used up to a frequency at which the inductance starts to vary, :;ir.; the initially assumed current distribution changes at over 50 Me. Ir 3- c, C;%.', the inductance bridges permit a compensation of the inductance ani t Card 21/4 I(/005/62/000/004/002/JO2 A device fir -easuring permeaOilit) . ..... DOI 5/D.[C,5 appcarin.., ~ivtwecn the terrtinals and the inductance to be measured. In such ca-es AC and L C can be oritted and the permeability calculated by: , I (13a) Lmo and CM (14a) L WO The re-salt... o~auiiixd were te.,,ted b3- practical ex Criment.", Wlich supplied a g00d C01TC-,jW1i(:C1iC(! b-OWN'll thC Ma~`IlCtk I - ", ) detern,ined ',)3- th,. CaVit)- iAC00,11 W-ld 53' the t0l-Oidal coil method. Tile advaiita~;c of the cavity method is that coiliw, of the speciinen is oot required any more. Very low jaw-netic lo.,!, valu(.-!~, 1, 11 could not be deter-itined by the brid_e o;-, hard. How--vor, in ca,,e of a bridge capable of responding to Lhizi requirement the rC,Ult~' 00- tained a~e -,enerally more accurate than the results obtained by a coiie~ toroid, Card 3/,,q 11 IVOO 5/6 2/0001/00 410O.-IC-0 2 A device for .,ieasuring permeabilit)' D015/1L5 since current di,,,tribution in the cavi,,3- walls is not affected Ii the pre-sence- of the specimeii, whcreas loss ir. the cavity walls is lower than th,2 loss :11 the specimen. rhert~. arc 2 figures. The Liiglish-langua-e referoixe reas.s it,", follows: D. Polder, Proc. I.R.E., 97, 11, nr. 56, 1950, 246 Card 3058 R1005 60/000/002/001/002 U272YL)3( U301 - J mTi ILU Spftairu, klexandru, Professor, J;j,4rijjLcr, Ijiculescu, Ion, ;engineer and Uheorghiu, uctavqll~ngincer Oirective panel antennae Telecoriunicatii, iio. 2, 1960, Dl-58 EXT: The gutural characteristics of dircctivc. daliel an- t,,nnau or ra(lio diffivAun on metric wavcs, radio relays, and radio- astronomy are surveyed, as an introduction to the Presentation of L'Oe tech. Lical. drtail,-, of two directive panel alitennae - one operat- ing at 200 Mc/s axid used as a television radio relay, and the other r,) wratiair at 53 Elc/s and iised as an emission antenna of a television -.tation - designed by the Laboratoral central de corcotgri de tele- Conunicatii (Central Laboratory of Telecommunication Research). 2irst the fundcwiental parameters of directive panel a-ateimac - the ra(li-ation characteristics, the dipole enter impedance, and the mode ()E dipole are analyzed in detail oii Cie ',w;ir, of t1teureti- 30585 R10051601000/0 v2/001/U-, Jir,---ctive -;aael antemiae D272/ii-301 c.A co iid~,cxations. T lie 200 l,ic/.g witen-aa vias c1csig-vied to coitjprjs(~ t: ;o in which the distance ~)etween thc, ciin :)C var- iet', casily, the fixed dintensions lx!ing the lewith 1R = 520 vim, the tJ~n,wtcr d of the raOiators, aml the lptigth c of the reflecting rodr. The dipole iMpedance variation with frc