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GEORGIU-DEZE, G.[Gheorghiu-De --Ghoorchel risport on the coM4, ' ~ ation of agricultural collectivization and reorganization of agricultural managerrent delivered at an extra- ordinary session of the Great Wational Assembly, April 27,1962] Doklad o zaverphonii kollektivizatidi aellokogo khoziaietya i reorgimintsii rukovodstva sellskim khoziaiotvom na vneochered- noi sessii Velikogo Hatsionallnogo Sobraniial 27 aprelia 1962 g. Bucharestt Red. "Narodnaia Rumyniia n.d. 61 p. (Prilozhenie k zhurnalu "Narodnaia Rwqniias" no.5) (MIRA 15:8) (Rumania,--Agrieulture) GIIORGHIU, G.; DANIIA, P.; COLTOIU, A. Observations concerning the aetiology of cutaneous porphyria. Rumanian M Rev. no.2:55-57 Ap-Je 160. (PORPIMIIA etiology) (SKIN disoaBes) GHECROHIU, Gr., ing. Economic aspects of the development of lignite exploitation in the quarries. Rev min 13 no.7:299-304 -T1 162. GHEORGHIU, Gr., ing.; CAZAGII, V., ing. %.. - -~It ',, Modern technology in coal quarrying and its application possibilities at the Oltenia deposits. Rev min 15 no. 5/6s 239-247 1,V-Ja 164. 1. Chief Engineer, Institnto of Mine Planning (for Ghoorghiti). GRIORGHTU, G. George Titeica; a biographic sketch. p. 518. GARTA MATEMATICA ST FIZICA. SERIA A. Bucuresti. Vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 1955, SOURC7,: East European Accessions Met (ZEAL), LC, Vol. 59 no* 2p February 1956 GRORGHTUt G. Vasile, Cristiscu; a biographic sketch. p. 524. GMTA MTEMATICA ST Frum. sFRiA A. Bucuresti. Vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 1955. SOURM East European Accessions Ust (EFAL)p LC, Vol. 5, no. 2. Rebruary 1956 , G. G E i.;O: 1,6111 t.11. un t,,(,, nolli(Aonoraic r--r-Jeties of V-e SJ Space. 1j, French. ~-,T 'thl"I Ju J, c i, f i!;,;!, ICS. cada-da R epuludicii Ilopulare I'lomirjej Lkicure!3ti. ifIlIrlarda. voi. 21 1W. nonthly List of L'Ist -:u-opean t'iecassions ~~,C V~ n ary UNICII I 't i.- (I'llr! i ~ I ~ f I . ~ n 9.- : :.', I ~ ...Vq " It" # GHICORGHIUp Gh. 7b., prof. dr. The Faculty of Mathematics-N-sice of the 5-year Pedagogic Institute, Timisoara, Gas mat, B 13 no.6021-324 JO 162. L ACC Nk, Ap6()2515() SOL"G!, cofj,.,: R51661-2165-1661-7WAX-1 Mretlob liar -gn. k(Docl, i,; Colonel) IChsuri~, iiu. Gh.X)ootorj Colonel); HL'ialadw, Gh4-lbotori Lieutenant oolonel) ORGt none TIMt Clinital forms of essential artarWL hypertension SOMCM UvIsts eanitars. rdUtara, Y, 610 nio. 4, 1965, 543-~~ 1 TOPIC TkGSs oax,&Uvasoular disease, blood prossuro ,MT.VXTt The authors classify arterial hypertension from the etiological. evolu- tionary and qVtozatological points of view, aW briefly discus each category under these aspectso Spwial attention is devoted to malignant and bereign art_epial byper- tensian, whiah are broken down into several. stages "Oh* LR'R~t WOW SMI UTEt 06 / SUEH.DATEt lOXAr63 I ORIG We 003 Internal Medicine RUMANiA GHEORGHIUI Gh., Colonel, Medical Corps; SIM#30TIN, C., Major, Medical Corps; 'jQ tANb0,-O-.',' Major, Medical Corps. "Considerations with Regard to a Ca5e of Pulmonary Candidiasis" Bucharest, Revisla Sanitara Wiltara, Vol 62, No. 6, Nov-Oec 66, p. 1003-1007 Abstract: Case report on a woman aged 39 with obscure pulmonary affection; Moramphenicol and tetracycline wero prescribed at first, later penicillin and erythromycin eventually replaced with nystatin when laboratory permitted diagnosis, with eventual recovery. :5 roentgenograms, 2 French and 3 Rumanian references. Manuscript received 6 Dac 66. 1/1 1; ~ '':, ~-*:, , 1. : 11" 1 'i ~ :'i r.It, i :)II , -,' p. j I J, 1-0~,'L~ Ill ',):"It t i :i ': '1) 1 ( "" - il 1". ;. - , 1- 1, ., ., ( i :" 0 1 ~Ista 1 )1. 0 ~;l '' :-11.,! ~ , '! - ., - 1, 1 , - -, ~ 1. :'A: I, .~, -.1dill"! TI l'o". , : , 7 1 1 A . . .1 . f I T,.,"L.i rall ;t ~ !~ tz. R-ViSVI Yint'i"'r 0 , ~! -!,:I ~- ) , -.11 : :11 C :Y~.r ar.ORGHTU. I.; SAFHTFF, I.; SIN'&'-;Cl'. A. Research in power resources in support of the development of the -material hase of the metallurgic industry. p. 77. Academia Rejublic-li Pop,.dare Romine. A!"'AULF. Bucu"resti. SuPpl. to v. 3, 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (FEAL) Library of Conzress. V01- 5, no. 9. Sept. 1955 R, M.; BAIM, .,olimin bromide pv~! rnf?'tdve therpry (~f :,Pverf.l. r3rurL.."Ifloun of~r-irtn--. --,"0. Or., i*-ur. 6:067-7,-, 1T,7. tT,- 41 kT- ) I t' r I - , "feine & ~,romlldo) ther. vEe ec-!mT,, with !---)dlv i bromide) (TR-11111"."A:', ther. we nodili~i bronide, in eof~e n, wit,h c~vlffein) BIUKEML, X.; M72M. M.; ILIMCU, R.; GHMRGHIU, I. in collaborare cu 2. recon et. Ch. Conetantinescu -1-- Skin reactivity to certain external stimuli in patients of diseases of the nervous system (cerebrlkl and medullary levels). Probl. ter., Buaitr. no.7:29-39 1957. 1. Inatitutul do terapeutioa Ul AcAdemiel. R.P.R., Sectia do dormato- venernlogie, Spitn1ul Colentina. (BRAIN, diaeasea din,,., skin rewitivity to acetic acid, formic acid & morphine) (SPINAL COIRD, diseasen same) (SE IN reactivity to Acetic anid, formic acid & morphine, in die. of brain & spinal cord, diag. & pro;,,n. value) G.hZJI&;HIU, 1. Treatment of prurij.-inous dermatosis by acting upon the exteroceptonj throu~;h ethyl chloride re4frigeralliun ur thr,3urh enervatJon. p.993. bucuresti, kumania, Vol. 7, no. 11, 14ov. ~ionthly List of i~urop~iui necessions (is.!-Al) -~, 'Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. .1 Li. ~ I ,r, wid, of Veterinary Laboratory ~Labo~njtoj,~i_" t,, r -, I ic, "ibservations on Streptococcal Infections in Piglets in Suceava P, eg iw-, e . " !Bucharest, ~",evl!ita do Zootehnie si Medicina Vol 13, No 7, Jul 63. pp 7-1-75. ,,:)stract: 7;escr., 'Le., bservation.,, on 20 13t-w.,-..!)Co(,ca'_ -,'iifecLions in mic~A:'_-in ets U Cifi,41c'Le'; pit-,lets led .o the cnclusion that i n '1-'c, ca- o r,,, - a,,,. .LGF~Ses CoDld be avoided to a large extent by gien.4c meagures, disinfection, and 'ui,e use of sulfwAdes and biostimulators. Includes 1 illustratio:, 7 references, of chicii 1 is French, I RU.siar. a-d 1/1 GREORGHN, ipginer-sef (Bacau) , _ . Total errors of the uioaaure groups and their Influence on the electric energ gy balance deficit In the electric power systems. Energetics F= 10 no. 10:425-433 o 162. 1. Iwreprinderea Regionala de Electricitate- Bacau. ~iq i* RWAN IA / Virology. Human and Animal Viruses. E-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 10, 1958, 43086. Author : Qbgqrnh1u, I... Malta, S., Criclolu, P., Albu, T., popap IA., Albolu, M, Inst :Not given. Title :A Study of Immunity tD Hog Cholera. Orig Pub: Anuarul Inst. seruri 31 vacc, Pasteur Bucuresti, 1956p 1, 17-30. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 10 IWANIA/DiseaBes of Form Animals. U,3eases Caused by Virisr?s . "d RICkettsiae. Abs ic-ar: Ref Zhur-Binl., No 9, 1958,, 4c636. Author Mihaita, S., Zha ~iu~I-11- nneiniu, r, Popa, m., Albu, T., Marinescu, I. Inst Pucharest Pasteur Institute Title Duration of Active Irumnity Frcduced by Fcnriol Alun.inum Hydrmide Vaccine in Swine rest. nrig Put.: Imuarul Inst. seruri si vacc. Pasteur Bucuresti, 1956, 1, 31-38. Abstract: tin abstract. Card : 1/1 MWNIA Disconses of Fram i~jlil-kils. OtIused by H-2 Vil'usos and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour : 1~.~f Zhur - Biol., No. 171 1956, No- 78939 ,',uthor : Kihait~.-, 5; Pop, M; Toriescul V; Pascu, L; ~Iicorghiu, I;__.- Cmcioiu, P; Isopescu, I; Marinescu, I. T i is t : Not LjvCII TItIO : '. Cr),F~tal -Violet Vnccination Against Swine Fever, Prepared from Virulent Blood (Expcrimental Study and Preli!:iaary Results Obtained in Practice). Conclusions. Orig Pub : .'jiuarul Inst. seruri ai vacc. Pasteur Bucurosti, 1956, 1, 39-64. Abstract : No nbstract given. Card 1/1 14 'PI lifflaTAI 0 Dispni~cs of Farm Animals. Distianes R -- 2 Cauised by Virusea a-,id Rickuttsiae. J1,03i I.) iNo. 19:19, No . 1 to 812 J'crne; cu,%'. lCarabitlea V. One oio,P. lyaz~,~,oot Ssirr and Va c c I %e;3 iti. fir-,-.4es U-sed for Anti-erysipelas and Antiteta- IMAS E-OrA for Swing. Mitial'itt. hvit. sertir-J. qi vftcc, Pasteur Bucurejti, 12 la'.c m-1 iv,,q anmm-i ~ j IA) clinical tt-famow-Ary .-,Ld hematcolug"J-cal inves- aco not rentler aclefluate r,,.suLts in estab- I j Abing diagnoaia . In acato forms of tlic, disease cLinjeal obseri,atiozt and the temyorrvurs curve prodi:ce guod restil-ts, iilor-tirka tb4., val--to c-f hewato- logi, !).I det-, i-,, re,4,-tive, -. 1-z-4--en-I forms W, 14 the eiagposis was cof,iixmed ty n~rArlq of 1/5 y I Ly 1 n I, a '.. w (% -cr sea w;ii ch were a3ud o prodv( u raL t h f; Disoases of Yarr knijaals. Diseases Caused by Viruses and Rickettsiae. R-2 Ah.,A, Jotic, RZBI.ol,, No,, 4, 1959,, No, 16812 fill LIC, 1, 1, U,-, t rct,: t disea.,;e developed in'l',,o a severe form in appro- x1natelY 3-54 pereent of the cases. , The 1A -11-ivus of decreased virulence which has been ainc Ii- -d from the blood of virus cfxrying ai- %tils and which is introdueed to suscertible Ats in a small amount may be preserve-d in thAr orgimism for not 'less thna'one year I iri';hout producing ar4r diaer-se synt-ptoms. If ory-sipelas ant'-gen i.,! introducc!d repeatedly after an interval of 3-4~ months, it may pr~- 6- 14 t U T. TAO S.: POPA, M.; TOMISCU, V.; PASCU, L.; GHWRGHIU, I.; ONCYOIU, P.; ISnpMcu, I.; xaIx3sCu, I. Vaccine against swine post prepared from virulent blood inactivated by crystal violet; arportmental study and preliminary practical results. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol., Bucur. 7 no.1-2:119-130 Jan-June 56. (VACCINES AND VACCINATION bog cbolara vaccine. (VIRUS DISEASES bog cholera, vaccine (SWINN, dismasms (SA49) prep. & results of tests) against, prep. & test results) L,lorobio-, o&y. 11.11crobes Pathogen1c, to I,Tan andF Animalo. Gencral Problems Abs jour Ilef. Zhur Diol. , No. 21, 1958, No. 95119 Author Ghoorghlu, I.; -qlbu, Inot -.- --------I Title 'A"he Problem of Experimentally Reproducin7 Swine Erysipelac. Preliminary Results on Use In SVIL.,10 of an Anti-Eryt;lpelas Vaccine and Seru~,.. Orig Pub Anuarul Inct. serurl ci vace. Pasteur Bucurostl, 1957, 2, 41-61. Abstract No abBtract. 'Card 1/1 RUKAM Virology. Human and AnIMI Viruses. E-3 Swine Disease VJrusest Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biel., No 20, 1958, No 905W Authors :Mihatap S.; Pops, Ms; Gheorghij4.4.; Oncioiu, P. Inst Pasteur Institute of Sdi~WVaccine6, Bucharest Title On the Question cf Using Lapinized Virus in Active lzmi- zation Against Swine Plague,, Orig Pub Anuarul Inst. seruri si vace. Paateur Bucuresti, 1957, 2, 129- 139. Abstract tVaccine prepared from the lapinized swine plague virus pro- duces a lasting immunity in hogs; the hyperinfMine anti-plague ser serum introduced simultanoeusly with the vaccine does not prevent the acquiring of an active post-vaccination immunity; lapinized virus multiplies in the rabbits' organism when in- trcduced intravenously or intramuscularly; the virus multi- plies more intensively in the organism of young animalB. The Card 1/2 RL44AM / Virology. Human and AnIm 1 Viruses. E-3 Svine Disease Viruses. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 20, 1958, No 90588 optimum virus concentration is reachec in adult rabbits on the fifth day after infection, and in the case of young ones on the 4-5th day. The authors con5ider that vaccines from lapi- nizod virus create an early strong and lasting immity. -- Fran the authors' resume. Card 2/2 10 1,dcrobiology. acroorganism Prithogonic t) Humar.~3 a:.-"_ F-5 Anlijils. Ab3 Joix Rof 7-hur - Mol., No 2C 19158 No. 90,?',- r All" ~1,)r Ghocrghiu, Ij;_~Ormus, D. Lrlg,,, for Sera and Vaccines, Bucharost Tit lo Presol-vation of Tetanus Toxoid in Blood Sorun of Shoop after Injection with Antttotanus Serum by Difforont Routes CT Anw!.-Vul frot. sorall tit picc. roo. Puss., Gor.) 1~0-,l 1, ri,~ 11o abfilul-ric-L L;ivon Car-,! './i RLWANIA / Virology. Viruses of Mn and Animals. Plague Viruses E-2 of Bircls. Abs Jour Ref ~hur - Biologiya, No 22, 19)b, No. 99143 Author aq2E&jL"; Nitoiu, I.; '13uhaci, I. Inst Pasteur Inst. of Sera and Vaccine:;, Bucharest Title Vial)ility and Immugenicity of the Virus-Vaccine N (Hertfordshire), against Bnira Preserved at 4 - 60 in a Dilution of 1:10 in 1) Percent Peptone Broth, with a pH of 7.4, and -'ontro)ied at Various Stn,3es of Its Preparation ('.,rig Pub Antutrul Inst. seruri si vacc. PaFteur 3ucuresti, IS~5'T, 2, 223-239 Abstract 7he viability of the virup in the vaccine was deter- mined by the lethal action on 11-day old chick embryos) the immugenicity - in immumization experiments mn baby Card 1/2 12 MmANLk Diwaseti of Farm knimals. Dioansog Caused by Viruscls and Rickottsiae. b Abs Jour Rof .2hur - Blologiya, No 2, 1959, No- 745' Author Mhalta, S.; Albu, T. ; Popa, M. Inst Ruc-hiYo`s-t-Ta-9tojr Imtituto of Sora and Vaccinos Titlo &I)rjrizpntal Studloa of tho Effoctivenoss of Alaorbod Formolvaccim Against Swinc Pest Kopt at Various Tomperaturus Orig Pub Anwtrul Inat. soritri si vace. Pastuur, Bucurost, 1957, 2, 323-333 Atstract No abstract givon Card 1/1 22 MMIA Virclogy. llu= and AniLriaj Viruses. E-3 Swine Disease Viruses. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Plol., No 20, 1958, No 90590 Authorn G4qq;r&jjju# 1, ; Mihaita klbu, T. ; Ropa, 14. iWt Bisteur Institute for Sera and Vaccines, Bucharest Title Thu Effect of Freezing and Thawing out on F(,rmr-1 V,-ccine Avainst Swine Plague. Orig 1~11) Anuarul Inst. seruri si vacc. Pastvur Bucur,!sti, 1997, 2, 359-369 ;Lbstract 1,kj abstract given. Card 1/1 I ,4IY,A ITA , S. ; GFOCOMMU ONCIOIU, P.; POPA, M.; ALDU, T.; MLRIMCU, I. =&RIW .41E., Not" on the duration of immunity induced with evine-Dest vaccine treated with formol and ndsorboa on aluminum hydroxide. Stud. cercet. infrainierobiol., Bucur. 8 no.2:221-227 1957. 1. COMIMIOnre prez,.intata la Inatitutul de Infrnmicrobiolopis al Academiel R.P.R. in nedinta din 20 decembrie 1955. (VINUS DISMSRS, immunalogy hog aholerA, duration of imminity nfter vacc. with forilol- treated vaccine adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide) (SWINA, diseases same) (VACCIRS AND VACCIIATION hop, cholera vaccine treated with formol & Adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide, duration of imTminity) TOKISOU,V.; GEWDRGHIU,X.; AIMU,T.; H141TA,S.; PASCU,L.; POPA,M. 1he role of eliminators of lapinised erwine peat virus in contact Imunnity. Stuj4,pA:rcet. inframicrobiol. Bucur. 11 to.W41-147 160. (VIRUS DIMUSIS, transmission) (SVIIM, dissalle) , TOMESCU, V.; PASCU, L.; SUfWAN,, C.; POPA~ M.; DOHOTAIIX, V.,- EIZTEWSCUO A.; Ga _gjgRj9jUU,-I*,;-EUSTAFIEVICI, 0.; HOLDOVAN.. Gh.; CONSTAKINESCU, Cr.; If"# F.; IFTIMOVICI, R.; ANAST.ASIU, I.,smiBtent tehnic; FLOREA, A., asistant, tehnic On the iminity following the antiaphthous vaccination. Studii cerc intramderobiol Special issue-oupplement to 12:385-397 161. 1. ImUtutul. de inframicrobiologie al Academiei R.P.R., Iaboratond de virose animale Bi Institutu), de seruri si vaccinuri Pasteur, Wcuroati. 2. Membru al Conitetului de redactie, 'Studii si cercetarl de Wramicrobiologiell (for Tomescu). (FOOT-A! ~-MUTH DISEASE) (DRIMITY) GHEORG111U I.; AIM T.; SURDAN, C.; CARP, N.; POPL3 ~L 1L..---.,. - . -0 Im=ogonic value of the adsorbed vaccine of evine plague associated with Salmomellao. Studii cerc inframicrobiol. Special issue-supple- ment to 12t455-461 161. Is Institutul. do inframicrobiologie al. Academiei R,P.R. si Institu- tul de serari si vaccinuri Pasteur,, Bucuresti. (IM. NITY) (SWINE PLLGUE) (SALMONELLL) FASONP E,j XONSTANTINESKU, G. (Cons tantinnscu, G.J; Prinimali uchastiye: BUVWTAL' 1-1 - FELLNER, M.; ILIUSKU, RAIliescu, R.1; CEOHGIUI 1.10h;;rghiu, I.) Reactivity of the skin in acute and subacute disorders of cerebral blood circulation. Nauch. trudy Inot. nevr. P31N SSSR no.1:294- 297 160. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Klinika riervnykh boleaney Mediko-farmtsevticheskogo innti- tutA i kollektiv dematologov Institute. terapii Akademii Rtvqnoko:r Narodnoy Respubliki, Bukharest. (CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE) (SM-INNERVATION) TOMESCU, V.; FASOU, L.; SURDAN, C.; POPA, M.j DOHOTARU, V.; ELEnERI-SCU A.; GIURGHN I - BUSTAPILVICli 0.; MOLDOVAN, Gh.; CONSTANTINESCU, Cr.; U VICI, R. Study of Jaminity after vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease. Stud. cereet. inframicrobiol. 12:385-3~7 Sup lement 161. (FOOT-AND-MUTH DISUSr, immmology~ (GANTLE diseases Lpid=iology ~icutcnala-colond, :11odical cor,:~,; i,;,j T., .4ajor, ~aj i Ca i C.). Oll L1.12 7l,C.'JC1iCe of i~ . S 5,)t1 Ji 1 ul-:C) 1 Lx, L , i~ he;z.L t i 5,T, ill Ullitf~ Kcsidill"; on the Territury cl- Ole ~:il.Lary '.:orp Ital Timi- E-!V-15--a `,C~rizara Nilitara, Vol. 62, No. 3, -,ay-june 1(,66; Aoitract: Epiderdology of this form of rheaaatoid discase: strertococcal orl~,Ja, daLa on nm.-Mdity 1961 to 1965; r.,ani i estat ions, cardial: valvUlar diaeise causio,?, railitary discharge trom service for mcuical ineligibility; 2 cal)les, 5 Rinaw-dan references. Manuscript received 12 February 1966. MMRGRIUp I' Mi . prof, . IV. . - , Now tookiique in the exploitation of irrigation. ATbtem. Ridrotshnica ~*376 V1,61'. - 6'no.11074 1,. Neubm*al C6mitetului do rodactie *Hidrbt*hnica",' MORGE I a Prof. - ., mAgricultural Improvementom by Spiridon Bom. Reviewed by I.M. Qporghiu. Hidrotthnica 7 no*5:164 My 162. GHEOR,lj'HIU,.I.M.,.Rrof. ing. IrrIgetion of natural hayfi*lds and imadows in the Fagaras District. Hidrotehnim 8 no.2163-66 P t63. GHEORGRIIJ) 1. 14., prof. ing. "The agricultural technology of irrigated cultures" by VI. lonescu-Sisosti, Sp. Doeru, Gh. Posu. Reviewed by I.M. Gheorghlu. Hi(Irotehnica 8 no. 5:191 My 163. r I ~ I - - .. '. ni- w :'k :-, , ~ ! , : I . l . I " I I ,, II.! ~ ". i I ~ I f I R100216210001001100',I'004 D272/D303 AUTHOR-~ Gheorgiu, 1. S., President. of the Technical Scien,_~e_~, --ge-c~'io-n--','-A-c*"ad'&'id'y of the R. P. R. TITLE: Achievements of the technical sciences in our country PERIODICAL: Stitnta 71 tehnica, no, 1, 1962, 3-5 TEXT: A general survey is presented of the achievements cf memo bers of the Technical Sciences Section, Academy of the R. P. R.; in several technical fields Z-Abatractor's note: No dates are mer- tioned. 7. In the field of energetics the main problems solved were improvement of the quality of inferior indigenous fuels, wash- ing of small-sized lignitest dehydration of large-size lignites (30 - 150 mu), gasification of lignites, burning of lignites in ,fluidized beds in thermoenergetic installations, and also the im.., provements in tho automatic boiler, invented by Tralan Vula up lo a capacity of 3 t/hr steam, and reduction of specific energy co-n. sumption in various fields of industry. In the field of thermal mc tors the main problems studied were delay of autoignition, separs!f. Card 1/3 R'1002/6---~/000/00, 0) 'oo~ Achlevements of the ... D272/D503 turbulen,,e chamber motors, fuel injection in sprayed form The effe,,~t-Z of the nature of the fuel and L)'I tip.-n we:ir sind d,,irlil--`,~ of motors,, introdur-Ing in these L3tudies the u.-e of topetz., In the field of fluid dynamics t',,- proNtems -Iludie6 we-~ In ~11~! dointi.111 of 111gli ~1111 Very 111t;11 11cw ve, '~3, 811"li iis interference between ring --ind fUSeIIUgC-. ~i~, Wc~t;- I.-- !Iew cif sust(!ntation, and aerodynam.,c problems -1'- 1 r ;-- - * I " - -, ~ ind Ifind:izig; similarly,, new solutions were a--il~ieved - t. !iyJr,.-,dynamics - development of a hydraulic mcdellin,-~ !,-)ecrv T, - ~i n r- 11,0 -ont inui t I-;i-es ~3,id .7 of hetivy I~kpiid,,; with two dis y C, " i rl,; --ment of hyJrau, c m!i- hines. It) the fie f 1 ~j b r i- t io r :~z. i Id e, I I o i k 1~ e d were hydr(:,aerodynami:,~ :f ;it ha~~h chem--ca'i L;-,-ind-ng -f -,rterrr-i. -~mn,il- ai-A me*aIiization of siirfa.7es i,y I eld of ml-atal t lor i n macKi tie ru, ' i c r, v(-J,~,' :ir~d ,irj t) i iied by new r-, I e r z a f or sa f e v of meta, characteristics. In the f--eld cf weld,.nc, 11 e p - e:resp was ~jchleved ~ir V~Ir-'OUS 9tUdies :,Dn, erm, 1.,*2 ::ieta I weldatil .1 "Y and c ompo':3i t .on el-e Je- f:u~,-: I-ird 211 R1002162/000,100 'If100',11/004 Jt,hievement.,~ of 10.e . . j,272/X03 the mo--;t importunt result8 being the development mc*L,-- I e e.' . ric welding imitq for street railroads and niilrc-aJ trrt.-Rs,, C a r d '~, /,~, jl~~ORGIIIU, I.S. Circulation currents produced by the hiLmonics of the magnetizing current in parallel t*auformers and the role of tertiary winding. Arabiv elektrot*ch 11 no.4:677-691 162. 1. Membre dr, L'Academle Roumine. QHEORGHIUj, 1.&0 acad. A newmethod of producing the three-phasep low-frequency alternating current in the asynchronized synchronous generators. Comunicarile AR 12 no.7:803-807 JT1 162. 1. Nombru al Comitstului do redactie, "Comunicarile Academiei Republicii Populare Romim." GIECRGHIU, I.S. Now standpoints on the construction and operation of turbogenerators. Rev electrotachn energet 8 no.1:31-38 163. 1. Membro do I'Aendomie do In R.P.R. GHF,OR(;111U' I.S. " "'.. - . UnAtary theory of electric machines. Bul Inst Politeh 26 no,1:99-114 Ja-F 164. 1. Chair of Electric Machines, Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest. SPAKU, P. [Spacu, P.);,GEORGIU.._A, [Ghoorghiu, C.1,- ZUBOV, L. Chemistry of oWux. Rev chimis 6 no.2:323-341 161. 1, Kafedra neorganiebaskoy kbimiip Universitat imeni K. I. Parkhona (G.I.Parh*rj, Bukhareat -UU";:X" ILL, 114 of stir tn rAltral -,f c-i'Acr'l uch,~mst (Tn,: ut,u'- n. ta cu~' -All ~Jn tat ~-'L Cavcot.~m fr-ni; ct-,"tif-D) - (fcr rj,.Z-qcaap !lo ~j Idur 63,, ~p 175-17-)o "1".4,414 oil l*~-na:-.1co Of AL:rd'All Accu::,11ttlor 'Ll conliam .-:AJ Ll an(I WWAIIIA TUMO Llena, Phurnacistj UAW14WO, idarcela, Phs..-macjst; Ouj4?Z, Institute of State Control of Medicines and 11haxweOutical Resoarchp Bucharest (Institutul, pentm controlul xviLcamentului sl cercstsd formscautilos$ Buouresti) - (for all) Buciarast, X&Mcia No 6, Jun 63, PP 375-378 OWntributions on the SU* of trsparin& Wine froll Native Amli nanap L. rruit-2 BDTIM, Virginia; PAMSUIVESCO, Marial GRORGRU, WrIna Study an XG strain Yarlanto reuiettant to straptomycin, M and PAS, 1. ktigmIc properties aM virulenne In the absence or pre3unce of a treatment with homologous Imberc-Oostatie. Arch# roume pathe expa microbiol. 23 noJt&10-616 S163 1. 'h-avall do l1listitut *Dr. 1. Guitaf-,uzino*; Service & vamin BOG, Butaresto PODHORSKY, Nagenial BOT12, Virginia; PAUSCHNESCO, Maria; 2~CRGHIUP Marina. Chemical compoeltion of the strain Nyoobacterium tuberculosis ur, bovis - BCG and its variants resistant to stroptomycinp M mid ?AS* Arch, roum. path. exp. microbiol. 23 no.3t 623-630 8:163 1. 7~mvail do 111hotitut *WeleGantacusino"'; Services do Bio- chimie generale et du vaccin DCG, Bacarest. VITA, AUa, Dr, OAXA, C., Dr, Dr, BMI- MR, V., Dr, GRIGORIU, Z., Dr, MUZACHE, T., Dr, gM&M= , nud WAINJO, K.,Dr. Work performed af the 911ftle Afor Contagious Diseases (Clinios do Boll Contagloaso) of the rnatituto of ModiclAe (Inatitutul do Modioina), Iasi. "Ponsiderations on Two Epidemic Pool of Diphtheria.0 Bucharest,bAOM Pajazl1io4oxift, Epidexioj2LUP Vol 8, No 1. a"MI RV 4 9b3# pp 11-14. AbstKn213 A study based on the observation of two rural diphtheria foci. Both of them occurred in the fall (October-November) and the source of the disease wRs the school; morbidity was smaller in the pro-vaccination period due to latent immunity. Both orisoden causid fazilial foci ~-ith 2 to 5 infool-i6nol secondary infections did not touch children below 3 ;earn of age, reflecting the proper vaccination of this age group. Earlier ding- nonis &Ad isolation of the first cases would have prevented :.the epidemics. Includes 11 references. THODOROVICI, Gr.; OANA, C,j GRORGHIU. Melania; PETROAIE, Olga; IVAN,, A. ;",:, t. ~ . Incidence of carriers of antibiotio- resistant otaphylococei in various population groups in Moldavia. Arch. Roum. path. exp. microbiol. 22 no.1:211-218 Mr. 10. 1. Travail de lInstitut Medico-Pharmaceutique de Jassy-Chairs do Microbiologie. (STAPH INFECTIONS) (DRUG RESISTANCEY WCROBIAL) (ANTIBIOTICS) BALDOVIN-ACILPI, Coralia (dece"edl ; MIHAIXO, Florica; GHEORGHIU, I%lania. - Types of pyogenic streptoconci in relation to the endame-epidemi- city of soarlatins. in Rmanis, durLng Via 1945-1962 period. Arch. roin. path. exp, microbiol. 23 no,.325.1,1-556 S163. 1. Truvail de Illmst-itut *lh-. 1. Cfuitacuvinol; Service des Cocci ftthogenea, Bunarest et Jassy. IIUIC.l y : . ; , It , " , . b~~ -- . Clupea gorjonsi!, nov. Bp., a new fish species in the Upper Samatian of the Sc.cel-l%Gorj (north 0 the Gatle Depression. Dari near-am sfd 47:14!)-156 15~/60 [pibl. 162J19 t GPLORGUU, N. p !T410 A now type of lubricant, a fluld for nytiraudic transmissions. Potrol LA gaze ~5 n0-3:122-123 MIr 't)4. GlWiTIGHU, M.; M. Contributicns to -,he study of retrnctlonv of blood clots. Note 1. New riethod of evalwiticing retractility. p. 17-'R. Actidemin Republicii Fopulnre Romine. COPUN I CARI LE. Bucuresti. Vol. 5, no. 12, Dec. 1955.1 So. East European Ace-essions Ust Vol. I, NO. 9 September, 1956 GHEORGHTIJ) N.; ST(J"HTTA, YI.; 11HAESM, E. Cc-tributions to the Study of retraction of blood clots. Note 2. Study of variations of indexes of retraction. p. 1777. Academis. tpublicii Fopulare Romine. 001-TINICARTLE. Ducuresti. Vol. 5, No. 12, Dec. 1955. So. &st European Accessions Ust Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 DOBRESCU, D., Dr.; UDFMIU, A., dr.; OORCIA, T., dr.; GREDRGHIU, M., dr.: CIOCIRLI19, I. , dr. . Allergic spontaneous pneutothorax. Ned. int., Bucur. 3 no-7: 1083-1086 Nov 56. 1. Lucrare ofectuata in Spitalul militar -- Timisoara. (PNAMTHORAI, case reports allergic pneumotborax) (AI,T,IUIGT, complications pnmumothorax, case reports) FUL"AL'./General Problems of Tr-tholoW. .~Iuergy U-2 ;.br, jour :Fkif Zhur - Biol., No 14, JT-~,8, Tic) (-,5911 j*~utIvz : Constantinescu N., Micu, I., Muntennu G.,-Glu~hiu__M., Birza, N., Blindu P., Vacs L. Inat Runvnian ',eadoiy Tit1c Prelininary Data on the ;,Ilergic Intradernal 11~rt in LTi- demdc HaIxititis Orig PuID Coriun. j,cad. RFR, 195T) 7, No ?, 273-27 .',bstract By venns of the VIrWinlrova test (Clinic. Iled., 1951, 7), the authors detect,A the prescnce of an auto- allergen (:a'~) in a filtrate of gastric Juice from a patient with epideritc herntitis throughout the course of the disease. The ~,A reaction wns ne[Ttive in well persons aid in patients with graBtric and hepatic diseases. STOIGA, Gh.; STOICHITA, R.; GBMIMIU, H.; GI?O".FA, P. Study of methods of obtaining an ttntiglobulin serum (Coombe nerum) with great agglutinating power. Probl. ter., Aacur. 10 no.1:73-78 1959- (IMMM SERUM rintiglobulin serums of great agglut, power, prep) STOICA, Gh.; STOICRITA, M.; GRIMMU, 14 U, P. !.-;Mm CantributioO to the problem of Oftining an anti-globulin o9rum (Combs serum) with great agglutinating pover. Probl. ter. 10 no.l: 73-78 159. (DO= SERUMS) STOICHITA, Mlhaela; GIrEORGRIU, Maria; GOCIU, Mariana Stucilen on the mechanism of the lymhocytopenii in Hodgkin's disease. Stmd. cercot mad. intern. 2 no.4:53~6-550 161. (HODGKIN'S DISUSI'Jamunol,ogy) (LUiPHOCYTES) STOICHITA, Hihaola; CIOBANU, V.;--GHBORGRIU, Maria N action of streptococcal antigens on coagulation factors. Studies in vitro. Stud. cereet. med. intern. 2 no.5.'693-698 '61. BLOOD COAGULATION) (S7?M'TOCOCCUS imnmology) STRRPTOLYSIN pharmacology) (POLYSACCUMDES pharmacology) ~ CIUCA, M.; BALDOVIN-AGAPI, Coralia; MIRAILO, Florica; G~~gGJUU, -Ms1mjgq_ BORSAI, Leia Types of hemolytic streptococci ir4 relation to the andemo-epidemicity of ocarl4tina in Rumania in the 1945 1959 period. J. h7g. opidem., Pmha 5 tioji257-266 161. 1. Travail do l'Institut "Dr. 1. Cantacuzino" - Ser7ice des Cocci pathogenes, Bucarest. (SCARLET FEVER epideniol) (STREPTOCOCCUS) CIOBAKU, V.; STOICILITA, M.; OPRESCU, C.; GIURGEU, M. Clinical and oxperlmntal rooearch on thn role of tuborculous allorgy in the pathogenesis of rheumtoid polyarthritis. Stud. cereet. med. intern. 3 no.1:77-94 162. WiTHRIVIS, RHEUMATOID etiology) (TUBERCULCISIS complications) ST01CHITA, Mihaela; STEINBACH, M.; GHEORGHIU, Maria; GEORGESGU, Mircea Studies concerning the influence of alimentary fats on blood coakulation in patients with atherosclerosis. I. Changes in cosplation in patients with atherosclerosis. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no-5:593-599 162. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (BLOOD COAGULATION) (FATS) STOICHITA, Whaela; STEINBACH, M.; GHEORGIIIU, Maria; GEORGESCU, Mircea Studies eoncerning the influence of alimentary fats an blood coagulation In patients with atherosclerosis. Il. Study of coagulation during administration of cliet high in unsaturated fatty acids. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no.5t601-605 162. (ARTFMCGCLEROSIS) (BLOOD COAGULATIOU) (FATTY ACIDS) KCUITE, George, ing. (bamwesti); GHEORCJIIU$ Mircea, Ing. (Bucureati) -- -- --- Comoiderations on the bobav-lor to falze faults of the distance protection In the case of swinging,phenomenon occurring in the pnerator'rotorme Kmrgetioa Rum 10 no&7.276-280 JI 862, 1. lngineri proisetanti sefi Is Inatitutul do studii si proiectari energetics* , I.". ti.~ M.- M. a 1. .' -,ec-ric c-x',v',90mtrY m d- f. r !r'du3tTJ' (Imp o4~ F.- I .j,u, ~:t ji Tfilirl ",-,m 9 no.1~105- A5 ~'#j-jv 163. -L I BOM, Virginia, PARASCHIUSCO, Maria; GHBORGHIU, Marina; AIIGELESCO,I.; BCVCrU,C.; PBTROVICI,Monica. Study cm BGG strain variants resistRnt to streptomycin, WE and PAS. 11. Vaccinat properties in the abeenne or presence of a streatimmt wIth the homologous tubermlostatic. Arch. roum. path. exp. mi-crottiol, 22 no.49951-W S--D163 1. bstitut "Dr. ToGentaminoll Serri" du vaccin BOG (for Botez., ParmchAvesic, Gheorghiu). 2. laboratoire Central pour 1e Controle dlRtat des Sams et des Taccina (for kigelesco). 3. Institut Ortr. I.Cantamzin,~*,- gen--L~e d1kiatomie Pathologique (for Bonciu, Petrovici). TEODOROVICH Or. [Toodorovici, Or.); OANE, X 10ana C I ,; UORCIU, M. I o4e, 0. !VAN A. (Gheorghlu, M.); PETROAYE, 0. [Petr 1; 0 ............ r, '. Carriers of antibiotic-realstant staphylococei in various categories of the popplation. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i irmun. 40 no.5%133-137 My 163. (14IRA 17t6) 1. Iz Mediko-farmstsevtiaheskogo instituta, g. Yasoy. STOIGITITA, Mlihaela; COBIMU, V.; GIMRGI]1'U, Maria; PAIRI, Florica; SRATLAHU, Marleta. The study of the significance cif wnti-nyocardial antibodies in Bouillaud - Sokolski's rheumatism. Stud. cercet. med. in- tani. 5 tio.2:183-189 164. CIOBAKUP V., dr.; STOICHITA, Mihaela, cb-.,- GHEMGHIU, Maria, dr.; OFMCU, C*C*, dro Research on the pathogenesis of arperimental endocarditis. Med. intern. (-;Ucur. ) 16 no.6665-W Je'64 1. Lucrare efectuate. in Institutul de medicina interne, al Aca- demiei R.P.R. 91 M.S.P.S. (direatort acad. N.Q. Iaipu). ILRISCOJI m. ff un tnE! proces-~ ralioel b.,,* ~,b t ."C' Tr!i I'li I; r !,I u y c Mf l'o"r no~! r 1, 1. r - oval D,,)(Doftt# Nzabaers 0&*M* of I A"# =1 loi* with S"lw (I). Un of the rod= lystm 00ORM, W"OL"W, no* 61 106ho du-w ionc Twictic a of. thb.~i 16 oUotlo oddisod polyWopylans by strrosp wing *UrA, ~wwaldm - fewous ft2fate within Va Uspratm iiUms 25 agxlod~~;i` ft influsnoo of the LwTiftal coppowtv of ft i~~rls# A*;dss#,*,dj insofar is ths thotal qwmtLir of the probold 1willh reowd to ft qutktiir of JtA j0pw that wwas Wbjvc he. alwIr techalakejo, ZOO tie 70 04 %ohm-UpO Slonk Uwwaal YN."n"d OW 3A SMYAN-11~, L.,- CHEOFGHN) N.; FISCHER, M.- GHFC-FI'jf-,U, M. "ome ettidies of electric extensometry made for industry. Eul. "t, si Teha Tim 8 no.1,105-115 Ja-Je 163. DOSIAN, 0.; GILEORGH111 , N. Experiments) determination of tho modulus of elasticity on the bending and otretching of the v-belts manufactured in Rumania. Bul St sl Tehn Tim 7tIOI-114 162. 11 I' !D; ,NI . , Ath Steel Reinl'orced 6orwrete Su .. X)rt.,-. (!~neroetlcs and Electric rovo~r Ljj,p!- I- ilyr1rolo7,ical Eniineerliv,(, i0:105;Mar. 55 i O~ IC al:-. Vol. St-:~I. I:- I ell .:'4k .:.Ont.-],, I i:;t f '::ast F'---ri pear Acrnsf~; -,,15 Fel r~iary .. . ........ y'l 'P '3S GHWRGBIU, N., confAng. Prospects of electrification in Pamenis. in the light of the historical decisions of the 3d Congress of the Rumanian Workers Party. Energetica, Hw 8 no.7:293-297 JI 160. 1. Adjumot al Ministrului InIustrisi Grele. GHECMIIU p N. ftaphlets on syndicate subjecls. Munca aindic 6 no,6.60-61 Ze 062, WHEORGHIU, N. Booklets on trade-union subjects, by Gli. Godin, C.Matache, Costin Stefanescu. Reviewed by N. Gheorghiu. Munca sindic [7] no.1:64 J& 163. GHMRGHIU, 11. "At the Gottlob Machine-Tructor Station, 1100 hectares of norma plowland for each tractor" by Aurel Mint. Reviewed by N. Cherghlu. Hunca slndic 7 no.12:64 D 163.