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GIZENTSVIT, L. 11~. - Using birnace slag for road asphalt concrete. Zhil.-kom. khot. 7 no.1:21-22 '57. NM 1o:4) 1. Glavnyy imhener treats, "Gordorskspbiatatslya" (Asphalt concrete) (Slag) ITSKOVICH. K.L.. klJRDTUMOV. M.D.. GIZENTSVEY, L B., red.; PROTSFNKO. D.L. red.izd-vA., RAKITIN. [Dutside WAter, sewer, nnd drAinAge nmtworks in relntion to city stre-ts; rf%foremno mnTIUAl for contrnetoral lnruthw anti vodoDrovodn i kAnFili- zntiiii, vodontoki i gorodskie dorogi; snrnvochnop nosobie proizvoditellu rmbot. Moakra. Izd-vo H-vA kommun. khoz. RSIPSR, 1959. 2.63 p.(MMA 11:9) (HuniciDA1 engineering W. treets) BAGULSAROV, S.M.. red.; UCHITALI, I.Z., red. lod-va; TOLIOV, S.T., tekhn. red. [Construction and repair of city improved roads] Stroitellstvo i remont gorodskikh usoversheuBtvoyannykh dorog. Moskva, Izd-vo N-va kowm. khox. RNT4 1958. 281 p. (min 1117) (Roads) GORELTSRV. N.V.. kjind.t"khn.nnu~; GIZIIITSVICY. L.H.,knnd.teldin.muk Porf"ctly, methods of blending, asphalt concrete mixturnse Avto dor. 411 no.6:4-6 J" 158. (MIRk 12:10) (Mixing machinery) (Anphalt concretm) GBZBNT';VBY, L.B.. kand.tokhn.nauk Using ultrasonic nethode In testing asphalt concrete. Trudy W1 nn.23:100-105 158- (MIRA 12:1) (Asphalt concrete--Testing) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial application) GIZESTSYRY, Lev Borisovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; M1RONOV, A.V., red.izd-va; LUYUKHIN, A.A.. [Asphalt concrete for constructing pavements] Dorozhayi a9fal'tovyi beton. Izd.3., dop. i parer. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va kommtn.khoz.RS1PSR, 1960. 401 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Pavements, Concrete) (Asphalt concrete) MILIK.-BAGDASAROV, S.K.; GIZINTSVBTO L.B., red.; VARGANOVA, A.N., red.; IMNW, [Colored pavements for park walks] TSvetnye pokrytiia parkovYkh dorozhek. Moskva, Isd-vo *-va komx=.khoz.RSFSR, 1961. 50 p. (MMA 15.,2) (Sidewalks) TIMOFEYEV, Adrign Adrianovich; F=SVEY, L.B., red.; VARGANOVA, A.N., rode izd-val LELYUIMNI A.A## tekhne redo [Procast and precast reinforced concrete pavements for city streets and sidowalkaj Sborrqe betoMe i zhelezobetoMe pokrytiia gorod- dorog i trotuarov. Moskvas Izd-vo M-va kommun. khoz. IWSR, 1961. 158 P. (MIRA 15:1) (Pavements, Concrete) ITSKOVICH, HVk Looritly;vich; KURDYUMUV, Mikhail Dtaitriyevich; ~ ~=TqkYj_ L.B., red.; BOIDTINA, A.V., red. izd-vaj LELYUMN, A.A.j tekbm. red. (Underground sewers and water pipes and their relation to municipal streetsj Podsemnye sanitarno-tekhnicheskie kommunikatsii, i gorodWde dorogil spravochnoe pooobie proizvoditeliu rabot. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Foskvap Izd-vo H-va ko==.khoz.RSFSR, 1961. 286 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Sewerago) (Water pipes) (Streets) ,.QE SVETtL.B.jk=d,tekhn.nauh; SOTNIKOIAh V.N., insh. ..... ............- Using activated mineral powders in making asphalt conei-ate. Ayt.dor. 24 no.2:19-20 F 161. (MIRA (MIRA 14:3) (Asphalt concroto) A GEZENTSVEY, L.B., kand.tekhn.nauk Activation of iland for asphalt concrete. Avt.dor 24 no.4:17-19 Ap 161. (KIRA 140) (Asphalt concrete) (Sand) GEZEMTSVET, L44 kand.tekhn.nauk Present-day technology of preparing asphalt concrete mixes. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 12 no.6t24-25 Je 162. OURA 15:12) (Asphalt concrete) Ittr.r tekhr, . nijuk red t'*,,",A'i L VA [Sall-, no.1:11filt CCI.t tilld met"noic of ;7::t 0 1u 1 1,y a s Lj n pu i v I BAGDA.SAROV, Sergey Mikhaylovich; IARSEERG, Yuliy Saulovich; LUXOU53MY, ~J,, red.; DOLGOVA, K.N., red.izd-va; LELYUKHIN, A.A., tekbn. red. [Maintenance of city streets] Ekspluatatsiia gorodskikh dorog. 2., lzd. ispr. I dop. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va komnun.khoz.RSFSR, 1963. 310 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Streets-Maintenance and repair) SOSYANTS, V.G., inzb.; Y11DIN, V.A., kand, tekhn.npiuk; MRRE, V.E., Inab.; JMTSBE?G, Yu.S., inzh.; DAVIDYANTS, N.M., inzh.; P9ZENTSYEY,. L.B., kand. tekbn. nauk; YEGWCV, P.A., inzh.; FAYNBERG, E.S., lnzh.; BAGDASAWN, S.M., inah.; GUREVICH, L.V., kpnd, tekhn. nauk; CHEWNSHOV, B.G., inzh.; CANHINSKIY, T.G., inzh.; ZASOV, I.A., knnd. tekhn.nauk; BALOVNEV, V.I., kand. tekhn.nauk; GIBS111MAN, Ye.Ye., prof., re,d,; DZH'JNK'VSKIY, N.N., prof., red.; DOWTINA, A.V., red, izd-va; LELYUKHIN, A.A., tekhn, red. [Manual for the design, construction, and maintenance of urban reads, bridges, and hydrotechnical structures) SpravocW-k DO proektirovAniiu, stroitel3stvu i eksplua- tatsii 1.7,orodskikh dorog, mostov i gidrotekhnicheskikh so- oruzhenii. Red. kol.E.E.Gibshman,N.N.Dzhunkovskii, P.A. Egorov. Iloskva, Izd-vo M-va ko!-.mun.khoz.RSFSR. Vol.3- [Roads] Dorogi. 1963. 814 p, NIRA 16:7) (Roads) B=AYEVP; =KPVKY, L.B.1 SOTNIKOVA, V.N. -,M"00800 Heoulto of the use of activated mineral powder. Avt. dor. 26 n0,1:15-17 4T& 163, (MIRA 16.-6) (Favaiments, Bituminous concrete) GF,Z&=VU, ti.klm. iviik I . ~ia-rd asphillt. concreta. Milfav. for ! C. v quality of. Avt. dor. 2, 1- M~ li~, 1. (MIRA 16:7) (AilphiAt collcr-A!') VEYTSMAN, M.1., kand. tekhn.nauk; GEZENTSVEY, L.B., kand. tekhn. nauk; GWELYSI(EV, 1,'.V.o 'Uind'.' t~kbn. nauk; KOZLOVA, Ye.N., kand. tekhn, nauk; AVIASOVA, N.M.) inzh.; KIIANINA, TS.G., inzh. [instruction on the construction of asphalt-concrete pave- ments] Instruktsiia po stroitel'stvu (lorozhnykh asfallto- betonnyl-h 1)Dkrvtil ~VSN 93-63). Moskva, Transport, 1964. 132 p. (MIA 17:10) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy ylroiLvodstven- rqy kon,itet po transportnomu stroitellstvu. 2.Gosudarstvon- rory vsenoyuznyy dorozhnyy nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut. I ., L-.; " H- i - z-,,'' 1~ [ A~ 11, L.,il I i ~, 'k, - ; A,~ fit I ' I ." 41 :,.. I " - . j.. r, ! 1 , . .-, 1 ',~ ". 1 .1 tjIp (!-i ! ;:.,, I , ~ .1 , ! I - - .. KC TB I IX 1, 32 - (Y111A 17.1)) to CEZENTSVEY,,.4,p At the Exhibition of the Achievements of the National Economy of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.1144-47 Ja-Mr '63. (MIRA 160) (Electric power) (Power engineering-Study and teaching) GEZINTSVIIY. Z.A.. WKNINA, G.N., (Moscow) Hotrosternal pneumomedinatinography As A method for x-rAy dingnosis of intrAthorneic tumors. 16 no.4154-58 An'58 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Ix rentgenorndiologichoskopo otdelonlyR (nnch. - dotnent S.A. Sviridov) TBantrillnoy klinicherkoy bollnitsy Xinisterstvn Dutey soobehoheniya (nach. V.1. Zttkhnrcheiko) (HEDIASTIMIM. rndlogrnphy retroaternAl pnnumonedinstinogrnpiq in disig. of intrathorAcle tumors (Rus)) (THORAX, neoplasms Intrathorncic, ding., retrosternnl pneumomedinatino- grADhy (RUB)) Ki, V in Ine d ""wil c pit, tic Ye A .11%~ r,,k: A GERZ.-III Poris lvanovich. Knarlk(x~ C..I.,struction Engineering Inst, Academic degree of Doctor of lecLnical Sciences, teased on his defense, 11 March IQ~5, in the Council of KI)ar'Aov Order of labor Red F.,aw~(;v i.gricultural Inst imenj DoKucha~-ev, of his di.-po,wtatlon entitled: "oasic problems of application of geodo:~,t in industrial construction." Acadwd,: MTree and/or title: Doctor of acit-rices W: I;ev:)FIops of VAX, List no. 5, ) Mar PyullAten' Y,VC No. 2, Jan 57. Moscow, pp 17-2r!, Uncl. JPFU/NY-466 GZRZHUIA.-~orim Iy8nOvich- WAROV, H.P., redaktor; INOZFXTSEVA, A.I., RCKANOVA, V.V., tekhnicheekiy rodaktor 8 [Geodesy In industrial construction; problems in theory and practical Geoderlis v promyshlannom stroitel'stre, voorosy toorli I Draktiki. Moskva, Ird-vo geodez. lit-ry, 1957. 259 p. (MLRA 10:8) (surveying) aIRZHULA. Baria Ivanovich. prof., doktor takhn.nauk; VIIVM, N.G., red.; SHURYGINA, A.L, rad.lxd-va; ROKANOVA. Y.Y., (Fundamentals of engineering geodesy] Onnovy inzhenernoi goodestii. Hookvii, lad-vo goodes.lit-ry, 1960. 147 p. (MIRA 14:2) 0%rveying) GUZHULA B. I * Some geodetic layout problems. Geod.i kart. no.6:49-53 Je 161. (f-= 14a6) (surveying) (Building) AMETED, M,R.; GEZINO M,S. Experience in automatic proportioning of liquid and powder materUls. Zhur.MD 6 no.5.'556-558 16L (WRA A - 10) (Automatic control) VAPNA, Yu.M.; VERNIKOV, Ya.N.k_~FZ , H.S. .JR Experimen'-'s in the use of aerosol pneumatic tube transportation in the "Kauchuk" plant. Kauch.i rez. 21 no.3:49-51 Mr '62. (KRA 15:4) 1. Zavod *Kauchuk". (Rubber industry--Equipment and supplies) (Pasumatic-tube transportation) alzin. Sh. 1, ". ". , A I *z-V ~mI AgItator at an Arctic station. Blok.agit. vod. transp. no.1; . j 0 (MLRA 10:2) 1?..21 Ja '57 (Arctic regiona) ^ "* , , I -1- j I. t. 7, , ; r,,.Il - ~ - j 1-.,. - ; r -,,, i ~ " - -,I I I ~ , ~ -~ ~' -, -: 1 , ~ !i' , 'I , . -, .. i N". ", I(,- . ~ ,r, - -; * z -, f ~ 5.. -~ i-, I , I - . ...' . 1 1-1 . . 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - " 1: " 1953, Unclassified. STOYBUM, F.I.; GAZURTAMN, P.L. Itiology of otoantritiB in dyBentery in infanta. Vest.oto-rin. 18 no.4:6)-65 Jl-Ag 156. (MW 9:9) 1. Is 1-y oblastnoy detskoy bolOnitey i bakteriologicheakogo otdola Chernovitakoy gorodskov sanitarno-spidemiologicheskoy stantsii (DTMTXRY, in infant and child$ with otoantritis (Rue)) (OTITIS, In infant and child, otoantrttis in dysenter7 (Rus)) (HASTOID diseaess, atoantritio In dyeanter7 in Inf. (Rua)) GIZURTMWN. P. I. In treating sunpurative nnd inflamatory diseases .1, . of the mWle ear. Vrwh.delo no,6:645 Je '58 (MBU 11:7) 1, Kafadra detakikh bolesney (zriv. - dots P.11. Gud%erLko) Chernovitskngo meditpin8koge Instituta I PervRya oblastnayet detakaya klimichaskaya bollultea. (DR-DISIASES) (ANT IB IM I CS) GMWPEWN, P. 1. A106hol Polittions of synthomycin nnd levomycetin in trenting abscesses of the middle eAr. Veat.oto.-rin. 2o no.1:102 yq-je 158 (MW 11:6) 1. Is ka-fedry detakikh bolezney (znvo dots. N.N. Gud%enko) ChenovitskW meditainskago InatitutA i 1-y oblnstnoy detakoy klinichaskoy bollnitay. (EAR--ABSCESS) (CHLQROMMRTrN) S11 0 v;";, I , ".I I.. I ijl~'..111:~ ix IP. 1. I I Mi : rf: 'Ic r,.. (,-' I a in r tir on i c t crsilh t ~ - in ch I l3ren. Zhur. i 4or., 1:-(,1.22 no.604-28 N-D~02. (MIRA 16,:7) !,, L! ki ir;!'C~ ll~t:Alkh f)OIM2,DC4y (zav.-dotsk.,rt PJ'.(Aldzepk-) I -tdc-la Cht-r-novItAoy rorocl7l.oy vianit-arno- StAtritfili (1,714tv-1yy 'Vrh.'h- M.Rubin). (TOI"SILS-DISWES) SMVHUN) FJ.; -Q~l NT MAN Spinaltivity of the microflora of the palatine tonsilB to some antAbacterial preparations in chronic tonsillitis In children. Zhur.ush., nosA gorl.bol. 22 no.2:63-64 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. 1z kliniki detskikh bolezney (zav. - dotsent P.N.Oudzenko) na baze 1-y oblastnoy detskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach M.E. Popova) I bakteriologicheskoy otantsii (glnvnyy vrach B.I.Rubin) g. Chernovtsy. (TO&v,1L9-DISEASFS) (ANTIBIOTICS) H A RV A-T -~ V ~ UMMOSLOVAKWMemical Techriology - Chevilcal Products and 1 -12 Their Application. Treatment of solid mineral fuels Abs Jour : 11(.,ferat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 12842 Author : Tejnicky B., Gharyat V. Title Soviet Union nee and Czechoslovak Coal-Tar er ~ P~ Chemical industry Orig Pub Sovetske %kunenosti a koksarenstvi CSR. Paliva, 1954, 34, No 11, 287-290 'Czech) Abstract Ho abstract. Card 1/1 209 - GUWDOBIN, PQ&toliV AsIdrianoyichl GHASgqY~_MikbaJ.1 Timofeyevich; KHANO- VICH~ L G. , nAiucJmyy red. ; KLIORINI, Tsjj - RX.-ylekhn. P 9 red. [Improving the stability of ships being re-equipped] Uluchahenie ostoich1vosti persoboruduamykh sudov. Leningrad, Gos. sobiznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1961. 69 p. (MIRA 14:6) (Stability of ships) NEWIESCUP M.Gh.0 ing.1 GHOMM, V., ing. Studies on the purification of residual water from butanol factories. Studii. prot epur apelor 03-59 163. 9TONTUP H., ing.1 SALAY, G., ing.; DROCAN, N., dr.; GREMIM, V., ing. BOVCH, G., biolog; MARCOCT, S., biolog; KARCUIMCU, I.., radiochimist. Studies on the conditionB of utJ-Iizing domestic waters and sewage for irrigation of agricultural areas, made on the experimental grounds at Tuz1a, Constarta region, in 1961. Studii prot epur apelor 4t61-147 t63. ]HITA, I.; GIMMUIM, 1. JWsearch or ",jp lrjyjf~cfj"~-, , ',' ,;-i vfil,(,r- f'-,,,IP Lhe alaidin lndw!try. Stadl-, pr:.-t Fa-~',or '63 NEGUL&,;(;u M.; V.; MIKIIJ.""JIt , 1 1. Resea.rch on th6 purificat-ton of r-.:I-;HtuI wau,ri; "rDr., tne cop.1 proWation in thF, Olu Valley. 3tucill prot orur ni~r-lrr 5,!Y61, '64. ANTONIU, R.; POPA, K.; WISNER, M.; SIMOTA, H.; GHEDERIMP V.; MARCULESCUP I. Research work carried out in 1962 on Tuzla-Conatanta experiment fiolds in connection with conditions of sewage for irrigation purlx)ses. Studii port spur apelor 51195-262 164. LABACINIK, bl.l. [Kabucluilk, M.I.]; GHEY71M, E.L.; MOSKIN, P.A. (Moshkin, P.A.]; IEDUDO T.I. [Medvedf)'T-.Yi**j" (h-vanophosphoric monomers. ArmLlele chimie 18 no.~k62-76 il-S 163. Country JOLAN 1A )ftnn Animals. Uenaral Froblome CAMORY A3'3. JOUR. I Miol-, Ao;13, 1958, PO-59105 AUTHOR NST. TITLE : Problems of knimal Husbandry and Fishing In the Danube Delta ORIG. PUB. : Probl. Zootehn., 1957, lio 3, 56-58 ABSTRACT : No abstract. GHEWFMI) , N., 4r, lng "Circular Paws and modern millinp cuttar3 in Lhi, wocxJ industry" by [ing.] P.N.Suciu, fing.] B.Borovschi. Reviewed by N.Gholmeziu. Ind lemului 14 no. 10:392-393 0 163. "fif.sic general, knowledge and blade saw machines" by [ing.] F.Kopke, fing.] R.Schiotzel. Reviewed by N.Ghelmeziu. Ibid.:394 "Grinding machines" by (ing.] W.Schautzler. Reviewed by N. Ghelmeziu. lbid.:394 IVANP I. H.1 SOLOMON, I.; TELHICEWO A.; GRELM, Maria; RaW, V. Dynamics of the antip*lioW~Iitic seroneutralizing antibodi&B in children vaccinated with the attenuated live vaccine. Studii care infra.micrabiol 12 no.4:467-473 161. 1. Sanopidul central al Capitalel si Catedra do spidemiologie I.H.P., Bucuresti. IVAN, I.M.; SOLOMON, I.; TFUICEM, A. i-~1-1-49 ~Yglrla~; ROMAN, V. Dynamics of antipoliomyelitic sero-noutralizing antibodies in childran vaccinated with -ittenuated live virus vacaine. Stud. carcet. inframicrobiol.12 no.4:467-473 161. .1. Cotmmiwe prezentala la Institutul de inframicrobiologia &I kcadwdei R.F.R, 4^- - - 4 0-w - - ~ 01" (FOLIUm"ITIS immology) 67--~`71 de Sect ia d-,~ s i RM-NL'Ahmical T.-.,Chnology, Chumical Products H-1 md Their Applications. Industrial Or- v,anic Synthesis, Abs Jour : R,.:f Zhur-Khimiya, No 77 1959, 24350 i,uthor :Zorlo, N,j,,-B,,, Inst : Tit 1 S(jp-,irRti,,)n of -Picolin and 216-Lutidino by Ion Eychango. Oria Pub iStudii si curata-ri chim., 1950, 6, No 1, 0 119-126 Lbstr-~ct i, possibility of separatin..,; of nixturis of Y -picolin (1) and 2,6-lutidinu was invo- stigatud with thc uso of ion oxchango rosins (alburtito r R 120 H, vofatitcy and sulfo-chom- coal) v)hile employing a I ., II mixtur--- of 1 : 1 as a 10 porcant s,-Ilution. Lin.~ir v,,1ocity Card 1/3 RUMIM"./Chunical Technology, Chemical Pr~Aucts H-15 and Their Applications. Industrial Or- ganic Synthesis, ,',bs Jour :Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 7s 1959, 24350 at which the solution was nassed was 1 M1hrj and tho column used was 40 c~ in length and I cm in diameter, Washinp, was conducted ivith 20 percent HpSOA.. Froe I and 11 aro separa- ted through tho-uso of excess of solutions comprizing oithor Na. CO or NaOH saturated with NaCL Thu optiTK hparation was obtai- nod in a battery of 10 colwans connect(id in series, 11 is obtained fron th..: first colunn (after washing) and I from tho last column. Follviing washing oporation tho firtt co- lurm is placed into thu last position of thu, train. Adsorption diagrans for I and II on Card s 2/3 "~3 . I i i , --,:: R ~, I A. . 113 (,'-, , ~ " " 1.~, - ! ': ~l : . E tl-."D 6 v t 0 r Ruir - ~. I - n r ~ - n,i i 1 - 1 tu e ; " , - , ! ~ ~, ; 't I s s ue ~ t ~,a ( : ',,~ -~A. , ~,,, Ruiain,'-,- go i ~ ',3, ~ " I,!,- tMultics -nd pilysics. KO!A I .1 ~] lrl"*"-~~A. 3-M k A. Vo~. r',, no. '-I, Oct. ,-l, ~-.- --..! -). S f" * 1 -A~! l~, ~-.- ", )" -~,, ( *, Ai.), 7 l . '; , 1~ .. i~, M. :,. 1 ~ ~', . MM t i I re " a . ip ed Im 14 'Z A, RITWIA./Safety Engineering Sanitary Env.ineerinj. Sanitation. L Abs **Our : Ref Zhur - Khimiya. No 2, 195;, j-'009 Authc,r Galoa VlrFil, Uhvlbt~rl"', Nakun Inst Title Use of the Method of N.G. Polezhayev in Invest-ILations if the Technological Process at Mercury Prx!essing EstabliGhmonts Or I C. Pul i StudLI sl ceice,ari stUnt., L954, Acad-3. R.P.R. F-71 C.Luj, C; . , Ab3tTaCt Description of the results of quantitative detefmi1nations of BL,, bj the method of Polezhayev, in varioiis substances, during.,, Investigation of' a plant where itf- is pioduced. from raw materials, and also of other chemical establishments, which u-I.Lize HL- in technological processes. The ~-ontent L,f Hr In the air, buildin- materials and bioIo,---J(-al me-La, is reporled. Card 1,,,I G SU Given Names Cotmtrys Rumant a Academic Degreesi Lffiliation: 30"ve: Bucharest, Ijzj2T1,k9 vol IXI No 49 Bep-Oct 19619 pp 323-325. Datal "Aspects to of Iodine Concentration in the Mineral Waters of Cluj Reglunse Authors: QHELBERG-1- W. W. I -Pharmacist.- -fiftt , 1. 1 -Pharmacist.- Work performed at the Cluj Branch of the Rumanian Institute of Hygiene and Public Health (Institutul de -Igiena si Sanatate Publice, RPR, Filiala'Cluj). fro 91164) GKWMG, N. W. --- Observations on the iodine concentration of some waters from the coast of the BlAck Sea. Stud. cercet. endocr. 13 no.1:125-129 t62, (IODINE) (WATER SUPPLY cbemistry) I]* Fit STRAUS - contim6d ROMIA Bucbarost, Isdomm, Ravir 4L 4g ";:IerAL mi SanatAte Pub Joe A gDj_unU SccAetatUor do $Uinta KjLdie4s d1r, AppublIgg Pomilarig No 4, "-August 62, tip V5-)W. 61-coarch on the Varlmlons in Icilinc ConCentation of Drinking .Uter Smumes In TmnmVIvu".* STRLU3, H. Oflmmu, N. W. 11 RUKANIA I : JINGA, Wiculina I (1 of 2) I J,H*-,tA , ~ , !~., , i : i ;: '~' ::~ : "I , "Vidall"I II ~ . de~emdnaticrjs r" metal it) ,ater. wznlir,~,al nfl(i. rev. 19 no.3:3-7 JI-S 165. -1~ c R, 6- 11 RUMMIA/Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Inorganic E Compounds. Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 21, 1958, 70511. Author Ghelberg, W.N., Gadzhiu, M. Inst Title A Microdetermination of Copper. Orig Pub. Rev. chem., 1958, 9, No 2, 9Q,-100. Abstract: It was established that the intensity of the coloration resulting from the reaction of tetm- hydrostryebane (1) with HIOZ is increased in the presence of small amDunts of Cu salts. The increase is proportional to the concenttatiod of the salt being added, which salt catalyzes the above mentioned reaction. The solution I is prepared by the reduction of a 0.2% strychnine Card 1/3 2 amm/Anaiytical madstr$. Analysis or inorganic COMOUrAl. Abe Jour: F*f Zhur-Mmiya, No 21, 1958, 705U - solution Is concentrated HM by hy"en as soon as it to liberated. To determine CV4 " ta micro- apant1ties, 2-4 drops of 3% R 04 and 1-10 ml (depen4ing on the Cu coneentrition) of the test solution is added to 2 ml of a freshly prepared solution of I. The contents am allowed to react for 5-10 minutes, and the resulting color is cow,pared with that of standard solutions prepared under simila condition. It is feasible to de- termine Cu by the above method in biological solu- tions end in solutions containing trace amounts of Cu (0.00001-1.00 mg/ml.) The method is not suitable in the pre5enoe of Ma (7+), Cr(3+), Cr(6+), Card 2/3 ZOSINP C., prot.1 MANJOSCU, M., dr.; AVRAM, J., dr.; YEIRZA, N,, dr.; C %.GHBLERTI 1, Lazar, ing. A mxiel of the artificial kidney made in the Medical Clinic III of tho Hedloal Institute of Timimoara. Mod. intern., Bucur 13 no.21 297-302 F 161. (KBW, ARTIFICIAL) Countrys Rumanja Acidemia Dogreesi -Conf.. AffillAtims -riot given- Swmi Buoharomt$ FormMoia, Vol Ix, No 7, Jul 1961, PP 439-442. Datas "Professor Stefan Minovioi and the PhamaoGutioal Eduoation In Bucharost,11 etc $614%) A H EF le auda, 'iu .1, J:~ I'll c1 I oi, GnMTER,. 1. Ion Cantacuzino as animator of the Fbmanian med-ical press. Mikrobiologria (Bucur) 8 no.6:537-550 N-D#63 1. Catedra de organizare sanitara I.M.F., Bicuresti. 40 CSHELsRTsR,-..i,ta,iul ocaf.; DUTESCU, B. , dr. Humani8m and medicine. Mod. intern. 15 no.3:257-261 Mr 163. (PHILOSOPHY, MEDICkL) ADERCA, I.; IFTIMCVICI, Magda; GHELERTFR,. LqJgina COmparative studies of the susceptibility of some cell strains to di"orent Ituman and animal viruses. 111. Study of cell strain L (mouse fibroblasts) and C-1 EU (hiunan placental chorico). Studil cercet. inframicrobiol. 15 no.~:535-54,2 164 "o I s -L U -v e 0 y ~Irslivutul de of, the Acaot!".'jv Of -Idle -oci"A~st epub" I c of "al;fiallia (al Academiei Aepublicii 1~ocialiote 4--,oa--.,.ia). "P:,oper~.ies of tl,,.e .--.-ICA Cellular Une 0::-,.~-inod from Ce,,coni- 41,idney Cold-, Wltivz~ted vi',i-)." c,.i Cercetari do Vo'.L 17, -'act a of _-et..46ps 1',idney Is I-, lf~" a I; % V, 0-`0 C" 1 C. to 'U t a [I C1114 L~re -,,;Pable of ueing 111 11J, courre f 11 Onths). S04 I co (60 T) 0 r, cl~' tui-a i*.-I. .,)t !'Iliow a., of L~ or Cen tic OC4 .0 V4_ 1 ~_USC '14'oility; u,. 6- i,,or qnaar.,Se i-.,ith res. a On it t0 Vil-US S'V.,~C, Lil,6 Ot.'er vJruse--. T h e ara ty c':"' 'L -4:--' culture slhows t ~'t' C.'..arac-. or _,'L,.%__,n 1_~nu a cellular line, is vricludes one table, four f4Cures and 17 references, of which 5 ~,,aaaniar. wid 12 Zn6lish-languall,e. -- r1anuscri-pt submitted 24 'july 1~0'6. :It 1'U"U r Of t" :.ntov-~ts Causal by '10 ONIN -10=1 1.11:Y, Tell . , ~ I , p Tae tr v t ftor . KAg t;, po i-ii. - 2- *P*13:UtiOn Of th- in th. V--init-y of a r. Zleatzical Thor= powAr 3t& t lon. 14. ZArtZRF3,-u al St. :i,A. 3- 'llot- aan tr~ it D~rl "k : ng 'da or in r-, b7 ift~s or s"vi eentra c I so -3 units).* Dr T. LXR E-i I PC pp 19-2,5. T.~.~*:t Ivat Tox!clry of carta--4 Chomical 5.b.tanco t7 in or 01.-s (?I... J'Ax-zi Lr c I ~'Z. '7 "0 rw 4;rro.- t,, Of Br-nc!i of InIzIng an! Dr clil rerfor- al 3&ns~.t. lu hj;kt Suar-ro, pp 3-1- 6. 'Vl- Aw-,-cto Upt-ldirg t" of cl..tr141- bssz~!= as Sanit-7 PmdActs,- of Fl-r. T~gtl L. Fl-d Dr A. 3:M_- &n4 81 Sm--.Zm Nb'--!... "A Few Obse~atloms On T~Lb^ C01 vv Dr M. ZAX-A 'Rdimoct.... P.!:-t 1--m 0 r So, ~&l 4w. or I'-s,w) Irs Or rh. Zhr I r 'PI , C. "The Party arri the Nation Graw with Us." F- 5- (A71ATIA SPOPTIVA, Vol. 4, No. 12, Dec. 1953, Bucuresti, Rumania.) SO. YlonthV List of East Em,opean Accessions, (EFAL), LCC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 195.4. IhIcl. GhELFAIN) P..* ing'. Measuring magnetic susceptibility of the rocks in situ by moans of a portable apparatus with semiconductors. Petrol si gaze 13 no.2:89-90 F 162. 1. Intreprinderea de lat*ratoare geologice. SALISTEAMI, Daniel, ing.; GHEIYAN, Pavel, ing. Laboratory determination of the propagation speeds of elastic waves in rocks with the aid of an ultrai3onic impulse installation. Petrol zi gate 14 no.216O-67 F 163. ing. On saw methods of continuous measuring of the density and viscosity in the oil products pumped through pipe lines. Patrol si gaze 12 no.9:4.13-414 S 161. 1. Intreprinderoa do laboratoare geologies. (Petroleum products) (Viscosity) GALFAN, P., Ing. .1.1111-1-11:- ...... HigMy senvitive mapetometer vith direct i-oad!ng for de- tPridning imall magmetizatforis. kitomfttl,--.a elect-onloa 8 r,o.3tl3!-l:P Ky-j"1041 GIMILLERMAN I.M,; LTTV12IE14KO, L.A.; ITEAMV, AJ. Stimulation of tomato growth by periodic action of sub- lethal tomperature on the rootso Analele agric zooteh 17 r.o*6t42-54 V-D'63 "Fusibility of aihes from coal from !~ovinari, Filinestli de ~Iadure, 'ar- masaF, anrl Comaneqti used for -iunanian locomotives. TI." P. 147 (Problene '.Foroviare) Vol. 3, no. 14, Apr. l?57 Eucharest, Rumania S, 0 :Nlonthjy ln(l(!.),. of' East European Accesdons (LIAI) L.". Vol. 7, April 121"T OYM-4iL./Chcalcal Tochnolo,,y. CInc--dcal i~rcducts uia Tlh~~r if :.1)plicatii*?ns. Chaijical ProcussM of solia a Fossil Fuels. .'-bs J,--,ur: huf Zhur-KhIn., ilo 8, 1959, 28871. ,'.uthi.r GhOl:nAnIU, M. Lis t Titlv :Lsb Fusibility Curves for Dxzidan C,-,,als. OriC Dib: Ilev Cailor Fornte, 6, 11c, 2, 87-93 (1956) (in Rmituiian) ,bst=ct. The asb fro:.i Schitu-Citlesci, Demn-Ilatarus, Sore- cini, 0jascan, VarCJiis) mid Cepturv bromi ccals L-Olts at 1013-11860. Thu cxides content of the ash varied between the follovinG huits (wtli;)- SiO 29.31-6i.go; .,1203, 5.o4-29.5o; Fc2p3, 6.11-26. caet 1/2 . . I I ! , . i !I , . . . . - . ",ct.!~, , . GHEI, r .[jnd strj I Utilization of Exrjoat regi 2acl 2. L'Trests); a book review. p. 259. PIEVISTA ~ADIJPTA-R. (An~.,ciatia Aiintifica a inginerilor si 'Tchnicianilor din Rominia si a] "Inistemlul Agriculturii 91 Silviculturil. Ducure:--ti. Vrl. 71, nc,. 4, Apr. 1956. So. ~Itst E~iropoan Accessions Idst Vol. 5, No. 9 leptembor, Y.156 GHELME-MU, N . Publications on wood industrialization between 1860 and 1958. D. 381 MUSTRU LEMNUIUJI. (Asociatia StiIntifica a lnginerilor si Tehnicienj_lsr din Romini *I MJM.rterul Industriei Lemnului) Bucuresti, Rurvii'l V,,~I. SY !10 1, p Oct. 19--,9 Monthly Lirt of Ln!t Ri(ropean Accessions (ENAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960. UNCL. c,7 SUROVA,T., candidat in sti.Jnte trlmJce; TOGAII.As, biologi GBRUMIU,14., prof. dr.Jng.; LTSULESCII, to,, Inp, Come id eratioyis on the use of %imimian spruce wood for zanu- facturIng of higb grade r~~iAmJeal pulps. Ft.l. Col hirtie 10 no.7/W31--Z35 ', -,. , Iv. , dr. ing .0 Now unteii-ArAls witti a woo,ion tone. Gormtr buc 14 16 Je 16~, I lo 1. 7h:. inatitutid de cer.--etari ~oreq~;*,Aera. I , . .0 . I . . . , . . " . I ~ I ! ;. : I ~ I . t ,. . . . . . i:i ~ !" !- 1 . .11, :1 ). , : I I I , . . GHEU51,71 U. 11. , dr. Ing, "The now technology In forest planning." Reviewed by N. Ghelmoziu. 1nd le=ului 14 no. 12: 480-01 1) 163. GlIEWE71U) N., dr. Ing. "The mechanical properties of 174 Australian timbers" by E. Bolza, N. 11. Kloot. Reviewed by N. Ghelmeziu. Ind lamnului 14 no. 12: 492 D 163. GRELMIEZILIj N., dr. ing. "Principles of commodities of Import-export products" by V. D. Cucu. Reviewed by N. Ghelmeziu. Ind lemnului 11 no. 3:110 Mr 164. 111'efects of wood" by A. Carvallo. Pt. .1. Reviewed by N. Ghelmeziu. Jbid.:111. GHELMEZiO, N., Ing, Chroriclet. Ind )nmnulul IS (; AJT502W45 SMCI 00M M/2563/65/OOQ/252/0W/0159 AMM t Cho MP-t Uninemd. Ob eob*io Institute imeni V. 1. Kalinin (Leningraflkiy r'43 poilte* ~0- nAt , t TITLEs Criticallty of atto &tic control geteme Addah are optimal by the criterion of the miAiMM squaved errot SOURCE: Leningm4o Politekhmicheskiy institut. Trudy. no. 252. 1965. Dinamika i proobpostlawhilip *okhsm#a i protwovey upravleniya (Dynamics and durability of machirles; mechanics and Pgooesses of control) 153-159 TOPICIAGS; automatio omtrol design# automatic control theory, automatic control system, control system altabilliq OSTRACTt The ariticaliAT of automatic control systems (which have been synthesized accor4ing to +UW'udn'wnxw squared error criterion) to cl~anges in the input disturbanoes~ or in component ~*ractqdotics is discussed. The theory of synthesizing such a contrOl system ii* deveWod by To So PuSacheva (0snovy avtomatichoskogo upravleniya. Pod red. Mo~ ftilkit9ist )963t so 454)s The characteristics of the controller and the controlled eleMOM are Aspoxibed V the impulse transfer functions U(tl,t2) and V(t,Pt.) respoctivoly (see Figs 1)l and the random inputs are characterized by the Card 1/4 L 1391" AIDC NL ATwjU2BM5 Pig. 1 Control myotemw RhW tl#t2), Lfter traneforming the Problem ooirelation hnotioss %1*:~1(*Vt2) OAd to the equivalent circuit ohm in Fig. 2 Fig. 2. Ewdvalent control system, and after apeoi*Ue -nIM111 the equation for W(t W(I. and 11(t, TI) bead"S + 0) dis. q(t. 11)=WY, 111)+ W(i'-QV('%'t diIJUN"gl) ~,2 4