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AUTHORS: Rankitin, Yu. V., Kryifiv, A. V., I L^,' 1 - I - ~0;,; Garayeva, K. G. , Geyden, T. C7- TITLE: T~v Influence of Various Ctemical preparations lul~-on the Liermination of Stored Potatc, :~ 7 u- ers Vli,,-a!,.iye ra:illichn,'Ki, pre,,,,iratov na prcr,11.-t,,.niye klubney Kaprtofelya khranonii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, Vol. 1,-1, Nr 1, 17'~; - 17b ABSTRACT: In the course of the last yea--.9 c*,--:!ic~-1 inhibitDrs of the eormination of potaTO t-ubers hai-- leen sou,,-',-,t (Refs 1-7). T- met',iyl ether of the a-naphthvlacetic acid turned out to be MI).-t fwvoral,le in this oonnection. In. t!.e ~7ase o., edible potatoes it is ,.Iveady tuieit tO % Cre~,t extent (Refs 8,9). In tne iiresent I'aper the rel"~Ilto oi 3 comparisor of 7 pro- '0 V~jjl I., clnsses of cheT-,lical 1;ar tions is f-,Jven vhicl, 'Ll I ~; ! -. . -I - 4 ()- 13 All pr-p~irations viere pit r,.t the ~oltl,orsl il.c zil " by N,N.L~Iellnikov, Yu.A.Baskakov T*t,e in- mi were used as powler, w~t`. -.s dil,,.ent hibiiL . i!er (3 g Card 1/5 1 kg tulven;). '," )!-,t of ti~om 2-,", of The infl%ience of Var4()llS C,-e::j4Cal t'-,-, Icrmiration of Sored ilotato Tul,,ers lif~ere-,t amount. T,.e as potato. Table 1 shows t1h.,it ".e of I i differ to a areat ext., . ..:'ect on t.-ie t e r The i n t t r7,,)st actl;ve inhib4tors of t-:e we_-e the isopr,),p,yl et'ler of th ,e phenyl-ca:`_amic a,~ i d a U, the above ,mentioned 7ietn,,,l T~-,e !'irst sul st,L!i,~e in dosis of k!- su tne -or-~A!_A i ~T, tne ,~e'!ond 2`j Mi in I quantity of t)0 - 100 sul;;ret~~kid ~Irucess "') a great extent. Both inlibitors "'.e ph:; 4 10~.jeaj Tind t,-.e total losses, A4n The -,.: ers tre--ted wit- t~.ese in~hib_tars did' not offshoot ~;n*-~J'-itzlrs ivere reco:%:~cnded for (Rc:,, t,.e fjr~-t 1y ecUble pot,ito c xy a c e c did not inhibi t e~ermJ i.zil. All ot`.er :-.III inililritA Mo!' WtIl'O 1 , '117~, I. ,I. lo!;:1. ~;tl:- A i" . rr-tt ("ll'i"'A tro ion, 1 j Wbich Inhibit to i, however, to thu 'or~~-.rttion (, offshoot 1%,r%~Rtion o~'offshoot tzAlero Iy:,,,; ov::erved in t a s e Card 215 iietnyl :ind of t!~e ihe!iy1- ir! -~.ic acid. T~(- The Influence of Varios Chemical Preparations U:)on S0717,12o-1 2 1 - 1 - the Germinat ion oi Stored Potato Tubere comparison of the varieties with f,.,rnation of offshoot tubers showed that their formation is to a certLin def,-ree reversely dependent on the length of the germs. The-e are 1 t7,.I:le and 9 veferences, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fiziologii rasteniy im.K.A.Timiryazeva Akademii nauk SSSR(Institute of Plant Physiolo(-,y imeni K.A.T-.Lmiryazev -) AS USSR) PRESENTED: April 1, 1958, by A.L.Kursnnov, ',Iemlt~er, Acl,~emy of Science~,-,, USSR SUBMITTED: February 27, 1958 1. Potatoes--Physiology 2. Potatoes--Storage 3. Seeds--Viability 4. Chemical compounds--Physiological effectc 5. Chemical compound's --Test results Card "',/3 WITIN, Tu.V.;, GEY1811, T.M. - 1-h Reducing premature apple and pear drop in the Crimea. Fiziol. rast. 6 no.4:484-486 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1.K.A. Timiriazov Institute of Plant Physiology. U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (Crimea--Fruit culture) (Plants, liffect of rAphthaloneacetic acid on) (Plants, Effect of propionic acid on) RAUTIN, Tu.Y.; KRYIDV, A.V.; GICYI3N, T.H.; GARATIM, X.G. Inhibiting the sprouting of tubbre in different potato varieties dwing prolonged storage. Fitiol. rest. 6 no.4:500-503 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:10) I.K.A. Tiviriazov Institute of Plant Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (Potatoes--Storage) (Plants, Iffect of naphthaleneacetic acid on) RAKITIN, Yu.V.; ...' ....... -... Ghloro-IPC as an effective means of controlling the weed Stellaria media. Fiziol. rast. 7 no.2:2~2-234 16o. (MDU 14:5) 1. K. A. Timiriatev Institute of Plant Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (Carbanilic acid) (Herbicides) (Chickweed) HAKITIN, Yjj.V.~, 1~01UM, . K~S,; MUFT,. V.A~., RAKIT114A, Z,G.,; GEYDEN, T.N. GOVICH I S.111 New defoliants and desiccants for cotton. Fiziol. r-st. 8 no.4:506-511 '61. (HIRA W11) . , U.S.S.R. Academy 1. TinirLszov Institute of Plant Phri-ology of Sc;iences,, Moscow. (Cottor) (Def o j iallion) I vu 11. Bazcv, V . i, 7 S~;7 wi ~i j~ t :'~L WId D I ji o 1 e Komen t s c f t i p Df? r i v a t e r, o f D i me thy I I E*R 1 CI C L na f i 7 i ch oak c v kh i-iii i , I 7A Nr 7 T) 6 1~?O css I,) A RA C T Ir. ccn4A-vuition of a previous paper (Ref 1 ) the authors invasz 56ated t).e spectra and dipole nioments -,f a ivzmlber of para-dt~ of diveth-;I aniline with Ar-ctr,,r,(:j:ativi~, substitu 9c.!-4. If th-re -'-a ar, e1octrr)nicutive -u~st-,~uent as Y: in th~ noltr.--Ule X-C H NR - - 'i a:" adE () 4- 2 (R ' 'H~) -,n: shift of cle-troris fron IIR, t.,,iwarl X wl,,O, -esults --.n of the dipole i~orient. T!, ,e -ff-,-t c,f th,? suhstitt, (~~n the oitical -.r-,;yrrtieS is cloaf"".- with tl-e~r ~-ff,~,A or lh~, positl,,~n and ~f t1i- bands sj),?ctrum . TI ~ f,)I'j I!, data is ~;ire- I,ablej: The position of th(! inte--.8C ;IIJ3~-~'~'ti I.Ind!3 of th-a C.-If X and RJTIC H X; 1'1~tted by 6 C %rd D44 e! Yc~men ts of "he p-Deri vat 4.v es c I' earie uf Q,e photoelectric. ex,il-l,;Ati~,n -.,f molecular !-3fra--Al' -n Jn R N-C H X(7r~tL 2 6 '1 , t of PhX and PhNR,.) ; rnola.- 3f the inti!t-~Tql :~f Raman-1p~!-zlruta lir,-si dip-)le -f the r.-w ut-,undu it N-C H X. Individual data ,~r V~t-- mit.;,,ols cf determi-La 2 6 nd V,"s ~tlr!iady givun 'Iief 2). a': 7, ;1 .. . 4 . a LL i. 5 `ie influe%-o by thf, ;,:l-'T 6roup u-.,)r. t.he -the ~-as the same ,,I, 4~ ~thero occu. 3 an ~Lppr~ --A -- I) an,"i m~1~5.-,--i-..iun band, a t e ';-,u t i ~:; nL. nd 411,C-:21 d~!,7-as-n "Ile frequer.,cy and increase in the NR X fj +o a lari;er ext,3nt than w,:)ul('. co-r,silonll 1.~ an add-itl~,e with ~,,rours of the hif:hest I.-: NC, No; CHO) are must st-ron.-I., the IIRI)t"rljl;l r ti-,.- alAthors did n--t f4rid w,v F- ~-If,, 1 -:L on ~.mlivi,Iual influen--c-s. In th-,~, th -irke'l Sp- : ~7--t and Dipol e lw~m:!:jts of thc- p.-D,rivatives -,f 3 c v 3 3 7 D I r Lni I i n,t P, i,. Sh~)T,yCin for his aSS13tal!Ce. Thert, ar-~ 3 fi6ure5, ta- V. c! and references, 3 of which an~ ASS071,i'llON: institut L. Ya. Ka,,-j,-l-a.A'ladcmiya nalik SS91t (Physicochemiral In9l.itute L, Ya, Yarlyov, of the Al~side;,i I- of Scipn,~es, USSIR). Inatitut or;-ariclioqk"y Plil;)il (Institute of Or6anic Chemistry) S7~?.:TT2ED: De~?eraber 14, 195-7 5'(3) AMIROR5; Topahiyev, A. V- Geyder~kh 6OV1120-1-B-2-25IC9 n~ licademiciun Krentsell, Dwrydov, B, Kargi . ii. I,_ Xuatanovich, 1. M., Polak, L. S. TITLE On the Po9vibility of llrodiioing Polymeric 'Materials With Semicondvctor Properties From jlt,iyu~rylnltrile PMIODICAL Z Daklady Akaklemii nauk SSM, 1959, Vol 1,18. 11r 2, pp 312-~19 (USSR) ABSTRACTj It is difficult to produce organic 8i'bstanceB wilh electronic conductirity since the admitted Zones ' if they develop at nil, are narrow here, whereaq the ft,rbidden zones are verj wide. 'Phis width is so jon8iderable that no electron excitation is --aused at temperatures at whi,~h the slibrttLnce concerned is not yet deoomposed. The se;Aconductor properties of the substances described in pqblicationq are usually ;onnected with existing ,condensed aromftti,.~ rings and ri.,tr-,q-,en atoins (Ref 1). Current ,arriers are bound t,:~ ct~mparatively easily in polymers with louble bonds, especially with cinjugated double bonds, Nrthernorc with at=3 in 1hp chain whi~~h haire elect~-ons on the outer levels that do not take vart in ihe chemicna b;nd (e.g. nitrogen at,),,,:s)- The eleJrrni ~japerri-..n in the latter is Card bourd to be low in the casrs (.,f a suffi:Aenitly regular polymer On the Possl.bili!y of Produning P,-,Iymeri~i Muter t a: 26-2. 2r, /59 With Semi norbic, t~,r Pr(.portiRs Frr-m P,--tya-rylnltr~ structuxe, 'Phe ae,eizaiy Tog-uluity legt-,"o -an be approximately eotimated frrmi the length of the frq - path of the electron In thf~ iieiiiicondkirtor, lurthermorc fro,i t`io leng+h of the C-C-bonde, the ).en~-Ilh ~.f the mcnrwiiric --cml,PT - wid the leng the gth of t C-1O.CA;T3n W;AVE~, It Wig fWlr,~ iS rufl'If"IC-rit it, tho mall-I cl~kt!n ol wft1,,!.' 110 brwiching wit.~-, Lv,rv thim I? arbon utoim3 i,ev -',') m~-,novier,~~ me7bers. Thiz holdti tri Hic zi-ge ?f a 1',h~,r wtt)~ n,Rxjatu,:, i,, which thp mo,e,ales nxe xrrwii~ed iti -,i,v i'~F, of the vurr~4nt. T~-el, no diftpci1:;i,-)n -i tLe irref-,Ularitieq J,3 1~a TI!e prc.(lucton ,-f p,liymere v.,i*h slch a degribe of rt?g,-,Iarity is %e", PL-.'5Sb'1e toda..~, An investigation cf the product-.9 cf therwal trari~,,f,~~-mu,-ic.n of polyacrilnitrIle is interesting frcm +he Rbc7e 2tudp~On+. The view of the trarsformations pre(eeding, bere i~ explr,,-n~zi 1-y a szheme. Table ' Civ-s t1,,-- reLzi;,Ji, ,.~f of the paramkTneti.~~ electzon rpsonance r-,f ~hc j,-Iyiue:L" at temperafare. The methm! and The deviie used fC- thfS D11r~W--, Pre dr,--cribed in Tefer~3n.ce 13. Frm the da-.a ~:iren lit tab,e ' i+ fc1lowE- that: Card 2/3 "1" t~.P- o.-tainei -( 71 On the Poesibility of Produ-ing Polymeric Materials hits, ~O.V/`,Io '.28..2-25/59 ,~,;-mi conductor Properties From Polyacry1nitrile cot0iielivity (Ag