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*I WO low Ff"WTIV -, Is . I I 1 4 4 11 u ii IS a u 4 " At a IS IN P 111111 16111 IBM %**&I 041misrs, 4 a L a A A 1. a 'A r It 4 1 1 v I Ak IN q. 00 91 . 4r .......... . SAW 139 lbb 00 to C 3 = V. V,. JATV*W, 0. 0. AM KWAI. M. N, h' b - as 00 Aled NWA, &M $W. Fl- U VVO. (0) ?-19 )0 6 eiii a! I 1w) lit AwsAw-*nw taw. a. or the cmirs to -00 so a poll tom"dica sad doninsay Wave'Lim in (fic A . SW, is Plaited as a AWkm of Ow- twa or the of I ; )-fay. for the dilick am emailinirwill cam%. rhmn -00 dau o()jw &W Hulw 111tim. Apr. S.r. .4. 14C ;,00 00 W 093511. M vid MW PW. 130.369 (10.111 zoo *0 wwVkkmW1(*ykwWd,l,Wl791l9Ui1 U%pcti- Menial &19fitnifisidissil 'ATM 1111041C ILA 1hC Unit coo *0 0 qwtriarnsler &W sourm as in paper I or-mvding Atntr.~ The am wKkr each pautrw gwrimi :.Zoo : vast descussimW by drisse" a stmOt Lw from the 0 Orvin so dw IVA: Lunpliritim Isith )OW and 0 4 HUWj pOW 4UgpjU that The omw ustroclumd tn 0 this appmumbOon is < Ar- the %slurs 0( a -90 "Ind for the I ?to VA 2 1 go ~Ov Wn . q.- irmly 4A 10-land 7~ 10-1. vix.; - f the 11scorcivil GOO Slaukotook "Juat and --,)# the Owmk-w 4tpt*- ;00 wuca. it is omL+jdsd 111111 dkil lifin Vt It ItAtt ..a* SIN 11 4 O4tA1kUf'G0(4k L111 11000 ~ -0 SA t I u 0 .4 to 0, b I do 0 0 0 0 a q 041 0 6 a 0 siPa a is' _0~ A i; t * 4 a it is 0 0 9 0 a 0 a 0 g tooe, too at 0 6 a 4 000091800 1 r g: It " It 13 SO a) 8 V M 1 11 1 , L A A 0, V ATn =m : 0 " . 1 is . 4 k'jy'4' IM, -W Igo be ' 00 ! 1211. WRAO -win of rr6NMM of IW " o IM ft* of I " Kl " l * = d ltm a wnL d rbV " b Or yqwmml k at jl~ V.,V, WMW. rk AW 1111MIh. S I 4111114 AM. AW, AM. AN, ft, 13 lh~, 6) M It Aww.-fw *is fbAll"m law 1414 kt% so #It him edwow 10 yukirmis and Ukaw of z pkm MA $*. *0 (Spr. 111 10 (193511 At , 1o-3 X W t T J i -: 0 411 r". -' x bwws (fts O v 714 (I"MI IQ be - 6 x 10- *. WNIM for for k%4kn quadrupok tineWdom au ewroa - 3 a wmW be x 10- 1 ad in ilss dipole cam I - 10 The authm iled"Miewd do mio cliptriuntally, 1~y ft mum in pwo 1. otKainins a coo so f 6,(10'1. Tbc aM Wdff d4 Positron IfWtfUm wulil no be in offm by > W,;~ They cwwlu& that ths inn WS)w mial be 4*)Nt to that of lhc age thcoctmil poper Ilia qwttd dwin to %hst of the WQW IFOS corrmlion to the prvKnt palvi kv Abar. 7231 (1949)1 x90 -Joe 00 4 11 It a 04TALLIMMAL UffitAllollt CL4111PKA?K- Li Isle, IS 81 " le 00 r it 0 4 9 " ' 4 it 0 0 0 0 0 000 1 n ' ' 4 , r i 1 1 0 0 . 0 0 i o 0 0'*.# 0 9 0 go 4 go a *I : ; : ; ; ; ; 0 0 0 a 9 . - - - - im"W"W4 oplaw"till #11.5 All - - 11 14, W, I I A, 1 -1 A a Cc 0 It. b ML R" Now-,$, b I. Arm". Q. D. $Np III= W V. to, AA&f -G* Aaal, -sall. so. Pr-1 13 IN". 6) 711-9 119a), -4* Shan wwa in AM. AW NmA. SSSX 63 (*- 3) IN-4 41"All AN Jkv*.-v*R dnimn or *9 ' ' .1 IN kaY rim wo WjMmkd lAbW, 730 (1 Wil Pee rmm ft VoWm qwatrom WM ft um wwfp mmA womma. an lvas"Wom A- Ron amn. VwWo# w 170and 2198kaV om nwg*uw Qrwm *(am swra m dkwrL Till 0owl D" U" Now smaxody 1"th at foe Ob9W MWIS &W UWARV 11. f-W. TkW- PAP., 14, ld (I"01. AM I JIM AM tWo anxtwt, dw e Zoe , o , r " 1--T i -T' 4 4 u t, 11 It 4) T ew 0 W " 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 6 fo 0 0 0 9 [i 0 's 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 at a &A 0 s0-0090 0 0 00000 we 0 oje 0 a 0 0 0 0 000 a GEY, UM/luelear Moice Omni RVis Noy/Doe h8 Nucle&r Physics Radioactivity "Radioactivity of Be? V. V. Gay, 0. D. latymbev, S. 1. ToyplAn, A. A. Tuzefovleb, 3 pP *Iz Ak Nauk &M, Ser FIzw Vol XII, No 6 After measuring the ganw-rtdiatlan resulting from annihilation of matter, ccmcludes that if there Is a supplementary occipment in the con- position of the ganna-radiation of B~7, it does not result from annihilation of matter. PA 25A0,T85 411* 25A9T85 rmysice - G"m $pectr= Nor 118 Weldar Physics - Radium v~ XX% aFine Stracttcre of the Gama Lines of PaC,' T. V. Gey, G. 'D. IAtyahev, M. T. Pasecbnik, Leningrad Physics Toah'lnat, Acad Sci USSR, 4 pp Obok Ak Nauk SSSR " 7o1 L=, No 3, pp q;t To study compitwir structure of basic lines of the Sama spectrrm of RaC, meaBured internal conversion llzw)e of K-electrons for lines 1,414, 1,76c, ana 2,198 keT, Mrplained fine structure of gonam li as a rotatory atracture superlwposed on basis Ii commected vith changes ft the internal state'of Physizza - Mom Spectrum Nov h8 (Contd) w A&I. SmbWltted by Acad A. 1r. loffe 5 Oct 48. jw NIXITINA, T.D.; ORTBXR, N.M. Calculating the cost of petroleum products. Neftlanik 2 no.8:27-28 Ag '5?. (MIRA 10:10) 1.11achallaik planovogo otdala Novo-Ufinakogo neftepererabat"ay-ushgo zavoda (for Nikitin). 2.Starshiy in2hener planovogo otdela Novo- Ufinakago neftepererabatyvayushchago tavoda (for Geyber). (Petroleum products--Costs) All; it 9 -4 GErCHEM J.[Hsichsako, Vj, nauchnrf aotrudnik Model, inpression and copy .... ZTan. ta pratsia no.2.*15-16 F '63. (MIRA 1634) (Models and modalmking) (Cybemetics) tl 21-5-11/26 AUTHORS: Geyci.enko, V_V (Heychenko, V.V,) Cr.rre-,_(~ridinrYlember of the AN V~j-~'Jnlan SSR and Smirnov., A.A. (Smyrnov, A.A.) TITLE: _'.tudy of Interatomic lntera~-ti~.n in Interstitial A~loys by the 'Nave ~catterinC Wethod (Izu~heniye mezhduatomnogo vzaimodeyst- viya v splavakh vnodreniya meto~oa. rasseyan-iya voln) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainsikoi hSh, 1957, Nr 5, PP. 470- 473 (USSR) ABSTDACT: The authors consider the application of the theory of X-ray scattering by interstitial alloys for determination of some constants of interatomic interaction, The data obtained make it pos::ible to find the correlation jarameters in alloys with two kinds of atoms at the lattice points and one kind in the interstitial positions by the intensity of scattered radiation and making use of Fourier calculus. The authors consider a particular case of an alloy whose lattice points are occupied by atoms A and 13 and form a face-centered cubic lattice and interslices are partially occupied by C-atoms, The correlation parameters enable one to e-,-,tiinate the mi cro-nonunif ormi ties Card 112 of the alloy, Formula 7 ~n the article can be applied to 21-5-11/26 Study if Interatomic iziteraction in Interstitial Alloys by the Wave Scatter- ing '2,ethod alloys whose interstitial atoms ark- nydrogen atoms, but in that cmniv sl-1-jw noutrons instead of X-rays Hre used for in- ventigations, Applying the statistical theory of interstitial alloyn (Ref."6 the onergy differences of the interaction of the interstitial atoms C with the neit-hboring atoms A and B car. be determined, The article contains 2 Slavic references. ASSOCIAT10N: Institute of Yetallopriysics of the AN 1.1krainian SSR (Instytut metalofizyky AN URSR) SUBMITTED: '.' !`ebruiiry 19~7 AVAILABLE: Library of ConEzess Card 212 GETCffMO, V..V..; KRIVOGLAZ, N.A.; SMIRKOV, A.A. Studying atomic interaction in alloys by means of wave scattering by the crystal lattice of alloys. leal. po zharopr. splav. 3:140-149 6 58. (NIRA 11:11) (Alloys) (Crystal lattices) (Particlen, Blerjentary-Scattering) 24M SOV/48-2-'-5-21/31 AUTHORS: henko, V. V., Danilenko, V. M., Krivo-laz, 11. A., --Gey yeina, Z. A. Smirnov, A. A. :ITLE: On the Theory of the Diffused Dis~ersion of an X-Ray and Slow I.eutrona in Multicomponent Alloys (K teorii diffuznogo ras- seyaniya rentgenovykh luchey i medlennykh neytronov mnoco- koraponentnymi splavami) I'ERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, lir 5, pp 637-639 (USSR) APSTRAM. The study of the diffused dispersion of various types of waves in the crystal lattice of alloys offers the possibility of investigating the arrangement of the various atoms in the crystal lattice and the influence exerted by microinhomogenei- ties upon alloy properties. A formula must be developed and expanded , permitting the computation of dispersion for the cases of X-raysand slow neutrons by the application of "factors of atomic dispersion". Such a fornula (1) is viriluten down in the form of a finite sum and the factors for the compiitstion of the dispersion of an X-ray an,! of slow neutrons are described. This finite sum mny I,P iacomposel into two Card 112 partial. wims which consist of tho ijat:orial or non-liagonal S0V,'j49-2'-5-21131 On the Theory of the Diffusei Dispersion of an .-C-Ra.- ~&n! 3'.-)w *Teutr01%3 in '~'Jil tic omponen "I Alloys members, respectively. These two partial sum3 are then computed, namely, for the disordered state in the BrRve type lattice. For an exemplification, these two formulas are written down for a binary alloy with the hexagor, eyotemi AB and AB 3' Fin'll- ly, a vide apace is devoted to the correlation parameters cliaracierizing the state of the aristal. There are A crences, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut metallofiziki Akademii nank USSR (Institute of Metal Physics of the Acndeny of Sciences, UkrSSR) Card 2/2 GWCHMMD,J~~!. -....SMIRROV, A.A. Theory Of DrderlAg of Ye Al-type alloys. Sbor. nauch. rab. Just. metallofiz. AN UM W.iL36-4o 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Iron-aluminum alloys-Metallography) (Orystal lattices) GSYCHENKO, V. [Heichen1co, V.], nauchnyy sotrudnik Direction - low temperatures. Znan. ta pratsia no. 3:8-9 Mr 161. (MI14 14:5) 1, Institut metallofiziki AN USSR. (Low temperature research) !, 1. GEYCIIENHO, V.V.; 514IUOV$ A.A. Theory of the ordering of the Fe.,Al-type alloys. Pt.2. Sbw. 3mmch. .ab, InBt. met&1lofiz. AN URSR n16.13:44-46 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Iron-aluminum alloys-Metallography) S/126/62/013/OU3/001/023 E091/E135 AUTHORSs Geychenko' V.V" Danilenko, V.M., and Smirnov, A.A. TITLEs Theory of ordering in alloys having a body-centred cubic lattice, in which some super-lattice can form 1,ERIOUICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v-13, no-3, 1962, 321-332 TEXT: To evolve an ordering theory for alloys with more than one distant order parameter presents considerable mathematical difficulties. However, by considering ordering processes in alloys with a body-centred cubic lattice, the authors prove in this paper that full determination of such systems is not necessary for the derivation of conclusions on the temperature and type of phase transformations. The theory 'was constructed in terms of a Gorskiy-Bragg-Williams model and by taking into consideration the interaction of atoms in two coordinate aphoreal the possibility of the formation of four types of loops was accepted a priori. The authors show that the construction of an ordering theory in which the interaction Card 1/3 Theory of ordering in alloys S/126/62/013/003/001/023 E091/E135 of atoms in several coordinntion spheres is allowed for, requires the introduction of more than one distant order parameter. Accordingly, for the determination of the dependence of the order parameters on temperature, a system of transcendental equilibrium equations was obtained. It was established that in alloys with a body-centred cubic lattices ordering takes place in two stages. At first, ~-brass type ordering appears; this is followed by one of the Fe3Al type. In an ordered alloy, not more than three types of loops can exist. It was found that a first order phase-transformation can occur when the Al type ordering appears in an alloy Fe3 ordered in the p-brass manner. It was also found that Fe3A-' tYpe ordering can decrease, and even disappear completely, with decrease in temperature, for a range of compositions covering a definite interval of ratios of the ordering energies of the first and second coordinate spheres typical for each concentration. There are 5 figures. Card 2/3 Theory of ordering in alloys S/126/62/013/003/001/023 E09l/E133 ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofiziki AN USSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTEDs June 21, 1961 Card 3/3 ,gyCliz t YZHKOV V.I. ,j MIKO, V.V.~ fi Thoc-3-j ~)f tht? ordering of alloy-; with a hfxELgonal close-packed I latrIce. Slxa. nau,.h. rab. bst. metallofLz. AN TJRSR no.18: ': ti, . 5 j7_'j ('I (MIRA l,.t8) ~4 V.v. .f or t~Aj mrd(~rjng of atoms in alloy,5 wi,ti (,-ubc cOn- J L ,;ider-ng the Interaction of atoma in 8)1 coordination nnphem. F!z4metsl metalloved, 20 no.2:183-192 Ag t65, I I !,. r i 0 n a lo reta lofiviki kN' SHTRCHBARG, B.I. t! HIROSFUTICHWJDD, A.M.; MDYSXMA, Kh.M.; KRIVOKONI , Yu.G.; BHUX, A.3,; VOLKOVAO Z.A.j GrrD, G.P.; OBUEHOVSKIY, Y&.R* Investigation of the coals of the Lvov-Vol7n' Baoin. Koko i khim. no.1;12-17 161. ()URA 14: 1) 1. Ukrainakly u4,,1ekh1micheskiy institut (for %tromberg. Hiroah- nichenko, Hoyseyeva, Irivokon'). 2. Dnepropetrovskiy metallur- gicheskiy inatitut (for Bruk, Volkova, Geyd, Obukhavakiy). (Lvov-Volynl Basin-Goal) GEYD, G. P. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of chemical products of coking of coals from the Western Donbass, and the effect oift the yield of these products of various impurities." Dnepropetrovsk, 1961. 18 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Speciglist Fducation Ukrainian SSR, Dne ropetrovsk Chemica'I Technological Inst imeni F. E. Dterzhinskiy~; 180 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 234) GEYD, G. P. Effect Of som6 'IdAtions on the process of coal pyrolysis. Ukr. khjm. zhur. 29 Po.10:109(-10~)~4 163. (MIRA 1?: 2) GF,YDAIMV, A.N, Epidemic foc'. of visceral leishmanias-is among, rhildren in the Yw,abakh roi-ion und probl.(nu.-, An their IJqiiidution, Azerbeiftho mkI. zh. 6u'71-74 0003 WIRA 17tl) I.,111 ticcl-u An ~~i dj rs r, of of i Dii I idri x, (Azvrbv:. 1:-. Ac! 'tlm;cirlr k Awt A?erlw!:,(l-hn!; 6';4. cr, i e a 110) GEYDAROV, 46,S,; EVENDIM, G,Xh. Geochemistry of molybdenum In natural watera. Uch. zap. AGTJ no.l: 95-102 !58. (MIRA 12:1) (Water--Composition) (Molybdenum) G.Kh.; GE'MUZOV, A.S. Geochomistri of* moVbdt-num in the Dali-Dag irit,rtirdve (Lesser Cmacasiis). Izv.AN Azerb.SSR. Ser.geol.-geog.ymu nc.~):c~1-101 159. (P.IRk 15:1.) (Cauc,isus-Molybdenum) EFENDIYEV,, G.Kh.; NURIYKV, A.N.; GEYDAROV. A.S. Distribution of uranium in the Dall-Dag intrusive massif. Ucb.zap. AGU. Geol.-geogeser, no*6:3-10 1599 (KIM 15:9) (Dali-Dag (Azerbidjan)-l-ranim) ZULIFUGARLY, N.D.; GFYDAROV, A.S.; MURIYEV, A.N. Radioactive elements in argillaceous rocks of the Sarmat deposits. AserbAh"mahar. no.W19-122 162. (WRA 160) 010hichevan A.S.S.R.-Chy) (Radioactive substances) EFEYDIYFV~ . !, '', ! t~, ~i.A.; GEYDAROV, A,S9 f thni..-Iftun in the pyrIte-complex metal type deposit. Izv,A?? Azarb.SSft. SwrogecL-geop-oauk tio-1:30-38 165. C~ (MIRA 1818) EFENDITEVO GA.; GEYDAROV, A.S.; MUSTAFAYEV, G.V. Genthenistry of lithium, ruhidium, and cealum ir, the granitolds of the Lesser Caucasus. Inv. AN Aterb. 3SH. Ser. geol.-geog. nniik no.3:44-51 165, (MIRA 18t9) GEYDAROV, im.F. Dynamic evolution of star clusters. Izv. A',' Ar:r.. SSIR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 18 nu.6:91-108 165. 19: 1 ), 1. arurakanrRaya as',,rofizic*,e3',"-.aya oWervator ~'ya A,: Armywl- Skoy SSR. (EIDAROV, S. G. , (Vetf:.rini ry Surpeon, lswMlns~ Raion, Azerl%JdAir. SSR) The Ase of biovetin Veterinariyo vul. 3P, no. IC, October 1961, )p. FI-FQ. L 05692-61- W(m)/9WP(t)/ETI IJPW JD ACC NRt Ap6022885 SOURCE CODEt AUTHOM Rustamov, P. G.; Zargarovap It L; darova, 3 A 3 1 ORGI Institute of Inorganic and Pbysioal Chemistry (Institut neorganicheskoy I fisi- chaskoy ifilmil) '03 TIT18j Solid solutions 1-m the pseudobinary system G&2!!~-%T SOURM AN AssrbSSR* Wkladrp Y. 21# no. 12p 1965# 2,9-10 TOPIC TAGSs gallium compoundp seladdep telluride$ alloy phase 4iagram ABSTRACrt -A31cys of the G&2Se3-Ga2T63 symitem were prepared in evacuated and sea).iod quartz ampoules; their heating and co-oling curves were recorded. The resulte u* shown in FIg, 1, The fusibility curves show that the pseudobinary section Ga2S&3- rkOei constitutes a contimous series of solid solutions with a minim= at -65-mole % 6121~3 and -7500C. The siorostructurs confirms this diagram; the alloys of this system bonsist of a single phase. The composition"darohardnefs and density diagras'l show a smooth variation of these properties with the compositiong Indicating the prisews of a continuous series of solid solutions in this systm. rhe paper was presented by Aaad"doian AN AxerbSSR Nagiyevg M. - F. Orig. art. has 1 2 figures uA I table. M L o5691,9 ACC NRI got % 8" 3* Fig. 1. Phase and composition-property diagram of the Ga2SG3-O&2Tb VVt4IXI a-ft I.. bility; b-idorohmWass kdinz; o-density: 9/040 it M oil BUD CM91 11/ SUSH DAM ION*v64/ WI 003 2/2 CEYIY!TC', A. AErIcult!jra-I - ',au-.~a:Tus, Northern I if new k-Alkii. "~ , ND. J, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrt~ss, , 1953, Uncl. GEYDNEO. A, HffirA"ncy empertn of the Stavropol Biological Products Plant. VnIumrinariia 33 no-9:30-31 S '56. (MIA 9:10) (Stflvr*Psl--Biol*j;ical nrodupts) GM1~4AW.skiy rayon Rostovskoy oblasti) Grove in the.steppe. Zdorovle 2 ao.8:15 Ag 156. (MLEA 9:9) (SAlSK-IFFORBSTAT ION) iJ'EYDFL') finna Y.Jtr~ll or !.] .~ .", ., . '. - . .~ - - " % 1 ~ -. . I , , A ) . ~ ..0 ~ t-l " U ~,, 8 % .; i I'.;- I j,.) *, ~, i - . lill'! , , -r 1 -1 ~ . -: ^, : ] r~ li . GZYDEW, A.I. (Aavropoll) Vot-huys in the rwal feldsher's life. Felld. i ahsh. 25 no. 7;54-56 Je 160. (MIRA 13:F) (LIN 40VOIj PETR LEONTIEVICII) (PUBLIC HLALTH, RURAL) al USSR/Fbysi~al Chemistry Kinetics, Combiation~ Explosions, Topo- chemistry, Cat&ITsia. B-9 Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnil Khimiya, 110 3, 1958, '71251. Author A.I. Maumov, B.I. Geydellberg. IXLC,t Title Vapor Phase Hydrolysis Catalysis of Halogen Derivatives of Organic Compounds. II. Reversibility of Vapor Phase Hydro- lysis Reaction of Chlorobenzene. Orig Pub: Zh. obsdicli. khimii, 1.957, 27, No 8, 2036-2039. Abstract: The interaction reaction of phenol with hydrogen chloride in presence of a phosphate catalyst wau etulied in the vapor phase. It is shown that this reaction proceeds i.ore rapidly than the hydrolysis reaction of chlorobenzene into plienol (under similar conditions). The equilibrium constant of the esterification re- action wm determined experimentally for the first time. See Part I in R22'Mink, 1957, 18634. Card - 1/1 .37- SUSLUV, V.H.,; VALWYKV, D.S., red.,_9~, red.; IG]WIT9V, B.K., red.; MOSKALXNKO, V.I., red.: 4-.Ya.' rod.: UMXN, D.P., rod,; TULIN, N.S.g red.; ANrONOV.A, N.M., [Collection of scientific research papers on oilseed ond arcnatic pliintn] .11ornik nouchno-iouledovatel'skikh robot po mealichnym i ofirowalichnym kullturan. Moskva, Itd-vo H-va selt.khoz.=R, 1960. 284 p. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Krannadjor. Veasoy-uzny-y nnuchno-issledovotel'shy institut iw9l1chnykh i efiromnallchnfth kulltur. (Dilsood plants) (Aromatic plants) gal A A 00 A z 0 04-044-16"VO 4 4 4 If 11 u It M it u 4 a IL A-L A A It a a.L -1. 1 M 'W.,, It it LIU at bit 11,046414ju u 0 CL 0 41~s 010 Irlathill of lame kild. W the but&, J114 %I %I t.-1.4 ; lilt-, 1 %47. I lit it, I it it IhIll it. mil. 1,46, Ill, K.... I's tit -, I 1,11hiii., - 1116, WIN, Wb. I ... %,,t ...... -ji411 kil". it Il., . ...... .... it '1., 11, 'Jig it 1, 11, 11 WO u a &1 .0 At I to 0 * 0 0 e 0 so a go *0 0 0 0 0 1 see goo zoo k I a 1w a 0 of INI a a to 0 All 0 p o 0,0 0 0 GEYDEL'MlkN, M. M. We are inSroducing advanced production techniques. S,4kh. prom., 26, No 3, 1952. I vi� -S41 GEVELIMp Btmtificationottwo-puameterfammes .k a multidimenalonitl ptojecths awe. of sUsIght.VSes Doklady Akad. NauL SSSR (N.S.) 93, 957-M =1953. (Russian) In an vc-dimtrisional projective space P. two two-param- eter famRies of straight lines (11) and (11) being given, (11) stratihes (11) if there exists a one-parameter family of surfacts (Z) such that the tangent planes at points of inter. section of 11 and Z all pass through It. If (it) also stratifies (11), the two fimfilies are completely stratifik It is first showr that if (10 sitratifies (12) then (11) is a congruence and t en it follows that if (11) and (it) are completely stratified they isre congruences in P, imbedded in P.- The author obtains a number of results in case of stritification in one direction dealing with the existence of conjugate netr and asymptotic lines for parabolic congruences. ,11. S. Knebelman (Pullman, Vash.). 'r - "/ I- L -1 / jTYDE CMAY) - i~- M. USSR/Mathematics - Differential Geometry Card a/l Pul). 64 - 7/10 FD-832 Author r3eydel'uin, H. M. (Moscow) Title St-ratification of k-parametric fam*4.lies of (k-l)-dimensional planes Per-iodical Hat. sbor., 34(76), 499-524, May-Jun 1954 Abstract Tht., proldem of the stratification of two congruences of Straight lines in three-dinensional space was first posed by the Italian mathemati- ciar. FLIbLni in 1924. Since that tLn,,e many mathematicians have been occupied with this question. The present article attempts to general- ize the problem to one of stratification of pairs of k-parametric families of (k-l)-di.mensional planes (called pseudocongruences) in an n-dimennional projective Space Pn) where n is greater than or eqiial to 2k - 1. Institution Submitted Wiy 30., 1953 C&r4 JA PUb. 2k. 4/40 OWN pastion of the three parameter complex of circles Tjtje tho i Parlpacol Dok.':AR SSSRjq~/2,, 201-~2%., Nov 3.1, 1954 Abstract I A f Of Olk-des deti6ndent on three parameters in a three-dimensional space is 00 derbO 3A the Ught, of Cartan's groups. Seven references; 4-USSR Institutun Moscow.'TnstOuto of R413,,~my Transport Migineers Im. V. I. Stalin Presdnted 1~ys Acad~ndaian S. AlayAndroff , August 213, 1954 GSTDILIMAII,R.M. (MO030w). M - WSOMM 1"I Theory of pseudo-congruences and congruences of surfaces in a multidimensional tWparbolic apace and of congruences of spheres in a multidimensional conformal space. Mat.sbor- 36 no.2:209-232 Mr-Av 155. (MURA 8:6) (Congruences (Geometry)) IXYDILIMAII.R.H. (Moskva) 0 Conformal deformation of congruences of neighborhoods. Mat.sbor. 37 no.):4)5-458 N-D'55. (MIRA 8:12) (Congruences (Geometry)) 77 f if lo~ it if 4'i :11.11:1,lillk"I'. M~--U 77,"M it ; t ri-q it jit A ;~ ",.T ) ~_; I Ik.- L call Nr: AF ilo8825 -rransactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont. ) M(~,SCr,W, ~ixin-iul 156, Ih- 1 '50 V 1, sect. Rpts., IzPaie~Pstv:) AN "'R, M( cow, 1:66, 237 pp. Vygodskiy, Mula. '(Kc;~cow). Ahi ' e ke'00" 101 grang an ue Theorem for ; Space Curve. 146-147 Geydellman, R. M. (moscow). Theory of Focial Congruences.' 147 Glagolev, A. A. (Moscow). Application of Multi-element Throws in Establishing of Certain Congruences in n-dimensional Spaces. 147-148 There are 4 references, 2 of which are USSR and 2 English. Grintsevichyus, K. 1. (Villnyus) Hypercomplexes of Straight Lines in Multi-dimensional Projective Spaces. 148-149 Mention is made of Laptev. Oudkov, Do A, (Gorlkiy). On the Topology of Plane Real Curves of Sixth Order. 149 Card 48/80 MullAdimensional systems R. Usp.mat.nauk 12 n0-3:285-290 Ky-je 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Laplace transformation) UnILIM". R.M. ----''.~strir characterizntion of congruences of circlet; having families of channelled surfnces. Usp.mat.nnuk 12 no.4:281-284 JI-Ag 157. (MM 10:10) (Geometry, DifferentiFil-Projective) AUTHOR: 7~_ TITLS'; or 1*ie ~'cr -.-i:c~vpnq ~;ircAes and :,hrps (j-qssILye- r[Lye 1!~ U) T'.7'~'j It, 1.' .1 i'~ Oki', PE'RIC DI CAL i Ya t q v. t i c h r" 1; -1111 1 '7 01 13,:1_r 3,pp.295-3" t A* 'ind '90 -Aven. re- tv-n the siA,r,)accs 6 an.1 .f't~;r~se far-iiies a one-to-one 1'2*,~ S orl'! erwv fibers The family (C I way the elements of C, can rei,-liborhood of k~ I' 1*T.C id ont i i. tix o,wresponding sifl~synce 0 2 -S r (c then qut:h 1 S ') h ro t f 1~0 j 2 y t -q idod 0 I ir r r4 n- :v i r s n t Ilie lornulates ard consi-lers the tw(,,-~ ided fiberinL-, of the con- ,-'rur,n L.','C - .,r f 1 i e s ) of circl;?s in the thref- spaoe dimensional _`uclidoan "us one and the problem of a zi,~ir of s-, 'Cinitte oil spheres throii,-h a .r,.rd 1 12 r, iii t'ir~ :,iAjti',!~nsional conformrl space. .TJ~i,~rin(~- of thl~ 1',D of n 39-.~ I d :;ph.-~req 7-215 AVAILABLIL': 11'ard 212 1 1 bs t'-..-! ni, thor esents 18 theorems and a ~-,reat ol, -,nd ini~ovls methods. 20 ..;Oviet f, n c i.? r, -, rc C) t Q d lilrral.y of 1. TopoloLl. 2 . Conformal mappirg t 0 - Ts r" ICA Cc, 4 AUT HO R Geydel"aa R.M. S`1/14C-59-7-4/22 .',- -i ;1. 'n, V TITU On the Theory of Families of Planes in Non-Eclidean Spaces PERIODICAL- livestiya vysshikl~ uchebnykh zavedeniy, Matematika, 1959, Nr 3, pT, 30-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT, present aper completes the results of V.V.Vagner and B.A. Rvzenfelld fRef 1,2,3,4,5,62, By the application of mcdern dtfferentialgeometric methods of G.F.Laptev /-Ref 7- 7 the author succeads in developing the foundations of a general theory of (M.-l)-diaensional families of planes in spaces of constant carvat,are. The author considers the principal invariants and the geometric figures of families of planes in differential neighborhoods of first and second ordpr, lie .nvestigates con- gruences and paeudocongruencog and proposes a focal classifica- tion of the families of planes,, There are 11 Soviet references, ASSOMATIONiMoskovskly 'Inatitut inzhenerov zholeznodorczhnogo traneporta (Uoscow Institute for Engineern of Railroad Transportation) SUB14ITTED: April 15, 1958 Card 1/', GEnELIMAN, R.M. Simplex bending of congruences of straight lines. Izv.v7B.ucheb. zav.; mat. no-1:84-93 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. koukovBIdy inatitut inzhenerov thelesnodorozhnopo transporta imeni I.V.Stalina. (Congruences) c)5252 cr:Y(101 I mn -:,t 'A~ics iii the Analytic Congruences of ;trair Durl Non-Euclidean Jpacc :'.~ t L - vy9shikh uc!.,PI,%`,Ii zav.,.' A 'IT: 7'. Id Z-2,.~f I h-,-- intrc,!u~.,J ,-rojeotive 9pace over the -d6;ebra or 'aril (c) ) and the dual un i Utr~ no:t-~'ucl i~3,2 ,.it 0,.'aoe (K (e) I:.. a p (e) in m~ich a t ~~tk De t ic S iv;.IA). In ~1 the geormetry of th? i:,(,!) ,~'Jtl: t,,,:! projective ~vometry i.9 c 01) ~; i dre'l . ,n-1 ic, con:-ruences of ~i.,d pl~i1r., -f yt h, lines V! (!WIE'rWMCeS Of StraiL-,ht Of t"'Ic P,. t! fun~.ar1c,ntr,.'- obJects hnd invpri3nt r~f .2 ,)f con--ruences of straiCot lines i:. th~, T, o5252 i.nalytic .3ongruences of Straight Lines in the j J Y/ 1 1 - /25 7~.reo-Dimensiomd Zluil "on-Euclidean 3p.,ice the FS4 investigates the foci of th,,- con,~ruem-s -cone- -.icel in th,- 1', P). In Fa5 :1 ru.-.,,iccs ~,.re intro.' con~,,ruonc-s of straight lirv~s in llic K, ) `(0 ro~,i of -;::l poli-irly conju~,-atedl respe-A to the ~ilosolut(l). 1~-,,,onrruences !ind '7 conoi~,-,-.,s -Ar,, of analytic lheor~!ms and a great nu:rter of ,re -rovr-11. Ther- all-e 4 3oviet referencr~s. in3titUt inzhenerov (Mos,cow 1witituto nf Snjineer- of R-ilro;i3 Aplil if:" 1)5P 16-5000 01 7o'i' AUTHOis Geydell,man.,.. R.Ji. (Moscow) S009- 49- 3- 3/7 1 1. 1 . ~ -1:11.1.w ...I TITLEs Theory of Analytic Plane Congruences in Complex and. Double Unitary Non-Euc31dean Spaces and the Projective Theory of the Congruences of Paire of Planes PERIODICALs Hatematicheskly sbornik,959 Vol .19,Kr 3,pp -"81 ~16 (U"si) ABST11UCTt '~'he theory of the famIlles of plane surfaces developed lij fomer 1,tapers of the ivuth,~r /-Ref '7 for real non- Euclidemn spat~eq is generallied to complex and 4ouble unitary non-.Ru,~lidean apaces and to the oloselly -~onnectad real pro- jective theory of th~, families of pairs of planes,. The author formulates a vary large number of geometric properties (only partially in the form of theorems). In most -..ases he does not giv-e proofs,. since the,- are completely analogous to those for the real case, G.F. Lapte7, H.V. Smirnov T,L. YozImina and B, -', Rozenfelld are mentioned in th& papers There are 1~ Sovies references, SUBILITTEI)v January 24, 1958 Card 1/1 8h 7 ~2 S/04216D10I 5/0041/0101/01 7XX 40 c2 0 1 1 1/C24-2 AUTHOR: Geydellman, R,M. TITLEE- ~Conjugat T 1 Pairs PERIODICAL: 11spakIii matematicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol-I, No 4, PP,137-140 TEXT: Let the congruences of straight lines (1 1) and (1,) relate to the same parameters u,v,, ?he straight lines 1 1 and 12 of these congruences correspond to eachother if they are determined by the same values of the parameters u,v. T-pairs are two congruences with the property that the focal planes of every straight line of the one congruence pass through the foci of the corresponding straight line of the other congruence and reverse The stratification of the congruences f11) and 11J as well as the Laplacelyx- transforms of the, conjugate pairs were considered by S P Finikov (Ref-1) and other authors. The author proves the theorems: Theorem 1: Pairs T 1 for which the developable surfaces correspond directly one to another, are conjugate the congruence (I stratifies (1J and the developable surfaces of (I cut conjuFate nets on R11 stratifying surfaces. Card 112 8)i 7~ ~ S/042/60''0 15/0-04/1010/01 7XX C 11 11C2P') Conjugate T 1 Pairs Theorem 2: Corresponding Laplace transforms of a conjuFate pair T involve again conjugate pairs Ti where their Btratifying surfacen are the corresponding Laplace transforma of the stratifying Ourraces of the initial pair, There are 2. Soviet references. SUBMITTED: MaY 17, 1957 Card 2/2 GIffIBLIMA, R.M. (Moskva) Simrlex theory of congruences of atraight lines. M&t.sbor. 51 no.-I:i43-376 JT1 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Go W uences (Geometry)) P'~~It(xj S/020/60/134/004/026/036XX C111/01~ AUTHOM ~VAellman, R,M, ........ .... TITLIj 4'onformal Theory of Two-Parameter families of Spheres PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, vol. 134, No. 4, pp. 753 - 756 TEM In the three-dimensional conformal spec uthor considers 0 "'G3 t~e 2 a family of spheres (S) depending on the param;ters u and u , which Is related to the Carton conformal n-bone consisting of thres mutually orthogonal apheres SI, S , S and of their points of intersection, where belongs to (S). Th , diffe;ential equations of the investigated two- L parameter fainily of spheres (S are, according to (Ref. 3) (4) Wp - A P X du K, (p, q 0, 2, 3,4 'It I , 2) By continuation of (4) one obtains (5) d ~ P q p + x p du and It I q I Card 1/4 861joo Conformal Theory of Two-Parameter Families S/020/60/134/004/026/036X of Spheres (6) d A P + du + du' q ly k"". 11 or 9. AP or \p The magnitijUs If -J B, 1 4 1 q'I 4 B I W A 11 \ I form fundamental geometric objects of the first or second 1rA I ' 1I)OX it, or third ordtr of the family of sphere 5 (3,). Main result i Theorem 1 1 The fundamental geomentric object of third order is complete - the preacription of the field of the fundamental object of third order (i.e. of the values of its components in every point of the considered domain of the parameter space) determines the family of sphere* (S up to conformal transformation. The fundamental objects of first and second order comprise the absolute 2 tensors a,,x and aY, which generate the differential forms (7) FL duf du and Card 214 Conformal Thecry of Two-Parameter Families of Spheres 2 du du du du if 2 (9) at, a,,",, 8' 1 S/01270~60/134/004/026/0 36XX I C CIII C333 then the absolute invariant* of the family of spheres (S 1 are 2 pet 1 2 2 At ; 11 Dot I I't x 12 ' '~, ~ a' In particular, the author investigates the case. where is the square of a quadratic form. A two-parameter family of spheres (3,) which is developable on (3,) with the order 2 in the sense of Cartan is denoted &a a deformation of (SO. Theorem 3 1 The only class of two-parameter families of spheres which ad- mits a conformal detformation is that class for which the invariant form 2 4) is the fourth power of a linear form &j, where the one-parameter sub- Card 3/4 MOO Conformal Theory of Two-Parameter Families S/020/60/134/'004/026/036XX of Spheres CIII/C~33 families of spheres, which are obtained by putting W equal to 0, ar~~ pencils. There are 5 references t 3 Soviet, 1 French arid 1 Polish. [Abstracter's jiDte s (Ref. ~) is a pappr of the author in Tr.llosk.matem. obshch., 195~, 2,2751 ASSOCIATION: Moskovekiy institut inzhenerov zhelezno dorozhnogo trans- porte imeni I.V. Stalin& (Moscow Institute of Engineers of Railroad Trangportation imi_fi-f__7.T_._5T. in PRESENTEDs May, 16, !960, by P.S. Alek3&ndrov, Academician SUBMITTEDt May !7, !960 Card 4/4 GEYDEPMAN, R.M. Conformal deformation in two-parameter families of' ~:,pheres. 12v. vy,,;, ucheh. zav.; mat. no.6:16-211 '(1. (Fulu 1,-:3) 1. Moskovskiy institut In2henerov zhc1etnodoro-,Inoj-o transporta. (Surraces, Deformation of) (Surfaces, Urthoronai) (Spl!ere) NnCa:-~-:!rt,ils of t,'!c tli~,cr- r-2 favilies. of ,-,-.bL--paccs In Pt. rbor. 55 no.l.:7-34 0" 161. 14:10) (0.4-ccc, Goncralized) GEYDELIMAli, R.M. Theory of hypersurfaces in four-dimensional non-Euclidetn spaces. Dokl. All 53OR .139 no.5:1040-1043 Ag 161 O,I~U 14:8) 1. lloskovukly inatitut inshenerov zheleznodorozhnogo tratisporta im. J.V. Stahna. Prodetvaleno akademikom P.S. Aloksandrovyiu. (11YI)OI-Space) (Surfaces) GFYDrl,'MAIII Fi.,X. ~Moqkvll) )(' i.rkirt,hogonfLI spiformt if) !*,)II- elimen!jional non-Eu-lidean spnees. Izv. vYs- llch"b- zflv.; mat.. n~~,.,~ilic--57 16 5. 18,r,) i .1- - I . ; I -. I ~ : I.. V! t, I - -., . _,'I., . " - .. . i,-.Ir.plexes, " . , , '. 16C. . V'~.; . . Z!, ,, 4 *. , ~- , 0. 0. 1 3 , -.- . I , l!':9) GEN -, I I -k, ~, tl ~ ;'I , '- . -.. ~.- f h1ka-matematichesk1kh nauk, prof. ; 1: ."~~., 0 - .-ir; iEfftrential ge(metry of homogeneouB spac-ea. 7'r-Av WTTT, q,~O Ccrxormal thgrry of comi'Alexr-s of apheres. Ibid. t9~)-I^,Q (MMA 1818) ~rrnv!, T, ~ 22309. GFYD9'.AN? T Swtloy Pamyati Akademika Aleksandm AlTongovicha Gross!-eym (Ebtaniki BoUn Zhurml, 1949 No. 3, S. 336-37 SOs IFTTTS' NO. 30, 1949 GXYW,Ijla, T. S. 35372. Xserotorfnye dubrivv ((c-.,;,rziet8y)) Y=hncy chaqtn roldaviikoy ."SR. Nauch zapiski mol&.-.v nauch-i:Isled. Bazy akad. nauck SSr. T. 11, 1949, c. 16)-74 SO: Lotopis' Zhurnalinykii Statey, Vol. 3, , ~Io,3k-vu, 1~49 GITDIW, T.S.; BOBROT, T9.0s, redaktor; KOUIDTSOVA.K.G.. tekhnich.-~skiy , " - rvlaf6r (Gulds to plants of this Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic] Opredelitell rastenil Moldavskot SSR. Hoskya, lvd-vo AlmdemH nRuk SSSH, 1954. 466 p. (MM 7:8) (Moldavia--Botamy) (BotwW--goldavia) GBYDEW,T.S.; LUWIN,L.G.; XA31YRS,1.1.; CMEWOVA,G.V. Natural features of the Kodry Hills. Trudy Inst.geog. no.64:69-104 '55- (KLRA 8:11) (Nodry Hille-Physical geography) L -.'4752 Abr, jour Ref aur - D1010,:.1y", 1"") 6P I J- , 11 . r,,-dman T 3.; Kharak0r-'s Ill. F, Author 7- - IiV AS "337 il)+(T ~,LAjj , .-)t,it Ion 70,(.- 1-, pj-0,Ljpm of T I t1 e LL Of In Nullthw!~~'-'tu .. ; (",oldn'vian ~AiO fil. 'kjl~ 0 1, 1 ','~ F L) .1 4 A:bstract 3Y th,~ iv~tl-,P(! of itir."t-ary z-co.)ot,an'1ca1 anj by Of Pt-Diton Observations in 191,4 ti..' specie": COMPOsi- ental dyna::Acs tion, structure dev lop,-" and economic vajue of ti-'e :7,rassos of r,,:?adow %?.~...!!otatiun in the uppCr 11'e-11-101--oF, of Small- rlv-er -~,all~ys,as woll as of thos-~ in Card 1/3 Cultivation. L Ab.-" jour "-t~f z1air Djc)jo,.-jy.%, ~o C, 1~~5,9, No. 24752 for-., izl'.dos and boi,J~,,]*S, WO!'O data :;1~wr.!(I t,i-OL. t1,.-, miadowa In th'! north~..vntern of t.hi~ :Loc1r%-n pos,~'.cs3n gr,,at oconomic valu'!. '11-io first ~!arly movdnv~ or !;owln- on hay-produ,:~InE' l"w%dow 1an6!l 01, tho Kodl-l!" i~; 111"~fflclomt' I ead i ni to a lo,-z of almost half of the MY. ans k1bt,!ib)qNo In i o1n.-i-, but modorn harvest.. 'inder mowilm condifJons In tho pha-so of efflorr.~sc;--nc~" (13t d ..~ c ad ;: of July ) , It is posoibl,~ In or t.-vic, y(-,.-,rL; to Introduc.) -, two-hurvosting ru,g Ila e witli the nocond in ono mon'Ji aftor tho 1"Pvt, on.,~. It, Is recom- mc-ndod to bo,--,in %1*1',wc:AxtMc)u of Part of Card '-1/3 4 / - f ussi-11 Cu.Lti,:.'l,~on. Abo, Jour : -Ilor zhur - No 6, ITO) Nn. on slopus anul -- N. A. Solmly."m L Card MATSYUK, L.S.0 otv. red.; VARTICIL411, I.K., vBd.; GbYDF3,vU4',_I.S., red.; DMSAR, I.G., red.; MMOV, A.A., rad.; MAIMUK, F.Y., red. HUMISM, Mo., red.j MIL'SLIKOV, S.Ms' red.; KONMAKA11OV, M.K., red.1 Y0191OV, N.A., red.; WANOV, V.S., red.; TA13ZSIICIIIKI F.Z... rod.; CREBOTARI, A.A., red. (Transactions of the First Confereme of Young Moldavian Sci- antistnl Trudy pervei nauclmci konfDrentsii i:olodykh uchenykh Moldav:U) 1958. Kishinev, Gos. izd-vo "Kartia Moldoveniaske 1960s 390 p. (MMU 15:'31 1. Fauchnaya konforentsiya molodykh uchertvkh Muldavii, lst, 1958. 2. Institut biologii Voldavskogo filiala Alkadei:ali nauk SSSR (for Kolesnikov,, Cbebotarl)- 3. Inatitut goolro0i i P-0- lezriykli iskk rTkh l'oldavskogo filiala Akaderil nauk SSS;-t (for Sayanov (~l,oldavia-Sc-'Lenco-'.oiigresses,~ XIMARCURIK, V.G., akaderik, otv. red.; KO.,"GUEVA, M.A. I glav. red.; ]"O(TU.'!'-Y) A.D., red.; IUDUL, hm.w. geogr. nauk, red.; BILYK) G.I., kand.biol. nauk, red.; G&DEVAI.', I.S., kand. biol. nauk, red.; ZAYOIIIY, P.K., doktor geol.-min. nauk, prof., red., IXGUKALO, I.A., kand. ekon. nauk, starshiy naucimyy stor., red.; I-AHRUCII, A.M., dotsent, rod.; FIKUMELI, I.F., hand. geogr. nauk, ntarshiy nauchMy sotr., red.; PIM210TIKO, G.F., kand. geogr. nauk, red.; ROVIE:21KO, I.Ii., Phademik, red.; TALINOVA, red.; BYUSHGEIIS, L.1,11., kand. geogr. nauk, retserzent; LUXOSYM, I.Ya., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, retsenzent; KUIjJ-I,, Tu.G., kand. geogr. nau.Ir, relsenzent, VADEEZRIII, F.F., rotsenzent; NIKLMOV) 14J., dolftor ~ekhr. miul'- retsenzont- FINAILMIG) I.G., retsenzent; KURDVIA, ~-,P, - "d-kartOgraf; RACMSXRA, Z.P., red.-kartagrafj SLITTSOVA, L.M., redaktor- karUgraf- (Atlas of the Ukrainian S.S.R. and the Moldavian S.S.R.] Atlas Ukrainskoi SSR i Voldavskoi SSR, Mosl.Na) 1962. vi p. 90 p. of col.maps. (YIRA 15:5) (Continued on next card) .60NDX-,,CHUK, V.G.- (contirmed) Card 2. l..Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Glavnoye upravleniye geodezii i kartografii. 2. Akadeniya nauk USS-1, ~Arcktor Institute -eolo- gicheskikh nauk Akademii nauk U35R (for bondarcluk). 3. Ilachall- n1k kartosootavitellskogo tsekha fabriki Vo.1 (for Koroleva). 4. Zaw-estitell pred:3edatelya Gosudarstvennop planovogo komiteta Soveta I-Imistrov USSR (for Kochubey). 5. Direktor Instituta eko- ncmiki Akademii nauk Voldavskoy SSR (for ''.adul). 6. Zailiestitall direktora po nauchnoy rabote Irstituta botaniki Akaderii nauk U.M.1 (for Dilyk). 7. Di.-ektor Botaniclieskogo sada Aladerii nauk roldavskoy SSR (for Geydeiran). B. "Daveduyushchiy kafedroy geomor- fologii Myevrkogo gosudars+,vennogo universiteta (for Zaroriy). 9. Institut ekonoiriki Akadenii nauk U."51" (for Kxgukalo). 10. Zavedu;Rishchiy kafedroy fizicheskoy geografii I' ievskogo go- r-udcxstveruaogo universitata (for Yarinich). 11. 'Uhrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy Institut ekonor.iki i organizatsii sell- sk-ogo I-J-czya,..stva (for Mukor-ell). U. Direktor Uhrainskogo nauclino-is.-ile(-o-vatell--kogo peroreteoroloricheskogo instituta (for Priklicittko), (Contimed on m-.d --avd) .DONDILF',CHM) V.G. -(continued) Card 3. 13, Direktor Ukrainskogo nauchno-irsledovatellskogo ii-;,qtituta ekonomiki i organizatsii sellskogo khozytiystva, Chlen- korrespondont V,-,esoyuznoy akaderii sel.'_-kokho-_yaystvem7kh mak im. V.I.Lenina (for Romanonko). 14. Direktor fabriki Vo.1 (for Tallnova). 15. Chlen-korresponrlent Akademil nauk 1 SSR (for PidoplAchko). (Ukraine--Vaps) (Moldriria-41aps) WILIP P.A., profs, otvs red.; MATqUE, L.S ) hand. sellkhoz. nauk, zan. red.; DIM'), E.A., red. (deceasedi; I.G., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; YAROSIU21'10, M.F., doltor biol. nauk, red.; KOVARSKIY, A.Ye., doktor sellkhoz. nauh, red.; ZU,,A,:OV, A.A., doktor med. nauk, red,; Pf'.11?TS, Ta.I.; doktor b1ol. nauk, red.; q~~DqIAN .T.S., kand. biol. nauk, red.; IVAPOV, SJ%, hand. bil. nauk, red.; U9Fd4SKIY) G.A.P kand. biol. ncuk, red.; '-1!-.,~G1ELE-1:1U, A.E.J. hand. +.ekbn. nauk) red.; FITOVk, L., red.; KAi,.YAKD;A, I., red.; KOCHkIOVA, N., red.; TUIFIS, V., tekhn. red. [Papers of the United Scientific Session of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. the Department of Agriculture of the V.1.1enin All4nion Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Moldavian Section of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) Trudy ob"cidinennoi nauchnoi sessil: Otdolenie biologicheskildi nauk A14 Otdelenie zemledeliia V~SKIOIIL, Moldavskii filial A 56SR. Kishinev, Kartia Holdoveniaske. Vol.2. 1959. 493 P. WaA 150) 1. 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(Traveaction.: of the Thire (,onference of' Younv V.oldavian Sci- entints] ll,.rudy M nauclinoi konfermitEii :-,~olouyhh uchenykh Kolclavii. 13.hinev, Kartia moldovenlaske. alid al-,racultural :.-~clencesj Biolo(-iche:-kic I :A.-aini%ye mmki. 1964. 1`73 1. ;auchna.,,a kon,e-entsiya mo2odykh uchenykh Vc2davli, 3d. WITrx, Tu.V.; POTOLOTSKATA, K.L,; GAYM, T*X.; GARAYNA, K.G. Malela acid. hydraside as a means of inhibiting the sprouting of lu4gar beet roots during prolonged storage. . Pis i o1. rast. 5 no-31 291-295 W-Je, 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Inatitut f iziologit rastenly im. K.A. Timi!ryazeya Akademii nauk SSSR, Yloskva. (Sugar beets--Storage) (Maleic acid)