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DENIRGHOGLYAN, G.G.; BLAVATSKAYA, Ye.D.; MIRZA-AVAKYAN, I.I.; GEVORKYAN, S.G. Study of the effect of cystaine on some visual functions after pigiental degeneration of the retina. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Bioj. nauki 16 no.12;19-30 1) 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Klinika glasnykh bolezney Yereiranskogo instituta uso- vershonstvov&niya vrachey, otdol biofiziki i bioniki AN Arreyanskcry SSR. MNDZHOTAN K.L.; WRAYAN, V.G.; KAZARYAN, L.Z.; GEVORKYAN, AXOPYANP m.Ye.; KHECHUHYAN, L.Kh. Spthesis of benzodioxan derivatives. Part Ir Somo amlif) asters of 1,4-benzodioxan-2-carboxylic acid. Izv. AN Arm. SSH. Xhim. nau)d 18 no.31297-303 165. ()ClihA 16-11.) 1. Institut tonkoy organicheakoy khlmii kN AraWanskoy SSR. gubodtted May 14, 1964. GEVORKYAN, S.M. C&rbohydr&te function of the liver Jn toxicosis during pregnancy. Zhur, ekap, i klin, sad. 2 no.6:10;-110 162. (MIRA JS!10) GEVORKYAN S.M. - - - --- J, - - Protein ninctioti of the liver in the toxicoses of Tregnancy. Izv. AV Arm.SSR.Biol.nauki 15 no.9:4?-56 S 162. ('AIRA 15:11) (TOY,FXA) (PREGNANCY) (BLOOD FPOTEINIS) VARTATIAIT , S.A.; MTORKLU; ~ Sh.A.; DAIIGYAN, F.V. Chemistry of allyl chlorides. Report 11'0.5. Syrthesis and converdons of 1-chloro-5-alk-oxy-3-chloro(mathyl)-2-.P-lkenes. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Khim- nsulcl 15 no.l.-63-71 162. (MMI 15:7) 1, Institut orgmiche sko~ khimii AN Armyanskoy S-',R. (Olerins GEVORMAII, S.KI. (Wan) Bev data on the Quaternary glaciation in the wrthern 3yunik Range (Zangem-), Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Geol.i geog.nauki 14 no.6:71-76 161, (MIM 15:3) (Zangezur Fange-Glacial epoch) GASPARYAN, R.I.,; GEVORKYAN, S.I-',., mladshiy nr-uchn.,,-y sotrudnik. Rare late cmplication following cesarean section. A~iish.i gin. no.5:117-1111 161. (MIPLA 15:1) 1. Iz Pauchno-issledovateliskogo institut& akusherstva i ginelco- logil ineni E.K. Krupskoy Mmisterstva zdravockhraneniya Armyan-- skoy SSR (dir. - zaaluzhermyy deyatell naW-.i prof. P.A. Marll:aryan). (CESARM SECTIOV) GEVOMAN S.M. - I. Prothrombin-formirw function of the liver in pregnancy toxicoses. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Blol. nauki 35 no.5:71--70" My 162o (14IRA 17s6) GEVORKYAN, S. H. Functional state or the liver in prognancy toxemias. Akush. i gin. no.4:29-33 162. (11IRA 15-7) 1. Iz 14auchno-isaledovatellskogo inntituta akusherstva i ginako- logii imeni N. K. Krupskoy (dir. - zaaluzhannyy deyntell nauki prof. P. A. Harkaryan) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Armyanskoy SM. (PREGNANCY, COMPLICATIONS OF) (LIVER) (TOXEMIA) GIVORKTAN. S.T.; GUROVICH, N.A. 11olubility diagram of the Ga,203 - NM20 - H20 Systea. Ivi. AN Arm. SSR oar. khtm. nauk 10 no.6:387-393 157. (MIRA 11:6) 1.1notitut metallurgii im. A.L. Baybakova. AN SSSR i Khimicheakiy institut AN ArmSSR. (Gallium oxide) (Sodium oxide) HAVVICLYAJI. M.G.; BABAYAN. G.G.; GIWOPJCYAN, S.V.; ASLARYAI;. D.G. Uchan,~,e reaction between calclum motasilicate and aodinm carbonate. 1xv. ANAxm. SSR.Dilm. naulci 1) nc.4-235--243 36o. (HIRA 13:12) 1. Institut khimli Sovnarkhora kmS!;R. (Calcium silicate) (Sodium carbonate) MAMLYAN, M.G.; BABAYAN, G.G.; GEVORKYAN, S.V.; ASLANYAN, D.C.; FWAY'LTIAlij, V.117.). Study of the system W28i03 - Ga (0102 - H20 at 25T and of the conditiorts of the adsorption of sodium hydroxide on a calcium metaBilicate precipitate. Izv.kN Arm.86R.Khim.nauki 14 a).4:304-317 161. (MIU 14: 10) 1. InstItut khAmli Sovnarkhoza ArmyE=koy SSR (C&1cium silicate) (Sodiun hydroxide) iAdsorption) WMKLYAN, 14.G;!,. GE'VORKYAN S..' V.~ kand.teklua.nauk; UBAYAN, G.G., kand. khDdc eiM--- ij' - ' A)thoda of preparation and usev of calcium metasilicate. Zhur. VKHO 7 110-1:91-93 162. (Ml~ 15:3) 1. Chleivokorrespondent, kkademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR (I~r Manvelyan). (calcium Silicate) MANVELYAN, M.G.; BABAYAN, G.G.; GALSTYAN, V.D.; GEVORKYAN, S.V.; ASLARYAN, D.Ge Interaction of aqueous solutions of potassium and lithium carbonates with calcium metasilicate. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Xhim. nauki 16 no.5:437-441 163. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Institut khimii Sovets, narodnogo khozyaystva AManskoy SSR. , . . , I . .~ I . . - . .. I I GEVORKYAYT) V.A. Mood vessels ot the vagina from ths viewpoint of aging. ftsper. khir. i anest. no.lM-3l1,S3. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Iz kafedry klinicheskoy anatomii i opo)rativno7 khiniroii (m. - chler-korrespordent PJ41: SSIM prof. B.V.Cpev) TSen- trallnogo institute usovershenstvovanlya vrachey. (VAGINA-BLOOD SUPPLY) (AGI1:G) t viv. 4NRI 050~~0294 NWE COM UR/0022/65/018/005/0108/0107. ~AUTOOR: MnOtABO X.4 ORGi Terevan V mrsity (Torevanskiy, gosudarst"myy universitst) Q3 TITM Fhotolialassoo*o* of samii%ium-activatod strontium borate SOUMS: AN AvoUR. lz"stiya. Serlya fisiko-matematichookikh nauk, v. 18, no. 5, D651 103-107 TOW TAGS: strontium ~aompound, samarius crystal phosphor, photoluminescence Ielectron transition, absorption iRctrun, luminet;cence spectrum t I ~-' ~ I- ANTRAM Strm boft Ploosphor was obtained by sintering a mixture of strontium oxide and boric':'soid a-VIR-Ming 1% 'So. The luminescence spectrum (see fig. 1) was studied with an, *Z--U'1qMULt=ZMO A The spectral line intensities were determined by pb6tographic'phaometrl and their variation with temperature was measured. It wu~ found that it room tsmaeraturs, the duration of the luminescence of the strongest line,, 6855 A, is 8.6 X ii~"l soc. Absorption spectra in the visible region showed that the absorption of the crystal phosphor has a line structure, and that the strong- est absorption lines eim" locAted at wavelengths A a 4735 A and 4765 A. Comparison of t1w absorptich lines iind of the Iminescence with the known levels of triply ioniz. od samarium lead6-to thi hypotbesis that the luminescence lines are due to transi- tions from a higher excited electron level to the various levels of the ground state. These transitions ap- parently and at relatively high levels of the lower state, since the wavelengths coinciding with the luminescence lines are a1ment from the absorption spectra. Orig hut 4 figures, 2 tables, I i:rs"t'- la. rig. 1. LuminescAnce spectruu of smariam-activat*4 strontium borate. In the photograph of a porti6n of the spectrum (positive ), arrows indicate mercupy lines. Arrows ~t the ends corm- spond to sercury lines Al -6128 X2 7081 A. DATEi ORIG REN 005/ OTH IMF3 902 GP SM MOVSFFYI~!.', r.Yv.j GEVORKTAN, V.A.; GRIGORYAN, Dzh.K.I.. ",ix un. I tol-,uninescence of strontium borate ac*.'vated w`t~. su~ Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Sar.,ik 18 110.51l03-107 5. (mlu IR:1 I. YorevRii.-ildy gostidarstvenkvy universitat. ;ubT-.I!:Led Dec. 1-1, OINVI. JD/JO/RM ACCIORt MOO" sams com W66W6Vo-18To4To1OvO-103 F. P. Mez AMOAR '"0"0 hiuWan, P. Of Mt Yeram a Ua~osity (Yawmakiy t*B1WAr8tveMvy univertitet) 1~ TWeNt ion 0 Iftbosagnas of aostyl acotonates of samarium europium, and PlMf~Vt AlqA#OU, Isvestlyas Oerin Miko-skatematicheakikh nauk, v. 18p no. hp *PIP 3L01-109 AW; IVIN ow=go Ounivis easpowids terbium empound, luminescence, AIM.. 01%burd, dependence, rare earth element, luminescence M, T Uv Of be ponsibility of obtaining a large quantum yield from organic W Oes of ii. 16i6entep the autbore apthesized acetyl acetonate cowlexes_q 3AW1$.6 Tb byimpans of 4 technique described by B. B. Anufriyev and A. N. I It, 94r~t~..~ 11 M3v 1A). The absorption of the solutions of the one a $e ~ftre-*attb slemints was investigated with the aid of a quartz spec- Acwt I~A). A 000trognpb (IOP-73) and photographic photometry were em- A ~ in. the Uble *e0on. 71he sWIes were cooled with nitrogen vapor. 7he ab. ton "I, of two absorption regions with a slight contribu 0- showaO the presence tram 0.0a, lion, '?hO luminescent spect obtained at -185C showed,stroq 4104004 Xthe' ti, Cowin oqmiaw at 6453 Z which became stronger witk.'-; "ing toi*aturC to the *Me of ft oW$, a few luminescence lines were ob- d at roftitO*eraturb.. but ove at -1630. The Th acetyl acetonate had intense -2- L, i5eu.66,. ACC 11416 t mvvreja Wly at 5420, 9", and 5472 Imalm the tood lin=ftx and a redistribution of the bulmencence intensity. t;ua q; CO on V* *4400 Unes are.tabdated, Authors thank Candidate of Chemima API 'Zci*~Oem As r Oonsetation on the synthesis of the coMlexeso Orrigo I art 1 3 ngms %M +4016sp OUB 0=1 aw bm, gIbOA/ Lmm TWI i 009/ Om mly 001 41 '912 SNV,' 11 4 :;1 AMLIL I,i GKVORKTAN. Y.'L'?., kand.tokhn.nauk: TIPLOV. A.G.. kund.toklin.naul: Using tho nothod of vibro-reRistance building-up for ropairing parts. Mashinostroitoll nn.1:11-14 Ja 160. (14IRA 13;4) (Bloctric welding) GAVORrW, T.G.. )muA.tmkhn.naWc; TIPLOVo A.Gs, kand.tekhn.nau)-. Selecting conditiono for building up by the weaving are ,wthod, Mashinostroitel' no.309 Mr '6o, (MIRA 13-6) (Blectric welding) V A L S". it a &W oplao'. 4 rr- A10 lu"W Is 10 IL a K- -w" 14 . A .- PM W"w" Im "D comms"d Not" W Wo SSLMVU joobwbfj~j G.W" t "In Ngt*w*d W XUQ*U#A OMMMUetUm to. A, A. YW (vmn), N 6-im hm, L I-A otww-.* Ot It lw~ IV- A. rp- I tw .. W,~ on" AQ Is km) it A"oo OL f Aojt~ cemial oRettre ,t,:R%4bmKARtub4o% omw to It Ao 46(no) a fo.~ ar -mm rwp" **21LUt fw Up OentomW uwtbg at wo Noloft1fle Toebmiml." moss%7 or Milo Mmlwwft wA MMWOM Owumd"W" ts- A- 11- IN"' MMS), "Jon. 9(4) 24(6) PHASE I BOOK,EXPLOITATION SOV/1765 Vsesoyuznoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obahchestvo radiotekhniki i elek- troavyazi .Poluprovodnlkovaya elektronika (Semiconductor Electronics) Moscow, Gosenergolzdat, 1959. 222 p. 13,950 copies printed. Ed.: V.I. Shwrishur; Tech. Ed.: K.P. Voronin. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineering and technical personnel working with semiconductor devices. COVERAGE: The book is a collection of lectures delivered at the All- Union Seminar on Semiconductor Electronics in March 1957. The seminar was organized by the Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications imeni A.S. Popov. The authors of the lectures have attempted to systematize the basic information on the operation of semiconductor devices. The articles describe the operation and characteristics of crystal diodes and transistors and discuss their application in various low-frequency, high-frequency and pulse circuits. No personalities are mentioned. References appear at the end of each article.. C a rd 1/7 Semiconductor Electronics SOV/1765 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Ye.I. Gallperin. Basic Physical Concepts 5 The author discusses the physical aspects of semiconductor ma- terialB. He describes the atomic structure of the various ele- ments and presents a discussion of energy levels in metals and d1electrics. There are 13 Soviet references (including 4 trans- lationB). N.A. Penin. Electrical Properties of Semiconductors 25 The author gives a brief description of semleonduetors, such as selenium, tellurium, and germanium. Particular attention is paid to the atomic structure of germanium crystals and to con- duction In crystals with and without Impurities. N.Ye. Skvortsova. Semiconductor Crystal Diodes 32 The author discusses the construction and oPeration of point- contact and junction-type crystal diodes. She also presents methods of making rectifying contacts and describes the effect Card 2/7 Semiconductor Electronics SOV/1765 of temperature on diode operation. There are 2 Soviet references (including 1 translation). Ya.A. Fedotov. Triode Transistors 42 The author brIefly discusses the theory of junction-type and point-contact transistors. Chief attention Is given to the theoretical and operational aspects of junction-type transistors. The author discusses the characteristics of junction-type triode transistors and describes the effect of frequency on transistor parameters. He also describes transistor power amplification and discusses methods of obtaining high operating frequencies. A brief description of junction-type tetrode transistors Is also presented. There are 7 Soviet references (including 5 transla- tions)- Ye.I. Gallperin., Triode Transistor as an Amplification Circuit Element 87 The author discusses the construction, operation and applica- tion of triode transistors. He describes various methods of transistor connection and gives expressions for equivalent cir- cuits and transistor parameters. There are 6 Soviet references Card 3/7 Semiconductor Electronics (including 1 translation). SOV/176r- V.I. Gevorkyan. Stabilization of Power Supply Circuits of Triode 7Fan__sf_sti5_i, Amplifiers 105 The author discusses methods of stabilizing the operation of bias circuits and describes an analytical method of calcula- ting transistor performance. lie also presents a graphical method of determining the quiescent point and discusses tran- sistor circuits with automatic bias. There are no references. A.G. Fillipov. Direct-coupled Amplifiers 117 The author describes the operation of d-c transistor amplifiers and discusses their operating characteristics. He also describes methods of stabilizing transistor operation by using negative feedback, balanced and bridge circuits, There are 10 references of which 1. Is Soviet and 9 English, Yu.I. Konev. Triode Transistors in Amplification Circuits of Servo- mechanism Systems 132 The author discusses the application and operation of transis- tors In servoinechanism circuits. Emphasis Is placed on a dis- Card 4/7 Semiconductor Electronics SOV/1765 cussion of servomechanism transistor components-, such as a-c amplifiers, modulatore, and phase-sqns1t1ve amplifiere, There 7 references of which 6 are Soviet (,trvluding 1 transla- tion), and 1 English. A..A. Kulikovskly, High-frequency Transistor Amplil'iers 151 The author discusses equivalent circuits of high-frequenc,y transistor amplifiers and describes methods of calculaUng their parameters. lie describes the! operation of interstage resonant circuits and examines the effect of feedback In tran- al.5tor circuits. He also discusses transletor stability, sta- bilizing networks for the internal feedback In transistor cir- cuits and the noise factor. There are 15 references of which 3 are Soviet, 1 German and 11 English. T.M. Agakhanyan, Transient and Frequency-Phase Characteristics of a Junction-type Triode Transistor 173 The author discusses transient, frequency and phase character- I.Btics of Junction-type tr1ode transistors. He also derives expressions for transfer functions for various types of tran- sistor connections and describes the equivalent circuit for high lard 5/7 Semiconductor Electronics SOVI/1765 frequencies for a junction-type triode transistor,, There are 8 references oi' which 2 are Soviet (including I translation), and 6 English. TX Agakhanyan, Triode Transistor Video Amplifiers 187 The author discusses linear and nonlinear distortions in tran- sistor video amplifiers and describes circuits with complex feedback and current distributing networks. A brief discus- sion of multistage amplifiers is also presented. There are 2 references.. both Soviet. B.N. Kononov. Trigger and Relaxation Circuits Using Junction-type TrIode Transistors 197 The author describes the operation and characteristics of sym- metrical triggers and mul-tivibrators using junction-type tran- sistors. He also discusses their stability and derives expres- sions for calculating transistor 6ircult performance. There are 4 references of which 3 are Soviet. and I English. G-S,, Tsykin, Transistor Inverter of D-C Voltage5 208 The author d1scuasea the operation and characteristics of In- Card 6/7 Semiconductor Electronics sov/1765 verter circuits using transistors. Special attention Is-given to tiae operation and design of Inverter circuits with a signal generator. There are no references. B.N. Kononov. Voltage Stabilizers Using Semiconductor Devices 215 The author discusses voltage stabilizing circuits using sili- con crystal diodes and transistors. He also explains equations for series and feedback stabilization and discusses transistor stabilizing circuits with temperature compensation. There are 4 references of which I is Soviet and 3 English. AVAILABLE: Lit)rary of Congress JP1sfm 5-26-59 Card 7/7 BARANOVA. 11JI.; T.RIS]INTO. S.T- LBoryasnko. S.T.); GEVORK'TAN. VXh. tHavork'inn, V.Kh.] Mosozoic an& Cenozoic sediments In the Manuillsk fault. Gool. zhur. 19 no.4:21-27 159. OURA 13:1) (Stalin Province-Geology, Stratigraphic) RLRANOVA, N.M.; GIVORKIYA11, V.Kh.-. POIXVAYA, P.A. [Folieva, P.O.] ---- - --- --- - - Conditiono of placer formation in the northern Azov-region. Dop. All URR no.4008-512 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Ustittit geologicheakikh na%ik All USSR. Predstavleno akwlemikom AN USSR V.G.Bondarchukom [V.11.*3ondarchi&omJ. (Azov rerion-Rintiralogy) -GEVORKIUN, V.Xh. [Ilevork"lan, V.Kh.] Aceeomory barite from the Poltava sands of the Azov Sea region. Dop. AN URSR no.9tll9j--n99 161. (11IRA 14:11) 1. 111stitut geologicheskikli nauk All USSR. Predstavlono akademikom AN USSR F.P.Semenko [Semsuko, M.P.] (Azov Sea region-Barite) DIVORIN I TANI.. V.. -Kh. [ Hevork I tan, V. Kh.1 Mineralogy of Crwtaeeoue sediments in the Beloserka Magnetic Anomaly. Tru&y Inst. geol. sauk. AN URSR. Ser z h 01 (MJ~A a e . no,ls76-81 162. 1641 (Ukraine-Mineralogy) GEVORKITANO V.Kh. [Nevork"ian, V.K)J - * --- ----- Some characteristics of the formation of Cretaceous sediments in the southeastern Ukrainian S.S.R. (region of the Sea of Azov). Geol.zhur. 22 no.2s42-52 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut geologicheakikh nauk AN USSR. (Azov Sea region--Geology, Stratigraphic) GEYQL!LW V.4h. LHevorklian, V.Kh.]; OP~,;Aj V.I.; KhL~UVSHY, S.S. [KraeuvollWi, S.S.] Second Conference of the Youog Geologiots of the Ukraine.. April 17-22., 1962. Cmeol.zhur. 23 no.1:113-116 163. (MA 164) (Ukraine-Geology) GEVORKIYAN, V,Yh. [Ilevorklian,], DOVGANI, R.N. (Dovhanl, R.M.1 T'ecionic coniit!.ons governing the distribution of spits on the ncrthern coast of the Sea of Azov. dop. ANI URSR no.1:92-95 164. (MA 17:4) 1. lnstltut geologichaskikh nnuk AN* 'TkrS,9R. Predstavleno akaderd~om AN UkrSS11 V.G.Bondarchukom tBondarch4, V.11.11. GEVORKIYANY V,Kh. [Havorkllan, V.Kh.) Some data on the minor elements of ilmenite and leucoxene from the sedimentary formatinna in the northern part of the region of the Sea of Azov. Dop. AN MR no.9t1200-1205 164. (MIRA 171l1) 1. InBUtut geologicheakikh nauk AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR N.P. Semenenko (Samenenko, M.P.]. r'Ev, !(f: 'j N'V, c ;D-: in n c 0~.- L n n !-1 1,- ,j krid k,-j i DII.illiI.NOV r. ,N , !~j . .1 ";; 0 lfu~ 1 1*, ~ ~i ,V.K . 1),r.ion.i t,t- and, L.Ii., - i , : I. g L 1 on 1'ror,- a sedi men twiry f,c~-lintlu'll it) tAir. regior of thf ,eti (,C Azov. Plinobor. 3.8 no.l: P) 1 -f,4 . (MIRA 18:5) ) , : 1.~. 1, ::."! ~ ~ ~- -'hi '. , - - - .1, 1-~~ 1. - F. ~ "- I'. ~lii - , ~,Of ( Y/ k~ , Ito insh.; UDALITSOV, A.N., glavnyy red.; J, SHUYUH. A.T., k&2.tokhn.nauk, red. [Itetnforcod protective coatings] Ustlennye zasbehituye pokrytiia. Mookys, ra-t takhatko-okon.inform. 1956. 21 p. (Informststis o nouchno-lealedovatallskikh robotakh. Tome 23, no.I-4-83) (Protective coatings) iMIRA 11:2) 5 4 All T:': ORS: TITLE: Uveryoltat-e DirinL Ele,trojeposition of' Antimozzy 1,Perenapryazheniye pri el-ektroooafttionli ~,ERIODICAL. lzvestiya Akalemii nauk 333R. Otdeleniye 1958, NT 11, pp 1310 - 1314 "USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors investigated polarization during the electrodeposition of' antimony by means of a rapid metriod. This made it Dossiole to consider the disz.1acement of the equilibrium potential and to estimate more izeciL.-ely trie quantity of the overvoltat;e. Preliminary results have that in antimony tartaric acid solutiono fine cry--,tallire ie- posits with a current yield of practf,!illy 1U0 ~ can be obtairei. In fi6ure la a photo of an oscillogram with volarization c,.arve~~ can be seen which h8ve ueen plotted by means c., t.-, ra,~,id The more slowly the curve is plotted the more the equiiit;r1a,,;. potential of the electrode is displaced in the 1-~o-iitive ~Jirectlcn. This is apparently in connection with the fazt 1-nat a low Cunlent denAtQV EIS Well aS With V&IUCS i i. = 0 an oxidation of the anti- Card 1/ 3 fPDDX SUTf8CV takes p] act-. ApjL2rently the overvol tat,~ ii,aantity Overvolta6e Lkirin6 '-Aectrodeposition. of Anti.-jony ; I which is determined in relation to tne steady ~~otential t be highly different froin the overvolt.96e wiiich is det;Lr- mined in re I a ti on to L he o4ui I i brium, fenti a I 'T ) cOr- a (Tr ~ - ' -,. tI rez;pnds, to the difference of the -,~(,tentials t~t?-,eeen the, au.,.il 4-arS electrode anu the JL66ilized value -);' the potential c: the anti- mony Plectrode in the cc-rrespondin6 solution. ( T1.1, ccrrejpcnjs to the potential value of the fre:;hly ~eposited,actlve -~ur- face. As may ue seen (Fi& 2) the be6innin6 of tne oxidaticn of antimony is not connected with Lne aosclute value o4 *.he polariz-~I- tion quantity of the e1eCLrQdt-,. If, a.3 ~~ouid Le obs~-rve~-i in the ex,,litriaients, the dijplact-~:nent a-)f the equi."iorilufn in the iositive direction je'undj on the zjurface cxi'idtion' oxi'zl'Llon in more acid sclutior. woul:1 '-~v "0 take consequently also tue ciI the eq~zili~.i':.~~::. would be smaller. fi6ure 4 reveals the i-larization L-urves in. a more r, C~ ) acid solution. Oja1'iZdtjUjj CLII'VeS 111 thl.' CL4Se L'f deposition of antimony froza tydrocf.loric acid solutions were f1etely different !Fi?, '~). It can 1,e seezi it that the rite Card 2113 of xeduction of antimony in tylrochloric acid solutions i.; iDy Overvoltage During Electrodeposition of Antimony some orders of magnitude higher than that in tarLuric ucid, There are 5 figures and 3 references, 11 of' whict, are 3oviet. AS30CIATIONi Inatitut l'izichesxoy Khi:nii Akademii nauk SSSR (.1natitLite of ihysical Chemistry Academy of Sciences,USSR) SUBMITTED: blay 15, 1957 Card 3/3 G.--ind Tpui oci -- (dl:,,;) 19- p; (.dn of on of LcUn ~ilc:.~ ili'l, i:-~ "e. ~I(le-"ev) 1'3L 5(4) L' -, I , - .:" ? . . 6-23/44 '.UTHOR: Gevorkyan V. M. TITLE: II-Mrnal T0110'10nm' of Antimor'l C~azjnt'zj (Vnutronniye napryazhe- riya surlmyanykh pokrytiy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii, 11959; Vcl .7-1, Nr 6, PP 1318-1323 (TISSR) ABSTRACT: Tensions occurring in galvar.i,- coatirEs depenl on the nature of t`ia metal separated and may turn out in a compiession or an expansion. Thus, for example, !i compresuion i9 obBervable in niokel- and chromium centinqL;, njil an oxpanjiion with zinc and cadmium, Changen in elef!trolytic conilition,3 may, however, oausa a weakening or a tranifformatici, in the tenoions in ,-q c-x~ii` t a "char- qijeation (Ref '.). Since antimony roatar-, I V~ acterigtic brittlenes3l', in inveotif;ativn rf tensions i3 of snecial interest. Tile exper-Lments und?r review were made with 0-05 mm thick fle:cible bras-s cafl)~.aes (brass L 68), that were isolated with KhSI-1-2 ?.acqu--r (.n the 3ide not "acing tho allode. Invest of tile cath".14: W0'--.-0 made 'U.V tile ald of a microscopq !'I'B-2 with un ajitimcmy Jeposiz up to 50 - (10 ~, thickneL~s. Thu tenoion (IT of antimony dtpo3ita was inveitigated in an ant~nciiy -t'~.Ivtardc electrolyte Card 1/2 az depe~,Jizq on the maximum and cnrr~e.,)t density and Internal Tonsio-tv of Azitim.ny Coati!w8 t- 2 3/44 acidity of the elictrulytu. It in equation (Refs 1, "') fo:~ the (IT) c:Cmputati~,n :k~~3 ,,;t 1,zke into ac- ~oujit Vne afftict exerted by th-i :na,..n~;; !ience. it minnot be applied to (p,antitati,;e of the (IT) OL ",qry thiii (~oatinF lfly-.irn. ',"ho c..,i~ALs obtained 1, 1 - -0 6~"LW thut the klT') il' ant.:.~i-,Y depodts of- fe.-,I. a compreasion ~)f tho, i,.oatinj,, ai~~! miarkedly with tne- rirrent dena it, y but reli-tivoly loss witli f.jie acidity of the tplectrclyte. An incrEaio io the cnrruj.,~ de,,,~:,Jty to double doabl-:~a Uhe a.-! in reaj-~ in U-~ ;)": by 0.1 intensi- f.,es he (IT) b-,, :.J:2 Jnci-3ae,~ in. 6i~- ;L)ating thick- no:3u fri-ri I t.-, -4r 1. effects a f!-i,,reao(, c,.1 the (IT) by B - 14 timei; tjii.,, is also obaerval,-)a 4'z,,)m t!,,& 3f the (IT) ai-.cording tz, ajt~~iV~.on (Rofa I .'~) (Table 5). It is 31~ltej illat tile (Irl") erum t',~, rt1,,-)ve mentioned elec- LrL 1YI 03 are loxjr by sav~!i j iimca as to ~he (IT) i:- tl~e nicl:el coatings; hen~;s-; antimony ccalings Lim; be re- ,,arded as satisfactcry 3alvanic coat ngs. A few considerations are made next concerning th~- technique and d2terraination of (IT) cf gall-anic coativs. Thexe ure ~, tables an3 5 Soviet referen~e8. SUBMITTED: '~oveL:,br-i- '21), 11)"17 Card 2/2 GINEERG, AleksaiAr Mironovich; GEVORKYAN, V.M.,, kand. tekhn. naukp retsenzent; POPILOV, L.TW._,'1nzb.j red.; TARtOVA, A.L., red. W.-va; VIADIMIROVA~ L,A.p tekhn. red, (UltranorLics in chemichal and electrochemical processes in the mamfacture of machinery) U1'trazvuk v khimichaskikh i elektro- khimicheskikh protsessakh mashinostroeniia. Moskva, Maahgiz, 1962. 135 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Ultrasonic waves---Industrial applications) OVORKUH. V. 0. ,~, Selection of green manure plants for orchards of the Ararat Plain. lzv.AN Arm.SSa.Biol.i selikhos. nauki 6 no.2:87-93 153. (" 9:8) 1. Institut plodoyodetva Akadexii nauk Arayanskoy SSR. (Ararat region-Pruit culture) (Green mmiring) - GIVORKW, V.0. "'~ Tillage ey8tem for interrov soil of bearing apricot orchards In the Axarat Plain, Armenian S.S.R. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Biol.i sellkhoz. nauki 6 no. U1 17-26 '53. (XLRL 9:8) 1. Inetitut plodovodetya AN Arm. SSR. (Ararat region-Apricot) A ~r4 T FS vino- c'7 ann 71 bn the the Lavior! The u !I a 1'. 14 YJNASYAN, S.M.; GEVORKYAN, V,O, Effact of m1neral fertilizers on the chemical compos.tion of Rhoots, fruit pulp and the yield of peach. Izv. AN krm, SSR. Biol, nauki 16 no.11:31-37 N 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut vinodellyn i vinogradarstvR llrmyanskoy SSR. GVCRXUN, Ye.L. I MUKU-00~ Wilt-resistance of cotton during vegetative hybridization (in Armenian with summary in Ruestan]. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.19t.nauki no.7: 69-82 147. (K6RA 9-8) (Cotton) (4bridization, Vegetable) GIVOW" L#AMII ,..WMMWTM Affect of changed conditione on wilt resistance of the cotton plant (in Armenim with sumary in Rassian]. Izv.AN krm.SSR.Biol.i selikbos.nauki 7 n0-3:11-23 Kr 151r. (KLRL 9:8) (Cotton--Disease and post resistance) C7 Evor~Kyi,)N, ~e 0 BARSIDGTAN, S.G.; ONNOWAN. Ta.A.; NUBARYAN, P.M. Heteresis in tobacco due to intervariettal hybridization [in Armenian with summary in Russian]. Izv.AN Arm.SSR Bisl.i emllkhoz.nauki 9 no-707-48 A 156. (HLRA 9: 1)) (Tabacc6 breadiag) (Hataresis) P-intz,. Lrianl,s rcr Tucl.ncal M 0 out~ar "I"Ints. - 7- J39 Jour: llie-." 19')C'' No 161 Yo. Inst :Ar-11ieia'an occienti~ lnstituLo t,f A.-rlcul- Title :Now HoCiud o' Pvl),en _,f ~'Iotton Plants. Or'Lg Pu,~: nauchno-t,-~'~Iin. infc.rm. A*-m. ii,-i. in-t Z,Im- 1(-',7, No 2, 12-14. Abstract: LL,:,ra&;~ ._-cnditi,_)is of cvening pollen wer" developed oefk~ra *,,,;e cf the follovinL, day. Three ,.iethGds of stora-,e were iised: 1) pullon gathered oi~,t,~c, eve of flowering and i~.iaintained tcgether 11) ALh the corolla5 in )archment packa,,,ps in roam con- lition s at a temperature of 2) anthers frow the cork.lla were _,olleoted and stored under the same Card 1/,,~ AKOPTAN, S.A.;, f~' '.T)I;xYANI ZhIA. .. ... - .. ..- - I-- _.i:, throcyto sedImentation reaction in the electromagnetic field durlnF radiation aWmeas. Zhur. sksp. I klin. zed. 2 no.6sl5-22 162. (MIRA 19t10) *no Agricultural engineering in olive cultivation. Moskva, Selkhozgiz, 1944 (Ric 53--209) Co.1lation of the originali 207 p. HicrofilT T-4 ~:` ~-. 1'1~ ~. Ili -..- .11 .. . I,1 1 1 .VOMMUMATA, 0.3.0 kandq eel 'skokhozyayPtyeW1ch nauk; GNTOUTANTS, S*A., kand. sallskokhozyaystvannykh nauk. qmlity of anstard seed In southeastern districts of the Soviet Union. Vaal.-thir. prom. 24 no,'3:8-11 15P, (MMk 11W 1. VNI IKMU (Mustard seed) GEVROU, Swra. Repoductinn of ",ha barile furd.,, FTA fti,rce Ln ii-austry. T.nd tsori 5 im.t,04-4-.3 MIKHEYFV, I.I.; BERENIS, A.A.; GEVRIK, Ye.A.; OGUROK, I.A. Genterlens grinding machine for polishing the front legs of bent ohairs. 1~m. i der. prom. no.3146-411 J1-S 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. LIvovokiy lasotakhideheskiy institut (for Mikheyev, Berenis, Gevrik). 2. Llvovskaya fabrika gnutoy mebeli (for Ogurok). BATIN, I.V.; GEVRIK, Ye.A.; BERENIS, A.A. Mechanisas of feeading polishing machines. Bum. i der. prom. no.4:3-6 O-D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Llvovskiy lesotekhnicheskly inBtitut. ~~ -;Ii 1: 1: ~, .;.. '~. ; -. '' i., * - , .; I I . - . . .1, ; t , : , : , : I ~ . 1 1. I ~ - '' ~ !, ! " , 1 , , ! " ~ ~ . i I 1. 1., . : ~1, I , ~ : - ~-o , - t .-.. . - . . - : - , KUPARENKU, D. (Cupareneu,B); SYRSAN, Ya.T. [rlirsar, E.T.]; GEnUSH,A. [GheTrus,A.) (Ibmyniye) ElectrophormtLe fitudy of the myocardial proteins In experi- mentAl adrenal insufficiency. 14a Probl.endolc. i gom. 8 no.2t43-48 Mr-Ap'62. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz kafedry firiologii i medistinskoy fiziki Kluzhskogo medi- ko- famatearticheskogo instittta. (ELECTROKORESIS) (M=T-KISCLE) (ADRMAL GLAND-DISEASES) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) ~'IILI:W;S, L.S., ij~iktor fiz.-mat. nauk; L.D., fiz.-mat. nauk; AYRAPE771ANTS, li.V.0 k%nfl. fiz.-mt. miuk; URGIN, V.A., al:ndemik; 12ENTSEL' , B.A ., fioktor k1din. nauk; TOPCI11YEV, A.V., akndeirdl: [decoaBod); DAVYDOV, b.E., kitridi(l.k1dr. nauk; L.V., red.; 1,111YESSEHOV, K.G., rod.; ~X)Ufbl, S.P., tok lin. red ~ [Organic. -~oudcoiuiuctorsj PO I III jrovok-niki. Yo- sjcva~ L-Ai-vo All "'SSR' 1901. J17 p. (1,111,A 26:12) 1. Akacl~!vlya ii,aik SSSR. ImOltut nt%ft~ k1 (Samiconductor:3) r -/c,"'mil Cal Tc. c~11(: lo" yC;Ion. !"n'diuc -0 1- B1 nding 1.1% --n -.If, C On C re, i" c. 'bs Joul,: 1%,ci, Pc. 10, tl~-- Suc,~ridary S%s Dubbl--o 'n Gh'-3:7. )r-f. 25P2' Oo r:,.(: "al ., L " PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6176 Konobeyevskly, S. T., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences U33ft, Resp. al. DeystvIYe vadernvkh izluohenlv na materialy (The Effect of Nuclear Hadiatiom on ftterlsls). Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 383 P. Zrrata slip Inserted. 4000 00plea printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akadmlya nauk SSSR. Otdelenlye tekhni- cheskikh nauk; Ot.,,'L-!f.,r-'ye flziko-matcnatloheskikh nauk. Reap. Ed.i S. T. Konoboyevskly; Deputy Reap. Bd.It S. A. Ad"inokiy, Sditorial Board: P. L. Orutin 0 V Kurdyumov, B. M. Levitakly, V. S. Lyashanko (Deoeasedl, iu.'A. Martynyuk, Tu. I. Pokrovskiy, and N. F. Pravdyuk; Ed. of Publishing House. H. 0. Hakarenko; Teoh. Hdot T. V. Polyikova and 1. N. Dorokhina. .Card 1/14 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) sov/6176 PURPOSE: 'niis book Is Intended for personnel concerned with nuclear materlals. COVERAOR: This is a collection of papers presented at the Moscow CQnference on the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials, hold December 6-10, 1960. Tno material reflects certain trends In the work being conducted In the Soviet scientific research orginitation. Some of the papers are devoted to the experimental study of the effect of neutron irradiation on reactor materials (steel., ferrous alloys, molybdatium, avialgraphite, and niohrom:;). Others deal with the theory or neutron irradiation feots (physioo- chemical transfozmtlons, relwmtion of Internal stre3ios, Internal friction) and changes in the 3tructure and proper- ties of various crystals. Special attention Is given to the effect of Intense Y-radlation on the electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of motalls dielectric&, and semiconductors. Card 2,/14 The Effect of Nuole&r Radiation (Cont.) SOV/6176 Andronikashvill, S. L., N. 0. Politov, and M. 3h. Getiya. Effect of Irradiation in a Reactor on 3truoture and Hardness of ALcali-Halide Crystals 2TT The irradiation was conducted in the M-2000 Reactor at the Physics Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Orlov, A. N. Use of Electronic Computers for Calculating Radiation Dlaturbanoom In Metals 288 je:=k:h:tYarr, J._Xa:~, and A., M. Shalay4w. Chanfs In Physioal roper on of Perromaknotio Metals and Alloys Caused by y-Radiatlon 294 44a4mr1kon. S. 0. (Dgaeas:14). and N. P. Plotnikova. Effect of Y -Irre-AU-tlo-Von Fibaeave-5 or -Of-dering' wimdf D sordering in Fe-Al Alloys 306 DpRzjnk* I. D V and A. P. aslushka. Y-00FAM"It, a 308 CarQ 1l/.,'4 GIVURTANt Conference of medical pervounel of Ryaww Province. 2-drav. Roo* Feder. 4 no.808-41 Ag 160. (KM 13:90 (RUZAN PROVINCE--MICIL PERSONNEL) BELIKOVV V.S., doictor biologicheskikh nauk, prof.; GEY, "B.A., Rand. biolog. nauk Discharge of substances from wheat Infiven under increased dehydration as related to tim. I,rx. 71"191A no.2:29-13 163. (MIRA 16110) I GEYj E.; YAII(')Vk')YO S.S..; T.'JIMMY , 1 .- ~'-! - " ~ ~ - . ,-,f alkanes. i,.,i. Zer. -.: 20 r.0.1, i I 9-14 165. (!,!:vi - hafedra fizicheskoy khImil 14,~,~skov-;kor~, ~~,-~vercitetfl. I . . . . ~. I I I : I . I I ~ 1 1. . . - ~:.P . I ~ . I n nt '. I . ."-A -0_!) ., - : , - ~ GEYp Ksl ThROVOYj S.S.; TATEVSKIYv V.M. Dipol.e mcments of ccmpounds of the general formLla AnB-,n -t 2. Vimt. Most. un. Ser. 2sKhim. 20 no.,4-3-6 .11-41g 165. - (MIRA IF-10) 1, Kafodra fizicheakoy khimil Moskowkogo gosudarstveimcgo GIT. Ivan Yedarovich; XMOCIMIN, F., veduchty radektor; NOVIX. A., or [Rural t)*rmal electric power plants] Sillelki teplovi elektro- otanteli, Xyiv, Dersh.vyd-vo tekha.lit-r7 URSR. 1957. 218 p. (11setric power plants) (MIRA 10:?) G-:Yj N. N. , MnIfine r "Effect of the Speed of Air Motion on the Process of Wood Drying.ff Sub 30 Jun 51, Moscow Forestry Inst Dissertations presented for science and engineerimu. dogre,~s in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sm. No. 00, 9 May 55 GXY,li.11., kandidat takhnichoskikh uRuk; SPITKOVSKIY,Z-M-, inzhener "MPPF"fow. Me use of high frequency currents in ven?ering And glueing furniture parts. Der.prom.4 no.6:9-11 Je 55. 04LRA 8:10) 1. UkrNIIMCD (Veneers and veneering) (Induction henting) (Dielectric heAting) ON. N.N., kwididat tekhnicheeklkh nauk. Drying, techniques used in foreign awntries. Der.prom.5 no.9126-28 S 156, (=A 9:10) l.Ukrainskiy Nauchno-losladovatellskiy institut makhanichekey obra- batki drii6iny. (Lumber--D-.7ing) GEY, N.N., kand.takhn.naukl POTAPOV, MO., inzh.; LITVINSKIY, I.A., inzh. ----- -- -.- More discussion on' t6 eoDnnmics of lumber drying by the induction method. Der,prom. 10 no.5s4-6 My 161. MRA 14:5) 1. Kiyevorgtekhatroy (for Gay). 2.'Glavkiyevstroy (for Potapov). ), rierevo,obrabatyvayushchiy zavod No.1 (for 14tvinskiy). (Lumber-Dryii- _,~ 0 0 04 0 0 10 IF IN p 11 U 0 1 6 a Al ' I 41 W 0 to A 1 0 0 0 t 00 1-0 of Mesa.. im, in Wme 5-ulislancos .00 MITI Ol 111, 14 11~~ 1 4 nv M A -09 e * it A j,#" Y ' mgv,-,, 1, It' JI1IWAjsj,, With 1l,,,1 .,I of I, it the 11110 splWa" at 2. v it 1. &1 4'' . .I I )m 4 1 At 2-4 T ) with a jjIrj,j t, ,,, A""A fit,,, I h- t 1~ - ... lly tr," -lightly, Ilitt', PS-11'r .111.11811,4 , 0 1 J N_ fit VfWrily, almi at .4~1--ndlut 11. ' 1 A I, tl"h 11 1 0 . "111. vir. m-1 tv n,ad. I hr I rc ?"t'A'4 1, 'at I.m q-d, of . I., I 1 4 0 0 r"m 4111 1 ,101111d In tfi,w 1, -J thi, ,f,l,t 0 H I Uith A muf 00 at 14,bi I14-CA4 III elivams, fiell I"t% avirt 110 .1(*I,ct,,i At W-cilut mar mm) zoo IN- f-miraltim lIilmllalk, ntj o"I 44 A and P% at, iod Iliv pjAml,il,l~ Ih, it 6 111 1, .1... #If Ox 'fil't 14 10 1 1 MAI~ ILI c .of fill, i of so 04 00 zoo WE, goill , life 00 6A 'o .0 it" L3 n 0 0 A #A 4 1 *MV Z"rty' V' set, Gel ad I. PkkwW- It* d"d P*Yms U S s R 9 3 - ' ' ' . pt fjwjo. IM, In No'"'m jalfoolow 44 All t4mi"'ll twom 411 114,10141% f1twil sishe .4 lilt sliplaime twill 91W V.110- ..I llb#- out*. Up 1.) 114) W poliffs fhas issaft, &hKh to to, agwitwout with floliw'ji the"y. L. chatimurms: for molUple armaritig. An expoitistital decay W intowt), 00 ' "boll the rip inom ha%-r ket a Isw jail of th"I ro"JI. 0.7 lo w soll , ZOO 004 OS %o0 4 I It 0k t 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 All 0 0 V 0 02 0 0 0 000o 0 0o 111 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 o o f000 USSR/Cloud Chambers Oct 1945 Corona "Invamt1gation of Mnpulp(- Corona in a Clo-A Chamber,#' V. Heyq S. Zaenzt, 12' pp "Zhixr'Ekop I Teor Fiz" Vol Xv, No 1.0 Stu&y of tho Impulse corona In a cy1indrI(,.ftI condenser in a cloud chamber, using Impulaes of duration 0.1/17 zu. Lanlm&Tad Polytechnical 1hat., Thahkent Physico- Tlechnical Inst., Acad. Sci. UZSSP 10T100 op 11:: '1 U 0. L ALI 64.1 11.01, 1 1 41 Up phobi4sivi in thug OiNorbod In a of alksli "Irtall low.-It A Alkali 0 A I I 1611h k 21, 141.1 t .00 m, Mks ol. 1d".1 1.61 at "trial .. .... Af.-I the S1.1111 4 It,. 0., "Ir "Ot, 1. it lief 4" 4 .4 Ih, I , 4 : 11 1 1111111 41.1 11,, Lm-. mid It. 1,1 , d'ul' d i lorn I V4 ,--hp IM. -h : Ilse, fln. '415.1 1111, ml 4 " 1. .1 last I I.Iffill i t ......... r 10411tv, ph"11. 1'l q, it 11111 IIAVC M. 111'r 111101. d' J"'." "f ligatilt -141.1i'lgirti, Pic- A 0 4 imlIA m6 air ilo,i o,- i 1.,l I.,%_ ~ .. ,. _ 111WIV IF 11-1 msh~ sm] Ind, "I.- I h, I" g. 'It' .... Ii . t 4 Il . rn i, p lunif 4 Ib, !l" 11'r 0,41 11" ,1 0- . 1o" 41 I-met Monc Cann"I 1, ,it t" It,, I , -1 -.1., 11, fl;j d, It," And 1. , , , .1 ,6. . ......... I 4111e fhAl Ifir .11p. t-,- .,1 1- As 00 .1 vjt~ ..... .. I Of 0.1t,11 (L OWK-1-C- 410 $t u 49 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s o 00 r.00 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 -0 1 IM V 4 1 t A AA go to U 'Mill-t9wis C4 ThW Upabod Nau of IM Mai Ustals, V, 4;,-% ~-,l Trull-11 IfAhmil I'Aforip. Phy.frol. 1101. 41, Jill Humoiall.1 Itv A~I-Fpllmlof it'. lapiutsM solkith um-WA, filuto thkkwwof W-VI-1111"1114,1111" 14%. IN 11,1%. 4 I-n 04al"I. '11w . Itworit-A mmiurlivily of thro.. 111111A Ow.s. I I.,%. lob f4dit, i jim-ni runes ultioliriell Imn, tim-m 1,, twi Im S. A. 40 is* 00 ........... fee K U VI 0 0 0 0 go 0 00 goes 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 o 0: Uh 0 0 6 0 o 0 000 0 000 0 O'jo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 of 0 00 0 0 * *I/ f OSSR/cOMM, hqM196 Fab 1947 Oseillographs, Cathode-ray - Applications 'rho Time IAg o:i' the 3hpulse Cm-o-.-A," V. Bay, Sayents, 8 pp "Jour ftsics USSR" Vol XT, No 2 Cathoile-ray oscillograph of the time lag of the impulse corona in a cylindrical condenser, Results obtained exp2ain qualitatively -the properties of the volt-time curves of dischargers with various combinations of blunt and sharp electrodes. 13V1 13T81 '.'A 13T~O USEN/Corma, b1pulse Feb 1947 Oscillogra,phs, Cathode-ray - Applications "Investigation of the Impulse Corona by a Cathode-ray OscillWaph," V. Hey, X. Zalente, 10 pp "Jour Physics USSR" Vol XI, Wo 2 Capacity measurements of a cylindrical condenser with an im-pulse corona, carried out vith the aid of a cathode-ray Decillograph. Studies of the relation betwen capacity and voltage, the influence of the vave-front steepness on voltage, establishment of the time lag of the positive corona, and curves represent- Ing tbt variation of the capacity as a function of the voltage. 13TBO OV. V.V.; VATMTS, S.L. Investigation of impulse corons, by means of a cathode ray 9scillograph. Zhur.oksp. i toor.fix. 17 no.5:4)7-449 147. (MLRA 6:7) 1. Leningrikdekiy politekhoichookiy I-astitut Im. M.Whins. (Mootrio discharges) (Cathode ray secillograph) L r 'A ' 4 ~ 7 7 - s* 4 .... . ... . 41" !In 1!41 "'C"tic j"VOn-grai-li 14 high ha,mir iin elortgntp(l defining rhan't,' 1 1 And 00 envisistiliv j 1% ::un1vr.. ,. d.-scrild Tell, h- flit" %%Ith Wild. is a I xg: too A avAtio:41(di impAlm (tA11101CO" tio: Vy"11 u it it JA a It 1011 cl A g 14 0 so 0 :1 0 0 0000 00 060 6 soos 0 see 00 000 of 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0000 00 900 go** 000 0- 0 0- 0 GIT.'(.Y.; UTTINITS, B.L. ., - , ".. 1, k Time lag of the impulse cerena. Zhur.eksp. i teor.fiz. 17 ne.5:450-459 '47. (HIML 6:7) 1. Laningradskiy politekhnicheakiy inatitut im. N.I.Ealinina. (Illectric discharges) : . ' m a bit Was soll, homma it Is 18 it 16 1y It 9 JI 1~ a L t S 1 0 "JP I a 4 is 1 k 4l 406440 I a A I A 4 - (410M "R(0$ I TRSPL, Val. 1 No. 3 .to 00 : 0 090 1 SOP j 09t Tj, AM 244ate, S.C., Depandenco of aoupling-coafficlent an the -po'confiii In impdme ooronas, 1067. are* ';0 9 humd TekMichookoi Fixildl Vol. XVrl, No. 9 (1947) 0 4, to $to OIIAWAUt" ultilhittill (tASSIVICATOW 1. ~Z_ 40 L S 1 64 0 0 go Is It 0 to 0 0 IN waste stern l(wilm" I'm 0 q 0 0 9 o 4 0 0 0 0 a to Sig *so W v ago GEYP V. V. Impulse Corona. Moskva, Gosenergolzdat, lytB. 1999999raff 941111 001100041110 - is f so -3 0 Swim Sig-166 NWWG(FACI 1. podpo nnamm of V. V,, LAMWV. 0. D. V. by, AdO XNAL, USX, sqr. F41, U (Ard. 6) 7244 (I"ll) A ANIAM-Aft low"Wil 4111mill" or faaw wAs wail. Wi* P*s 300 ~ 4w am wj do loth of dm 0"ity in (A OW Latt*wv 11 PAPI. VS5JI. " (No. =1 (1"41 Coin- ci&IM WOWS *%It PI$Md &A XO' dkila-T-4 frivi the wisme. Illic Ibipam"I rck*Aj0ft clainied 's 9 3%. &ma to Ow ban film 10 - W. was OOWW4 - we Aha ?247 (19MI. Cwmt On IWAb"W to 20001iov. to 0-0r.' rot NOW. The "ie'namd-umstive [I" wo 123 Not, rkmilial AM OW 0.11 mm. $UWQP 04 Rn it #I" woo* 0.1mm dmk.. 40 Men king. % .11 *A*MM LI is. StStWicill cmw was ) 0 4% ow miamt$ at this raw. I ", 4 so!*. in 041"that panli, fisimeill bIC fmm 2-2 lo 2-4 M*V. A table vv" V (1111,0 valkics W in I US and 6 175 0140 On Am Irw WnitsporAing tom as boy, For cowg~ariwft 4 - tj + 2 and Is Wo 011411". $00"her **h din "Wts or LmWAw v. Esp. Mar- Pk".. K 63 11%4)1 Aj*k&nov =d 1,0,hm 4JAM" Akad. MwA. 111, 429 (19311)) wA 01m, jhw. 140Y. SPr. A. M 150 119)4)). T), Fr - 2 198 IV - Mod - be --XrVwaW by tines of I lit, AW 2 173 kev. Them em jwkadm Of -twed Om smictive of aig hing, F, - I NO and 14ulbov. The Positron PDCttm ackwa "m LW" lot kmd in t* it- 9,weversim thm of E, - 1390. 1 $35 mw ' 101 kav be* e- hislaxim am Quoted of relative ddywromm in immosity bwwm 01 and if- lima 13m AbMG M711949i kw matumt ihm i scam of ft 79 PC.W- lines bmd in tht fRWK I POP" SM MKIOChMMOCI. J. -.06 too UIC441%of cz -;_7 ~M wi- kv -0 is it 41 a age won Re 0 0