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SOLOVIYEV, A.I.; QEVCNDYAV, T.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; GARCHEV, N.N., dots., red.; AVIMOVA, A.G., red.izd-va; DERINA, N.F., tekhn. red. [Laboratory manual on the theory of mochanisms and parts of instruments] Laboratornyl praktikum po teorii mekha- nizmov i detaliam priborov. Moskva, Mashgiz, 2963. 143 j;. (Ml,iA 17: 1) PERVITSKIT, lu.D.; .0MIONDY&I-1A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., rotoonzontl DMITRTYEV, F.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., red.; LISITSYN, V.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots. (Design and construction of precision mechanisms] Raschet i konstmir.-)vania tochnykh mekhanimov. Moskvu, Mashino- stroenies 1965. 547 p. (MIRA 18:7) GXVO)IDYA)[,,,V,.S. - Reflex influencns on blood coagulation time in anesthesia. Irv- AN Am. SSR. Biol. I sel'khoz. nanki 11 no. 5:17-23 Ky 158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Ifisiologichaskays laboratoriya nauchno-issledovatel-Iskogo Inatituts akusheretva I ginekologii Hinisterstva rdravookhronnniya AmSSR. (PLOOD-40,1GULAT10i, (Ala,~STIC,'SIA ) (RRVLN*;s ) V.~ ,jKVCI,DYAN) :,. Clange.5 in the quantity of general salfhydryl in the. organs ard tis,3ues cT rabblt3 Infeoted with fascloliasis. Izv. AN Arm. SSR blol. nm,,k.J 1.6 nf).8,.49-54 Ag'63 (IMIRA 17W 1. tnatitu. AN Amyanslycy SSR I Institut. fizlo- AK kiiyans~(,y SSR. GEVONDYAN; V.~.-. :ii.lflhyOT-yl In the blDod Porum of 91., -T, w, th !I Y,~r fascioliasis. .r Azy. AN Arit. OSSR. Biol. nauki 17 no.6:6'~).6F a 164, (MIRA 17:12) 1. Tiaktor parazitologli ZoologArhfskogo lriF.~41,uttl AN ArITC)SH I Inst.P.ut fiz4ologil AN ArrrC,,`,R. GEVC-,'(DYAN, V.S. Siil-fhydryl group content I n the 1 ivrr rd' ralil ~ tr~ w i t 1) ffis,~Ioliasfs. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 18 no.F: 6(1-74 Ag '65. (MITV, IP;13) . 4 1. "lloologicheskiy institut i Iristitut fiziologii AN' Armytiriskoy ';.';R. GIVONDYAN, U.S. Mfe*t of thiphen on blood pressure in experimental hypertension. T~,. Vescolux. obah. fisiol. no. 1t124 1952. (CIXL 24:1) 1. Delivered 24 Yebruar7 1950. Moscow, GEVONDYAN, Z.S.v lnzh.; DEMCIIUK, V.D., ".nzh. Floating support for the erection of gF.4nr. Trans. strol. I.-, no.6:25 k, '63, (MIRA 17-.2) 6 /")/I~ TJSSR / Disen.,)t,-s of Farm Aniiaals. Toxicoses. R Abs Jc,-,;r: R,.~f Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, :5566.). Author Movsesyan, T. B. , Govorgyan, A. C 3. , (391s',y~)n, 0. Yh. Inst Erevan' Institute of Zoology and 'Vet.:riniry 3clences. Title ratholic and Morphologic Cjhang,,~s ir. 11.'Cr3~"S .i IDisoned by Lodder. nrig Pub: Tr. Yerevansk. zoovet. in-ta, vyp. 1,1:1, 65-75. Ab5tract: Fodder poisoning in horses is oiar--icturizled by functional disturbances of the gastro.- intestinal tract and is accompanied by 11colic". The mest characteristic pathologico-at-atomical t -I e z IL change consists in the thickening of 'lull intastino mucosa ~3 to 4 millimeters, sciiietir-es 5 to 6 millimeters), where in spots put,~;hidl Card 1/2 YSSR / Piseases of Farm Animals. Toxicog,3.9. Abs Jour: R,~!f Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1956, 35863. Abstraot: and blotched hemorrhages and nv,,croses th(; -:,ize of a 25-kopek coin can be found not infr;~qucntly. Ttt~ serotin membrane of the smaD and lurge in- 4- a , stines is swollen by black colored blotched tamorrhages. Thure is always a vollowist liq- uid in the amount of 500 ml to 1.6 1 present in the thoracis cavity and in the peritoneum; blotched Rnd striped hemorrhages nri, found on the endocardium of the left or ri;jlit vjntri,-,I,-!. Histological changes are characturiz.~;d by gran- ular disintegration, nt~cro.iis, d.,~squn~.ation of the epithelium, as well as by hypclrpl~.,~zia and D I yTiertrophy of the muscular and th~,, subi,,Iuccus layers of the szall intestine mucopa. Card 2, MET'YOV -,'O1, L.C. ; BAGDASA'19 AN, ?.I;. . GETORKY. I!", A ef o?ytilua Lion of 6, viscosity Hnrl t hW oja:iticity of rnacromoleculeS of poly(lhloi,6L,!',i!iu AN Arm. 3CR 41 no.1:34-40 165. pol'imorn.-rkh pr,)Juktov. Submittod FebruarT GPORGYAN, B.; KRASKOKUTSKIY, I.; 131J-!,'1r,0V, N.; f,,Ar.HK""OVt 1/. The seven-year plan in action. Mias. ind. SSSR 33 no.4:3-15 162. (MIRA l7t2) 1. Wskovskly ordena Lonina myasokombinat (for Govorgyan). 2. Kalininiskiy sovet narodnogo khozynystva (for Krasnokutskly). 3. Upravledye myasnoy I molochnoy promyshlennosti Kheraunskogo ioveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Putnikov). 4. Bukliarnkaya RhIadoIx)ynya (for Rakhmntov). GIWMGTAN, B., inshener. The Rostov Heat C*mbine meats the busy season. Mias.lnd.SSSR. 25 no.4:10-12 154. (NUU. 7:8) 1. Glavmya"o. (Rostov--Meat incustry) (Neat Industry--Rostov) GEVCRGYAN,B., inthener , k! On the eye of the great livestock processing season. Mies. ind. SSSR 26 no-3:9-10 '55. (MLILA 8-9) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye w7asnoy proiwahlonnosti (Nest industry-Squipment and supplies) GWORGYAN, B. --- - - um"NOWN"WIME Vil New eq,ilpment of thm Moscow Meat Combine. Mias. ind. SSSR 27 no.4:12-16 156. Klu 9: 10) 1. Gletvnyy inzheiner Mnskovskogo myaskombinata. (Moscow-Slangbterhouses) W~ Thousands of tons of-producte .v(,r and above tne plan. Via@, ind.SSSR 28 no.4:6 157. (MLRI. 10:7) 1. GlavVy inshoner Mookovskop uqasokombinats. (Hoot industry) Q I f.I1~- I ,I t. I I -Owauja.B& A Decomted visht combine. Mias. Ind, SSSR 28 no,5:13-16 157. (Kim 11:1) 1. Glaynvy inzhanar Maskovskogo uVasokombinata. (Mosoov-Meat Industry) OTORGWI, B. Glorions anniversar7. Mias.ind.SSR 30 no.i:6-lo Itig. (MIRI, 12:4) 1. Glavnyv Inzhener Hoskovskogo %yaaokombinata. 'Liee) (Moscow--Meat industry-Squipment and supp. GEVORGYAN, B.; GORBATOV, V,.; TROFIMDVSXIY, V.; SHNITSER, S. Wroving planning in the meat industry. Was.ind.SSSR 32 no.2: 35-36 161. (mm 140) (Meat industry) (Industrial mang ement) Evo I 4i KATSMAN, Yi-,.V,, I J, 3,Ye, ; SAMKOV, V.S. ; K.,TK(,V, F0 " IV. r. ; VDILGRAMA, L. V. ; MAMYKIIJA, A. 1). ; I'fjK,V, G. I. ;')DfUKHC)V' A.A.; FALEYEV, G.A., inzh.., retsenzent.; DOGATAYA, L.M.., red.; ZARSHCHIKCVA, LA., t~khn. red. [Press method for meat boning and deveining] Obvalka i zhilovka niasa pressovaniem. (By] R.A.Govorgian i dr. Moskva, "?Ishche- promizdat, 1963. 31 P. (AURA 16:8) (Meat industry--Equipment and supplies) (Skusagea) AMBAi-,TSUNYA.N, M.S.; GLVORGYAji, G.Ya. (Loninakan) ...... - -... - - .... All-city conference of nurses. (LIMINAKAN-NUTSM AND WISING) Med. sestra 20 no.6:57-.59 Je 161. (IT J, 14: 7) AMBARTSUMUN, M.S., vrach; GEVOI%GYANJ,G.Ye.t meditainakaya sestra Clinical aspeett treatment, and prevention of mastitia. Mod, ses~ra 21 no.12:19-23 D 162. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Is 1-y po3tklinild Leninakana. (SMST-ZISELSES) Wit AP6037099 SOURCE CODE: UR/0301/66/012/006/0603/0605 MTHOR: Gevorgyan, Yu. M. ORG.- Departmitit of Biochemistry, First Leningrad Modical Inatitute imeni 1. P. Pavlov (Institut Mokbimii I Leningradskop medit9inokogo instituts) TITLE: The itif luence of ACT11 on the glycogen conLent of rat tiMILIC9 during acute hypoxia SOUITHI: Voprony medl.tninskoy khimii, v. 12, no. 6, 1966, 603-605 TO P1 G TA (;!; :hypoxia, ACTI1, rat, animal experlmotit, b1ologic vit!(.altollsm, Limme plivi;ioLopy ABSTRACT: ;xperlm-11"ff W(!I.(. collduct..~d of' wilite w,ilv rat,: '00-100 F'. 7114. llirol!l We re dep r tvtl(j of h)(16 four Lo f I vc It I- pi lo I- I I v.,n L -I L toil . Ak-tiLv hypoxia was Indut-d 1)), a A viv,/100 p injection of After 40-145 1;1111 whell 140-00"', 'Ar tile hv:-uljob lit had cooverk-'d 1.0 (-~'( II- Ih ~ifl, HIC 11141MI'l WCre !.,f 11 ed. Nvcm, of I-lizsm, Were ptilverized In Itytid oxvc-n. I lit, content win' W;IIII, 010 rlothot-l, mid iiwAh-homlijol, ill il Ponlyl:1,111 modificill-1- LJOH Of HIC GMAI 110.11,N). IN I it egroups of arilmak worc a~; follow.,i; 1) colltrol; Z) Lxpoi;cd to acute hypox1a; 3) given a shii,,Iv A(;'I*ll in~t'CHO!I; ". Mid 5) VjVell i ciiltiple Injectionn cif ACT11; (1) exposed Lo hvpoxia afLer if single, preliudnary injectiolls; 7 1111o 8) exposed to Itypoxia afte'r mulLiple, proP-minirr Injection of 1/3 [6.1 1 .35' . 1&~O 12. 352. 1-06.6 ard LIM: 615.361.81.4.3-014.172-092 AP6037099 Ccwd Table. 1. Influences of ACTH on the jjycoj,,en content 0q, 1) of rat Lissues 1111ring, acute hypoxia Qroup 2 1 �311 (;I-,) 3 870-L- 102 (1 V) f,800 -0:4-0 (w) 4 KG�48 (12) 7 100 :~- 3; 7(10) IG�40.5 (7) 8 7050 :j-M) (7) n45�65 (10) 5.190 -550 (10) 7 771:f-43 (12) X571:j-394 (10) 898�22 7) 44171�264 (7) 914�44 17) 6195 -417 (T) I Decreased glycogen content compared to controls in statistically reliable (p