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GIRSHT, Ye P ~ Using radioactive isotopes in meteorology and hydrology, Meteor. I gidrol. no.8,.62-64 Ag 157. (MLRA 10r8) (Radioisotopes) (Meteorology) (Hydrology) 0.0 L ' - - ---- , f-)- Cll;!nl-co in tho norvo cell r., 'U~Alnr' it, dc--gs during rct~-Ilscita- tior rr(!~n, Ule. of clilllof~l de-Ah. c 'Rrair, IISSR Aceidoi-I-I :f Nedi-c-0. Sciurlces, and of Llxperlmtertal Physlo ot, .1 y oC Resuz-lcilut-lon, LISSR Acadt:i%y (-)I, "e-Ecal science';' ~'Oscov. GERSHTENKERN, S. (Dnepropetrovsk) Potentials for reducing losses due to waste in machinery manufacturing. Fin.SSSR 37 no.401-33 Ap 163. (IMIRA 16:4) (Machinery industry-Costo) (Waste products) YjW A I i, I. S. , in ti . , kand oVon. muk, GUSHTDWER11, S.Y11. , inzh. Production quality accourtine, as refloctod In retationo between supplinr and consumer ohnpfj in motallurV. 1zv.vrn.Uchf)b.%av,; chorn. mrit. 110.11:115-141 11 158. (m1w, 1211) 1. 1)nnpropetrovskiy iotallurgicho8kiy institut. Rokomendovano kafedroy F~I:onomiki promyehiennnsti. (Me tallui-17--Account I ng) (Motallurgical plants--Qaality control) 13 .,/128/60/000/010/001/005 III 315/Al 53 OTHORS- Ka6an, I. S,, Gershtenkern, S, Ya~ T NLE - on the problem of calculating the cost, pri.ce of castin6s PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no, -10, 1960, 10-13 TEXT: The art-i3le represenus a general survey on the calcu- lation of production costs j.n foundries. The authors. repeat some well-known general rules concernin6 the computation of an ,adequate cost price, and 1~oirit out the existing dil:ficulties ~~hen cost prices have to be fixed in piece or small-bauch producc-ion. They state that at the beginning of 1959 2,800 case; iron and steel foundries in the Soviet Union hao. an average anijual output of' 44500 tcns each, While the share of' the big foundries in the aggre- gate production was reciprocally proportinal to their number, quite a number of smaller foundries are stilt in existence even in highly developed Sovnarkhozes, and it is here that ',he dilficulties of achieving an economlcall~ sounrJ cost price arise, The assot-tment o' castinbs in man,.; CO1jA'_i`1tS iPIZPIPed~,i and t1iou.,iands of Card 1/4 S/1 28/60/ooo/ol O/OC)I /oO3 Oil the problem ot' 33 it euls . E.. .,i~ O~e IMIC, -,~w "S I, any~-Iijl it" Y! ant. t lii~ order nomenc la- ture. irc.ludes `,OG(DO _it:euis, 75"'C' (A' wiich are producea in sin6le pie-,es or small lots of up to .-o pieces - To be able ~,o clarry out in such cases an exaGt cost-accountin6, the basis for any sort oY c .;a,culatior. the authors demand that tile foundries are 6iven in the first pia.ce the necessary weighing and measurinS devices to keep an -9.,,curate and regular che(-Ik on metal and material consump- tion and other costs. The authors then analyze ~he various methods of p2anning, follow-up, accounting and calcuiation in the indi- J~iduai foindry shops of mechuniral engineering arid metallurgical plants, They investigate at first the units of calculation of the product cost pr 4ce, which they divide 'nto three groups, viz. 1) the m,~ar physical ton of casting, 2) the cost calculation based on indivildua_7 r1rders, and 3) tile calculation based on differenti- ated ~~riteria, like labor cost of the main prodii-atiorl workers, wage oost split up accordin6 to professions of the workers, etc. An analysis of the above-mentioned factors sh~)ws -.,hat in most cases the variauE calculation methods are inaccura~,., since they are based Card 2,/4 ,:/128/60/000/010/001 /003 On the problem of i033/A133 on merely theoretical classifications and do riot take into ac- co,.mt e. g. the actual burning losses of the castings, the differ- ent labor consumption for castings of various sizes, the proper distribution of direct and overhead costs on the single casting or group of castings. The authors then analyza the normative calcula.- tion method as it is e. g. employed in the foundry shops of the Nevskiy m-ashinostroitellnyy zavod (Nevskiy Mechanical Engineering Plant), where the castings are divided into five weight groups and three groups based on the intricacy of' the work. An investigation of the method of expressing the cost invested in unfinished prod- ucts and taking this as a basis for cost pri.ce calculation leads the authors to the conclusion that the object of calculation in foundries should be the finished product, while all unfinished items should be rated according to the -,ost price norms. Finally, the authors comment on the calculation of production costs and finished products in the smelting sections of foundries, and am- phasize the necessity, in order to gain an accurate picture of the actual. Droduct.,,.on costs, of weighing the liquid steel, since all other calculation methods BILISt lead to an inaccurate computation Ca-rd _A/4 S/128/60/000/0110/001/003 on the problem of ... A133/A133 of the produ,;tivity of steel-smeiuing equipment and, consequently to an -L,ncorrect determination of the fulfilment of the plan,Thf,- authors conclude that in fo,.wdries of piece and small-batch pro- duction the normative calculation method should be employed and .1 I ton of c.asting should be taken as the calculation unit, while the 3ast-ings should be divided into weight and intricacy groups. There are 3 tables and 5 Soviet-bloc references, Card 4/4 5. Ya. . _=~_ 9 I Metal balance In foundries. Lit. proizv. no.6t 9-12 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Foundries--Equipment and supplies) 0 S.Ya. GET(SHTENKERN, Distribution of indireet, expenses In foundries. Lltj proizv. no.1:9-12 A t62. WRA 160) (Founding-Accounting) BRYUKHANEITKO, B.A., dotsent. kand. ekcnom. nauk-; BENT, -'.G.; GERSHTEMEM, S.Ya.; KAGAN, I.S.; FRAVDIN, M.7.,4 ST601Y, A.F.; MUKHALINA, A.N,; CHERININHOVp 7.3,i KOBYLY004 :L.I., dotsent, kand. ekonom. nauk; SHIRYAYEV, P.A., kand. ekonaia. nauk "Ec;onomic aspects of ferrous metallurgy" by N.P. Bannyi, V.B. Brodskii, IA.A. Oblomskii, V.V. Rikman, I.N,, Roitburd. Reviewed by B.A. BrIukhanenko and others. Sta41 22 no.6., 562-565 Ja 162. (MrRA 16:7) 1. DnepropetTovskiy metallur-gicheskiy institut (for Bent, Gershtenkern, Kagan, Pravdin, Stogniy, lhakhaliru, Chernikhov). 2. DneprZdz-9rzhinskIy metallurgiclieskiy zavod-vt-az (for Kobylyakov.). (Jron industry) (Steel industrr) V~B. (Oblamsk-41, 1~.A.) (Rikman, V.V.) (Roitburd, L.N.) GEWHTENKERN, S.Ya, How book on the economicq of fcwndirig. Lit. pro-izv. rio.6~ 46-4:7 Je 163. (miRA 16-7) (Founding) S.Ya. OF;eratdonal analygis of exppnse2 In the production of casting's. Lit. proizv. no.6:0-11 je 164. ("EPA. 18:5) GEFGHTENKERNI soll"t. I Improvln~-, "he cost analy:?l!j of castings. I-rolv, n.:).4; .1 8-9 Mr 165. (Nf:c,A 18:6) founding. Lit. 9 47 - (141RA 18zlO) ~ - 7VII71 lCt' , '- , Yo . ~ j 11 /.h , ; , . K9., K71 'l- in',h" : , 1 7,;,. . j .. . . I I ." -,rV1PWq,. - il . PrOl ZV. nO, 11. ~ 0-4 ~ " ' I -~~ " ", .. Unit for vmking ft-c- , I .- .! gmaa, ,,G~TUHTEYH, A. K. , inzh.; KOTOV, V. V. , irlzh.,- CHASHKOV, L P. , in,.,h. Mobile unit for the production of keramzit. Stroi. i dor. mash. 7 no.7:32-34 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:?) (Omak Province-Kermzit) LUDMIIN, I ~,A~ ; NIKOLAYE V, A.,F,.; TARASOV, 5,34, , DEVYATKOV, AJI., ~ VMT.HOTOV, K.P~i MOTNIX, M.J.; YEVD0KIMOV, LYSYAKOV, A.G.; qRS11TED1, A,L~ KISS, N.L-1 MEL~NIK, V.I., EEYZERW, RA; NIKULISHIN, K.Ye. I From the pages of Soviet magazines. Yekh. stroi. 19 no.901 - S 162. (KRA 15-9.) (Bibliography-,-~onatruction ecgipment) GKRSgTNYN. A. R. USSR/Electricity - Transmission, PDver Har 51 "The Draft of a Standard for Rated Voltages of Stationary Electric Power Systems," N. G. Bykov, A. R. Gershteyn, Engineers, Leningrad Branch of 'Teploelektroproyekt' "Elektrichestvo" No 3) PP 72-74 Gives results of research carried out by "Teploelektroproyekt" during 1949 - 1950 to det which of the 2 voltages, 15 or 20 kv, should be used in the development of the cable networks of Soviet power systems. Results of the research favor the.Antroduction of 15 kv. 20IT311 GERSHTEYN, A.R., inzh.; ANIKFYFVA, A.F., inzh.; LEYBOVICH, I.R.; SALIKOV, B.L. , inzh. Concerning S.T.Ivanov's article "Mistakes In do,;Lgning the electrical section of electric power plnnts and substations." Elek. sta. 36 no.2:83-85 F 165. (MIRA 18s4) Ill, a s 0 a so 0 Is 0 a 0 0 o 11 see 0 0 0 0 *1 0 146090 St 0 J's I I I I It I A A L-A. I L L 0 r Q IL -1.I U. I AA OIL ix 10 V.01t., -419 IMI -P pilaf as Sto vitamis C level in P"rol ittoo it. 1mri 1-tral wlimilm'of inethillo fitsvit there are i4"r1VTd 00 lowrini lryvl, iff tifinsty %Ijoillin ('ei'llulps. lim. Ilverritwd KI.6%lty A tilt, f'. A 01111t III. ctcaw ill file tfitualtalkoll lev.1 Litfullifit by Mill Ing. im-mbit, will dittly affret% the Plituinatlim oft"wiling to the :0 J: gravity of thecaw; ill Illild cm~% 1.1, ni the alfil"I vilmin 00 V I, ml lh~ 11thdAy, Ill -%~fe.-*Nrmf the I 171h.lov so AI 1~41 olft,lttum(aiat 11111RATUOP CtMaFKAtIft ON. l I I-- U it IV to It T--' 09 Of for 11 Of it of a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0's it-, too too '14 0 '1 it of -i -4--Q I I F Kw 4 VA 0 0 *~o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 is 0 0 m, a * * 0 0 000000000000 0 41 $000 0 Wo 0 0 0 * 4704-11 so$ 00 9 1: 41 It 0 Il "ist; 11 its) 1 A 000 -date -00 so off Zee 0 -we lose AL'Tb.HUL1Qt, Z.Ye., inzh.; BAbTU1LiK1Y, M.A., Inzh.; B&R$1'JW' V.11., tazin.; BMAffBb'RG, I.N., inzh., BOGOPOLSKIY, B.Kh., BUKHARIN, S.I., inzh.; inzh.; G.RIIISHPUII, L.V., inzh,; MITUR, G.I., inzh.; DIM60EYN, A.G., J11zh.; ZIATOPOLISKIY, D.S., iznh.; KIANM, A.V., inzh.; KOZIN, Yu.V., iiizh.; UVITIN, I.P., inzh.; MLINIKOV, L.Y., inzh.; ~WWKUMOV. L.G., inzh.-, NAM', H.B., inth.; PAVI.OV, N.A., inzh.; PASLUN. D.A., inzh.; PHSIN, B.Ys.. inzh., PYATKOVSKIY. P.I., inzh.; RAZNOSCHIKOV, D.V., inzh.; ROUNOYIR, G.Ya., inzh.; ROUN13.0G, R.L., inzh.; 1WY7WNBSRG, N.L., in2h.; HYABINSKIY, TS.I., inzh.,- SYPCHNNKO, I.I., inzh.; TABAGHBIKOV. L.D., inzh.; FAIDMAlf. A.S., inzh.; 6HTRAkMN, G.Ya., inzh.; SHTIM10GAS, N.S., inzh.; LICVITIN, I.P., otvetetvonW red.; STELIMAKH, A.N., red.ivd-va; BE M R, O.G., [Overall mechanization and automatization of production processes in the coal industry] Komplekanaia mekhanizatBila t avtomatizataiia proizvodstvenrWkh protsersov v ugollnoi promyshlennosti. Pod red. IU.V.Kozina i dr. Mosk-va, Ugletekhizdat, 195?. 82 p. (HIRA 11:3) 1. Gosudarstvennyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut. 2. Institut GiDrougleavtomatizateiya i Tektinicheskoro Uprayleniya Ministerstva u,golluoy promyshlennotiti (for all except- Levitin, Stol'makh, Bekker) (Automatic control) (Coal. mining wi chitiory) -1-212 i AUTHORS: Gt;~ B, G. ~i rzli 7 I.A.. TITLE-, The CaE*~in~-, of Racks Icr Built-~ip Gear 'Jobbing Cutters (Ot.','-i,Ika reyek diya sbornykh chervyacla),fth frez) PERIODICAL; Stanki i Instrument, Ur 9, Imp !)6 .. 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The manufa-ture of cast, ra:ks asing too, itael waste as practi.,"ed at the Yar.,,,slavskiy av1vcz!v"od (YaroslavlYlotor W c1 r k I., I i e 3 F, ..'s desc-ribed, ) Tvive racks of Z.5 am mcdule and a pves,~uro- angle of 2.0 axe gs.Bembled into a hobbing cutter. A master rack was placed on a baseplate and si--rrouaded withl a steel jacket in which the mould for maiilLq~~ iusz wax pa.utei-ns was ~~ast at a temperature of C.oo "C in an allr.~j of 3(No tin: 55% lead and 151,,'/o anf.1mcc,ay, after oc-~erin- the master wLth soot. The t ,as PaLterns were made of a composition containing "-:O',~6 iaraf f --n wax and E~CYI~ stearin. L All twe've patterns wit,h tee'~h ftuwnlxai~ds Joined to a skew in a spoke formation sloping down from the centre The assembled pa-;er wa'~, ~--.o-vered w.-th three layers of a fire-resisting pas-,f, ani a rein-fcr(-,2-nV fo,Jrth I-a?-er. T-,.,:-., f1re-resisting n s- t -f '~10 591' hyd - -ed ( 0 -, r o1- sed '- 1 silicate of e t -1,1 and r'-)0- of powde--ed -,u,-_rtz. The ethyl uardl/4 - eth:T1 -3,iicate, 3C% -12/21 The CastiLg -~f Rack; for Bizi.1tu--ap Crear fiobbjn~', C,Jt;t.erj. e!:I,y_~' al arid ~0;0 )'. a weak au 'keous sc')Iutlon of The reinforcinj!: coat consisted of a L j;()jtjt'jt)rj r(~'J'j (,f powdered quartz C Pre Y '-.ea Ied 'r,(, 1)00 C'. Tl-.,..e t j.ngr moui~a w~is f _J lied 11 ", r, -,, " i 11 e v 711 a inoulding machine dg.reloped az the wor-.~ aad 'heated t~o a remparatuve of C,100 C for three II - A " The lt'-3r, wax patLrrn vias ajelted c,A wit-L Lot air. Tr~,- ~-tee'_ was melfed lu a induction fu .. A - _L cf '::)C) g ,r- cibie ~-apa-_.dty, using a charge con- o of high. speed steel se a ni :ig , I rap (with 16% tungsten), J%O c. f a s i ng S C' r ap I.(XIo of ferro-,bxome, 2.5% of ferro- tu~:.gstel.t of fe~.,rc-variadium and 0.190' of crushed c 1 t rc, ie, The oxidi-iing agents were 0.1% of secondary II I" I.M.1 II I Lm c,,f ferro-s-Ilicon and 11.0,,-~ 8f ferro- mangant~qe. The metal was heated to 1 600 C and reached ,he of high.,..apeed steel. The steel wa:,i Itzred at .1bout - -I a _* 4;0 0 into the moulds and pre-heated ab,.~u ' 1) " J. 0, Before pc,uv~ng, the 'adles were heated C. The cast racks were fiattled by sandblasting afl~,_c b Ll-_ag for f_-re hours in a 50% solution of pctoassium a rd?_/4 '- r il Jn "L.7d2Cxide. The ~_-ast racks had a hardness of . I'- ' ' 1'~- i ), - 1:1 ~ , /- [ ~ .--?- -' 2121 The Casting of Racks for Built-up Gear Hcbb.)nF~ Cutters about T? Roclrw6ll C. Heat treatment consisted of heating tc 88o "C, holding for six hourB, cooling and further holding for three hours at 740 C, then fuxther cooling to ..oom temperature. The racks, thus softened to 30 Rock- well G, were machined in sets of twelve alid heat-treated by quenching in oil from a tempera8uze of 1 270 0C and a treble tempering treatment to 560 C. Initially, cast racks had a shorter :,uttin- life but were restored to a standard end%iran--e by several measure4., including the simultaneous press'ng of all the patterns in the set, the reduction of machining allowances to about 0.4 mm, all round, improving the al;;,.Lvacy specificati-)ns, reducing the assumed Ehrinkage from 2.Cf/o to 0.'/%, introducing ferro-titanium, (0.4%) in-uo the charge and ensuring the precision of the thermal oycles, as well as eliminating the first annealing uarcl )/4 8OV/ 12 1-5e,-9-12/2i The Cast-ing cf Racks for Built-,,p Gear Hobbing Cutters treatment. The machininv has been reduced to grinding thi--- tee"."-h and the latest racis are said to be 3(Y,6 cheaper than thGse made from forged blanks. There are I/ figares arid I tabie. uard L~14 ro" e-LA'. rL ~'w L cf t ;bats i a a rat AYZENSHTADT, G.Ye.-A.; GERSHTEYl, E.I. I ~ .: ":-'' -- - ".- . . , Initial thickness of the Kungur salt-bearing complex in the Caspian Lowland. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.5.-1156-1158 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-issladovateltqkiy geologo- razvedochnyy institut. Predstavleno akadAmikom A.L.Yanshinym. (Caspian Lowlnnd--Salt domes) AUTHORS. Gershteyn, Z. Z.--, Stavitskaya, T. 3., 5tillbans, L. S. 57-11--V33 TITLE. Investigation of Thermoelectric Properties of Lead Telluride (Issledovaniye termoelektricheskikh svoystv telluristogo svintsa). FBIODICAL. Zhurnal Tekhn.Fiz., 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 11, pp. 2472-2483 (USS.R). ABSTRACT. Referring to the previous work of the authors in T, 1957, Nr 1, the investigation of the thermoelectric properties of the lead telluride was extended to a somewhat greater carrier concentration region of from 5-1o 17 to 2.1o 2o The influence of the. dispersion prow cess and of the degeration on ~he thermo-electromotive force and the mobility are investigated at the sample in a wide admixture-concens tration interval. In the case of types which approach a stoichiometric structure the cor~qlation between the temperature dependence of the forbidden zone width and the carrier mobility is investigated. By, introduction of compensating admixtures the influences on the kinetic degeneration coefficients and on the variation of the dispersion prom cess are separated. The investigation of the temperature dependence in degenerated and not degenerated types faci4tate.9 to determine separately the dependence of the length of free path of the electrons Card 1/2 on the temperature and the energy. Investigation of Thermoelectric Properties of Lead Telluride. 57-11-5/33 There are lo figures and 14 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION. Institute for Semiconductors AN USSR., Leningrad (Inatitut polupro- vodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad). SUBMITTED. June 6, 1957. AVAILABLE. Library of Congress. Card 2/2 U&9B/Kle(3trCnG - ZMABOICC Mmy 1946 VaGUUM tubes, Ma6netron "Secondary Eniasion in Split-anode M%petrons," Mgr G. M. GerBhteyn, 11 pp "Radiotekhnika" Vol I, No 2 An investigation of the influence of secondary electron emi-gsion on the static characteristics of split-ancde magnetrons, and a possible explanatica of the phenomenon. The theoretical conclusions were checked experimentalJj for certain types of split-anode magnetrons. 19T11 Cand "'l1 "c L I'- ,l r., Sara'ov State Univ., -1045-. 17kysics. "On the L~natron Effect in ~Wti--Seg-merited Magnetrons," Dcjl,'. "i, 51, N:). 4, 1946 U&M/Ilectranics Jan/F*-b 49 Oscillator E,, Magnatron Electrons - Emission Ho.Le of Secondary Emission in. Slotted Magne tw*r. Operation, " G. M. Gerahteya, Ctsild Ph-,C Sci, 5 PP 7R&_-HaLekh" Vol IV, 140 1 Shows that procence of secondary e=lssion frOyft loss Positive seenents of the anode strongly in- fluences differential statistical characteristice of =ulticavity maEpetrons. Also sbaws that dips occur in volt-=pare obexacteril3tiCB of th^ sepa- rate groups of aegnents due to presence of secondaW7 4M 36/k;,TI7 USSR/Electroalce (Contd) Jan/Feb 49 estiesion. The latter are set up by generation of secondary-cauineion" oscillations with anywmetrical connection of the oscillating system (Lecher vires). Conducted pr6liminary experimental investigL;.k;ion of these oscillations. Submitted 20 Apr .48. TF YNI MM/ Nuclear Physics CMIA 1/1 1 Pub. 118 - 2/2 Authors I Kalinin, V.; Gershteyn, G.; and 3ovetoy, N. Title I Bibliography. Book review PerloftcaL 3 Usp. fiz. nauk 54/1, 192-164o Sep 1954 Abstract I Critical review of the book by V. V. Lopulthin efttisiedj "Excitation of Electromagnetic Oscillations and Waves by Electron Curranta") published in 1953 by GOSTEKHIZDATj is presomted. Institution t ... Submitted I .*I USSR/RadiophyBics Superhigh Frequencies, L-11 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35395 Author: Gershteyn, G. M. Institution: None Title: Concerning the Problem of 11tabilization of Mal,-,,netron FreqLL-.!r)CV by Aut~Watic Regulation of the Magnetiz Field Original Periodical: Nauch. yezhegodnik za 1954 g.., Saratovs'k. un-',,, Saratcv., 1,955, 637-64o Abstract: The frequency stability of multisegment magnetrDns can be increased by several times at increased anode voltage by auttA--tically regllfts lating the magnetic fiold simultaneously with changing the anode voltage. Such regulation insures a constant ratio of magnetic to electric field intensity. The article gives a theoretical estimate of the possible limit to which the frequency stability can be raised wi+.h such a regulation; approximate equations eLTe given. Card 1/1 S/1 12/59/0x) /0 14/064 /OF. (2 2-CLI.~ /0 Y2-11071) A052,/AOO' Translation from~ Referativnyy ;.hurnal, Etektvotekhriika, 1959, MG. 14, p. 2211, # 3C) 146 ALJTHORS~, Gershteyn, G.M., Ustinov, N.K. TITLE-, An Investigation of Traveling-Wave Magnetroins With Anode CurreriL Feed of Electromagnets PERIODICAL- Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-t, 1956, No. 44, pp. 65-71 TEXT-. The Work of 2-, 4- and 6-segment magnetront: 41 under conditions of --/1.5 m traveling-wave oscillations and wit.h anode current feed of electromagnets ha5 been investigated experimentally. Such a eircuii aim,, at. a constant H/Va aricl at the maintenance of conditions of Postumus synchronism, In the above relation H stands for magnetic field Intensity and Va for anode volrage. Two sectional coils of 30,000 turns each have been used. In the ca,,~;P_ cf a connipound connection (a part of the turns is fed from an outside source) no ccns'ant H, a has been achieved within a broad interval of V', varta,ions (wnich disagrees with the Ford results). In the case of a series conne-tion of' e !pet rcm:t~ne ts a 11near relation. Card 1/2 B1 ji; B 7 S/ I 12/59/ooo/o i Vo& lw~;) AO' 52/AC0 I An Investigation of Traveling-Wave Magnetrons WiTh Anode Current Feed of Eieetro- magnets H=f (Vd) has been obtained for certain filament current's, The wavelength A. re- malned constant within the mean measurement error of -t 0,2 %. 'Me stability of in relation to Va variationS at thin connection has been several 'ANnes higher compared with the usual circuit. The diagrams 11=f (Va) and A=f(V,) for different filament currents are given. There are 4 references, E.Ya P, TrannIator; s note, This is the full translation of the original Russian abstvact, Card 2/2 84488 8/112/59/000/10! ~/065/08-_~ 10S'2,4071) 2/A0!1- A05 Translation from., Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1;;,15'j, 110. 14, p. f 3ol47 AUrHOR- Gershteyn, G.M TITLE~- On -Frequency Stabilization of Magrietrons Witt' Static- Negative Resistance by Means of Automatic Magnetic Field Contrci PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Saratovsk, un-t- 1956, No. 44, PP. 73-81 TEXT-, Conditions under which the frequency stability of slot magnetrons with static negative resistance and with anode current, feed of electromagnets increases are considered. Relations of magnetic field intensity -to anode voltage H=f (V 1. The expression .), necessary for frequency stability, are determined H,-,, '~Va for H/Hcr -7 1,2 agrees with the experimental curve for anode current feed of electromagnets.. Typical experimental curves H--f(Va) and f=f(Va) are given. The obtained frequency stability (for instance, _,~ f/f = 3'10- at a 10% variation of Va) is one order higher than in circuits with an independent feed of electromagnets at relatively low H and Va (H = 200-300 oersLeds, V., Card 112 3/112/59/000/014/065/085 AO~~2/AOGI Gn Frequency Stabilization of Magnetrons With Static NegatIve RUOLSIance by Mear's of Automatic Magnetic Field Control volts) and large emission currents. The latter clrcumstan,~e may b4! of interest from the viewpoint of obtaining sufficiently powerful and at the same time st lbl~' magnetron oscillators. A constant f within a broad Va interval at an automatic magnetiQ field control Is of interest for obtaining an anc(le amplitude modulation Ux with the lowest parasi,,Ic frequency modulation, There are 10 references. E.Ya' P. Translator' s note% This Is the full trans, a~'-on of the orlir R ss an abstract, ,-,Lnal U i Cerd 2/2 4 PHASE' I BOOK 'L.:XPLOITATION Kalinin, Venedikt Ivanovich, and Ger3hteyn, Grigorly Molseyevich Vvedeniye v radiofiziku (Introduction to Radlo Physics) Moscow, Gostekhizdat, 1957, 660 p. 20,000 copies printed. Ed.: Mirkotan, S.F.: Tech. Ed.: Gavrilov, S.S.: Corrector: Pletneva, T.S. PURPOSE: The monograph is intended to serve as a textb.ok on radio physics and is approved for state universities by the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR. COVERAGE: The textbook is based on the courses of the"radio-physics cycle" which the authors have taught during the past 10-15 years at the SaratoV University. Readers are assumed to be familiar with courses in general physics, electrical and radio engineer- ing and to have a basic knowledge of electronic devices. The following subjects are covered~~, electromagnetic oscillations, linear systems and signal conversions, the general theory of os- cillation and nonlinear conversions, and special attention is given to problems of superhigh frequencies. The physics of super- high frequencies (over 300 mc) is closely associated with atomic Card 1/24 109-2-1--15/17 AUTHOR: Gershteyn, G. M, , and Vitel's, G. L TITLE: Expansion o Oscillatory Regions of Decimeter-Band Nlagnetrons. A Short Report (0 rasshirenii kolebatel'nykh zon magnetronov detsimetrovogo diapazona. Kratkoye soobshcheniye) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 1, pp 120-121 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Split-anode magnetrons with a small number of segments and Lecher- type resonant li'ne5 may be used as easily tunable higher -frequency oscillators of the decimeter band. Results of experiments with 4- and 6-segment magne- trons having a thin cathode and a Lecher frame functioning in a nonresonant region are reported. The anode radius of the magnetron was 0. 5 cm. cathode radius, 0.015 cm; straps were used to secure Tr-mode oscillations. At ar- anode voltage within 1, 000 to 3, 000 volts and at a higher -thar -critical magnetic field, an aperiodic load can bring about an appreciable expansion of the oscilla- torv region and, consequently, a possibility of obtaining a higher frequency de- viation corresponding to a given anode-voltage change. The frequency deviation may -each + 10%. The maximum width of the oscillatory region war, obtained with small anode currents. Card 1/2 109-2-1-15/17 Expansion of Oscillatory Regions of Decimeter -Band Magnetrons. A Short Report There are 3 figures and 4 references in the article. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radiofiziki, Saratovskiy universitet (Chair of Radiophysics, the Saratov University) SUBMITTED: January 14, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. 01-icl,'Ilators 2. 3. ~lkuornetron6--'re:;t Card 2/2 SOV/112-59-23-48320 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 23, P 152 (USSR) AUTHOR.- Gershteyn, G.M. TITLE. On the Oscillation Frequency of Multisegment Magnetrons PERIODICAL. Uch. zap. 3aratovsk. un-t, 1957, Vol 56, PP 1,13 - 118 ABSTRACT: Considered is the dependence of the oscillation frequency of a single-circuit multisegment magnetron, working ., on type oscillations, on anode voltage, which Is utilized for the fre- quency modulation of magnetrons. Approximate expressions for oscillation frequency 60 and for the transcondiActance of modulation characteristic dQ /dU are derived, ~n a general case the transit angle (3, is a Action of anode'Lvoltage Ua and frequency Ci . At a resonant load of mWetron a change of Ualeads to a small change of frequency. Expressions for Card 1/2 W and dCo /dUa derived after some transformations are LIK - 4~ 30V/112-59-23-483,20 On the Oscillation Frequency of Multis3gment Magnetrons applicable for magnetrons with a small 6, 8), working on a resonant load and change of U a corresponds a relatively number of segments (for lnntan-oe, 4, under condition that to a certain small change of frequtney, A.G,,P, Card 2/2 GUSHMn, G.M. Transformation of spatial harmonics of a quasi-otatlonary field into time harmonics of the induced current6 Iuv.vys.wheb.zav.; radiofiz. I no.2:13-18 158- (MM 11:11) 1. Saratovksiy gosudaretvemVy universitat. (Blectric f ields) 67, ciooo SOV/141-.2--4-9/19 AUTHOR: Gershteyn, G.M. TITLE: 6imulating the Electric Fieliby Meatiurini.. the Induced Current PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 4, pp 602 - 6o6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A novel method of simulating the electric field, based on the Shockley-Ramo theorem, was proposed in two earlier articles (Refs 1,2). It was shown that while a small charged body (probe) was moved relatively to a system of electrodes, the charge and the velocity being constant, the current induced in the external circuit of the electrodes was a function of time, which was proportional to the distribution function of the static field. In this way, it was possible to represent the space distri- bution of the field by a time function. The method of plotting the field is illustrated in Figure 1, where a charged probe q moves with a velocity v ; this produces a current iIt (t) , Which is obseryed across the resistance R on the tube of' an oscillograph. The system Qardl/5 can be used for plotting the field but not the potential. 699511 sov/ila-.2-4-9/i 9 Simulating the Electric Field by Measuring the Induced Current However, the potential difference can also be determined by integrating the function 1. 11 (t) .Tbe potential difference is given by~, t2 412 - ~?j t.' (xiH(t ).dt (2) t where a is a constant, t1 and t2 are time instants when the chargad probe passes points s1and s. respectively. The integration can be performed very simply by furnishing the circuit with a capacitor. The resulting system is shown in Figure 2. The circuit was employed in a practiccal Card 2/5 6 9 95h sc)v/141-2-4-9/ig the Electric Field by Measuring the Induced Current case and proved quite successful. The above method of plotting the field suffers from certain limitations duc to the boundary conditions imposed by the Shockley-Ramo theorem. In fact, the potentials at the electrode system- can only assume normalised values of +1 or 0. In order to genemlise the method, it can be assumed that the fic-iA at a given point of space is produced as a result of' the superposition of partial field Produced while one of thc electrodes has a potential kV 1 and the remaining electrodes have a potential ~V 0 ; the potential 4) -. I is then successively applied to other electrodes. An o t fi,~ i- disadvantage of the above method is the necessity of employing reapidly moving probes. It appears, however, that this deficiency can be overcome by employinLj; probe.-.. carrying large charges; the probes made of electrets are particularly promising There appears to exist anotit(,- way of overcomiti,-1 this diffj~culty, In aQcordance with t! Shockley-Ramo theorei,.i, the charge q11 induced on a giioeji Car(i./~ electrode is expressed b~,; SOV/141-2-4-9/19 'Sl-iiv-ilat Liq; the Electric Field by MeaSLIt illg the Induced CLU'rent q H = qLP (x,, Yi, z1 (7) where q is the charge of a point particle intreduced into a given point of the field, having coordinateg xi: y I and z1 '-V (x1 I y1 ~ zI)is the potential which would exist at the point xi, Y11 Z I if one of the electrodes had a normalised potential of +1 . the remai.iiii, electrocbs being grounded. If the charged probe is introdUced into various points of the inter-electrode and the charge induced oil the electrode is measured by means of a sensitive electrometer., it is possible to determine the potential directly at various points of t".. field, The preliminary experiments carried out by the author showed that this type of approach is applicable. Tile author expresses his gratitude to the participants o.1 the Radiophysics Seminar of Setratov State University and. Card 415 699514 SoV/141-2..4-9/19 Simul-a-t iig the Electric Field by Measuxing'the Induced Current in particular, to V.I. Kalinin, A.I. Shtyrov and V.M. Dashenkov for discussing this work. There are 4 figures and It references, 3 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIA'TTONi Saratovskiy gosudarstverinyy universi~et (Saratoy State University SUBMITTED., April 8, 1959 C ar d 5 AUTHOR. T ITIE - A New YletLod of Analoguirq tLe Fields (0 novom metode model irovanija ~)oley) PERIODICAL-. R,~-'t-,,tekhnika 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 159 (US6R') ABSTRAM. TI:i "Le author pr,-,posed ia new mlet;hod ~Ref 1) of the analcgues of electri,_,al fields; these were based --n the use of the Shockley.-Ramo theorem, dealing W4 .Lth ti_,e inaized cui,rents., It was shovin. then that such aiia'1cE,,_,eq. did mt reo-,jire supply sources and it was pointed r:ila'.- ~.hey coulli be used to transform -the spacial Of t~_e ele,7---.rLc~ field into t-ine harmonics of ,he induced --urrents, Bere, the above idea is further deveir~ped and some possibilities of its ap-plication are !1':-:; -, u s s e d. it is s~iown tLat if a charged iiiovable probe (Fii~L.i,e -1) io situaLed bet-ween two electrodes B and C, t.h,~ moticn (;'L' the probe results in tLe appearance of a r - g -,3'ance U .,-,e a 1,-:id res4 1, RH ; the voltage is tc Lhe -,rerti~al piates of an oscillograph and, I.f tilt" f_-i2.e Lasi~ tl'e i~, synchronised with Cardl./3 i" 1- D' -1-e piv- een o~ the tube displays -e -.fie SOV/.iC)C)-4-1-23/30 A New Method Of Ana__,1.(. &uinC z;l-..e Electric Fields the 1*1-cmpcnants of the electric fieid a.l.orig the line of the inotion of the probe, This analoCue wa.3 not very -hat method could sucr,e.,.,,~ f -.1. It was found, t b2 usea !.-c ,roduce an analc6ue for till- quasi-stationary fieid~ oj.* the cviindrica'L periodic SLrL[Ctures, such as magnetronS, The i~esuitinz device is shown in Figure 2. hefe, a f-I.xed ch,3rE;e probe A (in the form of a long re,,tan,--ular rod, LavinL_ a thickness of 0.8 mmi and a width of mm) is supported by an insuiatinj~ rod and is izitua ed near a segmented" structure; tile latter has a diameter of 20 nim and is formed of two groups of segments. The rings cf the segments are connected to a load resistor RH by means of ccntact, brushes C . The voltage from the resi6~or is applie(i to the inpUt of an oscillograph. If the ~,,.yl_lrdrical structuro is rotated, )acillograms of the ,,.j,pe jhown in Fi[_~ures " are obtained. These can be regarded Card2/3 A New Yiethcd of Arialoguing the Electri: Fields as giving a satisfactory approximation of the fields in a magnetron, There axe 3 figures and 3 references, oi' ~wi--ich is Ezn~-.Iish and 2 Soviet, ASSOCIATION, Saratovskiy Eosudarstveimyy universitet im. 11.G. ChernyshevskoEo (Saratov State University imeni 11~,G. Chernyshevskiy) Kafedra radiofiziki (Chair of Radio Phl',.rsics) SUB1'.!IT'L`E'D' iviay 10, 1958 Ccz~, d 5/3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLONATION sov/5678 Gershteyn, Grigoriy Molseyevich Nekotor,lye vopn-)sy vzaimodeystviya zaryazhennykh chastits s elektricheskim polem (Som. Problems in the Interaction of Charged Particlets With an Electric Field) (Saratov] Izd-vo Saratovskogo univ., 1Q60. 166 p. Errata slip inserted. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: A. A. Zhuk; Tech. Ed.: V. V. Zenin. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students in schools of higher education and for scientific workers interested in physical pmeeases occurring in oscillators, ampl,ifiers, and accelerators. COVERAGE: The book describes the basic processes of interactiDn between charg-ed. particles and a-c electric fields occurring in various electric vacram derices. The author attempts to examine from a single standpoint the operating mechanisms of various devices (oscillators and ampliftersj, accelerators). Particular attention is paid to the separation of lyirticles in the beam, the induction of C ard---I-/7 Some Problems in the Interaction (Cont.) SOVI'56,5 currents by these particles, and t,ne relation as estibliphel by tJU:- Raw theorem, between the distribution of the fit.-ld in space and th(~- of the induced current in time, On the basis of the Shockley-Ramo theorem the author proposes a new method of simiLlating electrical fields which Batis- fies the Laplace equation. The separaticti processes of the particles an(I the determination of the induced current in statically and dynamically cont-rc-illed oscillators and amplifiers., as well as in accelerators of charged particles ', are analyzed. The effect of the interaction between the particles tbeimselvcls on the processes occurring in the beam and the possibility of using the concept of spacecharge waves in order to explain the mechanism of nonresonant oscilla- tions are discussed. The book is largely based on the lectures delivered by the author to students of radiophysics at the SM (Saratovskiy 90audarstvennyy universitet -- Saratov State University)since 1956. The presentation an& terminology used in the boA "Vvedeniye v radiofizils:u" (Introduction to Failir, physics) by V. I. Kalinin and G. M. Gershteyn are used without special explsna- tions, as the reader is assumed to be familiar with this and other basic ti~xt- books on radiophysics and electronics. The author thanks V. L Kalinin, Professor, for his advice. References accompany individual chapters. Card 2/~ S/057/60/030/05/03/014 B012/BO56 AUTHORSg Gershte4n, G. M., Khokhlov, A. V. TITLEs The Prescribing of Arbitrary Boundary Co4ditiq?R# of 1. Order in Field Simulation According to the Method of Induced Current PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 5, Pp. 480 - 490 TEXT; In earlier papers (Refs. 1,2) the first of the two authors suggested a new method of ejeotr1c field simulation,11by utilizing the Shockley-Ramo-theorem on induced currents ( e . In the paper of Ref. 4 R f. 3T the author advanced the idea of simulating the fields according to this method in the case of arbitrary potential values on the boundary surfaces of the investigated system, and also showed the way in which this idea may be realized. - In the present paper this idea is further developed. An approximate calculation of the circuit (which prescribes complex boundary conditions) and experimental results obtained by the simulating of some concrete resistors are given, First, the method of prescribing boundary Card 113 The Pzescribing of Arbitrary Boundary Conditions S/057/60/030/05/03/014 of 1. Order in Field Simulation According to the B012/BO56 Yethod of Induced Current oonditions is theoretically explained. Fig. 1 shows the circuit with the prescribed arbitrary boundary conditions of 1. order. It was applied here L "or the purpose of investieating such resistors, in which the electrodes were connected in series and the probe passed them by successively. On the basis of the figure, the calculation of this circuit is then given, for which purpose the formulas by Kramer (Ref. 5) are used. The formulas obtained (7) - (10) are used for calculating the circuits of some periodic resistors. As usually resistors of the segment- and plug-type are used, such systems are in this case investigated. The results obtained by investigating segment-resistorB are given. However, as it is difficult in the case of plug-resistors to obtain analytical formulas for the field (in the case of arbitrary electrode potentials), the experimental results were compared with the analogous results obtained on a model of these resistors in an blectrolyte bath. The experimental setup and the experi- mental method are described, Finally, the oscillograms of the induced current obtained with both resisto,-s are given and discussed. They show that the potential distribution obtained by the induced current agrees with the potential distribution recorded under the given boundary Card 2/3 /3 The Prescribing of Arbitrary Boundary Conditions 3/057/60/030/05/03/014 of 1. Order in Field Simulation According to the B012/BO56 Method of Induced Current conditions by means of the electrolyte bath. In form of a summary it is said that the method described offers the possibility of prescribing arbitrary boundary conditions of 1. order when simulating the fields according to the method of the induced current with the help of quite simple resistor-series. There are 10 figures and 7 referencest 5 Soviet, 1 German, and 1 English. ASSOCIATIONi Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im., N, G. Chernyshevskogo, Kafedra radiofiziki (Saratov State Univer -aity imeni 11, G, Chernyshevskiy, Chair of Radio- uh.vsics) SUBMITTED: July 8, 1959 v/B Card 3/3 GERSHTEY11, G. M. Ufiing and oscillating probe for field mcde1ii2g by the induced ,iirrent method. Zhur. tekhn. fiz. 30 no.6:734-736 Je 160. (HIRA 13-.8) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvenayy univeraltet, Kafedra radiofizW. (Electromechanical analogies) Vi96/62/66G/010/001/035 ~30d E073/El55 AUTEOR: G.N. TITLE: Siomlatin,, electric fields by the metiliad of analysis of the inciuced current PLIZIC-DI CAL: Referativjiyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnikca i energetika, no.10, L962, 5-6, abstract.- 10 A15. (Uch. zap. 3aratovsk. un-t, 69, 1960, 3-15) TEXT According to charged body moves relative with a velocity v, the electrodes will equal iind (t) = the theorem of Shockley-Ramo, if a small to an arbitrary system of electrodes current in the circuit of one of the qvE V(X,Y,Z), w6cre Ev(x,y,z) - component, movei;ient of the charge, of the that would exist if there were electrode and zero potentials taken along the direction of electrostatic field potential unit potential tit the given on the remaining electrodes. Card 1/2 Simultitin- electric fields by ... s/1 9 6/62/000/010/001/03 5 E073/E155 If the probe charge moves uniformly, tile curve ii,id (t) "i'1 be similar to tile spatial distribution L, along the direction of movement. Integrating tais curve, for instance by an electric integr;%tor, the potential curve can be obtained. Corr e 6pondi ngly, instead of the spatial li,trmonjcs, time harmonics can be obtai,ied which can be tzicasured i;ior(i easily. ~ theory is given, c,'-periments are described and the error of' the tzicLhod is estimated, particularly that cau,5ed by the finite nature of tile prob,- charge (sonde). 4 references. EAbstractor's note;. C.Omplete translation. Card 2/2 5/058/62/000/004/140/it6o A061/A101 AUTH09: Ger3htoyn, G_ 11- TIME: A contribution to the theor"j of the "Inverti,,d" mignetron P17,1TODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 18, abstract 4Zh'.2'4 ("Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-t", 1960, v. 69, 71 - 761) .=T: Some problems related to the theory of the "inverted" magnetron are considered. Expressions are derived for the h-f potential and the azimuthal com,- ponent of electric field intensity by appropriately selecting the spatial har- monics in the "inverted" segment magnetron. On the basis of the Shockley-lUmeau ~ eorem, ~ e ma=itude of current induced in the segments of the magnetron by th th Q revolving condensa'ions of electrons is calculated as the sum of time h--malit's -h - 'es k (k = integer, N - number of segments, and L~~ = angular w , nc ireque i velocity of the condensations). As is sho-orn, 'he expression for the induced cur- rent can be similarly obtained also in ordl.nar-j magnetrons, MaGse firs'. narmonic fits the formula given by Welch (RZhFiz, 19:~4, no. 11, '3521). It is noted ihat .1 A the correspondence between the speUal harmonics of the static-electric field Card 1/2 V058/62/0GO/004/1 40/160 A contribution to the theory of ... A0611A101 and t,he time harmonics of the induced current can be utilized to replace the analysis of the spatial harmonics of the standing wave field by the more con- venient analysis of the spectrum of the time harmonics of the induced current". G. Korostelev [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card P-12 KAUDIN, V.I., prof., doktor fiziko-rotem. nauk (deceased]; AK12IDD;OVJP V.V ; GERSHIZO, G.M.; DASFENKOV, VX,.; Y"Of'SESN' V.I.; IL'Iff, V:S.; kOROSTEIEVY G.N.; LUCHOIN, V.D.; NAUMTKO, Yu.P.;RYAZ,Q1OVA, T.P.; SEDIN, V.A.; TOLSTIKOV, V.A.; SHTYROV, A.I.; AVILO~, B.I., red.; ZENIN, V.V.p tekhn. red. (Practical work in radio physics] Radiofiziche.,ildi praktikum. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Saratov, 1961. 277 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Saratov. Univeraitet. 2. Kafedra radiofiziki Saratovskogo universiteta im. N.G.Chernyshevskogo (for all except Avilov, Zenin). (Radio) 1VZT] /63/000/03/03049 1106010 26 AUTHOR. Gershteyn, G.M. TITLE: Simulation of static fields by the method of imiuced currents PERIODICAL: Beferativnyy zhurnni, Avtomztika, telemekimnika 1. v7chislitallnaya. tekhnika, no. 3, 196.3, 43, a'33tract 3,3252 (K)okl. 4-Y 14ezhvu:,.. kon- ferentsii po primeneni~u fiz. i matem. twdal.irolranl7a. v razliolin. otraslyakh tekhn. Sb- 1, Kozcovi, 1962, 213 - Za3) TEXT: The author describes the concept of the melihod of induced currentai utilized for simulating static fields described by the Laplace equation. Ifere a charged probe is used which moves relative to the electi,odes of the simulator to that the current induced in the ext(,mal circuit of the i5imulator electrodos it a function of time proportional to -,,he distribution funation of the correspondv- ing component of the field gradient along the lino of inotLon,of the charge.. It is indicated that in order to se'. tl-ie boundary coi4itions It Is possible to net and sum potentials induced in load ImPe(Lances by means wC a a=rdng amplifter. Two xethcds for the realization of zimulatorn using the principle of induci-*~d Card 1/2 S/10(1/03/000/003/037/049 Simulation of static fields by the i:-:~thod of .... A060/AU currents are deser'bed - the constn.;;,tion of simulators istirh a I-I.y.-past probe, and also of simulators with a vibrd-.Lnj,, pi-obe. There are figuns and 8 roter- ences. [Abstracter's note; Complete translitioni Card 2/2 S/OW63/000/001/094/12D A160/AIOI AUTHORS: Gershteyn,_O. M., Pavlyuohuk, V. A. TITLE- 'An analysis of the spectrum of the spatial harmonics of the fleld of periodic systems on induced-current models PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Flzika, no. 1, 1963, 16 - 17, abatradt UhIOI ("Dokl. 4-Y Mlzhvuz. konforents.ii po prImenenlyu fiz, I matem. - I modelirovaniya v razliohn. otraslyakh. teUn. Bb. I". M., 1964 225 - 236) MT: A method is developed for the wtperimental analysis of the speatrm of direct and inverse spatial harmonics of periodic struatwe flefda. The method - proposed by one of the authors before (Hefer&tivM7 Wwrwl,- Fizika, no. 6) ig6o, 14659) - is based on the transformation of the spatial field har- monics into induced-current time harmonics with an analysis of the latter's spectrum by the conventional speArum analyzer. A detailed description is given of the experimental installation for plotting a distritution curve of the sat-. muthal component of the electrteal field and the spectra of the spatial WVOWA Card 1/2 SIOWWO00100110941120. An analysis of the spectrum of the... A160/A101 of periodic -structure'models. Presented are the rewilta of analyzing the speo- trum of the spatial harmonies of the azimuthal field4ampownt of -a sagmant and rod-type cylindrical periodic systems under complicated bounda y conditions corresponding to different phase abifto of the- high-frequency field per one call 2; 3 It ic noted that the deebr;ibed method is especially suitable for analyzing the spatial harmonics of1he periodic -structure fleld with-rods of complex shape, and also for an enerimental synthesis of the periodic systeas according to a given correlation between the amplitudes of the spatial harmonica. The indicated method permits the investigation of the distribution of the eloo- trostatic and magnetic fields in system with a perlodlo focusing of electronic streams, and the distribution of magnetic induction, in tkw gap of eleotrio ma- chines. Xorostelev [Abstracter's notei Complete translation] Card 2/2 17j r,L ILI o S,~,acc 1, e n S T SL r, IC~~ ency SLK Cs C) 7 -e ~:.u y a y 7 n c s 1, u 3u or, f, e e C.3 1 0 1 /2 /02 f -,1-1 e sn a. c e n J C :)2' 07 -encucl by "b t ,--n 0 Z un n Y ac ob a-' ne d V:- -,.3 la e h ~3:7. en n 7, n n - n s-a- S 1. a I S L 3 a :1 Q J LJ n zir- Ox-- s -!..c u o n c s a c e e S su "S ,!,A I V S C C, r -a L'Y -Jol "Iy 9/057/62/032/001/015/018 B104/B138 AUTHORS: Gershteyn, G. M., and Fedonin, G. K. TITLE: Simulator for studying two-dimensional fields with a vibrating charged probe PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 1, 1962, 112-118 TEXT: A laboratory device for simulating two-dimensional fields obeying Laplace's equation was developed by applying earlier findings (Izv. Vuzov, Radiofiziki, 2, no, 4, 602, 1959; ZhTF9 XXXI 69 734, 1960). The charged probe 3 is ma7de from a good dielectric. Probe holder A is caused to vibrate by vibrator B, which is fed by a 1-f generator r , and is connected to a device K which allows the probe to be moved in Cartesian or polar coordinates. The vibrating charged probe produces current in the circuit formed by M and R. The voltage drop at R is measured by the indicator W , which consists of a 1-f amplifier and a cathodic voltmeter. Thin rods of circular or square cross section were used as probes. Frequency and amplitude of the probe vibrations are carefully selected so as to achieved purely linear probe vibration. The three models of Card 113 3/057/62/032/001/015/018 Simulator for studying two- B104/B138 capacitors presented in Fia. 3 were used. The electrodes were 30-50-mm high and were made of copper sheet on a textolite baoe. A 260M (28IM) reference amplifier was used for amplifying the induced voltage. Measurement and calculation of the potential from A. it, Strashkevichlo formula (Elektronnaya optika elektrostaticheskikh poley, ne obladayushchikh osevoy simmetriey. Fizmatgiz, 1959), were consistent with each other with an error of 2%~ The error in measurements can be reduced by using a compensation method. There are 7 figures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Saratovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet, Kafedra radiofiziki (Saratov state gniversityo Department of Radiophysics) SUBMITTED: March 25, 1961 Fig. 1. Diagram of simulator Fig. 3,. Capacitor models Card 2/3 Simulator for studying two- ... Fig. 1 S/057/62/032/001/015/018 B104/BI38 Y I \ L -if L--r - - z ~~ ~D Z Fig. 3 Card 3/3 GER3HTEYN, G.M.; SALIY' I.N. Discrete approrization of a continuous function at the boundary of a region in electrical. modeling, Zlektri- cheotva no.11:47-50 N 163. (KM 16tll) 1. Saratovskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet imeni Cherny- shevskogo. T _L_10V&-:~3 EEW WAS W-2IMS-AFFT01MI S FAD-11ab-4--lip(c) ACCESE IODT W,: 0300W05 S/0057/53/0-3/005/0530/0536 AUTHO1(- Gershteyn, G. i.l. E9 TrME: General case of currents induced by the motion of' a chavge and of uncharged corductors SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnic~eskoy fiziki, Y. 33, no. 5, '19631, 53o-536 TOPIC TAGS: induced current, vibrating electrodes, electrets ABSTRACT: Usually the "induced current" Is anderstood to be the current induced in the external circuit of the electrodes by, motion of charjg~ft purtlclaj ctrode system.; -this current I.,; iiyen by the relative to the stationary ele Shockley-Ramo (Ramo,S.,Proc -IRE, 27,5B4,1939)' fornala, incorparating a ficticiaus or virtual field term. In some cases, Lowever, the current may also be induced due to motion of an uncharged conductor or electrode r(!i1ati,,,,q to the stattonary electxode and charge. Accordingly, the author adduces iL gencral expresaipn for the current induced in a system of conductors, taking Into account the mot ion of charges and unchnrged conductors relative to -the syatem and the time variation Card 1/2 L 10166-63 ACCESSION M: AP3000005 of the ficticious field of the system. There are then considAe-rel some particular ca&es of a charged particle moving relative to a systm of stationary electrodea (the Shocidey-Ramo case) and of a charged pDrticle moving relwtive to stationsry electrodes but with an uncharged conductor also moving rd.atiye to these (case of generators wit'; machanica.1 modulation, case of a partll,~Ii~ in IL P.141te. capaeltor with a vibrating plate, case of a particle ca acitor fi-ltd with tui ehlectrat P It is suggested that the deduced equations may be of vW.ue for determining the currert induced in the circuits of vacuum d~evices with nj-~chanlcal modulation and mechanical-coraponent transducers, and in investigating t-,w effecto of vibration of' -lectrodes and other compononts In vacutim tubens a4d sliMIm, oTilplrent. OrJ6,% art. has: 39 equations. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radiofiziki Saratovslio6o goaudaratlyennaq,o universiteta (Chair of Radio Physics) Saratov State Uni,tersity) 2oApr62 DAM ACq-. i2jun63 ENCL: 100 SUB CODE: PH,SD NR REF sov: oo4 OrBER: 001 Card SM(d) XJP(q) WX ACCESSION1,M: ATS019250-0 mi"hlv ym 0 -M pavf,ruahuk, V, A, .... ....... --- --------- . .. . ...... -I T I I.' ..... ..... I mc A.,~ n:,, Or die aniNnuill n F C CODE': LIP At C. N !,)I'- i~io,i(A.Inj; of' clectrom~ retie f iolds by lrdionogeneJtles of elektrich. modelirovaniya poley. 'Saratov, Saratovsk. iai-t, riode.1, OL(_,Ctromf,,nPtic wave rimulation, waveguide iris, waveguide trans- rni:]~;kcni/ e.~3t insAallation A-7, ST~ -,~ CT: -,nc /autl.ors compare the calct.lated and experimental results of determining i the --ratricterr 0-cf1ection coefficient 1: and susceptance Bsjj) of inhomogeneitics of WFLV(1;7j',i,(jCs, W,-~ich in first approx-.rriat ion, the use of the electrostatic field r ,Jils 1,urpose. '11ir? 'heoretiral paraneters of a cajecitive diaphragm in a wave- ia 1u af- T1 i al deter ou-Lac are juver. Clifferent greometrie:,, of this d p , m. ie experiment mMation of 2 and of P-Sh was with the aid of modeling, the distrubution function of the Laplacian elec~rustatic field of th~ diaphragra and substituting it into the cor- responding functional. The field was m,,~deled with a M.-V3 installation usirv, an am- 1 ber probe 3 rrd-, in dia. Two capcitive diaphraons of different geometry were investi- the results of the calculations and of the measurements hoWS gate(I ConT)arison of B thak, tie numerical data coincide in the case of a narrow diaphragm (d = 15 mm) within 1 2-5;,e], and within 5-1-0' in the case of d - 26 mm. V. 14. [Translation of abstract] SUB COD-- 20, 0 Card lK L 33580-66 1__A_CC____N__R-_.__ 66i62 SOURCE CM': jjjV66~Z/65/ooO/OjVjv40/ii040 AR AUTHOR: Gershten_-_q,,j%; Baliy) I. N. TITLE: Determina:k'-,ion of the relative magnitude of the coupling impedance of spatial harmonics of slow-wave systems by the method of induced-current harmonics SOURCE: Ref. zh.,Fizika, Abs. 1lZh274 BEF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elektrich. modelirovaniya poley. Saratov, Saratovsk. un-t, 1964, 150-157 TOPIC TAGS: harmonic analysis, traveling wave interaction, electric impedance, in- duced current ABSTRACT; The authors investigate the feasibility of using the method of induced- current harmonics to determine the relative magnitude of the coupling impedance of higher spatial harmonics. Formulas are derived for determining the relative magni- tude of the coupling resistance of the higher spatial harmanics in terms of the ratio of the amplitudes of the spatial harmonics of the static field, An experimental verification of the proposed method was made with models of slow-wave systems of the ##comb" type with different ratios of the gap width to the period of the comb struc- ture. The experimental data are in good agreement with the results calculated by the formulas of W. Kleen (Introduction to Microwave Electronics, M., Soviet Radio, 1963) and Beluga (RZhFiz, 1962, 4Zhl5l). E. Guttsayt. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 0 Card 1/1. L 3884o-66 ~wr (j I", ACC NR. A116021041 SOURCE CODE: uR/oo58/66/ooo/oo2/nD57/1r)57 AU711OR: Gershtea, G. M.; Zhemarin, G. V. TITM: Concerning the use of the method of induced current to simulate fields in inhornogencous media SOURCE: Ref zh.Fiz, Abs. 2f080 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elcktrich. modelirovaniya poley. Saratov, Saratavsk. un-t) 1964, 182-193 T LOPIC TAGS: simulation, induced current, model scaling, electrostatic field, dielec- ric constant) WAfi5M7-NC)i01V- /"1F01"0C ABS'IMCT: It is shown theoretically and experimentally that the fictitious field of the Shockley-Ramo theorem has the same properties with respect to material piecevise inhomo6eneous dielectric redia (DM') as a real elcotrostAtir. ;[Jeld:'," It is also pos- silble to apply this theorem to an anisotropic DM whose dielectric constant (e) is described by a syr-netrical second-rank tensor, if one uses-,an isotropy-producing deformation of space. The possibility of simulating fieldsin inhomogeneous media using induced-currznt models into which dielectrics with different c are introduced, is demonstrated. A preliminary experimental confirmation of this possibility is obtained. (2ranslation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 Card 1/1 "C '4Q: AR6019070 SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/66/000/00l/A061/A06l AUTHOR: Gershteyn, G. T shey P.EF SOURCE- Sb. Vopr. elektrich. modelirovaniya poley., Gavatov, Saratovsk, "ll-t," 1964 140-149 TITLEt Simulation of the electromagnetic fields of waveguide eterogeneities SOURCE: Rel'. zh. Radioteklinika i e1ektrosvjaz', Abs. IA421 TOPIC TAGS: waveguide, electromagnetic field TRANSLATION: Calculated and experimentally determined parameters (coefficient of re- .Clection R and reactive conductivity B) of heterogeneities are compared. The electro- static field of the heterogeneity was used in the experiment. The calculated para- meters of the capacitive diaphragm in a waveguide are given for various geometries of .the diaphragm. The experimental determination of R and B was obtained by modeling thq distribution function of the Laplacian electric field of the diaphragm and its substi- 'Tution in the corresponding functional. The field was simulated on the MNT-V3 device, using an amber probe of 3 mm diameter. Two capacitive diaphragms of different geome'try~ ,were studied. A comparison of the calculated and measured data shows that in the case :of a narrow diaphragm (d=15 mim), the ntimerical data agree within 2.5% and in the case of a diaphragm of d=26 mm, within 5%. 5 illustrations, 5 tables, 6 references. V. M. SUB CODE: 09/ -SUBH--DA-T-F.--n*ne- C,,d -1/1 UDC: 621.317.34 U AR6a16553 :30URCE CODE: UR/0196/65/000/012MOOVA009 AUTHOR: Gershteyn, G. M. TITLE: Errors in simulation of three-dimensional fields using induced current models with a drift probe (j M I SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika i energetika, Abs, 12A58 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elektrich. iaodelirovaniya poley. Seratoy, Saratovek. un-t, 1964, 27-35 TOPIC TAGS: induced current, electric analog, electronic simulation, error measurement ABSTPACT: Expressions are derived for determining the erroro in volummetric and surface distribution of the charge on e. probe. Calculation of drift probe error for a number of specific cases of periodic systems of the segmented type 13hova that the error of th~- method is less than 1% for the ratios of the dimensions of probe and model which are used in systems with a drift probe. The total error for simu- lation of fields of periodic systems 1!3 less than 3-4%, e-ren'including the compara- tively high instrumental error. Bibliography of 5 titles. From the summary. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09 C40rd UDC: 537.212-621.3-001.57 11) 1-f d IJ P 6~ L 02290 ACC NRI AR6oi6556 SOUTCE CODE: I rR/01 96/65/000/0l' ./A009j'A009 AUTHOR, Gersh V. A.; Pronin 11. P Fedorin 'G. K., ,teyn, G. M.; S e d i-n V . .. ... TITLE: MNT-V3 inutallation for simulating ihrr!e-dimerisional fields trj the induced current method~6 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika i energetlkn., Abs. 12A61 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elektrich. model irovaniYa pnley. ov"-;k .Im- 1964, 56-71 TOPIC TAGS: induced current, electric wial.ap , ,1-ri'ronic, field, gravitation field, magnetic field, L~~pi w~~ equation ABSTRACT: The authors describe the MTr-%'3 '~pro;-Q,- Mcdel-ling dw-;Ice base,_~ on "lie use of the induced current method. The i3 dt!s?ijjne~; for simlj~etir.F "rcr three-dimensional fields"'described by tho oquntion conditions of the kind. The devive tqtiv t,f, u!;ed .;~mulat,lng ~;patLrtl fieids sy.stcnt-., the quasist.n-.1c fields of in,7-'- of electrotechnical and electron-optical vidual cells of decelerating systems in SHF the (jjjft5~j[jt_0tjC fiejLIS Of nonhomogenieties in waveguides and fields of tht effect in various ACC NRz ARW16552 SOURCE CODE: UR/0196/65/000/012/AOO-8/AO08 AUTHORt Gershteyn, G. M. TITLE: The induced current method SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika i energetika, Abs. 12A57 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elektrich. modelirovaniya poley. Saratov, Saratovsk. un-t, 1964, 3-26 TOPIC TAGS: induced current, electric analog, electric field, gravitation field, magnetic field, Laplace equation, electric potential, electronic simulation. ABSTRACT: A new analog method for simulation of fields described by the Uplace equation - the induced current method -- uses the proportionality between the in- 'auced current generated by the motion of a point charge with respect to a syste" of electrodes and the distribution of the image field of the electrodes along the line of motion of this charge. The image field is defined as that which satisfies the Laplace equation for the boundary conditions of the given system of electrodes which would be generated if a dimensionless unit potential were apphed to the k-th elec- trode while the potential of the remaining electrodes was held at zero. The Shockley-Rameau theorem shows that when a point charge q is located at the point Card UDC: 537.212:621.3-001-57 L 02313-67 AR016552 P(X,Y,B), a charge qj-qf(xsyja) is induced at the k-th electrode, i. e. when q= const, the induced charge in an mialog of the image field potential at the point where the charged probe (considered as a point charge) is located. When the probe moves with a constant velocity and has a constant charge, the current induced in the* circuit of the k-th electrode of the model is a function of time proportional to the distribution function for the corresponding component or the field gradient along the line of motion of the probe. An advantage of the proposed method is the elimi- nation of lead wires from the probe and the possibility for measuring an electro- static field in an ideal dielectric medium. The induced current method is applied to two forms: in models with a drift probe and in models with a vibrating probe, The first modification is convenient in cases where the field pattern may be taken rapidly and the model is used in combination with automatic devices for recording the potential and its gradient. The drift probe moves at a velocity of 1 m/sec and higher. The vibrating probe does not require rapid transpositions. This modifica- tion may be used for easy determination of the field gradient and any of its com- ponents. Setting up arbitrary boundary conditions of the first kind in simulation by the induced current method is comparatively simple: the field at the point P(x,y,z) is represented as the superposition of partial fields generated by the Unit potentials of individual electrodes. The currents induced in the electrode circuits are taken in the required ratios during sumation. Technical difficulties are often, encountered in setting up boundary conditions of the second kind. The induced Card 142313-67 ACC NRt AR6o16552 current method is suitable for use in analog simulation of three-dimensional fields in a homogeneous medium, particularly for analyzing the spectrum of spatial har- monies of fields in periodic systems used in generators and SHF amplifiers and in particle acceleration. 5 illustrations, bibliography of 37 titles. Yu. Ch. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09 Card 3/3 -ACC--N#r-- A?60 91 0 )34 ol.'3/0111/0112 SOURCE CODE: u", 1 /1) 1 -e h INVENTOR: Ger3hteyn, G. 1, 1~uqe I I imjvji~ Pro-Min V P.; h k t- man, ORG: none TITLE: 186155 SOURCE: 14ethod of processingr gravimetric survey results . ciass 42, No. Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 18, 1966, 111-112 TOPIC TAGS: gravimetric survey, gravity isoanomaly, dielectric sheet, potentiometer, gravity parameter )OR 6 V I r" erle I/ ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for processing, gravimetric survey data based on analysis of isoanomaly Sravity maps. The isoanomaly map is I put on a dielectric sheeu, the interspaces between isoanomalies are filled with conductors, and a potentiometer adapted for each interspace is attached. A point-shaped charge is moved above the dielectric sheet which measures the current. Parameters of the gravity field are deter- m-'ned from the intensity of the induced current. This method permits a continuous distribution of the gravity field, higher accuracy, and a shortened processing to be obtained. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. Card UDC: 550-831 __Rk,____AP60_3349l A CC V CODE: 08/ SU34 DATE: 14Jun65/ 1. Set-up for processing Fi Sravimetric SU_rvey data. 1. - dielectric sheet; 2 - conduc- tor; 3 - gravity Isoanomaly 4 - potentiometer; 5 - point- shaped charge; 6 - indicator Card !;UL;i,Ci1* COD--% Ui(io~,7~/IJG/000/001/AGOII/AUO,i Ger~iiitoyn G. 'I.; Naumenko, Yu. P. 17 7he use of -,,nduced current to model a ti, a- dimt! as i anal flel with a sr~lca Cnar-ge SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. lA7 R~F SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elektrich. modelirovaniya poley. 'Saratov, Saratovsk. un-t, 1964, TOPIC TAGS: induced current, space charge density sed for modeling a two-dimensional device 1 ii,ANSLATION: The induced current method is u (V2ncribcd by a Poisson equation. The modeling was based on an induced current device with an oscillating probe and additional electrodes located at the edge of the model. The potential of these electrodes are different fram. the electrodes of the model. The additional electrodes introduce an additional.power line current to the testing region i and at a certain distance from their surface the resulting field satisfies the Poisson equation. it is shown that this occurs when tho potentials are spread over additional electrodes and Mve a Poisson distribution in the xyt-pla no. The computed and experi- mental results of three space charge density distribution in a cylindrical diode ,(linear, constant, and Langmuir distribution) showed satisfactory agreement of thooro- UDC: -.621.385 Cc,rd 1/2 ACC MR. Alw0lU43 tical and experimental curves. This method can be used 'in modeling fields described by the Pois-son equation with given right part of the equation, e. g., in calculating the fields of electronic vacuum instruments Irl the succesuivo approximation mothod. 6 references. R. H. SUB CODE: 09 Card 2/2 G. X.; Saliy, 1. l,'. Z:sc of i-.1duced =:,rent harmonics to detemine t-te relative coup!ing .:Mpedancc oz~: spatial "lain, onics of delay systems S-JUKZ: "Nei% zh. E"Iektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 1A133 :~ZF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elektrich. modelirovaniya poloy. Saratov, Saratovsk. un-t, 1LIS4, 150-157 TO?'I'C 7AGS: hainionic analysis, delay circuit SLAT- ON e use oc induced current and a drift probe in of delay sys-,e-- .zxe it possible to oscillograph the full amplitude spectrw" of space hazronics. A deril- va-cioz. of -,*.-.e equation was presented for deteinination, of relative magnitude of higher ,-0S - istoz, coupled dalay systems through the dalay system amplitude rellation of thle s-,a- z; c field. The exoerimantal verification of the -iven method was made on the co-..L)-ty-)e delay SYS-CC-M 7-40dals with a different relative slot width of the comb st.-Uctuz~e. -,.-.e ex-,10 paz,izanzal data ai~-- in good a.areament with the theoretical results calculated accord- inS to the fo:r,,uLs of- V. Kleyen Medemys v elektroniku SvCh, Moscow-, Sov. Radio, '1953) a. d 1. Sh. Belugi Izv. vuzov. Radiofizika, 1961, 4, No. 5). 7 references. E. G. SUB CODE: 09 UDC: 621.385.6 IVANIOVSKIYP G.F.; GERSHTEYN, I.A.; -SAPUNOV, G.S.; BADIBETOV, A.Xf. Continuous-action unit for the production of a demulsifier. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.5:5-6 '64. (MMA 17:8) 1. Novo-Ufimskiy neftepererabaty-vayushchiy zavod. ULIMVTY I.Ye., kand. te.1,11n. nauk; GE!,,.'-I'JITEY3, I,11., linzh. Automatic alternating current build-up with a pulsation arc. Vakh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 21 no.1:27-29 163. (MDA 16:7) 1. Chelyabiriskly institut mokhanizatsil i oleltriflicats1i sellskogo khozyaystva. (Agricultural machinery-Maintenance FAnd repair) H il. Y11, inzh.; UVAEOV, re.P. I r Gia.9a.-rainforced platiti-c is an efficient polymer matprial, "or concrete framework. Prom. stroi. 41 no.4-.34-35 I Ap 164. (MIRA 17:9) Compounds of awLWI! 44, 19, ;Ttv;l 16.itwl): ihir., Kitim. 11AS5, No. 345.-Upon lh~i~itddn. Ili I:ht !Ooml t'jil . (:IAI, 201RION1 (1), rmllvcd) I, Wall ~Ilkl, 11 11, plwv(,Lj 11blillf, faillil1q. it light CI IIW, ~l it .11h ki ;I . ill II!,A), o."I ill,(A . i~!- ol lit-. I I": 1 ]-4 , "', 1 1114"" ill 10im) 1. 1(11) .,1 ~15 1.3 !!,1 1 1, A2 Pi ~ k I I 11m., I ",., I I I h.( c i-Il I I ;. Al IvIWI~ d-%, :Alil 1 .1 1, Lo kild ~11. Ill 'it ~N) ~it 1w ..!, I( :1o P, .~il o -4 di'll :hA Tiatipla"nation a( substances in the goods Of (Aliputitel fut,111. during onuting 1. A. Gc!~~I~Tjn iA I I N k, i-t ~i. 1, 1 ,,.t imhw t r.", lutltl -4ilibum 11-ogl- t R I 1),bLJy AU-Ndi.4 ,~ A A R. M 141P, 4; IWA)J. -- Nproulsog wc-ts ptk%*,A i's ~.Iijit tjoillorn in the o1wo Air virre riamd, anti chent. an- j~v,ci Ki%un at 10-dAy tntrfvak Carberhyttralev 4how A pr(pirr-ive inctraw until th, 440 djy imiii ). at the of $jArCh 41141 %oK2r 11710114ftaMoltilleg'l fligh-I Starch level (8, 1 ) I.V limind at 111A. Illontent Ill rout limwarance. Od content declines to W; on the :10th day, rrinaining level tbffmftrr. Total anti prolein 4N decline to !k V, is less by the YkI% day owing te) hydrolyms of J.tutmi matter with forniation 4 ~1. N tictivs. The it. ,.I the 0 dechnirs front mitial 0 MM~ to 0 9143 over a &)- dav iwrioil, no 6--cs f-m 1.81113 to "hile I nip. )pi frinn 114.4 to S1.5; sk-W tia nwn front '~ 4 to 17.3. d ul;:~. no. draini fr;xn 110.9 to 179.7. The d. and v variations are not sinnoth and havir minjivia Anil maiinte over the Y)-dAy expil. ricriod. Lipase activity clinths to 51fli" I, of initial wivity over the Ist 40dayl. thmilropliv N)"- I,y tbebNh day; catalaw rises to nr4rIy:YV,' by the 4W (Jay, Archning to 3601; by the 50111 day; peroxiikse is low but shows a max. activity in the W r*riod~ (", M. Kosolarod I"11.1440tv M j"ality W in a oe hil"W" d S-4 S N Nt, 11,1; ID I IMI I Cu., I.Irvdiol of rims"416J. F. E. was4nt. E. canialds4susi, and E drdibuki mulled hi hybrid% wbow propcrtin are usually intermediate between thew of the parents, although factors such as oil content may apprivAch or excited the parents in tome cases. Thiti. E r4 winalij X E. diiiiihats ccintains more msentLil oil (2 43'ji) 0,411 rllh~r I"irrof Fhe phyl. coo,14 of III, c"14 I- xvi. -11v mirtio"ka, I.-1wrro Itio- M III- I ...... V- G M K-Oaloolf t,,-Some dau. ca thu b1c,-humlelry d the Owed)FI11111; L. A. 510"111- i'll"' ()r1thcholl AAO I' .OF 4 3. 1 -1 fl It" ItIC111:151! ,-,d mfiictm of rtirch and nittr~~ur~us subMamom' rillit I ~~. nia:,. ucun fluti-i -.,f drj ruttlell .111d ,!mN,hydratts Ombet-Novellbu, tvhfcll, H the bcit dinu 'or luumAirq. In dry atorAp -4 I'M tal :13 Without lirdluAllary curfiq thelt ~Llnlvl IL Steady f-iii. h :11-Y !njtter md avilian; lulth dccli~w ill ititivii. Prm~aialxs, :lat- Hiq by pilial drying adums starcli cmitent ittid ivelmilill sugar'c(riterit aNt prt.dominvice, of ,ulmtartf--,.q :ir, trit little Amini tq mring and i.t' 3111:tj I .1 ilight deumpn. if pr,jrdn aiattvr tkAi--s 11- Cyr formation and ipmuting thLnv t.ilicli p1m. a filifill'.1 q4 j I)( -~ tellf ~f ~vv 7i;11:1-t t.'~O.hg .( -fit tithm 1,-1t flim! 1 purp-lc~!,i f,f& to the c,:lv;!llt of lujur Illid M 11 d r mAth r !-ii~ i! Imlitcsr :r. x1ifirl, laut w bilki.111. I , . . 1. .i I ,/ 01. ht.