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I. ;M IIA 141 ;Y,: f,c ---tsllrin tile i t, t 0 s Acadaw~ f)t' rei ort deliver~~,I at' a conterunce )n Uectro-ati,)wA.i,,,n t7 ~(-':MI1331-)n, ov...o:lstic of' Ac:td,-, ,. -C .;,-o noets., U3,311, ~.n.A ti~,! t1dev C-~12r -)I' i, iiin c;nic 513t.., from 1-5 t,117 i.,I)f)- ![I id.!V. -7 ~,: -'Ov 111141 60 1 142: 519AM SAA 151sloaturament of Q( the ':"nelatit"A owfil'int 4.4."Uris twitd cr. Ite I"W"'I'l I)V IIW krt~ llt4l$4 t~Mlh Ow iu,hn ill"d 14 'I'm it.-A m d.l."I Akusticheskiy illatitut AN SSR.,Mslcva/ -GERSHMN.S.G. -.... - .~-A- Interference method for the veasuremant of stationary noise coefficient correlationo. Trudy Kom. po akust. 8:151-159 155 Owu 8:8) 1. ?Izicheskiy inatitut Im. P.H.Lebedeva AN SSSR- (Noise-Heasuranent) (? I- V, " ~_ C- 46-3-11/15 AUTHORS:Gershman, S.G. and Orlov, Ye. F. TITLE: A Correlational Method of Maasarin.- the Acoustic Ratio. (Korrelyatsionnyy metod izmereniya akusticheskogo otnosheni- ya) PERIODICAL: Akustich-~!siciy Zhurnal, 195'?, Vol-III, Nr 3, pp.285-288 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In considerim- certain vcoustic problems of architecture of enclosed spaces, the concept if acoustic ratio is used (Ref.1). The present note describes a method of direct mea- surement of this ratio in an enclosed sPace and a number of results obtained using this method are given. Suppose that in a closed space a linear sound transmittinF, channel is working, emittinS a sonic si6nal x(t) Usin- the prin- ciDle of super osi-tion f)r a linear systera one can say that a process y(t~ received at some point within t"nis enclosed space is described ad by the exnression: At) = x(t - 9) f (Q) dQ (1) 0 where f(G) is the ri_,~;ponse of the system to a 6-impulse. Card 11L~It may be sholim that the coefficient of mutual correlation 46-3-11/15 A Correlational Method of Measarin.,- the Acoustic Ratio. R~ b~,tween the roccived Bound y(t) and the emitted sound xy delayed. for a time c by the process x(t-c) is given by: 00 R ax R (2) xy CF y NIX .. I -here ax and cry are the effective values of the emitted and received Droce3ses respectively and R 3a is the coeff- icient of autocorrelation of the process x(t) . Eq.(2) -ives the relation between the coefficient of mutual correl- ation, the autocorrelation function of the emitted signal and the response of -the sonic transmission system to a sdnrPle im:)uIse, From these expressi)ns it is shovm that: a r r Rxy 7 .V i t II 'r Where is the time Card 21L~ y 46-3-11/15 A Correlat'i-Inal 'A,-th3d of Measurin~~ tiie Acoustic Rati,). L, taklen by t-he ith wave and a i = (XiaX whare a i are coeff- icients t~L~ irVI into account the divergence of waves in space and their absor,:tion on the roflectionz',i. Thui3, RXY turns out to be a direct measure of the acoustic ratio. The expe- rimental of t1lis work was, carried out usi-nG the appa- ratus s~'i3vin in Fig.l. The ap:~a.--atu3 c')usi~;to:a of a corre- 1 (cf.Ref.2) in serics witii a dolay device,2, ,-~Lnd aq noise raeter, 3. To the radiator, 4, a noise signal, x(t) waL; ap,-Iiod. The position of the radiator laas kept fixed. The receiver, 5, r)uld be placed at ? different POin"Us alone- Lh-'-~ axis of the eiaiLter. At each of these paints R: '~T) wa3 measured as well as the level of total sound in the enclosed space, i.e., 20 lg a Y * The results of measurentents are summarised in 3 fi-UreS. The following C) persons collaborated: E,L.Feynberg, V. S.Grigor'yev, B.S. Antonov and V.M.Shatalov. Th--~re are 3 fim,,ures, no tables and 3 references of villich 2 are Russian and 1 &--glish. Card 314 46-3-11/15 A Correlational Method of Aleasurin-,- the Acoustic Ratio, A,3SOCIATION: Institute of Acoustiaaof the Acadeniy of Scir:.,nces, U33R, ~,loscow (Alcuotichoskiy institut ANI 0-33R, Moskva) SUBMITTED: May 14, 195?. AVAIUBLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 9 o 0 0 AUTHORS- TITU: PERIODICAL: 82726 S/046/60/006/003i'002/012 B006/BO63 Gershman, S. G.., Tuzhilkin. Yu. I... Measurement of the Coefficient of Transverso Correlation of a Continuous Sound-Signallin the Sea Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 292-298 TEXT: The authors first discuss the causes and shape of fluctuations ex- hibited by a sound signal propagating in the sea. It was the purpose of the present paper to carry out an approximate determination of the fluctua- tions of a continuous sound signal of the frequency 7-5 � 0.2 kc/see on the basis of measurements of the transverse correlation. The method used is based on the assumption that a noise signal emitted by an emitter in 0 be received in A and B. The authors first give a simple theory of this method, proceeding from the simplifying assumption that the signal f(t) emitted from 0 reaches each of the receivers only in two ways~ The ex- perimental arrangement is schematically shown in Fig. 2. Figs. 3 and 4 give the recorded values of the coefficients of transverse correlation, Both diagrams show a section where the correlation coefficient exceeds the Card 1/3 kv;2 726 Measurement of the Coefficient of Transverso 3/046/60/006/00 5/002/012 Correlation of a Continuous Sound Signol in the B006,'BO63 Sea fluctuation level considerably. A similar result is obtained from single- beam experiments as well as from many-beam experiments with similar times of propagation I LT e 10-3 see). The diagram shown in Fig. 3 was obtained at r - 3700 m and d - 200 m; the signal was 4.5 times stronger than the intensity of the maritime noise. Fig. 4 was obtained at r - 9 km and d = 3 km, The signal-to-maritime noise ratio was nearly 2. Fig. 5 shown a complicated diagram obtained from a double-beam experiments One beam reached the receiver without being reflected, whereas the other one was If reflected twice (on the surface of the sea and on the bottom), The evalua-, tion of the oscillogramsis illustrated in Fign. 6 and 7- Fig, 6 shows the maximum values of the correlation coefficients, R, as functions of d, and Fig- 7 illustrates R(r). Summing up; At a distanae of r _e-' 12 km between source and wave front and at a distance of d -4 3 km between the receivers at the wave front, the correlation coefficients are nearly equal to unity, irrespective of r and d. The quick response of the instrument (0.1 see) makes it possible to observe fluctuations of the coefficient of the cor- relation between a signal reflected from the surface and an unreflec%ed Card 2/3 82726 Measurement of the Coefficient of Transverse S/046/60/006J'003/002/012 Correlation of a Continuous Sound Signal in the B006/BO63 Sea signal, The coefficient of correlation betmeen tvo signals that do not reach the surface fluctuates only slightly. The authors thank V. S. GrAgor- yev for his valuable advice, as *ell as N. S. Antonov and S. D. Pankova for their assistance in measurements~ L, A. Chernov in also mentioned. There are 7 figures and 11 references: 6 Soviet and 5 US~ ASSOCIATION: Akusticheskiy institut All SSSR Moskva (Institute of Acoustics of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBTJITTED- May 19, 1960 Card 3/3 -`/004b 5/046/61/OC7j/-JO4/0C1/014 ~,kooo (1031il-043,115-Y) B139/BI02 AUTHORS: Gershman, S, G., Smirnov, A, I., Tuzhilkin, Yu. I. TITLE. Converter for obtaining the correlation function of infrasonic processes PERIODICAL: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 7, no~ 4, 196!, 415-420 TEXT: A device i3 described for the conversion of infrasonic signals to the frequency range of the sound correlometer, The traditional modulation method with filtering out one side band cannot be ap~lieai since the side bands in the infrasonic range are too close to one another, In the device described both side bands of the amplitude-modulated spectrum are used and filtering is not applied. Signals with spectra from a frequenc y cf 0 .,ps onward are converted. The device oonsists of a heterodyne (1) of the frequency 7 5 kc/sec and two analogous channels, each witL an input amplifier (2), a phase -d i ff erence moduLator (5), 9. f,--!tt!r 11 ~w)clo - -31c", an output amplifier (5) Card 1" Cc-nverter for obtaining the correlation d~04 6/;"1 /0`7/C04/0O 1/0 14 B 1 39/B 102 -37 cut I ~,,-lt T 1.n The J-np%.t pass band of the converter is 0-500 cPs. Since the correlation fun~~tion of the sienals is considered to be the time avera,:e of their produ-,t3 at different points of time,the relation between the orrelat--or. function cf output signals B T('I') an,J the searchpd-for :cri-elaticr, func'-,~n e x T r e s,-: e I C f T TI.e ~,ar. used with an:r type of ~:orrpiomet,~.- Reila~le devI:e,3 ~:~cn 'his prin~:iple have been developed by G. M Darskiy I, A Vas-iI;Ye-,.T , and V S Pcpc-;, engineers of the Aki.z;t-Gheskiy :Lnsit,it Oard 2/3 S/046/6-i/007/004/001/014 Ccn-,,erter for cbtai"ziing the eorre-'-.tion B139/B102 All SSSR (Acoustics InDtitllte AS USSR) - A oonsiderable advantage of the heterodyne -converter is the pos2ibility cif cotiverting si6 tials with a constant --cmpcnent, In connection with this converter, t!-,(, correlometer be:omes a univerial devioe for determ~nirip, ti)e corrol :itior. of .9-Agntil:j 1CW,:t3t IIIC1711JOUL,:~ to hlghtGt tilt rr-a:.;o,1tac frequencies There are 8 figures and 5 Soiiet referen,~eg, ASSOCIATIONi Aku3ticheskiy institut A71 SSSR Moskva (kcoustics Institu.'e AS USSR, Mcscow) SUBMITTEDr May 20, 1961 Card 3/3 -------- - --- ---- -Flu ~P.J fill ~m! p 1 1:1111 jI -;!.T I Ilk] 7~ If ~ I !III!: [TRIP IFIN Ili AGALINA, M.S., irizh.; AKUTIN, T.~., Inzh., ikPR.I;SOV, A.M,, bilh.; AHISTOY, S.S., kand. tBkhn. nwik,; B,'-IOST(YfSYIY. O.B., Wizri.; BEaLIN, A.Y*,,inzh.; BESSKIY, K.A., inzh.; BLYLTM, A.M., inzh,; BIWJ)I, I.Y., insh.; BIODSICIT. I.A., inzh.; BUH&AS, A.I.,inzh.; VAYNMAK, I.Z., inzh.: VARSaAVSKIY, I.N.,inzh.; VASILIUVA, A.A.,inzh.; VORONIN, S.A.,inzh.; VOTTSEXHOYSKIY, L oK., inzh. : 7MLEVSKlY, A. A., inzh. ; GERSHMAlf, S G in2h ; 31., nm'.: GILOWAT inzh.-, GOLUBYATNIKOY. G.A.,inzh.; GORLIN, 14 IIC;V, A.R.. DASHEVSKIY, A.P.,inzh.;DIDKOVSKIY, l.L., inzh.-, DOBROVOLISIM, N.L.,inzh.; DROZDOV, P.F..kand. tekhn.muk,; KOZLOVSKIY. A.A., in2h.; 1IRILINKO, V.G.,Inzh.; XOPaYANSKIY, G.D.,kand. tekhn. wiuk,; KOIIETSKIY, H.M..inzh.; OKHARCHUK, 1.1i.,inzh.; KUCHFli, Kr,'HZLYAK, M.Y.,inzh.; MIHONUV, Y.Y.,Inzh.: NOVITSKIY, G.V.,Inzh.; PADUN, 1131.,inzh.; PANUATIM, K.B.. inzh., PARKHOMENKO, V.1.,kand. biol. asuk,; FINSKIY, Ye.A..inzh.; POMUBNYY, S.A., inzh.; PORAZUINKO, F.Y.,inzh.; FUZANOV. I.G.,inzh.; REDIX, I.P.imli.; IIEZKIK. I.S..kand. tekhn. nauk,; itOGOVSKIY, L.V.,Lnzh.; RUDERMAII, A.G.,inzh.; RYBALISKIY. SADOVNIKOV, I.S.,inzh.; SEURIYANOV, N.N.,kand. takkin. nauk,; SOUSHrO, A.T.,inzki.; SINKIN, A.Kh., insh.-. SURDUTOVICII, TROPIKOV, V.I.,inzh.; YMER, H.M..Inzh.; FIALKOVSKIT, A.M.,inzh.; MSEW. M.S.. inzh.; GMMSHNEV, V.A., inzh.; SHESTOV, B.S., inzh.; SHIrfult M.I., inzh.; SOHYATSKIY, A.F.,Inzh.; SHCHOBAKOT, Y.T.,inzh.: STA.HCMNKO, I.K., otv. red.: LlSHIN, G.L.,inmb.,red.: KIUVTSOV,Te.P., inzh.,red.; GIUGQR'Y7SV, G.T.,red.; KAMNSKIY, D.N.,red.; MSOVSKIY, I.P.,red.;.LNYTKAN. L.Z., rad.(dacaasadj,; GURINICA, II.S.,inzh.,rad.; DANILgVSKIY. A.S.,inzh.,red.; DEMIll, A.M., inzh.,rad.; KAGANOY, S.I.,inzh.,red.; KAUFMAN, B.N., kand. takhn. apilk, red.-.LISTOPADOV, li.P.,inzh.,red.; MENDMEVICH, I.A., inzh. rad,(daceasefl: lcoutlilued on next card) AGALINA, H.S.... (continued) Card 2. PEIITKOVSKIY, H.I.,inzh,,red,; HOURBIRG. B.H.,inzh.,red.: SLATIN, D.S.. inzki.,red.-, FEDOROV, K.P.,inzh.,red.; TSYKBAL, A.V.,inzh.,red.-, SMIRhOV, L.Y., red. izd-va,; PROZOROVSKAYA, T.L., t9khn. red. Lmining ; an encyclopedic hBndbookJ Gornoe delo: antsiklopedichaskil spravochnik. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-takhn. isd-vo lit-ry po ugol'noil promyshl. Vol. MOrganization of planning; Construction of surface buildings and structureaJ OrgenizatBila proaktirovaniia; Stroltelletva zdanii i soonizhanii na pavorkhnoati shakht. 1958. 49? P. WIRA 11:12) (Mining engineering) (Building) J~ J TNVI-XI'OP: Vasil'yev, N. A. (ershman, S. G MN, - 11011C LE: Discrete correlometer. Class 42, No. 18064 SOURN' Tzobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, Lovarnyy,,- znaki, no. P), 1966, 101 T' 0?IC TACS :data correlation, correlation function MI)CA.~877C r0~1-110/ZQ( A B) T IZA CT :This Author Certificate describes a discrete correlometer, comprisin?. in input transducer, a tape transport, magnetic memories, s?eed-stabi,lized drive, and an arithmetic unit which has in improved delay stability over extended ti-,re intervals. The improvement was achieved by couplinp signals from the memorten to the arithnetic. unit topeLher with an amplified highly stable signal from a time delay oscillator. Or4g. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 1OAug65/ Card uDc- 081. 14-52S. 8 GFMH,W) V. 1. (~bskva) "Little physical' by G.Niese. Reviewed uy V.I.Gershran. Fiz.v shkole 21 noJiI04-105 W-Je 161. (MA 14.8) (Physics) (Niese, G.) DOBROVOLtSKIY, D.M.; LYALtKIN, N.A. Petrovka Gorlkovskoy oblagti); BOBEMMY, A.A. (at.Kok-Su Alma-Atlnskoy obln~iz,!, Xazaikhskoy SSR); KKHAYLOV, A.V.; LARICHKIN, M.Ye.; GWMN, V.I.j SMIDVY Ye.l. (Sevastap,ill) Notes on textbooks. Fiz.v shkole 22 no.607-89 N-D 162. (MIRA 16-.2) 1. 3-ya voslmiletnyaya shkola, g.Serdollsk, Penzenalwy oblasti (for Dobrovollskly). 2. Srednyaya shkola, f).Undino-Pbaellyo Chitinskoy oblasti (for Mikhaylov, A.V.). 3. Sbamshinakaya 9rednyaya shkola Tatarskoy A3SR (for Larichkin). 4. 56-ya ~rechernyaya shkola Mw3k-va (4":)r Genqvan). "IlIKHAYLOV, A.V.; GERSM-Wif 11.1M.; BRAVE;t?40) E.M. 06oskvu) Criticism and bibliography. Fiz. v sbkole 2) no.:3;104-109 ltr-Je 163, (MIRA 16:12) 1. Undino-Posellskaya srednayn Chitinskoy oblasti (for Mikhaylov). ". 56-ya shkolu rabachey molodezhi., ',,'ogkva (for Gershman). ISIKARETOV, A.S.; RATASHEINA, II.V.; OERSIRIAN, Ya.G. bi~rafactory haulage of parts in container pallets. no.3,.23-24 Mr 161. (Unitized cargo systems) Der.prom. 10 (MIRA 14:5) GFaSHW, Yu,,E. Innovators promote technological development. no.7:6-7 161. (Riga-Agricultural machinery bidustry) Mashinostroitell (MIRA 14:7) RESHET110, A.F. LRenhatylo, A.F.J; GLRST!A!;, Contribution of Riga machine buildern to agricuiltiiro. Makh. sill,holp. 11 no.8:3-5 Ag 110. (MIRA 11:9) 1 1. Glavnvy konstrkktor savoda "RigasellmasV (for Roshetilo). 2. Starshiy inshe~er zavoda "Ripsellmash" (for Gerohman). (Agricultural machinery) (Fertilizer apreadera) I I I GEPSHMOV, El.; KMSTOV, B. Hoisting end transoort operations, and their bearing on the economic indexes of fourdry shops. Machinostroene 12 no.6t 7-9 JetuO. GERSHONOV, El.; KHRISTOV, B. Mechanization of hoisting work in foundries, and its effectiveness. Mashinostroerw 12- no.6:3-7 S 163o AM Mr77b6032J189 SOURCE CODE: UR/L)413/66/ooo/017/0030/0030 INVENTOR: Alekseyev, F. A. ; Balashov, V. A ; Gershonok,._j4,,_.1,,; Grachev, 1. M.; yegorov, B. A.; Kobyl'nits if BE 9. A. I kaya, M. I.; Koz ov,'D- H. .; ~bndrus, D. B.; Parshin, N. A.; Rashev5kiy, A. L.; Rivkin, A. E.; Tallgren, A. A. ; Khanauvarcy, A. A# ORG: none TITLE: Device for high frequency soldering of lead-acid storaEe batteries. Class 21, No. 185368 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pron7shlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1T, 1966, 30 TOPIC TAGS: metal soldering, storage battery ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for high-frequency soldering of lead-acid storage batteries. The device containsEn h-f generator with an external tank circuit, a multiloop inductor opcn ferrite ma.-netic circuits, a conveyor with a lifting table, a control c:cs%, zund zla assepbling-solderin;; former equipped with a magnetic screen fastened, O:i a non-f-ia-,aetic ')ase. Orig. art. ha!;: I figure. 621.352.2:621. 791.357:621.3. L 06-, ACCA-,-9P-r1()324M----- 11-f 'generator; 2 - external tank circuit; 3 Inductor; 4 - conveyor; 5 - liftim table; 6 - control desk; 7 - former; 8 - screen; 9 - base. SUB CODE: 10,13 / SUBM DATE: 24 Mar 65 Card s/226/62/000/005/006/007 E193/E383 AUTHOR: Glershov, I.Ytj. TITLE: Barium-ferrite magnets Ili.'. It IODICAL: Poroshkovaya metallurgiyn, no- 5 j.962, 99-io8 T FXT The object of' the present investigation was to establish a method of preparation of barium-ferrite permanent magnets that would ensure the optimum combination or magnetic properties of the finished product. The first stage of the process studied consisted of grinding a mixture or technical (preliminarily roasted) iron oxide and barium nitrate mixed in the proportion corre!iponding to the formula BaO.61-'e 20 ronsting the mixtur.c to convert it to barium ferrite and grin'ding the resul tant product. To obtain barium-ferrite powder for the fabrication of isotropic magnets, the iron oxide/barium nitrate mixture was roasted for 5 hours at 900 - 9,50 0C, after which the powder, mixed with 1%, kaolin, was ground d r y to obtain a nroduct containing less than 0.21,1o of the f200 and +25C mesh fractions. After adding the binder (8 wt.9, ofan aqueous solution of' 80. polyvinyl alcohol), the mixture was com- pacted under a pressure of 1,5 - 2 t/cM and the compact sintered Card 1/11 S/226/62/000/005/0()6/007 Barium-ferrite magnets F 193/ P583 for 2. hours at 1 -160 -1 260 oC, the sintering, shrinkage amountilig t o 13 + 20- The iron oxide/barium nitrate MiXtUre is roasted for 5 hours at I t50 - 1 -500 0C during the preparation of anisatropic magnets and the product is. mixed with 10. kaolin and ground dry in a vibratory mill, after,which a suspension of this mixture in water, acetone or alcohol is prepared by ball-milling. The sus- pension, containing 30 - 311~', of the liquid phase, is placed in a die and magnetized, after which the liquid is filtered-off and the powder is compacted (in the magnetic field) under it pressure of 2 100 - 200 kg/cm Fhe compacts are dried for 211 hours and then sintered for -1 hours at 1 180 - 1 280 OC, the sinLering shrinkage amounting to 32 + 2", in the preferential and 18 + 21,, in other directions (both the roasting and sintering operations are carried out in air). The present author studied the effect of' the follow- ing factors: BaO content (13.65 - 15-9000i knolin content (1-3"J; temperature of' roanting the iron oxide/barium oxide mixture MIL) '1 200 OC) ;duration ol' the wet ball-milling of the barium ferrite/kaolin/liquid mixture (12 - 144 hours); the inagnitude of the magnetic field before and during compacting (1 540 - 16700 Ca rel '-1/4 B/226/62/000/005/006/007 Barium-ferrite magnets E193/E381 and 2 990 - 19 000 Oe, respectively). As a result, the following optimurn conditions were established for the preparation of iso- tropic magnets: a) DaO content - 15 + 1%; b) knolin content - 11"'; c) 5 hours roasting of the iron oxide/barium nitrate mixtur at 900 - 950 0C; d) compacting tinder a prSssure of 1.5 - 2 t/cm e) sintering for 2 hours at 1 i.6o - I 26o c. Magnets prepared to this specification have the following properties: Br = 1 900 - 2 200 gauss; BIfC i 6o6 - 1 850 Oe; iic = 2 8oo - au, 3 500 Oe; (B X 11) max =0 8 X 0 1.0 X 10 gc SS.0e. Regardingthe anisotropic magnets, it was established that two types of' produ&ts, characterized by the following-properties, could be made: Group I - B r = 3 300 - 3 700 gauss; BH 3 000 - 2 400 Oe; IIf C = 3 400 - 2 500 Oe; (B X 11) max 2.5 x 10 3-0 x 10 6gauss.0e; Group Il - B r 3 500 - 4 000 gauss BHC = 2 500 - 1 6oo Oe; IIfC = 2 600 1 700 Oe; (B X 11) max 2.8 x 10 6 _ 3.5 x 10619;aus S . 0 e. The method of preparation-of the first group entails 5 hours roastin,q, of' the iron oxide/barium nitrate mixture at 1 150 OC and Card 3/ S/226/62/ooo/oWoo6/007 Barium-ferrite magnets E-193/E383 hours sintering at 1 2,,0 - i 26o0C- or roasting at 1 200 OC and sintering at I lbo - 1 220 OC. The method recommended ror making materials of the second tape entails 5 hours roasting at 1 200 - 1 250 OC and 2 hours sintering at 1 2110 - 1 2800C or, roasting at 1 300 OC and sintering at 1 220 - 1 260 OC. There are 6 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Nflavtopriborov SUBMITTED: Januarly 15, 1962 Card 4/4 -2/EWp(,4y,/Urr( LF"r,,rASD/S3D 10u-4)' L 12 81-6 ' ~WH JD WH I ACCESSION NRI 03001955 3/0226/6)/Y)0O/(',Q3/'1D071 /0080 71 AUMOR: Gershov,-.I. Yu. 10 11 TITLE, : Properties and use of ceramic meenets of barimi ferrite SOURCE- Poroshkoveya MetallurgiYap'no- 3t 1963.. 71-d-1 TOPIC TAGS, ceramic magnet, barium ferrite ABSTRACT* The possibility of ceramic barium ferrite magneto roplaoing metallic permanent magnets was investigated by the author, who had preiriouitly described the technique of producing c5ramic magneto ("Poroahkovaya No 5, .1001 1962). In the present i5xperiments the magnetic inductian as voll. as the aging and its relation to the coercive force of ceramic magnets were i!itudied at, temperatures ranging from -77 to +M. It was determined thd-t the bast shape for a ceramic magnet is a disk with a ratio of 1:2 between its Wclmeas and diameter. For a metallic magnet the ideal shape is a bar with the ratio betw,gin ~ts length and diameter ranging from 2.5 to 5. The strength and i3ghmetits of cnra~dc nagatts were lower as compared with similar metallic.marntj It is om%cluded that under some conditiona ccren-4c magnets may 2'eplaC5 MetM111C ones if 83.3. t1le properties of the former are carefully considered. Ceramic magnets will. hame +A~ be different in shape and design, but they will prove economical by savinp, nickelj oluninual Card 1/11 Associationi NIIAvtopriborov GERISHOV,M.I.; AMI,lFjYKV,V.M.; KOBSU,V.A.P. Peroxide bleaching of cotton and linen fabrice. Toket.prom.15 no.10*42-43 0155. (MLRA 8:12) (Bleaching) FITIV ! 1; 1 1 a I :- 0 '111' ll't 3 11 i `i , I ~i i ; ~ "[ a:1 ~ ,11 ! I I ,i I . 1, A P : i ~ I ~ I L 4 1 ~, . . . ~'I 1! ~ , : I I Mll li~l A : I i, I : , . ~ i TI 11: 1. 1 111WE-11:11LI11:1, A~MULAL11!!L!L~ i I 1:. I ! 1 ;1 ; 1 .1- . , GERSHOV, M.M.; KOMkROVA, G.F. -,"A' Bleaching mixed woolen and staple fiber fabrics. Taketeprom. 17 no.2:56-57 7 157. W& 10:2) (Bleaching) GIRSHOV. H-H-; ~~-OIVTOVA. L-14; ILITUATEVA. T.?.; TEYSIWI, S.TFL. Wmam Washing and dyeing wool fabrics in the same bath. Takst. proa. 18 noJ:55-56 A 158. (Dyes and dyeing--Wool) (MIRA 11:2) GF2SHOV, H,M,; KAMONTOVA, L.D.; KATI$, V.A.; KOZHNYKO, R.N. Using reduction-oxidation process in bleaching wool eaps. Ieg. prom, 18 no.2:36-37 7 158. (Bleaching) (MIRA 110) GERSFCV, M.M.- AVGUSTAYTIS, L.M.; KRAW13, A.U.; 1AICIUMO, T.P. ,,-~*'Zyelng rayon bands in light colors vith continuous variation of shadee. Leg. prom. 18 ro,5:52-53 MY '58. (MIR& 11:6) (Dyes and dyeiT6--Rayon) GMSHOV, M.M.; VMS, Ya,M, New method of dyeing viscouB rayon. Tekst. prom. 19 no-11:76-77 N 159. OURA 13:2) (Wes and dyeing--Rayon) GRSHOV, M.M.; BIRTULIN, P.S. New method of dyeing cotton fabrics, Tekst.prome 20 no.6:62 Je 160. (KM 13-27) (Dyes and 4eing--Cotton) GIMSHOV, H.M., referent Use of peracatic acid in bleaching. Teks"'. prom. 20 no. 12:76-77 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Peroxyacetic acid) (Bleaching agents) GE~ht,j'V, M.M. , linzil.; A.11-1. , inz-1. New method of dyeing hoBiery. Tekst. prom. 21 ao.1:4rj Ja 161. (MIRA 14:3) (PQiga-Hosiery industry) (Dyes and dyeing-Knit goods) I ~v GFMHOV, VA USHBT-M auger drilling rig. MaBh. i neft. obor. no.2:7-11 163. (MIRA 17t 8) 1, KiBhlinskly mashinostroitellnyy savod. GERSHCV, Z-S-- (,Ufa) Influenzal diseases at the Ufa Cotton Combine. Xa-v.mnd.zhur. no-5: 116 s-o 160. (MIRA. 13:11) (UFA--COTTON MAWACTURE--HYGIENIC ASPECTS) (INMERA) KHOVANSKIY, A. I.; MEDVEDEVA, Ye. A., kand. mod. nauk; GEW)110',, Z._ kand. med. nauk. Organizing measures for eliminating favus in the Bashkir A.S.S.R. Vest. derm. i van. no.2:62-64 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz Ufimskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo kozbno-venerologicheskago instituta (dir. P, N. Shishkin) (BASHKIRIA-FAVUS) I VANOV, Y.M. ; ?~ W"A"L"', -A, A.").; SFN I C,: -,' , i F.S,, ; SK It", P TSOVA, L.F. Stock dyeing of viscose filx~rs. Khirn. vollok. nc.'i,,153 '6 5. (MIRA 18:7) 1. CherkRsskiy zRvod iskuqotvenn,.-)g(-j vt)'okna~ CALRSHUIVIGHY ik.N, Lesion of the nor-vous ayatQri in brucellouis (accordLnj, to data from the Abuali ibn' -Sino Clinii. for Nervous Diseasos of the j Stalinabad Medical Institute). Zdrav. Tadzh. 8 no,5:3 5 S-0 161. ~11,,L; U 15 - I ) 1. Iz k4Lfedry neimiy1di boleznoy (zav. -- prof. S,G,.Ak:hiu,,dcv) Stalinabadskogo medinstituta im. Abuell ibni Sino., (BiWGUL06L) (HUNOUS BVIT614-DIS'-ASS) SUBJECT: USSR/Welding 135-3-10/3-7 AUTHORS: Garnik I.I. Engineer, Gershovich, S.A., Engineer, and Protaenko V.N., Engineer. TITLEi Electrodes "ACK-50" or type 11 3-50A" for Welding Steel '40-2". (ElektrodyA C K-50 tipa )-50A dlya evarki stali FIJI -2) PERIODICALs "Svarochnoye Proizvodetvo", 1957, # 3, p 22, (MR). ABSTRACTs Type ",~-50V electrodes are used for low-alloy construction steel. In view of &cut* need for such electrodes, the labora- tory of the authorta plant has developed a new electrode coat- for welding steel 1114JI.211. The recipe for the coating of "CM-11" electrodes which are not applicable for welding steel "HA-2"(give pores, vertical and overhead welding is impossible) was used as the initial basis. The coating for electrode type "-)-50A" of grade 'ACK-50"; ap- plicable for use with a.c. and d.c. (with reverse polarity) was created as a result of the latest work. The recipes of coatings 'CV-11" and "ACK-5011 are as specified below(in % of weight)3 Card 1/4 135-3-10/17 TITLE: Electrodes "nCK-50" Of tYP4 ")-50A" for 'Ifelding Steel -HA-2--. (Elektrody J4 CK-50 tiP& ) 50A dlya evarki stali HA-2). M-11 K-~O Marble ....................... 28.2 26.A Feldspar ..........I ................ 20.3 19.2 Sodium silicate .................. - 3.8 Ferrosilicon ..................... 8.5 9.0 Ferromanganese...... ......... 0. .... 3-5 3.3 Powdered iron ...................... 32.8 31.0 Powdered aluminum .................. - 1.0 Titanium dioxide ................... 3.5 3.3 Cellulose .......................... 1.9 1.8 Potash ............................. 1.3 1.2 Liquid glass of 1-40 - 1.44 density, - the potassium liquid glass 75 22-24 22-24 the sodium liquid glass 25 % (of dry compound weight) The thickness of coating recommendedi Card 2/4 135-3-1-0/i-,' TITLE: Electrodes "ACK-50" of type " 9-50A" for Welding Steel (ElektrodY ACK-50 tips, )50A dlya svarki attli NJ?-2). Diameter of the Diameter of tho The maximum allowable rod in mm electrode in mt,.t, difference in coating thickness, in mm 4 6.25-6-35 0.10 5 7.35-7-50 0.15 6 8.35-8-50 0.15 The resulting mechanic propert~ea (on the average) arei in weld metal: resistance limi:150 kg/mm , relative elongation 28 % in welded jointi resistance limit 57 kg/mm , angle of bond AV, impact resistance 18 kg/cm2. The electrodes are burning evenly in all space positions, on direct and on alternating current; the fusion is quistj the weld metal is finescaled the slag covers the weld uniformly and is easily removed; no splattering takes place. For final and complete tests the electrodes were sent to the weld- ing institute im. Paton of the USSR Academy of Sciences. There it was established that the "A CK-50" electrodes are applicable for welding steel '1HA-2" in all positions and with direct,as Card 3/4 well as alternating ourrentj their mechanical properties aro cor- 135-3-10/17 TITLEt Electrodes "fl(K-50" of We " )50V for Welding, Steol "W-2". (Elaktrody 4CK-50 t4a ?50A dlya avarki atali )10-2). responding to type " )-501" by the standard "ffft523-51". destined for welding heavy duty structures of steel IIHJI-2". The electrodes under consideration are vidsly applied, also at the plant "imeni Molotov" in Dnepropmtroyak which produces steel atruc- turea for the combined metallurTical works under construction in India, and at the plant "imeni Pravda" in Dnepro42herzh1nsk for construction of corn harvesters. The article contains 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Dnyspropetrovsk Electrode Plant. PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDi AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress. Card 4/4 GER~SHGYG, Ya.A. Application of linear programing methods in the knit goods industi-Ir. Tekst.prom. 25 no.11:3-4 N 165. (IMIRA 18:32) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii po trudu i ekonomLcheskONIU analizu proizvodstvennogo ob"yedLnenlya "Sarkanays Ritun. V /113 i -5d-4-9/21 AUTHORS: Popov, V.A., Candidate of Tec~,nical Sciences, -1uznetqova, T.A., Khoroshkov, D.Ye., 11'ers~oyg, Ya.l. TITLE: Cold Pressing of 1-1actroles (Fholodnoye vydavlivaniye elek- trodov.) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 4, pp 26-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The technological processes involved in the manufacture of copper or copperalloy electrodes of vorious dimensions (Fi- gure 1) used for spot welding in the a,,itomobile industry wasted up to 55 4L;of the metal, 11IITAvtoprom together with the Ioscow Midpet Car Plant have workel out and intro- duced into the production process a wasteless technology of cold pressing of electrodes on the hydraulic 25-ton P-462 press of the Chkalovskiy ~avod "Yetallist" (C$-kalov "Yetal- list" Plant) with its low hydraulic extractor. 7-is method is based on tests of the (lor'kovskiy avtozavod (~~orlkiy Au- tomobile TlRnt~. The designs of the press (Fifrure 2), punch (rigure 3) and the adapter ?ieces (Fill-tire "- are desert.bed and discussei. The cold-pressed and sharpened electrodes Card 1/2 are s~lown on figure 5. In addition to the aconomy of me- Cold Pressing of Electrodes /113-59-4-9/2.. terial, the work exne,,diture is decreased by 3 times by the new procesR. Tt i3 qu,rf-P!3'ed that ine Diant e3tabliSh a department for the manufacture of electrodes for spot w9lding by the new method an(I serve the enzire economic -iistrict, '--erp are 4 :!inFrftzq aa~ I photoi ASSOCIATION: ",!!Tavtopro:n and !,:oskovskiy zavol malol!trqzhnykh avtomo- bil~,i (The '.Iosco,,7 ','idget Car Plant) 1. Welding rods-Projuction 2. Hydraulic pre--,3es---Eqaipr,,,2nt 3. Hyd:?a-1--,--'c p:-esses--Parformance Card 212 GE~';-6HOG, It - 'L, - , ai~,! (%A-1 'I flu"I ~A ,B . li . Improvement in the design of crankshaft for diesel of tractor DT-54. Avt- trakt. prom. No 2, 1952. 0 a 0 Ole I., W, L A 1-1 &1 00 4--p - so -00 Catboat@ mdrs and cr, NWSU of Ktivol itog. Yu. G ' 16 C-rshq coo . g. Vvit l 9..V,). 9, 8. . T t h - orilwit ill the var thAl thi, I, yrfs HI rO* MM[liiftJover The Fc.10 rail, W alid ch Witt-quji'll", Kh6 ti &ot h r cryst. 11,AAuile and uJi-ri IV Which , coo 00 coo L a IIALLURSK-L LITINATUAll CLL%Sff�CATIQ- we 0 Im 1 u 4, K) 0 of a no " Iil 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 : : : : 0 : 0 7 0 0 0:0 6 0 6 4 Is 0 0 0 0 0 - 1-- : : 0 A I L r, 1 -1 6 z I k L P A I. to EX I I -0 0 *SVkf Ot A* OrWWf map#* 04.14"AL malwkila AWr TblkAi4l N. t4&F w * i A 1947. No. 1, is Al q - dolli, 1 IlLraink t k Y th r . ., v . Aved fn I v , &N A. A. &-thOnck .09 as* let .44 fe too N fl d R M 11 N ., o 0 0000 o gotie a 0 0 OF F It I I It I It A A L 10, LJ L, 16;41 f- I AP 0 w u 1 :1 1 1 1 S --A A HydrIlthermal deposits of the Krivoi-RD I !in . ...... OW N-1 ". .1'~, A 1~ rip 0 zoo asi roe roe see 19*1 loe see AI A I L AOTAtLOWAL LITIVAIU41 W3 LI ' ' V_ -) t ) y -V *71 k AOL 111wo *013faillagis I - - I, . - Is R I " It It H of "a fl 1 14 I 40 ~ ~j s 0 * 0 so 0 o 0 0 0 00 a 44 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 # 0i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 6 * 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a [I 0 0 0 046 o1 O 111 3 let f a 99 w ~ v s 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 s 6 A 4 Z 'I 1, L 9-.k--f _-L-A-A-L L 0 N., r "4 _4 V A .1 1 AA 11 (A W (I . .... thp Krivoi-Rog bs,,,Ind th ' ~ pro$ 'too 00 90 00 ~,00 - 00 got -go A I I L a .(TALkL~V&kAk LM44101 CLAIIWKATICK 90 0 .1 17 I a 4 001 0 a 0 eie 0 4 0 a o9$ 0-9-0 a 0 0 0 41e 41 0 4 0 6 * 0 16 u r,,,3H Y-1 ~-, 35874 Kharakteriatike zhelezistykh khloritov krivorozhlya. Minecal. Sbornik (Llvov), no. 3, 1949, c. 165-74--DibliOFr:ll finzv SO: Letopis' Zriiirnallnykh Statey, No. 49, 1949 frcu it, Xtlv'ol" R, a, Vu. Obikehestva, 4. .-.. ' zu).. Discussion of th% mWortil -wens. and repticcinerit origin of inti3cli~vIumvite (magim' tite picudomorphous aftcr licinn(ite~, Maric kV 4 GMHOYG, Yu.G. The nature of the ore mineral of so-called colored ores found in Krivoy Rog. Kin.ebor. no.5:187-192 051. (K6U 9:12) 1. Nauchno-iselodavatellskiy gornorudnyy inetitut, Krivoy Rog. (Irivoy Rog-Iron ores) Dissertation: arld :"etroceno."i"'; of trv'- .~ej,,ion Arclun; Lho ~,wrror I.-Pmvda, ..dine in tne Krivb=." Gand Gool-lan 3ci, I116't Of Acad jci Uewairbart 3,5j, Kiev, 1953. Refentivnyy ZIlLmial-Gooloijya, wooLtral'iya, i-IC)SCMI, Jul 51.1. SC': SU'Ni 110. 35b) 25 Jar, 1955 G,VRSHOYG, Yu.G. OrIgin of Krivey Reg ores.,9:200-215 '55. (KEJU 9:9) l.Krivoy Rog. Krivbassproyekt. (Krivey Reg--Iron ores) r,ene-~is of the Frivoi Rog ore3. 'I'pal: ID2, 1189-91 (1955). -The ore cA f'rJ_',,,()i ~Iw is pi--tic _ iti.:: cycle"5, of' tle suporposition of tectonic 3rv. Fiaj,~.%: jenctic proccs~irm. G, the follouding kCfdrothormal, and diaa ore formation: (1) pptn. of thin ':2- !_s Z,2.),(;, wit'. droxide, sider).te, and churiorite n7dAtept wj.~h wu.Ay I- tions are observed for a motwomatic norit)rja bY tin FO (2) The richeot Fe Vres (of UID typ(l) :31-ow U10 fluxilu'l of a IL-511rotilEmol met~norphis In a not-bettcr-oharacteriz(A maLnatic iyelo; Vacry are fbrm,~d at (32.cri tEmps. and pressures from not jolas. tine if' thr Fe r0c,