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L 2292-66 ACCESSION NRI AP5014569 1 and in a broadeninS of their resonance line. Quantitative estimates based orA the results, made under certain simplified assumptions, suggest that thin effect Is perfectly feasible. For example, at 4.2K, for germanium with olectron and hole density 1012 cm-5, the line width of the holso should increase by a factor 2.~ in a field of 4.7 V/cm. The experiment proponed does not require noticeable complication of the ordinary cyclotron Tanonanco, observation toch. niqueo, and neceasitatas only that it be simultaneously realizable at two frequencies at a fixed Talus ~of the viagnetio field., Ortgo artq haoi 2 figurair 1. and 4 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Hoskovekiy gosuilaretyennyy pedagogiohookly Ustitut imo V. I. Lenina (Moscov.State Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTEW 13Jul64 ENOW 00 Ye SUB 00DIt 08 NP NR REP We 000 OTHM 006 Card 9/2 L ~1159-66 EWT(l )IX"eiT (in) I T1E'VP( t )IJP(c) J D/A 71 ACC NR: AP6006810 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/000/002/0332/0341 AVn1OKL_UuMj"REk,3La L_Lj~- ; Gershenzqn-. Yo. M. ; qurykSh, Yu. A.; Ptitsyna,__ N. G._; SerebEyakova. N. A. 'ORG: Moscow S ate PedagQgical Inslitute im. V. 1. Lenin (Moskovskiy gosudarstven- nyy pedagogicheskiy institut) '7.vyl 7 TITLE: Cyclotron resonance of hot electrons in silicon and&.r~anium SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 2, 1966, 332-341 JOPIC TAGS: cyclotron resonance, electron, silicon semiconductor, gerranium semi- .conductor, impurity scattering ABSTRACT: The cyclotron resonance of hot electrons in silicon and &!rmanium was measured at 4.2 and 1.40K in the three-centimeter range. Single crystal specimens of p-type silicon and germanium were used with a resistivity of 5000-18000 and ap- proximately 70 0-cm_respectively and a donor-acceptor Impurity concentration of less than 5.1013 cm 3. The free carriers in the specimens were excited by light from an incandescent lamp modulated with a frequency of 500 cps. The cyclotron re- sonance was recorded as a function of magnetic field strength. The level of the Card 1/2 L 31159-66 :ACC HR: AP66006810 ,incident resonator power was varied within a range of 60 db. The maximum power I ,corresponded to a field on the specimen of the order of 20 Wan. curves are given showing the half width of the resonance line as a function of the incident power. Line width measurements give Identical results for all specimens in strong electric fields. The resonance lines show differ-ant widths for various specimens in weak fields due to Impurity scattering. At 4.20K In fields greater than 10 v1cm in ger- manium and 6 v/cm in silicon, a region of spontaneous emission of acoustic phonons 4s observed. At 1.40K, this region is observed in both semicondctors startin In stronger fiel -1 -1 from fields of 2 v/cm. ds vut , while in weaker fields /2- In this field intensity interval as well as in the region of spontaneous emission, the resonance curves for hot electrons are described by a single parameter which is ,of the order of the relaxation time at w2v0. The authors thank Yu. P. Ladyzhinskiy for assistance with the calculations, and M. I. Ginzbu and G. 1. Kononov for fur- nishing the germanium and silicon I.In . has" 3 fi Ale cr stals. g. art y_-- gures, 24 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 08Jun65/ ORIG mr: 006/ OTH REr: on Card 212,IC- FA~:e__N) Fr- A)45605 BDOK EXPLOITATION UR ZtkinjN~lentin Semenovich; Gershenzon, Yevgeniy Kildiayloylch P"W-61c''superhighfrejue cy syst_ ased on semiconductor diodes (Parametriche alsUM SVCh na poluprovodni"kh diodakh). Moscow, lzd-To "Boyetakoye radio," 1964. 351 P. illui;.J. biblio. 15,600 copies printed. MM TAGS: parametric amplifier, semiconductor diode, circuit theory, superhigb friquency, lov noise amplifier, barul pass amplifier, parametric converter, frequency stability, radio engineering AMPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for radio engineers, radio physiclets, and senior university students concerned with the development mid application of suptr high frequency parametric amplifiero and systems based on aesiconductor diodes, It includes principles of theory and calculation, methods of exIx-rimental study and de- velopment and discussions an the application of such amplifiers and systems in radlo engineering. The text includes material published in the periodical literature, an well as unpublished original data gathered by the authors in recent years. The author are greatly indebted to I. vak-Gorskayix K. Horo=5 L.D. Ut P M&noVa YtA_-_JP&_qLaj_aYq, _Bak an qq!9q, T-qt.DodbMs" d L.A. Smirnova for their great help in prepariag the book for pblicatlon. They-an mlso gveatlj in&lyted tn A.N. Vyst%vkin and Y.L. Aronoy, the reviewers of the book. TABIZ OF OORTERM (abridgedIt ACC NRs A145~925 Foreword -- 3 Ust of basic symbols used in the formulas and diagrams -- 4 Part 1. Problemi in the theory of circuits with variable pammeters and general properties of regenerative superhigh frequpncy amplifiers Ch. 1. Introduction -- 5 JV.S. Etkin and Ye.M. Gersheazon) Ch. II. Historical survey -- 15 [V,,S. Etkin and Ye.M. Gershenzon) ch. ins Basic energy relationshilxi. Classification of resonator punmetrio amplifiers -- 23 (V.S. EtIdn] Ch. IV. Problems in the general theory of circuits Vith variable jr-rumeters; 31 . (V.S. Etkin) 4.2. Integral transformations in the theory of clxcuito with variable parawtem. Basic equation -- 33 [A.P. 18nLtj Ch. V. Some general properties of regenerative ouperhigh f1litivency Atoplifiere -- 441 (V-8. Card ACC M A95"925 Ch. V1. Characteristic noise PM)ertieg of wplifie-ro with varisAbIA parmters (Y.8. Etkinj Part 2, Semiconftator diodes for parawtria systems Cho M. Semiconductor diodes vith controlled capacitance -- 69 (Ye.K. Gershmm) I ftrt 3. Parametr Le ampUflers vith on* LdU ftvquancy VM- Amplification and pus bands of puumtric amplifters with cue idle frequency -- 95 IV.S. Etkin) Ch. IX. Saturation of parametric soplifiers -- 128 (M. RtItinj 9.1. General data -- 128 IT-F. A 1- jrbimTEa and &V. 3 ;PAI- 9.3. Saturation in regenerative amplifier-converters -- 1.32 (T.F. LrblzkoTs and N.V. Soina] ~ X4 i0ises in parametric emplLfters vith one idle frequtacy -- 14T IV-S. Min] ~ XI. Widening of pass bands of resonator regenerative Wamtria amplifiers -- L60 [Yu.L. Khatuntsev] ACC NRi M15005925 Ch. M. Stability of regenerative parametric amplifiere - 18,f (V.8. Etkial 12.3. Temperature fluctuatiou of diode paromtere and their effect on the sta- bility of the regeneration factor of p3rametric attiplifiero -- 191 (I.A. Strukm Part 4. Development of parametric superhigh frequency amplifiers with one idel fm-quency, experimental study and application ~ XIn. I-lain circuits and experimental equipment for tuning and study of parametric amplifier characteriatica -- 200 (V.S. Min] ~ XIV. Experimental develo]pment and study of low noise Parametric =plifiera with one idle frequency -- 214 [V.8. Etkin) ~ XV. Development and study of videband parametric amplifiers -- 238 (Y.S. Milk] ~ XVI. Problem of producing sygtems for stabilizing the characteristics of re- generatiye parametric amplifiers -- 256 [V.S. EtKaj --- ------- ACC NRt 111,15005925 Ch. XVII. Some problenn In the application of parametric amplifierl t I Vi h one Idle frequency -- 263 (V-S. Etkin] Part Parametric systems A. XVIII. Parametric amplifiers with three operating freqw-ilcies -- 268 (V.S. Etirdn) 18.3. Main prop--rties of three-frequency parametric maplifiers with output, to one of the side frequencies -- 269 (Ye.S. Karmanova] . XDC. Systems with several amplifiers or diodes -- 283 [V.S. Dtkln( . XX. Synchronoir, parametric amplifiers and scAte problems of their application (V-S. Min] 20.8. Sensitivity of a receiving device equipped with a synchronous parametric amplifier -- 309 [G.I. Rozhkoval Ch. XXI. Sulx-rregencrative parametric amplifiers -- 317 [V.19. EtIr.1n) 21.2. Frequency and phase chaxacteris ties of a parametric ouperregenerator -- 31':1 (G-1. Rozhkava] Card 5/6 AC NR -125 C I A145005~~ Ch. )MI. Returvable p3ramr.-tric filteru -- 527 (V.S. LLYJnj Ch. MII. Parametric limitere -- .531 (V.5. I Ch. XXIV. Application of lwamtrie, aystems ~ (Ye-M. Gershenzon) -9 UB CODS3 09/ SU13H DATFt llAug64/ ORIG RE Card -6/6- --- -, S/789/61/000/036/010/013 E032/C'4i4 AUTHORS: Gershenzon, Yu.,'-,., Shupyatskiy, A.B. TITLE: Scattering of elliptically polarized radiowaves by nonspherical atmospheric particles SOURCE: Tsentrallnaya aerologicheskaya-obHervatoriya. Trudy. no-36. moscow, 1961. Voprosy fiziki radiolokatsii oblakov, 102-108 TEXT: This theoretical paper is concerned with the scattering of elliptically polarized radar waves which are gonerated and received by a radar st:%tion with a single antenna. The scattering pai-ticles are approximated by ellipsoids of revolution whose linear dimensions are much smaller than the wavelength. Moreover, the scattering is assumed to be incoherent. Expressions are derived for the reflected field components parallel and perpendicular*to the incident field. The reflected power is found to depend on the ,orientation of the scattering ellipsoids. Fig.1 shows the results of numerical calculations of the ratio of the reflected power for circular and liaear polarizations which are based on these theoretical results. The!je plots can be used to determine Card 1/2 Scattering of elliptically ... the form factor of the particles intensive rain and hail. The of elliptically polarized wavus the form, orientation and the phase responsible for the reflected Agnal. S/789/61/000/036/olo/ol3 E032/EI114 and to distinguish between Setieral conclusion is that the use will lead to information about structure of the par-l"icles There is I figure. Fig.l. Card 2/2 -IT -6 L 12867. j Alb"AFIM/ RPL SSD/APGC Paa-4/Pt5-4/Pc-4/'Pr-1f,/P-,-4 RIVBW/Mi/jl~f ACCESSION NR-. L'30020"'13 S/O*L'/'.I/'63/0:16/003/0,201/020~ AWHOR; Azettyan, 7. V.: Gersbergon Yti. M.1 Na.lbarxbrart. Al,.V.; TITLE: Discovery of frd!017ogen & oVgen atcans in vacttum-flamin(r of mixtures of carbon monoxide & oxygen in tht) presence of Small addit-ions of ii-thylene SOURCE: AN ArmSSR. Izv. Khimicbeskiye naukl, v. 16, no. ~, 1963p 201-203 TOPIC TAGS: free 0 atom, free H atom, etlVlene, self-combui5tion ABSTRACT: To verify the mechan-'su of CO combustion ence of \\in the pres jLhj1tx~eA the concentration of free 0 and H atoms ~a-`s`d;-teiRled by electron paramagnetic resonance measurament. Etlqlene accelerates CO combuntion and 'krx'iera the limit of self combustion; the ethylene concentration at which 0 content is mxitw is also the concentration at which the lower self-combustion lindt 113 r-inimum - about 0.2%. 0 and H concentrations increase with elhylene incrane (to about 2.~ and 0.4%, respectively), then decrease,. Increaso in tomperaturo incTaalles'0 coritent faster than H concentration. Orig. art. has: I figure and .1 fcniulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskojr fizilci AN SSSR (Institirto of Chemical Physic AN SS Card I/if S/23 2 (0/O.'('1/002/003/'003:_ 4W T NOR; GCrS110112:0rL, YUJI, TIT12 DeternAaation of Uic concentrad.on of activity cen- ters along a rea-atiort tube by k1he --i'l.,44 riethod PLUODICAL: iQademiya nauh Arviyanskoy SO,. Dol(L-ady, V. 361 no. 2, 1963, 39-93 The possibility of usiag 7~111L ftr t1w, detexminatiom. of the distribution of in'ceimiediate parxi,,,agnetic particles is dis- cussed. It is shoi-a-L that the ~~):periinental det,!!:rniiv1tion of the de- pendonce of the '~TR signal. on the mutual ditpas:17tion of the m-action tube and the resonator may be used to dctcrWx,a tb(~ rAial avora~e of the cone en tration. The theoretical analysis i4i npplicd to the case of a cylindrical resonator (1-1()g wave) tv-:.ed in the xEM-2M in- strLiment developed at the Institut It.imicheskoy fiziki. 1V SS!;'.R (In- stitute of Chemical Physics, AS it J',, aLSO GIA01M that the problem may be rcduced to the solution of a diffe-,:,eru:~O equation Of the 1-orvi (l/2_,r)2d31/dZ 1/2(Z I and flic achation of -this Z+ Gard 1/2 ------- ---- 8/252/65/036/002/003/003 Dctcnn4nat-.Lon of tile D21 az. M, "e used to equation is sought in the Eorm Z- Thi, gy 1, determine the required concentrattion. A ~ XCL,210,11: lustitut kh irnic lie rloy fjxil,~j, AlendeliuLya nauk SSR SS !-ns ti tkutc of Chomical 11hysics, A-3 USSR) by A.I.). Nal.bandyati, Nkomlxr Curri:!,spondakiL oil tl':1(3 AS Card 2/2 AZATYAN, V.V.; GERSHENZON, Yii.M.; NALBANDYAN, A.B.; STITH-ICN-YIJAIII Detection of free hy&--ogen and oxygen atoms in a rarefied flame of carbon monoxide and oxygen mixtures in the presence of Bmall arnount5 of ethylenE additions.. Izv. AN Arm.SSR. Kbim.nauki. 16 no.3:201-21)3 163. (MIRA 17~9) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. GERSIENZON) YU.M. Doter-mination of the comontratlon of active centors. along a rea(,,- tion tube by the electron magntic resonance inethod. Dokl. AN Arip. SSR 36 no.2,.89-93 164* (MIRA 17:3) 1. InstAtut khimicheskoy C171ki All SSSR. Predntvrleno respcn~entorn AN Armyanskoy SSIt A.B.Nalbandyanom. ACCESSION NR: AP4012972 S/0020/64/154/004/0883/0885 AUTHORS: Balakhnin, V P.; Gershenzono Yu. M.; Kondratlyev, V.N. (Academiciani; Nalbandyan, A.B. TITLE: Measuring the concentrations of atomic oxygen and hydrogen in a rarefied hydrogen flame by the method of electron para- magnetic SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 4, 1964, 883-885 TOPIC TAGS; elementary reaction, successive reaction, Btoichio- metry, stolchiometric mixture, resonator, atom concentration, atomic oxygen, atomic hydrogen, rarefied flame, magnetic moment ABSTRACT: This project relates to the finding of atomic oxygen and the measurements of the concentration of 0 and H atoms in a rarefied hydrogen flame by the spectra of the electron paramagnetic resonance.. The jet-type reactor used in the experiment was placed Inside the -resonator which made it possible to determine the 0 and H atom con- centrations in the combustion area. The project began with a study Card ACCESSION NR: kP4012972 of a rarefted flame of a mixture containing 5% 11 and 95% 02, Large quantities of atomic oxygen (up to 6 x ld? particles) were recorded in the flame of that mixture. The noncentration of atomic hydrogen in this cape lies within the sensitivity range of the in- strument (1-2 x 1014 particles). The area of preferential forma- tion of atomic hydrogen is found in mixtures containing 15% and less hydrogen. The area of preferential formation of atomic hydrogen lies in the mixtures containing over 70% molecular hydrogen. It should be pointed out that in the determination of the absolute con- centration of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, the difference in their magnetic moments was not taken into account, and the resulting con- centrations of atontic oxygen were therefore 4.5 times as large. Orig. art. has 2 figures and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: Institut khtmicheakoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of 11~hemical Physics, Academy of SciencesSM) Card ACCFSSION NR: Ap4ol6511 S/0020/64/154/005/1142/.1144 AUTHORS: Balakhnin, V.P.; Yu, M.j Kondratlye-vp V.N. (Academician); Nalbandyan, TITLEi Discovering a free hydroxyl in a rarefied hydrogen flame by the electron paramagnetic resonance method SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 5, 1964, 1142-1144 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen flame, rarefied flame, microwave spectrum, hydroxyl, free hydroxyl, dipole, d1pole transition, hydroxyl absorp- tion, resonator, linear velocity, OH spectrum, Oil absorption, atomic oxygen, molecular oxygen ABSTRACT: Studies made by Dousm0niz, Radford and other researchers revealed that the micruwave spectrum of GH absorption is dependent on electric dipole transitions, the ~-ntenalty of .whicl) iB conalder- ably greater than that of the ordinary electron parwaSnetla reson- ance line:j broughD about by the ma&netic dipole transitions. it Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol6511 follows that when the pressure In the flame OmL H2 with 0 Js low, it is possible to detect tha signals of paramagnetic absor.p?;ioLn of a free bydroxyl- the discovery of OR is possible only the parti- cles ar-- placed in the loop of an ultra-high IL:,cquoncy electric field. 'The reactor made for investigation pu:rposcs (-~Lzcm qvaz-vz) was designed in such a way that the absorbing cell filled tha entlre resonator and 'this made it 'oos,~,ible to observe the spectr-J,-.1 deter- mined by the electric and magnetic dipole transitions. -t vn,;is found .1. U that the OH sign gradually rises with t'he increasing, H2 content arid reaches a maximum when the latter amiounts to 00;'i), while t-he H sign shows a sharper increase and reaches its maximum value at- 70" F-2- No signal of atomic oxygen was observed In our e:rpc,-?f-,7.ent as it -..,as completely suppressed by the signal of moleculai, o.,y;~cn, the a--1?1-1- tude of vibich at a low temperatmre of the aboorbing, cells is con3id- erably greater than the 0 signal. However, the 0 concentrations previoucly oboerved in 11,-poor mixtures have been corqf 'lerably Greater W-8o times) tha~-n the concentrations of atomic . hydrogen. Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AW16511 Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Inst'L" ' kbimichesko, C W U y f izil i Akad~nili nauk SSqR (Institute of Chemical Physicsv AcadeV of Sciences,-SSSR) , SUBMITTED: 050c,L-63 DATE ACQ: 12M=64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 003 OTHM: 004 Card 3/3 ACC NR: AP6019532 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/168/004/0851/0853 AUTHOR: -Gershenzon,.Yu. M.; G-1-e-b-o-va, 0. N.; Azatyan,_V. V.; ~ala~hnin, V. P. yl~ Nalbandyan, A. B. (Academician AN ArmSSR) ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics,Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Detection of the OH radicallby the EPR method in the rarefied flame of carbon monoxide in the presence of'small amounts of hydrogen SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 168, no. 4, 1966, 851-853 TOPIC TAGS: carbon monoxide combustion, carbon monoxide flame, hydrogen donor, hydroxyl radical, EPR method 3 ABSTRACTt The basic processes of the propagation and branching of combustio-n of CO in the presence of a small amount of 112 are the following: ~Go + Oil ~ C03 + 11; if + 03 ~ Oil+ 0; 0 +111 -9 Oil + It. ACC NR- AP6019532 For small amounts of If reaction (III) is rnte determining. Earlier, the EPR method was applied to L'tect noticeable concentrations of oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the rarified CO flame in the presence of hydrogen donors such as 112, CH4, C2H4, H20, etc. For direct detection and determination of all three active species, i.e., hydrogen and oxygen atoms and the OH radical, the absorption cell was specially made to fit completely into the space in tile resonator and was placed in close proximity i to the reaction furnace. Measurement of the absolute concentrations of OH radicals was made with respect to molecular oxygen according to tile formula: Noij - No, 901t Q0. where N is the concentration; Q is the numerical coefficient varying with the absorp-1 tion bands, e.g., ranging Erom 40 to 200 for oxygen; and f+ and 1+ are the space factors for the magnetic and the electric fields, respectively. The results of the measurements are given in the form of two graphs which indicate the dependence of the: concentrations of active centers on the time of contact and tile amount of added H 2* Card 2/4 ACC NR: AP6019532 PaTticles/cm3 Particles/CM3 b (0) CHI ~Pa,rtlcles/cm)-' < S 10 IV U V A 918 4zU qu cet V1 401 40J 494 90JCOX' t Fig. 1. Dependence of concentration of active F~gure 2. Dependence of the maxi- centers on the contact time (T - 923 K, P mum concentration of active cen- 3 mm Hg; H2 = 6%) ters on the addition of_hydrpg!-,k (T - 923 K, P - 3 m 11g, W = 30 to 3 a - Calculated; b - experimental. 40 cm /min. i Figure 2 indicates that the oxygen concentration passes through a maximum, contrary tD the monotonically increasing concentration of if and OH. Thil; is explained by the as- sumption that in the case of small amounts of aducd U2, reaction (111) is the rate determining step, and in the case of high 112 concentration,reaction (11) is the rate Card _ 314 - ---------------------------- ACC N14 AM5005925 Forevord -- 3 List of basic symbols use& in the formulas and diagrams Part 1. Problemij in the theory of circuits vith variable paraimeters and general yroperties of regenerative euperhigb freqwacy aupUflero Ch. I. Introduction -- 5 [V.S. Min and Ye.H. Gerahenzon) Ch. II. Historical survey -- 15 [V-S. Etkin and Te-14- aershenzon) Ch. III. Basic energy relationships. Classification of resonator parametric amplifiers -- 23 (Y.8. EtIdLn] Ch. IV. Problems in the general theory of circuits with variable parameters 31 . (V.S. Etkin) 4.2. Integral transformations In the theory of circuito vith variable parawters. Basic equation -- 33 [A.P. Lavut] Ch. V. Some general ymyertieo of regenerative superbigh ft~quemcy amylifiera -- 44 [V.S. Etkial A" "R' AN5005925 Ch. VI. Characteristic noise properties of amplifiers vith -rarlable p"Meters -- 58 [Y.8. Etkin) Part 2. Bemicon&uctor diodes for paremetric system Ch, VII- Semiconductor diodes vith controLled. caWitamce - (79 (To-K4 Gerstwow) Fort 3. Paramtria! ampUriers vith one idle fMuewy Ch. VIn. Amplification and pass bands of paramtria amplifiers vith one IdIn frequency -- 95 [V.8. Itkin] IX. Saturation of parametric =pUfiers -- 128 (V-8- Rtkinj 9.1. General data -- 128 ]T-F- Lyubimm and X.Y. SojMj- 9-3- Saturation in regenerative amplifier-converters -- 152 (T.F. Wubiwm and H.V. Soina] Ch. X. Noises in parmwtric ariplIfters with one idle ftvquency -- 14T (Y.S. F#tkia] Ch. XI. Widening of pass bands of resonator regenerative parwatric ampLifiere -- 160 (Ta.L. Mortuntsey] ACC NN M15005925 Oh- XII. Stability of regenerative parametric amplific!ro .. V17 [Y.S. EtIdn) 12,3. Temperature fluctuations of diode parameters and tbeir effect on the ata- bility of the regeneration factor of parametric waplifiers -- 191 (]:.A. Btrukov Part 4. Development of parametric supedilgh frequency amplifiers with one idel frequency, experimental study and application Ch. XIII. Main circuits and experimental equipment for t=Ing and study of parametric amplifier characteriatics -- 200 (V.5. Et3dn) XIV. Experimental development and study of low noise parumtric ampliflere vith one idle frequency -- 214 [Y.S. Etkin) XV. Develo]pment and study of wideband parametric Eunplifters -- 238 (Y.S. Etkin) XVI. Problems of producing eyatems for stabilizing the characteristics of re- generative Parametric ampliftera -- 256 [V.$. Etkin) Ar-.'- NAi jCh. XVII. Some problems In the application of parturetric amplifiers vith one Idle requency -- 263 [V.S. 1Uinj f Part 5. Parametric ayBtenw Ch. XVIII. Parametric amplifiers ~jlth three operating frequencies -- 268 (V.S. Etkinj 18-3- Main properties of three-frequency parnmetric tunplifiers with output to oaa of the side frequencies -- 269 (Ye-S. Karmanoval Ch. XIX. Systems with several amplifiers or diodes -- 2B3 [V.S. Etkin( M. Synchronous parametric amp.Lifters and some problems of their application [V.3. Etidn) 20.8. Sensitivity of a receiving device equipp!!d with a synehronous parametric amplifier -- 509 [G.I. Rozhkova) XXI. Superregencrative parametric amplifiers -- 3.17 JV.S. Etkinj 21.2. Frequency and phase chavacteris ties of a ,Mvunetric naperregenerator (G.I. Rozhkovs) C.,d ACC N.R, Cb. MI. Retmable parainetric fil-ters -- 52'f (V..'1. Etk[n) Ch. XXIII. Parametric limiters -- .531 (V.S. Etkin) Ch. XXIV. Application of parametric aptems in radiovave spectroacoyf (Ye-M. Gersheuzon) SUB CODEJ 09/ SUBM DATFs IlAugW ORIG RM 15V OTH REFp 312 S-914-6/6- S/789/61/000/036/010/013 E032/E4i4 AUTHORS: Gershenzon, Yu.-Y., Shupyatskiy, A.B. TITLE: Scattering of elliptically polarized radiowaves by nonspherical atmospheric particles SOURCE: Tsentrallnaya aerologicheakaya-observatoriya. Trudy. no.36. moscow, 1961. Voprosy fiziki radiolokatsii oblakov, 102-108 TEXT: This theoretical paper is concerned with the scattering of elliptically polarized, radar waves which are generated and received by a radar st,:ition with a single antentia. The *cattering particles are approximated by ellipsoids of revolution whose linear dimensions are much smaller than the wavellongth, Moreover, the scattering is assumed to be incoherelit.. Expressions are darived for the reflected field components parallel and perpendicular'to the incident field. Tho reflectod power is found to depend on the Prientation of the scattering ellipsoids. Fig.1 shows the results of numerical calculations of the ratio of the reflected power for circular and linear polarizations which are based on these theoretical results. These plots can be used to determine Card 1/2 111h, I, 'It I I III, Ii I WIVIII411111 S/789/61/000/036/on/oi3 Scattering of elliptically E032/E414 the form factor of the particles and to distinguish betweca intensive rain and hail. The general conclueion is that the use of elliptically polarized waves will lead to information about the form, orientation and the phaso structure of the part-iclos responsible for the reflected -jignal. There is 1 figure. Fig.l. Card 2/2 1286Z..63 EPA/ZDR/YU~ M/EWPQ (a) -2 ^'EbC/A1F?TC/ RPL/SSD/APGC Paa-4/Ps-4/Pc-4/Pr-4,/Pt-4 Rjj/BK/%jid/jw ACCESSIC14 NR.- V11002633 AUrHOR- Azatyan. V. V.; Oershemn Yu. M.; %alba " 1W it, V.) TITLE: DiBcovery of fAmaro'gen & oxygen atoms in va.auum-flaming of iaiitures of carbon monoxide & oxygen in the presence of snmll 4id,1111tic-no of etlryle;ulb 13OURCE: AN ArmSSR. Izv. Khimicheski-ye nauki, v. 16, no. 3, 19(3, 201-203 TOPIC TAGS: free 0 atom, free 11 ato-m-, ethylene, celf-coribustlon ABSTRACT: To verify the mechanisn of CO combustion\\in Ue proemnee of IniLene J. _~A, the concentration of free 0 and H MIX= i~a-s~e-te-=Tned by alertron paramagnetic resonance measurament. Etlqlene accelerates 00 combustion akI lowers the 'Unit of self combustion; the ethylene concentration at which 0 coatent is zaxiv= is also the concentration at which tha lower self-combustlan lizat is ninimuri - about 0.2'/Q. 0 and H concentrations inemase %eLth ethylene inerease (to abaut 2.!i ands 0.4%, respectively), then decrease, Increaso in tempergtture Increases'O content faster than H concentiation. Orig. art. has- I figure and ~3 ASSOCIATION: AN SSSR) Institut khimicheskay fiziki AN SSSR (Inntitute of Chemical Ph qic y Card l/k S/:i 2 16'5/036/002/003/003 AUTHOR Gershenzorl, Yll.h. TITIL: Datermination of -he concenTratiewl of activitY ccrt- tors aloug a rclfictio-l tube tq tNi ZPR met"hod E: Ani-Lyanshoy S!iR. 0011.1ady, v..36, no. 2, u11ODICAL: Xmder,.dya nau!" 1963, 89-93 T -,Y.T The possibility of uGing EVIL for the detem-ination o1Z the distribution of iiv~ermedliate paramagietic particle-s is (-Us- cussed. It is shomi that the eicperimental determination of the de- f lie pendence of the 1,T11 signal, on the mutual dimpos,"AJon o t reitetion tube and the resonator viaV be tire(! to detarm-ine 1:1-ja r4~diz:j.'average o'! the concentration. The theoret-ical anal,ysis is applied to 'the C"Me of a cylindrical resonato*v (1-1 Wave)' used in 'the 'ITV,-211 in- L, - S!;R (In- struruent developed at the Ins tituto4imicleskoy fizihi A4 I stitute of Chemical Physics, j'S It Lis ,;i1so shovil that the problem, may be reduced to the -solution of a diffe::-ence eqlation 0-11 the fozzn (1/2j*r)ld3j/dZ = l/2(Zz+1 - ZZ) and tILQ ,ii;olution of this card 1/2 Detern,iinition of the D 2 LlJ/D2*,08 equation is sa-ught in the Eorm kl-~". 'Alia's may be used to determine the required coni-.entration. o .A.SSOMM0,111: Institut lie skoy fizlld, Almdemiya nauk SSR (Institute of 11"'homical ';hyaica, iM', USSR) 1:1 '%-L S 1; 11 T,!D by A.'). 1,10111bin, C#41'vl:(n!lpO(ldcat Q~c- the Card 2/2 AZATYAN, V.V.; GERSHENZON, Yu.M.; NALBANDYAN, A.B.; STUY-Y-EN-TIJAW Detection of free hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a rarefied flame of carbon monoxide and oxygen mUture-3 in the presenca of small amounts of ethylenE. additions., Izv. AN Arm.SHR. Khim.nauki. 16 nc.3:201-201 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki All SSSR. GERSHENZON, YU.I.I. Deteraitriation of the coricontratJon of active cerifovo along a roac- tion tube by the electron magentic resonance iaethod. Dokl. AN Am. SSR 36 no.2:89-93 164. OMIRA 17:3) i. InstLtut kidmicheskoy fLziki AN SSSR. Predatr-cilono chiincm-kor- respendentom AN Armyanslcoy SSIt A.B.Nalbandpinom. i F, a 1;1:~r ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol2972 3/0020/64/154/004/0883/0885 AUTHORS: Balakhnin, V P.; Gershenzon, Yu. M.; Kondratlyev, V.N. (Academiciani; Nalbandyan, A.B. TITLE: Measuring the concentrations of atomic oxygen and hydrogen in a rarefied hydrogen flame by the method of electron para- magnetic SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 4, 1964, 883-885 TOPIC TAGS: elementary reaction, successive reaction, stoichio- metry, stoichiometric mixture, resonator, atom concentration, atomic oxygen, atomic hydrogen, rarefied flame, magnetic moment ABSTRACT; This project relates to the finding of atomic oxygen and the measurements of the concentration of 0 and H atoms in a rarefied hydrogen flame by the spectra of the electron paramagnetic resonance.. The jet-type reactor used in the experiment was placed inside the .resonator which made it postsible to determine the 0 and H atom con- centrations In the combustion area. The project began with a study Card. 11p, ACCESSION NR: AP4012972 of a rarefted flame of a mixture containing 5.16 1~1~ and 95% 02j Large quantities of atomic oxygen (up to 6 x 10 particles were recorded in the flame of that mixture. The oncentration of atomic hydrogen In this q�e lies within the sensitivity range of the in- strument (1-2 x 1014 particles). The area of preferential forma- tion of atomic hydrogen is found in mixtures containing 15% and less hydrogen. The area of preferential formation of atomic hydrogen lies in the mixtures containing over 70% molecular hydrogen. It should be pointed out that in the determination of the absolute con- centration of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, the difference in their magnetic moments was not taken into account, and the resulting con- centrations of atomic oxygen were therefore 4.5 times as large. Orig. art. has 2 figures and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimiaheakoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of 6bemical PhyBics, Academy of Sciences MR) 9/4~_ Card /I ACCESSION NR: AF4o16511 S/0020/64'/151VO05/1142/.1144 AUTHORS: Balakhnin, V P.; Q~rp.4-,pzon, Yu, M.; Kondratlyevj V.N. (Academicians; Nalba'ntiyai~,'--X'.B'. TITLE: DiBcovering a free hydroxyl in a rareried hydrogen flame by the electron paramagnetic resonance method SOURCE- AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 5, 1964, 1142-1144 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen flame, rarefied flame, microwave spectrum, bydroxyl, free hydroxyl, dipole, dipole transition, hydroxyl absorp- tion, resonator, linear velocity, OH spectrum, OH absorption, atomic oxygen, molecular oxygen ABSTRACT: Studies made by DousmInnis, Radford and other researchers revealed that the micrLwave spectrum of CH absorption is dependent on electric dipole transitions, the J.ntensity of which in conaider- ably greater than that of the ordinary electron parama-tnctlo reuon- ance linea broughL about by the magnetic dipole transitions. It Card 1/3 ACCESSION N-R: AP4016511 follows that when the pressure in the flame of H2 with 0 is loir, it is possible to detect- the signals of pa-rl~.magni!!tic absorp~ior'. of a free bydroxyl: the discovery of OR is possible only -..,'h-1n %the part-i- cles are placed in the loop of an ul"~-.ra-hlgh frequency electric field. '11'ha reactor made for investiZation purposes, J..or-a qua-,tz) was designed in such a way that the abzorib:Lng cell f-*.I!Qd the ent'.1re resonator and 'this made it possible to observe the spectr-im deter- mined by the electric and magnetic dipole '.-Iransitlons. It. war, found that the OH sign gradually rises with the Incz,easing :12 content and reaches a maximum when the latter amounts t1o W^), twhile t-he 11 sign shows a sharper Increase and reaches its =-Innim valve a', 70,", :12. No signal of atomic oxygen was observed in otir as It completely suppressed by the signal of molecuilar. c-,,y2;cn, the anpli- tude of which at a low temperature of the ab!:,orbin,-, cells Is c-on3id- erably greater than the 0 signal. However, the 0 concentrations 2-voor mixtures have been c,=,-,'-,'erably previously observed in 11 ,rreater (6o-8o times' thdn-the concentrations of atomic hydrogen. U j Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4016511 Or1g. art. has: 2 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Inst'-,tut khimicheskoy fiziki kk->demi:L nauk SSSR v (Institute of Chemical Physics) Acadeaq of Sciences.Z33-21) ' , SUBMITTED: 05Oct.63 DATE kCQ: 12MarS4 M;r.,L.. 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV; 003 OTHER: 004 Card 3/3 Dol~ tA ACC NR; AP6019532 SOURCE CODE: (IR/0020/66/168/004/0851/0853 t AUTHOR: Gershenzon,,Yu. M.: Glebova, 0. N.; Azatyan, V. V.; Balakhnin, V. P.; Nalbandyan, A. B. (Academician AN ArmSSR) ORG: Institute of Chemical PhysicsAcademy of Sciences SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Detection of the OH radicallby the EPR method in the rarefied flame of carbon!, monoxide in the presence of small amounts of hydrogen SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 168, no. 4, 1966, 851-653 TOPIC TAGS: carbon monoxide combustion, carbon monoxide flame, hydrogen donor, hydroxyl radical, EPR method ABSTRACT: The basic processes of the propagation and branching of combustion of CO I in the presence of a small amount of 112 are the following: CO + Oil --* COS + 11; if + 03 -0i1+ 0; 0 + 111 -0 Oil + If. ACC NR- AP6019532--- For small amounts of H , reaction (111) is rate determining. Earlier, the EPR method was applied to ietect noticeable concentrations of oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the rarified CO flame in the presence of hydrogen donors such as H2, C114, C2H4, H20, etc. For direct detection and determination of all three active species, i.e., hydrogen and oxygen atoms and the OH radical, the absorption cell was specially made to fit completely into the space in the resonator and was placed In close proximity to the reaction furnace. Measurement of the absolute concentrations of 011 radicals was made with respect to molecular oxygen according to the formula: Noll - No, ~-Oll it, Q0. 1+ where N is the concentration; Q is the numerical coefficient varying with the absorp-1 tion bands, e.g., ranging Erom 40 to 200 for oxygen; and f+ and 1+ are the space factors for the magnetic and the electric fields, respectively. The results of the measurements are given in the form of two graphs which 1xidicate the dependence of them concentrations of active centers on the time of contact and the amount of added R 2- Card 2/4 ACC N~, APbO19532 Pa?ticles/CM3 i C14 rnj zz ,P i I T---I---A (V2 414 ivi 418 410 QZ2 M qD1 WtW 494 Wiik t Fig. 1. Dependence of concentration of active centers on the contact time (T - 923 K, P 3 mm Hg; H2 = 6%) a - Calculated; b - experimental. 3- 'Particles/cm F~gure 2. Dependence of the naxi-, mum concentration of active cen- ters on the addition of hy~Lrogen_l (T - 923 K, P - 3 mm 11g, W - 30 to 3/min. 40 cm Figure 2 indicates that the oxygen concentration passes through a maximum, contrary tD, the monotonically increasing concentration of If and 011. This is explained by tile as- sumption that in the case of small amounts of adut:d 11 , reaction (111) is the rate 2 determining step, and in the case of high H2 concentration,reaction. (11) is the rate Card 1/4 Particles/cm3 h ACC NR: AP6019532 determining step. The Oil concentration is tile smallest because tile rate constant of reaction (I) is. tile largest. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.. [BNI SUB CODE: 21, 07 SUBM DATE: 30Aug65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 0011/ ATI) PRESS: 6-d/q t -cond ACC NRI AP6034758 (Aj~) SOURCE CODEI Ult/0020/66/170/005/1117/1120 AUTHOR: Balakhnin, Ve P.; Kondratlyev; V. 11. (Academician)$ Nalbandyan A. B. (Academician AN ArmSSA)-, Gerahenzon, Yu. M, ORG: Inatitute'of Chemical Physics, Academy of 15ciences /GSSR (Inatitut khimicheakoy fiziki Akademli nauk SS610 TITLE: Quantitative study of the hydrogen combustion mechanism in the vicinity of the lower limit of ignition SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, Y. 170, no. 5, 1966, 1117--1120 TOPIC TAGSt hydrogen, b-pdvmj#wn combustionv, reaction kinetics, reaction mechanism, ABSTRACT: A calculation has been made-of the rate constants of-certain elementary reactiona In the mechanism of hydrogen combustion at ' 900-1052K using absolute concentrations of active centers measured by EPR spectroscopy as a functioir of flow velocity. The amount of water formed vas determined by freezing In a calibrated trap. The concentra- tion of molecular oxygen was determined by direct EPH spectroscopic measurement at the exit at the reaction zoae, T110 f011DVing rate can- stauto were calculated at ooyeral temperatures In the range 900-1052Kt 1/4 ACC NRI AP603h758 k1i kj, k,O and kva]Ll for the reactions, 2 Homogeneous chaln - initiation 111+ 00 2011 - 011 + 11' "so + Chain r opa- p 2. 11 +Os-011 +0 gation and branding 0 + 119 0 1 ( + I I Irall Stable molecuke 01 Reterogensou , chain I- Btable molowles broaki 0 -Stable- nolsoilm The optimum values of these and some other conatente were selected by varying them and comparing the results of an electronic.-computer solu- tion of the appropriate system of equations vith the experimentally measured maximum acl4ve-center-concentrations and degrees of combustion h ACC NRi AP6034758 It was shown that -the maximum active-center concentration (in the region of greatest intensity of the combustion zone) are not affected by longitudinal diffusion. A similar result was obtained on varying the initiation rate constants From the value of the induction period in beat agreement with the experimental value of contact time, reaction (0') was selected iss the most optimum process and its constant was k; 1012" e-39000/RT CM3.mol-l-sec-l, Variation of valueB of the rate constants of reactions which are the reverse of chain branching and chain propagation (1, 2, and 3) shoved that the beat agreement of calculation and experiment is obtained when all three rev'erse reactions are taken into account, although H + 02 *- OH + 0 has the greatest effect on maximum concentrations. The maximum concen- tratione of H, 0, OH and the concentrations of 02 and HZO obtained by solving the system of equations were compared with experimental values.. ACC NR: AP6034750 The best agreement was obtained for the following values of rate con- stantel k,- 2-10-111-e-Ownr cm3 Mal-I see k,=1,7-10-'1.e-1"W"rCM3 Mol-I gec_~' kj-0,0-J0-10-e-'noemrCm3 Mol-I see-,. It was shown that variation of the values of the rate constant of reaction (I wall) has no effect on the results of the solution; there- jore, its rate constant cannot be determined by -this method. The optimum values of probabilities of heterogeneous destruction of H amd 0 &tons Vero en (2,4 :h 0,8) - 10-3 e-5 SUB COM 219 07/ OUBM DATIs O5Apr66/ ong VISPI Ol1j OTH RM o06 Wh ACC NR, AP6034758 RCE CODE: UR/0020/66/170/005/111T/1120 1AUTHOR: Balakhn1n V., P.- Kondratlyev- V. N. (Academician); Nalbandyan' IA. B.--(Academician AN ArmSSR); 6ers cnzon, Yu. M., ORG: Inatitute'of Chemical Physics, Academy_ of Sciences SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Quantitative study of the hydrogen combustion \~ mechanism in tht vicinity of the lower limit of ignition SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 170, no. 5, 1966, 1117-1120 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen, b7td=ov~" combustion~', reaction kinetics, reaction m c c h a n i s m ABSTRACT: A calculation haz been made-of the rate constants of,certain elementary reactions in the mechanism of hydrogen combustion at i 900-1052K using absolute concentrations of active centers measured by EPR spectroscopy as a functiorr of flow velocity. The anount of vater formed was determined by freezing in a calibrated trap. The concentra- tion of molecular oxygen was determined b'y direct RPR spectroscopic measurement at the exit or the reaction zone. The following rate con- stants were calculated at several temperaturos in the range 900.!-1052Xt C.rd 1/4 ACC NRI AP6034758 k1p k j k 6nd kwall for the reac 2 31 2 tions, k. Homogeneous chaill'* ' " initiation 1,+ 0,--*20 1 0 . I i. Oil + 111 11"0 + H. &-.., Chain ro 2.11 + Os- Oil + 0 p p gatioa'and * * ' branding " 0011 3. 0+11,1 + 11 01-1-~+ Stable molsoiles Heterogeneous. all k.w chain Stable molemles ~ breaki-ng:;_~ . 0 Stable-zoleoi1w The optimum values of these and some other constants were selected by varying them and comparing the results of an electronic-computer solu- tion of the appropriate system of equations with the experimentally F measured maximum active-center concentrations and degrees of combustion, 2/4 ACC NR. A P603-47 ~8_ It was shown that the maximum active-center concentratiQn (in t?,e region of greatest intensity of the combustion zone) are not affected by longitudinal diffusion. A similar result was obtained on varying .the initiation rate constant. From the value of the induction period in best agreement with the experimental value of contact time, reaction W) was selected as the most optinun process and its constant was k' 1012.4 e-39000/RT Cm3.mol-1-sec-1. 0 Variation of values of the rate constants of reactions which are the reverse of chain branching and chain propagation (1, 2, and 3) showed that the best agreement P' calculation and experiment is obtained when all three reVerse rea,.ions are taken into account, although H 02 *- OH + 0 has the greatest effect n maximum concentrations, The maximum concen-I trationa of H, 0, OH aLl the concentrations of 02 and 1120 obtained by 1* oolving the system of equations vere compared with exporimental V&luOB#11__ ACC NRI AP6034758 The best agreement iras obtained for the following irs,luce of rate con- stantot 3 -1 '1 i k,== 2-10-10-c-4"W"r cm mol Dec ka = 1,7 - 10-10. e-1110JITCM 3 mol-I Gee-tl k3 = O'D. 10-10. C111001AT cm3 Mol-I qeC,1 It was shown that variation of the values of the rate constant of reaction (1 wall) has no effect on the results of the solution; there-o~ ,fore, its rate constant cannot be determined by this method. The optimum values of probabilities of heterogeneous destruction of R and atoms were en = (2,4 ~-- 0,8) - 10-3. M (8,0:1-- 4,8).10-4. g-4owar. Olk-681 SUB CODEt 21, 07/ SUBM DATE% 05Apr66/ ORIG RHY: 011i OTH REF: 006 ik 4/4 If ,A , ~~ ~ Flr3t obiervati-).-ir, of tl:,) state of the cqrd-i-ovascaltir L;ysteln In patients of rest, homes in Kfuumm, r~bor,trud,Vz,gos. nauch,isslAwir Aiir.i fiziotor, 17:ij:11-181~ 16;.,, (M,.RA ITC?", I f f 11,; ~ I . all:,:. i;1- . , i I 1-0~t~7r-' I ~'- I ~12-711i- GE~ 10! IL.: N(Wic I I). G'p Is3ledovarie avtorMicheskoro remili.rovaniia temperatut7, aviatsionnykli motorov. 1-loshra, BNT, 1046 Tit e tr. : Investil.,ation of automatic terperptlive control of aircraft engines. NCF sn: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Librar-.~ of ConCress, 1955 00 0 0 0 6 0 4) 0 : : 4 * 0 6 11 14 J$ 16 1116 PIA P 11 0 34 A It I? a A J, it 11 11 m h v a s. v .1 A L 0 L j L I L As 0 1 211-5 Ash dotefutimUou 10 OUL & I I Om /w/ (RuN,ul N " t tij-.~q A- di%t-1. and fvlilk-d 1111tiWikit,~;iI. 1-Ite ImIlmd, 1-4 111ju 14 ` 1 I 141 IC Must for ? I It ~III IM t I l j I l d I I dI KV (JUNIS CAVC 4~jj XlUt ( l, 4 4jf V ,t ti At d kilk kill, ki s P y 4 0 IIH Ilk tb..Jh hithell') IrI 5 IJ llf* fl tn Ultri d th d fi I t t l~ . . . es e rtj pr all C"C , an e t4 y j .-I Ilk- Illur ruay be lessened by 0,I)II4111it thols Wrilill oul W I kid lilto a llt'L/ 11,11 and lxw 2. L"Mpfrli-ly as 1"'Ible kill" a "J'arill.kry 111111"I 11.14V Or '11,11 'A Ith thr fVMJIIiiltg (At in A 61CU6f b(AC CUI till($ A%IWSIIIA Ik%trd, first (1, Jull rt-1n. -rf I I'llmi-c atul *11kiw till to driwis %m to thr siJa% of thl' 411`111 fil"Ill Ill, m1writ.ek, f.1,11cl at t1w fute ill 1 2 dt"p. Iwir -okid Wwsh wit the tg,io. a ..I I'll, ill 4 Ilk III'. Ill tA fly incatis ill Imitsittir itito the tti%h Nom-1 00 00 ~00 00 00 9 00 00 1.64 0 j, jS 4% AA I 1 0 U st mu, A I n 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 J4 It a 14 43 a CC 0 of 1104 Ofted 47mrstum III, IR Iw ani.le 1. ma,le .4 an di),,y A Z. Vioth 0,2'~ At I t his, a Oki, IV; -%ii-l boll,mll M 1-111k t" fit 11-14111" 4 ' o i 1 Iw c a, bulfw?. IhIr q'hanurl thi~mtlh tlw isim wKievibrutigh this PAW* the 6111141"1' Itw 'h.wi# I 1 115 11101, all dumn. I terydrialts In a CWIWY tip .0 lp&cfwd section of tile an(xlr I% wrapped to wvtral lityrt, 0 o& climb to enswc even dWribulm of The AMU-OlYte Over 09 the..Urfacc area lobe mendtil. The distatwe bttwern tile 4,10& =d the c2thuk. ~Wlwlj is the pacce to lie 111radtfl) 1 1-3 mm. Tbarefixt (he ckc. res6taince of the ekt. (rLQylt is also wy Im. arki the c. it. cmin be inatitsed 11) anip.isq. din. Thj~ lierynits deltusitint a Wit I)( Zn 6 24 jA thick in otic pim. The Plecualytr kontiam ' Aid. /nSLI,.7111() wAn.. 11.111P. 15 g.jI.; 146t), U.1-4).~. C,4; pit frmp~ 40 W. ThrrIcitiolyte front a wjr fewma sluvily rum through the amme. It WWI, tile cloth stimplit"Its &( a mte oI 3-"1 drotm we. The dr- ll IkAlitil Zn a, light gray 41) to IW j, thick iind adlicreb we 10 lbr baus Ineild. Shapizo as 01111 too - ,V 4) it ft T, It K it 0 4141 0 06 0 0 D o 1111 A 0 f J- , .. 9-i'*_ 6 0 so 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 a]* "xil :t O:z Alm!umillan.-it" jin.Ivd, p, a Slim 41 allf'.1 1,11, qJ IV ww pur -j 1qtj seat IV l -8 1 b m 911 l 1 q 1 SIR: ."Allp 01.411EI lu.-I 'Its fpcm 111"1 .141 P. jbMIN 1141mmill x1i jo twitaiirowli; Gild iliticia AIJIL,11 0 IIIAT 11' 10111,1 IMP 40,11"N low I., flint y ~,jcqy ...,qi P, 00 AIN-1 if p". d"ll. "I III! ..Ill ItIll .1 AJAIMI -.-I I -1111 .11 111-1 OJP 1-11" ill0i So 41" Ed 61 k Ild 'Ifliliffl, 411% -IN; dwil 11 1 V,J) 0141 'Pullill, VIA IWV 'N.. 60 till) dilift I, iv 'p I10,111pluo u1niullild I ' 4 ; be Via (111fill.,ty.mN I.uV tile. olltill 1001,01V N so- IPO Ill"I -111`411-4011JAII -KII XIA IS so so. 1 W11 1 -1 VISO 11 AAM, 4 1 so , ..,I If", liv?4 I., All 0 'I", , so. 0 I V 7 .41 1 T IF j q I I 1 9 4 V 1 1 it I? 1l al -Ii f(lef fin if 6 so 7 T V 1Y 1-7 Ij I I 1 0 1 t4 9 f ( 0 ' I o , 0 s a 0 0 0 * $Ji i m 041 il 0 6 0 6 a 4 6 6 a 0 a 0 0 0 410 $6,44 $*see 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 s** a 0 0 it of 11 w ti Ij 11 11 11 a i . . L A L J 1 1 0 1 f 4 - -A- &-I. it A 9 1 J! Y. J j Ix W 13 .AIDS A~ 041 00 00 . ..0* 0 * 90 -00 00 d to a1::' it to 6. t it 1. Oi I li". It 6. fl, 1, K.- I .00 t ( 11111. 4, 1911. 38, !W)l Ili IN-a" 0 a I. a ~ l- m'i F k%. k1t.11"'ll"I 111:11 k.'r"lAh had p..1 I't, Is'.. pwj. of a-h,t-k illv, 1 11 0., 1"A.11 plat. I I, l 1: h.'wlak '61 -1 .1- fol at 1, 1.1 Il limmmill 1.m1%. 4:0 0 4. 410 ~ 1 i 4 8 ; j! q 1 " t '00 Sol 04D 4 1 4 1 k A 611ALLUP1,KAL kiltellUst "1111FICATIC. Vol a V-21 o Iqb if of It of it of if n a A g ol 0 -4 A 00 is so 646 *06 0 OW : ......... ... . i 1 .9, Leaf## ic ONOCIMI hoc YiL11JONG LF .'-_,TAai' AU hl~ vodskaya I Gershavich, T. A. Kikhailova and D. ~,. Slavin,. (La Libbrat6iiya, 1948, Vol. 14, Joe., PP- 1437-1436'. (:n Russian). ;jm apparatus for the electrolytic pollshl:ng cf Metallogri7-hic sections 13 describod in whizh 8.L ~__L of a current 1-00 don5tty of < $00 amp./sq. tim. is obtatied with ts to 12 V. -00 The electrolyte used consists of 60-65 wt--% phnsphortc acid AVIS (1p. gr. 1.50-1-55), 15-20 wt.-% sulphuric acid ~sp. r,.r. 100 1.84), 3nd 0.5, 7.0, and 13.0 wt.-% of chromium trioxide, "go glycerine, and water, respectively, and contain5 5 g./l. farroU3 coo sulphate. The call consists of the section-an(xie restln,, on a 9*0 piece of glass cloth which comers the cathodv. Ae electvolite ~90 is gravity-fed through perforations :Uj the latter, imepin;,, the too glass cloth thoroughly soaked and the flowing off into a trough. Photomicrographs illustrate results obtained In thid way, which compare favourably with those obtained by the usual methods. S. h. 111400 L AAltAtLUICKAL LITERATURE CLASIOXATION .1, am. out U S if lo I D, It 10 0 AT a a x 9xtilt It -L!!-; ;!;;41 1s a : 0 * 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 1) 0 0 e 0 0 00000 00 see 0 0 6 0. CA tie 0 i Wei) nw i ir so j 1 4 Is 0 00 .0 a S 41 0 41 0 0 4 0 0 0 00 41 0 0090 01 to 0 ( A Pescil Witf~f W pH . at. A. I, L;crshe- vich. zurstlibsys rAb. 1 1. ---A line dr4wtt hy An .In&-Star peftru" Acrum. a litter Paper stri ippg.ld Into the test sda. asmumm the ItroW color to vNiml ,,If jind b compared visustlly with the rotor that. Fix a I"A SO' Owl ICY JIUPCI 6 APIAMI to The test Opecinwo XMI the diffu%% :X it usmi for the - Actual dein. (". U. Kumtolmitoll elf c,,,, SoLOO. I nd I-IQ KASHKIN, A.A.; MEMO, Ye.V.; RLVVA, M.K. Basic results of the work of the south Abinskiy underground gasification station in 1961. Mauch. trudy VLNllfbdzerWaza no.8:87-,91 162. (MIRA 10:6) 1. lAboratoriya gazifikatsii kamennyldh ugley Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta podzemnay gazifikatsii ugley i Yuzhno-Abinskava stantsiya "Podzemgaz". (Abinskiy region-Coal gasification, Underground- Accounting) KMYNILN, Ye.V.; ZABROVSKIY, A.S~; MUIEVI~'il, ;',.G. Analysis of the technological regimes of starting the exploitation of inclined gas-evacuation boreholes at the south Abinsl~iv iinderground gasification station, flauch. t:rudy VN II Foci Zpmgj ZLt (MIRA 16:6) 1. Laboratoriya gazifikatsii kamernykh ugley Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledavatel'skopo instituta. podzemnoy gazifil-atsii ugley i Yuzbno-Abinskaya sU,-:tsiVa "Podzemgaz". (Abinskiv ~,:::ification, Underg-round) SHEVCHENKO, N.F., a-,,v. i-erl.; i4AMYEVA, Ye.E., !'Q(l.; 'IF., IOSSSET, G.Ya., .d ., .; A.S.) red.: !-04SHCHIKOVA, L.I., 1--d.; O!'URN F.:.. 1-,d., dotv.,.ed.; i,ed.i OVEMIKINA, L.,,!., red, Publi. hea_Lt,l', ii: ,umui- artiel~:,,] Zd.-avookhrqnenie Point-:3ki otda::1J.; ibornik st,w.el. bLa~,.O- veolichem;k, Aull'u-:1kne knizIlm-'r! 19(,2. 96 r,. 1. Amur (Province) Otdel zdravookht-arwriva. '2. Zaveduyu- shchiy Goapitailnoy klinikoy bla~-ove-thdien- 'i I:a.a f sixs-G m..d -,sinskovo inst-Ituta, (for losset). 3. bla,,,_-oveshchenskiY Amu.-skla~'a ci:!lastl H'or Zavedaymshchiy Klirdkoy obshchey khirurgii Blagov~~ 3 tuta, kmrnkaya oblastl M t~itsin- 'k,-,,.o in-tituta, Araurskaya obl'astl (for Vlnxirlk). i:.. 2ave- ~l ~, dupushchly Ka~edrov sutiebnoy Tn~)dit';illy ',jlagOv-_~.shrhellskOgO r..-,!,ditsin:~kogo instituta, Anuv:~ka:ijl Oblast' (-~Cw Fvn). 86-8-14/22 AUTHORS: Gershevich Yu. F. Eng' Lt Col., and lConlkov, N. G., Erso- Lt,, Col. TITLE: Aircraft Technician 0. S. Kashkalov (Tekhnilc s,3moleta G. S. Kashkalov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vozdushnogo Flota, 1957, Nr 8, pp. 66-71 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes how Lieutenant TechrLician Grigoriy Semenovich Kashkalov became the best aircraft technician in a Soviet Air Force unit, and how he has performed his duties and shown initiative tending to improve the air- craft maintenance work in the unit. He was trained in an Air Force Primary School (viyeanaya aviatsiomaya shkola pervonachallnogo obucheniya and, vhile serving in the unit, he passed the mechanid's examinations and graduated from an Mr Force Technical School (voyennoye aviatsionnoye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche). He is responsible for the maintenance of a MiG Jet fighter; thanks to h1s conoien- tiousnesa, meticulousness, organizational skill, personal. example and e=etin~nesv,, he managed to decrease the compla- cent routinism; as a regult, the airplane he has cared for C9Wd 1/3 has flown without any failure for msAy years. For instance, Aircraft Technician G. S. Kashkalov (Cont.) 86-8-14/22 caliber in the units, a higher standard of maintenance work wuuld be achieved. AVAII.A'BI : Library of Congress. Card 3/3 SOV/86-58-8-29-/37 AUTHOR; Gershevichj,.T14.F., Engr Col, and Afanaslyev, G.B., cap "i TITLE: For Greater Scientific Activity Among Engineers of Com- bat Units (Aktivizirovat' nauchnuyu rabotu inzhenerov stroyevykh chastey) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 8, p-p 80-81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors are of the opinion that a closer coopera- tion between the engineers of combat units and related specialists in academies and higher educational Insti- tutues Is needed to effect a mcre efficient exploita- tion of combat materiel. They also note that a special periodical for the engineers would be of great impor- tance. Card 1/1 VOYTKIVICH, A.A.; BWzrHOITOVA, A.I.; B:iRWVA, Z.D.; GUR-SKEVITSX&YA, R.T.; SH103KO, O.D. Effect of adrenaline on regenerative processes in normal and caa- trated animals. Biul. ekap. b1ol. med. 47 no.2.-124-128 F '59. OCIRA 12:4) 1. Iz kafedry giatologii i embriologii (zav. - prof. A.A. Toytkevich) Voronezhakogo meditainakogo instituta (dir. - prof. M.I. Odnoralov). Predstavlem deystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR T.T. Pariuym. (REGMMATION, off. of epinephrine in normal & castrated animals (Ras (CASTRATION, off. on gegen. reactions to epinephrine (Ihm)) (APINEPHRI111, effects, on regen. in normal & castrated animals (Rua)) GIMML I D R, Aw 4 - I.... - -__--,~ All-Union conference on technical reorganization of limeotone quarries. Sakh. prom. 31 no.2.77 7 '57. (XLBA 10:4) (Limestone) Gi:i-~'SHGALY D., inzh. laureat. Stahnor-oy prendi. Ultrasonic wavea at work. Mezt.prom.i khud.promyB. .1 n(42/3! /a-42 1~-D 160. (HIRA 1-4:4) (Ultrasonic waves-Industa-ial applications) (Industrial equipment) -:21:11 1 ~ - -7 -~ . 6 11 r~A- ,I . 25716. IENSIfAL, D. i DA:iA V. Samcdel'n3rj Vthroprer)~razcvatell Radio, 1949, No. 8, s. 55-59. SO: Letoris' Zhurnallnykh 3tatey, Vol. 34, Mbsk-ia, 1949 GKRSHGAL, D.A.; DA13AGAN-SUSHCHOV, V.I.; BM, A. I., Wzadomik, redaktor BM Y, A.A., redaktor; FRIDKIN, A.M., tekhniabeekiy redak-tor [Home-made vibrator] Samodellr7i vibroproobrazovatel'. Moskva, Goo.energ.izd-vo, 1951- 38 p.(Hassovaia radio biblioteka, no.110) (Radio-Transform6re) (MI.RA 8-10) USSR/ Electronics - Vibrator transfonners Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 26/32 Aut'hors I Gershgal, D., and Novik, G. Title IDiagrams of-vibrator-transformer units Periodical IRadio 2. 51 - 52. Feb 1955 Abstract IA description is presented of the V-2, V-5 and-V-12 Tibrator trawfomer units used for rectifying power supply, and diagraw are presented do.. picting various types of vibrators. Insf"Atution: ... Subinittedt i.4 GBRSffjAL, D.; NOVIK, G,, lailreat Stfilinakoy premil. Design of a transformer and spark extinguilibW, circuit of a vibration converter. Radio no.12:45-47 D 155. (MLUA 9:4) (Blectric current converters) --GXjLHqAL, J~~vld Abramovich; KAIIEVSKAYA, M.D., redgktor,- URYAKI.IIA, M.S., - ---FeFH-nicheskiy rodaktor [Design and construction of vibratory converters) Raschet i konstruirovante vibropreobrozovatelelo Moskva, Ind-vo D05AAY, 1956. 129 p. (MLRA 9:12) (-'electric current converters) GERSHGAL, D.-, DAROGAN-SUSIICHOY, V. Power sources for low-powered radio apparatus. T. pom. radioliub. no.lr25-39 156. (KLRA 10:8) (Radio--Equipment and supplies) (Ilectric batteries) GFMHGA~,~ - .- "Sonic and ultrasonic waves and their use in light industries" by V.M.Fridman. Reviewed by D.A.Gershgal. Leg.prom.17 n0-9:51 S 157. 1 (MIRA 10:12) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrinl AppliCAUOnS) (Fridmen, Y.M.) GMISHGAL, D.A., inzh. .Now condenser type detonating machine. Borop. truda v Ivom. 2 no.8:31-33 Ag 158. (MIRA 12:7) LTSentrallnaya nauchno-iseledovatellskaya laboratoriya Gosgortekhnad- sora RSFSR. (Detoriators) GFdWGAL,.David Abramovich; TURSHOV, Leonid Alekseyovich; LTUBIKOV, N.G.,; KOMDWI MA, N.A.,; ILIINSXAYA, G.M., [Detonating devices and matering equipment for electric blasting] Vzryvnye mashinki i izmaritellnye pribory dlia elektrovzryvaniia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1960. 44 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Detonators) (Blasting) -,L, a'llv nol-.~,~OIGH - "I --- ,~. 11 Vzry,.rny.,,,e mz~shinkt i i:~:ieritel'nyye riol-rly 'Iya ~:1e,~.trov?ryvi.nipt ~i/ rte?*, LgoO. i4p. Mus., zUa,,-,ri-,.s, tables. v;o~itrlfh, Izosco "I - 22 UA. _rz~ nical foot:ld-.eo. 1)Iblio,-, PHASE I BCOK EXPLOITATIGN SOV/5884 G*rshgaL, Djvt~d At~ram)vlch, and Viktor Mironovich Fridman Uj!t~fl7-j'-X.-11'1ay'A aL'Pa:FjtUj[j ~kUltrasonlc instrumentation) , Moscow, Gosenergoizdat~ Dn 1. 2 ~ 6 i, 112,-~1'110 -copies printed., Ed~_- u~, K N~)vlK and 3, N. Sinitsinj Tech,, Ed.. G~ Yo, Larionov~ PURPOSE- Th;~ hz-,~lk in intended for engineering and teohnical personnel in ~,rarichn.i --.f ~_fidustry using ultraa.3Stc Instrumentation, 0 GOVERAGF; The pr~nclples of operarion and basic technical data on ultrasonic industrial oquipment, for opexation5 In liquid, ganeousland solid media are d(3scrib~,(! tnstriimpnts and devices for measuring the oasic parameters of ult-ascnic. ph8nomena at variouz fr,.~t,-Aial;ua are described,and computation methods for L11trasoni,-. projectors, rii~~olyors, aidauciio and ultrasonic elastic- ibr4ttior gcn~lratoz,-q are di ,.r - I The authors thank L,' D. Rozenberg, Prof6ssir, 3, S_ ilnininiov, rIngineei, and 8. G~ Novitskiy, Engineer, for their aseio,an~,), Thert- a-e '1? roferencss,i 12 Soviet and lEnglish, Card 1 NV TO R Gershi:-Ial , D. A. Dai i;zan-S' :-t~C%ov, 7. 1 :'1 Checbanm~(:,, 3. TIT:,:~ :'n ultrit~,;onic echo ranrinr (,,,ass h2, N), '81327 SOURCE: tovarzi:,,ye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 67 TOPIC TAGS; liquid, LndLcator, ultrasonic equipm,2nt, electronic mcaourement AB' ST i'dt C 2: This Author'-- introdiucc!;: 1. An ultrr,::,jnLc echo ranging liquid level in(licatar contaiidnC, reference and neasuremen-. units wJ,th pickups, a probe puLse or, ind a ievei readout unit connected to the measurement unit. Tne dcv-Lce is dtesiCned for im-oroved accurlacy and for matching the operating times of tnt! rofer!!nce Imit, and rpadtxit unit. Conneet,ed between the reference wid measurement uni,,,; is a reference pulse distributor vith outputs Coll- respondin~, in nuinber to prede-lormined point'n for beginning level measurement. 7h 1 i, 1 distribuLor may be inade in ULQ form of a controlled delay line. 2. A modificatlir.11 of this indicator in wiiich the outputs of the reference unit and probe pulse gene- rator are connecttm to a coin~,idence circuit with an oiitpu~' which excites the Inca- suxement pickup when on(, of tl)e reference pulses is generated. This output i8 con- nected through the r,_-ference pul,,;e disu-ibuLov to the pfobe pulse Ghaper. 3. A ILCard__l/2 uDc: 681.128.82 mod-i.ficaLlon of thii; in,i~C~0' I'Ot' W. -em~eraturea thf-, iw;I.rument i:3 marl,, in Lhe I'orm or a countm- with decoder. k modification of thiE; indicator in which the reference pulse distributor hj mde in tile fom of a shil't register. !-reference uniti 2--I'I',--'FISUr121TIenL pickup; 3-- J rea(iout unit; 14-measurement unit; 5--refer- ence pulse distributor; 7--probe pulse gene- rator; &-coincidence circuit; 9--probe pulse ~q shaper SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATZ: 27Aug64 /2- A-177H 40,i 5 - B: Ni 7-1 t I lp Re s -al t 3 l' (P I-' ri%-e ("r 3 7 'rlVa PEI (USSR) A S T C T T',. i" j it IT, -r C) 7 C~f OT,-?f~ t'lld Coal v-, t L e mn et- a L" :m v e 1 .0 1, o a b y t Le gornyy iristitut cow htllir"L; Institute) (mc s 11F~s UeeL teste4 recently ----t :I.- The article 5 S- T n;:~YLI Be)--f. `i~- 1- 2i,- (Pyahma 7A--ere, t o' suli,~-ides -3:-'- r:-t e nd Te, t:- S T. t LE' t' ris,, -4th - 4 TT. t i R d fC-r gornyy -J. Card GN ~i~ limw I .f ,-V1 .,I . Vosetanovienie i razvitie aorodnkogo elektrotritnaporte.. f-Ile a to ration and develofmient of city electric tmneport-J. Kiev, 1946. 19 P. SO: Soviet Transportation and Communicatione.-A BiblioptM&X, Library of Congress, Wfe'rence Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified, GJKRSHGORIff, B.J\/ The system of awarding prizes to urban electric transport emplayses. ZhIl.-kom. kh~z. 7 no.6:14-15 '57, (MIRA 10:10) (Electric railroado-Baployees) , , .. I C~ :" -.I,. . -. .- --I-- BASOV, S.Ye., inzhener; GERSHGORIN, M.A., inzhener. . 11:11 Precast reinforced concrete wells. Avt.dor. 20 no.6:11-12 Je '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Bridge construction) (Precast concrete construction) RASOV, S.Ye.,inzh.; ("HGORIN, M.A.,inzh. Precast concrete sink pits. Prom.stroi. 37 no-3:42-44 Mr '59. (MIU 12:4) (Ore dressing-3quipment and supplies) (Precast concrete construction) ~K~IGGQN, 3. 1:,, Uber die Abrrenztmg der Eigenwerte einer litrix. IANP ser. fiz. - avitem. (1931)~ 749-754. 0 konformnom otobrazhanit odnosrj&2noy oblasti na krug. Mattem. SB., 40 (1933), 48-58. Prilx)r dlya interrirovaniya differentsiallnogo uravneniya Laplasa. Zh. Prikl. Fiz., 2 (1925), 161-167. K opisanlyu pribora dlya interrirovanlya differentsiallnogo uravneniya Laplasa. Zh, Prikl. Fiz., 3 (1926), 271-Z74. 0 mo)dmnizmakh dlya postroyeniya funktsty kompleksmogo peremeruiogo. L., Zh, Fin. - matell. O-Vaj 1 (1926)0 102-113. 0 pr'Lblizhgnnom integrirovanii differentsiallnykh uravneniy Laplasa i Puassona. L., Izv. politekhn. D-TA, 30 (1927), 75-95. Melduualzm dlya postroyeniya funktsii komplelisnogo peremennogo =iW ~)- M.0 Izv. takluiol. IN-TA, 2 (26)t (1928), 17-24. Ob el.ektricheskikh setyakh dlya priblizh�nnogo resheniva differentsiallnogo uravneniya Laplasa. Zh. Prikl. Fiz., 6:3-4 (1929), 3-30. FehlerabschILtzung ffir das Differenzverfahren zur L8sung partielen Differeatialgloichungen, J. krigew. Math. Mech., 10 (1930), 373-382. Ueber the Abgrenzung der Eigenwerte einer Matrikh. IAN, ser. Fiz.-matem. (1931), 749-751+. 0 konformnom otobrazhenii odnosvyaznoy oblasti na krug. Matom. SB., 40 (1933), 48-58. SOi Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G. Markushevich, A.I. Rashevskiy, R.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 GERSHGORIN S. A. PA 173T101 U&M/Maics - Ultraviolet RulUtion P-1 Doe 49 Chemistry - Chemleal Analysis "Observations by Ultraviolet Rays and Their Applicatlan to Adsorptional Chemical Analy- sis," Ye. M., Brumberg, S. A. Gershgoria *Dok Ak Nwak SSSR" Vol LXIX, No 6, pp 801-804 Variant of the Russian botaniat M. S. To-yet's Ithromatography" method (M. S. Tavet, "Chrow- tographic Adsorptional Analysis" (Kbromotograf- icheskiy Adsorbtsionnyy Analiz) 1946). Descrip- tion of photographic an& visual methods invol- ving flit-er-paper technique. 5"mitted 29 Oct 49 by Acad S. I. Vavllov- 18.000 4 AUTHORS: Sobolev, V, M, , Ger 31-il-ro vl.n, 3. Y,!. TITLE: Impoi-tanil- Reji.!i,v(2 t'ji, 11he Incv,Jase L_,,,bor in open-Hoarth Pi-oducti-on. (11 PERIODICAL: Stal 1, 1959, Nr 10, PP T)_3-_Y,`,5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The nuthoi,3 r'Q(,'011111Wiid triti,oducInir shut-do,vni I'UpUil' P1'0CedUUUJ MOVO eMOV- gency repairs can be carried out more thoVou.0ily and ov;_-,~ longer periods of time without esoential losses of friezal. By way of statistical. calculation they prove that the in- vestment in the building of these exchangeable furnaces; would pay for it-self' after 4 to 17 ieilvs- SUch furnac,~-,q are widely used in E,ntjand reducc I.he number ol' vepairs. There are 2 tables;. and I SCO.,ict, reCerence. Card 1/1 I; '! iHII IM 1,1;111, m ImIll-I.- BELOUSOV V.M.; GOROMOVATSKIY, Ya.B.; RUBANJK M,,Ya,; ";J,~L~FTIIORINA, A.V,, Y Y Study of the kinetics of the catalytic oxidation of propylene to acrolein by means of the flow circulation method. DoIC.AN SSSR 137 no,6;1396-1398 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii iemn-I L.V,Pigar-,71ievskogo AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Balandinym. (Propone) (Acrolein)