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AUTHOR GERSHENZON) S._1- 20-5-6o,'67 TITLE _Th-e_?_oT_yN_edri_l Virus of Galleria mellonella L. (PoliedTennyy virus bol'shoy voshchinnoy moli (Galleria mtllon- olla L.) - Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR0957, Vol 113, Nr 5, pp 1161-1162, (U.S.S.R.) Received 7/1957 Reviewed 5/1957 ABSTRACT The polyhedral disease of the hone 'comb moth (Galleria mellio- nella L.) described by 0.1. SHVETSOVA lacked a describtion of its virus. The author examined the pollhedrone formed in the nuc- lei of' the diseased caterpillars under a light- and electron mi- croscope in & fixed and colored state. They are rather regular and cube-shapad, and their aberage size is about 2 . It is easier to dye the these polyhedra with histological dyes and they are more quickly dissolved by means of alkalis than the polyhedra of the sLlk worm. The virus particles contained therein are rod- shoed and of a size of 300 x 30 m . Unlike what is the case with 'lost other polyhedral viri particles occur singly and not in bund- les. According to Shvetsova the Galleria virus is not infectious for the Chinese Anthere,-# pernyi, but in the case of the emaller honeycomb moth (Achroea grisella F) it causes polyhedra. The au- thor proved that the silk moth (Bombyx mori), the gipsy moth (Ocneri& disp&r). and the Malocosoma neu3tria are immune against Card 1/2 this virus, but he found Creat susceptibility In the case of se- The Polyhedral Virus of Galleria mellonella L. 20-5-60/6)7 veral types of' nymphalldn both poor on as aloo sulcutaneoutily. The latter experiments again confirmed clearly that the shape and the average size of the polyhedra are not deter mined by the Uenus to Ahich the insect belones, but by the virus specifity. Also when passing repeatedly throUjrh an unspecific caterpillar the character of the polyhedron is not changed. it the present stage of knowledge concerning polyhedral viri it seems doubtful whether they should be given specific names. If, however, this kind of name is loked upon as purely conventional, they might be of certain use for practical work. The author suggests the fol- lowing name for the Galleria virust Borellina galleriae sp. nov. (1 illustration from 4 miarophotos, 4 Slavic references) ASSOCIATION Zoological Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR. PRESENTED BY SHPOSHNIKOV, V.N., Member of the Academy. SUBMITTED 14.5-1956. AVAILABLE Libra~vy of Congress. Card 2/2 U37) ? 1 VirO107'r. Fu,-Lan and nimal Viruses. In Ljoc t Viruge9. .Lbs Jour: Raf Zhur-'.,iol., Yo 5, lcj5g, 19"348. j-,uthor -1t,-r5'-Lonzon, Inst ',Tot - ,tv,~n. Ti tl~, .,.(..Cz)nt Data on tho Fathogenc.,3is of _'olyhodrosig of Insocts. rip,- Pub: ',To-.)r. virusolop,11, 1958, No -1, 97-101. ,L~bstra et; Artificial .:rolonjation of hi):~,rnation of the eggs of the mulbarri, silkworm incroagas th6 in- cidonce of jaundico in :)l~'ar catuar.-il-lars and oftrysalides. Cytolo!~ic investifation of cat~~r- pillars developed fma these e,,gs sliows that in the ombryonal stage thare is activation of the latent virus which had bean 13resent in individ- ual cell nuclei; after disru)tion of thesu nu- Card 1/2 17(0) AUTHORS: -'Fershenzon, S. bf., Kiseleva, 1. A. 50'1/2G- 123- '1 -49/51' TITLE; The Induction of Controlled Hereditary Variaticns in Drosophila Melanogaster (Vyzyvaniye napravlennykii nasled- stvennykh izmeneniy u Drosophila melanogaster) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 12j, Nr '5, PP 554-557 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first author (Refs 1,2) suggested, about twenty years ago, that the most promising way for the induction of controlled artificial mutations must lead over an experimental change of the nuclein metabolism of the organism. For this purpose, a preparation of desoxy-ribonucleic acid (DITA) was added to the food of the larvae of Drosophila. Thus it is possible to produce a great number of mutations. They concern preponder- antly the structure of the wings. Because of the principal importance of the problem whether nh,,-sical and chemical mutagenic factors are only capable cf accelerating the natur- al proce58 of mutation or of influencing also the character of the forming mutations, the p-revious experiments were repeated on a larger scale. Only afterwards, the processes Card 113 causing the controlled mutagenic influence of the DNA shall The Induction of Cortrolled Hereditary SOV120-123-3-49154 Variations in Drosophila Melanogaster be investigated more thoroughly and analogous methods shali be tried on other organisms. The methods were similar to those of the earlier investigation (Ref 3). The males bred on a culture medium containing 12-13~ of DNA-sodium salt (according to Neyman, Ref 5) were Interbred with foreign females jyt the F I- males were again interbred with such foreign females. The three series of tests performed gave consistent results. It can be seen from tables 1 and 2 that the offsprings of the males used in this experiment exhibited far more mutations than those of the control males. Especially numerous mutations occurred among the F1-males of the test series. This suggests a mutagenic effect of the DNA. This variability was maintained in the 2nd generation as well and decreased in the third one. The investigation of 298 sex chromosomes by means of the Clb method gave not a single recessive lethal factor. The present paper completely con- firmed the results obtained years ago. Many visible muta- tions took place, most of which were observed on the wings. Card 2/3 The frequency of the 8ex-linked lethal. factors either does The Induction of Controiled Hereditary 307/20-12 3-3-4~/54 Variations in Drosophila Relanogaster not increase at all or only to a little extent. The mutagenic effect of the DNA-preparation is protracted, viz. it displays some after-effect specific for chemical mutagenic factors. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut zoologii Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Zoology, AS, UkrSSR) PRESENTED: JulY 9, 1958, by A. V. Falladin, Academician SUBMITTED: July 1, 1958 Card 3/5 L V ( I i U-1 ;., G c-, ro lie n zn T I ZE Da,~L,. c) n J: ~.L'L-I !0 D ILDopov-idi A I: -~d e 1: :1 L US IS R ABMA~T: Develop:LnL~ furtlior hi "T R f i rci-L-11 in iii,.. On CI vinp- tlicna inj c,,- t :L nF, 0 f* G(.),L, -;olution of CoSO,,. He ri i r. - jections rc-sullu- in Jecrca.,-,(:~ ii-~ Cro~iu-:ln-.y C, F acLiv~iluion of the lat.-,nt, vlrui, of 3-,s in thoir ofl-'.sprin,-~3. T.'I,i,; .-o ";L ly conf ined Card 1/2 h1t;-'r dii7i-inish,,s or v~-,,nL 1;J10:- 7" j,", -C; u, PRESENTED: Py V. Kas 'van---nk(.), M-mber of SUBMITTED. Decemb,:-,r Card 2/2 X ro "(JV/21-59-5-23/2:: AUTHORS! Gershenzon, S.M., Karpov, A.Ye. and Kudra, M.S. TITLL! On the Activation of Silkwcm Polyhedral Virus by Fluoride Treatment PERIODICAL.- Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1959, Nr 5, PP 550-553 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Vago's Jef. 3-57 method of activating the latent virus of silkworm nuclear polyhodrosis (jaundice) by adding fluoride compounds to the food of larvae in order to eliminate carriers of the latent virus, was put by the authors to test. It was found out that such treatment results in an activation of the latent virus in only some of the individuals having it and only when they had been weakened before by unfavorable ecological conditions. A further increase of dosage of fluoride salts proved to be harmful to the larvae and led to perditior from bacterial diseases and physiological debility. A table on page 551 Card 1112 shows the results of the experiments. There is 1 table -11V' .. J/,-~ !- 59-5-2 3/2: On the Activation of Silkwom Pclyhpdral Virus by Fluoride Treatment and 6' reference's, 1 of which is Soviet and 5 Italiar. ASSOCIATION- Institut zoologii AN UkrSSR (Institute of Zoology of thE. AS UkrSSR) PRES-`NTED. By V.G. Kastyanenko, Member of the AS VkrSSR SUBMITTED-. December 29, 1958 Card 212 'I"O.E; Gershenzon, S. SOV120-123-3-52155 1.1": Mutation of Polyhedral Viruses r Vol 126, -10DICAL: Doklady Akadi~mii nauk SS3R, 1959, lir 3, pp 622-625 (USSR) A~S`~:AC`: As is known, th-2 polyhedral protein crystali3 formed in the illness of various species of Lepidoptera in the nucleus have a certain shape characteristic of every opecies. As the author had proved before (Ref 1 a, b, -), these difforences in shape of the polyhedra are nut cr,~j,;-d by thin peru!J,riti 4he hosts but by specific pn-I,-i,,-tJ-:' of '.hc- virusca. however, observed, in ~Ii, ti~;suet~ Df insects, sinCle nucloi diviat:n.- atvpical p.,ly;,ed--a 4 jj-, numerous polyhedra of a t-pic,;,', of t'%c- ;j rUS 'Refs I v,2,3). This was 'by U., --utl-or. several reasons, he asiD-,L:.cJ th~,-7, iva~: a CrLrc- cf Viniz mutation (Ref 1 b). ThiLi ajsumlptiur ---%,s following experiment:;. ~Iho author- I,if,!rtee, ~*u-%,3 t)f ti-t2 oak silk moth (Anthera~-a of the corresponding,, i;~;: 'nkc~l P04nt Ca rd I of time when the first f- D-1. Ic.-Iolymph Mutation of Polyhedral Viruses 1 . 101;) was diluted with oterilo (1-10 And iniec"Ed into pupae of the same spec:.loo (0-05 ml oach). Aftc,--- ~)-11 flayF,, 20-40% of these pupae fell ill with polyhodri:.1 digeace. majority of the pupae showed thQ uoual picture: a , typical of thia 'Ifecil'o of' .-Ioths: "hape I with rounded corners (Fig 1 ~i, b). Only very f'pw cello u n d with nuclei containing an atypical sh;tpe !)f' polyhAra. they were hexahtldral (cubifjrm)(II'i,,, 2). 3ut ill One of hundred pupae infected in the above-mvntion(~d manner, -.tu*. )0,~ of the nuclei contained diatinctly cubiform polyhedra. 1~y further infections, several pupae with only cubiform polyhedra could be obtained. Thus, a strain of' this varying virus was isolatod. In further pasngvii, it !miutainii it4 quality of producing cubiform polyhedra. Althotigh the viruses are equal in some properties (Fig 3), som,- differences werp ascera--7n--,dI, The varying strain mostly forms, in the nuclei, a great number of small polyhedra. The period between infection and death seems to last longer in the varying virus. The infection by the latter at lower temperatures (12-160) takes place more easily. Card 2/3 :,-,,,ation of Pol,,-hedral Viruses 6WI20-128-3-52158 Infection by a mixture of the two viruses at a lower temperature leads to the development of varying polyhedra in most nucl9i. A remutation of polyhedra was also ascertainod. Atypical. polyhedra of a different 8hape vierc allso obierved. A monophyletic descent of the viruses is probable. There are 5 figures and I references, 1 of which is Soviet. AS~JOCIATION: Institut zoologii Akademii nauk USSR (Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) PRESEN f ED: June 1, 1959, by A. V. Palladin, Academlcia:i -,-.BMIT'1L0: May 28, 1959 Card 3/3 GERSEEZOIN, Sereo.,- ~k'?rof . 11 Ki 0 ; . "Latency in Insect Viruses." "Some Physiological Aspects of' the t-fultiplication of Polyhmdral Viruses." reports presented at the Int. Congress of Entomology, Vienna, Austria, 17-25 Aug 1960. GERSHENZONp S,M.; KOK, I.P.; VITAS, K.I.; DOBROVOLIMMIs G.H. [bobr -ovol's1ka, HAJ; SKWTCVSY,.AYAl I.H. [,9,watovpIka2 1.11.] Formation of a virus containing deoxyribonueleic acid by a ribonucleic acid host. Dop. AN UESR no. 12:1638-1641 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Institut zoologii AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikon AN USSR V.G. Kastyanenko. (Silkworms) (Nucleic acids) (Viruses) GERSHENZONv S.M. Geometric form of intranuclear inclusions in polyhedrosis in insects. Vop. virus. 5 no. 1:101-104 Ja--F 160. OMIRA 14-4) 1. Otdel genetiki Instituta zoologii Akadetaii nauk 'Ukrainskoy SSR* (VIRUS DISEI3ES) GF&SHENZONt S.M. Study of a mutant sprain of the vixw of nuclear pol~tedrosis of antheraea perny. Vop. virus. 5 no. 6:720-725 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut zoologit Akadomii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, Kiyl3v. (VIRUSES) GERSHENZON, S.M.; KOK, I.P.; SAIM03H, L.V.; TUREVICH, I.M.1 FEDOROVA, I.Ya. An attempt to induce genetic transformations In aniruils-by desox7- ribonucleie acid and desoxyrihonucleoprotain. Zhur. ob. biol. 21 no.5:387-389 S-0 160o (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut zoologii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR9 Moskva. (DF,SOXIRIBOITUCLEIG ACID) (ZOOLOGY.--VARIATION) GEqSHE;ZO,", S. N. BibliograpIV, of Russian works on vir!.is diseases of insects. Ent. oboz. 39 no.2:487-493 160. (MM 13:9) (Bibliof~,rapV--Insects--Diseast~s) GERSnIrZON, S.M., prof.; KOK, I.P. A most Important problen in biolol, . Pr1roda 49 no-5: ly 54-56 My 160. (MIRI, 1):5) (161clolc acids) ra"" r- t~ 1~ P~fll ~%I- C-Al-M. F[Malm2l. PA-alt 21 A~4- U. BAT-,-" AC F7 Z.!- ror i-X- z_=:=c cf dz- sr c-p rt.t. -4 rv- rn-%t.2 Cl- I- th, r,,tt,6 Art, A~,!_y of t2trctl~ T.:7- t,t el I _: -At~ t~ 7 . F., Inc :..t~ L"'t.4 rn- &-,t_ttT ~lt-- (3-c'u- I, th. FA-1 I-- I Cl Tp- C- B-t= 1,51-,tti- all m;%tr tt .-t- c. r-.= ~nt r'-,- A, pt. vt Fc.;t _t_ I. sytrrc..'zo V_ 1, -.7 L --tLa Z., Cl~z rcrt.try. -'l- A-2 K. A. -Lrtl-. t. ~J- 1;71;. It, - F-t T.-I L, cf prt-t tht ,: If 71cl,i-j 5-ny I:o-1 7. L A ; 3-t. A t"91- _.I- of f T.-L. (Z-t. irltil-i, ~f r--.-. t~ - 711~1 ~'-: P.;_ ~L- _==~Z_A- L- -._. t ..- 11 - I .! t-. *~~,it,. to ;L- t Me pftt~~ F~nt.%L- n-y f'r Anl-t,-~ P-h Zzlt~-l t~ ~11T .-L- cl n-lcti,_:" In thc Z: 7- P"ifi, D-L., 7~* z_ 7- P. r-r) A -!otc q&Rai%Zqlj S. M., KOK, I. P., VITAS, K. I., DOBROVOLSKAYA, G. N., SKURATOVSKAYA, 1. N., (USSR) "DNA Containing Virus Formation with the Acid of Host FNA.1 Report presented at the 5th Int'le biochemistry Congress, Moscm, 10-16 Aug 1961. ~F'Rsmizoli' , Sam, The phenomenon of latency In polyhedral virwiewat luects. Zhur. ob. biol. 22 no.1:32-41 Ja-F '61. (14IRA 14: 1) 1. Institutq of Zoology Academy of Spiences of the Ukxainian S,S.R. (VTRUSES) (INSECTS-DIS EASES) ,90~R~SHE ~3., doktor biolog.nauk , M- Code of heredity Is deciphered. Nauka I zhyttla 12 n*.9:20-21 3 162. (KRA 16tl) (GENETICS) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) to y of ,try, of 'd-r.(!Qs Arr-mlarl "Ferwntaftsu urd rexpilrattai of lAoloj-,lcaL ac!L'vtty fAnd rot.1 11, Sympo:ill-l V) [mv.11,116. of Wrntr.!im Kley of t,colo,,leal ur.1 rhysiolal,~!il facorr outbr,al"t; of nu-~lcar pnLyh-~dlro,;ca in inaects" ;-!(.tlcri F3, 111) KA,';;KlN, Dtvc-l NI'tolayevich, llvad, 01' .y, of A(lvunc-!~l Training Xlcroldolc-7 Of Filysiclarl", L'~nillcrlld - "Cocclelic(loc'YcOris- disea3e in Russia" (~;cvtlc-n Z, Sympaiium Y'lli) Nlkolny Aleknandrovic1h, lristl~ule Moncow - "Antagonlattc microb(M nnd their roLea I i the cantrOl Of PIMIt dlGVa0cB" ("lection 13, Symposium VI) ZMMNOV. Vlktor Mikhaylovich, In6titu'ti Of Vlrolc-~- Im-eni D. 1. lvanovsky, Acadevj Of Medical Brience USSR, Moscov - (chaircum, Section E, 0yarponium x1i ) ,c%-L te Lc o I.oA fcr Lh- r, llhth ltAcrautl=l ConyeiL for (!A~2) -:onilrt,cl, Cmnda, 19-25 k4,=t C,-', Gm'SHENZONY S.M. "Specificite (Gamme des Hotes Contaminables) des virus d'ins-ets." Report subt.Itted to the 2nd Intl. Colloq. on Insect Eqtholofq and Microbiological Control, Paris, France 16-24 Oct 1962 GEMIE'NZ011, 'S'. N-, -:1110 1 :)1 . a vinis A, Ole ,,pal-ticjpt,t[;j,, ;)t, Rm [ii the rrall:; fel. , t e ll~~ t, 1, c. ~ i orI DRA-t,ype . if -1 ar:(I; , I-Q t ;;ubnli U ("C', i"A, ti e 11 th Int i. . )f Ciene U~i!~ 1, The Ilague , Ne thei ~ 2-10 Sep 63 ik Ir [tit. i itor:, , Lo GERSHENZON, S.M., doktor biolog, na-,jk Molecular bases of the reproductIon and mutabAlLy of viruns. Vest. AN SSSR 34 no.Ils7l-77 N 164. (MIRA l7tl2) v r,.i Itl t',o kwon, Banbr i u :.i Nr- Al c Ic tnovo JUN 1. GERS HI-11"I G-m-1,1kti .UL.abi-j-ILY in Ilhe Wasp 1111(imoni.,~11a vltrlf)nr It 165- no.,, :95-1,3.1.A 1. jvsti~uti of MicroblologY and Viru-9010979 !,,adamy of S'c4enc,~s of the Ukrainian S03.Rop Kiyev. Gi-1~7311 "ZON I V,-,-' Case of a loop of an adenocRrcinOMOUS 37iiall intestine atrangulted in :,ernial sac, Sov. vl-cav. Kiv. no.1:57 Ja-7 162. (MI ; 15 -. 4) A 1~ Iz Ivanovskoy uchastkovo-,' bolinitsy Kirgimi~oy (gl-i,,,nrj vrach .- I.V.Lyubimova) (WMIA) GERSIMMI, V.F. Treatment of acute appendicitis under conditions of a district hospitnl. Sov. zdrave Kirs no*l,/5tl2o-121 Jl-0163 (MIM 17:1) 1. Iz I-vanovskoy uchastkovoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - I.V. Lyubimova). i GERS104ikd, V. S. Gershenzon, V. S. - "The work of the Medical Sanitation personnel Ln the neumpsychiatric departments of industrial enterprises," Truly Tsentr. Ln-ta psikhl.atrii, Vcl. IV, 1949, P. W-72 SO: U-4934, 29 Oct 53,(Jetords 'Zhurnal InyU Statay, No. 16, 1949). GERSHENZON, Ye. M, "Investigation of Phenomena Accompanying the Propagatlon of Ultrasound and Methods to be used in Work in this Field: Dio Traansuilasion of Centimator-Range Electromagnetic Waves through an Ultrasound Grating." report presented at the 6th Sci. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound in the investigation of Matter, 3-7 Feb 1958, organized by Min. of Education RSFS md Moscow Oblast Podagogic Inst. im N. K. Yxupskaya. Ye. :,!. i-hys-I.Inth ~,,-i -- of ele--tro- .X- m(fic'netic cel?f~,-'elcr ".1111"Ps Alor'; . J', " ~,, 1956. t~ ! - , t-tfo fol 11-0 im 7. 1. Lo%i:. ) , I ~ ~` c o - i o!:-, Mo A I ~ -1. M, H) -,!A- raw -.:!-A*wxjQO Pug 91U. r-1- T3~voltA44 c43 UO Ounoww,211L iv 1-~-JJ7 *M1 j0 - NTIV&AUj_--r--V 'Abuq,..Ao ia"A zfuom~lln f U.11VI.T'd 20 SET it-2 1!1 ..... . -ju..V.Illn V.v - C.00.4 ain W -V rot uz M-112 -.21 toI AZT...aut G;T-H.dn v-. t6 -3c J~lv PUV -I ... -Iln -111 Ullpk D 01. 03 oz WOJA -ri=--d T143-tTa "0 UO-ii-tos uv Op ~p P.- V-Ot3ITOS JO VU. ..I.; 3jT .~Du.jvjav T-'v *~.-~.. .~~p~d tialux - .f . . qIj zl;.Ia j0 2u-j1:.:Wl: ?0.'AUzv';W1q .0 VO1.1.--,.;1.-1-. -ju.vwjj~ j~ eu.13voildd. IWT.23..Pul ;o amv~. ajqd-?~3*d puw jualuez uoqjvo Oul ;c uol3wS -;2c*Auj zTu-*j.7~.jc%Tvupur* --oad uojIvjnjv* luol.u*2 oovjjm "I -1y %131^, 1",00 JD A37qZ.: :A217; 4 is, x U. tv'Casle. JO aq II-ptim- lllz6l*A puno. ussalkC ditif -,iz cav viund-z je *dA3 P.. -q- puw uoii-4~Quoz AjA. ....... p.- . jo q4 (Z -.jvok C2jo; 3"d JA R vi u1 vzjuccvijjn jo juvwdola LJ3 9A. Uo-.~n Tv.1jOI.-.q (I 1.40U.9 0.1i u1 vub.Ou:1P44*,3T,.O,v -w4tn Ivaja wajz;Z~w 26?14 CIu4"3 VUTWJU02 YtoOq 4,UZ I IDYMMOO '90luO-WIT~ q3-.. P.Waa .. .. 9jd a t12 puv sisaulsus Tval2nou -W.. I . Cqd joj p:puoa u T o0q ffTqj I JrVOJUU lv..-.~-=v '. ..,I , I t ff , Pum 'JOW#-;~J 'A ".P2 !A.jTtjZ *j 'r I *Pa -P.lugjd waidoo 001;'l *d Egg 'gS6E 'WOM 'Pzl -moosam (,L ax fOv3"3TIwWX Tw~T2PORwp.j ja fjftj*v&L puv ajoevej CJj0 3-~ liv 043 jo suOT2D1~fuw.IL 196OUTIsq"t j 0 4;.,o" - JO olaxTruv z~; I. . . iln J. u.jj.ojjddv) L *d.CA 'T19%u&I*j _u,,)1 ACP~3 !9&'~-(J~qffaA nXTuwAcpoT*.j IV T)jT3vnMvva2,tn SATuousalia ~.In2jlq.j qA;-j*~q*T2 -.2wP.d gal.,-~pedid I c~o~c.j-d wCv;fv.C;wwW*mA OCIVAo- NOILTIOVIdX3 310M 1 SMA Mte ~Z-D- I i G1,16111,111ZON, Ye.14. Creating periodic structuree by means of ultruound. Uch.zap. 14GPI 138:185-195 158. OM 1):3) (Ultrasonic waves)-Aadia Usquwy maftWion) IRW U" ~"-_ iej V0 S/141/59/002/05/025/026 AUTHORS: Gershenzon, Ye.M and EtIcin, 1r.�~-9,!/E382 TITLE: Parametric Regeneration at Microwaves in a Seujicorich-,.c-.i,- Diode46 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykii zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1~'59, Vol 2, Nr 5, pp 835 - 836 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors have observed the parametric regeneration in various samples of mass-produced detector diodes, type DGS-3, and also in microwave junction-type diodes prepared by the IRE AN SSSR (Institute of Radio-electronics of the Ac.Sc.' USSR). The experimental equipment (shoiirn fni-FigUre 1) consisted of: I - a klystron generator operating at a wavelength of 7 cm; 2 - attenuators; 3 - a resonant circuit with a variable capacitance; 4 - a klystron generator producing the punip frequency (wavelength of 3.5 cm); 5 - an impedance transformer; 6 - a filter suppressing the pump frequency signal; Cardl/2 7 - an oscillograph. Vr 5/141/59/002/05/0'-'5/026 E199/9 ~ Parametric Regeneration at Microwaves in a gemHonductor Diode A resonant circuit was in the form of a wcx%,eguide section fitted with two plungers and two perpendicular waveguides feeding the pump power. The investigated diode D was situated in the centre of the waveguide "cross" and operated under the self-bias conditions. With the diode DGS-3 it was possible to obtain amplification of the order of 2 to 3 db. The diodes of the IRE AN SSSR gave a gain of 12-15 db over the bandividth of 2 Mc/s. The authors make acknowledgment to the IRE A_N SSSR for supplying the samples of the diodes and to N.N. Malov and N.V. Aleksandrov for advice during the experiments- Ther"re 1! fiyu-res and 4 references, 2 of which are English and 2 Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. B.I. Lenina fto�,cow Pedagogical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin) SUBMITTED: First - April 4, 1959 Card 2/2 After revision - June 8, 1959 J/ 9, q3qo q'5-0 0 801 S/l4if59/oo2/o6/oo9/O24 '3~0/EaV AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, N.V., Gorskaya, Ea 0 ershenzonL,,,Ye.M4 and Etkin, V.S. TITLE: Control of the Amplitude and Phase of an Electromagnetic Wave in a WaveguideLby Means of Germanium Plate PERIODICAL. 14estiya vyqshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Radiofizika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 6, pp 911 - 914 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted on phase and amplitude moduLatLon of an electromagnetic wave incident on a germanium plate inside a waveguide by controlling the concentration of free-charge carriers in the gormanium. The concentration of free-charge carriers changes the permittivity of the semiconductor, thus- influencing the absorption of electromagnetic waves in the semiconductor. The control of concentration was achieved by using the Hall effect in a germanium plate havtvg different velocities of recombination on its opposite surfAces. High- resistatce (35 - 40 antimony-alloyed n-type germanium was used. Conwntratio3 of free-charge carriers N was approximately 10 per cm Permittivity was Ca-rdl/3 80226 S/141/59/002/06/009/024 JJJ2~EaU Control of the Amplitude and Phase of an E 6 agnetic Wave in a Waveguide by Means of Germanium Plate approximately 16. By varying the electrical current flowing through the germanium plate, both the modulus and the phase of the reflection coefficient, as well as the phase of the passing wave, can be varied. In this way, a phase modulation can be achieved, the percentage of which for a given material depends upon the phase difference caused by reversal in current at a given current value. An audio-frequency generator and a pulse generator were used as signal sources. Modulation percentage was independent of the period of modulation voltage up to 0.1 -~s pulses. Efficiency of the modulator can be increased considerably by more careful treatment of the plate surfaces to increase the difference in the recombination rate on the surfaces. There are 4 figures and 11 references, 6 of which are English, I German L( and 4 Soviet. Card2/3 80228 S/141/59/002/Woog/o24 0182 J~J?~2 Control of the Amplitude and Phase of an E agnetic Wave in a Waveguide by Means of Germanium Plate ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. V.1. Lenina (Moscow Pedagogical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin) SUBMITTED: June 8, 1959 Card 3/3 p. p: I I n I n -2 r- I i CO,';:~',A(;i-:: 'I'll, cojlv,t;~, 1 1.1 dw! till t j-~,:: rmtv; in mr-dicnif.-. w,~+-~',11-ir.-.', re- ln J c i c,I-irn a rid in in i ni,, ~nl:i r. n~% it rv: Min r fiulds. Nt-l pt,rqrjniIiti(%i aro inentioned. Roferences accompany individjal articles. C'u'd 1ju1Lz,0ion of Ultrasonics (Cont. ) SOV/5644 fleiin,-,kaya, 1, R. , and B A. Belinskiy (Aloscow Oblast Poly- lochniczd ftistitute inivin Krupskayn I. E'nergy Losscs in the Eiec.~rical and Acoustical Lines of a Pulsed Ultrasonic Device 9 r'.5 Get'shenzon, Ye. NI. [MGPI im. V. 1. Lenina - Moscow -State Pedagogica~ Tnstitute]. The Passage of Electromagnetic Cler.-Imeter- Length Waves Through a Longitudinal Ultra- sonb- Screen 265 Zakui-enov, V. M. (Shuyskiy pedinstitut - Shuya Pedagogical ..nst0utej. The Problem of Ultrasonic- Wave Absorption ir, Complex Esters of Formic Acid 269 V. N. [Moscow Oblast Polytechnical Institute inicni N. K. Krupskayal. The pulse Method of Studying C it r- dl S/19 61./000/011/056/070 D271YD302 AUTHORS: Bogatkova, U.M., Gershenzon, Ye.1%, Donbrovskaya, T.S. , Ptitsyna, Sperantov, V.V. and Etkin, V.S. TITLE: Single-circuit regenerative and super-rccrenerative parametric amplifiers with semicoarluc-cor diodes PEMODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtoriiatika i radioelektronika, no. 11, 1961, 12, abstract 11 K91 (V sb. Poluprovod- nik. pribory i ikh -primeneniye, no. 6, M., Sov. ra- dio, 1960, 41-62) TEXT: Theoretical and experimental resLil-ts are given of a study of single-circuit regenerative and super-regenerative para- metric amDlifiers r-Ath semiconductor diodes. The aml.Aifier fon'Tard and reflex operatinn in a synchronous and biharii-,.o-,d.c -mode is consid- ered. Results of the i-,westigation into noise par,-Mcters of the diode are given. Experiments confirmed the results. It Card 1/2 94/61/000/0 1-1/056/070 Single-circuit ... ~27!/D302 is shmm that sulDer-regenerative operation leL,(',s to considerable distortions of the roceived sirr-aal s)ectrrim, but on the other hand it makes it oossible to v.-iden thc arvAif-ier band,Adth and to acl-deve I Z_, I I greater stabilization of gain. 8 referencos. 1~.,s-r cter's note: Complete translition--7 Card 2/2 32923 S1191V611000101110581070 D271/D302 r7O(//n///4~///S7 ~L, AUTHORS: Gershenzon, YeJ~. , Gurvich, YujA. , Litvall-Gorskaya, '-3-- and _RER3 1-1, - V. S 1 1. . TITLE: Some problems of development of -microwave amplifiers based on negotive mass of current carriers in semi- conductors PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika no. 11, 1961, 13, abstract 11. K93 (V sb. Poluprovod- nik. pribory i ikh primeneniye, no. 6, I.A., Sov. ra- t dio, 1960, 92-102) TOM The calculation is given of the microwave reflex am- plifier making use of the negative effective mass of ciirrent carri- ers in semiconductors. It is slliowrn that the product of the square root of ~-,ain K and transmitted ~)andwidth Lf incrPat,,es T:ith the con- centration of negative mass carriers. The problem of the intrinsic noise of the amplifier is considered and effective temperLture of C ard 1/2 32923 S/194/61/000/OIL/058/0"/C Some problems of development... D271/D302 air-plifier noise is evaluated. The upper limit of t1le ef.Eective noise temperature is lOOOK for frequencies a+- w1iich instability of ac-C De - the space charge does not occur. The coriparisor. of the -'Ver riods of optical and acoustical scatLers lez~.Js to L*11C COTIC11'sion' that acoustic scatter can 'Lie avoide(, by thc~ u7,0 o[ i, f:ufEiciently strong clectrir Iffield. It is su~grostcd that a possibility e)~-ists of realizing an ar-.iplil-ier hased on ne,~ative mass carrier!; in jJcrman- iunn, operatin- on (I.c. becz,usc the xmplii-ication ,,ffecz ant the ex- b pense ci.,~ negative i-.~ass must tal,'.c lace in t,iis af~ well. Neas1ire-,-,erit 0 y perm- -,it characteri-Lic oE a specimeil ra one f the voltage-curre to jud(-e whether negative effective mass carriers Eire! lp re s e n t '-i~bstr;Acter's note: Complete trans I iit- i onL7 references. L Card 2/2 S/19 61/000/001/019/038 2 1 gut) D216 304 AUTHOR: Gershenzon, Ye. M, TITLE: Transmission of centrimetric electromagnetic waves through a Longitudinal ultrasonic lattice PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektrcnika, no. 1, 1961, 14, abstract I E126 (V Sb. Primeneniye ul'traakust, k issled. veshchestva, no. 10, M., 1960 9 265- 267) TEXT: The change in the piiase velocity of a centimeLric electro- magnetic wave propagated in a uave-guidc filled with liquid has been observed, in which an ultrasonic standing wave has been created. Experimental results are given -uhich show that the phase velocity change depends on the frequency of ultrasonic wave (20; 30 kc/s and 0.25 - 1.5 mc/s), 3 references. Card 1/1 s/141/ft/ooli/001/010/02i 7 25950 E192/E382 AUTHORS: Gershenzon. Ye,M., Lymbimova, T.F,., Ptitsyna, N.G., Rozhkoval Gol, and Etkin, V*S* I TITLE; Investigation of the Super-regenerative Regime in Singla-tuned Parametric Amplifiers PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilch uchabnykh zavedeniy,- "I Radiofizika, 1961, Vol. 11, No. 1, p~. 113 - 120 TEXT: The super-regenerative regime in parametric amplifiers can be achieved by additionally introducing'low-frequency modulation of the variable-capacity-in the system (Ref. 1 :- Heffner, H., Wade, G. and Junger, M. - Proc. IRE, 47 l971,,1959; Ref. 2 - B. Bossard - Proc. IRE, 47, 1970, 1959). 1~ this regime in the amplifier is achiqved by a comparatively slow. modulation of the pump signal, the oscillations in a series LCR circuit of the system can be describedby: + R ('(1 + + m +h coq 01 9111(u),,0! ='E"c09*('0,t_'~)' dt' (it C' Card 1/8 s/i4l/6i/oo4/ooi/oio/()'.)2 Investigation of the, 2ZQ B192/B382 where w C is the signal frequency, WH is the modulation frequency, M is the mean modulation depth of the nonlinear capacitance, and h is the depth of the low-frequency pump-source modulation. Eq. (1) can also be written as: )-11-2Py+ (I +2Zjy-'i fityll 1-k Cos (",r)j slii.(2--) va)~ cos ((I +Q t -~J, (2) where: Y q, 2H R/1110 L; 2m,,ito, I + '6 (2a) I + Z; w,,t/2; wQILC,). In the analysis I~f this equation it is assum#k that to_= 0 and that the sysiem can be solved by the Van-41er-Pol equation, Card 2/8 s/il*1/6,i/004/001/010/022 Investigation of tht59$9.. El 9 2/ 10 8 2 which is in the form: y = a sin ":: + b cos ^r- where a and b are slowly varying time functions. Consequently, the system of simplified equations for-the amplifier (Ref. 3 - the Authors - Radio-engineering industry, 17,'3,-1959) can be written 6s: 11 Cos (U-): 2 Cos 29 + 2' 2 :_ 111!~ b Cos Sill (~T - 2H -- 21 2 which differs from those obtained in Ref- 3 by the presence of, the last terms which'are due to the modulation. It can be assumed that the.solution of the simplified equations is in the form: Card 3/8 25950 S/.L It V 6 V 0011/001/ 010/0 2 2 Investigation of the .... E192/E382 + + '-j2N Cos V gill IVSI) - - -J'l (N -;~F (4) .j . 0) A' ,where A IN' A2N' BIN and B 2N are constant coefficients. These constants can be determined from an infinite system of algebraic equations which are obtained by substituting Eqs. (4) into Eqs. (3). However, iji practice, it in sufficient- to consider only a finite N , so that the number of equatiolnS is reduced. By analysing the solutions obtained on the basis of Eqs. (4), it is concluded that: 1) the amplificatiori bandwidth in the super-regenerative regime is greater than that in the regenerative regime for the same maximum amplification coefficient, and 2) at w, = w P1 /2 + Nw M , the amplitude of'the oscillations Card 4/8 25950 S/14l/61/004/001/010/022 Investigation of the .... E192/E382 of the signal frequency and other frequency components achieves a maximum, thA maximum being most pronounced in the component w c + Nwm which coincides with w,~2 . The oscillations in the super-regenerative amplifier have a complex spectrum and two types of frequency characteristics are possible: a) the overall value of the oscillations excited is regarded as the response of the system and thus the corresponding frequency characteristic can be observed if the amplifier is followed by a video detector; b) the amplitude of the oscillations having a frequency of the input signal, or that of one of the spectral components, is regarded as the response of the system; in this case the characteristic can be determined if the amplifier is followed by a filter or a superheterodyne receiver having a narrow bandwidth. These effects are illustrated by families of frequency characteristicalof the two types whicki are given in Figs. 1 and 2. The characteristics of Fig * I wire evaluated for (3 = 0.021, m = 0.08, n = 0.047, sj = 6 X 10- and h = 100%; Card 5/8 2.5950 s/141/Woo4/001/010/022 Investigation of the .... E192/E382 the parameters for Fig. 2 were 0.021, m = 0.08, n = 0.047, _a = 0.25 X 10 and h = 0.75%. From these figures it is seen that the magnitude of the secondary maxima in the super-regenerator-filter system decays faster than in the super-regenerator-video detector system. The super-regenerative amplifier was investigated experimentally at comparatively-low frequencies (1-3 Mc/s) and at UHF. The amplifier for 1.3 Mc/S was studied by employing a sweep-frequency generator and a superheterodyne receiver. Investigation of the UHF amplifiers was performed by means of a spectrum analyser. The measured results are in qualitative agreement with the calculated data. In particular, the measured characteristics show that in the case when the modulation frequency w m is greater than the bandwidth of the amplifier, the frequency response of the system has a large number of narrowly-spaced peaks (comb-like response). The authors express their gratitude to Yu.Ye. D'yakov for discussing the problems of this work. Card 6/8 1 259% s/14i/6i./oo4/001/010/022 Investigation of the E192/E382 There are 7 figures and 6 references: 4 Soviet and 2 non- Soviet (quoted in text). ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy pedagogichoskiy i~stitut im.V.I.Lenina (Moscow Pedagogical Institute im. V.I. Lenin) SUBMITTED: July 7, 1960 Fig. 1: Card 7/8 S/141/61/004/001/011/022 25951 r,033/E435 AUTHORS: Gershenzon Ye.M., D'yakov, Yu.Ye., Soina, N.Y.,, -TM-1-r-nova, L.A. and Etkin, V.S. TITLE: Widening the passband of parametric amplifiers with the 'help of coupled circuits PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, R&diof.izika,. io,61, voi.4, No.1, pp.121-125 TEXT: The relatively narrow frequency passband of tuned parametric amplifiers is not a fundamental deficiency and can be, overcome by the use of coupled tuned circuits. This article investigates the possibility of widening,the passband Py two coupled circuits. The amplifier is represented as two identical coupled circuits tuned to the same frequency wo, but the capacity of one circuit is varied at a frequency wH x 2w0. The differential equations for such a driven oscillatory circuit may be written as 2/1 Y" qlull 1 4- 111cosow t1 I t pr -7 Ift 02 (12 q, T ~ ),, (~ - q 1,12 Card 1/5 (it' - dt ' 1) 1 do 25951 s/141/61/004/001/011/022 Widening the passband ... E033/E435 where I = M/L - the coupling coefficient; 2h w R/L; w2 1/LCO; 0 L, R being the self-inductance and resistance of each circuit, M the mutual inductance, CO the constant capacity of the tuned circuit. The variable capacity Cl is related to C. by C11 = C-1 (1 + m cos wrl t) .. The solution depends on the degree of couplino It is shown that: 1) if the coupling is less than, or ,,l) then the amplifier is excited only equal to, critical (x = IQ.< at the frequency wjj/2 and the critical modulation depth increases (1 + %2) times in comparison with a single tuned circuit; 2) if the coupling is greater than critical (u IQ> 1) then the amplifier is excited at three frequencies: W /2 W2 and it -1 0)3*' which correspond to detuning a, = + V%2 - 1 /'; Jw2' and 'w ar' 3 approximately the same as for the frequencies of the normal oscillatory system). As far as the passband widening is concerni only the first case, when x 1, is of interest (since with coupling grentor than critical, the frequency response curve,is double humped with a deep drop in the middle)., The gain k and the passband df/f are found next. Card 2/ 5 S/141/61/004/001/011/022 Widening the passband 2~2A E033/E435 k Q2 1 (8) 2 n2 (I + )(2)2 Qext l/ZW C n m2/m2 where Qext 0 0; cr Z is the wave impedance of the supply line to the amplifiers mcr is the critical modulation. For n